(.V J THURSDAY, FKUItrAKYW. CJ Onlv oni mor ,i, ,. v;4. t$it Tim woods are full of roliiiis. Don't let your chimneys catch on tire in March. H&R( sure to attend I lie Exposi tion mooting here on Monday. tSF" The jury of inqiitist. in 1 1 n Qauter murder have not yet rcndeied a verdict. tWh,lt Vl oott;M,Tf! of Mr. J. . C an- of Chapel .Inl. wan bur..e,l last ! nday. 3 (!j'h:ubm I6T Meal and corn for sale at Al- '"" . n,,t sl"'lk ,n: "WW leu' mill. This mill is n.cv iu o,Hl , "' "'"' ."V"""1 ' '"'"" ''.v ...i . i i i- ,i lor li! at I la el'ii. ( Jnr lioome e-in- runuiiig oruer iiuu no som-iis me . i i. . puunc panouage. WMarehisthe most dangerous of all the uionths for tires. If y.r Louse in not already insured, noiv is the time to insure it. 2TA match gunio of base-bill will be played here on the l")th of March between tho eiub at this jiiaeo and the club at Mt. Vernon Springs. M?" The attention of farmers is j called to the advert isemrnt of Messrs. j Bauyh & Sons, in an other eoii::-,:.. The reputation ; of their I'hosphalo is world-wide. Send for t ncmar. V ZZ,ZC7ZV n Vo,.J .... ..-" , tih.ersas much a ,oss,ble Lon- don has received another ear load of , ii.....i... . ;t a, ..!..,,.... .m,... . iiinu oiiiuiu i"i em u ii. liu iii your order early. Tlenty of (t.iano on hand. WSTQo to Hvnum & Headen's for Long'H Chemicals, (.uano for cotton. corn ami tooaeeo. Ulover, rc.it;M (irass and (tarden seeds. Jiose and x euriess irtsn xota.oes, etitu- hiiu VEKTFING. 1 T. ' 1. I tL 1 W&" A large lot of Irish 1'otatoos. both Xortheru and home made, can bo found at London's. Garden seed. Onion sets and Clover seed on ha. id at London's. Another largo stock of Hardware received this week: I'iow Castings and lions. Shovels. Spades, Forks, Hoes, Hakes, Lockc'uaius, ,c. All of which wilt be sold low. Postal Mus. Tin- Post-Oili.-e IT pattmrnt has issuel majis that slue all tho mail routes iu the l'tii..d States. We have examine ! the maps sent to this post o'Hee ami the mules in this Meet ion ate accuiii'.ciy shov.n. These maps will be a great couvo nionco to postmasters and route- agents, mformiii ward mail niatici tltem bow to for- CiMiNu U'.ck. We hear that Mr. Spcuce Taylor, who went from here to Oregon tdtout tlirot mouths ago. will return sometime during the Bpriup. Ho writes th-it he is lo tuilea from a railroad, that the ther mometer sometimes gets as low as 27 degrees below zero. and. that white Halaiies and wages are higher than here, yot everything else is higher and a mm cannot make as much clear profit as here. A Chop Sms. The old Datch f ar mors in the l'ii'diuont portion of this htato bolii've that the weather on Ash Wednesday indicaios vvii-'ther or not thoy will li vve a good wheat crop that year. If that day is inch-men; tho wheat crop will be short, bat if it is a good day th.uvi will be a bountiful crop. If this be true we may expect an abundant crop of wheat this year, because yesterday (Ash 'Wednesday) was a delightful day. The Stoum in Chatham. AVhi'.o the storm on the night of the lOtii iitd was nothing like so destructive in this county as in many others, yet it was about as violent as any that we have had for many years. Many fences were scatteied. trees bio vii down, and a few small houses unroof ed. The most serious damage of which we have heard in the county was tho blowing down of Mr. A. K. ..-I x If .11 i 1 Stler s store, in .ilatthevvs township, . a. .. , , . 1 ' inflicting a loss of about i'000 him. m t it, n i . The TIkciviiii iT'.NTEiMnisF. tliiihisl , , ., . . issue was anothor proof of the fact mat, ine iVECouu gives iue people oi Chatham later news than any other weekly paper. Our citi.ens here had no intimation of the cyclone until they saw an account of it in iho IviicoitL), which wo received after mid night, by a special messenger from Moncure. It is always our nleasurc i to give tho latest news, regardless ! of the trouble to obtain it. and we are srratified to know thai, our readers appreeiaio.our euoris. te are ue-: . - iv. M- 1 toriuined that the Rkjokd shad be a uv Ntws-paper ! Fpn at the U.NivEitsiTv. The "Waslt ingtou'a Birthday exercises" al the Vnivorsity, on last Friday, werti of a