I 1 .'.3 wore votes thm Jarvis did four years 111 l'MST (ON V EXTION. Columbus II. S. Williamson, deiu. Our Washington Lctler. r"r..iu ".ur ltueuliir e.jrro3..uiliiul. i I iha llnnnfiium fMii,nrd in., m, i,. ..'.,.i,.,i Umw ti.. .!.. t n 1 t: Ctaveu , icii, V'1 ' "r. ' V . . . , um..womu. . CuiulM.rlHi.a-I. .V. Miu-cliisoii. C. i - ' - Cdl;, Majority. Smlu w, elected ; tllt, 5plist St!tt(. (V.nveutioi, was ; t,. :.U-i :Um1.uu1, dc'.ns.' Wasuinotos, 1). C. Nov. 15, '84. THURSDAY, NO YT.MI . Kit '20, 1 S t. ""' by . he decrease m the rquib.-ienii )vt lU leaViol, last w-el;, beinnm-j Cm iiu,ck Win If. Cowe!. dt-ui. I U(lli .;.. ullll lllt! t;im.Mau,, , ;;r-TO,-.-.-..-. ; Vl)t" l,y g'- "a'icaso in the Wednesday ami udj.mmiiw "! l.u-V K. 11. UiWa. rep. , Uashmeion will na8 m,t of i H. A. LONDON, Editor. : a,.,,,,,;-, alio vote. -Sunday nm-lib It was quite :i full1, Davidson 0. M. Dalla. S. . a.l. I of tll0 t.um,1(t Kt.pUhh, J ho ' TO FARMERS! WE HAVE IN' STOUiv AM) AHIUVIXO DAILY A FI LL LTNE OF A SO CONTEST lii h-i:i;.i'iiijr over the vote of (lie meeting :inl ct rtHihiy a very pleas-; pide jr y4 j;,,li0i Ison d thieves oil tin' llli of .il.i.vu next. 1 I do not know whether i'ie.-.idciit I . f A. nil : f. V. K H A '!BS B J Bij' jV -.. x iu u ii.i u c lj i u i r v 'v.i. V 3 .. C A N 1) .-S' 7. v 1 i-iiiiii ifs u' lionet' t Is t juo.'.i t Uk- io,t. olio. Inni. J. ( . ."I'll; no: otiii i).n.' i- -.lolm I Stiuitoid. dom , . i i i i- -, i Tliwv. will bi no roMost, ovr , , , I'tij.i.i (uuu l. .hhiu i,4. m in. , u.M,i,4llli s K-as oi C ivil hiuAin- Ju- , v,;i)0.m(1 flnC"'Hw..t o. tho ,$:, ludtnut; was ro-ele.-ied i-ivnoei.t. I he re-1 hJeeombe lhoq.o, n.nunieexitf.ne .uc.u-a to retam unv Cleveland a e.cction. . Mia mi. ,,v ,,,,, oi- t,o.,wts f lb., i-htnvhe w.-ie yrrv fa- ! Hobamy. r-is. I.....,-.!.!..,,.;.!.. i,....;U..-'..f ...wu,."! hi. iniumrs bavP eeoVVd f.ie i"-; ,. Noltil;.-a,-..nIH-.i:ro,id.4uf- vo.ublo mid ,-... auu;. :.. bow.-d ! Eo'-tt VV. H- Shoppard. deio. , Uou ,;,. ...n,.;,,, i tiu. epnri- i evi'ablo, and cpnV.ly a-quK-seed '".f,., l demoe-alk- ioss! Uai.ooiube ,Ull,h ,.,,wr. i everv department. ; , V l"'-'--J- j but 1 do know W.at u though-1 1... i-uii't The full o'lieial vole 01 ... . . , ., , . . ! . 1 u'-1- 'llf"' . 1 elc;iu .; 11 I) i.i I l.e inii' lul ol tin 111 ; , i , . S.- ... of -.-v :U"a ili,-VW,MM lllra''1 U'IU"- i"'K tl'-i've.Uion . (Vlston-.J. W. Keid. de.n. , !t bl,SMK ,0 the mt-! nil tl' piveiuel- 111 -lit- i e. alie iM.Mj.iii.ies. l.ul in Clay. (Ira- the trustee of Wake Crest (. .-:a-ge ; (ia.osli. day Vv i'.oio.i-i. oem. llluaM-tlm;, but wdl U- no less than York lms bi-r. da y canvassed, mid -t .......... i 1...., f .. .1 . 1 .1 : C.abam -X. M. E. SiaiiLihter. dotu. ! . 1 ,. ,. .1... i.,... .i theu-sull. h1.owh thai, llu- piiivaliiy , i;;... .,,, 0'yK.vnol liobuon) :..,d hallos K. Tavlor as the nu-si- (b-aiivii'-A. il. A. Wibiam.s ltob- j .udoio-lUpublicunH ho i.ided ho! ' ''' of ll.,W;t c:.v,lando'.ct.,-ovcr VV;lia th(. !riti,:, for Scm-s wore d.,lt of that i.JtUu.io.u uhich WiM ; ,,rl(, ,,,,, ,,,., l-tenaily u .he good work have a. il ! 1... l',.;ii. i.'.-.-id.- is l.C'l 1 ... ,, l.. . 1 .it - . .v. i'.i..n i. i;.r:i 1 expect. i ho lulij. lease ot - tl.ohy.e.tb.a.K is ..I av-H.haa lor .'aru.. lour year, a-o. ve ;., s.tli.,iaet,on to all ,ts . (i,u lord .. A. Turner. .1. A. I 'ii'' j tli7iiinl life that the Itepubhcaiis have: T f i T?7rT?W A-aii tlie cK-ct.as .f..i i.oi ii w J.,.,-,.!-..-. couuiy. thai ;;av ii'iriends. An assoeiati.m v.as or;;aii- ; vht.-v. !. :us. .. ,. : njined. lias made iheiu ubsohUely ' f ' f )-V V O I j V. I J . .1 il..,. . .,..1. . . .. 1 ...... ... i : .11 exaeiiy .ue tt.iue . n" -j-' lua,:,tv for .larvw, actuuhv iuiucd i;-..