aS'lv. It" ll ' ''''f '"il ii inj ill 8 SI V'-i ii 5 ..- ; 'i 3 SWIMMIXQTO HER HISBA.SD. Sad Scenei of flrpatrailnii Autona Slantl wlclk In Ik ml I.ipt'is. Wheii a leper is reported to the police of any district, .says a Sandwich 1 !:uid letter to the rinl;vhlhia Tints, aa olllcer is sent to letch hiin or her to Honolulu, wluro there is u detention hospital put on the outskirts of the city and on the la.ik of tho beautiful l ay. Then they arc examined by the doctor, who decides whether it is a of leprosy or nut. Oiii-e declared a leper the person is civilly dead, an I is in capable of suin in the courts or being sued. At the ho.-pit.t! I Intro uiv uivm modations for about 120. V is l':llcd every two lnon'.lis. In tlii-i '.;i i the leper must give n; hop.'. l'.ciVre his admission h iv he hi 1 Icit the cxpectatitn of living a:u-n. Iiieii'h friends so loyal that tiny hide their afflicted relatives :u the iH"'.'ir..ii!i and bring them poi ii'.nl water in i iil.ii.;i--l,cs. j Hut now ciimes tip- )ura l:s ipliu of j a government institution. Xo wander- ing in thctvnl Aornba I'.'i'e.', r baih- ' inir in fin luvcil surf, but simnlv period of suffering and waiting 'for death bv a iuvc?sarv, if cri.' l, law, and from whose lioirilde provi?i-. ns there is no escape. The hospital full, a steamer comes to take to tho Inland of Molnkai tiiose whoso condition is most advanced, thers to remain until ileath. It was with such a that I traveled finally to Jlolokai. It has been my lot to witness many sad scenes, but initio of thotn approached in any way those which attended the separation of fami lies as these handful cf lepers sailed away to their exile, ranghters reach ed out their anus to mothers. w,iom tbey might not embrace; wives held up their mouths for kisses wliieh their husbands could not give; bai-s, i:ell in arms f strangers, laughed a id coed to their mothers, to whose bre.niiiiu hearts they might n. t bo held in ono last, loving clasp. And sobs sue': s.ds, "alas ! that cauio from the di 'ths of hearts wrung with tiie m -cry of a j hopeless condition." rre-vntly the i lines were cast oil, the l.ttlo s-ciMior turned her head away and s: earned , slowly toward the bar. i we it into j the little cabin set a; art for thecal tain and closed the dor. ..'.cM-mi'icd to hear no more and see no more of -uc!i grief. The little por wa op-n. wh. n Midden- j ly it was darkened and, Inking up, 1 ' saw the dark btr beautiful face of a i woman whose young Iius'.;'.:: 1 was on his way to Muok;ii. She had swam out to intercept the v.ea ucr an ! being as. Indeed, are all her race us much at lKime in water as on land, s'm had no difficulty in ii'-cnut lishi.::; her pur pose. "Ah," nhe said, . u are not a j doctor nor a cntabb . Till my bus- baud to look over t'. sic to aie n1 , h)d Will bless l." j I went on deck. We were st-a" i slowly, waiting for the government j inspector to complete his ta-k befero ' taking his o n l i t the shore. T!:o I lepers had beeome ijiia't or cumpiira tively so, txcejit for pa n. A few women wen: rot king and moaning, a young, half-wh.te g:rl had flung herself on tho deck i:i a w.l 1 abandonment of grief, and behind the smoke-stack I found tho husband kneeling in prayer. His fa'-e, serrated by the leprous sores, was held toward tho ?.in, t!.3 tears were streaming d own his cl.eeks and (listase-cut features, softening them by their Hgony of supplication. "William," I sad, 'your wiff is alongside. Go quietly to the lace I shall point out to you and you will see her." The man sprang up, nn '. for n mo ment w:n perfectly beau if ul. such a joy as came in his ta ". T.":; return ed and ran to ?V- plane 1 ind.cated. Half an ho'cr aiterv.nrd I -aw him alone. We v.erotl.i a un ter a full head of steam passing Lham-jiid II a 1. Where is he I asked. He pointed astern, and there, not an ( rath of a mile away, we av her. -w.mming toward some fsbing i oat.-, her soft black hair iloating nut I" hind her and her arm every now an 1 aga a wav;ng to us good-bye. American Rit!'s!irs. From tho b-ginnir.y, th As.vriMn have been a n:':n' 'rv ;o'b'- Xcw Kiigl.inJers, a we have seen, planted themselves in Wtcl, ester and Long Island, cume by throngs into ,v Jer sey, anil migrated to th" more .