r53 5? S3 '8 -' . . t, i " ? THURSDAY, JCXE :, lKH-i. H. A. LONDON, Editor. BEtSOCBATIC TICKET. for oovkksur: ALFRED M SC.VLTX ron bt. ooVFHXuu: CHARLES M. STKD.UAN. Foil HEI'KF.TARV Ol-" KTVTK: WILLIAM L. SAUNPEUS. iou almt.ui: WILLIAM r. KOI5KHTS. FtlK TilKASC'ltHI : DONALD YV. 1JAIN. ,foK ATT. iiN KV lirNHIAI.: TH1.0. k DAVIDSON rW dnsoi l ot iitii f.i.naoT. YlLLfAf ft COS. TIIK STATK C0NVKNT10X. The Sfate prirrent i."ii of ihe d-nio cratic party in North Carolina was liehl at Raliih on yesterday and jfWrctnfrted the various candidate for the State ticket as nlove printoil. Thin convention was the most eiitliu- ....... i ...,. wnKtic body that wo hue evel seen And every county in the ht.ilc wa represented. The nominations of Oen. Scales for (lovernor. and Major Sledman for I.feu"t"im74 Governor will lie received with pleasure all in. v the State and insures an ovei vviu lui ttiflf majority in November. The convention as called to order by Mr. Ii. H. Rattle, the chairman of the State executive coiiiiuit tee. who recpiested Mr. C. M Cooke, of Frank rWi, to act us tinipoiaiy chairman. .VrtiA.friif.te!. on rvcdevt iala was ap poiuted, and another on permanent organization, which after consulta tion reported the following otlicers, fit. : i.rCsi.leiit . Hon. Thomas Uulhn : secretary. H' A T:rdl i asststMit rttaries, R. M. Fiirinan. W. H I'ae. S A. Ashe, and l'. M. Hale : and one vice president from each Congressional 'Istrret. Nominations fur a caudi ilftte for (rovei ma i.em .-. t iu order, the name of Gen. Scales wa-. present ell by Mr. H U Rryan, of Craven, liiid' tl.ftt of dipt. Coke by Hon. L. C. Latham, of I'itt. A numi.-r of speeches were made and thvn ami. I great eciteliieut the roll of counties was called and the rcwu'.t w.s a. nentwetV ' ' ;'.te., for Scales, Ji2 for Coke and S.i for Col. T M Holt Iu a few moments Capt. Coke e::teled the hall Kt' iu a stitring speech :Ti6ed to make th. nomination of Gen. Scales unanimous, which was .lone with wild .heeling Nominat'ons for Lieutenant (Jow eruor beiu announced the ii..me of -I Mai. ILiuli-v. of Craven, and Maj. Hteb:ii, of New Hanover, were pre sented and ai'it r .i roll u.ll te rr-ull was declared t be t'.'. Votes for Steiliuan. 1U0 for lltight and 14 for itsV. Stedman's nomination was then tnado un.mr.'!-. i A recess win then taken n' til S n. j m., at which hour th'- ; t. ( utioii j reassembled am1 i; i. oeded with the doii'tinations T'.re present incuiu bent. Gnu. W. P. Roberta, w.-.snomi-nato.1 for Auditor. Mr. Donahl Y. Rain whs nominated for 'JYensurer, a rleservi-d compliment to anmst capa ?i!e oth'cer. Mr. Theo. F. lavidsoi. of Runcouibe, wtts iiMn!ri.tfd for attorney Genertt. an excellent selec- i Moif.' Pending the nomination of .-.lH.eilliien.ieM. oi i u. u-1 lisU uei ion. . lL. ..j: .-..4 ... . u i i i. ... f t..i .... i .. . l. .. !if coiiveiuio-i hi . o . a..joiu neii ; until today. We feel assuud that oir readers will appreciate our ett. n ts to give them so uioh irfnrrcaTii n (.s Ve' iTiVe aT:Out the convention. We doubt if any other weekly paper pub lished today gives as full and accur ate an account of yesterday's conven tion an'l tH :7;:tuitiees toes the 5fwrwi. "r'twithstandinj; our dist. Alice from the ntaiesl laiiload or leiegrapn Hiaiion. , Ai.FKF.n M ooiu. Si Ai.v.s. our nominee for Go.einr.i, was I.orn in t!'t-court r of Rockingham in 1S27, but for niany yea'-s past has been a resident of the town of Greensboro'. lv profession he i. a lawyer, h;'vinr (,t ti fm .f his license to piuehse iu 171, and his fivht ofticia! positioa was County At torney of nitt native county. He has been twiee elected to our State Leg wlattire, in l.