FVE THE FARM AM) IC ITCH EX. Cnrc of rutin, The Uornxhivi Mimesis tlic follow ing Ken.siHo hints: "Colts .-tiouM not ho )i.'iniitt('(l to stauil ti a jtliitiK, cement, paved, or any hard l!i r the first year, a thcso arf li.iHi' t seri ously affect the feet ami t'i;s I'liUs the yard wheiv the cults run has a fine, dry, gravelly soil, it should Ik well littered, so as to keep their feet dry. Mud or soft, wettish ground is apt to make tender hoofs, no matter how well hri'd the foil may tie. One reason w hy the h rses in one tlistrift grow up superior to those in another in nooi, none, musue iitii aiuoii is ne-1 cause it has a dry limestone and sili- cious soil. When the mare is at work do not let the colt run with her; and if sho (times lai k from her work j heated allow her to git co'l In lore ! suckling the colt, as her overheated I milk is liable to give the foaldiarrlnea." I l'ouil for Mirri. If n meal of concent rated food, such us curnmcal and oil-e ike, be given sheep once a day, the straw and other coarso material wiil answr well for them in place of good hay, provided it is cut lino, salted, and phi e l where they can cat all they wi-h. It may uot be relished by .some to he ivmimUvl of the fact that there is a saving in cutting straw, and even corusialr sheen, but the saving iu th wa.-t f,u f a j rk. ' large (lock ciiineusatvs for tin- work, iillhough but little woik is usually lone at this .-easoti. The ohje.t in cutting is to induce t !: m i i at bb r ally of it, as it can 1 ( a-iei pi t ; ar- d when line, leaving the b:!ii- j : . I i t -it hay for the horre-an Itiil!..-. .--ie ep, while not re;e. ting any kin I i f f i d at times, are still capable oi si letting that w hich is good, an 1 a well-pri -pared ine.-s of linely cut .stun, salted to taste, w ill be aoi opt.ihle ;it all times. If prcfi rred. the un may b . inkled with etirnineal r oilaie-d. or a bicau" to sliced roots tvo.v a woi'k i -t !i i t - ter. Well man.ige ! prciits at ;i!l tunes. ve "leater "u Tlirlr Mi:i;u." Tn breeding for form it is ; pr.ti M e which thicken faaeiir-, who are probably the best breeders in the world, to put extremes togetmr to prodiiee a hapiiy lue'ii'im. l'or instance, togit a perfect length i f back in th" i !.s i: was neee.-sary to couple a h. iti ak rock with 1 -ill'.', rangy Inn-:. Tins rule roiiid be followed with protii in I r. ; .! ng cattle, so far as oii w aril f -nn was ""lieei ne.l, I iit w In n W" i o'c" t.,t!:i. 'liilking ipi.-ility, like tin- tn Uoo; jitality in th e bor e, t! -- ?te n ! form sfeins absolutely tolmt" li-'ihiug to do with it. We miv this . Wy. , notwithstanding the i; ioc-ivi prescriptions for a ierl'"i t nv.'s ..r:u that are goingthe round i the p.ip.-t.--riii can be proved llm-. !. ' on-' man select all t he c " s oi ie. ! i ;n ;i d.i iy, an I anoth-r j i h i i saint! nunibi r from iho-i 1 vii v solely to the amount , f 'hey givi , ;t::d a thousand to oi 'as! lot are t!ie le t cows. ng breeders tor milk w . i ;,un-'t the twocxtrctii-s. I nt in'" coiiip-! put pedigree w all pe.il-. i'ce .111 i tor the I est. f'l is nil" .!...:. u: I. i'i, 1 milk e th" rd a; p: V) Weil with tll'l'iiil; hbi- 1- tl .0 l:.:o p been bred for ! r. 11 for n any gen l' f;iti ns. .1 .,(. , ;. .. . t. . ... p Mn Mrl (lit- Vtn. L'vj t riments ii.,:.;e by l'r. ; M. Mieltou . f the Km p.' A 'lir d College, slmw I, ,:t it J'-ivs Sect pigs. Ten anii.ial -, as io a. 1. lis Jiossibl.', w en- lo-pt tbir ng ! two winters in Mi.!:ae ; e' . gru up lo pro v iihk" be l.l-t live in the basement of a 1 am sir I t.u- in ti:. card, without covering, save -ti,;-.v f. r beds. They were fed with Indian corn :wice ;i day. 1 a- h lnes.s 1, lag , arciully weighed. The result v. as , i U,,vvs: Tigs in the barn, one . i;;:i of j.rh Co;-. 4 '.'-jo j ounds of t"i n. pi:.s out side, one jimmd of polk 1 - st O T-i" pounds of corn, or, t . pn s;- d in 'itncr words, e;ti h bushel d' , 1-1 n fed in the barn made 11 d-lo jiouinls of j erk; fed outside made '.' 7-b' j-ouuds of pork. This shows that of every bushel of orn fed to the uiisln Iteie-i jugs an amount capable 1. f making I d jiounds of pork was used in keejung the j igs warm. According to the t- f giires. if the sheltered jugs giiiiv d I" 1 ounds in weight during the season, il was by the exjientliture of 1.0 j'ound of corn for each jiouml of pork, or I" ' pounds of corn for for the w hole in. r- ase. Tl e unsheltered jug required -iT" jinunds 01 corn for lt'l pounds of mrk. i'his hliows i saving tif N jiounds of corn about 1 1-2 bushels, in favor of ea.-li sheltered pig: but if the pigs are n healthy in one case as in the other, and the gain is only in the s.iv in : of corn, it will hardly amount to the intere-t on the cost of the shelter and the wear : and tear. s- iuti'i- Anin Teams oil Hie l-'arm As a general thing a span of horses will plough over more ground in a day than a yoke of oxen, because I hey walk faster, yet occasional exeejitioiis tn this occur. We remember to have a'ded in turning over a fallow of ' : acres, in which a sjian au-l a yoke of oxen were employed. It wasdecidetl to , test their rehi ive capacity for the j work, both teams Lein allowed their natural gait. Kauai section, of land . . . . , were allowed to both teams and the oren came out invariably a little nhead. ir iintDK time al each turnmsr of the corners. Ther were then tried on the name lands for a day, with n marked advantages on either side. 