SI)C I) at I) am ttccorfr. Sit 0 apipm II. A.. 1 OIMOIVf EDITOR AND rKOPKIKTOK. KATES ADVERTISING One square, one incrtinn- - ifcl.Ofl ( tin- square. I wo insertions - - I.Sft (iii- siiiiiire. one i i)i ii 1 1 1 1 - - 2.10 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One ropy, one year One copy, nix months . One copy, three months $ 2.00 1 1.00 no VOL. VII. MTTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, NOVEMBER 20, 1884. VJ II For larger nils i-ri i- iiii-nt 1 1 1 rnl con- J.WJ. II. tracts will he made. On.- K u ly Fi icntN. How neut to have nr-reniiv friend Keepgriulp, I'iiiiiI ninl irne; llctlur lo fillip fii mm i)l,l friend Tlinu I'm t a iln.i'ii new; Mir cmly friend- ii' li-w uli'l fur, I 'nn liless uur lie .its niiieli hum "riiiiii newel I'lieu-!-, il' ,rno thev mo Till lirb's luiel' liimr it o'ei. I 'ur eaii.v I'licniM In n cxprvs) The. li-I Ihcy feel, Ainl only liile the liilleniess Til Ircuihlo In reveal; The linly sympathy they leave Mir iiiixiii'im thought eniplov; I'll r.itliiT weep uitli iIhmu I Imo Than sh ue ii ! ranger's jny. Ill the grand ni;es cl t Where la III Iiml sweet lepn-e, I 'cm. I liii i in lull i onstniu-y Sli ill hlo4iitn n tlu- riiot' Oh. ullo uuiil t live for self iilono, I M I'm line's (in II sweet wil ? A heart t onj-t'iiuil In our own, All neiiiu' voids imiti Ii ' Our caily fiioiulu are plwiiy best, They shared our luiu-ning ilays Their welcome ever sweet ly fall Viv lovn thtii- mints of pinise! For fame is hut n sccm'loss (lower lliuih il he erou ik-.I wiih god; Mill friend-tup, like I lie sweetest lose, Jli lei Irirnilship in eaeh fold. I.ulhrr (i. Wi;.7. A M AN'S MISTAKE, There were n'l'.y a few people at the Dolphin Hon- it was late in the sea son. Tlic le woods iiiadt! a low lint-of lii-p ivil against the autumn sky; the lailics. too, iiiiilllc.l scarlc' shawls over their white ilre.ssr.s as they sat 0,1 the piazza of the hotel overlooking the surf, listening to the liainl wliieh slid phiynl juliilantly in the sunny afternoons. 'I he heiress, Mis Vale, who hail come late, rein line 1 later. She liked the cold liea!h wliieh erispeil the surf, turned the maples reil an I made her horn's ilatn e over tin-smooth Moor of yellow sand whirh stretched for miles along the bay. Her faultlessly beautiful faee, ainl tin' more world-loving cue of her aunt, ilaily nu t the view of the loungers as her sleek hays rhaiupeil their silver hits down I he shore mail. She was 111 ire often seen abroad in hi r carriage, hut, being an old travel er, she was a good walke:, and often eatiie in to tea with a dash of red in her smooth cheek, her orown hair damp with spray, curling closely aliout her temples, she had heen on foot to Crape Point or tin- Shoals--favorite retreats accompanied only by h. r great whito hound, I'eri. Miss Vale was a little peculiar, people said. ! Certainly, she did as sh- pleased. ' with an unobtrusive independence j which hatdly need to have troubled ' any one. slit! had ootie out day after the s'orm to see the sea da-h and roll in 1 s!r-ug:h. The sun shone brilliant ly 0:1 its dancing white caps as they .eti'ed gradually into calm. Mi" ha I sat a long while on the rocks, her great dog at h-r feet. Sic was a long wav from the hotel, but .'una waited down the beach with her carriage, and h r aunt sat ani uig the cushions and read. There was no one but I'eri to see how beautiful Laurel Vale was as she sat against the ragged bhick rocks, her of steel-gray kirtled from her slight feet, her grai-.