4 A .1 J 4 THE F..KM M HOME. l.rceu t'orn I't.r I ntli iilnu Mt . As so n as tin- grain of corn r-t - in to the milk it lu c uiics highly sit i -alilo in hastening I In; fattening f steers in pasture. These may I) i ful at the rate of ton to I vvcuty cars per day, according to tin si.o of llio iiniirals. If is cuiiU-inlu.t that this corn also adt.'s to the ipiaiity of tho beef slaughtered early in autumn, and that It is of more s.!il charade r than such as is pure gras- foil. If tl.o steers arc tn he kept la'cr on into Win ter, then this soft, green ciirn is an ex cellent preparation to be followed up by (ceiling such as lia - thei fully ripened anil become hard. Atler steers have attained siillieient sie, it, is ijiiitc an object to fatten them a rapidly as possible, ami tais is dotie iiiickcr in milil weather Hum in oil with the satin .pi nt ity of t-.-!. .1. . Allot hi l.h. .v. ,,-. ...,-,.. I'lHtil l-'.'i.tt Trie-".. Every farm -r .-ii ml I p! in; a l.-iv trnit tre-s every y. ar. An ei'ioanl sliouhl be treated a ; a t i'.e, n t as a permanent rs:a'.;i-!iiii"!il. I. -'a 'V.'. I hecuUvi'.te.l uud'-r !'ie stuit'i' i.nl.tions, too, if it is ejvc'e I to ;eM a or ;i'.a lile ret'ir i. A -mall .iv'i.ir.t v. .-il kept is like a little farm well tilled; indeed, it is a part an I p I of -tie'i a ll'.Me tai'lll. file oivi ..If I -lioltld lie u'tver, tlie u hole p cm cf the -o.I. an 1 It should hue its regular t.i i .nr as o'lier cr..p- have. Youti" ': es pecially rc'jUtro this and tc-lai' cuiti va'anas Will. It is nppo-i ta.it I nut ine- re. pure many vears to conic into 1 . aring. 'I'iiis i - t ru i f tii y - i f tcr tn-iilecl ami hae t- i xei t a 1 t!c.",r tv.reniith to l,e. Iris . aly the -i:r-phi- ii;or ou r t!i ;t '- I'- ! to ii -La-tain :iti ex,-., n e t f i . i ., ; i-, li'lllt. Ill till- H-j' ( 1 ! ii ' ii- .i:. i a eon are pr . i- ly :b ; ,( i -lemhl treat !. - o v . a - ' ; t -ea. t!ie:rorrhaiM-'!:e . , ,, , v P;;l III. Ik er I Tte, . r ciu'e-e a t:. i f.,:- . lint if tie- ! ', i! !.-.'. i 1 a . v: II as 'he ,-... i.e :r . Ii . .; .. M a -1 1 i 1 1 ' - i i ' 1 r ii- ; : : r- ; II - if' ! t a- ;.i: in, i r IIOV SI,,, ia itul!,'! In. Vlllril. 1' i - . t know-;.. .. i i i iK. in i r;ty ot .en il.iirytiie-! i i ii v !.,r. i. .; a y, t .i....v -t-. . t, - tli. ( i -iltr.,' i '.t e: I ... i; -. i lita. h i- l..s own penil.. ii- in.-' . !. altic ujh nini-e or l.- -Mi-.l.ir-fy .-t- .iiu t'. whole I : i !! ivii.-t;,,.;- (: ' milk can h -AoriiiNi . lit of I lie ;..! t- r fhiireiy w i'li-ess ila'i'er ,.f ': ; i" i ; . -l 'he .piah'x. I'h.it III" v! pi. I- e .1! Wori-.ill tie- imt'el jilt ,'M ,( :;y M.ij; a I a.iillc :; itopt j er j- :! -eiiu I. t:;e .-.mj h- pi' I ' i-!i.-i r- A it! n: :ti.r 'lie teV ar-. the l.iitt. ,- ' - ; . ., 'line pre ,, : . , i , ... ; I .- . ol ... -. I. lileti, h .v er. .. i.i. 11 ,' li lt i I'll tli.' -,. ,.p, ;,' eii iril. t:.e ImM. r iii.iy 1 e sail,., i an I w ; :, ., ,.p --ration I y if!' I a a. .1-1 a: ';.- -'r.-n r !-n:i-' l at'. r ati-r tie- m;i.. ha- I Irav. a oil. 1 he h it'--,- .mil i r.:.. together r-vi'lve ;u t1;.- l.,i:n, lie ri-iii: linn.' tuat th,- ait in a li.pii.l -.la'- ha- a .ji.i lo r .cm iii-.re lifn i a I: '.a-. :iu tti-- mi.k tr an he" t U ecu t h-- pan ira - ii !.','! r, v. as e- t i oinpi, telv. aii-l .i: .p.-n . . i t ! ti.0 iii. tLl Uo!iviii atel h-- ii-.' i.f li.; pa.lill" i r i-ii!., r -.v -r: - ;. The ,.ia 'i!, howci r. i-a m wotn- -a ..cue ic-p-vti, me! i- h.ii le to le. i.i :.,. c in' . the "ir.irol snpp .Mtiii l l,.it lint, littl" cin'e is nec, -s iry ii iu. e r 1 1 , - Mirplus milk iiii.i pfo;.:ly -ii, -n 1 preserve the hnitt-r f ir ii-e. - i nit. r i, ins.j'.. 1 1 l'l in wat. r -iii-. er'jiii.Iy i,j iu inry cm i,e ! n it. ,rel I y .l.iutinjf l he et raiiemis in it'er ;n Lis ter tht.ro i- tm ifmlit tLiiT a . .,-.i s m...- i'r' ly aid with 'at t M.-e. Wi.-n th.' d: v -alt i- ii- , !,.r th i,mt, r, an i :, i;,i ur--or.l'cl w it a it liy the ii -e ..i iu. j, , r worker. Hie nm, . al ol the -i.rplui milk is r v jrra.l.titl. an I e inns.: no', overlook i in- faei tha' an ev;ip ration i nrs to a cert li. . tent, uherei.v a i .'-i.Imiiii, or s..!;. in a i ir is let t whi -h laniint he. cm . e.l erept l.y tl.H use of Ii.pii.ls. VI en the brine i- a I !, ,1 t.j I utti r in the churn the .bailee b.-in.e,t I' incorporating the -ait it;i ti.e I utter atcl ililat milt the miik urs, an. I it sh. mi l . on -. pleat ly l e a . easier loetllOll. I'll! 1,1. ' !;.' '.. l-'ftl'iii nml nrilfii irr. pi.ishv,n.