l)c tftjatljam ttccorb. KATES II. V. I,OIVJOIN EIUTOR AND PKoPKIKTM?. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One f"v one year no copy, six mouths . One copy, t In months $ 2. on l.nn .ill Ills Riches. jer! did yon cull me? My wants nre but few, And (jencrous Kuliiro Gives 1110 mine tlimi niv due. Tho air mid the suindiine, Fresh wilier hiiiI health, And licart to enjoy tlivm All these mo tnv ucilii. My wraith is substantial Although in the mint I ennnoteonvey it, In whole or in put t ; Vet if I enjoy it , Wlml signifies more? I'm lord of the ocean; I'm King of the idioie! Weullh eonld procure mo lint plensuro nn. I cmo: I've boili in my puilcti F.ciic ith tin1 green trees; I've liolli ill my culture, My lain ics to feed: I've both in my conscienre, What more do I need? MATCH-MAKING. Yes, I am sure that would bo tho lipst plan," in Used Jean Scott aloiul, clasping her hands around her knees, uiitl looking up through thu trees at a little patch of clear sky shining clown be tween the leaves. '-.Mr. Stuart is rich and handsome," here she sighed with out any known reason. "Phndie ought to marry him--slio must do it and h t that stupid John liarnard go. I am sure positively sure. Victor Stuart would suit her best, and 1 will make the match." It was Sunday afternoon, and Jean sat out under a big oak tree in the front yard. A book lay on the grass beside her, and a little crippled chicken, rescued from the horso lot, nestled in a fold' her huff linen gown. Shi' t'as a supple, slender girl, olive skinif , prey-eyed and Hack-haired, and jit. In Icring on eighteen. Wilb the culu confidence of inex 'jerience and positive ignorance, she ..ad made up her mi ml to meddle in a very ib'lieatn matter namely, a lovo affair. The Scotts wore country people, owned a good farm and lived comfort ably, and John Hariiard, a neighboring fanner, had long loved Phobe, the eldest daughter uf the house and a very pretty girl of twenty. The matter had not disturbed Jean until two things occurred. Tier-father suffered some reverses of fortune, and A'ictor came up from Xew Orleans. She felt peculiarly grateful to him, for he was not only young, handsouio and rich, but he had also saved her life on a certain occasion, when she had be n more reckless than wise, in run ning a horse-race with her brother. Her pony took it infolds head to run away, and Mis- Jean's white neck might have been broken had it not been for the timely appearance of Mr. Stuart, who threw himself in front of the unruly horse and cheeked him. That encounter led to a closer ac quaintance with the 'aniily, and the oung man h.itl called several times. He rode up to.' the gate, and .dis mounted, while j.tn sat -m the grass and meditated on her plan. The color leaped to her cheeks at sight of him, :.nd a thrill shot through her heart. How happy any woman might bo to win his love- -he looked so bravo and handsome. Now she had always been a little shy before him: but to-day she rose to meet him with a smile, and a slim hand ex tended. The gentleman replied warmly to her friendly greeting. 'You take compassion on all afflicted creatures?" he remarked, glancing down at the little downy chick which rested on the grass, with its broken "eg bound up with a lit of linou. Jem lifted it tenderly. "Ah yes. Poor little weakling! its life is but a frail thing, but precious to it no doubt. I love not pain or suf fering, liu'. pardon me. I will not keep you standing out here." "it is very pleasant, 1 " "l!ut much pleasanter in tho house," she said hastily, confused by the way his eyes dwelt upon her. "Coin, Mr. Stuart." "Till yon come also?" When I have cared for this wound ed chick yes, sir, perhaps. Pho-be is in the parlor." And when he had reluctantly de parted, she sac down again and hid her face in tier hands, her heart beating quick and loud. "'Tis only his way only his way, nd I am a foolish, weak-minded creature to allow his pleasant words and kindly glance to affect me." She had not long to sigh over her folly or scold herself for it. Another young man had Arrived on the scene, and she ran.'t prepar- o meet him. He was an honest, good-look i eg faMier, and from her childhood Jean had known and liked him; but to-day ehe must crush any presumptuous hopes he-might possibly entertain re garding Phoebe. VOL. VII. "flood evening, Jean." She had picked up In bonk again, and wis apparently much interested in it, for all it was wrong end up. 