, THURSDAY. OCTOliEH 0, ISSI. W Const al)W tickets jiiintcil lit the Rkcouii ollice. WGks.S. ai.f.swii.i.si r.K ATlYns MilRIl' Satukimy, ()i tihiku 18th. J The cabin of n colot el man. named Jerre J i y 1 1 11 1 n. was burnt down, on last Tliurwl.-iy night, about lour utiles huuth of lici t1. flap After no.it Wednesday, the l"lli, our sportsmen ean go hunting ftiid kill all the gamo they emi, with out violating the law. a? That enterprising in 'icluuit, Mr. K. It. McLciui, of Siier, is now ill the Nnlllie.n eities buying his Jitnv Btoek of Fall ami Winter (lands. Inf (!oi Tuns. C. Fn.i.i.it wii.i. NPKAK AT THK (JU.K o MoNHAY, Oc TOIIKU Ll. IV Iloii. John M. Moring. hereto- l .... .... ;.. i i iwivt iiiinwillll f'll ivn till mm 1't'll I It'll I 1: l .i.. t ... tt :.. .1 . i iiiiiii.ua.c ior v ougress in mis uis triet. lias withdrawn from the eoutest. ST Ore Hill is boomimg ! Are 2.i cents iter doell at ('. C I'hcek's Store. He is selling nice Fall Calicoes at (!, 7 and H cents per yard. Go and kcp him. HiTliy invitation of t he Democrat ie Club of Osgood Mi. T. 1$ Womack and others will address the people of that i:.i.-e ami vicintv on tiie nolitical issues of the dav. on next Saturday. the 11th iust. .... WT We were shown, a few days ago. some ripe blackberries just , plucked from the bush, being the second crop of this year. They grew ou the f:ii-in of our colored friend. Basil Manly, near here. j HOT The appointment for public ; speaking at Merrv Oaks on le-xi Sat- ' unlay wii.i. be tilled. We announced in our last issue that tin appoint- liient bad been withdrawn, but arc ph ased to be able to state now that the speaking will certainly takc place. 17" We take pleasure in calling attention to the advert isemei.t of Kalcigll's leading Ciothieis. the Her wanger Brothers, who l.ave now opened their full fall an I wintersiock. We know from personal experience that their clothing is of the best ipiaiity. tfjr The warm weather makes you feel like buying a CioaU. and Lou don has a splendid stuck of Coa!;.. uinl Jackets, all shapes and priecs. Call ami see I hem. He has the nicest and cheapest stock of Dress Goods he has evel had. Look at his Ycivets urn! Velveteens all shades. WtfTotl.e Ladies: ISuymim i Headen have just Kvivcl their stock of Ladies Dress G. mils for Fa!1, mid Winter v. ry pretty. They tiiso have il good general slock of Fall and Winter Goods which they will sell at bottom p. ices for Cash. A ipiantity of Seed Oats on hand. WDry weather cannot Last much longer and when it does lain yon wili need il good pair of Shoes or Boot.-. Mild Loudon's is the place to liml them. He has a very large slock and ihey ure very cheap. You can find a nice; lot of Clothing at London's if you i wish a new suit for the Imposition.; Another lot of the Diamond Shirts. tl& Xavnssa, Pacific, Anchor and' Bilker's Standard Guano for wheat,; for sale by C. (!. Cheek. He has been receiving New Gjods for some tiniej Mid will be pleased to sell you what ' you want when yon go to Ore Hill., Will buy cotton, llour ami other pro (luce. 9W Warren Prior A: Son. Fayettc rille. Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. Cut lety ami Silverware. We cai ry the: largest line of goods suit able for Anniversary. Birthday. Undid Midi Wedding Presents of any house in the State. And we conlially invite all to make us a vUit when in the city. Any orders sent us will receive prompt attention. Goon (Vrizr.s Gonk. --We much re gret to hear of the dealh of Mr. A. G KobciHon, which occurred last Sunday morning, ut his residence at F.gjpt, after mi illness of several months. He was one of the most useful and respected citizens of Chat ham, Mid his death will be a loss not only to his family but to the entire community in which In his ntlbcted family we heartfelt sympathy. lived. To tender our 1 , ... KrcH'TioH to ScAt.r.s. It is pro-1 posed to give our next Governor a grand reception when he speaks here, on the INth. Several huml.ed ; of our eountynien liiouuted on horses i will meet him a f.hort distance from ! tow n and escort him