he (tynaiham i)fccrt TllUUSJ-.U', Al'lU'ST iiS. isxl. " OUR COUHTY TCKET. r.lH TIIK M i.lSI.ATi'KK : .ll'Mt'S A. ALSTON. THOMAS lb WO.MAl'K. rnii kiikkhf: STKHIKN V. IHWWKit. Knit ki'.'Ukitii : LAHAN tt. KXIJXR KOH CKKONKI! ! D. W. M. uiuxs. roil HriiVKVuu: IilH'l'S t l.F.OO. VST Hiirruli for tlic nominees! tP&" V:uiteil! A jpmd milch cow. Apply at Kmmuii olHce. VLT Lust Tuesday's con vent ion made uh prouder than ever of our Chat hum democracy. 6y Don't jruuilU because your fuvoi ite. whs not humiliated, out work for the ticket like a true democrat. BVrTrEvory voter in Chatham ou'lit to read the. Hkchkh during ihe eaiu laiii. Only 4ll cents tilt Mm ejec tion. tstiT A. lnr-re rattlesnake with lo rattles attracted iiiucli attention on our stru ts yesterday. It was kiilcl about :t miles from here. A large crowd ami several MJX'akers m e expected at I lie Senato rial convention, thai, meets at Hen leys on Saturday the thii of Septem ber. Jm7"Wh regret to h'-tr that the kilclien with mi its contciiis of Mr. Hoot Wilson, of New Hop:- township, was burned on hud Monday. Oiigin of lire, was slovc pipe. C-ar IJemember that our nominees cannot elect themselves. Lei every democrat give them hii hcaifvsup jioit, and in November roll up lit" Jarg.-t niajniitv evir given in Chai Jiam ! JfcT liyniim iV Hea.len are now offering for cash gn-M ii.-u gains in Millinery (loods. Straw li its. ll'-ady-inad'' Clothing, and also t heir general htoek. fruit. Cans on hand. Ined Fruit and Wool taken in exi hai'gi for good.-.. S-2f"V. L Loudon wishes to ;o North next week and Imp- i hal hi-i friends uhouic indeblc 1 to him v.. I; pay nim up b.'l'.'i. he ,'-. : in- uei -di Ids inoiiey ami wauls it. .'iti'Ul mI tlelneiils make long I'licnd-.." Will lie glad t : attend io any coin uii sj,.ns fry- AVarrcii l'rior .V Son. Favctic ville. Iiue(r '.d and Silver Wuiehc... tlewelry and sterling Si'v.-rwai c. The largest liue of Freuch and American Clocks in the State. W.tneii l'rior V Son invite orders for i jii;., ige.neiit und Wetlding i!iii,,'v li'-y H ive received ibis week iiT Jjolldoil's a very iaige lot of O.d , Salem .lea:is tiltd Kerseys wh'eh Vti!i ! sold a' Factory pric s or ct hitnged lor v.n.i!. I I.; si are the best good.- made for the money. Ji vou ih a wiiit of c.rilie.i that iooiin well and will last we'd :iy t.n- S.i'.eni : goods. No nhody good i anion;,' I uein. Ih'NAw.w AicinKM'.- - On last. Mon day sis Mr. John l. Jones, of Ihi-. township, was riding horseback to preaching at. .May's chap.-., his hor-e inn away with him and ran again'.? a tree with such force a to break Mr. Jones' li ft thigh bone. Oirii I'Nivr.iisnv l!s. The annua' : session of ourState I'lnversity begins t day. Our town ami county will; be well represented llelc this year.; Indeed the number of students from Chatham will be larger this session; than during any previous session that we can remember. They are Messrs. S. S. Jackson. l M. Womaek. Willie Headen. H. A. Loudon. Jr., OIlie It. -num. J. J. Jenkins. S. A. lb.l leiuan, It. L. (Ultis ami T. 1. Clegg. Peu)Si. Jtkais. Among the re pent uriivals in our town we uie pleased to note Messrs. P O. Worth and J. H. t'ui rie, of Wilmington: Mr. (1. W. Thompson. Jr., mid family, of ltiibigb: Messrs. Lloyd and Nesbitt. of Fiorida; dipt. II." M. j.at,", of (Jeorgui: .Miss Hat tie Jioore. ol l.har- lotti Jlr. .James lining, of Jiemler- Hon. Key. William Walker hat short visit to his former Thoinaston, Maine. i gone on a paiish at A TooTit SioiiY. A .'hort time ago one of our countymeii went to a doctor to have a tooth extracted. By mistake the doctor jerked out the wrong tooth a sound (mo and throwing it into his yard an old hen ran up and sei.ed it. thinking it was a grain of cum. As soon as the mistake was discovered the doctor and bis patient inn after the hen. and after an etching chase caught her, and after biking the tooth out of her mouth it was placed back in its original place and is now all right. It is I lie first lime that we liavo ever heard of a tool h being taken out of n hen's mouth and placed in a mail's ! A Mii.iTnv tlniiiiiii ion. It was our pleasure, to altc-ii.l on last l-'i iday. lit FayetU'vibe, the celebration of the lllst anniversary of the organization of the I' iiyctteville Independent Light Infant i y, and il was an occasion that wo will long remember with much pleasure. This ancient, company en joys the proud honor of being the. second oldest miiitaiy oi ganiation in America, ami is the pride and pel of Fayettcvile. Kadi lecurring un nivarsury of its organization is cele brated in grand stylo and with up- pn.priule corCi iouies. and lhi year it was (ii-iei .1 to' :e.il:o i! esjic . ci.'.!.y in. ere -ting. '! he e.b te.iou of ",l!ii-i'. I'. c Y. ". lai'ro.i I eiiabici in. my visitors from the neihb iriug eouui le.-i to at ieiei an.t I i.irl .;U the celebration. 15 v s i ial iuvibilion the Shoe Heel Knles. an una., nail v I , Jin.