rflilKaWifW-nitifi THURSDAY, JUNE W. 1MH4. .. , , District convention next lues- day. 3J State convent ion next Wednes day. 83" Polities warmer. jolting warmer inn!' Br Will it be t.'oke or bciiles ? Cox or Fowlo f WEVKRV HKMoi'HAT IN ClHTIIAM OUOHT TO 11KAII TllE lili.:oill IH'lUNll I'lIU CAMIUK1N. W30ur delegation (o the State convention, ait hough not insii ih is umlerstood to be solid for Seuierf ; ftutl Stednuiu. ftTDon't forget to to Iiynuni and Htfiulcii's anil sco thi ir m ., ..nil'ul npiiiiy ami sumiiit'i' ooils. 'j'lu ir LaditiH IIiitM live quite pretty ; r.oiil at L'jttom jjiiccs. WST'ITto iHigest cuMmn of tlif scuHon tliiit vo liHVt stiL'ti it oiiu lui'st il by Mitts Kulti tlauUK, of llii jiuiii-. the head of which (st lipped of jeaves) nttiutiu i j jitMiiitts. 8y .Messrs. At water V Wyiitt. lur limit, N. C, have siu.iil lot iiiaei, ,t;d Clay Peas, (li t your seed bri'.nvai. are Bold. They have also heavy sim ; Groceries that they are oii'enug i;S close profit s. COiir town eoiiiuiis.iiotiei's. a; theirlast meeting, levied the i'o. Sowing taxes for the eiisiuiig year : l cui s ou every .10t) vvuahoii of jirojie, I v. 18 centst on the poll, and !?-'. on eyery barroom. ISSTThe merch:iiitsof Chatham are rospect fully invitt d to call on -I. V. Seott Si Co., (jtteeiisboi'o", N. ('., for Dry (loods ami Notions In si sepa rate ilejmrtiiienl they carry u luirc BtQck of Groceries. tilfWe were pleased to reeeiv.! a ; call, on last Tuesday, from U'-o Arelidell of the Slate Chronicle. .. '.. Vi'AH hei'i' to report tic p.'o.vediiigi of our county convention for i 1i.il wide-awake paper. Sr Mr. Levi II. (V !:. f Hickory : Monntain towesiiip, a oi:i i.i i.u d e Confederate so'di- r, en! and si-ov!,.-! fifty dooit buud:.e of when! u!i ;,i ! Monday, ftinl lost three- ho-a'.-.' I im. in having his cradle repaired- tjrjr Whi leu Trior A Son. Fayette : viile, fine (Soid and Silver Wan-he , Jewe'iy autl stei'liii;: Si.vt rv. ai e. The largest iin.'. of French and American Clocks iu the State. Wuireti Fnoi & Son invite orders for Fiiigagement . Mid Weildiug II: t. ; feTG. Wiil Ariulicld, of (recn- ' boro', ha-; now in store one of the luost attractive stocks of Spring goodi ever br-.tught to !l:at city : a i 1 if you don't be.ievc he is si '.i.ig i n best goods for the it-a ii ni 'iiey go see fur yo.iie!f und be convince I. 8- f) ir taVl.t.d tow:.s.e..:u. M.'. J. W. .Tacksoe. who has bt ci. ieaei. ing wliool at !!a.igli ' v the pa- i two years, ha:; been aopoiu;-:- 1 Ii'V't-V- visor of agent s in tin Siao- for the Vallt-v Mui-.ia' l.'e Assi.ci.uio.i of Virginia. H -ad l.i-i adve; -mvl. lK"Tlii tlt inncrfit ! of Chatham in cnven4ioii n.emlilt d have pseM nt.-.l their honored c-' intyiutn, A. il. Mvs ritt, Est . to their fellow -.leun.c:.:. -of North Carolina as a proper pcixm to be naata l as their cainll I tl.' for Stalo siiperiat ndent of pub ie in Btvuctiou. tS"Kect.iv, tl this week at Lo tion's the lhiesl and b- .1 a..sorh ;: of Freuch Candies ever u in :hi; place. Also, received a large lot of luce Ued.-itcuu-s . intt limns: as, a lot of Men's Sht a s. made at N. C. lVuitentiary ; also, a nice htl of i'ia iiioud Shirts. Sf-A son of Mr. W. U. Wi kie. of Haywood, a i't v.' days :;g;i found lu-ar the mouth of Haw river ;i brand He longing to out! of the Alainuuce lac tories that had been washed do'.t n the river by some fiesaet and had lodged iu the bia.'ii'b'es of a widow tree. The brand bore tin; words "Alaiuaueo O.iUabe.rgs", and was made of wood. fflrYou can find at London's a Bplendid stock of Ueadyiutide Cloth big which will be soid very low in -cash; now is your time to buy. lie baj received another lot of Cape May Hats. Ho is oJVeriug some sph adid bargains in Men's aud Loys' Straw Hats. He has a few very line Lad it s Trimmed Hats and iJouncN which will bo sold a long way below their value, for the cash. Union Merino. -A Union Meeting of the Sandy Creek Association will be held