Mi. ii 11 mmmm i in t ii iyv m i 4 ( 1 Siccord TlIUlbiDAY, AUGUST 21, t&yilot, ilry ami dasly. , . 7 ". , ! tttfTLet every iloiiio"! at in Chatham i attend hia township meeting nest! Saturday I .. .. 11. .1 i Anrntercstuigroviyathasbscn, going on all this week at Hock iipi iug church, iicnr .his place. tkJ" We urc inJebtod to Mr. John naiiuist R. l-'oushuo for a curiosity in tho j I"' t-i.t Here next weeii lor casi-iuca-, Bhano of a twin cantaloupe. j '"' ai riitigenie'it. W e uo mo.4 j - - earnestly hope that our citizens are j &Jlla sure to read tlio lw. letters t,.liiiigsutlk'ienl interest, and wilihuvo j of 'VCitizi'ii" published in this issue. ! aflioic-nt county pride to mnko They furnish much food for rcilection. j elm: ham's exhilut inferior to that of I WT Mr. fTV rcrry.of Hadiey j f' ,,oimi-V. .I,1"1", "wf township, has presented us with an 11 certamlv ought to be done. A hat enion raised tins year from tho seed ! J'011' ! that weighsjnie pouiuh (Joi-sty Coxvr.snoN. As heretofore "f i .. .,. i , 1 announced a convention of the demo-; 86Thcnvou go to your town. , e . .. . u 1. i i.,. . ,. ,. . .. . i l ... ; crats of (' hat haul wi I lie lie;il here, filnp inoetiug next batiuday get up " ,., . . ., , 1 i , ,i iv. . on next J uesdav, fo; 1 Iks pin pose ol i campaign subsenbius for the Kiuvim. " . ' .. . ' ; , i I if? .. i n .i ,.i i; .,. i nominating two camlniates tor the Only i'J cents till the election. .. , " . . ' , . , Jb;i('ol Iv'pri'sentalivcs in tie.; C r:i- tfiT Oon. Scales will speak at San- eral Asmnbly, and camlidates for ford on the LSth. day of September, the offices of sheriff, register, coroner This th uourust iiiiiointiiierit to tliisluud surveyor. In tbin e.inv.'iilion county that has yet been annouueed. the townships will be entitled to cast j tho same number of votes as hereto- "Our jioople had become so ac-, flirP. U1(l .jr del- gates will be elect custonied dtiring this summerto hav- j L.. llKXi Saturday afternoon. At the iug a lain every day or two thai thMjsumo time ex'-ctitivo committees Iiiescnt dry spell is almost ununduia-1 ought to Ie elected in those iwn le. ship where none now exist, nml tiiose . 7''t Ii ,, , i townships are Jiear ('reek, Oakland BSy Every voter in Chatham ought , . .. l. . : . ' , . . i .i i. l . . i ., ami Aibri" it. lliis i. necessary m to read tho lti:::oiii dun ng the cam-; . . . . ,. , , ... . ?-t ,i ! order to pei feet our county orgamza paig... Only 40 cents until the e.ec, ; 1 J t.m-hip t.o... Get your ne.ghbor to sub- iiwtill wi,, WL.:, illt(.11,1,..i. h0 BCU"t!l . thattlie wishes of amajoiityof the ST livery delegate to the county party in the canity will ! exjitessed convontion next week could streiigiie in tiie liomiual ions to lu; made by llm in his party and aid his couiily paper, cunvetit ion. Oar people do mil pay by each ono bringing us the name of the intention to their primary metit u new subscriber to tho ltivoiiu. Try ings that iheir importance so much it tw7l$yruini At lleileii are now offering for cash great bargains in Millinery Goods, Simw Hats. I'-ady-inado Clothing, and also their general ntoek. Fruit Cans on hand. Dii.-d Fruit and 'Wool taken in eehang;' for goods. ar Warren Trior & Hon. F.iyetto rille, fine Gold and Silvor Watches, Jcwttlrv and Sti rling Silverware. The lat'irost line of French and Cocks in the .State. Wat rea l.ir nt & Son invite orders for l-J.ig.-igcuie uml V.Vildiii" llili-ri. .1. . fits?" Received this week at Lon-: the convention can liardiy go anus., don's a nice lot of Males, Ihireatis, and we doubt nt, that the nominees Withstands. Hoist cuds, and other; will lie such as will cotumaml the I'ltrniture. Has a few sets of Frank-1 re.ipect atid receive the united sup linsillo Chairs on hand, all of which ! port of the whole pasty. Of cotuso will bo sold lo.v for cash. Also, re.- the first choice of every ono cannot i,.iw.l llii wi-.i'h ii liLinii lot of Schoii! be ic iiiii ii ate.!, and some will be dis- Books. A few Straw Hat$ lctt win will bo sold ut vour own piices. WT Wo are requested by Jtr. L. 11. Hynuin to htnte that the time for put ting in bids f or supplying 12 V 0)0 bricks for tho piopoo.d now church at Ml. I'icus -.at ims Imca ex t -tided to the Fit h of next month. For partiouiars apply to him. 84?" Now is the time to buy ch.-an poods: Jjomiou is taiittig siock anu liuds a good many remnant and other ioods. IIo is verv anxtoi'.s to ivose out. These goods will be soul with out regard to cost for the cash. If you have any money to spend bring it to London's and you will lu iU;o lo get your money's worth. Miss MsktixiI. Wo are requested uy iur. donn a. vvomacK, cna.rma.i of our county executive committee, . f , ,.