TUK THE FARM AM) HOME. InrrtaaliiR the Size of Applm. A eorri'Shf-nilent of the Ma hit- Farm v says: "Among my nutivi' trues was one which yk'l 'ed u large crop of small ttiIe3 every alternate year. They were of a line flavor, hut so small in size that they were worthless for market ing. To cause them to inereaso in size I ti innctl out the small liranehes after the fruit hail formed, taking oil' about half the fruit. On gathering the ap ples from this tree in the fall I foiiiul them nearly iloulile the size of pre vious years anil about the usual quan tity in bushels. 1 also found the tree llossunied abundantly the ensuing sea- ron, Him 10 j-u ivill", I'll .loom, nun no; fruit, when si 1 ii in t. the ki'p of o-oo.se- I ' " . , , ', r nerrifs, uiu iree, yieius iron eei year." Water Cress. The watet cress is one of the 1 est of calads, but it is dillicult to wakf our people think so. In F.ugl.iud it is es timated, we may be safe in saying, above all others. It is sold tin re in the markets by tons, and there is no reason why it should not here, as we have the same facilities of producing ii with the Knglish. Some say that the heavy, moi-t 1 Iritisli atmosphere makes it more tender than oiirs. Hut why should it not be the ca.-e with Hv: lettuce, celery, etc. ? With respect to these and some other-', we are u.-t sur passed by the iit.o products of itay other country. It is sail t" 1 e a for eign plant, hence not indigenous to this country, and we suppose it is; but il so, why do we liiu! i! grow itig alon ; streams and in places wild and unim proved, as if it had always b en there? Whether it is or not, however, tli.ro is nothing easier to raise. ;iik some pieces of the plan; a'cng the lo v p!a--is of a running stream, like the ordinary (ipin spring upon our farms, and i! will grow lapiiily, an-l ti:iIo..s it is ex tirpated by whoics.le gatlieri.K. it wiil goon pi-educing for generations, and will always supply lariy- er ; s f-.r the market, and wiil sell f.iM ea .ugh. We should like to st e more at ' i.iri ui en to the cultivation of thh ..dad. es; e fially as there are o ii:a y pla 'e adapted to it whieh are unimproved ami ii' gleet' d. !"2'!. llo to ICiiilil n Min. N'o stone or expensive stni'-'ure for inc. I have n 1 money to throw away, and my silo must ho on,, tii.t . tan be turrie-d to some other us., if ik- cs-a'-v. I : hall make it bet ,le p an 1 t'.-. t above the ground rnd l" l':-. t s pi.u-e. It wiil be lined witii pl.-ui'v and t!ie ileor cemented. Above gr.-un 1 tii" Will Wiil he double, with s.;i,., j.j.a,.e. made 1 y using liiils of J I y . well bolted it the corners, an I roveri),' these wilh mat -l;vl 1 .it-!. ha, in-- a rouiing-paper hnimr. 'H is be built as an annex t , t!;e b;:r:i. having a do. r opening into !h I a-i 1111 t.t. 1 1 1 1 a buildinr will always lr woitli its cost for ;i root i eil ir an I :i fce.i.ii,'-roe-m above; i r for au i. e-iio'isi. or lor ii : tore-room for !e.l, or even to store hay in. It will give a 1 a; :ici:y uf o.Vi:i cubic feet or "'ton; o the lll.prcssid nit f. ra'e, which will s ttle di.wi iiiiiilyto the groi'iid I. '-.-l whui it is prci-sod. The pressure n . t , r 1 I . make the mass of to Mcr ;i r-tight is the only tinuMes.-ui,. p:nt 1 f the busi ness. Moi'.e will I e the I .-.si tii.i',-r;,il. as it is easily handled if t.i.t too lare The next best matt 1 ial iseart'i. I have seen ii silo thus furn.she-l. the earth being put into g.-, i;, ,ii-- barn U, strengthened with an iron h.-ip around the middle, and with etr 1 wooden lu.op stulT merely wound -;r, , n tight ly and nailed. The barrel -o -t rvii irt ii cned will he servieiiible t -r m.mv years, and each will weigh niuds. A silo It) feet sqiiiir.' woid i 1 ilo suih 1 a rels standing on end t 1 weigh it. A pair of three-pulley b!, !, s will handle them viry easily. .'.- I'v.r Th'iis. llow to Kcnl Cnrrnl'. The excellence of carrot !'. r ;-to is gfiierally known, and we haw be fore shown that cant inn in le ding is nrcpssary. We think, howewr, tha1 our readers will prolit by the il owing extract from I.'Ari.-nim: :- I he ear rots are excellent when in h yed its a tonic for old horses in order to purify aud strengthen the blood ; but its use is dangerous for young h ami especially for stallions. It giws them too much blood, makes them i.ei voiis, irritable, spiteful uf vicious when at work, and predisposes them to ap. pleetic fits if they do not take enough exercise, fielding and mars might not be particularly liable to incunven ienees of this nature; nevertheless, pi all casts carrots, should be L'iM'ii with ; the greatest moderation to U -irs.-s , . less than ten years of aire. I'.-r horses ! past this age they may he harmless, ami with oats may constitute a valu able article of food. Horses 1 at then with avidity, especially when they are mixed with coarse bran. 'J'iiis diet give3 horses new blood, which seems to restore their youth. I'nl'oi ! unately the carrot is not to be had all the year round. We need not regret this, how ever. An article of food the effect of which is so powerful, is only valuable when employed for a time. Its pro longed use is of no good, for the body can get accustomed to anything, even to tho most violent medicines. The carrot might be very appropriately be called the regenerator of old, worn- out horses. A horso which has been improperly treated, is fatigued, thin, and exhausted, improves visibly when fed upon this generous ditt. Hut if those who have the care of the animal are not careful to let it lake regular exercise, or take a little blood from it. or, belter still, administer a strong j payers an.i arrange mcir leims. purgative, they will lind that, just j '1 1" w ill be besides t!u central hall, when the embonpoint and vigor begin j l,,Kht.v rK"lls tor tll( syndicates of to be noticeable, tho horse' is seizul l' Cerent trades. The cost of the eon with apoplexy, and perishes when it ; strie tion is b.