- looking company of eiti.en soi- j for t he remaning calidi -late, and re 1 .Her.-, whs p:e:it iit. and that companv ! : "t. 157, iVom.n k :ls. C.bei t ( together with tin- ii.i 1'avctte Light iU- TiieSii.il lui.'ot siood : Sco't -:. 'lubnitrv and the old Independent ! ma.-k 'i he :;:xih b;.:h,: i : eniiiM.-oiv. rrl li i.iiio- I lie ei moiiion I i if Coi. A. H. Worth, made ..tiitc a bri! j seventh bailo! stood : Sro't :ii. and hunt mi itarv parent. They paraded ! Womae d.i. t lie. :gn h ballot Mood: the piiueipal h rets and were for-! Sco.t. ami Woucid; o l. The !i:n: !i iliialiv reviewed and in.ecied v ! LaUoi resiiiK I : Seoi t ''. om.i.-!: SlnspVctor Oem iaJ 1'. 11. Cimninii. j oT and S- roud l. The lentil b.i.iot !oi the State (iuard. Al't-r thai i o-.d : Seoti -i, Womaek J:l and Uhey engaged i,i target lirin-.' unlii ! ''''"l ;L lur.:ig die roll ctli on 1 1 he' dinner was readv, whieh' was ujlhe n-v! ballot ll.v.s. Womaek ami grand aliair mid was enjoyed not j Scott with In w thep names, but sin! only by the members of the three ; ' '"'e' were vole, 1 ',.; . i.ml i iie e.eu nH: coii'ipaiiies. but also bv H large ti it in- ballot was announced: Womaek -. her of eivi.ian guests! Appropriate Scoil lit. St row d The name of I ousts wen-given and n spouses ma 1c U'apt. C. 15. Densoii was here present thereto bv Coi. t'ameion. ("apt. K. J. '"" wus 'tt om-e wiihdnwn at his Hale. Mr.' J. li. Mvrover. Hon. W. J. j re.pi.-;!. Tlie iwelfih ballot was (ti ecu. Capt. W. S Cooke, and Mai. i 1;1'ieii and resu.ted: Wnmack .57.J. Mcltae. of Shoe Heel. At eiiriv can- j S'"l t i. Slrow.i oil.l,. The I nil leen; !i die-lighttheri' wasabea.iiil'.ild'isp.v , ballot stood: Womaek MA. Scoii il. of lireworks. und prompliv at s'''""l Strnwd 'ill Mr Seott i'.aui o'clock th.- mi.it.-irv and a large audi- i withdrew liisname.aii.lle.ei'ouneeiitii dice of ladies and gentlemen ii.'ed ! b.iiiol sloo .1 : umaei; Sirowd d.l. Winiiims- Hali. when and while the; Mr. Stiowd's name was then wdii jaiPiual address was delivered, mid drawn, and the ndeeuth btidot re elegant iii.es were presented to the ' Mr. Womaek's nomiuaiion best iiiaiUsmim ol' ea.h ot' I lie i lire e ! ''.v ' he ii.Uowiu,' vote: Womae!. 7:1, cotuoanii s. At tin n.-!iis!oii of ' Slrow.i ."). and I a y s. these I'xeicises came Hie grand ha1!. 1 which to many was th most enjoy able feature of the occasion. I'.veryliiing pass--, oit' mot pleas ant iv, not the sughie.e. incident oc curring to mar tin pleasures of so happy an occasion. And just here we ean'ioi reiVai i from com.nendin 'most highly tie eentielil inly .iep.i'.t meet, as v.'eii j. lue .so'diei iy appear .luce, of ll.c ni" i.iiets of the mi.ilaiv c.iiiip.iuic , !.oi .nee of v, hoin did 'V . at i',i .lit ed. as i too often t i.e !:l-.e on s,;eh .'tive oe-a doli-i. I'ot'i" gehtlemrii of the eo'iiliiil do we wish to nekn.i.. h d ;e o:ir thanks for th'ir c ii.iieo:;s n' -. c,i i in. and also tot hat gelii.l! e,n lei.!;. 11. Mai. Wrigi.! llud.c. who ied I'.e o.d I l.depe... len i comp uiv to the b ii : l- tn ids ol' ir gil.ia at I lie breaking oil' of the late w;i' ab-o:i: p:ti. 1 Fear I hey '.veli sii'-!ai:.ed the.'hiv-cotirte-iy MM-I whole s 11: i ho.-, v .'!i i!'.:e(ei i.-l ie of tin- t'aoe Cnti.ily ( oiiveiil inn. In pursuance of a cai! of the count e e n!Ve c.immitiee ii c eeiitioll i the deiuoc .'.-its of Chatnani v. a- held a: thecouii house in i it t d. i o' .n tast Tuesday, for the pur. ,.f noltlil'it itig t a i caiiiiidai es for tl,.-Ho.l-e o! li. j.i e.-i li ! ol i cs tl. In (i.' i, r.i. A-.-;.-..!1, y. end tt i -undid.'.'" !'! til-" ollice of sifii'f. "f i-.f,Kl(-r of d e, 1 .. of col oiier ,'ilid ,' s;n , i ie-1" invent ; oi i was e i;,. d to oi ,1, i by '.11... . V'ion.a'i;. c'tiai'. iiliill o. I .i" county executive commit ice. ale! t lie rod of ton i:s in , i lie. ng ca'ie 1 a:! V. e; ( I epr, -T, Uted. Tlie eonveii ion v.-.-is ! hen .rgauiy.ed by tie' t't.'cti.iit of lb .). i jam, ti . Cl'ltl eclil. ,uid L. J. liil klllil.i aii.i .1. A Wo:ua k a i see; . I n ie,. On in.ile.u of t . M. IMler'ioh it was re .o e 1 1 ii-i; a wo t hi' ds major ity be :ieee...-ary i. a ii m,:i:i: ion. The iioinin it ion o" a eamii l-.te for ci. oner b"ii!' iii -i in cder the names of Di-.' b. A. U.i d I . fen .I--., iv. c. . i: .t'ei-.o',, i:. :. lla.u'e'i and W. S. I'eity v. ei e pre seined. The lbs! bubo! !"-.iied.is ai I'ti.ows; liaul.s 1'!, ibtiiis "J, K .be;: on '!, l.'amh-! '.:.-. and I eiti o. 1'here beieg no e!i-c! ion. the second ; Ita'.iot was had ae.l iesuiied : tlani:.. V, (buns 1-1, iiobeisoii ii. .Ia n. el PI. l'l. The ol ii,-,. : Hanks v.lnl !! ibcison ,e then wiih d, a w.i. a n.i i he I bird ha ;o. 1 1 - il! . d : Hums 4s:. iii,;,.;.-', -j.-,. p.-.v ! i. The fourth babul iciiiivd: Ihlihs i i. Ilam.ei l!i. and t'l'Uv (:). 'I'heli!:h iia.io! sloo.!: ii'iriis .'