MfMI Mtoam ' MHftii iJawaieMirfani ha Jjjnalham forzerrf THURSDAY. HEl'T. 11. 1MM. OUR COUNTY TGKET. KOlt THK STATE Si-'N AT!i I J. L. soott, of Aliinmiiee. full TUB I.WliHI.T'-i!K: JITNIL'S A. ALSTON. THOMAS Ii. SYOMACK. rut Miitmri': STEPHEN W. J'.UKWKK. Full IlEOtSTKi; : LA BAN It. J4XLIXK. ron riiKONEK : Db. W. M. Bl ltNS. l-'Oll Hl'IIVKV"!!', : lU'FCS CLEUU. Scales' Ai)iiii;liiciils. S.-nles will sneak at tho fol- lowing times ami .dure; At Sunforil, I'riduy. Oetobei- "id. " On- Hill, Siituriliiy, -lilt, " l'lTTsliollo', MnNI-A.V, " '-tll, " (Hnipol Hill, Tuosd.iv Ttli. llillsbi'i Weduosdiiy," Sili. " Durliiiiii. Friday, lUtli. Dr. York Iihs been invited uiul is esnoetril to iviM'oiiijiiiny (Kin. Seales at the above i jpii . t iin-:ii t&" To-day is the jtvialtes blrlh duy. Six years old. Jijyflet your neighbor to sub Bcribe for the liK.Mim during the oamiHiign. t0m Every voter in Chaf ought to rend the Bk'. oi.! during the earn jiaigu. Only eents until the el.r tiou. tfarjlr. J. A. l'arh.nn has b--. a appoiuled a magistrate in I'ajie I 'ear toviishij, in jilaee of W. S. (luiner who resigned. When you eome to Court next week lie sure to renew your s:ilMT;j-, tio'n. If you don't ronie, send by boiuo neighbor. t-Sf Visitors to la! igh. who in e.l anythiiig- in the croek.ny .iue. eau In siijioiied at Hughes' iittrn.-live si ore Oiosito the jiostolliee. (iiveiimia call. j t'-JT Bviium iV leaden have ji'. t; roeeived a large of Ii l-.. -a I . and fwnh t'iov.1;' seed; nis:.. a b.a.i- ; tiful lot of I' Ail Prints and Yankee Notions. t" We havo thus far had mv-,. hot and dry w a!h"r ihi.s ni ii.lii. during nay summer month. Tin heat ii ojipresiiive and tiie droiight dis ; tressing. i . eIii addition to lb" students from this eouniy ili lie- l.'uue; sily (wiiose names we riven; iy pub is!u !. wc a: 0 jiieased to ii a' u - hut anolli r Chiiihuuiite is there -a .son nf .Mr. S J. Ttt'ly. s3"A. L. Jones ha. r. moved his stock of dry g'loeeri.s from I he old, Duike corner and I'.mvi.i laie.i willi .liis wvt groee: i..s ai ile- whi.e store., on the north east corner of tii court-1 house sijunre. tW'Wc s'ci'i' j.l. a-. d to meet, a few days ago, .Mr. C. ii. iiogers who was on a short visit to lii-. o.d home. He is ono of our Chatham buys, who in another State has reflected honor on his old county. RSTXew goods hi low l ie s now daily wiving at W. L. London's. A 1 lire invited to call a..d examine. : Everything a farmer nerds ean be found at Loliilou's. Tin; best good for the least niuiiev I rTliat enterprising merchant, Mr. William Woollen!!, .-oiuoiiiii-es i:i another ooiuiim the ai rival of his full uiul winter stocK. wiocli .is iieret otoiv will be sold as low as (he lo.veit. either at retail or vv iu.i.-s.i.e. l-.y We tak. plea-i'.ue in calling nttcnlion lo the eaid of Mes.sis. Hinsdale & Murclii-on. I'.lr. Mur eliison 1ms been attending our courts for several years, and hereafler Co!. Hinsdale will also regularly attend them. JuSf When you come to Court nexi week bo sure lo ea'd at W. L. Jon ilon's store, and see his new nloek of i fall and winter poods just received. His stock is larger than ever before and will be sold low down to suit the times. BfcTTlie fust instance that we ever heard of a doy beii.jc so:d under u I'lortyage, occurred recently in this county. A coloied man pave a mer chant a inortpape mi his cow and dog. mid the merchant sold both ai public wile. to?" Tho enterprising peiitleiuei' now composing the tirm of W. 11. A 11. S. Tuel ?r iV Co. aie now ready to till all ord. in the dry yoo ls line from their new fail and winter slock. They richly deserve ail the success that is rewarding their efforts. IWCapt. J'-. 11. liunn, the demo cratie candidate for Elector in this district, will speak at IbepNbee's Store next Monday, the loth. lb; isa capi tal speaker and we hnpo he will have a lav go audience. Since the above was in type we ha'.e learned that Oou. Cox wiil also be there. fed"" Warren Prior A Son. I'ayetle villc. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut lery and Silverware. We carry the larpest line of goods suitable for Anniversary, lhi lhday. ib id it and Weddinp Presents of any house in the State. And we eoidially invito nil to make us a when in tin city. Any orders sent u i will ivct-iv e prompt attention. ! A Iatai. Akmi'Kvv. Ono day ia-.t C.U'M -Yw:i:k. The fail term of our wi i-k ii so'i of Mr. Aaron .vloliiit, vl:o Sunerioi' fjourl will beiu next .M-.n-'.iv--s in iluiidolnii emMy m ar the day. Tli'-re arc I'l r:.s; s mi i in- e.i i! " C'iiuihaiii lino, uus killed by tin neei-' issue dot kc( iind on t !io t' deiituidiseh.'irgeof liis;;iui. Ho h:id : docket. None of tin- i iitiinul cnso.s ;;one tin key-ion, fin-,', and while cure- are of lniu'li iuinnrtiiiire oxcctit tlio , U'-ssly lioidi'ii. ( ! t;iHi lit foot si rtiok . en-io of JJryiuit Jliliia'-'d. who is ; tho t '. i;,';.jei'. when I ho gnu tiled oil' cliaryed vit It I lie liiurdor of bis cliiid. and tlie" fdiol entered his unii and ' John T. Mann, who is i-hai ;;ed wiih ; neek, i' death in about half 1111 tho mti:-;l:-i- of Mr. danics I'lirc. has ilium-, j not yet been urre.-ed, so that it is " not irol)iiiiio that his rase will bo CnVi'llVM l.ili.U'io. Oar tobaivo t. A in: crowd will I nlnn let's arc now busily cn'ed in !,i,,nl)th's aUi-ml court, especially on 1 li' lli.'ir tobacco. Every day or Xui-sdiiv when a number of j.olitical tw()h.oiiieoii(. b.ii.ysfotownasi.eei ls,t,(,,,l(:s ;, ,)(J AiTiiiitfo- men of his toba;v... and those nam-' n,,.,jrt have been made bvlhe (own ; . pies we have seen are worth boasting I :iuti.()1.;ti(.s to i1;tvo a (jliiUeieiit fon t" : .ub'.iit. Ihus tar ee:y ilaniT if. ! ()f j,,,:;,.,,,,.,, to )ie.erve order, wo ' iiiiieii eneoiiiay.'.l with his siuviv,, ,. Vin(. ,.,mll, .,.,.(. and lfthe rt. ed hroi-sn ,'ood l'iiee ui (l( .ij;,,,, !,..,! itMll umuiv.'d this wuiler many of our iarmeia will ; j)V (l l(n,ll!u. , ,nvdies. ! j haii.ho piles i,i money. j Tho Jud-o wi!! be lion. J : , v ' " , .! I Fied. I'iiiliiis. of Kd'jeeom'oecouiHy. i A N,;w ;";'--'i.-A -juar eriy eon- j 1(i , I vi,iUl,fclllll,!i.lI ,;.0 ! lea.o wi.11,.. held, un t...; ""n,,,!,, ,. ,,,.,,, i,tlt ; i .Milid:iV of this :iio;i:li, tit JroWiiSj .. , i :., ... ,. i;., I ehai-ei, about fiifl.l mdes North of this iiiaeo. At the sumo lime il exoi rle.l to have tile new i-hnreii U'.lii'iiteo:. J lie e.!iirre;;ii..iou hav.- reeenlly ei i'.-ted a wry nea! ! and entiiiiiodii'iis ehiliels in jiiie e of the old m:e, and a large eiov,d wil. , Ui. doubt tittend the lirojiosed dedi liatioii. W,i :u I-J.ieaed to lioio tne bui.diiig of so ma. iy new chuiviics m our eoiilily. It sj.e.ik.-, well lur the ; j.ieiy and iiliera'iiy of our citizens. I IViii.K Si i.A.o.Mi. We are reiiii!.-,:-: ed to aii'.io iie.-i; thai (leu. Co ;. Cijl. : ISiiiiii and .Mr. Iv oli. ilie demoiva'. n.' ' s jol' C !i;;1'.'s.s I il' J'jie.'ioi , Mild for lilr SePllie. .'.i.i ad 1V.-S iilr i ,'tti."iis of t.'halh o:i al coliit ! ho.i.-.o in liiis ..oi- on i;el 'I'm .-..lay. ! M.uj. ;' ..Lii'iii and -nidge i a: . i .o; i: . 'lim I wo can. I. f. .r Liiiileuau, : i i n : ,ior, .vi.l s, 'a!i la ! his j.i.i,-. . on 'i tl:i- .-..I., .-. .in- uiili i.f u.i.s la-.. nii.. ,(;. .:. f'.'aie.- and I':. Voik vi i s.xm!. ai On am! :;l Pi oo ."..ii n; .i,o . O : ilii, dioro', on .'.ionda'. , Oi lo-1 b ! (ith. Ii w i.i thus !-. s. is io h:- favored .viil and ies wi.l n. "l v lie; and ocitiu a llelt oiireouiiiy i iiiueii sjii-aUing. doubt becoiiie A::v;: ai i ui T.w -:.. -. --Our very ;a.-i.iii ".-i.-ier. vi:ii his usua! inn.iii :. las. w.-eU t" the vai.- Aiid'.l .) :.a !i!i.,'.-ae' of the list 0 ia'.iii;- : ::i i c.iii.iiy. a-, ieiurn d by I iie ii-., lak':-. of '.he se,-!.l: . . s i! !. i -s. i which the following h-. 1 !!,:,. .--ipv: ,.-;.r i T -.. i-i:i i, viit.H-1 ,i- --.,.i!.,.',.. I i -l a;e a'so ;'. 1J; wiii-e j.oll eolon d ; : s li.-ied fur ia . lie am i la! of t:r;n !eie l l.'.i'. i.o :es is .ST. "')!. I. ail ra1 e.i'ility iiirjios The. e is no la for SI I. S ate Hi: t;: .io V . .n n'. i --N'o one now kia v !io will b-' lie- lepiibii i :m I'iili.lidnli-H in this county 1- 's V a. We iil:iy be .;b.e iii i.uii.iiile. e h. ui liet V.ei k jli-l ,-;s we ,bd two venr.-, . when we were privately infoiiiii -.1. i.nd so iimiouueed. llei! Mes vs. Ilea Vniiu.l Wicker h -. ll) 'i n ;t,;r'vd i'pii le. I he "bos.-.'-s" .-it l 'oil!. '1'ivo y.-:irs ,-.,' ,-iiillie e;iu cils was he'd llei.- one ni'dii of t wei-i; bit w.ell t'ol. Ld.Viird.i. Tolil 1) vei'c.ix and I wo or ihree n venue o'iiee's. iliid thev dicla.e.I o the l'e pul'li.'.ins of ('!i.-nh.-oii wh-ithev m;is. voh- lor. And tins year we s.ippo.o i'. , i'.i b If," c.i e. e..