I'Oit Tilt I'A II. II AM) HOME. "Splint lu tho Hour." A correspondent in lim-Us County inquires of us if there is any remedy fur 'splint," linviiifr n vulii:iMt animal uhicli has liei umu la:no Iroui theap jicaraiii'f of this complaint. W e are happy to answer that the following reinwly has been jjivi'it to us I y a fanner in Montgomery county, the owner (f a mnnlicr of horses, who in forms us that in cases of his own ho has never known it to fail: Take oil of amher, oil of spike, spirits of turpentine, eipial quantity of each; apply twice a day, ami grease with a little lard. Should this prove as ellicicnt as represented, its value would he almost inestimable. u rnciuhwu Tili'jntii. Melon ami Siomi.li tlnii. "I want to say most emphatically, nays a writer in the J-'rnit ,', -.,,. that 1 hereby give the remedy for the melon and squash bug. Had a line lot of melon and emi t-h this season up ii . ,. ' ,, , . , , ami looking well. All at om c the bugs , ,. . , came down on them as though thev ... , . . . ', . , ' meant business. I lock a tight bar - , . . , T., , . rel, threw in one and . i halt patlluls of ... , .,, , ... trcsh cow-drops, nihil up the barrel ... , . , ,. , .. , with water from the creek, stirred , , , , ... liiuioiigmv, mica a pan, iook a nana rnl oi- ij i. ..;., ii,: .,.t , , ,. , . . . . long leaves, dipped in the ii iuid and ... . . dribbled the vines, letting it run I reel v down the stem s . as to thicken around tin; stem, thus pn untiug their har boring at that point. The -rd day I went over them agiiu. The In-:-; all h it for parts iitii.u -vn - liiay be in ibsgu-t at the smell and MAs of t!ic j'lants. Am entirely ..- .- I it is a good fi rtilier. so an. tin r s.-a-on 1 shall nut wait for the bugs t. eou.e but dose the plants s,.,..u alter they loine in s:;:ht. Oil 111; flirru-.v lur M .'.If 15--l.l 'ii : 111 eit;. . and villages, - it u in tin country, bedding sir r.v for h-.r-es is s T.ue- aid high. i -:u to item in tile er II -'l .: the I. if V."ll litt r r. ! ain d and i'r.e ! tines. A sii c!!c -the an a:.g is a be-!.? w e ii .-kch t ii v. I; l'i'l.- .It .", I . S'!l' I ll! ! I.-.' ! I l it - .!, t u nty in. le - t'i'. it t! iirie:i b. sup;..,. to i,' !:e V. h,- 1,11'. ip '. . "llVell; e: ".t I'".' tin i fi.mi". ('.: ii-I'lMW. tie im !. t I. l i i U !...'!; At .-. -.H h l is lo . ii- , I the I t raa-e V. It a loos. Iv l.l-.li 1 i - : . tlr , a ! w Il 1a;l kit:. t r s aa a; .rid t- ii-'ii j-art s-.re or .. ea-. t l-i'ig ; I :."i ::: hei'l. ,!': 1 W !i a !. th it is a j r ; 1 1 1 lo rn.-, ail-1 ;aa. s t'en to a: in. I I unt tin. ; in ' a i .jiial 1 a t s ..:f t: a ...en lie i- "I-. A IllAii IV i f ati-l tall e.c. : ,!.. n -e of h "it. in V. .i a good li.-t-.t e I f. t f , an I a miv ti.e atris of tar an i 1 1 :1 . i! i an dressing I..'.' !.-. ! s. A liniu.. po.-.-d el' t wo part . of tar. t we nut oil and one "' y-. l!ow wa cec!e'nt dressing f. r n any.. t-iV'i lent d-'tcrge-u in i,;--st scabbv i ru.'tiw skin a!i' '- ti n ' pl.ll !!.-nt e ..'Oil. : U aa ari l an ids of in the horse, but requires to l a liii-l.e-i in with a pit ce ..I' haircloth . r wa'hii r. i' la r. still brush. 'Ilia r..tii: .! oil a' tar. popailarly a led the spirii .f tai, mixed with tw ice its bii'.k li.-'n oil. when well rubbed with a bra -a v.-ry night on both crust and s .!e. i an e.ni ni nth good iipplieatlon :..r : ir luess an I hi ittl- rcss in thehor-.t' . l.- !..- I'ni'iil niul 4anitii A.il.'i. Weed a-ln s or pot a h will : pel t!i" Aire worm. In riorida good feitilizcrs f. r Iiish potatoes are dried nine;; and ashes. The laiglish make tlu-ir s'veet.st j.ork by feeding potatoes an I barley lllCill. lien nianuru is good for onions. Thete is some dispute as to th" value f tiie addition of a-di -s to ta.tt fer- ! tili.er. In adding line charcoal to thi f o , I j of jioultry to ai t iligctioii, -,. m-j lier that it is sometimes a slight lur- j g.-itiv.. j riorda growers aid the he. ling of 1 abbagis by sprinkling a little. alt inlo 1 the heart and tying up the 1-aves with t w i ne. Change of food often pr.'l!t." b.i ! ; taste in milk. We find that a small '. . . r u . ,i i i . l i ' innch of sa t to the goblet or bowl .makes all milk more palatable. I We mar of a machine invenU'J by a trench ftentleiuan which c insists of spade. on a wheel. If .sniiit-lliiii-r cou'd be used liy which all the good upper soil could li work-d without lirin-jiiiir upthesulisoil it woiiM lie a godse.id 1 1 the farmer. All manures deposited by nature are left on or near the surface. The whole tendency id' manure is to go down into the soil rather than to rise from it. There is probal.lv very little if any loss of nitrogen from evaporation of ma mire, unless it is put in piles so as to foment. Itains and dews return to the soil as much ammonia in a year as is carried olT in the atmosphere. I'nlcss the crop can be got in early oats arc safer than bai ley, liarley, if late sown, is usually below standard weight, and then it is almost unsil. able except for feed. Light weight oats, on the contrary, will commonly sell for as much 'per bushel by weight as will those that arc heavier. The line weight when measured out bv j , . - . , .. 