.in ilaml"! Ii and I'd iy I'd. .Mr. Hani!, ! s name tv;M llien with.bawn. The sixth ba' lot stood: Ibirns 71 ti.nd 1'eltv Id. wheieiipon i W. M. Jbirns. having . lei- ive-1 i, nire thai: a two limit, nc ionic, was declared duly nominal.'. The names of J. W. S'.rowd. u'.il.is I legg. anil .f. J. (ioldstoii wi le j.:c sehleil for the nomination of sur veyor. Tlie fu st ballot rcsii'ied : Strowd 2si. (.'h-gg -I-.', mid (l..:,l stun la. the second baboi i-'.ood - " ' ' "i Strowd J7.b Ciegg "!A and Oohist'.n ; I. Thiid ballot sto..,l: Stroud :';.!, : O.egg -i'.'l Mr. Ibifus C eeg was I !....!., .....I I .'...- thereupon .iccaiictl iioniihaicl io. count v siii'vi'v or. i Tin, nomination of a can lidale forlj, legtslei'ol deeds coming next lit.'; , . of C o, r. :,' l-'.v nr... I seined, and on motion t i,-rules ..v,.,e"i,oi Libel ly b.wi,'.hipe.,..;ht ih'Vch auspcude.l iiiid be was nominated by ace, '.ma! ioa. t'.ipl K. W. I'rewer was then unan imously mimiiiaicd for s'lelitf. The uomiiiuiiou of two eaudi kites for the Legislature b ihg n. xd in order the ii. im. s of V. ll. S.Mil. T. 1$. Womaek, .). A. Alston. W. !'. .Stiowd. ) I. W. llacl.ney, S. J. Tal.y. A. I. tii'thert and V. T. IM.vards were pre sented. 'i lie roll of tnwi, ships was called and the baiioi. I 'esulti d": T'owNsttii's. I tf - 5 . -2 i '. Albright. I laid ,i in. Uear Orcek, t -a jm Fear, I'l'iilie, O.ilf, lladi.v. Ilickoiy Ml. Mai l hews. New Hojie, k laUland. Wiiiiams, I 1 I s 1 s ll ti 7 Total, :is 11 11 11 d C. s 7 No one haviii-.' received the lieccs- sat v two-thud-., a second ballot, was'iuid sustained oilier tearful injuries taken and resulted its follows: Seod H' died in two hours add' the aci 40, Womaek ol, Alolun bS,ttiiibeit dinl. T.-.My 7. Sirowd :. I-Vl wards 7. j'll.' iiae.ll ol' W. I . I'll I . 1 1 - was tle-n wi'i.dr:.Mi. 'i'l.e ihi'd b:i"o. r.;snll.d:S:.-.it.: !". Woiea:-!. US. . h -..i; : li.l, I'li.l-eil I. .1!, -Loilus A. ,i,m; Oil'. i:)e' -! ci l e.'i i V O !hi.'ll .: H !, de '-Ian d nom;,i.i.. 1 a- i.f the c i;. did it. s. The f'.-uriii b.iiiot was taken SU ' ie. I I ftcoit .M. Aoiide., .j.j. Th. ' On motion of j,'. J. l'oweil ail the ' iioiiiinaiio'is were then mad" i.naiii moll.l. Ca-Iswe'. ina. Ie for Messrs. Alston. Womaek and Kxiiuc, who ie ; ponded ina lew appro ,ria; e remarks ' acceol ihg t heir lioiii.ual ions. In rc ; -ni.'ii ;c io cails. .'des.i s. II. A. L n- : ij .u. i. ti. Uelieiiei' at. I A. !1. Merrill brie:! y ad. b e ..ed 4 eon ( ni ion. A Trly io !!ai;n'll. Osuo N. C. Vug. l-i. M;:. ib. ...::: We. !,. people oi' O-.g- 'in I an I vicinity, being .1 pa it of .on r rea l"!'s. and i niul.ing y.ii i,'oii! l ll" p'.e:i-e. to h-.ir from II I take pleasure in writing yon a sh c t note and :'.-k for i' to i.e p.i'.i'ime l. We are a ouiel p. ace.ilile !..-ig!ibor-hood !a,v .1! ti l.h; ci. iens. Tnis vieii.i,' has It---, ii b: -.s.-d with a ge li.t. is -ea;-,.;. ai: I (he clops look Wed --Iii-.- s-'.-n in this iicihboi t :-1 for many da.-s ;Jo!i: ie . i - oiilet : W" ere wai'ii'g for I it- good oe.toie of oil.' o-.l pa. 1 4 In sir wii" ilcy wa'd io i.llice ii'n.l We r-.;.!',' to c.t.- l ! ' Vote: ac C!.:dii:g 1 live us a gooil ti.'kt'l land lii"u irv u- in tie. CUi ami i eiit.l wa.iiihj.'. t ills i., :t g'orio'.is 'e.'U' 1 I'e. for tie i ;: i lli ! :. oi l St a! '. j b-cry '.vi.e. e I -it iite ! crops that ever rr -. of :, ,y '.::;!. iii C 'etlO.'i!,-.' V.'it!. SO!'!" other Volti ii.el, Wed'i- s !:.-' to go cei ' Annuai !iu!..'i...iv,'i, ri:-:ii; !. .'ii i '.ub of ! h ::!.-; I d iv th.e 1 I; h i , ,t. As we I lil! wee. on .-.let .-igiit.- 'is iiiei ',i,v eyes ! ii- v.-. :.:i'.v 1 1' !'-. . -: corn. co,ii. on a!; i,!es. .-old I i - f of the li if kind. '.Ve e.,;. i!ii-,( igh ;i.ii ;.;i!e an I -.i.ui.l. I'iii. !.-..! iy W" '.vciil iolir- !i:i;.er. aiid e! .- le'i a Ire.-c iis in t our eyes s'iii". !,. i!te ,;,ipe.iie of ail mi n. for . ' erv k'n-1 of to id f ir hilin'.i p',i ti ed eis:e !ee wa , leere. Ai'icr f: i- uds m ei and passe. 1 the ilsii.il e....i:".:i:i iii - in' tin- di tin I'e a a si ni, 1 I: .. d. ,.n.l .Mr." F.. ll. Pr int hy. on-- of the marsh:,!-, gave '.li : i ' t : I - lhal the speal.iilg Wo'lid bege.i. :ii: w ha il we .-at and 'islene l i' ti lengthy sj.e by Mr. .'-tac!; Me nay, one of Harnett's le-l and ';io.:i ;.i, icn farm. then we had a'loi hei' ! i . a, . a s jie.'.-ii by i .' i. ( irern. our cuig. c-.sm.in. iVinutha,. di-iii.ci. I'oi. Or. !! is !',l"nt and ablcs-....,!.- :'. i'.v-. tl. mai :.; d .seeeeli. ; .1 , to nnu w :, Ii n! i. lil 1 . ill" end of id.--ii l.ih'V in o'ie out ill .',!,' i bili-t of lo.p'.uise. whi'ii 1 ihe appreciation of tl;. ..i ui -uo.v b' his i ..isli'.itelits. 1 wii-i gi ld to fin-1 . though n.ii'iii't! is r-eiaoic from raiiro.-ei. thai she i a '.and eoui.-v for i vrv: hing v"ii mav me!. lion that is pare and honor;!'