V or ADVERTISING. (Khafham Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., EDITOR AMD IT.Or-RlETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Iiu .qui., e inwiOnn. . turn . 1.11 i.twoliiMrMoaa,. i, on noiith, On t"fT, on fr, On sow , tlx nun tu Ou cot J, Hint months, . I.OO VOL. VI. ITI.TSIM)li( CHATHAM CO., N. C, ATKIL 17, 1884. 4vrttMMHttltwnl ooftmnta wlB at" If v i ii n Ei NO. 32. Th Mfe-l.tdgcr. Our BunTonii.'fi we ie:ku-j o'er. With hk'll mi'ut'v at I for.mil; The rlicciful I'ss llnl till- the 'ro Wis lru.it n merely ti'i.-m.d. Oiir list of ill, Inov full, lew .Treat ! Wi' mutini our lo'. i-hnulil fci.'I so; 1 wonder, d wp c d- ibtu Our lr'';ni"ii iJ i? Were it not lit lo krej) Of all (I iv.i, irfliny.' Porhiifxi Dim d-iik enei mi ,lil ntwni' To not no vcy in n t . Minn look ni-n n'-li ii'.'fO n iy A" Mil, or oven snli-mii ; Beheld, my entry fir tiidijr Is in Uiu "liupiy" milium. THE ONLY PUPIL. Miss Elizabeth Hill was still a pret ty little woman, with nice hair and a tidy lit t lo figure, when her father died. One after the other her elder sisters had married ami li ft home; and Lizzie kept hoiue for her widowed father anil forgot the. lapse of time. The two old servants considered her a mere child, and she w;n always the youngest at the rare family reunions Her father had advised, praise 1 and scolded her in though she ha I been in her teens to the la.it. He wo.? 8' told when hit went quietly to Bleep for th" l.t-t time, that people had thought Elizabeth would ho "pre pared for her loss;'' but she wan nut, nnd after the lirst great eiiff and the shock of leaving the i Id hunt"', when the property was divided and the linns0 sold, she found that another change had befallen her. Hie was no longer Miss Lizzie, the youngest daughter Mill at himn but a middle-aged spinster living in a board ing house. Often when she had hurried up stairs and shut the door of her room she had thought to herself that .-die could not endure this condition of things much longer, but. after all, she dreaded to make a change. She was exactly in the condition to jump at anything w hi. h olTcre I occu pation and interest, when the postman mio day brought her a circular, gilt edged and rose-tinted, bearing tin sit words : ".Mr. Buckle respectfully desires to make known to the public the fact that he is about to reopen his classes in water-color painting, Knglish school, next Monday. Terms most reasona ble. Early application ilcarable, a the number of pupils will be limited. Studio. Xo. si reel. It was an attractive looking card, nnd as Miss Elizabeth real it an idea came into In r mind. Why should she not take lessons in water-color paint -igV She would enjoy the work. She could afford it. It would pass the time. Sho could perhaps sketch from nature next summer. A little thrill ran through her at this thought. She got her bonnet and mantilla, her parasol and her gloves, nnd taking the card with her, hurried to make application for a place in the class before it was too late, for it was now Saturday afternoon. She found the number easily. A large building with many rooms, and at the very top of the house four en gravers, a lady "designer on wood." and Mr. Buckle's name on a neat door plate. Miss Elizabeth, quite breathlest by this time, applied her knuckles to the panels, and after a little delay and some creaking of boots on a bare floor, the door opened, and a middle-aged gentle man, with a few gray hairs in his whiskers and a bald spot on his hea l, appeared, with a palette on his thumb and a brush in his hand, nnd bowing politely, requested the lady to enter. "Mr. lluekle ?" Elizabeth asked with an interrogative inllection. The gentleman bowed again. "I receive! your card," said Mis'j Elizabeth. "1 should like to join your class, if it is not full." "It is not full as yet, inadam" re plied Mr. liuekle," and I should be de lighted to receive you as a pupil." fie opened a portfolio as he spoke. "My work," ho said; perhaps you'd like to look at" The portfolio was