v r 1 Ju djltaijiam Record ' THUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1884. I : H; A. LONDON, OKor. jbaJism, had catin tne aeaci Louies oi Democratic Electoral Ticlet. FOR THE STATK-AT-I.AROE '. "W. H. KITCHEN, of ilalifax, JOHN N. STAPLES, 6f Guilford first Distrfct'-W. ll. Lucas, Second " -Donci l Gili I LI 1AM, Third C. W. McClammt, Fourth J'ilth Sixth Seventh Eighth fcintk B. II. liVKH, It. B. Gl.EN.N', -Alfred Eowiand, 11. 0. Pl'KYKAB, Ueuden McRkavlu. M. H. JcsriiB. OUMAMZATIOX. It is high time that our party or-; . .a r.m.f,.f.fM fn eveiV' puuzuuuu - tho next election, tno uciuocumm. j - fi1 thousand. But the experience o4 ho paat has proved that a large number do not vote. Tho largest vote yet orabie election iu 1870. Tho vote fLeu east was larger than that iu 1880 or r88'2, notwithstanding tho ii.ereas ed-population, and conse.piently the deuiociatic majority in 1S7( was hrr tlo it has since been. It U therefore i the interest of the dem- 6crt that ft full vote ho poiieii, iimi- ivery effort bhould be made to secure this. Everything bhould be done to Induce every man to go to tho polls Tthe ensiimir elec'ioi. TI-is r y. it the ensumg tke.ioi. U heal be done through the cilorts ot .mimOteOH. UliO ol cotll'Se ll is Accessary to have Str.te, district ami bounty e.-ulivo committee, yet it' S. f ;,r1 if vrt f,r,ter ii.morla.ice 1 A of equal, it not g.eatei, iuipoita .ee s.o have active township committee- j ieu. Our parly plan of organization ; iroVidcrfo the election of live 'mc- j proiiiimiu. iiicuuuuium I live" democrats in every township. 1 this p'au is adopted in every coun ty, an 1 these township committees do tho'r duty, tho deniocra-'s will carry North (V.ro'ina- by at hast twenty tho; suid majority. We hope. I therefore, that every township com- iV1iHn..i.mn will rrnhyf. thr. r.siionsi- Bilitv devolved Ui.on him. and wilt . . i. 1.-1 ;.i . v. i ..n go IO WOIS oeier'iiiirpi.i iu duty between now and tne 4th of next Novo due has not the time I'd attend to his duties feeman, let him at once another bo appoint. No one ovght to be j soiuunnec uieioiy as a-I'eruoiKi: coin - 1 . phment to him, but h v the advance - rfinnt of the imrt v's siii-rna. , rf We would suggest that every fownship committee at once makeiths. n-iin'r in the-eastern part of the ,. . , ., j sr ill- n. .mo voi.i , lnne been sii.ee out two lists continuing the t . 1 !i, v oi every voter in wo le-wusmp. one, list. te bo rctaine'd by the comnriltee : and the oil (mail man Then line! voted at iney voieo. .ei.iascenaiu meirpres- lit polilie;d espinions, see what j dliauges arc probable, and m w.Tk ! -in l, ,.,,Rfi; 11, -t Hifl .,mirt, I ill know the ilay before tho eleeiion how every muii will vole next day. Above all things got those who did dot vote at the last election to vote lit the next. A COINCIDENCE. We stated last week that Mr. Kerr Craige, of Salisbury, had been nomi ifded as the d'onocraiie candidate for CJongress in the seventh district. Since tlren he hs written it letter ele tfliniug tho norcinntion, because his physician advised him to do so on Account of his bad health. Mi'. Craige's thauy friends will much regret to hear this, not Oirly becccuso of their Bynipatihy for his physical condition but also because they would have been so much pleased to havo him oc eftipyieg eo honorable position as a l"tAtM-AfiAi,i-atii'a ill tTV.to. r,r.cf fn i-.f . . ... "! . , ., eoarBe he would have been elected if Be had accepted the nomination. It is epiite a remarkable coincidence that the only other instance (that we (fan recall in this State) where a man was nominated titf a candidrdt fot Congress raid declined, occurred in fhe same town, iu which Mr. Craige resides. In the year 1820 Mr. John Giles, of Salisbury, was nominated as a candidate for Congress and de clined because of his bad health. That at least is the rcaxon given by Historians, but we have heard that i fie declined the Congressional nomi- i aation because ho preferred to hold j the