"a 1 'A 'ii '4! THURSDAY. AUGUST 2H. IKS 4. H. A. LOtfDOtf, Editor. Beiocratitf Sectoral Ticket. FOU TIIK STATK-AT-1..MMIK : "V. H. KITCHEN, of Halifax-. JOHN N. STAPLES, of (hiilfotd; First District Yv If. Livak, Aecontl " Donnki.i. (hi.i.uM, Third " W. Mi -Clammy. Fourth " 15- H. Dunn, Fifth " lfe D. U'i.knn, Sixth " " Al.FllK.il IJoWI.ANI', Seventh- " - IV C I'i'wykah. Kigritlt " Heimies McDu.ivi:k. Ninth ' M. H. Jusru l. CHATHAM lONVKNTlON. On our local pftg"e vvill he found iftie profleediiigfi of the denncntti? Hie prfMH-CrtlMtf Ot- me oeimn.-. . itominftfinsveomeiilir.n ot this county, I o i aiid thu names of the candidates there nominated. It was a convention of j xtrhiph- any eounly mi.dit well feel! jiroutl, and' wkM the largest ami most ntliusiastic that has ever been hell hi Chatham. All its proceedings were conducted most orderly alul Harmoniously. Every township was reprwHcnt.ed. and i"-h ; set of dele gates is sohfom seen. The township meetings that elected these dele gates were largely attended nod much interest w-,..s manifested at, rbe.ni, so that the convention was 'Vuly A rcpreseiitiiiive botty if 'he democracy of the "entity, and we doubt not it fully rrlh-cted the w islies of the people. Although the friends of the different aspiiauls strove moM earnestly for their success ami st uck fo tkoiil most persistent iv. Vet. there us no bitterness of fee. ing whalso ever, nor was there any unkind m' '.tViyleasant w.nl uttered. We do Jtiost iu firtily ron;rtluhitc the tit nio crats of Chatham upon their bt in: able to hav) such n ct 'locution, and we lso' congratulate the conveiitini' Upon the splendid ticket Humiliated Iy them. The nominees are nil honest and Capable. -Mid ."'11 I"- '-Ir-ctet! by large ltiajorities. Tht nnuiiuees for tlm KegislatmC willrellecl honor onlhei! county and fait hfu'.h ii o.eseni the interests of their cou.-l it anil Tiuy lire both men of iilteIHgi nee it'id edtl ittioo-. rtlnl of im-. -riipl ib.e lid: i;i -y of tharit. ter. ?.ir. .I.in.u- A. .!.-.i .n is a fanner with lati- possessions, ami is fully i.h ntitied with tin a;;ri cultural interests of the country. He M 51 ymis old of u.iisu:.iiy hst:! some appear-mee. is icspecled by everyone who knows him. and wiii make it u.m fu! alul .iin-cit Mious li p resentative. He lias never before fieeii a ean.lid'kte f"'- :nv olVi.-e. Mr. T. lie W olnack represent' it I hi.-, m "f Nuial district in the Inst (ient-ral Assembly and there made a niost enviabie reputation, and il was a tie nerved recognition of his services tliat rendered hi.- im nuiimt inn w pre jr Capt. I'Aline's unanimous nomina tion for tlie fourth time for the oflice of register of dei tls was a tit tin;.: eoinphuieiit to a most ellieii-nt and popular officer, ami we predict that be will be re-elected by a larger ina piritv th ever before, although it Was over llld at the last, election. Sheriff Brewer's unanimous no'iii nation for re election for the third :... v.. I...... il...., .. he IhiuI . f ... ...I, I ii and, as before, he will doubtless lie re elected without opposition, ne certiMiilY ileserves ins "real ooiiu- laritj'. The noiniueeH for enrituer ami sur veyor ore ycung men well qualified for their offices, ami will of course Se elected. Such whs the convention and such are it's nominees, and we are pleased to know that the democrats of Chat liam enter upon this campaiyii more united and haitnonioiis than we have rfver before known. The p.nty here m solid ami determined on sweeping ihe county by the largest- map-lily ever given in Chathmn. NYe have increased our majority ut every elec tion, and this year let us make it double w hat it was ut the lad elec tion ! CLEVELAND'S LETTEK. In anotlter column vv pitl.'i 'h the Icttprof Governor Cleveland formally accppting the democraiiiMioiiiinatioii f.. il, o li ...;.l. i,..v We e.iii.ui, ml it to the careful consideration of our readers. It should be read more tlian once, as each reading of it will impress you more and mote. It is h iliost carefully prepared document. and evinces slatcmanship of a high , ii . order. Ihough short, it contains much food for reflection. In a few ooncisescntenceBGoYcrnorCleveland Writes inoie clearly