I mf'KjH i iw iiin i;n 1 4 '3 TUUR8DAY, OCToBElt 5), 1881. ' H. A. LONDON, Editor. " RANSOM'S SPKKl'H. It afforded un much rleftsiue. on last Saturday, to hear Senator Han lom'i great rewh at Ore Hill, in this county, and wp wish that ull our renkts could have enjoyed the same fleaaure. He spoke, nearly three 6our, ft'id held the undivided atten tion of bin audience all that time. It TH one of the most convincing ipeechea that we have ever heard. nd tho man who, after healing it. would uot vote the democratic tii-U.-t. could not bo persuaded " hough one should rise from the dead"! We will not even attempt a synop vH of Senator Hansom's speech, but will briefly give a few points niescii ted therein. He drew a very striking contrast between the management ft' our State government by the repub licans and by tho di niocrats. He ftrnt drew the contrast upon the s il j'ect of education, showing that the republicans siiuandcrcd the school funds, did not build a single sehool hous.i. did not educate a singe t-hdd. nor pay any teacher except Sol. I'ooi and his professors who lint, dis graced our University : while I In democrats hud built ".)' t;l school lousea. and laut year had emp'.oytd .ri.2M0 teachers who taught '.Mil., lot', children at a cost of TJl.HOO. V.'iih this showing (and no man can deny its truthfulness) which aity has proved itself the friend of education .' Hh next drew a contrast betv.eeu the two parties as to the works of inter Jial iinprovemeiit built by them, show ing that the republicans issu-d bond to the amount of iJto.tKMUMio and yet did not build one mile of railroad nor dig one yard of canal: while tin' democrats have constructed several hundred miles of railway all over the State, among which was the C. V. A X. V. U. 11. that so much hemmed fhe section where he v:is then speak ing. He also contrasted the rate ot' taxation in 1S" with that of hot year, in ls'O when the republicans ruled the State the rale for State pUl poses being Ml cent - on the valuation, while last year niidei ,!,ui uciatic rule it was on'y -" cents (over 3o(l per cent, les.-i and this year it was nothing ! He discussed national politics and showed the extravagance and piolli (f.vy of the governinent at Washing ton. stating that while the expen-es of our State government last year were only ."J-".('io. ui about .-.; cents for every man. woman and child in the Stale, yet the expenses of the Federal government amounted to .4tIM0UdO. or about ss for every man. woman and child in the United States. Is it surprising that the people have so little money, when so much is required to curry on the government? Another reason he gave why money is so scarce now is the large surplus in the t'casuryat Washington, amounting to the im inense sum of 5-t"i2JMMi.i)llil. This vast sum is locked up at Washing ton, kept from circulating through the country and doing nobody any good, and yet the government will coded again this year tiHi.oiio.noii from' the oppressed people, in.-tead of spending the surplus now in the treasury and relieving the people by collecting no tuv-s this year, just like our State government. That thin surplus of . tV.UIMil.lMio. it' dis tributed through the country, would be about '. to each man. v an and child. Would not that make hionry more- plentiful ? Ho then exposed the frauds ami corruption prevai.iiig in the government at Washington, citing many instances thereof. In words ot eloquent indignation In showed how the Northern r--pubii cans attempted to degrade the people .if the South, and that among all the high ollicials appointed by the I'resi dent there was only one man tYoiu the South and he was a negro. Mr, ice of Mississippi, who was Uegister of he Treasury. That while