t'OU IIIK nn Al HOME. Ap!e Hum. A cf)rrcsion(lrnt of tlio I'armrrs' Home Jonrmif ilecl;ire.s ttuit (lit.- iijiplt rust, winch hits ruinc'l so iiiuiiv line npiile trees in Kentucky, oriiniiti'il from cedar trees rrrovvini; near orcliartls tlreen, woody luilR t In; si . of walnuts grow on tlio icilar-i. Theso lulls were full of horns, rosonililiii root, ami when it mined or I In- weather was very damp they would swell into a deep red, Holt, jelly-like toile-tanee, more than a hundred timet their original size. When the rains would 'cease these root would shrink hark to their original size and leave an im ))al)uhh) re.l powder. Titi powder being very line and liyht, win easily lifted by the wimN, and, lodging on the leaves of the a' le trees, ean-ed them to rust and fall. That I hi Mat the Cause of the ru-t was proved ly the fact that wherever the cedars were ilestroyeil rust disappeared and the trees hore full crops of fruit again, and the Miage was elran and luallliv. I Olil I'nitun . iIik llmt. The new seetled paMtitet. savs a writer, are rarely at prniii.ih- as the el l. I'roui the t.. I that he s.nl is very t.iulir. tin re a:'" not grasses eiio ig!i in ariely to uiiiiit.ii.'i a growth t f foliage t hioitulnoil tint season, anil Io'Ih e t he few gr.i-.-es are trodden and burned out. aul 'lie -if I" ing it voted a failure W in re a t old pasture is nut run mil with weeds, mi that there is in reality no gra-s, cvami nation will dis. lose a gr.-a' many varieties i. f grass.-., and n uallv very liart'y an 1 uutritous. Firmly route I, they stand the eruppiiig of tie1 st.u k. drought and frosts, and hold their own. When this Ian I i plom.-heil and resloel'i d the l.evv (ji'.i-. i ailliot stand the ileniaPii. n.a le upon it. an 1 the pasture ;.ooii '-puis out." I'uder t!ie.-e riieiiui-'au' i-. it is far be! ter to scatter gra-t s"id of r.ome of the hardy varieties upon the i Id pas'. nr.1 and tnp-dlVss ;t with soaie of ll.e now avaiiaMe i I'ltiioei ial fertilizers. Plough up the im adow s, re-enl them, alternate the u:a-s eii ps vvi'h grains, hilt think twii e about it In 'ore voir plough up the pasture wit It i: . eon mg of hardy. II;1 ..'ed grasps that have stood the te-t of lillv yeai-. l-'eed Ih" pasiure gr.i s and give i'. adddioiia' ,s;rel:g:h (I -.row til. bill lofji Hie jdoilgli mil ol it. 1,1'i rii i m il Inr riu. In the summer and caidy ml! feed ing t-f pii.. we have foiiml ve.-t t orn en" of the In .1 ; ii d le st ci !,v i n u u kimls of le,!.!,-'-. porl, is im.de to the best advantage ly putt :ng t he i .-s. as Sotiii ll- tin y : vv t iiind Item t!ie sow illnl lave h ,, ;e 1 1 to at lniib mid me ll, into the pi ll. ;. II I kee .. g 1 ll- l n there iimler full bed tiiitil they aie ready for .slaugh'c!' in November or I'eeeai- ber. 'l!ll I w o I i'l-eed of sw iue then' is no liiilemtty in mnkiug March pigs vve oli .'loin to it pounds a eight or i i;n in. lohs old. Willi plenty (;f Indian n.e.d .,nd s,in i I mill, (lit y will er. w rnpioly i.nl.l thee.. in is large enough b r cu't.iig. Abmit the ir-t i I A tl " li -1 this shunt I be given as an lubii' i tinl rnti'-ti. 'l l.e igs will eaf the gre. n stalks and h nv.s with the gn :ite-t icli-h alb r th- tar- have been pliic'.i'i. ll is an tv.iilint appi tier. hel s the dige-tloti of more soiid fi od, and r. mob s the thrill of the animals, l b Id corn i,,,w not be (piiteso nutritious, but 11.4 belter use can b" made of Ilia', alter the ears aie in n.i'h. than to ut and Iced i' to fattening swine. It costs mm h h-ss to make 1 erk in siuiiii fr than in cold winter wiather. i.ini,n,, .:in turist. lin irrrft If riitiili. Xat ur! hat plated the ri hest por tion 1 f the soil very near the surface, and she has const rueted pi.o.ts with their feeding roots very near the sur face also, that tiny might b" where Ihe soil is in the best condition to f 1 them. When man sitt. mpts to ova r t nine the-e natural cotnlil .us he so m linds it can only be done a1 a great tost, if at ail. Nature tloe. not object lo having the toil made ri h 1 1 a much renter depth than it is n-ualiy found tn its natural stale, but vvh -n man re verses the natural conditions ly changing the four in. lies of rich sur f ace soil and pin ing it at tlie bottom of ii furrow eight, inches in depth and at the same time cover.