Jttft fltt'Mh'llH "ip"!r, ' s':Nvr'iui. Kir.fno;. (in ins! Fri-! XYwberne Journal: Mr. Solomon (ioiisl)0!'it's (it'cut Fire. i W. If. Wakeiield & Co., of Greens- j l'iH) V-"'"'" grlZlvlv (IV tjJ( H.,ji;;s f Alamance ;uil J'r.t.ightoii, of Pamlico county. re t-,m ,, i;,ri,.,., n,.w.iiui.i uutht. bom', X. C, dealers in Hardware and . Me" Tajiilr. y' i !...!. ( ..! I .... u II . i I : .. ... i ...... ..... n . . . Vl . .1 : :i . :i: ..l W. C. MIKIllfl, ViyMtl k I Lnii.r Norrir-. Mim-wiii ; a. i in mil. HUKSDAY.XOYKMJERUSKl IZit: Clint li mil met at .) s.f S. Henley u, porta tin! biggest potato yet. Jt Sunday liist will never be forifoltcit I'tt'liinci'y, invito the citizens ofir -i --? ( .isuicsiwe,,v-siui,n tlu.-e ..u.uter I... ..,! f !,,., Lb,,,,, That Cnathani to examine their huge ami ill, I. I S IV I)H). forth i .chi-s in circumference, und woiLs i.n.i, .i!-.ivj ..nler-u i-iiin.- ims 1 , complete stock, which will lie sold' ., , . . IOWII. UiWuys I IIHipiIMIig, I. as OKU ' . .. . .. win, siiw...' JCrrls, Wymi t, Tn..i' ;n their nlil While in ltnluigh issed li!:: GO TO for the pus; tweidv years repeatedly astonishingly low. Their W'.lkcth M Senate from this district. Tim re eightcei pounds , till us show. , I j,;t! Mr. -loi.n L.Scott r TliuiiLmiiviiiir tiirLiv mm' ' 7.' loostcui nigit. ,i (I..,! i T...-v v.,.ii.?,.'.., "i,.,.,iw..,..,1 ..... '' v'-l !;7a 1 ...... i.. ;l...ii,.., . 111 Yiailiaiiec. a H'.ai oi -. it, : p. . ... .... . i, ...,, ,..,., l . I..,vn. for no less Minn tu cnl v-sr-ven " I Mb "i"'"- '" ... io-.i i ,..,. " ' ... ........ .... ...... .pi., ..i, ....... ..f i -i ...:n ,i.. ' " " ' ' " v ti. ,..Vo'iiiii i l.ini nt. Jc:-iil.-s tli- inii;iim--s. ...I I, in princii.al Mreils. .......... ..u ; l..nl.l,L.s ho'loM. 4DD bun-flu of coin. -..,. totaU.v ,l-tioy..-,l. an. I the en- - '' t- "'! ami see .., semi their or-; n ' . . " . . I. ....'.... 1 i I. . . 1 ...1. I I. j il.a! .Mr. Joi.n L. Scott Ti)1,-o Smtberner: iMri.i- fair K.-o.ir.r., l.v li. c. ' Kach time itM,eo- (k Sim-is the niceKt ami quick-j 7IjnT FstlTP pPflfTPQ I vo.es in vJi.itli.ini and W,(.k j M M;1V ,,. uimake, s !e have shown rema; liable enci-v -st l.ikcr on the nmrkot. A-nlstor W ilULliOALiil UltUL'Mlii cuice.a total ;f SAM, ,iU in ,,, fi ., v , lf ull(1 ,,!,. in relmildin- at one.. ; adsnoi in. Martiue Jmjhhu, s U .. .vitii.tm.-S Woody re- ,.. Hl.