,1MfSl ihm THURSDAY, JULY 31. 18H4. H. A. LONDON, Editor. nn i.i. , t T. Yi-L- w ( T,viti- i ,:lh.r was joint discussion, tl-.:ui riorof North Cfirolnuiwouldbengrcat, , ,. , . ... , , , , . i when he wits alone. i o beuove t!,:t Ca am ty to the State, una would :n re , , " -. 5..Wan ! " -h'"-'" ' speaker CtUI always nmko siwrgts u.n. ut nt! Jrospovity of our people. u ,lsr SiUbecauBOofhin record as a member 6f our State LeyiHliiture. Asa legisla- for he opt.twi? nem-ly every meanure l"r " " J ..i i l.-l ...,.... t. , ..,Vvl. tKl. lllll. Wn--. . .-.vr.. l:. . 1 XT. liuf aii.liii.r liA u-ns jus gwu- V j ahwvs clei-ted to Mie legislature tta a 3 , , deniocrat, and at every session pv - . . , .... nn ficipated actively in all the mucuses . . ' , , .ti , Of liis party, yen ne sieauuy ami .It ..,.v4ja.l flw, ill. 111 II. i l'BB,"lc"u' "t'r ". ' 1 l ....,.,.,, , .f Iowiu'Wi'aii t lint wove mill, uiwiiun - ildopted by tho denioerats and which have proved no beneficent to the , ... ... . 11 in people of the State. About the only .i,i i L.,.(111.ti Jfl Villi WtWHII lf , , ,. , . . . ana voteii ior was iu cioiuye i" eiu present systeui of eouuty govern ment '. He opposed extending the proper belief to the insane, of the State, this clii'ss of our unfortunate fcilow itizens. upon whom the hand of (Jo I in been so heavily hud. has always Sxeited- the syiep;thy of nil Chris tian people, ami it has been the pleasure of tho people of North Caro-, Una under republican as well asileiuo ,4..ot;..' I,, in it.-n lil illli'l' 111'livis .': , ., ". , ,. , i, ion for t-hrtii' e:r and coiutoi t. Iul Di York, as a member of our legis lature, opposed this. When our pit i-1 able lunatics were con lined in the: joor-louses and jails of the Siveial bounties, because tnove was ni ro-oni tor them in the asylum at lta'.eigh, and when iu response to the public lenitrnd th leiinintiue was attempt-; Hig to erect additional nsyluuis for MieMO unfortunate creatures. Dr. Tyre; York east his vote against and op- posed this act of buiininity. Jtonr; legislat(-f s had been iutlueneod by, him or followed his exatuple. there, tould not be now the asylum at !XWganton or the one at Ooldshoro! Even fftr the Morgan ton asylum, tas half finished he advocated sll ing it for whatever purpose and price they could. Is such a man tit io be tho Governor of the good people of North- CaTohna ' Not only this, but lr. York also Opposed all improvement iu our eda national aystem. When his feilow-d'en.o'-rats in the legislature were doiiur'idl fl'.ev n.iihf to -thicate the poor children of North Carolina and to advance our educational interests, : 5r. York opposed them, and if his ."ounsels had been followed tin'V Would now be grow ing up iu ignor ance. How then can iaiy friend ot' the great cause of education support him f To the great work of developing the resources of the State by build ing railroads,- Dr. York wt opposed. He strongly opposed the extension of Mile- Western North Carolina rail-: toad, and if his view s had prevailed 1 Wiat great work of internal improve-! ment would have remained as it was left bv Littleti-ld and Swenson. But : it isnfd4L.sso,.it- mhlition-l nviof-i of his opposition to those measures Mint have so much benefited our State. His whole legislative record Sbouiuls with them, and proves that he is not the tuau to whom should be I mih-iisted l.lm oliief in.i.ost i aov of unr aoble oM Stt'. Gen. Scai.ks and Dr. York, the do: Ocraticand republican candidates for Govrnor, will conduct a joint eau- vtiss, and will oien the s-anipaign, on next Saturdav. at the town of New ton, in the banner democratic county nf HloNlnln 'I'l.t.il- m ,i ttnl i..(.,l aru ' . , ,. , , t : nuoi!Si urn ior mi iiioiiiii in .vugusi. and are located in tho western and the "redeemed. He .:,s r. pu.h.'