lalham jJIrro TIIUHSDAV. MAIKIf 20, 11 M ill. CONTHACTS. We are ph used (.1) oh ai ve il at many of ii'ir ahlf Stub-emit rmpo-if pii:os, (he Nouhoni peop'e, through ' ' iln-ir '!). i'i (,(i:i r',i' is, lmvo.jui.l- I.-,. i ii H. A. TjOtfPOW. F.ditot'. W1UTINO I I' C ANDIDA ITS. TLo "writing up" of candidates for 6ffuio in thin Htnto has gono so funis to boe.ome simply ridiculous. When- Avor a man aspires for mi otrieo lio lit Onco gets 1 lis fricnda to write ino.t douipluneiitary notices of him (and inBoniocasoH ho writes them himself) Until you can hardly pick up a paper fliat dooa not contain oiu or more gucli effusions. To rt'iiil these sin teh (Su ono would think that the "woods irere full" of Statesmen and North Carolina was most prolific in tlio fire j, hi: to hr-.a! :g f! e Hi- tin i'm-v-: mail t'o!:l i;.i ( s, w I. impaired 1 1 u service. The r. ie ! ifvi1;, gesiel ly i is verv g -in e.t prove.1, ami that, is. for our : in li ,fo I file rociiri 1M so'. Let eg "! die. This in ; I nil''"' : t .i,i!, . ;. :- i.. id...- -J .:, iV i'' h-nds i I lis ' iliat he i HI .1 I I.) I i il ! the i if. A;li... il i.i.ti;l..iv Tlio'jor's IJeport. :i til.' Ni.'tvujii.t t)l, -.,-rvr: " 'w' 1' 'I'll.' u i i of Si, tic auditor V. V. m roiilnl , ij .i,. .i f,, ,!,., , i:,. Ni'V i.'iIk r at), I .:!. in ii-, ;f. ncral i-tat an.-t't, Unit t !. I !:., hs ; II" 1 i'.'lt i.l of J'-o ; t i ,' . I V ' "."I I' I, I: v. f id.- ...:,;; i .-.. :-..- i.. jMiiV-i. undo!' il;.- i.'.mi. alien. d f.,! 1. U.'maiO. 'He I', ... ;' w,ir tonm-i'v flM Sopteaiber tho .t led e i- tire tr:u:i!niar if t vi-mi fi it oris. "Sii'.iihern ' !'.! at t'on 1 1 ... i r, iV r hack mill! of l';ivi i!lo tin ro urtMuhiahle h ,1s or y;:m !:k; or moie ilifl'er ehtki'.ils"! '!, ..licit hcils nre almost on h;oi t ihlo. Oiii- is red elay, siiit ul'le fur ii. i!, 'ii;; M.e l"--l of brick; nn-oibi-r i i t . i i--i ,J. r 1. from which (low : r p 't- . v it' -' cooler, , c . lire niailc: a iMiil v ! it 'i ici.kcs pipes tluit are st.r.t lif for from Mahio to Texas by tli.i.c ".! !.:'.v ; oecc u e l them, an 1 lni I i:; : a .i-.iVr e!:iy which tiitahh- i'or th.- manwfacturt! of jny, ......... . 1. 1.1-.. il ...1 1 l. : till- IKMllll' ill !ll'!ll'L llil.l U iill.Klh ' n 1 ' rt .. ." . . I ! ..O.. I.. ..j .... 1 ..ll,i. ,li..l,,., ll"l,"Jt ' i"1-' cuu i i .. .: ' ne receipt:) of the eiliic;itl'HiaI IiKiim"11-11"" ami Uoh eompe! the mm resident 1 " ' 'T 1" l'.u ,1S 'nv" I"" ' 1 for ,U '" Mii:5.m7 'W. a total j IWlii.'fim Spirit .- We un.lcrr.taml contractor: cilher to do the worl: ' ? ' that sevtl . f the eiii -ens r. .idi.,;r in ihenwlvi,, or .urrcder their .n-1 SV.:,! i . vWni.r ha;c. lu, i,;,o u Inch t. We repeat what we have ! n. . iWi.U, evee llt,d ,(i i.ion fji liei-elnfnre m.lih.if en ,.,., i lite pm iohc o5 ill HI; ' :i i eiiotit . , c , , , . , , 10 a!,fi,e;iieret"iit. Itia.i Ar' enn t:ike uiie of snli .'on! i acf s I . .. i u ' , ( : '.cii'ii. .nr. !.i:;!i:i' sn im in ami supp'y the proper sci The! p., (l .lisuui-r oi il.e peitc- a.i .,, newsiiaiiers 111 everv iioii ion of the the Uejiiihlic.iii eaiitltdalt s. -ii Slate are iett rested ! eminent mail servici is tioiul fund for the f.itirteeii immlhs t Hci.tiitcroffr's wi re in tow n this week, ending Dec 1, U.S.''.. -,v, re .ft 1 : " -nsd ; !.,,;!, voui.jf nidi. had a e'nat with of the j.uh'i,. i;. J. 'i !,:':!. 7i. a i ..,;'( thi in. Mr. riul.iy.Min. uhoMicm-t-'al if '.IM,17S.T:. : h -:iii a bal- j , ,1 1,. ijuiie iiilc!ii;reut.. Theywire t!i trea.tirv I . . t:itor 1. ; in m arch ot sii eations. cgf?: !.t;h ;H' y.t;.;-j.j Tin ALL RIGHT Cookiiiir Stove. Tin- nii-l'-r! l.S, '. -.r llilit cclobmleJ In1 il.ui i-vcr '! wr.N rv mm: thouhaxd itisiniu'c tiiy tuv ptvru Intiro Satisfaction. iiavo.;; an i '"'' ' ! 