Mail THURSDAY, MAY 21), 1884. H. A. LONDON, Editor. TOWNSHIP MKET1NUS. fa order that our Approaching State and district conventions filial! l i a 4 : ii,., ..oni.lo Italy reflect tlw wwlics of the .Maple and nominate the candidates whom the voters of the party wish, it w necessary that there should bo full towfiBhip meetings. Of course it i ... ,, , 4 .. . impracticable for every votci to attend the State, or district, or even eouuty convention, and the only prciicuiB uwiuiiu ui rAti1.-.iii(( I..- ehoice of candidates is by attending ti!n ii,...i ,Ja,.,ju:,. bis township meeting and selectin; S IniHted number oi delegates io represent him. These township rfelegateB attend the county onvon- tiont and there appoint other dele- gates to represent their lespeetive aunties in the State and district eonteations. The starting point is. As it should be, with the masses of, fnJthMBisilliwtratodthedr moci atH- doctrine that the people are the lource of all power. It is therefore 1 of the highest importance that the j i .. ,,.(,.,, ) ;,, in North Carolina should attend their Kownwbip meetings and there give a full and Jreo exjfcssioii as to their preferences for the various candi dates. If this is not done, the voice f the people will not be heard nor their wishes be made known, and Aobody will bo to- blame but them- selves. Those who sUv awtiv from . their township meetings have no iglit to complain of the selections Blade by those who do attend, for they ought to have gone there and - i . , - ,. made dilterent selections. Ho are . ,. , aware tht m some few irresponsible person attempt, to in- fluence tho appointment of delegates unnecessary to br nieutionod here, pruchvities of the Eastern newspapers And to pack conventions in the niter- and mainiy of a prhaie me. ii is divided up between Edmunds, Ar estsof wr V4it.cii! tricksnr. and ' decide.l, that my name be thur and Lincoln. Not a few of tho , , . the only way to prevent 1ms is by having full meeting.-, attended by the best citizens. According to the democratic plan f organization "each town .hip shnll be entitled to cast in the county con tention one vote for every tweiity fivo democratic votes, and one vote for fractions of liften democratic votes cast by that township at tho last gubernatorial election. For the purpose of electing their dele gates to the convention of this coun ty, the several townships of Chatham will hold meetings at their usual TOTHlg place, ai .5 o cine on euiui the 14th dav of June, as we have here- tofore announced. The afternoon of Saturday was ai'pointed. because it was thought to lj!) tlie most conve nient time for our farmers to attend A meeting. In addition to electing delcgatis, every township will a!-" then ele. t an executive committee of live active democrat-1, and all tlie-e township committees will meet heie on the day of the county convention (June 17th and elect a county execu tive committee r.f live. The election of these township committees is a -vy important matter, and none 'out the most zeaioiis, working men flhould be electa i. Organization is essential to success in any mi h rtal: ing, and especially in liio maiiuge meiit of a polit ical campaign, and. as every township should be thor oughly it can only be done by an active executive commit tee. I'RORARI I, tAMH DATES. Tho democratic party in North Carolina is to bo congratulated upon the fact that the friends of thobi. gentlemen, who have been suggested for nomination by our State conven tion, are conducting their canvas in so proper a