office cf Clerk of the Court of Rowan county, the emoluments of vthicb then exceeded the salary of a Congressman. rirra Tm democratic convention of Bun tombeeonnty xroa held laet week, dad nominated Messrs. Richmond jaflrson and Joh.istone Joues as its AmdidutM for the Legislature rer 1-v forwarded, to the majority, that, under the Canbv svs ' luui.loiph who met leir the lirht tiuie! Vv 1 " i.t" , ", ."' . of the county coi.rmitiee. tern of County (iov, rnment, with !" I out what men on I ho lis! j " MW cari.t t-bag-, f - l" ' ; ' b 'o -" j wUi,.h M,aHUriil h-t and S inches. thelast election, and how ? J - 1 n, p . : ! W inches ,,:,re the gioiind. This THE AKCTIC CASMHALS. We published in our last issue what ro termed "a sensation story," to the effect that Lieutenant Orcely's Arctic I explorers had been guilty of cauni- I r . " r . J , T ;. , their comrades. It has since been 1 admitted by the survivors that what A sensation story is j A , , .at they did actually we thought was ths truth, and ll eat some of the ltesh of tluir dead companion!). We do not care to sick en our lenders with the revolting de tails, nor will wo l.irshly comment upon or criticiso this cannibalism. Rather do wo pity tho sufferings of j men who were reduced to such aeon ! dition as to ee.t their dead comrades. ! But we are pleased to believe that it I i;) tho only authentic instance on re cord, where any portion of the Amcr- v -.. .,..v n Wv mullv of 1 " .. . . cannibalism, in slnkiug contrasi 10 , , km j Chriritian rcsiiiiition uuj Loroio for- .. IiuwanitVf , WJ of thd A,;iericau ; 1 County Govciiiiiti'iit. 1 Fr..m On. KmUi'.I. I'lHicr. A .mm. iksii.. in the comii.if cam-1 ,,ni,Ti ij)S a , ;t iu i,.,, , p,cc d- j Hug ones betwicii the present or North , ! Carolina system of County Govern Uielit and the Canbv system. . j- jj tl .aWm v our fon, ; fathers. I'ho Cauby system is the ', ; clui.l the I'ederal Imvonet. ; : . ,. .. , x 1 1... i ! -V'tora. y, t e wen .n-ruib mpHu t , 1 N' 'b Carohna ryUm.. and nutura y. th Uepubhcam. support the f..., ,v svsttm. j-or ion vear. T 11:11 is 10 way, iioiu the day North Carolina c-am-d to be ! '" ,u"1, 1 ? " l" -l m, ht'lt', ' V' ' . ' , v,.lins mil,(,l; o.nlry s Constitution our c mnty nli-urs were administered j by magistrates chosen by t!.o Legis j l'turo. After the Cai.by Constitution ! h 0.,(.vutlull ,.0ty alt.ms were administered bv commissioners elected bv the people'. Assooii asthc while peopl.'of Ni.rth Carolina got the power into their o.vr, hands ii"ain. thev restored their old i or democratic svstcm of electing mag-'age. ist rules, lctciiicr to commi.-si.uit iv. ; ....t.ointe.l bv tin maeistrates. the! leniiaeiiientiif cuiliitv affairs. Ill old ! 1 times the magistrates attended to! ! county atlairs; . r-- , - - 1 1',., ,,,. f,,..f.,i ,,,. t.i ...I. .i.l I f.,r : , ,..,,... .;.,.,....! i . ...: i .. 1 iiiieniio comeii .niu.iu hmh:i iuo I American freemen, fn certain eo.iu-' itliW. t.0.,)i(.tt l;.v wt.,.c j M1(:h ! i,....,,. ....... i...... ... ...';.. .... il,1it,, to the Iiegid.Uiue', thi'V e lected whom they ph ased as commissionc-rn to ad- nnni.-ter county r.li'ans, to le vy county ! Wv M 10 CoMr"1 0,,1,,it-V I tl lures, to be magistrates, and to con trol the public sehoi'ls. It is needless to say that the taxes thus levied under negio rule, and ex pended under ncgio rule; that the schools under negro rule for white children, and the administration of justice for white men by negro offi cials, were at: pant ror ry w.me men. It does not set well 'iu a while man's slomaih to be arrested by a negro constable or to bo tried before a negro magistrate. Of i-eiiirse, when taxes are levied and expended by men who pay none', the levy is heavy and the expenditure lavish. This is truo of men, whether whito or black; but iu addition to this, the average colored voter con scientiously believes he is honestly entitled to everything that h can g.