'Good evening, John," in a calmly patronizing tone. "Is Pho-be a', home?" "Yes; she is in the parlor, entertain ing company." His face fell. "Entertaining company?" "Yes Mr. Stuart." 'He here again?" said poor John Hainanl, a faint spark of jealousy in his heart gathering heat and strength. "Yes, certainly; but go in. I'a and ma are in the sitting-room. The boys are not at home, I am sorry to say." "f)h, no; I'll just go rn hack home. I suppose that fellow will stay all the afternoon." "Mr. Stuart? Very probably ho will." Rut hardly had Mr. Harnanl ridden dejectedly away when Victor Stuart came out again. tilling so early?" said Jean, arching her pretty dark brows in surprise. "Yes; I have an engagement to dine in town. Hut lirst give me a rose 'At, one noc One rose - but out', by thou- f.cr tlngi-is mild, Weir worth n hundred kie ni''J on hn !i rYipitaite Ibiiti thine!' " he quoted, too low for her to catch the full meaning of the words. She hurriedly picked a handful of half-blown creamy roses, and gave th--m to him. Hut not another glance could he win from her, though a tell-tale ob'r stole up htr soft throat into her cheeks, be traying confusion ami tumult of heart, and he rodo gaily away, half crushing the sweet rose against his lips. The sun ha 1 dropped much lower in the we.-t, and the yard was all in deep purplish shade, when l'lnrle came out where her younger .si-t-r reposed on tho grass, her hands cktsped over her knees, her eyes like the eyes of a dream er. "What are you thinking about?" in quired Miss Scott. "Nothing," starting up. "Interesting subject. Yon have been completely absorbed. What a dull day this has been! I thought perhaps John liarnard would come," looking carefully at her plump white bauds. "He did, but I sent him away," said Jean l.rmly. "Sent him away?" "Yes." "Why?" "liewuse Mr. Stuart was here, and 1 did not suppose you would care to be disturbed." "You take a good deal for granted. What do I c:re for Mr. Stuart? If you have offended Mr. John liarnard, 1 will never forgive you- -never!" And placid Plucbe's eyes dashed, and she turned away in anger. "(iood gracious! docs she really love him. and am I sacrificing lev sister to a .heartless match-making machine? Hut how can she love him after seeing Mr. Stuart ? Oirls are queer creatures!" mused Jem. somewhat troubled at the mischief she had made. she felt positively guilty when, wak ing one night, she heard her sister sighing. A week had passed, but the jealous young fanner kept to his own grounds at least the Scotts did not see any thing of him. "What is the matter, I'luche?" Jean inqi ired tenderly. "Nothing at all." "Are you troubled about about John?" dragging the words out hesi tatingly. "Well, 1 am sorry you wounded the feelings of ono who has always been our friend." ".So am 1, but I did it for your good. I promise you I will never meddle again." "Why did you do it?" curiously. And then Jean made a clean con fession of her matchmaking. "Hut, of course, if you intend to grieve your eyes out about John liar nard, I give lip the whole affair." 1'hcebe listened, first rather shocked, then greatly amused. "Oh, you blind, silly child. What a mad scheme. Mr. Stuart cares no more for me than any other indifferent acquaintance. Do you think he loves mo ?" "I think he would if you encouraged him. Why shouldn't he? You are sweet and lovely." l'hipbe leaned over and kissed her, touched by her honest love and admi ration. "There, child, go to sleep; for yon seem to be eight instead of eighteen." Now Jean longed to undo her work to bring back her sister's love but not a word of this did she breathe. It were best left untalked of until ac complished, she wisely thought. And fate thrpw the chance in her way the very next afternoon. Returning from the village she met John Barnard face to face in throid. "Why, how doyou do, John' Where j PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, SEPTEMBER II, 1881. have you been for this week past?" she said w ith a friendly smile. "At home," he rather grnllly replied. "Why have you not been rniiurl see us?" ludn't know that I would bn wel come." "Why, John!" in shocked tones. "Well, to tell you the truth. Jean. I did not believe I'luche would cflre to se me." ' "Indeed, she does care; bub 1 shall not tell you anything about it," iiiaking a move as though to pass Utu "Oh, yes, Jean, please '' ..' nero is that fellow Stuart?" "I really cannot tell you whme Mr Stuart is. It is not piea-am to hear i him culled 'that fellow.' " I "Hang him!" "AVhat for? Xow you are very un- reasonable, and if you want to know. anything more, you mci st. Pluebe. "One question! Are they -are (hey engaged?" 