very pleasant character, if wo may judgo from tho glowing accouu:.. given by a party of young ladies and ! gentlemcu from this piaco who at tended thein. Iu the morning speech es appropriate to the occasion were made by some of the students, and the afternoon was devoted to athletic sports and games, one of the most amusing oi wuicu was tlio pig race. A swift ruuuing hog had been bought for th occasioit and, arter being ; Closely shaved aud well greased, was turned loose, and away it ran with a crowd of yelling boys iu full chase. ; Tho hog rau abtmt two miles before , oemg capiureu, ior as nisi, as a ooy would lay hands ou it, it would Blip - way and leave him sprawling in the I mud. A three-mile race was run. aud the winner made the distance in ; twoiity tuiuutva. ' I5it;sI'AI-i-r,;.'i. The I'moti Mei ir.g ni' tim .N.ni.iy Cr !: As wi.i convene a I. Jlothauy Rap; Church. G.id'. on Friday 1 In 2!-i!4 i, of .Yl.-nvh. J'hc introductory sen., will bj preached ly Rev. J. L. Sim- A Kkmvkkaw.k Mx D. S. 1'!, 1 i ; lips, of Hear Creek township, is ,V2 years old. Jii! '. never !a:on ,- t-licw ol ti : I1CV1T smoked : i. i-iik iv .lose i! medicine ; never wriil hi!' . in-,' or ihhiiig: never lucl bit on;' ; jf LI 1 1 ill his life n'ld never v.cli ! ! hardly ever tool; a drink. I A Tii.x .iso Swveu::!. We hear that oorold fi i i i I fievrtnt, llurro ,ig!is, of Rear Cte.-k tow.tshi p, was recent iv iwhl.tiod out of ."filM ov I WO lin'ii who wore travelling t hroim'h the ounlrv in a vchir lsasvn J i - two I lino hav horses. One f them vpre- j : S(lllt(.,1'llilllM,f (ls a s:v!,sll):l)1 U,rm I W,M ,K, es . , . , .. . , : 5 in,. In.n.riloii not. li.- too cautious in limiiiof will,11"""1 'i is no I II 1 1 nan Irauors who travel ahout ti.eeouu- ' ' .v swindling the unwavy. Wo re- member that, seveiul years ngn. an - other respected eiti '.eii of iiear Creek ; township was swindled out o; a con- ; si leiablo sum by a salo-iman of brass jewelry. , ;7" TT- J'ai-osition M:.:Kiiv.i.-.ehopothat " ;" eoumyme! win attend toe meet.,,- o be Held here next Monday, for the purpose , or ore;aiii.in'' and makiii'f ai ,aii''e- , ments for our county exlnlut al the Stat.! hxposmou. lhi.s mcetm- in ;cahed by tnu county eouimissiouers , : I!:: r..r..l .A" V to .,....,...,. ,u o... , m.o..s . . c.u.wm - ,to e:.ec! the w.shcs of the .ais - (rtes as expressed bv I he resonitiou . , ", . ... . . .Mmmmiimsiy a,io.;ea al l ilea la.t i:iee;:n;. Lliatliam was tne lir.st county' to move in this limit er. ami foi- tins her pi ai-.es hav been sou.id- e.i inrouo'.ioui ino iiute. ':uii.si tjLs (() c( i.. r UH , , , ! , , j v inn uiereiore now a iow inner coiiu .en promise t the first cliicc of iii-ii-e in ili,. ct i tu. ti. .ii I. ni! i; i ' nnd wo 1US, stv ,,, tilil; , Sj,.u.4, is tilled with the best exhibit! To oo ini.i wc must in;i;,o tii,; proper efforts and bei!: without ile,-ty. Jtal'y up. men of Chatham, and lit us show th.' world whut a oia.id I'outtt - wc have! (ill If Dots. (Jri.r. N. C.. Tib. 2!. l'l. ou: Xohvithstauding tho '. Ity. h i. .! in t,i . !'.:: '.'aiiey I he i 'ao is si id improving. S. K'l-.-ieii :,l.; J-, -....1,1 Jy tad. iiiov.'.I inlo his laii'o lv. Y. wa. .! the of 1 !;e v i I. Mr. V. vimpV...l an t eoiiiiii.i.ii.i.i.'. iiivcing. ! he i'tes'ov: . rhiti ciiurch is lie: eomplel ion, which, by iho way be one of the handsomest ch ui i bnilditif s iu thecoitnlv. , Mr. .1. M. Melvcr has. today eom- et vc- liience;l to it eat; ground lor ill' tiou of his new tlouriici- and mills, lie i- going to build iu u new place on high and dry groujid. en tirely u'oovo liion water, and hi ; a':u is to J; ive ie best set of limiting mil's in tho Slate. Will buy his machinery, which will be of the very b"st. improved style of modern mill inaehin .-ty. alrea ly put up. from the leadili;; !, l:tuii i.fi UfiTs of til- Xotth- we-.t. an i iiiii' i Is to !e ready for llie crop of wile.; n.i.v growing. Tin1 nftciiauis heieariMloingwliat lev can tor a viiror. 'its eam.iat m d'ir g t!ie coming season and we expect u nc.v drug stoic to be open ed here iu a few d ivs. So yo i see. !;-. 'lldiio.