an l)c l)atl)am Kecorb. II. V. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, one year Ono copy, ix months . One copy, three montbi S 2.011 $ 1.00 '.o id Night. Eight tiroes the cluck Inn- struck ; 'J.'h stars peep out o'erhen I , Aeros the n r there oomos A sonnd of marching trend n city and rlUttgeand town he children are pan;; lo bod. With fool teptswtfl or slow, W ith in, i B graroor bright, IJv twee an I three Ihey go, All robed in gowm ol xv Into ; And each with a backward id moo Cull-cheerily nut: ", Niv da kor ginMs the sky, 'Hie stars their watches keep; When uexl the clock -hall -inke With hollow voice and 'eep, In city ii n I ilblge anil f.w II 'ihc children will baaalecp. . Vmrgurti A-:. Joaetsa In Widm Jlwrnk. A HOT CHASE. BY AN lOX-KNOINKEK, A loco notive enginoer ;iiiJ a civil engineer a :e two very different persons, fur one has charge of a locomotive engine, nnil the other has cliurge of, and controlr, a variety of instruments. First is ths transit, then the level, the levelling-ro:l, the Mag, chains axes and stakes, all in charge of competent men. An engineering party, to do good work quickly, shoul 1 consist of at least ten persons. The chief of the party usually goes Ahead nnd picks out the route the i thcrs arc to follow, and often takes a (lag-pole along with him. Si icking this 'nto the ground, he waves his hand for the others to "come ahead," and 'he transit man sets his instrument in that direction, nud c uhvs the vertical cross nair in the telescope to cut the pole, optically, in two, But l am afraid some readers may nut know what cross-hairs arc Most jf you know the principle of a tele, scope; an object-glass collects a large number of rays of light and conceit., and a lens, or a series of lenses, magnifies them. Thai is the simple principle, and in a transit, or level, just where the object-glass forms the image and the eye-piece magnifies I, there are two cobwebs so line hat the unaided eye can hardly see 'hem, stretched across a round brass ring, at right angles with each other, me perfectly vertical and ono horizon tal. The point where I hey cross each jther is the exact center of the lens. These are the cross-hairs, and they 'ire on the optical axis of the instrn incut. With their aid a straight line can be proloii.el any distance, or in a level, the difference, in tie vat ion, be tween two points can be determined to the thousandth part of a foot, provided ihe operator and instrument be in goo I trder, and if the rodman, who holds a jointed pole graduated to ono one thousandth of a foot, understands his business. To explain the working of an engin eering "arty would be tedious and un nteiesting to many, ail as that has nothing Ji do with m.v story, i will nt tlo so. Instead of that, imagine me and my rodman running a line of levels from a stream of water to a new railroad, to see whether there was elevation enough to force it into the tank, and t lie rest of the "party" mile3 away, busy at jomething. That was the very thing I was doing on" day on the Northern Pacific Railroad lit was not that rail road, but it la a handy one to use on this occasion ). The stream of water was two miles away from the new track, and that morning we had ridden from our board place, ten miles east, on a little hand car. The grade there was a descending one, westward, for a long distance, and all we had to do, when going in that direction, was to sit stdl and fly along over the new rails. About fife miles further west a large gang of men were working, laying track; and the smoke of the engine on tho "construction train" was plainly visible across the undulating prairie-. George and I, then tore, did not feel lost 01 alone, and we worked hard all the morning and ate our lunch in the cool shade of the tank house, just finished. As we had nothing more to do that day, 1 determined to put the truck on the track, after we were done eating, ride down to the track-layers, and return with them on the flat car that evening. Hut 1 was hungry and ate a great deal, and then began to feel strangely drowsy; the last thing I remember before 1 fell asleep, was George stand ing by the level in the hot sun, and looking through it at the hills east ot us. 1 cannot say how long I doted, for 1 was startled so suddenly as to "jog" my memory to an alarming extent "Indians!' I heard soiuo one cry; and 1 began to rub my eyes sleepily. Hut I ditl not rub them long, for I raw (ieorge throwing the truck on the track, in a state of great excitement. 