$l)c l)atl)am Hccori. II. A. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KATES AD VERTISIN G One square, one insertion- - .fl.00 One .'qunrc, two insertions - - 1.50 One Kquiirc, one month - - 2.50 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Ci)y, cue year 0ic copy, six months , Oii'J copy, three months 9.00 f 1.00 ro VOL. VI. PITTSBOltO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, AUGUST 21, 1881. XTA ''A ' For larger advertisements liberal con iNU. ((. j tracts will he m:iii-. tfljatljhm ttccorfc. dig pipm juomj. W II I I I II ll ll. 4 I If 'N'V ';-nn:mi Hay. A mlit'c iinyi-anee lilU llir air, O'er hill unit valley stealing, Anil steeps our weary houIs in bins, Sweet vi.s'ona thus rcviilin;. (.'oujcniiiud, the ihooping lierbago mourns A sentence past repealing. TherutldcM) steel Int.- done its work, Ami prone in stricken splendor The no-li-liucd (;rii best lew. the earth, Mingled with blossom temler. Who Keneioii e'en in death in lite, Their sweetness Mill suricndcr. Ah, lovely souls liko llieso we've known, Whose livea onu nweet eaidcuvor. All crowned with lieaulv and with bloom, The liiiiul of I tenth sever. Their memory liko the. new- i own hay. Will linger roiiiul us ever. UNDER DIFFICULTIES. THE M'OISY OK A IIONKYMOON. "Do yo.i really menu it, darling?" J "Oi course I do, Frank. Do you think 1 would joke about such a sub ject:" replied pretty Grace Ramsey to her nlliaiieed husband, as sho nestled her sunny littlu head on his broad shoulders one bright March evening, as ttio dying sun glinted through the cosy drawing-room, easting a golden glory upon the pictures, carpet, and crimson curtain.''-, as if trying to outvie the cheerful lire that blamed in tho highly-polished grate. "I could not refuse you anything, my sweet Grace," he said tenderly, as he pressed her dewy lips; "but 1 would much rather you hat asked toe any thing in the world than this." "Why, Frank?" she returned, look ing up int ) his ban Isome 1'aco Willi one of her bewitching smiles, that always finished any argument in her favor. "Well, yuu see, to spend one's honey moon in a new house, and at th's treacherous time of year, might not bo so comfortable, my pet, as a well-appointed hotel in the south of Franco or Italy," he urged deprccatingly, feel in thi! ground fast slipping away from him with her bright eyes looking shyly into his, her sweet face in close poxiinity to his mustache. "Hut it is my great wish; and 1 will obey yon in everything after we are married, you know, like a dutiful little wife," she said playfully. "What put this notion in your little head ?" "Grandmamma: and you must agree that she is clever. Now you sit down here, and 1 will take my old place on this stool," as she ensi oiised herself at his feet coaxingly. "So grandma has put this notion into your mind ?" "Yes; she said that when she was Harried grandpa took her straight .roni the church to their new houn, and they were a happy as birds." ' Rut what time of the ye.ir might that happy event have taken place?" he asked mischievously. "July, I believ," (iraee said demure ly. "What matters the time? Surely it could make no difference." 'That is just w hat does. March and July, little sweetheart, are very differ ent in our changeable climate; besides, I fancy a little bird whispered to me that their home was a line old mansion that had welcomed several brides, whereas ours is a new ly-built modern villa, that should be well-aired before we take possession." "So it is," she persisted. "Jane and grandma were there all last week, and the fires are blazing beautifully from morning till night. Come, say, 'yes;'" and her soft white arms were round his neck, and a pair of tempting lips placed dangerously near to his; and Grace, as usual, gained her point, but she had to pay her lover the penalty of a score of kisses. "This is delight ful, darling husband,' whispered (iraee, as they drove to their new home at Claphani, after the wed ding breakfast. "1 shall be such a happy little wifey commencing lite in our own dear home; it must be better than those big, coU-looking hotels, with staring waiters and pert chambermaids." "So long as my sweet wife is happy, nni on'ent," 1 e said ti n lerly; "but there is a nasty cast wind to. lay" this as he folded her furs around her with a lover's anxious care. "I hope everything is ready for us." "Oh. you need not be uneasy; I feel sure Jane will attend to everything; she Is a perfect paragon." "Here we are at last! Welcome, darling w ife, to your home!" he said, as he led