'J'hcs" ox( u were broken to the work, 'j ,0 y(.vv (iri,.;,,H Ttni'.i-li i;""i:i! held their heads Weil up and inarched , vrinX!i ;l .letaihul account of its l'l ai.la along with a steady, .-.lately step. In ' .;Verglades expedition. The report this particular in.-tame the oxen were; ils written by Maj. A. II. Williams, I ii-ttcr for ploughing than the hoi-;rs, i eoininaiuli'rof the expedition. The .x for the simple reason that, performing paring party consisted of twelve per e.pul work, they t o.-t less f-r keeping .,,,,1Si si; white and six colore I, and and were more readily prepared for earned six Kaeine canoes. They went labor. Where the field operation is at ,v steamer from lY.l.ir Keys to a con i lera'-l" il- tair or pasture I lie Iuts- fr-'in the ba::i would have tii-' ad antage in the celerity id' his move ments in reaching it. As a general thing, thi) summer s -ason through, l orses i an do moiv work than oxen. j b r this reason, if no other, they can j stand Hi" heat better. li-tii arc iui j poit. mt on a considerable farm, and if the us is found to be worth th" most when at:' suspends labor, the hurst will have made u; the difference by the celerity of his uiuvi incuts and th,' more divenilied im-.s u r which his labor has le. u made available, lioth are good in tiicir p'acis, and no ex tensive fanner is properly equipped for Liisiiiess vl;o is destitute of either. i ' and one ICttilll'S. -Half a riiplnl of but. !ir in a tahlopoouinl of ilmir iiit of boiling w ;i!i r, nearlv oneciipful ol sugar. tv 'lltulsg.io I I'.td half s ,1'ld si.,'.. eggs hard. 'lie heal of vinegar; spice to taste, .1 '.' ; ' i'.;'.i .v. .'.... il do.-'U eoM boiled potato, tlo'iu, not to i thin; boil twi w.l-.h and chop rather line i t Ii-i v. 1 eel 1 no onion and 1 h p it line; break the yelks of tlcli'ir l-boilcd egg; slio ' I h with the yelk of one raw egg 'ii- with them a gill of oil, two table, -p 'I'iiluls of vinegar, a 1'vel t'i..poon lul e,,ch of salt ami dry mii-tnr l and a salt-Miooiiful of pe p r: mix Hi:; dres ing with the jiotat. i, celery and onion , and I ve the s il.i I. I'.., A'-,., V . -Mitve a couple of vuil kidnivs v. ry Ihiely with the f.if.sc.is n th- 'ii with fun ly chojiped In rb ., el -v is, p iri b'l m.i. e ami nut tii! g. an I w nli il'. and -cpjer to taste. a I'.ttl" . 1:..; j 1r.1v also 1 e hard boiled bread crumb I ci h ry or ch ry seeds 'dul. Take f.-ur or live elks of egg. - IU" title and a vi r. l.'tl" wine. nax ah well together, t'ov. toiu ,.f a pie i!i-h N'. ith j put in the ingredients, and i the l...t Jl paste. i'i' w .th a'e oven l-i,ir ).i- m .1 in- I'rini the outer I I" 1 1 1 . white i ,1'- Igi' ill sit l I I.irg" p .-.lite n: pn w .iter, and t ho'i ! ovr the lire in 1 1 .1'.t.-'sp. i. :i ;'' il e.i' h r. and sta' tin m i;nt:i gr.i.lu ill st : r tn ball 'f 1 ll't. I Ii-. y bid :i i'ipt'1 r.i oiil'ui i'iI'I-.i".' tli I ci- a: 1 au I tbre" tabh 1 v iu 'g.ii'; pi.t the shave I 111'. tb:s si i- . I'.ison it v p.h e ; . ; er an 1 s' :r it o . r ah and w th" tie h" litst'l f 1 - .i!'i:Pig h 't : t.ue unci ji.i'i i r.'iii t!.i- lii o. stir w ith ai l :ig th v- K; .1 a r i gg, au I tl serve it a', orp- n;:: iamii.v imymciax. 1 - h'- 'as. a di - ,1-0 11 -ii. itig w ith. en hug f.itallv 1:1 r P d.l'-s. in tines very I by app'yitig a p-mlt , Pel 'd and I'l.e- ovel togat. T (ir.l'IV ill", of I. nil on iii tn who ! iiiiiks he h;l.- iv, '.v i rail -i i c:i tic pari IV. M rti;i. iv, tha-. th .pi :!.: col I si,. ,:d i t.,k- a large f linng-Ut -!l a: I', bi.f the I apee sc t -h, .-a 1 w r.i;, h . .M.i! aroim "-i.il'' 1," ha- a big Id of sU, I bis, hi.'.-iiys. n.i'. i fs remeib h.il. I'la. h r line I 1. 1 in. e'liig. for ;i Milk ji irridg' i an be varied so that j an uivaii 1 will not tire of it soon. Put a doen raisins in about twocujis f milk, boil for live ininuti-s: they will tl.ivor it agreeably, through they are n '. intended to bo eaten. A little nut iii' g can be a id'-d. or the white ot an egg In a'cii l.gh' may bestirred m .installer the milk is t.iktu l'r--in the stove. Prof. Ku.ipo. of Sew York recom mends the wearing "f cotton pellets ii'.oi -ten"d with glycerin" and water, deeji in the i nr canal, vvlo n there is a defect in th" natural car-drum. They jnotect the .ic-per and inner jmrts of th" ear again-d utifav uralile iituios-ph'-ric inl'.u 'ne.-s, pi-evi-n; drying of the iiii'.ciii.i iin nih;-in-s. nrr-'st . refuse dls-.-harg", and luaT'ive h.-aring. They inns' be rent-vv el on 'e a day or week, as the cine require, and may be worn a lift' iii; With l iti'-ii' and comfort. Th- la'.'s' a ."-nt in; m li;.--. 1 for the relief ol u '.'.i .i'gia is a I p -r cent solu j 1 tion of bvpeiu.iiiie .i' id. administ by subeutane his in'i tinn. It has been employe ! iu Hiiiroth liuie in a few cases. One of th" patients had been a martyr to sciatica for years, and had tried innumerable remedies iti'.lading the ap plication of eh. tri-'dy no fewer tha t times, while f.r a w!i"I he had ndoj-Ud v i-g.'tiiria iisni. year I r. it li injected the above remedy bet we; n the tuber isohii iind tr-ichatiter: within j u day or two the pain was greatly re-: lieved. and eventually iito disappear-, ed. It would be rush to conclude too , much from these results, iu the face 1 of the intractability of neuralgia to I medit ation, but if it really prove to be -i ii as elhcaoums as considered, hyperosiii.c at id will be a th rupeiitit; agent of nu mean value. TII SO HUME OF KKlTil KS. Trip TliroiiitU tho I'.vrri'u tilci of i tin liln.