-.';! i!i;..t I'.it Wiu.ion v.ili be (lie chief of the can. -us and ihe inanipirator of tin wi.i -i. We hour tinii, in or.i'-r to m ik. tlii-ir lieliet lmvii.iere.-icclab!c name on il. t he "b'' Inive -.-"eei'i d- ed in iiidue'e.;;- .Mr.iiiili W. I i sou t-. , j)( irn-l'-i-d as a ean.I'date t-if L 'isliUiU'e. I: issai I liei' Mr. A W. Wii-k. i is v.'illinjr to be beaten iigaiu ill's y.-av in ho was two years a;,'o. We'd, if be is as well paid ir ll .i-,'.'.iu us he was t!-en we hardly 'n ame him C icr.w's Ex-uutr. Mr. 11. J um-.. Powell, th" eiieipi-lic clubman of o.'.r i'iki:i.v Exp-isition eoii!i;::tt.e. wmi to la-t Tuesday for the parjiose of prepu.'iinr ami arraie." iup the .-.pace in ihe l-Apo.-ilioli bui d inp ii'h.tted for our comity'-, exhibit. Mo will tirst have Ihi i spa:-e eneiosed with 1) I'listei s imele mil oi our 'hi, I - ham timbers, of which liu- v wid be nearly seven y dill'i : en: v.-o iet ies. j n Ihis way i. iir vaiu'ibj. woo. Is wi!! be displayed in a l.i.uiiu-r both us r.i; and in i i'.U' aii-l w ill be a m.i. t a! i rai'i iv- tea. i ire oi our exhibit. Mr. Pi. Will :e.lle..s ,., tojl.ilil-.lUl'e thai he widi. s a'1, arii. '.( . . thai aie t be sen! here for tile (.'hat ham e l.ibi . to be deiivoi ed here by nex" Tues lay. Alter thai day h- will be o.ipa,'ed in aiiaiipinp them and bo;-iup- tiu in for ship. ne,, t, and on Mon day, tin' 'i-iid. he wi!! have w.i-ons hereto haul even I hinp to li olM which place they will be ca '! i"d by ihe r.iiiroad. u.i the same day. : lo il'ih ipii. 'J' person., who i prefer to deiivei- their artii les a i .'.ioik-iire in-tea.i of at this place, are , reipii's:ed to have them al .itoiii-uro before lVi o'clock on Monday, tile "i-ini, as eveiyll'iu:; froiii thi.-i c-einty : n.'.l.-a be in ll i.eiel) uu the nil. 'i ii-.-'ii : of tliiit il iv. Mr. Powell will In at Moiii'iin-oil that day ami w ill not only sup.-iinieiid Ihe s!iiimeiil of aii io ti i !es hut wi'lpoon ihe same train to Ualeigli with ihetii, and see that tii.-y 'O e ir-...i-riv lea.v'd in tho Chaiham exlithit. We ui.w make our final appeal to the people uf Chatham to aid .di they can m making our county's exhibit vrclit.-iblc'' in every respecl. so thai when they g. to th" Exposition and see Chaiiiaiii oecuovin ' so ti' a posit ion t hey m i i their oid county ! leel pnnld ol ; . - ' with I hiiai that our coiiiilynicn will bo' iiiueli ji'eused with hiiQ both as a! man and as u Jmltfo. ; Sr.WT'li!1 .1. CuNVI.NTION. Oil hist Sahirday a conveniiou of the demo-, cats of this sen. uorial district was h 'd nt J. sse S. it' oa-y's (i. a!f way beliVei:!! I'iltsboro' and (irahaiii). for : the iiir;'o.-ie of lioi'iinallug a c.indi- j dale foi the Senate. The convention J was orgaui..'d by tho ekvlioli of J. ; K. J'ony. oi Challiui'i. as eliairmaa, anil Leu J. Wil!iam.-.ia. of Aliiinauce, ; as s-or. tary. j On motion. J ihii L. Scott, of Ala- ; iii-ii.ce, .vii-. iiuai.i:uoi--!y nominal e.l. and v. i.s invil ed toa.i.I: ess iiie con veil : Aiileh he did In the ai i.-il'li.'l ion of ail. ilissjii-.vli well delivered. j he being a comma:!. tour .resi-iiee ,1 i and having a eai'itai voice for jnibiio i .-ji. ami was bri.iifii; of facts ai. I ligures ihat wele both iuslruei-jivean-l utLTiaiui'.ig. SYe will not I at l.i :uit a sviioji-i.-. of his sjitceh, ns 'our I'lHinlynien viill i ll have an oji ioi luiiity oi' heariag him dicing the i campaign, lb- wiii sp ak here on ) i'm sday of Co'i''l-week. and wi l ae coitiiany our eiemly candi-la'i.'s on I tli.-ir canvass, au-l we co.i4deniiy re liet that the )v'i'e of Chatham luiii be ai.ich jiie.iv ,-d wiih him. Mi". ISeoi) is not a jir. it ieiini. a , ilea! bilsllievs 11.101 who hits liev.r ' rf.mgiit or ii-'lil any po'ii'ieai lii.'e i'r sc el al . "ears lit" was tile ll'eiu ; uii r oi i.i : county ami gave univer j .-,al t.aii.-':i',t;,!ii in she discharge of. j !ii .tunes. I Ai the i-iaehl.-ioo of Mr. Seolt'.-i s.e. eh. our irgislai ive ciu-lidiit.'s. le-.Nl-.. WoaiacU and Aision, were .ili.-.l lljioli ior and I hey' il'ieil V :l !:ll'e-s. .1 lie- e. -Ii veil! i-ill ill a few ;iji.! . ia! i- remarks. J a resju to calls, short sj'.'.-ehes were H:so ii-aile bv M. s-.