her up the flight of steps where old Jane stood with two maid servants to receive their young mis tress. "I wonder why Jane looks so anx ious," thought Grace; "I hope every thing is all right. Oh, dear! what should I do if there was anything gone wrong? Frank would never cease teasing me. Where are the stair-carpets. Jane?" she whispered, when they were in the drawing-room. "I thought everything was straight." . "So it was, but the dratted cistern took to leaking this morning, and no man can be gut for love or money. I never saw such a gingerbread house as this in all my born days!" sho said gloomily. "Can't you manago to put thorn down, so that Frank won't notice it ?" tho poor little bride faltered. "I'uc them down to be spoiled! Why, they are already wet through in some places; but here comes tho mas ter," as she bustled out of the room. "This certainly looks cosy ami home like," said Frank Wharton as he clasp ed his bride in a loving embrace, and seated her in an easy-chair by the lire; "but what is the matter with that wnll? Why, I believe it's damp, the paper is perfectly wci and peeling olT. I must see the fellow that papered it; such a room cannot be lit for my little wifey." "Oh, that is nothing, Frank; it is often like that in new houses, I believe," she said timidly. "1 must insist that you don't stay another moment," ringing the bell sharply for Jane. "Why did you per mit your mistress to come iu this damp vault?'' he said testily; "it's enough to kill a dog." "I am sure, sir, it was no fault of mine," said poor Jane; "they say that the paper iu new houses often sweats at least that is w hat the man styled it." "Is there no other room lit to receive us?' he asked; ".surely the dining-room would be better." "Well, you see, sir, the stove is what they call slow combustion." "Slow what?" he said, laughing in spite of himself. "I don't know exactly how to pro nounce the name, but it's a sorry thing at the b 'St, and won't act nohow, try as you will." "it's a beautiful grate, Frank," inter posed (Iraee; "it's one of the modern ones, and is called slow combustion." It's dratted slow!" grumbled Jane "I've spent three-quarters 4 an hour over it, and can't get a lire to burn, ;.o its slow enough in all conscience." "Never min. I, Jane; I'm beautifully warm and comfortable inde -d lain, dear Frank." "Well. 1 suppose we must make the best of it now" he said trying to ap pear cheerful. "I know what I'll do," murmured (iraee; "music always suits Frank; I'll play and sing some of his favorites." Iu a few minutes the little ch ild w as blow n over, and the pair were as happy as turtledoves as (iraee sang song after song to Frank s intense delight. "What on earth are they doing in the kitchen?" sho thought; "I must go and so.'. 1 feel sure they will break the grate to pieces in a minute. Oh, dear: oh, dear! I wish 1 had taken dear Frank's advice. What are you all tloing. and where is the dinner?" said (iraee. "It's Hearing the time.', "Dinner, indeed! If you get supper it will be a wonder to me," gasped .lane, as, armed with an immense, line brush, she and her assistant were mak ing frantic raids upon the kitchener, while the smoke poured out in volumes, nearly choking poor (iraee, who stood tho image of despair, gazing at the fowls, lish and joints that lay strewn about, g 'tting peppered with soot. "What's to be done, Jane?" she stammered, as she covered her golden head to evade the shower of soot, and caught up her satin robes nervously; "it is past six o'clock, and Frank was just saying he felt rather hungry. Can nothing be done? Couldn't you get some hotel to send in a dinner?" "Where's the hotel in this outland ish hole?" snorted Jane, as she thrust the broom savagely up ir.to the offend ing draughts; "I can only assure you that no dinner can be cooked to-day in this gingerbread affair." - Seeing no hope from the faces of any of the seared servants, (iraee returned to her husband, and in her pretty, coaxing manner, broke the unhappy tidings to him, and in less than ten minutes a telegram was dispatched to the Grosvenor hotel, and a ve-hn- he little dinner ordered". "So that little ilillic ilty is over, my darling," he said, as they drove to l'imlico; "but don't you think it might have been better if yon had listened to my advice and spent our honeymoon at one of thoso big, cold hotels?" this with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "As you are mighty, be merciful," she said, laughing merrily. "I ha 1 no .ilea that the stove wouldn't cook, or " "That the