-tj from the white man, and that get what ho will, he will never balance his account against the white man for so; viced rendered during slavery. These things bt ing so. the question naturally arose as to tlio best legal, puaceable reiiieelv A lwolI1(.Ilt-8 CJ0 for them. consideration showed that, so long as the Cauby Constitu tion was unchanged, the Canby system must remain in force;, and thus a strong stimulus was given to the agi tation for its repeal. In 1871 the people elected a Legis lature in which two thuds of both Houses were Democrats. These mem bers of the Legislature very well knew that the people had sent this number there that a convention might consti tutionally bo called und relief theieby afforded to the negro-ridden c. unties. The Convention was duly called, and met iu 1875. Among other nmend- li.iulita In Ilin I'm. Jll nllni. ll,.... .)otl(,d 0)JU ivil , the Le,riHature power to adopt bue-h system of County Oovernmeut as to it might seem best, with the full understanding that relief should be giveu to the negro counties. These amendments were submitted to the people for ratification or rejec tion in Novemher, 1X7(5. The ennvass was memorable for its length and for the obstinacy with which the Itepub cans, backed by unlimited Feeleinl patronage and unlimited Federal money, fought as step by step and at tery oiut until sundown ou the day IllWV (lttttlllI.WIl lllll'ji I . i f I ' . A A t A 1 1 iiu iiiis 11111 t - . ,1 . 1 . 1 - - i in. iaAij.i-n.i r ut ilium iitt r iriii init-ii sundown on jll)tL(;m. Timt is tL, whole differ-1 v-M-take ,?1(s .Ilt. Ht. &(u' : '' rc "-"J ! ' . mlu.1. Tf nnv. it ,.i,..w.. i e:.., ....... . I,. iii-.l. i-; , a . i . .. , . - . toiiowe is ami siu. loners, no sain 1 Uoti t nil (he system with ouimneiu " .' ';." ' i-...-" ve-ars oei. six ler-i six inrne-s nigii. ..!,.. :r l.. 1 1 , , , i, 1 .1 . ,'. nr indinntioM their affairs to be administered in that i .,. vui ,...,1. ..,,.1 v.. 10 f'""" il he (.Mi. Aayo) bad to, thccfloit to pieveut or cure lovc-r as a commit-1 Wil "l,nur ' ul .,,Hln " i"1- shoes. A negro man seated n a , t ... , , ', ,-, . " 7 coiu.H.i , 1:. iw .. . , 0 , , ,, , he shonld lake (v,-! . Scales every tour. ' iiiorei iietent nrereiitivo and iviumIv. ... a....:.. . 11 .1 ! . 0 . . eliinse. li-lv..'ell lu-.l MICH I leioocrill S l A.nin A a-uf a l.mru ,:... 1. f.. resign and I , ..,.', '.i...... s adminis. I . V.:.... ..!?. . 1 . . 1. r' t''. ..lu '- Chatting ye.-terdav with tho Cov-, with tho advantage of leaving in the , . . . . f i 1 w " - I n ui 11 n 1 mi Mini ii tt ;i i .ui tl ' 1 : it . 1 1 . . . , t t ; i i l in Ins phice.It,,,,.,,, j p. w wbi t Mw lM a( ; (-n.oi hm ex. , I staled o a ic b,y no poisons o produce d.ZZu,e0:;. ikcrd upon any ! Hut there is more- mwon for us to : u,u.((,i t'L llUl.IltiolI ,;f l'Jlktoniah.- , r' !,,!,t ''' ' ! v ' f. '"e -1 rufm1 ""'.'. "" "'"'' ! .i. 1 1 11 ....i, . 1 siioki-n in everv count V 111 .North (,ar- der. I he nr. .urn-tors u-urnint it. I - 1 I In .,., nnlkinn nf what they attempted afterwards through i .l..: .1. 1 I Throughout the State, from Chore koo to Currituck, from the South (Vmlina border to th Yireiui line. ! .v...-v nUrr uvnealed to he neonle - f -f tw n ro.iaion i j counties, and everywhere with sue-. llt,s3 amendments were ratified by a major- j !, ! uo-, votes mSe k full well what they j .... i.L.n.'o hi ink. t, , iwm .1.1 i!. r when thev raliuetl me 1 amendment giving power to tne JLieg-: islature to lis the Comity Govern- ments as it pleased, and tho Lenisla- ture knew full well what it was doing ; when it exercised that power and en- acted tho present system ; and the I question now is. as it was in 1S70, in ; 1878. in 18S0 and in 1882, whether the : ...l.:i 1.. ..t V....H. " .-..l.'i..i nvr.tr wiiiiu tne uauoy system 01 i;um. ment, or that under which heir ore f ithors emoved neaco and prosiu'iity : 1 .. 1 1.11 Tlio Caiibv . " . . " 1 : sysiem means '""" i.