and intelligently ti t.i v....uU i.. ..,d. uiiiiiiiiVi.t,.,,u ,.l.,.,'.. muns. lhis letter shows that lie Uuo tlio in-.. i,i' .iiii.eii.ioim of the duties of a President, and it proves him w.vrthy of occupying so high and honored a position. A public speuker ., the unsetlled. disturbed comli-1 fttighi tako almost any sentvneo initioii uf bosiety, sure to follow thol this letter iw a text for a political j It ought to' be nil by or 'to every voter in the United Slates It is ft model of its Yuii. uiul is ii striking contrast to tVsft verhose and upon the inaiket otdy to liud u pur- ditrudissevtatiotv of Blaine in uc.hur. exe.pt nt a U-nlUv n-nlu-ri , . . with lmd hlood eneiuh ied between ' eepHng his liomiiiiition. I IHilVrtuit Kinds of Kailicals. Mvj. Nrodmanaiid Judge Fairelolh. jl.ho two candidates for Lieutenant (Governor, arc canvassing together jin the mountains. At our of their ween t speakings i'tMirlftl: asked ! ; , ' Sfcd- twiii answered t hut there who dif ferent kinds and detincd them as follow : 1st Tin. in. 1-'k radical, who has an m-l natf l poli ical smell of . L.,...-.,wi,ii,.ii,ii, ninl nitiseation acts, M The internal revenue nulical. wl... ,a,l leeii a Deuiocriit of Weak , , . ,.,, ..i.......i i, iiitii jnin iiii.ii-u .... - 1 mi, ,lci:ii t nu-ttt at a high price for . 1!l(Ucal service. : 'M. Hm m-'iigrel ra.ii.-.i,-w no is hair radical ami ItiUt I 'iMiiocrai . ami : who honest I v does not know to which i... i...i..... i ll'h. The I'oiidcsrript radical, who talks like a radical, and smells like a r.-idiruh yet will never cull hineelf a ' radical, hut. generally speaks of hiui-M-il' as the sa.oe old coon. I should :i!l Dr. Vork a shining and illustri ; on.i specimen of a nondescript. I I I lie l"t .t ... .".ii;. County (Jou'riiiiiciit. Kb.iii Ih i-ll-.-t t N j ilieie are twenty -seven counties in j ilu- Sti.te that t it lu r now have negro ni.ijiintii - in' vx ill have negro ni.'joril n s nt tli" next census at the present nile nt imiiaseoi I he two rac"s. What thin is the present, vvstelii worth I'use counties over the t 'unby svsteni' I he records chow that, under tin lion- veins of IMnocriitie rule, the iiegi-o county expenses ie .tl I le.-s than mult i- the three ye:. is ptf ci-thng under the t'aiiby sys.eni. And nut only this, but the J'eliioerats, Willi ;litt much less in-ui-v. p:ud 'j:'ii'i.l'. i.t' tiii titer indebtedness ; and Hot oli.y thi. but ihev brought eounly oldei:. mul i-.tunly ohli..vttitiis yi neially. troui their vaiious stasis ol shaun till d pleciatiolt up to pin, so that I Ley have sine, h'. eu iiiiuost uuivel sally wollh dollar for tioilaf. li.d. win'.l are the ncro counties woiih to the Di litociatic p:irl ' the total wliile Vote of these twenty seven counties, accel'dm;,' to ti e last census, was lU.Hol, oi twi nty-si-vi u x i- cent, td the possihle whit. vote ot the State. Tin- vole cast I'oi .j-iivis in it. I -.- -.iimtM-.-. :o:d il wa:. ..i! white, was lil.l'.l:!. tint I - b' suv . seventy til.t percent, or more thai. I hrec fourths of tin while nun in the li. ylo coiiullt s. lathe Wl.lle coun ties of the Slate only lilly ei-ht per et in., or but little moie than one hull ol the while men voted lor luui. In other words, if the while men : ol the Mcu'-o counties had voted. ; . i -online to their strength, no b. tiei than t tit- while men in th whi'i connives voted a.'Cor.lilif, to their slielith. Jarvis Would have been ueatM by more that -I .III Ml votes. Whcie.it-, hinl the- white met: in the .vhile counties Vot d as Well as tht while men in the nnro counties, hi .uajo'iiy would have been more, than do.oiiu." ; Why this is so. any thiukiii',' man may ste at a -lance. The while man in liie iit-ro county realizes ni'dy tin iiitportante of i'in- to the poll- and i-aslili-- his vole in the Stale election, it is only in t-he Suite election that his- vote counts and he knows h lullst make himself felt somewhere, if he would get relief front the Leg islalure. Hi pi ivo him of this relief and you i will take from him the inducement to ' vote the Democratic ticket with the .eal that he does vote it back to ncuro rule, with Send bhu the know 1- I fcdx" thit it is the. Pemocratic party tliiit sends