they com plained of a "solid South" they eon tinned to keep the negroes solid it their opposition to the whites, w hich of course made the latter stand to get her. He stated that the eivii rights .question had been mad - one of the leading issues of the campaign by the" republican national jilali'oim. hi which the republicans pledge io the negroes of the South additional legislation to secure their civil i ights. That there was now pending in the "United States Semite a bill for that very purpo-te, und if a t (publican President and ft republican Cougiess tveie elected this bill would become a law. He showed that social equal ity was iMHtised at Washington, and that Fred Pougl.iss. the noted n- gio i , .. . . ( ' "" "i i this, and wish for social equality in thi State? If not. 'Leu uitea.Hiiist : republican pal y l.i coii.lij' ion lie lirv.' .i i.. i... son between the men who composed i eign ami tweutv-nve thousand col the two VHi tim in North Carolina, ' orpi. and Pennsylvania three hun , . .1 i ,i i j ,., dred thousand foreigners out of !i shotting that 1 ho democratic narty . . was eomnoscd of l:!O.i!0l) white men - . . the best citizens of the State, while North Carolina-Tlte Outlook, tho icpublicau party w as composed Fr..m ih. wiiminton smr. of Kltl.OOO negroes'aml their 20.tHW , We liave becui satisfied a!' a'ong that . . ,, 1 the Democrats were not doing their white associates. W hich party then , ,.itv We have again and agnin is bettei tittid io ma: age our State? , ,,,-n-".,! organization as a necessity. He closed his g'eat speech with a Tl e beating of tonis-toins. the hur thi -illiii" nppeiil for till democi i.ts al! : railing of crowds, the much sp ak ,,.cn who low g.a,d govet, ,itto U Mti o- w "iH '" o JvU; l ally up on t he day of election and cast their votes tor the s.Kughi dem- ocratic ttckc Oi'.f Vitshini;toii Letter. 'Vi'-'iu Mi- o Ov i e..ro't-i-..ii'iint.' W sms.-Tc n. 1. C, (?. !. !. 'St. At tW .ate that lb,. I.:a.,,e pa,urs au.catuung n.ato. it.es or the i.e pbi. anstt .sapparen. thai a in.-l nai.-eaMt:- ..as, ()1 crow ,s n. prepay 1t""; '"J "'V ( leve.anos major, les beg,,, to cotue I ,oUI the .1. hngs iecetved a ,he Vim , ta.tc ,leadq atteis l,.,e Iron, Onto, theic is e-. e! v possible ittdiea- . 1 .... ,,ouola:w..,p,,,;l)eIi;o., :l tev.cto.X , -hat Mate. 1 s.iy s,ee;,ng. be c.o.s,- any vico.y at an ,n O,o ,, der lb- cvunis!:;!,cc. wo;,:,l i .wcopu.g one. as wed as eaect ua. anil iU'i'i -iv (!!. ;l virioi-v lias go, ,o be gaifed aguii -t the great o iiisof tit uioiic;. tiiat tie- Ib p-iibiicai, ie.eii is ate pouung irio tl:e Sta'e to ini'uence Vote in vciy votit.g p e.'il.ct from "oclo to Iroi.tou. Tlu- -ub.-c:t;ei...... o! .I.;y tio.lld. of Win- 11. :ll-le, bl'.l. of l;.:..seli Sage, of t'liatlc- I'. Hunt ngtoii. of 'Mr. A-, or. Mtel ii. peciini oy aid c-inn' from Minister -Morion. ag: gattli more 1 1 c, -1 a J.iil.l of d ' ' ii -. w ii ii the v..-; auiot'iu of l'.lail.e li'JU'.'"'-! isiu" now being dis-t i;i:nat d b. the hero of the M.liligali (iie Va;.-. wi.i make a D umci .it ic i-toi y on. of th.1 Most '. oiider:'.:'. acllie-.etue'lt-in mod.'rn po'il ics It is -d that Mr. fox. i 'i'.,iitii:in ' !' '.lie ii.'U.-e t 'ot:i tn.i I ee on Naval Aitan s. h:'.- a': iM.ly mat 'l ed a bi.i oiiing t-- the t' iial t:;l at ;on of tin Anicr:iai' tiiivy by lite iininediate Coii-ttuciioii o! v.i-le .me of bailie -hips, a- a !i:lnel:cei;:.-nl. to be b'i lowed cai by I lie :e 1. 1; : .on of sii.al 1 er but equa.lv et'ieitive e-si-. l-'tati-e v. not a liollar of -'tiphi-iu the 1 1 ea-it y. i . ieuiding f-uile.-n tii-; ela-s war vi' -f s i f t!.e mo.: poWel fll: .!'- '"i ipt.-'ti. x. it i. ei-lil it oil ciad.