-IT Hut Wat Heeia. funtara-w .1. I'I i.. where tiny tco to t:, t.a!,(ll.Si iin proceeded up the 1'aloosahat' hie river to Lake Okeech obee, a distance of about ninety miles. Skirting the western and southern slimes of Lake Okeechobee-they dis covered eight large streams llowing into a dense saw-gra.-s swamp that borders the evergla les. i entering one of the streams, whiih ..is named "I. I," the expedition proceeded to its head, and began the tedious work of cutting its way through the swamp to the saw-gras. The denscness of this swamp can be imagined from the f i' t that the party traveled on an avenge of only a iuarter of a mile a day. Myriads of huge alligators, snakes, lectin's, and poisonous bugs weie en countered. Leu lies were especially troublesome, covering the legs of the men Kiucrgiug from the swamp tin' entered the saw-grass, which from ten to twelve feet high. imrty grows very dense, with sharp edgis that cut one way and saw theotiur. ThU grass tin ji.uty tired, and j'Ushod loi w aid ov er the ;.i iiHile. After t raveling due south some ten miles th" jaiiy struck innimiiTahlo -small, thep lakes or I'oii'l.s lille I with iiihg. it") s and the lines! 1M1. Abo.it tb.niy m.les from Lake 1 'kc.'i hobeo the party entered the grassy v aters of the everglades and 1 ncamjied on an island, tli" lir.-t dry land encountered after leaving the lake. The 1 nly tre.-s on the i.-land were the custard apple and will fg. The pr"gres of the expedition tluf.cofoi (h was more rapid. It passed through thousands of small islands, some sbghtly submerged and all 1 overed w ith 'arge trees of luxuriant foliage. N" Indians were encountered. The head of !uris river was reached on the .".th of Me- ember, th- exp -ditioli sailing down. It ilebou he 1 into Whitt w atcr bay, ,-n the gulf ca-', about thirty mile- iroin t ape mMi The distant e travee golf I i'lM'o Lak. ( 'keei hobce to the miles. The whole was nearlv thru' li.o.'t 1 in ta:: dista'.i hund" h-hed 1 1 iiit I I line s. The expedition est.lb ti.e f.n t that the everglades, ..ike I 'ki echobee to I Heable, vortlile s lor any juirpose of mi ni that they contain no hug" ol bill I .il' i'.c water; that thev Ui"e 1 tivatii tra. ts i.muot b that Hi"c- I il tel. ' mi. cessfiilly ill a:U"d. iia l taoiishuieu! an I tnai;:'' nam 1 graph bne along tii ioa;, Kiwi-sol would bt i-Vel'gla le:. an I espi -sll'le. The espci ia'.iy the nortln rn t sw a'liii. irret laiina' Ie. a!tv j'Urpose. "I" lie iiily ions of the so. ith' I'll g'adi . arc a v a and 11 -1 loss for 1 ait : v a'le jmi pen;!! ila lie oil th" Atlantic aa 1 gall w :tii this v;i-t mora... ln;wo.';i Costly No.nls rutin Af.ir. Perhaps the lin-st and llio.-t costly i i'o I'lht to this country. : line and o-tly ind't'l that it ii rarely us.-d sol id, b il lor v eip enn.', is what is called Prcie li vvalnu. wlmh docs n' t, !..",. "Vi-r.o:i:e fr-i n PraiPe, being grow u only iu Persia an-1 A- a Man r. As the tree is i icoke I ..n l dwariel, large pieces can rarely bo i-titaua-d ir- ui it. and t i s i hicMy v alnai-ie for llie "burls," or t-i'igh exc.i s tices which grow upon the trunk. Tlo-s--, when polished, are of singular in I .-inking bendy, th" grain be.ng tw i.-te-i in lu autiful, though symmetrically intr:ca:e figures. Next tn this so-calicl l'rem h walnut, ebonv is roi al ly the most valuable of the cab- itlit woods. Ilbctiv. also, is ditliiiilt tn g' t in piec. s ot .sie, a fact which quite is mill It Us its deeji dark- hue causes it to be j ried. li'os.-vvoiil and mahogany are also choice woods, and are just now par' ii ularly fashionable and in de mand. The be. t mahogany is tha' of an lioinlngo, though nearlv ; is good wool comes from t'uba, Honduras, i Mexico and Africa. These woods are to be ha I at fa r pre es, as there is a considerable quantity in the market. Fair rosewood is selhitg in the market for from live to seven tents a mimd. in the log. of the domestic woods, bird's eve maple is very handsome for cabinets, and is very jiopulnr. The red variety of beech is a beautiful wood, and can be made to imitate cherry Oak, ash and w hitevvood can be work- I up very han lsomely by simply using i good Idler and bi inging out the natural beauty of the wool by hard polishing. Piliick walnut of the best quality also pri-ents a beautiful iippeiirame when siiiijecteit to ti-e saui" treatment. rit,,l Slt,s S'nlhnr r. The Wile's Welenmc. A well known tlergvinan in th" north of l'.iigliin 1 cutertaiuc-l recently a brother elergvn,ati fr-iat some dis- tunee. Theeveiiingbeing uii)iroiitious. he asked biiu to remain for the night. yt dusk the cleriryiuan asked his guest to steti into the manse while he eavi f,riH,rs to have hisi .'onveyaiiee ready in ihe uiornin. As the visitor entered the manse the clergyman's wife mis- t,Mik him in the dusk for lit r husband, ami, seizing the pulpit Bible which wits n the lobby table, brought the full weight of it across lus shoulders, ex c,.,iminf? einplurtimaiy. "Take that for jinc the ul'Iv wretch to btav all mirht TOPICS OF Till: DAY. The train that makes the run of VI Uiiles between New York mid 'h'ua;o in 2" I-J 1 hum in ikes only seven stiys; but there are so many bridges to cross and villages to pass throng tha' the speed is necessarily relaxed as oil on as oncj every ten miles else the average lor the entire run might b- much higher than :',':!'