'Kngaged? flood heavens, no! Who ever dreamed of such a thing?" sh ex claimed with as much astuuishment as though she had not bee i planning to that very end. "Poor fellow, he does lovo her. It was a shame to make him suffer so," sho thought, watching him as he walked on blithely whistling. "I will never try matchmaking again never!" sho continued aloud. "Hut what doe-i tho old song say?" "If you do not succeed, try, try again," said a laughing voice close be side her, and blushing, she turned to face Victor Stuart. "Care marks your brow. Miss Jean; tell me your trouble "ot for the world," she cried quickly and with energy. 'Why not ? 1 do assure you I will keep the secret, if secret it bo, and give all tne cnmfoi t I can." "Thank you; but, 1 am not in need of sympathy." she said, walking on. He kept at her side, carrying his gun on one arm. "Well. I am, for 1 love a girl- a sweet, beautiful, lovable girl; but lam afraid she does not love me." lie stole a glance at the sober young face shaded by tho broad-brimmed hat. It turned white, rather than red. an I a faint quiver passed over tho sweet s ift lips. "Have you asked her?" she managed to say very t'leadily It was dreadful to hear him talk oj that girl. "N'o; she is young, and I do not want, to bo too ha-ty. Hut I hn bet with all my heart, all my soul, and il she wculd but marry itie -" Hi drew a long breath, his eyes alight ilb love's lire, "Tell me, Jean, shall I wait a while longer, or can I ask her now ?' "po as you think best." They wero walking along a shady path, almost in sight of a h.uise Stuart (lung down his gun, and stretch ed out his hands to Jean. "Then say that you will be my wife Jean, for you are my lovo!" So ended Jean's first and la.-t attempt at matchmaking. l'lio'lio lives contentedly with hei farmer, while Jean is in the city and is Mrs. Victor Stuart. Uiinn on Must, Dust destroys as much property ev ery year as any other natural agency except lire. In Penver this is espec ially true, as there dust is of a pecu liarly penetrating quality. It can get into houses through crevices that would bar out even those angels, ( hundred thousand of whom can stan'1 on a point of a pin. Post is an ex pensive luxury, which in these harO times we cannot afford to indulge in. It soils the windows. It injures the furniture. It ruins the books and pictures. It doubles the cost of keeping th home tidy. It wears out clothing. It doubles the wash bill. It destroys shoe leather. lt increases the expense and troublt of keeping the person tidy. It damages all kinds of goods. It spoils the groceries. It is deleterious to dry goods. Is is hurtful to cigars and tobacco. It plays the mischio; with drugs. It devastates jewelry and watches. It is hard on hardware. It is the bane of the furnituri dealer. It spoils the temper of the bank teller. It takes away the . appetite, and sc fleeces the restaurant. It represents all the aesthetic aspira Hons, and so blights the life of the art dealer. j It drives all music from the soul ; and thus fosters treason's strategic! j and hand-organs. It confuses the doctor, mixes up tl.t j lawyer, and lays a terrible burden oi the piety of the minister. ! It corrodes the temper of all. It is bad, baleful, malign, dire, do j structive, detestible, deadly. H it lethiferous and luue. azotic IteMWr Trt ClllUmiSN COLUMN'. IVIiii I'ulltd the HUM ' roll! I'i ullor day, I'm sid to siv, i lur Hale torment.