&l)c tCljntljam Uccorfc. II. A.. LONDON, KHITOH AND I'HOIMUETOU. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One ropy, one v ciii nc copy, mx months , Out! copy, three months $ 2.00 $ 1.0(1 f,ll Mother. No otlier name- munid so sweet to nio As this hi-loved ulil Aiiulo-Sani-n wont. Whoaj simple niciiti-l still buiiiu nikiit eliuol Within my heiut, iin 1 dri"" me dack to thee; Mi-thiuk. thy dear and tadiuitt hu e 1 sen When 1, n bahe, my Ill-doling limey toured Within a link' world wheni light wt poured From nut tliiuo eyes o lull of sanctity. When pratt! n;; IhiI IiimmI had pnssi'd mvay. Thy tinder eiuo led my untutored si ps Through narrow ways till tiiuiiliiKjil loom uplift. Ami then my duoytiiit dark in unknown depth Sets out alone, while thou thy steps re. tnn'i! flHi'k upon Him who lives in radii day. Hd Irani .1. Oldham in tl.t Cm rent. m A STAGE COACH. It was midsummer in the mountain? and Lilian Ferguson ha.l never seen a fairer scene than the billows of blue hills that lay stretched out before her, with here and there the flash of a half hidden lake, or the ribbon-dike glitter of a tiny river. Shu stood leaning ag dust the rustic cedar post th.it formed the support of the hotel pia'a. while her mo lent lil tlo trunk and traveling-bags were piled up at the rear. . "IWt fret, miss" sai I the landlady, who was bustling in and out. "The stage will be along soon." "Oh, I am in no hurry for the stag'' .lid Lilian, pleasantly. "I could stand ami look at this beautiful landscape all day." "Ain't that strange, n'w!' reflective ly uttered Mrs. IVek, the landlady. "Me and Perk, we never think about it at all." "Is the ptajr.i often as late as this?" said Lilian, glancing at her neat little silver watch. ".Not generally," said Mrs. Peck. "Hut t day they're waiting, at Well Station, for t ho do:tf-and-duinb gentle man." for whom y" said Lilian, in amaze ment. "For the deaf-and-dumb gentleman, miss," explained Mrs. Peck. "A cousin of our minister's, up at Crest Hill, He's been down to New York for treatment; but deary me, tlure ain't no treatment can ever do him any good. As deaf tis a a' one, miss, and never spoke an intelligent word since he was born. Hut they do say he's a very learned in in, in spite of all his drawback." "I'm afraid he won't be a very lively traveling companion," sail Lilian, smiling. "No, calculate not," said Mrs Peck, in a mat ter-of-fact sort or way. . Just at that inoine.it a b.ix-vvagon drove up; tlr charioteer handed out a valise, and assisted a young lady to alight. 'lias the stage gone?" she cried. Hinging aside her veil, and revealing a very pretty hi tinetto face shaded by jetty f tinges of hair and Hushed with excitement. "You're just in time, miss," said idrs. Peck, peering down the winding road, which her experienced eye could (race, when no one's else was of any avail. 'It's a-comin' now!" Hut Lilian Ferguson, who had been gazing at the newcomer earnestly, now came forward with an eager smile and an outstretched hand. Surely i am not mistaken," said she, "and this is Kulali - Morton?" "Lilian Ferguson! Oh. you darling, I am so glad to see you!" cried the stranger. "Hut where on earth did you come from?" And thus met the two lovely girls who had graduated just a year ago from Madame l)e 'J'ournaire's fashion aide boarding-school in New York, and who had not seen each other since. Just at this moment, however, there was no time for explanations. The ponderous stage, relic of a forgotten generation, rolled up., with a creak of leathern curtains, tramp of horses, and a general confusion of arrival, to the broad wooden steps of the hotel. The sun was already down. In the twilight, Kulalie and Lilian could only dis.eover'that the stage contained but one other occupant, a man, who leaned back in tne far corner, with the top of his face partially hidden by a largi- wide-brimmed hat, and its lowpr part wrapped in the folds of a Persian silk Docket-handkerchief. He inclined his head courteously as they entered, and moved a handsoina traveling-case which lay on the middle