tiiuusiuy. .ii'ja R )cl. I Skit h t.r ( 'math m. -The editor of 1 Tkm-iikijV 1 il. it.e.ii, Is ore,. ..rim- ;i sketch of hum ' "Hit v ( '.si! -:;:( V. W 111 il .V I i 1 I"' I'll ' li.-!w 1 in p:iui.i 'Vet t'o; 111 for tree di in.' -. ;,:;. i..pn u 2tJ on EffiT The yomif folks H jlo;ifaji ti t picnic on lust Tuesday at the fomier Itsidciice of Mr. . W. Thompson, lieur this place. now coining ipiile brisk from tlm HiniK! direct ion. iiiiil another shower V.SH Kj'.Hl li". lii'll'.'Iy -t f 1 ID tin) first. The whole country i- tUnled; 1 our wheat mill oiiis. iii'H ii i'i ul'icli I- is vet in lie t'u-iils is i'Uliti.r. inn! it conducted liv R-v, J'. It. Law, who seems Unit Uio emus inn ,i!i i... ;J... Uv Messrs. I'. I!, clouils now. whilo i. Will! l, itson. W. H. U. Adney, It. 1 : ci.iiig kooii to burt uj-iiii u.s .r..i. ........ ...,! tf II Nilm. Several I have lived m tin West, where ml ; soinctiiues tin rain ntu is ami miiif,. rmnv seasons white I a-' court -holiday till , t 1 1 1 ; iiiii-.' i' IvsrrniTi:. The Chat. Teachers' Tiisiitiiti! foi Is V, i!i I);! Ol'l iil'll ill till' . in this I'Vu-r. on i!i iios ncuilli. nil" wcel;. It. wiil Aslicbero' Courier: Mr. John L. M;;1. of 'J'my, had ii hoicc killed 1.V h;;iil niii;; last Sunday. Ii uccin iiu nt eliiifi li. tl.'" li'.rlitiiilit' siiil.i'i;.' tin1: tl: r i m DON'T AVAST I' AN Al'PLF e? i; : ii'lUy Utfiiifhti tl HlllllOIl Not less tliiin iiu' thousand ropes will lu published, iiiivi u :i inif u.l num ber of ml vet liseni.-nUvill be inserted to help puy the cost of printing il 'i'.. i'l.,.u KiiivniK who desire lu.-m. ... I...... ... . , . i t i i ...i i.. i .1 c ii,ii m.l utiuiiL'orii Ironi Aliroi to sell tiny mini or oiuci jm-iimj i .,..... ,,...........,. -- - - - ,.,.,.:,...,1 tin e to u I'icli t in: Ili'l : us hitched. I'llll'l CiirrvlliMr..l. M. Downum, yet for the of Concord, wi.nt. to 'i'rinilv Co'lc;.:v n 'ure threat- poor boy. Part of the tim." he iii'lml us Juiiit ir in order to ay his tuitiou. A( the recent Ctiuiiin neeiiu'iit he was tlie most highly hoiioreil limn in that iiistimtioii. beittj' the chief marshal couiilry for ami w limine the (scholarship iiieilnl M.ll'1. I o VAVIH'I l)lil 111.1.. I'l- iiM'AUi i. Fiiii.- t'l.o '1 Kmimuvimi (".'i-.uisKc I'm :v 1:1.1 s. ! OVER 15,HK) SOLD i-ry fiiriinT "f fruit iIi'nW'T i-Ii AMi Si Sl:.N I'll 10 BUrLast Fiiilny was as quiet n. f..,.iili .,f .Tn'v here as wo have ever distin-jui.h it, from any other ilay. eT Dry vonr fruit, in a .immer niau Fruit' Kva-v.nuor, for whic'i Mr. Ii. J. Kiikman i ' tll!S county. Ken 1 his mlv. in this paper. VST Th thanks of our citizens ure ;).;. (.'hmu-e, of IVniLsvlv. dill) our pub ic spnileil to .vnsmuii. Mr. O. S. Pop, for niakiu a brn. Btrcot-crossing in front of his st ire. friT Don't forgot to go to Kyimm ami Hoaileu's ami 'f their beautiful Mining mill Hummer goods. Iheir 3i.vlics Hats tire quite pretty ; houI ut bottom prices. ill lifivii mm. II l l.-l.l.l IN (iii iif l ml. .1 ...,t,fiim!v !. I II.IVII llfflll lllVIIt'll 111 11 lll'I it: " i . . . I . .. ,, i .. nl... i l. iim'u mi-it Ki',l ad v, itising then property, ami tti.ur , A mil a. i' ' ' " ! ., , . tt(l. bllt l,i li is awarded to that -student wl... it wii i., wi,.,.;ui .i.,..,. .;.v i 1 III" 11 III 111 V IS t A I I T . . .. . , i . , -t l J 1 . ' 1 - ' "i -- i not. it will bo both a pleasant and ! never, nothing to equal the -seasons gets tlie tuglmsi gra.ie ui.ring u.U i,,,,,,,,, ii .t. .k ..... i I. ,,.,. P.nl T ion vi'in. I his is oiilv iiiiotlur exaiiilili i in,.-i,.ii..i ,,.i .ii.i,i...... .,u Kviii. -im..!-- n, i I1...V., li'ivmo' been notlnn;ii imU r mil' eoinil v se loo s o itlscn ni&ii uei.n t- im union. .... , e .. p ...i..,i ..1....1, ...i ,.,........,, ,.,, : Kv.iu..ruii'.i Irui.-i, siwiw .rii.f. him civnm Uiiirii-;; insert their alvertisem.'iits. Appty at once for ierm , iVc, before all the space is taken. I IfSrWi' are informed by ?dr. .1. . Smith that three head of cat lie. be longing to his fivther ii.