- athern colonies. So irginians hi ipe i 'o j'eo ple Maryland and North Carolina, mi grated north to Now York, and even before the L'e olutioa, began l i look wistfully over the mountain I into the great interior valley. New York Putch migrate 1 to South Caroli na; some of the n settled also:ii Maine, Pennsylvania, and Maryland; while Pennsylvanians, excited by fear of In dian massacre during the Frem i wars, occupied much of the mountains and "Piedmont" regions of the colonies to the southward. It is said that of 3,')00 militiamen of Orange County, in North Carolina, during the Revolu tion, every man was a native of Penn sylvania. There was nn incessant movement to and fro of people seek ing to better their coudition. Once the F.uropean had broken away from his Moorings of centuries, the vastness ot the new continent piqued him, and he became a rover. This instability as to place remains yet in tho American character. The mental alei tness which comes of changing ciicunistanei s, new scenes and unexpected dihicuite s, was early remarked by travelers as a char acterjstio of the natire of the colon i s EdMird rtjttntt. TOPICS OF TIIE DAY. . , , , Although the existence of Uerost,.? ... , , , . oil in several provinces of Japan :s said to have been known for 1200 years, tlia Japaneso did nut know how to refine it until about ten years aire At present, however, refining est.t'i lishments are springing up rapidly, and its manufacture is becoming an important industry. Work hns been begun on tho gr.v.t canal that is to irrigate tho tsm l.uis valley, in southern Colorado. The ca nal is to be seven miles Ling, and at too bottom sixty feet wide, and there arn to be many lateral :a.ials from it all to irrigate .kKM0) acres of luiid lif.v ulaiost worthies. Several culoniis are to bo organized to occupy this laud. Few people relied upon the fact tl. tho Indians are the richest landholders in the United States. We have 2:'.7.--'i0 of them, exclusive of the Ala-k:l Indians, holding lol.-'!07,7S acres of land. Some of tho tribes own .S.IMK.) j prosper Indian. The average is about ono square mile to each Indian, while 1 a white man is not allowed to pre- j empt more thai! 1G0 acres of the public , land. ! Aplculturo is a leading industry In i France. There are reported LfTLSiio ! hiU'3 in operation. The product of ! Imney last year wa; vabi ' l at ll.'.MV ?df, and that of wax at S.ToA't- . Honey, it shoul I be iindersi"od, is used ' for cooking ;dl over Franco in place of I molasses and wa is an important ; item 'n every genteel household, owing i to the prevailing fashion of polished doors. I Two ehftritaM'i Ho-stoa women tri?d ! on a. small scale Octavia ri ill's London experiment of furnishing healthy teno j ment houses to the poor. They hired J a house four yea -s ago, had the hn!!- ways scrubbed twice a week, in.-i-ted i on their tenants keeping thcr rooms ; clean, put their rents low, and yet have ben able to k ."'P th "ir building in re- I 1 pair and lav tin a btti" monev for 1 j emergencies. A piano nn --e- through a'-'ut a doin .hands in oil fa-hionrd slop-, and J tl.roiiL'h thirty or for'y in the monster ! establishment of later da'o', wluro f.fty or sixty in-.triuii -:i's a wei k aro turned out. " J " 1 wages paid to work men vary fp.m ten H thirty dollars ;i week; the highest paid meeh.viio is tho "tone adm-tor," who get- from thirty five to fifty dollars, an 1 whos w rk is most deli'-ate. li:li' ttlt and important A "kit" of tools sometitn cot as much as lifty il . liars, imt only when the owner is pr mi. lint in several branches. I'i.o m ijority of ti-.ose em ployed -ire i itrman-, Junes and wede-. Officii!', c.-'imates of the harvct in listssiii put the crop f at 12.iv -4-1 quintals about l.o.Vi.U'-O quintals below an average crop, or a little more than ,V'0 "' bushels. This would not imply a greatly in. ri ased demand for An. -ri'-an grain, but the rye rnqi of lusia is also 3.f!i"i',n 0 quintals below an average, the barky crop 1, SO'.''OU, an I the or. q "f oats an 1 beans ar? al.-o hort, though the yb 1 1 of potat oes is a full average. The New York Tri'u, ,- says that "some what more than the average demand from ikusia may therefore be expected during the crop year if mir speculators do not keep prices so high us to leave the foreign markets to producers . f Russia and other Countries." A novel mode of administering jus tico has bc-n introduced in the City Court of Louisville, Ky., by Judge Thompson. When a parent appear Ufore him with a refractory son ami makes charges which cannot by ig nored, the Judge, in case he perceives ' indications of latent goodness in the boy's face, invites the parent to escort ' the offspring to the yard adjoining the ' court-room, and there apply the. rod, the !-parin of which nt home has gone far toward spoiling him. In several in.-tanccs encouraging results have fol lowed this semi-judicial cast i gation, nnd it is understood thittJudg Thomp son Is debated wi'h his invention. Ilovr Shot U Made. The material in first prci ured from tho 1 out v pio-lea 1 by u retdiing pro cess. This i.s curried to the tup of the tower by means of a steam elevator. It is then thrown into the smelting pot, which has a capacity of six tons. A composition, the chief ingredient of which is arsenic, is mixed with thn lead. This is done by a skillful hand, and the greatest care is necessary in the prepa ration. A certain tern pcrat tire of h"at is al.