1 According to I rot. oe eker, he . . .. , . . j roots ot an acre td g' d clover contain , -. . i as much nitrogen as nki pounds oi 1., lVruvian guano. It the hav is cut and : .. , . , ' ' ' t'ek there is stiil a verv rc- ... . . ' spectable amount of manure lett. I ' ,. . ...... i Manv tanners have bumd the clover ! " 111 I ' r,...( iioli. .!..!,( (,. .. ..1 . r I' .wheat when the In Id is ploughed carlv 1 . ,. .,. , . , .! .. " and well cultivated until s ting time : l,M -d'!'1'""""' '' w-ll in grass ! It is a mistaken notion that the tr.es must be ever etilth at Keep the gra-s i ut or palmed short; upp aliiindan -e of g.H. I maiiure on tin fa-e; ke( p th'- t,,p4 te t',.,., mi a to allo-A tic .vim t . -t rie 1 In- y an sur- faee, and a . a;i"t harm an .r.ii.i ;--.l lor a tew years. hen ;t in. ones t ! soil beiitid turn it u. r and it will re- , seel it. sell'. A Yt r'u.'tit she. p r.i:.-.i r says that the ! . st n,, t!.,.. ,.f ,1,,,-t' r u.; .s'l-ep for : the I'm- t rot is i . wot , -, !-ry f.."t o! every -he. ;, ,a t,. :,. :. .,i.i ,,- .o..'. t'i"i':i.;h! iM-h :.,'i,,'io ,.- ,..,d and put h.r -nb'liur . n e m h '. 1 in the t!n:i.'. an I ling ; between l!a-h . I '.n il foot. Ke. p them in a .by ' i e i. r f .i ho hv-.r . lb-pea, this ei.er.i tl.'ii it tw- in 1 y- a v. .1 .ii'' urit ,'l i a r the I .,- tiail- r -.1. r. :..'.. I.k !.. I . I-, it i , a;. a- lie ti- ratio v t n a h 't. r ir I: e.- ! t i ; '. ii; i- ! -'.a i.ng ii I, a v r ,u u up w .'. !.: ye ii -. il'i I !-' has ia .'is iuu-i n v a . : :,. . : the .V. ,'V, ., , t!i.:; He e.l! w.-;-!(is .1 -!.ii" ; ' .ri' ii f . a i le . ' .' : a !,"t I'ilI 'l'-ll - t - ia-! f- s v.hi ii W' - aft.-r ..t-cpii : d r'l" e:i to e, h g. ! .ii' "ei' t!: y.csng i:n i i'-ii g thciM in wat -r tai l- .-;.o..;iti: , lion in' w at- r, lie plan': .bad. th-r I l:ar. -1 -1 If - s--f. The worms a'e I av. -s an 1 lay in i bister U id that liiey did no !'ur to the pi. nit which Were ' t oUt. ;iud a !ihc clop as A 11. Ig :ln I'. i. tin. 111. H 'reisa I'.. ! r an i ..stiil. in siivsa cor- IVf-li 1- lit. e i';.!e i, iii-s- h c. on . i.r a p"-: (; ...a .. ... i-at !,' at li.is Hi. in. !,o 11.,' eii'y ,, I;-., ,-;t''!-. . l !iti !c;..;ty :o,. Is 'uartly, but sells -ta ps ' a'e! p--.st-car.ls aiid a-ts as ci!!e. t..r I' s'i all .hit and a now sp;-per ageat. A l;. '..::an who has in :m-y owing t.. hi..; hand s i h l iil t i his postman, v. 'no p.issi s through the o'lice to be pi. s- nt-e-1 to the ilebt.-r in w h. never locality the latter may reside, and. if payment l e made, the creditor receives it from the postman en the follow ing day, w ith but a trilling dediiitiou for t naiads, sion. In tiie same way as to lews p.!'crs, almost ail regular sal -sciib -r; to a journal pay their money to ilia postman, and two or thr- e days before the subscription expires that hard worked but ever-aotiooii':oiai i re. ents the .juittiinci.. d'al.onn. ni'iit forth" re newal of the .suli-i riptioti during a i iicsh ten, i. All t'u ; inaki-.s the ' e-iau po-ta -an a kind of ainbii'a' inu 'en. ral agency and batii .f s - j it. : and naturally the man is o'-i;-.-.'.! .. i have a desk . laug in Ir- ni. m' hi n. to carry a 1 . la d ali-l iiain-.! portf. lio under his arm for valuaMe.s; but he I gets through his work Kitisfa.-tor.lv, b," ause his beats are .-!:, r'a r than tln-.se ot his r.u.'l sh brother, and at i times when th'-re is great press of - work, he is always aeeomp allied by a supernumerary. Let us not", in passing, an excellent in. thud of c..!lnting b t . ters from pillar boes which exists in i Germany lit originated at Muni, hi i and is beginning to be adopted in some French cities. The letters, in. tea I of falling into a bag, drop int. a locked tin box, and the collei ting post man wIlu ,. lis r,mn,, j ., ,.irl j,.,. (1lh-to reiii-ie the box and put an cnipty one in its place. In this way the collectioiis are not only made w ith great nipidity. but the chance of loss, robbery or the damage of letters is iiiimniize.i. .iiiiiniT fjood i ning ai nut .ouieeontinent.il nosis is the clear in- I dilation which thev stampi on an en velope a.4 to the place and time at which it, was posted. "Dace do la liourse, Paris, 1 fine." with the date; .. ', ..... , . tins mi ans that the letter was posted ;t tu pj.,,.,. mentioned in time lor the second collection of tiie day. CHtLIHtKVS COLUMN. l.mriitiiu llrr l.tltd-a. Oar ii .l.Iir is i-:iniiM li. i l.-iii-is; Hi. lie i- swi'i'i liol.. Ii.nw' inn lienj A li.hliv. t- le.-. ll, I le ll. I.el'. lust niul. a-tin-ii.i,:li-s i. I. run ii. WIl-u's iu-ii iii hUs h- v i.iu-murk nlin.s 'cm f' I Ii il is ,'' iiiiiiiiinii smiles, ni'.xl H ll." "t vi's." I iol.tie immIs, aiinlit- siii.l so; Als -I-' mi.- 'nl makes Imiii'v for in -! New what's linn, iiin' m-xt." "J'lial is I' .leaf." " li. t.iaininii. I'm I'wiii'l you .ten't knoiv;' (Willi a l.i-iglil. 