- . i:s;veiy f. .r .oast defense, while Ki.lind iti ai'lut'ii to iiei already iiuull ih-cl i- build. ,:g seven iai -e wi: ve-e.-. and iitr it on clad cruw i s. Ti,'- tw.'-ve -l:!ls t!.:i! Mr r i : : ! .'.. - tor. are I" oe ea-h e.pi.-t' in -:; ngtii a:.. I iirtua; :e to tiiat of the 1',. i.cii sluj's. which ot eotil si- w l.i be of the hi s ligili lllg power. With tin- I'ri-ll- ll -':ip-C'Uii pleled. r'.ngl.iii l v ol no longer bold her position of -upciiouty u the seas eit her in ' !,.- number or -I . eti.tli i t i.e.- i..i:itt,i.A i!;;ic.... li-c tub in the niiito'i of n-.i. e n is -he long leiuain a' the heail ( iermany w i a be the t'liild ,u pi'll.t of ii.i.al -tniigtii. Italy with ! er Auie'icaii Imilt vi ss, Is will beloiiirh. I!u--ia lift h ali 1 Aitsliri -i:ii. li:--ia i tee.v le.i.'I;:: i-ilo- bat ! slups and three iii !i c ad erui-ets. ( i.-i many is iiea. .y rea-ly to la ilich a ow.-ifu! iroli-e i;.i cilil-ei and two ilonelud gun boats. Au-il ia one ba-tle-shq, o six tho.isaiiil lonsb.il.n.le J ..lie L.e. o .si ,111.1 tile I Illicit .-tates lour 11 Ills. ! besi ti.. -.M:al:;olloin;,i and the "M nadi.ock.' tin- i'oimer of wmcn uas oe.-,, uiesu.i,.,.... a go de-,1..! -poiting cr: i.-isi,,. an., iue iai.er n.m.oiousiv all.,.,.-! to as ti.e se,-o,, , e.htion o: oan-an. Ju (ei.ns io-por, -ays ,hlt we an toiiinoa voting mmytl,.- y,-ar . I I . I . . t . - 1 I . 1 Inai wi.! tiiiii.ner iniout , i.iiieeu mi. ,io,. -. again -l ihe ten iiuli! .n- ti.ai ca.-t il. e i'iesi.el:iiai Vote ill 1n-iI. I lli il '.iir I- ii.l. uni in hi;ii; iiiii in.1 li.e.iaseol p. puaition at '.v.i,e pel cent , and oiiuis the iioj.ulaiion of (he ... , , 1 1 ,, 1 en loiites who nave no vote. i tnis niiiiii.fr linn- millions are native w lutes. I h, ee and a half in 1 11 ion f. .reign born, itlid on : - and a half in in ion cm or ed. lh.i.hng tin- popu.ii! iii,i up by Si it es, e have some in'.,-, e.-t mg .iaia upon w hleh to base speciihit i - in - as t o le-ails in our sy-i. oi of ca.euiaiing tin l ease ol population. New Vol K State i.as si hundred thoiisund for elgll boin males oer twenty one i al's of age. a iniluoer e.piai to her w a-j. ..i.a; i' ni fo.ty v., us ago. i iitiois and 1 'i misyi ania hav e ea. h three hundred tnoa.siin. fori ign bo, u voters, , )liiu and Wisconsin have ea-ii about two hundred t bons ai:!, and so iiiixe Massachusetts and Michigan I :.b. .ol nia. Iowa. .Minne sota and Missouri have one hundred a. I tniitv th msaiid each. 'J lie i olored vote pre loiniu ites in Geor gia, which has one hin.d.ed and fifty thousand in t.cs of the colored lie, suasion over t , .-i.tv one m ars of !." I Im Si il.' ..I Missis,:, i.l in. aimosl as manv. and Yirgnna ha- one hundred and llii.tv thousand. I , ,he doubiful Stiucs. :o,,nec.icia M..ws ..p will, tiftv six thousand for- eigu M.-.-rs oi,i oi'us two hm.died Ihom-and foreign popu.ution. lift v per,,.,,, ,.i wnom a.e of , f,. o.igiii. r.oinhi has sev.ntv tl.ous i voteis. one half of them co:re-1 mid four thousand of the, ti foreign dated October tith. say-: At aue-et uio..tiy fi uni t'uba. liliiioi-, wuich ing of the Tobacco A.-sniat ion this mit oe considered a doubtful State, evening. 'apt. Thoin :u !. Talbot t was wiiul'arlir liarnso,, luunitig io, elected President. Caji!. Hertidoii. IIoe, nor. has eight hundred and the re iring I'resi, lent, gave the iig nliy thousam, voter-, tluee bundled mes of the trade recently sent out by tho. isai.d of w h ui, are foreign born, the Associated Press, and a ided a and o.n.y lifie, u thousand eoioied. statement that the acreag" of !a-t win Ma- achlis.-tts has live loin- season in Virginia and .No, th Cam difdaiid tU tliousiind vote, s. ;ii, .inn was gi eater acia-age bv about '". s:i,,,i -J' per t.. and the yte.d. about !M , .. ... . ..t on ,, , . ... 