. eliei'e'elic l irnii'ls. tulle lue.i ol inocracy. i'iii" i'ai'mui,!' lauds, and last b.li not leas, (lie iTciii.st v 'li we ev "l- met. X. H. Alamance t il'-ih'-r : t c icaru i oai j,. Sidney iV.s, of Oran-.e, v.itiic , in,, ,.. j;,,, ;i tobacco b irn last , f...i f. om 'in- lop of ! he b.u li. .. .Vli.ma'ice ( il'-ih'-r : Vie learn I 'ci.. ng line ol tlie ".i;'- on wu.i htm. i.."1 t--I utiou !i:s liea, I. cru- iiin. ,( kiliii:- him iiis,uulv Ash. I ' uirier: Mii'h.ie! (Ir. possiiiiit' aii.i oieeloMii a sleet I rapid one iti.-hl. ---JI K. Tl ogdoii and il Ti. C . h ivc m tde with a hand mill in Ics-it'mn ' 'vet l .t overhVci' gaM 'iisof cithr. --Miss Maiy Mcl.c-ters of Lib-i iy township has in her garden acidibi-e with ti heads and thcleist "s 11 "" "!' : Ne.vbt-iiie Journal: A fe'.v weeks ::e;ii we announced the e;iii:.i ation of ' .'.!, ssrs. I'h ulcs and .ion Windy, two jvoung Uieh from doms county, to Florida. We ,io,v have the pl.a-urc 1 .if announcing their lei in a. and Ihey ieiitirlain u far belter opinion of old : .Yiilii t'tiroliiHi than ever before. ' Many young uienlitiow nothing of the value, of home until ll.ev get aw ay from lit. (bernvillt. Helhetor : On Thurs day last a verv sad accident occurred at. the cotton planter taclory of Mr. John '. t'o. aliout nine miles from tb'e. iiVhie. Wll.le the lit ichillcry ol the factorv was iii motion one ol th" band-, became ciilaii' led. and bilinnie. a twelve -year old son of Mr. t ev.liici to tiiii;t!i";le if. I lis hand caught in the hand, and he was dr.i gee'd over one of ll.c pulh s and iernhly in ui "ied. Iloth of his le;;s and arms were broken, and he wits almost scalped Aiis. hi 'l'in o: Jep-v "f ( in and A'leil '5 V-'iii. b-'-ill Col. lie.!, iie.-eeie ill- ..oiv.dM, ai. i s S.nel.v even: re". wlie'i 'n s'rm-k I wo ,. , i ,' , ,, i -i )io'ig ! a p.'.eblo.-.; through .!! tin's hold. Tv-.ii had be: uimbibiug e i !'. Vol '" a i'..'i!t V Wii ei aii. ;.'IV e.l ("l . I-..',, i.l' llu 'tll'lli'ii. 'illili.iv Cil ! In' l o," ol ills ii.il. uie .w-tjesiy ami pluye-l the JJevil wi.li .Martin, w ho d lliced "1 in- pill I'lol'.; jig wni.e I vsoii vm 1. lurched oil to 1 he 'oeKiiO to soiiei- upend I'e.iciit. ,.1 , t--ii' it 1 Sueittv Aurora: illiam I ianu i.'k. , the a;.-'i ij . .s'ona sler. only eighty four years old lui-'. a:i aged w hilu g-iud 'r r- j-.icing m sevnt four vi-aro. Jt .i.t -i en years fo!oM d old Mr. ilaui i'i. j'. like M.ir. s laiiih. everv h-u- l:e M-iil i.'.-d '!a::i he sliee' liiegand'l' , , .. , ;.iMa-.hPe - iib. u II 'p:in...h. Ni. . ilM-s m I.' il.'.ud (liver, kitted M- . . I , i ... . . i -.-Ill I V II I'.ii 1 !' Sil.teC W II ll t 'lirl .' l :tt ' es. or Inii'tv one rears old. and f-nir .lill- a twit' f( i imig. lie :i biudi'ig oat j and caiiehl up I he sheaf of oats ahd ;.ii:!i:e in liise.i-i.. IJ n -r s' i.'d him II,,. ,.i.i..:. !,.. 1.. ', aw I tie sir. I.e. Wliieuile .ia.-n- " ?. lint. :si.iji. Wi'iston Sen1 iliel : b is said thai . the t'.'.-e uj.'.n .ihich i:e murderer. ' i!"i.rv Swam,, win, hun is s on v . ... , . ,. . I t ' hiug. .tot If-'iPne ol tin-deed be lug cominllleo upon tl, at some sup- j.o.- e. but for ill" in ioe of the iniiiiy bit s of barks, t w igs, etc.. carried away us relics, "tit ui"dii inc." lootii ache cine, and the like. - A white boy by I he liilllie ..1 (ir-.ibbs. was coming toun u-ifl, ii I..-. I ,.' .v..., 1 S .,l. di iving t wo iiiub-s. 1 he anima'.-. he- eti.ll." ll ighl ei:et lv the .vo id slijiniie. upon 1 1.( hi iiii.t rnii ,ifiv, tiiro.Wii;.' tile bov io the gi.e.lid end drageing lie.,.',..,. 'I'..., I... I ..1 bit liv bruised th it he died from Hi, I,.,,,: ,!... i, i- i f i beets of Ills V.ii.ll.ili lil.: wMtie hi ,lt FavHi. wile : lbs.-, v.-r: Thcr.-w.-re i nn;iio'-r ol o!:. i ed pt-.pb ass. tabled a! a colored e-iivai. iieid his! I'liui-s day higl'l. ! l!:l i'e b in 71-1 Town-dup. A good deal i-i h ud ci I' !' was im !nb d an i daiing tlie festivities a tlis- p ile ai'"-" be! sr. .vo brothers. Tom and Sic. li Mc"il. (eoior. d) which .-ill!"! in Toms ..ho'thig Sihl-Ut ihro'.g'h tic !...:!. -;). i Siiiird-iy . .enbg la.!, as .Mr. i'i-h -r. !!-,risi.-r of I'leed-. and ?,!,'. T. S. (.:!!!.! !oh. I'h l it of the i'oitii. w. re coining from , tile Cillil Ho,! e. j.i-t th "V a-end-' e tie i.n: ii'.i.i i-.-ci.-s.- iii i'.': near ' '!'. i:l-s',:,'s ...ii :,, ,b. male .wii, -It drew In.-ir oiig'iv. an I winch . . :!:. .p.;. l!, v-.'ai.iii". s;i,,lei, y im a. -,. i : .'ir. iciti'il. iii in i't;. iipiiug-to jimj. from dc b i :gy. :- i; n' 1. and was ioie.niy tin-mvu to the ground, his ".i;t t'lrr. mg tne rui i tin-1, low. i t-i i-u'i'.-ri i ;'.. in I h" .t't"'epl to ple.ee ' b.ei sii. i in-'V in or, er to iii I v him : ' we!" iiit-1 uuder.-'':nd i!,..t th" piiv,ic:.,,:s are oi'!i,e o,.,i.io !h.:i a !..li. t'e.ir lll.'!:ip has b-.-i b'... ken. and I. mi he wiil be c-iiiliili I "m.'.imetothehins. Keiner-vi!!'. .V-v.-i: While 'S.mii Wu-l-leli .'::.:, -i, e--ed i i-.i: ingiii the h.'iv b .ads, r,1Mi.i;.,o:,v".!'