w THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1SS1. m . i 1 H. A. LONDON, Editor. THE STATK CONVENTION. The Democratic Stale Executive Committee will meet at Raleigh, on ' the 16th of this month, for the pur- power appointing the time ami place j m- lli: lw Uf.iizi rtiinvi.tili.ilK lor nomine tin in... ..i .1....; I .1 iL( in eominiliew iuut urui.ic . . i lo hold two convention otto lor me tppointing of delegates to the Nat iou 1 convention and another Inter to aominate our State officers or to kftve only oue convention for both purposes. The hitter proposition is objected- to by ioine, because our State platform, as they allege, should aot be promulgated in mlvanos of he National platform, and aiso be cause the candidates will be nomina ted too long a time before the elec tion. While there may be some force in Hie W8t oOjeelloi:. yet we no noi fthii.k th second is tenable. We kave taken an active part in overy tstlitirtul nmiMiliirn in I . is SI .it si lll't' ' . ', i , . fee clone of the far, and we are assiii- I'd from niut riuorii nee that the l,u.... ..!l tn ,-,,1,1 .....I ii. .tli- Aid .. i. t'' ... ... Jug to lose by a long campaign and A full diseusHioti of political issues. The experience of the pn-t cntu; uigns Mai fully proved Iho wisd m of nomi aatingr our State cande la I cs . i v.ral Months in advance of I ho eVciion. la 1872 the convention w.m ho.d on Sbt first of May tUie e'ectioli that eaY 6eini in Auiruat) : iu l7t and 1680 it was held the middle of June; O O and in 1882 it was held on the fit It of July. Why then should we this year depart from these j-n cedents ? If an attempt is mn.lo to hold two onveutions, the result w til be that Beither one will be well attended. We hove the committee will call only Cte convention niid hold that about (fwo weeks prior to the National eon tention. THE 81' AT 14 KX POSITION. The Directors of the N'ortii C'tiroii l4a State Exposition held a meeting laat week and perfected arrangfiueiits for the erection of tl.eir building, and transacted other important business. There were present at this meeting more directors from dilb -tent portions of the State than at any previous meeting and all wcr eii;luiia-iic as to tho Rinvoss of the undertaking. The contracts for i'urni-lung the lumber and for tlie cnuMi tion of the proposed b.iil.li ig w. re awarded the former to Messrs. A. I". l'ag - A" Sons, of Blue's Crossii.--. and the latter to tho North Carolina I'm Company, of llaleigh. and the tola! cot will be about thirtten thousand dollars. It will bo the hu i,'e.-t build ing ever erected in North Carolina, and will be pteu'iarly suitable for the purpose contemplated. alVordit.g the greatest possible space at the te'ast cost. Tiip building w til be 1 feet wide- and form a s.piare, each side being not' feet long, and two other buildings intersecting in the middle, each of same width and or length as the sides. An aisle or passage 1:1 feet wide will run through out the entire building ils total length being nearly hail' a mile and the space on each side w ill be divided into sections It! feet sipmrc. Every section will be numbered mid one or luore (as may be required i w ill b allotted 10 every county or oilier ex hibitor. A vast number of largo windows wid afford ample light for the inspection of tho exit. bits, tut, I u railroad track will run throuyh the centre of the building for their trans portation. A largo number of litho graphic pictures of the proposed building will be Kent till over the country to let everybody s- e how it will look, and we. doubt not that its handsome appearance will induct. many persons to attend too exposi ,,.,.,.' ,.' , , ' , ' piopotlv. the liimln. vvoiK.ng hon Bimply to boo such a building. ,n,i:iy i,.u-,j t Siivw hmilier. It will bo erected near the : pot where the uwiiers of houses va.t iv end' av is now tho machinery shed in the '"'" g t" -,ivc their homes all made fair grounds. In addition to this building, yiotivl Hal!. tand, and all the oilier buildings of hue of rail., .ad cannot yet ho estima the State Agricultural Society will ted. No d nibt humlictts me home fee used, uud ull will doubtless be '"-',s' ell filled. ' sar , . , , Tho price of admission will be the iv,,.lf,.vi;i ilt ;l (li ..,.,,.,. (lf vii,Ut ftHie as at the Mate tans, nml that is, fifty colds for ttduits. and chihlrou under twelve years of a"p half price. idl the railroad companies have AJJ tne rainoaa companus nave njjiroti w Si,c niu i.