1 and pi ojii I ion- .Aisimg ui u. e oie.-ol thai the st o. I; of ,.! I t obi;, eo in Hi .'civ J i-i sty. Noiiti Ciiioiiiia and markets was unusually short. The ..mill, (.'ilo ana. v.iiiie Oh'o has nine coliciiisioii was that there was a fair Iniiidied tliou-aiid inters and on.y pio-peet for biisiiicsa uc:.t year for i .- i.iiii.lii-ii I limis in, I ,f then, tot ti, .- planter and dealer. H'llIUl lillillOl, Ol t'liri.". I n--.ii'. tli tliii.tr Thete is irreat aiathv in the State. I and. if Seimtor Vance knows the t ue condition of things, the Demo cratic niajoiity wi.i be small loo small for co i. fort. 11- is thus te ported by the b'a! igh corrcspo.lcnt of the Ni w York Times of the tth inst.. when in itir capita' t wn : .11 i;.. 1 ,1..,. 1... IV ,.io.. i-oie ,M;(. ,)llM ,, hvov ,,, in SS .ai, , M j(. wtirk ,lail ,.,.., , th;lt D moc ais were de: ending upon I(,iML..s t ,., hep.op'e , Vil), , ,!.,;,., , ? ,oun-h,ps Uy the ... ,, '-. .i.,,.., count V candidates. It- si', I tl. ! . r m My Vy,,u, V(l!l,. ,,. W(,,, ti,.u ,i,e , !: ,ll!in t)i:lt (f luil p ,wlMII,ii. tlil. :;, , i - . i . . (.;v.viirl 1 ;. -aid dut there v as no d' b e ion t'lotii ("u ve.aii.! at-l Sci'es. but that tln-r- wa- a cou si-hrab'.e number of indupendi-ti! candidate- for the lgi-lature a: I county I'llics. which i-1 eait-in-double and may lose the party .-le an.! im 'libers of till- !.' w. .It. to -lirptise. We 1 thoit-iit that in anv f-- tiiat": it v w one, in' io.ooo m .t.i-.. i.i - :.i l ...v..,-. .. .,".1111.11 Willi oi;;ani i -ie... ., could be run up to J.'i.t''"' or cell ! .".I (I-lit niajoi-ity An-I so .t could b if Drtuoci.it - would do th'ir .tuty V s.'.H I 'l f IN No..t , ( . I. . I S IC ,XS I ! if; 1.1' ro f..t. W Oi :K li.-'l ' V. Ma, k that. Tie n- is time now for much tho rough wot I;, but o::i p- "ph- !' ' ' :i"pear to ha e any stonia-h !; it Tin-re arc T-". i -.. lui ma - in the .Slate wni will not h ar a .-peecl, thi- ear. They niu-l b reaened otin-r way if tiny are readied at all. Vance think- a Democratic vi torv ill Ulii. i would give the De!:.o cta'ls Lil.u.l.l in ajoi ity iii North t '. lilcl Ti e cell-ll- of '.VS I. s ; l A that ill that i ar there Wete "M r lr, i n. 1.1 who , s in N-i'l'n I'aro.iu-i who did not v.-tc Tii.-.t I-. : ii- in vote of ( iai Iteiii and I i-.tn"-- '. aod the ee'isu- lllld it i- :l p ! t .1: 1 til I. T.'i.iHI I males and lno.e did not -in that y.-ar It: :.: t- ti-t-: r:.: i m r n it ui: c -l. lhingout the Hi si. oi rti- and all i- -afe. We m ; ily b--.ieve tint ."i't.Oil'1 litajoiity ol more Would be the ,es, !. Hut as it is. and for the want of proper oi ;--t:i-::;t i :. our pop:,.ar alid able S' uator says tie- luaj.-ilv will b.- about tiiat 'of I---1, -li.thl.l. Iii N..V. i.,b.-r. 17"). I'i.ien camel 'In-State by lT l'itl majority. ''he -nine lil'orts W.Mlld seel, I e a si!., hi, li.uio; ;- in lb York ami ' be Nczriic It i- said that a ii-le:.i; ion of .. , . ,. .,;!, ; .... n. ... l -,r tM.'tlii. .i.., .'; .,. . ,, .., 1:l,r r,,,:lV a,l , . ,,,,,,, : ... ,,. ; li:ili,(.f ri yliiU n il. a I s a: ;e tnat tie o! a;atiis ah..,. Hi the com !s. ed ill the I. .-g!-l. it HI ing lli-.'l oe- to t.'-; il The de - gat ioli w as Yorl.'s ll,ul, Mk ,., , M,. -, , ,, t w,., , !, f..,;.,,.,-: .. .,.,,.,.,, f, (ends. , hat'-' a De..eM i.- ,ie out of , u- wici.-,-!. ,t h i ,,..,, b,i l.r fli.i, I ,iai' y,1, u - ,., drew, satisfied thai York was a b ell siatideied man The lecrd sit-taiiis tl'.e chai-g .1.1...' ; l . I I . I . . lilil'ie oi '. . .i''ie!e-.io aiiiie.'.iii.i Mo,, ... .: . it . ... . , . 1 , . . .- t lie Aci ilt.oW ill!' !e gi lies to t e-1 It V . . . , ,, , im ill' ri'iiii - iei i;i-ii ..i;ui n l e. a I. ;. On pag'e 1 (7 ..f the .b.iu na! . !' the lioll-e. Vol k , i'oitll'l ot leg to I),, ieti Slttely J'..