i-'iAy.u'.rii-iVr'il -CeW t "e" ' -v hj itaihara Alccerd THURSDAY, KEl'T. i, 1KSL iXiiGQiXSii. OUR COUNTY TCKT. FOU THE HTAYK SllNA'I'K: J. L. SCOTT, Of AllllUllllCl'. ton THK M-.tllsliAlfltK: JUNIUS A. ALSTON. THOMAS H. WOMACK. FOU HIIKKll'J-: STEPHEN" W. JUiKWKK. yon ltK'iisri it : LABAN It. EN.LINK. for coitoSKit : Dk. W. M. iJUHNS. -oit hvuvkyou: HU1TS CLLUU.' QrFo.ldc.r-nulling time SfflT" Mis Taylor Cook lias a beet jat weighs 12 ioiiiuK ?"Oiily tivo nun iiio lie-uses vero issued in this county last nio:ilh. Wr ("apt. V. L. London lius gone forth to buy his fail mid wituer Iiods. Be2T Mr. J. M. DisiiiukcH. who lives 'tear here, Inisti pic melon vine "1 feet i'liir with (i largo nndom on it. enafOeu. Scales will not speal;. at sanford. on the lS(i,, as heii'tol'ore ? iiioimccd, hut will follow York ut his Appointments in the mountains. ! P-er jrr. "W. J. Lutterioh. of Hald v in township. raisd six gallons of rish potatoes from one potato, which Vos cut ui and plautoil iu IH hills. j 1 i ttiTllcv. C. M. Murchison. n ta!- : iitod young Bajitist preiiclier. of this J , I'.1' '""r, " . (hjss m the western part of die State. yUUty, In prciicniiig wim muni s.n BS-fir Mr. J. 11. Jon.-s. of Ou:f town ip. hat forwarded to the State Ex ?(sition twob:'cts weighing Idj tl.s. A LI Ihi. resjiecMveiy, and lie .e:'l jiver.il more of the sanm in hi) ;rdeii. g nw)"" (tinning cotton is a ha irdous j.isiitHss, and every cotton giri might h; insurcil ugaiu.,t lire. The .-i-safer or better Couiua ry th;in t ho irtli Carolina Home, svu.is.) mL' ;ubliaUj.l in an t'.lt.j;- c.i .i a i. jf'fcy Byutiiti t Heid'-u are now fco'i-ing for cash givat baigiius in jiiuvry Good.-. Straw Hni iveady- iiilo Clothing; iu 1 also titeirgi-:ie;-ai &ck. Fruit I'aus on hand. Di tc.l 'ijiit and Wool taken iu exchange foods. On last S.iturd iy deputy idicr ,rosiall Ty.Mir bi oiigld he, e. to jaii , cgro. named Daniel Jone.-. char;,'ed P..h .stealing an umi.'C'.. i. If evi iy .n who sin e an u:ii!)i(.'..a. was p'll ,i jail, t'uero would not. be room for iyb.)dy e:se. . Sfrif"Oiie of ourco'luiymeii recentiy v!ouged another io illil a diicl, Vd tin; latter being iio'o;med that ? had the choice "1 weapons he se teted, iih the way of settling their illicalty, puhing at a handspike. Lai ended tin; flncl- y Af er the refreshing rains a'i Cluring tiie lirst pari of the s,iinia!-r J, is now U!Hltlai!y diy. The crops Jxg sulfmiug for the want of am. IaU the small streams have dried up. find there is very lit tie w ater imy- yhcrc. Very few mills caitgiind. firOiicof the greatest, corn curios .ties that we have ever scat win ihown us this week by Mis. L.uia Clonic, of this plac. ir. was some ,'mlf dozen cars so unhed toge hcr as tiiake. omi solid e.ir. It will be u-ried t.) the Exposition. ewyW. L. London has for sale a rge lot id Buggies, Jerseys an. I ,'ugons, which v.i'.l be sold cheap, Iso, a few second-hand veliic.es.' )l persons iudublcd to the ialt: it-ia ; A Y.u.'-w:i.i: I'd;,.!.. A few davs ao ' illardin Urns, it Co. wul hud their Wl. viHi,ed the new Hour and g; isi ; jbotints at W. L. London s. ami lm-y j mi-, tl!- jri ,j p MeJver. at. Ihe ti.ilf. Is expected to settle them at titnif.;.,;. whieU tlonr will be made by the I lhi,.ttotlmjvi.h ,cnt. , .-New Frocess System." Jim mill is ; I ,.. ... , ., ,. tt-y Wurren Prior iV Son. l'avette- (le, YVatrhcs, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut y and Silverware. We cairy the gest lino of goods suitable for ijuiversaiy. Birthday, Bridal and f tiding Presents of any house in e Siato. And we cunfiaiiy invite M to mako us a viit wbeii in the 4y. Any (rih'rs sent us will receive kutint iittcntion. If vou wish t ) buv Home cheap : n...l li;iv., .ml , llm cash Lou- is l ie ii ace lo limi Lite il. lie . .. 1 f IH. . i .. t l.u ,.f r..i I JIIHt I CCeiVCll II niliMJ li'l m v.ei i i. ...a. i...?..:ii ...i iioui eaiis w uicu in.- in ui iiinijjw r wool at Factory !!. A law i . bckof Boots and hiioes m.w .m nd. If vou need a So .ving Machine sure and sec the "Oonmslic" be- i-oyou buy. I A l'nucociocs Hkikeii. Mr. .1. Q. Want, of New Hope, township, iu- Vus us that he has uiieii'or, that was; n on the 20.li of May, 1S;. and e birth to a calf on the 27th of ; 1st. 1K81. He savs hotli hciler calf ate doing well. ', - . j rniFiKK iionv. 