-rne by the city. appears to be compl-tcly made over again and lit for work." j Inventors are not a little interested iioni loiiii iiinn. s limit hi I. mi. Turn cut into sanse- pans ot Water with a little salt and a lump of charcoal. Hoil for half an ! hour then set aside to cool. When cold take oil' the cakes of fat and keep for use. T't i'lhinn T'ir. -Tar may bo read ily removed from the hands by ruli bing with the outside ot fresh orange or h inon peel and wiping dry immedi ately. The volatile oils in the skin dissolve tho tar, so that it can be w iped off. miiii:. - There are three sizes of houiinv. I.aru'e hominv requires to be boiled from four to live hours over a gentle lire. Il should be w ashed clean, and put in the stew pan with just enough water t cover it. It is eaten j as a vegetable. To cook the smaller '. hominv. wash it in two water-, then. to one teacupfitl of liomiuy add a quart ef water an i a tea-pooiiful of silt, and place the dish that contains it in a kettle of boiling wat'T t-i ) rec:it it J from getting burnt, or els-1 out a very j gentle lire. Let it boil f. r ,i:r hour, stir-, riii it well with a spoon. It is uen-! i r.uy eaten tor breakfist. It is ex- celleiit slice I an 1 fried after it has j become cold. j Ivory that has l i eonie yellow n-ay be re.s'.i red to its original w hit'-ness : by bleaching ill billoXtde of livdrogi It. The ivory .s'.ioid be exposed t'.' ai strong siinl'ght umier a glass cover- j ing. A dish or vase of fr sh w a'er sin ul, I I be kept ia every room where there is I a tire, especially an op-u lire. The ; water ab. -orbs the gas arising !r 'n ' the coal ami other impurities 111 the j air. J11I111 Vtiikrs Ihiidlt's Associate.. A L'-'!:th -i:a:i in Washington has re-: i veil a number o! in piiri.-s by people j uunti'igto kn-.w what be- aim; of th fouri niispirator in the asa-s'.n i'.ou of Abraham Lincoln, who were vat .-u--ed 'o imprisi.niii. nt at the I ry l.riugas, ri"tida. Aid r a gen' in piay ic ce.n'iy, he ha i e-n :ii !' to 1 artiaily f.irnih tl.r ,!, s.ie-l ial, rmation. It w.il le fi'i. sh t.iws to a goo.l n auy I -.ople. Pr. s-am k-l A. Mil... I w,, the hi .-t pr. niiiieiii of th- four. He w a- 1 !' , who -.et l!oo-h';. l-g. and 1 -1 : - j nShi-l what was b. i.-ed to I e !a'e i;i t rmatimi t" throw .'V., persuers oa t!i" tra.l. .iiuu.-l H. Arn"!d. a I waoii-maker, proiiid cert. on vtin-l 1 !'- thill were to l e 11 d in earning j "lit the pl. t. Pdw.iril '-pangler. a stage I car; enter, bored a hole in the box or- ! cup 1. 1 bv Pivsi-a-nt Lincoln tlirougi, ! wheh I loot h could ob-cre tlcl'i'isi liciit's pos tioii. Mn iiiid u'L.iughl.n ( w ;s the youngest of t he I o" I'. be : II g il j lucre boy. 1 1 i ev.e t r,,'ni, et i"'l wtl'il the i.-risplrcy does not appear, but ; frou'i 1 1 -rtain very ei-ns i. iwi- eircum- ; st am 1 s I,.- w a t'.-nvio'ed of com; peity. ; They Were all setlll tie, d iille ', !''". I t-i iiiiprisonmeiit at hry T,.i-tugas, I Miidd and Arnold fi-r lifeiind .s-paiuler ; and t I'l.aughlin for six years. ! 1 1'l.aiighhn Wiis made ill by th-j friuh1 and exciteuieut. of his arrest .u,, i troil an 1 n--er rallied. Ilodied at Fort i ,!rif. rso:i. 1-Tori'ia. in Se; teinbi r, 1 - -7. two year- and three Months aft'T bring ! cniivieted. On February lo, l'i'.', the ! President issued ii'i ordi r that his re- niiiius be ib Ii'. er.'d to his iiiot'i.-r, ;i:i I they were hi. night North and inlerred. ' lust before his retireinen Presid nt j .lohnson piirdotted the Pr. Mu. id I 1 n the - h of January. l'i'.. and r j n.'ld and pang!-r o'l the 1st of Mar- h i':'.'. I're-ident Jo!oi-o:i in his pr laniation i f juirib-n sets forth the rea sons w hv it w a ei-iiittcl. Wiiile.it 1 tv T rtuo.is tha ait iif l'1'Ti-lil Will isit. d I.; il,. ,. our f 1 vcHow I'rv.-r. I ir. Mitdd w lul 'liysieiiiu. Ii-- I, a I Ita a sin-res .ni1.' ei,i.' . :i:id bad 1 leticc in lis it up: th as. b, eli Very suic.s-lcl ill tl.r UlL'h tho l.nfiie; be w.H imlii'ji and ellicient in liis ellorts to f.-lii-ve tin- vi.-tiuis o the disease. 'l'he.o-t iin-ilical o'.hcer ;is stricken and died. 1 r. .Mudd iin liieiiiateiy took cliai'e;(! i f the hm jii al and sirveil most faithfully until the liluiie had abat d, Arnold and SlMie.'ier in. 1 ! tuoiiiseivei useful a nurses. They worked nclil and day and strangely (tioip.cii none of tin-three took the lev r. Their coiiiiiu I during the epideluie wns tonsi b red as a good ami suliicient reason for their pardon Dr. Mudd returned to his hoiue near Surratlsville, M l., whera lie resumed his practice, and died about a year and a half ago. Arnold and ispanglcr ills an 1 ie:i red. and have never been hear.l ! 1 ; ' - frjni since. j . ., I "I preserve my equilibrium under all ! riri-iiinstanr-f.." she was heard to :iv in a piiu.se of the music to the tow headed youth who washer escort. "l)o you't" lie answered softly. ".Mother cans hers." Then the music resinned. TOPIC'S OK TUK IY. Plans have been prepaid for tin) construction of a large hall, to bo called the Sa'le do Travail, or Labor Hall, in Paris, ehise to the Hotel de Yille, where men can meet their em- , untie .