.) miles an hour. Its greatest speed is on tic run between V..... - .-I t.i . . i i. , : I 1. .... . 'in I "i n iiii.i rnil.l icipuia; .tint ion- the slowi'st mile is made in two mi'i u tea. and the faste.-t in lift v-seven seconds. Mattv a mile is ma ie in! sixtv .seconds. The tiine-hoiioro I i"!o', coti crniii: tlli' l.ondotl toIISoli.il illtl l W io:-e -jgn jiim laiined him "bat I . r to the ipiet 11' has lu cu ruined by an i t of pallia melit, which jniuisli; ' "any Jtlsoit who, without the authority of her ma:c.-ty or any of the r-'.v.il family, or of any govt uimeiit department, as suiiies or iis"s in 11 in I "ii wi'ii any trade, bus 0 ta 1.'..'. r jirof' sv .;i the royal anus, or ,i ni s i ueaily re-.-eiiibhng the saui", m - ! ii a t.i uim-r as to be 1 all lll.lted I 1 I' a I other per m.'.is to btlie-. e that h" i - arry.ng 1 a his tra I". biiMti"--. 1 a Hug. or p oie.i.ui bv or under siicli ant h-n :ty." .-ilk i ii'.tui'e is .issniniug great im portaiico in Cal.l'o. ma. It ts said by 1 th.iso wh i h ive tie' I it that so ne i par s of tha St t: ,nv . - ili.i.ly vv. 'I .pi ipted f,.r this p. iustry. t a re -cut ,' meeting of ti." M It-.' I'.-i.P'd i f V. ' I'lllt'ire steps W. I'e '.i'-O II t" P.'p 'i"; th" .best va; i'-ti. s ol meii-eirv lies Ir.-oi Italy lor graft in r. an I H v as st.p. d that a huge box . t s i .worn t-ggi wa, 1 about t i arrive from .lap ri. It win . j dci ided to .oilllllil" the seh'i il of lil- ; j strui Poii f.-r ..il ( i nil are. if si.li--."iii i ui'iiiey for the purp i-e i i f irth o-niue. I The wat- r of l ahloniia h b 'ttci-.i I ipt- nl for silk reeling than tea "t .my I other mt r y i-n a - 'Cin1 of a o uh.ii- , ::oltnc.ss which i iiar.e't 'n.'-s it. an I it j Ireeiloin from all alkaline siibstau-. s ( Muring a vi t t- th" gn at in - 11" ; mauuf.i torv at Kr. u. u-e h. lei in.iuy, hist year, th" Puip- r r William, mi ex- ' iimining a bun ib- "I sop, -: i 1 1 m ;' . expies-e. his aii.a-muit that colli I be drilled in sii"h iiiinu!-' ol- ( jects. I'hert'iii .ii th" forem in. asking ! for a hair fmni the K n n-r r's heard, in .tailtly b 'le I au eye in it. threaded it an 1 hand 1 it b e h tn the iistmii hi d : monarch. O a N i. tmia ..-..sc .. . s a 1 nee lie mi which .s.vti"; in mi lor I Ie j are di'i'i' ted s i lu'.nu'cN that :l micr..- I -.cope is tcqil. re I t" distinguish tie iu : P.otll of these Cliri is, ties VV 11 bo lbs- pl.iycl at tru- lu'' ran i"ii il Hxhibiti.ui ( d Needlework, at tv b nh.iiii. in duly ; 1 1 ': cial statistics p.-uitly jmblisiu d , ill Pr.itice slmw that about one-hall i-l the jMipulatioii of !!: ' -"iiit')' liv .- by Igl'i. lll'.urc, .1 fourlh bv dllferelit de. -rptioiis of imiiis'ry. ; tenth I;. .-iiiiccr. e. in arlv an thi r ti nth ly Ho liberal roft sMoiis, and a t'r.i- timi ovi'" t l nth lives on the inlcres'. i f in 'liey :nve-!..l in tioverninent and ether ocunties. I 'ivvard of nin" millions o' - he t.isi. i lass own and cultivate Pier ; land; three millions and ;i half of j ro ; pi n i- rs ,.f lots too small to furnish a l.v. -c; wotk occu-ion.il y a - lab uers mi the land of others; live minimis are lame-is and it '.-, i; an I there are h tif a million el bum ser.nt-. wool c ittir-. t tiiircoal i lo ners, c. The liioi " iiii'orta'.it i i lu.s! i ;'.; -luille;, q'lari ie.., and inauu:' pares - give em j'l 'Viiieiit t.ii'vr a iu lhon ol jiiM-: while s;x mill;., ns ihnve a livel'.hool li'.'iu the exercise of the manual arts. Pankei's. coiiiinis-ioii agents, and iiiepliiints iiumber mariy shimi-'i, sliojikeejii-is nearlv V' i.i'ph. and I'D prn tors of hotels, t ab s, an I bulging houses something over a million. lie, 1 ligimi, im luding religious communities j absorbs a quarter oi a million of the pojuilation. There are M'.'."'") doctors. e., lll.iHn) teachers, Igl.oini artists. ; and -Uk''1 men of letters. About "..iiiii.iiiiit live on their income, and the number of jiensiotiers is close im :! ii i ! i i. ' Women l.iivvytrs in Italy. Tt.ily is t-et tin;; as unit li nhea 1 of u ; us America. l.a Nunora I.ydia I'ost ' has just heen aliiiittel to practice nt 1 the bar in Turin, and appeared for tin' . lirst time ill In r barrister's own to plead the en. ise of a voun-j painter . whose pit tu res had been unjustly de-' tinned by his landlord, and much injur ed by the damp of the garret to which they had been consigned. The lady banrister obtained a great success for her humorous description of tin' sub jeet of the pictures, ami, amid much applause, obtained a verdict with goodly damages in favor of her client. Mm was escorted home, still enveloped , in her lawyer's robes, by a large con j tourst'of people, who gave her a sere nude iu the evening, in which the ten. or voice ol the voiin.4 painter was i loiispici-.ius for its deep expression. A lirasjiiiig Uoimtn. i "I tlnii't likt- 'hiloS'iihiiitl woman, i I don't liKr a woman who is always' roai -liitii; out afti-r the inlliiitf." "Ah!" rfturin'il Inn i'oiiiiiiiiion, "if my vvif woiililn't rc.tt h out after anything luit the inlinitf I luiirht bf litijijiy." Ami tht- iinfortiiiiato man rubljeil tho liald jilare on his hfa I while his ctuin tonanre fi ll bent-nth the weight of his iin'iiiorit'8. A llilurtr.v Unit limit lliiiiv. vVasiiim.iow . i'. - General (i. ( . Knillin, in a lelter sutiin; Ids wif. vvi eiiiidol ii pitii'ful aihncnl by, SI. .I.i. o'i. HI, n ri; thiil n't" T w it in- .'ng il-. 