in. All who wish to join in the procession are j requested to meet in front of the. court-house at half past 51 o'clock on that day. General Scales will come I here from Moucure. Bally up dem-: oeinttt aud let us give him a rousing reception ! A Nnv Inpi sthv. Whileat Ore Hill ( last .Saturday we saw piles of rocks along the railroad which excited our! curiosity. Fpon inquiry we were in- formed that they were loose rocks, . lying ou the surface of the earth, that had been piled up to be carried by the railroad company to be put in the road bed in the swamps south of Fayetteville. The rocks are piled up in rows like cord wood, and the com pany pays 'Jo cents per yard stpuiie. ('hat ham could spare many thousand tons of l ocks Mid I hen h.uc uu abiiinl mice. St.u:k UruNT. On lust Saturday nflcrnoon the stun of Mr. I). ll. Stanley, if Matthews township, was burnt up with everything in it. Xo ono was at the store ut tho time of tlin tiro uinl il is supposed to have lict ii set ou tire. Them wiu no iu surance. Xkw liiiiniiK. The new bridge is coiuplrl.-.l over lhieky river at Jlaek liev'u luiil, ill .Matthews township. Tlin contract or weie Major Henry Duiiiup and Cnt. -lolni Y. Taylor, and the bridge is built in thu most substantial maimer. It ix a covered lattiee-bridge. and the total length is 2f)0 feet. - Uai-tist Asm hi ATI'. n. The 12lilli annual session oi I lie o.il .vindy 1 reek Baptist Assoeiation was held last week with the church at Jiclhlclicui. in Moore eounty. 'there were U7 (-lunches represented, of which '2 were admitted at. this session. The following ministers were present : Kev. Messrs. M. Rildwin. S. (tilnmre, 1). C. Mureliisoii. T. M. Bal.lwin. W. If. II. L.-iwinui, Y. (i. King, () Edwards. J. W. (.'alder, .f. D. Uaek ney. J. Moure. C. M. Mureliisoii. Visitors: ev. A. (1. AleM.inawav, i, IkCV J. N. Siallings. Hev. C. (lower. The Kev. ('. M. Murchioii was oi clu lied. The next session will be held at Columbia church. The contributions sent up were over $ bill, There was a laire alleudauce, iMnl a! the proceedings were pleasant and she took secretly out of the house harmonious. We are indebted to what she thought was ipiiuine and ad Kev. .M. j al 1 win for these items. ' ministered a portion to the child. It sank into a stupor and never recover- Kxeosinox ln;..is.--Kv cry body is ed, dying on the same day. I'pon iu- Ijow talking about Jjoilie- to the Kx- : vesti.'r...li,m l.v Dr. Alt more the posu.o,,. aim u iu well repay any- ''"' ""' SlnU' Lsi"''''"' ;,h :l "l;M"1 s '"-iingine ex- licet .it ions oi Hie most snliguiue. It is the largest ami most vni led exhibit 1 1 in I any one State has ever made in Ameiica! Think of that, and be proud of your did State! And then to think that old Chatham's exhibit is the besl of Ihemali! Of course then every Challiaiuite wi.Mics to see il, and we can asstnc our couiitynieii that when thev do nee it thev will be as much surprised I " " ' ." so man v ol our count vmen will attend tin- Exposition we wish t give them a few pi acucal suggestions. In the liist , lace do not de.ay your visit iintl. the last week, when lucre will be such a crowd as to make it uu comfortable. You can best examine the exhibits when there is not u ciowd crii-hiMg you. And in the next place when you go, spend at least Iwo days, tlo ou the early ii.oiniug train, and, if you wish to be econoiiiiea;. curry a lunch with you lo eat at mid day. ami dont go into lialeigh linlil night, where you can get sapper, bieaklast itnd lodging lor Si..') I. and then buy your dinner ou the second d:l oil I lie Exposition grounds. Ami just here we wish to correct a rumor that boat d is St a day. You can gel the best board at the best plivale houses at not exceed ilig 2 il day. Tlie hotel, the Yar l.orough House, charges .S! a day. The Exposition company has pro videil every possib e comfort and convenience for visit.us. Tho main b.ii.diiig is supp.ied with an abund ance of ice w ai "r. ami seals are scat tered a.l iibou; upon which the wea licd can rest. The visitor ought not to go thioi.gb the exhibits