- , State Wows. MtAirv News: An infant child of ; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ashbv, died iu ii i . ii r ii 'I- i hat city recently from the sting of a hornet. j Greensboro Patriot: Mr. 13. II.) nlutiUu l'lvc Press: That little Ajj.le.of abhn.gt on township, shows m.llw ,.l Vork Club Saturday night 12 Exposition potatoes, weigiung even j, i- i. , .......... :M .v.,..i, .. 0-lit. It ilis- : twelve pounds. They will be sent to Ra'a" ulo"t'' wlth tho ulo'' cx- moii. Danburv Reporter: Mr. Hubbard Drown tells us that he caught a brood of voting partridges and put them unde r a hen with chicks, who adopte d the orphans nnd bids iair to raise ti.ein' to a domestic lite. F.lixabetli Cit v Carolinian : We ; ,iavt. u 0 0(1 tt-lllUoritv that several ' f Mante-M-Daro eountv. , i i. i . 1., n.'.i tlill?e.l l.lu HII. il.trnn'in ... r.. 11-11... ui ',,,, i u,.! it, ,,,.,,.1 . pds ,jmt tM.v' would dostill '" '' v-nr. If two or tine,-1 "Ts call do this, whv not all . (b Itmhl,v tlli; Kmh of , f..,,,;,,,,, ' ' . , M mslon S-ntMi.-l: The water me crop in this section is immetise : don i.l . tueiriut went lieging upon ourstiei ts j t1"' past week at from 2c to 5c around. . IV the load. J-'-ilc'iii and Win-ion ; have two respective base ball clubs .composed of boys under 10 years of ihe yoiiiigsteis tackled each ot m r on Monday and li ned o-nle an exciting games the seore standing: Winston Cliern Street, 17: Salem. 11 Wade-shoro' Time's: To'ikton don' a n-n u:ii o u.'. .Aed-choro' Courier: Joe Nichols, a colored farmer iu this olaee. boasts mi . i ",r . " -J , 8 1""!r- M.r ; " ""." " jni.ip l'ianted four Irish potatoes and rais- W tli.T. fonii 10 gallons. -There wero 7 I.rothers ,n town ast week l,y t!:e mono of Rums all natives ot f(,n,ir, this m-iruii"' that a water n:fl'"".i was e-ut at the residence eif Cajit. Win. Mangum. of this city, yes apt. Win. Mangum. of this c.ly, yes rday. and in the centre of tho melon ,e imtuls of M.fMa..gu...;s na.n.'. . 31.. were perfectly distinct, be- the "U. 31.. were perfectly ihstinct, be- l dohsi 01 isi r ki: ut inn hiw ctuiirtn , .1 ingof a ..liferent ce-lor from the other ! ,,js to tbo a,jn, ud about 10 bushels ine-at, ami penetrating more than an j t j HUWU Troutman, Wnugli A; inch on each side. No traces of marks ! (Ji,w wilh a (h ise'r machine, tluesh 011 the outside of tho melon were to' 1 ,., .. . 1... ii. ril ei ..d of Mr. 1). 11. b.i se..n. How the name got there is a mystery. I Cbiidbourn Times: "Old Aunt." j Tenah Swindall dieel last Sunday. Slift ; was extensively known as tho leader eif a peculiar re ligious sect, familiarly i known as "Tenah 's Rand." It is sai.l : that before she died she advised her! baud to ilisbaud after her de-ath and ; join any church they wished. Dm -! ing her slavery, she was a member of tho Methodist church. She was con sidered by those acquainted with her to be insane on Ihe subject of religion. Sn0 s(,).Iur(l tj ,w wy ... "UI1,j sane except on religious matters. Wilmington Star: Mr. Ii. O. I-V.n- ville, of Onslow county, had in mniket I a elay or two sinco four onions that weighed altogether e ight pounds, aud one 01 the four turned the thirty seven ! ounces, nn ins ane-e 01 inn great; l.st men in the service of the company, interest taken by the Germans iu tbo liat caused him to commit tho rash coming election, is 1 furnished in the ' ik.wl is ,lot f.u,uly kllowI1, l)llt our in fact that Mr. L. oilers, of this city, f,lll!Ult W,,.H lnilt t!jo general impres received a letter from IJruiiie.rhavon, tLu, tLi t. WW ft woumll iu ,ho (.eriiJimy, a day or two ago written : M W illiam Rolick, who lives bv a former d.uingtonian. Mr. John , His lllil(.s fn,lu lho clty) yesterday can.o ,.,.4;,.., ,,...au i -,u wilh his four year oM daughter, the words: "Huzah for Cleveland ! 