- lie- Kitty, V try in vain to undo- Ins reign, More kind and full of it v. "Hi- can be made,'' bitid alitor P-.cle, ' To treat tho poor thin:; heller. There, nnuvhty M il"' - llnn'l p-il In i t ul' Now lei her po' now lei her'" "1 don't," (and higher mounts his iie, Till sister's phimliiiir cools it.) "1 just eateh hold" (nn l truth he told.) " And the Kitty pulls, ii' ' Cnni Cheer Snmrthlnu About t IhIim. Let's take this Saturday to g i ft di ng. If we fish from a wharf or lo,' ! or boat we may sing and talk as loud j ;l3 w wiUi m, we must ,.w.p , ,et al ' lalul, HS j(,t ((s mwsib,U- whv? liecaiise the lislt will feel us. Fish do not hear, but they feel in place of it. At a great fih exhibition in New York State a few years ago Seth (ii n proved this fact to the people in a very plain manner. He place I a brass baud among the aquaria, and at a given signal every horn blew its loudest bias. Not a fish in any of the tanks moved. Mr. (ireen then took out his knife ami struck a blow on a iron rod running along in front uf iho tanks, and lo! every fish made a siid len jump as the jar reached him. If you are on a wharf keep the feet si ill. If your are jn M i,a';, i, . twice ,. aulioiM, livery i rid u -II lie i op by the wator an I can o- i along for many feet. Let's post ourselves a bit as we fish. Now, then, if you fish for rock-bass drop your hook near an old wreck close to the pile of a wharf down be side a rock. Tluse bass are what might be called domestic fish. They make their homes in one spot instead of travelling about. They will bite either minnow or worm. Hlack bass feed in weedy spots and along tho channel banks. Mullet and suckers will take the bait only when the hook rests upon the bottom. A pickerel will bite at your hook much quicker if it is moving. Kvery species of . Ims its regdar hours for feeding, the saineasyoii have for taking your men!-, but bass and pickerel digest ther o it tli so. west, anil are therefore most a' ways hungry. A pike or pickerel weighing ten pounds will pull a tie id weight of twenty pounds oil a level ba;ik when hooked. These same lish have been known to jump al least four feet clear of the -ui face, and to throw themselves from one pond into a iolher. "Can a (ish see at night ?" "Just as well a - a cat," "Poes be evi r sleep?" "lie doos. If you v;t' h a goldllsh for a day or two you wdl find him taking occasional napfi." "How last can a lish swim?" "If man could invent s.-nm way to get up a race between fishes the result would astonish you. A pickerel is probably one of the swiftest of our fresh water lish. He moves for a short distance so fi-t that you can simply see a lla-t'o. Almost every species of lish can see .n a 1 sides and behind him a-i well as in front. Their gills are the most delicate filter in the world. Kvery tooth in the mouth of a lish which preys upu other lish is set in such a way that every attempt to escape fastens the victim more firmly. A red-horse or mullet weighing live pounds could not take a small apple into its mouth. A Iike weighing three pounds could al most swallow a m ni's list. When a ' bass is tirst hooked he will run toward j you. A pike or pickerel will run from ; you A shcepshead and doglish will jump for the surla'-e. A mullet will I dive for the bottom. "Indeed, my boy, if I wero your j teacher I'd sooner post you on cur do tuestie fish, their anatomy, habits, eti than to have von sit for two hours and rattle off to me in a sing-song way: "fioose creek rises in the northeast ern part of Japan and the Virgin I i. mils nre in the Caribbean sea- and the soil of the Cannibal Islands uill grow cross-eyed men and hump-backed women without fcitil;cis, etc. 31. V'wii. A Thief Instead of a Corpse. In the city uf Mexico, where it is nothing strange for funerals to take place at -l a. in., permission was asked to idace a coffined corpse in the church tne niglt i,efore. The eofliti was taken jn an, placed before the altar, and the chur,.h iocked up. I Miring the night the dogs of tho 8acristan made a great noisei an(j on the jir jest Rin!T into the (hvm.h he S(lw a Innn jumping off the altHr on whi(.n stood one of the images, He called assistance, but no trace could be found of the Intruder. At ,ength they ,0()ke(, ,n t)e rn)n ..lln(i livirir ,hlpf in ,..,. nf corpse, and in his possession all thr I most valuable jewels of the church. ( II TI l-.K IN MCK.N Mi". Tnr Piysicl'Mit'f. Son O-illrrl " rjrr-ious Tliinr." A Humorist Who Struggle! Wih the Appellation of " Bird in " It is wonderful how college boys grasp at the least Ciing to make it un comfortable for one of their milliner. A son of President Arthur, who is at Princeton college, has his life made a burden to him by being called by the nickname of "Precious Thing." He is never called by any name except Pre cious Thing, and it galls hi in. The way he got the name was