-- L.ake e, elh ii shads in poultry yar.ls. i-i'iicj not o.lyc.iol laees ot I-. - ii'i I ut serve as proi. etion against haw ks. Never apply nitrate of soda or any olhir very nolua'.le form of i,itroije;i la in the f ill. A prominent fruit, grower -ays weeds will never bother a Sarin r if he will kc.ji the land in grass, t inning d for crops, and reMviiimr egain to j us- lit er one or two pluiighiiigs, j Win n colts are runn tig m li their j .lams, care sdiould be ixen-iscl while: eeiling. ii any l"od that ha- t he least t i-tidancy to mares loose will operate' . a '.he colts in the sani" matin r. ' Salt in their fook when cooked, for ! piiiiltiy. is a very proper seamanm, i ut salt u'vpti in its raw state is dele- j terious if iniieh of it is e:iten by fowls, i H'e do not recommend its us in any i rtc. sav e m:c.l with their llctsh of j m a tied meal and boiled vegetables. i Put in a big crop of turnips in the fall, some for tho table and some for the sheep, hogs and cattle, (iround from which you have taken oats or potatoes the present year makes an excellent plaeo for turnips. A drew ing of -table or hog pen manure will in-ure a big yield. While they g"t plenty of food, or rather place to lay their egg. potato beetles will rover move from a lie!. I, and very seldom move nim-h in it. lint a- soon as the early potatoes din down or are eaten off thou-au is of beetles may be seen living to liv-h pastures. A spring c-d' should be weaned it l.'th'b -:, -r white- in order that it may I ccoia ' nse l to the change of food while the weather is warm, and whil ' plenty of succulent tood can be ha 1. Ensilage is a:i e vll- nt feed for main taining growth of colts and other j votm,' stock. Oats, b uley and peas will do very 1 Vn Obi en EturhiinM ii-lotn. vv ell tv precede w inter v heat, provide ! . In early New England days, as far the so. I is free from thistles and other I back as the mi Idle of the eighteenth weeds. Lack of fertility can bo sup- i e.-nt ury, w hen lio-pit ality w as a prae phe.l at Jess cxpen-e thin the u-o ot i tiee as well as a virtue, there was in the hind a year to develop it by fallow- m st houses only one large assembly ine-, but the t hue bet ween spring grain room, ami there tlie family and ail tic harvest and winter who it seeding i t ... -h to make foul laud clean. Well-cured oats male goo 1 feci f..r horses at work, t'ao straw, it' bright, being cu'eti with tic grain in jda.-c o: hay. It is not easy, ho.v. ver. to keep oats in the straw for Winter teed, as mice and sometimes ra!- get in and destroy the orain. lio-ide- tli.y -.il with their fe.-t and droppings. s tlia ii is -.ui!y eaten o;i coiiipui-!"li !' hmi e. r. The grain . Il l .-'raw in iv. 1 1 x i ver. be fed . paiiitel v a' any time ,n . an I :t m.u v-'i t whi!" t i . . nig in k ililV ' in iki is no' it in the V th :! t:ie!us..; ike. I. n-i n y he f--i. .1 t Wo !,-.' r I hi . Iv a- thi ,: t. it itf or in.' h. i iiey w t -e.l-o.l. i man v t..r vv a- b' anv km I I'.'l.ie 1. 11' I gi'i-1 - ks f; to I lie ro .' e ry t W o We'll- I ;s tins .. tic , ,a I'- the ii. j., h:,-f .I that a f. v ,ir. n ..:iv I II vv : ii.it ;-. vv ill. ill pi d '. .line, and ' I., a- I p: . :i'i a' ly a- d by t h r . j! i 'e'li-r bef a-.- ..piviag '..III' ::S I- .-spe ;a.:V Ine e.l W it! !-. v !) h I- extr.'.neiv i ,i M. I I t hi- IS C illlp-'-t. il , i in a pile ! c .vv manure ' h - t : aw. the i.itr j--'i in tie pni.'s w 'll lea', en th" . ii' ir. ; ie- richer manure . an it Iii-ir- ' til v .list i ii, a-. ,i ,.- a l.L'g. r -iii'f.i -m ilh r bulk. than ii i. ei'd i: t: .! le s of cabbages ai'i? gr.e.iily i, it, ;i by i-ows: ! at wi'.li, li ..." -i-V.-r. .1 I .1 I Cttei t oil t :; lo.liv 1 1 1 ; I . - eare 1 1 taken to feed pi-t att.-r m.b.- U. l ie' b.ld llilVol- goe- ,.!l b -i.ee tlie i ..vv i-hiilke.i again. In grow m.; i-.!' bage '!i.-re wtil idvvav- be -om.. tiiiit vv ill ii..t form -;ihi! e .r usable !..-( -is. ami tln-se i ail i e ma le if. a'.hc le a- ie, ,i ior -toek. In yuir- . t irreat pi tity the main crop may 1 e so ys.i but -iin.-e t he .'ii'itiag.' w ..inn has i'..!i,e g".-l heads of eabba.'O will probably aiwavs bring too higa a price to I i pr. lit ii ly ii d a- teed. Hie V'tv Oi'it'iiiH Aunties." Tilt! j"l." ' It"lll''ine l.-er..l is S 't-ll i l im 1 alt. .n New i irieitn.-i in ail her uM t; ;e ir'nry. Vnti see ttl-tn in liie Kit' lien, on ttie stre.-t-, in the h rs--i iu -. eryvvhere ii'ivl.tnl y is seen, an I there i- a -iiml irity that is womluifnl. Tiiev .ire alums' universally tieshv. Wi'Ii. 11. M-lbitr ll- K -. til'' ll"il'l re ti .ni u e mi Halm; eii-n;..;i ..! bit nti itie sb.int.l.-rs, with eiinrm. m-arms, partly bar.-, aii.l no waist xthatever. 'I h.-y are abiimlnntly tle-hy at o1 anil -till im.ru so at il l. What they w-mil'l be at li i may never bo kiio-.vu. (b l anil yt.utig. lb-shy nr lean, ti,o i.,ve ,,!' e,,l,ir is tiv-r all of t!i. in, an 1 Mi" e.ih.r they wear mii-t be pi.. - n -iiTi'l. I'heir blaeks are tliu bliti.