' - -Hi THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 18S4. aeggim H. A. LONDON, Editor. MMMte- -.i.- - - En 1 OKI I Mi (UNIRAt l. the laws of Noth Caroli'im do not Afford adequate remedy far thfl en forcemeat of cou tract, atid we cau ot therefore expect capital from Abroad to bo iiitested here unless this evil w corrected. Capital is ex- eeodimrlv timid and ennitalb-.ts are ery cautious. Men are alraid to la test their money especially away from home unless the law .'ives it rv fiossible nroteetion. The n- rorcettent of contracts anions our people iu their everyday business has ot received tlmt t'or.sideratjon at. the lands of out law-makers that its im- Borland 80' much deserves. This is .r,,io1l in,, .ulii ,.,.i,t i ..eta for I he. payment of money. Public sympa- Ihy has leaned so much to the debtor class that it would seem that the creditor ia entitled neither to sympa thy uor protection. This feeling in our State has arisen from the unfor tunate' rotniition of our people imme diately after tliolftfe war. w hen nearly everybody was involved by debts contracted when they had p.euty of property for their payment, but which had beon destroved bv 'lie war. raa natural ffnd eiinently proper then to afford every possible relief to Aur impoverished peojiiO. Stay-laws were passed, the amount of properly exempted from execution w as increas d, and the collection ot those old debts was rendered weil-uih impos sible, and public opinion sustained it all because of the reason above non. But now tht the yitson has ceased the law should cease, that is. as that peculiar condition of rofaiis ha.-, pass ed uway the law shomd now give ronnit and adcouale reniedv fur tl enforcement of aii contracts even ihe collection of debts The eonst itutioti of No: t!i Carolina, Reetiou '22 of Article IV., niv.s that "THp Kimei-ior Courts shall be. at ail : f.... l .....t,. ,.f ll Business within tneir jui is'itci n except the trial of issues of fiict . quiring a jury." And yet practically Shis provision of our organic law is persistently violated. Kvery body knows that our courts arc sot "at all timew open" cpn for the cnt'oi cement mf a. Kiinnln nionev contract whele no Issue of fact whatsoever is raised. Such actions must be made: return- able to a term of court, wiiieh is held w.'lv twice a yiar! The Code of t i a t unic-s In- went sh.-.v i,,. would of wage, i.::.it i..i-.:i-gie.oed m thi. Civil Procedure, as origiua!ly framed, t-ll ah.. at -that Tucker mat I. ; .' I'm- uimh a ibn-.w '! p-;J ul provided for a comp iaiH-e with the aifcove quoted mandate of the consti tution and directed that the Summons it ffcll actions should be returnable before tho Clerk of the Superior 'ourt, and the ib fcndani w as sum moned to appear at the Clerk's office within a certain iniiub.-r of day., (no! tess than twenty i to answer the com plaint of the phiintiif, which wa- de posited in the Clerk's office within ki-u days from the issuing of the aim Hions. If no 'answer or demurrer was (Sled tho Clerk wouid Lnve ip n'.ain tiff the judgment prayed for: if an issue of la-w was joined on the plead ings a copy of the papers in the case 1vas sent within ten days to the Judge: and if issues of f.tct were raised the ease was docketed for trial at the next term of the court. Thus the eoMrts afforded a prompt remedy, aurl titnr were not. worn out bv the Saws' b delavs". Hut this existed a tery short time, because pi rsons .....juea! c-ngim-erin- at vVi'mmg Owing old debts were being oppressed ton. llelawaie, a good -it ion t here by a too tpec,!y collect ion, and the hauug been obiaim i ,- him by Legislature verv .piicklv passed an Hon Thomas F. IJa.va. After b."- . f , ' , " f ,i l"g tlicre some lime u -.a l a nuai iel Act to suspend this provision of tho wlt!l (m v,.llH,iiinj.. is! ttoile and made the summons n-turn- ,nilll j t1(, Vft in N-. vein able at a term of fourt The Legis-' bcr. lsfH. for the far South, going, lature only ii.temkd to make this it was long thought, to Texas. lb- temporaryl-deciaring it only a bus- nd.uliy g..t into tin- hab.t of not . .. ... ... wn.ing Home and so it came about. pension ot the Code-nntd the pno- l)i;t ,,. (.ij.