l)c -Cljatljam Ucrnrb. II. V. IA)MK, KDlToi: AM) I'ltui'lilKTiil!. KATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, j One copy, line tear . -'.no ' ' -: ' 'nr -.(Hare, our III crtloll !llne s.pliilc. two insertions I lH' s.ll,'irc. mil ninllf ll i.no 1.50 J..)0 (m- copy, six tlx rtiT li . - One copy, three months ."el VOL. VII. PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., X. C, NoVKMHKIi 13, 1881. NO. 10. Pol' llll'gll :n 1 I'l l t- lllellt" lllnT.il con tracts w ill lr I.-. l)c l)atl)am Hcrorb. i Witul (ianl-ii-. Mi In . Ih imi i ii ! nili i,n I -kv. Tin ir the nil.l wen I 1; iileti. ho, 'IWill , i-'U'l' IK, in I K 'lirl'., I'llll I.I 'nil,- nil.l el llnHi'H, Wstl'l injr ilmvn ! ii- Inlet-.' S. It'll a ll:l.;t:iiiii' !i- we 1, n..w Never yi i I ;i. I lily i i ins Unit cm IainI -it li n !. . I !l. Illii-i- .; if lell-. 1 -.1 ( Mil I l it-. Whit- Hi.- will wind firi me 'I li.m:.li m i 1 1. nut. vi- imii hi- tic ii li tin i.i l,.i. il, .iu -l. i- il.it ' Si.iitu i-l.':iil . -nuiiiu puii'h . Snl.:.- nl I. II nil' l.ll-l.iil I. sulci, . llll tlll't .l. I, lllc W ill. I (..nic-a, l.ilil -. il ... I- an.) l a. ll !.. lo-telm Tli.--., I'm I- ii. !. ll:- ..-. I In I- l! e '1:11.' I'l.-t i'! i ri'i.t . lil I.'. I-' . I'll itl I In- i ll . '-Ill Win if . liiinii us I 1 1 Ii - ,!i-.!!i i,t,-, le i-ar.n. ' I Mi. tit.- .: ,'.-. i ) i in. I ilnui'i's l-nUll, lln'MI- that ll. i limit.,! 1 1 1 : i : . I 1 1 , III lilt I. e.i-l -li il! ever . ir' I'll -WIT- III wtealll r,t:llc:l - It III. il III -tl. W lll'l ll:l.' Wil Villi In n lii' iniii i it's ii. n n: I l i v i'li' ill. uttt,! u'.il'li'H-. i,lict-se.. Ii -mi.:-:il'i An. I i'l ll 'tin., -licit li if y tlili'tu- tin'. 'I lui'iili in ir path I n..i net -i'1'. Wi ll I kiinw h...i lair lin y I c. ''lnlii ,.',. .l ii 'n . i i .Maiih.ilhin. Dame Frsu'a's Trcusiire. I If iinkept nail,,, traliiiiu'. nrjilertril j n epers, au.I a he.i, y o i ir.'Wth of j vy are the e--rntials of t he 'iet ures.ie, , ; :..is(' t pi'eM iilt',1 them all. There w. re l". trees that ha t formerly rep" :.'s. nteil iiviami'ls. ''.ir.leii seats ami ! i i ly now i 1 1 r. rk-; hut the hanils hat pruiie.l them were j;. 'tin, am) the -prrtator now only saw r,iu'i.'e.l an. I un iI y loiiait '. Tim I. w liii'.t-u'feen, nin e like el,'t, ha I .1 M.'.l nettles iiul thistles to its own lank nop. 1 olil'l one of the la auti.-s w In), I ri ll- i ury ait" 1'ow le.l there, hae seen il, he W.ililil have piekeil Up her i : 1 1 f 1 1 y -Uirts atul ih il. A beauty nf a century later stamls :iui..iur the ile-olat ion. What a piet it t- is the aillmi li haiie l iiiai.h'ti, le iniiu; airaiiist an nM, wcitlu :-iu at. n -un-ilia!! imply cl.i'l m a il.u k itray ilre--, a Imii' Ii ot paleyi'llow ehrys m: licniiiiis carelessly lt. il lie tr the thina', tier w hit" bit le h.in js i las; c I iicfore her, l isiila liariiiit looe I -a lly over lie waste. - True loveliness selilom rests l.inj un- muii, nil a laiiie rift in the brick ilis. ! playcil our h-roini to tlie ae ni a y.'iinu man who as riitiii .slowly past. It was lai! :i minute's work to ilisinotmt, sec, ire the hi nlle to a con venient tree .ml scale the broken wall With hciv'htciicil ci lor and .pin k steps, which causel th lair mai.l' ii to t urn with a starlit. 1 Hash, liny N--riii.ui reachol the -umilial. "Mr. Noriii.ui! wliv are vou In rr'" lie -ause you ' nun'' m.iti. co illi, am i.iuly sc. int.:; one o the little w iiiie b.lt.'l-. "H it," ilem irre.1 I rsiila, fe. bly try in,' lo Ic-pos-rss I, eiself nf lr'li.m. we arc t'orbi'Meii to meet. Ymir 'incle "Is an obi rcpl ile. rrie, be sent.i. l ie. Th- y kt ep us apai l, lleaveii litl.e.lS, clel' lly rlloiil,. el i,s l e happy, my ilarliii'.', while m- hae ihe "bance." ' the "ill Ia paled he trembled ; ami looke I dow u. "(iuy, I he, n y mi -oh, indeed. I hue you! but my mot In-r tru-ts me. .Mie t-aid'yonr H e le !ia I t.-ld lu rherou!.! n t hear of anything between u; an 1 we are i cry pi'mid. tiny." The youiif man dro.ped lu r hand hastily. "You ilnn't loie as I do, or ninii ; i ami mothers won',. I be nothi he said, hauuhtilv. toyou." I I'rsuhi Inoketl up with her lovely, j tremulous ae of love, ' "I'mies, peihap- not: but motlier- i iuy! What arc -'irls ood fcr who j ilo not love ami honor mothers like intiie?" J A handsome, winning lace stooped j to her ow n, and beL'i: tl forgiveness. I They hail Ledl plighted lovers a weekt j and the break which prudent counsels ' had made was so recent. I will beg you j to forgive my I rsiila who yielded her lovely lips to ki-s Hiom' waiting for them. It was brief bliss, though, for she heard a voice i ailing her. "iood-bv, in v darling," murmiirel thi'lovrr, "we will siii iiimmt our trmi- . ''lesyet." J "Oh, for Dame lisulas treasure!'" 