too hur riedly. but leisurely inspect all. it would lake hu'.f a day to critically examine everything in the Chatham exhibit. And by the-way we would here state that ourexhibit win nearer iciidy ou the opening day than I hat of a. most any other county: Much of the credit of this is die our former townsman. Mr. H. M. Cowan, who assisted so etlieiently in its arrange ment anil decoration. We would like to mention eveiythiug that is displayed in our county's exhibit, but of course that is impossibie. And as there is so much worthy of praise we dis. ike to disci iiuiiiate. We can only say. "(in and see for yourself." The largest and most vaiied exhibit ma le by any of our eountynien is that of our venerable friend, ('apt. Fnias Bryan, and we wish that more of our couiityiucii had contributed as much ns he has. Mr. Powell will remain in charge of the Chatham ex hibit, of which he very justly feels as proud as a ni.iii with his lirsl baby! Chal ham can boast of not only having the best exhibit, but also of furnishing the power that movet aii the machinery of the I'.xposil ion. for it is our Chat ham coal Unit is used as the fuel for the big engines in the main building. Coi ntv Canvass. -As heretofore announced by us, the county canvass will begin at Gulf next Monday, and close at Pit tsboro' on the Saturday before the election. The sheriff will accompany the ciu.didaie.t. as is cus tomary. for the puipose of collecting taxes. 1 he appoint incuts are as tol- lows: At Gu!f. Monday, October " Egypt. Tuesday, ' "Osgood. Wednesday, Eoekvillc, Thursday, Buckl.oriie, Friday. ltth. 1 1th, loth, liith. 17th, 201 h. aim. JJiul. ' Cheek's shop, Monday, Zeno Johnson's. Tuesday ' Siler. Wednesdav. Harper's X Boads. Thursday. -Ild, llichmoiiil. Friday. October 'J it h. Hickory Mt . Saturday, '25th. Johnson's Store. Wednesday, U'.M h. Pace's Mill. Thursday, Oct. .'Mill. " FeHiringt oil's. Friday, " Hist. ' Pit tsboro", Ssturday, Nov. 1st. ( out in issinnei s' )l eel i ng. The eounty commissioners held thtir regular monthly meeting ou last Monday, ami audited the follow in g accounts: Dr. It. ('. Jackson, as physi cian to the poor-house, ii.'2o W. L. London, for supplies for poor-house, 7. 40 lames ( liluioi e, for lumber for Put tersoii'n creek bridge, 1X0 J J Knight, depl sherill'. iis olliii r n;;iai.d jury. Ac. I " P.'f Ar IJiilit, contractors on the Vi:dw,-ird biiil 'e, V. S. Giitlih, for oals and j.'.o a Ix-uin for poordiouse, A. C. Moore, for work and lumber for bridge at Feiu- riugtou's mill, V. 1$. Carter, .1. P.. insolvent fees, Thomas ( Toss, jail fees. .1. J. a!dwin. for the rciief of Sully l lamiet and daughter, Oi.nViii.i.. That C. J), l'oe, 7..'i) l:!t.12(j 2.1.1 47.DH 2.50 I'. M. ' -Johnson, A. X. Strowd ami . A. Lindsey. Itiiliut.-r be (tales caeh allowed tor layui road. off public OiiliiUKH. That K. 1. Alston, Lee Brooks and K. (. 1'errv be allowed ' eileh l.oD for guar.ling John Jordan. State iftfews. Oxford Torchlight: Fifty indus trious iiieehaniesare iv.n.ti din Oxford. Hickory 1're.vh: The fair which was held at Asheville September iMrd to p ,-"iu, was i lit! nisi in me .UiiU' west oi lie liiue III le. Me were present the first two dins and were delighted at th(! success of this exhibition. Washington (iaefte: A peculiar case of poisoning occurred at Stone- wall, 1 ainlico coiiiitv. on last i lies- day. Jane JhuTiis, a colored woman, was employed in the family of Mr. Jno. Ihabble. lief child beilitr sick medicine was to;. ml to Ix norphinr. instead of .p.i.ii.ie. lialeigh Chronicle: Senator soni's explanation of the taiil'f lulll evcrvl id v from Saiiford. is thi est elucii lilt ioii of tile ,.bj . .i . t that cnn i:e made. -A i.u ue.li.ig of the Xorlh;,),,,,,,;,,, ,..,,.,., iSHscon.pIete. .rowers Associa ..... . )lh, wilj ,;,, i( (, Carolina Fruit G Mill he held in the Senate Chamber, in Kaleigh, on the loth of October, at H p. in. Col. J. M. Heck, of Uah igb. will read .a paper on "1'iuil Growing in North Carolina: Docs it pav .' M....I. i. .,,;..., ..c i I........ .. ill 1,. ... . '.. 