(Chatham $ crord to THUTtSD.yy. QCTOV.HR 2. 1HS1. H. A. LONDON, Editor. r i. i n - unhedt..:inlv assert tli:it dtil'ino-no THE STATE EXPOSITION. iwious rhd of live yenrs has om it afforded us much jiUasuro to state ho j;u.t'ly irus;v n d or i:s nttcud yesterday the opi ning of our utVairs been so well manage A. Can Htate Exposition, and it was . .11 occit any man cotitiadict this ' Then, in Hion that will long lie roiii'-mln-n-il (ho natm of common sense vie . iu North Ciiroliii!.. Tho exorcises vhv e'nivne .'" were Tfry imposing. In addition to tlio prone-nee of marly all lhi liij;h officii'ils of our State ovcmmeiit ami iliousuudu of our K-st citi:'. -Ms. there trere. twenty-thn'e military coiipimc and a half dozen brass Kinds part lei- ; fating in the imposing exercises of 1 ho day. It vn tin u'raiulest un.i ;(. tary pageant witnessed in tin- Sia'e s mnco the war, and made us feel proud f (if our citizen soldieiy. The on:v ; drawback to (he phasine of the oca niou was the oppwssive in a: am! utiJing dust. The opening exirci-es took p.-vee nt midday at, the "grand Mind", "first in order was a pi aver ijiiercd by Itev. F. L. livid, editor of toe Kulttigh Christian Advocate. ami 1 1 1 -1 1 (Jo. Jivvvj in n mo-t nppr.'pn-.t-.1 speech introduced the orator o: ;he day. Senator Hawley oi 'onneeiie,ti. who delivered a emvfuiiy prepared ttiid piitriot c a ldivss. Wide .- Iia- a a deep-toned voice, yet is not an ora tor, lacking both grace and annua: i v. tint his manner was pleasant and e'. ,1ifdrehs (fivve universal sat i-iact ion. At its close loud calls were made for Senator Vance, who bii. Ay re.- . n I d,nild theliiuateW tiim V scliiel.iVs l'lesideiit l'l itnrose i'oi mailv d--e::i' ed the NoiciH CvKoi iNA Sta n; Ei-"i . : s tl'ENKI ! The vast concourse then pruc u 1 to the main Immune;, and Senator Hawley and tiov. .larvis started one cf the engine-, and the lit lie dam. liter f .'resident, l'rinifoxe started ti.e nther. that moves all the t.-i:ciiinciy. Evelbody then began to wa'.k about inspecting the di'd'tiei.t exiii:).t.-. and we are pleased and proud to -.tale that the centre of attraction was the Viva! ham exhibit ! We hem i it on every side that "Chatham tuk.- the cake". We showed our e-.hii'ir i- Senator Hawley. w ho gre;it iy ,i.t :n: c L it and expressed surprise that one county could exhibit sttch u variety. AVe have not the space now to t i,u luerate anv of the manv mei itoi i.-!t articles in the Chatham e'n:iiit. but would urye evety Chathami:- to -o atid see for himself and Iutm if It " wtiriiiMke yi feel proii.l of yo'ir o i county! And just in re we eannot refrain fioiu statin-,' tiiat the --i - i; t of this exhibit ! eliii I'y dm- Vi I' ll. James I'owel!. who li-.is ti;played reinarkabie zeal an. I efti.-ii-u.-y iu getting up our collection l; :i tang ing and decorati':-; our exhibit o-ir countywomen. Mrs. l.-n-k-on. Mi . Densuii, M:s. IJ-i-ld. Mi-- iloiti'-au l Mrs. l'owe.i have worki 1 ino-t z- a ffv.sly and displace. 1 evpu.-;t- .ii ti.-ti--Uste. )u the whole w e are happy lo slate that the Mate Exposition i" a sue cms. and the Chaiiiaiii exhioit i.i a succc-.-b. Uuirah for i-othl WHY MIAMJK! We cannot believe that the people of North Carolina d- sire t-i niake a change in the government of th-:r .. , .... , ii 1 1 - . btate. liv shoul-l thev wi-n to - - . make a chan-e Why should they be urged to take away the control of their State government from the democratic party, and transfer it to the republican part v ? !' anv man honestly think tiiat the n flairs of our State would be U-tter mai.tiged by the republican party thuti it has been wr will be by the democratic party If a change was made, would it p;o- mote the prosperity of our people." 