1 1 i iz -i--.il i lire of p.iin he would t hcerfiil'y psy SUM fo'- a l.oMl. of M. ,1,'eol.s Oil. 'il h"c t onld pot g I il i lieapi r. lid Mr. Sa il.'.'', "I intended minus, but, being near siyjit i ui'-liikc in l.'ii iiiiin. I'm! 1 to t ' i i;i -1 ' id. I mud. :i- .' I i-1 n't get a chance. lie 1 me bi I'.'ie I could miv mi wolds." lid , .j., (, (, , H :o inleiisH iii Fi'vornl of the lleil tlm s-tftj iim'inf.u'liirers Wi.'-'IM-Il mi) uMn; .1 to use chilled iron in their busi- III il livell0 ;, 1 1., billiiitl silnnii, the '.tn r .t .;. . t-i le ol I II the I tlile llf.lli'-l llie stovo a ills vit-u- cl'-i-vis! in (ri-t'o- 'iH'Ciiliet -s in tlif sou III foini'liiin crently in ; line, it I" w nli cola chisels. ib li'il'm .. -iU-i 1:1 j h is hce'i to; ml ill t'liillic.ithi', (ill il -I'V . IV IMS" of col I ( llt't'li. 1 ti iv-i ui'Tiv i. ; "Ii 0! l.-u Mi-iii 'd Hi-c iw.'v " is 11 enii- eii li.c.i.l. i lic.i: iit.ciMt.ve. in lil 'ii.belf.'iii-iug ' lea.eil.i. ih.it vniis ;;.i. ten cj iai-'iis finm ml ; vtlio ii-e 11 p.i- :i:a Icai'r. Imm I he e":iiinn!i I mi pi. .1 I iti'.i. 01 . 1 -ij ie .ii in 1 lie ionnia.itiU' si'!oll"o.s s,(. ;!n,..-, ,i: uieiT. I'llCIU'll tcVcl'. s.i'i lie- - ill.l IliCi-i.itloll. ! I I I I lis I'l-lllll 1; l' : n.'c . t'.iii-aiiipliii.i. wln-.'li I- but a c.oliii..ii. a'li .-anil oi lie.- Inn 111:1 J . ill iP; , e.itl) s-...u, .. I-, cmvl I. ,-i tr.i 11-e ol this li.'tl-ivi n n""i P . r-c-.' iirtiulc il 1 ci.:iiiui' I'i iiu.l iP- 10 .Pin ut 111 t;ii c lit ol lie Woil. I s ti-prii.-.1) I'i'iii' Siiv.'s of -iil:i I hi- Is. 1' 1 : trtn -i.iuii's, post I' u.l. A.lUic-s . W,.ii,.. I i.ve, ..I. , . pi.-Ai. Ass-'1 1.1 1 n i.n, Hllllal '. N. V. ii- Seulli. "111 11. .me iletiuls ! "lti-lNi, bill 111" l.llll- 'i. b- -m I I 'a (In tcr I. MIV VV Vl-s III IwNOVV li-l I'.i. i a ai v -i cl iii c ii ml li'iiiiiet; H i'. P. ii,. i. i,e i. Million-llie c .1 lor ,-n 1 1 in i I i p!: .'.if. v, Ii ! 'ti on! coli-i -i-'l -.- , ;:. It! Ill, '.t i in ,'ii' til I n l. I iie'a : . . a: IP-, . c vv iikiu-.' cm- I- In. V llsl ' "I v I . i'i,- i iipUi it" set. I 'I - li.v. :: . ..::! ". Il I s'(t lis dill it en P. ill p - l mill. I: will over i'l.i-r Ul i ' . . -i'i. il. I" Ii m ill ". I:J lis. Ill Alls li-u: I . Ho I i, .n il i IC.-.il oUI II - ..' is now said In liiive 1,'1't "line-. He Ims been 111 1 .011 lime. v ii v i - -.ivi-iii x i-i.m:i. oi l ainn-ii v. ill t'.'iiiiei'ii:e by i-ni'lo.. ing lb. I'i. u . ' vtc li.-nii His "rii-ii-.-uil I'i.. .;a:io' I'i :b :" nil -I "t.olilen Mclii'd I'ls ion i.v " r!r .:, lie bl-iod iiii'l -stcm li.ii- "l Vi Illl".: Il Hfi 1111 I ollll'l- : -llollS lllse l-l's, iin. I en nig ill cr .inloas mill other li.mi"i . S'-l I b.. il:'i'-i -Is. In V tvti-i a : lla-c Pi tn l"l'- a ,1. I i.l, there v.is such n Cnldii- -III- eii. iu an I Soiitliern seelioi -..aliv ll'i'.l llioii-iiliil.-lo-t tie II lues .1 a. Ark.. Mr. T. .1. (hinnel-. a, ciui d iiiv son's fits. I ' lu'.'perlic- ol 1 1 1 1 1 lire Id lo.l ii-im: -in ' i'.-ii "K.Minli tm i i null- K..l:gll I. II ('..ll-l'S,' 1 In. nl. Ibais -iii-ss -'; f i '.I'I-. S . for (ni:'lis. I roeht s, l ie. F-v. i vsi is.-i(. i vm.asi io. i,,rj Ksjnn of aim . i s ai .! ni-iic!':.! .!' l-ihtv oi lie-it various forins . iNi. lis n nr. vi i.nii nnunst f.-o-r ikI okiii' mi l ih rinP ii .'il'. ei f o 1". lie- "I', ri.i-l'lii.spliei-.' I Kiivr l';ni oivii." inn I v ('khmi-II. I.i.Mi.l.V l'".. - il;. ti.l mil. I by all n it :ists. is t.. I .- t t,-iii, . :in. I i ir pulii-nts n r.nrr IV fioia fi v. I' ol i ll. 1 1 si- kei-cs it lint n. 'iipl.il. Hi 1-llllC (If ilioi. 1 . p-l:l. I.lilot Welkll.'-. n ee. Si su it 1 iii-'.vt I. Pi I II U.t'lil-c I bv Ul II :li li I'i li. A. I' .v.s. I'm. .I.T iieu'i'ii St., I'.rni.k-i.-i!.-: "I'i v -iciiii'.s -rn -rali Know lei i- tci r! o' io.'.i '-im 111 d lir.bl':- ki.lm v iic. I'i. bin 1T1 - il i- I r I In ill cut. 1 1 . Hi- Id. 1 iiu.iiliui. -t.i'iil.-lini-10. ; -, c.io-- vi.iiltt-r SMiin's VViirui strn.t. P.tl.t le. !l. -I. 1. - -. li ,1'liile- -,e ll.'i it .li: i-ln.C". it- ib---iic--. coii -lipalloli. His Sinn's Wire, I Imve I -.. triiali'e I Pa me- twi-lve vetrs w.ib t vv, -iliii, si of tl.e kidney- n .d bin b e -, which tie ,'iv,ir. s ,1 I 1. its .lea e i-s. I ron'd H' t nl t nu - star. I up, in I W Hil. I b ee to en. tii.i;- !!v 1: 0 the iirm.il b.i It .lay an I nu'lit with i:c -is - 1 ons ill tny kick mid m lo th ri w s b,ie , d i-: tlepo.ils ui my wa'r ; ' roulil 1:11 rc-t v c l or In- e: pi! in I p I in ; ny po'til.e. I vis at , it (int.-i iii 1 iye-1 bv the Maine I'i ni'it! H 'dio-,l. nud luul to u'ive up Workf.-rat me. le in! r; lilt it vvivibl s,..n,r or 'a'- r 00 11 'o lb-1 iin- ,ib-.l liriul fs ili-en-e. I r- It -1 in in;, son in I CAiten. vli 1 i- m the ibnc Iv sin-- . and sit t eonsutt.im' with him ; : !-i o v 1 n e. In- 11 h ,s J tin- to u p Hunt's bet: civ. "s I.,- knew of so n nny snrecs-fiil eiei- t' a' it had r a.le in Iivvs'tm nnd v e.i i i . I i t o n'e is iioeo". e 1 n 'n: 11, 10 d b, ii n to (mi ; o e, 1 i it I. -s p -i a in tny I ! ! lied -I V, my vr-iter w-s p . il 1 t ,r illy wuh I. -s tuloi and 1:0 p n :. mill r ii-m '. ' - . nt' I oo'e-l.nieil ilaa mv 1 nv vvpvc n'l , ir 1 e and h i wi ikue--of t1 e kiitncvs anil , b'.-d l.-i- ware rare 1. Mi I I hive 1 o lionble v. nli ihi-tu ti-iw. 111! - aa iiPrnd tn i.v tnisi. 