-; j.ol,,. tin- bill. i n p.-ig.. i til i ,f the .lo.irnal w i! !.- I'oiilid Yulli .- Witi- In Slll.i' mil -ec ll of the bill, which allows I. eg; . to give e'ldeli.-e in coillt ill ail ca-.-s vvh -i-e their lights ar.- m q,ie.-t,..ii On page l lli can be found V... k -Vote iigaiL.-t the pa--age of the bill oil the second li-adllig. "n p-ig'o lTo 'itk is again found voting to strike out section il on the '.rd and linal reading of the lull, and n;i ..'l-e 171 on the vote to pa-s the bill on its o,d an! la-t rinding. Ym k vol es in the liegat i . c Ail this w.is at l!i- special ses-ion of the isgislnture. begintiing in .lan uary. bstio. A despatch from l'eteisburg. Va . dated October oil,, savs : The clos ' 'V1 taeto,-,,., , tl- ,'!t.v -o:,s.,piei,c - ,.! -!"- water oceasion.-d by th" !"." 'i.iigl,t. th.ows out ol emp.oymcit over s.-m-,, huu- dred w on.eu an I cundreu nearly a,l ot nvIioiu are actuady -utb-i ing tor wfl,,t ,,f t!"- l'W-ssat les I'l''- A dispatch from Dativiile. Va.. To Democrat if Voters. The following timely remarks from the Clarksburg (W. Vad Now are as applicable to North Carolina as West Virginia : We desire to strongly impress upon every Demoevnt tho importance and necessity of maintaining a ceaseless vigilance and activity from now until the closing of the polls on the even ing of the 4th of November next. This is no mere ordinary contest for pa"ty supremacy, but a death-struggle for the preservation of free iusti tutioiis in thi- country. Suffer no specious arguments to shake your faith in the eternal principles of Democracy or seduce yot, from the siern and faithful discharge of your high mid patriotic duty to yourselves, to yo r country and to thorn1 who shall come after vou. Itenirmber that the l,-e of 'ibertv is eternal vigilance. Work and vote, therefore. n t only for li e elect ion , f the eii'ire Demo cratic local and State tickets, but w ork an 1 vol.- for the national resto ration of the D luoeracy t" power, as Iheotilv peaceful means bv w hich the government mnv be brou-ht back to i s oi iginal purity and .simplicity, ami prosperity and happiness assured ll'ikc to all chlssi s of our p--op!e and to a'i -ec. ions of our glorious con, moil conn! rv. ( inai kttldc Saviuirs of !r. York fr. 'ii 'I., i li.nl' '--oi Dnrin tin- w ar I was a I'nion man. but I coup. ones, d with the Col, fed e .-v and serve ' I's surgeon of the 1 1, line ( 111:1' d If th. , e wa- i drop of I'nion blood in m i ins ! w oii'.l let it out. If 1 p-ove u. faithful to th-- Demo 1 critic party I hope I inav lose my ii r'i' .-o 'ii. 1 1 . i Dr. M. .it's revenue hounds. I don't b-'i, e the negro has a 1 SO,d What would 1 do with the "nig ge .'" Send th.- last one uf "i tn to h - 'I. I'm a chick--r: of the bine lieti's bate'. in ;. I endorse I'.' iiee attd I.ogan. and th- Chicago pN '''"nil in full. I n, :, coliiin' i'le a cyclone. i'cil I f, i ! as if I had struck some olotieles I wi-h it was against the law to , .t o I ..-.-,i ,,',: 1 on a fellow when he's ,' in-;- for an vl lling. And lle-u I'd have -mouther sailing, or tramping. I'-'f I ain't -ailing much. I have p'av. il sotii small tricks in 1 aMipii-.-ii I :ow. but then the case W a- de-i el :te. Wh.-n 1 got in with M.o . Young Co.. I !:-! to ;i the mark and fol low the t-ictio. i I'm u-et'ilig lire 1. Then- io . in -. Democrat - in this Sta'" thai: I thought tie ie was when M 't j ei si,-, h i me to run. The i w 1 . ill e t'u.l , 'f e n. W hat's goi-ig t . b urn- of Yoi k after the cool days of N .vemb.T , ..ic 1 I ti t l.now. but if 1'. a. in- is eleeiel iii.li" !, wiii lake care oi" York Hat I don't feel altogether sure of th.