full of sketches in water color of English scenes, cot tages, lanes, old women gathering fag gots, ladies walking in old parks. They were not great, but they were very good. Miss Elizabeth was de lighted. "How kind of you to tako a class,' she said, beaming. "Such un artist as you are." Mr. liuekle bowed again. He evi dently preferred bowing to speaking. "I'm sure I've seen your pictures in the Academy," she said, "uud admired them." Mr Buckle blushed violently and bowed again. "How modest P trough Mi Eliza beth. She inquired his terms. They were very reasonable. She paid it ou the spot, received a little list of necessary paper, colors, &e., and went away. Sunday passed slowly, despite its three episodes of church-going. She awaited her lirst lesson with much impatience At last the hoiireame, she climbed the stairs again, and entered the door of the room on which the name of Buckle appeared. A long pine table and six tune bottom chairs, an easel, and some canvases and portfolios, fur nished the room. A South American hammock w as twisted into a coil and hung over some pegs. A blanket pur iuv hung on a rod within the door. But there was no one there but Mr. liuekle. "Ant I too early?" Elizabeth asked, glancing at her watch. 1 see I am the lirst." "Oh no, indeed," replied Mr. liuekle. It is the tithe pupils who are too late. We won't wait for them." I't bewan his lesson at once, and Miss Elizabeth was absorbed in her work. An hour passed two. The lesson was over. Xo pupils hail arrived. "I. a lies are seldom as prompt a you are." said Mr. Buekl'. "Any time will do to begin; any lime. They de lay. " Th y procrastinate. It's a pity." "It Is surprising to nc that they are not more anxious to avail themselves of such advantages," said Miss Eliza beth, hardly ahl" to tear h-rself away from the contemplation of the blue sky. with white clouds, that had grown under her brush. I have had a delight ful lesson." Again she waited with impatience. Again sho climbed up the long stairs. Again thcro were no other pupils pres ent. Again none nnived. Hut this time a brown roof grew under her brush and gray brunette-slay against the sky. The trunk of a tree was indicated, and tin) figure of a child was carefully sketched amongst the blossoms, as yet only outlined in the foreground. Miss Elizabeth trembled with pride and happiness. "Vou niii-t Ii ii 1 me very stupid," she said. "Hut don't you think I can learn if I apply my ell V" "1 am sure you will do well." s it 1 Mr. liuekle; "more than well. Vmi have talent, madamdecided talent for art." tin her way home, Miss Elizabeth thought, with rapture that perhaps a day might cmno when she should open a catalogue and see ".-uns-i," or "i; -v. eric," or "Moonlight Hours." or some such romantic title, among the list of pictures, followed by the delightful ; words, "by Miss Elizabeth Hill." ue thought c!iaed away the sent- j pie; that troubled lu r as to the propri- ety of being the only scholar of a sin- j g!e gentleman; and, then, h was so I gentlemanly, lie never quite closed ' the door, lie sat at the opposite side ! of tl-e tn'd". He was decorum itself, j And such a genius! How foolish of f the other members of that limited I d iss not to aa 1 themselves f such opportunities' The quarter was over end she was beginning to wonder j whether Mr. liuekle would trouble j himself to teach a class of one for so ! small a sum. When hurrying upstairs to her less in she heard oices within the door, and paused. Two men were talking. One was Mr. I'.ui kle. "If you can but wait a little," she ! heard him say. "Well, 1 have waited, haven't I?" replied the other voice. "1 know you mean well; but studios are in request. I can't let mine for nothing. Vou haven't given me one cent fer two months, Mr. liuekle." "Vou see I'm just establishing my self," said Mr. liuekle; pupils come slowly. I spent all 1 had in advertis ing and paying the lirst month's rent and buying such furniture as I've got. 1 sleep in that hammock, and take down the tiiri for a blanket; and so far I'v got only one pupil. It won't do to starve. 