1 sighed the modern I rsiila, as. half ; laughing, she sped away to the rott.ige j ncmss the roatl. ' For to live in (iovis Court without j a retinue nf servants and a hug.- bill for repairs were impossibilities: so the ' widowed Mis. li iring, lu r lovt ly I rMihiantl a younger 'laughter, Imb--1 le-s through spinal disease, lived vith i mie old servant in a little, cottage w liich ovt-rlooked their ruined inheii atice. Tea was over ami I'rsula knelt Li the invalid's sofa. 'Nora, darling, it ! Is fit. hard, so hard" she sohb.-d, leaning ; lur head against lit-r s:-'er'- liRnd. Ilnv tenderly lli.il gentle hand caress. I'll h. r: "Take In-art. my dearest, something will liappi'ii yet to lii'lp you!" ! Ir-nla raised her tearful face with an a'-cnip! at asuiili. j -D i yuii mean Dame 1'rsula's tn-as- ii iv? at wliii li Nora laiij,'!u'il soltly, lor untiling si'i'iucil "u Ht-r nlV than that. .'v, srini lilly jvars hi'loiv this il:i!i', ( invi-i Cuiirl was tli ihvell ilii,' plai n ii' tin' ii". Daint I'rsilla I'.ar- i ill','. Nu- ami 'li hi-n yrar l',v yisir I !' ir Iht lit t v rii ill. i - ii, w ho liail L'ni'i' almiuil, an 1 ln ini'.iiit to maUi- him wi'aithy a:il pi'.i-pni'.iiis mi his return. ne hail ilay D.inu' I rsiila hal titliii'j.s that liei-Mm wasil-a l. he iiiiini iliate ln'faiiii' ileinente I ami liveil in a Willi ,il'l ill' .)'.. mi I' vi. ir 'ii.. I (In. ll lit a (iii l.lenly. I hen news caiiie thai the s in 1 1 .( 1 lett a w ile an I little hoy to iiiuiuii him, ami seareli w.is inailt! for the pi'iiperty. I'revii'i.' I.; her il-at Ii Ihe I'M ilaiai' had e 'iivnt' il all t .'" j . 'u "" ,l .she i-iiiiI I into limni'V, ami ...,,, . , , r ... i I ,...., ,.,,. . ,,, , riL'htful heir-. The I'M'ileiiiiiit lieeaine ereal, ami rertaiii iii-hoiie-1 .iii.l ailvrlit uiuiis pel sons hail Mirrei'titioii-' rii-e.l ami I'peiie l Dame 1 r-ula's I'oiiin, thinking ha I trie I to take hi-r wealth Willi '""T all in vain. In .pieer wril if lie with her iliain,.:ii iiuoli a w in- ''"w l"'1' oelinom tiie rimr wa- mi-inu' u-.v- were tin- w.'i.l.s. l ime i;l slc-w where my treasure lies." ! .t.theeuil of tifly years her lovely ' iiPa! U'laml lai.tthler, I'l'siila, im.iM let t ( I the man .she ni oil because he li'! . ml.-'l mi the w ill of an urn !, aid -li Ii.'.l not hi iii;. The w i lo a i il mot h i r h : I a I wml as mauy eeaiati mis to i i.i at l i i is I niii't asei.iil.i ii.ip P ii wiiiii.ii briiiniiijr ilown the walls. I he'i -lie ilevi'tcil hd !f w ith uivat 1 tln Pt in in in x mi the m t I" iiothiiiit sic- b.i'l. ami iiitercsteil herself in poiil- i try. pi:;, ainl n pa;rinu' linen. he iii'1 i:..! 1 1 1 ... t : i m. r l.er loitunrs, aiel trieil i m i'..' le r iiul. i heeriul ami happy. .. . i'...:...t i .1 t ' ( """';; ' ' "ll1"" I. I. 11. w, l.o'.e, appeal".!. I. uy .. 'iiiati was pa. ki.l nil to the ('..titiu :ii cast a. the .lull winter .iay s set ii.. I i-siila c.'ii;.l not bear In think .1 ( iiri-tmas. .ml hated bt Ipuif to uiai.c I'Iiiiii piiililniu's wttii a sore heart. he was mi pitiiul in appearance mm ilay. that Nora beirir;ci hi r to jf.i f..r a walk. an. not m ik" tin- piubliiirr sail with tears. i ll toiscape. I i-u!a Iturrieil mit int.. ihe wiiii ry i".i I. I ''.crylhim,' l" ',.eii i. ii 1 and ".ray. an 1 tlu-nul .itirr wall, i in; la i -iily I r a lone, turned by a -el" paM. into i im yai.ien ol thndc- sellrd ceil1. !n- w an lei'ctl pa-t the s' at. Iv w in. loiv-: then, w ith a natural li'-rc." replied tiie ineiiiiatioii tor evrrytl.in,' as ihsmal a id at the same I III herself, she n solved I t pl"l'e the old ll. use. 'i tehill;.' a key. :.he I, t ln r.-elf in an I pan --1 a inoini tit, startle-', by Pie rt ho t t h. r own footfall m the Wclld silence; lb. II :-he .a-.se. boldly mi, . I a. -ri m m d lo.v'e old Da i in- I rsul Ts ro.an. A .plaint, l-.w-roofel place, with laMic windows and old foiir-l-ei-Iead .