-. tin' the (iitlf has no idea of going under, if the ii. li. lias gone on. Yours, iVc, 1). C. Mriu.vtsoN Ayer's Saisap.ii illa is tlio best med icine for every nne iu the spring. E.ni grants and travelers will limi in it an effectual cure for Iho eruptions, boils, pimples, cc.a-iua. etc. that break out on the skin- the effect of disorder in the bio,.,!. eaii..nl by sea-diet and life on board shin. Goldsboro' Mcsseii!cr: An insane patient was received al tiie Alsvuinlast .. ...t. ..;!. i.;.. r.... .... t 1 1 i 1:1 "l-l 11 Oil HIS (I'l-I SO Lilllll IIIISI llll- , . ,i , , , . icn lh.it it may oo necessarv to aia- j putnto both toil to elteet a cure. He I iiaii.s from Cuowan County, and hisi.i- juries were received while in jail, flout i " ... . .J . snow mowing tiiroiigu lvi,K,ow on ,(jui Th(.r shutterle ou tiiui. il.ere can no no excuse for such inhumane treatment of the insane. Lexington Dispatch: Mrs. J. L .Metelei.liiili was seriously it jiilcd by an irfui iaied cow. last Tuesday. The animal tossc- I Lit into the air several tunes with her horns, and gored her while on the ground. We hope that her injuries will no! prove dangerous. 1 '"' nouring mill ot .McCain lots '.1 ii. I'.., '.C.I I .. ..... .... the night of the olli instant.' eoltsinned bv ...,i-,i iwum,, us nU lire. We understand that a very con siderablo amount of grain and llour was at the time, iu the mill, and that the liio. when discovered, had gained stieh formidah.il proportions that nothing was .vaud. Mnigaaton Motttitaineer: I.ast week (..Vo men nntned Dolan and Wiggins put up at the Windsor Hotel in gattton. representing ihcmselvi ,-j agents for sel-.oolapalat us. w ith wo they were anxious to supply theseh. v. of the county. 'J'lu-v had been iictv 'n dav or two when Siiciiff Lackey r. ceived a ttlegraui from Kaletgh in- j structiug him to arrest Wiu'oins, v. us wanted in lialeigh foi failure to pay a H f 4.i:st. Kvl.u, telegram came soon iifierwiuds. iustrtieting the police here to hold Wiggins, whether Im mid the cost or not as ho was vvr.nte.i on aictliei cliarge. 1'olicomnn i Terry carried Wiggins to Iwih-igh Sat- tirday night, and delivered him up to ' the authorities. In the nman thin , Tut rick Dolan. Wiggins' coi.f. delate. : left for parts unknown. I Al.ll.! men ('! -.v. ft T,, , !; 1 i ,v" li.M i:l Molt ii's. i'V.l.vll s i.i.ii I'lci.sant (ir.ivc tov. ii .Iii.-. ia.-l 'imu.- iiilV. llo'S 1 111 Vi l)eell playing 11 Miiiili-Je '. ioc with hlu i p in the leli.l' y o: ( li'isoil' ille. IilOlle llo; k . - hi were, killed mid Im nippl'd. ei another oiic killed and tvvi hi' or lit'teeii crippled. Seal ten d around in I l,e srrite !ifiglihorl;'".od I lu re nave been i! mi! tit's en he.:.', kiiled lor dim-tint Kin in. For t hi l- r--i met ioii of prop . 1 1 . v four worihl.'iH curs have bunt jklhe.l. j Statosvill" Landmark t Mr. Mit-h. I Viiiin v Iironclit hack as a trophy, ; 1 1 1 ii i t his recent return from Wilkes. . the !-.!;:ii of the big 'possum of which ! a coin -.polideni wrote us sumo time 'ago. 11c l.i'i;;li it from Cant. S. .J. , 1 "'iiilnvs. ol UKi slmro. wiio imiiiit from Hi" man w'lm i--1 ! I I tli" pos sum. J. lie skin now nioiisnreit.tuiiieu- 1'ino liy IS wide. 'J he 'possum I v,.'io;lie,. wiieu hnleil. lz IIH., itmlllie iskin weif'h 'd. " !in. 'J'ho mail who caught the ani. n t! savs t hat at that ii ol dinai v j l"'!"'- !,lit ''m"1 :t 11 "i' to 1- m. 1 rayotlfvilhi O'.wrver: Wc note i how tut all the w i-ie jihieos about ; (own are hciu;;' n-elaiim-d. (io where Voii will. Jist or West. Mouth or North, for several miiei and you sec ! plainly the marks of imj.io'veiiieut. Hi.iwi's me bointf built, woodlands . t.,.,m.tl Ui.w j',.,,,. )lllt . Kv,.l v. ( !i:lt i;,Ji,:.(es life and I.r.,Te...s. L l!lr..,tiil:, iit oJl ,1.,,,,,. u 1 1 i ...... ., ,., (i,. .... :,,. w :;1i , ,.,ll!v fl,lit !li1)llt !,,. ;l. ;,. t f ,iv.sl kdiin- t!,e buds V(U11.r ,,..(. He told us tint u ii..,,, , ,,.,.,..( iron i .- d hoops or miv 1 tlth ' it U iioi.-at the bo iV ! . .,., ,. it ' '' ne.s. nop lose , ''ie ir a ,llit. :,.,ls,lll. ., M..v,f,1l we can ! will Icive t he i'rtiil )t WP hol.i on to tlic iron. ; Xewrf and Observer : ?.fossrs. Vriink iStronaeh iV I'o. oiler a nice !mro,v o i the fanner in thi eiinre.