1 WW at bis side in an instant, and a .quick glance around showed me the Ce VOL. VI. true state ot things. Eastward, about a mile distant, were five mounted Indians, riding toward as at full speed As the camp had several times been 'aided during the men's absence, 1 had no doubt that they were hostile. 1 Was not excited as fleorge was, however, lor I put my level and levelling-rod and two spruce tics on the car before 1 shoved off. The rails were new and rough, and the hand-car was not worn much yet, but as 1 jumped on, 1 fell it gaining speed dow n the straight track, and 1 arranged the two ties in the form of a barricade. Then I looked back. The live Indians evidently meant ImmImm, tui iiiev were vowing nefnot us they could toward US, and were gaining upon us; and when I heard George moaning as he crouched behind the ties, I did not feel very cheerful or hopeful. I reached for my revolver in my hip-pocket, and examined its charges as coolly as I could. There were seven large-sized cartridges In it, and the zip of a bullet by my ears at that moment showed me that 1 might have to use them. I also erouche I be hind the ties after this warning, and looked cautiously ov er tho top at our pursuers. They gained nearly half the distance during the llrsl live minutes, but the increasing quickness ol theelick oi the wheels at the joints of the rails gave me a little hope as I watched them. As to George, he was so terrilied :is to be unconscious; hut a long life of en gini ering upon the plains had hard, ened me a little; neither was this m.v lirst adventure. The sun poured down on us, and but for our motion, it would have pros trated us; the wind was blowing the same way that we were going, but we were moving faster than it, and this gave u a faint breath of air, I took off my light coat and formed a shade over (ieorge, who was helpless, unit lo ked ahead. far away, through the moving wave of heat, I could Bee the smoke rising laxily from the engine, and ihe two ails stretching in a long perspective, until they were lost where the grass seemed dyed brown; lint the steady ciick-u-elick-click of the wheels re minded me that ii w as n long way off, and I fastened my eyes on th Indians- They were spreading out. One of them, on my right, ha I left the main body In hind, and was circling around to get ahead ol us. Then I thought how lucky it as there were no curves to give them an a Ivantage. When I' had lirst sighted them they were making a great many extrav agant motions; but now they were ready for action, and 1 could seethe foam on the dark breasts of their ponies as they leaned well forward. But in propor tion as their, steeds tired, our steed gathered new energies, and the two thousand feel that separated us did not appear to lessen very rapidly. Whether they wanted to adorn their belts with our scalps, or wanted to hold us for a ransom, was another question. for they had tired but one.', and doubtless, that us a "long torn," llred on a ship, re tards, in a slight degree, its motion? so their rllles, llred ;.t us, would check them. They did not lire, anyway, but their reasons for not doing so can only be guessed at. So far as I could judge, only one of them w as gaining on us, and 1 grasped the handle of my revolver as I saw that he ten lessening the distance be tween us. lie was covered behind his horse, excepting Ids right leg and toot, b it 1 did not see lit to waste a shot yet; there was no knowing what might happen, I thought. Besides, my re volver would not carry accurately that distance, and every ball might be re quired. I ventured to look ahead a moment, and saw that the smoke was nearer, and that the outlines of the engine and a few cars were distinct against tho blue sky beyond; and then another thought flashed across my mind. We were going down a grade of thirty-live feet to the mile, hardly fall enough. 1 reasoned, to move the still truck along over the scaly surface of the rails. 1 could even see the change of grade, neatly a mile ahead, and I hoped (and only a mind in danger knows hum to hope) tl at the SUI would beat down more unmercifully and overc ime those tough ponies. I was helpless; the truck was run ning as fast as the laws of gravitation and friction would let it. and 1 did not doubt but that tho Indians were urg ing their ponies to the utmost. Any word or action, of mine, how, ver, would not increase our speed, and as near a I could judge, we Wl re going at the rate ot lift -.