with the church at Hives chapel, in thU county, beginning on Friday, the 27th of this month, fin introductory sermon will be preached by fley. W. H. H. Lawhon, of Monro county. Kev. M. liahlwin, of this place, will preach the missionary set Won. The Harvest. Our farmers been blessed this week with t lie favorable weather for harvesting l heir grain, aud many of them have nearly finished. There has scarcely oa' been known in this eouniy a tuoie abundai t yield of wheat, and it comes iu good time because there i Itttlo or no corn iu the country, is now sold .at a higher prici Citru : than wheat, which is quite unusual here. Wheat can. be bought at IK) cenis a bushel, but covu tor not less th ai 1.20, and ia brought here ftom lt.te fciii ami other uiatkets. I. 4'oiiaty ('ml veil I foil, i In ptirmiuiiee t.f 1.1 1 vi uh. notice a couvchlinu of the cli'unii'r t! of Chat- '""'I., ''"''" ,vus '"'I' !.llt UiI 1 (ill lllst lllCSI J'or tin! pin jiuso of select inr delegates It) tlli' Si nit' ilis li'H-1 ulul Heimioi'ial ftinvt'iit lo. Itilll we wore iuue:i i ,. r,. If 1 1 K" it lllltllht gr'.lilied lit seeing no of (ho h" ; ciiheiis of dii,' eo .inly in attendance. The 'f'lillYCIllitHI Was Ciiiiiii.i-il of i,U!iel- iliiHO liH'li. ami ll lundo lis ;'':' ; proud of iiie i Latham ifeuiorrucy. .tiuch luleresi was mauili ste,! in Ms proci'i'iiiug.-; :mil while lie- I;. (-mis of ; dili'ei i-ul a-pn.iiil s wi re f ',.' t!n succe.-s ul ; heir i ..p.- ' : , f'.i miles, Vt'l there Was ll. i lihim in';.- i.f feeling : V halt id, iiliit all the do iberatioii:! were conducled "decently ainl iii ui'iii r I in' I'niivciil inii wascnlh (I to order by Mr. ,1. t . '.'en her. the dial; ninn o! tin.' ct niiai . .ecul ive cuinhiiliee, who ic,!ii'f.ii I .Mr. Ij, I!, Itvnnm to act us ttiliijin; ,i:'V si'i'l't -fury. O.l lllollllll oi W. L. i.olliloll, (.'. Jt. Hcutt was unanimous! y i-itvlcil I cliuii iu,n:. 'n inotion of it. ,f. Powcli, J. (ico. Huiuii i' Mil l W.l'. t'oii; urrc CH'iltil muiu i,t .-ft'ii'l.i, ii s. Ti,! ro;! el' i.iwiiiiijis lii'iu m!:ci1 all wie li j ire.-. -l lit -.! t';o-rp A.- iiii:;ht's. ()u motion of J. A. AiMon t!i.' in'. of umn a .ei c. t ii,e pieie for K caiHle. ;-u.ti il ; iS.i.ii.vin' .. F ar l i e.-.- ' i'l.aiiti. Centre, lia hey. 1 iicktiiy .M New lio.ie Malt Hews, Giiif, i -.a- iVar, Wi.liinis, 11 11 Total, is On motion of W. L. Loudon the , delegates from the dili'eieiit town ships were i t .picuil to seo'i i lin ir de;t-;e.ies to (in1 eolig: e.ssiolia! dis tliei coiivei,! ion, ,'iiui u recess of iive in nutes wa.i talo u for tin- jm: jio.se ; a.,otlll; get her. liu: .eg. lies ;o coii.-iii t r ! lie 1 1 e. h ilc roil oi tov.n- II al the f l,,)iiug 'ii.iiUHiide 1 as the this eo'iiitv to lh.i . , eongi ssiii'i.i- ,iis-isi-..;. , F. Si I o , (I, .!. i;. ,kt s. w. ,.i,.e. "i'. II. Wllllllli'!;, !. V. I Ti.os. .'He'll io.i '. J. (. W. I. i'....,.!- ; .i. T. . ii. A. l.ii'.iiioii, !;. .). i'ow ( .!teu, L. A. :i,u:l.-. A. .(. K. Ihliuni. L. d. Jhieyhiou. ,1. W. X. Alstoe. ,1. A. AUon. F. .. ICil ,!!(:. . T. i. ,'.,i F A.trii::i!, I. i. it : K is, i. Si. Mi.,!,. K. ll. Mel., ,.,. !). A ti nnier. -1. M. M-ltv. dosiili Tysor. .). L. Fie.,1 A. F. iiidi. rt, i. A S;i;'UtV. .1. il iii v.l l, W. I. till? I . J. il! M .na, C. U. sVtut. C. L. Wii .i.ii .I. VV. ! lat kaey, J. W. Marconi, J. W. A i . i.e.. il. 0 . A; water. On i.io'.!, i ,, a eoai.tutit t of one 'io.ii e:te:i : '. r ,i ; ,-pj e--i-i;!e 1 tvas .Sppoi.lt el In -,i,'g"- ttto d'it'g, Ill's i i . I : ; . ', io.'li-lilo. which ce.U- i Cios., a:-d At Water a eoi li of i led liu A...s:; itxvr-vt. Cot; en. Tavlor. Alwaiei n. c. ,i. w. v.. w. C. i. l,o; W. A. SI. I ii. '.. !. ji... . t. i : F tJi.HUot'l. J. F t u t a. A. (iiitliii, it. Mllllk"!!., il. Ilouslou, A. Hanks, i. Kii kinan, W. Ill"' Vier, A. Fotvt'l!. V. l-aiiiiui s. W. i' , ,j. 0. il t o bi A ,-io A. V. La Ou la, .J. ih' i -gill es, ill'-s .ti.l. were iiii.ini eUs'l. aad oi! tao i i it W its, i t - . I ' of good ',,; 1 1 il e s .