-iiiii,,iii.un.,j. iriBitors that they have heretofore eu at the fairs, and will transport charge all aitU-les intended "T., fjveu (rpe for exhiUtiou Blaib's EiH'cational bill has passed the Senwe by a vote vote of 33 to 11. for the distribution . . . . lator tUeeonimou Thiaill provided for the of $77,IHK),IMX) in nitl bcuoois oi uii me mains Us u.i.u. $7,000,000 for the first- year, $10,- l. ..nil. lji i r.. . 000,000 for the second, 000.000 ) third, and this amount to be '"V''?'" Hv",s0 tl,' liminished 000 (100 veto 'v S i , T, . -'"'t nnd : liminisnea -.ihhi,ui 3--y.Mat sheets of lhune were blown iu a for the tli i i then diminish cntiJ tiieexpnatiouoi ine?igtnuy eai . Fearful Forest Fires. The fires mentioned in lust week's! 1 Hi iti as raging in tho pine forests I along the line of the Raleigh and : Augusta Air-Line Railroad were (lie ' most fxtciwli'tl hi ul destructive over known in I his State. We are now enabled (ogive full particular which , urn mlitii i tch iii.r I '. .,. ii I I,., V ...... uw.m.)f y fnmvj.r . .'.T,u .......Is for thh t v ,ito..,, i i i'iI i, , , ; . enen km. oi tne iiiiieigt. ., .iii.-usii i;.. T : :i i i. r . .vu -nuu- immiw.ih iH'irru l .riilwii i n. ..i . ti . i i . T . " " ""lire 'isf -i ..;..-!. '!'!,..,;.,.,.(... i "f ' ' V . iH'ing I lie (l-leiul:mt. is entitled to known clistaneiM.u eml. 5,,,... prwici- ti,,. 1(,(.Ht of the doubt which the luiov on i he s.niil, side, lliesiioi.gcoi.uiiitreeeute.tainedtlmt the whole gain ..owing nl the turn- swept liie utHU oi the witnes-es on both si h s In t t In-. .' i..' i 1 I... I. .r. .. I 1 .L . .... 1 . i . i . . .i , . ,.. . ! HMua.iii. lhesighi. while iippnllm-. was -rand. lhetnll pirns wire in u li'.!Wx. fiom b:i:e to summit. A large nii.ulvr of cross ties and an imiun.se s:.i.mnt of wood sii.-l i le.ndiei were d. stioyed along the nil'' i I lie i am mid. and tiie till ptutmeoi -hards of the whole see - tion nave Ken cut II e!v destroyed. Manly i!M in inmiinent da:i:;.'r of,,,,, find imitators in tho Uepuh.i toUidesii.:cli,.ii. 1 in-railroad wot e- '. ,..tl, ranks. It may here he said that nouso eiiiini on Severn ; but was extinguished. Th tunes ''till- Odist chlllcll, live sloraee ; -es I',., .r in ,.i,.l .... . I i... , I . P . , i ' ' , al1!' !,"",, . (. !tv ;l ,.,. . (rack at Aim lull lied. Tli water ta.Jis f the 11 ih i-h mid Au gusta !i:ii!i.iu! at llaiiiiet were con sumed. At - .''e'.ick a. in. to 11. in .et w Miri u n led l.y a C'ii ,l .,ii id' li'.v. a,. I t! i ,.;!,; . ,.f the conlla ' gtiitmn .!., I lie seen fo- nu.es ill el cry l.rcc.ioti. i . .cl.l It unny f.nm h.c.M's hare I., i :i consume,!, but llii' . ill : ,,i,e .- ii.iv., ... ii . . ,.,',- heard of is ti.m of .i,. il. n 1,-rson. near Hamii!, V ho lost hi, lesi.lelic, tngi!h.r with nil outhouses on the pi emises heeii I. us the ti;e. so . ppre '1 lie '.. ii, eoiiii.iiitut V has d..t it:g the nighi n.:l',tiiig Tiie heat from the tire was sr.e nt times that il M lieet's of ti: ary for tl.e doors and wind ovs pnsseiiger train to ut; closed while j ,Mii, through it. rtsl masses of tire were actually thrown through tie.' air hy the sweep ing ga'e. Tops of half i'.iirued lull, s we;e thrown great distances and fell i;i the tin, l, tie oi e..ar,l iieid. 1 he 'lite towered to an timaing htigln. ud :o vivid was its elm,, t ! i si t il made ail objects plain at gnu dis tances. Tile people Weie t-'ldnv aiiiruieil. At line's t 'rossiug a :. at I.ev -,er peojiic gnlh.-red ill ItOj'f IiuI.i b',! s a:. 1 foilglit I he dames w itii Mich em:gy .ml desperation ii...; those iices escaped wdlh .it', e i ' ;.:.'. d'U.i- ajre. It ii re,i,iried lii'it many ,'i....e;i turpentine ittil.f-rif are ( t.ipi, ic y destroyed, as vveli a . i:ii -e ipiant ;! ies of tositi, lilipeiiliue atid e'.le. 1 li;H:i! sioii'.s. Ii i-. t;,,. -!;t Ii,.',i i'.,e . has . V I en led 1 ,l.,l ' l.iiici ' South t '.uo.r.ia. I'.-, tii'l . .i . . , r. be our a distui.et of ii;'; y ,., :iiv ill! S N llU'MSl f (HIV dl'Wls .-1 s I I '.He have lie Mi received y t. Many person - have !,.; clothing, and -ouie weie ba by scrchi by lie f ,; ii.lte.es. ii is l, far the grt ate.-t au t most disastrous lire ev.