-"'2 ine.l in 1.715 In 185K he wa elected toConsves, and since the war he has been re-elected live time.1, in 1H"4. ls"l'. IsTK, issO'Sd. '.uini '.V2. Graham 7.j. and 1SS2. During the war, or rsther i The eighth ballot. Cox lit III. t its lesirp;.Tg hi volunteered as a I'owie 12i 5 (!, I'.nnii :.', (iraham lit. private and bygiadual promotions' The ninth bullot. C.r-; Its ( li, arose to the rank of P.rigadier-fion- : I'owie 12! 5 li, Runn :!s. (iiaham 1. l. As an officer he w brave.1 The tenth ballot. Cox 171 1 li. ekilfull, and attentive to the wanfs I'owie 12.7 r(i. Rwnu ito Rutlin 1. of his soldiers, and as a Representa- j On the eleventh ballot Cos was trve in Congress lie ban served his j nominated by a unaniiuoii.; vote amid efiuntiluents most faithfully anil effi- j great excitement and tipro.-M-ioui ciently. In every relation of life and j apphu..e. in eveiy position h has been true to! tfvery trust autl faithfol iu the dis- , the candidate for president i.t! elector, fhariro of every duty. SoK-v and and Messrs. V. F. Fuia.n and W. W. r 1 I' ll i.i . . . temperate tu bis habits, of imviri up-, 1" ul.er were elected as thu delooate tiblo iuteglity of character, with j to the national convention. luoials as pure as the thiveu suovv. We have not the space now to he stauds before his fellow mcu an a ' Hpeak of our m.iuinee, nor is it nece- CbriHtiau geutleuiaii without fear or 'wiry. He needs no introduction to 6 . I proach. Ho nt indeed a typical j our readers, and of c nmie will be re it pi emulative id tle best elemeiit of dt-ctetl by a larye majority. mir North Carolina ronsm'ntisin if clmriu-fpr. ami will nmkf our State it .Uovcriioi-of whom nil Her eitizons ; Amy well feel proml. ; Cumum Mam S if i.MAN, our can iV.latc for 1ientei.ant Governor, is a ; .native of (his (Chatham) county, lie , the son of Mr. N. A. Stclnum, 'now of rayottevillc, hut vvlin ivaafor jinaiiy years the clt.rk of our ol.f j county court and was rcnmrkal.ly ij.or.uhir with our icor.U. Maj Sled I man graduated at the Ktfrto ( nivcr sity willi the liightst honors of his ilw.Hj.iVi. i.cfoi .. tl-ownr. mid nt tlio ('i.niUK'iit't'iiieut of hoi,ti!ilit's joiucil a voluiitoer conipiiny for;; (his county (afterwards eouiuiaiiili'tl ly our es Irenieil townsumn, Caj.t. T. ('riiiii)i), ivas fiiii.oiuted a Lieutenant, ami final ly i.eemue .iiajor ot tiie refluent, tlio llth. JL. ae.iiittc.l himself with distinguished gallantry and was severely wounded. After the war ho tau-ht school at this place for a kIioi I (imeamlstiidiodlaw.amlol.lainedhis license iu lMill. Shortly thercaf I er ho romovod to Wilmington, w hero he soi, Miccossr.il!yeor..nctodwilii the leading lawy.-rs of that city. Indeed. liis success has l.eeil vel'V rclliai k:ilil(. ,M. vlM,ly now im-i the ,ol ,....,...,:...,,......:,.,, of mlv .nvV(... j,, ,,10 State, alth.nil, stiil'a com,.ara niiy and honor to the oilier, of Lieu tenant Oovciuor. mi much so. that we predict that he will he oleded Governor in l-sss 1 DISTKIIT rO.MVKVriON. The di j.iocra! c:'iivi iiti('ii of this I 'oiiu ssional distiict was held at Ii'aii ih. on la-.t Tuesday, and nomi nated Hon. V. II. Cox for l e election to Congress. It wa.. the most large ly attin led ami most hiisiast ic cotiventi 'll ever held iu this district, and while the friends of I he several .".spirants iidvocaied iuoj warmly their claims yet there w.i-. no biiter ness of feeling, and a'l will ivn ihe nominee their hearty support. The (ioni !it ion was c.tlled tuordcr at Tucker Hall by Mr K. .1. l'ani.di. the eliaii man (!' lliedi-tiiet executive COIlimitleii, and the loll i f counties beiiif,' I'ailed all were report eil to be represented. A committee on tie dentials w as appoint' d, cone l ing of Me.srs Webb of A'amance, London of Cin.li. mo, .1 .!.