-on miles an hour. This may stem extravagant, but 1 think it is not so. 1 am sure the truck did its best. 1 crh tps the Indians saw that they were not gaining much, for 1 heard another bullet whil over our barricade, and cautiously lowered my (Prat j) inn $Ucort PITTSBORO', head. The report was lost to my ear-, full of the ellck-a-cllck-cllck. Then I determined to shoot. The nearest pony was but little over a thousand feet away, an l the chunge of grade was not much more than that ahead, 1 look a careful aim, holding the sights so tiny centred two feet above the pony's head, and llred. 1 heard them yell at this aggression, but tin- bullet, insteiul of hitting the forward pony, carried strong, 1 think, over ils head, and struck one of the rear riders. Mi" of them fell back anyway, and I deliberately cocked the revolver again. This lime I did not aim so high. I could feel my heart beating rapidly when 1 thought how much might de pend on my accuracy. The ten-fool grade was not far away, I knew, and I tired. I heard a savage yell, but my shot did not take effect except as it roused theil anger, and I heard several bullets ':. , into the spruce ties. 'I he truck still kept upitsspeed, and a hasty look over my sltuulder- -I was lying flat, behind tin- tics -enabled me to judge how far away from safety we were. We bad covered about half the distance, ami I distinctly saw the cud of the thirty-foot grade. The Indians evidently saw that we were Hearing th- construction train, too, for they lashed their jinnies furi ously. I determined upon another shot The nearest Indian had gained a little i:i tin- last few minutes. I aimed at the pony's foretop and lired. That shot determine I the day. I saw the pony stumble a few steps and fall, throwing his rider over his head. I he remain ing till e. v itli a savage yell. I'm (1 a art dig volley, and di sW rein. And 1 1 1 -it al that moment the truck struck the ten-foot grade. I fell its pace slacken instantly, but, luckily, tin- In Hans did not know one grade from another, and in a few minutes more they were a mile awa;;, consoling th ir brother wiio would have to walk to their camp. Seeing that I was -ale. 1 took a look at George, lie was not to'ally uneon" i-cious, but looked at me with an ex pression of terror. It took me some time to assure him ol bis safety, but 1 Anally 'lid, and we joined the track layers with thankful hearts. The en gineer, when he heard my story, un- pled the engine from the train ami gave chase; the Indians were too wise, however, to follow the track, and we -aw them disappearing far to tho south.- - I 'mill's L'nmiitnthll, Paper in Japan, Taper is an article of great utility to our -isters in Japan. Not only do they use p iper fan-, pom lies and lanterns, but also paper pocket handkerchiefs, umbrellas, waterproof coats walls, windows nnd strings. The Japanese obtain it from a different source from our own. Instead of old rags being converted into clean paper, they make use of the bark of tin- bioussonetia papyfera, stripped, dried, and then steeped in water till the outer green layer com soil. Hi- cheap; four sheets of the ordinary quality being worth about one farthing. it is a pa per that doe - not tear evenly; some kinds are tough -more like cloth. When required for a string itis deftly twisted into a strong twine, which in Buine cases is made of part of the pa per forming the wrapiier. When oiled, it is made into waterproof clothing, or stretched on a neatly constructed bam boo frame and used as an umbrella. (ne kind ir manufactured to assume the appearam f leather, and is male into tobacc.i pouches, pip: ami fan cases. The conjurors use a kind of white tissue paper in the famous but -terlly trick, when a scrap, artistically twisted, hovers over a paper fan with all the Muttering movements of the living insect. A Precocious Musi al Prodigy. About a hundred artists and friends had a-acmbled in Vienna to bid Hub- instein farewell, when the pianist dis covered among those present tin-young pianist prodigy, Julius Pruwer, nine years of aire, lie at once introduced the boy as his "latest friend," placed him before the piano, and listened for half an hour to his performance, from memory, of pieces by Bach, Chopin, and others, trausjwising several of the ii into different keys at Itubinstein's request. After one of his best pas sages. Rubinstein exclaimed: "This is, genuine talent which hits a future " Liszt has also taken an interest in Pruwer and presented him with his photograph with the inscription: "To the little pianist prodigy, Julius Pru wer, Who in his ninth year plays Bacb'l fugues from memory, en ill skil fully transposes them." This is pre cisely what Liszt did at the same age. During the pant nine years nearly 90 churches have been burned in America. CHATHAM CO., N. C ( IIIMHtFVS COLUMN. lie tVmiKlltl liny. Von needn't look at me, I'd- ', Ami rumple up your amy hir! For y hi were naughty loo, t ,-d.iy, - Veil were Von Hole soma cream from Uridget, sir: What am I Staying here I'M ' Why, Because I lutte to wear il.i- uress. I didn't do a thing but crj And y.