1 i'. s-i ; n I for oi-,. . f icy )t -i s I s in i r iov ina ', im d lie. P1-, ; n I ih n'.s to Ibii.l'rt liemedy : for 11. na I eoa-iiV p ;t ilaty nn.t pbnsnre to '0 tela, n l -o i.Moil ft liKitic i.e :. Hi:ni b'-n 1' ly. mid I Inn. laken puio lo ii-coiu- j n.e- il it to otla-r' in this v h-iintv. 1 V..11 aiontlibeitv to t nl. 1 ti ih 3 nckeowl 1 -.! .'iiii'iit. hopii ( it may lo the menus of '.i ll in-' s ilTciin Immunity. ! I:, lb Ct ink. Viirnitiire fiea'cr, Forint.T'v v.it'i Maine I't nliul liuilroad. Nt vvpoit. Mo., .Vn 17, ss;t. 1 ItrinnrknH o lii npo, .1 lei Kiihn. of Ijtf.ivi-tie, I , hnd n va ry ia,rr w ai..' fr mi ili-n'h. This is It sown story : ' 1 hi" v e ir as ' I won In Hi.' last st ,-. f .- nsU'iipti-.n ti.ir lust plivsjeinns trive mv e is up. I finally ot so kev Ilia' o tr .! e! r .-nil I cotil I no! loe twenty four ' li-nirs. My friends 'h n pinch id a hot tin 1 of l'r. Win. Halls It.ilsvn for th - Luik-s, v le h ln'iielite 1 111 ', 1 e cit n ie 1 until 1 1 . ok piiii-Nittli s lam now in p 1 feet hia'tli, liiiva 11 f I 11 1 'I i.er lee u.-iii" ' THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Ii;i-Yt- and t tirtu Illl I'M ATI SM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, II A IK. t IIS. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT. QflNSV, SVVKI.I.lXOSl, rnits. Soreness. Cuts. Bruises, FnosiiiiTEs. RI D. 'AI.D, Aii.1 alli.ili.-rlio-lllynvlii ami i-aiii. fIFTf CENTS X BOTTLE. bynil PnittiKKtftntl !":. hirt-cuuiit lu 11 hilHi'liiK'1. 15 The CHariet A. Voeler Cj. Mkkm nt ViH.tl.ER CO 1 intlUUClllllW.1 iiffi ii1 inimu IIIT7PU- iw- Mrl ami af tht yiiir riMin.t Drel, oc titnuli;,mpitpfl hj a whoU-ftonu tnn' I HAHtfttvrS ftti.- i hiki ui i l tiiftmi) inn utiil mv Unal tui(it 'i iiiiiii? mil un i I I l,lll,l!t!'lllnm.Ullll(l IMl.i II. It ! A ma n I mm i ih i nnnm . II ! A DANKEKOrs AMIU'SCADE. Plsrovi rrrt lli.r. I . lit'CT'iic -Tlic 1IM IIiti-p. I llie nii.l l.'ii iuu of .U.iilcrii i;vlls'.;riit I' rnll llcfrliifil. fso i i tliiiiR of n S"ii ntiin ltd .nt is.) ! in this city Vivien lay l a riititnr tlint (iin of our b st kiiovvti ci lcn-) vv.i i a't .it to publish A Mn'e lent i'o:i"eriiiiiu g nu-v iiililtiia' e.tKrU riiC-VMliti in;; Ins rl let e in Svra to Hut the rum r in iiuntcd it is imnomihto t.v iy. Imtrt I'citoi'ler iiiiiindian'ly Kmislit l'octur S. tl. Marl in. the Koiittemiui in quo-timl, nndiw-ctin-il tilt? fnllnvriiif; intervievT: "U'lmt ftlmiit tips rumor, Ductir. that y 0:1 nre K"iii(! to make n inibliesiatonlriit of tmino 'iiipi'i titnt mat tent:" Must ali mt tlio Rime ns yon will flml In all ruiiii.rs some truth; niiiie tie! inn. I lee I eoiitciilpl ik-il inn'tin ; n nulil e itio i of s-eno feiiuiikiiliM .ili)lr lino, linv.i oci iinvil in my life, but have 11 lei in 'V'.cl it, n yet."' "Wlot is the untiire nf It. nifty I lii.(iiire:" "Why. the fact that I mil a I'liimmi being Inst. a ' of a spirit. I h-ivn p.nsi. ihnvi;li one of thi'ino-t vvund 'i fnl ordea's that ier I tio ever o c n re 1 t any m ill. The lirt iu t v.ilicii 1 It 1 I of it w.-ts m-veral veirs nt;i, w h 11 I li ':;..n t 1 foel ch lly nt iii ;lit ntut 1 o.t te s nf'ei1 1'fiii'iiig. I iciniiiii ally t til s wmiM be Varied I .V n Miren w ( f tlli'iuuso oa It :d eiiiiiil in my nriiK au-l f.s. I P11111 iiit. n 111 ot 1 e i le vv 111I1I think tint it tva en V ft collnn.ts" e.'iiil 10 l ute ntP'iiti 11 to it ns pnnli'i'. short Iv n' ter tliii I luilieril 11 e t ul nr cnliii ihid lionli'c m t! my threat also Ihv 1111" in 'nine I. As if tldt were 11.1! va riet v en. hi Ii I telt - Irirji 1 ions iu my rlie-t. iitid 11 enii-l.'iiit lea li ne ; to hen !(l 'he.'' " hv didn't you ta'ie the tint ter in hill I nn I ein-i i; il riisht wii 'i " li was :" " U'hv .tii'Mi't I'Ver. bi Iv ilifo! Hiinply Ii, c us' th -v think 11 is ouh s im trilliii-j nud I ji-s.iii iii-nrder. Teen troiili'et ill I 11 if 1 ..in.- all iO once nn I I thought it limn inlv to be ,1 ihein. I Ii iv.' P n nl, th mull. Unit t vi iv pbyvcnt ii'ge-t iii i.t Ii 1 p 1 il I n 11:1 1 vv.lli l.irue iiiteie-'. M nnii'i"! dravv ilr.itH on il.i-ir cuii-t.iu urn vviili rat lion nan.: Ih 'in oei'i't nie. 'Ill-" 111 in ir h.viivt 'ins I li.ive il. sr.b d, t-i'iw until they w re ft.uiitsnt n ;.. iv. I Is'Ciiine niDiM ii. i vii.i.; I.n t 11 ' stiimVe Iliit'eriiW of the limit, nil iimli lily 1 p, .iimv a Ions bii.i h nn I nn ecevi Mini , p. -i i, t n.'ss 1l1.1t wn- l.'irli'y Mi.'4- -tivi if l-ani sis. Ilmv 1 .I'li i nil v oee 1 s . 1 1 1 111 1 as 11 if P nil li'i stun I vviuit Ibis 111 nit I . a 1 11 .1 uiiiniei"." " An, I Ii I V 11 11 tiling :' Ve-, IP .velei. In the luin; of t 1 vtcii! pi Kiins.is mid , bii m lo, iiml villi-, in I 1 aver. I vv.is iitlii"k-'il with n mv s'i r.ntu Ii -e r. i i i'e "!' th " uriiinry 01 ..nis'iind lost i 11" p n i ls of l!i-h in ihnu Hi'i ks. Hue ilc el i-r 1 iv r.'tiiru I wns taken vti.h 11 toi ri- I !-- ci I 11 1 1 n' iiiiee mlv hi 11I to 11 vol s' vi re il l iel; f I -ileiini -itiin. Mv left. Inn; so u i-iit.ii'lv ll'led with w.Her. a i.l my li j. n nl b P b-('nil', tvvie.. thi'.i un tir.it see I w 1 "I 11 .-I t . t iipru;lit 111 h -I fur ;e cr.il i.i's.nlli' mi 1st of tli' s.vert-t n:"iiy. witli mv iirinsover my l' lil.uii I m i'"li tniit fear .1 sri b-e it! .11." At: 1 .b I v 11 sii I 'in'." nn nt tempt t inivo 'X Vi! I n n 1 fi'io.ii ' elfoi'ls. I tils I every thin: tli it ;' is I t ''' r Hie l--ir plM-l'-'t-. 