-luw. i.i. A. M. rower, were r- rent .y lu..e.l h. one stroke of lightning. tT R ad the a Iv. of M ''-' h gee, & Goodwill, dealers in tomb stones, iiionuments, Ac. Design sent by imii. a:i.l aU orders svi.i re ceive prompt ul lent ion. Minui.' and .I'-nnw ; ;l nelioo! lor o '.v4 I , 1 Hn'.nic lo Ig . j t i .... i. . in, .,r i , .U .l l IV III'' ' 1 hllMt C. I ('.nl. Fai'I.o!! .this ;. We uie ilioii ed, a few weeks ago. that our Sta-e bo:iid of airiicu'.liire had oininVvnd ut. to miike ep, orations nniong tlie coin ami ii on deposits of this Siate, and now we have the ph-usurc of iiiiimuiic ing that he will at. once begin work on Deep river in this county. He wi.l be at work in this county severa! months and wiil detinilely decide the extent of ourcoal veins. The owners of the (riiif property have been at work sometime with a diamond drill an. I art' much cMeo,ir,ig.'d with the l-i's.i.t-j th'is far. We ii i,"' the d iy is noi far dis.rinl wh.'n o.ir e n! ih' posits will bit fu'iy (ieve.opi'd and vast quantities be shipped lo a.l pa.-i.s of the St isle. ! tidiiit" too much of vour siiaee am of what pluck and perseverance can: BrsnAV Hi'itoit. ( on kntios. The: j-'MiomNi, vour columns. Hoping that do. m,d should insjare and l.erve more j i: ... ,.r ii... X fllwt Smiihiv ,. i n'lliiifihed die cloiiils will of our voun'i men to strive for an! Hch-io's in the C.qie Fear Circuit met have passed away, nn.l the sun shin ut t)r-o-.-,l. in this county, n last iug bright I v for us a!i. 1 ion. V'' , IT .'.' IU. Etato XSfcws. Friday an 1 was in session three d ivs. The con vint ion was organized by e!i eMng Mr. J. (). A. Kelly president, Mr. ilAv. lir.iwn vice-president', and Mi' (r. T. Aihnns secretary. Thcie were eighty seven delegates present , from the dili'eri i.t Sunday schools, ) Mountain Dauuer: Cleveland coun nnd a liii'ire crowd of visitors at tended 1 K- oavs slO.iHJO in Tuxes and has ' every day. l'errv, and I'ell were the ministers in ! churches m,d schools v.i i vi CJhis e.lueatiiiii. Aihevillc Advance: fleorge nhn. ii bright 1-ti I alioul 15 ye.os of; iigi. while bushing in Swammitoa ; ib-cr with soiiii' oiher boys yesterday! evi'iiing. near Mi. Cnee.burough's, tlnvo miles above the eitv, was hihI ih'ii'y sei.ed with crump and drown ed. The reports published in re- jard to tlm ilamaire done in the Rev. Messrs. K 'ndall. j t wo railroads in her Uord-rs, and fjood ,.,,,,( v ,v tll0 yvvt-ut heuvv freshets, aileudituce. All the proceedings were horhood. Iter peo ,1c lieigll-lligeiit. nleasaiit nod were much ( iiiovcil by ! iii'osii.'i'oiis. trood livci s. and handle those who were so fortunate m tohe;a ureal deal of the "mot of all evil," present. Much interest was niaiii-; So"nlled. and veto D 'HioeuUii'. J5utli lested in the work of the convention. ! (.t f, county pays half as much tax, and the cause of Sundny selmn's was ; ,.S ndlroad. few g.-od M-hools and irreailv b.-ucliled. Tile next meet iug , .iUiches, and it is hind scratching to will be held at Parker's (inv 'iiiiib.'ilaud eoiinly. beginning : th-.' 2'.nh of next Ainrusf. airVy Misses Willis w'nl open hm I giri in tie at, Him P :n''' August. Term 1t:ki,.t; Mi.cr.x i. We would i suggest the propriety of ii'-.ding a I l-ut l Itcat ii u meeting at tliU p.aee on jthe U2nd in.-; , ilnii day being Tucs I lav of lni'ei ioi com t -we. k. A laige Pir Vs w ill be Hcen by a notice in our advertising cohunns. the county com missioners will meet here on the second Mond iy in A'-igit. as is re quired by laiv, to revise tin tax-.isis. S-Tho merchiintsof Chatham are rcspectfullv invited o call on J. Kcotl il C., (l.ee-lsbo.o. V t- "l Dry (ioods and Notions. In a sepa rate department they carry a large utoek ot tiroeerie. cru.vd of Oiu i-uizcii'i hi.: o: I: that day and 'i 'voui.l be a hit time lor tuiviii;: a 1 1 --1 -ig oi.l i' lioll OVel'tiie i Hial l.iiii 'l Hi and i.ationai eo:i I ions. .No the att-'ii ll li'e of able sp'-akers i 1),' secured, al'el the enlilpuig'l Ciiai ham be ri.ugu rated in line styie j Since Ihe no ne Was in lyoi: W; !!l:ive seen Mr. .1. A. Woman, tin I chaii'iiiaii of o ir county ixeeoliv, Uolll niiiee, and he mh Lo, izes us t. i aiiiioaiiee that tuci'.' wiil be a raloi .'Male ioui't 111 cai ion meel si.g In suggested, on lie i ere, : I. ili.iVe I'he railroad v. areliousea'. 