-ful shoulders and arms huddled in a soft crimson shaw l. The sunshine struck her perfect profile under a black soft-plumed hat, warming her cheek, and bringing into relief the firm dimpled chin, and those who had called her cold would not ba-'e accused her thus then, so happy the smile of her re I lips, so warm the light of her brown eyes. She loved the sea -thrived upon its breath delighted to be quite alone with it. So she did not mind how the hours went, though Aunt 1 'anion turned her hundrcth page, and yawned among the purple cushions. "Come here, Sinbad!" A mellow masculine voice eame from among the rocks too pleasant ami manly a voice to whiten Mi is Vale's cheek with fear, certainly; but with one swift silent motion she rose to her feet, pa'e as if she had seen a a ghost. . She glanced around. A little be hind and just below her stood a gen tleman a blue-eyed man with a fair heard and a pi eat tawny dog fawning at his feet. He met her startle ! with one equally startled - then instinctively lilted his hat. After au instant he r line slowly up the rocks, almost re luctantly it seemed. He, too, was pale now. j "Lain id," he said gently. Von might have understood then why people called Miss Vale cold. Her fair mobile countenance seemed t 1 hard"ti over her spirit like a mask, She had but one thought that after live year-' suffering she had come to ! happy, when here, before her again, : to ! 'he destroyer of her peace. Sho made a swift involuntary gest. tire, as If to keep hin off. A quick pathetic sadness swept across his faee as ho saw it. 'And si you hate me?" ho said, slowly. .She caught her breath. "I do not know," she gasped. The great tawny dog snilTetl at t?ie hetn of her steel-gray dress, and then looked up in her faee, wagging his tail. His master mothmed him away. "No!" she eried, bending over the handsome ereat Mre. "He use. to love me." Huron Alverton linked at her with his blue eyes and groaned. "Laurel," ho said, with a fine appeal ing gesture. "1 used to love, you. Yet to- lay you would not toueh me with your beautiful hand as you toueh that brute! And 1 deserve it!" Mie seemed to look at him then for the first time, th iugh only for an in stant. Ifshosaw h iw his had (hinged in live years, and was stirre I to pity, fdie gave no sign. She turned her he ld aside and seemed to wateh the to dogs frolicking down the b-aeh. "No exeti e i' nil I hn inventpil for me," lie went on. "Vo ' were one of the sweetest, truest wiiinc.i that ever breathed, ami my promised wile. Not a shadow stood between us when I leet Nellie Hiiuple'.on. lint 1 knew less of w.i lieu th in I il 1 now. I could not tiie isi. re you, appr.'. iato you as I have done since. 1 was l fool to be won from ymi by a pretty faro, though that faee had set. the artists crazy. Ah. well, you do n it even care to lis ten t o me! " She had gathered up her gloves and parasol to deseeiel, but paused. "Laurel." he continue I, -in the oi l days you were never revengeful or iieliitle If ymi were both now, you might gloat over the misery of my married life. I am utterly wre'ehed. Let this jut d erei -repay you for my ba e dcsi'iti'iii. '! where are you?" railed a ipleiul-ms Voiee. A d' mpy figure in blue had iausei at the foot of t he rin ks, ami n pair of la- klustre li ne eyes now looUnlupat Iheui, tlp owipt apparently no! caring to avi-n-l, It was a blonde, faded, sieky f , fretful and careworn, though Mrs. Alvertoa had evidently once been very pretty. his hat to Laurel, liaron Ahertoii turned, went down 1 In; rocks and joined her A few sharp words folln.M'd, which Lann-1 overheard. ' '"' following winter develops a strange surprise at Nutwood, Miss Vale's h e. Her aunt. Mrs. I'ar- don An! Icy, the most well-meaning iT disagreeable persons, chose to engage herself in marriage to Mr. Abvl Al verton, thi! sourest of 1 aehelois and Haroti Alverton's uii ;le. Laurel was spee -lde-s Willi tlirprise. "Why do ymi marry him. Aunt I'ar-don?".