.t. d north-western counties. Wo suppose JIepublio:uiisiu nud in-vt Noi n.lier they will visit this portion of the!'11-' '" 'boo from his Ht.,iu i'i. s.,1.1,,.. iw.,. V'.. ,.a I, hands into the l.:i!!ot liux will bear , 14, ' . - ; , leased that a joint canvass has l.ren U-ranged lietwecn the two gulierna-: tonal candidates, as we Hunk it, will 'tiiMTAsn the dpmixM'ntio liciiol it v nml " vass. viu peopm iniojo ui whi Were always accustomed to having a pint Utsenssion by Hie guiernatorial i the experience of the past campaigns ," ', V 1 -. f been ran.lo public. Iu fact, at the proves the correctness of our opinion, time the Liberal and Uepuhiieati cot,. The larger the vote, the greater the , veiiUont met in n,i!eigh, .Judge p. democratie aiajority, and a large vote m"1 might have been classed asaDeiii can be best obtained bv a joint can-; I1: . tLis KJ" ring of the clans , H i in lotloigh, acoiisultatioiiwns held an i WHididiltes. Itwastheold fashioned I t-';p:". wasipiickly sent t-. the .fudge ' i , ,. ,, . , asking hmi ll ho would not aceeM the ay of conducting the cainpa.g.,,n..d,n,Mllhm(ioll no ' tt-4-ent exnerienco has moved it to be j ,..,,,...,. . in, iu.s,uiii'ii mui ua-voil- s:s,,,, ,,, ii-.hiuiv- ii:iiins n iltl IO Jgj ,(.Sl.i!S the best. Tho people like to see the ; vent ion then met and nominated him with npproviug comments. J'roiuj " ' 1 rival condidates stand two to face i Still desiring to strengthen the ' 'arnumth's ni umer mid expression ! An i artlnpir.ke (e cu-red at M i-so-nu discuss the great political que-! w twh 'i.v'"l,ll'B, 'f '-untetianec. I judged he did i.ot ' wan . Pgypt on th- Ke.l Sea. Neat ly ,. . , it ., ! active influence, the Liberal und Ito- feel a verv deepinterest in the Phimeil :l- the lion es m tho city were dot-tons of tho day. More entmisiasui ; lnll,!ie!,u conclave met .u.-I formed Knight's 'lengthy epistle. I, .ox,,, j strove. and .'up, in the ha: bor were iti excited among the democrats by,a State executive committee. On' m . m violently rocked. Tho inhabitants hearing a joint debate than by hear-1 this committee Judge Dynuin's name 1 s wTshiicton Territory "i'1' V'WU' :Ul'lkc" nn liav' 1'(;lt to :. 1 !...: . i if ! was put down and lie was link luiti.i .... . ' !' . ,' ',. . . ,' . the inteiio:. my Ulllj tucil iot.i n..e,.r. s. n Vance had canvassed the State, in' S7, alone, his succches would not, havo excited the sain enthusiasm j that they kl. Iu IHH'i lie canvassed J the State very tlvoroiighly, and. al-! ?' ' J , l.v tlwm.di he fullv simtuinetl ,m lenii- I . o into Mivit us tho best campaigner in tho , State, vet ho did not have ns large Riidieiiee.s nor create the same enthu siasm i's in 17f whni ho canvassed in company with Judge Sot tic. In tlis same .ittn j:iirn of 182 Judge Dennett made better Kpooehcs uiul excited more eitthusi.isia wherever a letter speech when ho has aaoppo- mllt Ulll!1 ,vh()1 H,oUP tlie sll,!.rilt,s 111(),.t, J . ' '.j . ' .' ff wll," 'aon., lt w ,0, ' of a one-Miiled business. r h.-; in;r . t.wvw,sllriw(.PuSt.!ps and' J I York lmer crowds will hear tho , - . ; speeches, more interest will be niani- ; . lUsti'd 0 the ean:i?i!;n. greater en f i ,i : thusnism will ho cNcittd anmii' the ! deiuooi'iiis, a laryer vote will be I. ,!!ed. ailt he democratic maioritv i 1 ' , wjn l)( t. v,.rl j " ' ' ' i " ri;L,.o.v.!N(ic:.l!inii,i!' will.leuliiles.H i . . 1 : !l Vl'''.v ex"!ti!i;r one. I no rq.uli- . beau uiau.i'',i will make every effort r.nd strM-iu every nerve to curry this State. They i'c. l that it is nee ssai y to secure sonic of the Southern Siate.i iu older to e'ect. l'.'aino and l.o;,ra;i. mid it is said that special effort will i).1 made t capture Fioridi. Nuth Cii'iiu,-i a:i l West Virv'ii.iM. They have an abuiidaiice of money a 'at covniption fund am! tl.ey wii! s..,.:d it iree'v. Inevlcno'.v Inuv p n.ei till hleiice l'lonev wi. '!.! at the , North iu cai rviii'' elect ions. :i:ul tlu v ; hope to cairv North Carolina thi . . yenr Ituo t !: t:, I Jiniiam m but in (Lis hope thev will be isso. "I ieV- oulv disappointed ! Iu order to prevent the capture of North CaroMua by I'.iaine. tile .h'iiio etats must hcitir thenist ives and pi'i'Secute an active and vioiims csiiipai-jii. We cannot led upon m:r oars and eect the eiin nt of ml nil' opinion to carry us on to victory. Not at :l'!. but we mut all ;;o to '.vn k actively and sy. on. a! i. ally. and everv man must do hi-; f.i'd ihiiv! Tin-: 1'aii.si fi i issued a pain, hh of their huiMih.r lei.