-,,, V(.lirs ,lis ,iai,.:it, !i(,u,, pie were, relieved from tno old ante llol A f,.,;,,, x;m-m- bollum debts. Bat it wins now to bcr a man wrote from Texas to pm- permanent piovisiou of our law, ties here that the young man ha 1 nd practically prevents our Courts IT" kl1', :lt ;d-'''I'e. N'w . . . . . . t ., Mexico, Jhe sad tidings brought from being "at all times open for the -f f(h(. votjll,T s ....,...,. trant?action of all business", as omn- jnanded by our cotr titution. The dilitorinesb andexpeiisivoness ' our judicial proceedings are ex- Olting much untavoruhio comment and criticism, aud yet it ia not fair to censure the judges or lawyers, because they are not responsible for ... ,.. . ,v rif,.,i this condition of allairs. Iho fault M with our law-makers, who thus obstruct the course of justice and filelary the citizen in ubtayiini liia rights. We would not favor laws that are unjust and oppressive to an unfortnnate debtor, imt we believe i--i. it- ;., f ni,k .-o,.. tliati IliU pi UB"l 11 J il will o-'U".i,T n-,.. ..ii.j i.-i wa io iiim J.llll-ius, ine And common honesty demand a more tilst diieet news in eight years. This prompt and certain" enforcement of 1 ! etUi ,;r,ou"t. to the ere r ' ! while mournful household. private contract.' la t... li.ivo n .n-.Liwl -iilth is to nave a yiami zutn ... ratiou this year. Sena- Chab&otte f May celebratiou this y tor Pendleton, of Ohio, and Speaker i, of Ohio, and Speaker i Carli.1. will b the oratoi- of tl' ccawiOB, oik statu rxivKissrrv. Tin eouri.it tf" annually 1 i i t -.- 1 fo visit our Stat'' tni ei sity met ihere Iswl week ami p i I'm med the duties rcttlilfd of tlli'lil. Fiom Ihe ,-!uiinn.iii of the committee. A. II. Men tit, Esij , we. learn that eiery member of the commit Iw ;ii t t?n . tod , tlim meeting, which is vt-rv remark- ille, linleeil it is liiobf.o.V (lie In time in lli,' hi.-,) in v of th.ii i,i.-.iilu-tioii. The eonmiii It e were there four d.ivs and were ttioi in t h-i- iiiyel Ration, ttud we are plea- -d to know that all were f.-norahly impress. cd. They wexy niiieh pleased the pnji'e.-si'tiess of ihe ji;o;e W It'll sols ""'' teachii:;; there, audais J i : til- !iih Htatidiinl of sehola.-ship . bnvd b.v the si iideiils. livery depu.t-uon! seemed well tip with tin- p: . -sic l'h it of the age. and the ben ..f feel inn' existed between the idu-ients and the faculty. The cudom of hazing or "tlevi.il the Fresh" has been nbandonc 1. The two lit -rary soch ties are in a verv llonrishiujr cond tion. The new Memorial Hail wiil : hardly b finished in tini" to bo used at the next Commencement, which will be n great disappointment to many. Tin iiuuih.-r ui students now in a! tendance is ahoul the same us ist vear pi i Imps a few more than 1 1 t hen - --and 41 of t hem are brine; edu cated free, being the beneficiaries (.f ( their respective counties. We hope that the day is not far diii.mt when our alma mater will again attain the pro.ipcl ily enjoyed before the war, and ever be tl:.- pride of North Caro liua 1 Minder Will Out. The nl'eged pel petrnlori o a miir I hat occiiricil errhteen veils ago were arrested last Week, thus narrated in the Staten ille ban 1 in: k: "l-'i iilay of !a-t week. ;l hcii:g lii iirsl week ot th ' S.ll "M..r t'oillt . f vi,.:,.s c,.,iet tin- g -at. I i.irv of hat co nt found a true bill against li 1 lyrd. Abram M.i'.i.i--. Wesev Shoe and Lang. I in-gory. These parlies li-.-iug a. I at l.o g-. . an oili.-.-r was st.ti led out with :'. precepi f-r tin iu. and tiiev wt arrested and h'-l d iu jail at i!ke,.i.iio'. These men chained uilh til" of one .Joseph T.i. in 'kes co.iuty, a year or two after war. Tucker vas a bushwhacker li.ning the nai. and held foith in Wiiki's. About the i hue the na: closed he went away but returned in l.Sii.') or 'till, ui id was repot ted to have JS'IIUH. He siiddeiiiv .bs.