-k- ..I .inyiliinii on earth. theT yWl-.ws e.uiMt be too yelhivv, an. I tiie various sha ies i,f re.l iiin-t all be as bright as i o-sii.le. No mie e.ilor sa'isiies them. Tiiev min'e aT of them, ami th- inure tiiat I'.m be i iimile.l into a pattern tho ' iii-iii r i' piea-cs th-'tii. j It i- a pleasant night to see an atr.-1 iiefrres-1. I I i ti ir alti(( tlie .strei-t. I mrint a bu i.e' ni- biiinlle, her moii'li hall- way ojitn so that llie launti that is ver. close to the surlaee may tin i the outer air with the leas, .trouble, with (joo'l hiiuiort'il twinkle in the eye ami ; iiir'iiii" in the wrinkle!-' about her; moiith. ami about her head the inevita-1 bleuailv-coloied hainbitTthief wuiind i in the shape of a turban. Without thin turban the dre-s of nn ncsre-s would be complete. It takei the plaei' of hut or bonnet, and is a t univer-al as the petticoat or shoes. Intlee I, It is more tlie lhit.ir Kiatltli -j-lues. .'or. thmie;h 0110 m a 1.1. u 111 tln- matter of shoes, she always lias the turban. It is bound closely about tho forehead, just below the hair line, and t:cd or pinned neatly at the back ol ihi head. I'mler this wealth of color the shiny blu.'k face, the darling white teeth that always show, for the laughter i i:her begun, in progress, or just eud ;:ig, display!) them, make a not u:ipleas. ant picture. 50 jolly and good-natured ; re they that o:io do-s not wonder that white children, cared for and almost reared by those eoloiel women, came to 1 .ve their "mammies" in childho d, an 1 continued the liking as long as they lived. The streets of New Mii ausw mM :-it be complete without th n gr -se and their turbans. They tii the bright sua, and tlie tlowers, and the foli ige cxeec l.ngly well, and make a s rt of variegated linish to the picture, -f 7,-.-,:... I'lihllH''. uu '-t , and chiiti all' rs g.itucred vv.nti r nights about tie- bia-ing tire of , logs. We know that youth was youth and love wis love, an I y-.ii:ig tti" l , were timid and maid- ns w. re -hy. ntid , ; courtship went on in those days. II vv j 1 w;i- courtship possible in this common ' t om, where every word was heard and ; .very 1...I; taken iioti"." ofy We reed ' .ii the a bnir.il 1 vo!u n lie' recent ; cut 'Mi a! l I. . ng Nb-1 low, Mas-;., by I'l'...'. I.'i. hard . Vorrs of iha'. town, hat in 'he winter evenings, for the i invcui.-ll'i' of y.eicg lovers, since, tnei'ew.is n "next r-.oni." lour'.ing; ticks were u-ed -that is. h'lig vv... dell t ii.es tha' could convey ll'.-m lip ' t . ear s.v.ct and ere whispers. Wa ll. is an invention pceaiiar to I... ng . Me.iil.vv" I' is a cii inning picture, h it this cah- iiji ..f lib- in ;i I'aritan ! hiiiih'.l l, tins tubular l..e-iiiai.ing, tu.'pre'y g.il .nearly every girl is ; 'cMy ri the lift-light of long ag'il sa'e.lmone s';t! higli-backel chai:'. ' .,',-i the stahl but blushing 1 .. r in an- ; . 1 e". h ! Mug tie- c .iirling-s' i-k, i'.-' so;'' an ..' en coiiteSsiiMi ot cn-j laeeaee, i' not !' true ..v. . Would tlm young j i . - ii .1 ire to s.,v, "1 loo y..ii," through ; a t i !. and vv I'd he feel t ne.eir.lg.-I ! by t he I iugh;ng '' t' lor .' ' of the g l i . . -.. n -Im r pi. . I. 't.r.ugii the sam j ; a -age. -t t- il I I they h.a'.t j t v. . - cix--, - t ha- th. end l -n ml i I e a' 'he . .ir .,n I the ,-,.! ,.f the oti e.' ..' t ' e !i. .1,1 h all the VV h lie ' 1 I OA C..t- I ;,!, W hell ' he V . -..Ilg lll in t i:. .I-'-aid-nt tliiiu va- see.niy, a- th 1 ;. ,v e it aronnd.for t lie g rl to put hoi , ",U !;': oVt r the ell 1 '-f the tube, alii' - ,p the fov ot s .'il.' I U 1 the v ..iiti..' man bring Ils -tick, and s t a : i, -if.ii- In- iuteiiti ci, i-i tli 1 tic- y u;,g ' iiiy a.w ay k' ep on" or a pair on hand. ; i-.-i ..ii'..'.i! o t'n w illingm-ss mid e-' ;e.ta'.ou'. It was so much ill "' con-v.-n.t-:i' than the telephone, wph. i'- 1 li.-ii " and pr Iimati -n to ai; listen. : ers.it eaeli e id ot the line. Lover-' can iiial.e !..ve wj'h anybiiLr, even v it ii ;i leiepiion. . t e siicei'S-lu! - Hilt. iag i f a d'-at' person i for th. re is nnr word tha' nearly everybody likes t he ir .. as we kn c in go on throu :h a spf ikitlg-trillilpe' : but tle-s,. c ciirt ! itig-s'i"!.- s.-eni t t ii- the . j.iin it!';, .1 ten .1. r coiiimunicaliou w le u r third pirty is present- Tii-'j w..idi be v.