-s. .l,-.:ii s A. Oi!ilia.:i. II. A. L .ii i-K!. and. A. If. Mci-ntt. 1 ne io. .. .wing ;-.' .i,nuui! tee i' i' ! ii" scial"i i.:i i lis: l lei v a a) i-olijt i 1. vi'.: Ii. James l owi-ii, J. Ueoige I I.O. iieueher. J. 1). K.T- aud J. M. Tajiscot i. SilUvO a4ClV. Davidson L-: ilc!. : S n (ime ,'n. -i l-i'lv ill I minions ToW!i.-.lii- ;ave Lmili Io iiii'm cliieheli, (tie irnss .'.,:,ijt if '.ho lot belli;,' twciily-si in. i. nd... J'liey ate aii iivmy and thriv m;; li.tcly. ( hoi-iiie (bseier: The county i-onv :tili m ol the i.'i-iiiocra'.ie. parly of .'dividi ii'aii'jf iiu ! in the court house yi -.ti i'. lav and noiiimaied ('apt :i. JJ. AU Miii.l. r l"l' Ihe Sen. Ue, and .Messrs. II P. W.iiiiu;;, W. M. Ardicy. and !i. (I. Ni. ...- for tiio IL.uiso. Mor.intou Mountaineer: We are n li.'.oiv ini'ol iie-d linil '.'ol. (J. IS. L'elK. iho Ms l.vo veins u;,'o tije Jiiberid ciihiiid i.'e l.-r rtuprenii: Court Jiid;;o. iil'er iiiin' how York belaivcd ,;l i.'-i;. ir. wrote (leu. e.-ih-s a letter ill -1 1 1 i i 1 1 the euili'hO nursiled iiv j-,.v , saii!-' thai he would nJt support al ihe polls. (' Messeiiper: Due of tln ky cutlet s alMr. .N. () IJetry 'w saw mill, uciir this city, while pr parinp a lop I'oi iiie iMi'i'ia0'.-, one day lasi week, nil fiom llie lie-lit of the lop il lead :.ns-i;i't bail. I ne lop was umr feci l!ir-iii,;!.. a id the ball was in thei eutre. I i:e loicsdnii ha.-; ari-w n, how did the .bull ;' t I here f and it was generally ! ii-.-o; i ll-.n of those wh uu we heard ii-.eiis.'-i ;g tini iiie.-i!iou thai ihe ball H e.f ';e.'iliti'.-iiaiy fame. ; Asheville Citi.!eii: Almost daily v.e ii- ,'.. i.-f the leiii.ii 'ktl'oh CUl'aiive ' propi riles of to'naeci), used ncc ird inp t' the lieli'l Cii.'ipncill forniilla II hi. p. M. Davis, of Hay wood, writ is ihe Wayne-oilii'. News recently tliat j ins i.'.s .v.-re ail i:ii cholera, and .-. ; al had died: he ill the i il ien t hi slaie;iii'iii iii ib n I Clinp- ..i.iii Ii la: inp tic em a. ive eiiects (f lob i -co, he I : i. d t be rem.-dy. pi'-inp ii iii bii't. r-u.ill., and l1 c ncl eery one-of tiie h-., -,s. Mr. D:ivi. is great - I Iv in f ivor of the remedy. ' IM. iph Visitor: Mr A T. Olive. i if While Oak touisl,ii bad the ini.-t-t.-ltlllie lo lose a barn of line l .bieeii by Iiie on '! Iiinday iifii i.inon last. H.u Iiie original' d from a di feet ive line. lb" less is about S:'V. No insurance. ihe vesid. c and !,i:eliin of Mi. M.i-ies J. Tod-I, in M.i; i's Cieek toi tishiji. was destroyed by lire about Ud'cI-h'; last uiphl. , Tile iiiosi of furniture wr.s saved, ills loss i, abo-.u S'.IOO. There was no insurance. Tie- l-i eis -aippos. d I i h ue iiiipiealed fr. un a det'ectb-e l!,ie in the chimney. --About live o'clock ".i -ilind.iy !a-1. Martti i R i'!i. a ounp cli.ti d pil l. who was cooking foi- Mr. .(no D. Puiitgs. started to kindle a iire in tiie stove, prepaii.ti.ry to cook hip supper. N'leiook the kerosene can and poured oil on the too. The same oi l story : m Tho can e-iphnled and the girl was so ba1!v burned that she liuc-er- d till H K o c!o, k t Mat lUgMl when 1 bLedinl iu tciiibl-j lyuiiy. (Jreetishoi'o Workman! A nejjro eabin a mill! or iau from Mebuiu iHe Heei.leiiiuily tiro I-e-l i.ueduy while the woman of the hom-e was ab- sent, and the ho. isidiiiid eoi, tents wero ilwlv.vril. I In' H; t rail beilio' the ' loss of ttto litthi children who Jielisl.. ed in tho llamos. The jiei'sons who went, to the burning bml tiny with a . hope of saving it, readied I he !'(ol in : lime to j-ee l no roof lull in and hour i 1 1. . . e . I . i: I .1. : t 1 - me iTien 01 iiiu ih nun.' enuioeii. . ii 1 i ,..i. ,.. n l.. ... ... l, .,;.! ii.g Col W.T. lilaekwell has been ''."j1' Whiiio dangorous. and the oiiuallv sueee,sb,l. until he has l.KI1'"1 & '''"'" M i re-eross for 1 . ., , .1 ,. ii. i i ii'ee tlavs. Mean une the bovs Hiili nev, - dwi-lliegs el. ''uiitlv limshed and . , , . .. , y , i sis ed on iiaieiKHi corn. C1'Ohmii? iirovid.i.l wiii eerv eoiivemeiieo. let' . , . ,. . A,f 1 , , ,. , , i . I ovr-r into Oat.'iwba, then laneolu, the iiu is not s itlslie I ; lie lias just hint , .. .. . . . , ., i .i .ii.i iv :. i i . .j t:uni!v settled, and there Mr. .Long f'urvevci and Ian I on into lots Hie , , , .. , Nielii .Is town ; ti'.-e. at ilii; west, in edge of ihis lie has laid oil' threel i ... i . i , , ..... :i j broad slri-ets three oiiiu lei s ol a uiiU! , , 1 , ,. 