(.()!)lllll.!liI1,, jt fo on,- readers, to amiourico that there will be a mass j wi,( ,hi, ,J( , ,.,., ,.1!lv meeting of the democrats of this i fl vihi, llu., ils ,..!, as v,,. .ij.i. county hold m the emu t house, : .. f,."w honr.V ri.Ki over the Car-.'ina this place on Tuesday ot our n.iMi,,,,,,,,.. niiho.id in a comfortable Htiperior court. Si vcral distinguish- ! ..:.,,.,.,.' i, ,. r tu- time!1, r to Wil ed Hpeakors from abroad are expect- i ed to attend. Sunnr.M D.katiI. On last. Saturday night Mr. Silas Siler, of M il thews' township, died vety suddenly, lie had been nut hunting that afternoon. ale a hearty supper, ami was in his i i i ut hi i i... fore his death. Ho was about. 70 j Team old ami was much respected ly liin neighbors. 1 ' lv. Siler was btiriod at, Love's Creek church on last Monday, and i Mr. Thomas Dark while sitting in tho ; Church attending the funeral was j nuuumv p.o.,( ...L..U - nf unnii in 11 iiii.I ciiri iMil lionio 1 muuoniy prosiiuii! it apoplexy and w r i: i in a critical condition. It o i.i, op Hoxoit Wo are requested bv Miss MaifjHo E. Watson the ' principal of Rocky liivei Academy, to publish tho following list of pu-j pila who havo averaged over 'jr in their studies during tlio last mount, AI1.1 U'lllMil llll.llilU lll'A tltlllH.l llll till. Bchool'B '-roll of honor: Misses Ella j M. T.lnv.l. Smliu Ii. filovd. Mollic A. i fi;i,,,, nr,.Ki,. I'V t'.Mmi.n.. !.ni A. I Johnson, i anny 15. Johnson, Laura E. Lloyd, lictly S. (iilmoio, Nellie E. Womble, Alice E. Lloyd and Uosa I), lilaml: ami Messrs. J. Itobert Poe, Bruco M. l'oo, Wilson (lihuoro, ttnWl T. Whit... Ttw.nn.B 1'. Wliiti. Beuuio B.CIol'3 and John B. Johnson, j .... A Chatiumitk Comi'!,imi:stei). Wo ure alwajH pleased to note any compli- monta that aro paid our eouutymen ! Who havo vemoved to other Mtates inj,' ipiito a plcavmt lit t io resort, j or counties. In tho last number of ' This place is where the I'uited Stales ; tho "Spirit of the South," fl news-j government 1ms lately i-un-.tiuet.ed j paper published in Iviehniond county, ' exteiRivo woiUh fort-losing Now Inlet . is a local item stating that Mr. ; and deepenitir the river ai its mombJ Thomas B. Pace had decided to re- These works consist chie-ly of a solid turn from that county to his old ' rock dam, over a mile Jlong. and over home iu Chatham, iu order to settle a hundred feet wide at its base, and up bin father's business, and eon-, which thus far has cost about 5fl, cludiug as follows: "During the : (itK),tKK. The importunci) of this ail years be has been in thiaVouuty, J woik to Wilmington is almost incal he has built up a largo and inn easing j t illable, ami by means of it vessels business from a small beginning, ami i drawing 1'.) feet of water can now made many warm friends, winning ; cross tiie bar. the raspect and entire confidence ol The boat touched at unitlivillo ftll wli Lave had bui,iueb with him." ouly long tiiouli to laud iu uiii Ni:w Puht Officf. We are always ' pleased to hear -f nv-y additional mail j facilities at?brdedJ.o our eomitymcu. 1 j Some months since a new postoflice 'iiiU.il 'Anchor" wiw cstnbiishe.il in ' New Ilojje township, with Mr. W. J. I Olive us postim'stcr, but not until ; In 4 Criday was it supplied with mail i service. Mr. II. C. Thomas is ths contractor for curying tho mail. . Chatham's lixmnrr. Only a short lime will now dep.-:.-? beforo cvery- U '', lllill is llllt-iliU'l li.' irc iii.ireu ?, . ii'stiilc Imposition, mu-.t bn prepared ami rea ly. The committee for this conn- j ty have rii:tiRft(cil that all articles tli::.ei ves. 1" ref;ieni;y Uieso mecLKigs are attended bv haiil.v half a dozen persons and the wishes of the mass of the voLcrs not known at all, or, if known, not rcpiesonted. Of course when this occurs, nobody is to be bia'iied but lie; voters themselves because they do not cho.).e to at tend. We tnt-t that tile delegate Wiil come to tie' to noiuiuaie out regard luei ad ices. convention .teles mined the very best im-u uith to their own personal Lft nil be animated v.itli tiie desire to promote thc suei-c.-vs ol : p"'l.v rut her than the ptclermeni. 'of anv particular iudividna.. Among the mimes that have been t-.p.I;cn oi themimesth.it have been K.pokcn .nitiiiiiiteil. Siu-h halh beeti. am 'Will evil- lie All (lienfiire slum i! i lie prejiared li give their he.-uiy and i united support to the choice of tho i majoi it v. Let th") fl iell U of the d-'-fea;ed iisjirant.i (whoever ih.-ynciy 1 b.-1 gie I he same cordial s-.ippoi t lo i the nomiiK C!', that they would have : collected the other i to have given ! their fnvoiitcs if th s' had been notn 1 inated. We would not give a tig for hat man's deuioeiacv who wo. ks tor , .j,.., (1,,iv v.lien I i j-,.,;,',, is i,,','!,,;':,. 