1SSM, f Wa9(J3. .f which num i mid thevaro: ..Tau M, .,,, i n.iifti ,1,.;,..),) xvfts PieaMomil fund, and (ii. .hofV r.mrle: On hist Wed- prouUCtlOD oi great men. o '";, .... , . : e.niciii . . iiiuli.-Uii licit hv f lie ilreaais 1 si-7 i n-.i in , , i f., i , ,,. ,i a wmie iciuaie ciiu.i was u.n u pleasod to see hi the dailv issues , j! ,orn,!,1,',J 'einnp--! every man vho : ,1,. i,.ulII ,,ther i wh,. have the White ' t',, soij'ri fi', ., which ilT r " to,..d,ip. in this thoNewnand Observer the ridicule ! a ,,M'1 c "wi to eon.piy wdh ,t,, i;t,,,irii, fvUi-m. Thevete-,.f t,it, U.J .riviH, ; nancy, h, four eves, i ;vo , Biat so heaped . y ,,.,,. , f,; u J... ; . , mis X j ,n ;( , ; f i0 h ,.; , upon this growmy custom of willing lhe m Ar(( I nod ,h .nup.-sth,, able iHularit.v . U.M s.jjvjo,,. U, ot, rorlill.'.ers ! freut if. i to ,M parent... --Mr.; 1 t..,u , ii.. n liiii w l'. i. 1J l i '1! lit 111,1 (III- . ITT ".'l .i.t.... ...4 i 1 . t'c 'l n'V ..-n'i ,"i,,t .... m t unv ifwi-K . .ii., in ts!Mri;'i.isi.i-.,i n t e-ia- o: e!.e,i .1, ,!,. i tive. wrote ns n h iter Irom M hieli we n r v. rt.i iiliiiri' ri;K'i:s www low. (' ll. ...Oj iIui'iiliil"KU( u,l Lit ft HAHDWAIIK OF tVKIJY lSCIUPTION. rash, xscioixs 4kitn sixixsrss, Ziarest jiock iu Iv'crth Uaroiin-i. jirurs i.r.wis & vo., SsoN or 'i iik (ioi.rr.N Hohsk Suou, klM FtiyeUeville , oj po.-i!-: the Market, f.-uniarv 1". J KM. 1!A!,KHJ!1, N. C. M. T. Nolil.W, I.llliM.f N ITI- , Wnl! Tnyl'.r, w. c. Nui.rts, Late 'T N ins. M ir,, in jc nrliilii. FV&E I FUiE ! ! At hist, aftc? nearly twenty two hm copv the following : fll,.r.-ulem. 1 vii rs a'. t!te lTot-er oi.. i tin make ihe 1 . ei... la... l. .. r'" ' ..... I he c -n:i -n,f,Ti l.i iv. bin vii.ilicateil A bii! has lhmlly f, t s;, ,.,; c,!.; ,-:or , passed built In, me.'.cs of Congress j iny the eovtracls for euro ing our anmillilig th. sc'i'.i :; v of t'. miu-tial thnl trie..! him in I aisoneu.eiicc oi or.ics iu u -co.,,, ,lu.irs si;,li:!y and then . cot buttle of Mana.isas. At ihe time oi ( f0 s.,,.,4 ,tt i.eggariy rale, ami thus &is trial, uml ever sii:ce, Cu ii. i'jrJer j bccoiiie rich at the t-xpunv e' i?.t Siulhis have asserted his in ,! A.nv li i tic -mi noeenco and that he wus lmi l sotipe-goat to snfl'er fi r lie Gen. I'll t, w'ao c : firal forces.". rieaterl effort.-, C'.r u : was done il; hi.-, l.ei dent H iyis t s . ! : j board to examine fui Of the case and rep' jnstico retpiiri-d sht,' this bom d were rt.i Behufic'.d, Terry, ami (htty. a whom were known to cni.-itnin frietidiy oiiei.'i t j(h :i. I'tivter. am fftt at Wr a prolonged and seuivhiucin- T"estigatioii they imrminitmsly ag.-eed Mint a great wrong ! a l beet: done him and recommended that he he ro- Stored to the p.'.-lu...! i'.ola Ki ich he had been so unjustly tomo- . At nearly every hwiun of Ci-.iigu-!.s after that, a bill was introduced t-; (.'any out the recoiaaii.'u.l.uii'Hs (.f1 this advisory board. b:;t it a'vav-. ' excited very oimii opt o--lliOii ui in the lciulii :,' r ail .: -...i.. ard wa.; not jiassed. A e:.f it t" a.;o i. i: Grant plil.h':.iie.. ; :;; lii. i.-.t I ii oi the !ub:cct. :..A jjave i.i- (-ei:;io:i that I'ortir had ' great injuiuiee, a.l natumiiv o.w nou u:n- n v(.n--:.t m ittuutv i I'eati-i r;. t in-: !e, ..( nviuoing others All lovers wi j taeu shim, out les oousp:;-.;oa.siy. juHtiee will be ph ased to know that ! Tn the v iv.