'NVould it render our eitieus more secure in the -iioynu i;t of thci-- lives, their lilx-rties and their property? Would taxes lxi any lower ' Would the public expenditures It- any less '. Would the penj le in any way be benefited ? If so. how ' Think (or a lnomcut of tho nu n who compose the two part i s in N'or: h Carolina. The demuciatic i-aityis composed of the great bil k of tin- Hill, the home of li York. Lately white men of the State, while the we h- nrd that h--was m om,,! v ,s,t , ,. , i . ,i his chnrclies ami he took his le-:i iiu-l republican part v is composed ciiiellv ... . . 1 . wiirm l Ins eoij;ngiitio!is to waleli of negioes ami revenue-otlieers. We )r y,,,, who. he s;u-i, by his own are aware tiiat there are some respect- words was after Mumeihing im an ami able wliite meu in tl'.e ltpuhlieaii "'e-led waichiug. -You iiii.-:iiiu-i. . x' ii r . i "lv friends," said the preacher, "how iiartv in North ( arolma, men who .. . . 4 1 . ' . J)r. York used to sav on the stump are respected by their neighbors and a1(lV(,, tLis (.,limty'l lmt uh.-never are useful citizens, but they consti- you saw a liepublicaii you saw a. tute a binall milioi ity and tune no mean man. a man who had stolen influence in their iiutv. We there- oinelhing And again h..- used to - i , . , j i i sav that whenever vou saw a i'emo lore simply s ate an incontrovertible i . , ,, , ,. 1 J ciat keiuuod.mg with the Kepuld:- fact when we assert that the republi- (-.ms. you might know that he was can party in this State is composed preparing then and there to steal chieily of and controlled entirely bv something.' These", continued the negroea and revenue oilieers. Such l" ''' ''- "woie Dr. Yoik s own . . ., ,. , ,, worils, and now I think, said be, being the cane, wecamlidly ask would wu ,1iV(j He(.u Dl, V()lk H ,,.,,., at) it lie wise to entrust the republican kerimodling with the U. publicans, party with' the management of our Hnd acconimg to ids ow n words, my State government ? fiiemls. lie needs watching." Since the year 1H70 the democratic . . ; , ' , , , . . ,i i i ' Several jiersons were drowned at party luvs had control of the Iegisla- jli(.lit,.m CltVi ilulialm. on Saturday j tivo department of our State govern- uisht. by the eapsizing of a f-ri 'v! inentr since 1S?7 of the executive h . it j depart ment: iui.1 since lKTl) of the 1 e ilire judicial deiiartiiie'd. IV i , I little over five years the democrats ; liave cold rolled every denaidneiit of the- Htafo go.ernment ihe - itivo, executive ami ju licit,! and THE Vil SS (OWMNTION. 'lb- twi-if.h at.nua'. t-.n-etiitg the 'i.itth Carolina Cress A-.-ociat:oii vil! 1-.- held a! Ka!-ig!i next week. 1,,.,, ;l' l)u. t i , . (),, ,i S p. ni. en Tuesday, At dav tin- aso vt.l ls:t iiivllati." Th'si.le the l-Apo.-iti.ui. : l:ain:r boon e titii; wii! d-'iibih ss e i-tl at t inied. a- a-ar"y every the associa't-'ii wisl ,-s i Mposi:i"!i. a'i-1 w ill it.ake t-' d i f al t!. lime of rd meet i'lvr. Kenilier i'l a'.t'i: 1 the it eoi!c;ii t!,e -.ropo. n.F.it.'.rs MM Dl IW !'l KE li.i'eul'i 1-tl t:Ue a new depaitiire. in ! its (iti.i-.s. oti la-t 'Ihiir-diy. wii lo-i -1 a -i,';it llevef be-'ol e 7-eet: ; i lint c-.'V tin that day ti e tir-t lol' -ec-i w r i -hoii-e i I '' e-t -iblt-hed iu ila'i-i-Ji v.. 'is f. 'I :-:a; ly ep.a.ed wilii l-.-.f.'-ing C!-remoi:i -.. ati-1 tne !n t S l'l- of leaf t-'ba.'-'O ..s !;:. l ie. tJ - hu v i lu. ,1 of K. !.: :v. t. : I t - 1 '' .-. 1. unci si si Yoik. - f til-' N C t'ol! evi;. ;ic, A c I'ii-erv of the Vane, l betwi- Selat. -'; pl.l. I i Y rk that to.-'; it l..e::. -',! "t ;! v f r : .' lt.iv. V.iuee hi-1'e t.-.Uv ami -a I Y" la-t Thm s 1 ;y : 1 .1 iV t' i- h-l- been - i.i' -..I I V. i-1-:! Lett:- ! to .r. a, . we e (i-.-l! "s.-;t;-.-s A a ,-a valca h I 1 l;'..li.'- li:.-t ti: Ie from tmn ami u. hotel ' delv.ed. Y.-.h 1; 1 i. ( S-V.-. 1.. :tv niurto A..ii.iiiii (; V(, ,,r I'h i ;.. ll to In tl: u ! n..