1 whl)8B head wh in a pitiable plight, Ifeudi'isonville Raptist : On Wed-! all the left sidu ami rear besing entire nesday last Mrs. 1. J. Hart and her j ly devoid of scalp. The child was hurt little son, about ten years old, with I about two weeks ago. A wagon had mule and buggy, as they were ae- j stopped iu front of Mr. Uolick'a house custenned weekly to do, drove to ' ami his htllo daughter went out aid Flat Rock on some matter of business. climbed to a position on ono of the They were emietly returning home j hind wheels, unknown to the driver, about 11 o'clock, when they came j As the wagon started oft" tho child (within 200 yards of home) ton bridge was thrown to the ground and the icross the A. & fv Ilailroad traek. j Susjecting no elanger of any kind, they drove on the bridge, and just before getting across, tae mule scared at a crack in the brielge, and running backwards, hurled buggy, woman, child and mule over the siele of the bridge from twenty live feet. Mrs. Hart was instantly killed. The littlo boy, though for a time senselwis, was after a whilo able to get out from un der the wreck and cethome to tell th Bad nYT. Ataniauce Gleaner : Wo have heard of one Slore-koeper and guager who : i.t .,i.,.r inNriiiiiuuU are. for ' sale. Evidently ho has no hope of , Rlaino's election. -1 ho U.ut pour that we have seen this season was ' nlaeed on our table Saturday by Capt. i jUH, orawl. It weighed 15 J : ounces mviiimiuf iiit'Mui,i. us an Irish potato Monday that we "hrd IV 1 is. It camo of 25 bush- ds produeli from one planted, liosido .1. 11. i.ien.ieimi. r.f"i-. uiuuLM -Mr. A. those uscu oy um 1.1111:0 set a" hen on the 3rd .Sunday t on man of Mi.i'ch. A chick of her batching laid her lirst eg on Saturday, July ; "JGtli, aged 110 .lays. hatehiii" ; Oazet'e: Mr. N. M. Dunlap ; ou jilt Sllluj,lv shaved with the razor , ( . (. 'i vso!, MU msH that he lHP, T, ? tlmt hM. ;,UTf .in,m,;1.ts t " (he best he has ever 1 . t. m 11 ...11 ..f use. i. iir. u. d. iKiK-uwti . , s ..,, township lias 011 iih au I t,.e0 10, veul ol ,. the : .,..,... ,. .mm, .11. M lii.lcn T ."'.,,.: tl w,,. iuis ar wi.ii " vs. jim Uan lor t.io murot-r 01 ! 15th l:iv of S'Pti ii'bi-r next bi'tw " ii. . l. ....... (1 1 O .. .. 1..1- v think Lis attorney appealed to .Sp,vme Court, but. fro!,, the evidence . ... . i ,.ii, ..,-,i,..,., ,t wi! do no good exc. pt to pioloug his hie mh. months. IK' ll'-un .'i mi'i u ,.,. ..v. oigatii.d h )vever, wliii h is jn.d as fond. The hold of the Radicals j .... . n: t ii.;.. ...... i . 1 1. fj ! in i in 'ii'- oiuies ui iinn .... ...... gadiully loosening. The people will ; wrest them from tlieiu in November, j M .li ne Sutton, of Jim kh bcrry j section, knocked Jiyan Joliuson, a wUte mnti who lives on hts place, idi wnwith a hoe last .liomun. as;lW teet is eight ineln s wide aciots " .' - ,u i '; .V1"1 " t,.I,'iU ! U,K 'Tr, ' j! . ff. T hnrsdav evenm-' at about 1 oeloclv . .. ii i . i .. i . i . i . . :.. . .1 .....j ... . - i .111. ... ., and the heiiMst ram that has oer viU',l ,,5s 1 1',1 I'f i1',' ..l'"!'-!'y g sav the "oiliest lljli.iiniaius. ine , creeks, swaieps and streams were so swollen that nearly every bridge was tucked his poultry, and which is rov-wa.-hed away, ami the dams to the 'j,j;, very fatal. The disease lh st at-j different mills were cut. so as to let t icked a thick of guineas and within j the w. iter nut. The riv. r ro.-e live three hours thev wcie every one di -ad. j feet t:nir...liv night and travel trom thecou'.try was almost impossible. Raleigh News and Observer: es- and )bserver : Ye , . . . . . r,.t terday a ivporK r . erview. d 1 Los. ai'"t i..-..i.i'ii i.'ii.i.-.u leii-simim. Mr. Argo said he would heartily sin port JU iine, but lie could hot do the' name in regard to Votk. He was frank to sav that his reasons for not1 t ! f",li',,,f' i,,lk),w,'r"' l!1t .b0 .!"" i .t tho lllliin 11 . nn.N... ii." inanii. i in , ...v u ,-. ... , , i .... i it i ;,, .1 olina save (iiiv live and that in tl course of th m t ft w wei'ks ho ex or-els l. stie.