(.arena! V. A. nt i; i e.i a tie, i tiielelo. I On motion of W. F. Slrowtl the i delegates to tiie Sta'e convent ion v.fU iie.lrueied !.i vole for Mr. A. 11. elt ii ilt for Sniierililelitleiit of 1'nieie Ihel' i.elloa. a i l oil moti.ei of W, F. Lotid-m liu v Were ie -t.'Ui'ted tti Vote for Air. Donald W. Fain for Tans tirer. Oa motion of W. 15. Wiiki t the convention adjourned. Itiiiiovvi.MiLi.s. O irenterprisi'ig couiitvuien, Mr. J. M. Melver. at ;Gitif.'mid Messrs. L. Ii. & C. W. liiiiuni. at Hynani's, w ill, iu a fevr weeks, finish their ilouriug mills which are being fiiriiished wiiii what is known as the "Xew Process Sys- , tela." liy this these mills will make ;1 .tr e.p.ial to t tic best Northern : It.auds, nil I each mill will be able, to giind litty barrels every twenty-four hours, -dr. Bolaugei, an ("Cperieuc d ; w heel-wriglit from I'eunsviruuia, is HI eii'trgf of the work ul F.yltm,i's 1 and is assisted by that mas t li'itiie, Mr. .). W. Ma -iciitore, 1 known in dels county. II C-.M-..I t la n. At theM'-ct he low ii-utp exeeiilisi com held In if on hist Tuesday in Uiilti1 the following gentle n were elected as the ih'iuocralic coiliity ct'litral ex-. ii - iuive tuiiiiailt of Chatham, vi', : .i. A L. I. .1. ii Woni.e.'k, G. W. Fiiushec, W oisilou, JiitiUM A. Alston Hint A- , ii it tn. This i-oiituiiti.ee lU'l and elected Mr. J. A. Womack as ehair- j 'uwu ami A. J. Bynutu secit-ta'.y. i A Cum, Wave, On last Sunday '-d Monday the weather was wisest- sonabiv cool, winter clothing and Iin l ing eoiiiforliib'o. It seemed . ... i. ..: 1.. ti f... i ; v'i;y Btnuif'o. yi t (li'i'iile.lly coinfoi t- nhii'. to liu win niin' buforo a tiro iu tlin iniilille of Juiii.i ' - - '"7" '"i'K 'ur.1 nm; wit nave seen iiu.i vtm' wern rili.-'d I ly our esteeiuetl t'ouiilyiiiuii, chiel' jusiiee .lnuh's I' ttives. I In iisii.iH v ha'i I he earliest in the (Utility. Ii l-sl vi .ir he sent Us Koine on tilt! 15 h ni' iIiihi'. and liii i yea." on (iin loth. rUthoiiji loin 'eueruily soema lo ho luck witl now. I'ir.i'iNM Ma 'iiinks. We m o p'e.u-1 (il lo It-it n I hat our fnriiiei'.s are b.- ginning to use the most improved , la'ior saviii'r maehines. Quilti u uiliii- i bet uf HMj'CI'S have be t-t 01 11 1 y i is'i ail ly in sonu lil'isiug faS'liler-U ItiilOH U soid in this of our eiiler- the .'l bi-inj.-' T. W. SegToves. (). D. Falmer, .f. W. , Mel'iiTsDII, i. Ik StillSilll, .lollll Llkins, Win. Il.iii'iiigton. I). F. Wilkie cud d, 15. 11 irris. These are two horse reapers and each wiil cut ten acres of wheat in a day. A C iM'i'AST. When he rejiubli cms hel l I heir seerei caucus here, a fe,,' Weeks ago. to appoint their deie g,.les to their Ktaie convent ion we nolit I it t t:l Ult-il Krlii.M itll t illli, l)f (he deiuoi'i a j s iu appointing their de.i-;;;'tt s. This contrail was Jil'e seiiied ery strikingly at our eouniy c.iavei.ii iii held last, Tuesday. This ho lv x. 'is composed of nearly a hun dred of the most intelligent citi zens of llie county, who were e.ecled by iho people of their re. speelixe townships at public meet-iilg-i held ai'ier sever.'!,; weeks' notice, and lie-re was i fail und fail' expres v:ion u their p: eh r nci s. Whereas the I ep ub' ieai! !iieeiiurj was com posed I', three iiiie and f.uir coloreit men who met he: e wilh closed doors ie, sect el caucus, and were not appointed or authorized lo do so bv anybodr or any liieeiiiig. And yet in every eauipaigii the repiih'ieaus tad; about ring candid.it es and caucus itouiiuce.il i Ti,i'CoNin:Bisiox u Uaci:. The er.u- i vass for (he iiouii'ia'.iou of a eandi-, dale for Congress in this district is i b -entiling ipute exciting, and it is ; imp .-.ibie to predict who will bo the successful olie. Tilt' ih-legat loll Hp- ; poiuie-l fitiui this county to iho did ' trie! convent ion stands .'i'l ft)r Co a. id Vi for i'owle. aecoitting to tin; b'-'t sis forma; em 1 5j.it we can ohiuiu. The repoiis from oile r ciiuuties are ve: I'.iii'lieiiug. I,i J,iiin-,,oii e.nmiy , iiie im-ii elaii.l ::'" for him und Fi eil l'.''