-r m il.r Norm C'.sroiii.a Impentine foi)'sts." Another acc-mmi in tin X-ws ami Ob-ervi'i- of tlie dth is as follows: "t 'ilpt W i' U'l'il Smi; h. super; nt cl.. I flit Ol' till' Icicle II AileU', l i.ilie. wa- at iialuiel ,'i!:d ether J'nilit oil the fo.el Wednesday niehl. J,. Kt'iu :i !'. ;'i.o ! r t rain i i,. re. and but for his gi.-at ell',,; t.-. do,:e.s ..f curs at Manly and other ,i.:;.ls woii'd have be. Ii bn; iied. Sewiai times the eaii of the engine had to be closed, whi'e the phlckv eti'dlieer dashed back and foith through the ilam. . nhich wo like a wall on either side of the ri a l. tmd '.blew out the m.-t hliiiding and lUtcnse hei'.l. I'lie v.il.d blew sixly miles an hour, and the tire wi.s I,! in nil du i: s. Sp;i. ks in,, I bill il- uig luiilius .red tree: ops w et e net ii.niy blown miles nnay. l'amiiies were caught so (..in Uy that thev couid Hot even save their clothili;;- and bed lint,'. (Old doi 'is, pel haps hillidleds of pel sons, sluveied liiat tiii,!ii with e i! 1 Ma iv tire now hoiu. less, and the farms .vtn re fort , -eight hours ago there were ha py icnie; are l,ov b iicki iied and ih soiale wa t s. At Il-milei there is n !,u e;e pi.nd. in which utood li'.iiuy cypiess trees. The Ihioies weie blown across the wide tApiinse m' water and tho t"p- o'' th-'se trees taught. All lil.ht the'. . burn. d. until the ii r :icheil the water'i e Ige. The ighl wa awful in tin ln mi-mid cannot iie pietuied IU woi.ls. I he vast seauf llaluo. the "V s'"'u ", ,',': 'iw never hecit wanes ci in ii.niartof the w nut. Tho losses at lioints rc.aote fi-otn tli,. nuies south and live miirs north. In the coin, try devastated hy the lire the 'Xoitrmeht was ii.ipariilielcd. Tim l"'u'le '.Vihtiu ,,u! fi' two .lays mid i.igl.t.s. ami i,Mlv wwv tM, i-,, y,,, (ll niter ox;..;.:, tion. Mr. William Clarke, the line ivnaiior of the Wesleru l iiiou telegraph c..iii-!tho '- '' A -V- d.u- ing tin: tire, mi 1 savs the reports of , il do not .l. piet one tenth of its hor- j rors. The telt'i'iaph ooles were burned tlovvn, tiie wires broken, audi "oik iu' any sort was dillicult in the; lui'lst "f ,lu' I'eiil and gitiro. The ! very air It It as if it had been scot ch"', i. ' Jt if) SIU, ,h.lt lllllliy j,,.,, lllM1M.s 1 re i.ur.,.,1, mat call .o wore l.urued. that thousand of buds and small i ... - . .iu ..niniais weie tiesiiov u l.y ttio luany nonzontal iliictiou Our Washington I. tiler. From our llririilur Corrri,Hii'li'iii.l W.wiiN.iTos. D ('., April .r), 'N-l. As it now ftiiinls t ho oxoiu i m i iif report of t he special eoamiii tee is a pietlv mess lor both K.-ifcr mill P.oyniou, u:id a very touching com mingling of compliment and e.plivo e, it ion which th1; f.iiiuiitto allowed itself to indulge in. Hovnt'iii is exon erate from the charge made against liiui by K-.ifer. I e.uise Keil'or's tes timony (Iocs lint conn- up to flu' ootn- ,n,fteo' standard of legal pron-md. ... . V I Ull'( il'tlliHI'Ml lllri t'Vli ltJ.i'ts WHS I'tm . . . 1-1 lirme.l ley two witnesses. Jioyntoii ......... . . . . Wel l) Hot IVIIltr !lt eili ll Ot Her Nll'lllglll , ,,, ,. shoulder throughout. The comniitti'e lifverllteless .leehu-es that !,(!, f t. .;,.,,,.,.. uri. f Ull Lleim'slied chiiMcter. so far as the conimittee is nliie t ) judge from the le-nimonv. mid the powerful eiV.nt - n,!,, ,v rh to prove the other a li..i- tin' ..mii.it lee li.mes. i.i.iv not Uoynti.ii s denial al.out tlie .Mc( l.irra I'lii. :.. i i.i li.iine w vei'v lil:e tli.k ,, 1..M.1,. ,,t II... ttr.-:t S!.. i i.l o. ill the I'.l kelth' in thai he : never ki: w Met mi l aiian. mid if h. ,,, , . ,,, , :, ,.,. lupt.y. there was jiomaiice prepense :iioi:t it. For many years during iin,l since the war, th. ciieiai ( ioi i i inn. ut has. been called lip in to pay in. M e money iu li.pii.latioo ti.e l'i-.!iici extendi' tures f .i' improvements, than the s hole tax l"v of I hic.o with her in, 'I i' t hall liaif a niili'oii iid.al nl ant ! iu ISl'.'i, th' se c!,i il llllil f.l i cached leached miliioti almost ho Veil' I tlie en., Mil,), is s.iui it elgl.l ". it wa- I oiliii... wide iu 1,7. if not oi: iiiiich. nii I in since 17 " ii.ive t he t Apeiidit ill es it. Il less tiuiti I vo in I i 1 1 , 1. 1 dollars, with no con c .-ponding p.. bin- iuiproroincl.t to .