-,:.iiiiial 'di-- : 1 ' ' i nor.se i lie tariiesi vieni i ier acre ill l tie , I , Hi I 1 , best el'ade of tob-tcco raised and cur ed diirii-g lit-'year lSSl. A commit tee of thro:- tob.uvo men. disinti-r.-:-ti d parties, will be selected to ex.uui i'. tobacco and award tho print; to the successful competitor on the 2")tll of December, iM.si. as a Christinas pte -cut. Bear iti mind thai the proposition H open to evt rv lartuer iu lais ci.i, ''l-Cs-ioiKll dir. ,.i , rtriet. and the pn.c uid i , , .. i ,.i . and ilelivere. i on ( lit !-!- be awarded masday. l)ece:ii!n i-2"iih. i.s.Sl. S'e iiear o! a reiiiatl. Ji'te incident of tin cyclone. In Tally I In township. Gra.i viilc c-i'itilv. .dr. Ciiaih-s Joni-s. Ins wife and a child were- asleep in the s:ime bed when the storm came up. Mr. Join s wa awakened by a l! .Ai nt 'i.l'.t 1 1 i 1 1 :;,l on i x-iuiiua! ion num.! ili.it II. c i : tiie thiid bad eui.-reil tin. h iluber irn.l Irtd s'.l icken deal the wtie and mother while hiuiseif and the child h-id escaped without li'irt. not even the slightest shock having been e'.p-.-t ieiii'.d by cither. Another destructive thf h.i . vii; cd (!;,- pr s-p-i-ous town of t iii-etiviile, X C.. en sailing losses to the amount of !S;?il, Oi Id. ' Charlotte Observer: It seems that nearBakersv ilic is a mica mine, and its possession was disputed by a man n.imed J'.d Hay together with anoHicr white t.itit on ono side, while Ihlei 'her nieti. whoso nam; anted, claimed posses, v(-re no! ion on the other side, hay ami Ins companion endeavored todtive the other three mist away, (uarrils and fisticuffs ensued for a few days, when the trou ble assumed a mote mm ions aspect n.i.l the men appcarc-l agaiu.it etch lilie.-r well armed and ri a-ly for bloody wo: k. i On th- -i;.,ht la ing prcei:italed Ray j and his C',ni..uiio'i shot tiie three liii-u -down, killing i h-ni almost instantly.: ; The two nun -l.-rers iiiitm diatelv li -o ! ! the m i;-iiii' it i'ood. and have not since j bi.cn heard from. i'iie ri sido.ice i ol Mr J. Watt Kiikpaliick. in Sharon i towiiship. came near being ihstrou 1, by tire last Sunday morning iu the, ; usual way by a bloom cast into the: , corner after sweeping the hearth. , Information I'ihciic;! the city yester- day nn'iniiig of a sboe'dng accident, i that occurred at lit ih g's null, iu Ca-! i burr us county, last Tuesday evening, n suiting in tl. inslaiit death of .Mr. i John 11 igcr, the miller. 'Iheie was ' no out; nt the iiii'd except Mr. linger ; when the accident occurred un.l just : how it canicaboiit will never he known. It is siiieooscdihat while moving about anioie- tin 'lll",n - 1 " machine! v, Mr. Jio.-erwa., aecidentaliv cau'rht and being drawn , iu anion;,' the pulleys am! belts wa,' cni -hed to death. His man-led re mains were found by parlies who call-' ed ar the mill a lew moments after the a eeidi nt occurred. -Near Mt. Sih-a 1, in Montgomery county, last Saturdav.. r ight bodies, all ic'iuis to tin- cyclone, were buried. The number of deaths : from the ey clime tit Rockinjdi'iiu. ai last accounts numbered 21. the body nf the 21th victim having been found Sahirdav evenim;. Coddle Creek lehureb, located in Cabarrus county. ! one if the oldotnr.il most stibsiaiili-il ehltrcher- ill this section. V.as burned to the ground last Sunday afternoon, h-.lt an hour afler the congregation had been di -missed. '. ('. Y, jH'i-iitient Station. Ax.vi.Ysrs ami Rrt.vTivR Vai r.vTi-ixs or CatMKttnv!. I'ritrii.o-Ktis. ; 1SS1. I. i These ti'i'orts are sent to n'l the' ;.,-.pers of the Slate at the same lime. Tiii'V will be issued once a week orasi lajitdly as tne analyses are completed. , !!, w.l.Oie f,.l,i..ti..i.w U- fin-. I ni .It a convenient method of summing i up the results of tin' analysis and of comparing them. Tiu-v arc not de- igned to fix the price at which the I icl shall bo sold. It is impost iblo to give aiiy one set ot tignrcs wi n ii shall represent the commercial value of those ine;re li- ntsovcroiirctended territory and through, mt the et.tiio vear. " Since ti e b --iu-iing ot l:iS't the p:i-s of x-pci ;.!.;,;.! ..tin r.nd "hp.-' ...:. .icrii;n-o ci.i,. id.'-.