1 . ..... . own persuim. A Visit to S.vTmtvii.i.r. It was our pita it ire a few days ago. to sp--;d a day at Smithville at the mouth of the Cape l-'.-ar river, about thirty in:'..-.! below Wilmington, and ii ii so de lightful a seaside iv.-.nrt .ii.d is rea die 1 so conveniently bv persons from the ;,llVf.imlll ,.y (hat v.e cantiot tin ,,.;,,.,' ju u,. f,. b1( aki ist, and just here we cannot speak too highly of til" luanageiiit.iil ol tins unpoiiani i on I by our ot.l friend ('ol. L.C. Jones. Since he. Inn bree!iie its suoeriiiteml ent his indomitable energy seems lo have infused new life into everything connected with il, and many ''teat ""Fvein,..t.s hay cenmade. l.vety "'""""tf llt ,?.f"!1' .,l Z'l - J".-r V. ilin.nglon l,.r Sunt, - f 1 'etur..s ab.mt sundovvu m - S " " "f'1 ' , u .... i ,i... sons, no iuifc on. itu in., hi. vi ..ii.,... i. .,r ii,)..,,..! ii, it,., , - f j , f , j . . . . . . " u a tierson in tins section desires to enjoy a short tiip to the s-eaihoro we chcerluhy recomiaeud lliis routo. 1 be trip down me river n om 1111 miagtoti to Smithville, including stoppages, is made in less than two and a halt hours, the country 0:1 each side of the river is very Hal, and on the western side are many valuable, fMO iilantations, the most valuable of wlucli is 'IJl toli , formerly tho iirincely residence of the hue Dr. F. J. Hill, who snout his suiuuieis at "Kentucky", near here. Along the front of this plantation is a break water recently cunstiucled by the present proprietor at a cost of ftsS.tMi). About So miles irom Yl iiimiigioii we '"- siKht ,,f u' n,ins, 1,,,M',1 Eihher, and its huge mounds of sand stood as solitary monuments ol lis past L'leatliess. A short instance lie- low are the "Hocks", which is becum-, and tbo.'ic pasieiigers who did not wish to go further, and llftm wo pro ceeded to old l'ort Casweil, two or iroe miles ilistant, where we landed id with much interest rambled ail ,-er its ruins. In its best days this thn ami over its ruins. In its best day must have been a beautiful as well as a very strong fortification, and was constructed at a great expense many years before the late war. It is grand even uuiid its ruins, and is en tirely deserted. Several large cannon ate still lying on its ramparts, and great piles of shells and balls remind one of tho horrors of war. After rambling to our heart's con-: tent over this famous old fort we l i .u c ,.ii,ii,i' (iii.i Ill'ltlll IJI.IIHII.H liJ ....v. .v. turned to Sniithviiie and spent a few hours most delightfully. While every-1 one wlio has evi-r visited tins townV(.ry mr, for the white p.:o;i!(, to iiilinired its situation an a seaside resort, yet until this Bummer the iiceoiiiiiiouiiiiin uno ji i"" ure seeker were not vt erv in vitiliiT, aiid consequently not many persons from abroad visited there. Hut now a erreat chiume has been wrought, and t he Hotel Urunswick oilers most tempting inducements to anyone who once g.-es there to repeat his visit. We liave never befiire eiiioye.l such a seaside dinner"' as that nprni which we there feasted on last Friday. Not oniv was the dinner itself all that tho most fast-idiom epicure could desire, bet the stylo with which it was served would have done credit to Pclmonico's. Connected with this hotel is a very conveniently p.riatiged .i..vi!i,...-' in wliidi is il lm-.ro and aitv ball-room. An excellent bfind Kweetest music, and indeed tboro was i )J0t t it yourselves What more everything to contribute to one's I j., yoll W;',il : I am unwilling to pleasure. Next summer, if tho rait- i J,(.;ieve that the eoloi id people i'l ..i .1 ...i,1 uti-Miiilvuil, comnaiii.'s viil:i'.,; ,..,, ,,f r, , ',,.,;! give leduced rates, and the Hotel ihuii..wick continues as well managed as now. we predict that Smithville wi!! bo crowded with visitors. Our day's pleasure was great y en - i,a:icel iy itie g'-mat gi'i'i.eme.i vl .... .r..t),-i.iiiv il u'ik cell r,'ii!i.l fiir - . .w ..... p,- lime to have enjoved. and who will ever be associated in our mind with one of thamost delightful days of tl.e Kale of the Stale's ill U-1-e.-.t i.i iiio Cape Fear and Vadkin Vallev lUih-otid. Tiiriving villages iia.o .rung iipwnere simpiy cross ro:ids e.i4ed, and to-day the whole vvosc. fit seciiotl ol llie coning n.tn grown into a lifo of bustle and activ it v never dreamed of. "Honor lo whom honor is due." Our count v was reprcsenteil in tim Senate of 1HH5 bv one who was ever! a'ive to eveiy interest aifeetiiig her welfare. .Senator T H WiiiiiiLC v-. il.