-.k in those. Tho hiiok- . i -. , i j : was asked wlnit her any speake-rs ua-i a.iaress.., au.nei.ees in so many 'counties of the Mate', ninety-emo. It i is hardly i.ossible that anv one had lv :i inches. Messrs. Sliuriio Rros., 1 .. ., , . i r t . ol (..olii'ol d township, liimous Iuimels, : ......in thi-s vc ar a wheat eroji worth ! uJtt Th,.v 5;0 bush- i ,U ou 75 acr, s and threshed out ,,f 1 117 I ... J... Is 1.I...11I IT. I.iinIi. ,.f 1 117 I ... J... Is l,..ui. IT. l.nsh now,mi, 1G" buahe ls, iu 170 minutes and stopped live times. At Mr. il. Jose y's they thushed a bushel und a l.nif to the ininute. The Republican dislriei. conveiitioti for the seventh congressional dis.rid, usse'tnblcd at Salisbury. Tuesday. All the counties wore represi'iited. Mr. Allen Jordan, of Montgomery, was chairman and Messrs. Oillcspie.eif Jrode-il, and Jiulla. (.f Davidson, si-en tin ies. Dr. J. (1 Ramsey, of Rowan was nominated for Congress by acclamation, and Mr. A. E. Holton, of Yadkin, was nominated for presidential elector. Charlotte Observer : Mr. Williams. tho roa. I master of the Air Lino road. for tht) s,outrru division committed suicide a few days since by drinking laudanum. He was stationed nt centre, and was considered one of tho heavy whee l tunning over her lieaei completely sculped the greater surfaco of it. The wheel cut on lue sciup us Htuoothlv as could have been done with a knife. IrfX'id treatment was procured, but Mr. Rolick finally, at the euel of two weeks, brought his daughter to the city. Her wound was dressod by Dr. Dyers, in as careful a manner as possible. It is hardly pos Biblo there will be another growth of scalp aud lho child's head will always rotuaiu A bad looking sight. j done so, unless it be Senator unce'. I ... . -.. t . . a .1. r. . il I Journal: Mr. J. R. Ranks, one of our most sueces fanners, some time since had a swi most successful a swarm of bees to fitch 111 a tie e 111 his yard and ho mounted up the tieo to saw the limb oil After Hawing a while the 111,1b ovoko ami inewi.o.e awarii lighted on the inu-k 01 air. uuikhh necil wueu nisirai i'i jumping uui, un tho tieo as I would havo done ho ; ' 1 1 .. 1 ,.r : ;.. t f quiet ! y elow the le.e bouse and to co.no and lu;, lly slid down the tree, went to j 1 'uliea for somo one u ush them 111 it, which was done, and ho never received even asting from them. Mr. Green, who , Keeps t lairniout ormge. Killed mis ! Keeps t la.n week, a wat. uroil lie le iter moccasin wnieli mcas- et in length, and his im " , ,.,.,,' , f..i f ,lf i'd him to Dcrform au au lie contained a cat lish 18 inches in i length with a "head on him" two inch- i es iu breadth, besides fifty-two living ! Huukes. measuri:..' from one to two: . . . , r. i , wvuoa t() j t J !, ! to tie . J. B . , ; . t"o w. """peeu-i oeni i s,; TarhorohadaMKiOlireon We.ines- , nioriiin" lal. E. 15. Hod 'e &. ... . i. .ii ..i ..ii 1. T ,u,'7"7 ' ; J- olu u " L ' u f corn hue. Instead of a tassel it bus I , or eu- . 1 t :,..,.....;,., , , ,, 0f them verv well develoi.od. The; collt,.e one is" twelve inches long, and n. ,.is ,,f linl.. p.u- ii...:.:..!!.. 'M in- I C10S r,round. A human phenoim - m)I, which was iiuite a curiositv, was i . . -i i ..." i exuioitevi in our omco Aiiesuuy. ai o liliVcMt a t.oi0m boy. nppaiently '20 yens of age, came in to ye I us tJput Lis foot in the paper, but we are un - uhlu to do ho as it wu .-:o iwdc it wouhl occupy uhuUl one side of it. Ono ol tho toes and contains eight well clu j veloped and pel feet toes. We esiii , ti.ii. k of nothing to compart; it to. ' The foot was all right otherwise ai;d tho other foot was perfectly natural. , Mr. J. V. JJyraui, of Sandy Ridge 1 township, told us u few days ago, of a verv str:tii''o disease which has at-! Thev apiurentlv break down iu the ' back, and lie down and die. .Some ; , , . i.,.w. i... . , ' .... ' it.rci, ,11 iij.rciltt .7.11 nil Ileum , lttU.k!ll ,ho t!Xt. ti()ll tlf ' . . . . , . -, ; pear as pert as usual, the comb man : tains its color, and they eat to the last. . lp to the time that Mr. JUraui was! ... ..f ; -rr. i,...i .1....1 '.....1 :. : o - r.- - - "- : confined to his own poultrv, none of I . - , . ,..l , .,1.1.. 