peculiar. The President took the young man to Prince ton, when he entered that college, and the boys gave the great, man and his son a Hi-renade. The President ac knowledged the compliment, anl made a little speech, in which he said: "You can see how much I think of Princeton, !y my leaving my son, I he most precious thing I have in life, here with you." I'he youog galoots and educational Imodiums gave Ihreu cheers for the President, and then some one proposed 'hiee cheers more for "his piecious '.hing," and that settled it. Young Arthur, alluded to by his father as the iiiost precious thing in life, becomes a precious thing in ridicule. If a bey .oiild bo called a "precious thing" by ,;irls, wi b all the name implies, it would not be bad, but to have six hundred boys constantly calling him a "Precious Thing" is too much, and the young man is broke up. It is "Here, you Precious Thing, lend me your jack knife," or "Precious Thing, pull down your vest," until he wishes he were dead. His father meant the expression as one of endearment, showing the love he bore his son, and "he supposed he was addressing a lot of human beings with hearts concealed about their per sons, but they were only college hams, with no respect for tho decencies of life, and they would make fun of any thing. The president can't take his son away from there and send him to another college, as tho name would follow him, so he has to bear it as best he can. Hut he would give a goo I deal to hae his name chang d. It beats all bow a nickname once given to a boy will follow him through life. We once knew a freckled, red luaded boy who was homely enough to stop a clock. His mother did not be lieve that be was homely, because he win her pet. and it was her habit to call him I Sir lie." At hoinp he did not mind it so much, but as he grew older he was afraid the good mother would some day call him "Hirdie" in the presence of the other bovs, : n I he knew what ellect i would have, tine day a dozen boys were playing in the mud, and the mother of the freckled boy needed him in her business, so she went out with her apron over her head, in yelling distance of the boys, and sang out, "Hirdie. coine lure right away." As "Hirdie" dropped the mud pie he was building and staited home across lots he heard the boys snicker and one of them said, "O. come Hirdie come, ml live with in?." I'he freckled boy knew that from that moment he would never hear the last of "lludie," and he was right. The next time he showed up among the boys one of them said, "O. here comes Hirdie! Look at him. He must be a red headed wood p cker." That settled it. lie was called nothing but "Hirdie" from that out. He tried whipping the boys for calling him the pet name. Imt got whipped oftener (ban he whipped his antagonist, and for lilt. 'en years, or until he had arrived al man's estate, he was familiarly called "Hirdie." He got accustomed to it after a few years, so that be could live through it, but it was a long struggle, and a hard one. Finally he went away from the plate, out into the world, and for thirty years struggled along, until tinal.y he had accumulated some money and bad built up a good business. Last year he went back to the old home for a few days. Ho was gray, and corpulent, an I fat, and jolly. He wanted to find siime of the old boys, and inquired for them. All were gone, scattered to the four winds, by death, going west, etc., all except one, who was on a farm. A gray haired man was out In a field, on top of a wagon load of fertilizer, pitching it off with a pitch-fork. Tho visitor went up to the wagon, spoke to the farmer, wno stopped pitching the unsavory mas, long enough to spit on his hands and look at the visitor. He looked a moment at the man on the ground, a smile broke over his face, and he shouted: "I s wow to gosh if it ain't Hirdie,"' and he got down off the load and hugged us until we couldn't hardly breathe, and male us go in the house and stay to dinner. Though thirty years had passed, and each had almost forgotten the other, in a mo ment the old school flays came up, and it was "Hirdie" a'jain. Hut, it was not bad to take. T ' Precious Thing" at Princeton may be annoyed, but some NO. day, thirty years from n- w, V- .