-.t-ly, :m is va il Uini.vu. '.'c shall, thtlo fore. Use the foi'ov. ing figures, as roll-j s iirioly appriuimalc. iu calculating tii'se relative Valuations duiin.' LSSl j Available phot plioi i A o.:, Ionia ;l'o(f.h acid i els pi r th. 1 . .'ii) els. per II.. i . . 1) ts. per l!i. : : lie !i 'iires Lei. ire the iiiuues art the (lie iminiiers of the ;tli:ily::es. i Uo71. Sea ! Y..'.1 (i'lniio. manufae-! tiiivd by lhadley Fertilizing Co.. j lioslon, Mass . saaiph d in the U C I It. It. warehouse. Wilmington. Jan. ; ill It. Contains: .bii -ti:re l.l.HH, ttvail- idile phosphoric arid '.I (is. itmtiioiii 1 1 L.'M. pota.-h 1 fS'.l i.er cent. lMntivo ! value !r::'l -15 ier 'J.ti(n) pounds. 1 j.'iT-!. Farii'eis" Frietid. JJoad .V : ('.. Ii i Ji- iiviT street. New York. cam- pled in ihi! C. C U. ii. wnrt'limse. , Wnmiii.v'ton. .laii.i.iiv : ! i . Cont litis: : Moist tire ili 'ili. av.iil.ibli- phosphoric :u-id h ."il. inuiiioiiia '2."ti, p.itaslt 1 SS jier cent, li-.-lativc value JJllT til per AJ'M pounds. . '2i. Au:mini-;i d li:;olved Hone. ; Jno. Merrvniati Co . Jlriltiuion . lid , sainpl-'d in tlieC. C. K. li. waieliouse. Vihiii:i.;toii. .fauuary '.I'll. Contain.'.: : Mois'.i: 'e 11. n'.k ii.itll.ible phosphoric acid 8.51. ammonia 2 (i!-1 per cent iieliliv.: vahlu .'-j.li-l per 2,001! pounds. '.'.'Mil luster's Aiiimoni'lted J Vis solved Jjoiic I'hosjihate, Lister Urns., N'c.varl:. X. .1 , sampled nt Ualeih. Jan. 2,'t. lot in ln-.nds of Itand iV Jlir bte Contains: Moi 4 me 11 !)S, avail able phosphoric acid 11.02. aniiiioniii o 72. polasli 1.01 jii. r cent. Itelative value per 2.1 it n I pounds .il.l2. 2.''ili0. "ilos" A in ii 1 1 ii i ia 1 1 tl Super- ;pl..p!.al,.,V.. Davidson U'a.Hnx 120, iJdiimore. Md., sninpled at (told-,- boro. with 1. M I'rivi-tt .V Co., Jim. llih. Contains: Moist in el.'M t.nvail a'le phosphoric acid M 42, iiumioiiia 1 14. pot.ish 2.2'i licl veiit. Ju'ialivc coinuc-icial Mllue per loll (2.000 pounds) c-J".."iO. i S',)l. tono Acid Phosphate, Slono I'hosph.tte Co, Ch.-ilicstr.il, S. (.'..; ratiiph-d wit h Williamsoii i; rpchtircb, ilaleiiib. .Ian. l.Sth. Contains: Mi-is-, tore 1 o.OO. available Jihosplloric ai id ! )t..")7, ititiish 1.82 per cent, llilaiivoj vahie per ton (2.000 potuidsi ?Jl.21. 2U)'J. Ifi-h(iiiideAeid I'hosphaie, j iiovstc r ,- Sti udwick, Xotfolk, Va . ; sampl'-d at A. iV X. K. war. house. Morein ad. City. Jan. 2!id. Coutai::s: Moi.d tire 17 22. available plaisphoi ic acid 12.11 percent. Ihlntivc value , p: r -:i CJ.ooi m,iiu, s) riJU SO. 1 V 1 ,. . ., , , , 2110. f.a:Mlvtto Aeld riiosi!mte. , , ,. . ., ... ... . ' . ii. v.uonin.11 r ei i iii.T toiis, jiaui-moi-e. M. . sitmj.'.dl with M. T. Nor ri e. Iho. !':.!. i.;h. X. C. .)-m. 2'.!tl . C. iitaii.s: ?.!..:,iine lii.0'1. available phosphoric arid 10 .';1. j-.i.t i-h 2.1! pi-rciid. ih lative :.hu- S2i.2il pel ton (2.lM'i! ponndsi. Cn.-. W. iVuisrv. Jit.. J Erector. Thon.-iands of buildings were de stroyed a'id many !iv: s lost in Geor gia iu the cyclone of Tuesday, the J'.Uh. lavidsbo,o, on the Georgia Central l.'ailroad. was almost destroy ed and in Cherokee comity, G.t.. within a distance of three miles. 22 persons were kil'cd and 40 wounded. Diiii't Sidli tiic.Milli. "There is no use crying over spill ed milk,'' says the old saw. If you are i:ol only bald, but have no life in lh" roots of your hair, there is no use crying over that, oil her. Take both time and yourself by the forelock while th. re is a forelock left. Apply l'ar-I'.er'.-i Hair Balsam to your hair before matters get worse. I' will arrest the failing oil' of your hair and te-toie its origiti.d color, gloss and softness. It is a pel Hot dressing v. !' Iial. cieatl. licit nig v. 1'l.al. ciean. neb- . Is and heals the scalp. i el tiliil.'.l. cools vJ ri. A 3R K ss lter.irii',1 tor Tuu lajnitti l.y VfVATT it i'AVEOU. Oll.K I).:.-" i'iivMI-si-N ViKItCII VXTS Si. I'.' S. icli iii. .ilariin st., lJAI.ianii. N. C 1 Vi ruaryW, txst. COTTON M.VtiKt'i : ii" .a Mi l'lllu-, . . tail. i Mi I'IIii.;. . . Iir, sn-ii-I !.., Mi.lilliijt, I v-a saum. - . f'j.a'.'i Wltol.Ks.VI.K intoci:i:y mauki:t. Meat- I -..,it..K lnlk.t-ic.Iom. lo:i.l i i-i sii,ni;.,-is, s', i s i-a!iva...,.'t llaiiia, 17', l-.-i- I.nr-1 - - Pi I. , t'.irrol, t. 1 ion I I'.