-o required in the smelting process. The lead being in proper order, it is poured into a pan or sieve about twelve J inches in diameter, containing several hundred round holes, from which a stream of shot drops to the bottom of the tower into a tank filled with water. The liewly-tmido shot tta it drops from the sieve very much resembles a shower bath st renin. Here tho use of arsenic and the necessity of the great drop is seen. The arsenic is used to keep the little ball of leitd made by the sieve compact, while the drop is necessary to cool th missile in order that it retain its rotundity before reaching the tank. In this manner four tons of shot per hour are manufactured, different sieves bem used for different sizes. Pittxb 11 I ij " tth. I IIILOREX'S COLUMN. i The I. II tie Iteil Hen. , n ! Once a Mott', a rioj; "nil a Lutlu Ri-.l linn , t i.,.,' ' .Tt n lioii-e; The l"io the tziu-.t ot frogs, j AuJ ImWv win iho Maw. The Hoik hII fell on iho liitlo Rod Urn, Who hud to got Iho wood, Anil hiiilil tho fnos unJ scrub nmt oook, Ami sometimes hunt the feoil. On lny, m i-ho was scratching mound. She lound ubn of rye; She :iiil, I'Nuw, who will make sonic bread?" Said Ihc r.!?.y Moujc, "Not P'' "Nor l!" cio.iki 1 iho rroj;, na he doled in liio elm lo. Reil lb ii tivi to no ii ply, But flow mound with low! mi. soon. And ni'Xid and sti'.if l 'ho no. "Who'd iiinki :i fee i.i ii.iko i lie lir. iil'' S.iid ll.o M..i:se iiyiiii, ' N ''' And Hieely op 111114 hi- sii epy rye?, Frog 1111 d j tho same ii'.y. Tho little lied lien mid never a wpH. rtut n leiuiiu lire .-im nm li : And while H10 It. ud wis ini.: bamn, "Who'll 1.1 1 the tic ic'" l,e siid. "Not 1"' mid Iho ci' v l-'roy, n ith n vawu; "Not p ' add tin M 11-e iignin. So the till le i-iiu s-uc uwl the hiend put on "Who'll oil th blend?" m.ii Iho Hen. "I will!" oriid 1 lie t'it. - And I" nqnenke. the M.u-e, A l In-v near the tMe drew, 'Not in.ieh yon won't!" cued the little Red rii-n, And away with the. lonf s'io t!ov. (OlIlillllK II IMIIton. "Johnnie," a father to his rand some young son em: en ning as tin y were sitting together, "can you count a billion V" "Certainly. p;.pa; that's no exeat feat," was tii r. ; ly. "Po vou know how manv make a , billion':" the fit! -r m-M queried. J "'ot exactly; but 1 will ee what , Webster sa s in bis dictionary. Here j it is 'A million of miilions; jis many milliors as there ie unit in a mil lion.'" ( "Xow, ii ,y son. tii!-. is a very largo number, nn I d yen think you can . count it?" ; "Certainly I tan." "How long do you thin': it world take yon if yen do nothing else tut count ':" ; 'Perhaps nil day, or tasilyin two ; days," replied the son. "Take yoar .-i.t.' and j enci! and let i us make a little i.d. ion. As your tongue is veiy nimll '. I will allow that you can cour. t two hundred a minute. How many will this ghe yon in nn hour?" asked t'm father. "Why, only twelve thousand." "And how many in twenty-four hours?" Only two hundred nn 1 eighty thou sand," rt lied the boy. "This t. vou that two days, are not enough, even if you count without eating or sleeping, fcr it w. til.l ici'y pice you s! btiu-ir..! and M-vcnty-s.x, w!u h is vory far short of a million, you ice." "fiive II e .1 whole and I V'iit count it," sai l t he son. "If you do," said the good-natured father, with a twinkle in his eye, "I will give you a hundnd pounds, and take you to Fran e aiel Italy nct summer. Come, u.-e your pencil again, and see h w lar a year wdl carry you U wards the b.L'ion. alb - wing that yon work three hundred arid m! y -live days, and twenty-f..ur h ..r.-. each day. Mul tiply two bur. irid ate! e;fc'!tty-eigl,t thou.-anl Ci ".;:!e l in a day, by three hundred an-1 s;.'y-ii e, and what rc.-u:t will you have :" "Why. papa, only ti" hundred and five million, on.- hundred and twenty thousand. I give it up, for I believe I could not count it in my whole '.:(' time." "Thii is rry proh.V rcy c,,n; i ,,t now y.-u are at it keep ;ip tb, , tion, and lit: I o'Jt h-ov I Tig it would take to c. u:;t a biLii.ii. J;-careful ;ti your multiple at: .ns and addition.-., for a small mistake where the iigur iro so many will make a great 'lifn r. tiC" in the result. J will look over y.jii. You have male the calculation, and what r.-sult l.a e you ?" "I'e'ectly aniaiMti'' To count a million times a million would m st 1 er t.nnly take nin th u -.and tie humlfd and twelve ar.s. t ,eot ;.-!'.. ::r i'i s, five hours and twf'. -, ai rate of two hundred every lu.iiute." lSap'.i-t I!'-.,'.. : - . . m Wanted II on I n ii e. A Nebraska .