1 1 1 1 1 . sv tiukle-niiikle). "Ats t i a hull it, il sot" 'Here's ..ni. t k ..n' one sii. k .in iivcr." Tliat's T. " inaiiiiiia s!t; 1 iel.lie. (lien. J.is.ks iliouliil'iillv .lni, al her primer. i umiiicr wlii-rc tell'ee is, vi-a!" .1.1,1 Cat titan StoManl. t 4 lilnrie c-tiuol I.lfr. A young Chinaman, clad in Ameri" can garments, his hair cut in American style and 'lis American boots neatly polished, called at the. New York lt'...c office- and submitted the follow ing manuscript which he had himself prepared for the press. Jt will inter est the young people: I.M-ii s ami i;i:x i i.rvi n : I am happy to have the pleasure ol epeaiung ; to you to day. I must try to interest Volt as tiiiii h as possible. I suppose . I,,,, ...,, ii,.,, s,nethili"i JOU would like to iHr soni.tl .il j llont in v own native land which I ', ai out iu own nani lauu. u presiimeyouareli.it aeouainted w nil, j happy to have the pleasure of speaking presume you are tmt ae.Uainleu w nn, sii. h :w om-: school life and the mar - riage life. Now I will tell you about, j our schools, and you may see the i f - : ference from your. You have a very j easy time at school and ha'.e only a few hours in evci v dav. an I be.-ides v. ni have re i s to enjoy out sel i s. The 'hiii. se s ha .1 is ict so. All Hi chil ircii in ii i u .i must to :-cle oi when tiny are b tw.cn i ight and nine ears of axe. tVe h.l'.e ll public s. hools. When we til si start to. eh. ml ;t is a t ; it.' s lrol, an I let more than thirty . r thirtj-live scholars are allowed in one s'h'ol. b. cause i.C'li - h.'lar has a dilt'i r. lit le.-.. n, and if there wei'etoo many .-.!. ..lars the w, won! I be loo h.u I for the t.'.-e-hiTs. The tir.-.t thing we staly is to rcei fen fa- His. our religion. 'I he childn P who lir.-i start t . s. h . ! take but "ty few 1. -s,,..i, ,.et fonfue;tl4. 1 Ley are mstni. t.-d b their tea in r.- how t-i b. h.r. o aid wl.a' they .light to do for t!.";r pare. its. and how to pay I ri.-pe. t I-. Strang' r-. Tlc-.v must i-ow atel call tiie !iang-r a teacher, b r the name of to ichor is held with great respe.'t. The s. j,,,,, Pf. a -her has fu I char-; of th children, and the parents ,,.c x.-ry little to do with tl.etn a!t"r they i oiuai. la c to attend s- Ii -ol. The s. l.ool tea. 't.-M' : .-. the ehildnu i.ioi" a'll s . uti ler-tands t!,. in 1 tt. r. and s.e; Ho m in the Hi'!'... o t1;. y . an c ! I'c t tin m better th.,n I'e r I aieiits. Alt"! iiie lirst sis ti:oi;t! -i they I . g ii t i-ti'dy Coni'ie ius. aii'l th y -tah- i.:r.l they gel through the 1'. .!, Isii.gs. fcrhaps the . hildn n can g.-t thi.-ugli c oi i ,. ins and the l our Kings in ihr-e of four years. I'hen tic v g i to cv.'.l. g if tic. i ail af ford it. The i'.'ur Kings was written by the di i.apl . of fotll'-ii ius; he had .swvelity-two wii. ;e f!ii;s( had twelve. Yn'i im OT g. t through coll. ge nut 1 vt tu l ee... ue an o:;.. er. If y,..!i do not want t.. 1 ccoiii an nth. -or nu have to b-ave c Hi-.". ill. it is linn h harder for us to go to h.ol wl.cn we are little. We have to be ill Ic ol in the Uioming as soon as we .an v to lead, and when the tea. her lom-s we hae to rc' :i..' our le-.-oti. and if we do let k:... it we.aiiuot e. , !,,,,,,. f.,r luak fast.i rif v. e ar-' all, v.. d to lo a mark ispl i.ed on tin' f.. c; t!i"se who can re. it" it i an hae their I re.ikl'a -t. Alter lie.ikl.is! we pra.tl-e writing two h urs; tluii the w riiin j-books are tak- n up to the t' a h -r an I he will write all the new h tt. is on the t-.p of the writing-!'- 1; !;- a the lesson which joii have r- e,t-i, an 1 all he wants to tin. I out if y.m know it. Tin n we are gii 11 a in W' h.'.s .11 to recite the liet inorniiig. ''e are no' allowed to play or talk to any on-- in lie-school. We all study . ut lo".d at the same time, and oil tlifiei'cl.t lis. ..ns. The teachers are very -triet, ;'ii 1 whui it g. ts late and the si h- l u s latin it see t-. rea l, tat n the school is out. We are n it al lowed to make any n .is., or to run or stop en the way home, and if we ib not -l i as tie- te,e h.'i s.iy tiieu we get a good thrashing with a number of small switches tied together. You will notice the f l.ine;-e when tin-y pass along the street; they go .piictly and mind their own business. It is be cause tiny were brought up in that way. We have no way t- become au oilieer except through school. A Little (iirl's Travcr. A man who bought a badly-lit'ing suit that win too large for him, win constantly taken to task by his good wife for his folly. One evening, a-i their little daughter win retiring, they were mm h surprise I to hear the fol lowing conclusion of her evening prayer: "riea.se, thiil. make pa over again, so his clothe.s'll lit him. and theU 111. I won't nag at him no more!" Young Alphonso "Mercy, chil. I, yen must not wash your new wax doll, it will ruin it." Infant Terrible "lluin it, how?' Young Alphonso "W hy, one drop of water would spoil its complexion." Infant Terrible "Isn't that funny'. My doll and my big sisters have tho same kind of 'jdexions." A COLONr'VS VISIT, - ivii- n tiinit ii kn. t.U it Hiiwii-ir n I large numb, r allachid to most Iiousc ll lllnck .. '- ,,. mil holds, are sitNlieil with Mnull wages. Mm Aline Motley visited the Mnlkit- . They consider four ilolhirs per month it tie' the other .lav. Miss Arine is : inuniticent salarv. nnd in time get rich on -. ii i i' .,i...i i .i ,-.,. it, according to their ideas of wealth, t.uitt) an oi l irirl. hav ug I eld now n , .... , ,, , . i " ; I he sleep rolled up in their sera pus on a class in Sunday-school from the time ( ,, ',!,,,. j ,!. ,.,., Avln-n -ier it is w hereof the liieinorv of good size boys : most convenient., require few clothes, runneth not tn th'.i contrary. Tito ''""I generally the gifts or cast off .. . ,. , , , ,, .,. I giirnieiits ol their enq. lovers, mid nre in other I.Ight. Mlllkittle and his 'f' variably pious and iq.paretitly contented, went to prayer meeting, leaving the i Indeed. have observed that the poorer bov uniler the ostensible supervision of thev arc and the lower down in the social i Miss Arin.. Shortlv after the depart- I r of the parents. Colonel I ahb, wan ' had heard of Miss Anne's arrival, call- led informally. 