-,' for f have got into a -iipp-i v el o'.vd. Thinking it all over I have about co.i.-'li.h I tiiat I have p'ayed the b ilcc- Willi Yoi 1;. I!,it it won't do to show the while f. .i:'.. r. lint I've away from si'ii!,-... t h.-itik he.-t . n. A (i.lilie Ceclt. 1 r !.: U .. W i.-ellic ' : : p. t-;.b.t:g is a small hamlet of -j!' . r :'.o b .;i-i-s on ti.e trmuwity lailroa.I I, "in l.alie Waccitmaw to iutcM usI I em in ('oluiiiinis e n .t . . A ci:i-n there ha- a ",e.:t pa-siou for po.-si-- II, - 1 1:- b. -t bfi e l- of po lit I V and i as slice , d d ill llll-llig s,.;,e ii imu'ii blv tine speCUii, lis. e-J.e. i.i.ly ol lli, o;i. in- vaiieiy. iii w bieh he takes ncicli pride Among l is lhn k is a line and i-rv pugna-t. i i- gam.- co-.-k w lucli he bus l.nme.i ' i--n Seul. s. and winch, a few days -ii.ee. was the hero of quite iiti advcntuic On th.- .lat in question a 1 lid i stiii banco wa !e il .1 au.otl ' the p.mliiv. whil: w-;- o ioieg a, d i ,;'.,!. i a'..', vo. -if. t'.at tiie people went out to ice what . iv.is t In- mat U-r. when t .as louud that H .1 iwl; ha I made a o p .low u upon a ,.i.i,g c'ai; io n. ami Unit tl , i, in , .i! i ad n i-euP 1 i in- murage by attacking tiie imruh ; . ,o.d had driv ell olie ot i.i-- -puis ch ar througi, tin ! bun part ot the hawk'.- hi ad flitn, wii -1, !e could n t withdiaw it Wie i, f, liii l th" hawk w i - dead and : tiie cock, st ill fa l ,-ei , io him. was ; c-,wiiig most lustily mi r his victory. ' I l- la e lies.- to .-a that he was e . lli. at. d lloln hi.- U,'. h as. ,1,1 Mt in,,."!', and t'i it now- ti e eiit-re population of Ii i-thiug are ', ou. lor thaiiewr of: tl.e ga a.- c ., !,. (b tieiii! S.-ii!. s. It ; the oplni-.-i of the p. opl that Dr. York's -Iai, n to be the gil ue cock of. N a t n ('-,! -lina sinks into insignili- ! ciice in comp.iii-oil with tl.e game; co.-k (ielieral Scales, of Columbus county. l iigfiiti fill ( (itidiirt. ri-i'in :l," K'to-tacli N'-nii-l oiwrvrr. t- ii Doctor Yoik said in his; speech that the Democrats were op posed to ed', eating the poor children. . the negroes eh" ere.l and said. "Just so: tln.t i- true They sustained Dr. Y.ik in iiis pui-ibie deunigoguism. And Vet the-e uni. rat' fill la-glues have four grided schools , full blast l ight ; lu re in this town-hip. and draw more money from the taxes paid on propel- j tv for public schools than their while ; neighbors do. This ungrateful coi -' duet, this want of appi eciation ot what the whip s do for the in-gioes. disgraces th negro race. They know ! the truth ; they kirnv the w hite mm j tax their own jr. .petty tn educat-; negro chilb en. and yt t tlu-y clnerj Dr. York when h- tri-s to misreprr-1 sent the matter. There is said t b- -i daily paper in I'ai is with a circulation of Toil.noH. ! Mr. Anderson l'age died at hi re: idcucc. in Wake county, mi ln-t I'iidav. in the '.loth tear ol hi-a.-c. ' On an average between six and seven hundred dwellings are burned j every mouth m this country. England will want lKtkOOO.OOO bushels of win at. ill addition to ! what produced in that country, this year. Wooden pavements are now put down ii, Paris on a concrete founda tion, and the contiactor guarantees j '.hem for eighteen years. The Mayor of Carrollton. Ga., has ; pub.i.