drawing-room was damp," he added: "or " "Fie! is that being merciful, sir?" she pouted. Rut further domestic argument was broken by a waiter opening the brougham door, and Frank assisting her out into the comfortable hotel. "Thank Heaven we are in a civilized place at last!" muiuiured the new Benedict fervently, as they seated themselves at an elegantly arranged dinner-table, laden with flowers, bright silver, and sparkling glass; "this is comfort, at any rate." They both enjoyed their dinner, and said and did any amount of silly things, doubtless as thousauds of brides and bridegrooms have done before: and, if truth must be confessed, (iraee was sadly loth to return to her villa at Clanhum: but she was a true daaghter of Eve, and determined to keep her own counsel from her lord and master. "Here's a pretty go, Miss (iraee I beg your pardon, I mean Mrs.Wharton," said Jane, as the pretty bride entered the breakfast room next morning, look ing as fresh and sweet as a blushing rose in her azure-blue morning-robe, with its clouds of lace around her fail neck and arms. "Why, Jane, what is the matter now?" she said, anxiously; "surely yuu can manage to get us some breakfast of some kind?" "That's right enough so far." groaned Jane; "but there's no water for the master's bath it's leaked out somehow through some dratted pipe and soakJ your wedding dress, and tho cake that your pool dear grandma sent home last night while you were out at dinner. I went and unpacked it at one.', think ing the tlress would be better laid loosely liko than crumpled up: an.i there's the splendid cake and satin dress all of a pulp: the flowers, too, all soppy and spoiled." This was the proverbial la-t straw, and proved too much for poor (iraee, who threw herself on the couch, and, covering her sweet faci', burst into a lit of tears, exclaiming: "Never will 1 try to get mv own way again! ' What will dear Frank say': Oh, oh, lie will never forgive me I know he will In anuthei moment she felt a strong pair of arms lift her fixm the conch, and a tender voice whispering in her ear: "You are right, my darling wify; 1 will not forgive you unless you dry tho.-o eyes and have your breakfast, and order your things to be packed up iiuiii"iliat"ly for the Continent, whither I mean to take you." "lint what is to be done, Frank, aoout the cake? And oh, my pr.tty dress is spoiled, that 1 was to have worn at Lady Steedman's reception." "Another cake can beorlered; alsc a dress, quite us pretty as your wedding i ne; but a siniiifig. happy wife can not be purchased," lie replied, kissing away the pearly but penitent t"ars. "Are you happy, darling?" her hus band whispered, as the train nearcd Paris. "Yes, Frank," she replied, earnestly ; "truly and peacefully so, because I have learned a lesson to listen and res, ict my husband's wishes." "And 1 a:n the happiest man in the unheise for having commenced our honeymoon under difficulties, and have won the sweetist of wives." A Warrior's Hidden Weal 111. The Chicago ,V'.v tells of a long buried treasure which is supposed to lie under one edge of the city, but which anxious fortune seekers have never yet been able to resurrect. The story is thi.: When Mark Raubien sold the lake front for :200,000 and the Indian chief, White Feather, received fJO.OiHl of this money for relinquishing his claim on tho land, another chief be longing to a different tribe, earnestly laid claim to an cipial share of the pro ceeds of the salt-. It was decided, however, that he was nt entitled to any of the money, w hereupon he wax ed exceeding wroth and vowed that ho would have White Feather's money or his life. On hearing this. White Feather gathered about him a few of his braves as a body-guard and lied, with his f JO.000 in a buckskin bag. The other chief, with a band of in furiated followers, gave chase. They overtook White Feather and his war riors several miles west of the settle ment and butchered every one of them in cold blood. Rut when they came to secure the coveted wealth they could not find it. It was not about the dead chief or any of his followers, and, as not one of the hapless fland had been spared to tell the secret of its whereabouts, it may be imagined that the avaricious fiends felt like kicking themselves all over the prairie for making such a clean sweep with their tomahawks. It is believed--and there seems to be no other plausible theory that White Feather sunk the bag of gold in a swamp or slough somewhere in the vicinily of the pre. sent boundary line of the city on the southwest side. Many a white man has Rpent time and labor in searching for this lost treasure, but no trace of it has ever been found. The Government spends about $t."0, 000 a year for the repair of mail pouches; there are about one hundred thousand mail-bags in use; and aUmt tin thousand new ones are bought yearly CIIILDllEX'S COLlM.t. What ntr lint. Ten little finders und leu l-ule lo'o; Two I'je inn) two eai- and "tic iui; uojo; Two I. tile lips as re I u- u client ; A laiiyli ini'.