-iihsnons fo Mverytiiii.g; -.1'ein' and all good c:ti. to '.earn that 'thi U' h'Oe ;: ,1; 'i d liipiors sl.aii be s nor will ::nv siti ant no: g p,g u th, ;t:i s the r-ii have p'-l.!.- s ai d :n . 1 1 lie we!! arrai'iM'.!. n- W il! be ji'i'ii-",! executive eon. n. It hai no spirit :. on i Id oil the gloiind-. shows of an iin moialor ol'jeetionab'.e chai acii r. itiy specie, ted."' All iu gatiiiiii'ig I'c iern :vj ii-'.t ; iateiKiod for i lttl.Itti.il ..i.ts, lie tU'.H -7t 11 of September. In f the State Agricultural S.vi.'y :i hirg'e liunibof tif valuable preiaiiuus ale ol'f. i'ed for horses, cattle an I the products of tho farm. Any po'sio; desiring a list i'f the pn i.dums ea.i obtain a copy by application to the Secretary. Mr. Fries. A preiniiiiu ot is oh'ere.l to the county ?h:. makes tho best exhibit. Shad thai county be Chtiihaiu .' Wlmt say you. fellow-citi;e;is .' Another (i, inert. One after another of tho old lire- tr'el republicans are aband-'iiiiig their l,rt!t.v- "' if lllls i,l0n ei'i.trolied by n le" ,,'1""r' "eseueis. in a,t,t. t,,m toex-U.-v. Holdon.ex-(Sov. Prog ih'"' H',u' V A- Smit1' frs l'-"-toio. mcntiom ,1, wear.- m-w "t another distiiiguished - publican has detel lnim d to east his votn nith his fellow white men of North Carolina at tho next election. This gentleman is Hon. W. P. Pynuu.. a tornier npiihlicaii .Judge ot our Supreme Co'.nt and. fobaMy ( be alhisr republican in the State. Wo coj.y from the Charlotte Observer the fol lowing concerning him : J i"" -lion. . 1 Jtvmim. ono of the kite crowned hi ads of the Ih imoheall I V ill Noi ih i'al ohl.n. st.in.ls . the name of Alfred .M. Seal (,..,,, 'l'hi ne'e of iwi lo (lov that will be received with ,uch grati lew s Pennon ry .nnige Hvnums manv Irie; its tliroughi.ut the .state. 1-? not a .,....,.,,.,..., I.... I ,. . jtlle nn4ult wnHi.ttit was ilm-i.Unltlmt tho nomination for Governor should ul - ianieie-i io jintgo j.yiiiiiu ami a ,.:.. ... .i. ..i..'i , .', . I, lied of this action. , . . , ... .' ' . . ,""" ''';'3 'P- on receiving the notice. Jud;; U.,M,, .C, .,,,. ......i;.,.. o ', ' V i " hi;i name oft' ns he positively declined ' tl llow his name to bo useil in any 0",1'1''- iu" course pursued .Tn, I, r,. Itvniini .,, ...f. 11.,.. i.. ......... o "o-.'- ""- - pi nominal! on lor (fovornor and in deoliuin;, to act ay a member of the j committee, alarmed tbf! l.'.- Ms mid they decided Hint one of their number should p.iv a visit to; i., i . i. .. , i i i Judge J.ynuiu ami sec what was wrong. One of York's managers cordou'ly came to ('li;'.:!ott' and found Jii.Kv' Myniiin iisi.l fi.iiii.! fintl:. i il::it the Judge w as a Demoi-rut, Wo mi; toM that Jroi.i t !i:it time on sou I a! ,,.,,, :, .,..:... f.micst mlciM.w, woic I.. i.l Willi ,!tl.!-c l;yn:n:!ia tl d.lcavLr toln i:i;; Liih liiu k im-.lcr York's I i . i loit nil to r.o j-.!ir-so. l!c had va!i:cil out I'i om the ini-N: of R.j.ul.iioanisn. i...l aoth - . "'yf ouKl induce him to turn buck."' i - ! OKI WasJiiuistoil Lellor. i rfr'tn "'.u' liviTuliu' C,'n'-;i,ii,!.':it.; Wasiu.noTi.s. D. C, -J ni v 'SI I'olitics makes strap hed.Vliows i,i;,....,l.i, tv and the career of the lie) .11.1 i'ii lli tho List d'leii vcars h ;s iii'veloiH d ... . ... , . ' . a vcvohitMit m jii'linal sentiment 1 tl at is without aiMm.ik in American ' !ii-Uil'V. The sir;ht presi d iu Xe.v Y..ik thU wn k of s'leii iiieu as T. V. i liginson, C;,:irh s It. V 'o.'ui.ui. (Son. William ('.ill is and Carl Hvhinv. va.'h i luii avoi in;;' to oiil.io tic oti.it' it; lavishing pr.iisi-s upon the I). n;,. ratio Ctltididaie for the l'lri."!it V .'Old ill .l.'tiunciatioii of i he parly to which they h i.o l.e.-n ttt la. he 1 since its or ani-'Uion. i.-. o .o tllai detil 'tlti'e.ii s the litti f outi'i.hl V ot l!.:lt . !':iC( In 1 1 ing iiii i ,'iivhv. i n the !' . !::.i! eii,!.o-o-mem oi'li-iv Ch vil.li d b the In.le ;.-i.de:it U pablic.'iiis at liu-ir N'rw York cont'i let l e. Me mo t!te -.( ho. i in-.; iiidi. .; i !-ol K.iot'os in il.e determination , f the people to w pe . .1! this r:.. y oiut'.t. ili. lu.I-; i;f !!'.!!. ; ih"I !e iii' ism. i'.i.e. the C):.i:..;si...!..- of Indian .Vhiis. the ?.!;...- Naucv of liie saintly Vil;'ol tin" l.'ejVii.'ae.'