-hed notice that "dissolute men ; and wot, ic" w ill not be allowed to live there "except ill the chain gang." The city of St. Augustine will cel 'chraieon March 27. lss.". the aimi ; vea-ary of l he lauding of I'.mce de i Leon in 1"12. and at the same time i will commemorate the founding of ; the city by Mcticmlt-. in loilu. ' Col. Samuel L. I'al terso,,. of Cald well, late ee ,sus enumerator for tho III, district, and Ihe lead and front of the liepublicat, par.y of the eighth dis, ric. prints a card in the l,eiioir Topic ot this week, sating that lie cannot support lS.aine and York. bi- cail-e il lie is too corrupt io be , i'l i .i, lent and the oilier is unlit to be ( i. o eniof. A despatch from Chat'aiiooga. I'elines-ee, says the iron illten'st is reviving in the South. The Woo.' stock. Ala.. Iron Company has jusl closed a com i act for 1:5. oik) tons of ! ear w heel iron at S'JO.ol) per ton. Tins is the iargest order placed in the South si, i h" depression began. ii. 'port- tl oui o lier tin naces in, heat. m. ;:7'v-, , Iioxboiu l s.ui 1,-r: An oid coloro man by the name of .buy .Mh-.-ii dug . uj) ti l,o of gold near Chapel Hill a few dits ago t tit contained Sl.JtMl.n gold .i.-rry can now i-tVord to live without histoity act e- and :i in, ,le Many forget 'hat the hair and scrip need cleansing as well as the ha:;-l-ind feet I-lteiisive use of Av. r's Iliir Vigor has pr..tcn thai it is the b st el. an-i,ig ag-n 1 r the hair that it pieti-nl- as velll as removes dandruff, em .Is and soothes the scalp, and s imul.ites 1 1 e hair to renew, d grow a-i.l beauty. W. ii, II Kill KS 369 rayettcvillc Street, RALKIGH, N. C, SHili GRDOKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TABLE CUTLERY, SlI.Vr.lt I'L AT I'd) W'AItK. ItKFKKlKltAruKS. THA 1 KAYS. OIL s'l'oVr.S. ,C. .,-..nl...- ,1. ls.-i Jen I-. v 11. Illll.ll' rui.-'ll. WVJlK fc fFUVlOI ltALKKill. X. C. Wholesale (irocers A XI) CoasBissijii Msrcbants. Consign in, tit: s of Cot ton and l'roduce solicited. V.'o ear, v a heavy stork of ?.M'.T. i.Ait'n. scouts. corrr.K r.Ac.oixt;. this. I'Locit. MI'.AL. COltX. IlItAX. l '.. .VC, which we otl'er to the trade at lowest prices. Will give eoii.-igniiieuts of Cotton and Produce ,mr personal attention and make sal- s at highest prices and foitv.-ud let urns ;it once. WYATT A- TAYLOK. julyll N... 1J Ijisi Mnillli str.vl. "IL!j.!iH;Si '! ,. ,'v, .".'.; r..r i!v;;.'i;:":;;,;!:r; i-i..i.--i .- ti:: .sicr. Wu.i.iuxi.u. UO e.:uii luci ..I lii.nu. il. nim.. AVER'S Ague Gure r. , I -:'i. .-in nntlilnte fur nil n.nlm lnl ll .I.T .-:.'. I, r'. t:.l I, ln.BI,, if 1. , I) -r i-n Ii .-, .;ii. in mi ,,',i.i,ii.-. i...r . i .i i. r..t i ..r . ... nil.t-ui.-o 1, t- nr., C'..:..-,,!.'!,! . ll.-i f l .. h.. i-.e.ii.. lll'-.i : l!n .-.iiol.n-.li. I,, .ut lo.o-. It... -i.-ln us u'ii..it us a tin-. 1 1.;,.(.' It f . la. '.. WAP. P. AST AVEr.'3 A&CE CITE ,n ,-iir,' . .- r-. el I'- . i in,,, .ti in., I: ii r ii... i :., I'ic I I'. o . ...i,:i!. i.t f. -.. . 1. ..-1 -, 11 1 .-io i . v. r. .in.) ! r . p. I :l l.f .' 111-. .1 l.y Ii a ill i l. In tns ef .,:'l!r'. r .I-,;.. u::,l, .l.-aloi nro Hir.'.i.t in. .1. , ,.r i-.-.-Car .1 .lul .,!--.'. t ' l. . uu tl- ll...llaV. Dr. J.C.Aycr&Co.. Lowell, Mass. Si.lU .y ii.l I iiiH -i!,. TX A T T Q VEGETABLE XltlLllj O SICILIAN Hair Eenewer. Spl.tem doe n pu! nr rcmoty tvin jueli a ttruuij li.il.l iih.ii iUk' ubli.' rnntiilriH-o U5 baa 11am. j II Mil IILM l B. 'J lie caw in liich it Ii.l- at . I'liii.li.-U. il a complete natural iuit c.'l-.r to I...- Lair, a.,J rlgo.oui bcattii lo tho Ft-.i!,., are iitmiui(-r.-ibtp. o i.i i,..l.' liKv it fir its wonitf rtiil powiTto rp.-r.' to ib, ir till. -nil, i: Uvkn tlu-.r original c, 'i, t iin.l Uniiiy. .Mi.t.tl.'-.-igcl I-.. (.ti- like it 1.-'.iuim it rt'V'iil4 tlji-iii twin gcitini: t.al.i. ki'.i. ilanUriiil iim.-iv, ami luiikc.i On lmir . (tn.w llm-k mi. I strong. Yuuhk I kIh-h lit..' It .1 urt-Hsin lscnui.e it give tbv bair h lu-au-tif ut i:t.iy iutr, . Hint f imbls (hem lo ilrws ii in Mliat.-vur f.ii in tiii-y wHi. Tbu it i' U.e f.iviTiie i.f all, an.l it l.-. l cciue u fiin)lj b,-cauie it disnpiiut!. no oue. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE roic THK WHIsKins It.i t-pcomr one r.f the most tiupfirtniit pipn tar t'.it, t arn.'li' l.