s -at, as if to make room for them. -Is there another passenger?" said Miss Morton, with a little, nervous start. "It's only a deaf-and-dumb gentle" man," Lilian explained, her eyes full of soft pity. "The landlady told in; about him." "What a nuisance!" cried Kulalie, "I had hoped we should have the stage to ourselves. But now, dear," as she settled herself in the moss comfortable corner, "tell me what this unexpected eut 'miiter weans." Ct Citam VOL. VI. "It means," said Lilian, with a shy smile, "that I am going to be nursery governess at Chessington Hall, up among the Adirondacks that is, if 1 give satisfaction. I was engaged by letter from the K.lueational Bureau, a week ago." "What a singular coincidence!" said Miss Morton, shaking her cherry-colored bonnet-.itrings. "And I am going to be companion to old Mrs. Orove, of (irove llookery, the very next place to Chessington Hall. How I do envy yon, Lilian!'' "Knvy me, EulalieV" ' Yes. Haven't yoi heard about It V" said the brunette. "The Chessington children, your future charges, arc motherless, don't you know? They ire under the care of an auut, so Mrs. (irove told me; and there is a hand some widower and interesting young bachelor at Chessington Hall." Lilian colored, hotly. "Neither of whom I ever expect to meet," said she. "It will bo your own fault if you don't," observed Miss Morton. "Why. my dear, here is your career all chalked it'll for you. Sentimental widower, with lots of money pretty governess mutual fascination growing devotion--'"'''', a wedding! Hey! presto, your V tit ne is made!" "Kulalie, how can you talk so?" cried Lilian Mushed and indignant. "I am not on , t tiusbiind-biinting expedition; I st in simply trying to earn my own liv ng." "The more goose you, to neglect such an opportunity as this," said Kulalie, laughing. "If you don't try for the widower, shad! (Jrovo U iokery is only half a icilefrom Chessington Hall, after alt; and a rich husband would solve the J r iblem of my life at mice.'' "Thu is too ridiculous, Kula'ie!" said Lilian. "1 could not respect myself if I were to plot and plan like this. 1 know it is unjust; but you have made me dislike Mr. Chessington already." "The more the better." said Miss Morton. "There will be all the bi-tter chance for me. They say he is very handsome: anil one could easily send the two children away to boarding school. I can assure you, I'll have no old-maid aunts and interfering uncles about the premises." "Kulalie, let us talk of something else." said Lilian, resolutely. "Tell me all that has happened to you since graduation day." Kulalie laughed out a merry, ringing laugh. "Well, if you must know," said she, 'I've been trying my best to get a nice husband, but without any success." "Is matrimony, then, the en ! and aim of all the world ?" said Lilian, with (pieetily disdain "As far as I tun concerned --yes," ac knowledged Miss Morton, with charm ing frankness. "Pardon me, Kulalie," said Lilian, "but it seems to me that you h tve de generated frightfully since those dear old days at Madame de TournaireV Miss Morton yawned. "How tedious all this is!'- said she. ! "Miss Ferguson turned lecturer, eh? How I wish that poor fellow in the corner wasn't deaf and dumb! I'd tlirt with him, just to aggravate you, Lily!" Lilian inado no answer, she leaned her head out of the stage window, and watched the purple dusk creep up the mountain side, counting the stars t.s one by one they shone out. Anything was better than Eulalie's shallow chatter! (irove Hookery was soon reached, and Miss Morton bade her old schoolmate an effusive farewell. "I see that the old lady has sent the carriage to meet me," said she. '-(lood-by, Lily. You must be sure to intro duce me to the charming widower when I come over. An- rvrofr, darling an fruir'." The deaf-and-dumb gentleman left the stage very soon. Miss Ferguson watched with some interest, but no carriage of any description seemed to be watting for him. He disappeared into the woods like a shadow, and vanished from her sight. "I suppose, poor fellow, that he lives