3lr.,A.lsa Mitctt-i f this county, died last week. wife died about six vciiih ago1 was buiicd on the piaidnlion. Mitchell requested to bo buried Jell's church, and desired his wife'n ly to bo exhumed ami placed be-'- ins. ami wluai they dim into Iter ve her body was found to bo as u and solid iu a rock, having bf- (opetiilied. Her features were Blirutiken an.! tiie lace was ns . It as a healthy live person. Her Ls looked as natural uml perfect whon ..lie wua hist buried. It la Icumrkuble cuso of peui'uotiou. 1 (,'KANiK nv FiiECl.tVTS. At til" llist liieetiiiy ot' tiie county commission- crs it was ordered llml the voiiiiy place in Had. ey township bechanced t'roni Oiueiicnnusli HotiMMo Cheek s S-ioji, uii'i in (-lull towiii-hip lioiu VMicy inly. . TJioiim.V ritori' tiiViichii.oiul. ; 1Iam.i-.v' . ('. E. .Tohm;lot.. J. M. . i ,in.l;.-y, W. il. Cuik. V. A. (Ti'iiii. Union Mi;i:: !:i. A Fiiiou M'-eling S. li. Ferry, 'of lli. Ktimlv (Vei'k Association vn Hickory M .r: r.ux. .T.N. Oiwii. J ; hM "i Love's Crock ch.irch. in Mut-j . Ci.nl;. Z nn i F.iair, W. L. Witt, thews' township, hi'giiiiiing last Fii-, koh. J. II. (iutliie. d:iv an.l ctiditi;' lest Sunday. An ' MvrT.tK-.xs'. O. A. Hatnier, ?.I rriit i tinuMiiidy hu ge crowd was present, 'and much i.'it.Tcsi was niuiiit'cstcd in ! the proceeding-. Tin-m-xt im-cfiiig I will he .;d at May's cliajiei. hegin-1 Iniie- , Fiidnv. liic 2rt h of No vein-1 Iv . 1, - ders. iont. Foe. .1. U. Woi.ih'c. .i Hxman li toumitv. We s;iv here, 1 i ';dis. .in lift Monday, one of (lie must iv-; F.nvr"'-. W. li F:.ttidi:il!. J. II. Ty ;marl;ah!e iookmg specinieiis (.f hn-I Sor. W. JI. Hegrovus M. (1. dohii hnaiiiiy that we lutxe ever seeii. It ! son H J, fjlivd. 'was a coioied hoy. iS yeuis old. ().; T. A. Yai horoiigh. F.ennett j named Alii"r Dui sett. 1 lis head was j;,m,s: J. J. Smith. Calvin Watson. ' '.i or l limes the si.e of the five! age U. (.'. FiirreU. human head, heing m arly us large ' Ikmiisutmn's Mil T. H. Williams. round as a iiaif lniilit! measure. His, ' fJ Wii.ianiJ. .1. W. A; water. W. liudy was so diawii up that, his hip hones and shoulder h ades met to get Iter. His feel and legs were 1 wist -ed and shrunken, and were utterly useless He con!. inove his imi.dsj and arms, and that was ail. hi-im; :! perfectly helples''. and when moved iiad to lie lifted about like an infant, j lie can ln.k and hear, and cnls, like ot l.or people. j Tuk Ciiatiivm I'x'iui.r. We me jileiined I no; : the favoiahie 'log re s that is heing made in tln-prcji:i-raiion and coi'e.-;io!: i.f our loan- tv's ehilit at tin .lo'iroaehin ' Si ale Lxposiiio.i. In ies than io.ir weeks the Exposi.ion w ili he (pencil, so Ilia' v!ialee. is to ic d.uw; must lie sp'ediiV done. There is no time to iose. Oir iitd :e.i .seem to he ial;ing more inieifnt in the o;i ii t s cxhi'oi: th.i'i ?he nieii. and mi -1 d-.i ing their full du'y. We ht.ir of ij-iiie a nu. niier of tie in lining icisi- ,v e:ig;i;;e.l in III coaling art ices lor 4:x,li;ii,lllu tli ,A WiU .,;,,.., .;,,,,.. teiit;o;i and leileet ciedii. on tile cuun y. We woa'.d ui ge I hem no: to v.eary iiiv.i-dooig. Icit go ahead and do their very lest for iho honor of out Clint ham. )': SknT' ii The democrats of Aiiimam--: county iu-id llieir ooe.ina ting ce.aviuii'i... on last Saturday, ami iioui.ii.vt'd Col. T. M. Ilo.t hi the itouse of iJepresculativc iu the lel fill A seahly. At the same tilU" they I eeoliiuicn.l.'.l Mr. .'. L. Sc ill a th-ealidid l.e for tin-Sena!" fe m :hi i iel. coaijiu-.-.i of Ala mail'-" and t ha! hum. As Aia.u ancc is eini.le.l to the Seiiato:- ihi t year I i.is : .ilin.ieiidal iuu of .Nil. Scott I., ; ::va cut to hi; i o i i.: i.i -: ;. wa.cii lie wil! on -.naliv n ccic at. th.. Scua ' t' l i.ll co:i eiitioa to tie il Id IK-Xi S: ! ii.day. Mr. Scott is a -ta iiicii del o-iai. is a capital business man, is toirtccti!ii.-t in the town of (tiahatii. i:, ati.ia! "el yeats old, and is ve.y pup ila. am -aig iiis countymcii. We . doiibl not itewiii be an acceptable ; ca'idulaie to Hie democrat ol Ci:at- ha:a. who will give lit j k a handsome majority. A II or. a s t '.is . ;i s. On last Suiiiii':'y tli. lei m 1 nicr; as f Wake connly held l iieii-con v.-nl ion for the pin p hn of ireiiin t ing iheir county cau l d i'i.'s, an 1 it w.-.s ;hn iuo.-,t riot mis c:ili vent i m tiai lui.i evel been hi id iu lta'e::;h. The j-:aei' We..- twice ca:i.'d iu to s'lpjiies:, the disol'ilcr . iltid pie.l ill'' lio t rs.' .d'tcii bad fee. ing w.-f e:;liibi:ed. and various ciiarges were t.ta.le ty ihe de!c,'a'es against one auotli -r. Tim late Semi ior from Wake. Mr. T. !. Fiirueil. I opoitiv eliei '.'ed cettaiu ih-lc'ja'i.s with being bought, and he in turn ! '"l'4 1,1 'e mlil-u h v- ..-.I'mr- was public, v di-iioum-e.l bv Jim !'"