- us an inflection ot tho hen- ate s Journal of l-l'J will demon i'. took u lroieiiie.t sbitid in the .i. .... i .i ..i.i. .u .Senate of 1S83 was shown by Ins i, ..vi.. I,..,.., .,! I imi.n the most im- I .Senate ot i- --i -- , p,:f:n.'C1..mit!eei,am tuade , -imiu- S1..N of the joint coniinntee appo,nted ti exaiium; books. the State Iteasurer s Chatham. IVnlientiary Convirts. Fi-rrsiielio', Aug. H. lSS-l. it. -it oK'i'iii: l!:vo:,i: IJlaine and 1'.: r r '. I ..I ...... i..,ii. ijOi'iiu i navo no viini'i.. i.i.- ie, , i aliti with penitent iarv convicts. Out of over of lhe.se gentlemen w.io are now m the p.ihlicervice. buiUl-1 r,;g iioaoads, (Vc, j.e., imae aic, p, oo.i., y uui m.-io ... . '",'L a I;,,,.:,!.!;..,,,,. ...id much ,V , Democratic emmtterod ae-jiiiist the parly. '.! Ulll'l P I'l' I'" Hll' HK.l'T 'lli., wi.ii u'.,.i ..iiii.ioin.r tii.' law." Jy the by, I will make a suggns- .11. These convicts as fast as their our iile :llikiimfik i .in til flOll.lr IS l?llc. . . , .. , . I ,. .wl I,..' u, . n I nil mn 11:1.4 (,i)!io ut our clr.iri-!ies wlten tlio wiui- i """ - r. , .... 'l 1 Auors-r 1'Jrn. 1SS-L ,,,.;.lo me assembled for worsliii.. Dl- Kv?'c 1 ho j . . i - ,,,i.. ,, ! ,,, .. . -wii's niiii iiKniiiur I Fi i-reit K"-o!.i: There was no '. ami tate seals v, iiert ttn-y jm-i'se 10 , , ! J;: :u u, the leg. .u ; ti. ,r z7Z hs-Liiietii-it-Vcted the interests of! where t lev please to send ll.eir luuhu.iuJ -. tatiu l won. I lo Uls . . . ! .!.. -.1... -.... !...- I U ,,t n.e.Vil' civil ru. Ill .; I.i 1 He I lll.l l.ll tin 'il ! 1 1 i l" ' -. , , ; i , . ..... v- their l.eaulilal couiury v.uicn uas ;.-i!i -r, u-i. i-u. m- -r r-- ' " j ,h.; Sta. c s interest in Uy, f..u. wotii.. F l - ; witllil, the p,st few years been al- l. ZZtittK ".r"w ! n-itire tsear'.vcomjile! lot) and there- task yn m aa Un.lm, no y.m. .-, .,:;,!,. ..-.,1 unl uown to n.'. v-wi. -i.m .... i ..i..i -..i..r.-. :u..i j ;bye,,hai,ce,1n.vai.,e,,fiher,!prop- want einl Jds forced on vou Jt I its Sll terms of service expire are discharged jeiis and conventions of the j iemo and verv fre.pientlv go oif lo other emtio party and that when the day conutiw-T, where thev are' not known - of election comes they will stay aw ay and where they register v..,r;.:im mi.l vi.tfi t out oFihcnotiiton'.iarw After con lit i i he v seldom go back to work on the farm. They stray off to other conn- ties, to public works, tobacco facto - i f tu turpentine, business, &c. Would I bn we'd for the ch.iirman of lies, it. tin each Democratic. County Executive Committee to have a list of them .' If he hiid such a list alphabetically t pre - vole at the next election if itiited. Could this list not be pro cuied from tlm Penitentiary authori ties? 1 suppose they keep a record in cadi ease of the name of tho con vict, a discript ion of him and of hi .i .i i l. crime, irom WllilU couiht lie nun.-, the date of his admissiou and dis - charge A:c. If one copy was made out, H could be printed and copies j.rovided to the ditiVront counties, .-dr. Battle ought to see to this. Ouo thin-' more, 1 have no doubt, it would Iio found, if tho matter was looked into, that thero havo boon several hundred convictions for larceny and other infamous crimes since the istitution went into efl'ect, where the courts in their clemency mai ' out, llli'l liie iiiniir-inii ,.uu-, i.m ., , , ... . . ,. , ji iuli.-i. .n. ., . '. . . ii ; ....;..i..!!,M.i; t.. I'm liV.iul.ii.Mii veil v J i'pojeesy at a.nncton ity, on aist mil ices urn iii-ii ..... ..... ii.ii.o 'V " . . ' , .. 1 i I S iii-id iv wus a nromiiieni oo'i- Pirw-Tlsr-; i .hi-sn, . m- ,,i in ...-...,, .,r !-...i t ...... -i n ..... .,,., 1 :i 1,1 in hiivuii' civil ru' i s orced im MUii.i.i). it.! win, niMoiiiiiii m iiu.i- i ,.,,..,,..., ,... i,. SlI1. ,.,.i i ,. . c,iri. i who had como into-their wnsl.ips, ! you and the who!.- Stale tided with !'-m m tb,s State and .icpnred an J j......r-n, , munv frauds ot. the bal.ot mi-ht bo I race troubles and covered with eon- "dam,.,. jmbniel v .airing Leco .- rffx-jrn TkllTTnnTOffl letel-ted. It hi highly t.robnblo that ! fusion and blood .' lfyoumewiliin,; "'i;mn days He was he whig , A HOME DRUGGIST i "-," ' . ,n -1 . . , i ...i i ...... ciim l.iii e tin' liovernoi' in ISiitl. .,1 1..., r.illl ,.t I ,i:n ,,;lliri,U tt'l , 1.11 HIS. 1 V Ml Hill, " I'll llli'l r"ll" r ' - TPT ClCO did not send the defendants to tho ; going on. As is the case of mo-it .State's piisou. I would buggest that j old towns, so it is here lliat ouo finds the chairmen of tho Democratic i society to bo of the very 1). -si. Many Countv Kxcciitivo Comniitioes ex-j visitors resort to Morganton during amino th Criminal Dockets of their ! tho summer months always hndiug respective counties and in case when 1 it agreeable. The climate is de.iglit these convicts have left tito county : fill and reasonably uniform. Iho :.. ... i.:..i. ii..... ;,.i... I i, ! H.