-he a-ked at last. "Are you not happy le re?" "liee.nise h is rich," answered Mrs. Pardon, "and I want a home of uy own. I've no dotibl you mean well, Laurel, but I don't alwavs approve of your ways." Her niece was .silent, and the prepa rations for t he weddiugcouimcnceil. II Aunt Pardon did not approve of Lau rel, she had no hesitation in demand ing her attention, her carriage, her servants for this occasion. With great patience Miss Vale al lowed herself to be set on one side in her own house while the arrangements for her auut's marriage went mi. "So vexatious!" cried Aunt Pardon. "That disobliging Miss Trimmings ab solutely refuse.s to come out here and make my dresses, but says she w ill un dertake them if 1 will come to town for a few days. I suppose 1 must do it; and Mr. Crabtree proposed last night that we come to his place, a vt ry nice private boarding-house, quite exclusive, in fact." She stopped, beaming; but Laurel, who felt really too tired for any new exertion, hesitated to respond. "Wouldn't some one else do?" she asked at last. "Some less important person than Miss Tiimmings might be found to come here." "Xo, indeed! There's nob.nly so stylish and high-priced. Wv must go certainly we must. Laurel! Hut, by the way, Mr. Crabtree says Ids nephew your old beau, liaron Alverton -and bis wife are staying there now." "Where?" asked Laurel, bewildered. "At his boarding-house. 1'eoplo say that his marriage didn't turn out well," Mrs. Pardon rattled on. unheed ing her niece's silence, "for his wife acted like a crazy woman when he lost some of his money last ytar rated him so, it was really quite scandalous! Hid you see her on the beach last fall? Such a white-faced thing! They say she takes arsenic for her complexion. I don't call her pretty, though she was nil the rajre live or six years ago. I I believe she hut her health-too inueh lissipation. I've heard that she's aw fully jealous of her husband, though ho don't give her the least cause, and bears it like a Iamb." Laurel and her aunt were at Mr. t'rahtree's boarding- house -certainly a j ipiiet and luxurious retreat enough. Laurel had been loch enough to j come; but here she was, and Mrs. j Pardon, at least, was satisfied, for the mornings were endless rounds of shop-1 ping and the afternoons momentous periods of trying on new; dresses. As for her niece, her greatest appre hension was that she should encounter Huron Alverton; but a little dissimi larity in meal hours warded off this event until the veryjast night of her stay in town. She had been restless and could not sleep. At about 1 1 o'clock she thought she would go to her aunt's room, as that lady did not retire early, and get a certain book, which might divert her mind and . 1 1 1 i -1 her nerves. As she passed along the rich halls in her vel- vet -sin id feet, a do or was Hung open and a will-eyed maid rushed out. "( Hi," she cried, at sight of Laurel, "won't you coine in a minute? I'm afraid she is dyinn!" Amazed, Laurel stepped within the door. A little figure in blufl writhed upon the Moor, yet evidently Mrs. Al verton was partially unconscious. "Call her husband aduet.or- quick!" eck' iiucd Laurel. Wit Ii incredible strength, she lifted the helpless woman in her arms and laid her upon the bed. In t'o'iiovt moment of horror she aw tlia Mrs. Alverton had ceased to bre, it b. A- she turned to escape coming feet which she heard, she encountered Haroii Alverton. White and shocked, he gazed at the pallid face upon the pillows. "It has come as I feared," he eried, clinching his hand up m his harassed brow. "She is dead from an overdose of arsenic." And in a few moments all the house was startled by the sad truth. The 1st of March Mrs. Pardon Ard ley became Mrs. Abel Crabtree. It was a strange mockery of llowery symbols and lovers' vows to Laurel Vale. Indeed, so strange a shadow secincil upon all the world that she would clasp her bands over her eyes, sometimes, and ponder as if in a night mare that must break soon, or she would lose consciousness forever. F.vcr since that nut uuiii day by the rocking sea peace seemed to have de serted her. Outwardly she had long been cnim, but inwardly unrest now seared her brain and burned away her strength. All Summer she drooped alone at Nutwood, lu the Autumn her physi cian declared that she must go down by the sea. "(in down to the Dolphin House for 1 lew weeks with my family," Jr. Stone said. "Victor will bo there and w ill ta care of yon," referring sig nificantly to his