-d. with .vir. Scarb.roub pivi- ' -l; " s.s m ue .i.apensa.iuii .l jaiioii ti.-s vavv. liuiMin.;' f:oin l.l." ' il ..,,.1 .. ,,, -i t' ,r ,fl' j .... f.... n... ., ,l,'",!v - . . a-e. and ou u,ni:o i.. u:-t.).iii.li d tiid j . o .... 1 .. T- -.. ., ti.'ht . . ,..J. .'. 11 , f , Honett-d). Stewart. ieiu ji.ue ri ; Aw . :..iisoii an.: .!-.!eiu ; av- iavfj" a Jl.ipti.M orphan .inv.ujsi. ami .ir. .. Eid'C'iTON Oi' tOSr.TUSLKS. !y iiii-l '-;is .1 1 . piiii'.ica'.i is.t.jv.i.. i.'.-i. ii. .Mi-;s was eU'C.ed a.s ils iii;il.a;;er. Tli.s m'c!:!s iinaeei'iiil.i'i.v strange. Tut" v em ion mxl vear wiii i'e 'I v' e'-n.-idcr tile I'rii't il held lit tb-ldsv l;le. We ln.pc tlmt ihr !.l J'. mv Wli., p,.r.-i-i'c.a! e!l' n . of will ehiii.e lb'-tin !ir c'eetsi.ft Hi. 1 In - lit'isK).'! a! !. pai 'y '. h.'.i 'lit- Wct-.-iti ' i j.c l.t-Ubla. ilV. t'liiship eolis able-' tbl'oil;'hout the o:t': ';uo:i.'n. raiiioad wa.s 1 on- The I'n! ovhi i--11 !i-'t of 'he re- Slute. lustoail o! their eieeiiou 1v s lVll ,,!,;,,, ,:i,!,,:s ux,- ncu inif belli at th'e lime of th-v a! j,,. ,..lt( ,.t IS v-, ,.,,. . Wt. ait. ow elect ion, it o.ivjiu .0 ne . 1 r.; . ; :it i'...;r, ;.-i !mu.; 111 l.,c p c.ii.i..! tion, held by itM-if. is.- wa.s d.-.u- be .,,..( ..:,!.p,. portae.s of il.cS;a!e. t! fore 1 10 war. As it ! !:o.v. too b c- ,. 4-t i.u ie our po'iucii; bartii i -.'lit 1 .ir,ei.ur-iy iiieo;tipeo-(ii io il..'i;,r,eo lllf .llim-:. III ItU' l'0;.tloiiA lo r.l. il iU)a in ii-irn : Till I N ' ! K. if n;-'.;,-t riui:f m-l.-. ('aind.-i qapittly more iinpo.lio:? e.ct'i ieiii 'if -i, . ,, uu' y vo.i or i si. The' w-r ; . .. ( ; ; p ,.j f, (;.,!,.--. t 1. .. Clnhiiiei ed 1 V the s,.,.i!i, nles ol i,ui , n; ( ija c, ,;utt i:i i ':.. a'.e 1 ine an t j' 1 .ium.i:ri ; .(.line, ':;. L eiihites for th? .Hue .tf oiPdv... ;, .ar-er .l.i;., a' :e vote tbail ait.l W m. i'ie.i. .h n li : .. t..n:i.m . ... i i. . -!1 I: l.I - t i (e.u .t ..' bee 'liir liloie e.Xi lle I ai-out tlier. l.iXil-l. "Ai t. 1:1. 1 1 -I' .i le M I If 1 I '.M , , ton. .M.'.iti'l. I ' lie. .1 L'l'i i l!:a. -ni:: -o jji.e'- . . ; w 1..,,, ti.m ot a eonsiame ;e:ui 01 an. u.i tbo .-la.'i. . ind t V r-c i.t -iCc: .0 lit. aMl t.lO .,..,,, ,.,1 ., o - I - We h. ;ev.i,h i::o.:.,,i tie vole . nor or ev. n a 1 re niin-Ii 'swiipiefi;,' i none i In rents i.f ..ei; as;.ir:i:it. M.-for" 1 1 : , war. inni on; i- li.vei.-.-r.i.'.ioh iim-'s. the .1,-eiaie.i ill,;! the const abvs r-houhl bo ( it-e. i-d "w it bin thii i ' !.'- . he.'ore the cevtri of p'.ea.. mel .p.iai 0 r- v sessions Mfie; i:;e 1. !.! Mou-l:..y in Vi . nilier." !ii. h lead'-. lie e .- i . usually oee.ir early in -l.i'iiiary te . tinnk tin- h'-st dim4 now wooi.l I-- tlie tbst Tiiur-.Iay of Aiixii-i in e. r. l:oif" v-'ii', 1h.1t is. ill ('(!;.-y.-.-i in -v which ihcie v.a no p-itn-ia. e.e.-tien. Il this ebano-e tl'.e petty ipiairols . tieiiofh: : in Lids, and iiie -i 1 :i; ie . oi fum-tab.i e.-ii'-odates. eo'.i.il not am el die elect io:t ' moi e '.ni oi u.ni oiii ccrs. ii.les. a-, limi'.tiol.i J ;..'o,i l-'.-e'. i-. "NTUX .t ' .. : 'I' ....tii.'iiiy i. i-t i'. il. -si ; . 1 1 li !!;. deim v. :ils. ::-d ii.-lnei .-No:!i.i.!upl..u aiid lleiiioi 'ii.ol.l.:.. V. -e . d I.!. liu !'l--lie;--;l....U.X: ). -M Mil'- v..a.,.lep:. No. thaiiioLou -.). Ij. ''..Iwarils. il ,ij il i i . I . e i I .- . ii. i . 1 .1. V. I .'I' it! 'A'. K. Wil .nun-. .7 W, Now tlia: Cievi-lrllid's fts-jurcd .he l ti-!t ami s n!ii.-.'-see';i'i ha- i'-- V:. 'ee: ! ::m:b:e ..f .',lli!i'i.'l- peiitmn-i ale oci;:;-eoemaieil oi.' MltUVi'S il; iiiiv eoiil ii. mi y by him-jf-y ie M-.n-a'..;. 1 ei y otliee itas, m' will have, ii'iiie n'i! ajipiic'ii: for tif-iy Aireii.