(l ,., Uuumx i,,;,.m,.,ltH him. Tl, cuiuii.it.v of Sunday was one of 1 I ''''pared 1 units, cvtiy yulloii ' vote-. rn vWImiu nml ,,,, Suhirdav cv.'-nin.' his sU- (he Kr,al e.4 r. hieh h .s l,ef!!w, the .antecd. .' G0fe3t-SSi3li WHOLESALE 'GROCERS iThe Square Dealing ClalJitnir and Rouse, jiartiidgCH. (1 ; w, Xo. lti Kxcliaiere and Xo. 15 J',.i-l . . , , . , Mm i in St n ets , '' ' '"s,'-'dauin s old stand, 8One day hist week Mr. Lonny : , .. v. , .... , No i rr i i i i . i l ,i- i -i 'i ' I n.K-.:s.iivr;.i i);v. Xcxl I hinsdav Tysor, of Oakhind township, killed . . .... , . . . , . , 1 i bc.n;' I liali.i.-ijiviii-J-'uv il l b.isincss An tan wild tu ikies at one xhoi PST Wo regret not be nson Times: 'lvo lieini men. toml dcht ruction. There wm prac tically no water supply. J he great house of j. v. .- r i' r iIimiIih iin-l m-irrlftu'i" nibi noil lroi. oiiiuari rhHi'ir.-.l mi'..;i .-...ii;. a lini. wk c.viiuv . j.ai;u; stock which we offer to tile trade ;:t eiy iov .rices. is-Wi-(j,vf si'K.i i i. .vrrns iton i.. n..- a! this i. mce will In sn.-iei:d. d for .lames .McKau and .John Sunlit were , ;, , . ., ' ' ; , , " . l AiiKIDI' " .. . in... .l...1. in ii... i i ,i. ,i ...i ;.. ,1... i..,.. i,.... ...... w;.., oio :ght liad s e.liail-,te,l Hi,, we's. ing nble to ' V "V- - .... ,....o., .llt(i, ,,.,,,,.,,,1 ,i,.lt water fo, drink- r s-n ccq.t an n.vit.ttion to attend the u co..,us w, ,. .., . o ni, . ! , ' ing m.d wn-.l.ing was nctunliy ac-nro. " M(iMl tllT lt( 7' HPS OI AIL: I K7H W( II I - ... . . ..... . , i... I. ........ fi- v I I v n i ic . .i i .i. i.... i . my, to bu held on the l'.HU of ncxL ; ' ' J 11 -'.v i.y trading or . companions gel u.io u s.,:n!l boat and , ,.u . fi)J. ,,it. ; V '' 7A i 7 1! -';! 1! .J" f 'OT'J'O "i. . montli. lUltend to any lii.,i. .ss. I nc post ro.-sed ! ne ier to a grog.-rv and j s ' , i-i,".;'m. ' ' ' M-iU-..ii.t hin.-i !!,. an.i ivinm, a; .,u 'olVi.v will be opened on! -.- I'r i)(o liouoi-i-d nil" pretty freely. All be- '., ' ., .... .. ,", , . rr rr.iu.-..;8..! ...1..1-1. u mit ..... . 1, ... ,. n,. ,. ., . . . , ....-I 1 A : ' ,1 About :.'! oil the ulleinooii of . I.i;..-iai ...Ivm . i-..ii., ,i..r.. 1 .:u u tffillev. 1'. . JMisoli, ol liijeit- . 11 .(...oek 111 the forenoon, -u:d from mg drunk on t lie return tup tlc v were . . 1 .. ,. . . . KE a ii. -L i S .-. n :..r 1 a ,..,..... i..,ai..,. ... ... . 