.,n tbiinp :..n':o Margaret Hulsio,,. I,,.'h c..!- "'"'i'l'"!f K.jl n's Miil. a s. i,.v,:r,".l which in!e"rup!ed ih- eeremouv fora whilean.l e:sa-.-l . ,.:.,. i .,.., ,i I... ' - I " l ' '' , . , ' l...:.-t- . ,,iil ...eo,.-. . I. I,,. I. ,. . . ,.-s ,'!-.. ''s ei'ie ill tt .. t,f.,l..r li-ee ,"-il Il.e ,s.;l!l(,ll' li,e.ope, I 1 lit . '., ,C.I .. to 1 ii....' if am bod, lei.t anv ob ecii.-.t, . !. lac-" t.v.s..!,h.-i!,.r sehe- d when one oi th ' l. .-cnh;,e wai'ici's i,id be 'jcci.-.l i. dc e-,'iii:iv nr.- -, clin. and wiien :isl;e,l -ihv ,e ,,!,- i asi.ci . i,e n,i. ieclc.l r'-pli. d throii;.;n d shilling. ivoiv: "i .."iii f. boss. I w.tels 1 ' ..... . .. . . .. , '. mv-sv:!. Alter this lit, le intei'i'iipiio. i ...... I. -li. i. . i it, I several old sh wei'" I ::i o, :i alter e Mini'.' co,t i 'l'l'.' coiip.e. ' (l-r, t.sb. .I'.,' I 'at riot : 'dr. Xjo.,1. a : i; ,-.!,,! ,i. , 1..,. ...;:!,;,, I,,.,,;.,,, ,,! . k i. . I- .t . i; ii. willi-t c. ile we;,. oi!t yisi-i.l.l itiid.aw the .'.titi.i ioi ! he i:l'-.i. I ii.te il! his life, lie is 7 : vea. s oi 1. ib'is'.i shoeh'.al.er bv i-ade .,,,d ids lb f i 'n- hi a, S'e "'' .1 t'ls in. , i."'i,;,ni Ut ihe iron hoi-e v.iis that il .o;dd I- l .1 soon mm his business in the savin.; ..1' !,,-. ..,)! i if. i l.ie.i-..e till lie, thou,;',; he Itll'ti.d and .ilse illsoialclv w.iti.ed oil' -A vo l! di-p-er in an ,.!:... , t t.,w, .-hi,, ,.! ,, , .! 1 1 on tue i, down e.b lib -s When ll- ' i -1 -1 . ' -1 ' :i li.e'w. II ca-.ll'in us! as he g"t oil! He then hi, i-i. is eoat near .uid wands :ed ,:v iy. iNci-h-i b irs f.iiiiiil ih- ce.at mid. rupp ...lug : in- digger Io be ;d ih- b..lto.'ii. clean- .-.! on! the well, and when they ot thi.)ti4'h the :u. m hi'nself tbore along with cnb'iiie; More than pravcrs were s-tid ih. ''e. ' ' r.iizaoeih t'ily I a, eon: 'Ihe cry ol hie; lire:: iiiel'Iso'iiidedupon Ih-e she, Is of Kha;e!h Cny ai mnlmnt e.lhe.,di.A.;gusl.-J'i. I'he tirstai' .eara'.ice ol t he llaii.es was d.-lcet-d in tni- rear o! lb i Oo.iiiev iV (!,.. a hard ware stor, I'"''"', '. Ihe hours of tw five and one Ihuisdo, inoi'iiiinr. Mr. .1. ('.. M.ekhon wan Ine li: to give the alarm, and -avsthal id 1 1:" mue whth he ,i,sl v,n ;',e tire ,t ... impo.,il,!"iol,ilil-eM.-t..ig;:. that ,!(. Hamcs!,..! bum. d l!.r..,.,,h ihe l.on.e in.lw '..;il cionliiog th- . di. Oh belh sid-i. i he , he, a! b ii. fistlial it sl-ut.don tin- ...ii-.d . and tli-reisbui l ;:h- d .ulil li,:,. i' was, he wot!, ol an itleehdi ,: V- Ibe. vlhi,-. is swcpl eniinav awav from (i.idfrev s to Ur.i ,'s brick bihldih;; whii h cm. on- the (lames. tli'iti-'li no) w ii ho.it con-id. liiblc d. in.- ,;; i o it .. il und Mr- b i amcr : i'lirni till'.-, on which there was no insurance. ( harlol te 'ise. er : Col. Paul M. Menus Jias aiiiioiinecd him-elf a cimdi- da!" tor the nomination lor the S. h- ate from Cabarrus and Siatib uilies. i'he cooe!il i"ii is Io be held in t'on cord i-ii Saturday, Septi mber tit-It il- -Mr. Wm. .vl,s.well. Jr. M-.-liiday had a line pointer dog stung to death In be. s. The do--was ch ained ii. the back yard and jumped om I the leiiee into the I'ioitl Mod just at the spot' . h. tc a hive oi In es weie stattomd. Theciiiin In I dthe.lo;; K.ithat heconld hot t-et back ilndlhe lie.-s st.vai med on his 'head and st uhg him so that he .bed in a tew iiiin, ii. s. The eii.s of toe do J WciV :..i.d to baic bee. i di- , . ,1 1 I I 1 en. 1 ill- S'l.l l IS :-IIJMIi: ' . 4 T 1 . 1 : r-i-ivie en to 1.:-' ground ami soon :.l..v his... ... ', :, 1 I- , oiu.-k clou I was .se u float lie-' 111 the i, '. At. the time be died his! iin. .ii. in iniii i! tutu iii. , ;.-ns ;.wol.. io nno.li twice lis tressiiiLr. ilcitd noM,l si.-, --Out iutbeeii, ye:- !i l hi ;.f).-l l.o'iti. n ul- the r .-1 deiiee ii ,- j - i , i oi Mr. I- raid: I. r. a dd Heiii-nl ,,am... d! ii'. had l.i., -oat sex .--!, . i i ii ' C'il IK 'C'i I l"iil !M . I'lli.iiiiig ji-uai'sst ' -I I. illll- t Mill. ten.... lie. I,..,. a ilium .i wue li-m e. ill' i i..c-. pi.iviug in a lot in compiiny with s,-v-. eiMl t.iheis who were cha-ing him. and hot lioneinir wli re lie w as .'oinLr, j he run ag tiiisl a shx-tch nfh.irbcd wire. ! iiis I moat was cut under tie ,e i ... ,, . 11 emit. 1 lie v.oun-i asoi si. Imlllll! IIS to leoliil'e the ilelll. di I'l- alti'iidilne ofudoei.il. Ji l..-k tie 'i'h' little ,l'lel.,.s 1,, !,.... Il.e .. , , . . 141 lettiv.' Will soon De on I, iiymii. lint it 1 . ; !.... ' '.. . '; '.""''' """;"!. --li.lsi l t.;o ,sm;i 1' .0 1 ei l.ooi!. ll '. ,.t, n;i' I , . ,. '!' ' " '" ! ' . .M l .0 .10:. -.; mi 111. ... ill j u e.-. ;i . I ,'i I -e.t ' i I 1 1 s . , I I ., ' I . '...s.oi . i. ..i iitt.i seiei.-iv ! ticu ity I lie i-ot-i-iis- Sluli of a itoii of ii'd.i idliL. iliat s! 'ii'-i; a tr-" netir her. Siiew.n si . ilit.-- . "ii .ie ito.-.i n.ieii ; in.- him ii.t.i i-i-ii . .. . ' ... . . , ...1 . 1 i.:...