-.l-tlfi. in.".ti , limit, 11 V. I lii. I V..l. 1-...T i, W eill ; 7(iiH ; H', .. 1 t:.,ej-i ; IT Vi -n .vi i it. s : t'.aaiily. 10 IC.aT.-i Crn, Vi-nl, I I an-. N. (.'., M,.l-ic-- -iii'.a, l'..ri.i t'.l-n, 0lll!ll... . V ;,s" ' sutrar 7 J, ..so Yelli.w, ." 0.1 ; oiiiiialali'il I liiiu.-r, " S I KB.. I',,rk, i.W Mi-.-r. I ehl.'k.'im. r l.ii i;i.' l a.-. ItVtiw .rl 4n i Ailvciist'i!icii(s. ?" :0IM'; CAROLINA. l 1-II.VTilAM ClU NTY. Sui'-r iir'. iVl-ruury J5, 1m. Al"iy I'avi - an 1 Wiillaai i'.iV't 111 tiers 1 .'iiiMila-r. j Tlii I- a hi. , i.i: 1 liii .,r .l'i-r nii't ,ar- 1 ! I 11 1.! !)e- liiii t- "f in.- la:.- Ailni ivimh, un.l Him I, . .ii- ,,1 N.ui.-i li.iiiH i ti'i iiiierinnrrli'.l wiUi "ii" i,.ti,.,.y l.avvrt'i .', iin.l wlnisf irinii, s unknown, , . i,.t,-:.v ii .iai"-l -" el' -' I, an -ivt an-l .l.-.riur I,, ' II. .. ,-..-i I in,- .,1, in,' ui Uii. ..nt".- wi'liln '.'.' a-e " a -- i"l i-:r.i.i ,ti en- it . (.- ni- iin. iTiisr , 1 tier.-iii ili-ni.ia-i' .1 will I,- j-iiuii-,). : Mani'init .Is W-fiin-'lt. AUaaifyHH-r I mii.lir. ' 1 ISM. C.. I'Ull.ll' TAVL'.ll WYATI TAYLOR. Htm S OiRfe'-H Hsr:!t ("tifn ! ill), ; U f.l-'l Mart III SI , 'ilSliivvi!, IX. C. W ItriVO (Mi littll l n fnil U''k of CDIT'I'.KS. sl'fiU.S. MOLASSKS. SYltl'i'S. CIHU'S. JtiiAX. SUU,SICF! CDHX MKAL. TOIJACCO, in fa -t i tie iwiihUv r ini, l tu a ilrst- i;.- l'i..-tM'.V M-'llH;-, :i:i oats. k..i ,ii,ii..; ; ;.. wiic t orun, ii'i-ii "i. i;.ii iv," t ov. lii '.i l;n-l, I- M:.- I ii:iis. o: :. : criimi iiv illiv.l. A, his f.-r ill., ul I r.'ii.i'ilo I , '.!:, mi i iiii.'.ii'., V.'iikrr'H -.,'I.,i l'tispli.-ite, Ai hue i." Ai-t-l fll,.s'li:ili mi I K.-iliil'. wt-l.-li wp ,.:T, r v,-ry l,w fT cash .,r upnn ri.fls.Q' ai-le I. nu "li Uiii.' i'-r -,,i!,,ii ,,r m..ii.v wyatt lv taylor. . 1 vun iiy til, ism. OF BAYLOH UNIVLRSIIY. Inilrpuuiloucc, lusaii, S-.-pt. 2F, N'2. Centtcmin: Ay8r,sEail, Vigor linn Iw ii i'.scl iu my kuusuUuM fur tiiruo rt'ivuiiK : 1st. Tii juvviil fnliiiy oat of tlt h.i!r. 2' I. To pr. v. ni t"u iMiid cbango ui cul.r. 3J. As a drcislng. It li.is giron cntlro fM tffivctlon In OTory lusUuco. Vouru Miiutfully, V.'M. C.M1UV CRANK." ATEK'S H.IIR VICOK li entirely free from uiiclvaiily, iluuTuiiii, or injur. Jiw f iib eiaiiocs. It prevent.-! the hair from tunUiirf gray, rrst"r'S j;r.iy lialr tu iUi urinal Color, jin-vcMls Lnidtio'S, iirt'si:rcn t'.o hair OU'l promoted its cmuUt, cures ituidrulf auj all (UsjasiJi of tto hair ami scalp, nul at tho hx.no time, a very euirioi- and UeslrnLlo vtrocsint!. l'ltrrAnnp nv Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lo,.vc!!,ril3a83. riolil by alt l'riv;i5l. v.v'y .Jii.'.j i,y .vi.iio' I will j.ny Mi.' !i..v r''.'iril : v l In- nrrcni iii.l 'Iclivory ., THOMAS c. .loMN.oX t' i ii.r in i !!!.!. -n.'. s. v. :.:.i wtai. 1- . !-M. Slie! HT ! I'n.-lll.llrl. " I. iii l ..lomio hi :t mil'.- ot "o i'.-.i .-. uo.ir. In itulf i'i.i:i,.-.i.i . 111.' o. I', .v; V. V 11. II nui ly m'I I I'ii.j wi-il i ml .---I ,u ritfiiu till-tl.'!' liil-'Mti.-ltioli ;ti pi. i' I II. 1'.' I .liiiiii.ii'y ilUi, IsM. am. 1iiui 5.1 ift ftit I will s.-ll mii hl'i-i-a! I. this hi -i-i-s .. IuikI lying :nv..i Mi .ti.-ii rr mi l n 1 lit- It. .v A A I.. KiiliMii.t I .-:v Ki;.,,. Tlilr- tr.ti. 1 1-. w.-lln l-ij.i .nun. I I .-l- wiii-'ii i-n nil. I .-I :- !ii,-T'iwili ..r ICi.. Il i'l H lU III' J. W. T .VVI.nl!, i fcvtii.., s. ;. . a in I,, i i.i iti .ur,-hilMTn. fell. . IsM. 1 will m II n ivniiii!-lii in iir tli-1 -14 .1 it- i-,n, hail iv.i. iiml vti'i.i in ii Ui- I:. A. v I ii 1. li-.-il fiirm i-iw'H.n t'l'.inu.i'.r iiiiinii'.' n.-r,-, Suliiii-I-- i.t turn u,,ii, wlu-al I em. A 1 nii.;iil:i is .,iTei-.-l. A,ilvic, I ,v. 1. 1 rin.r. I I I.. 7, f -l. I iii.-..,,r.,', S. o. ' Sheriffs 8aL liy virtue ..f Sim try om-.'ii: .,ns snn i rinir, U.o ! Sii.-ri'.i tin .r ell-chain .-. uuiy 1 will m-II ic I-nl-ll.- ic.ii-'i"ii t-.- i-n-li, :,i uri li.-u-.i- ,..,,- hi I hi.-liMi-i.-, .M,.,ay, il..-17 iti .'.ay nf Malvli. ls-n-'.la- f.-ll. w.iiu- n-ti.-'s Imm.I ; Oi:i- iraii In Ali-rijiiit I - w ii i i i ii.:,.niiii; Hie I.-iii'Im Ol-i-l. VI. as!,' .urn an. 1 ..:n-r-., ..iiMinina ' UI a.-i-.-, iiii.l levle.l .u as Hi.- i-r,'j..-riy "r Alli-u K.hvi-r.N. on.