1''"- c. i . .v i. . lias been ti ! i - Iinind, a station on 1m t I! in tins county. ished and Mr. iVviu Vestal has been appointed itgeut bosh of tin rauroad mid express companies. par Th" republicans of thisciuiity will hold a meeting at this place mi next Saturday, for the purpose o f'ci'tili"- an executive cumniittec and organizing for the campaign, au ot which Wilt be "Loves labor iost. K -.I'osi ci.is 'requested b. 1 he chairman mi! cumin!'. ti meeting oi' a! ; le -s will lo.ii I -We til ol Mr. U. lane's f ih" IUposiii , to aei'o ieee the t.!.vl,.-lilp i a lies a; I gi ¬ be heal hi re Ii i : i t I'll, -d: ltl!.t tnai e.iiiiSuitii e'li.in an. ,in . Mr. II. It. l-sr We take p'.e, ll..,,f lo the ii iV ui ivni ,. , , . i ,. of the most, rename ami id druggisis i the S'.ate, vlio will le p'.e.ie.u to u iaii; ......... from his mwiV lllell ls m t ,i..i .... .. Home, nil" XI'erieni!: should nil iiuiiortiinc l lie articles fo i to be broligh lAilgiisi there ; c.i let'tmgii'i 1 I bod v e.pel be'somet! iii'i"! iy I lie lie ist ; .it the lv.io-:l:.., j tbsappoint the 1,.., I, as mil wiil le. :r our co, lel-u t! mum : e h bu, i SOI .iC, A. Ii v iblhi: tn a: lllg ('in-! I'OIUlt'. ft-,v- 1 1 ole a iinmner ot our e i (hi illsI'lVes Ml till' ii am" oll'e. i' l by the Life Association of repres.'iile I Mr. J. . Jackson. men have aval, low rates of in VaUev Mutual Virginia, wiiieu is so v. t lv our tow nsm in L:s. ing of the conn: t'o..o.ViUg were tiie ill ..' week 'i o tr Saiu-si a' Co i;.t v,i in to lo,e il, ill-ill. I'.Vt- ii.iin ex!i:!'il. Ua and it v.'!' l-.iicuolls place in. and v. e inasl not iiibiic cpt ctatiou ! Li lcl'i.1 ot es Craig. Ai l lie !:t-:t wi t i' i-oliiiins-ioiiei'.. Illi iia.vn as j.uors i'oi the le X ::i : Cha i. C. li.uk .'. Ambio-e 1 nomas. iliraui Love, licumtt I'.nni:;, An.hr .I,.i..w Mia,., I'm. T. S. t'oie. M CW Great reductions in goods at j c MeHaiic. J. W. O.dham, W. M. Loudon's for cash. Theae uic strict- ; j, D. ilarriugton, Laban lv cash prices. Cioods to be paid lor i Moi1 xiomi ll.it ley. d. V- Fcny. before ihev have the store: ",!it j o iver Outlu ie. T. ii. Farrar, W. D. 1'i ints 7 cents, a fair Print at . cents, ! 'i..lMU., A. M. Self. W. 11. Browning, Lawns 5 cents, woith 7, Lawns ut l w 7; iiUi-. H. N. Coble. J. U Ih cents, worth Extra bai-gains i" (.artemeidt, M. It. S;. ! hens. N. ii. white goods. iVque, hlrtpedMushus. j, a TjU.y. 'Win. Wright, Nansooks, &c i.J. il. Line C. (). Crutchtield. .) hu , ; il.n t. J. L. liackiiey. (Shiver Aveut. trXVTarreul'nor S in. l avette-i v , i' !l;. wer, H-hert 1'nis 'NAi.l i'r.Ms. The young ladies I'roiii this jiiaee who atii'iided tin1 teachers' im etingat Waynesvillc have illumed (h'iighled witli tiieir trip. A'e notice in the tlah'igh papers thai Mr. Lucno Hiinell. vim was the gi tier Ui" of the exciirsioti proudly wears a gold wat i-h-ehai m thai, was p.c- 'nii'd to him by tiieyo.mg la Ii. s 'lorn i'itlsboro" and Scotland Neck. Tlie si'.muier tiois iur has bi'en so co, ! that not so many visitors as usual are this year sumim riiig in oar town. Among those now le-re are Mrs. If. M. Drain and d.iiighiers. oi Macon tiiorgia: Mrs. Ii. 11. Cowan and chil li, 'ii. of Wa ledjoro' : "Mr. S. li t is; i ii iiiu I family, of Wi.iuingbui : Mrs. W. M. .Jones "nnd ehi'ilien, of Ca",v : Mis ; Addie Jtagley and Messrs. C. C Hamlet find II. M. Cowan, of ii aleigl. ; Mis. W. !'. I'ta y, of Apex : Mrs. 1'itivis, of Statf -vilie : Miss htMiy Lh.yd. of Bladen v! i i" ! ue'liiou. tii'Cii: 1'. C. .iune's and family, of Wihm ig i i t .n il d home lu.i night cftera ,', nl i..;t here. jiev. F. fi.lS.tsh and ,.)'. i el nine 1 ster.tiy from :i moiith's visit North. ('oi'i'.tiisttoM'.N .Mfctitin'. The county commissioners held I heir regular monih y meet in;; on last Mond-iV and Tuesday. Tee t'u.iow iiig aeeo-iuin were audited: ,M. T. f aliivt in ail Aifoiiso Wonible. for ii schoo! house site :'i ili-lnet No. 'zn. lO.i.'o (). S. .iolaiyon. dept. shl'l'.. for feeding find eoiiveviiig I4ee Tvsoti'to iail, hUMij il. W. IN .M'.i of i'., Devi ty. tells II mis been ' hood. It ai d prod! were not. as we hud hoped, exagger ated in the least. On the waters of New Found creek, in the western por tion of the eoiiiily, destruction of j property was very great. Stables, j cribs, out buildings, stacks of hay and other property situated near the! banks of the creek were swept awav. ! iot St eiiils meet vi' ii a mnjotin irotwiie- eroiis ri the bottoms were! seriously damaged, lie Ids of wheat and rye were blown down and fences' along the en ek were completely de-i mo'ished and the rails carried down J lli. stream. Cilieiiiin that section 1 consider it the most de aruelive fresh- j et thev have ever witnessed. I lllliu'll'.lllliill Ili'W In I ll'Uiil. i VHIiMlllll', frysiiili.i., i -hi k liml iiiiirfci't uv,i,"iiiii',l ii.'