-ry iisetul n e.v a" 1 trge parties, wh re there is su-'h a din and 'iib'. lt , that one can only court a pretty jjlr! I iii the risk of br nc'aitis or lary r,glt;. I - ine'. inn's in the jam you cannot Red j near the girl, but with a long court- j ;ii stick yt.ii could wile l.er away irom br too near adiiiiror. This i:;. . litinii seems to us worthy of rcvi ,d for man rt-a-ons. and we shouhi I e glad of any further informat; n in , icgitd t i it. civilization in it- pro ' git iirps many thing that otiih! i t i be i'. taiiied. - llirp r. ' n I-'ci'i'iilrli' NdvcIIs!. In Iii. jier-i tnl tiibits. Cha, li il. ale vv.is ex-eei il,nr'!y eeeentrif. Tot ex-iinpl.', le- Iri.l ii mania br buying nil sorts ... tl.itsani ati'l jetsam, wiiii the i 1 . a that they miht "citn i.i tie. Ui." un ono or cisiun ho purchnsCil n I 'stmTe.l h-.rse'a heail. thinking he ui.y j ; miii.. it in ..ne. if his plays. ami l.i.i.a j ,t in hi - lumbi r-n mi. w'her it son;i t ie.M,m motii-eaten. On nn-thiT, f) ' jnvestti in a larfcf nn.nb r of knivrn J ,m. ,,rKs whieh lie sfcrete,! nv, thinU.n.'X to pro'lure them triumphant, j jv I ' N-vmmir," lie explaine.l to a confl- ilant. think- of givimra party; sil'vr pur-lta-.! ibi-cutlery in east1 sho miv run short. '' He was troubled with corns, nml wore enormous boots. loiiml liiin nno muniiii' with a i.h..it w.i-tt- v..i -r I ba-kot full of new boots, which lie hill j ,,r b-re.l w hole-ale. after a pattern tha tk his fancy. His ginghaiu umbioiPi woiil.l have ielii,'hteil Mrs. (lump. Altogether, Ins whims ami olilil.f, were a con-taut care to Mrs. m who ralliel him mercilessly nYe; them. f . " H.m.leii W. iMIiu. r.. li. " Aro you not .-oinq t.. celebrate your wooden wejtlin o-"- " Mr, i'. " N't; my lirst wedding was a wooden one." Mrs.li. " Oh. it could not be. yen know." '. " It was. I inarri-l ;. i I .vie'.'.d." ."..,'."' ci.iiti;s : it: i n TIDES. j 1 Itflvr wondered if tin re arc such awk- ! ward ways of doing things outside of A b.i 's s-nses of touch, heiirl'i g. : V. pt as air piacticcti h-io. The farin aml siuelt are so a 'lite that il dt-p- n Is hig iinplcm. nt- would be laughable if little on the ahl. if th" eves. Spal'an- i ,lu7 . ' "' m"l,,!'""'1 TlJ,I":,-j;"i" ' ' ct itiunlv inatle better loinicd sevths ih in .mi t'.'-tc.l this by the cm 1 cxp-ri- !1K. .,( ll( a,.. The axes iiiM'siniply long, liient of destroying tin' sight of sever- , slim p wedges, with a hide hear the top. al and then setting them free. In 11 " straight .-tick in the hole for .. . ... , . ., , ., 1 iihiiiidle. I! iv folks ire big and nwk- thcir (tight through the room th y ns , ;iV ;ls our stable avoided even the smailo-t thread pl.c-- j f,.iK-. (iiain is n'tt ntr threshed with oil t ) obstruct their wav. I the ..Id I'n-hieiH.l ll.iil llum otln rvv i-e. I ' " I It is said tha' th-hair iiud leardof the Ihlko of lirnnswick whitened in i i weiii - tour Honrs upon ins iii-aini tha' his la'her had I ecu mortally wounded in the biittle of Aucr-tadt-Marie Antoinette, the iiufort unate I .pleeli of l.ouis XVI.. ftmd her hair ' sudde'ily change 1 by her troubles; and a similar eh ingo happen".! to Charles 1.. vv hen he attempted to e-cape troni j Carisbrooke Castle. Mr. Timbs, in his !"loctors and Patients," says that 1 "chemists have discovered that hair contains an o l, a mucous substance, i iron, oxide of manganese, phosphate ! and e n I... trite ot iron, tlint and a larre ; proportion of sulphur. White hair ' coin. i ns also plio-phato of magnesia, ami its n.l is nearly colorle s. When ' hair bi-e-ain - suddenly white from terror, it is probably owing to the -ulpliur a - ! bi:!g the od as in the i per. it., n .-I vvliio i ling wood, n cloths." The -tatis'i. ..Ills of th I'llited Mat s Mint 'stimate that the total production of gold in the woild during the I " years ending 1-J was 1 '.:.' I t .n-. i . pid in alue to $7.J1 1. T'.'T, ''.'. Ibinng (tie -anie urio 1 the pniluc ti.m of - Iver vv i - I'.lT.Tdl tons, of the value of is-,-i'7. "iis.ii7.-i. I I bl.lWI. I A rrein h -old . -t'f w it h ii -hell i'lU-s.,1',1 VV.I''. intact. A in i- r had hi f,. luring He I'ratico Ih, skull vva- 1. ft I ittcl'l.illig a fai-e I t aliite and s : c l b-r him. an ; functions "I ! t ion are ahuo.t nor ai, i' t 'on. lit .. r.'-iiiii,' I its iai' liil Up tile CUV .' in poneet ho. l; I, I- soldier Id,-, dt -scribing it. f teeth, was c-.n-trticl- ; IS so p-'t fee' tha' til" ! -pir.ititiu and uiasiic.i- , a- goo I as in their , a. and the voice has ; :: l' tone. I'.ibe eye:, j - in the ti ;i -k. II" i- . d. light to talk , f ; ..II 1 sells ,t pamphlet ' Japanese i! i v rs scented of otloi.' ss. of bio .ni imni" t he then goes into i ,, l iouriium, j i p nic-i the chiy-ioi' le liinin. I'.ovv . r. and r. t us liotn. bios., ,. ''i. a the br. a' he 'I.e met t an 1 in i n! i.n rel v.itl! vviii .J i w . .11 I 'll l,. Vo,..l ,-irrvimr , . let 1 oil lb.. b:i k t:ti 11 . Hie Ancient Cities of tin rie I. Tue- in, A. T. is a i an ient city Ati't iiating J.niie-tow n a'el l'lyinouth, .iti 1 visited first in l'.l 1 by Cnroriad. it saw its iir-t Kuropean s.-ttlers ia 1 and its tirt nii.s:o i uies in bi' bug ag. before the year lo. tii.'ie vva-an Indian village e-t-iblisli- i d "ii the site of tlie pre-eut city, s. t at I'u -simians r ri, it tii -y pb iist . l iiin an age for thf.r t . vii as g.