linn back, tuus cuttiicr , liu (V ,rol)1 M jl(l.)U iu tlje flltl.t and joti certainly caunot expect nun u oj nif oo.is ..... brethren do in other counties in the i State, and then ntnt then time ' will be no more. Iteinocrutic majority in the State; that is all. Are we ready to surrender our Slate elections to the lleptiblicans ? If not, then we must not semi our brel hi en ot the negro counties back ; to lie'TO rule. e do not si;r that ttio white men iheio will join the liepublican patty. inn we tin suv iiiiu iiiei inn n.i- n. more inducements to go to the polls i ... i : ... .i... . i :u .... and vote than white men elsewhere have, and not as much. There, a iiltle over three-fourths of the white men Vote the 1; Una-ratio ticket: else where, a little over a half. See the hi'teieiice. and count, the cost, be fore voting to change the present svsteiu of County (.iovernment. tor it islhehopoof holding that svsteiu tha, tiiakL white men of the Kast Vote so wei'. Li t every nmn who oonsiiiers the success of the Democratic party es sential to prosperity in Noith Caro- linn ponder well these tilings, for so far as facts and figured can till the tar as tacts ami hgures can till tlie sloty, me ascenoaiicy oi ine i""""-; i,llt , Ihe same it should l-e ui.th eiiitic party in Xorth Carohiia de , st0( )lllt it is ,.,., to the ex is pinds upon the protection it aHbids lo its while voters in the u,",' counties. , init what are these negro conn- li..u ....ill. I., tl... I,.iuii ..i-a i,f tht. " " '"'"- ''V.67 , , , . ,! ; pI)0 wlo0 amillut 0f tuxes levied for the last fiscw.1 year was iu round j ! n timbers .l.VJ.titM). Of this amount 1 tlie tweun -seven negro counttf s imni -.-cl-l OO'l .......1. ... ..... II,..,. .,.. , . : . . .. . , '""' " '- nl,OMl one-nail, oi tlie "liom . unioiiMt, that is to say over VI I't'r cent, of the whole amount. ! WJJ " St!K5StK,llt,3 ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 , 11 . effort to force negro rule on wJiito ; '"" "w; , WITH gOOIl ClllClis w.'i !;.; Loi.ieri Xvl-Clc h;!e( llll li llllcWIIitc n.j-n with I':. nil iliftr f.ivm ih'owu . th.-races, do. s imv man suppose Dial t.i i':..., i,ii.,ni. r.i I.-M'SP liegn) nMUllua i in -- pa V their present proportion of the State t:ies ? t i ij. vtv .mist h -en asc. ii. lii.. musi ilimiiiish. and taxes With tli. iii. ninl the other rails oi ti t Miti must make up lh- less. Tiiis is not mere speculation or sur mise, but what sad expi lieuee teaches us. Under the Uanhy sysleni of county govi'iiunelits. in two yi ais personal property ill the lie-in eelllil ies di I 1C einted 1" fir cent, of its value: that istcsav in IMS H was worm i "..- li'J! less than it in lNTil other hand, in two years On t la under the present sysiem pei.-ou.u i"'i" '. 1 these counties we':t upll r cent ..., is 1;, wlv. ,,, f SSl I it fSSd it was worth S'2.Sir. ttlt'i mi n-e than it was worth in IS"S. ... t f,,es any ..ne w.sn t.-r plainer pr.mf o, ...... - payer oi me i -.n. k,. Caiiby syHem of emu. I;. g.vei nnieiit . A ,1.1 .Iock not cvt -iv tax t"H r know . ... that if the eiist. by leiisoii of ih pre-tiro-s. ciat ion in M ol l 1 1 v. imvs h - that l! t litre and west must make Up the thii'ei elice ? We say, ihert fore, that before nny manvolis to i.j-.irn the Can by (.vsteii: of Count y ( iovi i nnieiit. it v. ill be well very well for hint to pat. st and COIIsidt ill these thin- (ir Ma-hi tut nil i.ettei I p. in ..in- l:.-u:ai i M.IXl.-lo.X. i t Ii' cull be no i lis In ut ell tin weS.sd.le ItU II l.v S ion I l!"l i, i. Hi. nt- si. lo the ...l.i n l' mid ,iit-.-il i.iin-.i-e pallso -etl.-r i I il ie 111. .', mu.:il a: iii i-.-i'-iffii. .:d-. i':tt ! Il;e ii -i l.t out b d in: I'... Mi I he i ll r I tioVl III. will i.e , r l . t i iii. idlilUtd lo iii. i.d nnd M III III l-i ad ill (l, ,',js tltnnelli bv b...h vc h:id in . h mi I i.e -hit form t i a .i mis .ion is to . !!i el a i thee.. ; tlpt 1 !?:; 1 1 .! ' beeo.;.- iLi iiil:d:i:..i nl. of the . I. M tti .:. t . I p.tl t v . ti,.-!t pa' iv fi.mi po-.M r. t.i th; patron -I,..- oi tht the I'le.-i l. Lev. "(i.'' :i power, t he tent) t l! :ol. ! . I V W ill. SI Unit in l-ilild l.-iv i Lle'ilflV,- a'i ! t- v.; Hi-. Il ! n l ;.