-renin prize ot s-i.',""". liisit- j ty tiie (lecree ot June ll, in lavor of the discovery ot any pro- ! cess which shall enable electricity to j be applied economically in one id' tho i following directions, as already pub- I lished, viz.: as a source of heat, of. light, of chemical action, of mechani- j cal power, as a means ot the traiismis- , sion of intelligcn'-e, or of the treat - j ineiit of disease. j A couple of yoimg ladies of Prince- ton, .V J.. accepted a peculiar wager i from a dry goods tm n hant of that 1 to was a frequent subject of com ersa 1 town. The merchant agreed to give tion between Paigti ;.nd his wife.. (ne ! them each a silk dress it they w . ul 1 evening, recently, they were all sitting I drive two hoes hew;iutetl killed from around t he lire. Paign was playing j his iemiss tl.r a-h the principal, tvith his two little children. Young I part of tie. town to his daughter-. Hammond was reading the Pible a ; house. 'I he offer was ma le 1:1 fun. thing quit" umniI for him while about ' but, mm h t" hi . surprise, the omii,' the house and tmt 1 therw ise emjdoyed. 1 l.idie-! to, k him at his w ord. ;md a!- j Happening t- turn to the family r. e- iantly ,li,,r the sw i:ie to the i.quiie 1 destiti.it ion. The gi'i wire bi;te. and e.i:ly ; to .1 tia :r 1 tie di, ... . Cred.t for th ' u-.o-t el p, .ra!" s hem ever ilex ied by a tin rebuilt to attract customers mtt-t 1 rebaMy P awarded to a dry g. o l- i rut 1:1 .M-il-nurio' A'.istra ia. WI.eMnr or not it will produce the ih'ire,l result ieiiiii:n t'i be s-en. IL. 1.:; d t.ie sh. p is a large g irden. oriiiuicntcd with a i.iii"s an-l a p.iiiria. in 'vh.eh o; en air loiu ert-. . "-.il and in-t :''iui"i'.tal. will be "i'.eii daily. The ba-eiueiit of the large bii.aling has been titte I up with all t iie con ell it'll' is of a 0 lib for gent c- tin n. in" tiding a !i! r i'-y an t reading room, and a re-ta'irau. A viiy de p.ii'tmelii with similar nert-ssoiies ha been .ro id- d f"t 1 idli'i. The la: ' I'li'.'h-h iriisus re. ci's the 1 encouraging fact that Ihe mpnrtion of the 1 bil l to the population has de creased With ' il h successive ellUllll I,'. ti"!i since 1" I. in w hi, Ii y i-iir , c mi! I' 1 1 1 : 1 w. 1. taken bT t!ie tir-t time. The del I ea-e il till' lie a I" 1 u-litig i'i ! 11 was uiiiili greater thin in t it her of the priciibng dei euni.i! iiilerva!., t';e numb- r f ea- s r.-t-;ree I on t lii late r o 1 as,, ai b -;:-g J J.:; J, iqiial to o:i" H.nd p. r-011 i:i 1 w ry IP'. This de. 1 ease ;s la tiy alii ib itab;- to the i " liili l'-.'. '.ill lit t lie s:,r"i- e.l treatm- lit i-i a.,' t.oi: and to the di;;, ::i. -tied among 1 hil-lrcii of siuali-p. 1 I the eye, I rev ii'a nee 1 it r-fci ding soup e ..f disi.i farm animals, lord, and so b. 1 to the fanner, d-eland that is a very prewih-nt -e. especially in young It is iils.i ;i Wii-te ol 'niir'.i a di.-iible injury I'tof. Kn .p. of low ii. tho fanners of that :ate ;it" s 1 .r! " n u n oM-r-'i eaiug I be r C' '! s iti'iualiv in C"! s i.nd iior es. 1 ii d." -ays the N,-u 'pia! s.!,i pi lo-i ol Ir in 1 etleeiiing. ipia;-:s : oats ar.d lie might hae a 1 ... k I'i I v -an 1 M I lee by l! si iise II" siivs that two two eats of coin tv. i e .1 day is II cl..l !' filing f'-r a young hois-. (,ti; 1 we would add a fu 1 gr wn one when not bar I vir-.fd. 1 iind that moderate fci.ding 1 1 't;i I uces to vig'-roua lualth ami good ,A ago." The electric liuht s, ems to bo -ct-thng dow 11 to slfiidy business. Milan is lighting it.s tram-ciirs with it. ami there is talk of its employment u p,,jn toeach other. Itwasthis intlu some of the tramway lines in London. , t,r Mj,atfVer it was. that induced Nearly all the gnat Knglih railways ,;Ultll remain with Paign and induc iire going to use it in their carriages. 1 ,.tl (,; sit,,. to insj.t a jlt.r husband Mr. Altr-d i!e Kothsehiid lights hi-1 brougham with it. Mr. Man. ol , Swan ,v Fdgar, uses it all ov. r hi- rosident e at Urmnley, iind st-vernl j ri- : Mite residences ill the West i'lid el London lire illuminated from Mlar tv 1 jiiirret ly iiinv:ible liiiiips, which arc jdiif. .1 aiiiid ilnwt-rs. in ,.i rotu.s, the table, nml even nltiu bed to tin I heads of some . whn desire to carbon. d the beds for tie burn the midnight I I I'oinls in Contrast. I'ishop i link says there are sonu startling point of contrast betweer our nature and that of the brute, and if tl-.e latter could talk nut as we d", the resemblance might be found to be much more striking than we sup pose. It is among the dumb animals that our language finds the symbols or figures of speech by which it desig nates both the virtues and vices of hu manity. The dove aud the serpent, the lamb and the lion, the ox and the tiger, are synonyinuiH "'ith innocence. and cunninej, gentleness an 1 power. . patience anei ierucity. 1 ne most vigo rous epithets, both of honor and con temiit, are taken from this source. The liible is full of tbeni; (,, and tell that fox" "Ve serpentfi, ve crnera- i,n ,.f vi," 1, .1 , i o, aw.t !.,!," of Ill , r ni.v .-ti. iv a .uu iiuv .tu uni 01 me desert on the one hand, and on the other we have tin imagery drawn from 1 animal life, whieh is too facred to l e ! (jiioted in this etinneciion. I A ROMANTIC STORY. llow n Hi-other itntl M-.i'r. I. mm .'cp ftiitrl, I-tin ml one Aitotlitr In August la.