-n ci;i.. ;i thii.i;-. be has an inalienable bi;th cilit to so;::" o'.iec. W.ilie lie.-.-.,-' jiilitions ;ee h. iii' c:i! lied a.o;ii. l -, would U!' "IV 1'ead is to he i-olir-eie.:! ions ;.li. mi is i yi riii:,' them, it is i'setpienliy us- I); A .an:.' nee iiii I'JTi lii..' Ii") 11-:! 1717 !7!:. i-.iiC ItM i:.i..o tls-N 17-2 1 ;d I is-:i iiahn I :7 s j ';,. p;j,; ,.-, 1 " i-1 1 1 : o.vi -k 7o . :m '.cjl i.: ?Vm. -..aibo 1 .K " i'.-ii; -j.-;., Ii'll i.ii io '-.iVt : M. i . '.i.e. ' ' ill irrus I I, ',o.i7 I .ei i ,i! Uve.i i!i"l ti'.i ". I 4:;u v'.ii'l.b-'l '."ii ."...! til" ( '-it i.-i ei : . ; 7 1 . .i 7i! ' -i e.l i il ,'tl i .",.".i Iil'i:! i "a a v.! iii .'.I'.i 1', ' (i,"0 ' n..il.aiii '-I:.'.' is- s I,:;; Checkec 7!- i:p ;,l ClloWai! liUl! '-1-1 i .; ; iay --1 :!f i-ir, '.e e'aiid t.;.!; oil uo:i (ili I ..:.l:,.!..is lo" I ' d v'l'.iveil il-.'o i.-pi I ' !- J."i;.."i ( ii.i.!..-. laiei -oVU ub:i: -j;:-- .'!.-... I no I 'i .ii let V.Y-.'i:. Na-n mill : i il. 1 i. ...:.! alid .lodr.i.l re,.;..le:..,. .s,h Hi.-.lriet t ;a.!i: iicores il. Whi .-. l.-p. ;i;;, )..; .ici -b:',e-. O.idow at. 1 fa; i.-lel : IV. I . i : : ':. ! : J'.i; i. i.-t.'iei -I i.oi oi a.:. I Vv iivn . K. ,J. it!'! -md d. 1'. .v me iy. i' -'is- lit!, ih-ll ;--l i i: . eiiea. d l.elion : I'. M icmnlii e. d. :u. i.!'i I 'i-.il.it Nc flaiener aiei P, l; 1. r; W. 11 .'i,a I'o miii. I ..'p. i. lilt l: ii ic, -I'n .0.-- lek aiei ilia dm: S-.r.i!.. no i i I h 1 '..iii n t -- Nam ji.'-oii : 1'.. T. 110. vkiii, .h :,:. 1'.. 1 1 li! l ic-t I 'o'l'mim -iO'.l lb he ! I'liiiiii, .v. d ii. I'. b. tti-i lelis ti I '; I ; Ic i ' i -1 1 . i ' a 1 1 I a:;d !lari:ei: : . '. i I o . ,:e,:i. :7 h I -ii let- .luiiiiston : Ashit v Ho;-!,,, dmi. Is; li i );'.: iei V,'.;ke ; loii.i ;a! 111. . ilem. i'.'iii I.siriet Wai i eii; !. 11. Mont- ;,'onn rv. i ei ion know in iloiail llie :i ijiiinmahie liayvood - A. I. I iiiwionl. .Idii i Hejiolism t nat 1ms eliaiae- I!. (ehisoii - . rep. :ii.i)etl I lie career ot tin: part V l.olh lie, II..!. I -1!. VV. W..iborne, dem. : ,iU, ,,, Kmni-lioU. ine . iMi'itiV III l!;..ie -I . U. Wat sou. der.l. Ml.e las! tell i .us. And Wlmi Is lii-deli -A leuMil- be.i.el. fohll 1. ; j . ,.. 1 1 ; n I li.i.selileUi.ls abe.n n is ' b lemii. items. i..,lp.4'uie fact tliai tne m-ii' rant r ,l.i. ksoii li. II. lire." n. dem. , f b,ir,.aeies an: uiieiir aid ,..;.ns:o:i .i.uiii-i. ti. on, .lo ua'i '. I'erry. .h ms. .lo.les r. M. leiu .-l... lem. I i i, v !..if lu en um.i.'ih d Fred D l.eii ur -'esse . tiialne;!.,-. dem. ' j. w Pieu r . I 1... ds. ail ullico b'.eeo'.u -. ,. C-o i.,o. deiu. woll U Koine M.UIM per uiiiitim. iitis Macon --.iaines (V lioi.iii-.ou. dem. . ,,,, ;t,.,s ,,u jivl. , f j,m .S. i:i-,milii..U Ma Ii-. ei i. C. I'Mich inl. n-p. . ili.one" iii.ti'-.i-u-d i-pon tlie lb vein- .Ma ilii i ol.lllC-jol,. llelil. . ,. d.il'elt 1,1 tiep.-lil, ueu!.,, to Mel)oeii - ' !i .1 11. 'd 'o deli. tb'ill ' v Holliiii oi an ai... oi .nsU-i-s l.l,d '.i. el.,, idil' ii 1'- Wai.io. . I", !,,., ai.d 11.- .1 el.li.il. ;:. 11 in i". .'r.in... il I ' S;.e-e. dell-.. 1 j.i-,. draw I.: ' not asslhaii liilV I '. I lit rep. i ii.e.:.-. md u e.ir ii tit- p; . pit .s - ' ' -. reji. iiea-iilv. Ami I here is En lie;;, tin Mo . ib : ;e Wilc.x. ilem. A-.-i-!a',,l Sc.-n-t-iry "i i,:,- i,. .isaiy. N.i -li )'. il llxam. dem. wlio.x: lamiis i.. mi h.;.,-i II...I t.':e v- I : I 1 !....!.. .Ne.v It.l.iovc: i . I . l-'Ci.e;.. i, t.i,n. n.j.ii-iit is ou,l,e. i . .,ui !Oi.te .tiiuei li.:.;; line .'..i-',i tai- lor tliCi.' hUj poil. i ia , , e: t l.u . ol .iiii", .'ill' I'l eiiue li'.i'i :-'.:l. .1 ill ii Hi iill.ileii-.,- Wi ai: n. loo. ha- a - on. a i,-. pi ; v. , ... alul I tion t l-.ian'. h '".v o.Oi oltn i I'latieei-. ,!,a... in.e sain i. . ii .