epirit. While the ad herents of each aspirant are warmly advocating the merits and peculiar elaims of their particular favorite, yet they do not traduce or assail other aspirants, and thus perfect peace and harnMiny prevails through- out our ranks, and all will bt pre . , i ,i parod to mve a united and enthusias- b tic iupport to whomsoever may be nominated. All good deinoerats , deeply deplored tho unseemly and embittered contest that unfortunate ly took place four years ago between Uie admirers of Gov. JiirviH and Judce Toivle, nd we sincerely rejoice . .. .1 1 . that this year there is so pleasant . . 1 nrt striking a contrast. Tio our nominees will be. of cnurs:' no man can now with certainty fore- . 1 ... j it ,!. .l.l.: ' ' .... 1 , thatGeneralHcaleswil beourguber- natorioi cauiuuuio. uuujo Miunri, whose name has been warmly urged, has pnl.lic.bed a letUr iu which he ex- r preaa.y Btatea umi. - natse not to be presented to the contention. Tho threo most pronti- neat names auggested for Lieutenant- . 1 . ,1.1 1... .1 u: uggested for Lieutenant- Mai C M Stedmau of Vr i 1 w ,t,1a (lf Major John Hughe of floTernor are Wiluiinglon, Aawbeiuo, anu o;. i. ou.u 1, 01 ilumbu count. , and it is fvrtuuate for the party that .every one of tbeiu is eminently well qualified for the position. Of coarse Chatham county vtill warmly support Major Stedmait, ! a hoii of whom he ban cause to be ' proud. No one seems to have tho temerity to oppose there-nomination 1 of Co!. Vv. I j. Saunders for Secretarv ; c (u. Dr. Worth is b url! to allow hiK inline to bo presented) ! for ....aikm for T.vtw.trer. and ue u.-wxuU (jf Messrs. J. S. Battle of Nash. Donald B:iin of Wake, and s- .p Tu.( of 3ui'Ko are a'so . "'iwx ,lt.u. (.!u;ms For ttornev j i it ssni uu m laiius. j. oi ai un,,,ll Uly ......sent, Col. K Messrs. T. F. Davidson . (). julll.olx,i(4. Alu , p. iv,,,; t)f ; Nort ljiiiit tou are (,,,.,, )m.'1L.s ur0 .,, stronglv urged. i" ggested for Su- pel iutendeiit of l'ublie Instruction ' tliai f )1. a.iv hvr amog ' tli(,IM ,.,,r (, t iru ttmbeni, .....i'm," a m. Merritt of Chut- ham, J. L. 'loinlinsoii of I'oi ,yth. J. ; L. Diigger of Warren and S. M. Fin-iing get ol Calau ba. It seems to be gen- erallv conceded that Judge Mer.imo.i ! ., , , , . , , will be unauimousiV nouitnated as i Jllrttu of tht, Supieme Court. i . J inlge Gilmer Declines. From the Raleigh News and Ob- ' server we copv the following A.; ier , e i i "' .. ; Greensboro. X. C.. May 24. l'lensp give a place in your col- , uins to the subjoined statement, which would have been piibiicy made weeks a;;n but for the liupor- tiiiutv of personal friend. In view of the m ar approach of the Demo- t eratic Slate Convent io and f ir tin.' . informal ion c f friend.- in .ii her pai ls ,,f ." Sl;tt' "h" have talkf I and writti n to me on tlie suoj.e:. and ot otht.r ,,...,.,.,, i,.lV,. f-.v.,red my nomination f1r Governor, I feel it uiy duty to say that, keenly sensible of I lie distinguished honor tlni'; proposed to lie confel! ed oume. , , . , . , f and ilecpiv gratetul f..r and jiroud of lhH many ,.nd ilattering w.,rd- of commendation, y.