...' miiel, t"r rain, t.'.'rn is Icing as Jtarris as a liaraiid scoaud.e!. "l'o-i.ii I f'.-t as i; i'-d n w:-korlwo ago. bly the;, botnwciu correet ! After ! ivliie en! ton is being M ti.m-iy iuj ii m'lch v.'ruiigiitig I Itey lina.lv nomi : 'd a tinted ).(. L iiarri's for tin-Senate, j Janeolnteit 1 Vess: Mr J W. Llovd. and E. "d. F. e lsoe. James II. Harris, pi..,;.,., ;,) a Jaim s A. Temple and Henry C- ; i ini:en from ati -inl" t r. e in his CluippeM for the House. J it .wan j ,,rciiard. The tree fnna which lac Kngeis was iioi'iiiia!"d for sherill'. atnl J. V. If. Adams for legist vr. oaiii aooiii j'i;yuts m-.owiim Oeli one, and is a well constnict"d build ing. It has a basement and is 'J,k stories high, ami is Co feet ioiig by 4)wid. Tlte side next to th -river rests on a rock wall 27 feet high ami 4 feet, iu thickness. There arc throe run.-, of sloiie for w In ai and one for coin. All the machinery is new and of the most improved make. The i-atmcitv of the mil! is 5lt barrels of "llr '" 40 inisiteis ol meal a day. "uinimg was coiisiructea ami tit, I ln;i, lntii.'V mir 111 1,1,,,. it ,11,. 11,1 t tit t. ..... .......... ....... . .... siiiiei iuteiiileiiee of lie. Sii!omm ' i . .... D xoii. which sku i cieiit 1.1-o.if of Us -- ,, : ,,,, . '. , . . won aono. mis turn will oca i .:. i.. ..ii ...i ... ti' coinemeiiec n. .imi mth ' country, ami we nope us pnotic "pinled owner wii! be well i-aid for his enterprise. Poi.r.-Hui.DKits. At the last, moot ing of the county commissioners the following -persons wero appoinicl regislrai s and poll-holders tocouduei the m xt eiectma aL their respective voting placcf, : Ai,iiiiiaiir's.--W. A. Lim-ln-ny, W. G. Murcl.isoii, lay i'r 'i'eague, W. B Carter, it. W. Iixon. Br.ui (!kk:k.E. H. Mc!danus. W. M. Branson. t. W. Cox. .). A. Scott. Jolui ('aviuess. Uai.ii'.un's. J. B. West, Ambrose Eubanks, B. . Lambeth, IV. U. Snipes. Ciaiboruc Justice. Cknij.k. A. H. Mniritt. J. 11. FiirreU. W. N. Strnudian. P. N Foushce. John Barns. Lockmi.i.k. J. A. P.irhlitu, iJi van. J. J. l avlor. lhchard Moore. W. W. Womac'k. IJivKiiotiMi.J, Jin Mclvor, H. M. Cross. I. (. Lawiuncc. Liudsev Maim, B. 11. Jones. O i'l Y. J. F. Atlsh-V. TliOtllll". Ul'lll V!;iuin ilarli.-r. J. II. E. S'ev.ttti. iiililic, U. KteiiviiSi.. V. ?I. Tlinums. S. ( .'olmson. J. F. lii - -s. N. A. Hive C. Eosseu. ('. 1. Foe. Si.'ns DolSttt. Lelliae! Dixon. Ti'MS.-. nVS !..:::-.- -E. A. Gril'iiii. Aaron AYilson. James Thomas Kellcy Miiche!:. Joint Clark. Ho.,n'sS -ioc S. M. Unit.. J. F. Sunn ii. roue. J). V. Holt. A. J. KigyslM-. W. Atwaier. JI. II Sittiili. H; :' KM Si';i!:r. W. V. Coie. Jv l$Ui'ees i. (Jeurj The first one named at each place j. the refill rar. ami Lite other four .lr t, folidioidcrs. ' - roiainissioiUM's ilcflitlg. Tlii, t.imnlJ. ),,(iil1;:,i,111ers held I heir regular immtli'y meeting on last M i:. day ami Tuesday, ami audit ed the following aeeu.iins: .1. M. Johnson, insolvent fees, sl.o!) Wm. Dark's estate, for corn and lie-on for poor house, 14'.l.(!'.i E. A. ( li iiiiu. for li. idge across Farker's creek, 17.D0 (. N. Covert, for work at poor house. 2").t);t S. T. Woiithle. for corn for joo!--lioii-.e. 20.00 L. li. E!ine. for services as C:c'k. Ac, l:l.Ho i;'. li. t'. Jacksi u. lis physi cian to iu.ii--ii(ni.-,e. (i.2'5 W. L. L li doii. for supplies tor poor lion -e. !!.H ) Jiyn.i'ii iV lleadeii. tor I'lies for iioor house. i,i s.:io J..!m IS. t'ami'b in oh'cl.t te. If. A Lo-i.l. iiiivcrtisiitg notice. i 1'lioiiias (Vo.;--. for i:ti' fees. 11.1)1) .'.Tn ( ..n:.:, t'i'.U Win. Kii:ius and hi two sisters 'oe iiiimv;d it it'iiiitii - for 1 heir :,i!,i.:il I. Oii!.i::.hi.. ' i Sal E '-fer D u setl. lie alloive.i 'i i a iiioui !i lor ihe suo i pt i of Abu- r I j. m-: : . Ihe largest opera hou.( tile .-.t.itv.-. L-ak-iv lie i i! iivi i -p; :' - e ! i.-.etie: A coiuied boy ear., old l. il hen li eig into i oar town Thai's lav, and i ing lOi.lble io (Miir.ite hi'iisclf !lo.n:e.! II. fore lelp leached him. i Duih'iiii ll.-cordi r: Last Smi lay ! morain;:; Mr. lyre Wta ni l - ife. of !'!it li'ivir. st. tiled lot'i'i'eli in a ! i; While ci-uvii 1'lav river at ' 15 c.v!iiii:i biido l!i- Hi lie became Irnr'iieiii .). ai- ltan baekn.ird--. tliiow ; in,;' Ail. i-i'l Mrs Wia down a high eii;b iiil.'Mient killing Mis. V'.'niy ai.:l r-'ly weu'i'liU'i Mr. W'ray. The ; Ill-lie wilrt .''