-iiiiie.irc 1. nu 1 ui this day has not been heard of in hi., old haunts. There was a matter of account be tween i'etcr .loluisoil and lb II Ji ld .fohilsoll olle l livid nionev iilT.l livid SU(.,i hllll. .J.ih,,,,, iloealcn. d him ise net ween these two gel Hit - court, id tiie result is mat a sioiv of aliegi l murder is divulged. .V w-i-ncis comes iu an I tesii;ie tiic.t tin 'ti si tlaie iio rvi r saw I iclier. the four leeu who 'u.ivi been in.iict'-d l" 'i lib, murder wt-.c m puisnii of him. il i less ..i n .1 l'u.-k.-i s exclamations as of a man atl.e-k. 1 and ..vii.-oin'. an-1 hevci h'nr l a. vli.ing more of lain. Another wii.n-.-., a.legi.l that h heard Mat Ids ray. i-h-ning to tins clri.se. ihul 1... ha i:,:i je :hi best shot le- ever inad" in n'.s hfe; that he struck Tuck, r iu the ba.-!. just when- his s.ioienh:.. and that hh, good m.ukm i Is c,.-,s-:... up this Kninuiiff in ileal Life. J-r.uii tin' Nrw.H .in I oi..tv.t. Coi. Wli.iam J. Saninl'-rs. e.f I his eil v. has a sou whose ten ne is i . o i n. l.Avis Saunders, and the .af.er is the hero of ipiite a romance in real hie He ' ; a very clever y n.h ' man. who iu I '- T giadnated ul the l"hivei-ity of Vir. ini.-i lie ... !-! ... .. .1 I , . i . . . 1 whose search for their long io -t son had been so constant, during aii ih yenrs. rune passed by and March. IZLZ.Z yo.mg Illail was unfOMn4tH. and that he was in New Mexico or Colorado, Cov. Ja' vis. hearing of the case and '''inking that a s.-aich for the young man might not be lesiilt'ess. wrote h wurni ;( It,ft(i. t) 0oy ,jlie Sheldon, of New Mexico, I who at once instituted inquiries. News .-:oon i-iime that the young man I lm'1 ,M f",;' iu '' "J'"- L u2 I exemplary. He wrote a tender and I I.., ...I.;,.., !....,. (.. i.:. .i... A young woman named Sadie Smith ' h.... i ;.. ii :i i . i l i waH aiiaiguoil in l liiladoirilua rn- , , " . . i oay, cliaiged with jiassiug a ftltl 'Confederate note , , . , ; to ndso 1.0(iM)U0 for the Contede- l - Imto Hcmm at liichioond, Ya. ' made h:m Stio.l. i nt to mean that Mati.is . as ids share of l he sji. Onr Wash iiiii (on Lcllcr, ;Ki-..i. i.itr lri-wiil-ir o.t'i'i-i'ii !"iii..' W'M.ltSiiToN, IXC. A;.:i: fi. 'S. The Danville inve;'tie; ilii:i he s.-ua-1 r Slier. nan's special coninctl o, is attended at intervals wh li some in tciestie-' tilts li.lwtvn in. inli, rs ot oiuiiiil Ice and the witn-s"s. in. I ho: mi- of I hem ni'c son ! t Inn ;; in 're I t han .-.-i: ttif-. I ne e. i l.-iice o: Mr. I. -zi-miIo-t la-l liiesil i-'. nint t tint ot eiti.T".: of (Vplah county lost we-li. will fm niih !. Latn-ir wh'u al the pah ihim iv'iis( fiif an ml ivi ino speech. I le has h -en wale'iin-; i li -s . investigations with eaer iuleics!. and h doubtless intt n.l-t to jjive us the results of his nb.-rv.itiotis. II funis that most of the Noitilc.u )co tile are ignorant of the rem senl iln-'i.t in the Soul h aniou the nero.'s that uiterjircts Democracy to nnau that slavery is to b. restored and negroes aain reduced to bondage. The Dem ocrats in Mississippi, while iu a nu i.i.'iic i! minority of ;U.sHH). go on year al'ier year seem ing vietoiies. to i iu- s,''P'''se of those v, iio take u for graiite.t tliat tue .hI.I'H.I negroes, hi I excess of tiie w hites, are all II. p.io i ! cans, and that Democratic sue uiiisi therea'ie come ihroah f i :iu 1 1'his theory is not bv any means cor feet, for the negroes arc not oigau ized a-, al e the whiti.i, and liny a.? apeiheiic at elections unless imj died by some stroi: g .uhlimeul. They coiu'eie t!ia' linir iol--ii'.is ale the same us tho .i of the men who, pos- ....... I. '.I. 1 1... l I iii in.- ,,1.1.111, int- it. iii-iM-; ui. -I the goielhiiig espellenee :i t eou-Si-lMll ive oj iniolis. have st liven for the eontio; of pouei. the col.i . ti ni and i X -i n. in' ure of tav-f. a;.d the inainteiiaiii e of good o.de;. In the ;:ihi il at ion if I hose poin! . La.uar will invii. u long and i! ma be a luo.-t in! i M--.I ing c n.t ro .-i sy. The end. aim and ol.jeci of lie Delilocla.ic pally I-, to piotect !:;! from the react 'on of i-norni-ia; an I grinding inoie .ioi. s. T he argiinn-.n thai i-. ui ged against tap'f' red. i. lion is tin! i' ui.! l- ,.d to red. ice Ameii cm laliol to ihe col: doioll of the j.-iup.-r ii" of f. iv: ig.; coiinlri.