-. .r as tie- Minta I'cans , i.nm f..r tio-i;--. l'or all practical purposes, however. I'.l'iisii date suili. ient iy far away, and il Tucson only continues to im prove with age, or be. ini.- as go d as -he is old, much may l e expected of the plat e. lluilt by the "Spaniards, who brought. so nm, h r.-iigioii to the people whom ; they e. n.piere 1, San Xavier is t diiy one of the largest, as it is one of the I est preserved, of all tie- eimr.'lu - built tiurin:.' the years nt' the Spanish! f ,i-.-U ; y..f t!l .ntliwest. Kidinl from Tn.-son for nine miles up the j valley of the Santa I'nu HiviT, rn' . ha- .'limi'Ses from t i n i t i time. : I t iirouiih the groves of live oak and; inu-kfte trees, of the white walls uml LTtc.-l ill towers of the chtir.'h H-) th"y I si.in.l clearly omlinel against the tky j . . bev .no. ; It was down this valley of the Santa j (ru which is to-day attracting 8)( much attention as an agricultural I j si'ction tha1 l'or. nado inarili'don his' . - 1 ii 1 1 ea,,, .ti. i xay iruin ..,.1 .oexieo ... i"." m'ir fore the advent uf this intrepid CX-I , ., t I j.lorer, and ever since, tho va.ley liaa . been inhabited bv the P.ip.H?l Itulians. , I Whose adobe leases with thatched ; roofs an- scatter." 1 along the ro.nl j leadin.' to the mission. Ailnplive Miniiciy in I'lant-. An extii-m-ly curious ChiuesH plant called the llia-t.i.i-toiii-choiii. exists in the llowery empire. The namo of this singular plant means that during sum mer it is a veget ible, but that in w in. ter it becomes a w.iriil. If it is observed closely at the latter end of eptetnl er, nothing .siiunlatcs belter the t y-' of a yellow wi ini about f nir inches in length. I'lie apparent transformation takes i'l, ice gradually, and one can see head, eye-, body, etc., in course of f. rina ti.. n. This plant Is extremely rare; it is to ti.- met with in T!iit.-t, and in tin em peror's garden at l't-Uin. where it is re served f r medicinal purpo-e-i. The Chinese, sav mn say i' is a capital strengthen n . in iie'ne. Attempts nr.- being m i '. to .1 -eJiin itit; it 111 nth . iricii. I li . one u. I! llti'U t!i.' b-ltl l II : ,.. u,..,, I, i.liii. I., .MnMK. Th .'...',.i..i ,.( ! I the baek is ' n it.-1 tv i'h eVi-rythillg j IVl. -lub. ,1, v, ,,.. v. n una h ii-ii il.e; V fefi EiiV? " S1"""" h i ,sivs i',,r i .,v in whi. I. ..in .nt-1 1. I '--a- i.e-l f V citiBrrta "S ,'V.''.'V..1'','',i!,,,!'.r?' " i . hi''' "" ,'!'- i., ii-mj, -x "iM.".:.'' Swiss Fnrinins. ! wond. r lin y tin net tump it out with i oxeii. w , mid be a -low, i pi .., , , mid 1 i"m ' ' !1 "'''i:l1 t-eliv I In 1.1. .lis in-,- I hi. I- nil IV ol ni'll. tidl ii .l monstrosities. I In v arc gieat i i i 1 1 1 1 '. a s. . i j i . ihiii -s, in :,i al!'...-t wh 'llv ol I, will, i he bean, nuiiuitcd on two , ii,- i ,. . n I." vv h. i I-", enough lor coal en, s. My hi. lid ii-c.i i'e! -in h a plow i n om liiiiii. I hill dciiv ow iii-i-hii. now, ivli.n I think ot ,1. I, was ,,!l,, bv six , . ', , ,- . , ..mi. ivo iiiii. vv.-.c ,. , i.e ,lo,.. It, ' " - do ! on. i .. I 1 . ; ,o i . I I'll. V Wi le 11 ; hall mi I am glad th.-wholt ninu in. plowiii.-n, i t d: .v. : - .Hid wt-ie lou d and 11 a a p'C! po.p. I o; i,- I n nt. 1 s.it on a -ton. u.-i I I ., ball an horn- and n lie tod ulelhii', - -ie i. --it .'e A im a it all-Colli-1 Hot nil':- -ai.ili -i.tci.ti laiiiiing l.fotl'.i bit . w i'.ii H--I! - il uei pt.le iinple - ne lit i..f tainci,". h. the ta' c o! tin-la, I .,. ,1,, -r , , a. ., ,.., ii. '"' "' I " I'" 1,1 "'l-' 1 '""p '' '-'V "' ""' "" ' I"" 1 '""1 "'!h '...- .'id i-i-iii-.;;. 1 1... 's . t I " v id lo vv..i !v i 1 1 .:ii wl, 1 I . t f1 ' . oiioniv : linie I long :.i he; of ie.ndi. .1 hat' .;itb;il-o.,-,. . v i 'i v. k w lid juipl men' I. ..is. ,i--i wii, i...i -cell i.iuong t lie v m -en ; he !:o in Th. re ol W I . It to lot, ! g. i.I i' 111 Ill's . !', ate pos-iMy I. mil i i inei Hl.it 'he n o ,,. 1 III tl . -e ...e 11 a bi ec ..! ;.:.o- I II. It . I'of .1 VII I .v ill not be a t w i ii p.-l to liudie.:. g.u.l. I, .-..id. I im of I.i iter k. t than ih. vv it, fi.'.ii. I. an. i 'li !l i v .at bc-!..VM, t.i.iv ol. le.t boll vhob bum in - in nn a ica, .'V i : V I II III. 1 s ii-n ah tl ,1 d'.d of is common b. n- '.. Net oil, too! ., i,,.i, '"I I' "' 'V Like I U tunc, vv ;ili -ia Ii -..u h a , I - to A' It it is, I ... , ,,i. , i :i sti., bat a-t,d -'W, i ia ilo- idil. ;!,;. tiial little thi tie i. "-..id niv t ".ill. I :it tl. g I .ha!.' bid t uilll'l fundi. d d- el II. e V eel a tl .1 11 ln.il.es a dl id v a -I. . r . .i -'x .a i :i -. (biile teady Th.- id. -i ,, t!.. I hh. .hoi i - th it win e I . tin !..,. I. he .In - I :ht to b. I.oiii :i,.. r..t'ni- an- i. s'o.p, .1 lib ., t.