--, I stamped my loot last m I guess! It'ti been h very dismal du They thiuk I'inorua, pn i little me! lint it they'd let me have my nay, YOU see. How good and pleasant I could be! l int. h n my ten was -III cried (Ol course) an ! wh i I eonl In'l iv Out Mith th her (ji I- o ride, And mi It'.- boo i the livelong .I.e. , you know, "Here tit led stays, until -he trie, ller naughty temper lo linnet," Mamma said softlj and liereyol Were Wet. I wonder il I'm sorry yet! 1 altnosi think What .Id iv. Dear fussy? Lot toinorKiw lie Better nud buppierthau lo-diy! Dear no-. That's just whit 1 .- Well, we'll seal Maf ret Johnton, in fhr .Yurtery. A Bird's Aew io. . The appetite of the bird is wonder ful, If a man could cat as much in proportion he would consume a wholi round of lieef for lis dinner. Tin redbreast is a most voracious bird. It lias been calculated that to keep a red breast 1 1 1 to his n iriual weight an amount of animal food is required daily equal to an earthworm fourteen feet in length. Taking a man of aver age weight, and measuring bulk foi bulk with the redbreast, I tried to eal. eulate how much food he would con. Btime In twenty-four hours if he ate as much in proportion as the bird. As suming a sausage uino inches in cir cumference to be a fair equivalent oj tin-earthworm. I find that the man would have to eat sixty--even feet ol such sausage in every twenty-four hours. I mention ltd-in order to Il lustrate the anount of work which is done by insect-eating birds. How Jo-ij Wmi I until. Josey like I to keep office for hi- (Tne U , ; as h . died him But th doctor did nit always liketo trust him there when In w.n calle I away, for Josey had a habit of looking into things that ma le the doctor fear he might get int i mischief, for Josey w.m a meddlesome boy. One day, however Josey found himsLilf alone, and began t look at everything on the table -i-i i....,.:.. hIah .... I l.i... ... ... l lie l-l'-i u i iMiini IH'.-''' nun hi. -.-I. "JIo! I un v how t tix this," he I said. "If any m m cane- in that want. ed 'leetrie treatment I ("ill do it a well as Uncle I) i. tor. There! Sow it's all right! Mow yott ta'o hold ol these handles." The taking hold was easy enough, but letting o was quite another mat ter. Any little boy or nirl who has ever tried it will know how Josey'a arms jingled and ached, but he had to hold on he could not let go; and there he was, tears running down his face, when his uncle heard his screams .-md came in. "You were caught that time Josey," said his uncle, when he had set him free. "Now, remember that bad habits hold fast to a boy worse than an dec. trie battery does, and are harder to get rid of, anil meddling is a very bad habit." "I won't have anv more to do with either of them," said Josey.. sunt, am. Man Traps, 1 have tried a large steel trap with good effect. I have mie made with a strong spring at each end of the jaw of the trap; of course, not strong enough j to break a man's leg or having teeth on the jaws. I secrete it in tho patch where the depredator will be most like ly to tread upon it. If caught by the j leg he cannot release himself, as I here are two springs, Let it lie around loo-e in sight id' everybody, and talk largely of what yon can do with it, and let it be known generally thai you -cj man traps in your melon patch, orchard, Ac. I have caught one depredator, and do not know that I was evcr troubled afterward. Any good black smith can make one for f: to $." Whore bears and Wolves are trapped one can probably la-bought readj made It must be chained fast to the ground oi the thief might .'arry it away at. t ached to his leg. If tie owner will talk a great deal about it the appre hension of being caught will probably be sufficient, if the rogues are very bad have more than one trap. Hoys will not like the idea of being caught like a bear or a wolf. The nights hat you set it put up your pet dogs, and i in the orchard, take up any