-i.iicrv around .Moi'-raiit.m is a.l- icoi tuiu aiifal-adpiucUcaUeiii wh;U Vtlll.il HIV, HX'lW . ...v., .v. county they aro located, ami report One of t!ie chief objects of interest 1 AV. II. Wa':eneld Sc. Co., of Greens thoin to tho chairman of the li-. uio-; is tho Western Iusano Asylum which boro, N. C, d:a!cn; in Hardware and . cvnlic Kvi-ciirivp Criiiiii-ittcn of (lint is How ill nrncess of o. instruction. '. Machinery, inviti) the citlZ.'im Ol j i ountv. It is important that comic- ! ted felons shouid not control tho election this vear. A Citiln. Pittsivko'. Aug. 20ih, 1881 Ak'J'.m, to thi; Coi.uj'.ku I'k'iilk Chatham Cocstv: You have now, in North Carolina. i:KIiYI01.iTIiUL light. 1011 Sit Oil .., tv-;i.....u :. .r.ni t in.. i ; 'M t!l3 wSiite men are ; you vote as j Vou i;!'ase. just as the white men do, j VOu have public free schools for the ! clluctltioii of vour children, which nro j ..l. i i" i !....!. . ;teen tweu- KIMITIfllM'II 11V 1 S. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'l 'II I.l'll I i;..n.u ,,f v.,'i,.li m-e cl!,.,.! 1 ,.nt ,,f tlt! v.,a people. Tliis. it is true, is I i i.,.. v.. l.i. II... v!,i'n I j ,)C()lc oudit to be taxed for the edit-! ; canon oi llie wiiue eniHiieu aim ine ; l - ,,i,.,.,l ,,.,,,,,. mi!,l l U. hvi ,1 f.- ! t1() colored children. A white man 1 1 1 . : i,i- ;t i. n-.i iimt Ik. iw.1,1,1 1, .,vi. f i-,!. l.w r.i-,.i In imv (mvi.j In uiii. i,rt ...,lv (,.f (in. i'.ii. i,.:, I nf l.is 'vvii ,.l,i'.1n..i. Imr. nK.., t.i Kin-.-1 pmt negro schools, wheti probably , i. iwi...,. ,,.. ,,. (lieiids of fami-! li.tvA oiii, ivi-.it ttir!Hi.!v-i'.v. in li:i.i!il ...r, .. ..... in t lie woo. Is, jii-t over lus tetiei;. 1 This is hard, mid et the white pi .,-1 i.lo are iptietly submitting to i(. 1 Xow, ought vou not to be satisfied ; Ought you not to be thankful to the white iVnmle for frcelv irivimr you i t.vt.,.y ,)0liiit.al i-j.d.t that' iLt v liave i ! 1 1. ' i; i.tiii..,. ! f0r tJitdr sul :nit t inr to bo la-v.l to .... i.-t,. .i .,iu' 1 tl..siro anv rights in addi-ion to what. I ; th..v i.ow'have. Hut mv friends, i he j ei,;rl ;s ;,i,, t0 bo mad.; to pi, ; oll Vou what is called ,-,vii. i.w; ts j 1 v.heih.er you want thetn or no' ioy, wliat are I. lvil liigiils : 11 is .i...f ll.i... !... ..ii il,.iit.l I,.,..., iii.t inn , mill lli-iv.n njiH.i iiini' i iiu right to put up at the pabli. I hotels and mix. .toon term of cjimi- iitv, with whito men and tnat negro men and womeu should have tho i-iirhi to walk into anv jaiid to bury their l :ul in th ; saiiie pulnic barying grmu.d where ilm j w.iiu s are UJiicu. In toll. It is to blot out the color iine. Now. tin.-: is civil rights. Tho Itepuli.icaii j'.t ;iy is in fit. or of this. It anybody denies it, 1 ask you jil to read the pi.it hum of that pauy which they neeuc: adonted at C'hicae-o. .Mr. Jhaine. your camlidaie for tho 1'rc.si. juicy, w in favor of ciil lights, and it he is e eeted atid his imttv con! iiuuM .'111.- N.lll ill would it not I i ...i .1 1 1,, i, J1IIIL lil.li. i'v.'i - . lor 111- lo asnes in t lie i.i would faro ! It a bucket ol v.ai.i ,1i,.ii.f ; had to be brongln Horn a ilist.u.t i siirimr don't you know a negro wouid i y - . ... i .. .i j nave logo t . . e , Ii wood laid to b cut and ..Uo m.nl. lit. is cei-tiiiu that the ne;;"io sciio.ais; i would have to do all this and then take back seats, awav from the Jire. .. i ,ii ..,.,.,,,,1 SitiUio.ie a lu-gro siioa.d alicii'.p.. io; i ii- ,s l., : intrude lumsell iiiiiong w hue ,eopte al a h. or into : think be woiiid ..at with wi.oj l, ..... T ., .ii., ,.' ,, i do j '.','; ,; "T. . ,'. r.. ..... t. JJl-une is"''!'.-' 1 ) tell -..n tia'.klv ; o ,,. w R u.Ai,im VH ;Il(ilUlt of Hlll.t.LVli;s i t heeiee. ion bv the suj.tnene ! by the supiueiiess and indiiieiencc of i the while pcop'i; iii Norih Carotif.a , . 1 . ,. .., .... , Sinn hern Slate 1 ana 11 lew 01 11 I Thev are tlallei themselves thai ,, , , i , . . :. 1.1' the white people Inuii become lu.lil f.