-t. for leasous . j 'I If mill l aJ 111" Ai'Jltl l. it 'll i. ' i I ..aato fr tl.o gunberiiato, mi noi:nii ii ion. I inn not a;id ncier base been a candidate for siu h iioi.n iia;ioii, and have rial Willi pain receiit unaul hoi i.e 1 staieiii- nt iu loiiie papers abo;:t my w:thdrawii,g from such candidacy. My wish and position in I hU matter have always bel li as stated above. Willi a-,suiaiu'es of the highest appreciation of the kindness and partiality of all friends who would have had it otherwise. lam. sincerely yours, Jv.iin A. Gn.MKit. Heavy Rains. A d,s;atch to tie- N- w O'leans Ricavuii' from Oou-dia; la. La . says j1;.:ll,.st rums fallen there durin cord liave tne pai, tell .lali the da vs. The tot a no I ,t r.i-tii;:! has bvi im-'jes. TLi- river a ll.llilliel of yell s ii:ciu A daring the iio-.i. s. i'Vci hew ing s"iid::ig -locli to r; o,i . are suiVering te-irly teilteeli . e'ler il.a i for , ... lose seven H-t tWetity-foUf ilantalioiis and the l,i!:s. Tii.-; from tl.e contlj:- ti' ei- I'uiii woik. '1 and huiiiN are pioslieots u;:ah more f the gloom v than for veurs. All f any into iu c 'ci ks and bay o.i' ,i' are .wt'.tei's ail t iJ'Iaili men an- lunch disc eirugi-a. A Serious ,--Uv. Norwaik.t 'otiiieciiciit, papi i-pub lished Fridav thy arl:c. a ly run i iii llmt i.i ,i to h .'Mig and si of the ohict bank which was iii! ended article rel'erriti'f te a 111 Oi low I as a jol.e. tl avel liaiili hi the village. I he at ti. le was le tided "a Not wnik bank in troub .." Scom s of excited depositors who read the :i tic!" or heard about it, rushed to the Norw.iik Savings liaiik. the o'd- -t iu the vicinity, and die. v tin ir deposits. I' he run continue 1 tl.ii tng tl.M day. and between nil .nut oi, (MO was taken out bifoie tl.e cha'acter of the article became ;en e, n iy known In a dirhcnltv hist en oeiween !r Lesesiie and Mr. A. C. Hutririns. cl. rk of tlie court in Onslow county, ! public building business that sliould the latter shot and killed the former, i ,o ventilated, and this very week' Near .v-neca City. S C. there live two lulls were adopted iu the Senate ormofthe largest, families iu the l that nt vtr should have beeu. (Jne Cnited States. Mr. Joel Vaughau ! is the giving of yjrtl,i)i)(( for the new ! lire 1..... i, i,,,.ivif.,l f, ;,.,u llu','IUtni.. I ....I i..,, i..i , a.t waves were widows. ' all of w,.- had chil. hen by prev; us bus - ban i, respectively ei sewn, ami four, a total of nim-tc u. These four wives bore Mr, atighan twenty- , ,, . , , , . seven children, winch, added to the nineteen stop children, yavo Mr. Yuughan control of foi ty-six children, lucre ure thus seven ditterent. sets of children. The old man in now M0 years of ago and his youngest child is an infant. ! "''"" Ulrserv. r : At Jlomw vest, iilav liiiirnlii-f a little ten year-old ; ... ' . 7. (, xll,, ni . ilauKtitei ol Ml. ti. C. -UcLait.i, not knowing the danger, poured kerosene oil from a can on the lire in the cook toe, when uu explosion occurred win-h siiitleied the Imilimic thud all over the child und burned her vcrv ! jf j ,-suticiuv Hiieriioou s inuiuier sroriu a large green poplar tree 011 the farm of "' i'ns. near i i.rt aim, wan ktr.ii'L In u. ki t. nf li,. lil 11 our wit i very remmkabie result s. The tree W1W Kl( (.1) 141H, full of yi.t it iM. j stoutly bhi.ed up and burned us if j t had been dry pine. A heavy ruin j t lma Dei n ury pine. A neavy ruin j was fulling, yet the tree burned stcud-, llv fl,r tw and was almost en I tin,ly C(,uslmiwl A large crowd of u, i-niioia viiinestea iu Kirau;;o Of ciiniiLi. I Our Washington Letter. ;Fiom our Keiriiliw Ourrospon lout.) AVahiii.nuton, D. C, May 21. S4. When Mr. MaeVeih writes mich a letter to Mr. Ihislow us Mr. Bris tol iia-i received from Mr. Mac.Yeigh, !d when Mr G.'orge lilis causes to to puWubinl huoIi a lert-r w k . i . .' .. "... . '- Ariinir neia tin- uitouio vaive ol Nev ylll k politics, von mav de-, pond upon it there