-how for ti- Taking th.. capital and ail the other pubic biiinbngs and adding together tin r uggr. -gate cost, we liiui tuat it does n t amount to as modi by sev. ial millions as h is been laid out for ihe work iip,,n the streets il'.o e. With tliose ioe.c. ex penditure ail tlie tiuit' uici easing and with no jnesiige to uiaiuiaiii it ell except il.al ol lu ing t IC capil : of a great nation, it ha.s become al ready n serious ipiest .on w in ! in r it were mt belief t.. the capital at some i lly v. tio.,e cili.elis have had eni rgy etiougu to bund it up an 1 get along without (t vcrmu ut:ii depend ence. ii is a goo 1 ii,:ie now for lleavis the capita; mover, to g, ; ui his work b f ire a'i.iligion cily .-uccee Is in getti ig lu ll i' p.lb.ic b.li.d.ogs than call be hall tia .ielied beyond the M .ssissij.pi. A .ate iig ui ing sh- iws t li.it 1 ii" ' i'o . -.'ii.:,. lit ha . li.eui i t'd all cpcn htiiio i, I o.. aoniii one hiiu drid mi., loiis ..I' do.iais since tiie year 170,'. lor sh..re ,n riuiuiug the ihsttict govern. il. 'iit. eolistiuc: ii. g it pi.i'.ic iiiniduigs. b.ivu.g- and m.niilaii.il ii, pnii.ic p.-u J;s. and ad. 'l eis i oiny all i,li the sil.u We are ; iMtig out 111 pelise .lis eeiyye:,i. and we mid h.u.hy uuss it fiomour noimoii-ui piiisou band. Hut t.i. city is o, ;i:i:g more extravagant in Is i. in. ay lor pubuc improvement s. 1 more an.', imcc audacious n, u, demands ,oo:i v 'o..gi ,-ss, which hits hnlicil . b" u a; ing one half the running . peu-e-i m tne iii'iiuclpal go . i nun lit. ,ll,lll ill. Icceht demand l.i.i! li e (i i .1 nmeiit sha.l pay mu ll iit' the ept li.c of in,' const ! lift ioll ol a t iii ec iiuliioii doi.ar budge nver tlie I'ot.imic. has aroused t inb"dy lo me :n,U.iy ;is io where and when sh n. I iii-. tiling stop .' 'iho-f who lie.ieve that the public doiiiiui siioiild U'niain in the actual p.'sscsMoli of tiovel uiu. ul. to bedls l : I in. led to ,n 1 mi sel 1 1. is U:-ii a I of going into i ne ii.iinls i. specu'lllors and i.i.id piii igei s. h,. pleased to h nl .1 1 lui! I he t to einineiit is viticing a d'.ti rmiii. in, .ti tu enforce what law time is in plot. , tin;:- it-elf aguiiist the stupeud'.iis fiau.b that hale be com.: bo.d to aciuai d liance. The iciiciii-.; in of iniuii.iis upoii niillioiis ol ncit b of the pubuc lauds by holds, men. tic iiaii.U practiced upon the (io, ell. ul, iit in (he oeeilpailoll of otiu r mi. u, .us of acios of laud under the homestead and preemption law s, through I'oig.d and ptrjuml at'ii davits, and tin- appt .pi ;at ion of im mense bodies of timber land beloiig illi' to the reservations, luive hie!. . .o going on for years m the fa-i- of the .,. etl'oi ts that have b"t n put forth by a the UoieriiUielit to reslrani thtni. which from the i'liiilc.piuey of the appropriations for sp-ciaf agents, hav thus far proved futile.' The lilt Department, however, ha- fouinl sufficient aiillionty to take this partieioar Lull l.v the' horns imd. ,i.,..,i, ..spec, ,op..r.s.,ns. inospo, :a, ...... .,-,,,,,-,1 til. -it insult. ttotis to leiit-l mit every iiisiauco of fraud and fohovv it up to the oonvie 'tion and piim.shim nt of the olVemler. It tuliisjiues that smile of the men involved in the fencing in of the public domain are thus, who affect to si ami well wilh the (Suveritmont. ln"'111' iloniam are thus, who aflei t to staiiil well wuh the Oovei imit m. .'' - ''' thcietoie piosiime themselves 'Pt b;'". legal into, f, iciico. but : Socroiary leilei s lustruetioi.s are to "'o eiicct unu ino wnoie syleui stia '"' Wll"'' out root and branch. a"d 'iW,'H now pemling before tie- ' Mlrs '';"rU '" t ''i" S,!l"'S u"'1 lfiritones show that the imont ; lmve iib't'a'ly entered upon tho work, Phono. A Singular ease of fatal poisoning from a veil has occurred in Kansa" Tii e ife of Juth'o II I'ouie of Lawrence. Kansas" had a seiateh on nor faec when she starte.l out for her afternoon walk. She woie a dark greeu vt-ii to concent tlio aluasioii. l,lw l,!"o-l fd.soi U d sonm of tl.e gt eon coloring matt. r oi tho veil. and blood poisoning set iu. Sho .tie.t in three days. N. I'. Kxpi'iinitMil Station. AXAI.VSK.S AM) ItKHTIVE VAI-fATlOSS OK eoMMLIiClAI. I'KltTlLlia.as. 1884 V. The following have been coni)leted since the last report : Jin;. High Urade Add Phosphide. Roystor A: Strudvvicl., Norfolk, Va , sample 1 at Mori iii id I'ity, January 2.1.1. t'l.'io lot siorel in tiu' At I in i u u;id N"lt!i Citrolinii lliilnml depot. ( 'onliiins : Avuil ilil.' phosph uie iieid 12 11 p. ; cent Ib'ltitive value per i.