- it with four indies m lb" poor -oil which nature has placed hem-nth the fair ineht'3 of the rich sml, she ) l e!s and refusi-s to produ -e so go l erupt as when only four inches of tin. richest soil is rcver-e.l. In deciding what depth plough l.ind it is important to know how deep ;he soil has been enriched, so as not to go much below it. In ibs-ppuing it j soil it is best to do it very gradually j not more than one inch each year; j even when this is done it w ii reiuii" a larger ipiautity of inrinu than il ploughed only the usual ib pt'i. On land of ordinary richn s a crop of Indian corn will gmvv be'ter w ith the same care and immure, if it is ploughed only four or live inches leep, than if ploughed e'g'i' or ten inches deep. What is true of corn is true of rye anil similar crop ; but if it is desired to grow tram it, or horse radish, or any deet-rootd cr 'ps, it is t.nportnnt that thp land fmultl be ploughed deeper, Hnd for mi-Ii crops it also important that the land should b? prepared by gradually deepening the soil until it has been well enriehed to tlio depth of eight or ten lnche; when this it done deep ploughing may bv resorted to with advantage; but to attempt to prepare u shallow soil in a single year cannot bo done without the application of crv laru'e -pian- ' ('ilil',,,l. t" "' Washington cotrespond tities f manure; and even then it I ,'"t U T'" ""''"" ''; -ll-creare would In. ,iiin, .iiit ,r i, ,.i i. it. i., i., 1 ""'' twenty-two out id' fori v-tive who mingle the inaiiiire with the soil and make it so well adapted to plant growth, as if the tie -pctiing had bteu lone gradually, covering a perio I of several veins ot tune. .?.,, . h I'l'iii'ilimmi. Illlllsl lllllil II lilt. Salt in w ater prevents st raw matting from turning yellow. l'dher plain melted butter or ercain lin e is good with asparagus. ' A little powd-ied charcoal will cleanse a id sweeten bottles if it it well , linked ab mi in t'lem. ; A weil-beaieii egg is a great addition ; t" a dried apple pie. !iv in-' ll'jht lu st : ind a good it.i v or alto. 1 J 'hilt1 shades lor gat or lamps may . be b autiiied by covering with a l ice ; j veil dotted wilh gold spots. 1 Try a piece of It liioii instead of soap I for iciieiv ingibrt liom the hands. 'I'll t-t I is partii'til u ly good for hau ls which I chap in w nit t. I l'ioil eg::, fr twenty to thirty miii - ! iite.t w hen bk "I hard. I'eti minutes IIKl! s t!e Vol . ol i 111 V hard and so gv, while tw in ii 1 1 1 ' light and inoah . g.o.I W.IV t o; 1 ta'oit for I'icaMa-t is to in! lued om si. e I ones in 'juar'ers. drop them into hot lard and fry until brown, the same a-doughnuts. S.nicr kraut. This is the w ay in w hit h saueikraut isioadein Sraslmrg. iierm.iiiy. Tliey slice very white and lir.n cabbages in line shreti.t with a machine m tde !"r t le purpose. At the ;n t! of a small bari' I they phi -e a layer of coar-e sab. and alternately Invest of cabbage ami s. ill. being careful to have mi" of -ait mi the t..p. As ea U la bilge is a Ided, it lliilst b" pi le a large and h"uv v oe-t ! I ca' in Iay-r are ndd 'd as soon a- the in I'o.itsoli till' surface. 'I'll" f,i:.!'; Iilils! be seasoned With 1 ti'A ..mills fori lud'-r. i nti i 1 r bi ri ie-. tc. v I of 1 ell ! ! the barrel is full it 1 put v.i diy telinr, covered vvit'i loth, uiid- r plank, and on tins le avy weight- ar pl.iei.l. At the cud o! .1 b W d i;-s will I egin to feriin ii'. il .r,..g vvl,.' i tunc the pi- Me itont ! .im .vu '' a 1 repl.icid by li'.-h. ni-.t.l th- b-pi- I ..lues 1 leaf. 1'ir - -ll.- ll I I e !!! every day. K 'lew th" 1 an I ; wash the cover, put the vvegh! ! ,1 !, and l"t stand b-r a ntli. Hv Hi. it hint' the H-iiierktau! will 1... reit ly for u.e. I are mint : e lav n ! !' the least air p -itsible ciit- r Hi" mu- r .rnul. and t 1 have tlie cover pcrl'ecHy cImii I! eh time the lilt lei has to be .p.-n. d ii must be propi-rly c.ised agnii. ( I'bese pre", oil iotis must lo t be i.eg-i let -I'd. l i ce M it ll ll aie Is. I. lent. Ilocgliti-n, vv iio has re et.tly visited New- (iiiineii nte1 several oile r groups of islands 111 the ie;iie, r, ports tlie existence of a pre!. elsil" ti e". It appears to l e a spei i". of ii, 11-. alii' d to the w ell-know 11 banyan tree, vvha h throws out from its branches air root i that eventually reach the ground and take root there, and in Hour turn be come new stems which perform lie1 -iiuie function; so that a single ireij vv ill eveiitiiallv extend s 1 far as to im m a complete forest, ill which the -t"ius are united by the branches t ' each ..thcr. The prehensile tr" ill pie.t mm similarly throws out from lis bram bet long, tb-xible t -n Ir.ls, wh t h. t iimg the ground, il 1 Hot lake root tiiel", but twine ar umd any articles that may lie within their reach. Alt r :i ! i.iie these .piiisi brandies contract, to that tiny fail to reach th" gioun i: but tin1 linger-like proc sses coiit m:ie to grip th" article- round which they have twined thcin.