-lid sto .il thele with faded. lamp haiiirimrs of blue. (lur I rsiila was . un -tlv ir.i.'ini on the lines ca irrai ed .i t t ne w iiidou , Time w i 1 -how w here my t rca-iire li w iicn sue saw a ii'-i'd of caltl eettillt,' into the eai'.lell t'u'oiinli the broken wall. There w as it.. I much to snoil. trnlv. but a -en-e ..!' i,i-.!m-,,, ln I rsi.t , ri.-olv.. i in- - ....lif d:s;n'-s lit- intruders. (iiiickly she ran nut into tlie passa-.rc and sped d.-Wll-stail's; sriim; her ll.u brclla she valiantly waved it as -he ap-n-ar".l in the 'aitlcu, anil (,'ieat rmi- sternatmn nrciirrrd. I lie cuttle ran hither ami thither, and nunc turned toward the ir.ip in the wall. They ran j airaitist each other ami everything rise, , Im' linally they were imlucetl to jo, and ! I'rsula. loo'iiic tuvr the tlehris of a battlciieltl w here she had enme oil vie-i torimis, found that tlienld suu-dial was broken dow n. I In real sorrow for this hail been a trystitis.' where (iuy and site hail i pas-ed many a pleasant "jjrcetini; fair" she ran toward it, then stopped and i turned pule with rxeitrmriit. ThiTf was a large hollow beneath where the I sun-dial had stood, and in it were moldy-looking bags and boMv. It was getting ilusk HOW, ami Irsiila i ran swiitlv home. , "Motln-r -Nora-leave yaur pud- ( dings Come, motlier. tothe ,-mirl, for 1 the - the treasure is found:" The sp h ended in sobs and laugh- t- r. Mr-, liaring ami Nora thought I he was d. lueiitrd, and looked suleiimly at ra It ot her. (mlythenld servant shrewdly a-ke l: " And w here is it. Miss I 'rstila, dear . " "Cmlcr the suu-dial: smno -wis Knocked it down.' "Time."" cried N'.tra. rxeptdly, "lime will show. (he old dame said. , '"""' M-Ttha. go at mice." ' .Mill llicy w fill -and num. I Sin-li riches as they had never dreamed of. All the country ralletl at the cottage. ( the cruel uncle recalled die luckless lover, a marriage took place Ii t ho in i -t li-t . boughs were haiiiii' still i;reen, an.l ft w (iuy a.,il I rsiila havo settli-il to a 1'i.iiiit ry lilV, aii'l I rsiila lakes personal delight in licr ilairy. Her hiisl'art'l ileelaies she is in ilaimiT ol' aetually worshipping the row, in Or.rntal fashion, so frt-at is her iati t ilile for t lit' ili.-cov eiy of I lame I ' rsiila's TriNisiire. Tlic licit Smis.;s siiil Visih. Mr. (larnt! I. Ser i-s. the l 'i'tiiirr on a-i i'.ii..inv. ainl i'i relary of the Aiiierii an .s!ioii,iinii nl "s iriety. says people ff. iirra!!;- have in i-h a what siiiprisinsf pheiioiui'iia th ''''I sets or sim flow's really are. Kveu yet they may l.e seen in clear weather thniiirh less ili-iimtlv Ih.i". las! win. I h. re is an aei ii ymir pheiio- nieii'iii wliiih you may hehoM any fair ilay siii'roiiu.liiiii 1 1 is sun. W hen tin1 sun s,'oes l.nhin.l a small rlmul or the lite of a Iniil'liiu; you will sue a wl'itis lul" .'T-mn l it, which is often I horileleil w ith iiiiik or salnion t ! i i It is a mist :ike to .'issiiini. as in hit nei'- sons ilo, ih.it cither the re.l .sunsets this halo aroim I 'he siiu ar inui.ui app '.ii'.iiiees which have always r is'.i'l in the sky. They ina.le their lirst appearance in these latitmles about a yen- a-,' . ami. as Prof. Ar.-ht-j l ai I has p.iinie I out, while th sun -el u'low s have iliniliii- ee in intensity, t he halos have ri-m.uiie.! un h uiu'e I a el j i.ie jllst as ilistinet lo-Iiy tis I liny were ten or twelve til 'Hths atjo. j Mnieiver, t hey bale I n s-en all m.-r I 'lie woilil. ail'l it of course bcinines ' ii s-aty, in alteiuptiiij; to aeeoiiut b r them, to I i 1 1 1 1 some eai-e capable 1 . f Mile till,' the a! III. .sphere of 111.' ; wlmle earth. At the Montreal inert , inu'nf tic liri'ish association, a rep t: j W'a III l't ill behalf of a rnliimiitee in 1 K'isflaa.l, which ha- 1 a oallieriim eliil 'lice fro ii clery 'pl irt 'l' ol the j ca'th about the rcl sunsets. This re port sh'iwcil (ha! Ihosu pheiioiiiciia were not visible before the Krak a'. a erupt ion, ami that they were ii r-t seen i M1 ii,,. neijiliborlionil of that i-laml. frn11 wMl.u .sncineil tn sprca-l in all ,lirccti..ns until the ni.-rniiiy; an. I j ,.euin;r kics oi er the whole earth I w,.e ail.nne with the niarvelhuis li-'hi. j - inierrnec is (hat line, ibis! hrown from the Krakato.i v.ih'.mo into tin higher regions t if tlm atmosphere w a hni iie liv air currents around the whole plan. t. an. 1 that the reilect i..i, ,. the sau's rays from this dust, caii-cd the ulow iuit skies and other stramtc pie : nem.'iia that w .sl.liS -iplelitly wit- Il''-sed ill every count I'V ol Ihe -jl iiul inea oi' se;...