-retit about politics not interest theniselvi ll'ili till 'V Will i in t he eouii- ' from the noils, vaui liot e.! .tv ! colored friends, you may be sure that tho white people will never submit j to negro government nt North Cum- ! lina. Uhcy wiii be more roused up thatitbey ever Have icn idiii i predict that you will see in J'ittsb'.r. on i Tuer.day next the largest convention ; of the JtVmocratic party mat imsmei j here since the war. ihii. 1 earnestly ' thine, your support lo the Republican party. vin.i-... A Cliiitliiiniile sit .Hot tvaiiioti. JfollCANToX, N. C. Aug. 17, 'S t. Ma. l'iiiToii: About one hundred il.ti'l.' iii'i. tiling ti', mi liri'Ciisu ; mm i.""ij .ii 1 boro and sixty from Ashevillo on the j Western North Carolina Kadi-oad the I traveller comes to tho beautiful little j town of Morganton. the county suit ! of Hurke county. It is mimed utter j den. Morgan of llevoluti.maiy faiuo. This town like many ot tiers w hich are sit uatcd on the railroad has not. i grown with astonishing rapidity, yet its growth is a natural one. xvt pop j uiafiou is about nine bundled, and j considerable business is constantly -j uuvd by ad im vi.it the place. j Thi s building when completed will j bu il'l') feet long. The average width ! of tin; wards '() feet width of main building 15! fed. The capaciiy wiil : Cook Move is t tie nicest ami quicK bo for toi) inmates. Tho cost win n , cr.t baker -i; the market. Agents for ; completed wiil bo $425,000. Over I one half of tho building ha. been ! I eompieted ami is now occupy;!. u:e : oen.tf mi'iu.v li.w. iw ward bv a force of sixty workmen. Hi-ro wo find nil the modern improve- j '' avcliitecturc and labor sav-: "achinery. An ample supply of l""''1 ' ij) brought hve mi;e. 'a; building Vi heated by registers. "...v.... --r,---.- ami wider both hot and cold is car-; lit"1 through every part. Tiie A-,y- : ciistrucNd m are pi our nee- tions, so that, if one part s.lmM . and bum up. the othei i ' " -t - , ... laiured materially. In each of the ; f.itie sve lind aKIO giillon tank with lire pm 's on each Uxor. One tho'.u lalld t of 2 i.'icll llOSO extends throimh the entire buildin and nt',; ntfHin ofiti be turned on at a moment'. I'1,"1" - '0 h,:,jI'- "uu;! Sloan, liro bo di-icovercd. la!elv deceased, of 1 ! Philadelphia, was tho archiuct audi'. k"'"" "umi1.-.,i , L- Murphy is the kind and j et.icienl snpeniitendent. ,LmUu, groHii.U will have been comp.c.ei J tlio rubbish cleared awav .t v.id j t,4! ."f lM,Hi beautifux paiee ; j '" -yirth t arolma. Mori-'iiiitoii is situated in a fine; ngriiruitural country. He we Juki ine v.eopio laisit!-' in atid the consequence is that there is a general air of thrift and idea ly progress. Thejield of wheat and j oats has been u'uisuul'.v largo ami;' b,ba.vk one of tue moiiied m.ps .. , Jwsw,w 1: Iot,'k," VCiL iii,'!e ! has been too much rain f;.r corn in . t'"' low.an.K hence we and 1''M ru much better thau that in the bottoms. (beat iiiteivst- seems to bo . . .tJ. , . f .1 fe'ibd in the pontic at issues of tne lla.v- , VU,V n'lu' l "."'l!,-stl-1y au: niued t.-r lus sound judgment una i 1'"1 'lJ . 1 . vate ami public. Ihere is a gr.-at appeals to the prejudices of the people sttiing to arou- tii.-ir tVe; iug,. Tiiis is done in such a way that tho t.io.it iyuoraut can discern it. and instead of believing him, they have contempt for the man. There is no .piestiou about the peopio being a.ive to their best inti re-its and in November wid show by their votes that they appreciate what the Douiociacy has tlane for them. The lieoiileof Weslelli North Carolina appreciate tiio fact, that luirt i mill ,it. i -. .... i, 1 -I ,11 I coi.u; UJ e.ii.'Y uii-iie'." " "'' , ,i . ,, , i tne ma; nets ol tiie world are opelie.l .,.,,...;.,;,. ihi. ct : ' 1 1 .' . ''IT1' UlV 1Jl ! itiiii t licit iiiitoriiiuaies navo a n ine ; . ly (vmploied under the auspices of the JViiioeii'lic party, which this year (lues no even lew one cent ;or maic , . I'tu poses, and al tne same time lias t i , i 'isi .i A colored doctor al F.uliell : '1,,t" v,o.i.:.ii ntnchiiiue ly mi. taliO . ;,ud hilled i i. j The demoera'ic convenio.i of tiie tlrst district mi;uiimon!v nominated I hm. 'J'. (. Skinner for re -election to Cullgre-jis. The town of Anaka. twenty miles from ?!i;ine,;poiis, Mimie.-oia, was .iei'i toyed by tire last Saturday. Scaiccly a house was left standing. .Mr. W. .U Cocke. Jr.. of A-dioville, who was the ehaii man of the Slate executive conimittea of the Liberals two vcrii's ago, has renewed his alle- ! gtam-.! to the democratic party. Au ,.eVrll.v,.iir old bov in Wake j h,lml U) ,,01t,;iL.s ulltli it.iM, udolla-. wi,j, wlit:j, (. bought a oal, Wi h this he cidlivi.ti.d tv,, n.-ii s of hind, lie has ii'acady sold miny dollars worth of vegetables and ill make a bale of eottoti this season. II. .n. John Fool died sudden! v of A dispatch Irom I lyniouth. .New hampshirt-, dated IHih, inst , says: The ihy :-t season since 1S70 is now prevailing here. Wells arc rapidly giving on!, causing much inconven ience. The streams aro very low, many of the smaller ones being en tirely dry. No rain ha:; fallen to any extei.t since May. Crops of all kinds are sulVering severely. In addition to the dry weather gi ash uppers aro deiroying what docs grow. Ml'. (it!iii;li on Nilk Hats. "It would be no violation of tho couuimii.iiiii lii," Maid .John 15. (iouh, "if a man were to fall down and woi- j whip the silk hat. for it is not made iu i lie iiKt uess (i anyimng m iieavcn, or on earth, or in the waters which lire uiidiT the earth." Besides it heats tho head and causes the hair to fall olF. Parker's 1 lair Balsam will stop jhat and restore the origitu.l color to gray or faded hair. Not oily, not a dye, beti'-li.