-inri.T who uas on a train coming ea-t !r in 1 'iimha '!o- ot!i cr day. fell into con . ersat. nn with a New Yorker, and hnally admittf ) that he was in pursuit of a broker. "A brokt r f. r what r" "Oh, of fir smart towns was getting ah'ii.i so in -t that it lu .st needs send tof'hica.'o f. ,r a br .lo -r. It wanted him 1 a I and he iioiev He opened an oilice. put in a tic!. or. dis played nuotatii ns, and made aboi.t f 20,000 in six weeks.'' How?" Well, that's what they Want h.m the second time f..r--they want to ask how." I! lick u lic it. "Jennie,"' said a ma 1 at a m tland hotel, "what is this"'" and he held i, an object at lie end n bis fork. "That is a bu Uwle a: i .ik Mr." " h, it is, cli. I didn't kn av but it u as a new kind of p'ist :;" stamp, or an old fashioned letter w at? r. I you use a three cent pie, ( for a jrri I. lie and bake a doen at a timeV Faris is arnin Kivin:' wornl-pitvin a rial in stune of tho j.rirnij.l strwts. A f.'ooil Ilusbatul. i "It's all very well lo talk about ! working for the! heathen." said a lial- timoro woman, a; tho Hdics put up! : their eewini "but Fl liio to hao 1 some one t. d iao w hat I am to do with my hus'o.iii,.? ' 1;,i,s the matter 1 j with him y" a sympaiiutic old lady in-! I quired. "William is good man," con-1 j tinned tho, i. aving her glasses in ! nn argumentative way, "but he will ! invent, lie goes i:,v ntiiig around ' : from morning till night, and I've no ' peaeo or comi'ort with him. I didn't ! , obj 'ct when he invent. a fire-r.-Ciip:'. . but I di ! r. !i.Mi-tra!e w'.-. n he wanted 1 me to : nig'. 1 ,, I oi'i;'io.o 1 i Wolii-.lll'l ! nvr:..:: . ; T;i. !:. ; j -!...! : boo . .' to !.. ' did :'! i'e- : boo ! tide... ; V,':..; :' in'i v ;. 1 out or' how it tl. low T'e . t o lo : be i 1 ii ., .ait.. I bi..! W:;li "1' .-'ave VVh; until . i ,.v , p,,. ,, ': II tl'" !':i:o: William with' n ot a pat. r.t ijl eVlT Whe'.l ' r -u!t . that t ail li.v iv! ' ' ' i !' h i. r a ! di ! wa-n- jt ur.O "wi t; i w, th" st it at i 1 i t liero wa i ti coor sti Isir ' li.ting his -tic want a ' flo.Ir! o,' ol hi- b. oil -v 11. t. Soil-... t; b.iM- 1 I. hi py. c.i I hipg :i : t.'. He I': Ivr.r.w i UllKei . V- 01 ',r. ihmi. lM-. The -. ril,.ed .!'.. r.-inarl H. n. My t'o , ell, ii. ill- I :: i M. uopl-ti 1 1: l' b Ii lil'-l d courteous H - n car; Vu:miii ntiil ! i-no. Dr. It. V. IV .V, I h oe nuv, "'.ivoi ny l'r- --, .., .lo in. tie tl' i'i r, liiiifilo, N. Y.: Jienr I n. ii y I iilirs to try your ii 'u" oi I him r see it f.ul "I If li-e. Mi s. .. l. K iNKIN, Sio .1. Iielumi-i ni a, Jn,!. V iiv, I 11 H t. S. nitll f.ntlifiit-y I ice I is otreii'li in If Mill IU" nni-.i-it I'nr l.ltlle l.iv.-r I br l'in ;!it f.'.ll'i ry, is s..l,l , i I let Lynn", 1' it. , ; v I. i,l i.r In,. .1. f Worn in h.t-. a '. ..c; oiiitest with, lifim 0..1 T.i . :, :' ,-e -'1,' will e.n.f.vs ' herself I 1. At the .: - i ni'i n.riou tiiar in' 1. y -e -l.ill: . :e r lace sUe I brows : ',;; :i : v y 'ut:,:iil.iese 1 1, ..! !: 1 a"..- . ::. I. ii . ' :'.;... a );:! : th m-Ti .-.. , , : . . ,! ii : -i::,.'.-. f.-r 11 '. whi!.' .-he la ;..' ,0 '. ...,.!-.. .ty ,., Mi u : v ;- : ,c 1 t . I.i ;.;!i at " I"'l. - 1 th- t....iM-e i . and le 1 ,. . ; t i'.,;v v !.:: i - here ' ' : mid th--:v. d hti-w. ti..; l'.iee i- eh. at !..i.t lya-Mi;ii,n- ign-ratuv of. ! "I! '.i-. .-t" .late her t.-ri. -. and beu'i:.-.; ')! lll!t!ii!in!UilUI!inilil j' 1 '!. -o .? ie- I,-. ..,.. ie - r.... M.-t,i., a :,..; veil ..:,:, , iu-t t" tl.- I- of ii--. .i.. 1 ' :';-s tfX. WWi"W j ;',:' r ;" !; r, A rrcp,--,-,"''4l ni'i ... . .i.i . . . . - V-r 1. 1 ..".y e ;:!:;;:"si iimiiiiiiii;i:i , f."!:. : f ",',:,:..,. Lea :o;;-;:. j .J; I -.w- t....:i . vr. !! I . .'- the to..- : .f- him wi-.h !-r ih ri-li'd 'iv;;!!,,!:!.,,,,:. ar. c:i' -,-t ; .-Verc :. be takes, k .A& h and scrr:. Inn. i.e. a' -. ,,,-ver . '' ' 1 J th.-vl.'vi.t t:,.. tod -t t-::- ::er to r.-i-t P7i!!!!!!iS,!,-ir $ Aiicii-i be win ii,,.. i o.- 1- ;i .Jjjjiirllw, '..lie :.e , .::,!!!:: up t... WlKi, , :;Ml!.,ij i '. ! !' t ne wi ight ol i 1 - n h-r. ,,y t,iV(. V -he ail. c'.- n t to' 1 :,i,i i'iiu... the ii- i ;d!-..b v..;:: r. i-i'...n-' ' . 1 - lie- I. t,,r '. 'On "" " "' la r -ce-.- t'.e ! .- , ".; :r i'i tin- h aula of i r. ir 1- : i'e : ni".-- i ' "1 than the I I - ' rd m lie- 1 ,:ul ot ii 0 .. !.:, I:, ro. ' I'i r-.-ied lor l.m:;. 1 I : vi h." r. -I I t :!: I.; level p'.-in to i ' !.' I 1 't'-. 1 en o 1 " .'0. .i, rienn I ' ! : .ve 1 .1 , 1 :'; '. niiO'il -'J .,- (' :'. :: I :r...- ,1 ,,::i ,-etii:;m 111 - mi 1 . -.- 1 v it - n e. ten one , faoi.1 ri, .-i. A ., .'" 'i 1. -I .1;. : ,iv v. .:. i-i i . -. J'-- . K - 1 lc '""'I '" ort!i i j ? ai-.-- '. 1 ". !':. w,, d -I pr. v-nt 3 liU li .. . . 'ne I".- lie. I ' r. . J . I M 11 r s 1. i n " . '. f SDOcarU.. ' . i:.:y;ri-"'i.-"l:ii,- ,' i'sii'',, ''..'. , 11 ' .'..,'..u. ".'.'. '.'.'.' Hi ll.-' 1. ::. . T . . .; ti a1' e.i ,1 "eiip. j . a 0:1. 11 I ; r -r tnakin- her no-1 ,;; j.- J I'';; 1 ', ..' ;J ;;";;"1' rji ..!;', n"e. I. !..-- 1- :i er.'-.ver tie-dir. et, i,.. : - ,.i..-.i.r . V e-a '.'.'."'."1.." rn 1 it lie y . - : . e oi iii-c 1 rt ruiiined 5 !"."!('.'..'. """"" '.'"i'.'.'