i going to bo i llv,'lv slinking up among the distinguished parvenus in the Ke- lmb'ioil hou?l',lo!,ll- m h ' siuiie fellow wlioui Brewster einpfov- ei( tl, prosecute the Star Uoute thieves to a triumphant aciiuiltal. for which the Government paid hiui l.) per U l-V l l" K i jjh-hm-o, uoiei ia. e, M1H coupe pieamire dnves. He kuowM all about Arthur, but he don't i.. .. . t want to tell as much now, a he was deposed to toil four years ago. The upslmt of this little quarrel is going I'l 14 'nt bi' "T l,'''iU.,f,, . tlu' liaii-nreett poiuoit oi taeiamuv nave tll(. t,ollj hlolli,iei. uf Arthur dur- Unee long years. What with, Biaine and las immense boom. Logan wlth his IdoiiiM. and Edmunds with a son oi ooom-erangiet, i naiu.v .. ... t . , . " Thev" Tb frlS are not firing "blank cartridges at Arthur jut now. but each means business for himself. The National , News Bureau here, the largest eon corn of its kind in the .country, holds ud of the lending daily mid weekly newspapers of the United Stales. I had an interview vvitn us manngnr to day. who told me that in itsjionse to a circinar that the Bureau issued a month ago. he had received replies from a majority of them. The al most unanimous sentiment from IVmoeiatie editors was for Tildeu and the o'd Ticket, and righting the wrung hi 1i'i. I lion the ones- tion of taritV they seem about equally dlw le I between free tia le outright and a tarn!' of leveniie only, with now and then a spurt of protection; from the Eastern press. On the Re-1 ,. , 1 , , . pub. lean side of the house the sentl- went of the editorial fraternity was over whcniiugiy for Blaine, with the Democratic newspapers aie mention ing the liaioc of Koswell I'. F.ovver. of New York, whose chances from his standpoint are ijuite as good as were ihose of James K. l'o;k. at this time of the yi ur forty years ago. The death of Sam Ward, tlie noted a-iiiiiloii iobbiibt, revives many reeo.iectioiii, of the career of one ! whose r.miiection with the lobby . and intimaey with public men. has ' resu.u-d in more vicious legislation ' in the past twenty rive years than had ever before b-en gotten through . since the foundation of the Govi ru- iment. It may be siti d tliat he was i tho footer-parent of every one of the laud ubsidios me.-f-iire.- that were prepared in tiie interest of i ai.roa N aimie and. as now apj.eio s. were ll.ti iiileil specially to tM'oUic the Govei nment. Sam was a power lu re during Mr. Johnson's a hiiinis traiion. and Weiekor's tables nighliy, .biting a se.i.-i ,n of Congress, were f.u uni.ided by the Senators Rejireieiitaiives whom Sam had invi ted to partake of his lavish hospitali ty, kno.vmg that, the effectual way of getting a Coi.oressionai job done thorougmy was through a direct ap peal to the Congressional stomach. I am miry to say that Sam's etamp.e in ti.e iv.iy of big diuueis is s.iil ol lowed. and by them a gif ut denl ..f oiiietai )asc.;ityis hidden tiom pub.ic The knowing ones ut the capitol : sny that Congress will be ready to i adjourn aod go home about the loth of June. if it does there will be a . I.u-ger amount of necessary ieg.s.u U li u-fl undone than evei before. S i far the house has passed but l'li . "io out ol more tmui i.fiui) intr., duceil and the business now on the -i'akei s table would semi the wes ; sion clear into Augiist. J'uo .Senate' ' iias dons Iii I le bet t ei than the House, : having pii.-,sed -iii lulls, and left lv- ing over J, IfiT for the uet session Congress has gone into the busi uess of erecting public buildings a! this session bv wholesale. No far I no Ipss llian Ii7 have been ordered. I laitging in price from $30,1101) to Jr'2.