. .'. wi;eleilS 1 lie I'o.vle lilt ll -i::-i for him and Fi for Cos.. Alamance a'id Orange are iuslntcted lor Maj. tirahaiu. t);ie telt gram from , Durham to litsi News and Observer , e.ys that, lie- delegation from timl county sinnds 12 for Graham, li) for; 'i,x. anil 1 for nv!e. whiit' another. It.tgla'it iu the same paper t'.'is iiiat it i ii for G: ahnni, U i'or Fowle and i for Co:;. Mush has instructed forj Burnt. Fraukiin is tlividcl b twet-n ic.i'e.i, Co.: ami Fowle. So you see it is decidedly mixed. i T, t . .-;!!! i- Com mh tki s. Ai I he town--.hip meetings held iu this county, it': iasi S:i'!ld lV, the f li'iowilig CXeC ,l,ie eoiii.mi i.-i s were eU'cti il for ,,' ii: lespecine townships : lit! I'VliN- I. IS. West. L. livnuio. .! U. Mi;:!!: ;i. J. W. S,ior,d. ami r. V. 1 -..' e,ec. ('::-i.ii:- I. A. 'i':.m ;ek. A. J. 1.vimiu. W. X. Strii. igh, m, i'hiis. J. (i.iliin. ra i L. l!. : Ixiine. - 1. f, il 1. Uv.S loies, J. il. CogKin. id A. W. n lo Jenkins, d -.i.-x-G.-ce... !. ik A:st..!.. an I 1.. ). ! .eu.v M. C. Mcli. sou. lsule il. v'.eg; a,:d !. S. ! lei,''-,'. I. A. I'ugh. J. Gnth'.ie. ,J. A. i'i'kiuua. !!.', II. Hetui.'V- ", J. F. Fe. rv. .'!-, Ill-'J., -li. W. Woaible. .1. I'. ikirk. J. Geo. Hanuer. C. K. Houd tou. aud T. A. Kirkiaaii. Nkw Ho:i:-M. T. Fai.iwin. W. T. Fdwaids, A. Johnson. S. G. Wil son, and 11. A. Gi'iifm. Wit.i.i iMs- .J. W. Aiwat-r, L. S. Wil li. mis. F. M. Pearson, ,1. S. Uiggs bin . .'tad M. T. iioi tou. Cv... 1 'tla--W. Ji. Wi kie. T. il iil- liauii, W. I). rurnugiOii, T. . .'.U.us. autl iFovi'i' Aveat. State ii'tiC'tVs, (fivcnsboro Workman: Mrs. Green, who liven litar ijciiaja .ialioll oil the Hieinnoud ainl i ),iti ili Uai.roa l, real l.ed aiioiA i'T t. net. from Lheeiu-rrii s liial grew on two tries. They wi re of She early kind and shipped hi good order. Asheville Citieit: A Kentucky paper n entiv bo.iste 1 ttf a citi.'.eu i f tuat I'tiaimonweailh who was a grand pa a! tat' age of .'lo. Old F'.liit'oiubi' cm beat thai work. Mr. It A. Iluutev of Flat Creek, this county, is just the proudest man iu the count rv H is a grand-pa, and is only Jt. Hurrah 1 for old liuneouioe. Hdeiitoa J'Interpi ise: L. M. Fhelps, l'Is!j , of Washiugiou coui.ty, had Ins mill, gin house, hnubor, .V.e , totally tlestitiyed by fire Thursday night laiit. Supposed to bo the Woi k t.f an incen diary lie having had trouble witli a i"gro prior to the burning. On the name dav he lost a verv valuable hoise. L - .'f.s m ah about c.j.tlUtl, .Silisbary Watchman: A work of our hard woods, and a large dt ale told Lie wilier the oilier thy that i bad bought a second growth nickoi t''ee, standing, for live dollars ae IsiiV telllii, lit' said that tile ma from whom he purchased was full salislieil with the price p.u.i Uf." caret, ied It the tree and sawed it in a matiiier. and when he had lim wtuk. he count e I up the value, and found that he had tniiiid out from tills sie ie tiet. olie h'liidied und thirteen tlollars autl sixty cents worth oJ unuketablu uiatuiaL I Ashi-hom' Courier; Mr. Knit-lay f i Faiiie.i of Ot.kr Hrove township Kill- j ; ed '2'2 crows ut one shot List w k. At their meeting last Monday, the In. .: i....t i :....1 li i . . Slaj'ihliatt s tinlhoriA-'il tlio Coiiimia- 8io:.rs to buil.J a briJe nt liumib Fiuil and at ( .'oJiiitil.in ami an Hjijiro- lil lalion nl onn tlioilriuliil i uiliii s wus ; uiiMio iiu Diiu liny unu in i.ai eijui.se. ; t nvctteviile Sun: N aii ii forifi 'il hy it .'riiili'iiiiin of tliu (own, wiut lUVesti-Jiili'd liiO inattei'. I ll.ll the thniiiler.-iiorm which caiis"il thi ilt aiii i liii'i.'i' inen at .Mi'DufiU's mill, m ur Keyser. iiloui, three wet ks ati, also ivlli 'il I hii'i v e.t vs raliti'ili ' in ( iie Woods adjoining, all within a radii:-; u nil!. -!. .Many huetli ed a i f in i Liili .1 ill the p;a.uo (i.ne. A mi i nun diiiiu oecurienee. tint Moore On a few days i thefealh'Ve.i ' tte: We saw nt ?fntdy ie.'e (nite o eui'iosity in t ibe. It w.i i a full .crown tOiir legs Mel ieet. TI.