.ti party, a: ! Ii;riii.i. Ih" ,-rg i'.i.'e.l appe!:t- . ;' li.o l'u, ion !; ;ti .;.i. l,ae ! en in waiii't;; t;i the I'ittsbaru Prohibit ion . 'on . -ii-lioll t '. ;; t the leii. p. ;:i' ce f. lies to eiuh-.'.-i iSiai.'.e rat in r t;.i put up :i candidate of their oi n. i iu; . Padiey i e;. n t'.,:i.; sh.'il of a pl.i.-e in .'.',..!::. ' c.'oi... ; o lio.il. 1 .'iiaine ev. r .'i I otic; ,o;d his i-.l'uis wit!; the i old wat r crow .5 ai i it; burg h-.vr hi. -a pi ipori' ii'.t'elv ,i His. liion.o. li"! su.v. ..' d .-o f ir as iieal d I.'oi.i. Pi i e i . an ..:!.- iVn o! ! .i.t-ii nity. w'mioU'.s hi- piavu.g on ,i .:!. i.'. and bee:.:.!.' i:i,l,.t; t'.nt.n.i.- let ti o km- ,ii y ail, I :i!i wis tlr.ii.i. w " as s..:'t as tCeh r !: o iha- th el. II hi- i.ioni i:d w''.l .I'd t tt..l.ty. Th. ie are While ,r,,g ie I wo 1 Yolk Pie- Mr. irg new -'.:i i . .-. 't ion.. .. 1 a... I P are ettg-igi tl iu a i ,t,:d :ig i;irt the !'.. . A i. :!:',!. Ipiti.l ll. spi ; ate labor, rs in taeir ow II simph as -tl.i fail- pi inter win " I la 'i I. times. c:!e at pro- pi : i t:. , ! .Ml i t.ii..;si,Oi bv.l.iv (I ,. p.... 1 i ill' f the t: : I IS el,. .:!. is o! c I, i Mr -!s .':i:;on.; I It'ori.. t ;;. lr o;';'. iis'u .Mr. P.I. line. It is nuf P.l.iii.. ;!. it thegreat ca : !-t lol'o". :: g st an.l.' : oo-eciii ito ii." von l.i i - 1 1 1 s e'.guiui !! v-iii mi:,, as l 'hair, i. ri .iole s' r. eord : toiiupoitoe, . heao lat'o.-, i , v fe.nle :.:., .,p:'l,:.s ..;: l i'ijudice Wori-.i'ignieh agei I1 't I 'hi i !:i:e I. it investigation sli ' that hi lias been thi' ;, .istmit frieii of tiio woi l.iiigm in ali iii:-I:1! , in oitiei and out. What i s Mr. Jll.iine eei done for the workihguiau .' If tin it r '.va a moiioi i, v candidate it is Ja.i.es ti. Ihaiiie. who ail hi., life has beeii th, a. tive to ! anioaii l ing-.. md. Ho has o the worst went through npporteis t i s. el al . w in) and nig sieats ot t w ry ! el 1 1 ii'iiei I liliil-i If bv soni monopoly j. 'os that ever Congri .s. and his chief tlav are tho Gonitis. S:e, expect him to. serve I hem li as willinglv as he did whih We here in Washington watched Mr. Jllaiue'.s cm Presi,!, nt Spenki r !iii have cr, know jiist. how much of a laboi.ng man's tiielid he i:. i'lx lioiernor Warmouth. of Loui siana, win) .ait o much of a liui in that Slate .huiag tiie milk and honey lays of carpi i bag reign, was in the city sou t";i .!as lecehtiy .Miii lias j.isl Soft for lhiroeiia iloston. lie itiar licit a rich lie nine time ago. and i. how a pi i'spi i lis ntg."r planter. The si;gar pl.o.t. is i,' i.oiiisi,...:! .hid tint in; h r I'-.i -tilig c, ml, to it-; it costs above live eel,- . pi r pound i,ie. sugar, v.hit hth v h ue 1. 1 si II lorp.i-t about the s i: no an ;oi H it. l l.ies.s .. I, change (locals tiicy wi:l s .n hive to coine to a full siiiji. Thev arc imorm .l that laiici a milling proei-.- ;-, x ii lds ahoiit t wi-i.ty j . r usnl w on cent, more t;in c.:i:i me matter tt;:i t :il' that in Use in l.oui-i a. a. at no expense. Gov. Warm.'.h goes to Prance to examine this piocess. Ho desires to lake witii l.ita Dr. George 11. Spencer. ( ,1... of tl.. elieiui -t:- oi' t he .igi:ei:!l:i:;d I epai t ment. if he can obtain for him 1ivr of til's; :.ce f..r that purpose. Warmouth used to 1, 'i exceedingly hands-.m. man. and 1, 's s'-'i i.ue ii-oiang. tiiougii vein s lein hanged his api araiicV somewhat. "'iw him at 'i iihiitls seated r.t the la - eakfast table with Kellogg who , : - ' .;... ,.i : i:.... ot .:. .. ,'"i.... . ' . BH' I ll Ig I K'SI l'( ) VOl 1 I'll pli I ! V I V CI 1. i. t about an im h find a half loni-. which I -'e apear. .l there mlai liutnbe The Virginia Coin t of Appeals, in session at Wythciiilo. has' decided that the act passed by the .a A Legis- l. o.,..., , l..i,;i;.,.. i.,...i ;., ...(.. - . r- ........ ..: s ., -,. tendents from faking part in poln ns, waa uncousiitutioiial. i executive Hi'siiHs of Dt'tlioenif ie Utile. K-(im ... lM?xh l;,,-!.!.-.-. Tha:il;s to Hi- wUdont of Demo- 1 lllI"N io in.. . ,.r.lti. counsels Hie course of tho State ; s lunv. ,.U,M.. juul sw is f,,,, ,,,! . ; im-iuuboitvl to juv-iio h.r grand .,..,,.,,(.,., And she has boon sol'roed ; wiliimit hi-reusing tin general in!.