1 live on a dollar a week. Now w here is the money for rent?" "Oon't seem to be any," replied the landlord; that s why 1 think maybe you'd better move." "Ah well, I suppose I nrist," said Mr. Buckle. "I'll just give this lesson and hang inyself.or something -not here, it would give the place a bad name, you know, and you've been most kind, flood morning. Ah, no, don't apologize; its all in the way of business; and then a large man in a light overcoat bounced out and nearly ov rset Miss Elizabeth as he ran down stairs. She, for her part, went into the room nil tremulous with surprise and grief, i nd could hardly utter her usual greeting. She looked at Mr liuekle as he laid out the pattern, and tested the shade of the color in her pa'ettecups, think ing what a tine, kind, pleasant face his was. She noticed, too, that the braid that bound his coat was worn out, and that his knees were shiny. Then he came around the table and for the first time sat down beside her. ! "I'm going t.t give up this studio, Miss Hill," he said. "This will be our last les-ion. I'll give you the addles of an exci llent teacher who has vaean cies. lie's a little dearer than 1mm,' but ever so much better" "Oh. that can't, b -!" Miss Elizabeth. ' "Oh. yes, indeed," said Mr. Buckl. I'm after all, only an amateur- a soil of iinpo.tor. I'm ra'h rgoo l at. water colors, 1 know, but I'm ii"t profession al, uiib ss leaching you makes mo so 1 feel like telling vou the truth." "1 had a little fortune when 1 camo here and they told mo 1 could treble it. I'm sure 1 eouldn't say w hat T did.with that object, but was told one day that I had lo-t it all. "I'm not a I n: im si man, you know: and t hen I thought I'd teach water colors; nnd well, you'vo been my only pupil, you know, so I've got to say good-by; and there's something else I'd like to tell you but you might be offended." "Oh, no." said Miss Elizabeth. j "You'll forgive me. Thanks," said Mr. liuekle. "Wed, it is this-ifl' hadn't been such a poor beggar I'd have a Red you if you could like mo enough to marry me. 1 never met any one so nice indeed, I never did; and our lastes are alike, and ad that. I'll try not to think of it more than I can help, but I felt that I must tell you before wo parte 1 for ever." Miss Elizabeth bad put her handker- chief to her eyes, and now was heard to whisper smut thing. "lieg pardon," said Mr. Buckle. "I - I've got plentv," said Miss Elizabeth- "Plenty?" repeated Mr. Buckle. "Money!" gasped Miss "Plenty for both." "Vou kind little woman. Buckle, and took her hand. Elizabeth, said Mr. The brushes lay neglected, the color dried oh the palette. They sat thus for a long while, then "If you really love me." said M ss Elizabeth, "it doesn't matter which has the money." "It's aw fully sweet of vou to feel that wav," said Mr. Buckle. "I Milv, would it be right of nie, you know ;" What wvuld your family say?" Ia the mellow twilight that had be gun to steal over the empty Hi lie room, Miss I'lizabi tli's face looked wonder fully soft and young a i she looked up at him; but I think she scarcely could h.iM'do'ii' wha she did but I 'rlhil fancy picture of himself wbiili he had ; t'"' tiniest teaspoon, must be mnnu iiiade for hi- landlord. If she were not : facturcd from it, or its alloy or bronze brave now she felt be might indeed The chief value of aluminum, at be found pendant from a branch some-J present, is in tempering or giving where. strength and a surface or body to "Heaven knows! I'm of age," she alloys, broil '.es or inetaK so that they ' s.ii with a little laugh; "and a family that has left me alone at ;t boarding house may say what it please-; I don't care." "It is the right, spirit," said Mr. Buckle. "I think it veiy line, and I shall be made so unutterably happy by it, my dear." They kissed crh other in the twi- light, and left the room together aim in arm. "It was very sly of Elizabeth. Wo expected more confidence," said tho oldest sister to her