-cl'.e-. and which are coiiseipieiitly suspended in mid-air. In this way ir tides of consider ibie wight may be picked up from the gioimd and le Id in suspension. HonT Worry. An experienced physician to retain or neovir leaith iiiys thn person -liuiild be relieve I from anxiety con ' rning di-t ine. The mind has p ivn r over the body - for a person to think he hat a disease will often produce that di-eaS". This we se elfectel vvli"Il the mind is intensely Concent r.ttoil ' upon the disease of another. We have seen a peisuii sea-sick in aiitieipntiun of a voyage hi f..re reaching a vts-el. A blindfolded man. -lightly prh ked in th" arm, hits tainted and died limn believing he was bleeding to ileal h. , 'I hi-reii.re. persons, to renin n w ell, shou'd bel li erful and happy, and sick ' per-otis should have their minds divert- . oil as much as po-ible. It is by their ; ailh that th y tlie. As a man think-' ft h so is he. II he vv ills e ot to tlie he can often live in spite of disease; and' if he has little or no attachment to life 1 he w ill slip away at easily as a chiid j will fall asleep. j Men live by their minds as well as j by their bodiei. Their bodies have no life of thi'iriselv's; they are only recepta. let of life, tenements for their niinil-:, and the will has much to do in continuing the physical company or giving it up. ONLY TWVM 'Y-TIVU 1,11 ! T lllt nfForlvflvv trilrrnl Ntilclinx Wl l.o.l Hot li Anua.-.tlcu Mini l.o.l lloili I.-ir, " I here are only twenty-two of us ! l-ft." .-aiil S. . Keeker, the arinle-s i doorkeeper at the House end of the came out of the war with both arms .shot i iff. Five vears ago the number : had dropped down to thirty three. In 1 these four years eleven of our number j have died." j ltckers it a lniuili.tr lignre about j the Capitol. He has been here tor si. teen years as doorkeeper oil the' .soldiers' roll" at tin. Iloiw, through Memocnttie and Ib piibbean a Imiiiis- : trations. and is cotisiden d a liMiire' here, lie has neither hand, both anus j having been torn ,,T just below the ! elbow by the premature dis harg" ol a ! gun at the ba'th- of I't rryv iile, Ky. lie is one o the must active of the j Ibuise oilicia's, carrying in cards, tak ing cart1 of a coat-room to which he has been assigned, standing guard at the doors ol the I ollse ilurillg sessions. opening ami closing tie in for visitors, an I making hiinseif more useful than many men w it h Un h ban Is. "No; I hav e tiev i r bi-etl abb- t i us. an at ! ilicial hnnd," he s-j. in an-uer to a .plestiou by the cone. o'idciil. 'I'lils iron h i ;d :t iicre ii -e)ol to lie' '-ban any all ilicia! niiirrn ll.nl I have ever found." .. h, 1 ,.ut a cur him 'roil in t rumen! , I nking very :mi. h like a pair ol mppei. with a ! 'i. a! the sid,.. "I Ins." le' said, ".s an in s' riiuit ir of 1 1 1 owninveiitt .il. and I foul It very valuable." The iialld" in ;ile -tioll I- a couple ol vi-rv l"!lg piec t of ifoll. !'!!l'.l together I.I." biaek- siuiths' tmigs, v j! h a hut.;, i.i.(iiio. on th" si,... rh" , ng handle- run up to.valdtl ili'.vv nil cither s,de id the si iuche- rem. I long b low Ilia! '.'int. The W hole H fa-tt II ' I l-!,l bull W iii.h goes up the arm in ar I h" si." ii.li r. W ith t bis cur:..i;s hand l. elo r civ e cards, opens ,,, hand vv:tli a hues !! .'ii!" a 'in!- v 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 vv i1 ! r-. vv nti c:t. and. u-ful ;i t wo linn plain ina'o-s the " I her1 I Mll.'.iV 1 IT" ale Ii" other-. 1 , here vv ho h tv e rune 11!. r., this suit'. lost, a-v there--" .." he - 1: ', pointing to a man n ' t nvv.iv, "I'. : 111 ml 1 l'ne. thi-r . fe !lo! I, t h legs, an I w alks w it !i em l, A ." and he bcel,olio. !- him a -"I'.ige got li s nj. point in II' -p.il.-. !oii.!i a ci.- loan . s, w. io. r tt'c inei'dn r, a Mr. Mi. higun." n pa r ol them," .aid dig. in ;i:is'.v 1 1 to a re Mr I' mark of !. ., . '.. -I . :...!, I gs at Vurktovvn in s'.J. ai.d I i - k r h.st both oi his arms n, t he sa ne y 1 ar n1. I'l'liy Win'. I belonged to the hlt'l Ma iiijan lii'.niiiy. nil. I I'd !,. r the l'oii;i!i A'tiiler'.." "N'.it a very pieinaid experience in eh ier 1 a sc. vv ;n it :" -No! so 1, 1. 1, ful a mie a- might b" expecte!." vv.ts kt-r's a'isw 1 1 . "Mv .1! in-- w ere .hot ulf about 7 o'clock 111 the ! ,h" Ink ; ruing, and it vv as noon b -fore upiit itioii was made. I .1,1 , -t liiv I hing to siistnill lee, ,.. It'll no pi u until the K 11 I" severed the lu-rvis. I lo-ver o.t an hour's sleep I c. 011 the l s. ,,f my al io-, I till ing t 'c liiiiethat I .p. nt in tcouv. 1 i!ir I sl-.p! v. 1 II and sulii-re I v cry ht ! pain tr.mi t. I sillier sum.' 1 . nin from ih"io iio.v ih cas.oll.lilv , e-pe. iallv when the w. atber is bad. I ag- tlll.IlL h.l.l v oi'se tunc t Inn I." "Well." said Page. Ill "le.tlv, I had It did il bad ell' ugh tin -e. t hat is I rue. let hiiit me any win 11 my legs were shot olf: in lie t. I s. nicely fe't it. Tie y VV ere 'nk' ll olt by 11 fragile nt ol shell, ami there was only a led .ng of being s'lllill d tor il III-llit-ir . I slllleli-l more from the c.'li-'no is;e -s that tlu v were olf. and 1 1 iu the 1111 ple.nant siuht that I pi.