-1 l ilt i ''In l i-iitv t.t it tu:n piil 1 1, III- lice :e-.iln. an. I. mole lli:ill nil. lh:n the av-olahihi.v u 'n.ds ,i, in, iu- Clinibt I t V.h.'ll, .1 l oide ol flli.-e hold ers. w H h a i ( ;.i 1 . in "i i.tM i l-- ii- .elV. ii III;-i lo.-l.-ltd b-. ll.l If, e o hivois vt t to cone-. -'.:.'! it a-iy ' :.! With Uioiil V Ml.. I It. 111. id j ! It l i ; sei Vice. We leii lii. in Ii t iiuii'tniv of tlie I'li-s'delii ii eiittlou a n.i si m l ions ihii.er to that i aim. d hbci ate and uiteili-i I t action whit h liei-t ciiai :u tel IZi- a is v i linn lit by tin people." aw w.it.m that . !..;. id i't slllu.-li nt lo eol:sl i! lite :i ! illoiui lual oii-hl to -i li.. ei..pt...t.. c. io.se Hit lit of the nii l nl. eoj ie. I h- Uepiiblie.tii papers ail t Ver tin countrv ,e .- pu. ii i.m-a table v.iuh may or nm n-i be anl in nl ie. show ii llie .-rtii pile It ei I jits ol the (iovei i. uiMil d.iliii- I'..- s. Vi ial adliiiiuMi:; tl-lis ip.ll, V:i iitl -.toll to Aili.i-. ll.l t la! ios-t s ie t ;t.'h oi the siiid inli.ili. l.-lr:.'.lolis iiiiii the loss In. nl ia.ii SI. IMM of collet-lion.-. lloln tins table it :i; p, ai -.. that ushtiiloi, Iht ll, W. ir ci:. I limn-- ;i- i oi..p.ii e.! Wlih (il:i!it -. .u.d '.l.at .M:.if,n :it. titll en eoeld ontsii-nl lull bet Ii and lluvcs ihvii li.iiis ov.r tun I tin n ;,'ivr him o.l.ls l.tu Attti.r wiih tie ."-ilar lioilte thieris and l u or t..velt tiii'ii i-!is of tin ( iot ! Hint Ill's uioiitv in their .) l.et.-. oily -its avvav with one ami ei-ht t' -dhs mills on the !(!. u idle Mr. Lincoln is at-uisol of approprial:':-; - veuiy six ci nt s on 1 1 ie ." 1 !( M Hi. 1th -re .1 . h u I '.oaeh was a factor in t I.e (iovernnn iit 1 The reliability of this tabulati tl stab nu lit. prepared by Mcl'lulson. u.av be est i ; mated from ' -old hu ts ot the de veloped liifcenies of the bill nsltles. m Mmv ,1( hundreds of .th. r . convicted and iinconvicicii . who have alone rob I 1 ineht of more money ; "ale pereei;ta;re ol vi d the (iovt i n Ihitii th(- :i.e-ie iv stealage I rot. I the tilst adtnllnsti ilioli tlown I" the t lnl of tin Hayes dyim-tv. .y. tlie Indian contracts nlout , would ci ver it lat-l-r 't rceutiteeof - I. iiliu;.; i!i So- t, ti'ali tl'.e whole four years of Nun Ii.neiis itdinimstr.ition wnien sliow ,i ,,1llls .,,,i:,,i .,( .-Ml 71 on tM, spun, Ul ..jj,.,, to M.-l'ht i jH1, is i: It .t 'i ; ji(.ii4.lSon r , the! probable th.d what calls .ste-illlig tilitlir a IVuiocratie adittini.--tialion, Leconie? only a pardonable and iiuayoidalile deiicieticy under Ih publican suprem acy. '.Mr. Doiiuaii P-. I'.aton has written a letter in reply to s. nu bo.ly in Gov eminent employ who has In eli fl ight enetl into a cnlili i'.uilioit for the Ih - ., ,-,, Ml. Fi.l((111 CommiV sloli. luui lieuer nave u ii. mis n un ; i . i ..i . . .'. . i ; Jet ter unwritten, though ,t is scarcely ...ore than g,h bensh aliyuav. Mr. I-.a on tells the (.ove.n.u. nt clerks tna Ihev w.Oi.lv vein ;e (o col:t I Oititi- to t he .;,, r.,,.,1 oftlie "rmid old naitv. ;" ; ,,, .- ; , ' f f,.,.t; (i(v,lliniet that there 'V i ita np- should be parties in general and the giailit Old party 111 parncuiai. aim j t, . vnuut, ,.xjst without the sinews - ... . r war, which musi come .. out s....- where, and who better than these in o,m ,.im,.Ilt employ can alVord to fimijsi, n,,,,,, i In spite of all that Mr. j..)lt((n (!1VS )o these Vei vvoik- , ,;,,,., .,,,,1 hun-ert d employi . , i , . r j r.i -iitelv assure tlie vei v nisi one oi i ci ,. that, the i-lai es thev know will ; j,1(iw them no more torever if time . i ii i r,,t.,:i . ,. mdeet to 'T ." f " i 'Slev,! UU' U"'1 '"f Al"U 1 ., " w . ITuuco mid China ate at war. fli'vi'laml's ATitaii'. ' Ai iianv, N. Y.. Auff. W-i. (t s : i.l'MCi : I have lert ived your oinmuiiieiition dat'-d J-.iiy :!. !HI. i.!''irmh;." 1:1'.' of Hi V liomina! loll t Uie otlice of I cedent of the 1. eueil Hi,tes by the Na'ional Convent ion lately assembled M i hi lesideht of the IViu-d eno. I accept tlie nominal ion wim t. i..,.i. tl. .ii .if lli.