-rd Co.vr ss the pr e,.,, St hmtOen. Porters fan- name he is UI,,islll,:v :,.,. rt!:.i ;.!. ,1!:!.,, becu fully vindicated, e.ltuoiigh ii : ;nf tiu.m ;,.lv,s j,,:,,-, n. ni-. ;v done after the lapse ot so many yi ars. ' ab!o to cp with lieir more .en- i i , enced eo'h agues i.urpn-.hiii'tv s . Annu ( vj f vv t i' i i v i i I AtuotlU the new members vho ,!ihinvu aiai kcd i;l.:.;ty n:, a 1 w.i.s. . There is hardly any member of ; ..w York. vh'ic;m:;'miin:o:mi!eito. Congress who guards more watch- by a tine speech on the CSsa'mevs fully the. iutoresU of ihe peoplo than ! Manning elect ion ease and his on: ::r llli cli'Ver, t ' i.eti' i l. i:;:u ll'aiii tag !i-t Mian:.' in::v tail t)e si i ;:c::'.ti"!l. but he i Ji,t io I in pro.'ress of the - bci'.: by the-.' who eld.::; it. a!rl ti:::!. he wi!! ocrt i.i e t!i:e' . . r.t the Chicugo i; )i. is i..n..l!y i-i-rtaoi. No ac, ;! in c."e'.;v'tio-l with t!e' al' "i is :.! f-ill of ivsoureo fts '. and i; '.oe'd i.ot b, surpris ' m e liha i i L.. r tin- !a-t on the ii i i-,.' lo i in- top. Htt iv to I' ive hi- Stale deit ration W. N. (!. It. U. "'I; mil. lie tu. -.ViJ'in.l pale l X V. V. i il .S.i::." J'h" v.-itinr. of the't fhl.d ,.0, s Item Vi-! :.el be!- ..-.i : v., tin- .vrii-!,:',i: :li ;!..--.:' i-.'l.:;-M is :"..r .Iim'-br ill r C!pt , iT.i.s. !y t.. iu-ia i i.iii.i; .. C. a i it-ce as large as a man s -I ha i of its head. eiieais. v.hiel' on rnimlHv' lilieil all lis 1 :d.iil nam N.-wtoa l-'.nt. i i ' Ni Ison Slu r i i'i. 1l , ,!:,..; a ei- ii-tnie rem ishcr ;ii'.. lk.f.i . -.!!.. I'd. ii,M:.!it . . !-oii ha-1 i.i.-. e 1 ' '. 1 i lea-ie ,-: -id bi oouht home - -ae ;:.;..t!i iij.M. lb had it madt !; H . and tl -,i e- v:::.7': i. i':t. re.-t ' :t n et ived on :iiirl-;.:;e h.m h of t'l' ' tin ll,t:i N. I.'. !i. )':::,, iieiie- anion:. iiu;1 i iiil'aeiu . altogether t ?WlH. ! track -i x ti i lie ,n -iiiirsemt nt aeetnmt t ho Jistaiu-i ; piin"ip,i A'rrieultural de-1 al'ierno. i.n iiik'i.t i ' "i-' '. c .1.! io(.-cin i.-s ;!l!.- rlieim. st:)s2U- :iii; iu .-'s"i.l7.':; a! 1 iold.-boru ;.r. ::mi 1 !ii:d i: !?!'!': interest on i p i 'I'"-' UJI; iuteie ! on li."''! .1: el f lot IV -A man by in, h r ihi aiwii on the I'ivl a shoit '. it Saturday .ry narrow ; was in a f tl i ca-ti in M. T. Nonis & Ili o. Wh'isuiV-ftl'X -i-rb. V.' .e Tnai- :ii !),!r ol I f u. I, HiiJltLtiVliij ATUubiitil -AMI- - .No. bi I' -. -h o.g-. and No. 15 Kast ,'lt! ! i:t ; i its. IV&XXrittK, JKT. o. WI', CAUUV A bAlhiK HIOCK which we ufi'i'V to the irade at very low prices. Ml e!as-e r.a.-ieiaii!. li.l'l-rs ,r I ' ii- i, i ' i in in oi -iiiirsemt in ic'etnim I ii" lisiauei .'.I'liici h-ehm- tt) ea- rv tin- m.aa; br theci ... . ...... j ....... ,t ... i ,i iii'Mi,i items rue: A'rricuitiiral oe-1 aiiernooa. ami 1 ;nl 1 iim.i f he e u-il' 1. ..-.t,.!.. !.-.! io i),i-.u- .. " V ' ' . " ' a .a.r s,irmt- ..1K.lit i i.iM ,.: j:, -.,., j,.s S2i!.- : eseaue from th flU. debut of: ji ,.... ...u .... i ... 1,. ! v., ,:,! '' ; ' :vl1 in miii;!. i:,,',:v, iTiu-i,:,. sl:).sU.- ; curve, and I he . n rieeer of th. ra-ttrn h ,! the i.-tl -tvl:' h-.y. a .-! ! !. V'.-"' ' ' , """ eh !'.-:'.-r..I ;.- -:.i.!s T-"V. li s :tii; m ) !:;. tram d: 1 tot wr him '"i ! D.S, . i,-:.-.!.dii.ghisrf .ln.-tll'v i:.-. w.t! pari'. . .i ii.e .. , a-. j. i-.a'.-igl, .;!i;M; Mt in h.m to . I.-e.; bis ii.;;:m- i-el-iv . ,".',d"1 a i ."" '. '"'T."." "'"" i.ron.nil " . ,, - , , i' 'lii.'..' ivi., I I,,, ir ,. ...... i -i ...-ill . , :. . i :. . i. ., ... I.. . 1 1 u .' . ' 1 .s. .. ... ...a.. . . , .. i .1.1,11 1 . . ..;,, ... f ,., el' st I -1 .' i , 1 1 , t : - ' : 1 i :i i - -1 '. I 1 , 1 . , .- ' '.;;.' i . - . , . ... at 1 10,. .... .01 o 1 t--iei,i ,e- 1.1-1. 1 . eina'i'n in- mw 1.11-1.11 i inn . 111 1 11 . .a !. .-t.,!-' 1 wan u,. '' .'J l" ... ',. ;.'.niv K.-u-.ielv s. .v.-.'-i !.o:h :': - h' ,,; ::.-.'!.. ,i,.-.r. .hmd. llhal in-!i-. k..ool.ed the truck by 'the cow-' I IVX.. p, .a:i 1:;:.:: Ll-'M ;o ,( j ,.,,..:..,..,,!.. wii- u.. !' Ui-lee, l.ot . j, .,, : j I ,. jIltl,lvsf i ,. , ,;.,u.j:l.,.. ,.,.:,p.-d with oillv a A-.- -i --r 1 i- 1. I " '" te-.l an adiim . ,.;,,. ,,i - " " j; Vl'y ;;'; fUiuU,,., on it:;;-'! i wren, la d ; ... red a w br lists. ' ! urTlr ' m wh,t action; (Htr'-Va.