'llie bov. who. the ! , , '. . ', i i ... young lady had promised sh.-nl.t not , get out of her sight, was allow ed to g ' into the draw iii"-rooin. i 'S i , , . 1 1 ,j I i I ,;,,,l ,.,1 l,t ci.. 1 you." said the colonel, taking nil his : gloves. "It has been s long since we i saw you -ah, thanks," as she took his ! hat. ' j ' "'cry much pleased to.ee you, Colo- j ; nil -Willie." I'he boy was "monkey- j ' ing" w ith the i h.i'r which the colonel was about to take. 'Tray, be seated," I I and ju.t about the tune he began to ' bend himsell, the I ..v, w ith no evil il. - (ht(, . cli,n,,I ,, IIliM,, n. pf,,,,,,,!- (1((wu j( , , ln; . est of fact 1 oncaled under an ex-! . . icrior timid, shrinking and linmpct'ed bv ""1"WSra""' M, A,""S,II,,U,, I., ,..,. f self, os, ioiccss. or h mind a Ti. ,i( ,lam( iI .., o (,0. . . .. . , . . , i-.,. ... i .. r i ,t." and the colon. I, arising with dllh- ! pet feet .as,- and str-noth of bearing f , ,,,, .. i. : which conceals nothing, but illainiiiati s ,.,. ,i i ,tl, i h,.r- ! ...'"' ' ,, , Ie c -resslon of i o'llltl nance, rubbed ' himself and :.v. in a t w i.-tcd tone of : voice: I 1 T I ain't butt, but I'm imt lecbn I v.-ry well, I't me l;ae my Imt, i please. j I ( h. don't go so soon Yes. 1 er merely , ali. d to pay my respt i ts, i i:; ;i;u:i il ;.li i;i i.w ith a l;mp. T am r. i ii sorry 'oh. il tiiak-.i n j . no particular dil.er- enee, I ut I am really n-t well." T liar y..ii an- hurt. Never mind, you l a I bov, I'll tell your lather." I didn't g-i to il it." "No. it w.is unintentional on your p. ut." and a-1 l'n.' invi-r hi- br.al!. via your a.iaiiinating picture." tie' c !- :i. 1 liiapi d to an. .titer cha;r, on the I t,'k ol which tla y wa- leatiai :. an I as M-'th-r I'ac's tc npter wmil-l s"'ue- l.ow h ive it, bv a stiiinL'e (a -ein.t' ion i which the vo-in '-t. r c Hid not w:ti .- ! st. tad, lio cha r moved, an 1 down went the ci loticl, and the wi'nl -w.s rallied again. Mi -a Ar.n- sdiri- ked and shoM-d th"l,.v i. hn'ly against the wall. The e. I aid groan d. sworn w ithout an au attempt at suppress, on, 'ro.-e and : live ii.c that ha'. This thing bin g .;ie too t ti nialiy tar. and if vmi mo-'. Kl m mv icciing .. M.-ii, I l eiieve vmi ale s'.aa iir.g in w ith li.e young w I ll-- l.ot l!I.!e:,l.l'ld vmi, sir, pl.ii! NT. s Ari-ie. loi-ein f." ! ! fe- I I !... but 1 i'.o." an 1 !i grinnc l1 : l lll.l.. 1 hili'S'-ll. -'j W-. s 1 1 "ll aeei- I I elits are not I k ly t-- ee an- in ,,ne ce- ii !!'. 1 have ne er . 'a. tieu: ir leelings . f g. n:a d but n- er b !- lew W ere so heathe;..s! "Von are an old f i i ...... .... I ,l . I '1" I 1 w.ll lor old i e .il l 1 know i." eelaiuicd Miss Arine. Yes. a l-IaeU an . bine f L-t 1-.,. g. ( ..ut of here." Nobody's holding you." 1 i v but some! o.ly had." and he t . k' . around at himself. "1 always did think .-n w. re atl old crank." oh. ir-, and watitel to s, ,. lm. take tny turn on the tl. or." and l.e snatched bis h it. "An I, y.ai young Captain i Ki.1-1, I hope to ii.eet in au orchard j w hi re tin- apple-tr, e sprouts are long and tough. This is my first and I hope : my last visit to attest of maliciousness. I Miss, 1 1:.. e, when vi.m becniue ul n"C ! i . - i you w ill be married to an Indian chief ! and 1 1' , oiiipelled to jerk I t el' and beat I h. ininy.'' j "Yes. and I hope you'll be married to j a wil-l-iat. vmi insulting old demon." j "No, that cannot be. as 1 shall never 1 propose to you. hi,.d night. May your guardian imp liy aw ay with you.'' j When Mr. Mulkittle askul if Willie 1 chave-l himself, Mis-i Arine replied: f hariuingly, and he w as m Ii good company," (liiildune ami the lt.i-.ti u tilrl. J A 1 lost on girl of unusually ingenuous manner and frank nature has, we learn from the other side, added to the al ready handsome list of natural posses- i ' , 1 ! lions and graces, strong evidence of diplomacy. A party uf tourists, our j sweet l'ortia among them, entered one i morning the private grounds of Mr. j Cladstone, craving, of course, the good ; fortune of necing the great statesman, j Fortune smile 1 on their wishes; the i i coachman spu-l the gentleman at- proacliing. and so obligingly and os-! !,,.'. , , ,. V ., . ' t.ctttatn.usly stopped his horses that; there was no alternative, had he indeed 1 wished any, to the host s advancing i 1 linn grccung nis visitors. i "Have you been long in Knglunil? he in.iiired i;raeiously. "Oh, no!" Hiiid that darling H. (i.: "we only landed this niornhiff. and we j came rlp;ht here th fhst thiwjV n Now, Who, ask, could! withstitnu Hiu h Mattery as that? Sunly .