1,,, ,,, long, and liieso aro erosseil at t!i(;; iiroiuf dislniiee. Ou this oieeo (ij i.ind are liii has, i ai'h of whieh lie jJii.j.'iMitr, in iii'iii nun mi I'li-.ini. dwi llim; house. These lots are eov ...... . i ... i ...... end with I slli'de Ire whieh make this one of tie: mutt desirable jmi'ts of the town. (ireenville Kelleelor: Light ciijahi) cuses are on tl.e doi !;et for trial at th" S.-jiteiiibei' Court, live of them for niunli r. Maimger Warren has a )eiir I'oi the couely cxLihit thai iihus-i.n-.s I'.i inches in ciicuaifi ience am! v,(-i!is 'J.! ounces. Pitt county i.-. to have a fair this year. As wiil be .-een by ref- ri'iieeto Maniiger Warren's cod in nuolh. r colipull, tho 1 7 1 1 ;md ISih of fj.'iitember arc the day h set aiiio'i. We were iiifornud ia.-t friday of another inurd. r in Pitt eoniily. Ji ving La-. g and Most s '..u- ett iiad a few wouls at the house of I he latter on tiv . iiniaimn ol Mr. Ji. j J. Larri it. in i.'an:ivii! . townshij.. las! 'l'hui'.v.lay night, wh n Lang s an ! axe and imiied ii aim .it tp to tLeeve in 'the iiead of li..rr.-lt, killing him alnio.-.l ii. tant iy. l'Voi.i wlml. we en:. Ii arn the i.uu'iler was most unplovok ed. (ireeusboro' Patriot . W. Jf. IIous toli. wholesale pr,-ei r of this place, in i- le an i.l Wedli'-sd iy niurn iiiit. The iiniioiiin -eiuellt was ii sur prise to the town. Mr. Houston's ii.l-iness i'.p.' iifi d I i '.: highly pros perous, 'l ie; li.-bih'ies foot up ;:i(i, Ottt), The tltii.d.-lpli Demoe-alic convent ion. last w eek, liomlliaicd Hugh I'.i. ks '..r tiie Si-ual", Dr. Cav .'lie-is and i.ltrie! Meed fur III'- House. .Siieli'l' Motiii. register i'eague, slil- veyor liull.i and coroin r l)-iis. pres ent incumbents, wer rcnuiuiuated. 'fill' ti-'k' t is n g-.od one. throil;;h a ,d thro.i-;u. --A eloi'.-d b.'V, livin,- lii.-ll'tiie .iiilu-'ioii ilileinj.ted to b.ialil Ine !iel;-lii as It uiove.l on liolil Ihe co-l! .ch'i'" Saturday evi-tt iilg. when he '. as thrown under tiie win and i' is f-itnllv inju.e i. One ho : .-r '.mis .-v leii d fiom tin.1 b uty. and he silliered gr-a! Iiaiu until .h-uiii came to his relief ill"- folio .-, Ill:;' il l', . So unii h for trying to steal a rid.'. , Aiauifiiice (li.'.iner: On last Fi i-' -day Aiiss Mary Const, a maiden I-i iy aged about to yi :irs. living just south i - oi Curtis bridge, was attaciieil v.lnle in her orchard gathei in;, fruit by a vicious bull d-p biloiiytng to her neighbor. I V. I 'oust. Slie scivaiued for help, but the dog made no halt Her were nbno.-t torn oil' her and li. r tees bi'.leu and lacerated in a horrible iii-nuier. Afier a while hr qui!, but was h-t upon Iter again by tilt; barking ..!' a small dog. When the dog had filially li t her alone he eroiii lied liim-'.elf t'owu lo watch her us miio lay bleeding on the ground. Sim managed to keep tin' beast from her throat In' using tin; bisk"t she had. Tin- siory she tells of her feel ings wh'li! iiuis almost in the jaws of dea:h is Mckemug and When 'a-.t hoard from she in a critical condition. E 'ery person haviug such a vicious animal on iiis premises should eoniiii'.: I. im closely or kill him. Kaieiph News and Ob.- rver: 'i hurs day ni;,'ht the tobacco factory of Mr. I-'.-oieett. at Durham, was ei.tirelv de- stroyt il by lire. 'I he loss is about ; ?-T.ii)'l. ihe Durham Cigarette Company's factory, mule!' the same i roof, was al .ode-li oyed. The factory was tin- largest iu Dtnham. j Several mills in Al inmnee have shut down. The .'-'axapahaw mills and the j E. M. Hull plaid mills at Company: Shops have c'osed. Tiie Granite will . shut down in a few days jt'st as soon as the present supply of cotton gives oul. The factory people give as their mi-sen they don't pro- pose to pay Ih. i present hijdl pi ices i'er cotton and Ha n pot nothing for their uiauiilaetete.l oooils --To day ; the leiiiocnits of Wake county n. imi- 1 a led a toil coeiHy ticket by act lama- , tiou. Ti.e convention was brief, unan imous and the most harmoi ioi s ev.-r seen. Mr. S; in Wl.itaker was chuiriiiMi. The following iiclo t was iiotiiiiiai- diS 'ii i.e. M.ij .loin; (iatlii.;-; House, ib rl'.ei! Jv N'orris. .1. Wiilb r Myall. !. ll Mh'O ..nd C. M. Muniet: sin I ill'. J Koiieil Nov. ell ; legist el of deeds. Capt. M.i. k W I'agc: t.i asur-: t r. A D. .loin s ; coi .uitT. 1 'i'. . I. S-a -lell ''.ts speeches were made I V several of the ealaii late.