1, 1 I, 1 i . , . , , . n , , . , ,, . , . ' , , Sale lav, some I i.e. s w ere s-.ioUin.j in - 1 J . . , ., t,. , . ,,, . villo. will assist Lev. M. Ua.dwiii 111 to o. the ;il(e: noon. ..;.!:i opi nm-teudy. t no trail beat careened and tUu ,.,,;.,, v.,.., i,.,M.s m-.',-, -.!r iia !u N- ii. i-.i n' r 1 ay.'U. viMr nud HurB'lt nlre!le, Vhi re you wiil lind a large and well aborted ;.(o,.k of HCiicH if uicetiiigs with the Jiapli.-.! , religious scivic. s will be h. -Id ut thti sunk. tvo of t lie men succeeded in . ' '.' , ..'.,. 1 v . ..I' 1 1 . . . . . iii'ii. ono 111 iiiifiifiia.iMti tVaii, u 1. ... u.:.. ..... i". : l ..' 1 .. .1. : : : ... i. ...... I. .. M i l ii'uini ut mi.-, i'-.." .-, w........... vs. 1 .j-i-M-iijim i-iiui.-.i. nun u oeci ;. in. . .inning ,.n..i,-. on, .imiuui .iiiii . (.;..,,.((,. uecid niiV lire" Moiulay evening, the -1th inst. ! a is usual (v !y Thun!:.--.;!-. ing D.iy. Smith found a watery grave. j ( ji,.'. ,., 7J,,., ,',f h;-i'i 'i' '".e 1 ci'i ' i-Wl.ili F.iv.'.tiev'ilh.la.t week ''l' ' np W t !. (Kford Or-. i;,,,.,,.,!,,,,, S. ii il Tm gin house tit y Iv.w si. uvd 1 in-re! Tin- h!,vs run i - - . i'ilUIl .1 .UI1M1. we were io.i ii.ai iuev-apin eui nei :..i..i iv I Mr I'm. :.! hn i y V t i .V i .V i . III.- kirn; "t tli . '.III .11 II i-l I. i tliiiary 1'., If-1. : .-t a.. WillC..::..ii !)... OTIIIAU T'Wvm fin and coni. .(ib. of W. 1") To .vi. sen. I, out ami gav-' 1 he alarm, i iie cotton " Nil 1-J S..11:!, ki.1i- Mai i In i i H. ii. N. e., i...v. A II. i. :,i wus lower than ever before know..., s--, envoi W.rrc --Weh ,, ne-er ' w"1 "i S' W" A '-' neil i Ujii.l.y. and ie or uouu ol Vi . Ihcre was no uoubmal all info, ding , f(; C, I- , , ,1 lav meht. In connection w, , it was saved. . he .',l; , -s. I orden, m.:;,. th, river at almost any point near ".Jl '" " ; "' .""I'.y' 1,WS WB? ." '"" ' '"V""" : . I,. . ril ' io-.i in pits', iv"-., ,,ii 111 ii!c,i v, en- uriee. i.i lie' sunie :oi .nr. runner: .-T '.'l ..-.;! ....U ..', :'" J,! U'.l . l II I'm, I j ll i.lli. il' ll'O. I O . just received by C. C. l heel; at Oic mil line, pound by tij cents )cr yard con ul v, astliei -. is 1 1 o v . Miinv w. Is -, t ii.i. have iih i-r before Ail : llier with a lot of cot- bus sevei.l v-live bait's, all ol' which YHOi.:'. M.I- ot.: i'-l .HV M MtKl.T. Ill' loii and cttmi xei-.-iiiiig .1 tlio.i ,uiid .ioll.ivs. There of I veil was d -Irow.