-... whie'u if tr:e- sh .'d : ir an en 1 to any d- b.iie on taiill' ;e!o-'in. jbit, w. if It i - t I lie. To d I V I lie spihlil I S of Fall iliwr. ui thi-ni'.mbt'i-oi IP. 0 til. ale wording on t '.vo i hir.b lime, while every lo .m in 11. ig and is run ning lull tunc and while onr cotton lu.ili'l.'ael n i i i-.ijoy t ie proi c! i i.i of an a e "! Illly p'TCchl. .1 ties, '.lie wagci ' "iei ic i:i oj.erat i . - :i no higiier t iiii.i tlio.-, ,- the j-l'.g.idi .-pinr.'.'i's. .dr. Shaw, coi.su! a: .'dan cliesier, Jingl.iud. i:i his last re:ioit sas: "0ieiativ.-s here are the he-t paid atid ino.-t couii'.irlah.e ..rkhig class in Lnglaud. and their imbRuee kinl werril; arc increa-ing al a rapid rale." i'dr. Shaw is a K.-j .: I ' i--a i. and yet he -.-im--. this nubia -vd e,i denee in regard to v. 'u it we are pica--e l to c a. i "p.iiiper iabo," in fi.-e t;a le llliglalui. i in- .Mail -in ster i i e,a tivi s ale haops an. I coir,e..ted, wu:e tiie i'aii U...I plh'.e i a: e tig h, n;g. a--..'I.-, a i- ( i. o: and ciiiinuae """ ' "" 1 11 1 ' '"' ' ' i ne . - ..i 1 1 a.-t is oiu wot; ny the inly of ii, po itieiaii as Men a- the poion ai eci noniist. Vi h.-n pro.eriy -I u . 1 1 1 ,1 ...ii. i: 1-. ..-.-lb... tha" the Ann : i.-iih jcttuci may desire lo .-h.ne -.!i a ..V.-ie..i ! hai i . t le i.i o ! :i ;r i a !. lllg- p.ot r I lie -N ri I II: ' M eleu-e oi . ::!." tin-:. i V.-IVOO.I.V u- mo. is t! hell tl.e l.-.e old pub ic I.ii.ctl-.ia.y. dam. . i. ma. i. '.a- I . eil. lei. i. his beau I hi. '.-. Jl.ii l lei Lain . pn n.ie.i al Wii.;. if. Use. and le-Mr. .-.ne. .lay s ..f Air- Made. m. h.r.c lie o! .- o tie- l".M l 'it.c .M.l'l.-!oll 111 ell ili.ls'.ei I v. iuii more gi ".-' .-:.c !;ee in e -o i aat a hue i-iii;, : -i- em ;--!i ... d afi . ai fev. her. and - a Up -i. .: I inn- -Li ii".'. ;., - .d an lh'.Hat: .h t-. :,!: pm '.gi i the .s.-e: fioni Washington lo N", -i "folk. fins sli.io.e ae. which v.as in Sioialioh of a 1 preecd. iit t-i li.e history of the ih p.iH.ic. c:l..ed f i n, a most si i n i . o.,'o- i'i on: the IV- s, .iellt. ab .lit Who .e ears Call! .ii el i-r.- ..i!:. .'ion i a!i part:- : tin iit.'.ty. ilow .hlViM a thii.g-. an- in the day-, th-. igo i.a.'.fy t ,m. dee,. I.. h.r. i passed .-iii'1.' tin.-, s.mp.e social i::ii Villi. HI I i he successors ill .Mi. iJ.ti Ii aiian. w iuii tin- exc, ptioii i.i .Mi . .1. Im soil, have Used tiie Vessels of I he n:;v f.i. j.Ul'poses of ph.lstlle ttitlcl't le gal d to time, m a-. ui o. cj c...h; ur -. (irai.i led off it. ihe b,isi:,e.s. iiaxes fo. lowed ii up. and Arthur ha- out done iiicui b.itu by using ..ne v. s-ei for hhuse.f during the si.i.imeis of i..st ytara.id tin- year before, wiii i he sent his daugliLt-r on a jiiiikciing tour in anotii. r. Nor is this ali m it, nor the worst of il. for three weeks ago the I'uited Sia!es man of- ar Valitic v,:is di'-a'.ched to the liaha hia.s by Secretary Cii.-iirhei to bring home I he faun of .Mr. l ldniiin Is. the Uj light, tiie iucoi i uptibie and I Seiiatoi fioni ei iuohi and Who expects to be in a position next ar to reciprocate these hospi talities from the Kxcciliiw Mansion. Wliih- it may seem odd that Mr. l.d munds, under the present stress of circumstances, wiou.d take a hand m his sort of business, the tax. payers may well pi ay toi a lit tie less of tiie Jldummi,-melhod. and a liltie inoie "-the IJiiclianau strict' peri.etuaiiiig iomil integrity. 1'uono. , m A telegram ..iid -r dale of Washing- Mt'S'u TTv Mi:?i J ' 1 ' " 3 . i .' r- 1 ' ' ' " ' " S. Minister to Hrail, a telegram dated at iiahia, aiuioiiiiciiig the total wreck oil' Jiahia. of the Kteamer Iie.lalic -, on w hich lit: was a pass, n ger on his way to the United Slates. Ihe lieilalice belougeil to he I nileit w, , . ,, , ,, .... Sates and Jirailun -Mai h earns hip .-, . , . Company, a new i-orpomiion ot wliu h The Kelialice belonged to the United .joun uoa. ii is presHieni . n.c pas- The Tvessel w.i,Mn!v one year old and was valued at $350,000." I.'ailtoad Nt-n. Kr..lil Ui.l New., aii.1 Ol.i rvi-r, 1 . i i In.. Yes'.e. day a la-g-' delega'ioii. com prising some of tl'" most proinin lit Imsiiirtss lie u of the blls'ing town of Durhal!'