- ,,i' i,.v.i ion on m oncll v as it existed . N li 1 1 V . . . j,,,!,,,,. t!i.. ia.Nsa;;'.' ol tl:c acts tout u.r ;Vcc Not op.'v o. tl.o ,o' lavr.ion is imu h ios tlciu il , W1W iu the davs tf lieoul.iicau mis : nlie . hiW Wi:H ll!!lt,.iiailv mh.ocd ,.Vl.u silH... ,j10 of the acts i nettlii'! the debt and the i.-sue r the new bonds , and this year there is no ,.,,.,. !:ite tav i Wl-cii : eoimtrv is thrivimr and ' prosperous : when ail its natural re- i sources are beiii"i.ipidivase.'iiaiiiid land dove;. .pod: when its transp.orta- tion faeihties are hi in-' c!u aptv and iinie ;iv inii'f inlie.i when its o'd in- '1"" uiu.lipiU i . wmun.so.ii in ,i i--,t !-- no c i . ii 'in -Mid new ones 'I1' " M ')ii.lief, .."i i m springing into lite : ment is economic, when justice is im :i its j.;'overn- carried on : illv adminis - lore. : w l ii oe..,-,. in.. --O.I.I order peac, a'lil l e epect for hlV i .'I VW liOVe pie ail ; v. I'cu its jieop'e are happy an I contented: e.-peeia iy when a!i tliese t hit ig.-. c..; no about er u pe: i-d of in'':..!:io war. murder and robbery and plunder, lawle -ne s. ,Hoide!'. public exi va'.,i:'.ui. e alt. I i.ppi c-sioti. d.-piUe per, vinui" nt generally: it wiii be wi i. f t iha co nitry and thet pi i pie to co:is; 1. ; wh it it is that b; o'.ll'.t abo;i: imp; in id cou.li ti"f. ami if it -hall appear that tin--wi":d'-rfiil improve. neu: is duo. as s.u ii in'.p: , .venc lit. ,i: i' generally due. i- the i h.i.tge i':o:a i..!d governmi-iil to good gov. Turn: it Will be Weil a -o for that, people and for thai country to pause long an l const. h-r w-.il b, lore t!.e go b.e-k from go.,.1 ,' l el IMilellt to ba-l. The mate: ial re-u'ts of lem .era!:-.-ice in No; i!i i'.iroiiaa are simply w ,:nl -i ti; :. We seut to In- on a caii ' ! -!' pro-pcity and d'-velopiiftii that, if eh- !: I in n. w:y. pioi:ii-es a mo -: ;i:.i,.i:iiii .1.! o-iudit ion of tilings a: n . dt '..;t d.ay. I'I.:' hnproMhlen;-! that. We se,' i very ilav . if ;::, I i:-, in tnelt. m. ni ne: s am! mail i'i:;': ali'airs. had llieif ; e-e iii:d h.Oe 1 I.: ie their prog'.e-.s ;i'!"i' i 'in. Will it !' ruder. 1 ' i a 1 It I il.e. v ic. the!:- will thai it b rule lll.-l ti.i il'- ; ii. ; ate cons A Nrw .li.iiiiiljit I lii iitc,' Tow tl. Tr-u e ton;. lia! l.ii '.i.i. d.'wu i 'ai oiina (' n , '.It how so; til f:l:M- I (V..;:!. v. eeou'd see two si,,), th" btli dil, tiolll I V I, !..g oil! ."h ir,a:id wi : hali i - i.ne i at .'oil: -.. ( e. In tl.' large :me,i:e; ., w v ; r. ..nu I'd. !- Weele I in p.:.c nah. t'ne hew i M. I i -1 1 x of t!ic cistern j "'.it i if the Si gn . ;s In ing ma'i'.t'aet U'.'ed. The othi t' iiiiil. iings iO'e ii. . i a 11 !":-- t 1 t - s ; ., ph:e li.fi. e oi! :!:: i fo.tii i.' i -. A'l these 'vivaf-ic' ai ing en tn prises aie new sy si.-.l.-sh,.,', a;d a.e iv c'.Ue'' with si;.-! , sj. The l-iiio i.:.:r i - ina ie from :he n. e. th i ,,! !i, "'oi'g ti ;:i ' pi:. c. !i!ni ;.-tieppe.i North in great ipiautitie-. Ii is u-ed for a iii:;..!.. ,' of u:rpo-.'s. j'i iueipa:!y for si ';!;: ,; mat tresses, ,-'o;'as. (tc. Tiie p.aee loo!;-, like a . iimg l.owi l!. and is til ha1, e torie road, busiest nn!. ;-g j it i it town we seen ill maliv :iv i'he fao ; ill.- locaied rig' and liassfngei s t bv the raih t a gootl look at tiie wiii le. as the tram 'roes 1 Time- to Make a ( liange. 1 r. -io il,o ..-- V is ll,.:a! l. J in' Hi publican party ha s beeti t wctity tin ee years la ai iy a ipi, trier of a century in power. Its old, brave ami patriotic h-aders have pi.ss i'.I aw ay. i'iieii sitoi't'.-sors. iinboiilnl by t:a i.tioiis of hoiii r and self sacri fice, iiave beeolae cuM'ttpi; se'.l'sdk ing ami wcil'.ie.l to po't'.-r jit the cost i f the country. Jt is tinei to mak'' a ci:aiig tune for the people lo.i '.seit theiit-.i ives mid put tit. if oniy for fo'ir years, a neiv set of senants l.i teach I he old ones le-ieoi for tile ;.i''ii!:ii' w ill, and for i ighi and decen cy. Ihe Democrats have nominated a good ticket up in a good platform, it d 'serv.-.s iin-si.pp, ir; of all lion s! citizen-. r -g tr.tii ss of t ! I oa.rty niiil ial'.oas. 'the l.ie'i who have seied eoiorolei' l In !! p:ib ,cah organ;. t tioii arc let tine K.