near here," thought she. "How dread ful it must be, thus to be cut off from all companionship with one's fellow beings!" Hut even while these reflections pass ed through her mind, tha stage stopped again, before a glittering facade of lights, half-veiled in swaying summer foliage Chesshigton hall. "Here you are, miss," said the driver. Through the summer evening dusk, Lilian could see the marble-railed ter race and the broad carriage-drive, while two child-figures danced up and down, and uttered joyful exclamations of wel comelittle Blanche and Alice Ches ington. "Are you the new governess?"' said they. "A re you Miss Ferguson? Wel come welcome to the Adirondack! We are so glad that you have come!" PITTSBOltO', And in an instant their arms were twined around Lilian's neck. At the end of it month Lilian Fergii son felt completely and thoroughly at home with her new pupils. They had ranged the woods, and vi:. ited all the grottos and cascades; they had gtirrouniied her with an atmos phere of the sweetest affection. Mrs. ll.irtleigh, their mint, was ciiially kind; and Alfred llartleigh, theintcrestingyoiing uncle, had already taken her into his confidence i s to the beautiful bride he was going to bring home soon. Hut it certainly was vc-y strange that she had never seen Adrian I 'hess ington himself, the father of her lovely little pupils. I'nlil one pleasant morn- -ing, when, just as she had come mil to receive Miss Fiilald- Morton, who had i driven over in the (irove llookery car- riage to call, a tall, handsome gentle- man entered the room, with Mrs. llartleigh on his arm. "The deaf-and-dunib gentleman!" : Lilian involuntarily exclaimed. "Poor fellow, so it is!" said Miss i Morton, who advanced airily, shaking I out the light muslin flounces of her j dress. "How he does haunt us, to-be- ' sure!" "Ladies," said the deaf-and-dumb centleman, "you are mistaken. I can : hear and speak, to-day, as well as any body. 1 should have spoken to you a month ago in the stage-coach, if it had not been for the unfortunate circum stance of my having just been to the dentist and had my lower jaw broken : in the extraction of a double tooth. 1 perceive that you wero mistaking mo for my unfortunate friend Mr. Denton, a deaf-mute, who lives near hero; but I he had been detained until the next day, and with my bamlanged javv.it; win impossible for me to speak and cx phin matters." j Kulalie Morton's face glowed scarlet. I she literally knew not what to say. ; Hut Lilian Ferguson stood calm and unmovtd. "Then," she said, smiling, "all oar : sympathy was thrown away upon you.'' He inclined his head. "Kx.iclly," he said. "I found, the I ne.xl day, that it was necessary to put i myself under the care of an Albany i .surgeon, so that I have been a suit of exile for a few weeks. Pardon my be ing so late to welcome you to Chessing- ton Hall. Hut the welcome is none the less warm because it is tardy." j Kulalie Morton nev er came to Chess ington Hall again, nor could she so ; j much as think of her conversation in the stage, that night, without hot in. j dignation at herself. "What a fool I was!" she cried. Mr. Chessington, however, mil -li as ; he liked and admired Lilian Ferguson, ; iicvvr asked her to marry him. "When I w its w idowed once it was forevi r," In- said. And Lilian never coveted the jirizr til his heart; perhaps hecatis" she was engaged to a rising young clergyman, near Philadelphia. "If only I had Lily's opportunities!" siiid Miss Morton. "Hut I wret ked mv chauees when 1 spoke out my mind j freely before the deaf-and-dumb gentle man." ll'hn t-'nrr-st (Irons. 