. was hereon important busi ness Tha delegates were Messrs. Julian S. Cur, C. I. (heen. F. N. Strudwick.T. D. Jones, i ,. J. Fairish. A Wa'toi-. S. T. Morgan. I nge.ie Mar h ad. W. V. Fn. er. W. D.ike. I?. N ! ike. A. Kianc r. Dr. Wat kins Illl.lLl'i. Wiggins 'i'i e ,. I. g l!i.'.! hl"t ill th" aftel'lio -u ihe elli -o of Mcssr-i Fa'.i-r & v..i.. M . il iMu son, j -reiid ul of th. S-al: i.ir.l --.ys-li-in. and Maj. .John i ' Winder, gen era! ma-l-tger of ll" lii'ilgll A Ja- t-n. !i li. ih A Aug. i la a-, i Car i. in. i Cell:.; la." Yii ,s. i: i . . ih.e I 'eg.l'io-i .lli.l ;l conference of two !h:i:s was held. The d legation staled that Mar ham v.aiiie I a com;) ting line of i,;:i load: that it was dcM.cb'c I i i . ike a cohae ion wit Ii cg'ir the l i 'i-igh ,V A ig'.l ..a or lllleigil V liisloll roads a, Apex. I'ai -r Fr-i -kiiiit ::. Til.- c ), feieiice was a pleiimiliary i i.e. bill its whoic object was. us silled nil. ive. tostia.e alio! her .HI; ha i' or D.lihaill's Ian. e use ficight lciiine; ... The del. g i: io.i :eh..ui led sonic .,iai ist ics of In. i'leight busi iicss. hasli.y ,-ih. oiled, which siiow cl clear y ii it i 1 .ir ham's volitiiie of t : a with t!i it side wo. Id. I he j. a;., il was si :.! d. was co operation, i'mbam ; roposi.ig to meet Mr. iiobi'is.ui ha I way and Is-a. my in the wo. k of building the liii", e.c. Mr. II .bills, m siale.l tea: he had long been .!. .irogs of is.; ing D.:i ha:n. and w ,i,.l -oii do so. it w: ! j. .i me t l!.. ,i cgal i ei and no llog'ol . ,, le; . ill', lie pill ill shape. The llli-inbel's of I he d'-ega' ion Willi whom , :.' icpoiler c.i;,ei-.,d w.ic a!! i nl husia ic ab.nh Ihe pi.-jecl a-1 I said theie Wo.l.-I in- tl ' ce ... lliou of e'i i. t HI. I I I! v, a , carried to ;i sue CeSsful CoietU-ol They l.pp .1 to faio.' A; c or ('ariyal c.r l-r-luiuiis of i in- branch. Aiiicrit'ttii Ni"t ii.;pis i.i Svi. F.om iiie e 1-1;: m of M--ssix (bo V. Ii ev.-li A ( ' . s Ami:, to- N,: , tali I in.) loin, i.ow in pi ess. ii ap pelO'S iha' I il.' lie A .-pllpe' s I j eil 0 la als of eil kinds al pi cel.; is.'-ii.-d i.i t he I nil. , Sta cs ah.i i 'aha I i reach a g , and loi.ii of i i. I '.' ; i,i . Is ;l net g un i else i ' a l ,,,ir ing I lie 'a s j a , u. ni. Hit ii-, and c-hibii-aii increase of .".; I S o.-r the tola: number j . 1 1 1 ; i ! i . . 1 jus ("uvcar since, 'flu- lit.-iease Iu i-srimirlhe 1 it.ii I'm lsfi was ;i.. D.iiu.g in.- pi. ! Vl.ir ilie dai i.--. have hicn-iis i! Lou' l.ll'.S lo l....i- ; ihe w.-ekli. s fro -ii '.'.Mi; J lo In. h..s : and i lie nn nl 1. iu-s from 1 .Hal io !, l.lll. Tl.e g. cat est increase is in lie- West cm Si ales. Il.laoi-. lor ih--!..lice. ho.'. sleos l.ilO'.i paper.-, in place of hi t year's iota; of llil. wl.i'e Miso .ii is.iii.-1 tio J instead of in- o2l: i,-o.rii- in t ''. thhei lea i.llg' West ci 11 Si al a i eiu'o:i a gn at pi r.-.-iitage !' tin-,-, aie. ihcicla !.:....'.er of ji.ipc -. ill New V .. Si.ll - c I. .'.Ic !!! l.oe'l iu I -.Mi. a. ad-i ha. .-han d in 1 in- g . ueial im .va .- A Very Coul 1'j a eciliii. !'!. m ij.- Wlliiiiiik," II S..l.-. A i. '.iiant was serve 1 on I' ini ll A ic v. colored. lao ii t till. 1 Sialis m il eoht i act o". -, e .1 rdav. ehirgih.; I'i- . ! ! .s cm . -l-- .e W Lew ;',:..ac -na; - ao. aie 1 i ic! loo. I': ii i'oi. ill e I . as ,s...c. e.l. thai air a: d I le- d. fen. la .' in I. ,i iiorscs a fe-v da;. . Ki.i. i r olise piehl . !.,-. oi -s.;: I -!'c 1 -.ith his ba g.::,. On S.md ,y Mr. I.i '.vi . ami ii ah I,' wer.- i hhi.g tin iitigi, the i e , iu a btiggv. I , liich was I ached I he hoi's, i- ':.' . "ii,. L. had I . , -i-.e in e '. . .e for hi . or. I., w i ci Ahc-V SO if . i . v made I, s ,i . ..: ahce. ha !i ,1 ! ., ' hoi --. and pr .- i. d u 'iy cooiiy :.'. 1 l"iibei-jt."l lo .in o tl e ii.riou t .. i. hings :iii4i take i he aainiul from t b-.t-.oy. ai'tci ace tnji'l-hing hicli !i- w'.a !o-l oiV ':. ; i.e hofse and icii :he 1 1 iggy slai'-i-. in th" s.rei-t It!i tile two lilt h . il. Ill, c.vld iuii .Mr. Li wis oli -I ' no i esisi .me" ''lie case, w hieii w a . c.r ried lielo, e I'lsliCe Ml. IS. Wa.S liii-l'.. V lell,o;-. ii 1 will I.e heaid by M ll.