1 , .. ,, before the meetiii d full meeting is desired. Ahuuau.-e Gleaner: We have a .talk of (-oi a in our oflice raised by Mr. Sidney B. Holt, upon which there are ten ears. The ears Is gil, at the liist joinl. and from seven joints come out Hie ten ears. Three ot the joints have two ears each. Corn came Iron, every joint except t he hist, from which e.une the tassel. A lady in Givens- boro received a letter a tew days ago coiiti.iuiug a leuiittance of twenty dollai's--ci'i. science money. The lei low who sent il had boarded with tin- Inly and neglected to pay his bill when he left. He did Hot give his name. Suppose dcluniiiei.t siibscii- liers shouid couimei.ee to do t.us km, I of t liinj. editors would greatly n joice all owr the laud and proclaim the millcnniuai near at, hand. Wilson dvuucc: Wr were pained to he ir of the dcalh of Win 11. ml. Ms , a highly esteemed ami much respected citizen of Nash county. Il is supposed that the deceased was poisoned with strychnine administer ed by his cook through some greens which siie prepared lor dinner. Mr Hunt rei.iaiked while eating them that they were the wol -t tasting greens that he ever ate. Alter eating aw hile he 1 1 tit . saying that he could ;rit no more. They were taken mid given lo the dogs and a est. (hie doif ami the cat. died and the other dog is not expected to live. Dr. Edwards. Mr. Hunt's grandson, was sent fo: immediately who, when he arrived, pronounced it strychnine poisomi g ami selil immediately for other phy sicians who also pronounced it strychnine poisoning, but it was too lute when Dr. Edwards arrived to counteract the effects of the posi,.n Charlotte Observer: A lady ofthis city, after having gathered a .uantit of tomatoes oi her garden, went into the house and, being tired, sat down in a rocking chair, and commenced conversing with her husband. Sud demy she felt her rocker tilt as if it had rocked ou a stick, and looking down she was liorrilied to see that she was rocking over a snake. She was fi ighteiie.l almost into a spasm, but the snake was killed and thrown out. (Juiet had scarcely been restored before tho lady made a movement and on tin? lloorat her feet she saw anothei snake wriggling about. Intense ex citement prevailed 111 the household ' ... , . i i r l a. ill It ill-l not suosi.ie ior a consinei able time alter the second snake hi.d j been killed and thrown out of the! house The ouiy explanation tli.t can be given is that while I lie lady was in the garden the two si.skes crawled into the folds of her dress, where they remained until they drop ped out on the Moor in the loom, as described above. I Sliitesvill.i Lainliiiaik' Men show-! ed in tin; war, whether olliceis or pri- ; vatcs. of in ttv much what stulV Hey . were made. D T. Pritchard. Esip, of Alexander county, told us a few days ago, that he recollects very well, ou the inarch from lYtcrshtirg to Belltield. in December, isill. when the mud vois very deep and the men 1 made their way through if with' great difficulty, thai Gen Alfred M. Scales got oil' his horse and put on it two sick and worn out men of his1 command. The water in the public well in the centre of east- Broadsheet baring become so bad that it could - not be used. Mr J. A Page went in I . it. la-t .Monday, to lean it out. Mid among other things which he sent up was t he body of a baby. It was evidently of premature bull.. The ' identity of the guilty woman has not yet been established. The color of the child could not, of course, be de termiued. nor could it be told how long the sickening object h id been ill the well. The discovery caused a good ileal of :l bu -. ii'.o Hid tow n, and no well watefchas tasted eati.t ly light sun e. 1 Fuyetteville Observer: We con TOC.IKJ giutuhito our country friends upon Uieir success in tobacco nuking this! season. For many years a stieill quantity of the weed has been raised ! Ij various parties tl.lotiylio.it tin; county f-jr their own use, but this 1 year there have been numerous eperi-1 lueiith on ijuite a large scale, to give the matter a fair test as to whet her or j not a