- of I'm 'nam. Thomas of IVankiiu. N"ble of .lohn .s-v.. P-attle of N ish. W. I.bof diaiioe. and Jones of Wake. While this com mit tee had ri tired for consultation stilling speiches were made by Mess.s M ii Wad dell. Thoma, Uuf ti.. V yirnmr. V. N. Mrudwi.-k. I I ).i is and ot le I s The eon i iiiii I i-e on ci J lent lal !u:ele their inofi l.y H A. London. :t; cliairiiian, which teport was unani mou.sly a 1 .pteil (hi motion oi I a id Aiulersi.n. T. IV oniack w as unanin. ou .l v elected president of I ho convention, and MsMs. .Vahrr I'; -- and V. A. Ol.b were elected secretaries. Nominations for a candidate fel ( Vni.'1'pss behi:' next m oi.'ir the following gentlemen were placed iu nomination, as follows: Maj John W. Graham, of Oi ain't by V. S. loo ker sec-Tided by Hon TT'.nms li-.itTiu ; Cant. Ii. H i'.unu. of Nash, by Hon. J J lai.. .econd ed by Capt. Kxum ; Ibm I), (i 1'owle. of Wake, by Spier Wiltaker seconded )Ty Juum t t Ii. 1. W. CoX bv H . London seconded bv W. II i'iice. IVallotins then bean. and the first ballot resulted as follow- : Col'STV. Cu. KoWT.h. Ill NN, Or. H 1 M. Alainanen, Chatham, Diih-vni. Fi aiiklm, ! bihn-tttiii, Nash Oraii''e, 27 15 2 I 2:t I L 12 t2 1 y;ik T-fl, t'?" K t : The second baliot ie-ulied. t Low le Si'.. liimii tl.(i aliam 7 The third ballot oo.. ( i, F'l.vle Rum ii- tb -h'iei VI The fourth ballot. Co U I U. iiuiui 41. Gi iliiim T tA. The filth U!,ot. Cox I l:i. 1- , !t4i, Riinii i:, (riahai-i .7.: Tin' sixth b;.l. f, c,,x lis. 1', wie Hun-i 42, Giaham Is . The seventh ballot, C lis. I . Hi it Mr. IS. H. Bunn wah in.minatetl a.-, PRESIDENTIAL PROS I'KCTS. TjlUit w0 htrt, u ji10 ff , ,,,,,,.,, tIl( ,;. ,,f ((V CU.M of NVw York, a tlio democratic candidal for ,iio rresidciiry. an.I now his nouiiiia- tioii m-enis almost certain. Tlio eon- Vciilion of the State of New Yolk wn af!t ull(l i'K l:m.l KM j(s Ktt)iw f,. lrt.il,.nt. No' i,,stt uctioiiH vv. ro iveii for him, l.ut u .-..Inj was tlt 1 . . t ,t -.1 rc.iiii ing - th .M.al.'s to the national eonveii- ti,, to ,ott, as ,( llt,;i H1ll u i,,,, j lllaj.ritv of tl.cm arc for nevehtml. All is hai uit.iiioiis in llit ranks of the New York dcinoerncy, all their family iniiirn ls having lu'on nnii'-uVly adjust 'il, niul TiuiniKin v Hall vviil join thu county ilciiiiti'iHfV in iriiii'- Cleve- lallll u l(.lll tv kj,j,().,. This ensur..s i Stn, f,,',. llilt if nominated, and ' it is j.eneiiiliy eoiieeded th.it New York's elei t..ral votes will decide the ,1(,st Vfsi,h-ntial tvtioii. It will ll0 l,,,,,,!,,.,.,.,! tl,;1, Cov.laitd was el(H.t(Jii ( iin ,.,,. f ,.w York, two ' yf(w, j,,. l-y (lie uuoi eced.'iite l ma j(1,.itv ()f htij, ,., tliul. SjMll j , U prLuahlf that -x Senator a r . i v .. t i . ... i: .1 l.. .1... ue i 'una:. I, hi j nullum. u i'n um demncratie ..inc.. for Vice I'resi d,l. Tl.c eo.,v. i ion me. is at Chi caj,'o on the si Ii of ! uly. Oitr Va-.liiimlini LoUer. Tl-'ln nur I :cc ut.ii' t'.'l l l'i. l.in. V .sii.m. I'oN. l. C. .Illlle 27. M I he-ui to think t Lilt it wi;i make hl.t veiV lliti-- liili.l' lue who (he I h nioei ai ic