-.!;. it, 1. is : .iii'it y :i. a jllsi i. e of thi o-mc c The lire rM lte.s of 1 'aware, Colo la lo. Florida. Nc a l-i -ind O.ego.i iiihiiu d have n .i so great a popul,, le-H hv a'.o.i: I' '.I."1 ; s.. iii'it as tin coy of Ne.v Yolk. Y.-t New York coy ii.is but i-ir lit lit i esenlal .- i s in C-nigress, while (he live Suites have siiteen. besides their ten Senators. At tho election in Maine iiet .Sen t'-'cli -r the p "ojile wiil Vole ujio'.i a oiiihltory alii, ildlilelit to tin- foil SMtUlloll. s,,hiii, ted by Ihe Legisia tare. Fifteen hun Ire l Illinois of the We.-,! Maryland and I'i luisy'v.iiiiaOas Coal Companies, at ltwiu Station, l'a., are out i u a strike. hhelby Amoia: MissSallie W ilson. u-..,yhte'r of .Mis. Ylolet lis., ii. of .'i.e ihy, fell into tin- well while living to adjust the ro.e on tli well wheel She was si. Hiding oil lop of tin- l.ux on r the well. lUiuligihg ihe lope on 'in- pulley, when in r loot slipped and sue was pr. cij ilaied into a t w ent y foot -.veil, in ai ly full of wad r. She s:uk lo tin- bottom, and as she arose to the sill face she sei.i d the lope, to which she le roieiil!-. clung for life. She n iniiiiK'd iii the will about two hours uinii her mother returned home about dusk and could not lied her daughter at home. Shu Miiswerod the call of her mother, who was terrified to find h i d.iuhtei ill the wi ll with her head only above the water. Ni ighbors soon came to her assistance mid tiie pretty young lady, inuou scions and In numbed with cold, was rescued fioiua . ,ati ry gi ave. When t-he was it-moved from the well the rope was found to be coiled aiound her hand and u.n-.t, and thua she had' remiiiiied for two hours tloatnig ,,u th water ai.d elitigii.g to the rope. ' Wilson Advance : From a private ' source the news of the tit I erupt of . A. 1'otls. Jr.. of Washington, to take tiie hie of .lolili 11. hmali, editor of tins Washington t l.etle, reaches us A few days ago (ue (11 1 not le.llu the date) Mr. rolls, unobserved by Mr. S..iall, j il ow a pistol and aimed in Mr. Small s ! heart and was in the act of tiling when j a gentleman passing knocked the pis-' tol up and Ine ball jUl-.-c- a few lurlies ovir Mr. S. nail s sh-ml, let. mill, lihg no damage. It is wols! I f'ul what a liariiov isiape ito;o d -alh .Mr. S null made, and e can Suit aluib.ue it. to l'loldei:ee. Mr. Polls is how ill jail, laih.ig i.i give bomb lie is a yonng l:nv-,e:. ihssii-aled and n-cldi ss. He n hi , :!;,- coniiecic.i. his family l ing one o. ;lu most l.ighiy i : pcclct hi been so steady and unbroken that my reipiiri-meuts force. I mo to onl -r a adiii.g on. Mr S .iail i : a lalenti d SKCOND STOCK this eai ly in the season. '1 lie goo Is are now iu tdore, and such it x onng lawyer ami tiie und are ciuiiiently worthy of your careful cotisid. ! al ion : editor ot the 'Wa.-uHigioh (i..eite. jtL.U'K DKFSS SILKS, COri' )li'-:i) DlllISS SI LKS, COLORED I Ii, he i.i ai d front i f hi- ottending t wis th. !icat;ou son."! ime si nee in TIUMMINQ SILKS. IJUOCADU SILKS. BLACK SATINS. ls eoM.pniut column of aeonimuhica- -OTiOI.;i, SATINS, OTTOMANS, HilADAMMS. SFHAHS, DLACK Ii ui i ii o ii. g All. 1 otts. who is stand ard I., . . oi the county, witii the 'JTIliJ FOISK, MOFKNINO SILKS, MAIUT.LIN'F, AND CHINA Tmavilouhthatdi FHKNCH AND KNOLISil NOVFLTIKS IN DKi'SS (iOODS, charges in ide.a.d failing, v.a . suppose, JjACK (IASH.M Kill IS, C0I.0 1F.D CASHMFJil'H NFNS' VKILINti, lo viicbciu- iuhi-cli from tnvse charges. Mr I'olh- probably by ihe CHAFF. CLOTH. OTTOMAN SF1 TTNiJ.-i. T AM ISE, .cllse of his iHsgl' iei. di II I lulhl-il IO Pill ail ehd to ti e life of Mr. S ll-lil. a. el his d. ii i hiinai i h ciune ne;u he i ing can iid out. We coliglalilialc Jiiother S. u. ill on his niirnow escape, und e ci,,,,, nd hi'ii for his courage in j exposing fraud and dishonesty in pub-' lie officers At 1 he same I ime wi-regret ; th. - id atiair. :lh. can tail svinpal l.le .,.., "on 1 10 1 I........ , , , hose ...cuts. iiprope.K U'.-.l. would nave niougi.i 1 1 1 11 1 :i gooo j.. h i 1, -me . made him a use! :! 