friends .shortly after 'But she has married well a celebra- ted artist, exceedingly rich. I pre -tune they all are. His name i-Buckle." An Operatic lloiiniiza. A Paris letter says that about thirty years ago a poor little musical com poser, very modest and almost un known, tried to sell the partition of an opera which had just lately been pro duced here in Paris to some publish er, but nobody wanted it. Perhaps one of the music houses would have accepted the partition had it not been for the illustrious Berlioz, who advis ed him not to touch it at the n ice de manded that is to say, a sum equal to $J"0. When the publisher had de lin ed the music, the young composer car ried his manuscript to another house, but it was refused simply because the lirst had done so. The poor man ho is illustrious and rich now wjis strolling along the boulevard, feeling quite down in tho mouth, when he met The First Million (.reeiiltarkt. a young gentleman named Choiidens, Mr. Sturtevant, of the stationery di a clerk in the department of stata To vision of the treasury, carried the lirst him the composer of tho new opera 2.WVHK) of greenbacks from Washing -related his troubles, whereupon Chou - ton over the mountains to the West, dens said: "The greenbacks," says he, "were in "Ma foi, but it is lucky we met, I common mail bags and I ha I to sit am going to marry in a few days the with a loaded revolver to watch them, daughter of a man who engraves nut- I remember it was in October, and sic scries, and when w e are married though warm in Washington, it grew we shall start a music house for our- bitter cold when we got on the moun selves. 1 cannot afford to pay you tains. 1 had neglected to bring my aOOOfraues for your opera, but 1 will , Jvcreoat and 1 almo.it froze. I carried give you 1500 for it if you will trust the money via Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, me for the year." The coinpo-er ae- and a few months later I took another cepted these terms, and the opera was l.'MHi.oiX) in the same way. After this printed. it was noi-ed abroad that the groen- Thc name of the opera is "Faust, " back were being distributed in this that of the composer Charb s tiounod j unsafe way, and the government made and Choudens has gained more thun a contra t w ith the express companies $200,000 ou this great work alone Till: COM l Ml METAL. rhrnt. I'inpr. for MiikliiK Aluminum 'Hi. Itrvi.liillou II I l.lkrly tl tVoik tu Many iMnin.liM-in.-r.. Aluminum, with one exception, is the most abundant metal known. The material, alumina or clay, from which it is produced, is not confined to any locality or coantry. It is found every where. It is more ni half a century since the eminent Gci man chemist,, the late l-'riederich Wo'd-r. who for fifty years wat Professor of Medicine and Director of tho Chemical In-dilute at (!o:tingen, discovered aluminum and . that it could be pn In e.l from common clay ami frj:n alum, and still it is among the leatt familiar of metals, Us usual price is $' per pound, and j until the pint year it has only been known as "aluminum gold." After ' many experiments, extending over a series of years', its manufacture was abandoned except in one instance, to ' the French, w ho only produced it in ! inconsiderable quantities. After more than thirty years' labor, and at a cost of more than , 'H. the eminent English chemist and metallurgi-d, .lames 'eb,ti'r, has di -covered a method of making aluminum by burn ing or roasting alum, in dead of mak ing it in the old and tedium way by precipitation. !y the nw process it takes o dy one l.weu'y-fouitli of the time required by the old lnetho I. and costs less th in one-tenth as much, j The discoverer ha-i li-en producing 20 . pounds of alumina per week for more than a year, tho valun of which is I i'l1)"') or '.'Jtts.ti'iil per annum, the re- s'dt of which has been that at the ' present timu a manufa-toiy, which covers more than one-half an acre, is kept busy night and day, with orders ready for more than fifteen