- : ;oti,tin i, na the end is uot yet. Rut ! theie are houia thiu., ,.l..-... , a place of Ihl.imo inhabitants, which, 1 ani ady has a building that cost the ; Government 1200.000. The other is the aj.j roprintjon of $100.000. ; : for a public buiidincf at Sarati-u-a a' , , h a , lit to w atering-pluce of 10,000 po-u-1 ifttion, which has not half the need1 j of a public building of this cost that ; ; it has for missionaries duiintr the' . gambling season. j - m j " nson A.ivuuce : N e have it from k'""' uuthoriiy that a certain man who ; ,. been ncciistomed to buy his whin-1 krv (V the ibiiik r ,,,,c,;,- 1 .,u 1,:, 1" " 111 ' or 'ut.isui e, i,Uh bit, upon a new plan, winch lie thinks will 1 , work well. On Mondays he contia. tn with some vender of the ardent for u week's .Irunk, and gives his contract to tho lowi-rt bidder. II l,i.,l.-u 1,..' enn keen druuk on Hh'm ulioi ,.1.....,, tk etlJtV.tS 01 a gooii uraiiu 01 wlitahey to keep! him ilruiik all tho time, whether it re-: ti imes a pint or a barrel. On Fri . ... 1 1 -. . ... . " day of last week a negro, who gave I h,s' name as E. A. Howard, took bev- e;. t, of o(lr shlewdt,ht ,.itlz,.IJS it, .., ways Unit ure dark and tricks that Uio vain." Ho represented that lie Uio vain. Ho represented that lie had 11,000 in the State National JJank, at Jtaleigh, and aiated that lie ,,rtired to buy u farm and ntock it lie iiurelnified a farm frnm Mi- K iiuiiifei Jr., for $5,000, bought four horsi'H from Y. YV Edwards, and u bugy from J. F. Alien, ivtuin-d Conifer iV NVoodard as las legal ad visers to look into the title of proper ty purchased, and made other pur chases amounting in all to $:17,000. He paid for everything with forged checks. While our people were 'taken in" by the negro's big talk, they were sharp enough not to deliver (he prop erty until they telegraphed to H ih igh to see if his checks would lie honored. Cu-hier White replied that he hud never heard of the negro. Of course this put a stop to the negro's t lading and l:e was arrested and s.-ut to the penitentiary Monday, it being ascer tained that he was an escaped convict, lb' is the same lietro who lvpivst iit- ed hiuifcclf its a cotton buyer from Liverpool, and cheated the Wilming ton people some month ago. and was sent to tlie penitentiary He was a shrewd negro and those of our people who had business triMsartions with him are soro about the matt r, and dislike to admit that the negro de ceived them so badly. Salisbury Examiner: The wheat and oat crops in Davi 1-on county mo unusually tb'e An attempt was made Thursday last t i murder Mr. Love McCain:, at his farm Heir Gold Hill, by two colored bm-s in his em ploy. Thev laid a plan to murder liim and throw his body into an old shaft near by. as they have since con fessed The older hoy. who was cut ting sprouts off stumps with an !W,;.,r,r lop 'IHTnVUI. worked around aid near enough to I 1. 1, )S r I Mr. McCairiis to irive him :i blow on t, the back of the Leek wit li the thick Kill of the axe. Mr. MeC. warded off the second attempt to strike him when the young In i:d threw tin' axe i.t Mr. Me. mid an off. They were! arrested and lod'i ! in jail. Mr. Me- 1 Cairns was qtiite-crio'isly injured. j The ojiinion .' th- oceerc.l public iu regard to Aye' s t'herry I'ecttinil is eon tinned by elei,'v imn, linvvms. iub lic speakers, and actors. All say it is the best remedy that can be procuied for ail affections of the vocal organs, throat, and lung;. Commercial Travelers at a Wayside Inn -Something to Put in a Gripsack. "Ucnili'iiiKii. I nlintfiivy y..ii i. ! .t y-u nil. V' ur i-iicrl. 