111 11,. - F. ' feel -0,1 1 ha ss ot tiodv and llillld ,. , . , 111 is pos-lble nu.,' Whll pure liloo.l Leading medic.il am lea it i- s of alli-iV- r.t-'c-rrXi ne- heiue in i e-l -nee. It a-lly Hi cre.is, s t!-. wotting a-.d produclive i.-iaeisof boiii iiahd.r.d bruin. V'-il..",, i ii'l-.i-'.. Tl-itfln-n JJ.lJftlil' Li'll'Jilh Jli iUli. : Whom it, Totinhf-s the Sh res and the Grout Columns in iuia-lir.lUl. !...: ii 1 .ii 1 o '- w .!! ..I I ac hi- I .Ml I I..: '11 I. . . 1. .nu- !l .. I.:'. -ia Pi' . ry. 1 I. . r c iii.'i. - Ui.-. rt.li. - 1 . i iltt .'..I 't!'. .'.H, till likfll ili nn I r .ir tl. Kl'il'll .-ei'l : ..1 i' m;i:-: la- la.-I. e I Ii I .1- 11. I'i-.i nn.! s... 11 Uie Mian .' .a:, cl. I iv.i: is .,, .-.,. I III !:.' I.o.s !l.' ! 'I 1.' ("I' III" ,',,, ....'. . i-' .-1. 1-.-: i.-.-1 no i.-i- ..-a-.-. '.iii..i. N'-l -.' I ' ' .' ' I s .r... Oil o.lt i :i I.. :-.- ,,.. .1,.- ..i i ...ur- "I-- I-- in- i, -. la i'i- i. a !- "i iiiini-' l.ah-l'l ..'-.'' will .ll-a-l .!.:. .-..' I In- Will "I 111.111- s. ,..,. -an I .'il'i Itcsi alien ail, Ii ici 1 (.!-- -l- -1 , :!,,- ,,,.i.'.-..i Ii . -.iii-ii I - -Ic hi viae. i ih-h.h la'.niKli I'.- :rj. ., .-. Ml, I Ii"-. IU- -il'.' 'In- .lis. ,,v: ,,l (..-.-: I.- II a ', in I '.: :-" a'- s : n.- ii: 0 Is era v.. i : . w I i. ll '- i- "l 1. m mi.l In .. - ii.-a . V-... -i li ' w-:l '. "'.r I." -I -:; ...... i ' .. -.' I', o '!'..' llii' -l ..a. . .-1. i-' .i , !.: . ."!.. .K-i ri..-r.i iin iv It .v.- ' I..-H .1..' -.'ill . '..-, .'i-i .. I.- Hi: a l-Mi. ' 1 1 ' . II' 'io.. i' ' . . II ll a .h'.-ia I .-a I- '."u. I'oe.'.- ' a Vi l '.'-i'i T .ii ,. ,i ul .si.- -l,.' c ', - iV.'.-'.'.'.i'c.l ..i-!,'..i " I ll lu- -I II -. i'ii,iu hi. SdJalUa, T'l'Olf MV AT LAW. dfijm m. n. c i iK'.cIlsl.S a, i -u, ' Cl, , li eu. al. I Hi '.. .la:,., ei ., . I - I I.i A HOME DRUGGIST Ti:S T IFIK.:5. lv at I, .aii- is n a .eve s I'.r l.t I- "i ' : i. I...: .i i .-s.i .;, i . i.... i ..-t Hi ! I ! 'T ! ::.", .' ! .. I f 11-". I '' ' ' I-: I- .H- . I. n- .-.n :v n.i;. , ...ia . , uaii-.i. ..... al. .- l( Ic, H Ayefs Sarsaparilla. 'II.. f ... .1--M.' I Hl-I' fl-.iSH i.i- .,' i ll, :.,.t- '-' 'i .- .-.. .-.I u-vt il.'.. -c 1 l.. . ...ilovi : - r;'!ri mi Y:r. r : : -"- -.ii.-i hillt;.;i4ht'i. ,..,i;:a:r;I;-.;ii il i . i . :l :r i i I. li;.-.ii I ! . ll il-.- . I I a i - i a -.ii-.i. ll- .1 ..... out . il l. ii " - ni t.i.it a ".a :'.: t.. Dio ,'. M iia.'s." ;.o I--:. ..I, , Oi.l.l linU-iili i i .,,,.. .1 : "' r ...- I.: .1 '-' i.-iu-i.d l. I - ' .1 air . i-.! n . s c, j; i,. in,, a, a V. u ! .,;,'. ; ... :, ,.,v,r..l in-. ' Ill a. :. , i :1c -1 1 I . . i t, .v .'la. I ll a'.-. I!.- -., . . .Mr-, .", a 1 Willi, S-1 'i-. i .:n i . s .- . . riiii.-.ai- in .vi-i-i's A. ,c I.,. 1-V. I'i. I I ,111 . I-.V j Dr. J.O. Ayerc'. 0c. Lowell, P.Los. 1 S.-I.l by nil I.ai-.:i-'..-; fl. !,..;., '. . ',. j ni a ' i-ivsiij stimki: von Th-it on euiild possibly buy gomls or r.;t ia r l-ro. i rii . a. eln ap or cln-aper in Kali i-h than anywhere else ? if it did or did not, suppose the next time . Volt need : Aix YTiiiraa YOU SKND TO ' W. C. & A. B. STEONACH, ! WH0LKS ALE and RETAIL GllOCEUH AND UOFftE K0ASTER8 i l-'OU SAMFLHS. I'UICF.S. AC., AC. W'eciii-.y tl.e LA IMiKST STOCK iii the city, buy from first hands in liirue iii:intiiics for the i tsii, arc Manulaeiurers Aenf for a good many articles ami will give trade bottom pritt-s on ain thing in our line. S'l'OltM IIOUSKMl ltd .V 21J Yw i iTf.vii.i.E St.. No.tli and South .M.ukct and Martin Sll-c-ei:.. AY. t'. i1. A li. STL0NACH, K.LIt)n, N. C. IVfcw Advcrti&eiucnts. iSliOlTiXfi IX DltV (iOODS T -AT T - ft Largest Dry Gsofls Estaulishmcnt in North Carolina! flu- d. -111111111 fur rich and elegant imsurpass.-tt nv aiivwiihin the range catering lo the' fancies of a kind and PLUN AND CHUCK F.l'NTiNt iS. jmjjf" In point of excellence and prices our slock is umivalled. SillllllU'S )l'0lllll I.Y HUll flli't'll'll II V I'ldVi .tnlcil. Ohukus Em-nxn Wit.i S. Kia-i i.oivs Cauk am. Kvctnms. FKANK W. THOIINTON, rt 7 AX, () X,,uT, Sll:l lT, 1'avUTKVII.I B, A. U. ' ruz jjfiKtf nr. miaiiftM 1 si i. uKiui wi uuiiiirtiii, l)PWH.VM,N.