Stock tha, may be there. It is great fun to go to your melon patch early in the morning to lad your favorite melon pulled and a man or boy sitting by, keeping, as il were, watch over it, (tountry OtuUt ' mun. JUNK 26, 1884. TUB UKKtT BKSKKT. , urapltlc I'll imc of Mrmes m - it lim . A traveller w ho has journeyed across the or at Sahara desert in Africa, thus describes in the New Orleans Thm the terrible scents thai he witnessed: Hid ing Ihc hundre I un-tres in advance of our little troop, the horseman who acts as guide dire ts our way over the dead level of the dismal Bolitude. For the lust ten minutes he kept his horse at a w alk, sitting motionless in Ins saddle, and singing in his own tongue a melan choly, long-drawn chant, with singular ities of Oriental rhyme. We imitate bis pace. Then all of a sudden he start s olf at a trot, standing in his stirrups cruet, with his great burnous Hunting behind hill). Anil we all trot after bin,, until he draws rein again to re. commence a gentler pace. 1 ask my unradc "How can he guide us through these naked wastes without a -ingle mark to show the w ay ?" I lut he unsw erctl: "There are only t he bones of camels." And in fad, every quarter of an hour, wi' came across some enormous bono gnawed by beasts, cooked by the sun - all white, in strong relief against the sand. Sometimes it w as part of a leg, sometimes part of a jaw, some, limes a portion of the vertebral column. The caravans leave behind them every animal that cannot keep up: and the jackals tlo md earn all the remain" away. And for several days we continued this monotonous voyage, always in the saddle, always behind the same Arab, almost without speaking. Xow, one afternoon, as we w ere ap proaching Bou Saada, I saw, afar offi before us, a great dark mass, made Iarg'-r by the mirage, the form of which astonished me. At our approach tw o vulture- Hew away. II was a car cass, still slimy in spue of the heat, glossv 111 though vanished, with putrid blood. The chest alone remain ed; the limbs had doubtless been torn off an 1 carried away by the voracious devourers of the dead. All! There are travelers ahead of usl" said the lieutenant. Some hours later we entered a ravine, a sort of defile, a frightful furnace, hor dered by huge rocks toothed like a saw di irp. pointed, ragged, rabid, in re volt, as it were against the implacably ferocious sky. Another corpse was lying there. And a jackal that hid been devouring il lied away. Then, as we passed out of the ravine, a gray heap of something before us moved: and -lowly, at ihe end of a dis proportionately long neck. I saw the liea l of an agonizing camel rise up. He was lying there had been lying for three or four days, perhaps on his side, dying of fatigue and thir-t. His loiur mem'wrs, thai seemed inert, broken, all mixed up together, were stretched upon the fiery soil. And, hearing us coming, he ha I lifte I up hi' head, like a light-hotis . Hi- forehead, already gnawed by the sun, was but one wound a great running sore; and his resigned gaze followed us. lie did not utter a moan did not make the least effort to rise. ne would have thought, that as he had -ecu SO many of his brothers die in their long voyages through desolation, he knew too wel the mcreilessnesB of man. Now it wa ins turn -that was all! Ami nepas e I on. lint when I looked back a long, long time afterward, I saw still rising Up from the sand the lofty neck !' the abandoned beast, watching to the end the last living creatures he could ever behold, passing beyond the horizon. An hour later it wasa dog, crouching close to a rin k, with jaws wide open and fanes glittering -incapable of moving a paw -with eyes fixed upon two v ult u r s who sat not far off. pluming themselves while waiting for his death, lie was so iossessed with terror of those terribly patient birds, waiting for hi- flesh, that he nevi r turned his heal, and did not even feel the stones that a saphi (lung at him. And, suddenly, at the outlet of another defile, I saw the oasis before me. It was an apparition never to bp for gotten. One has traverse endless plain-, i limb -d mountains all craggy, bald, calcined, without ever seeing a tree, a plant, a single green leal , and lo! right before you. at your very feet, is an op i iite mitSH of sombre verdure as it were, a lake of foliage extending upon the sand. Then, further on. the desert recommences, lengthening In finitely tot he indefinable horizon where it mixes with the skv. Kairwan, Kairwan the Holy, tin