.No kill. d. ; 11 ndeisi'ii tioht Leaf: Tim Ie ; oiiblic.'iiis of Yam-t! h:ie ciioseu II F. I Eaton, eoluted. as their eandi late for I tiie Senate. Tlmcolui' line was drawn bvthc :.e:;Toe;; pretty siiiirply. ! w ig whs l-i!;eii is of t he via iety knovvit as (i 'lu'-n Itasset." On tin tig is .i lull.. I!,." i.e.,,!.. and iit three inches of tin, arc two of - in enfirelv duu ici,! kind. Jn otlu r -.voids, the twig bears two dili'eun! varieties of apples. Asll(,villl) (.i(iz, : ()IK. of the most . i i n ! on to record, took place at Kil lian's mill, iu Haywood co'inty on Monday Morning.' Mr. J. L. Cun ningham. iuitc an old liiaii. had jronc I o I he saw iitill and was walkingaboiit the Hour while tiie cilcnlar saw was itt m if ion. lie it i; p"d en .mum obsl ruc tion, and fell across the carriage, and was instantly drawn under the siw, which caiii'ht him on the point of the left should a', and cut hint in t-vo diag onally. He fell apart, dead in an iu- f l 1 1 y . I Slatcsville Lan.lmatk: Mr. H. W. r ci:..i :.. ...l. I. " '"" "r- '. wc k a lot of syrup from watermelons. iniil it is of excelleid. flavor bolter than the best sorghum and not un-H!;- the sitar house srup. A speci men of it has been piacc I in our bands to be sent to i!i" Stat. Exposition. T'ne iv.-i.rdcn of ('apt. P. C. CiU'lton. nt l;1;l,,('' Iuh lev lopci it ktmt ot '''in wac.i turns into ft nniue.iiaieiy .aoof iiie eio,,,,.!. . u, i n m orv we-., ue. ... n-. ii.i..H.-, ... root me car are iitom an inerc is or t no corn. Ualoigh Yiit or: 'Mr. E. F. Powell from near Auburn, ha 1 (10 mammoth watermelons in market on Saturday lust the iiver.i.-.'e weight f each was uO pounds. Mr. J M Stephens at Sanford. hud t'le inisfortiuie to have his new tobacco barn which was Tilled with tolui'-co biiriied on I'ri I ay nftcr lioon last. Cauu'ld fr an n defective Shelby Aurora: Th-- I'-l i'ilon britk lu.il lis i is ;i proa.-iiii-e c.iiiii'h-i ion. ill it wid be a m i'tiili. -l.t j.i-;a !i..ile .":;! Id feel lou r. li i. i'viiialis ihm. No insurance. Stephen !ib N. McK. H((M iives near H iiulet, and has a large t,.., l,;it ,,f l- . Lis n remises s..,,i,... ..ft !... 1, utnrt... 1 i,n i the loft, of (ho b ti n for some mir- f..ll I.,i,.1v,iv.1h tu (lie do.n-. uud broke his ucck. Anson Times: Two whim men,' Henry (.alum, and J lm Mi.'i. !; ,'h I e-.ii let i!'. of ji.iii i'.i, g i i.t- , ! ! t i a cotiipa. t Siihihiv ti. le-tio.- them- s- Ive., bv taking! ,'i'l iiium. I in- drug Alls to have b. "tt taken by bull: at the saint' hair, emit to tike two, 'ounces, (irahaia look the laudanum i but Mill hacked out alter put chasing his dose ui.d lef, ( il .ih.im to cut. r ihe 'o!hr world ahme. No ense i-, , ilssigiipd for the act. Graham died. Tliesdiiy lii 'l'tiilig. j ! Wiheinli'ti Ucviev: One i ve; l'i:; jlitst week Mr. li. S. Murray. w:c, d.iv in;.' away s aim cattle that had y'll'-it I into one ei the tiei Is. when a cow of t he drove s' a I ted in tl dil'eei ion he did ' Hot. wal'.t 1. T i" He ste. tiled fur some otic id the house to .'tup her. and his iit I.- rdr! ran out for th-i! ptirposc. V. h'-n ll.eeie.v. V.'iii'-li l.adl.e- come ,jiiil leiiuiis. M'-.rtc-d i". pinsuf! of her! Thejril! s-! "arned and la''' for the f"!ice. but fhc could cot aii; a place of s-.fety. aitd he would uu doiiliiedlv have been g"fed and tram-' ph-d t.i ileiPli had let the do.r. who lia.l heir 1 the r.-reaiiis. run i'ji an 1 Ciltlllt the COW l.y tile I, use j.i.i wl,. I, the lailer was not inure than three feet from the girl, atnl held .u with such tenacity as to throw th.. animal, thus giving I lie young mi--, time lo .'SCtpe. Clinton Caucasian: Mrs. Anmc Meriitt, who is livintj at Mr. .la.-i I, Health's in Duplin comity, is in hei Ilith year. Sue hit : been a devoted tncmber -f the M.'iliodisr church 70 years, and reads her Uilile me.v with-' 'out '.'lasses. --Mr O. P. .r.iiiies of Taylor's Bridge township, recenily had a cypress -.vor'a d iteo : d.i i.'.d.-. If., ohtamed ll.oOll shingles, and there were three blocks "f the tree losl by i its lodging agai-is! a l-irge sweet gum 1 Our townsman. Mr. L' C. Hubbard,, .shipped to New Yoik this summer ' nine crates of pear.-, e c h crate con taining about three pecks. lie yi -rivrd fur thi.se sold thus far, three ' dollars per bushel. - -A f -w .ho s since ' Mr lllam Lee. of Hail s township, ei.iploved a lH'jo'o to dig a wa ll At th depth of tweiity fi the v,ili ; digu-cr came tu a pi'-ce u pi:.c b o k Here'i'.ove.) Ihei;.vk a.t d i In II relic I liimseif: for Ihe wattr came iti will: such a rush that l:e had to li e . ; f"l' ids iil'e. W-lleiirh Nev.s.ll.d Ol'-eiVi r- Y' s lerday. the r. .-u'ai' jury hav'vg tiei li di-e'naiged. ' " I; ;e ' o" 1 -. 