-.ot a man, and certainly not Mr. (ilad.stune. Ue kindl forgot that there were only two possible drives out of Liverpool, one a very long one an 1 this short one; lie reineinliereil only the Jioston girl and her artlessuess, and nothing that lie or his wife o.- his household could oiler wiw too good or too distinctive to lay ut her leet. I Sen nnU In Mexico. .Mexican servants, of which thrrc hit n . u' l,',,,,s '"- "'""..ted they i are sure to be. As a class thev are the im..ti , ,1 .1 ii and simp'le hearted folks I ever met. Their household xsork j "-uii:ed very systematically. There Is one i reade w hose s,,,. Iiusim.vx it s to ; m;ik(, OI.ti,.ls. ,,.,., ,,. ,lmlk(,t. , iMg and act us steward; another who does I noihing but cook; nnoihcr to wnh; i i. . . . i......... ,:.i ,i . . ' '"'"""I '" ftlll' "" ll"'". I'.o, ".tin. ,i. wait on table .-nid i, tt, nil the children, to brush the luistii's'v Imir and shake the dust from ler dre-ses iwhiih literally .sweep the dirty streets whenever they go out. Am. ricaii shoit skirts being i on si. bred dreadfully immodest I, beside gariliii rs. hostlers, valets, etc. Hut each attends to his own work faithfully, and him r "low s t. important to serve his lll.l. tel. Winning Manners. Which will Jiviil a voting woman the whn h conceals nothing, but illainiiiati nil.' i r, i.l'iciuu it on a higher or belt, r l ;.- , ;t .1.,, . ...,,- .,;, ... nut t ma .o.-i!,o to help otlui-s. as ii tuier. a-n tea. h. r. in a prof.-sion. in iui .'iv, uue of life w halever - w hat migh- tier p.m. r cm -u bring to bear upon 1 . . .s . 1 h,r w.ak th.m ad. h.s. What ohsiiuai v f inilld ol l'. alt is ihere that will not i iil-l under its all siilnliiitig influence.' il... II...... I.. I,. ..ill.;,, it- inll,...i,. ,, u .,:. , ill!illilv it' I I'"""'- t'l-ni'lrnlril In the HonP. Aid. rnian .lohn liavter. Toronto, fan" ,,. ;Vt r, ,,,. Sr j. .!,., , m uj ,.,.. Hate to tin l.olle t- know it, lor 1 hitvi Hunk nm time." ilriM- out pain. "1 tii. d it ; it hits the j A Self l-Nlimate, 1 It i- a si,i,i::e thing thai mean people i do not know that tiny an- tiic.ui, but clari-h a sincere cotivi. lien that they arc tile solll- of g, lielosil v. Vo'l V. ill 111 lit' ; lln iu iuM ighiii'.: loiiilly again t a ti. igh ; b..r w lio do. - le it i .mil up to the talld : aid .-I' a '.-. ii.'i.ui- man, nn-l d-1 rving the sin ,,f ,,ar,iii-j at'd v. ithholdim.'. with out being n-ibe in t!. ha-l tlmt tiny i.le eoiidi nitiilio 111-lis. es. They ill il-ually people who are in-t eiei to self, crili" is'ii. -nid. if tin-y wire la.t .uiiii-iug, tlnv would be the in-1 t aggr.n at ing lias. The t-!io.' in which the old wonnm lived wasii rtsi-nt from a f huano prl. !NAKKW l.lrK IHiJ-TltllVKItX. Tlic l.i.-s of hie in India due In the ravic-is ot Miami. in snakes i almost IlH'lulil.le. t-t i-iieiiinptuni. whicti is as wily ami fatal .o.l I,,.., ...i 1,.,,, lis c. ills iiiouli.l ll.oii.-aiiusiii -i-np!t- while the vii-lims nre uiieoii.s.-iuiis ul its .n , eut-e. Ur. K. . I ie-ii.-'.. Oml.-ii Mettiivl lnsi.vvi" Illle l l.l- llsid to ! ili.-e the lho,l (lf nit. : eo.tlllell-. lllil.lll l'11-s. fel- 1 111 )t'l clll.ll- toll- samptiun otl a tnrimits,rol'UudiM.-i-. ''oMen.Me.ll.'ai I lis.-overy" ; a soVel.ie,, ii nicdj lur all to. ans ol seroliiloits UiM-.-ist-. or king's eui, .sii.-li as tumors, while swell- "its li ver seres. M i-oluloiis sore eye. ns well as for oilier hlood and skm iIi cims. bj dmg-i-ls. A joting limit on New lear, ishko the nap on jour i-iolhi':-. He's wore oil. And u j.Hing li.lj , au.iug leap ytar is like the jail;;e l.ehiiul the l-ar. M.e's court-Ill.'' TAliKN III T Ol-' lli:l. I hi. I!. . rii.i;-c, l'n ll id i. N. Y.: l'.;ir .'...'--I have lo lliauk yuli for the gu-nt n het lei'eiu-il fr nn yi.iir"! ivente I'rescriptioii.'' ,Mj sickiie.-s hail lasleil wvi-li e'iis, one of waieii I was in hut. After tal.ing one bottle I was at.if lo he nl. oat the hou-e. It. spei'lfiilly, Avinpa l. K.sms, ruiioti, Mich. St.itul up like n. cu Vmtist every wrong, then lli'ju eaiist miiu true tiii'iio'ii solig. I-IT. I IT"., UTS s-'.ivi.-sfu!! tie.itea l.y iNuilU's I)i, pt-ie:oy Me.lic.d -..' . til II. Alkl.t.s With slau.p lur p.oiii -hli-t. Hi.ii. lo. N. V. lltoiy tlot-s lu t tec-rd many in.'tiilicis whi le Vou.ell an. n il' niaiU. -pi-ierso . ...'. ;'. How i.l out the hoiir-e iiinid': ". n e, (,. ., , :-. Mit is ii.aiJ to order I h-iaixlVctouil breaks cull), stops cougli.-.'ie When we say that VonrM'o., .". ci.i-ctire? l lieu, iiale in tiu-aii it. (Vi ,ni-. I'r. IS. 1-'. J.nii;!,iii. Cliilc. Kan., write?, "Ni (iri'ti -I A-. . ' i curis ills." Camtaoii Mii.k riires iii'lits ami pitin. 2.V. irncr AIp lirpii.p. (iip t'ret'.siiw h'sts two week.; nil other two or three days. Do not bp iinposei upon by the hum! u' stnlfs ottered. Ask your dealer f ir l-'rier", with label on. It save. your hore I ibor, and you to i. It rei-iiived first iniU.il ut tiie Centennial uud Vuris ex pusitioas. Sold everywhere. 1 'r. -rtiiti.r-l n l.tver lnvtg.irator---( 'atlinrtir: I -itiie. ill iu;e when other iiuibciius fail. I'iIi'm! rili-! Pill--! Sine cure for ltlitul, llleitiiii ; iin.l Ite-hint' I'ltes. I 'ne box I a.-eurt-.t wor.-t ciise of "0 jears fitaii'liu.'