-si nt. d than Ii Uu Hie '.eliug. They did ;;..t I'Ti'ii b. e.. A half hour afterward, h-twever. th y b. gau to burn, an I I here w 11 . ome sen sntioii of pain when th" surgical pera tioii was be.ug pelf riie-ii, tin. ugh 11 t very mm h. The lir-t ."perntion was successful, but in being trati-potlel ov er corduroy 10 ids. as I had to be, th" prc-suie and irritation was so great that the ilap; of sk.u which had been sew ed gave way, mid when I rein bed I'.ostoti it becniii" ncce-sary to have a s.-ciilid amputation. This was done in the presence of a ela-s of lifdlcd stu dents, but was not well d tl an I the cotiseipu'tico was that a I'e.v lu'.nths later I had lo have a third ampii'atioti ierforiiied. I'.ut it is over in.w. and I Consider myself 'llito well. I get mound oil these co U legs, yoll see, very comfortably. TIovv many lie n :ire there who os both h irs in the war as ymi dnlV" "About thirty-two. 1 b. lieve, now left." "And then1 is one," added Meeker "who lost both arms and b .th legs --a Minnesota lean, by the way. lie is not abb1 to tbi anything, of cour-f. to support himself. The g,. f-rnniett pays him a pension i. $ as it pays ut 7.1 lor the arms." iiio, th, uf both lost The (ieruian town of I'urst etilii ld thinks it has the uldest five in the world. It is a linden standing in the churchyard among the tombs u centu ries, it has a trunk fully lo feet in tli ametci, ami twisted branches which seein to s! retch out all over tin1 m Ins. lire, ami is supposed to he RM) years Old topics or tiik day. rarmers In England nro taking to beet growing. Ii, Norfolk they have uiulertakeii to grow this sea-on at least W I acres of Migar beet from sc. let ted seed, ami on the faith of thisj an association has beea formed, which, long before the beet i.s ready, will have J $H",tMt worth of plants on the ground ! ready to make .sugar as fast an the roots come in. The farmer will get "i a ton fr the while beet delivered j "t the works, and at he can grow- from i fifteen to twenty t mis to the acre he i w ill. alter allowing f,,r heavy manur- ing and all c...st uf land, labor, s It ' and transport, u a' I" tu reckon, even in an imiill'ereiit e.i-on, upon a ictiirti tf at b.-a-t ifl i an acre, which luu'.t Hceiii to him. after recent experience, 'wealth beyoml the dreams of avarice,'' at lr. .tohusoii saitl of the revenue of Ikirclay's brewery. Th.1 annual loss by lire in the I'ni ted Slate., it about s-; i it i.k ii ,t h M . t is a' t twice as much per inhabitant as the lire loss of li ra! liritain, four limes as much as th i! of Trance, ami six times thai of lo rmany. At the average rate of pr 'd u timi it would j re.pt ire Hi" constant labor uf about 1 I""', men to r. pl the o-s. The J lo.ss i. nearly a mu h a; the am mnt collected on internal icvciiue, and on1 ' tbilil lie lie tll.lll the .1 11 II till interest of i the public . leb!. Th" amount of pre- 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 coliei ti I by insurance compa nies is Consider ll'ly 1st thail tlie lils I so that soiu iusuiatiee coiiipanics I n us! fail every year. It it estimated j that is ! per i UIIUIII is collected for ; evi l y iii.i'i, woman, and child in the I'm1!' ! "stale t i pay for careles-' con- st ruction ami n gligi nce in guarding aga list the dangers of lire. The widow of the fnitlollt Mexililll Mb tieral. mi -i Anii i, it now liv ing ipii' tly in her imtiv" "state, ami seldom j intrudes into tl titer world. Mrs. , anla Anna i- i.i.i l je.irsoM, thougli . it n a wonder s.- does not look a hun j died s.int.i Anna was 1'iesi.hiil of ! M'-vico three yells before sh" Was born, 's'le was pliglded to him in her ' era die. and married to him when she j was He w.n then a military tlii : tutor, sleeping mi his sword, beset by const, nit peid. In six months h ha 1 j lost his leg and got into a Texa j prison. I'or twenty years her life w it j spent ill a eillop. sill rolllidet! by the. ;vvh:iof warfar-". Ibr hu -b:ind was live times i'les.'lfi,! of M.-xie.i, four I i mhos military di-!a! r in abtolute ! power. ie VV.ls i '.It I : -111 ' I. recalled iaiii-beil again, and I'm. illy did when w oh bi- w it.- iii i xilo a, a t rnitor. I -lie hat M en u. ii. ii "glory," and h.i. 1 rcc.-H ed unlimited n lni.it ion. but she hli.Uv i-Vel- IO...V..I oil" I ll"l"Uc ;. y p a. S ii I I. Ill ill her lite. A I'reiicli phy-, lan.t lr. Mayet.i i bits pnt published the results of his inquiries into the nature of a singular 1 malady l ii'ivv n as atiilliin." which ' science h i-, it seems, lately added to the Midicieiitly long catalogue of hu man disorders, liordcaux is the cheif in ti ir i i n ii of variill i. suiiie 7,."'M pontuls of that spice being annually imported. The men employed in ' i leaning and sort ing it have long been I ii own to sillier from a peculiar alfee ten."!' which lr.L ny. !'. in v t--t igat imis have How reVfal'd tie1 catisc. Its syiupt iins :ire rediies-uud itching of the skin. -t f .