-li i...1 iio t I iimt-iit. all. I eVi-i. ilio I n -ide:.t o'sjy 4 CO. VVT) X V (km SlaiCrJa!. m I-ATifrFST rTGCK In tbo c;tate! Miteiit-.i .'.I iii.eoie.ei CWeEl t'Utthiv mk Stove. ClIKAl'EST ilKCAl'SK IT IS THE P. EST!! (I,.- 11. ! .. IXili'.'. .1. III. 0..-.ne-e an i I J: : i'l iii'n v l-a'.-ies W. .el! -.hi. I ... o i! il el-li. ih in.-. 1 11 : Ii ii-. d . ii . il i!. "uari ill. dem. I i.-iia- .tul.li i ' :.-iil v ale. , i p. i.aial. i'-:ii. . lep. P n.h i i. 1 1'el a i m:m fe, , .-.!. A l.o- I'l.! -ti. V. '.tlileis. K. ii. Mi'.y-V dee.-. i'o k - -. rep. ! -., !o: I, -- ii. . Steed. I. T a'.:: l-i.i inane al.o'ic.-: r :i 1 up. In. urn in I -loiill U . Mieeil. ilem. (',,.. !l. O.e, .'.J Mcli.ie. Jill. i.i, I .M. ili.ialt.d mi- Dei n mi imllilereiii le ilc- j .is iiii'.i'l. - ot 1 1. d lie si-a;..i..i ..- to i :i... l-ii l.is o.in i. !,.r .villi tie- pi:-. o. 'Il of l'.i ,:ia-ter il!ii thepii o' . i.::ijoi at i iii.no ! I do li t lehit !...,! e shan f.a-.e .-ne, . i" l . : . .- ,i:.-(,-,,u,.,,iii i.,i--ii.e .-. mil it r l '.. ci-ii.d. ' it' I !!.: i'iili il lends :: e K til e...e!t.e to pUt ! I.t ll'l,;i! :,l fill' 111 ! fi ii'ei!. iliiin ! p it e i i.i- M a ior to-s.-i.iu 1 1 eo ml i. Hi and t hi .-am" ll,.,i.i Wri'tTM WILL -ktr. .... i-"..i4 ' il. ...... le'ckliieiiam -las. J ). lia eii. .lolm ' a ,, jimm!.;,. s aec. i.ied ,i ,',. M. (iiilioway. d. ;na. , pattue pi ;. --ion. .' I :o lo ltd- i n.i K e.van-- I,. s. verma;:. deiu. i lilS i, ...M-d i i r one or ti.e e!i.. : Uul'i -il-l -l.-lm il. !la;rid. tl.-m. "i.s . I t-s-s s. v i d linn Samp-oit -I . S. Kobi.i-oii. .i. n it '.i-i ! h - l i.-. i i .:e i ,v ; i -, ii n s em - A. i'leaman. - . i : - - i.ow iheso e.ided "leoiai doeiois Sianl.-y i' N. f .hin. ' ,.,-.,. s.i.-e.il.d !ii : t !'; . .;. it up b - dies - -l. V. I iii.dps. dem. ',,n. j( ,t t ,r. .:-.n b.c I., u-e.-. .-.!. ".i.iv - I'l'im. it'p. of whieli wis ii vary . ii: thi!.;: for 'iwi.-.u - - lie.;..-, .i--in. Me .ii to tin i ly way ..f u i-i iiatn.o Tial...-i.V..I.i.i -I ll i.ammey.dciil. ('o.:.;res; all I Ine c-.-IHiTIf ivo ii tin: lyiivd- -l! r ioti. d.--i. ;-. si :i! iiiijii.i 'mice atul pi omineiic t- t ii.iai---1 i. si. .toe;..-, .i m. of me 1 i . i.-.e -. i . . t Lie lii.ni li, lis ak . iia-.-.es .M. iiii-oec. Jol.n ,:,..,,.;. .... ..n,. ,. ,. i.. a six th.v Il of ! . A:.t li. I Ie". i.el l 1'.. ... ills..;. aller j ia- i ... i-oei-.u m i:i . 1 1 ; I fi!. l. let -.( , a;:e. . IV: -..!. ai 1 I j p;.; . 'a-'Ae.!: .i.tnn ilo.mau a'n! .. O. !" . i",'-' ' ': 'bain. dea.-. a-t I H-l: :et -iiial tlile ; li. C. . Ha..- C.'u-. be!"; Serteil that t-veiy man uiii siii any petition i!eseii,ed I,, i.iat. and there isiooniuch trui.i mi iin a--eit!,in. : , .-n.h m l ew ineli nive the I'.ifi; coiilae-e io ;iAJl; ,A i'1't .Ise ; o -i;pi a ii ieii-i's pel ;( i. .a. al (ltn - t:io,.,'h li.t-y know tin- .eiitiiima- m 'Jb'ativi'de mil., for llicotdee soileh; iiyhilil. '. ' !''','. j We hope that the , l.-iHecrat ie party j.a wi,', now he inn- to ,t.s it peated pro- lfa:ila fessiiiii.-, 1'nr fit il -ei s i.-e rt ! t in. Not Harnett r lav wood 1 a'.'.iam and A'a OIliJ - J. 111. -loll it the i-a-f.-ils " bid put jmy"' teiiV htiiie-r men ill. Di' eoiirse ttt- ,. .... lb s t !ol favor di.-ini.-.-iiiy republican oilicc- hohll'l'S lied lillllillL,' llemoelliis in Lie. '.'!! .tit-ir i aec-. iiu; we in.-ist that nr iy in.iic.it all 1 ciu-.'.li.e ihnioerals be placed in o;,iee. 'i- shoii.d riei.iiy ,.'1'..!j1. apply to eve, t applicant the old Jef- r,;. (,.,.,, fei .