African Mecca, guarded by popular fanaticism, carefully maintained by its imans, has ...itil recently remained Impenetrable. No inlidcl sullied it by making his dwelling there; a few only passed -tfiO. 42. I through it, and these not without peril.) Vet how rich a mine it offers to the j observer: it is to-day, with the exeep- tion of M"c, a. the only city where one hinds the characteristic type of the Arab, tie traditionary lore of the racei and epics of its origin, intact as in the primitive day- of Islamism. These Arabs who, at the height of Hk ir power, were the progressists ol Kurope, . and had. if not advanced, at least saved j I scienco from the dark tie and tie bar. . j barism of the Middle Ages, huveto-day no .sciences i xcept that which th y call their science of God, no physicians, no . j lawyers, no bankers; but priests ev ery where, undei the varied forms of i imans, mufti-, koodjas and mnralwuts, whose liv es are passed in writing dull commentaries on the Koran, and in ueekinsr newinternretntioiiH of obscure texts. The city lies in an immense I plain, partly of marshy, partly of sandy soil, slightly undulating toward the ; sea; it is bordered "ii tho north by the ridge of Zaghouan (44:12 feet i, and on the w est by the chain of the Sefaya. j In spring-time the approach to it Is charming. Th ground is co ere 1 w itli barley, wheal, and tiny tufts of alia i of a beautiful dull green, already yellowed and scorched by the sun, j almost disappearing amidst a dazzling multitude of flowers with tleir flaunt. iiil' color-. Heie and there the lower lands, covered with water, glisten in the sunlight. The plain spreads oil j in monotonous uniformity, and the eye seeks in vain a tree, a rock, on which; t re-t. Hark specks, sometimes light columns of smoke, indicate the dollars 1 -the Arab villages. I'nravans pass : slowly in the distance. The silence is broken only I v the plaintive and I curiously modulated Arab songs taken up. orn- ly one, b tho i-amel driver, j The simple calm of the landscape, the primitive costumes of the nomads, bring to iiiind familiar Bible scene-. From the top of a knoll a faint white line appear-in the distance: it U the Holy City. Following the accidents of i , the ground, one lose- sight of it for I j some moments t find it presently the ; more visible. In the rystalline air the embattled walls are clearly defined against the mountains. Toward the northern end the lofty minaret of the (irand M - ti stands out clear-cut and isolate I: presently, little by little, as I mie appro " lies, the wall seems to be I ! crowned with kobbas, green or white and with minaret-. Scarcely express ' ible. but "iv in;; to the picture a halo of i enchantment, are the transparency of the at mosphere.the clear-cut silhom ttes the fineness ol color of the mountains in the back '.'round, their silver gray! 'pearled with all lovely shad. - of rose j 'ami blue of an infinite sweetness and I delicacy. Arriving al -unset, the hour of ; praver, a -al and contemplative mood steals over one; the harsh voice of the muezzins from lofty minarets, calling the faithful ones to prayer, alone breaks I the stillness of the plain, aglow- In tho setth..' sun: one half fancies these may be other Jeremiahs lamenting over the I ruins of their country. A mill indeed, ; and a desolate ruin, is this Kairwan, which has ii-t presented herself to ui from afar in all the subtle charm ofhei ; Eastern adornments, HnrjKr's Mmju Hon Swi-- Babies Live. I fancy that an English baby, if he could express his thoughts, would de. elded ly object to be pla d in the -mall, narrow box in which babies are carried in Switzerland, and would rebel against the bands of ribbons which are tightly wound around it and him. The '-wis- baby has, of course, no such refractory feelings. Probably he knows thai there is a go nl reason for beiiiu' wedged in so cluseb . and bound so firmly, and submits without a mur mur. The origin ol the custom is this: In the spring of the year the inhabitants of the villages and ham lets shut up their cottages, and driv ing their cattle before them, ascend the mountains and live in their chalets during the summer months. They do not stay in one chalet all the ti but when the pasturage becomes poor, as cend to anol her. and slill another, changing their abode perhaps eight or nine time- in tho course of the season. The scanty furniture of the different chalets remains in them from year to year, as they have but to bring I he im plements they