. u.-!n. Kviryl-ly In in vii.-.l ,,niU iiml w iin- r.vuii' ftinr, Bii'l iTi'i-lvu l-liiu; 11,1.. vnliiui.l:Kh. For sale by L J. KinU"4Ai5, M1L.LV. ..til. N. C.. Agent lor I'imlnain e.niuly. July I'i, iwi. IT LEADS ALL. No nther l.loo.l-tmrif vinp nulieino i mr.,!.., or li9 . V.T belli ruiruU tvliu li hi .'11111 pltiti'lv iikiuI.1 ill" ttiinui of ili; u-i;oiH ami lliu gi'urritl jiublia us Ayer's Sarsaparilla. mtamv pill ::SI3 ,Ss" Luir.svi UHI9H AGAOEY, Chatham CVcsty, N. lliaici of the people and it's nip and tuck be tween iliidicuits.il and progus . New Kerne .bmrnal : Mr. IT-v.eViah he!,., ti c o! a wotiil iscovel'i'd il is called a res cotton md Mi- - 1 in n i e. .u. now eek. this conn iflil tree tllllt 1 his neighbor cotton tree", that hat been 1 mi mid male into cloth; 111 IH'I. I ' ' . . (lie. fruit appears Jl-t tlie'ame 11s i that grown upon tin tton sta.'lu. It ! is about thirty feet high and has b.-en known to exist for a number of ye us, lit has been noiie-d but never known I to bear 1111 HI receMly. A f ample i should be brought down for the Hta'c I Exposition. (Saelenii C.ii-tte: 1,1st -vm- d.-iv m. a ulng ?dr. 11. P. Lewis and his Alt' iiia.!ep,'"i:ii :-itions logol'.i.-iimch, midhaviiighiUh. d amide tolas buggy, Ue m "it.-d his wif. -and !,i.i!i::le boy four or live yei'i's old and linm handed 01 iiif-iiit ehiltl abvilll Seven l.i 'liths old lo To iiiii-l children the bare sug.gps 1 1-: 1 u!' a dose of castor oil is nauseat ing. Why not, then, when physic is r.ece-isary for thelittleones, use Ayer's Cathartic Pills? They combine 1 very essential and valuable principle of a ealhurtii inedii'iiie, and being sugir ci nit cil are easily taken. "W H. Wakelield A Co.. of (Sreens bot'o', N. C.. dealers in Hardware and M if'nii .i cy. invit" the citizens of Chatham to ixamine their large and complete .lock, which will be soid astonishingly low. Their Wiikcfh'M Cook Stove is the nicest and MilicU- It l.-tiili. ttie lift us 11 truly wi, iiti'lf freefira. tion Iur nil biuii.l .liseits.-. It Uk ii' if .1 lark Onnnnii itiKtuiiit f S.'i',ilnli iiIi hiI yii, oCROrULA av his stiisunm i... iii Ui.ii ,mIu it ami i-x,tfl it iruut y i ir ytoin. Fur coiisiiiiiliiHiiil or whiIiiiumi -.Inrrn, n.TaBDU AVKIl- SAIlSAI ttlll.i l ! On uATflRRH I. ri'in.' iv. 11 it -.4 "ni-,t iiuii.lifrl,",.- i'as.,.j. tl ill .'t,'i On- irmswiiu cnl:.rrli:l itiwlians.'. mi l n"ii'iv,' lln smk.-ii in ,i,,,r of tin' lie-iiUi, V.LicU are iuliuUiuuj oi soi'ijluk'tis origin. Ill ncnTIO "lIiltn',TfX.,S,'iit.2K,l-- 2. ULULilGUS "At Oil) :i f'f ot 1 vi'.'irj "Mi' nf QnnCO "iv cliil.lrmi was t' lrilii;,' uii!i'l l WUnCO wall til.'fr.nis rtiiiniiiu -iiv mi an l.ii'u 1111.I ii.i'k. At Hi" fH-ii' Oi l" ii ,.v' M.tl'O sttnllrll, lllllull inli llli"!, : ii t v.'ry nl". O.nr Euro fle-nl'-iaiwi-.M " n' 11 l",w" WiUSt Ulto I'rliil ill.'iiitivi! Iiriin-mnt lif , Hlliv,!,. Tlnnjlllil'-'l l !' lllllllll AVI Ut S tit.-ii'iuii.l. 1. A f,'t ii". ir,i iliii'i il :i !'ri'i',iaiii' iiii-i,M!ii,,'iil, it nii'li, Ity 111, .i.ilii.'niii'c I" yiur lii'.-.ii.,iis, was wuilai ucl inn i',ni,,i'i ami )', rto.iise.it fiiin. N' fVliit'lIC tl I' .Lilts Hi'l'"''ll-,,'l t,! I-"' fte.-!!'-!!''! nf ituv m-ri-luli'iis ti'ihl-ii'-ii's: ami u,, eya! inciii ef niiy ili!irl"r i i f r aiti-ii'K'.l iy luoro iiitmiii ttr t-fltteiual r,'uU. iuurs iruh, Ii. !' J aiNsos. I'taa'.Miiat nv Dr.J.C.AyeriCo., Lowell, Mass. Solit by id! nriirinOls; 1. bettli-s lor i,',. I'i... (..noli .-, 11 nf Hi1" li'.nliinlmi will inne llii-Ii-i'ii'i vvi.t 0,, It Iff II IV, ISM, Hllil fill lliu.,' 'in w.'l:, ui.,r On' s,i,iivl.-ii,n i,t I ho l rh.,'!il. 11 i,le I lit 11 i-i'i I'" "? fiiiiil,ii'.. in limtruoL- ,,is, aii.-iliil, -1 1 ii' li nil iiritii, iii' iiiutlii In Una- i n,,,-s, I H. w,' t'lu.'-.-iiiii'i' iimi'i Iur Ui mi'uny limn am ! iin "I in U.'