. No one in ej Hitter five minutes nfa-r ii-m ; William's Iiuhiiu 1'ile lllood t hiitiiient. Ii absorbs taiiiors, ullajs Itcliliiif. acts a poulli. v. eives instant relief. 'l -o.d only f..r f iles, ju-hitirf of private pats. Mallei tor ?l. 1 razicr McO. Co., aeveluuJ i . M.rr, yoana ,. that cirl of mi: p is twiea n haiuboniP Finro .i"' be wiiho-.a it for a fortune, imr n.-.t rn,,,ii r.! I hnp-peti (,,,! j, , foroiersixypnrswith n r.-m tp kiitac y c in: l.iint. a's;i n wp;.kn.-s of tho orC.-,n,. will, lt"rremh.nt b' Ub'ei. Mv un-i-r nn-iW rn- rnn: ntteu. ''.'V-somt ' iV in ny ns twenty times uh cn-re nins in ih 1.1. ilder. ; well !,",,'if 'V'';, , 1 ""' Y V'i"'9 J ' '', ? lut ite.t iin uitityof ii.inc.liiel lyro'o :ed w. h nniwnrM hat mid rodiint-ii!: fr.'.,ient'y ev.-p ,a i-ins wimhl l a vnrv i...i.if..l I . r,i.l,-,l ti-m I ..f ,..;:. i, . .. ... ; " iiiu tlmt ni-.-e tri- m trouble would fo'tow. I neat tothPilriitfiistandtt:!- reoiiuiii in'e I tonp Htitifu Heiifly. na it h,d tp.-ni:(ied with KO'iilerrn' ti 're-fiin pp-e :d spvprep .- of ilrnnsv ah I L- .1 ..... m..l le., r. . I err n Rai.-r-.r. I poncbaled t- try it, rind a??,'J b u'p .f"'",d U V lielpii'lt me beyotul my expectation!!. Mv "'"'er I e-Rtne ti.o-e natnr;., lest color nnd I spoilt eat, the -.-iin in back rn I that heavy j-tem: nnd I cool iru e I ton-e il until lapel hh I o t'p". find it hns completely p-trerl nte. Hthrrs of try family have Hi'il limit' He!n!y wiih p.inlly re koi1 i iup.-s., nnd we rlo not hpsit.ite to rpi..iumi ti I it far nn I near, believine it a duty as well a- n pl. HPnre to recommend :tu iro .il n nipil eim- e Hunt' Hriiely. Yon n-p at libprtjr to tf.vp my tctimony to the pi blip. P. T. Hoix.i tK. Osiin,tori, Mp.. May in, lssi. I indersc (hp nbovp Miitempnt. A. M. Hoiiihiin. J., Apo'.hv'oa.y, Pangot, Me. t-i-.mu m e o. won n L-pni-r u tomm? nn or tno OUT OF THE DEPTHS. Oiir rnrrrtinl. ill's It rarnrrhrs and n Rc. umrliKhlp OrrnrrPiirr Hp lm -ribm. BT. A I.Dans, Vt., Jan. 10, lstl. Mrssr. Kit Horn: The upper Krti..not Yer mont Is one of tho pk o autfl.it regions In Ani.'i u'ii .luring the summer mut onoof tho bleakest .liii'in.; ths winter. It nTords nniplo opport iuity for the tourist, jirovidiii ho clios-es th.' priijvr (.ason. bat tho present tinio is not t'aai sens m. IStill tboro nra men nnd wummi hero who not only cnhiro tho rl mute, hut lunise it tmstiiitiiiK'y, mult lint, too, in the iucp of jhvsienl linr.tsliiis tlio most intense. ' he wriu r honrtl of n striking illiistintioii of tli.g a few dnys sinco which u tlven liin'withi Mr. .Invpli ,Iac (UPs is cwtipetvt with thn Ycriii.nil Central inilr ml in the cnpac.tr of mnstor n n on. He is well u.tvniiec I in ycniK, viithn rii.l.ly coinp'. xii.n ai d linto nipnr nn.v, while leu va nyrnl lMariii( is such ns to insttmtly im res. oi ewtli his s'ri. t limior niul inlei ity. Severn' years n ;o lu liin-niuo n'lacte.1 wall iiios- il'istri'ssinn truiililes which preveii'e-l the pro pp it. on of Ins .1.1 ti.. He win 'niim.l. mi I yit istli.f, whiln nt tin pi n dr. mi is. wo Id inn u eWr him which leciiipil nhiiost Mailing. Ilii will Miwcr wii ; helJ. niul he drteriiit o I n it t Uive way to th" inv-teri .us inllaear.i whicti K'. nicl end 'riniiiiiar his life. Hie the pain n ..l nnnoy n svinpti.ms wi.re utroti :er tl n i his wall, ',-in,l h- fci pt i;nnviii; mai.tu illy w.iisix Alxmt that lim Ii li-gau t .net c - a ihflle.i'ty in .h'.nvin ; n .i-i I n.its, n ill it was bv the ui-. ntc-d a fort tli.it ll was nb'p to force III. !cet int i then.. In this ncncicrRov irn' wTck-i n'B '.l l.y. until Itiailt.. o x id ;lif. wliil.' in (.'I'eat fton'v, hp discovered that his hi t had, in ii short while, myi.I'i n t.iir mo 8preK.i'ti,.ii?. The hn'nniv of the iinrrn live run best b ilescrilel in liisown erj lip sjii.l : When my wife ills uverp.l th - fnet that I j riacu.'v "''illi'n .'n -1 ". ni'., Z' LSinnS;::;:!1!!,:',,; J,i ,.ns c n.lit N.itwitlisina.liiu his car-, I H'- w .r e. th - mh-II . f ,y let ei-aaidlyPXC d.slm.wm-.liiimvlMlv. TI,,, t.p t mv hea. i ninisl in t rrc. v; iii.l.e ,-i ,, ,',,,, r , ,.,', , ,,;, w . j( would Irarst. M fe t were i a ii'ul v e 1 1. would hurst. M fe t were inn'iilv ell. n, 'd i-vo , when Mire- tm l.-l nidi hot li inii s : iill.l .1'-lis li lt ns il n nr n ; w n I v. r.' l-l-.w li ; .,,,,, Ttii-axea,.. ii.iaii.b-.t.l v. I , Xe. ,. an. v annoviu,'. Almaf tin t me 1 1 e I rantosit l-im I n ot Ir.-eiv. n'timagli mv huvs were in era ,-t .-i Im n a 1 1 I kr. w I, (ll I 1i.,t ...... tliiiil 1 .1. I. Mv- . I.V.... ,l. I - re c: l et ill ai d till" ii tec -n t Ii-'ii" ' le' 1..10. bat loiable ! t-.-li. v.. my mii i 1 01;;.-.. Vv mil.li is ai d fri. 11 U th -u.'.ht I i.s.l.- ill', and 11 a iv ut i .1 1 1 :c 11:1 , lullv tm ut I live mi n siii;te; tia.ia" fiat I now le nil. At l.it tnv n. ny iii-n.ei to culm uate 111 tho ' lllest liilclls.', sllMI . p , 11 . I 1 11 .c ever kiw.i 11 I or h. lUilol. If red h.-t kn v.--'l.ai'. iii-I to the highest dc;;ree hal been run t r 11 ;. lay bo ly coiistiui'. ly the. c -lil-l n t hiv .li ir't. nie worse. 1 '. u'd s ti ie up ia b d. .. .ine- tiniisi us imieli s tim e !e -f, cry 011! 