- tit. 1. av-av ny i !- i! wa -in l.v a-.u- I a)-) o.nt Ulellt. he I -.1.1 1 1 ' v i de I in,,, w it i: Y- k. ill -1 . cil. 1 '.I,- t M -pe. in -and l lit- le'. u ".vi the of i! 1-ell M net! A tie o-.vi-.l in t,;, u-u.ii rtimb relit ai.d .u iai. -tie. ii-n : e: .'. .! -ii In r. ie.- on i ' 1 rat st a li'ti.- sip.iad : i.- but jus! to York to he i;a 1 in -re ii.i'oi ::,ut i.m - a ilitie lli'-te -elise of oi' t he 1 a i-il ;ou fi .j- hic'li iidat"-. ite won. I make a Now and : nlil- M-i v for nim. wiv t;:a: :t '-'i 1"--th.- -liglnt he is a itu ifo-i.1 debater. ii- i not lackiie- in m i:.-e. but his v eakiu ss eiiis,t ill h,s den.-e;ei oraneeaiel ,t'e: inal-i ity to coiapi. in-iii I tiie fiiet iiiat he is makii.;: ;i eamp.i:j.'ii in ti.t- i!riiiiy moiintiiilis tor eo'iaiile. ,K:",V:" V' 1:a:f !'""r p.y n i.i t; aice rr.oM- oii ciuiid .m - nii't. di-gust and' ieiiim- nt in his eye. l'nl v-.u ever see a hull dog -liake a cut .' If vi-u did von can form ., - - .. , mum- lde: ot tn scene wiiien toliow ,. Eor thirty minutes the air w;u full uf d is'.. fur and fun, ami when Vance finished he contemptuously tosseit tin- remains o) Iin victim over t-i its frii-iula ihu m-e-ioes The crowd Vi-lied with d- li-ht. iiu-l would not try t- hear York, tiiongii Vai.ee hege-l ilu-m to d i so ll-.cii tii,. negroes abandoned him. Em- ota-i- loiK piillthV slmweil t:, it ins lime :u ii, a i,, i, iio, l.- f. ., ,.v..,-. tillH S- v. ra! ,',f the old fine Kadi ,-nls wen- thoroiij.-hlv disguMed with t-'ik an-1 npenlv declared (Lev would lorn ami openly ii have not iiing to i. Of emu se the jiibiiaut. with him 1 Ktii. ici ats were York Mr-eds Wtitciiing. Fr- in !..- lial-iiii '. '.. .in. o. -i-rn-r. 'J'liete is j if i o..l ple;ie!ier up il Wilkes mmied iiio-vii who whs : Cnioii man din ing I he war and ha b -i-n a l!el u'o.icui ever since. Ii, lives in the town-hii- n i i i u 1 1 1 ir T j Our Washington Lt'tlor. j '' ;fi-,.ii: r.nr lliualai O-n-'-sp-'ii-li-ni.! ' W.VSIIINUTON. 1. C.. Sept. --T. 'Si. ; , The attention of po'itieians lu-rc-nbouta is largely turned towards Ohio just now. and the greatest interest! 1 centres iu the campmj-'ii in that S:ate. : ' 'i- no previous presidential campaign ' .within my rcv'.iivti.m h.as this been : the ease. Iteretofoie l'ui- has hecli conceded ill a.lvai'.ce to the Ivepubli catis, and tndi;m.. a nore doublful; S;:i:e iu the past, has been the focus , of speciai interest at this stage of the 1 codes' Kill n-nv thele is little. Ingestion about lu iia'iii. and the lie : p .b'icans are scaled nearly to death ab;ut one of their ow n Siati--. Ten iMi I'wimi; .- ioi:. : luilcy has h ft l ins otlice uii-1 g.me to Ohio i take jcluugeof tin- corruption fund and direct the lii-ivenii lits to buy the '.state. Having been tirst lieutenant under I'.usev in Indiana in 1A he is considered we.! .p.ia'.iiii'd f-'V such i mission. Mr. Dudley resigned his otlice h- ie b.-ciius it was tin' Wish of the S -c'etiiry of tiie Interior that lu- s-i.-.l d il.i'so. They have tint 'oe.-.i in iiiv.i d for s ua,- time, and now D i ll g.-c- :' luo wm I; !-.-r l'.;,ilie. umh-" oi-u-.-.- fi .-III l he iai er that !-' sici 1 !.ae i'ellet's pau'e if he ' succeed-- iu buy :!';;' the t;ces;t!x v.iivabi r of ot.s to, anv tiiat State 1 had a la'!; hist evening with i gi ni a :u an v. ho ku.-ws ll.e inside o'ans the Ivaim- immaj.ers and !fai m d fi - mi iiim the p'.in upon which 0. 1.1ey is to op late. Ti.e scmii c. ...i.f-s 'f Cuya'.i.'g.i. S.ii.d-iky. I.o.as. laic. Ilimilton. Moi.tgomeiy i.i 1 l". i:'.'i. winch gise Mr It..l v I'-l.tT'J maj-.i ity. h,;e hidi .i.cctt-l -l s . i'ia; Oat i ,e - ! Olll.d I II ! lie soxeii c.-,i';li. s ;,,c;e ,ue l!'.'7 -!n.g pr. cine:-. ..:!: ail :.n-,':i:'i ' a f'iic : -ot- in er -'."O i in-!:. 