-i. - - A we. k ago b'-ilav .luliiis Itosenihal, I b bri.'ht l-tih'Son of Mr. fi b'osei.tlial. was pkoinp in e s'oie on l-'ny.-t n-vilie street, belonging !' his failn r. and a splim.-r froiu a p'.-n.k in the I'oor ran into his foot The splinter was ov.-r two inches long. A physician adminis ti red Idol oi'", in and got out u por ti."i of the splinter. Next day -b. lias walking about. I'lifort tlllab'Iv aii of the si!iiiler was not extracted. iii.'lit. loci. jaw supervened. To day m I o'clock p m. the poor little fellow died in pie: t agony. Si.Uesviih Eaudm ok: Mr. Win. Long, of Catawba Station, died last. Er'nlav nighl. aged '.U veins. S months a;ii day. When a lad eight years i f age he came down to this country fmi.r Maryland with his sb p fniher i ii I his family. I i leim mbi red. and oiieii teteiie.l I-, the tnet. that when thev got b' the Potomac river, on their wav southward. t''iv hear 1 eft he death olGtn. WuoLiiiglou. Cvuuiiguuaciv Virtfiniu and North Cnroliun, they I eaim' to tla ('iittiwba rivtr at fiuattiu . ford. Vn winii r Wf-alher was awful, . their jiiovisioiis. whieh they bought j from time to time tilonyf the way as i tliev W( l'e Iii'mIciI. b:id iriven out. 1011I ! the' rivee was tilled with ico. Iis steii-fnther took his mother across the river in a liattcau. leaving the three boys and tho town on this side, jiropo.sin; to return for them : bul be- ...I I .1 -l.i ion- im i-iium iu. no in;,'!!!, eniiiu on, it rrilsio sif'iui set in, tuo river rose sjieiii nit! naianee oi nis iiayH, ami i.i-ciiniiilal'-d eoniderablo jiropertv. 1 1 i i : j i i ns ii i , ii n ii .. i uiiMeuiKMiM mail ... .. . . . .. . , . . anil Ins eee lei.t habits In: I nnieh to , .... ... ,. ... no vviin leiigiii. iiiny uis inn. noiuo ye.iirt ago no iosi nis sigiu mil ins i ......i: l ,.i .. 1 1... .1.,.. iiuii'i . wiiiirmvu in in uiu uur ui ith. Wheat is clu ii'ier now in England than it has been in a century. The liiesideiit and cashier of u bank at New U. unswick. in New Jet- s-y. stole a million dollars and com- milled suicide, a few davs ago. 'J'he wealthiest man in tho world is j the Chinese han'on llaii (uii of Can- j ton. He jiays t:r;en ujxni an estate j of SirilMIOO.ililll. ami is estimaled to lie worth a billion tails, wnicli, in our money, would bo about fourteen hundred million dollars. m Mr. dlougli on Siik Huts. It would be no violation of the coiiunandment." said John P Oough. ..;f :l w,.n. ) i',,H ,,.,1) and wor .i. ;,, ii. silk hat. h r it is not madi the likein ss of anything iu In aven. or on curt Ii, or in Ihe wateis which are .inder t he ea.'lli." 1J 'sides it heals the head and causes the hair to fall oil". Parker's Hair P.alsuni will stop that nod i store the original color to pray or laded hair. Not oily, not a dye. heiicl'n ial. dclioioitsly perfumed A pi-tfect. hair dressing, ode. AH driiogists. ; W. H. Wakc tieH k Co.. of Greens iboro". N. V.. dealers in Hard ware and 1 Machine! y. invib' the citi.ens of lanitham to examine their huge and eomplet-' stock, which will be sold astonishingly tow. Their Wakelield Cook St ive is the nicest and tpiick est baker on Ihe market. Agents for : '.Vadswo.'tl'. MaltineV! iV r(:.nginan's l'.ire I'ri t'lired 1'aints. every gallon p'.lil!'ililiei.-i Ayr's Ague Curr- acts directly oi 'the liver and biliaiy apparatus, mi' drives o"t the malaria! peisi.n whii I inducts liver eotupl. iiuis mid biiioi i lisoi'deis. Wi'irraiited lo cure, o; , lil'inev let' in.!"tl. MAi:iiir;p. ol)liu;i:-l.-ij i-limi- l'VCISU -.lollNsON. -A! 1 1 1." 1 l-n f Mauli" J -iiii-ii in o.iki.iin! i.-wii-liii-. Vuiisi O.-i. issi, l.v I'.ii-.-ni .I..I.1..-11. -I. I'.. MI.- 1'Mii.i .IoiIssosj li. Mr. I'lMUxs l uasii. WxF m a 23 v s . It -.i-ii -1 ;-.r Tin. taii i'iui i.y V, Y ATT A- T A V LO P. OlilK I.'.!.- V COMMISSION MI-.'.'-ll .NTS. S... M.-irlin SI., llALKII.ll, N. l, S.a.t.-liil.i-r '... ISfl. l.ll't ION mauki:t: H.....I Ml l Hint:. Ml'l-I'illt-. s.i-i.-i ." Vl.l.Uui;, sialii-.. WHOt.I-jiAi.l'. M.-ill -l' ll:..l.-.t, 11 l-'ili Iui.-Un. 1 i.i.ik ne. i ClUlVl.H.'il lltllll.l, 1 uiocr.HV m .Mt i: ii ;: i Kh.iir, N. C, i v i-'.-i.l, I..U-.I - l:i- ' l.illT'-l, '.iv .'on r.inaiv. k , i.v l-i-.i.. 1 .Vl-.II l (. I.-s - - I I V.-J.1.I-S, " -i'- N.-w l '-. i Olll-.l. Il" Orli- I Appli-B, a ' ; Syril; -.'.---.'i y r.llU.