-hion:; i.clter. ZCXlJ ' lTi!'. J' , ". Yl? I W! ,:, b'-.i- lor.te'.whh hi ! E ZZZ oil-led Oeiieram j ikm.. r.or lu-K-::ai err---: ..,',!. ; ie : '.! 1 i., g.,'.. . . : liotil t i m : - ac- , .... -, . .0 1. , ! !, ,.. ; .., . V 17 11 ; . v- ' a! i : . . ! .1. an i his : S- ioJi'i i !1 ofi WvnnMn..N.l).C.. March ; .ammcUs hitiieito em, ior.-.t. ; li, SUte Vinve'sitv tT.Oo'.K ; c.-m!i, ioa '! . h. ut:d .end eamiot la -t Jn. , , Mffl.flt? (ftUfl I ! me! It h, mile ,,::,, in l!,, , lavs ! . I ! ! "'IV ? ,Z" .H.!' V, J. IT . & MiWi 5 1 1 -for lit 'i.ilii to " lh- ,h'L-i'-'.l r ! ...... I ( '.,1. ... !,...., .n,n...1 ,.1, '-it ' . :t. . o... i.i.'.l 1 i B . .. . . i I a ' 1 . ' llini leiwiiM'i, " .(.- ... -.1 irvn..i.v. '.i i a,;ia 1:1 tie- moon, 1111. t 1111- u s--.av.' wi t p.-y of mod-.. 1. poot, ,..! to con-. , , ',. ' ,.. bail. Ifi-i sot lio.rait Uu uA vd i.-o-i , ... . . v ; . ; . --t .-t-im I 8 .tot B I trast the i-.v, and abilitv of d,c ; u--1'ai, a ovm iei. r.M.urg. ir- , - . , f j i, -n v,!. ,v. 1 ia C ..- r.U -.! dau-d 1 hi. i.-M . say-, :-Iu "'"; " . - . W.))WW ? 1 the c-a.v .. j ::. ..':, ;:. , - -e. - e , M ... in ;!u- e a! r. ' -u, - " - . ' - !' '"J S PALld'iH. N. C. ! linV!io mn of o hv t hue .... ;- "' 1'- ' !;imi lie- t ' t-i.-'. . . '- "... ! co.:-,. '-. .;;;n. . . v a jsl.VStPI'y G r. . d i:,nvev.-r. 'it.-li" iV.- TI- !''' ' any. u; i'oea!.,-:ila .. r e h-1 o 1 al. ! nv ::i ab ai .". -l.f s.o. v ro;-i Ac;" ?3 ti':3 rOfld. ' J R Ti. -iiv.. the ,,,-v,:.., ! 'I a-a-.v 'i c.-.ivi.- i : .;.t,i-:. .. m. I: oe- vi.e , 4 tt 1'., on " ,!. co,.;-,.-, io.;,.:,,:, I :,..,ni:.gat one oVioc!:. ' , - ;v. , V .,, - ' . : , ,; ,. wi.v. a . 1 & l.-.A,r,t. I.N B ooi-it of :,:le'!:-e:...... to th-.esf '-, ' !',: ''' !.ct ::. :::;..' lie. accident ,' , ".- - . . i '' , . , . : - ',: II - v-r. ,1 i J f i ? i ', lT 4 1 1 T.t Ji .8 van,..;,..;!: any House whid, ha- ,77,:;'::; V'." o"n-o -i i ' V l'' V"""" '-" ' " " '"' ' i A lUMV A liVj j pre.-eh-1 it :: 'ea.- be- :!:is .-v " " 1 a . . i . v, :i .'.'!.. i. . M , ;.;.,i. .1 1 a . t li.e enti; e t :e.r. a 8 !-e.,e'.a w: ' cms 1 v..-d ; t . ? !;' .- ' ' '' t ; : :. '-.a': . , "' v'-: a 25 5 rj .. ;-.:;. ; v 3 V';,',;;;' .."'.'; V!..' ' . . '. . a. . . ,. - a' i ..' i: i' !-. . - . r ' ': .' .. , , K . . te a-, e:... -e .. i irt,i.:n ' ' -f ;: . . ' - .-.:.!.. j, . l r : ' --' -' - : ::-'-.!..-- I - - !,:e.,:.... - - . j , .. I ' I l'!; ). H t .! : .:.:. , n w .. .ii :s o .., '.el ........... , . ,. : . . . .1 ' I - -" -- '." "' . '- ' ' ..-.- ... - , i, .,. . i - i- ! wlni. It ui-. b. t .1,, i. ..... : ,, I ,,f At that tune tliete were; , ........ -..,.'....,...,...., S"'"1 "" ' ' ' " I fstht t .-.i 3 v. I ;,!, .. --c.:. ! Ii.-ttonq rsei . a free- 1 ..J.ftc;-'i...i':--"'.osi n !i!;.! Ciiland amine our stock j ! n an. It v - . : ; . e: - n v- : gSutiot i .". . ...... . 6 -! .Wic'i il ' il..-. .'kI- , M V rk.' I Is in danger of beiit- MJRNTany l:i I ;-i I It costs but littlo to i i m 1 1 1 1 it i -is Till:- : RDRTH 0A33L1NA ivnn fir 111 no;ffl ins of hiiihlina iiibtired rates, and all looses paid. IV prudent and insure iu tune! warned by the burnt buildings oi'yt.iir u --'i Mibors! if A LONDON. Agont, ririMioHo', N. O e.rr ;', i:--t. ::m t Out 5;.s;-v'ys v A . 1 i . w f?a -7 IB OflTS SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. fully , ,-, ,i ,v . (, ! nt'itlOtl WilU tlie e. 'lllliill ii e iliV: - : Qoiieral Cos, the etheieitt Ih pft sen- i m. , i i . t- , l'atrng Ive'tert and Ino.vhaad. ,,t ihuivo iiuui mis iiisinci. i ii ;4tti ,.h,som-i, who. tiio n.'ii t ..t ..... .i .... I , . . . . . . roceiveu ami reau ine remarks re-; iahv ti;-.;'s. ie:-.. long o t u :.n,i,:: is cently made by !iim on the rtsoiutiou to increase the number ui cmjdoyees tit tho House, which he opposed as being unnecessary uml exlravagaut. We copy tho folh.iwinqr extract froiuiilis net a di mag. -giea! ih-!; bin HDicch. and we arc unite sin e i wa ich i-i .,.mi io say for i ah t. i. ,..;n ,. i .... I iornia ho says : ( a man ot ive. gin.v ; aot'ity. 