.;!.':" i. oce r. i !..-. I . n ia earnet and i , -.1. .; .'. .f sui 'nt ill!".!.'.'.' r. ,. ct.- i. .M". o .1. --ci i can uiv j :-;rH:;)X."':'.'1. i:.':c";'::':::::::- r"i .'-1 ."v too; e ... t;. : r. at C'or.j: i--!i ' n, 1 ' ; 1 ,1 . i,. .. -in 11..'.!.'.'..!'.'.'...! r.. -ti ; .: .- itvin th: nmt ' J ,':!'."'.''.'"' '. '. ter. Nr-i.l I !.: oul I will ii-iarn ' tl . .-.i-.. 1" '.-"i s.'.n iel-ia i:.iitfnii Mi.l ; H.i'.e. A-i.e.-. w. tvmuiii, os lri::c,:yir.,u;;:.:::::.: 1 , ,1. l ni.Ui!'ii, l'. l . - . tH,.v-.l.rr 1: The T.ortto'1 I!'"-' of n r.r-w eontrl- 1 i-t-!'o! ,: v(';niW-ii.i ' v,,in:i in 111,0.. 1 ; : ,! s 1 i.e i.ui.c- li IV 1 J 1 cotit nv .li 1 .11 . : 1 . e in. !iia' iiicii naort. I I ! ..-in . 1 . , ...... I 1 , j nimtr. niei .. 1, 01 o.-i 111. -ii, p'oit-rr-;. 1 : .. . : 1 , from 1.1'vo'i- di i 1 ii., in, I kin. iiea j j ' 1 in - fiioni 1 :.l ' o -CiMlp-l tor I, jo.. .-'.'... . li- L-l'.OiL' -! -oil I : ,"'! mi-ill ' 3 l" " ''' r.- I M. i.LliV l:-i u.v Minn al Aa.oiiaiij.s, i 00 il''i'. 1 ': ".' i biiii-oo, n. v. 1 ir.'sr,'!;.!!-'! ! I!i.t:'.i.t I'I . 1'- d.-ei.'l.ter vt .ll iiihe.ii I I j .i.i...o 0 10. Si, i- 1- th.' - e i ol II-io i tleir, if ! tiireii .1' tin In I. 11. .) li er liuuiiuU 011 to loiiui..-. '''''-'' I' "' -." ill.. (il l,.;l n I j ill ." 1 '( l.'l.r. i ta. j c . II .- :.ll h ll-.i'l flrev 1 V ,-.'.. I 1 U. I..C J v' ' 1 el'. r.,', (ierin iiit. 1 I S'liTelien ii plied t. i .r, , hi r. in llim over. ' Lo In nnother column will be fou-.dthendver-tis meat of the F.' M, 1'iei.u and FinrsmE, !! fiii .0,cOO 111 p ,Hnt to new sul nci i b v. This iHililitaiion rnnki among tho I e.-: ion! h.uulH.iinest of family and iiyrii nl t :.:. I l apels, and its pioprioloranie fully able t ' c ry out in: oflvr they may make. An o.' : of forty thousand rtoMnr win made 111 I 1 . . ii.ber to its Miliseril.eiF oil of which was i.o' ied oat an how 11 by tho nnmrs and ad-Oie-'o , in the ndwrtistiueut of souieof the receivers. Peeilno of .11 nn. We o.iieii, Uyspepiin. Iinpntenee, Srxnnl lVbil.iy, C'uioii by Wells' llenlili Hencwer. 51- rilrt! I'lleii! Piles! r-nre euro for HI it; J, Uloeding and Itehincr Iito. Ono hoi hn curod worst cnM of i'O '-ip: si oe'i:if;. No one need KUlTcr live e i.n.ns rf er nsiu:; Willia u'a Indian 1'ile ..! Ouitinent. It nh'orbs tmnors, nltny i'e an.:, nets ii poultice, cives instant relief i tcpaie.l only f ir riles, Iictiing of priva'.o i . i-. yi-nte-i tor fl. trazit-r Aled. Co., ti .. : and t. "I."nii!in onsli." Kn e! - . Civ.-ii orC.ld i ni!'.vie. Forciiil .'.. a i i i. I it:.'. I'nu'hvs I"ie. I.iiiilid .V.lo. 'i v.s,nvs rri-ToMF.D nrr.r teste, th only : ,oi i'i n . I I., ef e.ini..iniiiK it entire nv'ri .:" .''. :. It cmii bii! Mixidninkinc, ''M n.'l" ''ai-K nn I life-iiintiiiiuiiK piepcitt ; ma for icl v stion, dy: n .;. nervnua : :.. t..i:i..n, .onl nil form of Rcn.-riil dehi it; -'. in nil enfei Lied eeiidiliom, whelhor tl.e 0 -nit of i sh!inii,.n, in rvi.iiH roatrUon,oirer .... -k or ni-iu.. di-ieiise, ni tien nr j if roi-ultmR 'ii I'Uh.iiinurvi'. nipliiiiiH. O mwoIJ, H7rd A 1 o., l,injiiii".oi4, Niiv Voiii. SoidbydjUKUUt. I your liver sound? l-pnire liook free. Vihiitsd Dr. San'orJ. Itl Unimcst., New York. Tic Nonh Anie: ienn InJinn. eCcinl'y the Scii!("i innde Pii"h fre.jncnt ) of 1 itio'enm thai fo -manv y ars it was only lo oun nt.eniei O I. Xow it is Inowu ns Ca.bel nt, the Wouclerful Hair li: newer. .Mother hiMinCtt Wortii svrntt. '.'Me. tnstoli 5?. h.irm'.psn.eathartie; for i-ic.te s, totlvs.!ies., Wiirius, coustil't- . ,,..!..- :!,f.Tient. nnd 'ibientelvcnres ! "A ' 't lieoe .iiin oM ei i .V. .- je. :!-. t Mi-..s. lioat.-a. l'.. i" .'.-ei -1 u: .ii ine of 4,-ei.e I .1.''. tity. tin- r.,-t Fniiiil'e. 1 1 ftv l e- n IiomI led f.)-ovp.-six yenr- with crc lii.!'T. c m l 'int. e'so n vnlin 's f tie ir'm y orc-.n. w 'h it nfendnnt .i-.'.'e--. My Mn er needed cot s en' nt en i ". .-onie d :y ni ny ns twenty lime, i'li-eiire n n in 1 1 - hl-'dder. well ns i t' b: c nnd loom. At lime 1 1 r e.l n : t ..1 . n.o-t;tyof u. iiie.hi1 ly co'o cd wi h : 'C'-rfO h".Tt nnd e,bn.eiit; fronncnt'y c -i i '.n- would I e veiy r.'iinfnl. I ron- t. at I m:i-t Oo onietliiii t fo' I. fe r. pi, -e --erin". 'ruildr would fo !ot. fo the i!r t ;:n 1 was reeomninn'o 1 Hunt' ii ii. r'u' n ely. ."sit had I een nnj p in e id fcve-i e ss W !h r..j en I ! d n b' '.1 Vr a ti c ion le- I' i - ' v. I eon. l 'ded to trv it. nnd I ll d e el "lie b tt'o foil'.il it WIS e If-.o-ul n. v OMee'iition. Mv ' 'e- 0 il'ii" t in e nr'ni-l. e- color inl 'i e r-e i :. n in back rn I lint be vy 'c e wiih a ep-u r I toiiin:?nn f he !e : '-n I ! rn-iin: el tone It nirll Irol - v , .. t e. nt d t hn conn le'cly c ired me. ii- of i-y f :miiy lave ii'ed Ilntit' tte -f 'y wl li eeinlly is irood nve. nnd v., do eot he t 'ii to recommend it far rn I rear. I f li. ii i -1' a dn'v n we'l a- a p,-i-i:ro t r c eiinim 1 -o r-o d r ni" 1 ei-e r llant' l-v' e'y. ne nt Ii I r y to g ve my fe-t -e. in to the i ' I,'. e. P. T. Ilon-.PEN. (), Mo.. Mny lit. I iiiJcrie ih nb-ve frtement. A. M. Ho1 tNoN, Jn., Apo hecniy, l-'nniior, Me. A Remedy for I.nn Hleiiie. Tr. n.iler Xt wt -n, 'u'o pte-id nl of th" I!.