11-1-. ' O.. w irM.y '.irkl. .iile .if I ii-liio-. , (in. i-iiniiguii: .-'..iilK "U soe. in, I ll Uihi, ,-.. liii TSU r.nly j-mt.'.-M n'SWI ff-nn Hi lla w-i. n-lr.. l ii m 'ui -ir Ii- .-f Men. '!. .il lru- i-ii s-n -l in 'in- i"i-.-i. i.: ii I.ii .li'il ll 'H'l, si. I,.,,,, s . m,. 'I..- r-in.lil a x-w Vrk riiwintlvo . tho IT. '"- -I' -i. ";i ir.eini.-r Isn'l wl'li-.ia III iii.-!.iii-.-s. i"i 1 1- run- i.i- r.i.s. i....-rw...iiHi.i i'r.i -"';!'''"'1'''''1 U"""'"J'" Winn i-ihk, f..r iii-;iiii--i.' i "Till. I f iiin'iei.f ." r-..! 1 Mr. W. n. I-'rnnkliii, 1 h . Wi I1.M T.lV llr.,' f. r.. I'! lllMI-... kr.'.wn t.i u;T'"liiri- in nil i-nr it - .r tli.t .-. .um i y : Tim risk -!ii.'li. In lil. hmi'..iiii aliii.iM to a' o.r iiiniy- ..t ,; .ncii l.-M,.,:u( .r..' iml .ii.mjn nt ills: aia wan r .11 I ir..:n liiivinaii.. ili.l h-.tir f..r ciUiii; Hirl i-l.-i-li,. 1 ne If wm au lii eiipii". I say w;v-, :-.r 1 mn nil rik.te ii..w." N . i!I.H.'..iih' !. y ur l.k'i-'i"n" i.r .kn In a CM'-Aipi 'Iry B'.-kls rnm-li-r, I'.i'h ln Iih ')iir jCr--h. "S-i'. ii .iia!-'i-r inr ''.-it. '.r '.v.:aitf I'.r a wn !u. I'm .til',r Kln-illy 1 .-um h. . ' I M.KIH S l.'M.'. I u. t-. . eri, '. II.. n Tl.: " : I .!ti:"li. i-cihI I. :i --ll .!. 111- .t c i . : t..r-, ti 'I. I a :t-i!T ir-.m Mr l.r.-l.n tan. I'AllKI U's , M.i "anal l-.'v-r.-, Cut'tii him e.-I H. ftll-1 Hil . I vr ai..l Kl !i;.-t. 1'i.t a Rut 1 I., civs ii. V H..l -li I iilin',1 my j .-.. iu. M.lvi r'.i.-niftMI ; i A ainl ti nv.-i n) up ' ' .uii: ".I r.u'li. In my ;.-ia. rk. Itti- .r.-.rl- , i . :i'i i-'attit Ilil.t , -N a .lio.'i-n. .1 I ! ... Ili.ll Ui l.i., .I i .1. c. r Hi,. ..- I i y -itr Hltr. V 111 'To. I ri i.ii, . an.l 1 r - hJE QlAIOjND 5hlIRT What is it ? It is the best white dress shirt now uttered fur ia!c. Why is it the best ? 1st. It is iii.nle ol the hst nip.t..ri.ib Wuneiiita nni'.li'i, llrooklicM :i(v;, Clark's O. . T. eol rotlon. id. In workmanshin i-. uiuuailcj hvcrUsting Sl.iy Ait,:liiin.'iil, 1'runch I l.u !;il Sh'tvi s, Iv uit'urcu'l Jiusoms J.l. Il will fit, elegantly t ail men, Mlio:t nun, l at men, l.can men, men, Little men. WANCPACTUr.mi uv DANIEL MILLER & CO., I.MP. .RIEKi AMI Jnl.llLKS, Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Furnishings, 32 anJ 31 HOI-KINS' I'LACE. "WAMSUTTA t-rturerfri If your dealer does not keep it, lend his 1 Irevi tu Miller & Co., &ule man- utacturers,, MJ. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calrart, Toxa, m 3, tm. " I wish to tirrM my appraciaiioo ot ItM valuable quailile of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a rough rrmrAj. " While witti ripiri-hi'.l'f army, Jujit befor the bultlu of V ickfll'UrKl X couiracld a -Tr cold, wlncb u-riu.i,iUil in a ilaogoroua coaah. 1 (..uii I im r-li'-r nil on our niarrb wr c.ime to a cmi.trj uiru, nbrro, on aklri forxnii rrnicity, 1 im orgnU to 117 Area i ClIl.ltUY 1'rrini. il. "I did no, aii.l whi r.iil!T eared. Blnce then I Imvo k n UihI'ki niUALcoiuUntl by me, fur family u,-, and I bave found it to b an invaluable remedy fur throat and lung dlaeaaca. J. W. WjlIUV." Thousand! of testimonials certify to the prompt cure of all bronchial and lun affections, by the nse of Arm s Ciimur parroaAL. Using Tt-ry (islaiatiie, Uteyuuijg. at ohildrou Uku it readily. rnrpARCD BT Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Miii. Sold by all