1 111-1 iiviuouin ii.ii.u uma uiiaci.eii. ,uid! Sprinir Wit&ont Blossoms. in I. in: to Look nm ,Jov iit NlAIII TIM Latk to Mi.nh. li...iiliTK..f lliiwUiirn.''n "ll.'ii.'iis-vniOiiM.' i Kill r.M-ull Hi.. I'nili'.s mil. will, h ,..r e'ii.'i'i.r.t I ) i..'lii.ii , wli.i liml Im- ii iiiilunily liii.iif.ni. . tln.'.. I.l.-. rut-ly inaiihiMl. i.fii-1, uficr Ills ri'li'.ifi. , "My III.. In pun', ami oln ri' Ib my liuiiiii - V , Ol.: trlv.. in.' m lniiilnvn". lim Him , I I il iiir. nly In .in, a :..iin .f warm s uti-l. 1 1... , iH-i-iislniinily I, .11 ii'ir-nn U.u xluiii a N..W l.iigl .i.,t ; HUlunin .l.iy. Ill a l.i.tcr to Mi Tll.lH, 'if IVllllllltfl iiiiiiilil inl. ry ir Of Hli I'WI ,..inir;M-.,.K-.-.iiii.nii. -l l.yur. Hl Im.Iii. I ..iiiMil I. II. -fin Him tiiiiiiln or lt hi. lanp "i nvr.r (..'inci anl ii.-.'il .-v.-ry 'iiuiii Hid .lomi-ri-Hi-r.'i...i.lv i.i.il.ir Hi. I...... I It..... nt I.L.1 i. -..'1 in CAiiKiiii'sToxma (..iiiiii.-t.. h..ui.- i.r.-. m- Ii.-iiii.i.'iir... As )-.. nr Hiv.iluiilil.. iii. li.-lii... win. h ,u.i i..r n.. what in.ililiiu .'i .-..iil l .l, l-. -miiic I " u..'.'nnt ..r im ..;iiii in.-k m i.u...y .i.-is. i 'ti.T!. SilKt!." 11..1 a..,Mi.n..iy ...,nr.iy Un' SU1T.TU11? I... luia ii..( ai. iiii.-iifiy 11.r1r.1y Un' suiT-rlinr I... Im il.n.i.1 i.r iinii.y yoai. II.. I nn nr.'lli.'r-lii l iw, ftii'l 1 Ui... Un. ram. w.-ll. Id' in n..w ..-r.f..-ily tr...-rrmi ON.il.l ir-.iil'lns, an. I .-nj. .v ln-alili an, I li!e. Hit. rll.li.K II all I.. I'AHKKll'a TONIC" l'ii.-iii.llt'. ih aa liivliii'iim, 'lniulu .-n i.U Oi rK.'ini .-iir.-s allni.Mi ..f U.u llvrr, klJui ys, an I all . IKu s.ir Un; !!. AVER'S Ague Cure rontnii.s nn antl.loto for all malarial ill. enter ftliicli, f. far as kuown, is 113. it la tin ntlirr rvuvdj. it c mains im tVainii.c, nnr ..) ii.iiktnI nor ilrl. t.iriouH mitwt.inra hnt cvci, 1111.I oonacijiicnlly froiluci-ii 1:1. ili'iirliuia tfm-l uk.ii tlio c'ir.stiliakiu, l,ut l.uvei Ilia (ysluiii iu buaUliy ui it ltl.ua tbo alia. k. WARRANT AYEK'3 AGUE CUF.E lo euro cai ry 'smt yl 1'c.vt? nil I .f,M, li.icr Mltleat or t'I:i!l Kvrar. l:riiiltt.'i;t Krvrr, liun.b cur, liilldiis Ti vtr, aii.l l.lvrr I'. i'nlnl rmisf.l by iniilai U. u ,'is.,f f.-i . .r. iift.T ihiu trial, .lurjlcrn are aiitb.irUr.l, .y t.ur circular JateJ aluljr lat, lw.', to rtfuuil Ilia lOIK'J-. Dr.J.C.AyeriCo., Lowell, Mass. SulJ by all HnnigifH. 1 An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. . " Calvert, Teua, Uay S, lfl ' I vtah to aiprwa my ppneUUoo ot MM valuaUa qualUlos of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral a a cough remoHy. " While with CburehlU'l army, Jut bafora the batilu ol Vickaburg, 1 eoutractad a ae (arts culd, which terminated la a daufteroua cough 1 found no rullef till on our inarch Wtf came to a country itora, wbcra, on aaklug for aouia ruuiejy, 1 wai orgod to try AlEU ( CUKIlllV I'EI TollAli. "1 did to, and wai raplrtly ernrod. Rince then I hare kept thel'tcTiiBAl.ooDitautly by Bis, for family uo, and I bars luuud It to Im an Inaaluablo rcuitHly for throat and lung atlaaaaea. J. W. Wuitlsv." Tbotuandi of taertlmonlala certlft to tb prompt ear of all bronchial and long aJTfcctloni, by tho uia of Avsa'a Cbhuiv Pcctobau BaiiigTcrypaiaUbJe.tha young Ml ahUdreu laka It raadily. riKraJUO T Dr.J.C.Ayer4iCo.,LowUlMiM. aMbfaVUtwaggltia. Newberno NEW STORE! E. 1 51. SFLER STATION, C. Offer to ihe public or.o of the best w IJANDISK ever urougiil to u;.s wt lowest prices v Goods B80T8 AHD SHOES, HITS AUD HARDWARE, CROCKKU V, OF i:VMV J)!'HCRirTION. , Wi5 have no old stock on hand, left over from last season; everything I .... ..... ,i . ... .1 ... .i .1.. i i ' ' , '", " , U,"r 1 , U ? " 'P'''11 fwl new. No have ennie to stay, ami niieiul to Ken everyiniiif? ui. vuo iwv f barter tal:t tho best leilih.ers on tlio market. For red slii k vsoi! ; lr:'shv covered nud heavy sod land there is nothing e-pial to the ei h luatcd South Tieiiil Cliill 1'lows. South A cent. r.'il- r I -1'1 W and every P'o.v ; have also a Inr-jr ti:i:itit; cil to j Win ' Turn shovel iiii.l Hull Tongue , , . . . al extremely low pr.e.s. .pee.ai : Give us a trial. ' Apcil lSl. tf. h7t. chapiu. 