1 ii. ;. a.s.i iu c'.U.h- '. el'V i.lig.- City. lAci . t I'o.lilil Ids .'ii:.g.;. Id In m il cf : lies.- prt - a re': ib'-1 w- -u r is b- ; '....-. 1. an-i h- is; , be -u;.,. ,e 1 ::h tic i.i.iiiitn-ns ,.f w:;i. and a- li '. tlli'X- :!'.',' wo-.k- ts ;s t' -.eted t- iiiiikc an avo'.-.e of forty "couver s; -t.s " Tin- .iig.iiii -n'.s us-, d lo s.-. cuo- tiies,- ,-.-i.t is. uis, ;u- biilnrj md chicanery - im- only aj on o! the j ai ty in .:.tii ryea: s. It ;s -'--; 1 . '..- that' by ;li- -e n.e.i'.s ti.- II a:nc lliili .Igl ls l.-.iiy sieVI . d II: !."'. iil-. ti.e .;iie. I: i!;' y d.-n't the ji- i. ,ip i it ,i t hi :u. 1 : ti.ey .1. i l;ey w i:. -... ply i.-i.-l wi.at has n r been oun: A :u !'.. 1 1- at.c c- uir.u. and w i:i ;i.i i -e a !.!.;;i:ty I.-iig way s fi.-M t:-:al si;, c ss I i,e I'm-1 tii a: 'on re s;u!, :i M-i e about Oc.lo. siiows the c.i. d::. i : a:, i -i- s elali-U nt the illiiii.c ca.i--'. Asv'... I ).;.!., y s I e-i-;iMi;o!i -loi". i.ot take i ft'-ct in. in Nov. !i- is doing ali ti.is o.-.ty w. .-.':; while another of the ( i--m i niiii :,t. and as t lie ilea 1 of i he !'--ti--oi bureau in iia . taL. ii u .1 h I. i.u ;i- aid' s a hl-ee liiliaiiel' of s ecia! ilgelils, who arc on the l"!!' of thai etliee. Dud ley wo-.i.d make a nice S.-ci i-'.-u y i f the line! loi -just ,-is .J allies U lhaitie Wu-lid make a s-.Met s inted l';'esl of tin- I'mtc.i Mate-.. There !ia- been from lime im.:,e nioi ia; mo, .- or U ss m- ii'-hi! upon ewiy a l-iunisi; iitii.u lelalive to tin d. spi i-:i ;.. I, of ! lie ci Uit L t ; i lit filii-i Tla t line v, a . v.h-li ihis pal tic-; a; fund beoi.-,-.i t-i th.- Treasury I e partmeiit aloi.e, and by it divided up am. nr.; the other department., and di'ii.vn it i ion a., lie i ni-'i gi m y aro.-e. Now. ii.iwexer. exery ih'pal t !li''!i! , ami indeed e-.eiy lu.ua-i in the -I.-pal ' ments. has it contingent fund, and the uses lo which II Is put ali as various as aie tin- wai-t s of ti.o who have i-s i-. ti ijuii.it im-. One , xvoii'd SUI-po.-e I hat atlel- the (lov erni.M tit had pill ciiased under C"!i tiac' i xery liie'g ntid- r le-ax. n that ' can be known or mentioned for the use of its ohie; i!s. I here would b hit ' leii' -ii for tie- maintenance uf n eouti'i---iit fund, but thi- appcaht.g ,-irr."V of com i:igel:c:es ihilt !:ii! UJioli 1 1 s vear a-lei year, was shown in the lllXe-tiuiiitioli of the disposition of this fund during the iittniini-t i at i-u of Mr Hiiyes. It was then de n onstiate l tli.it hundre-ls of piixate houses in tit- city of Washington were furnished throughout by the agency of this fund. The rich p:i;u: mgs and i li gaiit xx ni ks of m t thai adorned the parlors of the e.-tie-'ii-oilieiai. the plan-is an. I c,ii-'.s and rich fuii.itute that set society by the ears because uf thi ll rl- j;.-M,v and costliness, owed their existence to the ( tl'igi lit fund. Ill sl.oM. the fund is m, t ie to cover the ex penses and to do the duty for that v hich the ( iovi rlilueiit leceives l,nt : h- slightest bein'tit fr -ni. but f-r wl.i. li ihe leeipiei.t sl..;ild Ii. ike tin disbursement fi om his iixvu pocket I'n mi a ridiiig-xvhip to ii mai bli -fi out palace, are items embodied iu that invest igai ion. an. 1 wii.it was tiin- uf H.iv-s' i.dmini . nation is not a whit ie-s si of the present K' iui!iea:i legiine. I'i.'i.N i. Hcniui kable Siiru'iral Operation. A despatch from Millieie. IielialiR. says : iy theexplosi'ili of a gun !a t Apl il 111! 