'J'iie (.'aiil'or'ii.i ih .e.'-uioii. compos ed with one ..eopti..ii tntiruly of new and young men. is the strui!;vsi which that State has ever s.-nt. An ! to l.av.Mm-m.ed. iiose tvbd wer ii:;i.: oy lie- terrib, sun. dan. p. 1 la 0 mse of lile expiosio. I. not li! 't:-!".if:y a-eertained. a: .at: i ..letup's I ) t!,e :.:n.e are all fa! m o .,1 i : : hut t:i 1 1. tl one ot !! lull' ! .il ili a I. td.ed wilh ou., Hf.t-ia; . aria I ui el mto tl:e mine tins inornm but C 'lihl not long endure the foul a". m. 'pitero. A uuiuher i f bodies w. H discovered horribly inangied : : .:.' of (lain with hi ads lorn fieie. ihe iruniia mid i ihers wd h limb, ah a e-e j re a i : -o ;.;a' !tr.g -peo- 1 inc. I in- WHi. of dr'-t l liCt."!l '.V.l-i 'jot i-oidiiiei't entirtlv to ihe interior of l!.e mitii s. b it houses Jilll i t, i t i. nt ned tu ni the mines . una. n. is...: :m-.- i.a- ic i Unit ibiviu,: la: ! ..!.ivo wili !- Thehn-nest I.. '! i: said to be that al i.- I Vel.lV-fo..;- f. ..; !.,c'O s IJocn lit tl." . It i . oin, t d i y i; saspetulcl j : - Oi i t .vend. il!:t ' . a but lering ram. will, ii strikt s it mi li the outside, and its boom can be heard , fo1- tatles. i i The I'nitod Stnt- . Ti . :.m: y has i the biegrst sp'toio': en lo'Dli'l Jt i is a :iva! obiMii;; t . i- n 1 --x ar bnj as. i b. I tilled with .-.aaidu-t. It lie.. . in the basement a: ih-foot of the' LitOi Guaranteed.! W Wii.o for Ii at rijitr. i Circnlais. J on 't I -rgi t the pl-ice. 220 FA .'.I 1 T-.'.Y1I.LK ST. . i n 1 Mr. I'im.'itv 'nan whom Iineoi-. ine. rust who I:., l "We are t-pected Io iienigurtiie r rf.i-iiuet.;. nn.l, ilionn! rofornis, and vo s'uo.nd do .o. We ; i j,,. "Ah, t " n -s. -a;: n know that i.epolism 'he p-iisi.tdtig j -v! tt v .-piit . Ids i-n n ot ren'.iions ami ku itre,t unor. tlie ; a in v n.r. na.dv to a- u !,a I V. eu-'-.i .u s t public has crept into a!! the depart-' someihitig bol.iml tnents of the Government. Fa vol it-1 niere di'mago'-i.-ia. ttnn ami abuses are in them ad. yet ' ertsor, fresh fi .'a no stop h;u been yui u theui, 5ut to be of ;hat ii oe On the contrary if anything. tLoy iif ! which ianavs el-.e-; increasing. i'e ce.n not .-mi un!!y ' two na n ie t'. -t have a bin did of a Ji a ed Cii-.,rets-' u.b.i:.-'- t'.-.m; - in: man withtait H..!..e I: a.-e -dtat ::;: ' tb it ou aoooujitiif cvtraor. tinary ex penditures. No iavs sti.;ati ni has been made b can ii is i-;': and unpleasant to ullmle to such lin.'tei -t. ' p... .- 4. . But the peojde evneet it of us mid t . jj .ehigaa. and W our duty to doit, it is at this j ,. ivnh. : t! tune almost tlisoi'tttaattie tor a lat-n. : ber of tuii to tai part :.. oae of these mournful ot rtnaniios ; pni.. ful to discharge our th.tit-s to tha memory of those wo respect and revere, because of tho extravagance and wastefulness that occur ou such cfeceasions. In view of thid fiiet. I sav we ! ublf lawver. should have good n.uj coireut i-casous i h od --.; r Mrm Tho:.;. . : a. ll;sl.i;e.-. s 'Hie large vi n- tiio Sol,;! v.. sti in imj rou;-n-.riy w.i hiov,-:; to atom-;, .." c;....i !. ! tnteied tiu r is con t;a,-ltd for tie; ' io t. n.(. ; ... mo .j.ia i - j ;..;ng i":n . I'ni- work ...i en;, s4 i !ny j. .!,- :i,;.ig: 1 i -'. lao In.tsid. of . e '.-'irnel !i,g eoih-.s i.i: I taer in::,.' ;i iuei.t.. tor .u. iin nt of the ;i v.d nunetB, o-.i whom me fort i ins. s." o ' f .nr llights of sLuh winch lead t..' el-' t he arii.-is stories. ar 1 aee'aiimo.h'ie.