'Hie Norwegian Horse. The small, plump, creain-i olored ani mal in front of you has a number ol distinctly Norwegian trait s which are certain to excite a measure of inte e.st. Ho displays an almost human degree of ! intelligence in accurately adjusting his ! actions to the circumstances in which i lie happens to find himself. Whips be I ing a luxury in the country, and more I often than not dispensed with, the I shrewd quadruped proceeds at the out set to discover in a thoroughly method ical and almost scientific manner whether his new driver possesses one of these objectionable instruments. He begins by turning his head, which is unencumbered with blinders, and by this means is able to frame an initial hypothesis. He then goes on to erify Ids conjecture by a number of tentative experiments, such as stopping short soinu yards this side of a hill or a gate. He seems thoroughly to understand the conditions on which he is let out to the tourist, and kuows his duty far too well to allow himself to tie overworked and so rendered unlit for to-morrow 's task in his owner's meadow.". He will trot down a steep hill at a rate which is calculated to frighten the novice, but strenuously insists on taking evi ry rise, however gradua', at a creiping pace. This is apt to exasperate (In ordinary Kritish touri t who has im ported the habits of city life into these sequestered regions, and who calculates on getting over so much ground in it given time, lint the experienced Nor wegian traveler knows better than to make rigid calculations t'nnlu. I;,-rim: DeWitt Smith of Lee Mass.. has in ' f"i in such event, the water would in his green houses, .10,1X1,1 worth 0r j stair ly expel all air from his suit, and orchids. by ts pleasure from his lungs also. CHATHAM CO., N. C, A WRI-TK FISIII'RM.W. ;Thc M ft hod ofOpprnting in n ! Peculiar Iivhtstvy. i ITnw a Veteran Diver Searches for and Tillils Lost Vessel ('apt. Thomas A. Scot t, of New Lon don, the veteran diver, who worked on the schooner Teazer in New Haven harbor, last spring, -ays the New Haven llfjintn; is a wonderful man in ; his business, and carries on the largest individual wrecking concern in the 'country. He is a large, genial, daring person, and one to w'.oto the incessant dangers of a diver's life are fascinating, i Wherever a wreck occurs on the coast , from Martha's Vineyard to Harnegat, the gallant captain is generally called in counsel, and he never gives up a I wreck when there is any chance of ! raising it. And when the veteran I wants a bit of recreation, as it were, lie . takes a jaunt ov er a few hundreds iA oyster hind under the Sound, looking , after stars down, not up. His inves i ligations in these great oyster gardens 1 are very satisfactory to oyster raisers, i They are able to ascertain just what condition their crops are In. I Captain Scott's latest task has been : the locating of the barge President, containing 11 tons of block tin and -JO tons of steel wire. This cargo was en route to New Haven from New York, where it had been reshipped by the im porters, and wtn in charge of the New York Lighterage Company. The Presi dent vviis being towed in company with other barges, and it is believed that she struck a rock oil pcntield reef, near i Bridgeport. Captain seott was offered '' $l'"00 to locate the vessel, the value of its freight amounting to a very huge i figure. His lishing for her has j been conducted on a very extensive J scale. Search for the vessel was begun ' off Southport, nearly three miles from slmre, and at lirst a clean sweep of the ! bottom was made toward Stratford light, one-half mil-- in width and six miles in length. Two tugboats, the T. A. Scott and Alert, a schooner, live small row boats iin I li men, together with several miles of stout lines, colt, i stittited Captain Scott's fishing kit.. The sweep was made !y the tugs sta tioned half a mile apart and connected by a hawser with pendants and buoys alternating so that the line was kept close to the bottom, while the tugs ' moved very slowly forward. It re : ipiired !' days of this kind of subma I rino surveying before the sunken barge ! was discovered, and then it was found I I.1, miles off shore and " miles from : Petilield reef, far away from the ap- proximate position pointed out to Cap : tain Scott. Utiring the progress of i this gigantic fishery Captain Scott i found ii sunken schooner with it load of ; scrap iron oil Southport, the timbers bis j ing almost eaten away by worms; then , he found a barge loaded with