1 re' i f. I -n I ! 11 i' nn i1 of d e' 'r- nn I ml I he ial.'.ei'X an.'.ve .h mienl lent I I iii '1'o-e 1. ' 1 ,'t ' " e ' - 1 11 'f mv condition, live. I iii" I. I ,11 -leians .-I S ni"is,. mil i . -nil f.'.'iii en 'I :. r e ' s-'i d i mil t die '. !t . icni-l ns th ."ell tli- ir n si-rtiiin vv:is tin... f.r mv fe-' I t't'.i e.,' '"II. mv in mill im ii- ,1, no e-e vv le a liv -I n'll-y staio. i-u b... wn. e iv.-r l -,' 1 11 r il l, cliininv ie illi .-.wetil. nil 1 1 r-M I ne OP" nt lli-nnx- ii us , pi-i ssioiis of nn t anilv n ul I i' n ls.'' I'-ui llie liii-ce " " 1 iiuie ni Ini My wii.-, nr tied to lies 1,1 in' ion. litir-m ton .nihil "I " i'en.t-d. iiim ).r 1 vv.i re p 11 il'-'i v. and while I tri-w btll.r V'iy -loulv. I tiiuiid :r-'iuil Ml t-lv , ',ii f I Ii ive no ti-i e of ih-li rribl" 1 - , a- fr.. 11 vvhch I i-.i-dv 1 c-: .1 id , , , , -iv w I ii.it'i 'in. i '-'iv -oiind I am" n 11 't i Ira ' mi I my hie. I,, in , mi m :,l I nut n " 1C.1 i" " nt 1 .ai ii mi a 1 ' el b re ulii-li 1 nivi W is :,in-.vii to nn.t li th ' 1 -nil k vvhj I Ii II 've. nre lit Id, 11 lln- in mil : I vv is oivuni'iv. Mus tii.t -iieli iin i-vi- i'i nc .is p.i. jiist f me 111 II lll-i'l : n p ib'ie st ..le e i ' " It ivi i'i ulv .lo s. I ct Ih-a Hit hi V ihs-(a-e i . not ;i e in iio.i . o'n; 1 1 a it. I. ii't a-.' "Note mni.ei' t Pi I is 01 Pn v. 11 is 011.. , it,., iii is eeii an. Ih" tr lib!" 1-. lew 1,,, ipl" ki 1 '. fi"' In-e it- b has mi low marl,.-1 s mot. 1 n tnile i 'in il -' t.r-.niiil- bi 1 il f "i' v.'irs eieh veil uct trn in i i'it'i I in r-' tu 1 s p.w.r nn I not stis .,...( ,t, it i- .pi ''e ti.liiral I shoiitd ft-.-l . i". ti-ia-i ' v : Hi it 'll Iv wild" uywile i -1 veil in-'i'i' - 1 tint I it!'. She knows of I. 1 1 i.i - 11 cl vi.ttt 11 ci r sin 1 re-ulls d. ii an- 'n li.-- b r lie n "'.1 l-e d.nr tiUmenis. ,.v r !i cli p b,'i - -in .ut ir p '!. 'l b si ce i.e. it .U'.ovii on: by the itb 've inl i v ew I- n-npiv e -iilirui. ti by very u a ty ,1 on- inns' pinuiincti' ellens. iiiiion; it: in b,'iii--Jii lf bice.. I ;in.l Pol n.'l.lienesS. i:. .huh. of H e "-- . hile tit-n -yal bwi.lit H. bru.-c nadlbv. Irofesor VV . I' f. il l mctoii. l. i . irive th r-me Iv their litirli.ic iii.t.r- mt u. In t.ii n.-o of vv. ni ile -. siiiprisin,- lliiius me ..ti t" e-'iniiion. 1 11! 1111 ex 1 .enc mi iiuit im'. ns dial of tr. M.trtiii's and oiviimn in re in our midst, ill iv w. II rn s- e .illtll :,t lei 1 ti iie'a n ! -it. It -h w- th" Hi"--- tv of tiiai'.liiutliesll-itt-est ro.nr- iieli ot phvsti .p il.sinl.'r nud by th- ir.na-'wh e i 1 it- ben pl 'Ven the iiio-t IV Iii!,' - ..n.l eti.- enl. Il shows tec d.-i-lli to whi.'ii . ret im nink n A ye' lie ii-e.el. nnd it i.iov. s ti n'. Ii I e ) H m- I Miner n t lies' i into are ob-'iv. d si.,-.i.-i ,.',lini ran'. I'nl't ! t'' wien vou hive t.i- .1 ccivtliini: el-c nnd t i l'-1, trv our f iib-.l'iie mill he I. ippj t vi.ll prove its tea i its I nu ilollni n liotile, ' lid f .id bv all d,tn:i 1-. Ill- S.inford's l.iwr Tnvi Try it when laiitlc c.itb ol' . ra'nr viui-tnbU.. a. I ion i.s needed. What tits youV If it i tl conh, tukc I'iso'r) Cioe. old by druci-M-ls. 2."icts. causing Survival of the Fittest. li A FA SUIT MEDICINE THAT IIA3 SEALED BILLIONS Di r.INU 33 IEACSI mCMiiOIEl!T. A BALM IOK EVEItY WOI SD Ot MAN AXO nEASTI iTHEOLDEST&BEST LINIMENT SALES LARGER THAN EVER. Tho Mrxlcan Stutttne T.inlmrnt hR iH't'ti known (nr iiii'tf llt:m llilrty-flvt-voar lis Hit" IwKt of u.l l.iiittni'tits, fm Mini mill lirast. ta nlH Unlnv art- Inwr tlmn cvi'r. It ruri't whfn nil .,o...r full, iiml tK-m-tmtfa t-kin. tumlm, nmt ti'iisi-li', lo tuo v-ry liwue, toll'- cverywucio. 30 DAYS' TRIAL .v. no (nt n... t w 1,H F.i'THH VOI.TAH1 PI XT nnd Mlwr f'l ""jntr 'j i l-i i.srts ir - nl rni .., l!i I nil 1 o MIS M V ViU'Sil OK ill l. "I"' Ui-ni In-iii V,,,,,!-, lt..HIH. I"" VllALIIt. VV,sIINil VMi.si-t.s. ami H kni'l el . Sp. .-'l n- 1. 1 n I .- mi'l.-t'-r sl..rti 'ii ft Hut. I It. V i D'j M ish-hiii i.l' abas 1 1 Mi. sn'l nt uui-t. ior lliuHrat it IMii;ii lot Irw. A l lriM Voltaic Belt Co., Mnrri nil, Mich. TRIM! sPATENTS, orv! itii.irri, ll--liNss, .tl ti it. IMtl I.VIll . r HKI--I KS. N-n I ' lsmni! I- r 4-'-. ti"" il .'. I m i II t V. ' -. i- i"i-"i , . PH-KMl PFi-rniMl mil ruts. T-iiirrni!h. lr',t! i'vy . 11 ii a wt lt known f.i t tMt nn-t nf thf IHrtp ju ti 'att i- rimitrr In this eittvi fry in H'-rinir1; tl.at h'lrritlain t on-It iViilna'jU-. Nothing nu Kuttli will m.ikf li-n l;v Mkt M rllnii . It'oiHlHIori i'iiilr. I""' (.? tf :i-io.nfut (. CHICKEN CHOLERA, brcc-Jfri' uw, ft nre $1 00. ni4.l. tl iriuirt A Dangerous Case. IPiciirPirii. ,1iin 1. I'I. "To JT.-iirii is I 'ttla.-hsil if nli tin nnwl liittf. - au-l Uuiitlily fixitiD iu m- lo.