-n ) Ue.-i. ni, th. .;..-.. i , x ,.,., ., .,f t . .i.i I ' , . , , , .Mils.,1, tie. b. ar.l-. ,,,. , la hi...,. .1 .k V el v like a to f ..t a laa in ii'i.-; ! oi- ,i....t in-- i-iiin nn. , i . A I'lliniv sti.l v i- t !! of a la. I v vv ho v -i- ; ....li-h i 1 1 on.. 1 1 1 1 . .. 1 1 - v. . i a ' ;-. i a il" in I il daily pap. i v li:. Il - !:.!. .1 i hat .i y t.iiuy i iii-iii vva- 'I. il'-.:- ol in ihiie. lie-.ii ..i .:n , tali. . .-I a v "'lie: 'v . 'in ii. w i r Ii ;i i. v 1 .1 1 unit 1 ilii'-iiv . lie 1 .11 1 ii i en a !. ie; i-i-i ! ri-spi.i.. 1.. .- v- 11 h 1 le- a. I V 1 1 1 i-. 1, ,' ll.'W. V.I. the .l I .cii 10:, 1 . ii l I- 1,1 1 let!' I ' . . 'I i. d I'V l 1 oil li. . i I i t ! Il i, I.i, j he alvv .iv - -em the t o,n . ! i,.io,,,i I III ol'iuO: lb lb I' .III- .V . - I .III. 1 .1 j 111! I V. bill ill I 1 .tilt -j.. :;. ie, I '1 ilill. s ' caul ioii- a- -he vt 1- lea ,. , , ., u ,v . I I II, plot I 'I a t V pi' W I it. i . .il"l I.e ,.,, no I nn mi- of I.. 1 oinin ! a. eh o n nh l.i- j lllllelwiilil.e I ' 1 1 1 . . 1 1 X . ill, I a il i .1, it I el' un-ll. 11 111.'. I lli' wa-:i.!i..l upon bv j I lie pail . ill. I t li. I e I v vv .i - .ia. iv ii .1 si,-, pli-t.i. when -he on'.. 1 .1 1h il.,i. ,' .,, ',, ... ,,, Ipp.'lllti'.l. I" sir 1 1 , I hl.-lll... '.V . .11 l'; l! II. .vi 1 w ha h iv ... ill cii i. . I II . oil a- I he i. ,1. o . lent Hi, :i . tion Tbi v boih a. know I. .b-i .! ill. 11 I'ollv bv iii'lu! -.Hi"- iii a h.-nly I .-lull '.i d went In me ... etli, r. tuHv n "b 1 d to h.ile liotbii-e I" d" with lb. - Ii. ,.- I . 1 .I . li I he lia vv a v . .--iii. .. ' 1 " ; -. I'lUlIf lit. .some l.eol hi.. 'W V it le tiieir p. '1 --lull- el v lil:.-lllv .Mi -iniii-. l,, si. av is told ol en old I i l' whi. .1 ile.l up win 11 hi r ! .. Ini hi vv 1- .ih. .1,1 l.i tike hi 1 miibi. Ila. .-x.a.iiiiiin::. "No. i...vv,v..n l"'i- I ' bad thai .! . Ha ivunif Iluee e.il-. and it's in v. 1 oi iiiwii v.t, 1 ' -. ' nnd yen inn t et'ino I-. iii'i-:ii ,. 1V,p,i the M.mi M nnlin retni nnv 1111 ""u,'e.l Hih n. ti...i. !i-i...,ei,t ..1 ei.i ,, imivtMiient. 111 I j'l.t t I laiios, n-i.ii h tliey vmuiil sihui ein-1 . ih,- ui.ii-'. niu.ii -eit J.Ofte.1, lieerius. of I lie v n-t iiniiiiivt luenU whieh Im.l 1,,-ei. .-ll.-cl.-.l I y I Ik-iii in ree.l in , urin.ieiils. an., tli.- n. ,i.w 1. il, , mi. i..i.-.-- ; lent f tlu-ir oijiiiis lli.-s.. exi-t-. tatiotis . ,-,. miiy ju-tiiif,i m ! win, h n,, v are .ro,hi. in-, win. li li...... .,tn,i,li.,..i v j I'll! it v an. I r.-liir iii.-nt ol tone l .v.-iv 11m ; . liani'i- nail llm. tie- 11I110 iti.-s i.f id. ir i t i.iislriict 1...1 niiisf a . r.-atlv Io llieir .Imii I lllty ini-l t-Ci' liilly Hu ll l in e l'.l In keep in ! eH. tll.lH. i This foiiipnnv lime .in i.-nt n fntare In their I llllios IV- ll.eV III.' llileit.lv le ll'll.il 111 , tlieli' t'1-e.aii-, w 1 1 . . -1 1 ait. eoiit.-s-i .11 nn ll:.l. l 111111. .g siicl. lllall 11111, 'ill.- ii.sfn.i , VntW A rltlto m.iicl, . II .llll -l I,, t W I t'll two .. poMii:; lavv).'i.. "Iliiiinin nml ll.-r IUen.ra" is Die title . f aii ml, r, stin -iillu-li nt" 1 trentl-e l'.i liuyeM selil. l.st 1.111,1, lor I tins' lellel si. Ill .s A l.lless l ofkl s .i..,, imiMiry Meili- ml A-o-iati.iii. buffalo. N. V. n't-l a laurel It. iniii. I his own Me t. -t int- l. tie. eh it l. tint. l..ll-1111-sS I. viba I:. p.il.i,.in'sV";i.i,.,. Com- I'uiii.d -in net I. en- lln- -1. una. I. ,u,,i ki.li.i 1 anil .11. fs ill.'. -1 hi. l-ttii,tli) 1 . . 1 in- in,! li kii-s. A still hiott - noil nn iiiotii'sliiiiors. 'I.tlm. nrr llniiseii.ii.. If you are ..ilo. , 1 . .... : 11 : , I lute 11 liin-l,iii'; 0t.ll;.l, Willi illi MM-ilts. siIIIIIH 1. 1 l.i...J mid sh-.rtii.-M. of l.r. i.ili. yn lime tm tun., hi I .-.. i.. tint 1 1. -1 1 11 1 . . l..,...iiS' - tm yon 111 e enif; Im-. liken in iis.nilv . ij-es, 1- nini.tioii nm I.e, in, .. I. v il.e ii-.- til' lir. Illlees "I iol.l.'ti M. '.belli IH-iiiirij," u lll.'llvlll.ls ,1111 Itmlll y. ,y ill in.tl-ta. A ricelmlt il -1 nt the Ht e i. jmir sleeve. llnlhl-l.. yon lire fnilin;: ornkeii. worn out ami nei llnll.t... 1 If yon iire faib,,:: i..,,k... ,., , .,,. er yons.u-e "Cells' lli-allli lit-iiuei. "$l.ligli nieei inr a- h veil in..- a iiee.n a. ii iu cur., t-ntir. ly (1. I.,.. I....l-'e III 1 II il 1-1 ill..'. I I i ' V al i . 1. 1 I olll -' . Ill ' . . . . '. in. Miiou-iv ii,-,w : i.m ih, i, ii, ,1 i. , on r'r'.v: .,: ';." !.:.:"'.".':: ; With eael, "Ms. ,,..,, ;(,; ,,,..,.,'., ,,,, ; , ' ""'' , A. ... .. ...;!. ivt... iei v ' ! t. i.e vti v ...i,,o i. liil,.....,' Ji'iv--1:!-.::.;1,:.1' 1 ,,':.Yr':,,o'::o.o";; .''.rr r.:.-."vJ .,,1 .... I., I..l..r It... I t'l-i, li.l il.-sili s I I lb,- I vti!! .,( : "eii..:.-u..l'.'l--.. I.