druggist. -3S5fc,V-!iOLINr:N. SHOES! R. 1 BOYD & CO. C.IIKENSBOIIO. N. 0. The only store in Greensboro for , the exclusive sale of Boots and Shoes j AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ; would call the attention of the ('hat- ham county Merchants and citizens to their spring ami summer btock of SIX OSS. The nicest and best ever brought to I this market. J4, li, t'all and see them. '': v,rJ"ilil'u'1" J. W JI''N A 1 H Y. Greensboi o Sash aal BM Factory, GREENSBORO, N. C, M A N 1 K ACT l ' H E US OK DOORS. SASH. BLINDS, MOULDINGS, J.KACK ETS, ASP PKAI EIIS IX All kinds of Dressed Lumber. j April S4, Itu't. - T GREENSBORO. X. O. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OaSOUJifitS. Wi carry a full line of Hlnnn mid Onn LAUD, BACOU, HAMS. WHITE FISH in kits, MAI 'K KREfi, in kits, On, trb-r and Half Rarrels.j SARDINES. OYSTERS, and alt kinds Com d Goods. CAKES. CRACKEItS, CHEESE, . ,.. liaisms. l'riilKS. Preserves. Ji-lhes, j(.(. m,..,. Apple Rult. r. Currants, ( at .lie.ll. il":ill!V. Oraie'es. Nuts, .. . u'-.i .. "l,..,i- i. ii i . Ac. im ai e, liuekets. JSaskets. Rrooms. Sione Ware. I'iekles. Chow . ,. . . . . ,. . ,., , how. taielv. t igars iuhI I oliacco. and in fact everything in the Grocery line. Aiso, agents for tne'GHTOWX WAiOXS '(. rri4.iraiitee our "oods. and mices . . ', . ' Io lie as SOW lis any llouse in loi.u. II uisi s. Six p re Si vms. Your 1'iii lid-. 1TELDS TL'RNER. April Si, 1km. :iin. Sergeant Horse Power. THHY Strong, Simple, Durable and Cheap. K r 1; to o they have Run Well, Send fe: 1'i.ce List. SKI!(i KANT 1 l-'or 111 1 stiel, v soil : trashy covered si ml heavy sml land there is nothing; H'i:il to tl.e celebrated So :tii Ileml Chill Plows. South A ceni'riil-nituose. with CLillexl ur Ivn !i and even- l'lo,v miranteed to itive satisfaction or no sale. V.' i:: : i-o a lar stuck of trouble Shovel and l'hinter s l'ride t'loM s, : imr Turn .-howl und I hill Tonuiie flows. I HF VV ANQ SHELF HARDWAflE, a! extremely low prices. Special attention ivivi 11 to tl e Wholesale Trade. ;(iive iisii trial. ODKMi' IIAUPWAIIH CO., j .pel. J.4. IHHl tf. l. 1 1 N .-. x. c. t1 " SERGEANT MANTJFACTUEINCr CO., Grre-snalDorcj, T. O. i mmm immi vai- mm, COOK iD fAfSaw Mills, C?,n Hilis, Hons row f$$& Plows, Strav Cutlers, Andirons, Ami Caitiiu ol l.vciy iJc jutr-Sencl for Hrioc-Lau y-'V rasawVirrS. T HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SASXZ, DOOZIS AZUD EIINDS, largust Stock in Worth Carolina. JT'LIL'S LEVIS & CO., Sion or the (loi.nuN HotiHh Shop, 'JJi 1'ayetteviile St., oilHihit the Market. January 10, 1884. 1ULEIGU, N. C. Harris & Flippen, ; Wliolesala Hardware, I GREENSIJOKO, N. C, 300 k-ja NulK 1IKI keg Hil l Mule Khiva, j 1 l.HM Huron Mm SuIIh, 1"0 dmm IMn.Hi- hiiO rye stcml limit, j HiO di.ani Kb'Vrj, Si Hiltt ami r'.iLi, I lim il", ti pl.'W hii! Wfii;..ii Ilium, j Ji),MH 11.8 Old llllili.,i troll. CAItKIAGE MATERIALS. i CARl'EVTEKS' WHEEL-WRIGHTS' SMITHS' TOOLS OF BEST QUALITY AND ! A) WEST TRICES. BUILDERS may always rely upon us I i or gelling ni:n iputuiy oi gooils j nt reduced rales. ; We currv at nil times a large line of m ' i , . , , , goons suiieo io uie wuoiesale traae, I:;;k::;,E 5!.,ff!tf ,( We mimuf act ure the CELEBRATED W STOVES AND H. & F. Clipper Straw Catters : to which wo ask special attention. Want Agents to sell for us. i Come to see uh or write for prices! and our Stove Book. April 'it, Ihm, 3m. 8PKJNG 1884. F. FISH BL ATE, (;in:i:xsi?o!:o, x. c. Has now in stiiri! and receiving daily. Spring Clo.hing Of every Style and Description, FOR MEN. YOUTHS. ROYS AND CHILDREN. Also, n f ill and complete line of Fun ' jhing Goods, and the latest styles iu II ATS. A HANDSOME LINE OF rnlies llents; also, the hand - mest line of Neck wear ever For La Some) broiight to Greensboro. 