-i-tible, hearty mid merry; I'rctty bright ric- on i-icli liille cheek; A al-b liltli' iom;uc trying haul In speak; A warm litlli'liearl, ami a -w.-el loving way; A kiss and a liutf, nny liw in the day. Tor pupa, or iiimiiciji. oi si-ler. or me jh, mu ll n bribt dnilinj I in er did nee. Ytmwj rttijilc The lirokru frmnrw Charles had taken great pains in carving a beautiful framework to be- placed over my cVoiibor window ' After he had nailed it in its place he called me to alnii'i its chaste de sign. " It is a beauty!" " Are vou sure it is 1 exchimed. sieiirelv fast- ned?" " Oh, yes," h1 replied. j " Rut the nails on thi.i ride are so , small," I objected. " I had no large onet, a til the small ones answer every p'rpose," he said. "The vines are ipiito leavy and need a strong support," I ventured; j but be oiilv laughed at fears. The vine, a ra:e F.nglish ivy grew vigoruu-ly, and was soon climbing over the window, cheeringly pcupiug in amoii!r the strav sunbeams. Rut one night then was a storm, a-ad when the sun arose its rays fell on a nrostrate vine. The frame had twist ,i rr ...l,.,,., ri,,,riu. r..iii..,l tc strengthen it. For the want of an extra nail the frame and the vine were both destroyed, and the grateful shade 1 so much enjoyed was ex changed for the scorching noonday sun. Is it not often the neglect to strengthen the weak points in youth that causes failure m more mature life? If we carefully examine int the first signs of a ruined life, we will liud that a linn prop or a nail at tht right time and the right place would have prevented a life from being wrecked. The "I liliikiriK of Alilinal. (!od gives to every animal just sue machinery as its mind can use. If it knows a good deal, lie gives it a good deal of machinery; and if little, he gives it but little. Som-.: animals do a good deal of thinking about what they see, hear, and feel; very much as you do, only that you know more. Your dog or cat knovs a great deal more than an oyster; therefore, your pets are given paws and claws and teeth f T their minds to use. 1 om e knew a cat that was born in the spring time after the snow and ice was all gone. When the. first storm came the next winter, snow fell in the night and was inure than a fo'ot deep. Of course. "Smutty Nose" had never seen it before. When she came out in the morning, she looked at it with very curious eyes, just as you would look at anything new; very likely she thought how clean and white and pretty it was. After looking at it a while, she be gan to poke at it, with first one paw and then the other, several times to Fee how it felt. Then she gathered some up between her paws, as much as she could bold, and threw it up in the ail over her head: tle-n ran swiftly all around the yard, making the snow tly like feathers wherever she went. Now, do you not believe pussey was think ing and feeling just as you boys and girls feel when you see the first snow, to know anything about it? I do. Her mind was very busy in her little brain in these sports, just as your mind is iu your sports; and she enjoyed it, in her way, just as much. Our l.i'lh fhnx. "I should think you would need a military guard to keep the young men away," said a citizen to the father of six marriageable daughters "Oh, I'm a pretty good foot soldier myself," wa the cheerful reply. A great ileal of fun is oked at the bald-headed men, but they have one great advantage. They don't have to stand out in the sun for an hour to dry their hair alter coining out of the bath. Kind words are like bald heads; they never dye. "When the leaves begin to tur i."