months' work. The present output is 20 tons of aluminum metal per wek. Eroin the ! results alrealv obtained bv the aluini- nuin bretie fact ry near Birmingham, j England,) it is plainly evident that in , very short time this almost new and , peculiar metal, which never oxidizes or , corrodes, and which never tarnishes ! under any circumstances, to which can given the color of gold, silver, , bro-ize or purple, and w hich differs "from all other metals in thai it i-i never 1 produced d'reel from ore, but only By a long and elaborate process, mu-.t be come an important la l"r in the man ii lac; ure of jewelry; and not only so but t tilt almost every article made I rum metal, from a screw propeller or anchor of the largest steamship down , will not corrode. To copper, tin or zinc it. gives such properties as can be j obtained by no oilier means, softening their nature while increa-ing their real hardness arid strength, enabling them to resist all the tests applied to gold or silver, preserving them from corrosion and rendering them more ductile and rcliued, and giving them a surface and , kody th.it withstands the el deal ae- ! lion of the elements. As a result of this new process of making aluminum. all plated goods, nici el or silver, watch 'cases, cups, saucers, spoons, knives, forks, gun anil pistol barrels, pistol ( handles, gun, harness, carriage and ' saddle ornaments male of brass.niekel, German silver, bronze or silver, must i give way to tlutse made of aluminum I or bismuth bronze. Piano-forte wires made from it will vibrato ten seconds i longer than the hest now in use. AVhenever and wherever there is a need of a mcial. and one is demanded j that cannot crystallize or corrode under any ctrcumdano s, a metal that com -I bines great strength and flexibility, it is plain that aluminum must be used- i In the teats already made with propel ! ler screws, blades, journal b. ringsi ! and heavy artillery niiulo from nlitini- it tun or bismuth bronze, as against those made from tho best gun metal, i the ship builders decided in favor o j the former as the strength was so much ! greater and the weight so much less, t iei ngi at ly one- f oi i rt h ns great. - -Sj rimj- fhld Hi llllhlii llll. to carry them." Worship of the Sun. Biehard Procter, the celebrated Eng lish astronomer, says: In old times men wordiipp' d the sun as it god. They knelt in adoration before his glorious orb an I raised their voices in supplica tion to him, as to a being who could bear Heir prayers and grant them w hat they wishel. How w idely prev alent that religion of sun-vor..!iip was, we cinuot now I.-I1-, but I le iv are t revs in Hie purer religious of later times of thai old .system. Even in our own t inie, quite a it ii i nber of ceremonial li--ervanees can be refeired hack to tho lime when the rising and setting sou was regarded as a god, wlcrj tie- an. nual movement of th" sun, carrying him now below, now above the equator, wjis followed as the motion of a deity; now withdrawing, amm renewing his favoring glances, while th-' critical epochs when the sun-go I w as passing the equator, aseendiugly or ilescein I i ug ly, were celebrated as religious festi vals, of which tht' Feast of the Pass over (and oiirown Easier in its season al or astronomical aspect) and the Feast of the Tabernacles are ai'ilin bralions, (hoip..i associate I imw with pnriiied religious idea-". We are apt lo smile at these,, Id faith, if we do not utterly contemn them; 1ml in a sense they were n-.i- maMe e nough at Hi-' I ime vv'nen they prevailed. If under any circimstan"es men might forget the Creator and vvonhip the creature, it was in t lit cas of sun-worship. To say truth, there is no aptcr emblem of the Th'ity than the sun. Too glorious lo be regarded save its through it veil, tho sun is the source of every form of force ex is: ing on this earth. His might is exerted for our benefit even when we see him not. In the night hoiirs.as well as throughout tho day, the sun is at work holding not only the earth, but