11 oil hi eech pii 1 J i.'iclies long ;, weighing lilo guiiiis, was bluv.ti mt-i the bruin of Emr-rsuu Met 'om of tin., city. This hea-.y piece of nun. sex era! pieces of bone, and it piece uf his felt hat xveie withdiawn trom ipiite a depth iu his head ami wilh out trepanning, by making an ojn n ing iu the frontal bone, th nigh winch had a teaspouiiful of biaius uo.e I The wound has healed and tin patient experiences no inconvenience, except from the hut lays of the mIu, and is as well as ever. 1'lie ease is most i einui kablo. (ien Scales h.is so far recovered from Ins injuries as to be ab.e to n--sume the caiivass. He spoke ut (iia ham on last Monday, and moused much enthusiasm. J'ostinaster ( ieneral ii esham has been appointed Secretary of the Tl'ieiUiv. The Issue. I'l-.m Uu- Ni- mill (il-si-i vor. Mir. E'.liuun.ls' bill lays the b:isi. for the great issue of tho pending campaign in North Carolina. In its preamble Mr. Edmunds says that no xiifliuction can be made in res pect to the civil rights of jiersons based upon race or color, tiiat such rights are protected by the consti tution against such cruel and unjust msiiNcrioxs, jiiid that it is the duty, of Congress to provide for the pro tcctioit of citizens of the I'mled ' Stales against all such rsii'sr msi ;x--rios. Says Mr. EdmuiiiU in hi ; bill in effect that whenever any dis lim-ti iu is Miught to be made be ween a white man ami a negro and thcciise comes intoa State court, the ia g; ,i may haxe it removed into the lYd'-i il court and the trial shall proceed. Nov on what principles shall (In 1 trial proceed? On l in principle i lint no law which s,ia!l in any nim m r liiscriiai.iiiie in twecu tin- rights pi i sons mi i lu- gi oiiiul of race or color si;. id be xau i. and. it shall be the duty of i very conn whether of ii State "or of the Culled Staie.s hav nig s-ach :i case befon- ii. to proceed a- if Mich law did mil exist. lias is the Edmund- bill. What docs it mean ? A negro w i ks intoa white school. The teacher says, the law makes ;l dlst ir.i-il-'il betw een vou and li-e white children, because of nice. Thai is the truth. The teacher n i'ii-. s to Id the hcgio be a pit, il. The teacher is sued iu the State co lit by the negro who at once remove- Ik- ease to the l'ed Ta! court l'lie lldiiiuiids hill says that the law making the distinction be cause of ia,i -'I color is void, and that jiidgiin ni must be given a- if mi s.oh .l.v existed. Ihe court would b, bo ;...! to issue an ilijunc tiou foi i .i:: .g iheieiichei lioiu 1 iectiug Ihe m gio p.ip'd 1 , ,,, : : ihe mixe.l sch-iol. Tin- hlh 1 . r.ilelldi I io i-'ice mixed rcho-is. S-.-e the record when Samuel ' civil lights lull was before the Sell a!,-, ll.lmuuls was its especial i iiiiu-pi-'ii. Me.riiuon and Hansom and ti.e iVt:. -c.als lougti! 11 inch by in. -u. Mr Surge i'.t moved and auieii l nu,.: "1'i '. . i- 1 liiiit nothing here in coiit.uia .1 sa...i be construed to ( i- iiiiill :l!-y M ite or school illsiiict f oin pro'- i-iiii- sepal iite M'iioois t'o j. is. ns of ihheicut s,-x or color.' wh.ro sinii seialate schouis ate i-iuai in a i ie-.eets to others i-f the sa.i.e gi .ide Mr. 11dm in Is asked for ihe y :i and l.avs I a i iity one. m-it iy I- in oci.i'.s. x.-ti 1 "yea' on the ami-tid men1.. Twenty sj. all Ih pubiicaiis. voted nay. among iueiii Edmund-. He is i'oi mixed sciiool.s . -m:ed mil oiiiv as ;o eo.. !'. but mixed a, to the s. Xi s Mr. Edmunds sai 1 jiage 1.171 "ii. curd" of May Is7 I. "wh.-it the eoilsi !', Uti-'U aili h'l'i'es I IS lo d 1 is to enfoi ce cut il e npia'liy." Tile I ill provided to. :..ix.'.l schools. .Mr. Edmund- . as i i'e paiticu'ur clnmi ; i -.i of i ii it pa. i of tin- bid. The iiiii a.-sel. Ixvenly ii'.lie Kcpllo.i- c.iiis v -ting f ir ii --E imuii-ls among thciiii ami .six.e- u Senators voting aga i.st il. :i-i i ''c.-iioc. ai s xve bilie.e. Mi 1 1 hnulids is tiie advocate of mixed schools beixxe li the races ami bi ineeti the sr'n-. ami his new b.'.l now lending proxides tor just lh.it Any in gio boy under thai bill can i.'iw a public school teacher t-i adaiit hiui ! a pub ic school in which white gins an- taught I Mr. Ildmuiidsjind the Republicans have v.