-.i. liiere being uoi a cent -'; J : -i.i-- . n -i n- N. c.. I lie lire lit'., t liurllitit :.uV :ri.s. .i v i.'lillltll K iV, ; ..... .. ... ciiine silops of iv.-i ri-ltiHit. v . msilig a loss M.,..,..,,.','. f about -jlit.'iil i i.-itsid" of insur- n. w .v. i cu-.n i, ill.-1 1 hi-; win- in i . iitr. u ;i i'e . In vs .mi-.. l-l,- H . i t i ..... il ,..n - ...i . .!'.').! ( ' -.! , T We havi! never before, heard of and ihoy ,uv c.o-,.l.-d wi.ii .,., by cntiing l.er Ihroat. Ti,eM:.:- th to.vii'was in 1,'r-a- il.ing.r. Tiie i '"' BOinauy tmis occirnng in oiies.-u-.o.i. - ... a ..i .ni... oi xvti!t ati-,"i -d an.i pliic.-d in sie.nu me ciijiiui-. ".i ii y Ali':-. and i -".u Kverv paper from every pari of .t, . ' .io::t eoate a .n-iu'..-' ol .,.) :i:km. ,(,,, ,-,. j.. ,,. ,-m niic.i! eii,-iu.- wi-ie of ,ni,i:l ;-''; -w Hrr-.n ii. u.... '. ..."7. ..f -..,-i,...i. At n I: in., .i iii. :, ii . ..ii.e . inmi In; . . ;...,.,,... 1....1. '"' Olliu' l-iin 01 r.oiii:.i"ii 1 ,..,- .ii.,,. - . i : , 1 . All- ..-i.,- M ' " 1 - .,w:.; i.i ill,- i.ii-k in iVtlO'i. ... -i- Itiri'lU'tl U) V. I.. in in tu im- . : ... . . . . - . . - - -' ' 1. Price 1. for coarse. .l.7u lor ' "'" J. -y''a.as nave dned up. ami , w, ., j. .,.,,., s ;.,. ,. tiil. ;W,.,clmul s" Mii-s of Hed Mile leailicr 2- cents per "" "j" '';".v'-v building. --We learn that a young Co., und t hen t he m iciii nil by the side. AA rm.cimg ' U". !'"'-, ""' .;V""' ' ' '! ' :,,'t'1' m by tin.- Heme ol' di!;.- Leal;. W. Konieguy iV. Co.. ca : ....... .... ... ,.,,,., ....... ;, , ,...,... l:, this tov or o-.-i-ii. i f i.'-.v mi..:, a. ,- uo.. urn- I l'-:i.' ' i. I Ai'i'i : . ..... 1- .i: r.. .t.-ti orKtore. or cotton gin being i.u, n. l' ,! ,!i ';; ! ""' " -y on:-h::! ,.f .:.,,,.I.V 'si(;.,,!.,v ... d,' u":k' 1 'fi"'"iy. bui . tip. And yet home pcop.e Ihin-t ".'.m'-'i ' t "V : ''V .' in 1 1- -it v ,,'t ': l-e 'b. '..t-.ii'n ' house" oi , '" " "M','T" :"- l5 aing b. mis I ew .1 1! M n Ni-5'.if.' thc.eis no need of insunng tln-.r , " V:.-; , ' '"'. l'''; " ;lis. "iu.j.nh lie ,lie',:ued tiiui "f jh.f peo-, -- ,-.-, F"I,w,y- . :..:,,,.;;: i,;,;.. 'T' ,....,. -tn-.- one vu.snali::- hi- !,..r and )M' w"r W"U ' pXi:("rr;i"S XtTI-'-K. JIA Have you forgotten von o-.v.. , ",,1 won: 1 i, ..'. v.' in hi : sl-e;, ... o, t!.e vera, ! i ''- ';;' V. L. London anacco.,,,1. W . , ,., , i' i, ,,, ,t p.ib.ie '-t M-iy. bi.l i.