lioluinee at Chicago will be. or w here he comes lioiu. I or he is going to be eh . led anvway. The levoil aoain.s. blaine and L-all has aliia.lv tin two weeks att'.l the Iclit iiiation-.i peiietraU.i eeiv poll ion of lh. country, and evouc.i horn li.e de cent portion ol the grand old party an universal ei v for a change. I here was not among the bikers doen ol Republican candidate bcfoie lite Chicago convention, :in on. man so positively bad as i'nillle. ;,et linle would have been n.eii and bold u -lu liioii agaiiist i h Ii el ;on ot tin- In si of tlielu. Oecaiise ol I lie old fell i w Inch ha.s lina'lv t tti i li d a In pi 1. -s disi ujt ion ol I lie party. til uilui licit New oik cannot a,;M e up. n I le Jireselilate.il ot a calell.iate. tlnle m i las o In- seiilii..! ..-.liii oil! .i.le of the I'.iuj.Ue St U. to make a s. lie liolitol lit l, a...i lie- i iioic- cannot I. lit tall upon GoveiiMn- Ci. v. i.oid. who. ne! l i'jl.i.i- stands lor a.! that is to In -oiigi.l in I ho way ol a If lotiuailoli i,f i. HI poll,!, a! Ill' t !e "I: I siij oosi t hat C . , 1 1 l.ogatis inlli till V leci id l.s Hot to be .pie st lolie.l. .111.1 1 .loll I 1.1. ov th it au ho ly de si: i s l -. .jUi si .. It. In.t ill tlie.-e p:i ing times ot pe ill e we ii.iiuiailv in ipnre soi.nl tiin. about tin iicoid of men w h" iii'i .1 e l Uicnisi ii i -. a il.iiinto had. r- lop in civii let'.ii.-. Lo-ali ha I l.o s ion r i nt' ii .1 into l'Uh.,1 llle til. Hi hi- hi .,.ili to ;'l.ril till e Lis f.oi.u '. an. I I . :. e. 1.- m -li t In Ihe 'lib!:.' t -iehe.olcl. .!ni his t.luihV w;is il.e in .:i -t tii.il i. is i n i. known U.ft tile ll.lVs lit M.iCC. liit its ill iiiis u rolcieil upon the military and civil list it In 1 1 it- ol political iv.i.iii mills larger ti.an a ."v-icitor oi bi on sii.l.itivi w-is evil1 li I'Oi.si! -1. In. In for. . and ha.s aifili. eiioix.iti-l the fl i.-lidsin(. of . acli sin-. . e.lu;.; ad miuistiiitioii lo the i li 1. 1 ol lila;:. U.;; li.e j'.iii oiiagt not only of his ow n Stall hi.t ot liie whole North iVist, win icin he has made pi.iccs for that i.eVii to-be salutid host ol plact se kers la stint ill Ihe lanks ol the (i A li It is w.lii this most y lee. .. i that logan no ii'.l beion Ihe people olthls gn ilt country asking to be given tne otcond highest p --sit ion in ihe Gov el lilneiil Oi v nic" the oppia I .mil its of an lilt reii.se.l oaiioiiiigi .ue Itie so, inducements' tor his u auy iuct pl.oa ot I ue nomination. 'Hie tniile has had a g inline sei Stlt U this Wltii tin- last, ainl pioii ab.V Hie iilsl o! Ihe .st ssiol.. ll Wi... ' all l lin.lt- bet Mi f li tl.i massive li. yaiis. ol lv.a.i.s.1.-, .tint t ill Liel I n o.. n, o. t't "1 la. Ill w lilt u ll is gem la. i t . ... t l it I III O the , -V I.e. ,U t illi, l-.s I .line (.1) Mef;.t ,(si I ho llitt i 1 "I. ll ..n of tin- R. -coid that lngalis cli.ugcl i.ooii Rio.', li. aiiioiiultil to n inn g. t v. ii i: I; in-, and ll only shoits u.,.i i i :,.ill.s was cite uipting to ioii a hltle clit,.ji i, iloneiv as a fst .ili .i lal hhiei; giuu.l. n si U-i ling for in.s vie lliu one witost .i-e at hast slnnlid have siiu lib l lii.n li'.jui a jail. in- insult ol I In . chaiael. I It Is .. ... ii.le. ll:oti- 'u not at ail plot-able. Ul.it Coll;:le.s, iloj. ..Ill "'. l-ie ei'.'iv Jhikl ol .Jul.. n...uei t.n 1 1 else ill oiiee lae t.o the b.i ilu.-.s mat i ue ."