-'., tic r I -'jo. of t'u c ty of Xew Y. rt. n i . I'm-. e:- c of l i i -i.i u'.:, i)hi i, u$?4 IT. i . ito; ii d a ve ext.Mwco'.y in ;o;l e, a i..iny .f hi; pitioi:?, now an 1 :v or I o h .I 'll by thj use of i'i'.,. o li c i -. a i a n 'ly to life. i y s o I . h .; -o .1 a io i.e ly oiubt I." e.i :-i leiv 1 tn- r-ly :i- a nti:t. n e I h t l..o i! .. . I lie jr. - rib d In' . : ,. . n, a rov.Tt; an 10. no. I e i oi ". a d a . s. lie ires c ,11 :.. a 1 at ' ie 0..1I 1 . in 1 lint-. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Ili'llrvca am! oiirfa IUIKIMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, II M'KA UK. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT. yVISs- V, SWLU.INOS. SIMI 1IN, Soreness. Cuts. Brulsol, FJKIM'BITES. 111 iii. jt i.n, A n.i alloilii.rtxKlllyacliM n:i.l piiiu-. FIFTT CENTS A BOTTLE. sold hvnii Priii!iiinaiin ) :. 1 -' n.oclioiu Id 11 Untie, . 5 The Charles A. Vogder Cs. A V,.',l.l H k CO ) IUIIIMTO, C. S.A. n Amn nvirfliDfft haa . . .! . inn.. - a i U. v . n.lMl J1 nr. u. iw4 lf 0 OOOJu! c m-leu-d b . i ftO.O J : v-"r v .r.-rl t . ii a r.-i-lT I t .i . l . AO O'K) t!.t w.- h ti ifct Kr Ibl"a a 1 !lura In t .. . nlaimi i:, tiirrr r - at ill nt j t.n 'Im- t ? rv.-uj u t tDf UUikt f iho aarA ".,- -v .i t " ,r I'l'i-ni-ftiwrwiks ml FISL'J ANO FIRlSlOt r-fc-ularlT I rnr nan, na G. K'.t Uie I ra euli to i, List cf Presents to lW I ft) W IV D 1" ..i 2 O rC.OI J C7UE3 U5TTJL AWI VALTJABIE PRE!TS nw '' f-.rrnti aaoh. ,:. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PRESENTS, 1 ( ,i'i r.,r i n" ,r, uu l a 'n n-w tl.-lei; j: olnui i j ...i .. .. .... v-.. ...n a .ia out anl i ba a-.,tr.l.l Ui.lil , iii-mra, ir ami I'IIU OVM I L.CaV 11 tu-ii -1 . r.n. r otl.T J...I .1 'i"i i' nn - "..J'u.l ir ly C" i ,ii u.l ti.- .-. . , i c. ir.. n.nni u-:nr tna - tl, -mi,,.. .- -reil", aiil h tiLi.n ii., n 1. 1 onl vou Ih,- FAKM.FIILOAND FIRaaiOK lur "no je, louiilul i.l.i. il ! H.I ainian aim f lOa'i . n .. ,.i .. .i H ..,,,?.... Y, n. .h ill llmll I'-n-f n- -.iC-M-ruitlun. to 100.000, ae wa won.H allnriui manna to ,r,im aub arii'tiot.aini.y a in t .J ol l . t anl ara l.u to at a .umlre.l Iti-cMpt. THE UbRM, FIELD AND FIRESIDE laonanf Ciaol lw ami a'i, r1nl l aml'Taad A irrl cultural I- ' cntalna twanty-elglit lar-a paroa. rr-vnfaa li ikI7.,;in Jlaa l.t, Th PAOM. FltLO ANO FII8IO haai.-ir..nt! lUu-tratod aorara phaiurad aaoh Itana Ulaltrallna: onr pKut ronn try lui't, iliinn ni-.i-r .uiampiail i.r anoibar papai m tha uild SAMPLS VOPYbF.M FKCB. Storlaa, Skatohes, Poetry, P irm. Cilrclon. MuusetiOld and Aarleultural Oooartmenta b tho bent Comributon of tho tp, aa wall aa an Illustrated Fashion Department, Nwlio nnd EmhrVilil. Wo"k Bl.irrr.lral Bkolrhaa of Knllnnt Men ani Woman. In abort. It eonulna tliat w m.-h will inu-rw. luMrut aie! ..m i. tin-who a timiii Thn Ctait aaard lust mnde -hnwa tint ha. a fu ill "I our uu pm-iilto tbalalwr. uur rrpuutioD la folljr tautiUliail and CiU pa.,,,:a ai.aurlad ti n hit, , .-a..,' i i -, , u. ... - . , ut mil r-iinil any ONLYrONE DOLLAR l.t,n j-'- -a, A. to our ralin ine. rrti-r l.. any V il. t in i nn- --I tl may bo a. ul in orjinary luti-r at RrMIMOt tho are Presents to our fubsonbera nien to them absolutely Free. Cut this out nnd show to friends, 1 ...lit- j ancea nn J neiahhirs, ns It will not nppear again. This la a opportunity and you ahould take art . "". of thl e- trnordmnr, ofljr. Address Tho FARM. FIELD & 1-j.Xiirn C. Farley, city marshal, 243 Broadway, N. V.. s:iys: "I hnd rheuinnna goat 20 yo irs: tred everythinc; now take Dr. Elmore's R.-ll. It linn cured my crippled feet, and 1 0 t nil ethor medicine and treatments 111 'lie world. 'on-uniptivoa civen up by doctors hnvn fen ruieJ by riiio ture. .i cts. Snrdval of the fittest. irAUILT SIKDIftMi T3AT n.lS IiEALEli M!LUP.S IK iiiMf 5S IHAIISI A dalii ro;t i:u:kv woi nu oi ?I S AND IU:.!T! THEOLDESTivSEGTLI.virViciJT tvtn Hade r; AMtmcw. SALES LARGER THAN E7TH. Tho Mexlcnn .Mnlnir I Inlnmnf In. oeen kiioii mora tiiun lliiiiv-llvi years na the bi it cf nil l.inimeni, foi Man in lieast. J's fna-.i today are larir r ever. It. rnt-eq n-li.m nn ol tier fill, and penetrates t-kiti, leodonk j I everywhere "nn n iiiri", iu luo vciv L'oue. sole mmmmi sewfr i 1 M li u ml Ml (flirt ifil'O'f . Thr only OianltlU'ly l-i fc,i .M .11 lilno ! I lie M en lit. .-nl o.i Irl il. in i-iitu il i --. hi-nil lor I liMttii-nti'iM ...i:i'. -in. :it,t l,-,.ilr,r . tdlll. II-,'.