-i chicken wil'n i two exiiii out growing ('ill just be limit Hie iwiural legs, iiinse extra oiu s are. not used though in walking. We had llie pleasure of meet ing Mr. Oonlv. who has charge of the Scotch seitliiig iu our count.v. He hits placed Hevenil families near lo Hauford, and snH they ill'" highly pleased ll.t Impes to sell!-' several u.iiidred fillnl- ' lies in Moure duiiug the coining tall ; and winter. i Stiitc-ville Landmark : In ISol) fr. ; M.Uh liiud;. of Sniloh tow tiship. caiuu ! liowii to St.'ieKville to see the leg cabin ; .eoi eSfion si;,!! to Salisbury to the great llil'ii-ioii I', h of July ma: s meet,-j ing U iiii in ro a ii thai day hi! In m-lit ! of Mr. (ieo. Ueirier, who was then ; t'len h i'iiii ing iii-rc, a scythe which lie has nst d -'very yt ar since and which is yet in good condition. He ground il the other day and though now 1 J I years ubi ir did a t good work as it ' t'ei did. -The wheal iiai'vest is in , .'tclli'e pl'o.gi'cs this week liol V.'il h-' standing the rainy weal her. und the crop is tur.'iiug net. tpiiie as well as: h;..l b,-'.-ii e:;p-cti'tl. It seems not. lo; have bet;,! injured by the rain. Many , iiew reapers and several new twine' hinders have been put at work in the) harvest. I Fio i'l lev ille ( ibserver: Our distin- j giii:.i,ed l!"pi:li!leaii townsman Mr. 1 W. A. In: in ii-. is it lioiiiictl Veiuior. i lie jii-edii'led tin- nomiiiuioti ot thi- i iiuexiiected Gili'lield, and iiirec Weeks before the lafe uoiaiiiiltioii at Cliit'itgo le made due record in wiiiing, and p' tei .l i; in lh-hands of othi;!' parlies. I iii:t prediction that the liomii.e s w,.u!d be nin;:. en l Li: e 'In M" A. i). W-llker i,f t ..- i.iule Hirer rec i ion of lliis C 'ii:iiV itiri .it-ill us 'j g,-o; -,;: tobacco I : i! ; n s.,i.iplt of what eau be d.'Ut in the wie of toh'i.'eo ;'i . -wing in I'.i.iiiie.i.ti.d. Tie- Jil tiil is v rv Inrge a-id sh,,ws Mr. V. 1". 1 t;i r. tin ex v. ( I! county Subaec" plu t i'.ne texture e.K ae.- I C is ler whom Mr W.i'.!;,-r has eiihortio!! ai producing we ::':igi ! to assist htm ui I curing of the. tiiin.ev ii, iSinii.U!u'e.! the hint -I , il'uoei.ate.i i-iuy eiptai ro inosei iiiviile for the pro-Fiction (if t! "bright yellows" which have mritlej licit county iauioiis uml sitddeniy en- j ri.-l ed it. M.. Walker has ls, acres; piiiiiieii and will set a few more acres, i News and Observer: I'asseugeis i oi. ilie 11 A: . H. I! hist evening: reported lhat Mr. ii-.bert Sioiic. 'itsi.-t :in; r iiiiMad ageia at Voitii .:vil!t'. wa-. f-)'e:.l d.-a- i lit his bed tie''' yc-'tlT-tl iv mi am i;. lie weiii lo o- 1 in . ud h -ait II. fa I he ii'e.l !.!iig i-i:. ..ii'e, W al:- t-e 1 . - i l.e ;;1 a.'tiug ef ! ! ! ii'jiria a i! v-ii1. C'lioliii:, iciiir-sa I is nearly : -d f. : it'i.tiiole l iver to lim I Oil ro.i, a.l r. elltl. t e i Jit e tint will :'- it ha ".t 11-1 w v. l! passing tra::. f tin- Kaieigll t: (ht'toil 1 i t. tiretit iit ree: is f -j; lielion. A fatal sc. Idert i ". !..',. p'.ice ia I iilekt ,.ri' t'lWilship, ' ::.: :, .-. i - mi 1 he ! I h n -I'll:':. Itli-i'lt 2 otl n-l; p. 1:1. i.il'ie WlHIe i'hi.iiis, son of Mrs. Catherine Thoma-1. was playing wii h :' pistol, when it vent off, diclmrgiitg the load in his side. Dr. S pence tvas called iu and extracted the ball. Charlotte Observer: A strange death of a hi lie girl by accidentally swallowing a lightning bo.;-, is report ed i'.'om Concord. The eh. I t wa playing iu theyartl with a lit: nil T of o.hcr el, II. lit n, ;t her p ... '.I a Ii.'iO.e ntur O.leli's x.fioiy. and v hiii' l utgl. ii g ae 1 ro.'epiug about a lightning bug ll'-w it.to l.n iiiisilli autl icade i'i way down l;.