- 1 .. :...... dies As it m art d the l,ol.e. a vilid il.lsb oi'iignt niin.' descended :i id s! l U. k a huge cedar t'r. e in the front m: he t s I., i..,..-. itn. i ,. large splint ei s w el e cast in ail mrec- tieos .sevei' it ot tile splmtu s st rue;, .Mi s. Soss.oiio!.. The shock stunm l. her an I she fell insen dble io t be jtorch j was s. erai hours before shi r - gaiued eonseiousie ss ,uid it was null ' esti-rdav t hal t-ho w as able to leave I.,.,. 1....I ' I'iiiilniitl eii bi'ati.ii). : I'f.in 'li- , ii.i.I it.-r. : I tii'Cli;.,iiii.ssi ilii'i's io went to ex aaiiiieiiie iiisiern . i .. it , , . ' . ' ' ... :". : I lilt sool.ds o,:,. don t ll.' ! he rail , ,,,,,,1 leted to Cbn, h-l.,n : lio r.icl w (s I ii.! mite mi1"-; still i.-tr I her on. an. i the r.iiliiiil aulh-.i it ..t- nottlied the S;.i'e lh i! i'e ;':-l v ei;!.! . ,.,,.,,.1,.' , , p, the inoiitii of l! ( N-mt iiiala by the l.id .y "f Sept i )n i hat d.-.y il-'ii it wad.! b. inord-i 'er t ii" coi.'imi - don. V-: to .-:. lait;" t i. rn id tied. : tc . bit ( ! iv. . I. li Vis b:i i:.v appoint:. leiils e.n . i ing hin, p. ih. ea ! em p,-i ,.' the Sir... tic Jay i'.,t ,,, j ;,. :; i evim iliill i" Mi lias I ,,-e i: liv. , for (':' of jiamliri'. 'i h,. pjllt of S .j, !. . ,! . .- (hen will lie ,i n:e,no: .e , nv ,;: i . anmiis oi X,,'fh ,,,,.,!!,., ', ,, i I rul id ' budding in i i,is St .! e. Ii v,iJ markihe opt nisi . .1' the Wi-iern N-.-th ( ',u oliic, i e.'.lroal to' il,.. N.tttt .litul.i. The vies!, of so many v ,. h mvoivi-.g t he , sp.-ndi; ure i.,' -o luniv (inili-'i: dollar.-'., will li.t ii I., -. tin . ii !-,!. il ...it !-,. .... .. I'.... .1 .,1 ,'v:tii 'mi: '.he f.:;M .nwti -f S'.v.,in ,.,,y. - ..., . ih, , i , I t :l eue . rs ivls i , . ve '. :i! . i : o !. f. r r ; dread S- -j ' , - , l; h, r ;: id i I- !" lit'' ! i." , T1,,.. wi!'. ... a v:,s, ,,s, :.,. '"' 1 '"' fltei:-.'"! b.V the .',.',, mi si,,;,, , . ;'i,''l '' Vct'cc 0..e! em- .(.-.r.'i.-. J r. - ' ' '"'! "y de!,. Hob .,is and p. r .!"'f -i-" '-:"';':;! -l ; ! "1 ' ' ' ""nm hi uti.-ns It V'!j ".-a i-.-ii day ! .r North (':,: iiiii.-.u-; to ic oiee t.-.-M-lb. r over 1!m- ,.,::!..',. i' . i ; , 1 i - ' '" n.i','-.. i eei.i Ihl. icemorul .'id: it I ille I ( . wldt'l'. f'Uilile.;' towards ... .. . , i I !h c!" n,,; ol tc.v.viior .leiiis mn.is' :-i! i .ilU.y il!.! ttrat. I tit rgj "hi, !' ie- h is pr.sii. d to a h',.pv "''" nrd'llal lliieics!-, o! ' ' ai o in. - : A Filtttilv I'oisfilirtl. ' a iso.if ,! from S.a l'i, vii'.e. In . 1 ,. . ,i ,. i- la:ia. iv.s lied Mrs. j'i'." c". re. idin; il,.,i i,i,..,., 1 1! ... .i t t',,. , ,.l-!,j',l:; :i fc-.v .lavs te-o and bv nil - " "' I 11 " ' bike put arsenit- in lb- do.i.tjt in -I .;! ol . ill. I i i;r iow,ter H'c n nson ami iih'.m:; po'A'le, , ,n- i,;pi .n ! ne -.ame .'Up l.'iard. '!'im !: M " f:.!,iib . . Oi. -i-.tiU;;' 'f Mrs !'re. ce. her grmid- . Moth",- Mrs. .Mii Vi-lor. and Mini Ti -. a tw, ,. ,r . ! del ild. p.rio..:. . . , , , . I. . "! "i io.... ate I s'io-l hecame Vlol-nl- 1- ill 'I'll,. ,.oM ti . I ii , , I,,,.,. . ' ll( 1 1 ' no 11 t, HUi i 1 1 '! ll ' li I lit! Wolilfll al'e III I ill- Uhl of deal!'. . '" T f". ' . , Cilia Mais in a o ieiii vo in:; "-.it s Mt't'll. w as I onoe, nil, I llllll ,t'i in Wo-dstown. X. .1.. by a brutal; w'y j At Kai'an. Ibissi.t., ;t dynaniile e ; plosion ki hed 1 till pel sons, bissup jiosed to hiite been the work of Ni- hiiist.;. The I mted Stale, steamship I a - lilponsa said; . 'If t he coa t of Ma-sa ,-huselts, hist 'fhiiisdii ni'dit. Sue, .Mj,..,! Vill, ., ,, ,.,'.,. m.t"d ,,.,. She lies wiih her main ,,. ,,, .,. ,;.,. , r w.a,.,.. 't is slat c. i l hai tw.. iv,,s w, e,- (be di.-ast. r. ' i ',., ,, , SiJ- ,iills. i , ., , . . . ,. ',,! '" :,! 'V!' ' .-nuuan.l'neht. said John ,.(",."!, :1 :l".v" sh:,.l',' Hh., h.,t. I..r .! H l:,. ma.ie in U.e 1 tcm-.s ol any' I .ny; m la av , ,,. or on emi .. or ... t he w a. -rs v hi. h '" f'",' t",' ' ':" "' '! Tll ' -'-''V,,,,1""'? '"".V1."" !,n"'.. ' I' I I'lki' s Hair Lab-am jMll -t p I1"'1 1 TV'V v''' "ray . .r lad. d h.i.r. No ,,y. not a dye. b-ia lieiiih delicion-ly ,.:rfin,:e,b A 1'- rh-cl- hair .hessing. .. )-. Ail druggi.-'ls. W. 1! Wakeii.'ld e Co.. of liveens , born'. N. C.. .b ah". s iii Sbi dwarc iiud M;iehinery. inile the eitielis of ('ln.tham io vtmiiu' their 1:' ;;e and complete slock, which will be s i .1 astonishingly low. Tin ir Wakel'n id ' ,'o,i!; St o e is t he li iccst and quick ,...( baker "U I he market . A ge 1 1 1 s f or Wadsworlh. Marline. ,V 1 .angin;iii's lm-,t I'ret'arei'i Faints, i very g.-ihon e-.iaiiiiit 1. - . Doyou w is!. .. . bt atitifiil comph i.ui f Then use Ayer's yar.-'.a,inila. It cleiilises tind jail iliea the blood, and there'iy reiiiove bloli lus and tilu Ich from the skin, making it lauooth und clear, an 1 -i-ing it a bright and healtlu appear. liiui;. i Mr. Hubert lionner. of 1'hiindel- phi. I. !':'.- n;;!:t tlie ianious llollel. Mum I S . and j.ni 1 foi hertbo hui.i of y I'I.hm'I. . ... , ' i ifZA. - Kf :!...