grade of tobacco that would sell for price sullicieiit to make its culture prolitablc. could be raised on our lands ! We rejoice to lie able to report lliat ' ties of the Dry (loods Trade itnd have these experiments have in almost every used the utmost precision and careful instance been so successful, spite of a ness in making my Kail sec; (ions, somewhat unfavorable season, that the ' and now i xliibit n luge assortment of urea cultivated will be very largely ! new fabi ics. styles and patterns, to increased another season Our I which ate added day by tiny new peaceful community was shocked to;(soils as they enter the market. learn on I uesday that a brutal mur der had beeu committed the night before wit in ii I he limits of the :t The person murdered. Mary Hughes, a white woman about () yaers of age, lived alone ncai the former site of tin: oil mills, in a little hut Slit; was found Tuesday m ling within j her dwelling, dead with lier skull crushed li oil one side of the head. The lt id was .ipp.arently doia; with 1 1 i i . i ne iicuu oi an axe or some lieavv. blunt instrument. A .-li-ht clue a. gotten hold of. the circumstance f which apparently point towards the perpetrator, ami it is being cautioiislv hut swiftL followed np by the slid iif and olln r oflicials. The republicans of I he sixth dis trict have nominated Hon. Oliver II Dockery as their candidate for Cnn gress, and Dr. . M. XoriueiiL for presidem ial elector. I ', i boro'. Will. ArmfirM. of Greens has just returned from New i York with a full and complete lino of all styles of Fall mid Winter cloth- sayRtj,,, j,.,! boots ami shoes, and the 'ear- : l,,,,, :,.,. i i v ..: ' inililil .lillllilin 1V..1...1 ti i. .. . ti interest to see this stock. Give him a call. W. II. Wakelieid Co.. of G. cells ' boro". X. ('.. dcaleis in Hardware an. I Machinery, invite the citizens of. , Chatham to examine t In ir huge audi complete slock, which will be sold; astonishingly low. Tlieir Wakefn id i Cook Stove is t he nicest and quick- 1 est baker on the market. Agents for Wadsworth, Mai tine A Lasguian' Pure Prepared Paints, every gallon guaranteed. . The iiii'rcliiu.'.s of t Latham will do' Well to call iiud see or send their ol dels to Greensboro' to the old ."liable; house of J. W. SCOTT A CO. ! A peculiar . in i;e in Ayei's Sursa : parillii isiintt wuiie it eh aiises and: purges the blood from all cm ruptions and impurities, ami thereby roots out , disease, it builds up and llo isolates ' the whole system, and makes one; yoiiiiy again. ! THE MARKS'S. i l:e;.rn -I r.-r Vhk l;.;o-i;.i hy W Y A T T , T A Y L o IJ . lillOCKIIs ,v COMMISSION MK.it II VMS Nil I.' S..111I1 nl-lo Mar.lii SI.. Ilo.i.n.ii, N. c. o.-i..l.i r 7. txi. COITON MAIiKl.T: i..-,a Mi i.aiiic, V. Millie. siri. : Low MM. II, itf, Siaiu.s. witoi..:: Mi-nl -C K Ki.lt-.-. I'.i' l.a, ks, i'ulk m . It".. CaiivaHrti'.! Ila.ii I . hi a -II vl r.-lln. I. I'lll.l.lV, M..I.I-..-.-.- Ni'tt !Yt.. ('llli s ni h, sii: in- Y-U..W. .iru.iillH.t"., AI.KllliocKKV muiki:t. II ;M Kl-.lir. S. I'., Ill , M.-ul. ll. SUfl e.i l-t is. lf V,',,, :i l'li.-l Xfi if-, J...ej- .Itlllfr, I't-tfs, I. !4 1 lil.'kr.ls. ill l'..rk, III'-, 'III lifl-l. new llr.-Mi Ttt-s l "", 1'if rl--f arn ..r lurtfe .-.-, tit TI." New Advert isetuents 4 DMINISTBATOU'SXOTK'E. - i' V llavitij iiialtlli'l n ilu -lniitii-' ri r Oi lllJih liHilnliull. 1, 1 I.. I. I..V if. ny all jit iH-tiirt 1 1-1 I 1 ij 1 lalni- uHihi !Mi'l ! 'lf'it1 i-xhii'it Hie -unit' l-i ute -n r i r i!n- .; h 'lav .f HcImUt, ISH.V I. M mihllAl.lt. A few barrels Hvdiaulic Cement ilechcai.. J'. M. M.IYEU. for (li t.i-. N. ('.. Sept. -'It'. 1SS I. IMPORTANT SALE ! v. ii.tniiiilslrntttnotf I .MI'S 1-M I1. ,.-,ao l. wr will -.-Il 11: pul-lif m.. :l -..I w . i'i.".ov. I hi i..-r nui. a. ins in'.- ivst.i-ii.-f u t..i ..; ai.i vi.i.i. I'l li-oNvl. l-l'ol-l.l.rv, .-..ii -1-1 nit; 111 rail ..f Mutt's, Cut. If. IIi.b-i, Wnrf"iis. I'ai M.ii'i! I'if.i"'l", .i,ai, (.ni. 10, .aM. THOMAS I. I'ACI, ,1. .1 1'l.ol l.t.S. VHF.KIEF'S SALE. - !!Y YIKTFE tl.."ii ... Iitvr "f A. It. Cliarll. HCalttsI VV. H. Ciiiin.lVi'f till Isr-lifl Ir.'ln III-' j-.tt-f li..