sou, who had long openly adiuited Miss Vale. Hut she went only with her maid and diiba, though she found the doc tor's family congenial company. The sea received her kindly. It Mew its salt breath in her face, bright ened her beautiful eyes, quickened her strength. The hurried pulsations be gan lolieat more slowly and evenly. Hut there was a secret want. "Oh, for some one to love me! some one whom I could love!" she cried one day. dropping her face in her anus upon the ragged rocks. "I love you, Laurel, but it is too late fiir you to love me," syllabled a voice j at her side. She lifted her head. She and Karon Alverton looked into each other's eves. His sad gaze read all her strug gle. "Oh. tell me the truth!" he prayed. Perhaps the sea, sounding its grand thunder in her ears, helped her to rise above all pettiness. "I love you, Haroii," she said, sim ply; and both were happy. To (biiver Like an Aspen. The legend of the asj en is very old. It attributes the quivering of the aspen leai to its refusal to bow with all the other trees before the Lord as ho walked to Kedron in his grief. The story has been prettily told in verse: The trees fell hii niching; their lieinl- nil Imwutl Towiint Him in Hiiletnn devotion, Save (he ii-pi-n. Ihat stood up mi rIhIi-I and proud : It limit' neither murmur nor inelion. 'I lien the Holy One lilleil liis face nfii.; "Tho hsh'U shuli -hake Hud ipiiver From Iln limn Inrlli till I come Hgain, Whether cniwirj bv I rook or river." The live peers w ho are membeis of j the T.nghsh royalty Uiiuly never vote on political questions. Tuis must save t hem an immense amount of vexation. CHILIMtF.VS tl:,i. lliljtit I n lie Ii nest ninl 1 1 11-. I eves of eaeh I ue' llrnwii. Iilnek. sro . a. 1 ' Mm III nil thai yen - '. . All thai yuu iln t eyes in whirli in- ilicr I k 'liovu w ill) l - iii' ; Thai sparkle i h jm At things oi)il iite I hii.Ji'. I In never h thin;: You W1111I1I hiile I11 11 liir i;:hf imry MiiiIk, This strange and iiiteiestintr inci dent that follows is related by Hi.-hop Stanley, who says 1 ln-r.. no doubt of the truth in every p i t .ihr. Hishop Stanley says that a I'rctnh sursreou at Mtiyrna, iieing unat'l" to procure a ,nn s dose of poverty. I believe, and stork, on account of th - great venera- ' never squeal; but I will never .sl-epin tion entertained for their, by the a dugout until this mortal has put mi Turks, took some eggs secretly from a I immortality. I've slept in a log cabin stork's nest, and replaced them with ', with 110 roof over it whatever, in log hen's eg,'s. Alter awhil ' chickens .ring camps, where I could count the were hatched, greatly to the surprise principal stars in the linn; -nt, while of the storks. The main sb.rk dis.ip-; the theriiioim ter was below lortv de- peared suddenly, and was not si! -n for , two or three days, when he n turned with it large number of other storks, j zodiac at a height of feci above' r,i'is iie.-cribei as "habited like a These birds assemble I in a circle 1 high water mark, w it h the t 'nah llcep 'grave citizen - gold u'i rile, an I uloves around the nest, ami carefully exam j cayote slinking in the di-lauce, and hung thereon, rings on his lin ined the little chicks. The female . -inking atmn t iie weird style ol solo j j,,.rs. ;m, ;l -i-al ring on his thunib." stork was then brough: into the mid! ' that makes vmir heart sink: but I nev- ! of the circle, and nfler s ene discussion was attacked l.v the whole llock and I lorn to pieces. I'llMl' (.lllllF. Little I'aul went nut i ito Hi woods one day bird-u.-st ing. Ilediln't mean to rob the nest he only Wanted to know Where t hey were. ', liked t' find a prettily woven one with litth blue cgu's in it, and watch till the tiny birds burst the shell. Thev were such odd lookingl things, with their big mouths always open for worms. It was pleasant to see them from day to day, till their pin-feat her grew, and theybeia stout and strong and be - ga:i to sing a few note. liul be did not find quickly. He began to feel li!l hi.