--When you commence to read a book. "You are very late sending your evening mail out," said the editor to his daughter when he came home at J in the morning and met a timid, shrink ing young man between the f.ont door and the gate. "Not at all," answered the thoughtful girl; "Charles Utnry is now a morning edition." A western woman was dri ing th" htns from the garden the other day when a cyclone carried off her shoo! Saloon-keepers are fond of bargains; in fact they live by their bar-gains. AN KASTKRX l'UTENT.Vl K. The Kiiifj uf Camboclin find His P.'i.pk". What was Seen during a Visit to the Royal Residence. M. Delaporte, a lieutenant on board a French war vessel, gives an account of a recent visit to King Norodom of Cambodia. "The royal residence," he says, "is a town in itself. Several thousand people are lodged in the en closure, all of whom are attached to the service of the King. At the end tno "r9'' courtyard, surrounded by different kinds of buildings, standstill European palace, which is (piite simi lar to the dwellings of the rich mer chants of Saigon. Behind that, in an other enclosure, is the native habita tion, gardens and huts. This is the division set apart for the harem, and is closed to the profane. The mandarins are tho most energetic purveyors of the harem. TKi'y hope to obtain favor by giv ing their best -looking daughters to the King. The women are allowed to go out, and, by one of those strange caprices common enough among the monarchs of the Fast, who are by turns cruel and paternal, they are al lowed to marry, the King giving up all his claims at the request of the lovers. Rut, on the other hand, any attempt to enter the sacred harem siir- . r..t it ..wit- i hiinkl.iul ivitli 1h lit lllimt ' i ' i severity. 1 he hrst time 1 visiicu Cambodia, a young bonze, in high ! favor at the nirt. was discovered j l!irtil'.!,r with " l"('tt" st w ives I Xor.nl.nn. The latter, a id.ng to i thn usual custom, ordered the two lovers to be buried alive. TheU''cu"d. however, escaped the punishment through the intervention of the old queen mother, who is a zealous Build -hist devotee. Since that time it ap pears that the fair sex have not become wiser, but their puni.Juncnt has been changed. Oi. returning from our ex pedition, the King, who had come to visit the chief of the French protector ate, asked for some details as to the European method of executing, or rather shooting, criminals. M. Moiira. without attaching nimh importance to the question, gratilied his Majesty's curiosity. Rut what was our aston ishment when two hours afterward we learned that four young women of the harem had been shot in the F.uiMpcan military style, and their heads taken off and hung up for the encourage ment of the other ladies of the house hold. "The King received us cordially, and promised to facilitate to the utmost of his ability our arcli:eobi!ieal researches. Afterward he asked for one of our doctors, lie was lamed by a recent fall, and it is an article of faith in Caiub.idia that an inlirin or lame king is unlit to govern, lie told us in con--lidence that ho was obliged, in conform ity with the supcrstii ions customs of his subjects, to consult innumeraiile quacks, astrologers, and diviners. None of them was able to cure him. and all agreed in imputing to evil spirits the persistence of his trouble. Our doctor immediately placed him self at the disposition of his Majesty. Ceremony required that the august in valid could only be examined through the intermediary of ono of his wives, but the doctor convinced him of the in sulliciency of this method, and a close, examination of the hurt was made and the remedies applied. "On going out of the palace we found at the door a group of bonzes on their knees, praying for the re-ov-ery of the King. Others were going through thctrects chanting and sing ing psalms. Public prayers had been ordered throughout the kingdom. Around the pagodas and in front of (every house tall bamboo canes were placed and dressed with ribbons of va I rious colors. Reside the statues of 1 Buddha, at the cross roads and in the interior of the Chinese dwellings, odr liferous torches were kept biiruimr. Trade was suspended. The people appeared outdoors in their holiday costumes. In the evening and late at night the streets were tilled with peo ple carrying torches or lanterns. The sounds of the gong and of the tam-tam were mixed with the constant detona tions of lire crackers, and tho sky was continually streike.1 with rockets, whose explosions and brilliancy were intended to drive away the bad spirits that were bent on tormenting the sov -ereign. " The next day we met a sort of cor tege.coinposed of about twenty natives, who were inarching in file, and before whom the crowd of people opened a passage with great respect. This was I the escort of the little son of Norodom, who was out for an airing. The child was seated upon the shoulder of a little ligMitary of the court. A servant walked behind and shaded him with a '!:- ' This