1 iving .a; hand a divorce case w hich he wa ai.Nioiis to dl-p. se nt'. , itised to !) (t'ipau. ! d a jury nf'.vilv" !a-.v .a ; .-.hum he rc.iii-nil t ' il ! he ca t-.' Jn ti;' te. it iuiiet'es the i'i; ha.d icudei-'d i their verdict. jadgo pre idiug h.ei , sigee.l liu- j iiL'uieiit of divorce and 'die I.;.,' j.'o'Vtes eiiehi w i-; ''e.idc iu ; marry again We aiuL., ;.t that hi. jurv. h"iiig fan. 'bar wii'i the Pt'ile. had iu tiieir i:eini the c ! hia'i i ad wc- of S' Pru!. !'ii,. ad . i. ability of , I'.tvi'l;; a jury of lawyers wit! at once ; he app in-lit !u the cuiieieiii :ui,..l !i is a cle i;, ,,y. tem. ai.d tdie ' to , legal talent in a vi iyh i: il;. way. ;Tll'.' (l i t on J i'ilsii.e u sir- e! :- ! ; bion.ed the i-hade trees and siirub. isi i thai they 1 isl all the e;:d'!u. c of I greel'.';ess. We do In- 11 e.-.i! e ' r . . ei ing sn m il li dust At th" elu d ings in some ;.'ae,'- it v.a-' ;-' (. a! ii,. i. 's in in p'h :; ai everywhere i f tin (li.eiie. of ti.jtir. --d.-e-t . v.-: ieg Ihe iii'.t bah- of cot! u an.i,i d a! the d'-po!. fioia 1c,';,:,..:oii i .'.'S'tr. Charlotte Onserver: !triii..r th. luavy sioriti up the Carolina rinid la-.t I'loiisday i w ning. iieieeing l struck lie-house of .Mr. K"!i i.os. : iii.-i:i. on the on'.-.kirH of j.i.ic.Jtit.iii . and iiimosi knocked it to p'eves. F.-r a wani. ler. no lira fullowc I tie-struke. and tiie damage wa conl: I mainly to ihe d'.iHi t ing of timbers. On end of the in. ii. e w.is ' a ii .-k '.i." a., the rtl'lpKid lue'.i Wo.iht . ay. ;i Wilgo!, t load of wcalh-i boat dim: being l.-tucf - : ed oiV. No one iu tin' house w:.-. liiirt , by tiie st roke except ti cos,i, d eii-i who was i-mptovMi us a k --' Part i-c.-iiiii! to t ii- l ily yeslei . iay from i Hear .O.ivid.-ou Coll' atid 1.,,'i.ie a complain! to a jtisttve of to. peace: tiiat Annie Biow t:. a coi.-ri d wo'itaii liv ing eight, mill s from ! he etiy. laid drowned her infai t child in a tub i l water and that it had 1"' II belied without any inesiiga.liuii I: i. iii been made into the circ'tm-t-im os. il 'seems that the woman. Annie ili own, liicd alon;' iu a cabin with her three ciiildicit. One of he! children was luissedby t he in ighbol slllidsi.sp' ct :!:g : foul play, a search wii.-. instil ut. si and its dead body Was found iu a tub of. water under her b".l. The woman! said it was mvidt ntuiiy drowned, and : taking that to be correct they allow-. V I the body to I e buried, iltiierpai' ; ties healing of the alV:ir. came tu ihe city and reported d. and I tie coroner lto'V has the case iii hand. A dis-1 patch from Levuigton. dal.-.l August .'(till, says: Dai ! H. Iu ed, ul Da i Ison eouuty. to-day shot and killed Witt. Ifedlick on tile eoiilt hom.c st. ps in Ibis town. Tiie shooting grew out of a, h ud lint had e.isie l between the two m .n lor a long time Ueed w is at on, e pleed under julest aiid In Id for iia.l. 1 ia- aiVair ca is. d great exciienient aiii cig oar people !)i!!'l:ig Fo-.t Ol'icc l.tibbciy. A dit-'paicli dat. 1 Wiili.unspot I. Pa.. August .Us!, says: The fact was made public to- I y thai the Post (Mice iti thi-. city was robbed yesier lay of slamps amount' ing Lo t::.t..!')0 iu wic. I he chief dork, who was in the piivaiu ortice. the i'ostnia.icr being ; at ihuiii r. was . -aii.-d to the door to see a man iu a buggy. He was not out three min utes. Imt during thai t hue four in k ages of sta.ap.. were taken from the sale and four packages similar in ap pearance left instead. The substi tute packages contained In own paper. The buggy had been hired at a lively stable m ar the Post Ohiee. No trace of the robbers has yd been obtained. At the election held in Vermont, on last Tuesday, the usual republican majority was largely decreased. A Terrible Tornado. A de-pa'. -h dated Huron. D.i'i., Aug. says : : I-. ..r tl,.. .........t tuina i dn are c.mi.ig in. Tv.e.ve miles imrth.-iist of Huron a man naim d ihiggs had lhiit.v-.wo le ai! of cattle ki.:ed by being li ow n into the James I. 'iv.-r t;..i.l ihow lied, or thiowu on thc ground and cnished. He had, .dx horses k lu-d in the same way. II. , re,, hundred bushels of thrc-h.d, .'...-. .., r-" "-"C . " il.MlV. ill:. WliC IS II WCIl-iillUH 11 battei inaker for the Huron market, lie. last liirce months she and a .(avmil j.ackad ad the butler they had ma le iu crocks, ami store, it. in liic cv.inr. sev.