-' e and oth I I.;' i .lit iit ry. .a, ic.s a - n I, .! . ii' i v . tail e. lV.:,,i':l UlS. Who he: u. th.-y i t tile. A.r In me-ntit-r-ai iarge. i - os ii est meiiiiters of tho tbai .e. has already taken ft lea beg and is IPeOo-i .;....!. T- t : I a .-di-..' ' ih V. of ; ... . . i.. 'iii:' his .- no,,'.: i.-it- no : ,t, ..ji,JU(. i.e ' n'h i . 1 : J V a ! piil'.-r e;.me ' :." ! a.t -; i nn i. W t. Ui. Siale ii ' a.;-sea. r, and .s.ui.c o i' -'li. -'I ie lo .!.' '..v'lk.ui .he ii.-ii Laieuei it ,i e--i j.ii li.i.s .ei:s n. .".ir. enii ..!,id the '.u d. : w v.t.-thi it in Apti! -a. 'ii-;.5- r-. :oo a t.i i be c:..jsovd. . a.-: ; i n . :o n.ii tear ie iive stations . a li:1 ul Axuca. iiuei.,u, Wti.ioli, 2cw i it. tin- it n.e and Vi ih.nngi'.iii. At Ltientuu vt'itiig- Mr. Worth will I his hea lijaai tars. .hi! tn- Ilili main iiotly ot t no a.:oialanls will po--it:. ai be at Avuca, aa hereiuitau. i lion Hj.eei;a i uael us. on t .it the (oi rniuent tm: '! ers I i !a ( i tvernor i f hrtaii i s re--pit' tl Ic wis T- I. i-i i. i: (:. Out t'.-i lay oi March. I.U-i. 'J a ,,:!-. .ril A.i-i.i li.ivi' liirii Li' a ! in-.! I'.i lay. fol tin-in.HOer oi . . it. d.i.vior. :u ; : , i, iii :. ls:-,: i: us e.;a i:,.! .' ... . di d thill hU .; .iS'V.elnl 1,1. ).- dial: one nf liiur-.h-r ill the stvuiid iegi . e. and as the t,vt!!.ir ha- no: power to ootiitniUl: iae s. nteiice. i;c has gi-mii-il him a re. pae of iiftyi wars lids ancn 'iin;. ::i fact, to' .,a.n : .lUlaelit, for Ju'e., e. ,t:'i tSa.ntn-: AYEE'S Sarsaparilla lit n highly conccatrittisl rstrart of Sarsupurllln anil, other nimnl-purifylug rttou, t-oiiibliivtl with ludltlo of 1'iita. ultnu urt.l Iron, an,' : tliv- MkfMl, UuKt roll it! ', inoit i c '.. 'iiiic tl Mov J-i uritii r that eiii In- It! !y t x.-lii uil M mJ f i e.-t fe at lh .", t nik-ht- .usl rci.-wj !L; l-i, ,.n,l t- tort- tt viuUiitii; wr. il Lt Hie t-. ft kuarr. r. a.vJy for cr.f.t.k onii ail Si-rtifulou C'eiiitiliitiits, J.r.vsl- tttii, rcfum.;wurn., ltlotili.'iit Surts, I'miiii, Tumurr, sml tiruptlonn of tin1 fekiu, iu in.-"- ' ' .rJ, i c:osoJ ty u tU..i iiajt ... -r crrap'il, col.. i . . . l.i.t.l,! .! i a lUIIIUtUlU, ur.a-i ,. Klii'iiiiiiWii ' , Ueufral Uuliility, auJ Scrofulous t .tiurh. Innammatonf RiieisiatlSB Cured. "Avn.'f Sti,i..ti'A.,im ta cur. J me of the lii!.iitiiiiiei rr l:lu i.iniiliHm, ttltli liicU 1 Lave kulU-rt-il lor ir.n:y ycnrB. W. II. ltttllU!.', iuiujii., In., XmA. 2, 1-3. riini -AUBU uy Dp.J.C.AycrtxCo.,lowu!l,Mas8. b . ..1 fcy n't I'r-:svL-t: ; 1, six U'ltiki for $3. 2. DRY COODSI! -loiiN w. st vvrr, A-sigm- of VITA I'.O AN. l'i' T ! Y A CO.. i mv, i --T f. i- .-. ; n ;.l ;i; .tC ut.-l I- j r a- --. I :a 1- .-I. 1 1 ..,is i.-.ll w.. 1 II. '.'S ! c 1 Vlli' l'r-n ;..,..e e. .:. n.a m-i-. I.i w t.i. Mt t, - hi, 1 l-ii'l..'.- I ri.l.'i-w, iir hi C r-i -I'ti.- t.vt h I will i II , v..-.. :iii .... y. .11 Mil, ! f, r hiiv :lii-r . iiuie... lii i!.t .-lit- I tll. I'll. k.-hI.-. il'tnl . llll.'. I.. . i lllf !.l!f 1 . HI "II"- Mi'llilMllS , l ill .1-1 (!! 1 ' Oil! L 111. I J w. i i . a n- W I t I'I ru'.ii-.. 0. mnn p. it d In V.. i lor increasing the number of our em- ni !: r v-v .."od s'. a h (!; I-'i: ployea before this Democratic lbuise , ,i(h:i Fert.'r 1 pi. .- ad s'tccoc h i i:: shall give its assent to :u.y sucli prop- i ;nnnin 'th at ' ::;i n i '. i is ..!, ....;,.., onitiou. We shouhl sec to it that i on the !!oor affr I'u v ha-l w micli increase is actually necessary started to run for the cloak rooms. I havu as yet heard nothing iiiiegitrd!. is iH usual wiien a new tiiou!t be' tb that sui'jcet which suiislies me. ; frtna to t ihk. Ou word luorc. I know such a I" 'j'j,,. hiil poind. mint' Tib tican v-ti r policy as I advocate is subject to j ?.u tinaiiy j,-e.-. d t'n K-..I- -.ahhooo-i. oritieisius from the frieids of waste jit was state-1 o: 'v :.t.irMi of th.