-r Ihroal The little, girl bivaiii" : add' u! ill. iilid ihniigi: physic' iiis did everything to relieve in r strtcniig-:. she dit tl within a few in 'is afieis'vio.ls --Mr. -J. W. Me w: tro r Wiis hai.ieu ae iilist ll.e new ihoniti pol" tile co: tier of l'i'i:'!e ; , I'liilegt' street-. yc.Merday i:ior:i tl 'ring Sre , i;i. when tiiert' tan.e a li i - an I he telt Ins het e ;:!.; d it from his head and found the lim iu a bla.e. which he tnlit-klv exl mgnishetl, aiul betook hiuist lf la n -s tiatigerolls tUii;- b - t theeh'ctric liUitl S'tirneii u small hole iu his hal ,ha looked as it it had been made by a pist ! shot. Hesavs that he fe: no shock whuUvtr. and that it St need as if some ono hud caught las tail autl gave it a quick jerk, - -F-ipiitc ! M. Kirkj'.'triek. i f Sharon tawuship, is a magLstratei who believes ia ihe old time way ( f tbiiiirs. Vis'er.iay a negro was ar raigned b. fun- him on the t hai ge ol maliciously killing a cow, and wa., found guilty. The Saiiire did not like the idea of s' 'cling the lilglo io jail to be fed al exoctise of the eoun iy. and the plan of a good old fash ioned whipping suggested itself. fh- hiie-i-tl ate prop. -.sed if It Was agreeable, that t hos. Alcxaiut !' toe constable, lake the prisouerout behind 1 he hoiis" .'.i d give him a sound t hra.-h ing. To this tut! iiegio consented. and oiti the coii-t d'le securing a. haiiiltm of bit tasia's proceeded to lay on Ih I nniuiat.-d shle, afltr which the negro wits sent ou i, ttciih:, if not rejoicitig. wa .Slicry Ubiss H.vo. luilil'i'," K(tv I'll! tiililuir of! J no Uoositr feiijuiui.ii.su i, I ollt! rlim .vc, IUH a !. The ilass ; tf '' .is' . ri ( i' una I'oiisliiiil v s li'iiimr out. ot ; f(.UH) th0 wig turning ui ound ,.u,.v,iv on liis html whenever he ml- 1 .1. 1 !. ..... ,.e 1 1 i.'L.i i. nail Kiiecuu'iO. J in kei' s j ifaii' jials'ilii )rew ne mid i'(iuoleii iihf! growth of the tialiintl h.tir. It ; also restores the iialuiaS color to hair which li,!.-i fill led or become gM'.V ' 'leaii, elei.uii, heiielkial, iiihly eci I'uin.'d. The meed if mei'il for promoting peisolial ie-lhelies is due to J. C. A.yer t'o., wliost- iiu-oii.pjral.h- liair Vigor is a uuivt rs.tl hniutili' r of the hair. II inuli-ss, t li'eclive, tineahle, il, has l.J.ei! lank aniei.g Urn iitdi-epen-siiile mlieh's of the toilet. To si :. lily iociis ii gm-s iuxnriani'e: and wither ed hair it clothes with the hue of Vie.iitl. W. II. Wukelield A Co.. of Greens boro', N. C, ileak'isiu Hardware and Machinery, invito the eitiz.ens of Chatham to exauiiue their huge and I , c -Jiapiete r-tock, winch will be soldi a-iouisiiiiig!y low. Jheir axi'liclil j Ci'i'k Si ove is the nicest and ipiick-i est, baker on .no market. Agi-nts for ! W'l lsworth, IMart iue;'. tv Langiiiait's i 1'iiie Frepared Faints, every gallon j guaranteed. 1 i .3Sitl ! . i ft" S,i'l,'i, ut ilvailiH mi l umiTi:iii'- lnsnriOiJ : 1,-tw. iii.tneirli'. i-liari! l oi-vi-n ,-.'ii'm a lino. WSUK-Mei'l.KNVHAN.-M I'll is!,, ii.', N. C.,i.n ' lliol.tili I.M.. Mr. .l:iH A. Wui . -, Xrwii.ii, N. 1 I'.. , , Vim I'li-'I'IE Mei'l.i.Mli.t.s, i'Mi-si ilimijll. -u r : w. I nn S. M--I li-n than. j i'AVI Oil. - V l,.tl-lnh. N, i!., "II U, - I'J'll u," . ' OliiN I .J., lo.ii.iii -i'-e, .i I'l-Hlpim I Vi,-ji'ul.t rayl.-r, MelMiNAI Il. Al lll.il ii.!l, K. C., t-li lllf 1 l.h Ilia:., i 4-M su i,jitv, n ,, '.'. i, J. iiu A. lili-U- i:ii!,l, in :li,' ini ti-ui- .il ill.- us;,-. I rriii.rti'.l tur Tan liiii'iiHli by AY V A I T tx- T A 'L()ll, (KOI l-.lis ,i COM. MISSION Miaieil NTS. No. S,.iili siilii Mariln si., i; vl.U-.U, S. C, .lull.' IT, ISM. eii'i iLiN MAi;i;r i "'"i,1!1 m""' suv. l.Tw Ml-Mlii. sailns lin.'i Willi an n',-t!',l n-n,l,-iii-y. WHO!.!'.! , e Hsi-t.i I'.liV MVI.KI T. , nr. N. l'., '.o JioO; I 'l' (".I New Aintiiisei'.ii'iii,. ?irrss3::!j' H ACADEMY FOIl BOYS AND GIKL3. C. li. lj;XSONT, Fiiixc.iAi. 'ni: 20 ru Sr;;eix or T ils ivsri,rt"rit.x lin t"!-ll;i-l 's-'iC rrtlli'll'-.t. w ill l:i-u'in M,,l- liu 1 i-.i. i, li.V. i:'i an-l s -i.-n l t i-i :. ti i!