-t a young man of gen teel appearance applied for work as a farm hand nS Mr. .lames Paign's, of Franklin county, hio. lie called him self John Hammond, and said ho was Jroin West Virginia, near Wheeling. ii.. .....o i. ik . . . ..i ;.. i i "' er to the sun and hr iuhte.-t. The mar appearance rather above the ordinary I veloits brilliancy of the --Star of Hctlile farm hands, and about twentv-two hem" in iss; surpass nny of its years of age. Mr. Pakn was "much j iwvi-'us visitations. It ill be seen even , , ,. ., ' . ' o.v noondav, shintnu' w ith n iiiuck ll.isli- 1lll:ISlll VVltl, 1,,U -,. I. 1 I'.KJ .1,1,1 ,1 Tllt.l'l - I ..... .. . .... j u mull. ,i,i.i..n.. in... . ance, and employed him until alter . eorii-ciitting. He soon observed a .remarkable resemblance between j young Howard and his t Paign'sl wife, , especially in the c dor and peculiar . expression of their eve. At the expiration of his time, Paign and his wife having become mucliat- taehed to the young man, insisted on 1 his retmiinini; with them a vear, to ; which Hammond consented, remark- 1 ing that he ha I not found a place so much like home as the home of bis emplover. The resemblance referred I j ord he re:i 1: Catherine llirii Finch." ! I le aslod Mrs. Paign, with ;i supiis- ; e l lnak, if that was ht r tiiime. "Yes, 1 lie said, "that is my true tiiiiue; out my ;i o.ted lathers name was Finch - the low Mr. Finch. Weil, said he, ' that is my name too ... John 1 1 1 ru ; but 1 was raised by Mr. ll.i.iiiiiohd. 1 ha I ;i twin sister by the name of Catherine, but I have not see lo r sin-'e toy mother's death., which occurieil when I was about three years old." "Why." said Mrs. Paign, "that is strange I had a twin brother by th , name nf John that I have not seen sin"'.' 1 was a li'tl" gil. Where hi 10 you born II ou:a on ! r 'piii-1 that he was b rn in Haitian. re, .tad that hi" father w as k:ii. d before ti... war by an accident in ii ma hine siiop, :i'i I that his luo'ler died when ho wai about three year old, and a they had no relatives in tins country, b ...ng (i laians h" w;is tahe.i and ;i l-ptc l by W illiam II. Hamaioii I. who ho.i:v aid r moved to Wed. 'ir ttini.i. or ra' h'-r drif led 'there after the war, and his latmly folhiwed him. an-l tin y s ttic I n'-ar Wheeling, w here they Hii r. side: that he had b arne 1 that .1 111:1:1 0.1 1 t:i , en his , ;t.,- and movidoa' west, but he d d led know v. her. . 1 1 1 1 r . 1 : g the time that young Haui inoii I i' i- liirni was relating the a'"'V part, P..igii -ay lie tr. Ikv! the tears st.uti'. g in h: w ife's eyes, and at it. 1 .iitclusii'ti she caught hold otyo ing Il:iiiiiii..!iil and liubi.i '. d him, exchiia. iuga'uid her tears "Why, that is my history, and you are my dear brother." Alter th - excitement had somewhat, .-.u'-side .I. Mrs. Paign sai-l to lit-r broth i r that .-he had been raised by the licv. Mr. Finch, who liwd near Athens, ihio, w here she had been married, and that she ami her husband ha I b .th b. en in forum 1 of the circumstance ..liove rehi'e I, and t.hii' tin; do. ire to liudher brother was the burden of her lu i ml : that she ha I wept and piv.yel niiiny .1 time to iig.i n be united w ith him. Young Hammond r plied that the desire to see her so wrought mi him that he aluiost liecani" .1 wanderer; that he had out one object in Lf", and j that was to lind his si-tcr; and now, in the providence of (iod, he had sinceed ed when he least expected it. They b .th claim that from the very first meeting there was a mysterious iniluenc" that thry w ere unable to ex- retaining him through the winter. whn in f.ct they roiild have ilony w ithout hi.; services." Tito Orlifin of .MiisiiiiilnrM. The liidiiiiis liiive ;i very salisfiietory accoiint of the nriiHii i'f the Motite.u- ui.i liios-iiiitoes. j lie leoemi rntiM thus: There wero in times of did, luiinv moons ii''o. two huge feathered monsters periiiitted by the Manitoit to descend from the sky and alight mi the banks of the N-neen river. Their form was exactly that of the mosquito. ! They were so large that they darken j ed tho sun like a cloud as tiiey ilew to. 1 Wiird the earth. Standing oneon eith ! erbituk they guarded the river, and i stretching tlu ir long necks into the i canoes of the In Hans, as they attempt : ed to paddle along the stream, gobbled i them up, as the stork Icing in the table ! gobbled up the frogs. The destruction : ol life Wits so great that not an Indian ; could pass w ithout being devoured in i the attempt. It was long before the ; monsters could be exterminated, and 1 then only by the combined efforts of ! all the warriors of the 'ayuga ami ! t ntiiiidaga nations. The batll-; was j terrible, but the warriors finally tri- uiiipliei'., and the mammoth musqiii t'-es were slain and left unbiiried. 1'i.r 111 S -' ' "-' inuiiilis liiin 10 r.iy his neglect the Indians bad to Ut.MIIV. Hit! tiire,lsfS (it ei 1111 tiseii 1 I ..ii'i 111," piii 1 1' 1111e1111v iur miii. new 011 in eioinis ot iii,,sitiitoes wtneli have idled the fount rv ever sin .'p. L'-ve your friend with liis faults. The Star or Bithlehem. J Mr. Frank Gilbert, in hi new "World I Ul.i, I .... 1 I ,.,,,. i .... ,i. i .1 I iiijioru.il an. I Actual, quotes the luarni l t 1 rofessor (ioiiniiiier its billows: In 117 the 'Slat' of lie.lhleliem," will be once more seen in "Cli iqialra's Chair." mid will be iiei-oinpiiiiied liy u total eclipse of the Min and iii'iou. Tlir Mai only makes its appearnner i'eiy yeiilx ' It will iippi ar and illuminate Ihe heavens and exceed in biilliuu-v even Juiieter w hen 111 ' opposition to the sun, Hiid therefore near- in,' l. -hi tile , Mo,. v."ir iiM.