-. i I be glad to have one of the hoys call him by the nickname. I'f k's Sun. A Weed Hint Catches Fish. An enemy to carp and other lish cul tivated in aquariums and ponds, has appeared in an unsuspected quarter, a water-weed, hitherto regarded as harmless, or even beneficial, having turned out to be insidiously destruc tive. This is tho bladderwort whose feathery leaves, set about its sub merged stems in pretty whorls, make it one of the most attractive aquari um plants. It derives it name from the fact that in the axils of every leaf are one or more bladder-like appen dages each as large as medium-sied shot, which, during the llowering time of the plant, buoy il at the soif.e e. These minute bladders open at the top by a small aperture, surrounded with cilia- and guaidod behind by an elastic ati'l sensitive membrane; and it ha- long 1 n known that they forme. 1 a trap in u lii--h m cat numbers of infu soria were captured and dissolved, their bodies goin-r to nourish the plant. The sudden mortality of young roach and pen h in an aquarium, led to the discovery that infant fishes, ; w hi n only a quarter or a third of an ; inch in length, may be caught a well las the animalcules. Nosing about ' among the leaves in search of a shcUer ; ing nook, they become entangled in the cilia- of the bladders, get within , reach of th- mouth of the trap, which i closes, when touched, by a spasmodic contractu n of the sensit ive membrane, j and are held prisoners until they starve j to deal Ii. t hie small sprig of the plant, shown in a phial at I he rooms nf the , I ' nit ril .Mates 1'ish Commission, had thus caponed a doen inexperienced perch. What thousands of promising i lish may be thus cut off in a pond in j tested with this weed may be imagined, j There are fifteen species of bladder- wort in the United Mates. AVw York Hour. The Seven Hltiles or Hie World. The seven Hibles of the world nre the Koran of the Mohainme Ians, the Tri Pit ikes of the Huddhists, the Five Kings ol the Chinese, the three Yedas of the Hindoos.! he endavesta. and the Script uresof the Christians. The Koran is the most recent of these, dating about the seventh century after Christ, It is a compound of quotations from the Old and New Testament, the Tal mud and the tiospel of St. Harnabas The Fddas of the Scandinavians were lirst publishel in the fourteenth cen tury. The Pitikes of the Huddhist contain sublime morals, and pure as pirations, and their author lived and died in the sixth century before Christ. There is nothing of excellence in these sacred books not found in the Hible. The sacred writings of the Chinese are called the Five Kings, the word "Kings" meaning web of cloth. They contain the best sayings of the best sages on the duties of life. These say ings can not be traced farther back than eleven hundred years before Christ. The three Veda are the most ancient books of the Hindoos; and they are believed to date not clewn hundred years before Christ. The Zendavcsta of the Persians is the greatest of the sacred books next to our Hible. Zoroaster, whose savings it contains, was born in the twelfth century before Christ. Moses lived fifteen hundred vears before Christ. Canals. Tho Imperial Canal of China is ovef MOO miles long In the year Msl was completed the greatest undertaking ol the kind in Kuropc, the canal or l.anguedoc, or the Canal du Midi, to connect the Atlantic with the Mediter ranean; its length is 1 is miles, it has more than l(Hi locks, and about T0 aqueducts; and in its highest part it is no less than f'OO feet above the sea; it is navigable for vessels of upward of lOu tons. The largest ship canal in Europe is the great North Holland canal, completed in 12. It is l.M teet wide at the w ater surface, :tl feet wide at the bottom, and has a depth nf 20 feet; it extends from Amsterdam to the Holder. M miles. The Caledonian canal, in Scotland, has a total length of fin miles, including II lakes. The Sue Canal is Ml miles long, of which tit! miles are actual canal. The Erie canal is -Vo mile long; the Ohio canal, , Cleveland to Portsmouth, 'M2; the j Miami and Erie, Evansville to the I Ohio line. :17I The Sue. Canal is 20 i feet 4 inches ueep, "2 feet ." inches ! wide at bottom. ;i20 feet wide at water ' surface. Length a little short of 100 miles. Thp Panama Caual is to be 45 J miles in length. I - j While the population of this country ! doubled in the last thirty years, the i number of insane, imbecile, blind and deaf