--Iili ll . I I ni -u- at hi M,t ii- in lit' ll.K.-it.-al H I 'Ml - I a: sice Every man oierht to have his hl'e illMil'-etl, so li,;,t when he dies !.iS faintly may Imvc .-Hiie provisio-i for their support. Many men, who while alive comfortably supported their families, have died iu their prime and left tlie'r wives and chil dren almost th-stitute : whereas I'or a , small stun their lives could have' been insured and ample provision made for their loved outs. Let every prudent man In warned in lime and secure lids protection tor his family ! THE VALLEY MUTUAL ! luiivu i.Lii) JuiUaju ut Fiia:... IK is unusual itithteemeiits. lis rates are verv low. i for instance on an average only a venr on vrl'ti'O for a man il'.) vcars old. li is solvent litnl n-li; ble, l.avitrr now a guaraulceing reserve tl'lt.H), uco. It FiOijiilij PajE all Iml Vor turlher intortntttion, ttj'ply to X. W. JSkCXLSixk, ' Supervisor of Agencies of N . ( '., l'tl fSllOHO. N. C. A l:io ft t S A K 1 lor li'l unit.- ! ,' . l ci toy IM, i- Lv.J.c.A -C-- ,i ov in "The FROI THE PRESIDENT OP BAYLOR UNlVEtlSUY. " Iaacimudtiaoo, Teiaa, Sept, 26, 1862. Gentlemen: Ayer's Hair Vigor lias Locu ujciI In uy liuiuwbuM for thros tcikwiis : 1st. To proTi'iit fulling ont ot the hair. S I. Xu rrrvuia tuo rujuJ cluuigu of Uulor. Sit. At ailruasiiig. It las givtin eiillro satisfaction In every tusnuicc. Vouu rrsp-vtfully, VM, CAlliiV CllAhE." AVER'S 1JAIB VIGOB is entirely fiea from uncleanly, tlniiuruu':, or luiurioiu. uub Itauocs. It (irHvonu tlio liair fioin taruiug gray, roiti.ri-s rny hair to its oriinul color, pruvculs biiMnt'SK, ii.crvcs tlio liair ami iroiuotes lis gnr.rlli, cures tl.lliJruCf auil all iliscnsus of tlio hair Ml er.tlp, ami Is, t ttia enino tin.o, a very cuiierior autl doslrablo drtng. I'HKPAJIED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by all Unions. HANG IT. HARIA ' Why don't you buy my shirts ready-made ? What's the use of wearing your eyes out over fine needle work, and breaking j our back trying to save a few cents ! I don't see the savin' of it. Why, you .can buy shirts now-a-days for very little more than the cost of material, l.ook at this " Dia mond" I've just bought. I say, Maria, I am going to buy a JdCi'h more right away. Ccvtirfi. --.W.. li!'- mt: visTi: woirs xc.tick. Hat'. .- el-litll-l ... . ' ..li.i :' ' ' ul li - s , i.. i.oseoN. Milj- la, I'-l. li'... lraAXS.VldO.-()V M.)V,'AV.THF r .-n-li. at i !- OI.lVI.il Vt-.lt Is. n LDi? Hi.hV, '.V.'iKMlll 4 I F. .1,1! x. c. ,1 V. iia.i tillt. iiiii-i anurimi .'i.-n i .ly !-i II, J. i'O W FLL. Friticiiml. Von;, hsUiiuu eouniy, X. C. , i ! - MA: nT,;,ilfT v le-1 IPS mils iii!) iiii iliU liUUA. fV.a Hi . , i, a la il ft w i i 1 , I I' Iiii AM. X. C. 20 19 10 .s. Ni'.V. cu if envv MCLASNK: ",!-; Hi i'OKH'O MOLASSFS. FilLS. SFliAFS, ,1 - S.U'L IM uf;) tick (. i)t- I I'.Ls. V) li hM' II i ,oj r " j i t - n ; o : v ' Ml,l soo; t a"--' SO ill 11) liilsll 1'OTATOF.S. "..'.ties f FOi It. :i, i t 1;N. i s i) v; s, !': . . v i 1 rnoi'S. Id S I Ili Mil Will I'll From V.axall Mills. i-i s k mi; vi -c. i; 10 T '.S V i L t 1 1 1 1 H V i t'. .' ! lis Olllv, , i" ! -a Ineeiiients and retail trade. in r.t. m can t:.ert 1 1 " to the wii t iitiie to see c,-. UtCflM "Nt. I ' ! 1.(1 & t t. ? t'i,l!M NP,! PATENTS'' rut d'HtT. .1 IliTI f ill IL I' PTP -e Il'I. IM fiO- ii H . .t . li , r.r n-ltf S Iim- ' t:ir . '1 iiu ir.-, I t,.. i hi -ill I'Vi'-t. lit t. r ti.-i ". l.i w i liihla '.. H:ML ' I. :i I'l I'osl li'.i imf, VitoiiiUtftOU, U S4 i I I I, ?'. tf v-tnr !-.i!-r .... n " n-. " .-, -id . li l h-rsi In I ' ,i .Miwi ,n, t.c i-k.c ni.mu'jt luitr., 1-aui- ! Old Fuyoftevillo! R. E. SEDEEItaY, I Wholesale aiii Retail Dngiixt, W l-lies !u lliti.l-lll Oil' imlill.; ll'.ill lie lniW wi'llliilH iif ih-w i, h, i,--. ii -I i-i. in mi iliu s..uUi-1-ast ui'i'uuc Mnriii'l SiiHi'u KliiTr lit- iuui a NFW AN U FltJSlI STOCK i el' : DiiUGS, MFDrCTNF.S, PAINTS, ! OILS, GLAKSWA1HC. an I . very Iiln4 ic-nnliv m i I In a nis'.