111 my iieiiv niul In; for -'. ata. u'np i-.j ;ht I l.o misery w;m fe hit 1: 0 Ih.t 1 Bai r mil at ti 11,1 -twl to .1 at 1 tl'e Hex' 10 lit, lilt n tumble to l.l: mv mv -Ii ii f. e' all ie tin-lit' le lhr-sh!, th-.t .'b-titl -l.-l them. 1 fell l.a. It ll) on the lied nnd -.a-, e 1 :n mv ii .i-nv. lui: b-it i.nable even t-i I le itho. It ti- 'Hud III o ile.ith. ".-W.-rnl ve.ir-11 Rev. Ir. ,1. K. H.uikiit, 11. w of Vusl iu;to!i. is 1 a i 'lieil h.-iein lii-t -r i-f th.- t . .lur ? 1 "ii ii p mi. -Ii. We 1 a I ft Iniir. 1 and e.;ie e-l lain, a.i I inv iv,lo rinr.b,.r.l siei--' o.:ehere tint 1,-1,, I i-p'-k. 11 in the l,i-.;l e t t -ni s ol ft pr- arati. ti I i Ii ha.l eiireil .-oni.-. f his iatnii lie tr.eii I. o li.leriu tied to t:y dii. tpi.elv, 1 cc r.l instv sen- f. i- it. a 1 1, to uihIc- o loty st ay s-hoi t. it , .-'. 1 , 1 ... t.-ly reslor.'.l my l.e.iltli, broiii;!,t me luel; from th- urnve. nnd I owe a I I have in ti e ny of health mi l s'nn'.ti t. Uni-i.ii-'s ."-nt- 1 tire, l.-.-tler kimwa in V timers Sale Ki lnev lied I ivpr I ur-. I am po.-i!ie ll.at if I ha I tukcu lli.s iiiisiiciiie when 1 tilt tla- lir-t syiiipn.ins nl ovu il--iciili 'd. I liunlit. have nvoi.li-it nil the iieiiay 1 alt. 1 ard cii.hii".l. ti my nothing ol tiie li.irri.w e.scn;- I hud fr.-in .l. nth." lu crder that a'l possible ra.-tsb--ii ring np.n the 'ttb e t tnilit be known. I callud ml Ur. t'-i"ti- K. I'u-M it, wlm wa for iiiiieti-pii y.nrs I niUd Sta'e. i .T ini ninr surp'-.n. iitii" iio iitt' ii-l.sl Ml. -la.- t'.es dariiu his sakni-su. He -ttite-l that Mr. .Ino il- s had tt m-.st pro I!..in:i.l in-e ef Albiiiiiil.il. ill or Jlrr-l.t's .1 -va e o' Tae Ui,lnes. That 1111 una y.-is showed the pri-seiicv of Hlbiiiiu-n nii'l ca-ti- ill en-at ftbinid ii ee nnd that he v is in a een ili i .ii v. Iieiv f w 1! .-it iv i'UT n e .vor. His lee .verv iv;io!u -1 . Warn r s S.ifo Car.'. Mr. .Ii-lr.i . lb li.-rt. general iiuni ii;er of the ei 111 -nt l Va rai ia Iro.i I, -tilted t:.nl .Mr. ,lae (ties was . nn ei I la- be .1 nn I most taen ia! . f his eiup'.oie-. that liisMcktass had I c 11 .-in exciviHnly evereiiie and the cuni 3 ".y wer- it--t nn:) "j!!nd lo ic"iin have his set vi i-s, I ut uratelul "to the iviuuly tlmt hud rure-l s-o vnla able a 111.111. Mr. James M. Foss. nsMstunt sut printen ,1 nt ni it 11 nsti-r mechanic of tho v priimut 0 n r.d lOilnvi'l, i- nlso able to co flr.n lliis. 1 do ii. t eluaii lo lu Kieat ilisioveivr. b it 1 ,lo think I I live found in the nb .vo a nio.t lea 01 kab'p 1 u-e. tni-1 knowing the 111nis11.il ili'-n a P'-f l'l iht's din-as.- feci that tho p ib te hhotlM ii.'ive til b -iii-lit of It. It (.coins to me a lonely that . anaee.miplish so iuiipii in th" hist staJes . ii;-ht to do even mere for tho lh:-t appr n U of this iliceptive yet terr.blo trouble. V. If. Cm St. l'atrick's Halve, nud learn its front value. I hie trial convinces. rcnr-iT ami nt-vr ron-uviui on., frnnwlwin' ;:cia on Ih. "paihiiip, by Ci.-hiII, ITazurd .t Cu., N. Y. Absoliitelvpureniiil Mieet. I'atn iitii who Imvp once frikesi it puf-r it 10 all i.thei. l'MsiciaiiB d- chte it cti.,-ii-ii- In all other oilii. ( IIAMED 11AM. fnii- Minn!. 1 anil inm-l. flan run. I by tisimt Jmiipii- TnrSoap, taadi- bv 1 ahwell, llnr.ni J 4 t'o., Ke Yurk. A np Not Ili-r n I llp"p. I r. M 11. Hit: In!.- K-nan-t-, til., n t- i.-i s t:s of a reiiiarkabli. cas of roiisuiiip t!oti. II.-rays; "An ighb rV wife was at tucket Willi i0V1tt lmiK dis ast. nn-l pro noiitu e I beyond help from ijuirk cO'isiini tioii. As n last res a t the family was jier suad d to try Dr. Vim. Ts Hulain for the Lung's. To the astoiii.-luneut of nil. by tha limp she hal iiikI one half d .oa bottle she wasiibuut the house .loin;; her own work." I'ifo's Cure for Consmnption docs not dry up a cou;;h; A removes tha cause. FOR Ji.XJST. CURES . .... Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lu-nbago backache. Headache, Toothache, iorc ThroHf.Nnrl line. Nprnln. ItruUPS, Kuril. Si-.il.ls. t-'iu.l lillt-c isti oi. oiiok iii.uii.v raiMi ami iiir-i BIJI-I UnJ,ii. I n-ki. .".",.. K.rif Cniu.tMlll. l':i cu..iilll II I i.I.i:.r... Tltn I'll I III l: A. VOOKI Kt! CO. '" limi.nl Iu-.UJ.I14 IM.' Itollimwi, 0C.S. 10 f ft . . i (i'i4 -"I "i I. tli.-iH r turn He-tin. I nn u loir ", I h-M rimiM ihd ihfww- cf KITS. EI'lI Elr . . C.M.!NtI SK'KNt:s.i lifi- Urns 'tnr. 1 wurrsm my i i; ,!y ti ftiro th vnmt r.urs IlrruFfl Pthert bars i :t ! f" n T-'t'-on f-T i mi iiijw rwoWhig nenrn. ieknJ nt i f 4 tioitl) nt J f-riM Ho-tlo ot my lTiinlllli,a r-Tti'-.lv. (a- Ktit.-h a'..J l'ttt orflrn. H ou jrutl ii.-I.itii" f'i .t trui, t 'ul 1 ;H rute )ou ..ir. li'. 11. Kirit. Iis.lVarl?t Nrw Yi.rk. i at nut tiir an uj"r I t'P n. tn it $40" rik. N-w ,l. r-- jr. P mtt n fnf i 'ei. Nut '-nti ii'tp-me.'. Writ I'thitUwtiH.riiUMAeliiU A tlilf t'H-ttiT'.H H''k I'ftll. A1INAI. I Hi. .. -. I'r..-. . re-liic -d J3 I'u.li.t.-ipii... ri. I'lUl H'-u Ma k l l'-li I. nun -:it. Mr-c" a-o-inl.. CSEH F! le! i nlt.-n is lltrf tlun crt-. ,)llil M). AM1 M.i.kinj 'iiukIi. W';rthH"ittf it'll;'-, Ii3rrii-.i, mm Survival of the Fittest. A FiHILT 51EDICINB THAT BIS UKALED BILIIO.NS DIKING IBAB8I HmcniiUEiTj A U.ILM FOlt EVEUV WOUND OF ?IAN AMI ItEA.