-r nlo.l. il , w ill madrndly deereas. l,i-l, ,l,ni.. ,111,1 nnuiiuii ss unit ! !M,:l11.' ippe.ir. nnil not return to our i.i 11,11s iiof-i 1-.-1, j The star thst aitiaet 'il (lie attention (.f I modern .istioiioineis in the vear KiM It ! I, 1 1 ., , ... , .;. 1, I was thru, alld a new star. It was no, iiew star, honour, lor tins was the star ; which shone so liri;;lith I 11. ('..and was' 'he star that illuminated the heaven. at the nativity of clui t Hut. Tumilv i mi; iwiiiij. A nlv with ii ihuiirhter of iniceit.iin ago, gav in ileii l. i ,.i,Iv "O i ,1 party one evening she was speaking of ' her daughter and a lady remarked : "llow old did you say Maiy wa-:" "Mary i just past tw enty .'' , "Ah! I should think she a. older than 1 that." I "Ye, everybody t ikes her to be ohl l than shr is. beeause y eu see Mary has sin h ; quiet way, (infill evening. Dr. .lotu s," -he said as an old gentleman came up, we were ju-i talking of Mary, and the I hidy w is i 1 1 it i- sni .i-U-, to h. :o me s,:y 1 he was young; you I now .slit's ordy ' iwelilv." ( if coin-.. . Mulatu. of n.urr: bu I'm hi'iitd ymi tell it bu ihe at ten years, at ; I e;it, and I h;u r 1 x riy roulideliees in any I ihing miii would -a . M td.-mi." i 1. 11 li- l islifrimin lu ihe va t amount of lmiiii-s tians .11 ted ill the lliihimoi,.. M... iostotlii i', Mr. M. V. Haih y. upi t intendi nt of the iii.iils i Kept exi e.'diniily busy, but some how he Ihnls a spare In. in- or ilay to .go lishing. and fruu Ids i xperieiiee he i-ive his testimony, thai Sr. Jacob's Oil is the best remedy ill the v.orhi loi ilu umaiistu. sprains, son- feet ami joints, bruises, etc. It is the remedy for ti-hi linen and gun hits who should alwav keep a bottle on hand. TIlP elo.e of wi ar iniil oven o; w inter - l'latmel und r A yrocer who man. 'ells 011 credit is n trust ti a ". il Our (iriiiiiinlr." Db. k. v. i'i mice, ntiir.do n. v.. n,,- j - Vour "Uolden Medical lliscover) " has ciuuil my imy ot a tevir .sore of two year standing. Please accept our yiatitu.lu. Yours truly, Henry Whitili, Iioloii. Mass. The timo to ro-tiro- -when the old tire i worn out. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" i not extolled nsa "cure-all, " hut udinirihly fullil" .1 sinL'Unt'ss of puriose. heinj a mot potent H-citie in thosu chioinc wenkne-scs peculiar to women. Particulars in lr. Pierce's pam phlet treatise on Dixxses peculiar to Women, '.l ipaoes sent for thiee stamps. Ad dress Wolil.u's Dtsl Os.lIlV Mk.liK.VI. Asi.n'H- iion, B'llfalo, N. V. Life is a piuie of ehiinee an 1 Death easts the die. Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" liltle liver pills . "iignr-eoatcd 1 purify the blood, vpet-dily correct all disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels, by druggists. "Over the garden waul" the lljinj; boot jack. .s'.oau i7,iiiA"fi rhie relievos the brain of 1110--bid fancies. Its a pure family medicine. "i'.iiifii I'fin .XVn iac cured me of 'St. Vitus Dance,'" Hiid T. J. tshorn, Richmond, a. Camphor Milk cures aches and pains. U'v. Koiiati ou Corn. " Ask for Wells' 'Hough on Corns.'l.Vv (J iiii't relief; complete cuie. Corns, warts, bullions. Plut-nix Pectoral cures cold and cough. 2.V. (Conation C'oimh. Knocks n CoukIi or Cold endwise. Fur chil dren or adults. Troches l.V. Liquid .Ve. ( nlonrl farltrr'a! !i o Wnn r. The Colonel never made 11 success nf t ie Fe Water hnsinc". hut CarLolino siincka lio!iuli7a with Petroleum us it - base. It yo ir j hau- is thin and falling out, try it. j "Iliie litil'ttbin.'f Quick, complcteciire.iill anno) int.' Kidney. liliiUdei and Urinary Disease'. sU Di mntists. Menhman'8 rriTnsrxn iuf.f toxic, the only prcp.tratiun i f beef cimtaiiiiiiy; ilu micr 1111'i i fioii jniifrt 5. It i-ontaiiis bloeJ-niaUin.'. force k ni ratiiif; ami lue-siistKinin proH'i tu n; invaluahlo for iiuhgi stiou, iI.vkih poia. nervoim prostration, and nil forma of ficueinl ilehiaty: uiso, in all enfeebled condition , nltt-tlwr the it-suit of exhaustion, tiei-voiM jn ,! latioti. .v ,1 oi k or acute disease, particularly if ri'.-iiltui;; from pulnioimryeciniplnintH. C Mti-!1, Hazard A Co., l'roprietora. New York, ti-.idbydi uisiii. Dr. S- H. Brittan says: "As a rule physi cian do not by their professional methods build up the feni'de constitution, and they seldom cure the disease to w hich it is iilw.is liable 111 our v irinb'.e climate und under our imperfect civilintiuii. Special reine lies are often reuuiird to restore orcaiiie harmony and to strt -ntlivn the enfeebled poweisof woinanhiiod. Aiuotiu the very best of these remedies I assign a prominent place to Mrs. I'uikliatn'a Vegetable impound." srwIitH-Mnrlilne lnililtr. YVeo reiiun Knhle items pour lteonnr o eaily. Mr. It. S. 1 11.1. 1 x, wnli 1! e ew II Maelime t omi ni.v. of I 'r :n '. Mass.. 1 if'. ! " Xlny 'i 1KfW: Ih ivees d Hum's l e i.e ly in my family for mfp nn eir-. My wife w.ik troiihleij with rainrtli of ti e blmldi r. aiitTered intense tain in the kidneys ami 'oins. and urination watt aci oiiiplirhed with the preatost of aco iy. My friends tlemaht that she could not recover. We tried doctors ami medicine', ntul nlilenii h hi tier at timen ahe would jrow orse annin. She wnBoblijed t i use the urinal as ninny en fifteen t-nies in a i.itfht, and wna erowinu wo'tte dai y. At thin time n.y nttentioia was called to Hunt's Hemedy. and 1 ronrlml. tl to try it: and nfter n-itii! one bott'e she w is 11 l-ooiI ileal l tier, the inllniumatii n wa- reduce. I. nml lit u.