-e are not enlir -utislicil with this theory, i'-- .'.-'. be I The IIiiiii- Aiicl. ' A lua; . says l.'ol ert .1. Iliirdettr. i ; aiuotin; men all ilay Imiit, hears poiitic-. 1 club stories, si. tt I if of Ihe s! rcl, I.,...' i bla'-k rcparlee. and junior cbuk -mavt- iicss. the ways atul sayfnirs and doiu..' ' of men until lie wiaiies of i! all, ami i when lie conies hoi ii-- in I he rveliiit In ' w ants to see a li.'iuc anu'cl. with hoine ; li::ht in hri' face ami loicliirlit in lei 1 ey.-s, deliriously womanly in dress .ami . manner, wiin a voire as.n a liie w.n t ;ol the st reel i.s haih; a loice tha i- i : 1 1... i ; .a., i ...... i ; i i i . ' ' ' soiuai nisiieari iiotu saieiv irusi m , ' her know imr t hut w i : i do hat. - ' I and not evil all the days m li I lite," -strciir'th ami honor in liei i ! 'iii,'." wisdom in her n th. and -ml tier tmiirue the law of kindness." v : S i tlie beautiful hands that are slr.-l. la I ! i ion! to the poor ami reached fiiihi. ! the Heidi ; whoso works praise li. r la Hit' ".ates, sn that her husband, a!- '. who is known in the fj.iM's ami .sittetli ' anion.,' the chirrs of tlie land, he pra:-- eiu iter, necaiise iih Knows mat iieo.n-llilie-lcliths of his success to such a wi''e. "I'avor i.s ileeeitful and beauty 's vain," but the brighter tpiiilit t s i t wmnanlioiiil are fadeless ami are . v. a "as the shining light that s'lineth nmi'i ami more unto the perfect day." lli'ttrr be Saving of Water. liichanl A. Proctor savs ! hat the .ci f the earth is pla I by some a! Vi.. nnii.iino years, and still others of later tim(. anloiiR them the Duke of Argvle. place il at lO.niHi.nn i yt iirs. ) ace it lower than IiMHKHMk L,,ii, ! iat p ore.scs have been gone tin ,. ugh. ' Newton snrmised, although he roiil-l ..die no reason for k. that the earth i would at om time bei m perlc. Uy ' i, v. shire then it has been I'min thai ' Newton was correct. As the rarlti ! keeps cnoiing it will become porous, ' and great cavities will b.- lormed in the interior, which will t.ike in the water. It is estimated that this pro-, cess is now in progress so that the ' water diminishes at the rate n! tin ' ihiekness ol u sheet of writmg papci a ' At this rate in !.ihhi,ihh yems i ', w.f,.r lilV(. smik a mile, ami ' - .'. Oi Ml 00l voarsevervtr- ifu-.l. ; Will have disappeared from the fare i, i. gi,,-,,-. - .v.'. I.in tih.i., '. ,7,... ,,. ' ( ' ' Y 1 . ' 1 1 S . j - VVIini i : 1 1 1 . w 1 1 I iii i'l. . 0.i Names tint ate l'. Parts nf liie U.' i'l iii Various This i;rral .'oiiniry it.i iriw nvir I post' Hliee- I'm' :U nv-r .! . " " '. n H' people, or ah nit n:i fo- e i' li I , 1 persons. 'I'liere are s..in i urioiii I'.i' t -i "iiiireti il it ii the a linii.is! rat ion nl so lariji' ;i it ia-tituii'ia as this. The eiiiiiloves nl the lii parl iV'tit nuiiil'"!' oer a hninlre I I lion-ail. . I if ruin's.- - -, ,,.,,,., (,, , s ;,rne an e.-taMish nl is s. !l,m eii"riiian-. ' T,, salan,,s , ,, ,., ,lllHt,.,'S uLn,,. ; amount!. i nearly ',''.. aii.l tin ' ,-.,. , ,, ,,,,,1, , ji-, t( r ,i,.,. ,,r . ,, , -t . -i ti - ' ,vs j, i jt. --, .;t ,j . , .r -i.-t ijiv a1 I he r.i'e "I ! mi,r on:l , , Vl,;. -j-1(. , , , , t j;,,. r. ll..v who li'x-s na m-s for a;l t'.i-s i- , ., ,ir,. ilv ls ui ronr-e tl : ,s,,,i(.',- h,,. ,- !,,, , w .r,. tl,.. o-lie. i ,.. i... i i n , ... ,.. ... t- i . , in: in. i- i ,i i . ii i . in .-. i i-l ii naine so far as p i--il.r, but in many cases Miry sc!". to soai : nlli e c mrse il caiMi i are perm. tie. I t .i 1 1 . 1 1 i in He I" Ill ike i aire i ly itii en V: lie. an I "f I. Th. II they lllle . 't her se- leelion. an. I so mi It often ha:i ten . po-ti.tlier nlhcl.tls to Select, nr th i1. cit ieiis who h.ii , name, I y haiiti sniiie ii mie aire i. aln.'.st iit'leliniieli. however, that the ire li'ially eonipclie I ii th'ir lie-pair, lie' I he select in;.' "' t'1'' t lreinii'y cb. isn't . in t.s " in th" Mate, jump at sonic ri lieiil"'.M name alto aether iinhcai' ! ! be;.. re. nr select mi" surest nl liy some p ! uli.if stin'oiiml ill, Its. olue ol tin ii l' liana's if.' is ful loivs; Di-tii.il. I'm up Diyliiik. II. el Ax, i!ir,i. I: ., k-, Win. Halt. li ira Ai is. N'irii Mars, l.ean W:iT. 1 1 iphianb I'.oy, Oil,, ll.iwlii.le, Dmi.iill, l!.,l.y Mine, ;,.an l'. .-...mi, Yankee, Pay l'p. Ilar.l M .i icy. Ilit.py II .me. Wi.le Awake. A iiija' .: , ee.ly. Moon, i'a.l lock. tiaal ti.e, 1.1 .ii horn. I.'ibimli, ( 'I. "I'll. in I, I hi" i 'y. il'. 