coal. bear ing south southeast, three miles from . Southport. and close by another schoon. t-r loaded with stove coal. Several ' days afterwards, he came upon wrecks of tlu-eii vessels Inch n with conl. close .:..., ;iml .. .,, .. Sl..lnoner I tden with witter pipe 11 fathoms ; down. ('apt. Scott personally inspect- I ed all these wrecks and took down ' their bearings for future reference, and may po-silily (111 t ti it slack spell in bringing some of them to the surface, A dinner kettle w as found on the galley stove of one of the schooners, just its it was left, and full of young growing oysters. Captain Scott says his business is 1 dangerous but it pays. He has lost but one loan, and that was his son, who was drowned while work'ng on the wreck of the Nt'.rragansett off the Connecticut river in IS!. lie takes all risks himself, and never asks his men to go where he dare not. A difficult job suits him? because there's more headwork an I more money in it . The greatest depth Captain S;-ott has successfully worked in is KM feet. 11" has worked at a depth of W feet for , several hours on a sunken sloop at ! PrisnO ferry. At the time the Knglish steamship Scotland went down off ' Sandy Hook, Captain Scott was em ployed by the government to clear the channel of this dangerous wreck so well ' known to mariners. This was in lSii'.t and two years' time was necessary in i which to tear the vessel in pieces and : remove the cargo. He was under water i't hours altogether at work on i this task. While at work on the City i of Columbus, which was lod recently ; off liay Head, he experienced rough j weth r. and his air supply pipe became 1 entangled in the chains of the wreck, j i 'I he air was cut oT for a moment, but ! the kink in the hose was found in time i to prevent serious results. He savs I 1 I that when under water he would as i i soon have a hole punched through the i i top of his skull as through his helmet. AUGUST 28, 1881. The business cannot he followed by people with weak lungs. Ordinary livers get $10 per day. Science in Hie lliiftlioldi Statue. In erecting the gr rat statue of Lib erty two things had to be considered that seem very trilling, and yet, if ne glected, might destroy the statue in one day, or cause it to crumble slowly to pieces. One is the sun, the other is the sea-breeze. Hither of these could destroy the great copper figure, and something must be done to pre vent such a disaster. The heat of the sun would expand the metal and pull it out of .shape precisely as it does pull the P.iooklyu liridgo out of shape every day. The bridge is made in four parts, and when they expand with the heat of the sun they slide one past the otlier, and no harm is done. The river span rises and lalls day and night, as heat and cold alternate. The great copper statue is likewise in two parts, the framework of iron and the copper covering; ami while they are secun ly fastened together, they can move one over the other. Kach bolt will slip a tritte as the copper expands in the hot August sunshine, and slide back again when the freezing winds blow and the vast figure shrinks together in the cold. Hesides this the copper surface is so thin and elastic that it will bend slisrhtly when heated, yet keeping its general shape. The sa t air blowing in from the sea hits thin lingers and it bitter, biting tongue. If it linds a crack where it can creep in between the copper surface and iron skeleton, there will be trouble at mice. These metals do not agree together, and where there is salt moisture in the air they seem t quarrel more bitterly than ever. It seems that every joining of points of copper and iron makes a tiny battery, and so faint shivers of electricity would run through all the statue, slowly corroding and eating it into dust. This curious, silent, and yet sure destruction must be prevented, and so every joint throughout the statue, wherever copper touches iron, must be protected with little rags stuffed between the metals to keep j them from quarreling. It is the same wherever two different metals touch