-ti attend1' I with ih-s.pi;u million of the cuticle, and Usually iic.oiiipiiiiie.l with g'-neral malaise, lassitude, and gidine.s. All the trouble is cau-ed by a mil n'e white neurits which lives in the v. nulla, ami limit its way to tlm person of those hand ling it. Ir. Liiyet's labors have not as yet been crowned with the discovery j of any cere for the le-w tlise ne. ! A paper dealing with an outbreak, ;n :. ii-rman tow n. t l t hat terrible dis cine known as trichinosis was recently read before the 'i -n h Academy of ! Medicine. It is woi'hy of attentiou in going Inr lo prove th it this disease, mually contracted by t h" consiimplion J uf lift wholesome pork, is avoidable, it the usual piecaiitjoii uf thoroughly citoking the tool be resorted to. In the case in ipiestion, more than three hundred persons vv.-r" attacked with ; the disease, and of these nearly one sixth died. It win proved beyond tpiestionth.it all Ho1 victims ate the meat absolutely raw. it being the ens toiu to t hop it line ami to spread it like butter mi slices of bread, line single family, which consumed some of the same men' in the form of cooked sausages, exhibit".! no trace of the disease. It may be mentioned that a certain dose ,.t ahoht.l exercised a most fiivuiabl i i ifcct in diminishing tie- virulence of tl,,- complaint. Three Hundred Miles nil n Log. I In unit r to ascertain if logs could be limited or rafted from I'itt I liver. I Shasta county, to 'he Hay t'ity, a man ! named Kennedy was sent out on a ' pine log to undertake the novel trip. The log wasjl feet in length and four feet in diameter. Kennedy was clad in waterproof clothing and supplied withpleiityoffo.il, which lie carried 'n a knapsack. lie made the trip, some 1 miles, in four days. Sun I' 1 lli it f ' 7l I nil! ' h. The tioverniiu nt will not have to call in for destruction the little gohl dollar nuisances. The ladies bangle tram ill use them up. How to Trent (Jni-ii-l.oiiap I'lunls n ul Vejfelubles If frozen. Not uiifrcipiriitlv during tin c '! ;ei- s"" u."'- ' i'rcl'iil p.'ople me im ,.. have their tdauls and v t irctaldes i led by the frost mi sniite -hup. cold night. Hut a little con. i.hr 'lion of the uianit -r in w hicli the riosi iimn, them niiiy result in the best humus uf ivnie.lv ing tile evil. The follow ing very seiisihje remarks mi the siihjecl .ire worthy uf pcrusid ;- ll is not the freezing i mi ,l,,,..s the in jury. This really renders the thing frozen warmer, by devt loping t. :l,.m ),, .,( f its watery purls. T,( tluiwiii" of the frozen wab r is what we hav to oiiiiiil ngaiiisi. In nil , nviii.f the solid .id,. stance, as ice, takes up from Mirruuniling children, and progressed without tlilli bodies, or from ll e air. the heat neco.arv cully till he eauie to John Turbox. the to render it liipiid, .rid as ...on as I he ' riinr leader of the unruly ones, and the proci s, j. eomiiienced. by the .tin's rav - I '"'.v w idvmvs gave ihe signnl for or mini-wise, ii i- eotiiiiiiied In ubtaini'ig j roniieing li e muster." a pai l or w hole of I he i. ipiin d In al froni iiciuhlioriu" bodies: f .;lt eail.es the bad elb t t. If we liveze ihe car. no harm i. neei ...n ily don,-. If go near n (ire. or in any other way pro din e a rapid thaw ing. we arc Ijal'ilc lo lose th,. whole or part of the organ, be cause the lii at of the H, sh is rapidly ab stracted. f. on the eoj.iiary. we a'pplv snow toil, w-e render ihe proi'css--o";iad lltd lliat the lle.h is not injured by Ihe hiss u heal. .Many oilier iiistaiices'of ., similar cliaraeler uiighi be given wi re it im cs.iiry. I lie same rule a bo holds good . in the case uf plants. When their h ave, j or fruit arc frozen, all thai is necessary i, h apply snow, cold water, etc., or in ! some oihcr way to picveut the rapid ' thawing uf th Ice. ty ntli utbni to lie . ! puilil tunny valuable planls m iv be s.ned from Ihe ravage id fio-. n cold t Ii I male, delicate trees or int s m iy be' planted on the iiorlhwi-t ,i,pc. of lull.: tempering of Ihe heal of the it'oinle:: sim will pi, -i nl th. e, from being injured by the rapid exlr.n Hon of ih' ii li' -t. The Origin of llixic. ti a Saturday night in NV.i. when! Man Iniiiueit v.iis a in-inln r of linaui's Minstrel-. New York. Man Mrv anl' came to nun aim .ut.i ; i.m. can t ymi get u. up a "walk around:' want 'smm thing new ami lively for Monday iimbi." M.m went In wuik, ami by Sunday idler n lie bad the word- coiiiim-ne ing "I w i-h I vu in Mixic." The ixpn--iuii was nut Southern, but appeared among the circus I plf "f the North. In carlv fall, when nipping fiosi. w..iild overtake the Inibd wanderers, tin b ,v . Would think ol tin warmth of the Smith I the emmnm, j expression Would be. Well. I w i.h I vva- in Dixie." This gave ihe , m. Ii line .iinl ihe ret of the song wa. original. I "n i I Monday molding i was n-hi ar-iil imd j j highly t otmiii aided, mid at night a crowd t 'l house i align! up I he refrain ami half of tin ut went home singing Mixic. The '"ll!: In came the rage, and . W. N-w j comb'. Ihiokl-y's Min. in!, and "lli'i-j gave ii;i . ,,, , lor ihe plivilege of' Using it. Mr. Wei lean wiolc I., fan t' j to secure (he copyiighl: but wilhollt' wailbe.' for a reply, published it wilh! word- by a Mr. IVt'ers. pond, of New York, -i cured it of Kmim-lt for titluu: but Werh an so, thotisan.!