- dinner, lie could ;,o and visit the w Is some ene very and want nine now i -r mom- ing. Then he looke I about him could coin" h m:e at any hour of the Which path led 10 the Jarm ? lie sat j night and fall into his house, lint here down and thought about d. Theinori ' the wav was opened for a serious draw- 1 he thought, the more he w is pnzlcd. back. The architeel arc of the hmi-'e How should he ever gel hmie again": allowed tbevagra t mule and thehigh Slioiild he have lo stay all night in the I spirited Texas steer to fall into the woods, w iihoiit any lainlle but tin house also, and no one knew, when he stars? without any bed but the mossy J sal down to dine, whether it would be cushions? without any muring but j a stray pack jack r au ab-ent-minded the green branches? 1 grizzly that would fall through the roof Ho called aloud. h"pi-;g somebody j ' ' "'rk gravy or fill the slum might be felling trees there. Only j tiuli'oti with hair and gravel, o hers the echoes answered a id t!'e lit tle brook seemed to l.lllgil out ilt him. lie r inhered that mre old llrindl' had strayed away into th wood-lot. His lather was gone in s -arch of her for hours. He wished he might hear the tinkle of her bell now, a el see le 1 white bonis pushing the bushes aside. A I ttle bird Mew down and took 11 drink from the brook. Mie knew hei way through the thi k wo ids; but what was a little boy to do? lie fell as if he should st li ve if he didn't Iiml his way soon. He wished he bad brought one ot Ins 1110! her'? d mghnuts along with hiiu. Woile he was wondering what to do. he hear.. a familiar sound close by. II was :, little low song he had often heard .it hoiue. It seeniel to come from 1 bunch ol Mowers grow ing a.nong the lnoss -s. Were Mow ers ever known t 1 sing? Paul remembered that nobody in that region kept bees but his father. The bee knew the wav home. When he had filled hi- le ney-bags am! Mew i up out of the Mowers, almost brushing ' luction ol pepp rnnnt oil in that r.--Paul's cheek, it seemed as if he said. gion. There are about : n acres of "It's time to be going to the hive; fol. -l annually devoted to the pro luc- j low me. child." And he watehe I the (ion of this useful and essential oil in bee mount up into the air a little way- Wayne and adjoining counties, which He then made a bee-line for home, and s ,-nnsidero.l the liue-t quality grow 11 Paul followed. in the United Stat-s. The a-inn il 1 The loe was just Hying intothe hive. : production is i' pounds of oil. all yellow with pollen, when PauT-, It is planted very early in the spring, ' mother cried out. "Where have you 1 and the harvest begins in August. been, dear ? I was afraid you had run ; Alter cutting the mint it is allowed j liway to the village to see the rircus : to wither for eight or ten hours, and! oiue in." it is then raked and placed in cocks, "I was lost in the wood-lot." sa;u 'where it em b. left but a short time Paul: "I met one of our bcesd.wn before bcin,' taken to the still. The: there making honey. When he .mt still consists of wooden tubs, and j ready to mine home, he showe 1 me the Ihe w ilted mint is paekc I in the tubs J wav." " . 1 iiits. Piins. Although the making of puns j by no means :;s popular as it wa ten years ago, the following lines ar worthy of notice: Oh, tiofee! I tun n priiuil of thrf A. n mountain ot its fctnow. I nn. nn thee an. I I'eri that pride A Kiimnii knows; For no nosp know. Tho littil ilinp joy Wliieh mv nose known. There are over !HHtO pawn shop, in London. ' A 1 1 )(;( T ( )l: Tl 1 1' V 1ST Hill Nve Diei on -sos Upon 1. jo in M Dllfrnil. I Pceuli;irilies ami DiMilvailtitge of ! Hiiu- ! oili, ar, n Place of Eesiileneo. . There's no use talking, roughing it i in pleasant weather with good eoiupa- ; ny and as little civdizatioii as possible 1 is pleasant and healthful. Minuting j or fishing all day lu the mountains, j with plenty of blankets, a bonfire and 1 a briar pipe at night, after a .ige 1 chicken or trout, or elk supper, is not ; n ally roughing it after all, but a dug ' out is certainlv the abomination of i desolation. I can stand a gmwu pci- j gives, and have rolled mvself 111 pair of governintiit blankets and th ' in- .1.. 