- ,ii .i.,t'o mi.! m-iri'-itiB's Insi-i-unI live. 0!'H lltieit-fliul '! n'ITII o III.. 11 !l II " i.ion'.i.h -in ii.nr r ii i-.v iiiie. .,11 u.-; ' w. Li-iMue. ' """ I ouirt .tin: Tlwit -en . ,-.i-. i'. a- ml., litis vi.-.i.l ar.tl,.-i- li -... I i.e.. 1. il ' I'' ii-io-e mv.ty. I.ie.lr lh i.m.io a ... . .s. - w-" ,:'.'11"1;;! In -I ,1, : V""'" ,." "' I ii'i,'. 1 i"ii nil' I 'li''' 1 in (.i-i , -1..1..1H..1 1. .11 hi. 1 i.-a- I. .-..! : Mi- if ii -' ! 1. am s. In U:.i li iiii. -.r , ...,. ,., . . , -.. ,,, . , ,, . ,,,,,, ,,, ,) ,mrl ., ' . .' .. ! " 1 "-'' "'''"" . oii-ir ,..:i ,.,i;. 1. ins 1 . ii;.,.. :.i,.-i u. i. ....... :,.,.,,,,.,, .,, t lurl... 1 !l.."l.'e - ,. Ill ! i .... u'-y ' 1 ''" ''' :l l''1-'11'- IT-mlsiliu ' -ll.til, I mi I 111- '!! I ''. !i-' w:l lull,' llllll II" ! "111. II."' j ,, ,,,..,,. h , .,. , i, , ,.. - ;. t,.n iii I v. hi,:, ,. liv.l lie ,nr.-r. I .-M't.i, .-Iv i. r -I'.-ii ! .-. :l"' " Hi-fi- I I:. tii f Inesf aii'l lil l.in eillh. HIM lillflll ' ... . , hi.s.-:" l-r- l.im itaay . Hi-si. ..rlitlii iie.n-l-i'" 'i1" ...... Hi.a-.- ii,-r Uiu k:i-i.ii:i ! tli-:." I in I , . ... h i. 11 v i - in .'It'id- , .; I,..,,,-,.,.'!... l..c. ..., l,v.. il.r ulirl,: an- ' ' U' :'. n. n .1,- el..-li -lit .--.- liM-m, " -; ' " ':i .'-r 111 " 1 !, ,'i i.-,-,; ., .11 Will ..! Il!l',f '!,.-l l.-lll.l. II ,ir,,.j.v r. , .-..,.. ai s in.. , i S J,S A 3. U S V S . l:. .. ri-! :,.i Tin: in eiai i,y W I .' 1 'i' . 1'A V i.U !i, .'"! i-e-a . vi. N"- l-s. :l.-i,l- U.e-:ii, s,.. I ITuN Mllilil T: ,.i Mi l. liii-: -:..l.eii:i. "'1 :,'!'"''-. 1 ., . ,.'.,,' ',, ' . ,',. .. ,.' ' ..,,, . - II I I I .m , N. ., lim lu'.o-'.' ..:;-' i:','K s , I M. ' .. li. ,ev Ai! crl i t'int'til s. i )M ! M:-.'!'li 'l't HIS' N'O'i'K'l'.. , .' . . ,. .,., ,.,-. ; -"..r. ,; ;. ' - in: is n. rn i., A;,:' '-'s. !"" ' ' ' 'i.oi'i.t.s. ' . ( )!;('( i ); SALE. I IV VII! .18 !',: n m m- ,'.-u'.-i i.. im i,y is,...,- i':.;.';! ..I11,.!1''1':.1';.,,: ..' "i"; ij'i.K-' li"! ""7.'; lU'lill!.- I l:.ul,i .'Kll'.lf . rTe.l, '- , i.'i, i. '. '.-,..' i.."um. i "i in ti''-' "ii MoMnv. ,1 ,- i"i I. ..'.: -.'i. l-i n--v.-ii i:c.. .1, - 1 1 ..... i .'.!'.',-.!. '.I-'T-V,. ..'..' ..i '" ' " ' ' ""' ""o-mbluissoN.' i,e:u . I- i. -i,-,-,-,i- ,.,., JblU-JK FOR bALE ! ir,nr,'Ti L; .ijj J , ; , ), ) VJ j ) PtliUTC j.,,,; SALE 15V ,. vp p,.;.N . m S:,.,.,: Srvrmx. ( , , ....,.,.,..,,, 5 .! SVi.L - IN OHI-.PILM ) '" ;t" i "t u t i -p-t-1 .-..'in ! ch.'iUi.-.iii -.e-i ' " I ', W. I.i,.,'. I loll m'II ill ...I.Ii.-.-.i. , -n :'!'---.,-: Ii' II n-i-l. il-c I....I in 1 iilsl.-..'. ;,,v mv. 1. 1. i,.y ..t .-mi.i', is.-i. .-, I I .-1 1 . -! i.i -:i. fly :..li..i.,llii: III"- l.'U'.ls I . . I I.'i, I. i's , ii ll. W.i -! :llt.i .. li,--. I..I . I, .!-. n Mt' i: 'I lll... " ... ,', .-I...I In,.- tila. I. , c, i t. . s. vv. i -. i : t t i.i!, Al'l.-. I '. l' l. C. C .lie.,:- -1 .H.'I . x ivn ... i i it i ii.-i-i-i,' t i.t a i ' '.i'iii,.,,',,.',,, ,'. , ,t n -.'., ,.t ch'c :ii.,i..'.M ai-h.-.v i --... .-.n.i ..si.. .i.'tli.l 7. .. lei I. I'.-1 : I s, ... .-ill, I , !!,,. v, -1 u'ti in,r Ji ' e n-i--m. i -i,.ci .-it..,- , . ,,- ., n. i vim!-.- .,ii I'.n i.si.iv. ;ii.' mi ,i;.y .,i 111.- ;..l.,v. Ill- ,l,-- l ll..-l f. : I ,-l tt ' a in eti i li.-un -ii ii s v in All.ii-li.'H !..i ..ii.. . i, l:.., ki i-iivr. ii I iIi.l- ll. I,ni,l- ,.l ttll. Iki.m , - i.i. .1. Im i n i.'i t 1 ,.u..'is, ae.l ,-..n 'i,'.!:- lilZyuV' "m- sm,.; i,.i ,i -- ' ' inttiii .-I ti"- imiiviii. " imii.'Ii.i-.- :tv:illi' III -I Ii - Willi I . I .. . . - -1 in, in , i.i .., f..:. -..,. ; v.-i mini tl.,-wh.,. - "" -..r.'l. ,,.S1 ,v Ami: Is, Issi. .. i'..iniiii-.,iii.r. v ,., " HMlMs I I. A 1 Ob S NO I It h. .A i:iii.,y.,iuiit... a- n.liiiiiii-n-.-c.i' ,,t l.-uls .- ,..v. i.-, 1. I h.t-.-l v i,.,ni.v all !i"l Inn-' i-l.il ins .-e.-nni-l s.-il'l ,l,',-i"ti.ii 1., .'Mill 1: ,,..,.., , , i,. ,i. a,, ,i,,v r tu. I--'.. -loli s I I A li I . .lull ill. AVER'S Asrue Cure C'Vl" niMiiitl.liit,. fan-till nuil -.ri il ills. i'"" l.i,'li. lit, lis Ki :., ,-, lis,-! In ... i ! ..",i'i ; im. I . II .'.! :.iits t.n I'u'iiiii,-, i II .) II-. US' Ml l.'il lU-.l-il-t Hl!.-!'.l VI Ml, .1- I I ".; I. SI,, I IM...-. .tlli-l.' It . skI, s 1". II, ll. ii. i:s I'll li.. l:i.t c.i.-liui;,,..,. ..il !.-..,- I'.. j i.-i-ti. I . -i l!.. :l t,.. I., ', i,. ti., i,. vk WA?.3'.?r .'T.R-3 cur; c.:r. j t"fii it, i'is'i.I l'l o-r .-.-ni I, t.-r- ' i ..::. i t er ( . I I' .. :. I i -:i, ,i. , . .. ! I -. ! .-,n.; I ' -v. I.H . , i . i , t ea ,-.i!..,'. l.y I ::i" it in. Ill i -i-" ,1' Iii nr.-. j hi: r .In - tri;il, il.'.'li is .i'. tiiiih, ri'.'- !. 1 '. ...ir : i!m .l.il. il .luly 1st, l-s.', 1,1 iiiiin.i tie I ll,,'.lll'. I Dr.J.C.Aycp&Co.,Lcwr!l?ss. S-I.l Ly i. ' I'm. (i: -I.-. IT LEADS ALL. N( o)l.-r MTil.ilM ;f lU'i IUi'iImMU-' ! IU'11, tr Si- f'.T In 'li jir. )-': v It , m- tb't- Iv tlh'.