-.ai hundred pounds iu ail. When tin y saw tiie smila coining the;, went into tin- cv'liai'. .leal c; o.n lied in ! he northeast, cor ner of it. ihe .n. '.tr'U from wi.idi the lufliado illi.i cmilig. It carl led away and d.sti.nid the house, 'ipc-l up every crock of b.t ter i. ad ean i. 1 il away and it. caiuiol la- found. The VM'nl.'il Wen' I'o.ililtl. Wii'hnu I'. lltey hail two hoii-fs and a colt ill his siab.e. The st.lli.e. iliil-S-s. illl 1 co't a e yet to be lleard from. Myron Kinney ha. I two har ness', d hut si ;, at his sliil'e. J'nc hoires were ..eeli to go till in th" S i i" an I lo come down a long distance awav. A boil i two hours aft'iwaid tn.y walked ba-k lemic with all the i V I ' , c 1IU1 1 1. Wit . ... Ji, ........... Ihe Her. (ii orgc A. Ciessey lives a mile fivm the busiuess centre of Huron, l lm torna.l that struck tieai' Ic le was itt plain sight fiut.i his house, a ini.e die'. alt!. He say., na wind war. stilling outside of iia stnrill belt. At times two or three tornado clouds were in view. A.! had a spiial motion, and ioolo d ex ue.iv dive an nrd.nary tin funnel. The camds gradually arose ai d fell, going soiilheasie-.'iy. Whi.e in ,-ight i here appeared to be a doiiice i'i'.lii:"i. t he .in i er ue h ack and the inner one white. Woen liic lo.vev end touched tiie groiili.l eveiyi u.iig 111 lis lit. cu was de.st i oy. d. A i'l .tin Wrei Led. A d. ch datvd AleX-mdiia. Ya.. Sept. I. says : I The southern train which b fi hen' last ni,.;iit at eleven o'c ock on tiie Virginia .'did 'and Kiiuoad was li.i own from the iaek about 3mi.es from j iiehburg. tiie bo.ts haing ii'cit i'i moved fioin tin ;ai.s by soi.:.- miscreant. 'I'he entire tram lei; tie- tr;e k and toppled over iu ii eit'. but no pels-ill was injured. ihe train was wrecked for th' ppijiose of rubbery. The lireinaii -.; .nc thai he saw tl man jump from t!i liu-..''-'. tear the wreck and pui reicd hi.il situ- distance :ut o the wood.;. tic found a ti in th leisiies containing tools v.itli which, the l.;i-i were removed. due W'Cik-lS ideliilly is siioiigy Mis peeled. leiinlici ton Kuia suiuite : 'i he dry ; went it. c stili ( - mm a s. u-,d tops if at! kill Is af.- Mtt'i'etiiig Co! ion s ihi d set. i t-.lv. I. ate corn will I . a '., liiv, while , ...I ami -.lot 't ies w 11 be fill si., i i s II ;... I Mr. J.cwis A. Ti.i" akc sl.'i-i s. I'n h i a 1 t i: ! mid ii .a: m.. pi', im es ai .,e a!,o -i small n.o. it away. Mr. V n:i S i t k iJtiis. It would be no 'ol itimi of the , .mmaii.heetit.' said .iohu 15 loit;.h. if a r wile to fall down and W"i' ...hi., th-' --ilii bul. f r i'. k. '-"i mad;' . iti the li!:"!, a's of a'othin;:' in heaven, or etl e-nlil. or ill tin- wat.iS y.hi. ii .'e.'-eh-r th - earth " J , i.li.s it hc.i:.-. the head io d cans, s the hair to fail h. Parker's 1 lair i-ih-am wid .-top, jeut and us! a'" th" original c !or to :.. '.v .. r faded hair. N"t oily. it. t u : i-e. I". n Itcial. .! liciously p' ti'aimd A p, ihei l.air dressing, ."'te. All, drug;;'i.sts. W. JI. Wukciield .V Co.. of C. reel is hoi".'. ('.. .leii'-tsit; llai'lwa'-c ami M:iclioiei-i-. i : . it' the eiil.ens o ( 'hittl-.atii b i-Namitte tie ir ta ge ami coiiiplel stuck, whi.-h will be sod iHioiiisliiugly low. Their Wakefi. Id - ( Vol; Stove I-; tiie nicest ami ,p:n ii est baker on the market. Acr.:, fi-r "sYadswortli. Marline, k l.e.i.gmnliV Fure Frejiiired Taints, . very gadoti etiaratitei 'i. linCPH liii-crl.sl S,,1Ii.ok ,.f .t.-iiili mvV mar lul l, i tcirji it Ki-ven .-..ill- ii Inn- llMI.!"f - A I ll.il.-'-'li. N. I'-. "II Ul" '-''-,;,i "' Aiuic... 'li- v.. 1. li A.-.ii.l I. iid.-l i.i.'ic ,o ','l's He mi!- a ii.cl... "i i'i..-,,!, am. Oil IT f I '.' V. WATSON.- !'l'-'l "t Ul" r.'-l 1,'lliv.r liM fa'tii-r 111 o. ni '.,,i'-ln.. ci-.a'li iiii .-iiiuy. N. ''. Sunday. AHtai i :,tst. I'-t. ia:v.iii. T. w.vii.x, air-'l h'..iil V"' "iir '. II" I. ioc l i lill'il 1'ar. nl-. il.i-.-c I ,. -I lit" HI, I 11 ti I Kir--. I 111- .illlll!"M illlllL-llU-l- n, C.,1 '. !' I.O"-. I" li""l 11" '' lill.iati 'l III N,,vi.ia' 'i'. I "' li'-inilc C "'-' . In' !" "'- ''a ..i....ll,..a ...ii. HIT,-" i..n:.i,. tir.i lu-r. a t-. n'l.'. kui'l te ! HIT" lifiia a-Iiu.-I'!il..l. i"l al.a" nil a i."""! elcl-e.iin. Il.'fl'cii pml-t'il l... .tin tin; I. Is i.-k- i,.. an I i.nl.1 ul, Uui' ! l' i!l I :.'iiv..i;li..,!ii,l m hi- ivia .' May O...I licit 111" !-e ken ll"!.f ) I ft-tn I,- ' A l llllMi. jL AS Ai 'i'l ii H T ii i:t..i,T'.s t..r Tin; la'.c'ii l.y V AIT .V 1 A Y LOU. .Kill l.i;-. I oMMIsslliN MKC' II WI'S S". VI S .icll l'l." Neir'lli si., li.o.ritia. N. c, s'",i..iiii -r -J. I-M 1'tVl'T.iN JIAilivi:-. : i.i,,.l Miiir.m,-, a.a.iiii.i--. sn ii I.. Mi.i.ltni!, - 1 Sil.ltl. k1,ii:ll Ji'l' 11,1 ...il vi.