-it-i. .ue o n, .ii ,.e a tor n, an.I wlueli has t-n-u oi. Hie hjn .ti.fl s Oil. le tor si wtiks, it can i i.sh it li.io'.,li iiinl iioioiun by tl.ii". tunc. Rut t hen- ,i t ins nt be a d. -p i"ii in liie .iili ol t" ith einilol s ami R. p reseiitallves lo iiuait the actio:, ol in coming i )enlol lilt n- t'ooeliti-il., Ill ol' ti l" to mjt el a few hen. be. I e.ua palgli speeches Into the lie. oi l ill.. I have Iheiu i.i inted and iilcuialtd dl I h ivenmii lit expense. 1 vviote to vmi sometime :nc abo.it the failure of the .Mio.hct.ms. and lhat ll wns a bad one mi aiound. It tutus out, however. Unit li.e -coiin-iheilsiu ci.iilieiied v. llli ttus laiaiie Is a eoiuih-le discount upon t.l tv lra:il Ward diabolism, and una has been vvroii-'Lit uiiou loativ a Inxn widow ;;uul oiphitn whose n.oiny was cm. lid m-ly tied up in Il.e hiin is t.i u...st "' '"l'"tl"' "I'"'- 't he .Mnl.ia U.ns (fat liel' itlnl soli) hud been cnlKs Oi lllLlU .states Mipieme t -nut since the ton udat m.i of ll..- (i...vt i,i- . luent up to the time of tl..- death ttw ,l'u v s ) "f V il"'llilt" ',V"l in"!0 ' ft ':i;,"'!'ti " " .Mnltlleti.il) in ample tort tine, oath ei. d tluo.h the means of an elastic 1 coiji,cmuk! aud m oniUu:Uve tt Ull.-1 When ihe younger Middleton started I his bank, he got Mi Kinney (the suc cessor of his father in thu clerk's, ofllec) to do banking busines.-i with him, nml deposit thu court's funds. I McKinney did so, and is now a beggar! The Government of course : is a loser, ns nothing in Washington ciiii become bankrupt wiihoiit iuvolv ' ing the Government, but us the sum is u triflle over .Sl.(M)t, we consider it something of a lucky let off. If this failure is not worthy of the attention of a giand jury, I protest against the arrest and punishment of , panel thieves or bunko-steerers. I Phono. t The weather in Lngland is ho ab- j normally chilly and the nights are so cohl that fears are entertained that the growth of the crops will be Bel iously checked. Prof. Summer of Yale college, is at the head of tin Rejmhlioan revolt against Blaine .n Connecticut. A; meeting is to beheld in New Haven to protest against the Intoned man' next week. The call for the name is signed by one hundred and fifty Re publicans. Senator Kdmmnls did not unite ,rialieat the R-i ib!ican ratification 'ine-'ting in Wa-hiug'on City hist Thursday evening. He was specially invited, l.uit claimed to be ill. As a matter of fa.-t Mi. Llnnin.ls has m.t thawed out yet. He will not gu.-.h foi P.l iine. Moore Gazette: :i the Huh inst . in M no i ul Spn.igs township, at L. C. Mi K inn. .it's Ini , John Willeims, wan shot au.l Lit e. by Johii t oli'. - - I vvo diiikics by the name of l.iles. vvti ii i aigi.e.l before a magistrate in Sand 1 til lown.-hji, for stealing .t pi-r. t. which they jle.id gtii'ty. J. A Woithy. alloniev w .s drawing up a coiniinl ment. and the prisoners, f.-r the time, vvi re in chaise i f a white man. naui'd Louder, who had a double bmielshot gun loaded w th buckshot and asthev nue waiting to jMoceeil to j.ul one of the iiegroes t ried to esenie ami leid run etVwhi ii l.owder hollered to him to hall three limes, and as th" m gro considered fo the time that li ght might ptove il.e better part of valor he i titiiietogit when Lowder cried. -M ist sh-iot '" Some otic in the t-rowd itnsweied, '-y".-', ainl ere tl e si.:o;e hadclca i-dawav, the last breath I. t.l left the niif .i tuiiiite bo ly. Hi. .i"il!i wis n tinlaiieinis, not evn kicking iif . r In iug' shot. Low.ler lnis been ' iced ui jail here. Rociiiiu'iil Number 1 ISM. Ti t- i ii tl m -it -e of --J ioc.im. nt No. 1," Issiii .1 bv tile I l. mocratic Siiite Eviec :.; iv e C. iiiiiuilii . in lNs'J. was gel el illy iei or-l.;ve'l as th eisivc ill that v i ill 's cnnt i.'f e u A sinili o !!