royal baby was dressed vi! i f a brilliant color, lie wore a necklace and braci m-, ami on his ankles were rings of gold. His hair was shaved, with the exception of a little topknot carefully rolled up -on the summit of his skull, and this was surmounted by one of those white jasmine Dowers whose sweet pel fume the women here prize highly, and they gladly make offerings of it on the altars of Buddha." The flirthobli Statue. "Like the Brooklyn Bridge novelty,'' a young Philadelphia lady w rites from Paris, "you will soon be going to ex plore tho wonders of the Rartholdi statue. I was up in it, the other day, giving my little contribution towards paying the dear girl's f Libby we call her here i, passage over to New York. This unique thing whim confronts one in the Rue de Yigny. towering above the six-story houses, is really line. The pose is simple and majestic, and there are parts of the drapery that have the delicacy of work on a statuette. Yon can hardly realize that the folds of the hugis robe arc stubborn bronze. The surface is so w rought by the hammer that it L'ives the effect of mottled silk. Worth might be proud of the sleeve of her mantle. The gesture of the out stretched right band is full of spirit, j while the lelt, holding the tablet, , forms, with the head, a beautiful i balance in the composition. It seems sacrilegious to have an 'inte I rior' to such a superb ci eat ure. The j entry is by the sole of the uplifted foot ! they say a Chicago girl was the . model and a tall man can go in easily. Inside we seem to be looking up to the lantern of a Gothic cathedral, with nu merous eyelets of light fiom the rivet holes piercing the gloom. We reached the hea l by a temporary wooden stair case. At New York there will be an elevator working in the great frame work of iron which is to form the main support for the structure. The old cicerone tells us the tale of dimensions as we ascend. Reckoning from the coronet to what may be called the foot stool the figure measures 1UI feet 1FJ inches I want to be accural e - but it is higher to the hand. Thepelesla of granite is tob :-J foct. From the sur face of Redloe Is'an 1 to the top of the torch will be Jl'.t feet 11' inches' Now, the monument at London, the loltiest isolated column in the world, is but -M2 bet high: the Yeiidome column, 111 feet, and the AreCe Triomphc, l.'.i ) fee!, while as for the CoIo-mis of Rhodes, he stands but I t" feet i.i his stockings. MisS Liberty will beat him TO feet and ever. Tin stairs in the arm have md been com pleted, so we had to stop at Hut head, the last story but one, ami there through tin-apertures in the coronet all the glory of Paris burst- upon the iew." The Staked Plains. ' The Staked Plains of New Mexico and Northwestern Texas have been but little understood by civilized man until within the past few years. They have i been regarded as barren waste, worth less to all intents and purposes for any use whatever. Rut, as the van ofcivil jiation crowds its way or takes its ' course in the direction of the crimson tinted sky of the Occident, more is ; learned of this heretofore unoccupied ' domain, w hich has an area larger than 1 the whole Mate of New Yoik. These plains begin in New Mexico ami extend far into the interior of Texas, and are j lined on the south by the Pecos and on ; the north by Red River, and are of the shape of the letter V. They are covei- 1 ed the entire year with a thick coat of buffalo grass, Very short but exceeding ly nutritious, affording excellent past ' urage for every class of stock. Here tofore water was supposed to be out of the question upon these plains, but ex ' ploration has revealed considerable quantities in lagunas or surface lakes, while well-boring in many places has been attended with satisfactory results : not vvithstandingthefaitthat General John Pope twenty-eight years ago ex i ended two million (if the people's money experimenting on these same plains for artesian water. The (Juakcrs of Ohio seem to fancy the staked Plains t so called from t tin fact that about two hundred years ago i Jesuit Fathers in passing lrom east to west, after losing a small party of ex plorers who perished with thirst crossed I from the Yellow House Canyon to the Pecos, one hundred and fifty miles, and drove stakes at convenient distances j lest they too should become bew ildered, 1 lose their way and peiish), and have started a colony thereon in Crosby County, where for three years they have quite success! nlly cultivated corn, potatoes.millel. etc. j "There