- -. .till llf.iur-r. .-..null .1 III "fll ill pit I'll'' 11111-. 1. -li l"r i iisli. a. 1 1 ir: li..nf ... ..i In l i is I.T"'. "h MOM.W. Uu Iril'laV'-f N.'O-.ii.'fi' .i.-.. a tiii.-l '. I.11.1I ... 'I i ll' V t"Kiisli. I'.iiiuiii: a''"ii. iil a .. an. I . "l.i- Uii" v. -v. ..i.t t ( . .- I, .in--- .-.el alMifl l. sil.l c. uu. 111-1:1111 :i.i I ..w ri-i li ii... I ii. Ij -inii.i.- .In- Ian. Is ... oi.i.'i M.-Mieli, .1 li Mi'. ln-ll an I ...I.-.S. Oi l. in. Issi. n. s. v. HliKttKlt. MimiT A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. pM).ttarity ;ii Imhim f h i alu ps ill ' 1'f-l !M ol im r.1, 1'iit we :iti I't.Mi.tlv. 1.. in, 1 l thai no niliff iin tiM iiM- l:a- u.ai I -1 it m h uiiitoisal ;t..r.'L.il."n in ti iuti i'iiy( Plali', aiil coumi x, ai.tl anc'ii all la-oj lc, n$ Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Til- f-illitwiiij l.'ll.-r ft'-m our i.f our lHf Klii.nn I:mw-Icim-ii. I'. ii;-i.-I. sli.uilil Ivcf inlfr.-st l.n-vi-ry Mill.-rt-r ; - RHEUMATISM. - I'.i'lil yvar n.t I I an atlM.'k ..f ill-wiiiiilli.in, s.i .-.I' i ll- thai ll!.! n.-l in""- Ii in llif I'l.l. it . Ii.-lr. I I'H'.I si-it i.il i.-iiif- ilit-s itli"in iin.f.i il hii rt-lii'l. iniiil I t.H.k Ant'" s ut!. 1 1-... i. . I.y ill.- u-r "I iu.i l."IHff "I ulii.-li I m.i ffini I. i. ly fiin-il. Uavi- si-l'l I.HV'. iii.-ini-r.-s i-f v-tir si."A IMiiil ', .iii-l ii n;i if.. nils ii- u...:..-i ml s-.ii.ai nv. I'I'i- many n.'lal'lf t'liit-H .. liaH rll- . li-.l in Oil :. :uiiv .-"nv ni.-i- m- I. ml It. I- i'ii- hf.-l I. Hi. ..I l 1. III. i-u-i oil.-n-.l I.i tho l,.Mi. I.. I-'. II vi.i.i...'' l..i l St., Illli ktali'l, Mats., .iy I.i. Is.'. SALT RHEUM. rS. tea.-- t'r ov-it Iwt-titi uvii - I" (.mi? Ics ri-ni".il It. ,.i.-ll allli,-.. w ill Sail lilifiim in us "lV nn in. Il- ul. i r.ili.-i - i.-, i, cl .-..ii 1-1 nn-r- III in li ill il..- "in I -. i l In - li ..li a. i.i llinl-". Hi was ml Ti-' .-iir.'-l lv A.h's S 1 1.-. (I- III. I . Mf t-i-rllli-'alii III Ai'l A liii.ti.it.- ..i l-ss i n i r ti:i ii ii v Dr. J.C.AyerA Co.. Lowell, Mass. ScM l.y all I'r'Wt-. tl.-n I- ill. f . Frank W. Thornton,! , 7 and North Hay .Street. IN READINESS FOK FALL TKADE., I have jus) li-tunied from the (Yin I the mens ! this season, as in the past, can be confidently relied upon as being the ! lowest, and ;t vii-it to our establish ' melit invariably profitable. IUCH ML WK SA TIN IMFADAMl'S. ('Of OliKI) SATIN Mil DA MI'S, "' " Oic ln-: I" -?1 l 'J.'i i-r yin l. i 1 SLACK lSli(H'DK WOVEN SILK Vr.LVLTS. f.'.IH. f ! :. l.ll, i l ' .'T Vill i. ISlSOCADK WOVKN SILK vi :l VKTS. In id! Mi' ii' fti' l-niii" .Jim, U:, MHO '.T yiii-l. ISLACK l:i;ocliK hijocadk ir In all II. n.-.f.lc-. .1 .ii. !.--y:iM. sir K SVTINS. D' jr jiinl. K STINS ;1 in, l.x:. l .-r TW( l-'I'l INK Bli X 'A I F. SA't'I VS. hi all .-rn ...iin-llilnu' Iv 1 ar.l. oil 1'IECES GIIOS GBA1N COLOI! I'D SILKS. in all On- lat. , -i r..i..ii -H.,.-. uu, Jl :: r jiir l. Ho I'll'.CES P.LAI K GKOSGKA1X SI I K S. l-.n.'hl .ll.w' rr-.n: '.. li'i..,!i-' a.i.l whl-h wt. ,.IT. I- :hi ,..- .'.-III I' Ili'.ti fVt'i- 'I'l I.I lli.t. liiiekf! .!". f. BYCl'M CLOTH. all :!i.l..-s, BOHEMIAN CLOTH, nil -li.i I. H, SATIN BOl'HBONS. Ml -I.hJ.-s. DIIAI' C ALM V CLOTH. all -I;. i'l".-. FBMNCH AliMY CLOTH. all sli.-t.lfn. FLANNEL sriTL'(iS. all -Iim.I.-. These go.ids represent eVdOl.il.g new in the way of Novelties in Dress ( toods. An unsurpassed collect i.in of ELEGANT CLOAKS. In On- I i l!f. Bl'SSI AN ClltCI'LABS. K'l'uls-'llif t-.. lit i-. NEW MABKETX. nl;.hh mi 1 nil tnl'lcv Tin- fl'...' .'X-i'lifiVi- llltrt.f i-o-i hli-.n-n ... I'ayi-; if villi. FRANK W. THORNTON, .1. 7 and !l North II ay St . 1'AYETTEYILLE. X. C. o.-i. r-ia. ;,. BRIGKJ5! IIUi I I'M .' .m- . a 11 Linn J mill- -, -li kiln c ... I I, .11 ' I II.MIIMI. ill I. S. Ill liNI.IT. S"iltMIl.M-- IS, . 1:. HtNklS I d I It II I II M A 1 t. UM1H K UU., FA YETTEYI LLE. X. C., Markfl Sl.alt WHOLESALE GiiOCERS. A . ill I, IK" I. .y lllNMiO.K 11. Ml IC'Mlst'N. cm n rnnnrctf Han- f.