jut bother. Imagine what a treinen dus battery Hie Liberty would make, with its tons of copper surface and I monstrous skeleton of iron. However, a little care prevents all danger, a provisions will bo made, of course, for keeping the met ids from touching each other. A l.eadville ('nmhlintr Hon. The gambling business in Leadv ille is as openly conducted as the dry good-' stores in fact, more so, since the stores do close up "nee in a while, which is more than can be said of the "tiger dens." Kverybody plays, from I the boy, who makes bets of a quarter I each, to tho man who has "struck it ! rich," and lays down a pile of twenty. dollar gold pieces on the ace. There j are men who have made fortunes at (gambling, but they are the dealers, i One of the institutions of the town is ! Pap Wynian's place. Pap is a burly. ! bullet-healed saloonkeeper who would ! evidently enjoy the reputation of being i the worst man in l.eadville. lie owns i one of the largest saloons and gam- bling dens in the place, and he has j windows stained and painted with l!ib ! lieal scenes to look like achurch. In side he has a huge open Hihlu in it prominent place on a stand, and the ' glass case of the clock bears the injunc tion in large letters, "I lease do not : s wear." ''" do Tlnjmm. Animals' Lone Sleep. There is on record the case of a snail that went to sleep on the 124th of March. IS 1 7. and slumbered until March 7. ls"0. It was picked up in the Kgyptian desert, and having retir ed to the topmost recesses of its shell, I it was stuck to a piece of card-board : as if dea I. It was labeled and sent to the Uritish Museum. For four years it showed no signs of life, when some I one thought they saw it move, and a 'warm bath was ordered. This aroused phis snailship and he cautiously put his head out of his shell and w alked on top of the basin. In Africa then! is found it mud fish that has the facul ty of remaining a long time in a state of torpidity. It is found on the shores of the (iambi. i liiver which, during the hot months of summer, is dry, but as if anticipating the drought, the Laphlosiien, as it is called, crawls down into the soft mud and there re mains. The mud all around it mean while hakes into a solid rake, liy the natives it is esteemed a genuine epi curean delicacy, though it would hard ly suit civilized palates. 'Ihe animal leaves a small hole from the cell to the outer air, which the naturalists say is proof that in its state of torpidity the tish S'dll breathes. The Pullman car works, near Chi cago, employ .700 men. . vni i, vk i:m,im:. A l;.-nt 1 1 ( . 1 1 i, Hnilt .. Run Tv. . H i v - mi , .it, r Gni el by -i Fa r ii'Tin , niul the Motive Power Electricity. In the b .iler room of ll e Deh'inater ironworks, at the foot of We -t Thir j ttenth street, a doen men are building I an iron steamboat of peculiar design 1 and have about all lh plates riveted ' in place. It is thirty feet long by seven ami it half broad and six deep. , The model is verv sharp where the Witter is divide.!, w till-tin- run after ' will give soldi water to tin- wheel. It looks niii-h like a siib.tantial steam laiineh, except the side frames are car ried up and itlcliid over the top to form the rounded deck, which wholly ! covers the hold except iti a round j batch in the center. At this hatch a well is to bo eontrucled, with a door in one side leading into the hold, i in each side of the keel eiiuiitrh b ad will , be piaced to load the vessel to the water's edge, after all the inaehiiiei-y-stores, etc., are on board. There are a number of small compartment which citti be filled with water and ; emptied at .the pleasure of the crew, . and by this means the vt-sstl can be 1 sunk to ;inv depth below the surface. Over the Witter ballast coiupartini nts, on each side and beneath the Moor, are a number of six-inch iron t ubes w hich will be tilled with compressed air. to I be liberated as the air grows foul I within the boat. Th" motive power is electricity, ' furnished by s'oiii o- bid t erics which will turn th- propeller by a common I