-ted for that befull they xx ill vote for ii again. Tiie bid is lending. It is on the calender for action The iss-,n- i-, again laise l. h must be met. To yoni tents. 0 1 -iv ! I Wake County lu-publiciins. The nominations rtc ntly made by the lel'iiblican coliVilitioll of Wake county were so obji etionahle (.the C Uivelition having bi-eil eulitl oiled by tin- negroes) that, on hist Satur day, a large numbi -,- of white ri pub lic.ins met at Ha'eigh. and adopted the following tc solution : "i'esoived. That we. repl'eseitta lives from every portion of Wake c unity, deiioiinc-- and coiidenio the, meu-tiles and methods by whicii the li. piili.ieau c.tli-lni lies iiominated ill Wake wen- forced Upon the pi-ujile. We dcnoiilic.' and condeliili the nut-' iiigeoiis and ilisiiltmg' language used and the I lot rule w hich nominated thei.-i. Tiny were nominated, we firmly believe, iu ii great measure by trickery, purchase ami fraud, and so be. n Vllcf. ll the eiiUlity exeelllive eoiiuii ttee j,i-i inits t li -ti to remain in the iieid we !" Jose for the beli-'lil. ,-ucei ss and Iciii-r of the party in the fill ill e t'i ll-. our hi st el'l'ults to de feat them, believing this the best means to tai,e the party out of the h inds i f di-i i puiab.i; and dishonest no in While so denouncing these mlamuiis method.. Used by tin luob vv hn-h euti! i I the late Wake conn- ' ty e mxi liiioii. xve desire to declare our faithful a ll.i reiiee to Iiepub!ie;li pi ini-i-le.s ii r 1 1 1 pledge (.ill Si-lves to arii'-sily xxo:k foi the success of tho ii'-j-ubiie.ui i u-ket--'lyre Yoik for (iovi-ilior mei the S'ate ticket liotui- iiat'-l at !i,- convention, and for iiia.iii- and I. .gin, h. le .itb,iean noin, ie-s tor 1", es.d-nl, ami Vice-I'liud-nt 'I he I -1 1 1 .le-'Ui i oi-1 1 lit inn (if the 1 1 1 1 1 'I d.-t, ,i t .-. a-, load at I' iiyi He viiie. on lii-t I o - I iy, am! li'ummi tl 1 (td'C. i'ioi'.e, foi Ciilg'iesS and W. A ' itioie foi p, e-idi lit ial ceeti.i My ihi'.i'tit. , taken the liu di I ll.e fail lifullv mr- ulilg to.lletiilS, iiiel le I lii-alt i, and ipi lis are teov p r feet 1 I i hiiluor is all 'oi e fiuiiiln r fine. i -n- li e-.rrv aimoi.H iicitlier might Li.o-.x u ii.tl a l.litMiu; vi. , ;n sup .i ill. i is iii .'h ii i a- e. Yoik Soliloquizes. Fr.uii Ihu Climl.Ue oiwrvvr. I'm old York, Tho blue lien's chicken, thai never showed the white feather yet. Scales and Jarvi.-t and Coke and Vance have plucked the feathers from me by the handful until I feci rather naked, but I'm game and I didn't squeal much while the plucking wna going on. although it hurt powerful. 1 didn't mind the plucking no much, (hough it did hurt, as the yelling and huriiiiiing of the pesky Democrat, while the plucking was going on. That was soi t of tantalizing and made me feel im-.-in. ( must confess. 1 didn't like this joint canvass bus iness iu the hegii.iiiiig. t.i 1 couldn't help it. Mott and Young and the balance of the 1'evemie engineers said I had to come ti the scratch, for the cause was desperate and the only chance was to boldly face (he racket, tveii at the risk ol being chawed. il they had stuck to running tho revenue machine and the darkies, mid lei old York play his own game in his own way. Scales mid .larvis and Coke and Vance never would have had tliw chalice to pluck and chaw hie up as they huVe ih'lie. i could haxe played that white f. .