-.ter I more natural, hhr bean 1 1 o-aiu in ai poiiie I and fe't nn pain in the lack mid k'dne. She coold attend to her hoiisel.o'd work without lain, ned this hnj been a crea bin di n totlo, even the lid-to! kind of work. I After tiainif six loll If she wa co'iipleft ly I cured. Since then 1 bine lad occnlo-i to use Hunt's lteniedv for knlnei a id liver roir ' plaint", nud found it tube j iat v. re pre-enti d, 1 nn.l I coi inler it n 11 o-t woinlfif il iredif ine. , I would not be without limit's Iteieedv iu my family; and 1 have n commended it to my friendB hero iu ! 'range wiibeiiually good results." A Hi 111 it for I. tn t li-e tv,. Ir. Robert -Nenioii. ia'e pre.iiilo.it of the Eeleetiueiilles", of the eily of New York, ami formerly of Ciiieini a i, Ohio, used Vr. Wm. Hall's nnlsaiti v,-ry ext 'iiovely in his practice, as 11 any of bis patients now livini and re sl.,nil to health by the use of this inva'uable medicine, ran amply testify. He always a tid that so Rood remedy onxht to be prewr.bed freely by every physiriau as a tovereifjn - ;. ,, " , , ,iniinifti,it. find lum 1111 fninl for nll iw. toial complaints Dr. Snnford'a l.tvnr Invinorator pnrifics I he J blood, aidtt diyeMtion, retfiilatett the bowels. The short, hnckiiii; eouuh, whieh leads to ronpumiition, is cured by 1'iso's Cure. A MODERN RESCRRICTIOX. A Mirneie that Tik pine in our !(lit;t rn known in I lie rtiblle -Th DxihIIs lit Full. neof the most reti nrkablo occurrences ever piven to the pnl.l..., which tok ilm j h-re In our m ilst, lu just o uie t our l;uiwItHli 8'id will ii i loulitctllv nw.ikonai inn h suri'liso and bt'111 'i as (recftt attention in it lia alrenlv in now 1 aivr oirclo'. Tlio !a 'ts nn, ln-iojl'v, a follona: Mr. Will a n A. Croiubi a ymint; mini fornu-rly residiiia nt l):rniinf;liani, a s iluirli of l'etioit. a id lio li'inf; (i -7 Slieliipan nvemii', in rity, ran truthfully biiv Hiat lie lifts locked into the futuro wmtiJ" mid yot returned to this. A representative of tins paper ha ai t"i vieweil him upon this important sulie:t anil liis experiences aro given to the publio tor the first lime. Hofaiil: " I had Ikvh having most jieeulinr sensa tions for a long while. My hea I felt dull and lienvv: mv ovsii hf MA net vmun i i clear as i firiiii'i'lv:hiv npi etlto Was uneertuui Ami 1 1 ,...,.,,. ..,,,.,,; ,,.... if,,rf j u r;i. in the m..riii. n.1 v. I o, n il not sneji ni. ui;iiu jiy uioaiii iomcii I'liuiy. 1 h id 11 inint nil koho Feiisittiiin in the pit of '"!n h V'i1' !,ot '.ttlsf.v' wl,il'; '" hinds and feet felt I nnil elaiimiy. I W)l 1H.rv)lls nll , in.iuMi,t al, ,st n Cn- tims.iism. At times mv lund would n t whirl and my heart pa'pituted tirrihlv. J i ''V.l10 e,.,erP: "" nmbition. Bud 1 weniel 1 n.uiiH iu:n 01 wie pivsoni ami lluiusni es-, iur j t :e flit ire. I trieil to shake 1I10 fitr1inr oT an I twsuu-1'' niv-flf it wa sininlv n e il I 01' ; a I ttle malaria. Hut it w.ail.l not 1:0. I was , a.-t.-riiiiinsl m.ttj;,veup.an.lsotmi.)iael I nl.'in: nnil tt'l the wli. e 1 was Ket'lnJ worse. 11 "s anollt tins I mi,, that 1 noliee.l 1 1111 1 lie- liUti 10 bloat fearfullv. My l.inhs wore swol len so tbut by p:esin.r mv lingers uini tie in ilicei depression won!, I lie male, ily fro niv) la-gnu toen'niy.e. au 1 contained to until 1 eeuld M-ntvoly ': nut of mv eyes. Hue of try trieil Is, tlescrildng mv aiipenranee nt that time, tnid : It is nn a uuiatisl s une 1 lung, hut. I sl-.oul I liiie to know wlia'.' lu llii- e ndiii in 1 a s.d several wcek of the Kiinti st auony. " finally, one ntur'ny night, th? misery euliiiaiaie.l. Natnie could inline no in ts. 1 h eaiiieii rat ional u-nl apparently hisiiisilile. Cold mho' (.atheivd en lilv f.,eliea.; 111V me. IksfA-ia' glaeil and mv threat in'tlcd. I s nusl to Ii iu n-i t!i"i' hp) .ere nml w ith : 1 th r surr niu ling-i. I knew nothing of what reeinie l a - uud me. Although I line since 'iiin.,1 it was eo,- lerod ai" lea' 11 by tho e h is'nd by. It wni t tee ' a .,111. t slat . an. I yet . tie of print iinnr. I waslii lp e s, h ipfkiA an 1 a n wa mv on'v o.up.ui on. I ;eai,,i.li.r trviag to so wha't I w.i In you I me. bu! th.. mis! lief, re mv ocs , ,'a I. .1 , feat. 1 trie I to t ea "!i, bll'' I ba I I i a'l 1 ower. I felt tl .it it wa. ileiiih, a i I 1 I 1111 i.-.-u iam M riMe 11 Wit.. At la-t the . strain upon mv min I cave war mil nil wa- i a blank, lion-lens this 1 1 unlet! I ilu n ,t 1 know, hut ir 'a t 1 realize I the pivs ! of l Irieii Is an I lecnni',-1 ni.v n.I !-. I 1 Sir 1 I th light it wn. ftp-ill. I-it w A. nut eirniu. 1 !";iain:i'!y j-e.-a: ue, I eosri, 11 lies, h ,w , ever.n i l the i-niu li s eii 'l. 1 (, unl lint my ' l rie.iils ha I d 11 nil,' 1 ; 1 y iinon cimi in-ss, K 11 1 lovm.; me a pre a .-hi 11 I 1 a I ner.-r taken j 1 ' f, re, and the m M dav. iim ler ill- in'hie ici) : 01 tin-tn-ut nent. 1:1 hir.'ing h rtu tu dis I ,'i;,'i-r ti l fioiii t ill laii'u'i I s:-ali!y im 1 1 r -ve-l, mil il to ila I a n as vve'l as ever b-.'-i tor- 111 ley life, 1 avc 1... tin vs ul Hi" ten- b e 1 uu'.e 111 ijjii' ,hs, as . .vicelis ii'ly l ibi d me. anil a'l tin. u ll Ihe woialcl'liil iiistru ! lu nuibty of W'aruei's Su e Cure, th- 1v.11- edythill bl'luht 111" 1 1 lit" a ft-. !' 1 VaSvutu I ally 111 aii,.i!i-i "orl I." ! "Veil Ii ,w 1 a I a 1 unusual i xiKiienee. Mr. , I ron,!,...,'" sail tie uTil.-r. who laid heea ! bri-iriiles.lv !ir.:e!iin in Hi - iieitul. 