- siuiieino . u, , i i ii--. - honol c. inferred and a suliiiuie sense 0f t lit' rcspoiiMhi'ity which in its neeciitilliee I assume. t have carotuilv consulereil the , .. ,. ,. i ..... ,i i... ,1,., vi i,i i.n; ', ;.i. A... M... ......... ami co.iimin iii'M...: n. plain a stuteim nt of lemociatic faith mid iho principles upon which that pally appeals to the Miiliages of Un people net ds no supplement or cxpia liniion. It should he remembered tieit the otiiee of l'rtshicui is csm u- tia'.lv executive in its nature Tin- laws enaetetl bv the legislative blanch of the (.iovernment the Chief Kxceiitive is bound faithfully to en force, and when the wisdom of a political pin ty which selects one of its inemlii rs as the nominee lor nun oliice has outlined its policy ami de clared its principle, it seems to me that nothing in the character of the otlice or the necessities of the case r ipiires more fro.n a candidate uc ct ptiin; such a 'lominai ion limn a sU(4-c-tioii of ctituiu weil known truths so isbsohilelv vital t the sate tv ami wedaie of the nation, that t'hev t unuot he too olit-u recalled or too M-rioii.-ty enlitli-i-tl. Weplondiv c;:!'oi'!-s a -OVelllHH Hi In the people. It is not siu ii when a e ass is to. el ated w hieh .11 I i';; !!es to i.-e!f ln:i!iii;. niei.l til iniblie othces, st t k o ,. coi'irol the pup:o instead of icpic .-ellli .-; li'.lll. I'.u'.iis are the necessary out eri.wilint o.ll- ilistiilltioi,:,. b.lt tin ;,. ivel ellleul is Hot lo I lie i opie V. hi'l i i:e p.-u tv fastens its control t.poi. tile cunt r . and pe: p i uao I i bv joilli;,' .-enl l.-tr.-l ii!T the e l ol s. i v i:',i '. iit-.n. I .tnelit is no! bv the peo p. op: pie when the H-uit whi.li shotinl i, priselil I he illieliieeiit wiilof free ai d I ! i i I : k i I o- men i.-. or can be. tit tt i mined by tht col iiiptioii of tin ir IllVl .-ti s. Win Ii all ehi-tioii o ulliee shall be il selection by ! he voters of one of their numb.-, to a -sniue for a time a pnb'if tru-t uisles.i ol his ib-. iic;.: i-m 10 the ,, oies.-:o, of polities: when the ho i!t i - i I ballots, ijiiickein d by 11 sele-i of duly, sha'.i aVeii-e the truth hoir;iV". mid pledges ino'.-U. and w hen siilVra-e shall be nito. t in r free ,ai,il uneorriipted. t he lull n.'i'i ton of a -;ovel nnu Id by t he people will li at nam!. :md of Ihe means to this tin! m l one would iu my jtid- in. 1,1 In mo, ei iieei IV e i i.i.n .Hi alia I.d nieni . ilo- i on.-1 1. 1. lion tlistuirify lie: the i'reddcili ItoTil It- cieelion. N hell we ceiisi. It i I he p:t!l'oii:i-;e of I in.--i tail oi'n.e. the :ti nil euieiit of powei. ihe Ii luplili ion lo letaill pub. If places oin-e -.inn d. and more than alt the u' m lit I . Mix- a party limb in an iiiciilnb' ul when a iioide of i.tVlcc hold. I v.ilh Zt ': l-.-t i. oi in in ills ice. ived ami f isleli d b the lu-jf of I'aVofS Vi t to eohle. sljitld I e.ldy lo .'.id vvilil lilii'ii V :i!i.l i-:.inttl poiille.ii ,-el v lee. we reconi.e ill t he e.ilbi'llj. of the liesitielil for leelectlon a most sei ioiis dan-i-r to that eaiui. delibelitle and initei-illl political .-.i t mil v. hn-h l. ins'. eh:u aeti riz.e a -ovi I unielii of tl.e people. A li .ie American si nt .nieid it eo-'-nizis the di-niiy of :.-ti.o" . and the fact thai honor lies in honest loii. Coi.t.i n(. d !abr Is an e. nteiil .of National pl",pei ity. Abi.ily to woik i i:.stilutes the capital, find tin vv .-.-i s of labor is t he income, of a v :i -t loinib' -r of mir p i ui.itiou. and ihi- ii.len-sl should be jealously protccied. ( hir woi kin men are not iiskiu; tini i asunab e nidib-i nee. but as in it lii-t nt aini manly ci'ieiis the-, si 1 he sntne con:,idei ai ion which those d-iuaild who have other ilitclcsts nl stake. They should receive t heir full share of the care and at tent ion of tlm.se who make and ixecnle the iaws. to the etui that the wants and uce.U of em ov eis and i-mpioycd shall alike hi subsi-rved. and the prosperity of the country, the common luritae of boih. be advanced. As ie!;it(d to this Mlbject, while we shtiidd Hot iliscouiiii;e the ilumi e.:d!oii of those who come to ,.c Kiiowlede a!!t-e;iaiu-e to our ;ov rn- lm i.t and to add to our citicn jiopn- Illtioll. et HO lilliltl.s Of protection to , . i iii i i oill Wi.l Kti.e liieli ...lioUnl I.e 111 ...ecle.l. cerniiig lliose who. if they ceiue or :ue hi'ought i.Miiir laud, ilo not intend to lifcoiiu Ann i icans. but will inju riously co.