dynamo, lu'-undesccnt electric lights , furnish light. The b nit is steered to port or starboard by it co unt in ru .hb-r, while ii horizontal rudder or I'm on ' each side of Hi- stern post will elevate I or depress the st in. ami thus shove the vcs-cl further from or nearer to j the sitrlaee, independent of the action of the water-biillast pump. The in ! veitt-r. Mr. .1. II. L. Tuck, .says that ! sh- will attain a speed of eight l-n-ts ' an hour, and can tr.r. 1 1 I11 1 miles with her ordinary storage batteries, j A hand crank is aNo titled for turning the propeller s'lalf. by vvhirna slow speed could be obtained. The well hole in the -enter of th boat is filled with an air tight hatch, which can bo removed from within. Any one of the crew v, ishia-g lo go on deck when the boat is below the sur face has only to dress in an ordinary diver's suit, with air tubes connecting with the interior of the boat, enter the well, close the door, gradually fill the well with water, and then remove the hutch. 1 i the well are suitable devices for directing the man at the wheel its well as tho)-in charge of tlioappiiriitust.it- elevating, lowering and propelling t he boat. When leav ing the w ell I he hatch is closed, the water i mis itito the water ballast com part incuts, and then the man opens the door an I temovi s his armor. In was fare a large torpedo can be attached to each end of the boat, with a strong insu'ated wite c-mitei ting the two together, and with a:, electric bat-t-rry in the boat. To app y th t-r pedoestotho b-t om of a ship the boat has oiily to run benea'h it. hen di rectly athwart s dps, under lor keel, the pilot in the well-hole can loosen thet rpedoes and allow them to ris under the bilg-s of the ship. Then he can run his hunt ahead a short dist nef and explode the torpe ,oes. If de-ira-ble ii small ctipola.wit'i gla s window; and an electric lamp, can replace thf well, and th- h-at ca i be operated from w it bin. The boat is designed to r tn.ii n iin d-r witter without incoiiveiiicn- t( the crew for lottv-ciht bouts, hut rubber tube device will be attach d by means of which air can be draw n from thesurf ice of the water under ordinary circumstances. A small mercury indi cator willshowthe boat's ist. nice be low th-surface. -.V. (' V" N't. 15 nil ml Ml oil I iler. More than thirty years ago. says a correspondent. I got a habit of being round-shouldered. In trying to fuel a remedy the following plan, which grew out of my knowledge of anatomy, came pi sight. Hook the lingers of the hands; raise the elbows as high as the shoulders and pull like a shoemaker. The muscles about the shoulder blades, to keep them in place, are thus strengthened, and in a short time enabled to fulfill their proper office. ; When lying n the back press the head , on the pillow so as to raise the chest tip from the bed on which you are re clining. Thia strengthens the muscles that should hold the bead erect. When standing or sitting where the head can press against something solid, ropeai the operation. Hy a little thought at other times to use these muscles, the difficulty may ke overcome j The lirst execution that has tak-n place in Italy for many years was that of a soldier in Home recently. s)c ljatl)am Uccori. HATES AD VERTISIN C .One square, one insert toti 'One square, two insertions tne square, one montli l.u0 1.50 - 2. fiO , For lamer advertisements lil.enil coti JNO. '. Inn l will lie inndo. l ite Tree by Ihe Well. ' I I he lull, , ma poem v;is written by .lonqiisn I mmU al the rceent annual "iree- I., ; ! the ,-la-s of 1SS1 at the Oregon I. ill- I HIV. -I -ill , lupine I ill 1 An Aish shiek ill di-erts wide t !, -on, .tied -'i lor lliii--aiiH nmn I h- ! il In line I In; uiuavaii And iF:4 in; wi-lh he. tliirlin, died. II, ili.-l ol Ihllsl' the wells lelllllin' I iii, il;;i air. piitii-nl pioneer. i d :- aiiels what n triumph horo! 'lokiiiiii in, licit iMli'ed in vain' Wi le I 14.1111 t the i-iiiis.i nodi; We I I e I h 01 I in desei l hind, HL'.eil u. !l and grilles n broken dnnd I In V1.1!.'