1,'ui'lnuue, lia!iiii"'. . Si t nil, 'I'.. !'y, I'm k-i . liii-h. o CliHer, I Jl 111 : ! lice, .ulll, ip'll"p py . . I '. I 1'iil.i.f. e, Mai row boan, Ii. kaway. N cirri I'mt, .In up. You liet, l irecnlioi ii. . ii l.'i io.it, Miitshiiu', I .Miicl-, Miooily, Kiu.i'i. oil I'mm,'!!. Nine line's, lib v.. . I'ata.oiiiipti . I.a-i ' u i (iieasy. lalia-ll '", Alan i . impoW'irr, . e. Clear Cu lt, Ksilnr. V:,v j Not. hamper, 'cl", h' mini liottom, j Kiiif of 1,'u-sia. Hi. Joy. Hayfork, Picnic, l.aa-l of Pr cm -e. piak, Miail- I lope, Moll-e Tall. I'oi'krt. Port Wine. ! Side lew. I I. mi,. I!i.' Illl,. Dm- We. I. l'a;r P.ay. Cm, Coal. 1'ire . loin. Mart, Mtvpv I've, Drone, li.id Song, liia. ', li-ar, Pinafore, liiitl.r rilp, l lii.pir. -sunllow . r. Wormwood, ihe Si a'.h a il Wr-t have the much irrrater inimher o! uni pi" names, al thoimh m ini ni iy be I .on I mi New iaiglaiid an I tin- Mi. I Ii.- Nates. In i'cas is an o:li -e uaac- I "I. I Job," the familiar coa iiiien ol a c,t ieii in tlie community. "P.ald Ibcaet.' an nrtlci . in Tennessee, is the -tl,','. stii, nick n, line of a g 'utlcmau re-i.bng in tint j county. C uivago's in ivnr. 11 'ii. Car-. ! ter Hani on. is lion "iv 1 in Kansas iii a' cal'e l ' 'nr i 'alter.'' " 'ioinlv." "I .1 - i I ; -." "Dull'' with an "P.e-t." I and "i'-i i lruie are her ... j lllg II. I'll - o! 1 : 1 . 1 1 I I'l lis. I Initial lei'.-rs s.iiic i.in -1 name ol .r, ..:ti '.'. l.i.e that . . in Mary land. Wio-ii li " iii' th" pi i c wa- i r .-i-ied tin ar- l'ni Ihe I'. I!..'- IOIIsC HI i m I ials Were !o lad " I a -t"l le-ir by, and a v ry early ." Ill Colo i'l I u-e I for wa r-' pr in.y ' n is settler an I owner. " ' rado. is t ak -a ! i'" o a marking ' i U a i l -a' l ," in south Carolina, i loin tie- hem ir-'tis stiggc--tionsnl an m'eres'el gentleman. The jieoplc of mcmi limie. in Tennessee, refuse I tn sigge-t other iiaun s aitcr their nw n h.ii b ni rcj- i-led. and the tlepart incut c-tablishetl the ntli. e iiiiilcr the initials "A. li. C." There is a li'.iss" ,n Mnh, '.ran to match "svect Lips" in i'. nu' ss. e, but then- is a "Maiden" m North Carolina, a "liach rlor" in Mississippi, and "Widows" may be Inmi I in Alabama. There is "Cnlnfort" in Nm th Cuml.na and al-o in Texas, an I i ribiii.it ion" in Yn iiessei'. Th.-1 1 il. ulatimi was in select- j ing a name acceptable to Ihe depart incnl. and Ihev ended their tribub.tiot. by making it -'Trd.ulation." "Chari- ly" is found in North Carolina and 'IVmiessee, and "Hope" is also known, as well as "Adversity." There are "Wells" in several Mates, but only one "Cistern" inTcxim. Tin v have a "Conceit" in Iowa, and Louisiana j contributes a "Violin." Minnesota a t "Cornet," Iowa a 'Horn.' Petiusyiva- ! nia "Drums." ami Ohio ami Vngmi.i "I'ifrs." There is a "Dark Comer" in 'corgi. i. but "Dawn" appears in Mit h- iiran a 1 1 !ii. followed by Day" in Michigan and New York. t. ...,, .- l'-i':!- ' 1 11 ti t' P lii I'l r "ll a'' tuts, ins ther. ...r.. no le-s Ihan "..s.; i ,ers...w ro-i .1. ntncil 1.1 nenal servdud" lor !. ti I..K FAinn p.vm.ivn. iii-.t.inu I f a pt-i s'iii I... ch.ik n r. ir;" him a smart whack w ,t h I In- . t 1 1 I, m I 4 tWl'l-ll the -h !:-!, Ill mil- c.l- olp III I, -li (lie sll-ldi-ll illl I'll' --. a ol the air ill the i h'-l will slei .1 Ihe suh slan 'ii' .-I Die i i'h; I' U il n -t. look int. I Ihe Hun t 111 I si e if t'e:e is anything you ran reach w.ili y-'iir liiirer ami thuiu1', nrwuli a large blimt poiiileil p ur of .-ciss.iis. an 1 pul! ... ... il -tut. I I Vi.ii do m it siicce.- l ill t'lls, tai.e a -ih i r or peivler t 1 -i j on, bca it a hi He, ami l.ol.liiiir th" '"'ill -o un ly in Ihe h in I, push the h lll-lle down tin- throat. If you k.-. p ii iiii. to ihe bad; of the throat you wiil do ..i harm, i'hi- is a . as.- which admit- ol i - ihiav, ami M.c l:le ha aus up. ai y it r r. coolucs- and piiokiio-- o a' n. If il be only a i.eii: -nl lU ........ ii. I I... t I, ,-. i.M.I t'lC ., , , p'-i'son ran wall"W ai all. give plenty ,. . , , , ' , . , ol bread an I potato, and a dr. in "I ..... w it. r alter it. "-wallow the whites ,, . .nr or two i aw rtru's. ami then a large . ,. , , ,, nioiitliliil ot cruinbs of new bnal. ri... .. ; i -,v sm-li subs'. i-ii c- a- lisl- bones, pin-, etc. I: this js not -uili.