- of copie. I vvithoiii giving him a nickel. Nut only Was ilninell robbed of the prolils of hi'. song, but the auihor-hip ol il wa. di- j pitted. Will S. Hays claimed the author j slop ol it. I'oinl brought the iilnttcl be I lor,-a music publi-heis" con-,, niion, ;iI, - t lid liie ili.lhor.hip; bill ll.lll Icapl'l ii" ii. ih lit liom this i.ndy j istii e. Open Your Window. A UC I i( ill VV "lllell lo Hot si In to -i. out lie I ih. y add Veiy miii ll o iiitui.d in iv oii-iii s. In j,ing in i le-,! I... hi-. II. .u-i - fro in , hi. li is ci hided are let vv hoe-.onio. tie ir is always. :i damp, di .i es-mg i .ndili'.a in them that malo s i., If ev idclil at nine I., a - nsilive leiupi rami lit. The miiid- . and bodies ,. all who live in sm , hoi,-, , ate , itbeb il by it. lloili health mid pirils nr.- depri - -I d. Tln ir m cu pants liav e not .Illy Ihe dcprcssilig effect of the lack of light and seem to contend against it. but the reat lion i oiiscipieiit up.ui liv ing in unwholesome emu lil ions. . the rooms ill tin house should have b 'lh light and -uii-hiue freely admitted al nil lime, whether they are in tlaiiy Use or not. Tin y are (litis kept sweet, ami are ill g I condition when they arc wanted. M my a woman and child hits been - i. ti li. ed I i save t lit' carpel , ami keep mil Ihe Hies. Many a lil of illm -s has resulted .from the same cause. Many it di-ip poinlcd. i hei rless life can be Iraeid li n k to sunless rnoiiis as a beginning. Mulii tudes of women and i hildt' n are only half liv ing to-day because only half led. Sunshine and light and air art as much food for the hotly iiml soul as the fruits nml oniiiis and vegetables that we take into our slmiiachs ; and wc cannot gel a surfeit of I hem us of food, The more w e have the better. Open your windows wide, then, my sisters, and h i the stm, that always carries health in its ray s.lmv e free access tu every part of your home. Screens will keep out the llics. and if you hav casinn to tempi r the heal of the sun. use a white curtain that can be rolled up or down al w ill. ll is a phy deal fact that phy-it dam are never arresied for killing people. No unman cnu tivo without smu'e sluire of it jsicul Milli i'ing; tail many tit'cei't us im vitalili' a great amount uf .niu mlneh can be avoiiled. I.jiha 10. I'liiMitiii's Vege table 'omp mud via invented by olio who miders'ii.'d its need, mid had Ihe rare skill In roulo a siiiii'le. yet adiiiirably elteclive remedy. t'ltsclfi-h ou.le nrenbvays (.olile, because good manueis aie only the atistiice of sel lisliiiuss. "llnrlin rnilin." Quirk, rumi'lelc cure, lilt annoying Kidney, llladder mid I riliary Diseases. tfl Drunu'isls Foh MiU'ErHu, ismiirsrios. iteorpiisiiin nf tur ns and Ki'iieml ilcl.ilitv in their vari.nu forum . l.i nn a nri vcntivr seainst fever and hiiik. , other iiiWrndllfiit fi verit, tlin 'Kerrn-riionpliiir-ti-il Kltiir of Califciva," madn by ('miivt'll, 4zard A Co., N." Verk, l-nl "old liy all jrtig tint, im the lnt tonic ; and inr palit'iitH rt-cuvcr-Dji fruiu fi' r or mlier pit-kucwi it bat notyuul. "KoiihIi iiii I oiijiIi." Knocks 11 f'l.aeli or Cold endwise. For chil tlren or nd i Its 'I rorlieK, iac. I.iitiid, eOc. A llrniilllul Mi-tiiloriliilr, Inn, silken 111 le-citire. rich chest nut br. .mu. r.-uehil. to llieei-otlll.l; nlellllV tile eireels uf lite jusilv is leliiiitisl mi l wi lely known L'ar lioillie. I lie illlte uf all lliill- lli-stolels. "Kaniili mi Coma." Ask for Well'1'Iloiinli on Corn t."Jic.Quick, rjuii'lete ruie. I'orin, wnrls, bunions. I.nl I ailh Ih riiyi.leina'a, Thfre are iiimiii.endile insluns where tun have b vu i-fTeelcil by Hcovill't Bursa laril'a. . r IIIikhI and Liver Syrup, for nil ili-sav-.s.f the I.I.nhI, when the patient hail lioeii given up by phvsieiai.a. It is one of the hct remeilin ever i ireiisl t) the public, nil I an it is pn pufd wilh tlie gn ati-Kt rart, m a li-citlr fur certiiiii di as'. it is mi wmlor Unit it slioii'il ho more eifectiial I bun la lily wi itten ami arelcKi-lv prepare I pr 'm-ription i. Tak'- He ill's liluod and 1 jvr Syrui) for ail ill orders arisi ik from impure bl iot. it ia nd r-ed by all leading prufewmial lun. If a coukU ditrtnrha your alop, one dos of J'lao Cum will givrt you a Bighl'areet A Model Sdiol I earlier. A fob imMv rtliletie young iimn took n certain school to t wli years'iigo in West t rn New York i ft t ii i umber of peda gogues had tried ii mid given it up in despair. The b'g b iys had driven the teachers away ii.viu'nihly, ami the tl'n eoilragemclit was so complete the 1'rst dny tiiat they were not willing to under take ii second u Ptioii. This young man took hold with a full know letlge of the dillieulty. iiiul with it hope that lie could succeed, lie win mild miumel'etl, and he opened the shoul ( hf I list day with a pleading smile oil his I bps that made even the small bovs ! less. He was Inking the names of th ' ' '"' ,l,,,v lc her iipproaehetl him with sweet smile on hi-, lace, anil said : N will ymi tell me your name, The boy Icnitid back ill his it, put his bet over the lop of the desk, .