his whole family of planets, at theirdue distance to receive his rays. When he is hidden behind dense clouds, when darkness encoinpav.es the earth, he is still at work for us. Nay, the very clouds which hide his rays aru due to his labor on our behalf; even when their gloom seems greatest, they are preparing nnd r bis bene'.'u ent beams to drop fatness on the earth. Science, however, which has shown the sun as the true soiiri f clouds and rain, had and snow, wind and storm, of all the material forces at work in the air, on the sea, and on land, the iiourisher of vegetation and of every form of life, shows that be works according tojinl ura! laws. Sun-worship is shown by science to be a gros materialistic rdr gion. It hill been rejected as unworthy of reasoning men. uinlcr.-t.riding what the sun really is. In (his science ha done what over and over again science has had to do, and hits b en reproached fordoing until, wilh (lie advance of knowledge it has b-en seen that in pointing out what is material and un worthy in the cruder forms of worship, science has not been materialistic, but tho reverse. f The .Most Notable AiTliiteetur.il Fill lice in America. A Chihuahua (Mexico) correspon dent, of the Kansas City Tunis says: The Cathedral City, as this state capi tal is named, has very little conspicu -oils interest unassociatcd with yonder great piece of architecture, which, so thickly shrouded in snow to day. has no equal in architectural view on the Western hemisphere. It has its his tory. That history is associated with the Santit Eulall t mine, which, up to 12'J, or the date of the expulsion of the Spaniards from Mexico, hasyielded $27o,OiH,Hild. The grand cathedral was constructed by a tax lorccd on the mine of one real, or twelve and one half cents, out of each mare, or every ifS, by order of the Boyal Government of Spain. Tho edifice cost fl.ouo.oiii). Hoiibtless another sfJoO.ooiJ was con tributed by the people in labor and material. It would require $:,.iOii,ihio to erect it in our time. Tho corner stone was laid in 172"i. Architecturally, the grand cathe dral stands peerless, as far as magnifi cently symmetrical proportions are to be regarded in America. The great cathedral of the City of Mexico covers more ground. Still, in design, attrac tions of harmonious blending of three schools of architecture, it is a blunt and bungling and unsightly piece of work compared with this masterpiece of Cristoval de Vilht. He passed more than half of his lmsim ss life construct ing this great church. The design is the tripartite schools of Corinthian, Doric and Ionic. The rear or great dome end, which faces the west, has a width of Md' feet. The front on the grand plaza, crowned by the twin towers, has it width of eighty livo feet. Tho audieneo capacity of the largo auditorium is tiooo people Tim principal or front facade is elaborate in the Doric school f architecture. Jt is faced with elabon.tclv carved col timns, inter-'persed among which tiro the statues of the twelve apostles and San Francisco do Azis, patron of tho structure. PD A It I S OF TilorUMT. j Censure is the lax a man pays to ! ; the public for being eminent. j The readiest ami surest way to get j rid of censure is lo correct oin-elves. . Volatility of words is earelcssne..y ! ,n action. Words arc the wings of j I action. ' All the w bell ing in the world can never si I ii razor's 1-ilg.M.ui that which . j lias no steel in it. - Fuller. ! Try to frequent the company of , rour betters in books and life. That Is tho most wholesome society. j i Js'o man ever regretted t hat he was 1 virtuous and lione t in his youth, and j kept it way from idle companions. j Women go farther in love than , most men, but men go (art her in ! friendship than women. La lirugere. j Greater mischiefs happen often from I I meanness, fully and vanity, than from the greater sins of avarice and ambi- ! tion. j He must expect to be wretched who : i pays to beauty, richness or politeness I that regard which only virtue ar.d piety