(MM) pounds. ?:-Jl.Hl). 2")'),'. I, K Auun-minted (Sumio, 1.., i., ii..,. !. i,;, ,. '"..-1 . ..in. ii.i.-.. , r...,., . llt Wil rVbrmirv il4, with V. J. Hllw. Contains:" Av.-iilnbli- l.hos- pliorie r.ci.l 8 -K niuiioi.i.i 2.01. pot- ,ish2.,.! l- r edit. 1, lat.ve value per 1 . . . . i.O'.M ids. sj") -l 2"iil Aiiimouiate l Sohibhi Navas sali.i ii! '. Navnssa (. nino t'o., il lningioii. N. !., sampl I at 1'Yt inonl. Et-bi ti.cy -1st, with A- "ck Uros. I'o. I'. ntiiiis- Avaihil.!' i'1'ospliorie acid S . anuiiotiia 2 n" vsh l.'JIi per i ! Ih lative value per 2.1(00 pom .! - : I'd !'.!' I;. ; M.i . s.-i J2.I. v i'.icilic Oiialio I'o. "ft 1 i .soli -I'liospliate of l.iine. John S. 'o . Ill S. Street, n.dlin.ore, ','leil lit i.iltli ton, l'ehiuaiy U S. .I.ihiisiin Contains: ,h"-ph irie acid 12.20 pi r Avn.lil cel. I l-i l.itive value per 2.000 pounds, 7 -"I I !. WmiiI I'-llc.i, I ai l :ir Oil Hrand (iuauo, Iavie A Petei'sbm j.;. Va . sampled h: . 1'. hi u:.r 2"ih witii ( . ('. t 'oi l. litis : Available olios- pie no ie:d S 47. aniitioiir 2 .'to, pot ash 1 '.i-.i per c i.t Kelativu value per 2.i'iM po.mds. id. "il.;. Cot:. m llraiid High (hade A i l l'lio-phile. E. .1 Prnvers. Wil inl.ig.o.1. .v C. sampled at l't tiioi.t, l.o.ui.v 2lsl. with Ayeoek I'.ros. A Co !' i.;iaii's: Av uluble phosj.hoi ic a -id I'll pel' eeiit Kilillive value p -i 2.0 ill pounds. 5i20.27. 2"il:l. !,iolilicl'olt..i(iii,wti'.(ii,lds : bi'fo' I.;'. Co. C.old.-boro', X. C. sam ple I a' i'.uboio'. rcbruary 20lh, with 1'. S I' tt r ,V i'o. Coi.laiiis: Avail ab'e j I; .-iplioric acid S 22. ammonia 2 !t'.. p u ish '2 "i.'i per cent lielalive value per 2.HH0 pounds. S20 S2. '222 Oi'chiMa liuano, Ti avers. Sin, 1. 1 A I '.i . I S.tii ini' u'r. Md . sampled at It' lal. Isnii, I'ebinalV 2alll. Willi 11 H Hicks. 'o:,tiuis: Available piios, I., iii.- acid 12 70. .arboiia.e of lltue It7 all per cent lo hitive value I'tr 2.1'iti) pounds. ?22 Sti. 2-VJ I Jt.iki i s Slat.. laid Ciualio. Chen, i. i.l Coinpnuv. of (.'.ii.lou. Jlalti- ' tiiii'ie. . Id . san. pled at l'r ii.ktiiiton I'toi.nirv 2"th. Mtli .1. S .loyliet. Co n talus: Available phosphoric ueid 7 IS. nnii, i, ni i 2 12. jiolash 122 per . cent. Ilelative value per 2.0011 pounds. J;.!ti7. 2 2l Owl 1 baud Tobacco (luano. Hole A Whitll', l'etei .biirg. Va . Mi'iiph'd at Erat.klititoii I". bruary 2o. with, I. S lo'.i.er Ci'iitmns : Avaii-abh- ple.sph ,iie noi.l '.I So, aiuiuoma ' 't.".il. potash I "i0 per cent lo lative ; u tier 2.5oo pi uii, Is. if..!! 7:t. 2 iJ'i l'n;e s in I Aiiuuoiiiatod I'ln . iia'. . .J i.t.nipi.ic i'ei l.li.i'.i,: v 'o., Ne.v i, ltd, m. Conn, sampled :tt Mel ma. i'ebniary 2Sih, with Webb. 'I'is d.i!"AC'. Contains: Vvml.il le pho. ph ui acid '.I .0. annuo. ii i ;! S7. poi ;s'. 1 ',(1 per cent. ISeintive value per 2 Ot'il pounds. $ II 07. 1 Cii.vs. W. 1).hm v. -Ik , i hiei-tor. A To iv ii Ib'idrojed. A despatch from Muucie. Indiana, dated 2nd ills!., sins: "A cyclone struck this county about " o'clock yesterday afternoon, completely wip ing out Oakviile. seven mile-? south of hi io. on tln Ciucnuiati A Louis ville K lilroad. and doing great dam-ag,- to liie and pi opeity Al about ." o'clock a heavy black cloud came ih Ling from the west and another from ; iie north. The two oh aids met u'. .lie house of Lewis Cociliuiie, two in;!, s west of Oakviile. lilted it from f cut, I at ions, urn I. i aring it into km brig wood, deposited it over a distance of two miles and a half. A mmiito later it struck Oakviile. Of tl.it ty houses in Oukvilie all but three w. re lorn down, four perons wort: I-. 'led outright in Oakviile, iiml the tilth died this morning, .lames Nan dots, two miles west of Oakviile, was n;s. killed making six killed in till, l'ilty are lopol leu wounded. A hu ge vv .t: house and sav. ' ; : adjoining hi o ..iie, and tiie sc. is a chaos of is!:, of whose o.neiship it is IIIIO' ihle to tell. Ai.'ia 1 )eat bun. i.d lady, two sons m' Coohrnue l.iini'i Sanders are among tin. .1 The path of tho cyeu no wa it a .pia.ter of a mile wide, and ythiug in its track was destroy - ai t-u. The steamship Daniel Steiiiinanti was w locked off the coast of Nova Sc. -tia, on hist Thurstlav limit' . and ovora Uuudtvd persons were drowued The House Committee on the Ju-1 dicn.ry has ordered an adverso report i'ii the joint resolution