-ii-iii, gin- a ti-a-sp 'niiful of mu-tard and wa'cr, "'o7i, or am o' lu r cio.'t i y oi hair at bail'1, and all, !' tic per-mi ha- i.cniicl you wnl iistialli : 1 1 -1 it all t ighi. A -il'k ll.-.l'la ll ' I oltclitime- called a l.ilioil . In-a lacln-. on! I hi- l- ;m- a' I', rt : for a bilai is le-a-l.tch tiic!t.-;s.i I'opi.llls -irl'l'll.'!! ol bit wi'h Vel- ' I-iw skin ami i-ia bee. and when this . i- ali-ii( ci i'ii ;l tie-re l. i. .in, tiie,' it ; is not a i.iii-.ii- beal.i'iie. mi l, head- a. 'ic. ic-uli- 1 1". iii imperfect diitc- 1 I ion an I aii-e ml icr li tin- si-.iiia.il nr iii'es'iues from i rii l a' i, in of tic m-i i.cis appaia' it-of the ahuiciuary eina! by Hie rc-uitiuu' depraved oreti'iti. The ii"r Hi" stomach ; arc derive I Iruii a i rup n taut u ric. lii" I nni-oi-h'i.'. win -ii .iriginatiitg in tiie br na p:.-ses .ii.w-.u.ir-! an I is .li-l rd. ii! e l i . i:t" lungs an I -t om ich. and .rii in l a i ia the la' : !' "i',' in may produce headache by sympat net n ' adion. j Ill' iinicius ii i -l 1 1 1 !".(" if "f tlie' st .. m ,, I,.. tli . .-.n-iilioii is o a' pale eolol w ii.-ii a! ie-1. bat w liril b'"d ' c-'iiic.s .ii cmilacl w.tii I l.o- me.iiaiii- ' t al art ion ind I by the I rin i.n and motion cail-e- the bl-.o! u-ssds to . blab-and the surface to lieciiitie red. : iiii'sc.'i-etioit "f :ris'rie juice is rltcctt-d ' by the si.it" oi ihe nervous si-tein.l a .-I s.td Icii ineii'al emotion is able t.; , stop ii mi ir.-ly. i'nis it does through ' the piiiic.n.tg.i-t r;c nerve, for this cm- : tros Hie secr-ti. n oi' tie-ga-'ri'-juice, ruwholesiciie f.nd which disturb.' ingestion wi iliise acute tly-'p-p-ia in some persons, wh,. are extremely ' prmie t . si.-k he ni l i:.-: p iiu and un- easiness in the sNnnncli. Iaiiitncss.de., pre.-iou of spirit-, las-itud" and l.-verishncss are the indications nf an approaeliing sick heaiadie. : , ,. , t i , i , i ,, Au oppressive trout ul iici iacii" mi- , ., i.. ... i .a- i, ,t,, i lloise; l oin ,t lllg "I t en gi i t-s i i 1 1 1 1 1 ". tl a ' t reliel. Mck Ilea 1. I' ll. ' may eoiue ill a few hours .titer eating, or tlie patient may g I ' bed comfortable and wakt up tiiir -freshed with a hciiy fc lmg across the loi'ehea I. ami t In- ht-a l e lo soon scls in. This form of h. a lach. can be t ra e 1 to s,u i r..r in h ' WiMi the advance nf year- th.y i.e . .. ,i. less ncilie but more cxhau-Mic ami tedious in th ir r very. IJ.'-t in bed. cold applications, with an occasional dose of mix loiinea. lid! reiieie the acute symptoms, l.m t In-ra bcal cure to he found only in strict attention to the di' t. '."-',-'' -'or.. . The Vuilioo HiM'liir. lt was during -I n c t mi.- 1 ne vou tloti doctor" llo'irished. He did a thru ing business among runaway negroes who were promised immunity from sinuied .1 a bowl .. ash. ! .1 b.i s, punishment in cas - of recap! lire for a skin - ol annua!-. . t . I'l,. con small sum. : si.lere.lasi. i l s.,. r.-. by th" i: d.ans. One ol Ihe vou o 1 doctor's methods and grav hairs, mottled -,m and sort's nf opera'iiig is to secure a Hack rlnck- i an-sii- I t-. be Mm penaii es at rii and two pir.es of silit r Iron, i4 j taehed ! ' thcr nit-iis... Iii-enrol dupe. II" Ih'-u procure, a skillet. "use pipe- 111 our iaimli and Ihe ties Which li" !i ill' HID w illi water, placing formed l-y t bmn s. ii,cl r tt ms end the nl -ilo-rt'i tin- kill.-! op tlm ti -so! blood i conbng lo cap'-rs posiicia.-b ..!her. II- then re-piests !'' Miss A b, . lic't her t h pip. - w ere his dupe !" me-ii.ally name one ol the in the rare of a special gens called the pieces a:t. i' I'm ca. my whom he ,1c- lluugis A imi h. i .'-tis has t In 1 ight sires lo circiiiiiii iit. Win n the wa'.-r "t tilling tlie pipe, -lid aiiothci 01 pass. begins to bod In- drops an occasional big it ar id. Wh,n a man takes a feather from Ihe Hark rhi. In n into the piprtoan -ther a sacred bond is lormed skillet, mumbling soim'thing which is The one taking it isc,l,, f.iMicr. ami unintiilig.b'c. As so , as tl,.- water m-re.-ivni',- 1'. -n. i'h, it the boils the pieces d money begin to rise 1 -a iclm -.- d li 't le-ide in any par- and 'all, a-they n itnrally would do- 1 peular pip - but 1 a th ' -yuibols, M,s and by a skilful manipulation of tie j lict her pirn - ! by t he si.a' em ait of skillet he brings one of the pieces on I an "Id Indian who said that even if top of thenlhrr -th le beneath a!