-r g.-rul.-in.-ii' u.'. Wh.-n tl t ar.l i gray i.r ii.-iturally i.f nn inul.v ciral'le ulia.l.-. In i kim.mam'k lor. i tba n-iiir.ly. rnri'tniK bt It. I. Hull & Co., Nashua, X. II. Set,! Ij tl ln-ueifiit. ! . WE 1IVVK IN' STOJK AND AlUUVIXtJ DAILY A IT'LL LINE Ol1' A? I1AKUWAH12, f hs Ci-ockei-v f;,V AND J. G. 13UKWSTEB & CO. vN .WI) XHtiil dttdll I Kill T n Hi Jinuri Iii the State! HAZ.I7XGZI. rvroRTii caxloxxna. ..ODKfX OOTIIIC 1 - guahawtres r?o CIIKAI'KST I'.KCArsi: IT IS TUK l'.KST!! (JIVK IT AND YOI NKVl'dl IT. STOYI'.S 1 Ol'XD AT M Ii .V CO. STATION. .... .. i;.wv n Kl'.Mr.MlW.I! Ol'it il"A!tAN i'l'.K : ATISI'ACT1()X Oil XOSALE! ODELL HARDWARE CO., September 1. lss!b tf. .i,;i:i..s,iiii;o', X. (!. .i:W STOilKlMiW GOUJJS! E. K. JIc-LEAX & CO., SlLKit STATU )X. C. 1'. .V Y. V. II. Ii., Olfer to the public one of the best selected stocks of OKXKHAL MKR- CANDISK , e, brought to thi- section, and are now selling at the very lowest pli. es. Drv (i'oods, (Groceries, BOOTS Arlll SHOES. HATS AM CAPS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, iiai;ii ai:k. ckockkky, tixwakk, purcs, &c, or Kvr.itY Diiscitii'Tiox. We have no old stock on i anil, hit over fiom last season: everything is new. We have con e to stay, and intend to sell everything at the lowest lit i-.i-r rales. All kinds ,.f barter taken in exchange for goods. We a'e mI-o a"e,,ls for the be.-t l'e, .I'.itu- j..:ij. i- i. ir. M. T Noi:l;ls. 1mU ..I N- r-i.. tVtatl .t; 'l'ii I'-r, v. c MUOUS. I.ntt. '...i i i... Vnp- i i r I inn. M. T. .Nonis & lii o. Vi..fu.v.-i-. N.-ri'N, Wyjktt Tjil.-r at il.i ir WHOLESALE GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. n; rx.-hange a.i x... i:ast utm Sliei ts. i " " 1 '" ' 1 ' 1 ' ZlALSiaiZ, T. c. Wi: t'AIUJY A LAI!(iK STOCK which tve ntler to the trade at very l.nv ju ices. HttViv. sMcit!. flTrSTIoN I. ,1,1,. iiili' M 'l"l't .N. Make snl.n ill IiIkI..'i" pi im I i-.-:uni il "ii'P. I': .-.lui-.' ! -I'l .i .-Mii.rniHsi.'ii til slniitl ,i,a,i;rs. 1.11.,-llil a lv, !,,. . - lii.-i.:.' "Ii 11 'II el. to, Willi hh. A'.-li i. I..I' Paiap.'.. Oisali'". Ak'i-nli. I'-r l'".'"lii"k.- stii'.-r Pli.-splial... AKciit lr 1 i-l. Ila k Oii'iii". Ak'i'ins l..r Ui I -.it.-. t si.,ii,. all I-..U..U I'li.w, tl.,- Klli "I llll- ' il"l, ll.'l'l. .tiinuiii y ,T, ,n. G. J. WIZ.Z.ZAIVZS, Lex II. ADArs, UALI-.IC.il. X C. G 110 OK II AND mxsm mm, y,:.L:i ix Dry Caois, Clilli, Hals, SXZO ..S, Etc. ! rerso: al .-ittciiti.m giteii to Ihiying . ! and S.-lh, g Cotton. I'.est 1'acilities ; lor Storing and II. nulling Cotton in the City- I.ih.-ral advances made. r-r7" V:s,io,s to Ihe K.j.ositioi, can he iice.unuioilated tt ith mt ills nnd lodging at tiie Adams luiildii'g and at , 'lis re-i I, on reasoiiiihle tei ins. S.'l.lrllilH.r !ssl II, T. CHAPIN, dhuogist, Drugs, Medicines. Toilet and Fancy I Al liel.-s. T-ii-,e;.. Oilde, i Si ed. Cigars. I'ainl-. his. Ac ; j I'r.-s.-i i.ii..i, riiivruli) . "ir,."i,,,'l, . ,,n i i uliilii. April in, lsi ly I i X X' oi i COOK stove. snv?, satisfaction! mi t,,kse IS tiliers ou the market. -COTTON GINNKRS OUGHT TO INSURE THMIIKUNS IX THK ft C. HOME INSURANCE CO. 'I'll is eonii;,i,v has heen ill snieees t',,1 oju-i'sitioii for sixteen years. It in SAFE, SOLVENT and PROMPT in the payment of its losses. Bwm Hon; Instititions All kinds ol' I'tolilings insured at I'ciisoiialile rates. He warneil liy the losses of your neiglilioi s iii.dinsiire in (imp. IZ. A. LONDON, Agent. Sept. 4, KM, fygy.ft p .ffiff? J. a P. COATS' SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTOJT. YOU CAN BUT IT OF: W. L. LONDON, rzTTsnoiio, if . o. V MclTT.K4V SILKR x. a J

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