-e dboo!; hits beer, .e pan. I foi th.-. viiii'.- Use. and will be issue.) iuimc li.ti.'lv aft i r the sesiou-. of the Chicago l)eiiiocrat ic Cmveii I i in. .The II uidbo-.k vviil In- a vii-11 jniut ed uii i) di It t of about 1 0 Jm ;es, Svo , and will .on'.i.n the fill...! iuf I'iii'i t i .a on uiiiiteis intolv. .! is it- - i : .ii'.l'ol.s l .i-ii:.-. nt N-. 1. f..r I Shi, wiil I-. -ilj.j-li. 1 at n I oi t -i - i i i .; -.:' i ... the actual e.'is', ro-t !' it; iii'i..;. al.-' :! ! . . I l-l'e-s VV-.lv h. . i.l.-r'lhal Me- -i.- - ;!:.., I.ti-.i. mav I..- determi: i I. j i .mpt ol di : s ai e i n i. -sled. A-! h , R .1 l : . ib ..: : i.;.. : L. n. c A v i i s Snisiii:ii .:l i-..t rale -. s.idit-.ii-ly in .a-and tb.i-ou.-i li e lilo id, and is a : af.-. reli ibh', and ul. .olute c:im-f"i- the various .li -as. s. co!ui.!..ii!s. and tlis iiders, dm t . ,n biht v. or to n v constitutional i.-.int or inf. etnu:. WOOL CABDIHG. 1 liiiv- j.ul iu NHW i '.!::.s.,i, , , pi. p.-.i.-.." CARD WOOL ;n i,- I ...- ,iie....T. V.'r i i. .. k a-.-l .-.n -1 ma. i.. is l. -r .- v .-. !, sh i-ii' i . mil in -.. i;. .... -l. ll' 7 - .-I. f- .1 p'-llli-l. 1'.., r- w l... . d i.. . .... ;li- i w .1 iimisI us- i;. .: i.i, . ,e i. rn m ..f i is ..r ...i. I i.. I.i. .f -:.. I .ii ;ii ... I.- it.i. w.-.s I -in I -lli.-l JAV1KS I V" "I".. M.. . ll. J His. j AYER'S " ' Sarsaparilla 14 n highly lontiulralo.l oxtract of SHrsaparlll anil ollivr bl.iiil-purifvliif ro..l, rinliuil with 4tilitlt of 1'iitu ltun Mini Iruu, nail u Itio sad-.ti, most rt-U-ablt-, ami inot ecuiuiii-.-tl tk-.sil-uirillt-r lbt e.-iti I-.- Iisv4. It iururialily nis ! all I.I.khI V"i -in lifiu lU e.viu-iii.inrirbiu un.t renewi tl.o l-U-otl, ami n-iti.rci ili italiuii .nvr. ll ilic Kill known reniwly f.r hrrufula nud ull Srrufuluu4 TumplitlnU, tili l, K.lt-um, Itiii;H)riii, I'-lotthva. Stueti. lloiu, Tuuiur. anil fcru.tioiis of tht- .skiu. a it!.... iv.r all liaitTdtm ohuacJ t-y .t ih. ii nn.l imi'-'Vciubtxl. or currupu-d, t-Mii.iitr.it .a iu- l.i-M.-l, .iKim Itht-uiiitttisiu, N.-iirali;iu, filti-uiiiHtle Guut. iluriU lKbillly, and Stiofuluu Catarrh. Inflammatory Rheumatism Curel 'Avrr.'n S aki if irii L k has cr.-1 nw f tin. liitla.iitiiHtory Khcuuntliiu. wall vtliicli l Uavo aullerd for u.any vein. VV. U. M.Kiaii." Iiurtiati, la., March 2, ISS2. HKKl ARgD UT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. jj.-Ubjitll l-ru(-nn. (fl, iix b.ntlt fur S. AYER'S Affile Cure e. '.iei mi mill, ,.. for all malxri-il ill -t. .il.-i 'i..-ii, m, in i, .,-!,, m.,,1 j t'lL'T i.i. -.It ll is .ma l.s l:. (.',,, ,,IV ,., ai y niiii.-r:.) i,..r n.lireuiM d. t- ewr. .ma ci i,..,,,... . ,v , ,,,.iii.-4 r.. n. in i..: i ll.-.-t Hl.il i:. con-! -tlltH-li. lilt I, ic4 I'. - -l-ii. a, Ii. .i ll, t ,t ,j v.o( ,, t;. k WE WARRANT AVEH'S AGP2 Ct.FU t.. .-niH , r, ,.f -, V(H ull. ,vK.1,. i, ,, ,. ...iiifi t i ;. 1 , v,.., 1,,-m H :t ,.t i . ,-. r. 1 11 -'-i-. I : I - tu, m ". I i i . .... l-'-..e.-.t i..: -v ii.4o.i, IhchwiiI I . i.i . U.-r .In Uv., .1. ,,:..-.. ,-., autl...riz.-.l. t , ..i.r i-i dim U..U-.1 Juiy isii tv.