-elats 1'irua s:..i., ul wli.-u-.-aii-mi l n iail. II l'ri.Cf , .liili,J lill l iMlUnVllfli' ll BIIBIBIlKW'l Ky--'1, i;l! iii tn.'i iui'ii-H in iiie wli'ik-snlt! trails A;i!it :i. 1PM. lilil.i. TH2 MM OF DlftHAM, llT)lJ!IJVr, TV . '., lli'e.-tvf" tii'ji. .-Us, iiayiti.ln ,-ii Iikmanii t-r iininiF t l-r its ni.-ty l,i ai'it-i-l. Will laiy unit sell blork uml liniiiis , ii liu- in,,.-! lav uaiili' li l Ins. Will liny iiii.l m il l..vliahij.- mi llie N' .-!!i rr laii-upt! al fur-ri-iii run s. I'.ii iusiinii'tt in-.' rtoi..-lttl . ; WQGL CASBlNfF I liavo inn Iu NF.W t'Milis uml am iirepiiretl to GAUD WOOL in tit.- hi-,1 liiaiii.i i . will I, tin-, ili k nii,l curl! Into r lis li-r r ,-riiii- a , iui,, ur tt ill ,li- llie iiriKinlnif III I mill I' '.nil. I, i'l-l'l'iilis uli.i V, l.-ll In t'ri'HMl t,,"li- wi.1,1 i,in i i,s . i." .."I liu.l .-, iin- Lilt- i,r I ni. i-: laril tn in ni tvi.,,!. ti. ty.ji.1 inusi In till i-itsea li.- wi ll ti i ,-lieii i, in, I. JAMliS l'Al'E. , May K, ls-l i.i, TOiiAUJO FLUES. I linvf tifi rrtt't'lvt -l a 1m 2" M uf Hliont iron for T-M-M'-.-n 1 Im'rt, uml mil u w HV HH to fm ulell Vw ttf itisy six It t.r j . t.1 mtu. JrilitHMi ytWB ti jtiTd'F 'I' 111 ItialiGi I'l ili rv, W tl'IVllllH I no lu Huylug , 'Iciffef Too Need. Si'inl in-nii. iin- i-iiii'iiii ii! ur liitrasmiil I warrant ' ll II! vlilii,il any li-.,n!-ii- hi -,ii. I ,.. .-.-ii-i'v a i-i-'u'.' s-i.-k ! ilio btssi COOK ToiKS,il .i-i--,-.-, :!,..,: wiil sail nil. '-""Tii. TAVLOH, Dl'liJlA.M, N. C. Aiirli 'J'i, h'M. ! Tobacco Farmers l SF, mnm mixtohe. liecanse Uriiish Misturo supjdies what tile k-nd I'li-k... makes the crop miiiue taily. makea a linger yield, aiid v.ell-deviltij i d Leaf, makes a F.IHCHT- YFLLOW LEAP, of rich, oil; f -xtute. makes the Leaf THAT 111 'Y Fits HID FJP. Ai d iib.ive nil KAKES RETUHNS loll Tl... SFLLF.R! YVYATT A TAYLOR, Grocers ,V Coniaa ;si.,n Merchants, ltAi.r.iuii, M. C. Manufacturers Agents for Chatham and ad't'iiiiiig counties. Send forour Almanac. Mav 1, 1884. VS:iM)IGT. J Uoi What evervboilv savs must lie HO. The ladies all -av liiat I, LONDON'S V re the have e iV hi i:tti. pit tiit.st and cheapest they t-r st eii. He will make his ;i iitt IV tie. s a. a n. He is show ioititst trimiued AJD 2IATS . county. Ladies, i'lren's nnti imnied is iu t verv stvle, n, .'. Alt kind LMMTNGS. His ll g the h ,i:d Mi-- il:its fl'i 1U)XXt;t nit DSSSS SOQl'S SSPAETfiBHTS are very (ah. ll - can suit any taste. Oi't ss goods from 8 cents up. Nice, pn ttv I. AWNS at 0 eeuts. LKAt'tliTL WHITE GOODS for Ladies ami Children's Dresses, and nice Tiimmii gs for them. LACFS. SWISS AND HAMBURG IIAilMiOlDFIilllS. AC. hxs rA-nir oor3 iiu.! NOTIONS DKPAUTMENT3 are v : v .uti aetive. Ladies FIXFX Dl 's i'I'.il.s. UOOPSK1RTS, FF.si i.i.s. CtiRSKLS, FFCClXiK COLLARS, PANS, PARA S! ) i ,S. HANDK F RCHIEFS, FFTTONS AND GLOYES, in eudleus variety. Ladies and Cialdren's STOCKINGS cheaper than vou ever saw. PL 1 ) s 1 ' i ! I ' PS. L A( 'E CURT.UNS, LIXFX. HOLLAND and PAPER WlXt)0W SHADES, and anythi'ig else you want. Large stock oi Fa.lles'. Men and Chihlreti's SHOES. GAITER- and SUPPER3. HIS Rea-lymacls ClclliaiE Eepartment is wnl M-,;iu-d. The liest and ehopei-l hi has ever had can fit auy one. Mi n or liovs. His HAT DFl'AKTM FXT has all styles of Men nun li- vs I- ur. oo lien ami Straw llat at bottoni prices. H. 1k: si i FFST SHIRTS made tor th.e i t-v. Ii'otii 12 to 17 in sizes. t'M-i -i i 'l.'is. Cuffs, Socka, iitui a In autl! .1 line of Scarfs and l i nvats. !! VIIFWAIMI. TINWARE is extrat ii o t iM 1 CI IONS, DRUGS, Lent hi r. 1 ai ming Implements, Seville F.liides. Plows, kc A huge lot of FLOOR MATTING, verv cheap. Our GROCERY DEPARTMENT is vei v lull e sell only PI Ui! islGAli:s. and sell them aa clit.'.p as c:m It.' bought in the coiintv for the cash. If vo t wish to get the best good and imv kind ef goods, call on W. L. LONDON, 1'ittsboro', N. C Ai-r il 17, 1H.