require for the making of their butter and cheese. These the lather carries, the elder children help ing him; the little children run by his side, and the mother lifts the cradle with the baby in it, on her head, fas tens the milk pail and the family um brella on her shoulders, and taking her knitting in her hand, works awav ' industriously at a pair of coarse worst -; ed gaiters for Seppi, or a neckerchief ! for Kathi. as die ascends tho moun tain. What Would the poor mother i do If she bad to hoist an Knglish cra j die on her head, and ascend the steep j mountain with it? OIlic Cljatljam ftcrorD. RATES ADVERTISING i One square, one insertion One square, two insertions ', One square, one month for larger advertisements tracts will I if made. 1.00 1..V) a 50 In the Bridle-Pnlh. Thei ride, thej ide with slackened rain, facing the sinking sun, And lie i- ti l inu her over ac (in - '! ,r- old a- tie- bending 1-1 And it never luwliapiieiied dial of two Marvelled what ii eouM I" II never ban hnppe I that one of two, , I... have lelt thai to love was enough In Ibe sweet and the sunuj weuthel But hnvo found right winds t"i tha song ot birds Fur to I mild the m-i in tin upring is bust, llh. he ride- St her III id c-leill, And he bend- llilll U her eur, ,, thai pnt- I ire ii -nit thai flat' real benves. in, her bridle-rein, -eek- moiling Uurper't BWMy. Ill MORBUS. A cereal story- The grain report. A Hash of lightning has some strik ing characteristics. To prevent honey bees from sting ing pull out their tail feather-. The girl whose I ace invariably wears smile must be constantly eat ing t ally. If you would be wealthy, get upon a mule; you will - i tind that you ar betti r off. Kentucky girls wear red roses for ornaments to harmonize with the noses of their escorts. There is mie tiling about a house which seldom fall-, but never hurls 1 1 ii pant when i! d ics. That is the rent. "I dreamed list night that I was married. I- thai a bad dream?" Cross father: "The "lily thing bad about it i- that it i- not true." , correspondent want- to know why some women are called Amazons. Perhaps it is because they are uncom monly W ide at the mouth. Can you give me ten cents for a drink'.-" asked a seedy-looking chap of a reporter. Certainly," replied the reporter, "bring on your drink." "Why don't von get up as early as vou used to a f i mouths ago ' -' an ,,'rilv asked a wife of ln r lazy hus band. "Because, my dear, it's deep year:" he grinned ;is he turned over for another snooze. Astronomers tell us in their own simple, intelligible way that the gradual lengthening "I the days is due to the "obliquity of the i cliptic of the terrestrial horizon. This ought to Bet at rest the foolish idea that tho days are longer because the sun rises earlier and sets Inter. Vittshurg Tele- thout Camels. A w liter says: "The camel is tho most perfect machine on lour legs that we have any knowledge of." A sacred treasure, ind-rd, to Ihe Arab is this "pudding-footed pride of the des -erl." The expression on th faeo of a cam el Is rather pathetic. His eyes uro large and liquid, and above them are deep cavities large enough to hold a hen's egg. The aquiline t, with long, slantim: iio-lrils that he can close tightly against the sand storms and hot burning winds of tho desert, giv e a very sorrow fill i xpression to tho face. The under-lip is pouting and puckering, and you are nol at all sur prised when the poor l east bursts into tears and cries long and loud like a vexed child. 'I hc feet of the cane 1 are of very singular construct ion. with a tough, elastic sole, soft and spongy as they fall noiselessly mi tho earth and spread out under his tottering weight. This form of a foot prevents the nniraa' from sinking in the sand, and he is very sure-footed on all sorts of ground. The average rate of travel for a caravan is between two and three miles an hour: and the camel ,oj-rs on, hour after hour, at the same pace, and seems to be almost as fresh at night as in the morning when he started on his travels. The Arabians say of the camel, ".lob's beast la a monument of Cod's mercy." The camel sheds his hair regularly once a year, and carpets and tent cloths are made from it; it is also wov en into cloth. Some of t is exceed ingly line and soft, though itis usu ally coarse and rough, and is used for making coats for the camel-drivers; and huge water bottles, leather sacks, also sandids. ropes and thongs, art made of its skin.

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