1,1 ii, i." . I,, 1 TI...I !,. is h iV (hat I never have evi.e.ien I Tl , adobe is not a verv bad house, whether adobe is not a verv bad house, whether i 1 il be tin' original Mexican adobeofsun- ! dried brick, or the con upt ion thereof, ' which is found further north. and which j is sod. These houses are built of the tough, s.itar.' block cut from a "iii-sy I Mat. and some of Hi em are goo I-looking nud comfortable, but the dugout is a hole in the ground with a dirt roof ! over it in which vmi liv. a prairie dog and e;et fresh air on ground lmg day, if the Indians will 1-t you. The rustic dugout, I am glad to see, is not holding Its place in our modern ar. hi- . tect tire, and looks now as though it j might some day disappear entirely. It j 1 had its good points and had its dsad- I vantages. In thoilnys w hen valley tan ' mared i. ami down the hmd seeking whom it might devour, the dugout w as j a boon to inanv. for the householder ! may like excitement at meals, but I do not. It certainly does not aid diges tion, and a 111 in w ho h is once picked a grizzly out of Ins cotiee does not wish to do so again. I'.ot the descried dugout is the most cheerless place I know. The drainage of a dugout is never good, and alter the inhabitants have g me and there is Ho one to get the Water out on bail, the home-like and cheerful air that should dwell there is gone. Heir readi"'. if you are disposed t ; drag on your steady nerve and regular pulse let measUyo.i . to spend the night in a deserted dugout in the bosom of the earth a hundrud inih s I rom feed or water. If von do N"1 ""I"' ,"'I'"IV r'"' ,n "'" ,l,ilt s"1"" 1 1""',, r ruilian will cine ;,lug and kill , V'"i. you must be, indeed, hard I. 1 j would rather craw l into the .sarcipha- f a total st .-anger than to sp,., j gus the night ill the deserted dugout of most intimate friend. ; A'v. M iiiiif.icltiro of I'ep ierni.'itt Oil, A eorresp hi I -nt w riting from Wayne C ui'i'y. New York, to the I lep:iiiiii"!i! 01' Agriculture at Wash I ingtmi gives a i a nut of the pro. by treading with the feet; when full ' -over Is fitted tightly over the top ., , me tun. aniline mini is tn,-n sie;,,e, , j by means of a pipe which connects I ; the lower part of the tub with a steam , boiler. Peppermint is sometimes i...i.uiar ..nii;. ,ii...i .....i . weeds allowed to grow among which N Mine,. 1, nm give 1.11- j im- i-""" ..ic-unoy p.i.u 00 pr. luceil in Wayne and adjoining in.iiii-( lies is r. line 1 at i.vons. . 1., ami sent out in butties made lor tin ! iiose. ilulv branded and I ib -licit ptir- The actual cost of producing and refining ! It is tropi 2 to$-t a pound. ' CMITIMiS F(l TIIK t llili L's. The rr-atest former were II. IN. Heller. . sh k'ht-of h md per. .lews, llah yer, cobs. I'hillippc. Iler- loan Adrian and lilitz. is ht.ile l that a field ten miles It vpinr will hold the population of 1 lie 1 anli, ;.ud that mie twenty miles MU.ile Would seat them all. j A French s ientist, having placd a number of hyacinths in glas- in a j circle around the pipe of a stone, lound : ; that the runts took an abno-t hoiion-, ' lal direction tow are the pipe as a cotu : in hi cent re of attraction. I The Indians ol ( bnaha have always : been aecii-loiued to work on land in j severalty; they do not posses (In itio! io:i of ownership in land. I'nder . the law of I-'.', however, every head ' I of a family was allotte I 1 acres,! ! and '.fit allotments have been ma le. 