can claim. : A hypocrite may spin so fair a I thread as to deceive hi.s own eyes, lie i ' may admire tie- coiivvcii, and not know himself to be the spider. It is not required, it may be w rong, j to show all we feel or think; what is i required of us is not to show what we i do not feel ur think, for that ij to be false. Genius is a great thing without doubt ; but if you have a capacity for hard work you have so good a substi tute for genius that you can't tell the difference between the two. Spectacle ' fearers Notions. "I have one customer who habitually wiars six pair of spectacle-," said Optician Arthur Pratt. "lie reads with one pair, write vv ith nnothcr.nnd uses a third for street wear, Then all these varieties are repeated in holiday styles. People have lo!s of queer no. lions lib nit spir'a-les. due man bad a notion that his eyesight was rapidly changing. lie kept running to an oeuli.d and bad a new pair of glasses made every w eek for a long t ime. The variations in the glass were very trifling, but, he thought they did him g"od. There are plenty who wear glasses for style, and have plain glas instead of lenses, spectacles worn for disguise are always arranged in this way. Then there are many who do themselves harui by postponing the weiring of glasses until their eyes are injured, because they fear to be made to look old. Pride thus puts spectacles on some folks and takes them off of others. "Tl ii best goods in spectacles and oyc-gla-ses are imported, although there Hre some large factories in this country, and much is done here by machinery. The line-t woikinanship is by the French. "I have seen one pair of spectacles sold for :?ol. The iimst difficult job for the optician is to lit glasses to one af flicted with Migmatisni, it disease of the eye which causes objects to be dis torted. Lenses lor such eyes are quite irregular, and must be ground to it dif ferent surface in aluiod. every part, so as Incurred the vision. , person with ordinary vision looking through such a pair of glasses would see .straight lines curved and regular lornis distort ed. The grinding of the glasses is a very ilillieiilt and delicate operation." Stw V"ik Suit. J'ho Intelligence of birds. Dr. Chailes C. Abbott describe in 1 ;,msi , -mi rely to the region of brovvn-S,-i,,t,i some interesting experiments st)II1(. frimtSi AI1 the dusters 1 know on the intelligence of birds. When ho ,lf ar Who have seen better girdle I branches on which birds had ( (.,VSi i,llt r ( llrse, it isn't every edu built their nests and thereby caused the foliage to shrivel up so thill tho nests were exposed, the birds aban doned the nests, alt hough they had al ready laid their eggs. But in a case in which the nest already contained young binls. the old birds remained, notwith- ! fore cMm arriv(l aml ,mst an(1 arr.,n?0 standing the exposure of the nest, until (things it no child's play. A woman the young ones were able to fly. He n,.,st lHirlv ;,,, at tl0r work. The re placed a number of pieces of woolen IlllinPrati,;ny Well, a dollar or cents yarn -red. yellow, purple, green and a visit 8,MPtimt.s more. At miino gray in color near a tree in which a houses where tho hostess entertains a pair of Baltimore orioles were building a nest. 1 he pieces of varn were all exactly alike except in color. There was an equal number of each color.and the red and yellow pieces were pur posely placed on top. The birds chose only the gray pieces, putting in a few purple and blue ones when the nest was nearly finished. Not a red, yel low or greiii strand was used. Dr. Abbott concludes from his observations of the building of birds' nests that the female bird is exacting, obstinate and ...................... ..,., .usposeu o lM" ner torn nna master, l no. site or tlve nest Is select ed aftcr,careful examination of suitable locutions by both birds. This Mfe is What we Make It. J.i t" i.tii-iii-r tlU ol nolle d-i-ils, And nni-i ol lint Inel cim-j, .Vmi -iny .'