-lS l!h- -Ijll.-i ol lt,YM('.Ull.-i )Uil Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It It-atl- l!n list ;i iruVv ivinm- ti.n. I. r nil 11 ! .io,(. s. tii, M- t u hiik- CrDrTII A '"."' tint nf S 'l-'tlnl'i :tlt.mi vmu ubnlii'bLM Avi u s s uu um.i. wiil ti -'" it mi. I At. il Iri'in tmr . ttm. lor riMisiii niitiiml ir it'i'i-ttttoii i itcurh, C-r.Tarnii ayku'j snvi iiii.i. U tin iAIl-inn ti t. ri'iiM-t-.. ii filial li'llliU i ii :-. f.l-i -. tl U ill . I i 111.' lIllUMi'UItt r:tanli.il .wj , ;itnl ri'tnitvo I lit Mfk-'it- ;il' il. I'l.-.'lli, which iti'O iii'lirai ions (it T'llUlt-U 'M.llt. C'LUrUJJ i t1iflt?tnf i-.vi-;iroiHM(f VpOCC 1'iv chil-iri'ii win iTrilv :tlHit -l f iff it iil iifi'li. At t!n' s.'t'iiO lim il vv fft) sw'ilii'ii, nmi-li intl niM-'l. :m-l vitv sun. CrtDC I'vrO ''hvi'Liii! I'd. I tt ih:it a wv OUKu LlLO eti tit aUrrativoiii.'.liciMfiiiut I ' i .iii'luw.!. Tin Jiiniti'il in riM'iciinitMi.liit .vi u . s vifM-uii.i.. A l.'w liso im- ilt,'l il I'Ti't'l-lihlt iniC'ViMIH'Ht, Wiiifll, I'V Uii rnlln ri i lt ytui hr 't itu, wa (Miitui- in -l i-ui i-'tm(U'H ai'il iii-rni iiii it i-iir,!. N. rii'li'iii'r h ii silHHi iil'pr'tMvl nl lilt riiHtfhf- tti any --r-il nlui ii-nil-iH-ii'R; uml im ir-l-luoiiL of any li(MrilT w. ov r aiu-inlcd by liiuro iMompt or tft'dudil ir-tils, Vuuit. truly, li. K. JoilNhuN." I IH I AHl ! II V Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. KoUl l'Y all lru--!tr, bin bottle fur i ,v.i--,-. ii.....-, i .!..:... wtiite aiive I'oiinoriaiiiv supportwi ,, ,. . "'"v"1, '- their families have died in their h ' ' l';;';- j.,...;,,... 1 '"" I.',',.' prime ami left (heir wives and chil . ; .ii'.. i," i,' ; i,!i-. -'''',-' di'en almost destitute: whereas for a "' " "iL'.', i- i"' small sum their lives ciuil.l have iV.-',';!u'i,....i. '' ' 'i V.'X". 'Ve.! I en insured and ample provision 1 i" . :: ..i made for tlieir loved ones. '" - ""w """" :r-- "' ; Let every prudent man he warned u. i." en -'""".',''"YU '"'' , ,MI"' Sl','1"',; I protwtion ! feJIirdilFF S SALT1 BY VIItTUI? . e ,.N,.11. ,,,,. ,,., inuii Uii. liifirli.rC.iurt nf ,,,. noilnm si...hn Hi'iilpy. 1 will h-i.h ml" r, ltl. -i:-irmi -f laml I" Ni-w H. i...M.,hli., iiini.iliiii'if ' .K-nn. "'.ii kii-iwn bm Urn "iwi.-u ' im.-i : ,.i,.. ini-. ..i -nu u.t.-s In hhhiii mw, M,,, .is u,.- -.Mil ir'. ''" "V '-r.fi in fit. r- iishiii, ii.hinlnuiK l" ' ii,lj..i.,nr 1-i'nls "I W . I''. I''iihIiiw -mil i.Uii-rs : mid i.i.- , rn.'. Ill I' 'WII "' I'HI.-I" 'I"'. ii-IHlllllllllf V IHTIW, W.,.,. H-nl-y mwi.ii-h. All Irvi.si nu an tlio i.r..i.. riy 01 s-.-mi iii-iii--y. I AK- j, im. t M. W. UltliWKIt, Hhorlff. OAKDALE ACADEMY. ro malks and females. .'v'-f' 1T.KM .ISH A.'OI ST h. OTBICTT. I )iri..,.l.1.s im, ,. M. ,.,.!.,,. i, i,hiaIi. .,;, ..h, .ipil,i!.niiilv$.', ."ill T nt'.inli. Mllliary ,, . i....-t I . V a M ii- 1111.I l'.nmniislil.rrne. N.m- j,, uh. l ull 1 ni ..nii'H'iit n-wln-ni. lfnt ! h H...1...I ...iiiii.t.-nlal l'.i,.uii..l:l. tuiU Cut (l(:ltl. ,',ii:i:illll. till '111' rtiril'-.li.irh ,u tun b.-ii,ki .ii"..iy i" .1. A. w. rilOMt'soN. Ku.t., 7, IHS4. O kilulc, AllllllltllOV C.I., K. Ci Universe M.irM:M SlssoN liK'UNroSTIIKt.AST'TnniSt l V V III Ail.-lls!. .,11 Wllll-h. Illl'l "11 UK' IWI. (till --Inm .luts. I'xiitn ii.'iiiiih n.r ii.iiiiihhi.iii wit. i ...,. , ,.. ,.,,,i..,. i,t milv lli "olil i n, . h-iiiuiit". Inn ni-.. liitiii.'h.'h ..f imikh-IuI valud " i."i"'li-lic i'.-'is, ii-.,T.-hiiit.. iiiiil iMlii.r IiuhI- .'J!lTJl n . ....mn in.., ,.: M-vi-.i 'I'i iis s ..ii Uiu limiruuiluu, ;" - ' ,,,,,r,u'' ftliKXT MTTLP, . i-.iTrt:ij... y. Allt;. ", IhKI. . . Cltui.nl Hill, N. 0. i JOHN M. MORING, iATToiiMcv .vrr IA.W I JH'IMIAM, X. C, I il: iTISI.s in ili..Siii.-rl'.ninl Infuiinr Court f ! ' . ii.ei,. e, i, :ei,l In II,,' smie tiii.l l-'isleral Cuurls. .I.iiiiiiiiy ill, IhKi. ly. Life fnsiirance! Every man might to have hw lifo nisiii-eil. so that when lie diets ins Il'lllllv Ilia V IlilVC SOII1C pI'OVISIOII for . . t their support. Many men, who , . , . : , , t . i lor his j.'iiiiilv .' THS VALLEY MUTUAL T . - MM kMB Of 7 oilers unusual indiieenteiits. ' Its rites are very low, heii for diistiinee oil jili average onlv 8 a r u H M M for a inim :!) vearn It is solvent and reliable, h.'ivinn1 - n now a .,.iiara!iteeing I'l'serve ol SlUti.- l H It I, It rroiiipily Pays all Losses! ; l'or 1'iirti.cf information, apply to J. W. JACKSON, j Supervisor of Agencies of X. C, ; 1'ITTSlJOriO', N. C. .tun.' 1'.', Us. ,s ihi' Hummer advances w t r -r r s -r --s l I f I A I I li I l bus niatlc great reductions iii liis 1 trices for CAHII. CASH CAN 1UTY (JOODS AT LONDON'S CHEAPER THAN YOU FA' Ell HAW. UK HAS A FULL STOCK IN EVEIiY LINE AND IS OFFKUlNt! FOR CASK THE BEST I BAlUiAINS vtr oflbrcd in tltis county. So come at once and hrin the MONEY, and you will be sure to find the BARGAINS AT W. I. LONDON'S. Pitt.sbt.ro', July 10, MEWS! 8 t V !