seems to be a very strong 'sentiment against light literature now. 1 a-days," remarked the president of the 1 gas company to his bookkeeper, when ; bis attention was called to -100 or 000 complaints about big gas bills. The Sower. In the dun dawning sow thy er.d, And in I he evening stay not thy hand. What il will brin? loll li wheal, or weed W ho can know , or who understand? I'ew w ill heed, Yet, sow Iby need. .See, the red sunrise bel'oio thee plows, Though close behind iIk-g night lingers still; I'lappon; their fatal w inu. come the black foes l'ollowiii. following over the hill No response ; '-ow Ihoii thy seed. We, too. went sowing in x'd sunrise; Now. it is Iwilijjhl ; Mid shadow fall. Wli.-ie i i he hal ve,!.' Why till we our eyes? V h.u could we see here? lint (exlseeili nil. l asl life Hies; Sow I lie nuod seed. Though we may cast il with treinbliiij; hund, Spiiil hall' Inoki'ii, heail -sick inel lain) ; Hi- wind will scatter il over the land ; Ills rain will ngiirishaiideleansu it tiom taint. Siiiuer or saint, fcow the jjood seed. Uiihth Mtth'h Clinic. The inner man -A convict in jail. The richest planters iu Brazil liv on coffee grounds. As seen by others David Dav is ap pears to be a man of broad v iews. Don't shake a hornets' nest to 8'..'C il any of the family are at home. Familiarity doesn't always bree.l contempt. For instance, there is th girl and there is the ice cream. A live-pound leiii-m has been rais"C in California. Su-h a lemon shotih: la.-t a circus lemonade man a liletime Old birds are not easily caught with chaff, but voting birds are fond o' picking up the colonels. When a girl refers her lover to hei pa he linds tha it is harder to ques tion the pop than il is to pop the ques tion. Naomi wit years ld before sh married. The ice-cream business must have got a good s'art during Naomi's maidenhood. A st. Louis paper .h s i ibi s a re markablc Indian idol recently fotiin' iu the West. An Indian who wasn't idle would be more iciunrkaMe. A vonng man wants to know what will bring nut a moustache. Tie f cor I around it tightly, hitch the core to a fence post and then run back wards. Old-lime Oath of Pharmacists Druggists may be interested iu the .ollowiniJ oath of the French pharma cists in Plot!; First -1 swear and promise beforf God to live and die in the Christian religion. Item - To hon t, toisteeni, and tc serve, as much as I can. not only th( doctors of medicine who instructed n in the knowledge of the rules of phar macy, hut also my preceptors and mas. ers with whiiii I learned my trade. 1 1 fin - Neither to put an affront upon one of my old doctors and mag istcrs. or upon others, however they may be. Item - To add as much as I can to the glory, honor and majesty of medi cine. Item Not to give any emetic to an acute diseased person without before asking advice of a doctor of medi cine. Item -Not to give poison to any one, and never to advise anybody to do so, even not to my worst enemies. It in -To execute minutely the or ders ot physicians, without adding or omitting anything, as far as they are according to the rules of art. . Item -To contradict Ami to avoid like the pest the scandalous and the I most destructive manner of practicing of charlatans, empirics and alchymists, the high disgrace of the magistrates ! who allow them. At last -Not to keep poor and old drugs in my shop. The benedi-tion of I the Lord be with me as long as 1 fol i low tiles" vows. So bo it! ('aliokhi. One of the quaintest and most sin gular hamlets of Illinois or of the West was the venerable town ofCa hokia, that nestled across the river from St. Louis, evin its existence be ing known to very few of the inhabi tants of the city. It was an early French and Indian trading-post, and was old before St. Louis was thought af. Its people and its houses were a urious study to the occasional strag gler of recent years who fell among Its venerable ways, audit was thi Drily place in the I'nited States, per. haps, where an entire community lived without labor, the population be ing supported by land pensions. In Its early day it was an important fr.m tier post, whence expeditions were uarted and where revels were held, it s idvanttige being disturbed when L i :ledo started the rival post across the river, now St. Louis. It was iu Ca Uokiathat Pontiac, the famous Indi in chief, was murdered in a drunken :irawl by his F.nglish enemies. Ther.: .s now of the place only a heap of jrassrgrown ruins, with scarcely a vestige of life.

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