. .ni our ln''. d iv, Alld llelif ;,lie,l 1,. -i. mil". W e Men- ini iiinde to I " I mid -i-lt. And uIh n "Tie! lo yynki- Hi Jillill Ii ipl'mcs is -l:illlill", I'V Jlii hie i- nli-,1 we niiik'- it. J.el '. I'm I I In- -nine side of 11, I ii I , I ;,i,.r. in il ; A iyn lien- i- in cwrv .i-il Hi il 1 . , I, . - Hi.. ,riin- to in It. till' lli l-,.i -IiiiiiI,. iiii r..l ill nil. And Ii.-ii e m il unk- d; Chi I ! lain lli- in ';:" rtnlid I III- III- l- v led - ln:ik- il . 'J Inn Ii-ii-'- lo 1 1 who i- lot in-: lie.irt. She I li-lit nnd j'v iilmii llii'lil! Jli.oil.s I i- In Ill-Ill lor i-oiiiiIIi-wkpiim nuVr li.id knimii without tliciil. (ill liii- -lionfl he ii Ii i' wol'.il l'o nil win in. iv ..ill ll.e it : 'Jli- limit's out- own if it i- not J In. lite is w li.it n- innl.e il. lUMOKDIS. I I'm right in with you," an one cog i wheel said to the other. ! The author of the saying that "you , must always lake a man a.s you lind j him" wit a constable, ".Never mind, soTiny. the rain makes I tiovs grow," remarked a tramp the other day, when heto.-k a silk umbrella j away from a lad in the midst of a lain storm. "But are you sure she'll accept you?" asked Duiiix of Fiiuk. who was about, to "pop." "Accept me? Vou bet she will! She's like iny clothes ready -maid!" A burglar vv bo has climbed up to a garret window una bidder is arrested by ;i voice shouting. 1 1 c 1 1 . there, what do you want?" "May I n-U you for ii glass of fresh water?"' "Do vmi buy your music by the s'l-et ?" inquired a young lady of the ih :i on's diiiighti r. Oh, no," idm re plied: "I always wait until Sunday, and then get it by the choir." When a young woman is in love she turns to the poet's corner lirst on pick ing up the lo-al paper. After she is 1'iaii ii-d she turn lirst to the advertise in 'ids of the dry goods stores. "Miss Brown, I have been lo learn bow to tell fort i ." siial a fellow to it brisk brunette; -give me your band, if joti please" "l.a! Mr. White, how sudden you are! ell, go ask pa." "1- it true that when it wild goose's mate dies it never takes another?" asked it young widow. "Vis, but. don't worry about thai. 'Ih' reason it ads that way is because it is a goi Re." nee. in 1 1 ' i v . I don't tlii.it-. .Mm." die oun;; wi'e Mid' "'ll'e ;ol liltlell in lour 1 1. -:(. t . l-'ol el llil -i.lil-l lirilllients voil lli-vi'l' f-lte'l the line i.l " I oll-n Mink ol ton," snid lelin, -'nil I, llicie- loi-. il i, , Ii ii Tim in no In-id fir -oini 'iine. -ot 11 i-iy hi i-hl-ei- I li-io ." Pusiinir for a Li vim:. "I'm a duster," said a young woman whom ;i New York nim reporter met, in a private house up town "a pro- fcssioiial duster. Fin not the only one. I It's a regular profession, dusting isf I nowadays. To du-t and arrange these collections every day would toosevere- ly tax the stntigth of the wealthy la ' dies. To set the servant at the w ork I was found to be bad management, not i because they were bungling and liable ' to smash the delicate fabrics, bul he. cause the serv ants have no time to spare j f rom their oilier duties. Therefore the j mistresses employ competent women tn I keep their parlors in order. Tho dust" 1 ing business is an established industry, but it is con lined to the metropolis, and cated and refined w oiuun who can make a good duster." -W bat are the requirements?'' She must be light-footed, quick and strong in her wrists and arms. To I visit a (loen 1(,s.,s in a forenoon bc- KO(, miyiy Rllcst!, the rooms are ar ranged every day. Orders are given to the dusters to change the arrangement of the appointments every lime they come. Then, again, a duster must know how to tako hold of every sort of knick-knack and how to mov e it safely. She must know just what sort of brush to use for every sort of dusting. Tho brush that will not break a tdmy tissue rf glass is useless on a pieeo of furni ture, and would not reach the ceiling corners. She must have several brushes. ' ,nd she must not be careless or slap- for an insUnt There are few aits of bric-a-brac in these parlors that I could rcplnen with Bix months' eai n-iss."