-.e ana extravagance. inn i wouni i v, lio leai"1:! m .4 rather puisue a policy that would j Noi-tin in --iiatt s . -. more correctly ami honestly mlmin-1 immi f;om th" S ister the a.iTaii s i f Ihv tioverumi -nt i ufti-rwar-U in than ono which may had to s;;i.rtoute j ciinv, so this vis Uauus. Ilowgatecriines, a'ni vciimkey I tj pension n iiei - .iii- js 'j'hu i , s-.awnmgoi Fi :n liah i v. ill he .li the rocki'e.k ill in-'. at ro.-!-: -e. I snnd e.;-.'.s o W .-r, t!. it , )).- ials all ...n-r th. h; o- i . i at i.T.o .-: .. a; t'ds mv ,ml . This (inn wdl Lo nioro e:- .lay nt;' I ;d;f . -:-. and n ,11 m;vo lain h labor w,-:v In troubit'. ; L.;.i t : :i in uUhani to the work of t't.di about! i-' n .ht..-.- '..) tin r m ,n" no.v pmiau! !...: - ! h . . f.e ii-ai ..,.. n-:-. -:.( i, fiio ono l.-iig (i.o :n ;-:e- . tl:':n'":i t,i lie e.d'.-lii , oi the Si Hu ..t .i .- - :.; .. I at v. -.; ..e:.. kiel ttto oiftor .. .'.-ion ft Urn t.y.-itor ;',-t.i liu.. C, Worth laiviiin ti.e -I.'- 't ins ;;!;.''"': and Si til be ' 1 a. pi : j am ,1 nt ii ( nt .,t i .u to rce- un '. ,nn :.-:. I !e .-hl.iih.!, v. 1 isil will lead f;, : .War I.ak t ',- i',;: ,t, Jivd-:- c -.-. :y i- a ti',o'. a i:t:,' of V Oieil h'-s belit dot' a.i .! i.iken ro t, making an an ui: l- r w) it'ii a 1-n. ,;". might I tii it' ii. - K-..I i t ILi!i. m thi con- ly. 'vi:" i- .-. nv oi.'. says h .-pnt 1 77 ! n- ;i- .1 n- t.-.t 1-v-" -in--To. vi-.1 t W. I i i.:.. - I' of I lie State Ksiu'dtioi:. tua S C Woiih. Ki.h f!.....M,issi......r i, on, town last tu.k. wasnu occadiou of ' P.pfifF.i.i A H il II 1 i K 5 ! H !1 Mfil'llllSlllS ....u ..... i . , , . . , . UlUU'lU U VUIUiUllJUl Jil UIUIUUUUIU low i., ami io iii'.se li: imi.-.t ;,r. pai '.s ..f the I'l.e.nty w ho had the lea-:. re of I.e ' a Oi. i'.-i ! '.! i:::'- of - ---- ..e l 1 , ':' , . I .t oi sr, io . i-i. h '-.-!; in th" t.-.- , ..ta:-'.!- :!: f 1 111 Neiist F.iV'llet i';!e Cdisirvcr: tin Sittir I i.i-t tu'iiiv-i'v em i t . n' t a ,iii fit ".I iho St iU: IV ;U..i p.uc.-d it: t!:e stock- r, V. V. liaihtay Th.-y k ' i: :!n: i-auia rn e- I h long- tit -tit l.'.HV eol'll It ! tl. .V bo made to Vhool . wo ii iies west bank ol o im no Indian ! iont-.-!: !. io hed fiat . f ' ! it-.' .'.I ll ".. i t i r .t e-i , l:n tiit.iin-Mlirsi., l.Al.tliil, '. c. i---t. ' di)! , U r.:v-t Mitrttii St , r'i.i-.-. :-t .i.UiS, MiiTjAS.SLiS, .-tviii'i's. i :p)ps. iii.AS. lilf.-,! ! i i'. COIiX Ml-iAL, Tor.Aci'o, . t. ; i ! ; ia-- u- in.'.; - i- ti-i iu a nrnt- ri,. n-ov nt ion nf ti ;-;i;i- i l,l-o;lt 0 i i-.i. il. d if 'ill. ru II it V'i-i. tn.-.M o.u , " ' O..U1. : I I. In ring forruptioiib. Me who aro ad- j was paa-e.l I y a Iar..-o n aj. n-iit . m;.l miuistering the Government, know i the Hoiuhern I ' . .-..,;; .:;' ; .; ; !-,- muw wnan ativocaie is m lueune on g.-.tiitintt. lliey say that, whne i iieir at om e to the eidtivatiou of oysters , rock aad other Indian relics cull be eoonouiyaiidfiuradminstration. while section was sutlerifg from thoeil'ccts ' in all avoilnblo nlaeos. North Curo. found. Tht-e in ,nnds are a'-mit ten tho opposite policy carried too fain of the war. wbou rained lmuaeu hs-l Una is behind jn-t in this pmiieuiar, 'fret h'h. f.f ..-) in Immet.r 'it ;!: ir leads to corruption ami extravngauce I not been n-built. and w'u b.-o:;. ;i d.ut ,-!,e wiil wn.., ba up iind to (ho : base, and sit-.i-.t-.I in the mi l-t ..f a nd brings disgt nee t.p.m this Jbumc j fortune ':ml bhn ied were :.;... ft,,, it ..s - he uii. is m t !,., U,u. dema- gn.'.vih of trees. Btl tin counti y. 1 t'ouimon i h m pro.-j.ei ity ami inn., ing math-rs ! Hut f..-'v persons hti tlnd within a E. M.. MARBLE, :am V . ill -l illti ti'l .1 .II--II, !" i.:.-. t..,l. :;i n. . . It. ttii-i tti.l f"'i-l.-n , , ...',-',. t'H.