-md looked cross cynl nt the new teacher, w bile all the -i hi ol loareil. 'Plea tell im- ymir name." ri peiited the teacher pleadingly. Mini without un tieing this rudeness, "Will." ilinvvled the fellow, 'Voliie- limes Ihev call lite linb, and smut t inn s iiiid somcliines they sc. but vuii hi ll- r not tin V call iue Pel call ut" si. im thin call Hie aiivthiiig The miid loot. teach. had bet ii i t'Xpei ling all thi-: Iht ii he bad the ad I Mintage. lie liail pn pareil hiliisell' for n light, mil ii tight I'm-a minute, but for an limn or a day, if need b : lie had been in 'a ina.im r liaiied I'm it, and so, just as the la-l voids wtc out of the boy's lie mill, be ii. alt tlie big lubber II blow In I w i i n t lie i yi . that -tunned him. mid then grasping; him bv the i ollar dragfed i him b'iidloi,.. over lite s.ais, st I him j up mi I he lloor with a jam. imd thumb red ; mil : ' 1 U hal is voiir iiiinie.'' ".loliii T.nbox'." cvcliiimeil the boy, promptly, iiml with lii eyes fairly Imlg ing liom his head. FOR CURING CHILLS AND FEVER AND Removing the Distressing Effects of Malaria, AY r Kami A ET HAS P.KKN' i-'orN'M SO Mi.VIUiY IMAIJJBLn, THAT VV Authorize Dealers to Return tha Money, If the niedicine is taken accord ing to direrlions, without bcneliling Ihe pnti.snf. I'bKPAIH'.M BY OR. J C. AYER &. CO., Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. S .id by all I 'insists- lriie?l. six Ii .tili f. r IMmti'-i-lv i-liiK SICK limilAOUR. BiIIiiisiicph. nml ..11 I.IVKK oiel HOW V. L roiiipinnl niAfnijin HI null POISON, r.n.l S n l)..-..nr, uiNK Plf.L. A IIOHH'. r 1'i-ui.il" C .n.liliiint 'i Oli n.) Fill . ivi nn ..n.,1 "t tlt.il Hi". i ava.iial'.'. t.itharil.' lAtlll V. riMUUM'S VcptaWe Conpnnl 13 a::::7;ts V oCd' f I'or 1'riiinlr I'uiiiplnlniNnnil nilitirr-rH po rumiuon tu uurb.'M It-ii i u U iiupululluu. Hwillc'in- c-TiMnly t!i Mi.ivt f-Tmif l't-uiali' iVm I l.niit , .ill o,4i.tn truuMtr, I nll.i m t nation oud t lit-rv tin, Kii!:n nn I 1 i h mel Vm i'HM,iiii,nt a vv vi i i.i j irtivul.it lj tui.itUl tu tuu t,i':n,-.'.-ri.,r. It Wi lli I int vxp I turn r frtn tlio ut nii in on ni iy in- nt il l...:i;t nt, ih- It ii'irin v tu i nut tiuui It lmt'Vi-( f.iitil-i- s,i, it v !), if, ilt-'rov nil rrtivlntf iiKiuuo.i-. in..! i : Uf.'. Il!...ituifc'. ll'-.l l.il Is I .ll"- . M . 'l ri'.a t . . . : i .. r ti Ut ;ikt. , f pit-.tuji- ll, S. , ysu'.t t. -limb :i. . . f f f t lii-lii.'' i. -u i, t:i(r imi-i, i H'l't I t'.-H.H ii i H iijHbVi J e 1 !. .,1,1' Hi 1 r rill l liV 110 ll nt ll t.i.l'i U't t Mini ( ii.l i'i rvtit 'i: ' il fit 'i '& Q"t iU I'lii ll Kit.l I... ll" - ti.llt K Ut Ut.' 1 1 llUlO UUI, 't th eiiri' nf KMm-v niiil .(nfi nf ciihi-r r, thii iu.u tu! 1.1 uit iui iu m il. li it - jl.'M, IxHt ; f -r No riutillr ,1,. ...lil In l.m.lt 77.S-. Tli.y itii.ut Mi.i f. nKtr.or.i tti'i-im. titi"ii, I ilj.niMii-s- and luri'i.lliy i f the I.e '!!.! Iii.j ut oil ilnii-irl-ts. r rtnj t i--y eit.-m. II wh'i hvn intri- t tit I nml wit in- M't It.rl ,.( Ilixli't. t-r'f ft iiuai It ItiMt-ri tit"ti tin' will, lnk- iiitlunti fh -iMiiiihtur tu-i.Mi-nt ifjr-tH'pxw. hv, , i Mnt.liint.f, Vf.r (iti'l timit". rlifitma- 1 1111, ICTVOUll tie. l'tliij, if irrnitiir l t'.'iy. ktiw ihit mi Hu hiiTirniM tumo iinrl itiMtivn ih't" t-i-t n iimv tw tr.n f 'int' rtlm-Il ri-'iflH'N tttl' VI") HllltVl Ml ItlH tt.iiibl.-. iirl.-H-'. t.nn nh-.-lnti ami 1 nti i- IM-Hl 1 :m l-'-T fi'l'l I.. II lirimiffl itinl GOLD GIVEN AWAY! a t r, t ti... in Oilvni.it n-.nn ,i.iiy ' IV U.,l s,., rtM.r M'Hlt.ll .r... ,...ii,hm.'I i ih,, l.-i. li. I t o hi .. Ih,. ll .' I. . ... r., th.. .-n f.uH ir, S s, 11 . lie. ..'!.. I lslll (. I !.,- PATENTS Cit.-iits. 1. HINi.llAVI, Cm. ill U.V.T, W a.liuiKi.in, l li. nit!