-r, JH" J' Siii-ir- rrs, lJ'.-'l". V. II-. iv, f. if.i'. '4 eii.-k.-ns, l.v.- J'i iii.iiiiiWuc.1, "' I I'.rk, s-.-.i 0-itrei-. ln'-j " 11 r.-.-i. -v-: lli.-.iu I'l '4: ni'W llri'iii 'I'l'-s il "r'i 1'liit-il Tlt-s il .'.ii. It -'I'll''"" l'i'l'''.s nn fur lurtfi' AVER'S Agne Gure c.-nt .iiis 1111 ai.Oitiitii f.rnll niniari:il lln 01 ti-1 . wlc.-h, s.. fur us kiiov. 11, is lis--.', in ! i.O.i-r r- i;, .I. II i-..ii:aii..H l.n 1,' ia.ii..', i:.r n.:y mil.' r..l i .a-.l,-1-t.-r.--u! n.lM.iiu-e !i. t-i:i-T. uiul ci'i-pi-an.-ni 'y i-r...lui-..-ii mi iiem !"r fll,--t l;J -.11 0.-.' ,-.M'.iIlTUIi.ll. l-i:l I..-IM-I I (wl. ln us l.i:i!l!iy ue il :u .i-l--!t- II..- u-.ii.--k. WE WAuRAJ.T AYF.r.'3 ACUS CVti?. to run- -.i.rv i-....i-1-f vi l-:i':.l -ii:-, li t"-r-Ii.i: l--::t .-r l l'i l t . v, 1., iniliHi.t. I 11 r. lui-i.l. Aj:ii., l:IU'tl !',-. 1 , :nnl l.ivi-r l .-l.i-.;.-i -a .-un - I i.y li..uri i. In .-n.--) - 1 t.u't.r.. ml r .1,1- uiul, 1--u1it9 11.0 iiiitli.'-. i.' -I. I '-".r . ii-. ii.i.r il iti-. July lt, 1--'. t- i'un-l Uiu iii.i.iry. Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mess. S..I.1 I.y nil Iin.),B.!. Am Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Texan, Mil 3, 1PS2. " I irili tn oypriins my ninTcciauou ul lUo vuluiil'lo quinines of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral us .1 1'i.iiili n'Tiicity, " Wtiile with l.iiri'hi!1' nririT. j'tt ln'f.Te tlio KillK' of Vl.ks!'iir(!. I ci.iitractol n o vi n- -lil, whiuli t. rniiii-iH-il in a iIbiiiscmii ri.iieli. I f' -iin-l I'-" rvll.-f till 011 our iiiiircli i-.imi- In ;i i-.iimtiy t'i'', wlit-ri.-, on nsking fur luin.' ri-mc.iv, I nrod to try AVKU'ii Clieintv I'l rioii.-.l.. "1 ili'l f. Bti.1 win r:nlil1v jsinoe tlii'n 1 hav.' ki'-l llu-l'Ki rnn.I.0"tii'tnitly1'y ini'.l'T lan.ilv iim ami 1 h:.ic f.vun.l it to l e nn imnlimlild r, uii Jy for lliront nnil lung !iM-a-u'K. ' w- WiurLtv." Tlioitfnn.ts i'f testimonials certify to tbe pronifl I'lire uf n'.l lirom lilul ami lui.R anW'tioti, i.y lb.- nsf of Avtli's I'llKltltY I'KiTnim.. H.ii, v. i-v.:il;iul)lo, the young. .l cUil.lreu t.!,o It n-a.tily. ritFi-AnKt) riv Dr.J C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, Mass. UM ly all lruu'"f. Xs w Avci tisi Picnts. W. UN..HAI.K. w. K. uuurmiv'. HINSDALE k MCRCHEOU uhvb f,.rm.-.i h o.Hrini rsioi for tiio .ru.:iico of ; pUu'.'U01'" i ! .Runaway Boy. All .pik..ii! mr lieniliv f..rb! fruni linrlrliiK nri'ii..l"ini.'i!i wn ..'iiAiu.fcii. wli'i H yiiii'M ' i ;,j , i,i,. r u'liipli xl"ii. ...J Hll'l ttl lillii'R .:'H .i"ii. mj . .... ........... 1,11 mii.i l.Kf. ii. Any hii..riiiaU.iiiiuttuliw wuori- uIji.uIh will w lliniiKii'iiy ri.civii.i. M LI. I'll VAIUiOHOI.'OII, Ki-)t. 11, ism. It. 1'lllBlj.iro', N. C. W. J, IlUttillSS 369 Faycttcville Street, RALEIGH, N. C, I'F.A'.KH IN CHISA, CRGOKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TABLE CUTLERY, silvj;h plated waiie, UKFltlGK U ATU IIS, TEA TRAYS, OIL STOVES. &.O. twl.timiliur 11, 1KKI. 3m. ' ! V1 Y()f) I T CffVT !' - ' - - ' VUJJIJVVX 1 I , ,, , ,T ,. -i .i,... : in j-asi iiargeu aim zon i uiuingion Streets, RALEKiU. N. 0. Iy Mill M FOR THK Fall and Winter IS CCircrLE TE ! ! IT CONSISTS UV BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS. CJATS' COTTON. DOMESTICS, PLAIDS. PANTS CLOTH. DllES GOODS, and all other goods found in a first class Wholesale Drv Goods House. This Stock is t he largest ever showt here, and prices aro as low as the same goods eau be bought in Northern markets. WM. WOOLLCOTT. St-pii-ail'i-r 11, IsM. ? A ! w. i!. fc a. s. mm & go., ralei&ii, rj. c , AltE NOW ol'rMNii THKIIt FALL WINTISK STOCK OF G003S. DRESS G001S, OA Lit OHS. I SILKS. SATINS. VELVETS. iliHO. AN'D BLEA. DOMESTICS, DRILLINGS. TICKINGS. j I'LAIDS, PEIU'ALES, I SHAWLS, CLOAKS. I I'KUNKS, CAUl'E ITNGS, i HOSJEIjy, GLOVES. ! NOTIONS, HA TS. ; HOOTS AND SHOES. ! sk for liny tirticle kept in a lirst-class Dry Goods Store and you will i be sure to iitid it. j Thanking tho good people of Chat jhani for their past patronage, we I solicit a further contiuuancu of the ! same. j W. II. e; H. S. TUCKEIl CO. i S.'.t.-iiilK-r II, 1KM. A DM1 NTST1! ATOh'S' NOTICE. II ivlin; .i.Hililli-.l 111. tlin .r '.f 1 .1:itm-i l''i -'-. .I-.-.-IL-.-.I. v.- li. r. l..v ii..U.y u',1 1.1T i.i-i.f li.' .-l.-Cin!' .-malnst il.l .1 1.-m t" hii. Il im- miiiii' I" u.