-. I. 1 II II 1V .V NI . I MAIII.NtllO., lurk. CUT. StHAS THE YEAR ROUND. liu. i $ a n y a : i r:;r,s?. Oar Little K:a r. 3 ,;.!,; ?.ilinW IDEAWAKC, AJ.IrM.P lonttt'iP Al l'., P i n. M-... AXLE GREASE. llcl ill Hie h irl(t (.'el llie seiinine. ICvery linrl.nue lm mir lrnile-1.110 It nn.l U itim l.... Vni r' il,l I A I; II I It I . pnirrir PROMINENT Tl AMCHICAN Mi"' in r.' ;...e 8UtWSfllKS -IJ.-r (UiSittClHU RlitUUNl TU OEMjnS a CANASSr.irS. CLI URwUt iui'Wl-1'-: i a v . i.c a in K i a: I 11 r. I.U"I.I r . .. I I O i. ie-.. r. a. .-i.otLii, 1:1 li j PATENTS run. Rtl.llTN n ii;n. Id !-.-. l. ,',,. Soil '.' t,..:i I .. II I W. . I -I '. Dm-. m.u;D fl 111) UtEKI.V SEWS. I.a: hireitni: a Irer. So Tilt It li W.. Conilltlon I'iiuiIit. : l t-in nni to i ru mi crij ouni roA h braedars' uLe. price 91 Oi; I v, ( t fl ..i. ( ircui.ira IN PRESENTS SSSSji mmiEmwm tinaiiiliMiM "omt. Iluiil, nn. s.-Mi.l ri.o., :iri .T f.-. l.lj I. I "jet.ttc . I', Mini: fr, .in (HIT i .i-m. wr.e. Alk -"il J ntf I I THE AfrtEBICAM ""1 fyj vvj WIHaS3ial B W ll,l.i-l.,.ili'l-i 1,1 f f.' .11 l..l...",;. ..f en.!., i.r ll.o K-r-t i-a.,lll.l-l,.tI..Tiicut-il. I.I In t ,:, i. r. o I ii I - '"-I Tn o Ho i I I i 1 It ni i , iii i'U I N T I. VIII I. ...( r . in.' i lii.i'jr kij Fbi ..a is On . - .lar a itar. li aj V ik. Willi W . I'i-" li-l. " Lur.aM. I .i l l r I' iimp I .. , l..k).,.rt. X V I 'i VI M m '.111 K i- III" I .-hi I.M;lll..,il. I'r.-O i, i-.-.C Jit Ii a well-known l-iit nii.M of I'.f ffl C4 B B P3al I H Hnrttaiidt'iiti'i row.lrrioi.l in ir.i. o'.in-Kj U BH B IH trv II worlMrii: U at S ,'r: lull ( 1,3 1 B tij ij? BUm Hull l'oJ(T is l,'i I-ir.- anjv.rt EES Rw la IT J talnallo. .ViiIIiIiiit on Karlh will I ii MM BM make hen a I.r like Mit-ri.hin'K B U B & US ED ii a, OUR SECOND AWARD! This Offer Good Until May I, IC34. u wu -luaaa w. W'1 WVoaa riFLO 1 r- Ii-I at I in onlcr to -nrn them uriiH.! to m. - oi wv.ruiK-jM i . n.i -! " V v aw In t- .n.i..iireM.iit hi ri' ''!''' I g''i, l'l i.-M-ni. i.r iho Cor una Tai.-i .n'.i"'' imoii Mav 1-f. W liavu ir oivortunl' Wa ara puutiva Uit thm piau i ikiiw iu um mill jT'ii-aliti''n-r.l.r. 1 1 .u raa-." - 11 un 1..HI1 .Ii.icIt a.- 1 a I'onlH I M im.u.icJ lu. ,iy naj i.i i.vrt Ba Given Our Subscrifcers: inl nll.1 .XI SjU.I .:' iui avt iiv 1-a) s:a-i."- ........... vt.ll tl C5C!) -rl i I V .." !- !'. ! aj.J ! '"' it'I, I 1 't'n ""0 i J;" , i I 10 Q f-IWt .T . Il . "I ii- .i i. l-O-.-. -.iv . r.i... ni,. i OiiTiljoi.l,-.! 1 C'-..- k.ii.i-1 ri Gptu.n c io -. i tt iu-ii.. to tadiaa' IV'1 I Wa l b -. to UoTV Wal.-h.'. ... ... b.j.iltro 1. unml Fein-UnipJ. tVM tllf aut Ol" 'I" I HI li ' blu-a- I.O.. 1"A Fina'il ' 1 l.ln:li.Rj AOO tlivmful Nli-ai-i Clwi:a aio flA:ieMnAn .'"-ai l Ptn aiel tt .e.-li Cjaina 11 Micniii p- HO HI,-Lm friu.. " 1.4 ll-ilRM-Op4'. B,0 T.iiut'i i.-vnt. ramr'in in vitlua Irffii Im-tny ll.a ornla "n r any piw.ii una i"t"r;'J ".' I. .p.. 1 iii .H.n,,, rrl an ..w..r.l ,,f V..r; v Thna.ntil Inllar. lullli.wl lo tut u-.iol our prouuaa. baa Ito aamaa ol In af-i'r and Imnai Hal mannpr hT a mmimrwa of thro -l la y ruM 1. . IVnu.. Il'iiuf ' ""- l. coiwrfi.-.fuia.ra'tr o-re iu'ra.1 n - I M poi'i' v .u to mai iti a.nna of our fur a Tt lt .. iwiiM Hi; r hi w.n lia mir ',airao i' i in it i Dial i.u w u J uul oe w about it i ll. linn ihlaout an,1 hon.n,r I' to .I. "'H na l auBaeripiinnaanotwin.imiyirnl i .tT& rM. i-u.t to anv one t'.i V.rriVlX H.ina or tlP''Ul C.. in . h'.-ajo our rlak: Unrar auuia ahouhl U a. iilliy nrrrr wa ni. n.aa T Air ani tho t'.imnii rr i-.ita ei toe Krcutarad uiu-r. FIRESIDE, 89 Randolph Inilutjenre nod F.xeesae. Whether oer mlins or ctr.nking nre mn,,o hnnnles by uiinu liop Hit;o.-6 fre-ly, (j vi vj cleMit ni po lie nnd enjoyment l.y inau firm l.eiticbef.irenmlr.movii.sidlil'i 1" 1 ain-niuUliitie-snfti'twiiiil.le iviim tl.- head cur, nerves steady, find nli llie f e is oy iint, elnstio an 1 more h pev t i.m l f o. '1 he ptea.iiiK effects of. aC'l.r.s ian or suini tu 01.8 diunor coiiiinii ng Ui'.ys nf icnvartl. Eminent TcMlmnny. New V. rlt Wilnran, Aiif uat 15, 19 0 1 " I find thn,' in nilditioa to tho pure spirits contained iu tluir i ontromion, Ih y cuiiiain theeitractsul hai s n l.uher well knu n iui'1 highly npproved ineoie n d roots, leav. s nnd tnioitnos l i qiinmiUes ;ii!l c cut to render iho nnice what ihe niche, e jm j ;o I)?, to wit, a n. e lii in i i r r : an I not a I ev er. II HI. .1 IlliCI'i t'll.1' u-ui 1' l"i't IU IMne.lVii e. 1' o:ii n mrel'nln'ialjsisof th.-:r f. r ni. a whi li ti i.'.'-u li' I under o t . 1 liud lint e'erv rtai.-ala-i-l'i! ol li-.n li.llf! - .li i.c .' i cadi- in::! oi i ri. s. a de from t : i! 0'.. i ., r : . are t-. i fa I . pi'lloll, it e . r : a i. 'i 1. 1 i i ' ;i r . l!. l!in, I'.li (. . 111. d C 11.1 I I'm: : Iliirilciieil I, tier. Five ye.-.r-i r I .'o.i"i Did c in n :it " i- m then I hn e I :i i I I i M . liver I e !. lei il .. o v ' . ro j il el n,. aid lii el .cli '.. l.e t . s . I n.i :'i;ivid ih it t: ;h L daey in finee i .e,o-.t at n'l. i my iiinl s '.. ii. .