-S l. 111,. i.o l'l-a buil'.in,;. , YOU CAN BUY IT OF I W. L. LONDON, Will take in I'ttehailge for SHKKTINOS AND OOODS, at tli'ir Siore, Fioiir, Oatn. Ckrn, Wheat. Ihi.ou ami Lard, at market J.'lices. The nf nti'tu of Jnirniers and Mill i ra ia c.d't-l. est., , !!v their tnak of "B" ailLKTINGt for Hour sacks. A good line of OliY OOODS. NOTIONS. HATS. HOOTS AND SHOES, (iiJuCKUIFS. IIAHDWAUE, MliDKTXKS. A(k, a'.wat a on iiaod. Tb ir motto: Fair prices ami houo4 ,. a!';-. Juiaee-j- IT. S:t:-. JGKH Sff.'MOHIHG, A't rOUMOV AT bAW, DI Mill AM. N. C, l il vTi-rsT. 'ti,- sui ,.r..r t' l fn:i-r.r Oourt a ' t'lci'iM ii. -ii..) a. u. siniu autl FeJeial Court Jiii.iit.ry 31, livl. ty. TILESUN NEW YORK, 1884. Al ..ill 'at " I'M II yl -f Till Sri hftVnM in ..." t 'li-titn -tit ilarlim tla- Dt lwSt n: u-i :. li v...i h.t" l" i !; n I Lt ti I nil tli ctluiBM ..full Tin: .-irt- .a;a.l mil 1M )wr you w. ui. I I in !..: :,u..u!-:ri.i.l, .itiu..ii .- ! - wi- i ,:n, . .uii.l ilmarln. and i-.ii". r ! nt: i ii .ii.-ii i..iv ii front l'r!ntln Houm ! I n.rc i.i ni.. t ..f M .IIIH i ..,i-iili:u In Um hi ...ii. -a.. !! t'.i -ii i i WliiUiiit llimsit wiwire, au4 ilir...- im.ii i "I -in. wi.y iw.'k t.. n. m atfln Hut l in: St n la written fur tliolulivLlutliUnf lh ei.i lli, Uitj lii of lnii.lnii.v woul'l ulrdl i In" ire tia,iv s. tin r lri.iv-i.i,'hl tltntts. If i-v.-i v I i.t.-r i. b ttii.y nt 'liti: ws aurln( me INiHt v. hv I. . . re "!! .-ui" li- ti r i'Vi r tl. and If I.N i i : ! I t . iri i:-ithfr h. .. iti nii-iltier li.ii.i-. t il in v, -j'-i, f iii I -si ni- nff.-i t.'l II I oi-i. :'.a:- -n 'it. u.-ui.J i.f ateaiy l-t i a: i.t.t hi. I tiny. Ii i- nit i.y a.i. ,-nli u'mU.'ih liko thoao that y m ..ei i :t ut:y itioi ' .It.- -lr.-.ilaU"U of lha i.i; , i-ia.-a' .-I mh'I m!i iik.. ipi-itt, t.r of Ita a. il . ii. tin "i.'.ul'.u-. ,,-i 1 a U..UKtif Aniprlt-ao ttlt'll 1.1! 1 'V. 'tllll. In. si s is, Hii l will r-ntlii'if t,. Ik it iiewKiiaper wlii' li t"!l- a..- n it It 'tiili .ta ' ur nf it usniiianwa, m.l. li j.-i.t ni tii. fat-la u-i iiii,it..r lt-w itnic-li tha On hand at all times BEST and ; w ir'TV,-! I n.i an.:., .' !.k Is v.trklii wilh all Ha Mt.ST CDMl'I.ETK SiTJCK OF ! ;:':.:.' -l.l-Kifw iniii.1 i.b'l tuiiai g In thiii ctiraln year of our l. ill. :s.-t. . ... II y mi k tr Ti v sc., r.'u llko It already, and tuii will i-. ..a il wi.h a.5 uii"iiil .lillconce and i.r. llt im i, s' tt'i.a ii snri. to t' Hi" ni'tl InUtroBl I'iJ y.sir it. i'f i. t -ry. I' "" 't"1 y1" know 'UiKSi 1 :. I'lifa due : Kil luit' Hit' Btuuhlue. YtillMS TO MVIt. si ItsCt.IllElia. Tl.x nt-run: i-li'atii Tai: SI M arc inal ntbyvls, i....o..-tl I. if 'ilt..wj: PaII V V'.mi 5 i m.-vU, t a yr; wl'li Buntlay i-.lin. li, tn M-AV -Hi:ia -tap. Tl laMra ufiiriitahnalha i iirit'iit ii. wa.H tn. nnrl I, -i"-t ml anlii.w nf ei i"l:.!l'!:,. fi :. "V ; i,.-lf. ni.d lllorary r- !.' .,1 ut tt b..ka t.f Ih1.- hitihoal luarit. tl a ; far. WI.F.KI.V -l n ypir. F.litlit 'UM of th Iwal. iii.t. i f t ... tin. ii .iiy, s; mi Atii'li-ulluial Da. I'lirirei'tit nf ntiH-iti'tli, . tnhi, bHnial mttrkM r.'.- .f-itt. ut.-l !a,-i .j . . m itud ittiinrnuo Inn iiu-u omit., 'lac tttMiLV SIN Hie newa-.,t..-r . I- .li lujuer'' li.Mi.i-ti'.M. To ciulm of ' . i.ii sl't. ttti i-x.ra t-.-1-v tr.s. A.I iii I. W. tytULAM', l'lltilUhtT. 11. II. l-.l -t. Tut Bl.t. V. tlly , t. 11. AI-AtOM,. t'ii..i',ii'it t . uii'.y. tt'ALi at J tt vvrr, Wukc o.-uuiy. mm i mi, AND General Coidmb Jentels, ilil' iiM c- ; I i; I'.t.M -Ltj .-.tASi'.t Dt 1UIAM, N. C. Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES V.lAt i ,v TAVLOH.! IN M'KIIAM! il'KKKS AS AV AS A NY!! IK) NOT FA I'i TO "COME IN WI1KN YOU COME TO DUU1IAM. AT WATS II & WYATT. riVrutiy 11. l?w. in

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