-itlicr business lug. 1 could haxe mashed the internal revenue ;nU llilnlers von the slump). I could have t hiiined to In- the man who oiiginaily uioved for its aboli tion. I could have. madi ii appeal that the measure was about to pass, when the Ih-mocrats ".sipi.imh red like a tlock of parliidg, ;.' and jumped out of the windows and left old York with empty seat to tali; lo 1 could have claimed tin! T had the Ihair educational bill especially in my charge ami had all (tie lb-publicans coiumitt - l to it. but the Democrats wouldn't take it up. I could have don, -all thisund more, because there would have I ecu in-iu-of tiie.se I )i nioci als around lo i (un it and hake my record in my lace hke tiny have I ci ii doing ever since this miserable joint canvass has begun. Now how is it ' Iiight among the people of the West, while I hoped to make votes, tii' v have i-In mn from my own leeord and spexrhi s ::i:d Voles thill 1 oppos P I the bi.ildni:' of the Western North Carolina ii-ulr. i.i. The Cape l'i ,n ii.iih oad. The h. hiding of tin Villi-: ill Valley M-irgiintou In- sal e Asy htm. Tin-establishment id normal schools iu the Stale. None of which I can deny, for it i d.i'v n iu Im:..-!, and w site - -n t -u- record. Ami when 1 was j .alax ,ii::g (he negro for his vote they wouldn't be there to throw it up in my face how 1 voted ii,;n'ht b elditig tin- colore 1 insane asylum at i-il lboro. I wouldn't have been put on tl e lugged edge by la i;ig iislo i ex el V day to say win tin t I ii'u a J i.-'-ni !ie.i;i or Deiieu rat. an-i have to -at dumb us an oyster. n..t knowing what losny. I wouldn't h ive had that inte-nal cixd lights plallk iu the Chicago lie piblieiu pi il i'- : in which I unguard edly "ciid rid in full." shoved down ,;iy tl r Kit on every stump, until I feel as if i had swallowed a whole colony oi liards. I wouldn I be :iski d how it was that I am now cheek by jowl with the rev enue bos-e.j v. hoin I used to cuss us a p id; of hounds, etc , when 1 was ii red hot Democrat. N-.r why I ton helping Jack Logan, thi South hater, nu I a "nigger" hater before the war to beat Hendricks, for whom I voted eight years ago. That', what I've had to go through in this i ni-i-s able joint canvass, and t hit's why 1 am sick, i though I watd it distinctly understood that although 1 laved in i.eim us I could I never .showed any while feitln-ri. and that's why I don't want any more joint can vass in mine, and won't have it if old York knows himself. ('ml has lieeii found in Iticlunond c unity, not far from liockingham, and is Mioiio iiice l the genuine km ' hi ache art ic!e. AVER'S Ague Cure C i I t I--ititt ht'ito for nil nialariul H'1; ih 1... !i, tar k.-Liioun, is iim-i! in no f:;i r riii''.lj. It ha i,n irnitif, r.'-r any mum r;l i '.r !: umis ml.-i aifc vh t--Vi-r, Hit 1 piii.M-ijiii'i,! ';. !m.1iic. f.o iii;urii:4 fittVt tl,i"!l l!l rOf Juil.ill, t-1lt lr,'i(t (1 l'-iu hs In hUii it I vU:v V..- tt. PE WAP RANT AYSM ACHn CtTBE tn euro i-t r r.l- ft 1 T All'l Apv.i. Il h f. i. .tt -rt ("t,: 1 V v. .-. L.-n-it. I . r. I'll..-.. ..-in--. 1 . v r, Mi I I iv.-i- I i.i- '"n-i;l f,ii! 'I !y n liliti ia. 1 ti enm i-( I ;'t:r nft' r .Iti- tr::t:( tl. u-r hit ir.. !, I ; i.:.r f.ru!ar ltlfl .1 uly 1st, 1".', t-i r iuinl tlin inonfy. Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass. Bull by all I 'runista. An Old Soldier's" EXPERIENCE. " l.nlrert, Ti-xas, May 3, " I wijli to upri-js my .'ii'i'irciiiiiuu ol iba valuiiblu (luutitiu of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a much to uipity. " ink- with rliurcliilfa army, Just Iw-fora tho li.ililo of i. ksl.iirt!, I cuulrai-u-il a e-vi-ip rultl, wlurli U rniiii.il-.1 in a tlaup-riiiis rougli. I f.iuiiil no r. In f till on our nmnb n clinic t-i iiruunliy Hun-, Hlii-rc, on iirkiug form.aii- ri-mcly, I .ib urt-c-.l to try Avru i ClIKKHV I'lil MliAL. I il.-l 5... ami vr.is r.ipiiilv cur.U. sinra thi-n 1 tiav.- ki-i-t llw l'Ei iiiiiAi-cniisliiiiUy Ly mi-, for fiiaiiiy n-r, unit I linn.' fniiuil It I" In mi inv.iluitblti nuuilyf.ir thront nml lung dim-UM-ii. J. W. WliULIiv." Thoi.-fntiilii of tfniimnniiil? ff-rtlfy to lli firiuii.t i-nri- ff nil lrr.inlil.il unit limt; an'i-rtiun, ty thi; u. of Avru'n I'liriuiv I'n tiir.i I., n-'ing vi-ry .;iliilablu, the youi.g cut rliil'lruu I ik.i It ri'.iilil)'. 