-.l slopping !.'. ,,,'V,,. ' " '"i'l'!,Ullv -,XZ V t ..rVX:: -'avi:tti-:vill:-:. n. v.. ! Mn.-li-l s,.;ai-,-, A ;.: i. .1. i-l. y DU liiJiJiii-.i iiJ iticiiil iiiii ill iil!.lWl i IX ':':!" v'v . i b. iJUiii cj l.i;jU ' til. and at lov.ir jirices than any other li'iii. e ii, ihi. State. ANI ill". ( "OXYIXCKD. :.--:.-!i.i..-r I 'd. in:. FA IJj & WINTER ;;i:i-"7 pn f:nnjr ur u-Julji!:'. i - . . :. 1 V . . I 1 !. l ,-i .1 1 i-:ie iliir i-i'nii i . ' i mo it n-.-it -1 11(11 e Ullll lllOl L'lL'P IM (l.ie. 1 I HI l'"l, ..l'l..,, -. I I i . I- . . i r ii 1 , i i -lit -.V(' I'Mie-i li, li.r i)....,iii--iit -iicr c lis;. o :n;; ivoi ii.o;lv s nii--aiereipies'.ed to call and sett e upal - 111 . ' ' p.o.n.ni. .j.,. .. i j..",.". . once. H,auutWKi;ii,.otg.u.; C.viv cWp.s ., -L . iii be . ;;;'' ',f Stut -ick l ' : fmther tiidulgccc xou have no! , ,m ,:,i I o, our ;ead.,s It,.,, tin- ; . I - ,! a, WiM iol,. , M:, ...I.T Mottled lor your (Jtialio accounl . mug. I.aesol this i-ihiiiu". at the r ' '.i"' 1 , '" " lon.n.nr to i i it . ,, , , ,-, . ,. .i.,, i o ;.-e .i.-.ou ijoe,.i- i ii'..'ii on:. ' "...hi , i .. !iis b-wiid- riiieiit 0:1 ii.i!;i!.;. in ! hi' this lime .:--i'.:iig towui.1., i!,e 1Mi.. t m. w-m- k -m,. N-.V. l. IM-. U.K. .IA Vi l VV. I lli.l.l.M N' 'I ! is eo-iipistiy -:s l-.-eii mi. m 1 o;i i-:,lioii I'.ir ri 'i ell ( ar.-. it is ..r.- .-i.. ii. i: either ; now is the time to kettle. ui.-ei ;.;g. tp-cn;. ,i I 'IliiUillec :..t , , I! -in .11 i-i.-.i i--i lip .. ..l ... IN '-I'.NMMI. CfiT Mr. R. James Powc'.! has a lot ' A. ti. M, . h i,, i, II K-nun itn.i w' :l1 '"t I ' i- I e ; : i-.-i i . .i ! ! I. m v,::i - ' '' I'""" m Mi :y o,p.,-ii- , !,,. v.v. i: .km r. i: ..,:i.vh. of large photograph pictures of the L L.-i'-..n a-. 'id . ,,-nu,.ii -i Ti,.-.- '-rii-d. W; are !i.f to sr.-ii. h ; ( "'.'" T...-u.-.i.-r.K.:-i ir. ;...,.::.. , ,i, Chathaiuexhibita,,!!..- . ece.it Sta.e ;1 .,.'. .. .J,,.,,,., v t i,t ewr.tnr Mp-et i'lom tin- suir.i i-e u:i-l i"!'',n'.v -- ji..,,p.,l the -a; . ......... ,-,";;, 'Ui; ;! position, whu-hheoirers for s,h . . .; , ,, ;l; , .,, a f.w.l.gi., he cscnpeil - T, , i:" .,! " ' " " ' t XtLt ' ntMnsneucandwil hij.piy tin-mom-y ,ng ,,,(,,,.,,.!.,,,. l;,:, , i,, h,,,,,;,, ". ,m tenl, e sue,, t. .wu, : h. the ,!,,,,,, ' .-,-t.T,-,, Hrisingfionilhetrs:i!et()Nvardsp,!yi!i,.; .. l l.;,:i.1 ,,..,.,,,,; A . ;v ptir- Viii.- ... S -ili'i.