-.iiuuil lesi iie hom st .' is he Al len capable" Jin t it l.commeiid any bi h- ia man for nn o'l. si.iipiv b. cause ht; ,, . li D.iwi-d is a never so, i of e(Hll, t-.r-notlun-r yi. t.kie.llai. fellow. J.)o not ix-eon.na.iiil ;ti:y ni.iii IditctiKl for an oliice who lias I oi been ablo Montgomery to proper.y iiiai, ae hi i o n juif.iie ;.'"'j'L' tllTairs. J o not b: ii Kid lV, 'did i liuv lei.H 11 1 -JSV.' 1 i7t v' i;.-.i:.:.. d. ;ii. i", i l ..: i'-ilni i i n !7'J:-: :;;: "'.: :t";!,; iaai.ee: -b L Scti.d. m. I7d."i 17;itl 'Jbd !n77 - td tistriet-- li..eK,nei:aiu : .lohn -'US I'm- il.:.' P!,7 s --'hi .-I'm. lel.i. i:m7 lj'-i' !i:U -! t ii ! i ti .ei --( iur.lo; .'.,!. I. ixmo;. in.: ' oi- I . i 7 m ... , , I'i.. i '4-1 'io'.i. ,).,.,. Ib-tllet-- ii-m.nepli.'lia! .'.lo,.;e: ; ; t p,.p; , , , j . M S. tbiliiii -. ue.n. --71 -js 'i!'1! ''')", -''in l'i-l:ni i.i-hmoud and Mont - '-17 (I. olli'- ll;"hh) m-neiy: V. I. I A . i Hi. .iein. 177" 1,''ti ''! i i -7il: Distiici An.-on and I nioti : '.'.,, 'Til h "; A. la sk. dem. 7..e j.ji , il i 7; t --l ii l isine; 'abat i us a;id Sian- I'i'i is!., 7., ley: 1'a'i b. e.'.ll-. . i'tii. '.'.V.i ll.'i.' 1 :;AA - Meck.enbttr-; s. il. 7. M- 117 A'iexa'i.!-. t. o.-m '-.IP! 1'lu;. yl7; 17os i't'1 I hst 1 :ci K .win; ami Davie : l'.."t,i -Jl." 7!'; ,!!.-, .b.W. Wisi'mnii. dent. 2MI! l7o7 1- r. :'''sl i'1'"11'1 1 .tt idsoil ; l C. ."i7."i 7;-i. 7 b: 7-,.-, Tin .1,1.1-. r. p. lo-:;-. pi7 ii;j 1 , o-nd I'liri.-t Si...e- and Tor- '.O'J Til., ll'lf. ':,., syth : .1. C. i ll ton. th in. -7;S'' 'Uu 70s .pi.; d'dol I ).s 1 ..-I So, i and Yadkin : ;;I7 losi las7 i A- Eraii!,:u.. u p. i:st io-; )-u J ..-. .ci-lr.-d.-il. WT-k.-K :.i,d 77; .-,7,- t;:iiS A . x,.u. !er : I'r. il. i". iia.kett and.). I- . ) 'uisotl. tle'lls. ."-.it.ltl. de W ii imd Vance ii. C. Ward. II. 15. j-.a!. !i. lep-.. :i-.tiii:.;l..u - Ibu rlsoii. rep. W alir.ia - I'l. !'". l.o'. il.. dem. :.,.e -Crank A. Ate ., k. lrtiW. ii.ti cit. tit ms. nlo s I. 15. Henderson, rep. t ii-ou- - John 11. Vtooda.d. deiu. Vudroli . lep. i .li.et-v--J i. V.'iii.ti. ;,oii., deiu. A o(al of 'X, dem .mats ami i V,ri:,,i 1.1 ;.. lie lO'i'-io lean . 0 Pe..M.. C.IVM IT AND YiC Ni'Yi'.i; li'. STOVES Vol Ni AT il V. iV C'.). .STATION'. i;i::i!:.Miifii ocu s l auan n.i. . .-.atiscactiox oh xo nalei mm. i: AH D WARE CO., S Kfinlii'i' IS. is-sl. if. (iiu;i:NHnoiio', N. C. Xi;w miKi m:v goods E. R. 'icLEAN & CO. SM.Ei: ST.V MON. C. F. ,v Y. V. 15. It., !;-' to I'." p tbm- . i!. - b-t sehett .l slocks of (IKNKHAL MEIt- (' '. S I ) !'. i vit I.;-. .11-ii' to ii.i;- .ictititi, and are now .selling at the very lowest I -rice.. iln' CiJoods, Groceries, ,e,; ;!T:r;s::.;v:;:,:!:;id;;,!,ii,;;! boot,: m m:i hats a:id caps, nations. apiNG U ume tM, ::.l be el.c I they spent 1 1 A !5 1 V A 15 E, CIS Cl Eli Y, 'MNWAIiE, DIlL'tiS. C, U:;:;:.:'-:.:!:':':,;,';,t; :'"'!,:::', Vr- of EA K15Y nMSt ltJPTlOX. iiooi ali -iltll'l-.iao.i of'-ie .'. 1 ...It. lend- n'.ss men to ia.se mom-y euooeh i ii p.mla'e any iiid. b!. lia. ,-s tvioch " ; ,!.:.! iieell ili-.'.ll f. d in tin e.lhv isi. "'l i'ii.-V mellow 111 deb! one haiidred ' , . i . 'i an. I :hi: ty I m 'U-e.iid dooa, s. 'idle aiiinl.t' ii poll of the ( '..nrnis siotit r of l't :i..ii.t..i for tiie iiicai vear ; t II d.-d -i 1 1 i.e !' '. si.ovi s ! ',..-.,' ! he. e v, e, c !i the close of the y.:f ,iLJ.7.iii pen- '. We have no w. We lac. toe,; on hand, hn ovt r liom Inst season; evervtliitlfl' il .a-.ee e i. - . m ii, ai d t . . S -1 . . 1 lo sell everything at the lowmt i.i f l.-.t t.-r i.i'.i u in xehamre f.-r ootids. a.;. !. i- , i-e., i". ...a..-i. on the market, i. u. The Cutei ;i. r's .liausioii. I ri.iii :li- liuii't).li N. iv 1.1,1 01 mtht. One ol lli.'mo t imposii.e !nii!.lir.,..s s:oners. in- nveraee alimtal value ' i;i tie- mty v. lii ie ti.e new miiisi.ni. each ensi hi at the cs f the tut I lofirc'ss Hi v.oii. in 11,0 iilU-ud.V ho' je.ir vwis ;r..li.7.". and 'he lie;.; re;. -it KieH as 1. 