(;., . 1. i.i.a. 1, , 1.1 Zj:!z Ki-i-Iv.-k P. I isK h.1 iimv l- Hisri-isi. Hi .ii 111..I ti.-ll sa..-ks in. I ..11 Hie ni-.si liiv.niii.1.- u-rm. w ill i.iiy iin.l s.-ii I x.-lmi.t'.. en 11 N "i .li ,t i:ur....--il .-iir- ,.,.m r;ll,.,, e..i-n.ii.iii.-i - is. .11 aid. & ITiilM IwaimilllEit. , , ill take m exclnihgc for SHMFi IMIS AND C.O(!i)S. at their Store. Iiour, Outs, torn Wheat, liaeou and Lard, tit mark. price--. 1'he att.-ilion ol I-arim rsaud Mill IISI.C.I. . ....ee,..e, ... .,.11 ....in. 01 "ii .. UiiiiiWU lor nour s:n Us A guild one of HIIY OOODS. NOTIONS. HATS. HOOTS AND SIIOHS. (iUOC II Kills. IIAIIDWAiiK. M 111 I('l NF.S, AC. AC, id Will s ill blind. ' . 1 heir motto: l air pi ices and hones j 1 Ij, , "ciiini.. I .lilllimrj- 17. IsSl. lllii.-i. H T Oil A PI M I'll i's ;oit i'. N. i'. Orugs, Mi-dicita-s. Ti!t nad Fancy ..' , .... . , , ' .Allli.es, l r.isses, i Hilell rseeil, Ci;.'a'-s. FrnK. Oils. ,Ve. '''"" '' M U 'l.s .-ill-aillS' i-ill"..l.-, .lay ..- uttil.t. A. I'll in, 11. ly - V I.. lONhIN 11 IS 1.1 . A. ll si..'..hii A. 2. UEll I 'AY II IT 1-1 villi:, n. c, WHflLE3lLE'"'i0CEil8. Apr 1 1 .1. IW. ly ! JIJ3 1 a FAYI1TTLVILLS STREET,! UALLiOIL N. C. I i Li:ii;i;s in ilAliDWAIiKI of every dcseiiption. t 3UILDZR3' SUPPLIESJ FAINTS. I ST0YF.S. 5 (il NS, AMMUNITION.! and the largest stock of SPORTING GOODS ever in t'aleigh.at bottom juices. Call and cvaiuiuo our slot k 3 and prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. fei Write for Descriptive CircularH. Don't forget the place. 220 UAYM l'TFATLLF. ST. ;s 1 uitiluirp. HARDWARE OF EVKlfY DKSCIJJPTION. SASII, DOORS AND B1IND;S, Iiargcst Stock ia North Carolina. JI LIl'S LEWIS k CO., Skin or thk t.iot.i'Es 11 oust Snor, 221 Faj-fltivillt, St . oj . osite I be Market. JftouarT 10, 18S1 HALEIGU, N. 0. It, fabrics in Dress I ods is Uiis season oi iu e.p.-i i.i.i-c u. i jn-, oi fastidious public. The d.-m and hie IIMN MIL f i'A CLOTHS, &.G., AC. nu lip Tiium. TTTXTirr.m o miwinn W ATT & TAYLOR, Grocers & Commissioa Merchants, N.i. U Krwi M iritiist , RAXiEKm, X. o. We Ii.-ivi- en I11111I ii full s...-k ef COFFMKS. SCO 1,'S. MOLASSKS, SVlil'i'S. CHOPS. IJKAN, SHIFSIFFI', COIJN MEAL. TOISACCO. mil III fa.-l i.vivyUilnj imially I'.unil 111 K ami- .'l.lss (ie..-i-l' b'.llSrt. 1:1 ATH. I Hk IiikIh Wliln- Wlniiroiii i.1.1 lin-li. Is laiic 1 .-. , 1 unii,. I10.1 Hii-i.. !- Mix. -1 1 'lo f r 'i.' '11 v. a :.. C.U..II I'll .'..M-I 1- . I I :i"S , i.iu- i l . r-. i. -a- i..i' , -ii-.il -i- iii.n rwiiim- rii.l-- i.-i in-, .-a am- i.-i ll -u -.r in-n-v. WVAi'f .V TAYLOR. I . l.riiHi ) 'si. h-M. M T. :.i.;i.s, w. e. mikcis, t.iCi'.n N.'i'i-i.-, Wj.ci .V l.uiiM.1 N-rni,, Mnrr.,m i', i..i . k i.i imn. M. T. Nonis Jiro. Wl: . ,i -.-. r 1 N l lis. .is l ull. I' lit lllclruM WIIOLESAi.!. GKi'CERS -Ai D- No. Id ll.- hangc und No. 1" iiiist Maitiii S.iet ts. nunaii, w. c. WF. CM! FY A LAKdK STOCK v.hici. nv offer to Ihe tratlo at very low pi ices. IV- t;.-..-SI r.CIVI. MThM loN I" II.C KIllO I.I OOTTON, -M.-.ki-sai-s ill liliilii'-l i-i I-cm jiii.I n-iurti i once. I'I. c."- s..l,!'l'. .lllllll'--l"!l 111 UMlHll -llHIiSOh. I.li..-ri,i 'i iv.ii '.-s iii.'i lc -ii .-..ii.tit Hlt.i'tvl wlih its. .i;i'ltli, I..1 I ..III s.'" Oll'l'l"- A: -it's i..r - "ko suin-r l'li-h'ti.iti,. Aii-i 's f-.r Ki-.li Hunk iliiiiti... -- 'i: s '..r t lit ..-l.,: r.H'. si..iiwwh1I l.ll..n I'l.-w, Hi- hm .'I U iii.ii llt-l.l. .I.iici.ii'5' IT. I si. ilEff CGO? MOLASSES. W- me now- l'intliiig our sccontl cargo . 359 mil and 135 Ml Ut, liw 5t;j Ik Mob::!:. Send in your oideis. WO Kill A WOUTM, 11 MIMiTOS, X. C. M u-li J.. l-.-l. II". V. vo t; J. & P. COATS' i SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. YOU OAN BUY IT OF: W. L. LONDON, PXTTSBORO, XI. 0. THE ALL EIGHT Gookinsr Stove. Tim iiiiiiTMlKiiMl.s.li Ageicr f lhi relbrl fin. vts iiiini.uii.- lt Hi- iHilill.- Ihul orer T W I1NT Y FIVE THOUSAND ..f Ui- S' .vw l.iv. Im-cu uoia, uJ IUl ! each limiam-t- Uii-y lo glD Entire Satisfaction. PRICKS VERY LOW. r Wt-c.f lur Hdi..'i'l.Uvt CMiali.gue and Lilt