-l- S. v-r-,I !i-v--n- . , ,i ,... , r ., . .. '. A '?.?. : . : . i iii tlii- piivnient of it-. ! .-..-. 'Ilil'X-lS. the epenses ot the e!ni.l. Lvc.y ,., ii-,- .aw i!.: v h.n. citizen of Chathmn oii;;!it iogc. one. ,, 1 1,. luu -.x j,-iifjj:V-irsn-j pr op s v-.:'tr . . I I J . ( I : 1 1 il-- Mi I he . i III ! V Il lVf .1 Inns v ill ' l i In lr In: te .,- iN, -.lit I .v. city. Any orders sent us w ill reccivi prompt attention. ! i.e ii; e in: inn 1 1 lie rai.lo.id Ml. ; alores of .j.)i:cs -;e:n. .). i). V,, o ri :;:;(-.: and buiiie.t ll: V. t ni. Kin- Ali l.iin!- ol' 1 1; i i 1 i ii i2 inshfeil :ii r."ioiiabIe rati l!-e w I'.ri'ii! I.y t';e m- of your iieil.l i,s and in-ure ii lorn-. ;-cnt. j.l. 4. l!--l. o'-'-t 1 ir. ill ' l..:l blllJitiUgs. was hlo.-oed ul II;.' ihpel. '" .' . , ',. . ,' , 'U-i !.-v weeks 1 roin i , , i. i ; ,. . . . .,.,, , ..... . !... W ! I.-...,... ' " . ' '.' '. .'. plendidiinoofC,oakswhic!,wii!b."i , , ,..;:' , i:.'" i,'i ' i'v i", ' Mis I't'e.'t ?' !V T'1 ' U i S'"-fM " 1 veiv mv for c-ish fev ( 'liil- I - . f ' "-' , "V 1 " '' v ih- o! her I- oi 1 ne Ci o -, si . ee: . ' Buhl I J "W tot (.1st, A t. v. I nil M, ,; , , ;iM vi;ii.(i ,..ts iv,.., to -, y i),.,vc.-, ,.,.,.- is tie ,-ir VH!'- 51 ' :" -"- i.e so'd at a ir.i-.it Miciiice V f :. 1 11 , 1 ' V-" ' ' i" ' , I lo.nl. W,-l e ul the .. i,u.-tune Imn.ing . .a:,.,,,:,,.... .' inoieof t msec iciii. , lei sc. ., on i.an. . .. . ..1 .. i . - . .. - .. -m. 1 w t . e a.l l.l. !i. it .,.ti e mi l.-m,.-. , .. 1 ,, ..: ; .).-.. I.-M. ... , 1 ..- . . i" ., v.-, v n.. . ee, u: e , :;n .- a . wn. - K V let lie- III H i-l JI.e ;:.;:,,.! h,,o i'.li-,. u.--mi 1.1. nimwiKui.il i..ai.ke, cn-apei .nan . ;. i,,.,.,,.; , ,,.1 (.s ,:. ,u,l.lt:,.s ,,;,til ;l ,1. J' vw saw tli. u.. Cash goes a f :,, i.,.v ,,',-vcr ha 1 a d-ck-1 ' -t ,.. Vi.is is ,-,. a--. f; .... lollli- WIIV ut. Lolllloll S. 1 -1.. . 1 1 .. 1 - ...... .. . . ,... .;. 11 i i.:..:.-iv, V. ;tst' (''1101 tfrir W'urrci. lYior .V Sou. rVctl. ' "" w- ;.--. a-n-,..;. .a . h;!-ii..:iv. I. in ;y 1. 1 )r. Soi.-er (d. .ig.-i. . ., villc. NVutches. Clocks, .lewclrv. Cm I! .' i. ! "i. mv --On ia-.i !!im..!.,y le-.-miv j:. n, -t .i..i.,. v.:t-s t.c .,;. .In:-). I In, w.i ,:,;,:,., i- ... . lery an.i Silverware. We cu.'i v the nighi i .v.. n.gi 0 gu is. .i; i-t.-.nd io '' " 1 :i t,.i .-:.! s,,.-,,,- 1,. ,,.-!, ,, 1, ;;,;,,, .s. u,'! 