-npeie uith those j;istiy emitted to compete with our field of inhor. In the letter accepting thf tionii 1 nut ion to i he oliice ot (inventor, near ly two years iieo.1 made llie follow - 1 ing statement, lo which I have stead iiy a.ilieiitl: The laboring classes eonstitute I lie l.tain pa l u on, po,,- ; ' i:" . , , , ... ,,..,,,..,. ... , ', i i - saUl(;.s ,hls Mll)j(,.t' recogni.e Ihe cat e of (iiJS(ii((i U r M )(. ... ., ............. i ,.oln ilioli ot tlie woiiuii'' man. A iirooer re.'iud for the wi Ifare of i . - . . ii : "V'K , ' 'l " ' ;'.,.', institutions, none ot our citizens arc more interested than they in gnaid-, ing against any conupting inilueiices : winch seek to pervert the b.-iieticeiit ' purposes of our govel nnieiit. and ; none should be mole watchful of the: 'artful machinations of those a hoi ailuie Ihem to self ilillicled injury. 1 Iu a free conntiv the cuitaiituent i , i" i ,i .. I...- i , , , , . , , " . , ... . nai htioti it i oiu i tie r,ui it an is ,-s.st-iu i.ii to the peace and good older of the! j hmd' between the several sub-' ieets of uovernmental control, and ' those which can be moie fittingly , ' left lo ihu laoial ss-ii ie ami bed' luc posed restraint of the citizen should lie enicfnllv kept in view. i Thus laws unneccHsavily intcrfcr-' ing with t hi' hidiits tuel customs of : iOiv of our people, which are not ohcl.MVV to the moral s.nd.n.. tits nt ; tin- nvilli'H worm, mm vvnieii are; consist eut with iood fit i.cn.hip and! r lions. The commerce of a nation to a great exient ih.'t ermines its supreuia ey. I'heap iijul easy transportation should llielet'oiebeliheraiiy fostered. v llli in tile 11 mils ol i lie colistlluiion the geiioi'ill governnii'lit should so improve an. I pioieer iisiiaiurai waier : ways as will . uable the producers of j tlie country t reach a protitable: market. ; . i . i . .. 1 he people pay the wages oi piioue .uployees and they are ciitiilerl In fair and honest work, which money : thus paid should command, ft is , . the dutv of those inlrusled with the management of these nlfairs to see that such public service is foitlieom- inr- i The selection and retention of sub ordinates in the oovi i nnieiit employ incut should depend upon their aseer- . tail i d litliess and the v:i ue ot their v-oik. and they should hi' neither eected nor allowed to do tpiestcui able pat ty service. The interest of the peopV will be 1 bettor protected, the estimate of public labor and duly wi.l he im mensely improved, public employ ment will be op n to all who can demonstrate their li moss to it. the iiiisi eui'y sei amine tor place under llie ..;o eminent with the co!isetienl inipoi t unit v w hn-h eiiibillei s oliicia! life wi:l cea-e and the public service Will not be liin-d With those who; 'conceive it to In- I lien' in'si only in aid the parly to which they owe t heir plices instead of l eli.h-i iii;r a pali'-ut and honest return to the people. 1 1 believe that I lie public II niper ! .such that the Mil. is of the laud me piv pared to supp.ut the pally which -i i s t lie best ii i .inise of ie'i.:iiii!-i er-in- the eoverniiieiil i.i the holie-t, 1 . i-iuiple and plain manner which consistent wiili li s cliarneier and its pm jiose.-. " hey have leui lied thai mystery illtd coiiee.i'.nielit ill the manaeinelit of t'heil illi'.iils cover tricks Hud b. tliival. 'I he slale-ncinship Iheyie i lne eo!isi-.ls ill li.ine-.ty and I'l li.li Ity. a prompt le-poitseto ihe heeds of Ihe pi opie as I h.y al is-, and a vi;.lial:t pi oti-c' loll of in. their varied i ililei es s. Ii i should be called to the chief maejisi l aey ol the nation by the sill' fia;,cs of my feliow cil i.ens, 1 Will' as-iime the ttulir- o ha! hi-h otiic -with the son inn deierininal ion to deibc.-ite i very ei'loil t i I u- e. unit ry' oooii. :0id Wit II nil hllmbie lei luee upon llie nl, or and support ol iln Supreme bt lli'. who 1 heiieve vviii liiw.-i. s bless honeil. hiluiali elnleavoi ill coiiM-tChl lolls diM-hal -e of jillii.ii- du.y. Signed. (i:oi a Ci ..h.vm.. In I nl. Wm. F. Nbas. ehaii iii.-ui. 1. I. I .e.