-.U.11 M.oi.lll.. Hsu-.. ,i no ..i Ini- i'llll. i , i .e.,i.,.s i.;. , ..: ,f .;?:.'!'. 'r':,:':'" u "ri.. i. -'..ii.i. .....iv t-iibi ib. im . '3 !:-:ixi ; " ! i ' ' u....i.,. i..,i..,..i ...... ... .1.- i;;t,r 'i.u: iv-.Vii-i. ZWSUTM ..i.e 1,-Ie.l With j a.lv to, ,..'1 i- -b'. vii I.., lie ... bm lMfM illililltll U'' I" ''". ,' "' ft- ru'' ". ei. v . .,.,, "iitl.-t em w g.-i VJ ""' l'"1''" '" ihaii.tt n.ii- it. ,. , ,;:v x. ,u s.. fnn-.tv li. :: ni I wM r. WVlf.W. I SmwI Ul'; !!-. -'!- i,,L. ih , !, ;, i ! en m m iv ,,,, . "i'i i ,,.,. ,,.,,:-ai,.. i .i.f-,..! ! ftiwl.'l i i. im-. iiev ,i i. in una i.i- i ..i-i i. ryj;..-v -. ;T. .;...s..'?wv i ii'.t ni b:.-: t- i.i. ,i..,,, hi - . mil int.. ' .V. ! . '.- . 11 .' zsrr. i.. i.,. r,.,,i ..... i n i.--1 i U ' lie Ke-till ol il " 'i l-miiil." I ,7Ani- . ''-I . I " . . ... ery lorriiing me pressure oi a preuy gill'a lllllltl. "Yes; I f-lnill breiik tlio enengi nieiit," nho s.-iil. lo ding Iter linns and looking iK-linnl; ' il is i-enli.v totiinii li tioaliletofoiivei-eHilli I i lie's ns ileal us a .st, ami talks like Iiu I nil a moiitlilnl of niiisli. Ki siiles, tlie viny Li-IciuKs nml spils is ilisgiitin.'' "Dent Im'.ik I lie en-, a.'iiii'iit tor tlint: tell liiin to lake I r. Saes I'lil.iiiii llemtlv. Il will cure him ci.iii..t.l.v.'' " Well, f II tell 111 til. 1 .In ham to Im ak it o If, for in nil olhi r re spocts he's iiuie too t harming." ut cuuioo, il ciiml la- t -atari h. ... ri.tit nco i- the I'lin.-ieea: but vvhero docs it ni-ovv, or who can swallow il? Hat Kivcn. After trying in vnin for i leveii ye.-us to euro 1111) lbiy-l-'ever, I l'lir clinso.l u botllo of l'.!y's 'reani balm, wlucli i iiliri li relievieil Ini'.-. it . VV . IIaiiius. 1 Alter Curner. Ncwiuli. N. .1. I'noe .Icelits. ; l'or twenty ji'iu-. I was a siill. rt-r during I I'" -"miner months with lliiy-l-Vyer. I ' I r.ioiirt d n bottle of l.ly s I ream Halm, nnd i wis enr.al bv its use. Ciiaui.uiib 1'Aiifctji. avurly, N. Y. - iK ""","!, n" ''''''"'' ''""''T Sin. i.ith, rel rcliiiig.li.-irmlf's.cleg.-iiit.olcmis- Mlli.,I.l,l.,Vallvv.,.!liag1-.uu'lec.lii.gglsli 111 ; A bal l!iivi.l...l until, who lias heard that the li.-ms ..f n mini's head are iniinliere.l. wants to know if there is not .some pluec where he enn i.Lt.nn i'ii- I..I.-U iuiiiiIkts. (.'iirbuliiie will Mi..ly 111" deinand. 'I'liin I'eoiile ill Item hit" it stoic-health unit ilv.- f s a, sexii.-d di-lulny. if 1. "Well-'lle; v.gor, i-iiit J miii Wen! II.-iol Tlti- I 'I'm' Vol a vie Uri.r Co.. of Mai-slitill, Midi., otl.-r tos.ii.l a.eir i-flebrated l-.i.ic- hKo-V-l-iAie llia.r.uid ..ther Ilia., n.ie Ac ! l l ivM l-oa trial lor tlurly days, to in. n ; i xoiing or oldi alll cte.l villi iit-rvous ilelnb in.lo-sot vil ihly .iii.l iiiunhoo I, ami nil i kiiiditil tfoiililes. Also for rheimiali in. i liciu'.ilgia, ..iral.v sj ., iiml mMiy other ib-- ia-es. Ci.ui-!elt' re-toralion to heiillli.viL'or ! nml in -mho ni guaranteed. So risk is incur led ;.s liui ly i.it.v -t trial i- nllowt l. Write j ti.i in a! tinci' lor illn-trated aui.li!tt I ue. I - - - I It.-il-lliiu-, I lies. j l'l'e-.l ii iehi s.ams.b, ib bug-, rats. mice, etiip- I In iii!,-. c.t aii-il oiil b "lioiigh on Kills. "I. c- .I'l-talt M:ni-" 1'i'itnlile. .' -'ah I 'avis. N .i t i Mi I I . i.nvii. ICv , j nr. n: "I lllll ll 'W ll- i:g il b .s of y. ill- I 1 1, ill' x ' 1 'il ft. oil.' .-'live nil ill all ll'eer. vv li eh. f"- th-j a-t t -li .',11... has ,i.e a Hie .l-.iit i .. 1 1 1 1 Tin- .salve is theonv cmelvl line . nn 1 Ih it h is g.veii Hie n iv e.i e. Jlv nicer vt.n I- CI- d I V IL I'' -0V lis. i!. I WHs llVoll '111 le.l ' m in.-, bl bv ii. v in ma il etor-. I Iii. I. h .v.e.ei- th.-.i ll, nn - i .i b .i; s-alve is ei- .e ti,,.: a cure. " I'.-v a " of miiinti ,,, l'.ii-n r.iM itMh li. .i-I. Itnn is in il luii;T po ; j p ; I w 1 ! triii!'1 1 r'tir C.'iiiii i h. ':Cu ; ' - V IT i.l.l. ti -I vcpiauie uomponna i A' ',V 's, " A 4 ; fe'MSj" " 'rl'"--H V-CiiP' -s nl.lii-sM-w t e. inn. -.i.n o ' ; f .a.rln sl iciin.le uhiiitm. r-i r-.rii- . r r.-ii..i!. i . i,,. h.ll.Ulilililti -il i'L.t i : . :-l- Jt- tif J 'Vi ,...l,.i. Hi. ..inn. Jl. V7 ; . - V. ft ,V,',.V. , . VATAHHI1 PPTA W R1T Y "SSiJ!. . . .Sf-fi UlllilllH UUU1II m L.VJ. II n&A t'aascs no Taiii. rMJ ;'vcs BHI.T al cZ,HH.Mm .... Ti.-- 1. nr rw.ii w e i-...,.,, n , ( are. Sol a I.it- ply willi Finder. (Mve it a Trial. i.lsnl llniBK -Is. ul s I.J Ul.,,1 l.,.ii. iiooiii's iron liil I its ti.iii I me- I,. 11 xv 1 1 1 1 j.iiio ri "liable tonics. It 1. in iip.ji,ii !. I 1 it (hiuoiii'lily sci inline imd iiie o. i: i.I prim iphs, anil aiiinl in(ol ;ite. Ail elhii picpaiaiieiis i.f Iron (Bilge Le i la, he, and I .ia. e cen lijuliou, Ui nwii's I I'liii r.illci s is the iiiNrV Iron iiit'diiiiio that is not injurious its use docs not M 11 I he l.t 11 ihe belli. It net mily ciiri- ihe wor-t rnses ol l'y- 1 .