01 hi icl;. . V '" larlrest line of goods suitubfe for - n s icii,e.-i ;-....y, si In) in ,i S ' ' I.u ; sio,:.! lor oy, r oic-.il,,. ii,u.M i;l ti. ,,.,.. i u,.,. .,,u ,! . ' Annivcisary, ilialtd.-.V. Uridai a-nl '" '' '"' ;" - W. V, ..'., s. i. hun-b.-d ye;,r, and tli.: doc oS- wi.'.,. -.,f ai,iU"k.i-l th.i oilh-eof liu .Lw": --i-. m' ' ' AVedding IVcs.-iits of'unv ho.!.,., in Hv- "' '"- l-f. bui v.e '';'"; '""'"" '' public Wtill- Uoidsboro -Aie-ng,-. ". ,.,- of .im n.;,:. .a- .,;..;,,-, the Stale. And we eordi.iilv invite ;l : '' pi"-" i to ku-..v.- . i bus .d. -d walls. lu.g.-M and best pi.u.ing oliices .., IT, . V'-'IV"':.- . -II ... u .. viull ..-lo.i. in i!... l.eell ,. CIVM-.I. 1 r. I . -, 1 . '. a-, I- 1 ... ... . ... . ,.. ... ., . lhe.Sl-l. Al .01 :n :. 1. .1., 1 -I ua iv 11..1.H - . . ... . . i li.-io 1 I i-e 1 e-s: ..1 -. 1 n; 1 - s'Li: t...i.l Ic me 1 lii,s.l-i. ail. I l-ll.t.i.- ... i,:., ,. . . , ... !.i s.-ive 1!. but uii Wen .1,1 1..J.111.1 . " ' : " 01 1 i' 1 ci .1,, -. . i;,iu ins , . , . . .. ,,. ,. '!'": ' '". '' .v,J'ie.; I ....dc;ir..ve.j'bv iir- I.st cei. I I.e .U.-s..e..ger o.Kce und N,rt" - lio.n- 111 ulhs loo ill t on tne w. ,.' ... ., .".... 1 :,. Weil S IJ-.-ilo! v b.ici; ,io.v Im-re w.i- " . t " M ' 1.5. 1 1 " ' I i ! ., ..... , , . ... . .:i.i'.... I'.iji. 1 1.- :iii. .. in, 1:1, ..ij - r. ( - - . "MrSRi.inloS.lWi.. ,i-ee;.sboro. :. iugh. ir-y f..n;... ;: w ,. (( u ;,v , , ;.,,, Ht;v,, , i.i aeey-w iy son..-, ig f,,, f -y,- p VJife t'iC F' fl"?N is agent for ihe X. I . l'.-iiilciiimry pocket 01 in-r .l.-ess. wme she was mi. j,,i 1 1,,. .i,ithe, 1 j.:--.-! ,-,. on 1 i,e W1'1: '' 1 he w.u. of ti.,, pnmmg Z ,. k i."- j , .r:i... 1 .-i;i-;.'-, ..r ,..'.-! ' -M 5 fc S . s d i bSit ltivcted seiiin Shoesan.ls.-.is lln- n a: n.V.-p. ". !;- !;ey i 1 i i,e b,;-i u.i drawer, ,ni t, . j tli ; vj,. : oi'.ice lieare.a this was p.i..n.-il in au-i "'. '!''V'i,",'":! 1 T'!' ".'i.'i.'i" u'''. i' '" '.'a - uianiifrtciureis pi ices. In addition 111 y.h.ch vat a i.i.iai: In. S...X In.;. jj. j ,t v ' inehi e Co- ci.ed. vV.'i v'.' n':. 'T"' .V '.y'V.r', . .-'r i vVa'.-Vw" : liCiJ WC J"5 5C 2H)W tothishesclistho (iieci.sboio ilom.v. e-.i.titined i -.-ni-'iey. Nc-;t inoinin;: ,;.. ,. ,,, 'i:.,','isl. ;';l,i .-meduv ni. i i i 'i he li. e had thing.-, iis own way ''h.''!. ! :. i'"' liliKle SIlOO Mint Keeps !l 1:1.1 Mit'" ol .Mis. ieup.es liil.,.M-.l !!,.