-l er. and ollu-r hiciuliiTs of ihe no: lih-iii lo it C' .1 1 1 1 ii it 1 1 1 llie I teiiioc; al tc National convention. The ' Ilera'd" says the I leiuoeratic Slate executive coni'luiltee of New York has on its books the unities of seventy thoii-.-in I persons in the Si de, hel i to.'oi e I it peb icans, who will p. isi: i vely v oi e for I 'leveinnd a ml I leinlricks. Tile hi s medii-i.l authorities ac i, no.v ic.Il'i- ihe oi, i.j vuhit of Avcl' s C-tih:tic Pills, and i'l-eipi.-utly pfe- -ilOe t Ixll- le-e Willi tin- utliin I diseases caused by th r.-. tin- s'eiiiat h. iii-er ninl b. SpFiiirrWilSioiit Bliissgms. Lvl'K IN 1,11 K To booli Nl-.VKK TOO I, VII foi: lov ,. MlM. rs.,riil -Ykt :. a...rs-.t llawili .re. v ' l. i mil i-e.-iCl it..- fin.- i:t xv I . -1 1 -. t e;,l.-.i-. I'yli-li. "li ,li. Iill l-.ll iii.Jil-ily iiuei i- I .-111. ;' III.- .'."li I V lllililll.M... S.II I, ,'CttT III-, r.-l.-.is.' li'.' I- p 1II..1 ivh. re l III! Ilil-.l.l -s ? oiil'aiv.. in.. iti Ii.-i..ii ..-s ". I'.in ili.n i. iil. I ln .1 i.:- In .nit, i, s-iiiii ..r w.-tini sinip.iliii. list., mill) I, III li 'less III,' ), Hill ..1 11 Nl'lt l.llk'i .II I niiuii'.in UI13'. In 11 i-tti i-;.. v.r. 1I1S.-..X .v f.i., Mr. I.. 11. Ti-.M. 1'. ll..lr.-'..i. V. I , -i;: "I Il iVi -nff.M'. .1 lllll'.lt ilt-.i I'y I p. Ill --lltl-lll'MMl In ni .-III-. .It ie, I Is. fit,.' .-I ll.e I...H-.-' oil'. I -li u-i I. 'I'll. :i' .-..l.n.,l!'l''.l i'V Iii'' iC il j It. 1 p-Hiulil l.'!. I Ml Iln- li.-il,.N ..r ll -si -i.-tiiH i.l i very s.'h'H-l .-iii.I ii-. I I'H iy :i .'i.l ai. I '("in. s- II.' I.-IH. t l. Int. '1' id" s'HI. I li.;,.' Ill l.i?.! i.'llli.l ill I'Ai.KKI. s'l oMC ; mi !, i.. j i.. j.i.-v. t.t io-i.li t.'ili-' it l.i.'.li:.".t ;- :ti.-ii' II- -. v. !i.-li .ll.l !..r in." Ire tii.ilnn - I . 1 1 I .1... I- . n:i.l,.i I., iln .'i.-'lit ..I in, k.-i.ln i'ii.- my li.-i.'t-y l;i.-. 1 i'ln .-l'tuilv .".ii.l i.t.i 'uiiy ii, kiti wi. -lire '!'i- iii'-i.' Mr. K. S. V.Vlls, i.. I Is '.lelll'l- . lll 'll. ll I'O 1.1- .1.1.. ... .I.Tsi'.v CUV, .'..LU: -I'll.- :-.-! illiil Mr run. i t'. iiiliii.. lili.l i'liu.' ,-.iy, ...ly ii ' I't'i-.-!' i-i'irv u... i inTiiii.- i... ii.is .ii- ,ii:,..,l r..r nuii,y yous. lie is mv . -i t.- r-inlaw. life. as. I'll'II.L- II 'I'l 1." I'm- ilnttl.' I ii- an Imi .'I'LMIlS. . III.'-' llillll.'lll. Ilil lisi iises nl Iln- lii..' ill's llll 111." I'lii.-ys, ini'l Tho most roniniiin pirn. nf Dycprpnln, or IndiKfutttia, nr.- nil ojrt'si -fi Hi tht) floiu.i. h, niiimvi, ll .titi.-n-y, ati-t l.ia.-li, Leart-l..i: 'i, vtiiuiliiit;, lu ul ni''iiU auj confUjii n. I1; ...-itio ii.iii. iiii sulier un tnUl mi?. Ties, Uniily mi l meiu.-il. Tliey (Uoul.l .-.liiuu'.alii tli j ili-.'.-tl"ii, and sccuro rcguiur tl.ii.y ii. ii.iii nl tho buucja, Ly lUu Uso of niodurmo Uoses of Ayer's Pills. After tlie Twwi'U aro rojmlateit, oni-of tln'so Pills, t.ikfii coi'h il.iy nflcr .Imiii-r, n usually 11 lli.it in rcquireil to comjil.-t I in" euro. AvKlt'H I'lLl. are ttg.ir-ei.-itej nuJ purely wijetaMe a U:u.iiit, entirely raf.', nn.l re tintiif. ineilieim- fur tlio euro of nil tUttortlcru of the iloiuach anil bowrl. 'I bey art) the beat of all urgativr fur family om, rREPARCD IIY Or. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Prugguiu. st.i it. c.i. trt i' p. r. s. I'.it. : " i "O'-i1. V.': .1 i.ir.ii l', e e.irr-1.,1 n-Vn'.- n II i . N.. . Iii.i-i. i..r a.lvi- Nu i,- . 'i.n' .1 mi- ! . et. m i.ii.i.i. 'i. t .... tt inkir.. ii,..1 ! t". r.-nri I. . wis ,1 . .1 ... . ' r i , Wa.Ulimti.il, U U j .UllllCt III' lltolriM ikJU. li-. NEW STORK! NEW GOODS! 12. II. McSjEAN & CO., SILKIt STATION, ii. F. & Y. V. H. R., Oiler to the pulilic one of the best selected stocks of (H'XICHAL MEH (!ANOISU. ever brought to this section, and are now Belling at the very lowest prices. Dry Goods Groceries, BOOTS AID SHOES, EATS ABB CAPS, NOTIONS. CLOTHING, i i tiiir i nt. 1 1 . li l Ml . li r., in' him.iii, i i.i h .uiu, 'in .., ().' .; ',UV DKSl'ltll'TIOX. V. huve no ohl st-v-k iu hantl. It fi ver liiini kit season : everything i . mv,. eouie to stay, and intend to sell everything nt the lowest ivi , Aj nf m, t,T ti:hi-it 7 me mNo agents for the best l eililrers fn the market, .limp j..ih. ii. tr. K or nil stiekv soil : tnishv covered iiiiil to the celebrated South Peml South Daeh Ni Wiii- mil every I' ruaranteed to f WS, ' X. A (.fiiiTiil-tniri XK!;s-i,K!x. tfitliw Itirbiin T , with fliillftl tir sr I. :ive also a lariie stock of' 1 louble Shovel ami Planter & Pride Plowc, Turn Hit'Vel ilti.l Hull Ton-tie Plows. HBVY AHU SHELF HARDWARE, ai extremely low price. Special attention oiven to the luleile Trade. . i ( 1 1 e in Ap.ii :i ti-inl. IL lN.it. If. II. T. CEAPIN, l-l ;-! i it hep . I'ru-s ,r-. Ci ,-nt nil i ii- Drills. Arli .l V ,iit Ii -1 ti t.v "i" m-'lit. v. r.. him,!.