-, "ii "r lii-t.-ri- Hi.- -JMli day "I Aus.-1-.i. IK-"'. 'IIIOMAS II. I'.vi'K, i Aug. -s, l. i.m. J. .1. l'1'.uli.KS. I WBOKTOAtiE SAT4E. 1Y VIH- I .f "3 in.- ..r a 1 (.. i-Mi-iiicl ! nn- l-y Iwiuic ' II . Ol.-rf.; an-l wiii., ..11 Un-.'ir. .lay ..( April, ! mi l i- i-.i- .l "ii im-, or. an.l i?T r-f'-k ii. n." in ' iii,. . .111 1 1 In- ri-;:i-ti-i-.ii .ii-i- l.'f i liailiiim -uii- ', ty, I will wil ui imi'li.- au. U-.ii t-.r .-n-li m Un' '. ml H..IIM- il"'-r 111 l'iii-l..t--.', mi MON.'AY, Un f.iih .lay ..I S-i.irinU-i-. I"M tin- .-.i.-iii-il.'K.-rl lii-.l III Mll'i ll..l'tl.'ai', i-"ll!l-!l!lH '! Kit ii.-rix I'f liui-t .hi liirn.-il'i. .-n-'k. "ii wlii.-li ai'" Hlttiali-d 11 ! Mil l., col I'ON HI , S'lllliK. SI'I.AM KMONK, U-.-. .instil A JOHNSON. Aunu.-t if, lwl. ! BRICK FOR SALE ! '100,008 (loon HAim inucK FOii SALE I5Y V.. II. M. LEAN ,V CO., I ll Jill M'AVIoN. j VilCU-.! 21. IWI- j BAND S VLE. IN OUEHIENCE ; A 1,, an'-"f U111.1i' i.-t i- uri ..I I'ltntliHin ; ; .-..iiiil' . IU..-I.' In Hi.- - a.- U-.l-l l"inl'-l 'I illman 1 au-iilii-i i--m-1.Ii W. lil.l-llf. I i.l wil a' l-i.I'lii'Rii.-- . 11-11 l.-i-.-ael- ai Ui 10 Ii iim-.I.-'i Iii 1'liii.lmrn. , voNiOV, Hi- l-vii 'lav "I Si-i : tia-i t liitnl In wil-l iMiiiiy ii-l.t.-uilntr Uh- IhiiiIi 1 - .1. w. Un- kin-y. li. II. .ii-l '.' I "Un iK. k.i"wn n I 11 111,-11 T.-ini. " 1. iii-c. iin-l it'itiHini'iB ai.1.1.1 i:.n-r s. I - A ill!. I "'. H4. Its. lll.KV. I li. D'iiuiiiHi.l"iipr. BAND SALlC-HY MUTl'E OF j A n iii.luiii.-iil -.I tin HiiinTi'.rii'.irt i-f Cliiel.iini 1 ,i.,,i iitin.,.iu.i'..r ii i-i- li-ri:' r-'in nn-l .Tlii-ri, ni.'-iilMt NnUiaii l"--u -it. .11 nil. I i.lll.M'H. illlr.'tllii; it m t'.r iiiii-i-'it. 1 fiian ..ffi-r t- r al.' "li Urn tin" I i Ii 'lay Si-ii- .illll-K "II Till IIM'AI ii-iiil"i-. ". il"' , i.. n,e iliwi-li'' .l n-nl I'H'.ntn min:.'.t In i ll I'.luin niv in .Miiriciii i" . shii.. ..11 U...-kv rlv.-i-, ii-ll..iiilin: Oi" lim-ln "t Wil liam i-.-;iil. .l"li I ii.I'Tw..n iu.'I "ll.iiH, nn.l mn laiiiinu' !!' ii'-r.w. ni"ri-.,rli-K. I'.-nni. "I wil.. fciA rasli nl Un' Ml'', 1 '.'1 n"l c.1,.,1 Hf.-iirl.y r.r Ui" I'alnn ' ' l'"' l-iir'-linwi iii,.ii.-i-,' ill mx n'..lllliH Willi ll"ln ilix.lay "I -uUi" ami till'' nwrvwl iinnl ll:t wliolo "I Ui.-'i.tir.-lin--.' ni..iii'y In i.iii.l. ....u-.v Auk. is, isnt. Us. iiitmili.B..inr. DM! X ISTKATOU'K NOTICE. 1 iii 11. niiiKqiialiil'-'l h ii-tiiiliiiHiriii.'r of i-vih 1 l..inn.'.v. .li-.-HK-.!-.!. I lii-r.-i'y ii"iny .111 i-ii"ii. Ix .1-ltnu .-lai'iis iienlin.t wO.I il-i-li-tit t.' Hi.- Mini-1" mi' 'Mi "I l-f"l' 111.. l'l"l dav nl July, IVk-,. JOb Sl l AIM'. July :il, InH. Bio. Life Insurance! I v -l lift. ii..-..mi;Hi., "wi.. hdim , family may Imvc some jirovisioii for their KiiK)tt. jMany inon, who while alive comfortably KiijijiortiHl their families, have died in their prime and left their wives and chil dren almost deslitiito: whenus for a small sum their lives could have been insured ami ample provision inndu for their loved ones. Let every prudent man lie warned in time and secure this protection for his family ! TEE VALLEY MUTUAL Iran Assicialion of Virpia o tiers unusual inducements. Its rates are very low, hoinjr for instance on tin average only $8 a vcar on 1000 for a man 30 years I. Id. It is solvent and reliable, having now n cuuraiitceiiig reserve of $100, 0UU. It Promptly Pays all Losses! For further information, apply to 3. W. JACKSON1, Supervisor of Ageneies of N. C, PITTSBURG', N. C. COTTON GliYNKRS OUGHT TO INSURE TIIEIII GIN'S IN THE " I C. EOfJE INSURANCE CO. Tliis company has been in succoh- f'ul operation ibp; sixteen years. Jtis SAFE, SOLVENT and PROMPT in the payment oi' its losses. All kinds of Hiiiltlings insured al reasonable rates. l'e warned bv tilt! losses of vour neighbors ami insure in time. ZZ. A. LOiVDOn, Agent. H.-.l. 4, lss4. As the Summer advances Y. I, LONDON lias made groat reductions iu his prices for CASH. CASH CAN l'.l-Y (JOODS AT LONDON'S CHEAPER THAN YOU E VEIL SAW. II E II AS A El'IiE STOCK IN EVEUY LINE AND IS Ol'l'ElvINCi FOll CASH T1IK BEST HA 11 GAINS ever ofiercd in this county So come at once and bring the MONEY, and you will be sure to find the BARGAINS W. L LONDON'S. I rittsVioro', July 10, 1H84. . i I! J 1 .- 1 ti ii A n ft r

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