-iid, delieiously pe.-fuaietl. A lit-rfect hair drtsnimr. oUc. All 1 dni00i. t.i. Chatham to examine, their largo and , com p'.ete Flock, which will be so d astonishingly low. Their ulu'f.eld Aadsworiii. .Marl muz ti lcinriiau Pure Jrcr.-.-.red I'aiuts, every gallon gi.a.ame'-'i. Ye old. and mid'iled-noil, all . the wondt i !ul beta tieial i - ''; r V. . .. . . o ti s. ; ai 1 1 a. . u,",,,: ' "J i'llw . ,V- M-wtr .iM-M;-H. ' ''.';, ,' OUlig j sore ! !-! I .. i f..i 1 .... j;:i:.its'' viejii. i i i . t in? iuuMc- 11 ll'n7 l nti'ong UV Its? UFO. " i4ISn.;i imrrlnwc ICxortl-i ,11 i If.Ul il llli.i. fr.o. l'liWMAN-'J . ! V. ! s v,i!l..'r r.iiui:y, Ha.. .u . i v I. i , Kh kj..-1'ro-K, J, 1'., Mr. in. N. II. V.N.i i-V. a. c. iwj.i:. i Also, l.y il.i- fe'Lini-. on ih.! nt August Mr. Jittt ii V,ll', ' "I Mn li.A III v.or.l ,i -w.M.Ki ;i liiiih .::. N. r n tllH Hih llml., l.y K"T. !'. It. Ulll'.ll. ?tr. MAKLIM W. V..,l;i!i, -I W.linl.ii:',,!!, ! Ml- EMM.v a. V. ,i.i,hi:. iiau';iii. r i.; Uif iii.i' Mii.mi'l Wnlkrr of tiivti'l'-lfii c ii tity. (ii,oiKX-c,i;'i'rit. mi tin ntii ine!., t u. rt'.-:. i. :... .ti'iii' :;ri i" ' ::i..T. iiv ... T. I'll' 11. J. Mr. pHi'itMAJi in,. ;:: in MiM Mauuia cvitiiiu- '.ii,iin. x 25. V V 3 t;. i-.i i..r T:;k i:i:i:..iai l.y W Y ATT I AY j.O . Hoi i".ii is i i,mi:-!iin Mi-.';' nts. S-. U I" Marilii si., !'.m,i-!,.i;. '.. A.i-i 10. tsbl. ojrtvix :a.!.t;i.r. i . ,.t Ml'i.litiv, i.:,:i:i.i'. x.ri.-i t. .'.v V. l tla..-. tiiiiii- i irm wiih mi iij.wnr,! i V li-.il.KSA! t: i;i;0''M:Y " t.KF.T. N,u;;;; I'ir"'"1 ",u , . ,.....,,, M-c"!''il r.,i.-. , At-..r t-i 1..IH, New Ailvtrlisi'Siit-nt' BSICK FOR SALS! l'jlvj'iiU 000 1 HARD i'.iHCK for saij: i'.V 11. R. yt - Li-'.AN A- CO , Sii.c.ii Si'.vrt'.N. Anijinl 21. ! -I. fj AND KALK. IN Ol'.F.DJKNC:- j Si J t'i mi .-I- l-Ti'i li-t..ii-.-?-l ..f . -li-o i..iii. I c .-ciiv. in.iile In .In- .-I-.- i :r.!' I liiinl"! 'Iii'i'i-m ! .-ii-iri-Hi .i.,s.',i, w. i:;..i:... i mn ?. ! i..-i.lfiw.s I i..i i.-r n.-ii a: Mi" :' - r:.'. i" . , .ii moMi-.y, ii,- I'll -lay Si.!.'ini'iM-. 1 Kii, it ! lr.li" .,f I'lli'l m -.i.l Mi'v ifl Iri.l.j; le I -!!- "I j J. .v. II-i, k.i. ; . !.. II. v.ar l mi-l item. t.i., v ii u j II Aie ll T ill (.," J-l.t.' . Hint hiiIi-Iiiiii'.' '.' 'A I i:ni'iv. s. w. ii':t: r.'i, 1 A'iy. l.'i, H-M. O.'IiimI.-.i. iht. I a and srj-f iiY'viuTi'?'. of 3-4 i, .In i'!ii. n: :i,,!.iii.ri-i,,i i -.iii-i ..rci'ieiireii roiim mli.-.''i-f',,f Aii-ii'-'v I ,-f;r,M-'.',li .'ili.l "llmr- j ii.;;ic.h- N.-i. Ii iu IVlsi.'ii n nl. l ulIk-i'm, illir.'ili'K ll ;...!, f.,i- ,iir!i I n. I li.-iil i,'-l- '.! Miie I'll I'm j , Till i .-l'.i, i,t iIil- iiurcluiM :.v i-r.;;o;:iiso. Au'. 1", l-o-l. .'mini'" i"iiff. I 1 -s -r. e-i. .- a - ! i-;'! ' n- -i '! ,,., ,.,,. i.,i,: u :i-ii ,n, t i.m.'.i ii a.. ih,. ' -r'- tm.i ; ..;'.r,r,. -i a-i. m l t..:!..,.,ui.., a- a,.- vm t.-. ' .... im .-.n i rim ',,u i,-... ,'i,i:.tiiii:ir i.ni'l- v. V. ii ii.'' 'ii 1-... U ..I' 1 1'1- WiTi n:li-t ii. .lev l-.'-l I. l,f,,,ei-iy ei ...1.1 I. . :;i:-.vi.i:, s:iiei-;rr. AltiJ. Ul, 1S . 1;.. A mi f NTSTR ATOR'S NOTICi-!. .''A naviim ,,tiai'il.' ! a- u IniiiiNir.iii.r ..I l., cls lli.i-iia ly. l.-.'- a-i-l. I h-i-i ',y n.,.iiy nil ,.-:r-.!ir ili.'lti.ic i-lai.n-. a.',,:.-.; Mil i!.'.','.l,'iil I.i i-X'ti J. ! Hi- Juno I., im'. nt. ..i- Iji- ii Hi,- ilny u- .In., e... .Ma mi ai:t. i .Inly SI, li-i. iV.b. Ui-iribf-. nJr.::ji. FOR MALl'.S AND FKMALKS. l.'At.T. TfCM 111-iiTVS ri I 11 r.-t ,'l.iss aiul "I i- .1 lli.' II i'.i-'l mi-1 wa-l.iiiL'-.niv : 'ui i .i!...:.l. V... :;l Vu-.-.ui.l I si-.'Hii Ian. l ull i',-i : i l 1', -i:u,'U .,, it.t,"..-i.iiil 1 i..,: i"i,!ii.ini. '.II ' Im- i-'i' : a,,,,!, i.i .i. v. (v. re, AUj! J. IKH. O k i.i!, S-Tlili-Tl.Y -.! in II.,' -.11,.. .,ii!i. Villi.-il-v .i.iiiti'i'.-. v-ii l-'-r ..llaM-Mc l.-.ll.-Ci. "i tM I'.-oN, v il C;.i Ui'Miy of felli Carolina. ''IIKM:XTSi-.sP !ON ,i 1 DAY ill Aumiii. "I, .vi-.. .NHIIiMsTTIiriS- ,, Wi',- t. an-1 .11 111.- !W.. Hi!,'- i'i''',ii.i; 'i.-i.f, i v 1,'U ;-ii- I, i a' I ml-' i-,ii v.m !, Ii.-,. Tlif in-. l-ti.: ...I. faiiii-ii'-,-' i. i ,l,ly Ii i. -'-.lil i-iu-i-i.-iiiulii", l-iil ai- 1., audi, ,, i-v-via! v.-iImi-l.. U'in-liiT.-., lani'i l". im ivhret:. ai .1 ..Oii'i' I u-1-in'.. ni.:i. A i.-iw im.) fiii-al s ! I icia-'l,!'.! Km' Ciiiiil.-KUM i.ii'l f..rin' r,',,n '.r On' (li. ii. if i'i mi ti 1 1 . i , . fl M'ii-i iriii'i'.'