1 j;ive a m -i ..i.-;i ol its fail mmmi; tame of all elision ; wa, S ! 1.- . piopol ll.ilis. llie Oamlnie; Was Ves fdo.Ooo. a,i u.e, ease o. t-r ! lie p, cViolls I. .day looked ul by a icoitcr. 'l He ''!"' - lb '- li.sion, by the iaie.M,- M. an, is a An ii'u.-tra.itin of (Ik-wav in which l,.a, ilii.il en... ami lioiueveiv j.oii.i ,-, t o v. n ,:..i v I ie com de ;y bolt '.lout ol View llie liu.l.l.!.;; I- s:-.t -l. et. , v t.. )V u ,.,;,.'.,. ,;, i. u ,,; (i.,.,;,-. Mty iiiceve. 'liiel.;;in .leiiihiiilaiiiiinit-. ,IU :s shown in tiie fate ai.d tin- hlieiai use oi ii.-. -i.e!. lao.ti. uil;,., i.,s ,,,ei;akeii iii-'oou. (ia.. sa:..i-iom- as a n.i.immp -ive., an xvlut-li a i-w ye-.rs a'o was at the vl .-d .:aee lot:,, in,:!. lino. i'i.. d.ei.d oi n.it i,;'t! i'-u .m t he Savauiiah m.m. i.m- slabs ol eiai.it- list-1 in I i.t . K; It j,a I i'nuiy .loiesami del a . l "!-'.;.. etc.. .tie ."tuiae. 'llie iioi.i i-'lli:-;.' b.l S.i.t mere in. in. -cKs ot s.tint.-i...e a: lut J . t i im ni:iiw AMii-m imotiiers. CUtihiem ami Tailors T-.i .;; i ,.t ; ' 1 u. i'i pr .elaimino; In the public that their viyiui STOCK p.! i "-' "-' , . . . , , oi.-fi-- oi s.t.ia.-i..i.e a..- u.t riin ,,, :t , ; ... i,, ..o ( i o mal li lh toe Ml -iill Slil! il'.1.", 1 .'' , , ol liu -stone is lie:, i n l he extreme. ' 1 . J 1 l.r.ii li.'; ijji, . . ... ' n. t. -ivi in- J.ilici. ai. it ine si. m or ...-".proaenu, ..,! N w I:U1(,Vi1. j .;.,T;( S. il,,.u and W. II. ii-.w ill lei s sav iiiai li ist iisnv nainlieo Wili.iin.,1. ii S'ar: let t. c from oiirp.uiy uy lecom. .n. iui.-, .j-,,,,!,... .S.,. , ..j.t,,,, j men whose private enai aciei s in e it Oiismv. Uii smirched. Let us do ere, Id t.. " Ol ail;-- i' i'l h J is! i let Ca: awba and l.in ile.l '.etalli.- II.- line c: lbcli. uie Ih uns .v ick eotmt v. dale.'. Noveiulic; lite, i ei.- .i t s ! m bv I'o '.' of ail Iens rcuCis, Beys' 5 Children's Ch;!i::;E, Gc::!,' Imim asi Hats l-il.S!, i'emlel- inir piii ty and it ;!. el honor on our yovi rninent by having ail the ntHces p,.,-,;!;.,.,., tiiinl wit'a liom .-t, ec.i aoie, sober ami iYrson 111 oral men. liv o lining the ikmo- i'i". t t 1 cratic jirti'ly will indeed provtt itself 1 " " . to hi: the pa;tvof reform, and hisiifv ,,!l!"!"'0. ii i I.'inti ..ph the coiimlenee p.aeeu in a ny iho i ; I independent voters of the eoomiy. li. meson i. .f Mr. ii. M .M. Kei:h:,,i. -lole llo.ise. '. ;!,er with u IS i'l ) I i'l. M 1 E AN!) lil'.ADY J"()!J IXSi'ECITOX, ait.l we do !: t exa:;;'e: ::e in situe lliaj tliis s":isoii our stock is tlie most ipe-te. the mo.-. I i oil m: dm . t he line t di.iabie, the best inudo, the n.ntf.t IIWT 1.- I .- 'Cl.ill: ,1. i; .'l 1.1 I In. , em. ... ' .'. 1 . . . ' '' llllllilllli. j".,.i .i.,,. i.m i . . , . t. iiaiuaiii. ..loon a... .vn.-o'i saii.iMone , , n.v. ..: ii!?- it -r : ,KII,tr,;'i ih.. ,:v t,r ti.is s -a. stone ii.., ,i;s, ;,V;":' .-.-! ?(!;.. :.i-. t i lai.tl ; ( i.-ol::.' I'. Ha .0:1. d. i.i. ..... . cot hi. ;se a. i.i .-tables. t'os Pit"' l-i-1 ii!p! :;'!' i'i-tncl bii'.iie.".. id and , ... ,',,., 1,.,. ,,,.,. ,' vvt.. j.,'.,, '." '"' '" 'r Ul!'',,:iv- ' '"' u..,!, !, ti--n ibie l-r the inont . to lie found anvwhere in this "01 11- 01 in .,, !'..' : 1 II Iimiiv ocm , U" is s 1:0 lo have l.een i '.e .v.,rii t't ..... . r.!.. - ., . 1 i.i '.in' Oil. Ml int.. o "' i- " i winy. t. 1.1. im.,e,i d on tin: n.,.i..-.on is mi. . . s. . .ion 101 i'hi.s 1101 !!'.; pj,s b'liu l'.-ti.et--liuncombenii IMad- , UiV A,.yt ., t!l,. "V- ' A -i'"'i mi': (,.,. j,,,,,.,. .Ii:,.,i.s fill ,... n. H r course, and it in a matter of l.' i i opiC. '2h ,!