-k and 'Extending to tho end of my too nud to my brnin! " AVhieli mr.do nie dcliriousl " l'tom n:4ony. "I', tut k ihrco meu to hold me on my bed nt time. ''Tl:oilo: t -r.' t.'l' d in viiin to relieve me. Rut to 110 purpose. ' Morpliine and other ojiintw 'lln I nocllcet! "After two mouths I was given np to die! "When tny wif.i "Hrnrtl 11 nriglilinr toll whftf Hop Bit ers linl ilo'ic for her, pile ot once cot and gnva me pome. 1 o first iIopo enso.1 my briiin mid M-fiiii d to fo hunting through tn; pytt tern fur die piiii. "The pi r mil t'O'c en'cl me so much Hint I ehp: two I ojvs, i-oiiii'!liiiiit I Intd not donti for two i.ionl'.is. Hi fur a I h id lee 1 Avo hot' tics I was well nn 1 nt work, v herd ne nny tnnii eoiiM, forover three wee tie: but 1 worke I too hard fur my rir.'ii 'tli, ntitl taking a ImrJ (oil, I vi ns taken vvitli tho moa pcule and i ninfiil rhi uiuntisiu nil thrnuith my pystem lint whs t'vi r known. I called the do -tors n in. 11r.it i f or Novrrnl weeks llioy left men ciipiile nil ciutches for life, ns they enid. I inst n fi.cn I ntut told him my case, and he paid llo) Kilters luul cured him and would en 10 me. I prolied nt him, but he was 0 earnt st I vvns induced to nse them ninin. In less tlnu four vveoks I tliro.v nwny my it Ui hi s nnd we-it to work li.'lill v anil kept nil Usui I ll o Holers for live week', na:il I beeiuiie ii.1 well n uny tnnii livii g, nnd have been po for si years piece. It also enrei my w ife, who la.l been ho for yens; nnd hnu I cpt her and my children wi ll nud l.enrty w.th from two to thre liottb'n n:r yenr. T ito is no need to be (tick nt nil if llipso liuter are- i:s;il. T. J. Urns, cx-biipemstir. ' I hut t oor invalid wife' "Siiiorl Motl.e ! OriliiiitfU -r! '('an l e mnde the pirtnre of lifO'th! "W.ih n lew but le.nf Hop It tans1 '" "'ii'J'"" '' '2'"'"' " UNDO A SPECIFIC FOR Epilepsy, w 5lEVEB FIL8 Si 'jhrtiif, I'onvul- Pions, l'itti:itf ActiirSt.Vltui Dunce, Alrohat Frinfnlil, Kinf) f i-7, fitly Blood Disc fieo, Dyspep fi.i, Ncrvousnori, U E R VE i.'ot llfiulnehf, Kliettnint luni. .V'-rniiu W cikiimt. Hrsiin Wnrrv, Win Som, Hilioiisiiesn. i 'mtiirnr, NtTVoti" t'roptr'itlou, hidmy i'ruo'iln nml lrrijinliritiffi tl.Id). tnmil(! TcNtiiiinntnlrt. "'Samaritan N. rviiir ih lining iieiiili-rs." ir. .1. i. M. I., iiiinu. Alexniut.T t'ity. Alit. "t feci It my duty t" ri'riimtiu llil it." l'r II. V. I..nili!in. clytle, Iiatifn. It mrrj wluit! j1i vfii-i.u -p tialcl ." ti.-r. .1 A Pilie. Prinver. r. 4uTorresiotii1rni o liccly uuwt-rcd.;i) IDE PR. !. A. K:cnso:.DMED. "CO.. ST. JOSEfU MO. At llrot-ilsts. I', JI. ( rll trnton, ksrni, S. V. NEW TACOMA WASUIKOTOK TEBRITOBY. Vtnn I im. t.u- r i-n-nr i'tn-t r ntinfntal N tiiu nt r.u -lu- 1!:tttrn.til. ttutl th Future Mslropolis c! llie Pacific Nortbwes!, .ii ..fi- n.-li tn-tti!fMiirits t-l i-,nu,-,l toiil'l at t ari'l I . I-- 1- -111 -,T . ... ", nii.l ,i. , I VV ,s- ,.. . I-, i, ii.-,.,., ,-. e.i l r.-il (.stale i.'!uritjr at I ii.. Si-i-lmii jn.Siil Oi cist , mt-. nt n-.l.TH-t aarr-tHt npno ii in me ta-- -mil'' in wn'ltig, l:it -fn-.tti-.n !'-i- rliill- aivctl. pi I .a- t'.-imr. f-ir reply. tl.l-KN I'.. II rll, , I ... iin,VV..-hil.:l-.n trr j. 1 ,I I - it,- I!r..l. s.iviLsorj's U8HTHIN0 SEWER ! 'I wo I li.iii"iiicl llll-li!" u ill Inn I p. I lie only ntiat.piU'ly lft-clilii eiiB t nehlnc In tho nni-lil. M"U 'i It Ptl- Mi-ruiil (I ft eui-. h. nil 1'itr lln at ml ctl 'itli:' " itntl .'lrciil It. A ii-no iii.t.-.t. TIIKWIl.ttrt l-' Wii VI !. i: ((., Iiiiiia.i or .Vow York. AXLE GREASE. Ili-t In tin-woilil- ici the cpiiliie. Everr piifl.iilie litirt fttir lrnili'tnitrk nntt ! ituirkfil Vmft'm sill. II KVliU VWIIKRI1.. rl !Spieuljitrs. . Llndblom & Co., N. G. Millar & Co. V an 1 . 'i t.iit r m lir ltr, I' unini-n-''. r iici Nw Yri CRAIN & PROVISION BROKERS. M-::i ft- "I it; ii-:it:it ! I'i--- l.toiisug in V Y-: , ".i.".i v M I. i r- ll'i 1 .U4.ki V.' iiA-.M't. l.iM..t private IW 'ittiii'i wir lintwT ( i .) . iu 1 Y Will f rl-rs on o it t : i'ut'iit fv. t-t -1. Sell f.r viCi'iri c a- ilars, HOlit', UNDiiL.-t AOI. GOOD NEWS TO LADIE.SJ Bii'i i iflTM.iin.l ih Hmb iuli' f iH. .l.iH-r lf" M m11c Thin T b ti. i-r It ti ditiM Dvc rtet nt.r Set, i r t--iii Ha ml Mom XV7V dtoowTtl fur cut enJ ckroiua V niVi wb. fufllnit to- llu ca i upo tsii'iv.'- Brur t'iWio arid ilittlo 3 wetk all fi-rmtof r!i-uui4t'C Aty'rl in 3 to 13 wli rwh in Ntnmiii-ry i 1 tliy. -' rrftr U haudn J f isMtv liui undwbolil(l H I m ai OTffjtUtM!. I' in lv VntAoK, b .rtnM, a nee to Inak. Askioir dnijci; M tn "t it . if be dcho to as fur it Uk ! ciluDs; U Kim-,r, AdBmt U". , ii William it-.N.Y lltrrllcvMatnnra tmrr I ir.fipplHndiorLlp.l to. . I'chtnKffV-.iany ".!'. w.9m J"uiuiy ME AWERi'ANj PRICES3 pn ice vr kTARBAMTCD VCOEiiuiaBEST PROMINENT AMCRISAM iiHiVUcniiEQ KAQIME CtMU oiso-!aT3MioEBaciivAS$rw.stierfww.A GQNSUr.lPTIDN. JxatTr'ii')r'ii'J' '" bo:" 's.',""?;b? "! .r t'nc I - cnrfil. In.lMil.M irunl l mt ftllU J...,,'; .iihaV .tLt'Alll.B TllBAI'lSEun 11,1a dl-M.t Lt.ilncisr. iiinlii"s-s.ia' o .i.irr-... I Kasv tn use., niiiiith tri-.-il i-rlriill .'l-ri-. Nut piiwillvr. Thr rnt in i'1'f ii.si'kiwf. iimvil ror turn : 111, lo i Jllfss. lla K.-vi-r, ate. I- Illl li-llCE'aH -r lit maul. J-:. T. IIA.I- L'UM). Wiirrco. Pa. . tn thr lli'ti.l. II l ifty c- tils. I.. . I. uoii in.. :!. raJi.i,. tli. PUMPS' I'lhim l',iiii:i. VVinl lill I'limiM, Tut-a.VV.il l',inu-.M t tli" ;-'. I I .,i.l'.n.i,l ,. . LucVp-irt, N V. il OH W.illll. .siti- AGENTS WANTED .K,V;;.: J m.alat.'rti'maU f..r tht, iii" l I , lrrt,la or imbue. ALT t H'l 'li II . Haisltlll, lil. Vlil-T4 TI ll-.rlli.-l..t mid ln'-ta.st w-ll I'i. t..r.l IL - in I II, l-N s. IV.rW! tl'ira4 U nif nl lr;,- 'Ji ci-nttl. ra. h ;vai of (tna. It irino revfttt auil cure 1 1 . (.l.i'rt. Ac. 8oM cterv l:rrv. or tnt ty mail fur crn's iMiamp9. Alio furtiih"' .1 laue can, tcr snt r liKK I. 9. JOHN.SON A . 'o!uii litut. 1U, 1 l-,D I ll'B ll,i . t't.-t I'.'ll-t Set. Till: l.lil VT P. I. BuX liStl. 1 I VT r-Tj PISOS tErVEOY rOR CAjAKH A ('. VPII-itt Mil K i the Ih-I I.h)