--. in-l n .iiir'niT- III l-T Hit- 'lii.-... i- -.1 1 1 in Hi '.my ... .'lui il mi. S. Iil '-I II. Issl. if. ' NEC I 'TO 11 S XOTK'E. IIA in-.ii in; 'inalilli-l a- Xf .H- r "' t"lm !" -Is . 'If i-i-as.- l. I . n-.'liy all -f s..ns Ii-.Mii.i; .-la. I. is awim-! sB. I .1 If HI ...fllil'... Uu- s.iiiit-1" in.-, "li r l'i-."if ;ln- is:li 'lay "I s-..'-nil r, lss:.. Al.lll.liT II. IKiWI.V. s.-j... is Ii. Issi. r,:,. SXECl J ' ln'. ilia I'Oll'S NOTICE -HAY . 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 II I as II f.-ii'"i -, -'urn I ". .1. I h.-i- i v n-'.:;v an I..-I--...H.-. if.i.iuiu-lu-.-iin"' "an I ..'f.-ii! I-. i-Mi.i-.i Hi.- "arm. ii,. I .....-.- lit,, lx.li.,1 - -i-iii.'f r. Iss;. is. is"i i-,'-.. ..osi::-ii l.. I I l; is. "I'l- fAND SALE.--OX Tlll'llsDAY lln--..:i-. .lay ..I O. I..I .-I-. ss. 1 Kill s. ll a. ..il..- iiii.--I.-ii, . n Hi- .-vliii-.f". a llii- l -.1 In..'. "I a ii '.j an'" I' liclnn I" II Mill'- ". tin- l-ct' .....in l'...v. .It-.-ia-fl. sll.l.tli- ... VMIila.ii" ...un sl,i.. an.) a'-li -.iiiiiil 1'if lan.ls .-I I.. I', ('"ill...... I. c. li u k.-l- an-l " l.'-i- . Tf. in-. . ...if haii . a-li, I ml. i In -ill .lay. 'I HI" I...- rvi'il ...I lU'-n.-v I .a i .. Al.ltllltT II iiownv. Sf.. -j.i, is-1 . ii-., K.i.-ui..r. i Governcr's Proclamation. ' -TX I'l- HI- Not, I II CWiOl.lN t. I ' IM. I llv. I'l It 111 VII M I I Will. HI I--, i-lll. -Ial in.. . ni l i- n li at Hi.- i-..n-.:iifii. Uial JnllN T. V W v. l lli- Ill'- " ii lit i lia.li-i.n, v.iii'l-, ' liariri-'l ivnli Ml li I'l I. IM- Win i i iv .1 a...-a - line .In-s.i.. .' tin I' llali i h-ii. i.i-l 'In- si n.', . I - .fiil lil.n-"-. I 1 1, a' il ..Unary ..--i s. .il ia 1111111". I-f -i-ro-.l ill "li lil.n. N- i- I'm I.! l-il:. . I. Ih--inas.l .l.i.t . . i-- 111..1 ... Uu- S'u.f . . Vol. far una. lit tin lie ..I atiili . l!v in in.- t.-Hi-l . law . I -in- Uil- no I 1. " f t Mill-s ",f. 1 llii a I. -iial-l - I I'll li I I III M'li! I I'o!. I tl.s I r li .-a... h-n-.-.lian-l -l.-liv- l '- - I Hi.- 1 1 . !,.. 'I' Mann ... .lit- sh.-iilT--l I'liall.-ilil -.In: 1 . a. II f III ' li-'l.f In I 1. '.-!..!.' . ami I'l' . Hl--ii! t'l -1:1- . ..." s-a'f an-, all 1! ' Ul.'fii- .. si in I" lllu-ni a. -T'l. ll '' J'l-'l- f i.-n. 1,: -I.'' 1 ny "I iMit .till. Hit- '.'.i'l '' '' S'-l' I ..-.la :lif our f. . I'I'I '"" ll.- il-.ili-l . ij!,- I . a 1 1 t .m l 1 i.'hly ...Hi-, an-. .11 U linn n-i-l .tii-l ttiii. Ii viar --I ti i.i.ii In 1. 1 1 I 1IOM S I. .1 VI. I Is. 11 III- i- V.-llfl'l w.c. I'.... hM. .1. fiii-i! l i.oi.i- Sf-r.-i.tiy HI si 'I I . "I ll in . M inn is i lias l.l.ii- -. I- al-11' I !'".'' I I ,t...-l.t. 11. !.' i' its. . .-.:. 1. nlsnii I ..' II-:- . is : ii ivii.i. Ii.il. nli'l lias I ---1 if -i- lln ... I' !i iil-IiI .11.1. wi.in lai In- l.. o 1 -a: .I - I a -tin It . -.I"r.i i.-l.'.t si.. ak--l . Ii li.ay Sjn.l UEW'AUD. 1 IV M'l't l it v 1. id" ifxai l ...r.-'.- l 1-y .1 v .-n.-.i ... il.f Sinn-. .1" lififi't .1-1 .1 r- ; '. "' .'.l.l !! 11,. 111 11 -1 ail'l ... ill" l' 1 -.. J--HN I' MtsN i" il..- ..1,1-nn "t ( liaili.iin ' ".i.iiv ruo'it-11 iter. S.'!'!- .''. l-l-l. I ' 1 KOl l. I S. ; Dr. A. HOLTON'S i o 1 x r ji : r T ! no: 1 n.i: 01 n-if-., inil--fs, l; It. -lit- I f"f -.-.l.: i t , ( all' tT"iis Ti .-( I-Hi- ln 1 Ii li.-iin. 1.1. in-. 1 Inn ..a. ns... I- Ir -i -lull's, ol I i 1 '111 1. 1111 Ii .. Wlillf M-illlliL-. Inlllinnil 'l'i ini.'iii' .1 1 ... nail- . InllH.iifl Klnf. liiiih i tun ar -iili I". S-11I.I i.-ii-l ..r ..Ham.-l liii asl- --I If 1. 1.1I. -.. ( ia. l.f'1 ". I lia .f.l llall.l-. sua.,.- li I ,.lli i.-hf. l ln-.. I'-Tlis. ("u s mi. I Urn I all km I . .iif I ... al " In- i-.iiii I an liita.n.il lf n in ,tx in in if -. Win-.- an I all sun s '-n It"' li. ..ci"l l. .1. U lloi.TON. Illk.li I' ., V t'. C, ;,.-.ns lln -li iiuni'iil I. Iilslilv ris "innif n l'"l It I'l-. Han Ut i'"l Kill 11 a 1.. I ... ll l" fit I fll Lam i-.i ii- i.t 11. t 11 riN. 1 mi -I ' m- ii-ui. f 1 ll". Is 1 iin- -1 1 ha 'ROGLffl BERWANGER BROTHERS, aAiEian, nr. c, TIIK Leading Clothiers and Tailors, Take great pleasure in proehi;ming to the pi blic that their FALL AM) WINTEK T0CK oF Meirs Youths', Boys' Children's GlQiMic Gents' FiiraisliiDp ani Hals IS COMl'LLTL AND ItLADV FOIl IXSI'J'.CITOX, and com ve do not exaggerate in saying !.