- saiui. Tniilmi (rrnii II s,i i,, r ii'ii ir ii, a -, 1 Hi.i! 1.1 Mitilii s. W nlmioffiir : , , , t,., ,..,1,111- 11, iii,..-u iimirliiR i mka l.s,s,., in 111-1 n riiil iiiu.,1,'. l'liiiiiiauohlpaml v.h-iiI niiiMi- in i" Umiiil iiml wii-litm? cbii tm I111J in f-. , ,1 lui iil.'s 11.1,1 i, :,ii tn il m jK-r mmilii. Kit 1 iiiii, 1 i iiiii,nii!i','ii ,'ii'lyl'i I'.. I POWF.LU Principal, 1 Pi 1 1.1 V,i:i:. Chatham county, N. C. ran jv iit, IV mm liiilUiliJI Will take in exchange for ISHKHI LNCS AND UOOD.S, ;at their Store, Flour, Oats, Corn, i Wheat, l.aeon und Lard, at market ! iirices. Tlie litleiiiioii of Farmers and Mill ers is called. es iallv to tln-ir make ..f SHEETING- for flour sacks. A good hi a- of !'1!V C.i (!'), NOTIONS. HTS. LOOTS AND SHOES, (iliilCFIUFS. HA 1U WARE, MF.DL'INLS, C, AG, ,dw;;vs on la.lid. Their , dealing. .latum!- n lo : lair irit'CH an J Louebt king Mr. I.evi-ii 'Ait. p.. in ii ,m-.' " , MARCH 22, 1884. iria!;g M li'oin hm In altem ill some 1 ii Ml'. rail oxer it and 1 Lumbei i.m U thai t' h graph p. ui the line ut tn i; the C. i'. .V 1 iiiici s will sti.'.i I ie, IVidge, Ki'i i .t'WIs i'leii lit s. for 4:'.r..V lbs. 70 poiinds ae cow lor poiii'- for tlo-.ir for for bacon for Watch.' ..I'l.t i'i in, ( iiml iiiiit hilvcr Jewelrv and siei iing Silverware. The I.,, .,,,-!' !:,,ie of Fr-iich and American Clocks in the Stale. Warren & Son invite orders for Enga. ami Wedding Ring- '.J. N. Newlin. i Cooper, T. W. ,n;e. Prior incut Bfcif Hcdspreads for pi ice $2; Napkins $Vl per worth ?l.0s Tovc'! very former do.cii, cheap : Ladies' Tt imineil Hats for !e". former is. mlO : Hats for S'2, worth $1 Tiiciic arc souio of London's! cash prices. If v.-u wish t. buy j goods very cheap now is the timer Li ing the money. j nt'i-oT.MiY.Onhtst Saturday night, while Mr. Jt.lui M. Pugl'- of Hickory Mountain township, and his wite wcrt' absent from home some one broke into his house and stole sev erul.ai tides of value. Cm.-tuin.i x C.i'.viT.--A few days n.vo deputv sherilV John W. Smith, of MatUn w s township, in rested mn! earried to the pemtentiary a not;. i ,ms convict, named John Hopkins who had escaped from custody last March while at work on the C i. A 0'n Priu.'.' this cosiii'y ai dit ion than ' kuo.vu thcui vcar. This ii 1! !ti-.---The ro;ids ot e now in a worse con ,vn have ever before ut ihis season of the i caused chiellv by the fi etnieiit heavy rains that have w asli. il t lietu so biidiy i-iiins have cci I woithl urge upon the overseers the ; importance of now going to work jiitnl at onco putting their roads in igood condition. The busy season I I as about, pass'.'d and the road hands lean ni ne conveirently now than at I some other lime :o to wink. Al the ! hist term of o:u 1 : giand jury pi i se.,t of overseers, and a I this court is he d v ' is lirobable that t Si 1 may tin i he same t Ii ing. this as a tuuety w :;i hie. Have trouble to some o The worse roil- in il tlii of bite .hi. Wi'iie liuilis. ha.-oa ii.ni o liu.l,.'. Tlu'inas Firie iooi liieise. II. N. (been. poor-house, Hasten tiiiiiiore, for corn for poor-hoii:ie, W. S, Oiillin, for repairing poor house wagon, Mark Pyuum, agent, for relief of Caroline Oldham, . IV It -id. for tl ipia ts of Ink. Klwaids, I'liuightoa A Co., for binding 'J tax books, f, R. L.i'iiie, for services as Clerk, issuing orders. Ac., 'Th'Hicis Cross, for jail f'-es. Two . ,s..,k on the 0. )' their escape lately. tothe in. his wie hi. it aft. I ran aw.iv. .Mr f to -I t ho! 1 Ol fee h' y, ht the child fall -I'.'' lie i,' i In- wle els of w ti oko its lieeit. he.ioiiiaii : We le: i s 'have been er So'..! hern i xii usion V. R. SI , an 1 liml , .i'li.li .In dat Lum Spiings and other of the com it Is it . A i. V. R. R made t dionl ilieiii went i i i , . i t t ie oi a c. .lore i litiiii ..no o't'i that her husband had sent r his Sunday suit of ciollns. iiisl "ivcu tle-m to the con- MAiil.'IiH'. liHt!is Hil l 111 1 ll.tVi!,',! .-i't','11 iriuirs.- iii tin As tlie Summer :.d H'RHAM. t:.'i.i W Y .V iiiocia;-. , t-r '1 T A mn i,y ' LO i Kie ii i . W. L I.HXD0X -20 ! 10 NEW CROP CTI5A 310 LASSES. : s.'itiii si-i,, ,.)..tl.l.l:,ll, 1'1'lt I cil in t ion CASH. in li I'.RLS. SY! 2W II. 75 30.1.1 4.20 (i.uil l.rc.i 4.t), ."