1 " Vis. I thi ik 1 tiave." win t lis ivnly, ' a id it has li.fii a valia 'ie 1,-ssoa to me. " I a.111 certiiu', tu 11, !. th re a.v th i i amls of tin 11 an 1 wauiea at lies very moment who 1 luve 1 1,,' si 1 e ndm nt widen ca ne i near j killing tee. nullify do no' know il. J be- I I li -ve l,i,ln,.y di-e;i o is the most deceptive I j trucKeiii the word, ll e nue-line 11 tine in 1 ! ili' iiubi. It ha-n 1 cei taiu svuij toau. hm 1 I se in In alt ic'.i in 1 one ,h ter nil. It is I ipiiut, nea h -run , an I a I tie. nior". ilnii;ei-i I 1 u-. It is Uiliiin n.otv peop e. to- lav. tlm i I I nny other ,11 e Cu.niilaue. If I ha Itlie khv.t ! I I wo -r.l warn the entire wn- d a ;uui-t it and ' time th.-11 1 1 remove it fi outlet svt 'in b -- i I fole t I- too la e." ' : ; 1 '11? of th -m.-iiili r-of the fli in .f White I li'ii'l .V .Mil -hell, piopii -l Hi 1 1 in 1 llinniKg ha 11 . , .', 1. -, 1 in I a Ir.o -i i ,11 v isit (j tin, j oil e ve.lf dav. il l I mi tii" e air-e of e mve;--'Sitn'u. y'v. I 'roailii'- s ii'i'ii i t. ice itiona 1. 1 "I iuiew about hi.. - i-lin s, ' ssiii t tavi' ht r. . I 'nil In- r.-:i .ar, ai,;.. ivet.erv. i ha 1 lis I ol-iluary all 111 t vi, n i l n-m uiiiee 1 1 1 th ;,--, r. 1, thai h -e ,11'd mil hv tlnt 1 its 11 1 i-ii '. b was e. u.t ai'v 11 m e.t m-lot'iul ! i CIS.'.'' ; lii v. A. I!. Hai ti tr, foi iii .; !v p i-!orof the I ! M. I.'. Cliiireh. at liiiiu.a.. h.'i-ii,' a-id n ov of j Selio . n an. .Mkii . m ie-. ..iis t a t 1 griiui. j replied: "Mr. . A. Croinh e n a .1 iiieuih-'i o!' my ! family at the lime ,.f hi- c ,uei :. The pray- I1SU1 ilinoimo. ,,i,. ll.U,.,l.M I'll' mill 011 iw.iihlleient eeeasiias. I was witlihimon ih.' day he was ri-:ii',ed by Iih physi c.a is in iyiug. an-l coiii ler loi, i-it'o-.ery itlinest A 111 raele." mar.le.ilh asdil .Mr. eroinli.a and then re- foyer, hut the men an I woiiie i w n 1 are .init.ti ' touiii-.l 11, n ..11 I ...... 1....;.... -e . note tli-slij;lites! .-.vu, ! .in-, ti reii their slUiilicrt'ice na I u m them in time bv the iv .ne ly which la. l-e-n shown to he m,.st eiiicu ut, is u .bi y froiii wiiich tho 'eian be no c-rn-. e. I'liev ni,, Ifiroiiiit n who ,1.. tltitt- tl,.,v i ' .1 . , . .' ai me suie r. uu 1 le.uu f.to m-'iec il Jhtrvtt J ttf I'rvi 'HlllllUUUltUUIillllHWUlll, jIL l,iii;iipiiinnuiniuiii!ill IlliiiwuffliiaqijiJ THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. l.t tli'Vta and cui.-h 15 H 1:1 M . Vi ISM, Neuraljjla, Sciatica, Lumbago, t idi i lit:, REaDACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THPOHT. Ql'INlsV, ISWKI.Lt.MM. MMI tlS. Sorennst, Cuts. Brulsei. t-'HOsriilTFiS, III llS. ht'Al.naj, Anil all nthfr lofllly ftcties nnd puiiif,. FIFTY CENTS I BOTTLE. Selilliysll Pritueltftiit1 lti'iiU-i. Pirei-liuiiS iu 11 lniiieiiii,-,s. ,5 the Charles A. Vogeler Co. tsuantf 1 10 A. V.'ntl t.H t CO ) llalllBor, J., t.g. 1. Ijhiiiiiiiiaaiiiiiiiiiiim'i; ilB!ii!piliiiia ll ,il fM!lSfi !)lilllllllllllliill!illr itHW" "-"ml!; ' iwnnniiiitimwt ill tul.,llliW IhliiitillllllinuiiilfJ iUMP"'11, Tll.'jr wlio II,, fk fiirly an,t lata Ilu, Jf.ir r.vin.l fit-fil, fH-i-ni-i.iuiilly.ttn.'ai'.-illli lul ;.tiinitli-.aimpanpd l- a wtiela-.ma tme I kf II uat r t t r r'a .si.-miih llntrni. T.t all, ita .iirily an.l i-lfit-ieiH-jf as a r,.fn,ljf nlul fri-o-llliv,.,,! ili eftse r.inii-Hil it. It rh,-,-ks 111 1: 1 t i n t rtii-iimati.m in,t ma larial t,ri!iit..!!i, r,--1 t-vfH t-.,iiti,iilt.n, tl)"tnl,aia anil l.il-l,.ni,-. arr-t pr.-. iniifiireil.'i-tijf i.f Ibf ,liv. nl rncr Payne's Automatic Engines. 11 -lialila, Durabla and Kco..umtrat, aWII mlk m liur..- pair-r li ' f"'1 '' " "' A'nyixa oafl, nut nlu.il vtilli an AutumaticOatsilS. 6and tut lilj-lraluil CniaJi.w "J." t"r liili,rinUun..ai4 I'i, ra. II W, I'aim. t Kons, Dux f'-i. 1 luiirn, M.Y. r AM YDt'R NI WSItK.At.HI KlR M'VBf U l i.i i ..i ' iiii-; eiiii.Ai'i rein v wi:i Ki.Y t Al l..'' It runtain-a lii "I la.ii.ililn I'rrniinina ! a.,,,,-. , I; ,,rr., -r.7-r. S,, ,..ir THIlKlC I'lilZr I'I ZI.l I. Ill" lit! snl.ral which will re N J.i. VI.J ai-l (,0 f.k,,r,i.i-ir. if 7 "ir m n- linl- r is ..ul ol M'MhTK IXK.V1.N. aon.l ua vnnr a.l.lri'Ha, ait.t wa will s'n 1 f.l Kample cow trit. A.l.lr,--, Idllll HT K DAV IS. I'mprmlur ol THE WI I hl.V I'AI.L," I'lnla.lrU.lua. fa O'AMrit.iH Mil U li thi tmst Liuimalit. Plica i cent. It la l welt-known fact thAt moat nf tlia Hrc an.lt ulllr i'awilrrtolil In tnls coun try la K.irlhli'ts: th.it fUirrulan's ondl- ti.,ii r.iw.liT la aha.,li.lelv pure and verr valuable. Nothing- on f-attri will Imilf. Iit,na 1., libp Slirlflifcll'a I ( onilltlnn I'nn-tler. Ixsf. one ira.p.s.ntul lo I Ka. ia a f wm w at MUAI WTO A It'll I i.wlerm, ate. Bow eyarjrwnere, or aent d, man rnr W ll I V IV t 11 vnUlaaaHHiii ctnii In nimpt. Alao furnUhed In larm cam, (ot breedera' uae. prtc (l.OOi by mail, Iin t'lrculara A Dangerous Case. RnmriM-rii, Juno 1. 112. 