proposing a woman stiffrago amemlment to tho Constitution. ! The cominissitmers of Halifax. Now II .novor. Moore and several other c.mtics made appropriations, on last .'ihrnday. for having whibiu ut tho sllll0 Exposition. Tho State of Nevada, which has ,--! Senators ami one liepresentative in Congress, has not so large a popu lation by HIT souls us the city of New Haven, Coi moc t ie u t. Tho Duektowti branch of the W. , N. C. II. II. has been completed to Waynesvillo. and tho event was tho '-asiiii of a grand cell brat ion there Tuesday. Oov. Jurvis being one of the participants. Tho committee on appropriations Of which Mr. Itattdall is chairman, has ut down the appropriation for pensions Jt.tHKl,tKH ; for the navy, K'O.OUO; for India., alTairs, ..- 000,000, a total of over 3U,(KM.HtH lvtiH than thu estimates. Moutoe Eu.piirer: There nnver was ' before sueh a promising prospect for ; small Traill crojis in this i-fctiou. and ; i never before were such crops howii. ' j If nothing shall happen to mar tho' prospect before harvest wepivdict that twice as much small grain will lie pro-1 duoed in the county as our farmers will need for tin i i own use; ami the Mir phis will come iu good time to furn ish them with a little spending mon ey when they will liee.l it. Oil Monday last. Mr. W. C. Ogburn, a clerk in Mr. J. It. English's store, ear-j lied a lot of eggs home froi I the store. and on Wednesday morning while pre-1 paring some of them for breakfast one ! . was discovered which contained some .foreign .substance, which wits at once1 deei led toll' poison. Esaiiiiiiat ion , ' disclost.. 1 a piu hole in the side of the j egg where the substance had boon in-i t induced into the e;g. It was of a dark color and had adhered to the hIioII, apparently not mixing with the meat of the egg. What the siibslalico is has not vet been decided, but it is printout cod to be poison by all of our physician" w ho have seen it. ti view of the snd and deplorable cotiseipit iict s which attended the eating of poisoned eggs by Mr doluiC. Mai sh and ol hers only a few months ago, which must be fit' -1 1 in die memory of all of our citizens, we eiiuiiot comprehend ho.v any one. not fatally bent on mischief, c mid. under any circumstances, intro- I ! poison into an ej'tr. and then bn so careless as to take it iuto the open market ami sell it. Itdeigh Vi.ilor: The ("heinw Sun! and Monitor brings the gl id iulelli-' tronce that the contract has been let! for the grading of the Palmetto Hail-! road from H ttnl.t to Choravy mid that 1 work will begin tin mm in ten or lif : teen davs. Tho survey tind location of the road beyond Cheraw sou lb ward j is progressing rapidly. I his road is I being built by the same parties who nre building tic Virginia and North Carolina It. It. from IMclmioud to; lildgovvny, nnd w hen completed will, j together' with the It. A O. and 11. Si A. Air due I toads, make the short-'1 est through line from the North to i the South, and will be of great bene- tit to Ealelgli. - -La-.t Sunday morn-1 in;; crowds of people, both white and black, iu evetv stv ie of vehicle, from j the omnibus tlovvn to the ox cart, on I hofst bai k and a good many walking, wcn.le 1 their war to Taylor's Pond, two mil, :; Noith of the city to wituuss ! the baptism which we announced on1 Saturday. There were 150 ciiudi dates immersed, part b. ing from the Eirst ; iciptist Church, colored, and the1 others fiom the I'aptist Church in; East llaleigh. I he crowd iu attend-j a nee was vai iously estimated at from , three to live thousand I'.y lack of i pen air exorcise, ami tho want of sufiicieiit cnrti in tho mut ter rf diet, the whole physical meeh ! ani-m i. fit ii heeomi s impaired dm ing ; the wii.ttr. Ayt i ' aiap.u ilia is the proper tonicity to tal.e iti the spni'.g. i f the vtur to piuifv the blood, imig mate the system, excite the liver to nc'ioii. and lt stoie tho healthy tone ' ai d vior BiilWiiF Lyiica's BriJee. : Wlioro it Touches tlta 3hoves and the OiO'.t Oolamns in Midstfenm. Wirii ,t 1... . ,i-Ifiil I rl !. i.'iw.'ii ... iu:.' ami I'l.C-lli" ' I !- - I ; w . '1' Ii' I. n.ll.l.lv.- v II,.- i'IiIM l u'.lt-- ul l. I l-.o I I ivi-i.l,. , ti . -i.-.t,,. II I,, m -l ii- .-ci,! iv : , a m., in.-. I I nt.iii lull.- ,.n k ; .: - t- ;.;. t t. f-t.'-. c'.c leu h.ii siSt i.tf .1.. .-i I.' l, .1-1 v. I I. :l..