." " ls.no The follow ing' aiito, nits were a lo.v ed the following persons in coroner ' inouest on the ehi.d of Jiryant Mil liard. . i.: !:' L- A. Hanks Sil.SO. Dr. A. W. Pii'met 5! I'd, Jic-.pi i Me Maims S(!.:?'. J. W. Caldef ijCVitl. It is hoped that these1 i van Htirroiighs !?:i.lt. I). S. Phil- d tor aw hile, ami we i .:. H ;.; j.20, John (iross Jjlt.HI, .). A. Viet whe.i le r iiu.-eian.l ' m d aVae.ee, ilHi! a liig'Ct Ol t pi' I..,,-,-!, ln.t ihu fcilow cut ell clothes. Hickory Carolinian : isstiti we inertly si lied ,.f 'S.m'uv S L. Liliiaa' iiiu, le -tiln ti c IMTTOS MAIUti::' (i,i.l Mliiailue. .li.tiln,, SI 1 1,-1 I. HV Xlil ill!., I SlUll.s l'liiii ttiili mi ui,wiii-,1 '"iil,'ti,'y WHOLES .i:e,!;oc;:!:Y V CASH CAN l'd'Y ;!!S AT LONOON'S ( llKAFF.i: THAN VOL FA" F.I!. SAW. 10 .30 MPLS. PORTOEICO MOLASSES. I'.llLs. SL'liAihS, SAC (all grades). I TO an d SEED TICK COri less, some mice vi! urdir ri-nn'iiis ellSO- his t lie'-:-the -iek I'dlmau i:.-.:'!. S. W. P.rewer "eii.Ttt. Luciaii Tyson S1..KI, Labau Ellis A11.lv Uri'wer :'2. oi:n -t:!.n, That J- J- Jenkins be continueil as the county beiiciiciary at the State university. Muiir. Ma. F near tins piace, :o jurors, in coming t uer them they w 1. t unity of inspector, el iur i. '.nirt t in I iiiti'.e a numb the next term of ek after next it next 'amid jury g. We mention b Ii tin 111 ortier 10 nil unci oi our ti n.iids. ! J can. I he c nr. IV are I as the gland colli t, will tlllte! have an oior ih 'ir coadi.itHi. A Heavy Haiti. Ou;s, CavTiiw C 1., N. C, July L 1W1, 1-Ton: I fei'l constraim d tti ot t laitlnun. ami tne I Suiittav ni irum , I O'. i; Cot Ni-V i AMi:i".Ti-s. . . ; there has been vel v .ii tie 1. , -Hn-iivi-v's. Mat Henrv ! to who will be our county ciimlr i.ii. '-" - ,' . ..,. , 1 has taken the couttaei mr , tins vear. iiur peup.e h.i.i- tt in lite uoiiotiui Y. V. nu Iron Danlap Tims fur gossip a-i itcs icoiili1 if the "Old North Slate", if I can. how much and how hard it mined In ic yesterday, and think I have 110 better medium through which to do so than your RKeonn; and this being our imiiivei's.'iry of American Independence, and not having any money 10 take me abroad. I wi'l spend ii portion ol my time, wiihyour per mission, with your readers. It was o o'clock in tht! afternoon when we notieeil clouds gathering not fir e.i-i 1 11. nci'c. 01 I 1 ni not 101 u eiieii.i In oar lit he (t.ndiiio.i taiuih - him self, his wife and their six children all Iowa with fever, not one i f tlm family , able to wail m another. It was truly a household of trouble mid anxiety. On Friday evening, the '20th iust.. Mrs. kiliian. the wife of a prostrate hiisb.tnd and the mother ofsix lielp- llsel'Mls. 1 11 Itu t'll. ill"... the ctifi l Willi hei' lnoltili was brought ' " the sick mi's romn and p..i '" i.wc.;i d m.d 'lose of le r tlr.t !,,! 1,, n. wiiilethe minisier le-i ; fim.-i-il seivi 't aed nviive-l for tl and iiiiiif led. Th liu-band raised mi J;,iy m. i his elbow Mid looked His last liuw oil j die still cold face uf hi 1 beloved and ! n.ithfiil wife, while fiielids held lip ilhe three oldest children for a last ; 'si'dit of their best of earthly friends, hi h.ving mother. The three younger' I children were unconscious of what, was going on. or of the loss they had j I sustained. Wo have witnessed many j , deathbed scenes and separation, but , I iiever a more heart-rending one than ! this. Charlotte Observer: Col i S Lou.', of Catawba Statin : e-eiitl-'inaii w ho is well known 111 Charlotte, conuuilled suicide 1,1st -At tell ocoeU the morning of the Fourth of July, he citizens of High 1'0'iit were .lioiac.l at the crv of tire iiinl the cx- sii.i.i! I,.,s. 7 11 I ..I'll, Mh'.'II l :iiini-....,..l U eil-.n," I, '. l'.,',t', s Liii il - li e ;,. ,' imi ivl. W "s :, 1 r, lllit-.t, " . I" stt.--.-i, K.liiulv, I- i'l-a--. I -'' 'I '' M.ii,i.... .. iri-.l I'l ii'lii-S, l'J' lil rti-tv t'ru, euiiii, 1 ii."i M-iii-s, Synn-.s, jrinM s liniii-r, 1" ' icj., Slli-lir K.!tfr., l.'u'lj ; V,'I.,W, it fit' I'llH-'KI IIH. I..11H.. lllaiiilli.U'il, h I' l-h, I"1!'1 0,17.-1., Uliill I'.ii'i, -V' t Tiiisii iii l-'.'s r ti.f lurii! 1'itti. i.L: 1 Hi Hi: HAS A FFLL STOCK I A FRY LINK AND IS OF FFlIINd FOll IN tu : : -.CO ' Q 1 :i3 New Ad vi'i'Usenicnt.