-. .' 1 iho I ot;, oi; e.'iiM . Kit er.-s I e i e mi . I iv o.e I :u Ir I. ai- i it -even I 0 1: li .. . ..1! COlifl ii. en ii i v I. mi-, H e n; Irna try I, nil.-, nn I ii In- oi. i,l .-, lei.n, e in m; in e. r i ; eiwould I nv -bi -ii n.. i'i my t':ae. J. W. Mourn. 1 uJ.ilo. Oct lrr. I'iivimIt anil niitlerlna. I wnedri.r'.e.l do .mi wiih.'c t. fri r'v nn I Willi lii-i; I n, e:n..-e I l. a i-k an I lare I i N for doetor n.. 1 i,n coin I I.e.-1. v ili-i i 'ir iv-,.1 until i m je.r ;. bv t. e n vleeol i, y ;i or, I ro nice: r tl - s t if II. iti lie us. n i lie u o: t', i. woio il l will, Mil cone of n- lave tea a -.el; d.iy since, : ti l 1 -v nt to ? iv :o .,!' i o r n o i. joii em 1;. cj vni fn::.ilies v.. I' n vt-i; iv.t i Hop Hi le - lor e s than o':o ii : i. 's vi.-.t wid tost. I Lui v: it. A ''.,1MM MIN. II N 1 . SPECIFIC FCR tfllepsy , . isnu, (. onvul-i-','i'j, railing ,s,'.H.,St.V:t'.i3 I.CVER FAILS7 Dsnte, AU-Jiol- i , i-. .. fl.l.l, EinfiK HERVE ' V. frrly Dlood Ii arcs. Pyprp- j I I I I I I . -I .-..j. crvf tuucfs, ffioE80R'' 'r'"- i I , I vl I I I L.riX I. c r. m a 1 1 f rn. .Wmiii liVi..' 'i,..., lii in W rtv. ,rci. HiHoiisne', ..-)., .Neiv '.'. l'u .-tratlon, Kiiiticy iVeii'.M en. .r.-.,v.'.n-;-.-. vl.iO. , ;iiHle 'l'eiiinioiiiiiH. "Sanmrit' ii .'mo;:,.- i.-i:,.ii,.- -,. .i--r." r. .! (i. Mi I., in, .in. Al. -i..:. r I itr, Ala. "I foci it my fhav re vunni n.i ii " l'r 1 F. I. 'i: "! !. V.y&t, Kama. "It cured Uitc I'loiei .jn . f j;,. i li. .1 S )' 1 TVirrr. T irrorreiiondei'ee Ireely nuMtt-rrd.-ii I2E ir. s. a. z5'iy. n icr-ii'EO. At BniFett-. f. . ( illtfiiton. A.-mt.N. V. ie m . .. it r flnpt ami effinent '.I r.-modlna ironing mom '. nnd nf 1 lei ter'a H ""'.lutha i n"-nt anil 1 a r -: luer .1 Ii. Ii-m on. I ii t l-l t. -ly t.T k tliiov. t ra tii, t l i ' at i-ini biiMi! 'SV,7S iliHiit')! I f f -. i nil biom lati " Uni il ami ,i,ixiim in o w 'i it-n (I. mi ot nin .DMto d-i-'M-'tt 111 t t.t I. w Vs rfliMct 'ntlimmttoTT I '1 r. na n ffr ( t a '..Ir- d ta im. I if .ii un-d wh iind ti I ia v ia f -'tyt iin. also, I'i.k-Iv ' tni, b-trn lmm, ti i a - ti Ira.. AU ya r rtrait: it lu it . ii ba iletiin I t na fir it ttl a!F4. KlM .ra. AJmilO., i.m Wiluam st.. N. Y lo Hpoculut OH. R. L!ndb!om & Co., N. G. Millar & Co. I auil I iim'-T r, ( 'liitncri f. riti'nr v GRAIN 6c PROVISION BROKERS. M.'iIi."Tr Bi! (M. I'll U-' f i'.lll.'i.'.lLUftfS IJ Ni V TK, N' ,-.!' til '.llv.Ui'i. WdIutiikIi! iv. t ; -. i.i . r-t hMW9tl .liu"i.'an I V. Yfi . V..i .1", i ' ri- on it ji l.."in.;t wH---l f I. mI ( c : ' i 4f rU i..M.i. par.i'ais K-JIH". U I il. .! C J.. 'n.i.'i. i ILK Vl. '-.rial It 1 )i . . ' e-'K-.i! li rf. nl. Nl li'MI I'i l'. i ' . I'M 1 i. ll'i.-.-i. I'll i:SU Hili fin i. i.r.' i i i i. !. 3 -.'I pott of fc-il. Il will ai i previ-'it nn.l eure ibuKra. o. 6oU ewi' t.iio. .-r iei: i. nu.l lur rnl. in suimra. Alo' 1:1 tavc c.i:, for irl Mltr. 1. S. .TOH.NSOS A to . ': -k-n. Mjss. GIVEN Mf FEW WHO RECEIVED PRESENTS IN OUR LAST AWARD : r unrnr ra II r-I I FT iC,(14ri, alias a- aa.dfr. Waterloo. BUic .bnwIi .. Iowa. Ml.OOO. 9 v, - .,,, mm RTVEIPT 83.t t. Stla flura Merrill, dove, Tnloii o.. Orearoa. m i ,oon. M MHCREn HK t llT .tt,N. Wlllla Aki-ra. Kiana-ia llv. Mo., S".iK M'MlillUtU KIXKIFT Oi.".09. RI". Omria C. WenUklrti, Lo-i-:i. Km! St-IOll. M'tlllERr.n HF-I'CIPT .0.-.. Mn- J. Wi lant. ir. '!.. l-K'-O. M-Mlll.KI.D KHI'tlFT li.l)l. Jt .Jvdc -.. hill ne ''. Iiit To.. Inl.,5- MrlCKI.I Kllllllel' tt.i"A IT.. Or, rtr IVimlilln. Fa., S".0. M HIItHHUKIlI'lirT 411. mil. Wra. It. II. M Mi-hall, Arlington Ut-Uala. Cook Co.. III., 5l. . M'MBF.ttRO KECFIFT .1.C36, Ulrm IJraairr, IIlrol, Mlrh., SSO. XI'MHKMKO REt r.lPT OU.-'IC, r.mianntl Itroara. Lltchflcia, Mottlionacry Co., 111.. KM. M UlirREO RECFIFT 9,9ST. Marl- rnno V. Jacaiit, Hainrooot-m. Atlantic (., N. J., Sioo. !VMI1EHEU KtCEIFT m.C.VO, I,. A. Wet-barn, Trauianahnrtr, Tuoil'lilua Co , K. V.. Ladlra Uiilil Wall h. KrXDEKt KECEIFT 71,n3, D. Have aanltli, Mtnuntoa. Anauaia l'o.,To, t' Ooltl Wntrh, uMilCKEi RECEIPT e.oio. i.. . tanai.a, Ueata' Vincent. Oltcrvllle, Uat, Oolil Wntrh. m UHKKt ll REfTIPT tH.OSt. Albert lirrr, Plattarltle. slielby Co.. O.. Ladles' iold Watch. MMBEIICD RECEIPT ,?0, Mrs. Uaylord. Charlotte. Eaton Co., Mlrh., Uraad Fl-tnv. T 1 I.a. Lltcbileld. 111., ktuvvr tiluner HorTlcr. i MHCBrn receipt i?.4e, Wat. p. Harlaa, Ublun, Tt-nn.. Clfil. I "lf y"n writ to ant of th- nli.-ivt-eiu''.. a iwislal for anawar. I'or furthar aw.irtl., a.. uur iu r. Ki-i.i i r- o. Finmi mil fori ...irl. ll,., to . - , . i..i A4. m v.w k- u. ttid . p n a. taaontiou m:i i-apsr St., Chicago, III., U. S. A, mn- kavi .-CM ..' '".-' I'-f i a'aC.H'-i'rfeSt'PV ttp ."' ". " -i.iier- ' '.i' 1 1 V "I'-im- tr'1Ti2r--e -'d " ! e--'..nlir . i'.fVMmf k.i iti J