'I liumli rites were generally broad gold ring- worn mi the thumb by im ported personages. A character in the Lord Mavor's show in Loudon in I TheepoNc. drow ning if 7' '.' " " 1 "'""s " n" ' ' "" i ,-i,"s ""' "" 1 calls the Mood caused bv the breaking j w Inch i I t uie (likes m 11 111, itni in 1 swept away loiniml persons, or the, one b 'fore that in tin- sain- country ! from the same cause, in IIJI. when! oicr pi' in people peri-lied. He Paris tells us that the idiv -i- i;iu ' ' j of the present day continue- to; pre'iv to his prescriptions the letter j l. which i-i generally supposed to' j mean recipe, but which is in truth relic of the astrological symbol -lupiler, formerly used a- a species superstitious invocation. China is about one-thud l.irg 1 th in the I'nitcl Mat' and its teintories. and has eight time the ion of 1 this country say, in round numbers, i.xcr Ji H i.i 11 m 1,1 ii 11 1. Hecords there date back from beyond the time of the N i achian Mood, and piiti'ing was known, of a Chinese sort, J""'1 years ago. The Chinese wall Which encircles the 1 'I- pire mi the Tartar side is l.Vi't miles long, thirty leet high, and twen'y feet across the top. The life of a child wa- save I in a curious inanip r a' Louisville. Ii got a thimble lodge I in its thro. 1'. com. p!ete!y losing its windpipe. A doc tor had been sent for, but as it was evident the child would .-trang'e be. Ion Ins arrival, the toother thru 1 her linger into its throat, hoping to f.-rce the obst rii'-t ion into the stomach, w hen by great good luck, her linger became firmly incased in the thimble, aid it was thus di awn out. Il wa- not till this century 1 p.i that strangers in Franc" were placed by other than treaty law on an equali ty with native I '11 iiclimi n. and allow ed to receive be.piests and own real estate, lu s:!2 a -till further iui-pr-ivcnriit was made in their eondii ion by their being delivered from inq.i ; - .n incut for small debts. ChiliiUi Ind mis. The fa. -s of the Indian- by m w e were surrounded impressed me fa orablv. some lew were fair am '"st '" had Furopean Id i , the:. veins. I In-v were l-road-chesl lim - jy-built itieii, intelligent looking, wi'h well-forme 1 heads, and I could o .t but be st ruck by one feature t he ex 1 1 .(ordi nary brilliancy of their eyes, which gleamed like tire. They were all well mounted, the horse f..i the m.. si p;ut being adorned with silver bits a id or naments, the stirrups also in many cases being of silver. A piece of tim ber about J'1 feet liig i. with a man's face carved on it. was imbedded in the ground in the center of the circle of Indians, and 1 understood that it was their custom to sw ear by this. 'Thev believe in a god, creator of the imb verse; in inferior gods of go id and evil, war, etc.; in t he immortalii v of he soul; in polygamy, and in the pur chase system as applied to matrimony. They possess many good qualities; ,ire faithful, cotirageotis.and haveext raord inary memories. One of their charac teristics is inordinate laziness. I never saw them out of their huts until II o'clock in the morning, and then thev ,,, s.nmt,.r ,,.,,, aml ntrot(.i, t1(,m. s(,lv,,s ,,, gTitnml with the chin Sliplir,, . ,Mn.s. i this psi- till, thv tillu., u,hr for ,lllir.s. , , , . ,....,,, j place tin- big toe in the stirrup. Thev j eat horsellesh, mid prefer the Mesh of ,.,,.,. f(, )1:lt ,- N,.n- ...,.., ... n..,t .,i- ... 1, : , . . in ,i ill t,lilk thp ,1MPrn civilization ,.,,. 1(.ll0tU ,,ipir rhijjr,,n is now by i's accompaniments, fast des troying the parents, who aro fearfullv ad 'icteii to strong drink. Fortnight hi Hrrirw. Siiinehiiily. SniiietMil 's n i.iny into the worht, j .miii-ImhIx - li-avili It. wiiiiH-timly weeps; 1 s iini-li.,ity V Ii.ioiii- nn tale's ti-i-iiiit in wliiilel, I Sollielinilv plit t'liill " o .1- llll! lleei. Sntin-!iily, sMinewltelll. is lalllllll. In-llilll. I SmiieliMily sinili while snlie limly sih-. j Sunn timly. miiui'W here. N ll:tlVoi I III liliytll I I rnit el the Kl'iipu w h;le iilnelin ly ilies. s cIlhIv's heart i-. Iitir-itii willi joy, -iiilii ti ily'- slaivill. somewhere, ulono, iiiieliii.iy'- j.iaviuu for soiiielniily'i, liny nt I "1 miIVci t ali'l mal.elll lei liioail. Snii,e!i.,il ' Il ml i. lifle l on lil;;ll'.. heart i riven in twain; SiuieliM.I . soiiii-w here, hear- Mimetiotly er And I lie ihei llnw- -iiionllily aain. SotneliiKil ' itile i- -.llliu the wav es. SotiieMo ! ni- 11 more sorrow - will Know; Sonieliii i ll.iiue fortune'- I'n-kleiie lifaves Son. i-!i. 1. 