-le. the most fashionable' the trimmed, the most desirable lor the money to He louna uuywueie in mm section of the State. Our former patrons will coihd to see us of course, mid it is a matter or pride to us that these former buyers are our best advertisers, for they know whereof I hev speak when they recomiii-nd tlnir friends and stnuigers com ing to our (SliAND KXl'OSlTJON to such a firm as ours. Yrrv Hipped fully. BSnWANGSR BROTHERS, i. LADING CLOTJIIKUS AMI) TAILOKS, (I I 11. ISM. FALL m r.ALEIGJI, TI. c , iMNii runi: PALI, & AVINTKI, STOCK OF GOOE DBESS GOODS. CALICOES. SILKS. SATINS, YI.LY LIS. BKO. AND ISLEA. DOMES ilCS, DillLI.INGS. I'lCKINGS. i'LAIDS, PF. I CALLS. SHAWLS. CLOAKS j HU NKS, CAKPEI INGS. HOSIEKY. GLOVES. NOTIONS, HATS. ; I SOOTS AND SHOES, i . Ask f'-r any ;u tide kepi in a first-class Dry Good S.-.re ami you will be sure to liml it. Thanking the good people of Chat Mian, for their past patronage, we solicit a blither continuance of tln sani". W. II cv I!. S. IT ( KEI! x CO St'Dtt'IDh'-l' 11. It-1. l()MMAM)SEi;i'S. - Sfiavisiir iusi re- " (limed (rom (he or(lierii mar kets we are now receiving; a Splendid Stock OF Tall ami Winter GOODS AND Ol lt FIJI ENDS are requested to Kven il we ilu not se8I von v will u)si vou in the low priees. We are otlerin loo(Is as Sow as ean be bought any where tor the CASH. IJeinemher yon can liml any thing at LOXDOVS yon ean eall for. THESE (ionlis HAVE I'.KKN F.nl (ill I' LOW AND WILL EH SOLI VF.IJY LOW l'OK 'HIE CASH. NO TIJOFF.LF. TO Silt lY (i )( H S ALL W E CAN SAY IS TO COME AND SEE I S AND WE WILL riJOVE W II AT W E SY Ul'.MEMI'.F.U THE PLACE IS W. , ItOMlON'tS. ritt. .oro', Si .t. is, ss I. ATIOWl that this season our stoclt s ine most most durable, the best made, the neutest Opposite '. S. Fost Oflice. WOOLLC OTT, I.i East Hm! It ami '208 Wilmington Streets. liALElGII. X. C. My Wliolesale stock: FOB THE Fall and Winter 13 COMPLETE ! ! rr consists or BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, ('OATS' COTI'OX. DOMESTICS. PLAIDS, PANTS CLOTH, DBESS (iOODS, uu! all other goods found in a first class Wholesale Dry Goods House. This Stock is the largest, ever shown here, ami prices are as low as the same ;oods can be bought in Northern markets. WM. WOOLLCOTT. s.-tit-iiil-r 11. nHi. visitors 10 mm SHOl'LD CALL ON George T. Stronach. WHOLESALE GltOCER, N-.. 11 Miir.ln Sirwl. RETAIL (iKOCER, Ma.kf. n.i.t til MnrUii S.rwSu, .-la . ll-l.-llli-IH Hil t tlll-ll-N I IlKTK lilllf lit -ay .-.-in.- an. I wf nn- ill my i.. sl'.rr nuil I lli if.il y-.ii jn-; ji... o.niv it,,. ka.lH tfu " '"'" I as I .ll'l In II I.lfll lluim, Kbra li i. nil i... I ii.-n,.-, an.l our sliarn ..f llm fun. I li e., a ..y lai MtH-k uf lit-nvy Kutemrtm. 300 bbls. Sugar, 138 sacks Coltee, 100 bbls. Mackerel, 8:t bbls. Molasses, 3. tierces of Lard, 200 bbls Flour, :i(NN lbs. Ham, MEAT, MEAL, Etc , 5 loies Tobacco. 50,000 Cpi, clii'Hcr I linn the cheajHist, etc i 'I J ICES CI Ii KENT SENT ON AP PLICATION. ur Kktaii. Si'oiu- miller charge of WAYNE ALX.COTT, La-, t-vfi-viliinu. nn. I Iran i-vnry slilw, am mn .1 hi iilaif.l ..ii si.fiuiiiK ihr tmrTli-m ul m li"liwtl in. I . a.ai.l. a jiMnti .11 K'm. our icfiifrnl uttirk I 1 ISM I. OtKUlK, l llkhSK, l.Hlll., II4MH, l ln. li. IsthlNii I'OWI.I IIS, MI.I nuil HII.VIK i'l. lis, nil iis. iiii'l .air li-.AH, orx Mmkrn til by hi .11-. ...I..-I .i. llif lifsi .in Him Kiklttigh morkvl, in. nly tlif u-i-slif-t, i.t i.ur fiiiire miN'kll i.-itiiiii 1.1-fii I'm. ii't-f.i iin.it ai (tnsr ut, it4. St'l'l .' . l"Sl. illU. While ill Kaleigh (iO TO The Square Dealing Clotliinn' ani M Hoose, I. M. I JoscnlmuinH ohl sUnd, V I 1 'iiii-i I K.vfiifvlll.i ani llnrgxll MraoM, W in re vou will Iiii'l a larA and well it -.sort ci I slock of CLOTHING. HATS. BOOTS AXfD JLtnOEB, uinl at lower iicc than any othe llo'i.-f in (he StalH. CA LL AND UF. CONVINCED. j H i'lKinlHIl 'ia, IBM. ilia.