-., To Taxpayers. ... lu'ivLy lilviMi iltui On1 luiu l "t I't-m-s ,.i ei -clieii I'ltiiitiv ttill nt,'.l at l!-,- m- 111 1 ins '11', " ti jl.'ii.iiiy il'i" mil 'li.y . 1 t. - -r i!i- 1 ni'). se ,1 ri'vii-ai-." Hit ' siu.t i-.-iiuiv, :ei. will ilti'tt ait t Uii't'i' i -is.- ..t.i-. i lis ii l" 1I1- mlu'CI-ni "I Hi'-ir i-r'.tu-,ttiii,itit'. i'l,'iiv-..l .'lu'iiliist ilii'iti. C. Ii. SCOTT, eiiiiii-iuaii. P if 1 Lougeo & Goodwin, Suivitj.i,tM In t. W. lttirli'un, UT Favetteville St., Rai.i:ioii, N. C, TIT I n: mriilDii!!i MVJ UflAil MONUMENTS, STONZ WOHK OF EVERY DF.SCRIl'TlON". CASH E BEST A INS this coiisity. iSo cosne at nee ; and hving tlie Tl n a ever ill POTATOES. :,..-.s FLOl'K. : . '! !-. 1 Ct RN. I K! iKLs v A I S. ;s P.iP.N AND CHOPS. ".' -. t I.S PR IMF WHITE Mi. L Fiou, Waxall Mills. SQQb Lli-i Id I.K MKAT C. It ai.il iU'.i.LlHS. 15 TUNS i 'S 1 i M F, TIMOTHY HAY. in i : -! v.e l .nidle (Iroccries only, ,,1 iheis 1'..' ' il'i -especial inducements .1 th v,!, ..iih! and retail trade. . 1, ,1 I ii , I'n. s ,.i,n STASH,) m OF DURHAM, i.MIAM, rv. C'.. nr. 1. 'ui. WII.ET. Cmtblflf i.e. I'll', ill li" ,,tl I'KMAND OT OTHKH 11, ,i.'.. I W ill Lily Btltl Bt.ll HUM-k n - 111 si inv.-ne iti ti i nin. win huf 1 ti 'iii- Nmih ut Kurupe dt cur- . ,i r,.ii. ut, l.-ii,.. mi .(ii'tiotl. 3 AN 1 SAL) li A ,. , , !,,.., 1 s i rh.tmiis DESK1NS SENT FRKF. P.Y MAIL. till Oid ..,,.,,,,,.--,, T.-1.V SAMM'Aiaio. iur,.i. July hi, I ss. Ilim. MONEY, 1JY YIIITUE OP H i.-i-t r 11 nirt ut elintlmm oua- . ,..I.U I'lllltllll J. W. tK. iiuiiliii' I will wll l pulilla : Hit- ii-iiri-li itiise Uitor fu th .-. .ti v 21st, 1884, 1 .1 l.-iii l in eiiHilmin piiunly 00 1 t ,n a Hit- liuulsi.l J. II. Unrrls. MiiU't 1, t iu.it A. M. llHrrell.ciu. 1.1. '1 less T. II. WOMACK. lis. CmiiiHlittiioudr. 1 1 1 ............... :.. 1 ........... 1 , ,.. t in in inn i,,'.i imiis ,t,i 11 in in 11, "in "i'i " 1 Imi O 11" U lirnposeu 111111: riu-iii-iaiiu.ii nteiisit,. in.... , . , , S y riiir It till old Haeknev iniU. 1 of ihe P.esidei.tlah (inl naioi 1,U muen o. a showe, lion s,. i, 1 U ,1 township. The' iirice land Couessioai citiidnlatcs that ; -mere si uvts. and so .th uk xy - "' . -, . 1000 .1.t 11,., l,,;,1.f..',t . v li.v,. elvea Rut little uttelltlol, pmli'il to tlie Vlll'ill ll'i.t .... a ...... ;-oot, to in pant is .-'"" ' , ... ,: 1 ;!,,. ,,, ni. .,:' i heat, and while I'liyed in I'tad-. iiowerles I.,- till s lOtl l)V t 10 JSl OI IH'M I'e 1.0 I 111' Oliti an... " s - ,'.,i;, to lie niiisu. ti v - ... . ...... 1 :...:.,. ... i..s-in.r mi 11 einiinience, t:l iunir : "cut u , inn ,,,1.,.1'. 11 I-. l;, .i.-iiv";! I"'"' j u-t '.- "''" "rs;;.:Zf,,i. l.t .., ti,,' i.l l,.-s.. -Win men en. ,. ,. ! , t .1 ,. .. I .,.. i!iw,h ' a-Ul titt 1'itlU III 111H III WH'ihn m.ui. , 1 ie I ft!Mut 1(K yard. Wlow the null. j have hea d n en 1. n. d. .m J .. ,;.,. e,,.s ! ,,f , . it ,.,. tlit.v On last I lull's . ..1 .... ..... dav there was th heaviest tail 01 rni'n in the western part of this count y that ha almost ever before lie. n known. Nutonly were all the str.anis nt once swollen out of their hai.i.s. 1.... .,11 tin. (hit nnd level places I"' IH.l ... ..... .- . . Several wash- ,f the vailroad between Silor came ponus ... , f h,, lioni;ll.lUo,l , leeii. 1 1 ... - Otlt C. V. Si Y. Y nnd EBvpt. but they were soon ip paiied. Many fnriiifi'rt i',!it il . r il..:.. 1 1 ,111,) oats w'llt'il ea. 01 u.e . -' '..,. .,,,1 tioi, I, UH liee.i s.io. n. ... ,...;, Snellen 'la Viol WomacU, and Jolm R. Lane. e do not know that aiiymn of theiu is an asoiiant for the nomin-it'on, but Iheir i-.:ini-s are spoken of by their friends, and there may be oim-rs of hoin we have not lu aid. It is said that our popular leeister of deeds will have a in in: I able compel it or for 1 Mr. L. .1. Jvukniiin, ,..,.1 that Mr. .1 .hu R. P.iscliall wilt . siicii a i.i.tlw. .