'Ten. Tfarn ago I was nttackeit with tha most lhtei.aa and deathl uua ill my hat-k and Ki'lnryl. ' Extending to the end of my toes and to my bruin! " Which mnde me delirious! "Fioui agony. "It took ihrco men to hold me on my bed (it time. "The dorters triid in viiiu to rcliovo me. But to no j nrrosp. " Morphino and other opinten "Hud 110 effei't! "After tw o months I wan given up to dio! " When my wif J 'llcnrd n neitflihor toll what Hop Bitters hid iloiie for her, eha ut ouce got aud gave mo some. Ti e first dupe easej my brnin nml seoimd to go hunting through my pya teai for tho pain. "'Jhowond ilosc cased me so much that I nlfpl two I oars, fomethin; I lind uot done for two mrliths. Ttif.Ti' I had lue.l live bot tles I was well nn 1 nt work, 11s hard 11s any mini could, for over three weeks hut Iworke.I too hard for my Mr, lutli, mid lakieg a hnrJ rold. I was taken with the n.o-t i.cu'.o ni.d I ni uf nl ilu'utnati.sm nll through my system tint wns over known. Io dle.l tho durton ug. in, and uf.or several weeks tlioy left me cripple en crutches for life, lis they said. 1 lie..! a friend iiixl told him my ense, and he said Hop Hitters had cured hau and would cine me. I pco'i -d nt him, but ho was so 1 anient t was imhiei d to u-e them auain. In less than four wee'is I threw away tey criitiht -s and wcat t j work lightly and kept oil using tic liiilers (or livu work , uniil I became is well a - any mini i. ucd have been so for six years twice, ll u'so enrol tny wile, who In I In en so for yens; and hns kept her and my eliildrou w, 11 and hearty with from two 10 time bottle p r year. Tie o is no mod 1 1 he sick at nil if these ltpti'is aro rs-.il. 1. .1. ltini. ex-Suin'rviBot-. " That 1 oor invalid 1I0' "Sis'er: 'Molle ! "Ordaiu;! t-r! '('.in be tea le the pii t ne of l.ia'th! ith a few lint H' ot Hup u.ta-iet Will ioif . i.",l '.' II V 11 N A SPECIFIC FOR T.idlopsy. "ilWJ, .'otiVtll- i-jo!,!!, Falling ,v. St. Vitus Iain'i'. AlcatuA' TIIT farJi'TI1""! 'pmm l.ui- a 0 JUieir. Suphii;ti, ferofiila, King Fi H. Vgly Blood L'isi ji-op, Ihipfp shi. Nervousness, HER Vl'l I I I I I I rT I IH JlL'lVO n t ism. ...tu.i nVtia'iifiM. brain Won v, JUkvI Sorts, l'-ilio'isiies. Ciw.'f ',-..., Nervous! Piostraf Ion, A i'u'nffV i fiiul '-rt nn ! IrnuiilitriHtS, sitilille 'iViiiiMiiiinls. ''(-amnritnu N. nine in ilnli!' weial.-r". Hr. .1. ti. M, I , -mi. in. Ah x:i il. r City, Ala. "t feci it my ilulv t" t, -rnnitn, ml it." I'r D. V. I.Mii.-lilin. I 'lytic, Kantas. ' Itiurt'ilwlKre 1 lo-'i-iium f.-iileft " ,Vv..l A l.,l:f, tlraver. Ti. fCorrcpoDiIpuef Ircclv itustrfil.-J Wi iiR. S. A. KlCH35BBED7tO.. ST, ICJEPIl! Kfl. At llruKitlsl". ('. S. (rll teuton. A;;, nt. V, . . LVDIA E. PINKHAM'S a a VEGETABLE COMPOUND ISA I'oslllVK CI 1!K, FOR" All lln.se pitiiil'iil tiiin i Inl 11 1 ami Heakiii'ssi-s so f iinimott - In em- lii-st n:i u.t: 1 nit 1 1 rioN. Prlri, ?l la llijuid, UI or low rag tonra. 'A IN s,.iriK- m so.'.-'v r-.r Ih b .'.re.f.- hr.illng of .(',,-il- "...I IH '' 1-""- "'" " '' n't il ,-fti,.i.... fn.,ii.-iif,'' " l.i.fi.-a oi i'i"'l(' t'tttfll. II MM .i:"r .-i-tii-'lv nl' OTtrt.in ti , ul.',-. Inflftluiiia- 11 iiuii.I I l-.-r.i .' l -iill-K mill I -.m lirilii, 11:11. ai.J i- n-,.,-,.-!.! ,ai.il w, I'-a .- s. .n. l l-irti. 1 1 .1 Iv ai!ai,t , I t oll.' Ci.i'.i ,.( l.in ' 11 1 r ,l-.tc ' sill rnivltiff ' i ..... f III, steimi.-li. S 1 . , I r -to.tli ". i. 1 o -I. n 1.11.I lii.ll ,1..,, n. .n-ontf in, iillv,r. ,1 le-ll . - .;,-..;a. 1. t , Oft?, "f . r .v. if ,lr- .yftf. f..r Mini-ill It i-uos II tl-n.ial P F..iiii. r nn. I la.-l. .- S-I,tv. SI I 1,1 r...n iu..r i I,,-. I- !,! O- l-t i,T, f., 1.111,1 M:.. ,i I, nt.ullv ne -, il i" a'- 30 DAYS' TRIAL (Buvi TRO Vtil.T Mi' HILT nni oih. r Vi trtMc a Al T1 1 sK. nr. ft rn .u 1ujh 'i'nnl TO Ml. If ! w , hmm. ml all 1 m.l.e I .1.-. . srf-,lj- n. I" ' ' H"1 '" t si.imw .n to lit ai.th. V1..1111 and i M s it-,, 'i 1 , r.Mi s 1 1 1 1. N-imI m-e lor llluttratsd IKlllltlV, I Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall. Mich. 'JTo Spoculator, it 11.JL.1 a u n i:n a a. h. Linaa am d us., n. u. miliar w i.a. .Indblom I Iiu-air i Nw Vrk GRAIN A PROVISION BROKERS. M' Milmrs of all iirmiiu wit rriiil--) ht-:ti.ugt)a ia Wu iuvrt Bifiastw p.iv4i tt-.4r.t'i Mirs hetwatfti ('liii-.ijiii.-tu1 N'fi.T Y-trk. Vt!l ! .' ittt tirl-r onnir ju UiiiHut wbnn rr.juta(.l. S.u t t r cuv ilnri ai.i t.r.i tu pirticalnrs, HOIW. UN Dill i A O ).. t 'Iim .tt; i GOOD NEWS TO LADIES! l.rtM.t.t iinhu iii'i t r of fcrrd. N'uu'h josf i ni'tugftup cini-Ts lor utir cr-a.r Ten ml ('ot.rrn.in.t uro a lauti fui. tll..in xuKtoot'hlDB .. S..i .,r II .1 ila-.n,. Uen ritvil How Piiuir S't, i r i Una MjI lift-, t.tisl 'r.n.Hf .Sfi. r Mill t'.ittii ui.trs dtiiisa P. u. Uui Ji. Ut fci.d Vew M.t Nw or" Tnv7 iniiT it mifTf 4 onoo tmmt rnttmppM iinnaior ut i i 'orni,nunioni.Hcah'.ltrul9M,(or.'nrts of rtt.hnu I AXLE GREASE. Ileal III Ihe worbl- Urt tlir genuine. Ever luieknse linn our Irnilc-innrla and l rUi-tl I rner'a. ixill.lt liVI-ilt YWIIKRh. THE AME Rl CAN lapj.llll.H.a PRICE S3 WARRANTCO ao.aav atk PROMINENT PRICE til" AMERICAN tuiniaiK Aiar VDKKCLmtA DISCOUNT TO OtWtRS a CaJtVAIUia. .T CIRCUIA. nan Aim I lUiFTIOri, a ..Iv t. r ti.9 ti..a ills. -wo; lit lit trno thooan.la cf ciuiwa of Hi wor-t aicii mm w i" yjll'Jwnh.VAI.I-ABI.BTIItilTiBKontina Ol..t, ulwOtti-r. olaEi.n-a.Mll'. O a.l.lfj-". ' PH. T. A. MAUI at. l.-l r.-ailM., XcwVork. miintha' treaimeiil in onf iacHao. tuj.ni i '' III l hi, lli-a,l. Ui iuli lie. lny.inia. "' sc' Firty cents. t oil ly-gi; wSrrVn. Pit. rfPiSTlTS,ii I ! ''. I. IIISHU . I'i'!. Lwyrr. .1 Ai"7'". iviflliap. n c. nam ii;r . .." . - ,--' -,- v -....t L. . U BailH ill1. Atrau. ralalia IU, VIJFNT!VATKI for tha beat and raateat-aall-ina- Pii l.inai Uoi.ln and HiUlt-a. Hrtroa nOiiced U l-rrnl. NanoNAL PfB. ',.. PhilaJelphia, Pa. Puil'Mlx Pectobai. will cura yot ro iuilQ Prica iio . ea. ii .mt of food. II will alao iirerent atnrl cure ami KKE. I. H. jousiiu.t a iu, itoston, uu, k. ea m -yazr iti altai ia-MiiP UOt 1 1 I J vrir H BENS LAY

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