- ti, .1.1,1," r.-iii.irk.. Sir K. I.i.'iht I i ! i, In i.n "s r.-ii s".-ry " V, -,. i-.c I i-, i. :.--!i -oil .-in.t: nip-, i. :li. It,i:h ..i il ,, Nt. c, ii;v t.u'!, -n I ftwt.l iir.'n.-s. tt.r.-titfli v. : '. !, at - .. i ,v.t . -. : '. -,t., p, ;.i In rn.lt i.ti.t l,'-. li.il-, II. I I .Ill I W "-r-ilii lll'-t.,, - I.. I.,,! ...IS- I ill, ,!.",-. N -e ,11-,-S s. .1. I --..-ii- i.ili-e lis i.i.lin. k.-ti i., ',. iUi. .ii. 1 l.-i nan .if, ii'. I -kill iiiu-t r.-ar .'11.1 - ! ll 'I. - i U --.I.' -'. i-!t --1 I Ii l s Hill Is l ' .-i 'u,,al' l in 'in-;-,n - in-i.'ih .ii.i.i., f..r tlie ; .-r.- ..,.l..s .. "n 1 ir I, - I - - I u ii 1 r 1 1 lr ,nt r. 1. i N.'i'l-,".- il,,' 'I.U't' t ml ' our I m'i.p-." i. r 'itr ,,l I mill's "1 ij, ' in,, ti"l lit Uii- in: 1--I i, ii-tii.. I, :tl. HiiUio." wni ni'-i'i- I. Ui.- m it:, a sul ci.' .'!.. si..- .n. .,- flr-t h.-n IM'li 1 y-i' ft I- II. ,',.' i.T,-r e.-.-.,,-!i c-,lt li'.l;,,: ',,.--.! .l.t-.nh Hi n-ji'ii-s. .in i 1 1 -in' i ! ,11-.,-. -e t li- i.t lllllll. I, '. 'II-.' -. iiir .tun .iiu.-.'iti.-ii's..: r.'-!i- a "I hit.-. Is II .' 1. t : ,-t. ' - ,.',.' II.-. 'On ill tu ' Is t.-ur i..w,.r ,'. '. i-- hi-.:, It., 's i-r-.t l.-in uii't .lic.i.-s w,-U..-... V. -. i u.-.l ....t .... Is s,i-ji-:t 1. 1. I '. I'.l.. I. ; ,T t , s . , r. . in.- llil; T tittil i,.-fc-',rt is :.,f,..,I -,r - o -W'-.Ur I 'l l.lr t.'t.'l twiy l.av.- Ii,ki-ii 'I..' t.'tlll ,-t ,ls; .-J-.111, iti'-illuH IMIl, t;- ill, li:ni.ir!;i. -.-t I il. ili.'-'.-nct, It, i-lil'.,il,' li,-.i,l-bhI.o. ., liny ,-t I. ,1--. -Ii ., l-r llln I XIlKKtl'S TONIC la Ho n: i t'.t "ti, n (r,-s!i nir lni-.',,rm.w Hi . l.av.-1 .-, ii -I .a i., In -!ani.. '"I t ''Us II in , H.-i lul. i in-,-, a, h- I-, us. s-'l.-iiiiH--, snlf -li. k' )i".' li,' ,t ,1,1 Till HT' li ,,r Ull' t.rt lit .,t II!.'. A. K U.VNKIN. M. ,'. IIISRIS. A II. sL'i ,'MII '.. i mm i no., F A Y F.TT F. VI L LE. N. C, M-trk 't S"ttian WHOLEiJALE GilflSESS, A.rii 3, 15SA. ly i2s rr ST H IKK YOU ! That you could possibly buy goods or rather li roeei ies as cheap or elit-.ipcr in lhtleigh than unyvvhero else '.' if it tlitl or did not, suppose tlio next time sou need ANYTIIINO j STAPLE d FANCY MMi YOl SEND TO I W. C. & 1 B. STRONACH, ; WHOLESALE and RETAIL ' i UH00KB3 ! AND COFFEE KOASTERS FOR SAMPLES, PRICES, JtC, &.C. Ve.anv tho LA lit i K.ST STOCK J in tho city, buy from fust hands in lame ipiaiilities for the cash, are: Manufacturers Agent for a good; many articles ami will orivo trade Ixittom prici on un thing in our' line. ' j KioitM norsiosi 101 & -2 lti Faym teviih. St , North and South Market and Martini Street , W. C. vi A. li. STUONACTI, t It VLUOH, N. C. 1 Old Fitycttovillo! R. E. SEDBEREY, Wholesale and Retail DrmW, wishr to liirrm th p'il'll Miui In nw nrriitiion II. r iii.'W mnin'tnl hnr' "ii Dim Snulli-eikdt -.)rinT NLW AND FUKSH STOCK Ditros, Mi'.nici.VE.s, paints, OILS. OLASSWAUI., nnil nvpryililnir nitiiAll)' In a flrHt-diw DrilK Hinre. hi wli'il.'Siili' nii-l rcinll. "l'-,-i-. ,ilill y mi l HnUxtit'-lliiii ciinrmil.it',1 "Si.IhI lu lu '.'iiii'iiu i,i Uic l..,.'bHlo irnlo. 1 Airll 3. ism. 3nis. FROM THE PRESIDENT ; OF BAYLOR UWIVERS1TV. Indi'iKnilecce, Turn, Sept. X, 1882.' , Gentlemen: Ayer's Hair Vigor , aj boon uwd Iu my bouKliultl tot Urro roAauua : lit. To preT.mt fulling out of the Ulr. td. To urev. nl luo mjnJ cliugo of color. 3d. As a .Irtitoing. " j Il has given entire Mtlsfuctlon In every tcilancti. Youra roipcilully, Wa. I'ahet Cramk." AVEK'8 IIAIB VIGOn U entirely tre from uuctcanly, tlaugrmus, or injnrtmu tub itaiicc. It iiioTfiitx tit j hair (rum luiiiiiig gray, rrftorin rny liuir to iu original eolur, prcTtinu lmiaiies, jiruservt-a iho buir and promotes its gronUi, cures tlinjruff anil II diseases of the balr ami sralp, and Is, at tbe sumo time, a very superior svud desirable dressing. rilt.I AllED nv Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Oruggims. .MA UCH '22, 1M8-I. Arrivals for liie Week. ATWATSa ft WYiTT I-; ::ham. v. a QQ I1I5LS ,KW (T'OP Cl'HA MOLASSES 10 10 1U1LS. SYUI P. 1U1LS. POliTOHICO MOLASSES. mtLs. sro.vHs. (ii grad, Or SACKS KIO and SEED TICK s.) COITF.KS. m rT s,:E,.,,tisH P(,TATOEs. llHHtms alt grades FLOlT. 