has increased five fold. In the year 1S:(0 theie were eight insane asy ! uius in the Unites States; there are j now over ninety AD VERTISIN C pOne squnrc, one inscrtion Unc squmc, two insertions One squitrc, one month - l.nn 1.50 - 2.M For larger advertisements liberal con tracts will be nnidc. Prophesies. Sometimes you will look hueli to thManrigh dnys With tearful eyes. And think of nil our quiet. Imppy ways With soils nud si;;hs. You will remember how we read, or tn'kei" In this denr room ; Or, summer evenings how wo rode or wttlked Thro' frugriitit frlooni. Snmeliine-i alone, 01 ill a busy throng Aiin will ring Soli, i leu- mill bweel. nn echo of coino onj We med to film ; Mel nit, niruke or sb-ejiin. you'll lei-nll Tin- eoy room Hook-, iim-ie, e cu llie pictures on the wall And dowers in bloom. You wili ri'tiieiiiliiT evi i teudei word N eu've ni I lo me. 'I he knowledge that o-.i'e spoken no IviiM v.. .1,1 ill eoliili.H lliee Sum Inn,. oi'! weep and pin. hut fill il V urn A- I'm ou ioa.il. I'.M on- -boil leiui in ies iio-n k'iiei mi l eiir le- m l i v e i!i n I iim-i le i .-e thn HFUOIHU S. Spoil on the sun - A boy's Irerkles yrissors grinders irenorally drive p sharp bargain. The tallow-dip swallowers of Itussi; arc what iniglit b-- called li:;!i' eaters. Dai u in says tlicie is a living prin ciple in Iruit. We suppose ho refers to t iie worms. Win n a ir.a-i is abom to snee.o h had r.iilier do that than anything elsi in the world "I'm at your scrvkv, ina.lain," sair the polite burglar, wher caught with his arms full ol silve ware. Little .lack: "My mamma's ne fan is hand-painted." Little Hick "Pooh! Who cares? Our wholf fence is." Father "I never imagined that your studies would cost me so much money." Student -"Yes, and I don't study nun h, either." A Frenchman is trying to teach t donkey to talk. Whot we want ir this cou.itry is a man who will teach donkeys not to talk. "Dear me!" said a lady the othet evening, " bow the china era?e it growing! Here's a .'ev York elnl that is paying i?.'!(KM for a pitcher." Xot as broad as it is long: Sleeping cur conductor - "You can roll in when ever you want to." Fat man "Yes, and roll out when I don't want to." si iPMiuc suurs. A ilash of lightning has been photo graphed' by W. ('. Hurley of the Marietta ibservatory. Telegraphic signals have now been sen', through T.ooo miles of wire and at a speed of twelve words a minute Hired messnei-s were sent from Loir don to Calcutta. The city of Canteens was destroyed, with In.uiNi lives, in about half a minute. Lisbon was overthrown in live or six minutes. There is thus a on a i variation in the number nf shocks of carlhqua'.es and in the intervals bet ecu them. Prol. Miall saystli.it there are to be found associated with seams of coal, ad especially with the uinlei lying shale, the flattened impression ; of creatines which once had life, though at first strenuously doubted. Expel iiiu-iiis I iy Prol, Mairgioramof Iciiiie to is - i tain I he inlluence ol the magnet upon the animal orgauiat ion gave result:, which an- lively to modify the uses of magnet i-eleet ricit v. Kirgs placed in tin-current were delayed in development, were smaller than the average sie, and some ol 1 hem appear ed without the yolk. The chickens, were piecm ions (a sign of organic interim ity i, w ere horn lame or rickety, mil sh'Wed remarkable distutliances at the nervous centres. A committee appointed to investi gate the discharge of sewage into the Thames Hiver has reported that liquid -ntering at Harking is transported many miles up river in the face of the powerful descending stream of land water. Xu one bad supposed before that sewage could pollu e the water far above the point of its dis charge into a rapid river. A singular case of displacement of the heart by accident the second re corded in medical annals was reer-nt-Iv described by Ir. W. II T. Winter, of Dublin. A young man of nineteen fell from a high wall, dislocating hi3 shoulder and displacing three ribs. The heart was displaced downward and to the left about half its own Jlameter, and did not recover its posi tion. The patient still suffers after were exertion, hut perfect reeovery, with permanent displacement, is an-icipated. i.-c I., .i ... .' ',. I iul ... ! :e. II hi I o i. il olIeM th"l'i All II I ! till- I i ie 1 P if i. A t 3 it A 11 ir if V i S, '