- thr piprs wrm made of cm husk, the wavs being the one named alter the "'ue respect would be shown the-u. , tiei.iy d' his.lupe. For this the tlupe ! mmig other interesting things the is expected to pay according to his j '-i t was innitimiod that seven is the means - from 1 up to lM - HW,- saeied 11 her, t Ins fact being illnst r;. . initou l'ist.. l'i 1,1 make-up nf the pipes. ' I'KRKAI.S T.KS! S MKT.! TiUk Willi Mo- (iit 'tt ( mini Pr : ' . r. i . 1 i . i t ..i.i L'CI.-SM'ps unils-l'U-r.s 111" Illl'Illel' 111" II H,l iniii't! V'aliiiihle lur ruin'. A Paris enrrespoudi'.'il of tin- Kan sas City .-.'( wri'c-: liiiu'anl is a meat natcr, while I'raii'-e is t cer-al caler or an eater of bread ami "il. V..-I. I I....1 ., I...,., I .11, ,. ,.i, i '. "lute I rnliuaml d- l.essei'- in r. iraid to therereals lor 1 1. M. tl.- l.-'s .-ps I Worked thousands "f Italians, l urks and I'n -tii'limim .n tin- -m- . ia tl. "Do you really think th" cereals are st roliger than lin-a' ?" I a-kfl. Certainly," he ! . pli. -I, " iim p an d of drv wheat or Mower i- worth as much as three pounds !' "'t beef. scald the pound of ll ir and -r . 'oii have a irallo-i .. aiu-h. oil r.'iild Ho' .-.it it in thrre da s II , vou teed Me- . en.-a.s t . ca' tl" a- Mi' i , il-t in l.iii,'l:'ii'l. it takes riirli! pounds ' .-I trram to make a pound "I meat, , ' llllV I I th" nl'iin o it, I'll. ll ! "'""P I"V not eat it m, -ne, and do aw ay with a snip!'!- ---n!a- tioit o .",ii,i ,ii i i c. illl.-, Ii,.-s a-.il shni p -aniin il l lamps? Kmri i'cl :- sllppol'l in it. p I'hap-, sunt in i i .a'tle. sh. t-p and h":'s, and ton io.ii m .j 1,-. ir ra'lu-r she -..points Iht ml!! ami buys bread fr-'iu America 1" .-e I le i pie. I'ra-iee ii ci.irts !"," ' i.o "- '. . and .1' J- '.0,1.10 i i c.ilt'e. ,.,Lrs ail i slice "Then y'"U bc'.evi in ran n m e L'r.un ati I 1-'-- . a'tle an lm.'- -' I .,,,,1 i-rl ,ii t ( i-m a-r- of el "i-.,;,, ,. will Mippm-i i',,e men. wbih it n , .tl ;.i .,1m t w,. a".' ( :ria-- ! -u;- ,rI ,,.. ,(,.,.,-- aii I tn t! :rl. om- u ,,, ,, , h . , '!ie ,iva';- (,,,,. , ,;s ,,, ( t, 's, ,,, n ,,-,.,irv Iimhii.. Th- I ai"h -liin -It," .-.tit in n--1 Mr. l.sep- "m-i-ts mi ,-,,asl ,..,.t' (A,.ry p.. ,,,, ,i u !n c, s's right p-.'imis ,. ccr.-.iK iim 1'n n. h m m .a! s t in-ccrcaN huns.-li. I.-bi,y- m lii.-n-o! gallons .a cotton -c -d 'i in Aim-nea at line, nl - "T pmn. ': ',is ,,. ,,.i' - in hi- -ala I. m h-.s smip. and in Ins I, read and pa- crust. I ' . li'cm-liiii.in i.-aie- vT tl mil: -n- ,. gallons of Ani-iiein c. a ,.i-s. e I o.l, semis i! back .. A no-' a:i-l -Us it fm' "!' - a ii '!. I .11 on s-,. ... is uprr-e.iiiig p -aiiui od. an I "in oil is aim 's' a ! !i:ut "i Mi- pa -t. I'"l ye.ii -the p -aia' crop ,.; 'I eaae ami North Carol, in has I - -1 -nt t. Marseilles and made un.. an .-In.- oil. CM. m I mi In- m-.-ii I M-ytU rrcn.-li to be better an I tin a:., r t ban p aunt od. To-lay ail spam, soiith- era I'ra ice. Daly. l'ui'i,ey and An- tin are bun,' mi Aim-nean c-.tt -u- All an I ! aita i gent I- man m 1 ab..i--r w aa' - i - ml. mac-ir,,n .. bread, s igir. u - .r I--. C..t mi - cd ..;! Ia ,e t v p!a n. mi. It i--'rang. thaiyoar - -a' h uu slat .- Lav- ben '-r year- throwing away indl.oiis 1'irrcls .. bc'i'iiul c-.tiou -.-t-l ml ..ml having tiiiiii' ill itv por., and iard in it- 1 I'ia. e. Corn tm a!. c,.o',e, Id,.- mace.,- Mii Willi o I a ll ciii-e-e. s ilelic.ons !no,l." Tlie Cniin' i- I :.'!,!. I. lit he I 'l'getf thai in lia:i'c. where inching i was(e..l'..o .to.. i i i st,-rs wall i- fat a- ..I'"1 slu rs in p.nglati'l. or 7-V n to.iiii i hi proibga'c Am i.-a. I'aefe is m v. r a m. ithtul "I m.-at .c grea-p thrown, i way in I'raue . I-'i .c ,- ran stippori a p .n-C.it 1 -a o 1 1 1 i i i.i i in better than I . n g i.i ii I can -n,- ..-rt a population .-I .'.'.v'lt-i.o'i-'. The Vlcreil Pipes nf the dm i ia-. During tin' i I'ugoi' the A , r.can s -i.-uce a--o ia' i .ilia I'niiad'-i'i'.'i.a. Mr. Prank 1 . i Pi.--' I,.- ri .nl a pap-r n ' I he -acr, I P. p.-- of I'r eit Ishi. ." M . I. a lie-, le- i- aii .u ill t Indian, a id 1 e -tai.-.l lua! the 1 Wo pipes r; '..-, w ere the lirst which had i-vn- I -tt his tribe. I'm- pipe- ale ! aiici ftil.y eon- Iiiitiastiinci l il.- I"i 11,11 - e. i of 11 ,1,-t ill' inn I tiie in,- 1,-1 ,t all I,.- h. i. I of tin' -lniii Vll I III" -itil.'illg '.'in .'ll t ' caltl '-" 'I t"l si,,-..- ,1- ma I, ja .. , 1 tlie 1 1 1111 In. I it- nni l -i ii.- .-'. He- I.-.. 1. in- 1 .a , 1,.. i- . ,11 ,. ;.i Ii,- leu -.'