--.r.i -i in Oulf i. iislil. a.lj. iiilii'j ..f o. . ! -.1 i.a.iiai ai.l-.Ui.-i ti.i. tan Is nl.'.iii. Ar.-li. I'm- ii-.i i in cai.- r.-nr I wn-ii I a lj. inlii): ila' I.'-, :ii,. ii-M.-.Vl 'I. nr. a a-. Ui, r'j..-i :y ,.i t'atl..-r- ira-l In . 1 1 - : . ii-r:. .'"tiialnlia; -jiii an.'."- i.-.i.-l . in- Hai l ,.r -'a-. I. it-'v o ii. Ui-' iui!t !!!; in i . n.r.. i -ttiif il;., t;.. .mil. lan-l. .-r W. l- it'l ,'ii" Ira,-. In ,ain- lnwli , --it ii lii.-li i Ui ilwi-Uiia;. all I. mi- ,.i siil. I li-a.'ls 1.. I -r i :- sili I s ,' h,-n II. ii- s. w. iiiiKwcit, si,.-i-i;r ua.-i a llnw riv.-r : .-n. "IIM Foil-In'.' aa.l ..Ui.-.-. : t-li i l 'Il'ailii:! U a. n kr., ..I s:p.nM. lii-nli'. iim i-vl.',l i.ii tlii- j. ley. IVt.pinry 51. is-l Hi TO RQ3TH CfiRGLIh'A FAnERS! Wr dclrt- to full your i-iss-Uil atlpoltnn to Mk f siiu lT.r : NT i K -I I VfVSK r.OSV.S. 1 tl.' .pitei:in M.it 1.:- ricr-Iil'iitl- i: onr "NiiW i'il.-' i. ' lltisltl.U.I) liO.t:- .r, ni..,!'M.V'.r, -M . h.:..1 ' iv r.' f-l-i, 'li 11 tiii-u-.l ! I'm- i-r. .ilti I I liTTii'i ik:.. l i.thvr snrlo ('rut'-'. Vi" lui. in-rial iiitvtoiiiiK l.r niDfiiOiti-tfi-ln.'x llil-- m-i'U"ii! io-tlr!i- vtiictl 'ii..';i.-:. u la tu-it 1. u; 4 l.l'W I'UU'i'. VjS'M rfii C frs Ppcn V?tr J H 'All Litvr rMiU'liiW'd .1 tlttuvt .'1 M;i k n Ati c-tN ft ni V li.tffimntv r.m lo hhili-tcd i.ri:ni;i!v lr-.i. r(-IU- ( jT-'fmt.!, thO (ttUKM IoCIpM .t.llt HI I.U1V (ll'tH'l or lutiiliiit if niti!!jt",I i- ai Ssaltimnrc. W mnkn nwr'ilt' of Pure lNolvod l.uiv iWiti' tJi't 4r;ir riiciiin-aiM f r Kiui!ifrMin.ikltu Ititin-.Un l l-Vrtia.tTt:. twa u hju lu. ith i.t Isn ."( l ush 1 r!-i. f -fSfurJ f- r nr ta';i:-hl t .:!. tv fuJ' il-Hp-tl.ni r-M(J ir - --t '-tr Vlt.nir4 orr.r;i:tH. A.Un-v nil i:nui:"..w ui.U ufJ' r Ui bpmqix & mm IC3St;UTSSST.SALTi0;OS Mil AND General Vmmm HsrMi, lUli llM.'Mi, Cl'l-EU X l o.'.S ,-l.l) Si.l.ll),: 1U R11AM. N. C. On liitnd nt all times IUvST and MOST COMl'I.KT K STOCK OF Heavy and Fancv ! I ix mnniAM! l'incivs as; low as any:: IX) NOT FAIL TO COME IX WHEN YOU COME TO DIMM AM. Foitnmry Iks. Cum. John r;on:;:G, .vrroioi- .vr LAW, DITIHAM. X. C r,u;;,:;r:,:!";ru!:s,;;,:),.rN l.irCiirli , I Jiuiiiiu .a, is-a. i.. m mm im miw rPHi; !tir;;'c incrense in my Jobbing ,, . . j I trade induced me to put in store j for the Spring demand, the mont ex pensive and fomp'.cte assort tnent of We would inform the Merchants ' K"di it lifts ever been my pleasure ..... . ; to exhibit, and my frirnda wii; pardon oi ( hathtiiii and adjoining rounti. rt ; rn0 f()I. H y iitr that il iu a litoo.k if tluit we have :iven sjiecial attention J r,r-"ds of which I tint proud, being . . . , iiiiHtirjiassed in variety, extent, ana to the selection ol our (.ood Witn , volume iy any in tlin South. Having the view to suiting tlii.-. trade; and on patiently and caroiuHy Btudied tho . i i viitnlsof the jicople of this nection iieeount nt whnh. toj.etli.-r with the f,. tll0 j)(1k1 o.-, v,irrt j mu HfttjHfleti lar"c and couni'eteness of our stock, I ,,1!lt "'.v wleetioim cannot fail to meet " ' it...:.. :... i w- we feel justified in saying that we; can oiler such inducements tin but! l' w Houses can meet All we ask trial. Kespectftillv, Wholesale Dry Goois, oiu:i;xsi;oU(V, x. o. Vi e are Atients for The celebrated South Bend Chill 1'lovv, " (ion. Malta D 'ttiile Shovel I'lovv, Gothic Air-Tight Cook Stove, Henry Piston's Circular Saws. " Ballaid s Superior Gum Belting. ' Jewell Leather licking, " Iowa Bai bed Wire, Old Dominion Bui Iron and Xails, And as such can oii'er to por-ons wishing to buy special inducements in prices. Our stock iu ail lines of special and general T 117. TIP vDi'TT 'nUlTVDTa 01j UJ;ij;,lAD and ve can offer as GOOD INDITE- MEM'S as any House North or South. Merchant., an- cordially iu- , . . . . i i r vited to inspect our stock beiore purchasing elsewhere, share of your patronage Soliciting a: , 'e are Very Truly. . 0KLL & Co: Greensboro, N. C. l' b. 21. 1SS-1. ' sni: ktz I'AYETTKVILLE. N. C. : Farr.tarie Boaleis and Ureters, Keep always; on naiitl all W: luild Caskets. , C Ji'jF$ i - We have (h! E ST ; I'lU't. ll!e Stote that has cvi-1 bei.