1 All these goods will be sold at the LOWEST CASH RRR ES, and all I ask is a call to convince you that you will be saving money by ( pin chasing your goods of me. ' A HI 'Jl. ism. j ATIR Wore Well, and Gave Satisfaction. MFG CO., Greensboro. N. 0. Bend Chilled Plow! two-linnie uliiw. lioth rlL-lit mid Ml wltb WiMiilnrlriin ll-niiLwItherwltlinut huel hiiuiea. The beat 1'low 10 America. HEATING STOVTI, :rs, TEE ALL EIGHT TOOKINU STOVE. Tlie un.i'rilpnMl,H..l AKrntc r..r thin rclntrate SIijvk, aniiouiii-fi I" UK' .uWlc thai ovur TWENTY-FIVK THOUSAND of tiicee StnvB Utive lcoii -UI . and that In eneb inmonre Ihey have glrcn Entire Satisfaction. PRICES VERY IA)W. Write fur IcHi'rlitlve ltHi.tue and List urulture. 1 B. FOBBIS k BE GREENSRORO', N. C, drai.eks is anti MNnpAcrrKsr.8 o FURNITURE. ALSO. TEAI KHS IX 15IIACKE I S, MllMfORS, l'lC'lTUE FiiAMES. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, AC. April . tkn. i'iisiliFiili: Will iiiki in exchange for SI I EE UNO S AND GOODS, i Hj st Elour, Oats, Corn, Wheut. Baemi and Lard, at market prices. The attention of Fanners ond Mill ers is called. ( -p ei::!Iv to their make of "B" SHEETING for flour Slicks. A goo.l line of DRV GOODS. NOTIONS. HATS. BOOTS AND SHOES, G R( )C K ! ! I ES, 1 1 A RDWA RE, rf.I.c,M-&c" &c'' Their motto: Fair juices nndhonebt dealing. January n. iwi. tm. " m. t. Nonius, Ijiie nr X"i i i. jaii & W. 0. pmimu, I.Ale ut Honip, Uarrea !M. t. Norris & liro. Tiiyl" X Orlfflo. ; Wliu hui:ii'1 JiwrrH, WynH . j elHIi-l. it at tlialr oU WHOLESALE GHOCERS AND - C0ar.iR?l3H KilRCHAMTS, No. 1(! E;c!:::iige and No. 15 Eaat Martin Streets, rj. o. WE CARRY A LVRGE STOCK which we otVt i- to (he trade at very low juices. rr so- S1T.CI.M. ATTliX llox ir, lha lata W .'l"l' .'. Milk.' xMliunt lili:iif.i i il -i im.l rn'.urn ai oo. l'i...ii. ,- H".t "H i..;!i-! .ii ill miimII Wiaricoa. I.m.'i:.i tvun.i.. ma I i,u ...,re.l wliu ua. Airi.e- .-r I .IT'; ilLi.ii, .1. SH' i-. s i'ls-.m ., sii.n Hi..,liala. A !.: f..r ri li llask i.iiiii.,. .-.-;i m ;..r Oi" i-e I si.4raaUCMtea Flaw, tl." Klnrf ..! iti ton i!,-.t. " J.lllll.'il v I ., ."S. 31GS-5. IGG1. ! I t lM 5f jFATETTEYILLE STREET, llAIJIKill. N. C. li:ajki;s IN ilAIIOWAllE of every description. 2U1LDERS' SUPPLIES, I'AIN I S. STOVMS. fJl'NS. AMMUNITION. Hid the largest stock of SFOTG GOODS 1 . v.t in 1 1 .Ifi.rh. fil hot torn in icei. ll " D ( all r.nd examine our stock J rod lei -- s. t. : 5 3 .' t '. si 1 ct i c n G u a rauteed. '.Vrito for l)esci-ptif icnl'irs. i 1 n:'t f.:-oet the place, l:: I A V ! '. 1' i I'A'ILI'.E ST. A. u. Hixjiaia. &. E. & CO., EAYETTEVIIiLE, N. C't s jiinre, WIIOLEjALS (iliOCEES. A ! 1. fl, IS"I. ly "ll. 7 "CEAPIN, 2jil7 iaiST, l'; t i".; i R 1'. K. c. j Ii U:-. Mt iln '... f. Toilet and Faney Artich-i. Tiiiic". (iirden Seed, C'i'i: . I'a'iits. (bin. Ac. l'r i ll ;l ui. iir.-.'iilly ii!i;iuuili'.l day or atghfc April in, HM. ly ATTOItMJV AT XA.W, . IHT It 1 1 AM. N. C, piiViTlsrsm ih,. Siiirlnr 'ml Interior Onnrts eC 1 hmliiiiii. mi l In iti'i Slate aud rlaral Oeansv Jutiiitiry .11, l.fl. ly. -A mn iniawmiimwuw 1 J. a P. COATS' SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. TOU CAN BUY IT OF: W. L. LONDON, rxTTSsono. nr. a. i I: 1.

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