-i 7.', 711 wuoi.i.sA i.f. i .i.. i v m Atit't r.-r. M.-.ii-i' Itsl.lis. 11 .: t H.tiir, S. c., r.n Itiichs, la , cil, Hulk i.!ri;.s, Iti!,!....!. C'uo.t, sea lliciiM. Jt v i',i:a:,.i's Liu Iri-ii. C l.arn-l. Il, si rellnct, '.Os-'O" swel l, l iinl.l). K'v "'.' l-'-iw. 1 M .l.li.M'.- - I'l ic! -":c I'.i-r., N, i'i,,i Cm n. ::u fill "t Ata'li'K, s.rii,s, 4i:ii. .'.iiu,'i'. Muni liars. v. a .w, i" , 'O't. k"iiB. lii'.ui.n.iii'il, . i r.'itt, C...I-,.,', 10 Si O I j ft. "I. Il.n.-irllli: I" : new lll'C'll Tics 1 ',7i, l'HSi ti Ml. fcV TIuimi I'rtcoB Aiu tcr larsc lets. ll ,.:ia (It' ll it..- Aver's Ague Cure, when used ac- 'cording (o direct in.tH. ia vM.rrauled to' he '.he fol'lUKOt m darial dis. ,ie. such as Fever aw i,.,. ci., ; !., ,-. let. rmitb ut. IU mutcnl ami lidions V- s i s, and din .deis ..! tic liv. r. 'hyit. The ex- pel iiin-i l is a Mtfo eta-, atid will eo.-t y.iu mil l ing if u cure is not, ei'tei ted. 'V vt '' 's( '' Ztr't'i- ftUsfoc! , T:;:1;:! ,"',.' I'm., e n, i wT ..vi'In I'. M. M - in e. iii.'I v.. I.. l...a,.s. ;tl,l-! Itlll'-llli tle.i. .V C... 1 lain Iriy v laiiiii'il ....n-cia. Ail inil, anan.s, ., I,- W !, I. 'Ulell l.lltl .III l"!.'ll- , a,ia,'i vviliM-n:. i I. Ha. sai l W. I.. !,.. .i! Is inrll. i i.'"l t-.H-Ml.. liny ml! 1 hi t a.-,.. I. . i. hi i I,..-..-. c. r II ill- i;i r , A 'it 1- I.. I.OMIOV. COTTON (il.NNKH.Sitaraffl AssDciatiM of Yiriiula QUQUT 10 INSURE TiilliiMd.VS IN" TEE C. HOME mum coj This onipaliv l.:is b'-en in mi.-ccs-j fnl npeitit ims for i Meen years. lirJu. " J It is S0LYEMT. and PE0M? I j in 'Ax :i nH'iit of il It-st. j Eiicoiirao:o Kome Institntions All kinds .f Fmiidiims insured til reasonal ili rates. j lie Wlil'lied b t!ie lo-ses of yolif tiei.hiiors and in-i:re in time. j S.-.-. 4. 1'-I. Sarsaparilla 1 ii Iilf;lily .-mict-utraU'il ex I rait of S:.rM.mtilln and other l.lmiit-inirif.vliii; reels, cnillllinvil with l.lllitlf of I'lltl.K. (.iniil anil lrnii, :uiJ i tin- faK-st, most rell n' t,., ami most t-cuiiuiuicul l,lan,l- Ui iltcr tliat can W llf.J. Il iiivuriitbly i x-l nil blood .i,i?,,iis Ir, ,iu tkv sysi' in. .-iiri.-lii'i' and renfU'S tl.v- Mi'U'l. mi,l ivi'liiri-s ils vitali.n, ( .wit. Il is the l.t l.n.inu rein.'.ly f.,r Si-rnfiilit and all Srrufiiliiin Coiiiplitint . I.rjii .las. Itcfiiia, llit.KWorni, lilotrh.'S, Seres, Itoils, Tinners, mid l'lriintinnA or liic Skin- ni-atsu f..r nil i!iir,ti rs c:uim',1 liy a i'iiii awl tnimvorihln il, "r ..inriielid, ouin'.iti'.ii',! tin- l't(.,!iiii.-li 'is Ulii'i.tiiatiMii, Neuralgia, Kh.-uiiuttic iout, Ucuvral liiLiiliiv, and scrufuloun Catarrh. Inflammatorf Rhcu-r.atism Cured. "Avrii's SMKM-Attn.t.A lias pin-id mo nf tti Iiillaiiiiniiltiiy Jll.cuiiiatiMii, with wbio!i 1 liiivti s'lln iid ler iii.uiy cais. W. U. .Moiaa:." Iairli.au, Ia Mar,-li i. e-'. viaa-Muai nv Dp..l.C.Aycrt Co. .Lowell, Mass. S.lill'jiitl lni;i-.- ; ft, : in. l.-tll- s f'T iS. fur all naiiai ,i.,, - l.ii.-.n, - ,i.--.-,i i'i i V II V7.K?.AT I li, - ci. a a .ir il .lf.l .liitj 1-1,1- , I i rclaicl 11. c .,! Ilt'. Dr. J.C. AyeritCo., Lowe1!, I'zss, s..;.: t-i.-.i !:.. .-tfc A DM IN I.-' I ilATtUfSNOTJCK. l:n,,' '.,!!, a li.' . I it: .Ills', rill, IS ,,r lain..-. I'a, ". ai' leM, ." hi-i,.; y i.Miirv nil .... as li. Mil: r rl.iiin- iiL'a.iisi - ii-t tl,.,..- lci:l ex- Ili'.j! Itic l-'f,.r I" 11- fll i'l' !''.. IV ill," 'JSIil "ll.V ,,f iu I---;,. Tiiihivs ii. I'm i:, Ml.- V. IS-t l!H. .1. .1. I'i-.OI I. Its. Wv-jO-n'tiAfii'. SAld'i. -15Y VIU-I ! .f (.1 u,,. ,,i n in.,. .iu.,. i....i,..t a, in,' Iv tiiac j ' l''W "I' I v- ''. " (''' :'i''l '!"' "I X.'i ll. issti. I ill,. I r. ;!,. ii ,, I .a i,i, aa-i i i,.ik i.. ii. hi : liic ..I'i v,,l lie- l"!.-l .'it ! ,l.v. .tl ei:c Illl III Ill ' li. Itt, Hi 'tl C . il'll-' Illl' (I'll cell, ill II:.'! .-...it-. 1 !' in I ii'i.i,r..-, ..ii MoMiW, liic 1 i".t h ,i ii ,,t s, '.San: t-r, is-i i,. ,., .,; ,.vi;,,,.,:.,.n. j I c i la ti-l i ."i -ii ii.. . .- ..i-i-1 ..str "- e n :i, ir , j lalcl .ill itriiiiia. ,.-,., i,. ttiii-'l, :i,v m'I1,I,"I a Mil l.. ioTIo.n i.i, sliilil:. SI't-.ASI 1..i.IM:. ,V". .lost, I'A .lOII.-.sil.N. I AiVllsl JS. ISKt, Mil Foil SALE!"" It .UU (i')on !ii;n iiri. k Ft)i s'.i.r ::v V.. U. M IJ'.AN .V CO.. S.i i ll SlAlloX. j AND SAI.i' ' A l ..in - :). : ... :, ;.iee'' .i ... ,,1, a! !,:.! -IN Ol a: ... t i IMK.VCK I'lrilliillll x k'A'f: i tHiti.-ni , ti ::l , .li-.lc.t.l.'-r ill l l.tsl-.M-.t', uu n lahiM .tlt'lH. k.M-Wll 11 i':iiii!hu' aln.i.t ,.i ,1 'M " V. e. a, I- it. V.iif.l ,ii, l Ti.m;.