-puh'ic,m. i hey wocM l,e tiisoiiiid with eohliliipl ami horror by th.- founders of that parly -by the Lincoliis. Sewnld'. Chase.:. tSlieoiol's ;,l Will'tCS. TilCV ale rej cti .l by iionora'oie III publican-, ad nvi r the land. 'J'o vote for G.i'vcr C'. it land i-i tt vote itgainst tie.- Wol'si e iiiepiracy of cuiru. I ninl' it:! eli'iiai.ts tin-; country has i ver ii' at d appealing for. vot' s to give it control of tic-tu asury ami the op poi (unity to misgovern. 'I-,, ,, -I.,..,.,, ..u ....u;.i. .1 ...v ,1 i ' ' --leo'ii'i , ' -Iiii K'll oil 1 III- I litis I of Spain one night last mi i k ami '"' - " r, ,IIK .' ".v minutes, Urown- i he 1 icsuU tit lias eallod for the re agnation of (h is. Jus. Loligstn i t "s I S Mai. dial for the Northern District of Georgi i. This action is b.e.i ,', mi the rceninmeiid.ilion of the Attorney Gomial who had 1-n fem.d ' ... , ,u uj. is :,g.,.,,si mm u.r ctll ( lessuess lllisl int. i lor cio. and i-n ili.-teucv and asLe 1 foi- his i.... iiicdi..to n-iiiovul. V mice's Speech. j Th democrats of Xewberne had u ' i . .. r i grand ratification meeting, a few i h . lt l .. , ' ' .- whu Hpeeche 0 made by 'oiailer Aancc and (5ov. I ,Jari.-. Tim News and Observer, j ill, iln usual oiito:-pri', has a full! . r - if i-i 1 report of alloc s snoivli. from wliu li i 1 , , ' , ; ,vo ('''l'-v 1:1,1 ''Miaot : "Now vliat has tho Dcinociatic ' pal t done f..r us hi North Carolina ? , What was tho endilio,, f ailairs in' lMti? and 1SHS nii.i lH(i'. and in S70 f . 1 want you ail to foi-cot tluw things, I' d wo m.e4 id, r to them oceasioualiy j .to see what we have "anted hr the1 . -vl urn of ttiu Dei.ioeraihs paily to power. Thou tho espouses of the "-e goveriiuieiit wire one nnlhoii oViiars per auiiuiu. i Hero were no public schools, no asylums other t nan Ihone wlueli survived the war; the rail- roads were all run down : no public. . . 1 """' ":l ""ii''x ii hr the jjood of the State. ecep! that ' old (i'-n. )ockcry was driving a few sun.ue.i uno k.ics now u aroumi inn peliltenlt ir.V lot. lias hot the I'elno cr.nic party oiveu you good govern ment. given o;i a h al lied, piuv jiitli ciarv, it foi iut d "tour eouuty ovi-rn-nienls ' and relieved you all hero in those last'iu counties; and built ashmis for both race., of w hich ad of ns shtiul'l be proud.' W" have nearly doubled the number of miles of lair r.'iiho.id' in the S.ule. having' noiV 1 .!!. hi n.i!i s. w hereas tl.eie was onlv a tiiou-and. We have t-.-tublisii-id scho ,!s ail over the State for both laces, and normal schools as w. 11. and v.- ri gi.l icomit'iy h i . b.'i ii ,i,n tieed. I'he epenses of m".:,'tailiiug tho Stale government is only SV'..ti;iD. We l.avo reiivi d the Uiiiversity and com-p.romi-. - 1 tho public debt si (hat wo now have a credit intheworll once' l.i He ; and instead of addiii;.; to the bill tlete'. of the Je.ip'-. wo hive Oho million one inn. died thousand doll u-, iu the t'.'eastiry and the p.'ep.. will have no State (ax to pay t'.is year. I'.vei;. thing' has plo'.p Jf l ;.ud a'! o ::- peopTe and a!! onr indu-trii s have nri l. g;.-. it pr. gross. An i be-i.i" a'l hi.-, the taxable i, opo: ty of ihe State h is b -eti iner."i-ed sixty millions i f ioiiirsl P.y the cousin Ac lind that the cotton tjT.i.vi! in the Sj.ite h:,s .'.'ill .1: icco :n ir-- tn'i'i liU'H - I'uplt d, and what is In t'.e;- t !::ti ail. ii t slid.!' i.iy but by .ti a lv s:ir' t !htib i'.ig up. ti:c uso of agi i. i.ll :u al hupl- -t:n Uts. or bet o r.itelii as they are call it!. h:t- iinie I'.o! iivi-foll. J'i," p o -.il t.ioi! h.'.s it, eie ise 1 also, and I might :;. '.oil claim that this is d i:- io leii oi'iaiii sooiV'.'.ae . f ! I democrats ha'.e no,1.,,;.'-:! i.a-i a p! i;in d si, 'jit to do ith tiiis.. thoagh i.ot all. I'el! i-.v c';li.:i us, tit- iiistiiici (if wi d i.'i is to e oitumo lie present Inlppv t..t- . f a.Vairs in N,:rf!t Carolina." The oh.!.; i 1 nt a: can b l il .1 ll.. i f t -v.. thirds of i 1. II. 11.". to m.... ; in the liH-dav. Kiehmou I. W Aug.:; , A? tl th- tin! .1. m ic CO'! lit ion of 1 i Ire, lisb il o' . .I t'll, s W. il. ill. :ty. wa - 'ii.aiiitii .!' Cotigi ossiu.ii:. listri,;.; 'I'l.e-ahiy. I ;i:ig'ii;:in i'i "lllill'lied Oil of At exec! ai nomination. .' the." of tl;- A1 a jinvtii!:,' of tl; d.