-.-. 1 1 mm s ii., J'AVIIT I I. VI I. I.K. N. C, M n l,. i s .iimi'.-. WKHLESALF. GROCERS. V,il:i. lM. ly I11U1UV..I tliiU liUtUU Ui liftini. 01. Iftiy Stror.'.. I.....riv i-w !' I ilo-li.-vili.. li.-i.-l . FAYijrXJ.VXbj-iJ.i, ix. o.. ( m'el.i a c.'.!np'i le sioct, of MiiiuciMN. paints. si:i:is. (UI.S, (il.ASS. V A P N'lSi IKS, DV!' S'l'b I'l S ani,'"o' v','k' :" at S-itisf tctioli oiiiianteed to nny who may favor him with their nnlcr. Col re-poll-It lit e solicit d Its to prices .in 1 let las. Inly lo ,l-st lin. MAPCH 2 1SSI. Arrivals fop tlie WobK. miiiiNM N. C. 20 !() 10 HO 25 P.CLS. NKW CKdl CPU N .Mdl.ASSKS. P.ULS. SYUPP. UPLS. POKTOPICO MvlbASSKS. P.PdjS. Sl'tiAUS, (all jH'a'l' sl SACKS UK) co it i:i;. id SKKD TICK Ih.is. SKP.DimslI POTATOKS. 1 11)0 lh.ls. all o-j-udes, i')l K. ,'. 100 Ui'sHKi.s COliN. I AC( l-.I-sill I.' I si l -vJ i ... ,Vk. ,,,. IV II flail's! iO l'lNSJ.liAN AM) t hl'l S. -ff IMSII! IS PI-'IMK WTIfTI-' MKAIi---From Wt.vil! Mills. 5000 1.1 !-S. iil bK .MI'.AT- V. II and ilK bid K. .. 10 TONS I'UI.MI'.TIMOTJIY HAY I III htet we h:l!idie t llOi-i 1 ICS mix, 1 can therefore olVel-Hpi cial ilnbicements to the wholesale ami retail trade. I'oine to see me 1 AT WATT! Tt ti V7VIL1T. ililellMi.M', C.k.I'KI! ,V Ci..-.s..l,lislAMi,l J. a P. COATS' 8IX-C0RD SPOOL COTTON. YOU OAN BUY IT OP: W. L. LONDON, riTTauono, N. C. -i-in ii v ii .'i i: .ti in excliangt; for goods. and heax'v sikI land there is nothing Chill Plows. Bend Chilled Plow! ', tvv n-liorse ilnvr, Imtli tIkM unit left, iim.w llli ir w it limit WlicMer JelntCT. Sti-i-l tsintrea. I'liu I'est I'low hi America. irivo itislaetlon or no sale. OliKLI, HAUHNVAUK CO., lillKK.NSIIollo', X. C. M. T. NlHU.'tS, "I N. .l-.-l-. Wjilll l 'I.Oti.r, W,C. MIICIUR, I.iiln..r N..rrii, Miii'i-iuo Orlllln. M. T. Norris & Ilro. Vi. i,.-c. -.l N- nls Wyali .V Tayli r al UiHr tAtS MUlllil, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND GOMMIRSION MERCHANTS, Xo. It! llx.-hantre and Xo. 15 Kant Martin Streets, RALEIGH, IV. C. Wi: CAUIJV A LAIMiK STOCK , nhit h wi' oiler to the trade at I very low prices. -Mi.;,mv..si-i-.cii. vrrrvno:,-to um viio i.i 'r'i-)7N', M .- -st i' liiKlii i .r.v Hii-I ritnrn lit i.nn. I '..-.lit. : i'l '"I. ..cuilii-!--!! ill sliiiill rlcilui. I.IU..-.1 l.Vil.1 Mill.' HI I. III. ,l Hlot't-ll WlUl 1IB. A -r I . - I"l I iC;i,.-.-. Ollitll'.. A.'i-i.. i.-r I' iiv.i .. siiin-i- l'liiiF.liiini. Vj.-.i'- I ish llievK Oikci... 's in-- . I.-: v.i .-I si..ii..wiilH'..U.iii ri..w, ii..- ;.i. t ! a: ii..ii .I.tiiii'ti y 1.', I'i. . Lougee & Uooawin, j Sin-.-1-...i-s t.. I. W. Durlcim, JIT Fnvetteville St., H.w.i ton, X. C, I MARBLE AND GRANITE MOMJMENTS STOKE WORK up r.vi:nv DKHCICIPTIOX. DI'.SKiNS HP.XT FItKK 15Y MAIL. SATfsrACTIOX C.IVKX. .tuly in, ihm. ;iiiim. 18f5. 1CS4. Ui I WM It Wi, I FA YETTEVILLE STREET, UALPJC.ir, X. c. LKADF.US IX HARDWARE of every description. GUILDERS' SUPPLIES, I'AINIS, STOYKS, (UN'S, AMMUNITION. ind the larire.'-t stock of SPORTIMG GOODS ever in K.'iicieh.at bottom pricen. C .ll and examine our stock iitul prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Write for Descriptive Circulars. lUui't forget the place, JJdf I'A Yl'.TTKYILLE ST. J..II V. TT. Ill I I.l l- TAVI1B. .Wyatt& Taylor, HAI.KI0H. X. C. Wholesale Grocers ! ANI CoiiBignmrnts tif Cotton and Produce I solicited. I YYe carry a hcavv sfock of MEAT. LA IIP. SUtlA llS, COFFEE, . lUtKSINO. TIES. FLOUR. I MEAL, COKN HltAN. .VC, AG, which we oiler to tho trade at lowent pi iccn. "Will give consignments of Cotton ami I'reth ce our pei-HOiud attention ninl n uke nah at highest prices and ; forward returns at once. 1 YVYATT ."it TAYLOR, jul,! Xo. 11 luM Murltu IHrMt,