- I M. t'.r ill. iiien-.y. it i' i s I . t' Aiiiti vi. i: cu.. BUGGIES "-'WVffc t iiii-'iiiihii. tl Writ ..r t Ni.ik.nui' t la Ts IM l II 'i.r lli l,",.l i'KUii N". II. I.. Ill ll st wit. i ma IV final It.,.. -nl ltn.l.s. I'ri. fsluo-il IJ IM-ri-fiit. . lluSAI. I'' ft. t ii., l-lulitO'.'iiiiia. ca, Vhiumi t,cT-,., --'" -'-., . ". o- tjiniMi ii - eaosTAR Survival of the Fittest. k rAMLY ME3ICIN3 T3AT HAS HIAIEB UIL110X3 liUlNU S3 TUBS! A BALM FOU EVI1KV WOI ND OI WAV AMI I1EASTI THEOLDEST&DEST LINIMENT EVER 1LVDE IX AlIEhlCA. SALES LAEGEE THAN E7EB. Q rt,A VnvUfln llnatnn T.tnlmpnt han Ijeen known lor iiinio thiol llnrty-flver-veuia i.a l!i l)' t u( u.l l.ialnii'tilH, fnii Man ami Urunl. I' mle louny arc Itiwr limn ever. It eurca when all .,nu,r.fiii..n.l iipnetisitea akin. tcmtoi- (4nni n tiK-ie, to Uit vvr tu. bolO cyurywimre. . HOSIER "Very well. Take your neivt .Tohu," said the It ncher. And John took it. There was no more dilll 'ulty, and nt Ihe end of the season that school was mild to be the best in the countrv. Ail (bid Advertisement. There nre so mnny people willing to advance money on 'one's Hole of hand siiimly that it 'is a pity that something could not lii" done by one of tin in for the following sad castj extracted from the lid vertisemenls of n Herlin newspaper: "A medical student whose means arc exhaust ed would like to meet with Home one who k- would advance him the necessary sum to complete his necessary .studies, lit n mod erate rate of interest. If necessary, lie would its it guarantee at once marry his creditor's daughter, or if he prefers it, would !ivc an undertaking to tin so on passing hi. tiual exaiiiiiialion." At pres ent the law in this country is in such n Mate thai n mini cannot oll'cr himself as set mil V, nt least not since (he decision in Shyloek versus Antonio, reported Shake speare, "Merchant of Venice," net IV. Perhaps to offer one's self as son in-law is tlie next best security ; mid us there nro numerous mothers-in-law seeking for sound investments and sons, the business might be done. Currecl Speech. Correct speech is stich tin indisputable mark of a liidy or gentleman that it can not be too oflen repented that the true standard of pioiiiincialioii isoiie in which nil marks of a particular place of birth ami residence are lost, and in which nothing appears to iiidicatt' any habits of lllleii oni-e otlii l i lian ulili lite nvll-Lifil mill well informed when ver they limy lie found. In the iniitler of acceiil, vocabu lary ami pronunciation, the aim ought to be to avoid nil that is local, affeiieil or vulgar. I.el no tiniisgri ssoi s imagine they can cm ape with impunity. Their speech will betray I hem, and even well educated children will be merry imd sa tirical behind their bin k-. A lieu can only lay on a t'c-l. but a ship call lav both mi and off. H IW if H IWV PURGATIVE 18688 .vul I.e-' r pill. The DULC1PHONE olt senim; m.( mine ouoan. ri'i-i iiinit ri'K titiiii lint rn i Will it lit ntiy Si-winir Mm liitml j t .ill ;-li him- rtli-i i- Ml niNT.lt o t trwi'II' i if ii JSw-; U tit it i.r.l'i. r.".H K'N-il mtil Will II Itlft) iUl hlll'is 'I lim'-if ruin Ir. it durnl'lt ntitl uill it I'-ii'.Aiii in tt-ii j Will t ii jir ttn- N'-wtiirf Miititif' C l"it niiOriiiiclti" Thf-m-t IVrfri t Aiitnintif lii-truntfiit fvr offfml ; r mIi l nil Hvwiiik Macliim I t 1 1 -nt, ! A. (..MM M,M. .CO. : - 30 DAYS' TRIAL (BLVU1.M IsI.Bi-TBO-VI)I.TAirt HI LT awl nlhi-r Fl rrTHt.t i Ai'i'i i S' e r a nt "n !' 'I n.l Tu Sltll ONI.V. YOt'Nli OK tU.II, wIhi ro a fli'ini from i Nuiviiin Dkiiii.iiv. I.t Vtm.iiir, Wahiisii ,, - ;,.,-- ..!,, rntlmi I., IIKll.l H. VluiiH ml I AiIHii,oeAH.si:tai. Ni-aJ al ni-o lor tltu.tratid l'.'iui'lilt IrtMi. Ail.inaa Voltaic Bplt Co., MawTinll. Mich. Impnrlanl lli'iliirllnn In lite prlreof ('KTIoi.i:i vi .ii i.i.v.) Tn Ounce bottles reduced from 15c. lo 10c. Two Ounce botlhs reduced from 25c, lo 15c. Five Ounce bottles reduced liom 50c. to 25c. Thm rmlille must not anViif any lull nrainal gimla tinttliMl liy us, an tin iniilAlii.ui aril w.rlhli'iis. Chesebrough Manufacturine Co., New York. UUUU XUxaWD TO LADIES ! OrMwflitt intluviii'i tfltr of. arildra for our traUi. tJ 1 nd I 'ollr r.n.l - urn a '(nutt ful 4 ;,.).! lft).loi H jmKowi Iiid Oold Bd MM H:m I aiifr Sl, r ..ii Hn. MuM Milhl Toilet .Sft, 1. r full pxrtu ulr ailtlffM wi; wat 1003 book Aa:T ,.r thi nr bw k Tllllt 1 V-'l llltl.K IbAKS AMO.VS OUR WILD INDIANS. ByOio. lioIlCK.ndCJ.n ItllEUMAS. Tim (inat Wutk i. iml.uw.1 liy IV. I Aitliur, (i. ii. Urant. an,l lli......nd. uf J llir.. Ill.ll.p. Cl.-vni-n. rjitnra l:.,M"ttW. tvm Vloi. ,.. mil V.iluaH, .hi (Wit rw - H.iiib III.i.f.ti..s.. I. re.l nthor-liip.anil soi. W.rimila It Ifc. hnnmmo bn.,t or Aqrtt: fO.lltMl "-Id. l(lllit Ml 10 w till. J.r. arr-s-nil I. r Cln-ul.is. t-rt n 7om, Scinin rll nr , anil '"'if f"' ""''. A. U. VOUTIII..TON ! t tl., lUrtroisl, ua. tmii whiii ail mi ram. llestl'OURliSyruii. Tasti'saiMMl. I Uaetntima. tsililby)rttKKi"ia. I ypr to "-our Buin- Ktt)iotiua r A linn ten utnliip dnritiic ptinjt, MininiHr a.d fill it llieSMuf in ilmct), f;it0ltntl,sj.uirt uisrn in iCCIITC WANTI-1 t.i-ll our XXX Hlf-mM To. HUhn I W (..I,.) ttpn.l Thm L ut anrt Mmtcr ipo i(h fh t'lHiml. TnoAflMN. IalMr nl Ur r tirulr. Jmb. II. Marl., 2HH (Jiwawu ti M , N. V W it? lkldini llisim. rIfQd tmnp lAnifinc'"''i": ' oi' L- HiN.i. I Cll9lvllsHAM. Atfy.V.filunirton, I). U. " Caiusob MiLft if Uf Wit Ummmii fnc iu omU. VASEL1

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