- A. tiuder. dem. so. 1 v. L i . I. ,,dii, ' 1-. ii.itv mid mas- " '".'V ' ."i1 ' '"' ,' "" '""""I'1' p. id.' to us I hat tb' se !',.:. a buvers lo'-' our host nd vei l isers. for Ibey know 4 l.-t i'l.-trict -llaywoo,!. Mender , ..,, .,,.. .'iniem.-on, was uiown. .1 1:1-1 nipn .. j,,.,-, ,' ih,.v ti -. : i.uvi I their mends and stnuirer8 com- ite; (,, ,,ur i II A N 1 '-I ' 1 ON lo sin h a lii 111 11s ours. J:l7ll 1S.-U - 3 l.s.'S '''.11. ,., :1V1, ,,, ,,...,. ''..oi.,,, ."' -.eai-ie, ,i .. V.IV d.sl.: . .t'ldiv. eil) 4Ue -14C. 1.-1 1 i s! ;!.M, 71s' ,,,, s..n and Iran-y.vai.ia; . L l.,U. ,,, u 1.,,.,u, im.o(l,iax a ,U a" 'V'"' . 7li IK!4 - 1 ISdS '' to take anav ,.n ebn of iieav.m ss. ":'!'' ' U:'iX"''1 II. 17:!'.' .''.-,- l(;7.-, lb.-t..ct-JaeUon. Swam. , jlk v;,,k w w.,.v i l. '" ''' " ", "1 VJiil." Hit! Cl.l I '.t ll'l ' ""''". Uudielford Wo j.ubiisii below tho oltieial vote Samp.-uu of every county, ev. 1 i.t ihu-e, yiv.-n .in-dy at the recent Cieciioii for the e ui,(Jl-. 'kM inry 'j.") i I'X'A :'..t'il P.i i1' 'lacoli. ' lieloli"e. ,,'iy aim vuaiiam il'ii'liliie illlll "dCl "li:! I "".'."7 lallll'S V.oolH'1, .lent. o- '.vp.n 1 m.ro.Uji . l m t tit ire w. ii Lmi.n about '.' oe'.,,ck. iloli wis -.i!ii;' r at !,i-r wharf in lu. I between ih learner at d (tat alone-side jm,, the hip is it lioiaine i.'.iiiiie. 'flie roof ', ivei. The in 'lit v as vei v thtri;. ami lilt IS it! .'" t.l'.-'li.i 110 M) 7o liUii Jld'i I'd 1 1 isl '.'iiii i.pj:) pi'7 , ; . ... .Ulliy : Mill ,1,).' Ie ' I ii.i natoiim ea.i.tma.es. rt0 aoio pob- H.Mt , 4t)4 ,;7 lu V)H lisii me vote ol every county cast in Id ansyl vania ! :i;it '2k 1 dtiu ;; :: isso for Jarvis and iliixtoi., the l'void lb' ;J.7.5 IS-. :;:.") Lrtiheriiatorial eatiditlates of i iiu,-ve.-ii-. I uiuu 14,1 ss; I cjn so thai our reudeis uan eomoiiie ibr- ... ' , , . . , , W alic vote and see tl'e ciuiiie-es m tin; sev- n, .,.,. eriii counties, 'iiu- lid count i. licard Washiuolou from 4Jive Scales l,'!Si:U votes aiitl NV.itau.a Yoik Jl'.l.r,.'ii). makiii- Scales lunjoi i-; Wuye ty 1 '.),-."!). The vote of the H conn- 'ta" ties tChownn, I'enpiiminin ami Samp. : Yadkin mi 111,1. no), j et tdlk'iaily repoi tcil, will Viincey iticn-a.se this in.tjoiitv to lill.OiiU. : ,. , , T.'Uil, Wueli the vote of a l tiie counties is HilJed together it wiii yive Scales j'Mit-y f'r Jarvis, .2:17. Kbout l li.7oila.id York l.7ai). I.,-: Mi,Jovit.T for H,'llit's- 1S,--r ' )i:' Als ;...It).i......-J .............. 1..., 1 l-u,J'ti.w. 0 " lf'U" I'll.. VoIP .rit-,.n in Jhr.i.o 1 :!.-,: -ibm l::TU " A total of -Id a.-mocrats aii.17 r.-- timmis ad i.adv to be placed in , . ':'''! . U I.,,,, ,.,K , , ,. , ' ... , 1 ne iiiiim ii. i- 01 iiipioi' l-'l! !-S i.i( o,J jHiiilicalis. . position at: I m a .-mat. v 1. no will lie j 1 Dills was lh..,i;;lii to have been Uii.i, r O I 11. I'-f !. I.i. ..i ..-.'.; Ci.OiiiiilLS AMD TAlLOIbS. O posit.- U. S Fost Offlce. 111.11' i It!.,' 11. ' J8;i Us- il.-r, Hii2 i 4'JSb 4!!is J77J; 4'i7.i !U7 21:2 ii :M4-; (.21 lidii !$. Jt'7-J; i7i: 'i'Vl 7o;i (i'2i 2d:tt 2':,'id 27'.!i;l iioti l ist 1 Idls ;'ii, p.i.;i ItoL.-r: ol' I.I I'lil.SKNTA TIVK-i. Alami.iice Thomas M. Ilo'd. ilem Ailexumter E. 15. Jon., deiu. Allfhiiiiv 1. Edwards, dem. An.t.iii .1. J. I'uiiiap. thin. A-be fohn C. i'himmer, deiu. biaufoit . H. I'utriek, d.in. lil l '. ie li. illiiliie. rep. J! udeii -W. J. Sntton. r. p. brin. swick D. II. McXtiil, ilem. liu iieonibe liichmond I'etn sou. rohnstom.' .bines, dems. Ilurke Samuel Mi l). Tate. dem. H . II, il C 1.1 II FiO f... 1. ..;,.t. ...i- ,.f tl... 11 1..:.! !.. . ..:.!... 'in... ..:.. I .,. J" r wvtir. 1 " " 1 ' '"in 111 1111 i'.i'..'