1 1 : Me.hc Pro; T. :d Triliey 1 Seed, An: Ci-.ii-s. IT.--Me i Aj rli i- .r--.C.-. ,.. . .ii, ..r iiliu. iy A. II I.. 1, -oil;. 4. i. mm h r.vYr.TTi'.'ir.i.r.. n. C., M.-ii k.-t fi iii'ir.-, WHOLESALE QKOGERS. 31 Jlay Street, i lit ally l-p -M'.' I n; i ll.". Illo H'.ifl... FAYETTE VI I -LE, N. C. Olfeis ii eompiete iitoclc of MED1C1NKS, TAINTS, SKKDS, (HfiS, (SLASS. YAJ5NISHKS, DYK-STl '!'!. S AN D T ) 1 l i I f f A i : i'I t T.i IS AT ROW TRICKS. Satisfaction guavanb -d t.i any who may favor l.ii.i uith their irdcr;. Coil ospondeuce solicited as to prices and te rms. Jul 10,ls MAItCH '2.1, S1 Arrivals for its )M. ' " J DCRHAM. N. C. RRI.S. NEW CUtH Cl'RA M.OLA;iSi:S 10 10 30 RRLS. SYR CI. URLS. l'ORTOKli'O .MOLA.IiS. RRLS. SCiiARS. (all grades). 25 T HACKS Rio and SURD TICK COri'Ki-X :m Rm--. SHED HUSH POTATOES. HM Rm.s. all grade s FLOl'R. 100 Rl SHELS CORN. 4 OO RCSMELS OATS. 10 TONS RHAN AND CHOI'S. 300 Rl'SIIERS l'KIMK WHITE MEAL Emm Wnxall Mills. 5000 LRS. RCI.K MI '.AT C. R and Dl'.U.lOi. 10 TONS 1'iUMRTIMOTHY HAY. lu fact we handle (ii'oeeiie'M only, can there fore' e.tfer special induceviieuts to the wholesale und retail trade; Colue to see lis. ATWAT.-ER a WTTATT. JltirnMi'Ml, C'l KU ll C.i. 'a i'LI, SIMM',) SCflta Ci kl "BH T rt T " -1 at at tuaiikUi. J. & P. COATS' SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. YOU CAN BUT IT OPl W. L. LONDON, rxTTssono. rr. c. 41 NEW GOODS ! McLEAN & CO., P. & Y. V. It. R., . ..xttijit HTPW' leetcd htockH of OL.NI.UALi MtK-; ir.m. aim are now sciimg at iu Groceries, CAPS, NOTIONS. CLOTfflNG, TINWAUE, DRUGS, &C, n in eeti:uiye for goods. Bend Chilled Plow! ui iKst. two-liorse nlnw. both rlubt and IrfL with W.m.li.r linn H.'iii,nitliritliout Wlieclur JulDtert Willi CbllleJ or hU.tl bUart'9. 1'bo bn l'low lu Aiuortca. vive Tali(:tetioii or no sale. toil: of Io;il!e Sliovel and Planter's Pride Plow Plows, ft r innrimnff . . . ,, . i'i...i..t rp.j... ' ? ' 1 .r irauw .'.'l.lili X I. ll."' " W., Ghixxsuuko", N. C. M. T. Nont:S, ..f X-.ri-lp Wiul k 'l.-il'r. w. :. MeaeiiiK, Lnlo ol N.irrii., Murrum Orlitli). M. T. iNorris & Bro. wiifn.uiwi.i S.-rils, Wyu't ts T7t'r at tliclr old WHOLESiLE GROCERS AND G0F!SSI0N MERCHANTS, No. Hi Exchange and No. 15 East Martin Streets, JAAiXJIUII, rr. 0. WE CAKRY A LA ROE STOCK M'hi'-h we olVer to the trado at ve ry low prices. vgiv.'.s i:i:ul attkstion to the Mta ol .oj"rorv, Mi.kR ..il. ui liitfhr.i tirJ.'M nn. rolurna at imtft 1 :. .Inc.- hi "n .- ti n.isl. ii hi mi all clisiKea. l.ltrf i-ui ail.ttif r.4 nin.I..'ii rutlnii flU.rud wUlt u. A'.ii I ir I'imi .-. Oiniiin. . iiis r-.r !' n. ni..k-. Sii.r Pli(ihnM. A.'i.i.i f.-r I'Uli llnk eiiiHii'i. A,:-m r..r Hi !..i.rnii'.l si..uowallCuttOB Plo I In- li ina "fill" ll.lll.ll flul.1. J.in ii.ii it, eHi. Lougee & Goodwin, Kii'ifwuora to I. W. Diirl.tm, 117 r.ivt tt.ivilb. Hi., R.w.Kioii, N. C, HUBBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS STONE WORK OF EYKRY DKSCRIl'TION. Dl'.SIONS SENT FREE RY MAIL SATIS FACTION GIYEN. July in. 11. Hum. 1885. 1884. m. 1 imi k im, RALRIOH, N. C. li:adi:rs in HARDWARE of every dosciiption. GiiiLDEnS' SUPPLIES, I'AINTS, STOVES. OUNS, AMMUNITION, md tho largest steie-k of SPORTING GOODS ever in Raleigh, at bottom prices. CV.il ami examine our stock and prices. j Satisfaction Guaranteed. tsUT AVrito for DescriptiTe Circulars. Don't forget the placo, 220 FAYETTE VILLE ST. Jl.D r. WVA'l'T. rntLip TATLoa. Wyatt&Tajlor, RALEIOH, N. C. Wholesale Grocers AND Consignments of Cotton and l'roduoo solicited. We carry a heavy stock of MEAT. LARD, St'OAtlS, COFFEE, BAGOIXO. TIES. FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, II UAN, AC, &C, w hich we tiller to the trade at lowest prices. Will give consignments of Cottou and I'roeluce our pe-rsonal attention and make f-ales at highest prices ami forward returns at once. WYATT & TAYLOR, I ulyj Ma. i'i Laol NaiUn StrtKH,

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