-, w rvfuii.1 tl.o ln..lly. Dr.J.C.AyerdCo., Lowell, Mass. Mii4 l-v ll lniigtfiii. " SHOES! I) i,i pnvn c nn II. h. 1)1)11) iV CO,. C.RKLNSRORO. N. C. The only store in Greensboro for the exclusive sale of Boots and Shoes AT WHOLKSALF. AND RKTA1L. would call the attention of the Chat ham county Merchants and citi.ciis to their spring and .summer stock of SHOES. The nicest ami best ever brought to this market. Call and see (helil. April ji, mi, Greeusbaio Sash and Blind Factory, ! GRLLNSllORO, N. v., ! vrt ve i l lil lis or DOORS. SASH, RLINDS, Mdl'l. DINGS, HIJACK KTS, ANi .'I.Kt:s IN All kinds of Dressed Lnmbi-r. If I II Jl. Ishl. FIKIJJS&Tl'UXEIi, gri.i:nsih);o. n. c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We cat ly ;i full line cf n a ii'n !!f! if. I'd Jt x vito una ju..u LARD, BACON, MS. nice, wiirn: risn ; i,i,s, .m.cki:im:i iu kbs. i(.inuler and Hail j I.-n i ,!-.. ! SAKDINIIS. OVSTKK-i. ;.i..l all kin Is (;,.,,,. d Co K. CAKl'.S. CUAi "Kbit's, tin i:sr K.lis'ms. rrin.es, I'lest i v.-s. .lelli.-s. Minee Meal. Aj.j.le Miilter. Cm ranis Oat Mi ill. lloiiunv. 0-;iiines. Nuls, .V.e. Till Ware. "l;.;.-!.!-!-.. !t,!.ets. ttroonis. S:one Ware. I'ield.-s, Chow Chow, Can.lv. Ci;;.tis ami Tobacco, and in fact i v t n I hin-;- in the ( iiocerv line. Also, ;4e, , ;, ), J,,. WAl lillTOWN WAtiONS. We en aianlee oil) "oo.!. anil prices to be as low as any hoi;-.- in (own. II vliNI ss S: i- i c .S. vllls. Your l 'i i. n.b. i i "i.i s ti i;ni:i;. April -Jl. 1---I Serjeant Horse Power. THKV Alt 10 Strong, Simple, Durable and Cheap. l'nr i; to jo vr.irs tla-y ti.ivc Run Well, Wore Well, and Cave Satisfaction. S. lKl !n: I lift List. S;1M;1:.XT MFC, CO.. C.ivcnsl.oro, n. c. I'or red slickv -.oil ; trashy covered :t n I I etivy s' tl land there isiiothiu ipiiil to lia , eh brnti .1 outii lleiitl Chill Clow.,. South liiiltNl or K;n li and every I'lo-.v umiiiuIci-iI to ui ve i-it'l:ietion or no sale. We I ave nUo a hir. s.-k o' 1 oub!e Shovel and l'lauter's Critic Plow., inu Tu en l ovel atn! l'tiill Tongue I'h.ws. HEAVY A"Q SHLF HARDWARE at evtieim-lv low prices. Special attentioii niven to the Wholesale Tr;ulc. 1 (iive usa tiial. ODKLL UAKDWAUi: CO., t Apcil I ssi. tf. Cr-ir.Ns-...i.o', N. C. ' SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO., Groonsboro, JST. O. Mv:.. i .. it p.ius er m FARRAfl TURBINE WATER WHEEL, Vnlft H COOK AND HEATIMG STOVES, Siw Milk. Cms Milk. Hsris Pawers. 3s$si;!'3s riows, otraw sutlers, natrons, Ami Castings ul Evtty lcCf(tio. -SeitU tir Price-Liot. HARDWARE OF EVERY DKSCIMTiOJ. SASH, BOORS AND BLINDS , Largest Stock in North Carolina. J IT LICS LEWIS h CO., Sus or thk Coi.ntN lIoKsi Snot, 221 Fayettevilltv St., oiiH.ite the Market. J.vi...a7 10, ISH-i RALEIOil, N. C. ! Harris & Flippen, 1 Wll0,CSalfi Mm OKKKNSBOIK), X. C, I -Jis k...: NulH, 1 nn ki'js. i..isi. nml Muli- Sli.n, 1IMI Ih..-s ii.ii-hk Mi.. Null, I ml ...z.-:i Itmi.llf- mi.) I';,, s-.i'il II. wh, 1ml rt.. ..'ii Slinv.-I.-. S.iuIi,h hii. I l eikH, I'm il'..-ii .l..it an.I WnK u Ilium's, :kl,til II. Sllllll.cl Slrnl I-Iiiwh. 'i'i.im.1 II. a oi.) IMiilni-.n In.ii. CARRIAGR MATLRIALS. CARl'KNTKRS' W UK V. L- W RIGHTS' SMITHS' TOOLS OF 1IKST )V LM'V AND , LOWKsr RRICLS. r.l'Ud)KRS may nlwnys rely ujiou us for getting first iiiiniity of goods at reduced rates. We carry at all times a large line of goods suited to the wholesale trade, that we can offer at juices eiu,-l to any market either North or Soul It. Wo manufacture the CKLKHKATLI) AND H. k F. Clipper Straw Cullers to vvhieh we ukU iie,.iiil ul Unit ion. I Want Agents to sell for us. ! Come to see us or write for prices and our Stove Hook. April '14. 