-'iuocialii national ev c! iv.- eomiiiirtee. held' la-d week. Hon. W. M. Pariiiihi was re elected ehairni. in. and nelive sfojis were taken for a vigorous prosecu- linn of the campaign. ; Wm. Citiiibiiy, a wcU-lo-.lo citi.on of S,av!ido. ( iiles county. Va., shot his wife by l.iist ike for a burglar lust Friday highi. She left his side logo into the yard, and l etui !iihg Ciimliev, who at once grasped his pistol. awoke , and fired ihe fatal shot. j 'i '!;- re is living m r.r (Vmeville. I'll.. ' i -!!. 'led ni:ui n in.cl 1! lineo. who is wed led to a maid of his raen called Itilit t. This couple have tw ins w hohl , they h::e utoeei'l iiOinithlsand licnuis. ninl the I iniily is convoyed to church on Sundays liy a horse named Pontius J'ila!-. "Facts are stubborn things," ami siet'.'iets from chills !tnd fever gem r ally lind t!ieir complaint a very ntub boru fa -t. until they commence the use of Ayci 's Ague Cure. That nn .1 icine rriitrc-.ies tin- noxious poison fr. tn Ihe sysiii, and invariably cults even t no worst easi s. Am Old Soldiers EXPERIENCE. " Catvort. Ti'SM, M:ij 3, !?: "I wisti In opris uiy .'Utiiriviatiou ot 1U6 va'.uabU- -itialaii'. ul Ayer s Cherry Pectoral u n c-avti roiii'.l. "W liiic ivitu t lnirfliill's army. Jn it bi-fore lic l-.i'.lle of ViiksliuisJ, I o I'U.i,".-it n m v. iv nilil. whiuti li riiin.ali.il in n iluugiTouf cnitli. 1 found no r- li t till on our ii.an'ti tr tame t" :i country iierf, v. lure, on uCi!i, fr -iii n iactlv, 1 was ui'uc.1 to try A Mai n Cm iaa I'i i o.ii.iL,. " I itul id. uiiil irna rapiilty cured, f-iuoo ttii'ii 1 L ive ki't't lucl'r.i iiiiiAl.i'oiu'iaiitly ly r.io, f.n f.iiai,' ii.it.', utul I h.'ivt. ftiutul ii to t.e ni: i..ei.:..i:.io iuiii.it; lor iliroat nml lung iliM'i.'. J. V. WunLUV." Tlit'usai:.is rf l..stin:n;iiiils certify to tliO prot.ij.t 'tin i f a l l.r-ii.t t.ial Htiil lung lifli'tlliois, l-y On iiso ,if Avi.n'8 Clll'ltlir I'I'.- Ti'Iiai.. Il.iii-i vi ry laluUibli;, tin: uulj est clul.Lri-u t.iii: It rtatlily. I M I AIirU BV Dr. J C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. SolJ by all PruirstJtii. A;ri.K.no & snrzn, S. Ili-litir. m' :. S. r.:il l'..r. If i 1 .1. I... rill t. Tn 0;, li :.'h rnl I Tl i . W:nlil.ll,,ii O. ('. C-lrrtMi. II, l.-n.'p Mi ll. !'. e. l:;n ?.. I'...-:..i ;.-o. No lev c'..ll tl It - CI, ill l.oillii.Ti..'. I.t I'. r,. II c 4 I.i-wih .l.,iits.i-1 i . .. li-ii.v I l.,e.!i n.i.T, WawtlivUu, U U t'4luft ltli:l ul' lu.t ruiUou i-v. ! e- ':". ell', ion of 111.1 eis uoaii'er ed ex if ixaii a-. ;i' it: I'i es- I AYER'S Ague Onre cnntniiiK nn R!itiiltit fur nil mnlnriiil :i cinli'i'H iftliloti, h,i far us ki,.vi), i? i.snl in in cl!n.'r rt ii.i' li. It en mains i n t,i uniiu, m r ny w'.ivrnl i.or ilfS'iv.-ioi Fi.h laiiin v to t t'lfc, :ii:l consi-. ii'iaS ly .'in,'is i., i...U! 1'1,1'vt ii,t. t:,o io::yi.iiui,,n. I'. a loni's l!i ia.-!..'.u as l.i.ia'iy iu it V-.s l ,:!i.i,' (!:, i :iii, 1;. f E T.7.35AKT .ITS'S tOVT. CIT.3 t" I'lirn I'vcrv ase ,f I', ot at. I .'.j i'i h I, : ..itlei.t vr l'ili.1 1-Vwr, !;iiii:t( :.l l.i-r. l'ii .;! Aj-'iu', Itilioitit l'rv. r, mui I.o.-r m . It '1:1 i'.ltl.i'J ly li.n!lli ::l, Jiic .sO.if r.i ui',', nftrr ilin1 trial, ilf.il'Ms nro nutlitnlw.l, 1 i;r ri.i'.i!:ir itatvil !l'.ly lat, W, to ivluml ttm ii.uiii3'. Dr. J.C.AyeriCo., Lowell, Wass. BuM byatl Pi uB'ff!..;. PTffSBORG5 mtmm academy FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. C. 15. Dr.N'SON. CmxcfAi. 'Vir. llDvit S'.-tstoN iv -i"iis ixsnrf I 111;-1," I' tin I l". -,-.. . 1 1 I'lltt Ipiil. nil! l ik'ili Mi tn. .l.i y. J.ily 11:1a. 'Ii l l,,.-;e,i! o,i ! I 1 1 V tor i'i il. fc, 'l:if ..l:ill.- . ii.l ,1- I l.-t'll. '. il.r. II:. Ji:i'....., l-y Ih,' I ,-.Jtri-t4 il.l.-M.l.t Till i i .i ! iii li, ill il. . 1 ' iii. i;iil ri.:t'ts S..'. ml ! : i ii si ii l.i s, i, .ii,.,., i -1 iliinry. i li.t';, Miiih io I I 'teti-ti-. Hil l s,.j, n:ii,. in,. lis. .ill. ul 1. ...iii'ih. wi.lt On" ,iii.. iiim.Ii'iii ti. it In .If 1, inn f .h i a.'! mi M'. I I.. u:i. ii in I c,ii. !!:!!! -.i I y iiii ,.ti:fliii, .1 ti.lv ii.n l !'. hi, .nil r.:ii "'liarut'. ''i's...'