-ii, but in-uros 11 litnrly ap I'lUlu Ulltl guild tlite-li,.ll. c I'f.lilhrh- iiim BirK II EAOACU E, Bllioiianeaa. anil ? -'iS Z .'T-i'SS V:VXZ.WZ,Z ;j ' ILL?. u,fe-.I1-r?".,:i M .7 ''-I . ,.., ... ... -.,.. . , , riiAig Jstrj u n-v. t- r u '. 1.1,1 iifiiBa -is. " - - e'o i.i-i.j inii i.,.is. j i : v iiiii 111 1 is. hi. .t -i. ont-eii. v v. 'VARICOCELE! 0 RSSW0 onl' ,r"n5N fetalis imil Nv Tj ' I JF M t4"-V un-tli. int iii.itff Jf 1 J Inutiul-ts ro-fS W t I f LJ vc i.iil LI.ii I;i-iiVqV.PuHIT V yt'oii.ii.eiiil II iu"; T 1 f3 "rlni"r"tl"!Ut'L'J vV 1 '"' -l i r It 5 fit Tfc- I U k SURE ArTETIZER.'s.fe'DEST TONIC KNOwMl ! Vw1" curo Ouionly and complelely Dyiipepmn. WeukDcm.VjA tjl Mulurin, Impure Jiloo. I, Utnlln ttiid b'uvtT, f KgI 'W snd Weuralia. 1 M mc Mr m o "U6wr lorn INV ALU A nLii H I VA FOit I.A 01 t.ii aid t on A LI, IM I' MPrnNONS WUO LtiAD A BEOKN'I'AHY LIFRM tl I lnlltVLSlV.)IGESTIONxnX CURES DIFSIA. 4 !y It i i.-'ire reriinly 1 J M rt-iii'iiiens the II "A ' II--isis e'll A- lj inii-i-le - t.inesaiitl limy v SSV T H mm .-. . .. ' , -i.'sr.-sao .'. ie'.m s jSr J :.KnfWc.in.".1?,frtu;U. :iFlcl IT IS RELIABLE ft In curing ITISASPECIF1C Kidney & LivcCvJU 1 j iff- Br.i-U. Lota 'riM'-r. tlrlnary U. TjT rvB:d,Blcn- niul liver rtocaB. Jrll Utu op Hon l'roiwy, Oravulaud J wl', " " 1 u 1 10,1 tf. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It f.rra Riliuu?nMii, llcadaolip, Jmindie, flour " tL-l'.iacli, lJysp,.p-;i, Coi-.tUpuUoll imd 1'ilM. . IT WORKS PROMPTLY and ctii-ra I::le:'.;..'i-iiiie?. Ntrvoiut UlflCOSOQ, (Jcut-:.l l.'i '.ill! y. I i .ascj una Icliialo W.-aklu-ml. USE IT"AT ONCE. I! r"t:r 3t!!- KILlM;yS, LIViin rntOTV. ri.-i, l.i u :.::. i. lion !.. CUi'.liH xvhruall oe.t-riiieaj.-inc.si.i-.l. 11 iintlrol- li..v.'l'i,rni.avf (t T-.io huvo L.-.'c:l i'V-U iietotliu hy fraudjanl I h.. .-i r... I'rli-r ( I . Hit. Ri-r.t". f-r TlliietralcJ IMmrhlft M IIIM'S Kl .1ll.li) ( ').. I'rml.l. nro, It. I. b M'T.tt fV fl.i !.lM'Cf'l"TM. lli r s i t..v- t.r..rt i;i vn nv rnr...iH ....r;.. ru il.- m.p-, l-l-'iO-.t up th f.s'. in. n...l i ii.-.t -I f- .lili .s o... . -'lie , ii n r io MASON & HAMLIN 100 STYLES ORGANS $22 TO SU00. t "itl mt'i I. mi Hi mm- Aoiiitlfil Miirlini iin For Cibh. Easy Payments or Runted, ! UPRIGHT PIANOS pr.-i-mn r w lililn-i ntr?lrHci rl iiiiiitnrd , l'l jll. , B i Ultnif ttio-t , I in, M-.'t-H I 1 iijtuliry . iint r i' t "I !,.tl. Iltu ! liassn & Haiiiiiii Organ and Piano Co. : x"()TICIi ! I'HithM.K.M'iiS tl- dla::;e m logan CLEVELAND AND HEHDRICKS, IT 1. .!..!,. il. Ml (II lt 'III. l i. 1 I .. i ..,...-. tm r ij.i e i V,. mil ul- . iiini l (Iii-iii . I lln t i'iiis In flumps. .., oil I ...r 1 r I I'll .'.'III-. i III -I MIUM I. II tl IXI I'lt TI ItlXli ( ., J 1 Man. snif.'i, .' t.rl. i il). GOOD NEWS TO LADIES ! (frwltt'-i in.tii" ni-' U tr of- tvr-4. Nuw'i '.mr ' t g' t up urli-fl fot uur !-'' f i'l Tia ml I uMrr.n.l -. irw a luti lui i 'I ri.-iii.ltff M 4wH.iMi'liiu i- . S t. .,r llm dv I'--." rtifd itA liin..'r S.-l, r ! Hn1 MuM I t - r t-ll out .-uirn .I1i BLAINE & I CLEVELAND & r LUGAJ HENURICKS 1 V 1 : , V. vv . 1. .. I In V, I , . ., t IUiim h. . I 1-1 (l.u.rll all i-1.-. tl... .'.t mill ' I ' -. H.:.l. I.ll,'t' i V.-.:,,.. li. .e'- l,,r '.' "'' II" ' .-.I..v. N.. ,- IS. hum M . llvlM lHIiU I'l Itl.l-lllXI. I II.. II WJ t'uaik .1. . .-ii ,r.i.. . a-i.l sin .if jou due. . MAMIAKI) $e0.5T0N WAGON SCALES. s :;it3 cr riii38AT5, liitsL.11 AiiON.N. Tt. Pension l.l.. r. 11.1m. t . u.l tiiij dll AM. At. t w-n.ni',',ii, 11. 0. u(iititon Ail 1 PATEHTS i,-,l . ... 1 1 11- .li r.iiK.-..rr. -..I ..1 n..ii,v .Hti.l l. ,-.lir I' o Ii. 1 '. .J't. II .I.1..II. Mitftfi. , I .t.iii.ii l-.r.. it N..-H,i.li of 1.1.1 -. I III M.II A VI. l'.l. I I tor. iisliaw II. 0. 4 I I M' il nig l'i. I I l I, t 1 1,.- I.. -I ;,n.l l-l.-t null II ul.- ...,il 11, !,,. l-rii't-i. r.'.l.io...l II n e. o I'l 1, . I'liilii.l.-ll.llia, !' IM - V V 1 I . t. , i.,n..w 1.1.1 .films am 1 M.. -- : 1. 1 ... ki.uil.JV V ... ...r. tilt H.lk fr. .,.,.,, li, -,'i.ll..u al. , M. T, ItrowitN Iron Dlttcrsis tho Hest I.iur lieguliitor re iiioios bile, iTcars tliu shin, :ig.t.s tiio'r.MMi, :r.':::si I'.cb liiii'.', I Ii-i.i ll.urii, llcut in tlio Sloniiit li, ((. It is Ihe It :-!. 11ev.il remedy for IVlliillo inlil inilii's. The pcnniiiii has nbovu trade mink ami 1 r...-scil n-d lines mi ui.ij.Kr. Take no other. Xi.i '.v euly I y Itrouil Clicmii nl Co.. l:.ili.uiiii.., M,. PURGATIVE nil l.ll'tll al. BOWULriiBnlunu MALAH1A ..,".!:: E'i:S V.. ''.Win. Io- w .vryihrrf, or .''nt by S'ycuStS WH(Rf A II 1 1 Sf Ml s! ifcjr , SM. 1. a. jtjaat, uu., kUsi'OM, f '""

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