1 '- Mini'- a- pun- a- tie -now , s 1I10 '- Iii-miI as lilaek a- the ni'ht. Sunn lio.l '- i-yc- are eloscil -'heath Itie .-oil; s el- i.I .- -out was too weak lo: the tiahl, A1.1I s.i il -.1111 .1 upwai'.l -tn I....T -Am- Yl. Sun. lllMOIttM N. Irawinj materials Forceps and ox-chains. The iiuestiou of t'ie hour- W' ti is it ? Water is musical, we presume, when the fountains play, After all. tiie beau pole is more use ful to this country than the North Pole. The fond fat her of a pretty daughter ha found that it is easier to miss ii train than to train a miss. j A wall in the southern part of China j is s.lid to be made cntiivlvof lish. P I ought to be easv one lo scale. i A title u-ve ir-o'.d girl, attending school at Huhltli. is .1 feet. 11 inches in height, she is a high school girl. "I'll!, out the gas!" yelled a bold, bad man. after the political orator ha I sj. iken lor three hours. An Knglish scientist says tha' hr ha-' lo ud a 1 animal with 11."""' eyes. An animal with 1 1. mm eyes ought not to get lo-l. ; It is not safe for a young lady 1 1 1111 l -rtakc silk culture. Think of pen- ' pie saving t h. 1' Miss 1 1 in kensinith ha J 1 worms. A crusty old bachelor says that Adam's wife was called Lve bi cause i when she appeared, man's day of hap- j pincss wasdraw ing to a close. There are aid to be It m brigands tp the I 'mted Mates to every otn1 in Italy j The l"n includes the summer hole , waiters and sleeping car porters. Aiiliqiiitv of Agriculture. Notwithstanding t he obscurity that surrounds the beginnings of ngricu'. lure in dilferent region-, it is s -tiled - n s a w riter in J'nniurs.-i, w M"iith i;,. that the dates vary exi ec lingly. 'ue ol tin' earliest examples of culti vated plants is drawn fnmi Fgypt, in t'n- shap" of a design representing lig 111 otic of the pyramids of Oi'ih. The date of tie- const r. let ion of the uionii- nt is uncerlain: ;utlnrs vary in a-signiug it to In mi fifteen bundled b lour thousand two hundred years be lore tie- Chr.sti.iu era. If we assign j: t" t wo t lioiisauu ye irs before Christ, we would have all antiquity of font thousand ye. rs for the fig. Now, tin p.N rami. I- 1 a i have been constructed only by a n . oeroiis people, organized and civilize I to a certain degree, win mils! 1 eiise.iient ly have had an estab lished agriculture, going bacV. several cent m ie-, at least, for its origin. In hiiia. twenty-seven hundred year-b.-loie Christ, the Fmperor Chenngun introduced a ceremony in w hich, every year, live species of useful plants were sown u rice, soja, wheat, and twi. I,in Is of millet. 'These plants mn-t have been cultivated for some length ot tune in so places to have att i;u" i d the attention of the emperor at thi 1 period. Agriculture seems, then, to have I na - ancient in China as T'gyp . The constant intercourse of tho lattet country witn Mesopotamia justices 1;; in presuming that cultivation was a' most contemporaneous in the region: of the and the Nile. Why may it 11 it have been quite as aneieir in India and the Indian Archipelago ' 'The history of the Hravidian and Ma laysi.lli people does not go back Vci far, and is very obscure; but there 1 no reason lor presuming that cnltiv ti particularly on the banks nf tl. rivers lid not begin among them ig time ago. very I - Alleged C ,re Tor llmiilieiiness. A ,,istil ,,, lish w,a ,. u r .,. . . . .......... ....... ....... drunkenness by the following prcscri; tion given him by an eminent physic i.-: U is also said to have been the 1 of saving hundreds of others from drunkard's grave: Sulphate of ii . twenty grains; magnesia, forty gr.r 'peppermint, forty-four drams; spir. of nut meg, four drams. 1ohc, u-, lea-spoon twice a day. w m v' in tri if .1 lii 4!

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