-ll ill l':iyet!evi;!e. Vfe have ou hand and are 1 living daily from the northern ma. I.i Is the 1 i-g st.vk with the , pretest variety that has ever been in' the city. ' j ('m-1 ot:e. come all. We will tako ; gretit I'leas.ire in showing yon around, j . v.-In ther you v. mi to I, nv or not. i Old I'm in! .o e tepaiiiul and maile ' , to look as eo,' l as iie.v, r.t a very sinail i co-l. i Il.-,.IT U:., l!-Sl. i jmmm seed THK Bf-er VARIETIES FOR EVERY TYPE OK TO&ACCO. iNwrlv i-.'il biui i.hiim tji'. y,n want; unit tlu b-i w.ll U' m m y.-u u; i t v nts rr OI Nt'i;. T'n r i" iifTi' iii'i'ty tu Uii'aiii than m titty oiiu-r furmrmi . LT.niUM ku: 1-vTii nwUt Km R.L.RACLAiVtJ.HYCO, Va. WITH B. 12 ELLIS. HALKKiH. X. C, i : Invites his friends to call and src ; him at the corner of Wilmington and 'Martin Sircels. where they will litid : him and a large stock i f i suc.ak. corFi:::. molassks. ! COliX. M l-'AI,. KilAX. HAY. j CATS. C. tvC, ; at wholesali' or retail. j llg. rtoa sun!':' at factory prices. I-u'Special aitt iitioit paid to con signments of cotton and country d,:ee. '. it, tllllii. c. f TT 1 i WITH J. P. umAAW II A LEIGH, N. C. liKM.KK IN 1HIY C.OOnS, NOTION'S. HOOTS. S1UM.S. HATS. CLOTHIXtl. C. r-i"All orders will receive prompt attention. 1I 27, lSKt. THE BANK OF DURHAM, DCItMAM, is. t;.. r. A, Wll.FV. :i-,ilvi-i Ii-h.IM, i.nvn'.lp .-ll IKMAN1 nr nl lltll v I-.I'. iw iii-iv Li- mrr.-i-t. Will liny siKt m il mi-ki Ll 1. 1 l-.,i I-.'.I III.- in-jiv.ii-ul.lt li-nim. Will Imy mi. I Ii I -I- '.iiu-' .- il.'' N"i Hi "r- I ni' l'U ul PUl ftul lain,, i.'-'lli'. i-liU'lr.Ai'll'iUl. sphhj? season, TO COTJUTRY HERCfliHIS. in en rim; l llljllll ciucui. yu open lli this Week 08 CASKS Sl'IUXO TIUXTS, 57 Case JJLEACICED SHIUTINOS, m BALI'S I3H0WX S1IIIITIXGS, 10 BALES BiUHVN D1ULL, 32 CASES COTTOXADES, 11 casi:s lixex drill; 20 CASES JEAXS, 1 271 OASES MEN'S BOYS' HATS, (' r. CASES SHOES, j iili CASES BOOTS, I HO CASKS CLOTHING, ' 40;5 CASES X13TI0XS, 9 CASES HOSIERY, 18 Casks Gknts' Fruxisutso Goons. lol) BALES SHEETINGS, 100 BALES l'LAIiS, SALEM CASSIMERES, JEANS, and COTTONADES. for which I am the State Agent In this territory. COATS' COTTON tit Agents' prices. j And in fact everything required to ; complete and perfect a strictly lirst- ; Class stocli. NYe beg to add that NONE of these goods were bought in Balti more, but were jmrchasi d DIRECT 'i;t)M Till: M AX U''ACTl'REKS, thereby enabling n.e to ocakv.ntee ew alu' Boston terms and ; j jtS.s AH we desire or request is an cx- atuinatinii of our slock and priexsa beiore placing vour orders. FRAIxTtr VJ TTTOT? TJTrvriT - - VAUAl AVA1 ". 7 0 Xorih Hay St., i ayettevil'le, N. 0. F.'t.ru.ii-y 7, l.si. Hapy Now Year I o I ni liters stive your money by calling at W. I. LONDOirS and bttving your ttm mmn. He keeps tho ! Lamest M in tic I ami nuy thing he has not. he will get j for you on the shot te- t notice. ; He Kkk!-s Constvnti.v on Haxd OLlY!:i; CHILLl-d)." -HUXTEU ; cnn.u-.n." -liv!(5ston," I "l-'AI.MKK-S FiUKXP." j "HICHMONO KHNT1CKY," ; and WALL'S IM I'm )YED PLOWS, Dornid-: siiovkls and j (.i:t)iv(.lA STOCKS. Would call your especial attention to the "HANCOCK" stock aslH-ing THH HKST l'LOW MADE. Any kind of plows, fanning imple ments and plow castings furnished on short notice. SHOVELS. FORKS. COLLARS. HAMES. TRACES, A.-;S(tli(. best make). CORN NH ELLENS. XAILS (a'l kind-). IIARDWAKK. CI TLEUY, DRY (JOOJ)S. OR(K'ERJE.S, rrRNTTCUE. &C. LOXDOX IS MAKING Swssiiiiii KeJacttOiis lor Cast iu all kinds of WOOLEX GOODS. EXTRA r.Al.'GAIXS IX CLOAKS, J-VCKKTS ANI) JERSEYS. I Has a large- stock of HLAXKETS, j which will be soid at a ! TRr.MExnoi's SACRIFICE. (rEADYMADE CLOTHING, very j cheap indeed. 'Has a full slock of SHOES and j HOOTS. ju.t received. i LONDON' KEEPS THiJ al teii' IM13 Mi. I hope all my lriends who aro indebt ed to mo will CALL AND SETTLE AT OXCE. "sii.iri w-i;Imiii-ii:h nrik.' ,.ii; rrtfiiils." Old accounts J1CST HE SETTLED before new ones are made. You have FAIR XOTICE and if your credit is refused it is your own fault. V. L L0KD0.I. I'lUHlMU-u', K. C, Jauuur 3, Ibi t. hi m it I 9-1 . . . i if' fit t 1H m hi if! V fo If ft- m kit St: ri h a it's

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