1hi, urn. SPHIN(3 m. FFSIII5LATK (iiir.KNsr.oijo, . c. Has now in store and rcccivini; tl.iilv. m gm . npi'lllg ClOtSlIEIiV Of every Style and description, l ot; MKN, YOI TUS. novs AND CIIII. DIM'.N. Also, a full ami complete line of Furnishing Goods, and the latest shies iu A lfANDSO.MI-; LINK H-' x xx. w liiwO I'or Ladies and ( ieiils ; al .o. the hand sonii st line of N',-,-1. vtt .ii- ev, r bi.-ii.:ht to (b. i ii.-.lsiio. All these ooiN vvili be sold at the i.owiisr cask i iiii i:s. and iill I ask is a call In convince vou that you will bo savine money by i I'lircii'isiii' y inn- ninMis of me. I April j, Ivi. Bend Chilled Plow! l-niHMf, I iv oIuiihh iili.tr, !:h riiilit ami lr(i. lri.ll U. . rt,.irniO.. . 1 tl'l.u..i... 1. ....... Sl.-i-l Si. ir-,-. Tliu lu st i'iu-.v iu ADH-rtt C THE ALL RIGHT COOKIMi STOVH. TS. iiisli-rs.u I.S-r-' Vf-liV !. l O.isi.-I. l i itlv SI..O-. .il.ti. .ine rt .. ;I,H .l.ti- !l.l '."-l TWLNTY 1TVL THOl'.ANP f Ili'WSfoii-t, iAV PM H-hl, n-l tl.H'. in .Lil ln-iHii ihy Iwive glvtn Entire Sattsfaclicn. l'UICKS VKKY LOW. Mjr Wrin- fur lrri.Ue Cilu im-i Lit lutilutr -! ZKs. mm j 1 W. E. FOEBIS k BRO j GltLKNSIiORO', N. C, IiFAI.rilS IS AND MASl'FACTURKBS OF j FURNITURE. j ALSO, nr.AI.EKS IN I hijack ins, MIRRORS, j I'lCTTRK FRAMES, CHILDRKNH CARRIAGES, &.C. i April Jl. Is. flu ivmv 1 AVill take in exchange for SHEETINGS AND GOODS, at their Store, Flour, Oati, Corn, j Wheid. IJncon mul Lard, at market i prices. The attention of Farmers and Mill ers is called, esjieeiallv to their make of "B" SHEETINQ for flour sacks. A good line of I DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ; HATS. ROOTS AND SHOES, , (iROCERIES. HARDWARE, ; MLDKTXES, AC, AC., always on hand. Their motto: Fair prices and honet dealing. hiniiAi-y I.. ihhi. (Imp. - . . ,-. niiKHIS, I.nt.-..r V'fli, Wjnit It Jjuc .f N.,ii, Mrcia M ' Vtil'l-lu . M.T. "Jlorris Oro. vi..ii.-.-, i., N,.nis, Winn k Trt.rloi- nt Uielr (A i Hnui.l, WHOLESALE GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. Hi Kxcluiiino and No. 15 Kant Mail in Streets, SIAIEIGII, W. O. i. 1 A li it i . l.AI!(ii: STOCK w hich we oiler to the trade at very low prices. c.-vv. :H,-si rem. vm:N rioNitiie ,), M 1"'(),, Milk.- .iil.-.i a! liUh.-si pi-l.-M aii.l rnurn at onra. 1-,. I.i. .- -... ..ii . ..miiiiiss..ii ul siiinll rhnrm. I i "I ii'lt ni.-.-s ina.ii- ..ii .mii. ,ii mni-.t wim u,. .W-ir i-r l.t i. o.ini.n. .V-li: l-l- 1- .-ll..i.. KiiH.- l linnphal. Vl-.-ii:s ) h, l i Iiiu ,-'""'" '"I" l.-i-rni. I si..iiall C-illon Plow. Ih.- lo. ..I :!..- .-.-n.., n. -I I. ' .l .liil ii 17. 1M. 1885. 1884. m. i m i im, FAYETTEV1LLE STREET, UALIUtSH, N. C. LLADI'.KS IN II All I) WARE of every descriptiou. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, I'AINTS, STOM'S. til'NS, AMMCNITION, Hid Ihe Iar,'est stock of SORTING GOOES ev er in U.ileih. at bottom prices. 1 ";i 1 1 and examine our (stock ami prices. Satisf.cticm Guaranteed. f:" Write for DcscritiT Cireiiln. lon't forget the jilaco, JJt 1 AM11TKMLLK ST. . K. lllM-TS- s . KANklH. A. H UV11. L I Ul r.W LTTKYTLLl. N. C, WHOLESALE GROCERS. April IK't. v : H. T. CHAPIN, DRUGGIST, IMTTSlioKo', i. C. Piii;;. Medicines, Toilot anil Faney Ai tides, TruHsen, (lardtui Seed, Ci'.ius. IVittx. (il. Ac ,,.ii i.-w . iiv'ulij ts.ini.uii.tsl .Uy nt Blfkk .t( ill I.'., l-st. ly JOHN M. MORING, ATTOIIM-JY AT LAW, PITUIAM. N. C, l : vensrs hi Ui.. S iiii-rl-.nti.t liiffrlnrCmirt f t !.i..i,.-imi. in -I .ii Hie Sim au.l leiltnl Couri. ii'insiiy ill, imtl. ly. v aitSTs-UCUKDw .iMnlk.llMIMl J. & P. COATS' 3IX-C0RD SPOOL COTTON, YOU can Btrr rr or: V. L. LONDON, riTTSEOno, if. o. pIMW:fPll .uiil.-w tll,:.L;L;!l'l'jt.l,W