-i nil Hi. iiiMi'ili ll.ii, i!i.-.i i;ilan', in,, ral.1. . i''i''y i'i.inii:T nv-rri.t:, i.i- In -,v. T. I'.ei ii ii,v. S'. 'y. A.ia. T, IMI. i na,i i lliil, V e. A't'TOItMlV AT I-A.V. Pnimlarity nt lidiiin is nut nl'.i:-. tint tippt ti'nl i.f tiii-nt, Init wo .i"i,t pn-uillv't'. tlio liu-t Hint no ullirr iiiiiiM"i.u i.aji v,.ii i,r itwl ftui'li tiuivrtxnl ii,iii',tliti,,!i in itn ,m-u c.ty, eiHtu, aud cuunlrv, un,t Hinting nil .itijiio, a Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ttio foltowins li-ttpr finin ono f.f onr lwn( kiiimii .l;w.'i.'l.iii"tn Im iiKiolf flioulil K'ot Uiluicst to trj oiill'ircr : (9 " Kiplit ypnr ngn I Tito Ihit I colli,! not innv from tho ImmI. r dn-SH. without tiWp. I trii'il wi'voral i-fimv UioA utttmui iii'i.-ii if any ri-licf, until 1 tiwik AVEIt'S SARStPAUII.LV, b tllO IHO uf t'U K'tlli'." nf Mil1.!)! I wis ciinii'li'ti'ly i-iir.il. N.vi' s.ii.l latrt qinniiitoB ,f your Sauka I'APi i.i i, an, I it Hill rutnlnn it won.lcrlul i.'lu!arity. 'Ilio n.aiiy noial.l.. rurui. it lias r-itVi'ii'.l in thii litiil.y convince nut that ft if. iii best ti'.ooil iiiislii'ini' ever iilf. re.1 to Iiio VuWi.. Ii. K. II vui'.ih." Kiver St., liiiclilniiil, Mus., May 13, 1M:2. SALT RHEUM. Cironan Axnnnwu. overwer In tli l.owoll was for ov ir twenty y.'ar. iture Lin removal vi i.owi ii aini'ir.i Willi Hint lO.i.um in iu nit form. Ha nlivr.it ion lU'tuallv I'ot.'n-.l tii.TK tlian half tlio mrt icn of bis IkxIt Mint lmilw. Ha was entirely curil liy Avkh's Smih.iI'akii.i.,1. so liurtiflcato lu Aver AluiaiUMi lor 1.-S3. 1'KKPARKB 11V Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold bjf all impute; SI, six botilc (or Vi, Life Insurance! Every mnii ought tof have his life instircdi so thnt when' lie dies his family may have some provision for their' support. Many men, whd while alive comfortably Ptipportcd their families, liave died in. their riincand left their wives and chil dren almost destitute: whereas foT A small sit in their lives could have been insured and ample provision made for their loved ones. Let every prudent man be warned in time and secure this protection for his faintly ! THE VALLEY MUTUAL hmt Association oiVen unusual iiHiiicenicntfii its nites are very low, heiiig tot instance on an average only $8 a viiir on It tot) for a man 80 years old. It is solvent uml reliable, having now a "itarantceing reserve of $100,J (Mi-:. II Promptly Pays all Losses! lr further information, apply to 3. W. JACKSON, Sujiervisor of Agencies of N. C, 1'ITTSBOBO', N. C. Jinn-19, t. As the Suniuier advances W. I, LONDON lias made great reductions in hia prices for CASH. CASH CAN 15UY GOODS AT LONDON'S CHEAPEN THAN YOU EVEltSAW. HE II AS A FULL STOCK IN EVERY LINE AND IS OFFERING FOR CASK TJIE BEST BARGAINS eves offered in i this comity. ! So eonie at once and bring the MONEY, and you will be hue'c to find the BARGAINS AT W. I. LONDON'S. Pittsbor,,', Jly 10, 1884. Csb W Time TaMe Ho. 8. U. F. & Y. V. R'Y CO. To take elVeet Thin -diiy. July 10, 1884. 1'Alt V KM'lil'T SCNDAV. ; -t-iiiu o.'iii! n. .i in. Trull, tli.lnit (Kiultl N... 11. iMiill, 1'iu.h. ft Fr't. , Slfisl. In- Si l i- iJ 1.1'llV.' Hiii i.t. in il'iiyo III' Villi', VlTlVK, (I 40 . iii. i i-. . in. i.i'i.ri, ,i..'vu. . .... p. in. ' S. ''I 'S:nil..r.l, I ' .1.411 l li 'n- IIIII, " r, lo sialoy, "" MiiiTiy, Al'llVi', 7. i'l 'lil'i'i'linlmro, 10.li) 11 "II ft. IU. 1II.IKI On 'I ui H layM, TliiirmlityH unit Salurrlays No, 1 IH !"- well TliiiiiitfliFinlgiiluUlt.kA.il. Ii. i:ili'U lo Hal. 'lull. I'lUK'.iiL'.'.M f ! .in Hiil.'lgti, .'Kinlnp to Faynltovlllo, iniiHi li'iivo hi ti.mi n. in., on Ih-iiI Freight, la oii. i'io niiiki- .iiiiiio' tliiii nt santonl. Lis. s. MOKUISON, Gon lSuet. .ISO. M. IIOSK, Oi'ii'l l'uiw. Agi'Ul. RoWii&Aiipsta A-L.R.R. CORRECTED TIME TABLE. No. aLeavn j Itnleisli, I Carv, " in p m H IKI I III x il'i III H .V, i in 11 14 p m Il IU i in Ml i III I'l Tt 111 II 117 p m It to 1. 111 U 1 IB l m Vi 'if. in ii :i i' in ttftmii't a m 8 30am iKm 4l am 4 nit a m o leant Afflkam mm "Mam 7 lam 7 Yl a in 7 ' m H.'iTiiiHU Ki'vwir lilnu'n Manly CniiKM-on Siuitorit OlipNHl Moii.Mirr. Merry I htks New Ulll A'S X.'W Hill Morry Oaks M..iii'iiri t ilimi Kunri.r.l : i',uii,T,,u I Manly IlillOH 1 Ko-h-r 1 II..IT1.11.11 i An iv.. llnmli't, ejiry 7 44am 4S a in Arrirn Raleigh, ' a m Train iiiunlHT 1 ii.iiiimn, nt llamlia win, n. n ; Hallway for Cli.irloi.u, ami all . .linn wmiIIi. rain 1 Uiuiilm-j eoniiwiH at Itnlelvli wlili tlio Kaleli b 1 Hamuli liallMail for all ih,ihs norlh. 1 Tno Loral l'r.-li.'lii Hani, wni. (.iuuteugnr coach Kt'whi'il, leaves lllei-,h at n, m. a,j ariivaa . at ii.io p. m. iOUS C. WlNtica, SujwiateudooU