(c" ! .':,! , Mlt. I '. I-KI. I -. i' '!l'lHl:.l'tlr. AND SAL!', -I'.Y VlllTt'l-'. OF, a u .''.i"c; ,ti a c -1:... ritti ctii': ,r ''tiu:l,aiii ! tl ai U a... '-, An ir. t. 1'i-irf' roll an.l .li"l's ! .'ii,' .' a'h'i" r 'l:r." a ,ai, ,,-i..'!'s, air,', Ilia? a ; Mil,- .ir i m a i a,, I i-l-n I iTr I. r sal" "ii iia ; i.i. int i-i. .a niriisn.w. it..- tsu. .lay "' !"t" ; it- iii.fi-. iM. ,l,i. i..i.,v. .,' tt.'s.aiiH.i real .wait.. ci: i.i',.,1 Id .'ii i l,a" aiav in Ali-rtl't's ttittn., si:',!,. "II It'tckv l'it"r. li.il'.ilii',.' Uic lull Is " VMl- 8 Iiaai csial, ,l..m i .. i'.v I ail I ,.:i..a, anil cttli- j ttiiiiini; i::i . .i-'H"-. im-it' '!' i'-.-s. 'i'. rn- ,, ml". -?:', i-u--.li a: Uic sulc. l,-ii,l aii'l ' C., mvi.il-y In!' I!" I.ll'.iill ,' ul .lie ,lll' 'lias.. ' lttt:,..v. I'.av.al'l" III "iv it ills Willi la c est II-.. Ill III.' .lav ,, s:i.. ie:, at.' ns"ii I lililll the 'l!"l . ,,t Mil' iill, I,.,:-,' Il.,l" t is :.. Aiir-. Itt, is A D i II II',: iib.I.i 1 1 v I jt 1 1 1 '17 11 '"vl VI ITU 'l1 ..ll.tl.T! t.A I . 'Ii t. .. I JV'l.. - i.viiiir ,iialill, ,1 .in leli'ii'il.irai'ir .,t l,ewlH iiBtly, .tee. iu." I. 1 In i-.'i... ii,,U. y all rs.tin li.illin; cliiiii'.s n":ai.sl ni Uiaii In i , till, II c,- -ani" i" ic ' ..i' ''"I lss:.. July Ul, iss. Iii. lav .1 lnlv SlT'AllT. v '.c .in n nli.i,, I. i . l' l:.. .'v. Il . It. ' lu. i.- r;tl I ,'. , i f., I li; ,m it . f I f IjMs JMU tlllC 1'vcry intin ought to have his life siired, so that wlali lie dies his! family may have some provision for their support. Matty men, wlio while alive comfortably MlppnrtPil . t hdr families, have died ill their ' irime and left the'r wives tind cliil- ilren almost di.-titiite: wltcrcus for a nmll sum their lives could have i la en insured and iimj.le provision :!'" tof tlll'lf loVCll OII0S. Let every priidi uf niaii be wiirtied in linietind secure this protection lor Ids family ! THE VALLEY MUTUAL oilers iiuitstitil inducements. Its rates sire very low, being for instance on an average only 8 a vear mi 11)00 for a man 30 vears ;i.i. Ji is solvent and reliiiMe, liavinc '-'- ,- It Promptly Pays all losses! For further information, apply to J. VJ. JACKSON, SiijK'i-yisor of Agem ios of N. C, FITTSHOHO', X. C. lull,' in, c- nmm ,s the Summer advaneeM W. J, LONDON litis made gri'itt reductions in Ms prices for CASH. CASH CAN P.l'Y (lOODS AT LOM (N'.S ( IIEAPEU THAN YOlT KVEltSAW. IIK HAS A 1-TLI. STOCK IN KVKR Y LINK AND IS OFFERING FOR CASH THE BEST i arc; A INS ever offered in tSsis coinUy. ,S come at once and bring; the nd you will be SEirc to t'md the EARCiAINS W. I.. LONDON'S. Fittshoi-o', .Inly If), 1SS t. Kaleiiili & Anansta AL. B. R. CORUi '.C lT.l) TIM I' TABLE. y ,. i -i.invc I. pa vp a 4 n m ti :to a ra H iv. n in 4 14 a in 4 :t a m r io n nt 0 ka a m ti -i'i a in i:.ii.' It.'illllcl Car-, 1'"X s' .' c in I M -IT. ii.it. S i. . ai I,. )".' s , ,ii iilai ' ... II , in I Manly V !ii in I i':,:ii,-r..n '.i ,'', , in I s,an,,tr,l lll '.'J , III Osi; II '17 i in M.'ii.-lil-n 11 tii jt in Merry Onlis ' M"-i v i inks Mttiniii'.. : Osutxil j Sallfil.l ! Clllll T.,11 I Manly fi Mi a m 7 1(1 a ra 1 a iii 7 Ml a in Line Vi as , m M W Hill It, y.i'i- i , m A,cx lli'iraiun 1 j vj ., m crv 1 44 a m Ai re." itiinili i, I ..-..a a. Aia lvc llali'lfh. K all a in Train leiiiil" !' 1 i'.,i,i,c : a', Uiinili'i with !. o. ii.-elnay i .r i', ul,, in ami nil iictnit si.inli. Trail. Itai i . .iii -.-ijs ,ai i;il. ii;i .t-aii tlic luielgh Oasi, n liarr i,l f. v all ,ii.' n.irili. 'I'lic I il I'i'iaali! lriiin. wi'li luiHHiMip.r ciacb aiiiiclic I, I. uvc, liiili iKii hi j;.-,ii a. ni. ami arrives at s.4ii.. in. TOIIS C. WINtiKll, Hui'orliitciulcnt. Conieasci Time Table Ho. 8. C. F. & Y. V. R'Y CO. To hik tV. i t. Tliursdny, July 10, 1884. li.MI.Y K' ll'T SirNKAV. Train n.-iHK N' rili '-I'ralii Onliift Seuill Ni,. I. Mail, 1'asM. A: l'l 't. N. !. 'Mall, 1'avH. k Fr't. Lciivi. lil.tfla. in I ayrlli'Ville. Arilvo, OKI p. in. 1.1,1 i. in. iniicMi-tir", a'avn. f aid i. m. 'i T' :Siuif,,ril. I ' 3 40 " 4.11 ore Hill, I " i.'jk R.I.I Stnlcy, j " in. Itt ' ;'" l.liieriy, " ii m a. in. Arrive-, T.iir. (Irei'i.sliiiro, lO.(K) 1 "" iii'-H'tavK, iliurmlayi. ami Halunlnys N, I win ,s,.n,f.ei Willi 'I I, ,,,,., l-,ell,, ii J, a u i . t.,ln" ',, Itnlelirli. I'asi,i:.'.i. iri-ti. ral.-lfli, "ulnliii: In FaviMtovllln. must eav ut U.dtl a. in., mi la Krelijlil, la ,,1-itcr t.t make .n,ihii.i.iIiiii i.i Hiintnrit. .1 s. s. Mi iitltls. iN, Mi-u'l iiupU JNO. M UOS1., (j, u l rani. AK'tul. ii5S m n mtwmmm m mm it I uk: zxx-.-iifj