400 P.FSIIELs COUN P.00 DPSHELS OATS. IO TONS lUIAN VND CHOI'S 300 Pd'Siild.s PHI. UK WHITE1 Cl.'llBIN'il AND i'W I NO, J'!: U' 1V Wavall Mills Main Street, DURll.l'd, N. 0 5000 I. US HI LK MEAT C. 11 ! . and lil'dddES ' lOToNsi'KiA.Ein.tn'HVHAY. csiiietery Work Neatly Eiecnted. In fact we handle (inn-erics only. 1 can thercfoivotterpec ml inducements to the wholesale ami retail trade, i ''Ksions and kstimates rimHiwim ox Collie lo : ee us j AFH.It'aTlOll. ATWAT2E Sl WYATT.l.M,r","M','', ""' iiui tiu.iM'. i:ii..i I... 's.ii.i,. hami, TO BUYERS OF 3 18i35. 18S4. ! T.II3. 1- m l SEES, Act x F FAYETTE7ILLE STREET, RALEKiH, N. C. LEADERS IN IIARIJWA1IE of every description. BUILDERS" SUPPLIES, PAINTS, STOVES, 01 NS, AMMUNITION, md the largest stock of SPORTING GOODS ever iu Raleigh, at bottom prices. Call ami examiiiu our stock and prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ar WnU) for Descriptive Circulars. Dou't forget tho place, 220 FAYETTEYILLE ST. mmm HARDWARE OF EVERY DKSCKIPTION. SASU, DOOHS AND OIXN98, Xargvst Stock in North Carolina. Jl'LIVS LEWIS & CO., SlOM OK TUK OoLKBM HuKss. Sn , 22 1 Fttytttevillo St., opposite tbe Uarkei Jauuary 10, lbtJl. KALE10H, N. a W.C. SoWiM, l.lls ol Mm i ik, Uitin Hi Orlffla. 51. T. Notris & llro. WitoHii. ..tod NxitH, V jhM k Tfiyl'-r hi lliolr m4 MiaiHl, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND GOWMISGIOH MEfiCHANT8, Xo. Hi Kxchango nml No. 15 Eaat Martin Streets, XI A 22 1 tt Iff, XV. O. WFi CAHHV A LAI M IK STOCK which we otter to tho trade t very low piic.es. r eulvi, Sl t.ctll. VII FN I lONloibe sale of Miikn khIiwhi IiIkIii-hi lil ies (iii't roturns ai nnca. I'r,.ilii.'.i mi, I, I mi e..,.oii if i-1. ,i. al small t'bar(ea. t.llK.'i'ftl tttlvitiircn niH'lf mi oiUi.ii sltired Willi ue .Viti'iiiH inr ruiti'.'.-ii ilii.-in.i. Ac-iiih f,i- l'.',,iii,.ke hiiii r HiuSibala.. Ai;i'inn l.-r risli llimk Oii.ui,,. Au-,'iilM f.,r Hi.' l.'i.rHi.'.l Sluiiovall Onlloo Plow. Ill" kilni nf I hi' ..ill. m IIpI.I, Jitiiiliily li, IhM. Will lake in oxchango for SHr.LTLNUS AND GOODS, at their Sloip, Fhair, Oat, Corn, Wheat, fiiicon ami Laid, at market , prict s. The atteiilioti of Farmers and Mill , ors is called, especially to their uiaka jof "B" SHEETIWO for flour j sucks. A gootl line uf j DllY noons, NOTIONS, j HATS, P.OOIS AND SHOES, OKOCKHIKS, HAHDWAHE, ! MliKIOlNES. AC, AC, always on hand. I Their motto: Fair prices and honaat ' dealing. i Jin.iinry 17. IHH. Cm. -AND : brown stone works. W8 ROBEHT I. ROGERS, nr.u.m :x- Garble and Iranite KtWIUMciNTS, TOMBSTONES. TABLETS, iC. DROWN STONE FOIl DOOH AND WINDOW SIT.TiS, iui y nr..rvciii j I I D JOHN W. SCOTT, Asuigna of YEAliOAN, PETTY A CO., VVl-liliiL- t,i nirn nvcr Urn l.usltteHS lo ft t. rKTTT, mI.i s. ,i i,- 1'iiiir.' I.---k hi att.l below OOMT tor li i- in-i iii.Ihvs i ,r i'as.I. tit i .... t i't"Knn-, ai uiV ,-.-nis. 5,m pair broaana STTrrrir w,,iii.'ii'i olw, s ui fouts, 'iivoualr womea'asboaa a il .o I.I.U.SI viit 'l- l-.'st t'nlliti al 6 i-enls, aiaawar l l:ii,s hi 7 ,,-iiim. 1,,'st lllrif iif-.' lt.imcistl.si al , an. I s , -1 1 1 . Ih .-iI I'lil.l.. 1ikI IVilUMllcal 1 .'. t, s. ,hi Fur an I ' I tin's nl l". ml. Ladles' Vrrtm it,.lin c s . Kliiiini'la bel,,w Cwl. Men's and I.h ill's' l u ll i Kci.r ill C"t. 't he la.1 Is 1 will eHI ),'ii any ii,-Ii. it wish k.wrr Ibau any ..'her Ii. usr In Hi.- ,iiv t. r t'VsH. The ,sl ausisw an I ti, k Is ilit iiui'' in sh ve niniii y. Mercbauia will d.i ncll I., . ull iiil ,' il.a u, -il. J. W. MUTT. Am, If ore i ..t VKVU..AN, frrit a Co.. I I u V'itj..UfVillotH., HALtlOH, M. 0. t'ohrunry 7, Ism. i - THE BANK OF DURHAM, 1) I 1C 1 1AM, IV. , W. T. IH.ACKWVI.1., 1'r.vldt'iil. V. A. WI1.BT. CassJer lii"-.'tre lri,il:. ,ayai,leon hsmamd r tnasa v 1st: as mity I,.' hiiiu' I. Will buy ami sell slocks ati l i.'ti'ln . ii Hi' iii 'M tavoiat.le lertua. Will buy an I sell Kx,'ti ii,.. "ii th" Nnrih ir Kuri'iie al eux -rria ritii'S. l''Uiisti,H,lrnt sillrlieU. We are now lauding our second cargo i 359 Hhfls. and 135 BMs. Prime h Crop C.h Mmi iSeml in your orders. WORTH & WORTH, WlI.MIsiOTON, N. 0. March ft, ltti. Its. THE ALL RIGHT Cooking Stovo. TUe uutlerslKunl, Snle Agents tur litis asralsi Suive, aniiuuuoe lu lite public Utal over TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND t.r ihMw Sii,vn bave beea aald. aa4 Iksvt tm ess lusiHtico Uiy Icivn (leu Entire Satisfaction. PRICES VERY LOW. y- wrlie lor Ix-ecrlialTe Catalogaa aa4 Us M. T. NORIIH, 1 1 .Hie f N'T'ls, VV)il k Tah,r.