. laiiiii'.i; in:,1 nran itir, I y i Nfi'ilfu. .. 1 i,.:i--li,'i. at vt-ry ,tw i-i!-.. Ii unary e!-i. r.-.-t iv. i-iii i's I Hliy aet.. 'iv-riii-. : e.i.tr l. ti'. l.i is In i, i ii- .."i in $7 per m..tv !i. i.i'.ir ihti lumi. 'I'-a i-.ii. in-!' a rm nt H'l Mtw-k--, l'.iii:li-.a t'l'aii" lr l.',, I :i 1 1 (..,, U. I'i. t.. n, a i nl lli ik Kii'I'IHt' mUi ir.i. l i't.uaiy ei.-t-pt f!0. !,-. e i r. lit v.'.l Di li i;.t ,.:ti.. ;i i;.iiS!h:ii, u hh Hr K.lv lli'tl;.!.-. -fT. -s ll II lii.-le, .if It nt. liia. It it ! a: ! in -i.Im . .il.' tl.r' as .!..li ! I. 'tin. A.I. ill-. i. ...r ju-.i-ii-iil ns, C. I'.. li' SMi.v, I .an ii al. , Jllllf 1... ISM. ! ATTOI.' .N I JV DU11HAM AT 1 AAV N. C. I i: M'Ttsr.-. ,.. tin' S;i jti i'ii 'i ihI Ififer!..-. Cuirt- i'ii.i Ii.'iih. ami in :t.t Sm'c mui 1 1'tiiiral Cnur.i .lahii oy II, 1.--I. ly. J1KST SIX COia) .; t r if, jf,-,:XJMTra JUtJBuiK 3IX-C0HD SPOOL COTTON. YOU CAN BUY IT OF: W. L. LONDON, PITTSXSOIIO, IS. c. NEW STUliE! I'M. E. It. McLEAN & CO., Slid;!: STATION, C. F. A Y. V. II. II., )!:'. to the public otic of the last selected stocks of GFNF.tlAL JIER CA.DlL ever brought to this section, nud tire now selling at tho very lowest pi ice--, Drv Goods Grocei-ics, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AID CAPS, KOTIOHS, CLOTHIE, JIAUDWAliK, CUOCKKUV, TIXWAIiK, Dlil'GS, AC, OF F.VKUV DKSCiJIFTlUN. We have no old stock on hand, left over from last season : everything is new. We have come to s'ay, and intend to sell everything at tho lowest living rates. All kinds of barter taken in echangc for goods. Wo are ids agents for the best Fertilizers on the market. illltli' M!i. 1M. It. lergeant Horse Power. rrs -:-'.'.'-v,(r.-ijii( THRY ATm Strong, Simple, Durable and Cheap. Fit i; o 20 vcars they have Kim Well, Wore Well, nnd Gave Satisfaction. Scii'i toi l'lit-c Lut. SKUGEANT AlT G CO., Greensboro, N. C. 'or rod stick v soil ; trasltv cove e'l and heavy s hI land there is nothing npial to the celebrated South JVn 1 Chill Plows. South A niMii'ral - villi WihhI or with I'liiiled or I'ieh aitil ''very 1'1-ov jruaranteeil to give satisfaction or no sale. We have nls.'. a large stock ot'Double Shovel and Planter's Pride Plows, Win- Turn shovel ninl Lull Tontine Plows. HEAVY AMD SHELF HARDWARE tit extremely low prices. Special attention jriven to the Wlioleile Tradfi. Give us a trial. UDELL HAUDWAKE CO., Ajicil 2-1, 1SS1. tf. GHEKNsnoito', N. C. SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO., areensboro, KT. C. MANl'l-AGTf Itm OF FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Saw Mills, Cans Mills, Horse Powers, Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, And Castings of Fvery Description, .per Scud for Price-LUt. 1884. . H. JlALEKill, N, C. 1. ADR US IN HARDWARE of every description. SUILQERS' SUPPLIES, PAINTS, STOYKS. (U7NM, AMMUNITION, md the Itirgest sti'k of SPORTIEG GOODS i ever in I'aleigh. at bottom prices. Call and examine our stock ami prices. I Satisfaction Guaranteed. J.S.V" Write for Descriptive i t'iroulars. Don't forget ihe place, 2-.MI rAYKTTF.YILLK ST. I 51. T. NOIMUS. I Liu,' of . ,., ;, W jail .1; i Taylnr. W. C. MIIIIIIS. I.ntriil Nurris, Muroom c tn mui. M. T. Morris & Bro, Wlm sfi-'funl S'Trt. Wynit .v Tftyl'T at thHr olJ WHOLESALE GROCERS AND GCfOSSIQN MERCHANTS, No. 11! Exchange and Xo. 15 Kast Martin Streets, ZV. C. WK CAKPiY A LAUGH STOCK which we oiler to tiie trade at very low prices. P-Wi-nivtiSi rriAi. .vrrrxTiost'iiim nain ot lit s ilt f hi hii-lii'.it iirli( .iii'I retm-ns at nnr. 'si i!i:t'i- . il i..i i-H.t.tnlitsii.ii hi s.iihII rl.i.. ;r. t ",'il IliiVi I,. !' Ml I'll' .'Il It Hull ftlttrivl Willi ua Au' ll s r I to u, .-.-. . iiiiai.ti. Ai. 'i's ii.r t'. i'. ::: Siin r llo,s,liiitn. Ai.-t'H ! r I'lsli Mitkk oiiaini. Afi iiiK . r tin n il i riiii'tl siniifwiill Coiltm Dow, In- KMii: nr II il- n tli-lil. tamiitiy 1.. IM-I. S. C. HANK1N. A. II. HMKMIMB, L I RANKIN & CO. l'AYI'.TTKYILLK, N. C, Maikrt S.iuiri, WHOLESALE GROCERS. April 5. 1HI. ly UV GOODS! . Bend Chilled Plow! riirttnsp.tiVo - tiorMiiilow.tn.t'irlL't.t and left. Iron Iteain.witli or miliout Wbcclur Jointer, Steel Sliuivs. Xlw best flow in Aowrlca. ,' 165. l.ll I