- 1 ii -mis tale of old. VV 1 I on 11 ll - i- l.eside this well 11, li,..n. in il.- . ! -1 Wont 1 mi i iv.ks lai-e Up lo " .ill il I'les-sl'd. I hi 1 -! .lid i-i-i nil .-entitle ' '.i ilia- tar mi i!ai when iieaiedii-l An I all ins i i t vale leeim with life, -.tm- drive I laiiilin- in Ihe strife Mai 11 -I them hen; and speak us ju-t : M il . He few liil'OU-dl llil'IsOl' lilll Iii. .1 . hi neii wii.i-for uoi Ids to come Ami i.iiinieueil not: I. ill dravely iliiiuh So l,i-1 lull 1 i,i-i in,; ( Mid niul time. I.il... . in Im ii-did- il- worth V ail nil in tin tae d uunl in toil. Tnl-I iioi: mid trust the enelous so I (Miami in la tut-, hi. trusliiu: e.irlli. I - -nit ii l,iiilicr tar to wait, 'lo wor'i in f illi. lo wait in lenrs n- iitii and wait a tho i- nut years "I II ,11 i.e. e lo i ill.!, I T i-hallell!e lire. -11 hell n I Illi- lilld -eed Aii I iim! 11- ii'ti.d i lioii-li- 10 Time; iijnm 1.1 1..111 Ii the -no . -iihliine; A- -inns and trow- soiite -mall, -nod deed. ! 1I11 . wu--i. I. lies 11 er lloil, VV.ui. i loaii.l di , v rla-lin-snow. ., :1j ... .nun- ui. iC -ti.i'i -mill grow Win n :;t,im. ,i, up'lard to il- Imd. Ill 1IOINH S. A iii'turi'iiis civcsdioppi-r. - Haiti, stage struck. - Hit by iin omnibus. The healed teim V.ui are a li:r." An inii-dcpeii l' nt T he hotel war er. A bankrupt man never w rites to the bank to ' stop my paper." The goo I Winter is on-of the lew individuals who knows how to serve a man right. In ii real estate transaction it man is tn-v -I sal isiM'd to lake the wold fur the d ed. It iloes seem that tlieoidy rights the whit- tii-ii are williig to concede the r-d 11, an arc lulu rnl rites. " 'I in-hand thiil rock-the cradle is the hand that titles the world.' It is th.- hand of the hired girl. T"e man who t r.tv . N f ruin 1 he At lantic to tlm Pacific is apt to think it is a -great while bet w ecu drinks." The clu ap' r the cigar the more per sistent ly does the cheap sliiokcf puff it in the lac -sol his fellow travelers. j Tim - Oi-ciipie I hi a Ib caiii. A paragraph published in the Phila delphia 1 -some time ago, giving a cubai. atiou of the spec 1 of thought jn dreams bus d upon a ci that hap- ' pi ned to pi- cut the l-quircd data, has been widely copied illld has railed out other stories and estimates of the same kind. A correspondent of the scientific American rcla'os that during the Ttirco-llns-iaii wat a telegraph operator t sedalia. Mo., vva receiving a pre-s dispatch in vvhi-h tin- mime of liortschiil oll fr qiiently itppo red. 1 Th-o;n lat-r becatne so familiar with this !ici essioit of sounds that its soon its t Ii- iii-- -y -liable of the name had bu n it-ie;i-l he went to slee . had a long .ci I 1 iiibot-iitc dream itboiit a hunt ng trip in the Indian territory, nccupy iig si vera! days, ami finally during the div i-ioii of the game Woke up ir lime to take the final syllable o liort-ehakolT's name and the rest ol tin- nu-s.ige. ll is calculated that th titin- or-in .1 d ny t is dream w as forty tun r oIie-h'.IHlreilths of it second. Tilt story is- o. d y gom'.it will be observed whet In r it .s taken as a contribution tf science or in newspaper humor. Trui Thifs. 'lite lrinkers of llluoil. They haunt tin- abattoir every week and di ink ;'ie warm b-ef blood by th ciiplu!. It is caught as it flows from the animal' - throat. It benefits thin blooded per -otis. Some time since a woman came to the stock yards who s;ial h-r piysiciiin had told her she must drink beef blood, "lint I ti-ver can do it, neverl" said ; she, shuddering. "Hut it tastes just like milk," said the gentleman appealed to. "Come I'll blitnlfol I you and give you a glas of milk. Then I'll giveyou some more milk, or a glass of blood, then a taste of milk, till you get them mixed up, j and you won't know which is which." She cou-eitted, and drank the glass first given her with a relish. "Ah! that was the milk. Now I think 1 car try the blood," she told them. "Hut, madam, you have drank it al , ready,"said the gentleman. -Coici'iiuifi ! Vuinmt it i! Hattti; California produces ligs eight inchet In circumference.