1-llKI-AllliD ttt Dr. I C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. S..1.1 1 y nil Iirii'nUi. TO FAU3IE11S ! , WE HAVE IN STOJK AND ARI.IYIXU DAILY A A FULL LINE Ol Y v iiAiiim'.iiti;, $f s ' Crockery ''K ST0VS- 0, HHKWSTKU & GO. VA AND Gun Material. In the State! X-ALSIGn. MORTIS CAROLINA. ODKLfi GOTHIC GUARANTtiEB TO CrlVl SATISF ACTZOZir ! I'll EAFK8T EECAl'SI': IT IS THE I.EST!! (51 VE IT AND YOU XII Villi IT. STOVES I H'NI AT E 15. .. CO. .STATION". -;...rtrSfy5! nr -2T.iffs'..- sws-7ir ti-- i"v - KilMilMI'.r.l! OCR (ll'AKANl'i.i.: ODlLL HARDWARE CO., S'"'. label' 1.. I SS. If. (tlti-.KNsllotio', N. C. M-; iSTOKK! i'KW GOODS! K. . MtrLKAN & CO., SlldlK STATION". C. V. X Y. V. ll. K., Oiler to the Jiublic one of the best selected stocks of CEXEUAL MER- C'ANilE ev.-r broiigiii to tiiis .section, and are now selling at tho vt-rjf low. st pi ices. Dry (-otitis, (Groceries, BGDT8 AMD SHOES, HATS AMD CAPS, HOTIOMS. CLOTHING, IIAl.HW AUE, CUOCKKUY, TINWARE, JUlL'liS, AC, OK EVEIiY miSt'UU'TlOX. We liave no old stock on hand, left over from last i-uson -, everything i new. We Lave come to stay, and intend to sell everything at the luwet living rates, All kinds of barter taken in exehangn for goods. We are also agents for the best Fcitilicra i-n the- market. Jlllli-.-' Ul. li-sl. tf. Lougeo Goodwiii7a).T.)N GINNERS 1i,;..n.c. (IHPiHT TO 1NSI1RF. J flit- mu 3I()UM I.N IS STONE WORK 01' EVEIIY Dl'SCIlll'TIOX. DESK INS SENT IT. EE Ji Y MAIL. SATrsFACIIOX OIVEX. .Inly 111, H-M. Uins. nt, IlLliid JJIU 31 Hay Stroet, 'm-iirly i..hHii I'u.M iii vein H.i'i-I). FAYETTE VI ELK, N. C. Otl'ers a coni'ilete sto.-k of MEDICINES. I'AINTS. SEEDS, OILS. GLASS. VAI1NTSI1ES, DYE -STEELS AND TOILET AKTll'LKS AT LOW H'K ES. S itisf ietion giiarunti e-1 to any who 1 limy favor him "ith their eiders. Cm i e -.j mi ah i.ei Hi. licit ed aa to I'liccn und terms. July in ,!-s ilm. M. T. Noliliis, I w. e .Miin H. Lull- i.i S r- l-. W) nil .V l.;i-i"ii N'-u is. M.u.vm Tnl..r. ii ilt:i. -M- T- & l!l'0: Who Mi.'-i-i-.l N -n-ls. wyiiti T.i. r .it u.nr i.ri Ulilll-l, . j lilt AND - G0MKIS8I0N HESGHAHTS,, j Xo. 1 E.'haii...'e iiiid No. 15 I'.ast j Marliu Si reels. ( BAXEiaiZ, rff. C. I WE ('A It KY A LAIIGE SlOCK ; whicii we oiler to the trade at very low u ices. W.-gHr KI I'.i'l.M. Al"l l:NTH'N to Ihe mli' ol j :t'i"l'.x. Make si HH IlilillCsl H-'K njl'l l-li'Ullls III nil.C l.llM-ll.l .lillllll.-i s lll.l-li- "II l-.-IH.ll l-l.-.-Wl IUl IIS. A.-nis i..r I i iii- luiui". A,-, iiik f.-r I- iM'-ki- Mii-i-r I'll-.s-i-tun.-. Ac.-ii H nr l-'i-h ll.-iok liie tiP-ui r.-r lli- i liii inii 'l si.'iii-,ill C-.i'.-u l'l.-. Ill" hliu; "I I In- - U'-u Hi'l'l. .hinuiiry U. Ii-M. rr.ih PATENTS. A1ir).!l, it- ri-n. ,i- "i i . . ...i-i j i. I 1 III-. V... 7 I. -I ll . ..r. li. ,.. n. I . . I I- rul lilri-. Wil'lilni'loli O. Onrr. i. li.l. nrj- -i- II II-.'. N". ILil-sn tor r. . jji Tnmi.-. .iM.i- r.ili lil 111 Hlh.ivi-'l. lii'l - ri-n--. ; i..-' tlauk-r. h'-.i l-'li'i iHirr, u.iitDiii.u, im s I'iui hic-lr Insliui'lli-us liw. :. -h- ''A 'Or, :n3i I COOK STOVE. i . : vre i : -CTtW'-' .-ATisFA(TIOX OK NO SALE! TUJ-Ili GINS IN TIIE N.C. HOME INSURANCE CO. This i omiany lias Iiei n in sticccs t'ul iijicraiioii I'm-ristccn yi-ars. Itia SAFE, SOLVENT and PEOMPT in the payment of its looses. AH kinds of lluildinps insnrwil at reasonalile ratt-s. He warneil ly tin losses of your iii-iliiiiir.- iiiid insure in time. II. A. XOZ.DOZC, Agent. S- Jit. I. 1K-, tolhsl ft V J J f ""lf-c"TT"l--i;1f J-iiy J. S P. COATS -"l'l'"' '"Tl mm SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. YOU CAN BUY IT OVl riTTSBORO, nr. o. "V k ... x X A TRIAL fffl THESE ANBE HElvE OB Vf Ii-Cr.EAN SILEIt N. C. tii f-rT-fc'r mm