-sTt THEQL0E3T&0EST LINIMENT hVCll MADC IX AMERICA. SALES LASQERXHAN E7EB. The MrslrsTi ,,,,, i.niInn i,npl iM-rn Klioutl top limn) man tlill'ly.flve yeiirs im tin- lieu'j ot .-el l.liiiuipiit'ri, for .Man nail l'.east. in mlc-i toilay arc larjri r tl.an ever. I! puri-n n-h.-n nil otliei's fail, tuiil i-cnetrTitiM i-!;ln. t.-minit anil n uselo, tu Uio very buuo, BolUl pvurv'vhL-re. . E 11 N 11 7 ?SSlw-. IS UNFAILIMa" ! INHI.I.IHI 1 .j in i-riiiyii ' JJrfftS' ilrptte Ms, i.i;;..', M. VUu Dance, Aleoholisn-, C.iim.i lafiair, Fcaihint V.'eakia-:s, I14. nt'.".:.y, talis-, S.-r..fu! 1, nnd all i Mcrvons and Blood Diseases, t ""To f r;-j ! a tt. T.n v- r.i. Litcarv M".". il 'i; hiCts. b.iake--., l.t'ifii-5 in., I aU'wluci ( . tci.i.irv l ie; Inyi-i. !ii . ,ci.i- S.-rrmi. t 'ail 'en. In- -'i.lr.-e-. i..f i. j 1, Fi..-n:n-!!, b i'H'1.. or hi :: . r ho ie jiiite nervj 'ate.;i.;'.-n,'i r,.-i,t.,,..'.,.,i. ,s .ri(in ,r. l'j"J,, us. sud. 1 pro, l.e in u t...-1-i-' 'y V..t.et!i;l be,-.:, r !,!,! thi.t . -. Tel. i.-.ai- IS- ii-t Dot- V.olW S A l"t ile.O.'.'D i-rXifTT' o7 M 1 I. t t '.as. N , C'.-it 1 atoii, .', .-..t, ,o ,' l.'cik. '- Consumption cm Co C-tredl on. sn ii a a t HALL'S WM. Lu'SJilLSIl I'lirrn CotiuiMttf hm. CtliK. Iiti:iui .iiIm. In , l'iiri-H l oii-,ii.iiiii, ..lil 'J 'W&ft -IU. ,i ,.n n,.,.,,,,., i -.-.ilhiiJ aots, 11 I,, -Hi.-- ai'-l lli--r,-l-r, 111,.. .!i-i-i)is Hie in 1,11' I.. tlulillii-- lo-n.sH In: en, nl.e.-ii jit-rutaiianv ll-. llls,.i. ,,.: is 1,111 11. ill-.iuli. I.l.ll.i.ll. IIAI.IM llthhtll Oill l-.l. u.l. lCU llll. I, nil 1U tsli.l.Ill lilt) iiii.s. NEW TACOMA VA3HINGTOH TES3IT0S. Wi-stpru I oM.ii-.s ,.f Ih.. l.r. .-it Trail- . .alim-iilnl' N..-,l.'lii l.-iilliv lU.lr.i.,1. nn-l lit.. Future Mslrcpcils c! t!ie Pacilis Northwest ..i.'li iiiili--n-."i ,1... - in in':.- . . . i... I li-i.;:!. .! 1 n l a ...i..i.. s,..- iiii) .a 111 i- r im n: !t -..j I I-. .1 O:. el V..-.,i 11, rl ,:i .11 -. i.srli. r- .1 r..it, Hl.l. !..' l.r.'iUn i. C.t:i..i-I.-.'.--1 A-I Ii. -s K-ui I -' .1.- Mr. ' I 111, .VP t t.-rt -.1 ti,.'-ll . l.i" r.t--,"!-i ..ri'tnil. " i-.i..T-n:.,i "i .'a.'.Ti'.alv K.v.'ii. I. I11. I M-ne. ,..m-i). Al I.I.N r. M , .... V: .- .:', ..l. :.it..ll l.T )-. Payne's Automatic Engines. 9 II. Iililo. ILiral.lB nj K.-n...p.ll, vt'l rUh horn poirtr nil S '" '"' ' ' ..'' "l noi6ulll, n..l lilu -lwuu an Aul-ll, lllCl.Ul-i.lt. B i.o tut tliualratml Culal 'BJii "J." ir lul -ra.:.li.-o...uil I'OlfH 11 IV. I'AVNF. .1 .s.iSK, ll..s:i.'. I l.lllM. N . 'jVo Hpoculators. R.Undblom & Co., N. G. Millar & Ct). 6 ADil l.ti.tm i.r . ( tw ttri1.vAr. i'.tnim-n'". :n-s N V trk GRAIN A. PROVISION BROKERS- Mi-iiibt-i nt ah i: nttm -til ir.rii ' l-icliugi i; Ki w Ytrk, L'h:v t: , M f.misanl MitiraiUtfa- Wu iiuvHt'd Itisi- prtvji t".irni:i wire btwTi rhteiBo ami N. Vrk. Will ptecm orl-r4 onwir in Um!Ut viiti pj.imMte.l. Shii 1 f r circular c 1:1. lain'.u patucul-irt, KUUT. LU'UUUI.Vi A OJ.. L'.ut-tn,. GOOD NEWS TO LADIES! (p-att it.tliK.mnt. ?.r nf- KiH'nllPC.n.l.iroliuli full! .hi li.-ii.iiii. M H.l'hin T. 8l. -T Hal ill -iuo lre rita OoM piSidMi Row l:n.wr Sol, ..r l.,ild ll.n.l Mo l)iH'i.tl T.-ilH SH. I. r lull .rt.. ul-.r. ..I'lrfM TIIK lillHAT A.Mi:iill AN .T15A VO.. P. O. Bui H.-J. 21 u.l .il Voo St., New Vorll liWtr.DU Rfl3LLriF-BQJ UST IN 6 FRESyiRE. s-1, rn . . r-rvumiKirrro fyTrtUTZf4 r.We'--t WHITE RUEBER KasTtoiisp. An-rmlnciir.-. N..I i-m-piisIvp. Hire' niunth' tr.-.ittn-'iil m urn- V 'kne.-. ii.sl fer oia In ihp ll. ii-l. I.'ii:l.-hi-. IH77.ii.--w. Hay l-. ver, Ac. fe. t. JI.VKI.r'lXi:. Wurn-n. r. GONSUfilPTiON. I ti... s iK-nlllvonuui-itj i r tli s.-va ilu, wai b It I m ttiousaml" ot case, ol tho ort li..t o..'i -t 1 i'i a-atiilli.t; l.ao .''-l ruril. In.l.p.l, i-i..r.'nc I. mv r.iia lu il. olSra- r. Hi-it I iilni.'II-.l imr. l esKl.ftK.t'.- ri-lh-r rl,h ill ll I AIII.K Tt.f.A T.Sfc .-ti ll.u Ul UJ .tl&UUT- Oe 0 Lai-e-- mm mih lit 11, Kii.l TOK nun. .lite In niinuli f It mil .il.. lent a Kri'.n in-.ty -' lui-jr f..rw:evh Ih. ih Alya a r.-..ly m-irlit't. S.-n I f-r rinulir n.i l 1-ni.i l.i Ilia Twnilllilr KllMlins .'l.ll hll.r l'n., l.irire::n.iutSlpwl. tt .st.m. Mm. rMPATENTS ropv RK.IITM, im:m.. .AIll l.W. " . 1IK1SSI K. tttyout f.r'.i'i'. wnaiHiiii'itr.iw. . 1. r.l.MIII I W. ''. 1.".T, ll .i'.l.'n, J'.l. AGENTS m.-ike l.ii-liU nf innnp), af-tlinfftha lHli-stl,ip'oni.p.:!iiiii.lap..it i-ai.l.SJ. f .1 It l.rlliirt.l.-.N.V. anil M 'IIK V IIAHITH aurwl ll.ularaw.nl Irep. B M. W.s., i.i-.v. M t . AllanUli I li-i.ll-...01...II (.-I'll lltH.B (II pq ill t I N K (Vt It II S AMM ASKORZaOILt KJk-. I..-. I W. I l.AI:ki:. l...!l.i..ii.;. an. Ph.icsii I'e.'T.iiiai. will c-iroyi.Tcniiifh. Prii-a JSei Pi CHOI P. ASTHMA. llltONt II ITIS. JOllNMINh A.MiliVSK I.IMMF.NT (for Internal ami kjiemal t'u) M In- tinnttv rtht-ve Uh-su (rrnMe dfjfsts, mill will (miitivflir cure nine cus out at tvn IntriiiAtiii that will save nmtiy hci sent i iter li mail. 1MB t lelav a Oi' ineiit. Ire- i MXH.An T t i ism mnurnfa. ii- 4ri. ! tucrv, i tmlt r Jdortiu. Kidnvy I mubiet. aiul TtA e.l...,.J,m,.r.'. V-V- I .( til. ii't.tMUJ t ' UIO WM mm ' .-''tl"'l"l'" ' ' ;:''i''';.'V',':':.!, Vv; STOMACH- 7 if'" f-V-,-' J-'-'-'i rTU 7 TiA.- TOJlU,SkVWPVUO.! 1 1 I - I I f

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