- leu 1 Xi ,r II"' . ,;. ee i . a - nails n ! in - I'm :d- .hi :i eh .11. .1! "11, I'm i to tic- :.!--l' I'l.-. -a. I -;.- - "I !l ,'ll I I III. I, :J . M.ntli I ' .1 111 ,, I ci tin i I aiijini l e-l '. 1' tin ill 'I, tin- .-ni,r I li-hl -I II I ".I !..:.-i. I-h ,'i it..-. I-. I. '. ,- .i.i, , .I,,,, ii , II a in. HI n l ,.1111- j ... Icii'-i 11- II, .tit!" -1 I" . I :il 11 inii-i.-ti lit u.tli 1. ti her I. ...f - ....Mi iioa, .1 i- 111. -nt I ,.h. I-l I. ;.'Mt. : - a- - - le :.l- i-.-'W I. 1 ti,, .-!,.. a., i,..i .I.,.-;; m, i.e.. - i I ... i, ".. a. Ui- .i 1 ".1 led I I, ,. 1 1 ... ; n.iiii 1.. ll... I nisi ma Ill MI'H'H s. l.'igiil about I - tlo- hair. A I 'iig race Tlm human race. A lU-tr.ip Th professional ba-e-'i:.b-!'- ban I-. I I.e. ..rite llo-A.-r I'm- ino-t ladms - Marry g..id. Ti,.' musician mi-- - the 11. .te, w ben l. I-l ll"' III. s-1 s. I I a tnrke. i- a gobbi.-r, is a young 111 key a ",,l'!i ! A yo.uig la iy in i; be banged all lay be- ami y. t lo.l led in .w beaten. A t .'her ot in u-ic i- 11 s- inly a 1 teacher i-i ail-' h" 1- a - 'tind in -1 i n- I or. Kie.ything 1- I. nr ill uar" -iiysth" idag-'. an I tin" worst thing .I'-.-ut w ar - 1 ii-- 1, ir.-. li-il n has a m-mihiy p:ip'-r .lev.Hed 0 1 .11 1! oil. I plli'l s'.e- s 'III" bl.t'll 0 g truths. 1 Mit- must , r. cp before he can w.ili;, a- ll..- small b-y -i ii whrni h" rawled un b r a cir.-Us t.-ni. l "... -1 ( , is liie -ist.-r of sorrow." writes Mi-, i.ilr-. who has rii-initiy 1 n 1, , ,-,ig a ii.iri'.'.v c-cai"' from a S 'i -linju shed aut'e-r -ay-; "There 1 . tin 1 le, a! '...ll W It ie il' III ! i - ' ' lb ui. luber bus ivlc n ilo- h"'' 1 1 lerk a sign- vou to a r -om "ii tie- ninth 'L'..r. At :i college exam natmn. a pr. fc--"! a-i,. .1 "D - my itii-l on 1 111 b.ii r !- you '-" -N"' at all. -;r." re plic 1 1 11c st ud.-iit "not a! all. It i pi !.-, i" ir. It is Mm an-wrr to it that I. 'h.-r, in--." Did any of y-'iir . bildreii en s.-r ail clepll. lilt -Kill V" III. plirr. I the school I . lit liei'. ' Yes." echo d sel el'.ll Vol.- -. ia 1 h ,i - Where" 1 onlimi-'il tin i- a- her. 1 n t In- elephant's bad,." w a- ii- re"in er. Uu - ! tlm .l.i.:i'n-n students, iibih na a -roll, wa- ,100. -led by ., soph iiie ie w ,th the in. iiuy. "W hat' 1. car na iic" i'h" gentleman from .lap an an-tri-d p"l;t'iy. gi.uig hi- - u n ca . --I in," rejoined the 'iu-s t i .iier, . mi bca' h-lis tloli'l liai e but "in- lii,:.-. I see." "What w as I be hist name ol o -'." w is the reply. u inteil.g' at lit'lc boy at s. hoo ,-ii ,, a 11 c. "! re .11 for decorating her-' : .11 -, which at least bad it it the l.i'elt elll'l't nl t flit 1 1 . "Why.' a.ke It- 1 achel', "do lin y d.-roratt ! le- 1 cs ,, ; bets an I 11 .t y -ur-a id m;uc -" I lo- iidi th -uglit for a iiciii' 11' "t 1 wo. and I hell -aid P.e.i-.-. m ram. I tliiui, it's be. a us. 1 h. 1 are .b ad and we a. n't.'' Tin pr -.po-o ion wa- 1111. ri - w ci able. O l i r Kaitt'oii'l Hep il l nieiil . the -..nr. Pa lie ha- all othcia w ho i- iii .-ha: gc "I a .t r depart tnt-n1. 1 i ih'' .'"'' ''.' .''.,'' 1 H' lo.k- alter those people wh.. wish their il eitis transported ti .111 one p-unl t another and yet are afraid (t trust I 1 aii with tin- tiioiict. Pur in stanc. 1 .!i--tpatod man is slrarelcl III I'cxas. His In. p. Is in (be Ha-t an willing to pay Ins way bai k. but don't want to sritd him any htmls, lor fral that In- will s.piamlei' tl 1; m such a , ,1-c 1 In- im! icy is paid to t he company, and this agent I -ok- alter the mailt r a ml the 1 1'lt'btclot - alone handle th tickets, s,, with 1 k people who ale without iiM'iict tin- . "in 1 ..i 11 , i. i . pay I r. on 'io-.i Ir.eii ls and bring, th. m home. hil-lreti ar.- al-o cared lot and I rausi, et'-d b lig distances. is sm prisiug lo b ain bow often tin scri i' i , d this "ilicial is leipiiretl. ami he i. kepi bii-y all lb.- Iim.- in answering iiiipm it s and pet ft-'-! ing art atigrmeiits The ad 1 atti age- ar- nbiioti-. A ; per-. .;i is at one en I of the country, ; say in Tex ts, penniless or 1 nt ru-t w "i 'thy. His t.imily in I'm-loii go to the : agent of t In-Missouri Pa. itie ami t hri 1 I nay ih adv m-f enough to rover thr 1 -..st ol a tick-1. uu als and bi rth in a i sleeping car. The rerelpt of the money l-I-p oi'li- l by telegraph to the holm j el'" " alii the tlistant wanderer I.s re turned to bis friends in satetv. 1D1D IX TIP TV

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