.. . ,,v 1 J l.llt ILOI I i I ' II Hie i . ne L' t;i .11 'i.ri- en t liml.iu.e; ! :,!i linen o0 oil. i'er- e,. . 1 'di . O. I '.. Altol d .ti I ioii v vV-!t4jl vv'r 'S 'K ' S 6 'i sons wi,.. 1-1t id,, b.nhiuie; notv .an niij.s v., re i.u.ie.'t ihis moiiii.. TT J 4m t-v ft ? BHi'ii 9 CI 3 Taycttcville Street e.i t it oo.i idea ot ibe iippcnrahec it : ,., at 4 o'.-h -i; i' . . hah . d' e .1 ton , , iinTinnu -W e d ,....!! .v.. more - I """ ' "" w I'FAI.Klt 1 will bv aiei b pre-eut. '1 lie besi t,t 1 .' '.. 1.O1 , -. lew fr.m tiie ouiside can be had from .m i.i mi to lie oi id lie 11 1.0 value. 1 ...... "i 1 -, r.,rl Till- coiner 01 Aoiiu l'eisou ami J'.ii.-l , I .,,. .,'..,,, 1.0 -e ., eo.i : I e , , ....,-,1 I MAIIWIIII Mt I M lt I .It-ties stivets. llie bi.lhlino as Heeu ; ,.,,.. . . o e I - , ei haps ;!:l l,ab. .VXD LI J K ft. LKH UftLH 1. uilAlld WAiitf- Umm MMi lAf'PS, TA3LE CUTLERY, SILYEII rJjATED WARE. 1.T7.-1 ldsd 21da! 1.1.W! t'abarri.H-1'. D. M.lhr. dem lil lloli tldu (ao.iwell lw. li. Wakehehl. .b (.S.I 41s '74o ("(,2 Camden --tV H. Scot d. .Cm l-aiteret A. H. ( lhadwick. ilem m that pi not of nvv low i is.'raudlv. 1 ne m .1 : 1 -. v.as iu.;i-cd. ' it v. I.i l.ci ( It.v. Sea!, s V. lii i'el lililily have a tin me j. m-in t-.iv, ,,, j the !:., 1 cot- .ittlil.ii lie and llie peoi h of his i,,n ,.' tl-c, l.-i not been a--i-ei 'i.t'ied. - lute as vieil nr. be truly proud. llie en m tilth- lire is a m.vMery. ConsLMiiieiils of Ci d Cm and rroduci ' I he e,...'iiie Iicjki! v:i. ;.:.t burned: solicit cd. At ihedeiiiocii.lie jubih t. ill Wa-h- and In. :': 'ina'ed so loiic after We -ar; y a l. .ivy si ock of inioli I'ii t )'. nine's hamlsomeliouse. the en;;:. ie stopped last nihtliiat it 'jj.' vf J VI5D Sl'OVliS COCEJ'".!', which i.. rent, d to a democral. was m-t at ad probable that a t.pai'1: '' biil.ianiiv iii.ii.nnatf.l in hoht.roi its eaiisfd it Yny diiie;ent work was llAOOIX'l. TIES, FLOCK. oi'. mi's tli feat ! m.m n.",.v.iu 13S.7SH im,.-iiir ici-esnrv to save a house near tha d ti e Masonic lod.'f would MEAL. COItX, JiKAX. C, ivC. Ill' M'iCiMKA'I 0I5S. TEA TRAYjb OIL STOVES, AC. So.-.-it)l.cr 11, 1HM. 3m. ,, ... .. . 1 . , . . .!'.. 11 11. 1 ti e .Masonic loiiire wonio C;;lve l-(,eo Nlhou,.,:,,,,. th-ui. It is a very e.mimon thin- for ,MV(. 1k,,, 1(,u,.a lt for its nev roof, which we ot!,,' to t!;e trnde a! l-.tt e t l.utnuoa A A. Miuiotd. dem. Nortliern men to -siAlt.isli futoiKS ,,, j,.. s. Cmilhaiu 1. J. Woniack, .1. A. . m I he South, b.i: 1 his 01 del- has ie. 1 n in lids Stale. Aithouei, V,.ik ,s ,J; leatcd by Jj.UOd luajonty be received 1 1SS2. is tiie eiiiicit and Docker v vote of 1 t William 1. i. Womacli, .1. A. , m t lie Souili. Ii.k tins 01 der lias ie. 1 n Wiii "ive c it-o-i'i " I ; , ,f ( ' .( t. .n reversed by W. Duke, Sons .V Co., PATEPjT? Xv.V.Z". ami IVodueo nui'V-r-omi! nite ,ii..:, Cliei..kee-;-0 I MG.e. dem. iLe bi;! cimoetl, mannfitet in i I'll I LU 1 l U.V7,vt,V.T5"fi and make suits,,, hi-ia-t pi ices and ( tiov. nit -E. 1' a.t. o. ei. 1),,, I,, X. C. w ho have just sb' t . d t,etti forward ret m its at once. I iay I. t . Ixitehehs, tli-iu. a branch fuctorv euiinovuii.' aevoial " - I'.or. t i-joii..-".-1. u.r ronf, t.nn. Jnbnmi WYVTT A- TYLOU .. 1 11. , ..... 1. 1 1 ,,, , 1 , . ''. Hii.r R. I Cuslininnr, W wliluglou, U, U ' 1 ' 1 1 " '" " (..evelawt Jlios. J'l.xon. .li.. ueni. bun b ed hands in Xetv York. ,lu.hltl oi li.,t.ociim,fr. , Jul3 u Ki.i Jliiniii sir.-i, JI. T. CHAPIN, DRUGGIST, UTTSiiolt')', X. C. :i 1 f)iu;-H, Medicines, Toilet and Fncf aiidl Ai tides, TrusseH, O'li tlen Seed, Ci.'iifs, raints. Oils, Ac. I'i. -.. il , tl.. n oirefiilly cuiniiuuDtlM dT or llbk sirwl, ' Airil 10, IVHt, ly irr

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