-1.1,1' .. lid iit'eiiudidaie. Wu tion in many n y have not heard win will be sheriti" After an int. Urea. i's opponent, for the uonlina nnl'UI es aliol tu tl 1. M....j..j II:. in I loiiiei lloe 111 siiu, t lion:- ii .... - - life soiiil t lines ot tne uppt r reeious linowii open. VYe could stand "it no longer, and so retreated to a shelter, to witness the ovelihnviiisi; of the banks of cwiv Iii l ie rivulet, one of which w is soon beariue; upon its turbid tide the wheat thai, we will in the future so much need; but it is eoiie! L'oii' ll At length the cloud passed away, but tin has not huh n in iiiu Moul li iiui,i;j : the u: vol ar. val of sonic twenty ', or the same c,o id, tin., time from Un wind ill the luealilinie iti 'incut irrew intense as a iteav smoke issued from the buildings of the Willow Ihiioli Alanuf:teturin;f i c iiittianv indicating thu location of t ie tli e. It was but a few nmni ids after the alarm was raised that the iliiues had spread throughout- the factory iiinl far beyond colli r..',. The leaehinerv of the factory was l tiii ,i ;.. ut fall smed when the blare sprim up- The operatives at lir-.t eiith iivoicd to sub hie the ilames but SiltV IIIHI I'I' II eit.uis , .-. i an 1 all sately ret rent c.i , tlie buildim:-; Once taitiv un- l'.-r way. the tire did its won; q ui liiy md siiielv and within half an hour. uain biiihiin;'. Mil" its tltotisiimis iliidles and ot in f liiachiuery, be sides a hu'ee ipi iiility ot coikhi lT'io t , nu in ruiiTs. The dve ho.tses an t i.ew .v. avi niili" alone were saved 'I'lie tin oii ii'iated through frit tion f 'the tmiehinerv, L i staled that il,e less is fllll V la'Vei.ty live t'lOlls u.tl dollars. np":i which tiiere is mi niMir uaee of lil'tv thoit-iiii'l A colored 1, i in named Stephen Piilhmi was sent t , jail in thit ci:y vi sU'i-day uiorii. lM,v a el,iO;.e t'nit stands withol.t 1 p uii'lel in the criminal n colds of Ch irioSti. lb stands chained with le mi a'ieiupt to innntcr I. a in-ill;; a spo niiiii 01 o her ear. ily hi, ss. Urns. 1 1 .."31 sure to tend BAIUiAINS 1! be 3 M 31 Hay Street, 'lit iulv eiM iisi't I'liyi-iti-.intt l.i!ni, FAYTTFiVIlXH, N. C. Otters a complete stock of Ml'.RUTNF.S. PAINTS. SLFDS, OILS. CLASS. VARNTSUFS, 1YF STUFFS ANOTOILKT ARTICLFS AT LOW PRKF.S. S-itisfaetion e-uaranteed to nny who 11111V tuvor him with thur orders. ( ;., respoiideiicc solicited as to prices and teiltis. Iii'v iii, 114. am. BINCHifS Kslalilislio.l ) is tl,o mil . 1 i ' se!, i,,l 1,1 X ) li.-f. in li;, s,niiii r h o s l.toirr, r tn-si fis o v mn v-i I'M nii.l n tr- ..': i'- lix'l'U IH'i s!'. Tl..- -in--' is I'UI.VVIlA ToliV ..r 1'lNls'IINii. 'iln ii. tsinli'il iiiclil.t iitiiin.l s..i,'li-I i l.l,i: W. I.. l.OXDOA'iS. Pifishoro. .Inly 10, Iss 1. ,f, r, ttst- i. I'Mii.l.' 1 111.,. I.. Wyatt& Taylor, R.V1.F.IC.1L N. C. Wholesale Groccrn AND lAie sgistiraiice: F.vi rv man o ir ht to have liia life insured', so tliat when lie dies liis i'.tinilv 1, my have some provision for their' support. Many men, who ,tl ih alive eomhit'tably supported their families, have died in their prime and h i'i their wives and chil dren almost destitute: whereas for a small Mini their lives could have been insured and ample, provision made for their loved ones. Let every prudent man be Warned in time und secure this protection for his fatnilv ! ! THE VALLEY MUTUAL ItVlt .ai! liliVl'llV. d ut smnll 1111 aiis. i-avuer nil I, id u.le li V si.,. -e,l '.t'l-liis 1,, "iu,t: 11 , tstKi s. ssi.in I,.-jlm .inly iiuili. Jp-.-r IMlal'ijtut-, (i.t'lfe-s Mnj. II. IllMillVM, .1,,'v ii, Issi. I'.titlltl Sellm I., ! . Ii. U.tNKIS. S. C, lilSMS. A. 11-MiiHMMII. FAYKT'l'LYILLi:, N. C, Miu ki ', s,itni-, WliOUSALc GROCERS. Ai nl i',, iX'l. I' i'oilsii-iil'ieliistif t'ottOI solicited. We ci"-- a heavy stock of Mi' T. ! A UP. SFOARS. COP PL P.. r.AiHil.N''.. TUX FLOP It. MKAL. CORN. P.RAN. VC.. ..C. which we ott'er to the trade ui lowest pi iceS. jive consignments of Cotton iii.ie- our pei'souui a'.b nl ion s ai ln.4h. sl, prices iiiul returns at once. NVVA'l'T .v TAYLOR. ,. u Uisi Miu'iiu su-i'ti, AYill and P10'. and ma'- 1 or war mm Asiiociatiofl of!', is iiiiu-ual indiiiH'ineiit.1. Its rales are very low, lieing for instance on tin average only $8 a vcar mi 10(10 for a man 30 years old. It is advent ami reliable, having now a ".iiariinteeing reserve of $100,- i it ii . It Ppn'untl 11 1 lUlili l'or further information, apply to x. w. JACiison, Supervisor of Auencics of N. C, piTTsiiono', n. a Jul ( h k i.t I,,, (tin i-iishl I its eouivic, und wtis luil'. cil had i were vvaanuu ji "J tAtttClij. iiioiitioncd in that cuiiUtiL-ti'J.

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