- !in la. v. , .- ,. ......... ,r . :. lor till ee illl.l 11 huh leeu ,. ii, tn.il N.-.:i. 01 II ,1. iv M. -n.., .111. 1 v -.I.K'OKS. . iXS. VKLVKTS, :. D''.iKS'MCS, . 'iS. 'iiCKIXtiS, A. :::. MAWLS. CLOAKS, i-r.i'iXGS. si s.'i-:i;v. clovks, NDiinX-; li.VIS. ;ah)!s a xi) shoes. lo" : li a; leu- lo ,. in a Iii s -c 1188 i-'iy i.- 1 - : . 1 1 . i you will l-e s.;re 1.1 find it. 'ii.Cihi , ... a! pe. -pie of Chllt ''' ' ' ' j-'i.-l patroiuige. wo il a fiiiiini coiitiniiiilice. of the '' !l. A i:. S. Tl'CKEIt & CO. fO.va-AMiSF.mw. m V; y t-LLSOTT, I I- ... .1 K i;i 1 i! ! ! ' i t3.J!S ift-,: i' Sl tft a b.-i 3 -i." 5 ,tJ E .i v. . 1 1 1 Whit. - Nil' theril lllildn Hoots .Uld Sh.M-S of but Mild li.iti.li.g n'ooat 1. ill. tli .'Ul. the best makes. Wholesale and ic- ; l'eopli s r. '.-n ne.l bom-- !,;te .Suiuid iv tail pricen have a!! been p. it down to ufierno.in when she t...-i niei. and he the lowest notch to suit the c.o.-.e .it oic- sii;.e.-; e. the Iwo girls. b.U 1 Ms vi'sr s times. O1.11 lies. Hi.t.n i-i.n-i.. A few days ago Uvo of our old count vn.cn, .Mr. i.e .-il: :,-, I .'es roved. Kl'.-. l.-ss -"" Ihe glialii p.l. I ol in. ce IKocKs. i... ...-..HI. no i:'i,ui-iin.'i. 'in w.ia h ma,., ol ninis. i ;ewa, a wis i,i..oi.i.t-llv tin- ,,! ! "'''" ' s. ,to.d !.n-.-. -Mr. Iv J Jai.-' " ' wici.ti-n 1 ; i 1 : : 1 1 1 o , . 01 vv.-:-. .(..li-..i-. .1 l.v Hi-., ii. .1 i .1. '" intense ;ii the lieut ihul bi.l.o- . lather of I he v.uiM'.ei- one came to .1,.. .;. i, i-,.,. '.. ,r ,. .. ... .... nigs oil 1 he li. V. I 1 . 1 'ON . All-; before he had U.ne to sc-j them Hit 1:1 - 1. or i he llo.l -,- li.iii. 1 . . e 1..1 i-s ,il l-i.l i.n vv.-r.. "r ' v h ill i :.. t of ... .1 ,.,..) 1.1,.,... .1 . il. -.m re icieral j,,,., I I... I . -,-.!:,,'. I h :.. I i.- .; . . '. I . i.. I I...I . li . ..... . .- Jordan Tysor and Mr. -y lw ' ,,.,:,, f,:i. ViS , Z't a. i'"' ' t liuniH. aged respccnvely Si ,, a.pianliiy,.," ,d,. thai tiny 'V - w' i , u ' a,. I hat s., I ..1 U s , yeaiH. went sipmicl limiting, an, at i,,,,,. ' V ut ,;. ' '"" a-'" d. sous hc.-ve. the hist shot Mr. Ivsor Lihod a vah hm i( Jus ,.,.;,;,;.! f,illt. siatesvillc Landiiink : At the During' tin-fn- M,, I mpurrel in a tail tu-e. Juglu nvei.v t..,.,-it ,,,,.. Wus near.v .u.l vm...-:I. I'.-th.ov bo-..,,., elect i ,u d-iv. f,-;. ,- had her i. , old men, am t they ! - , ,a, , , . iit ;i. ,.;.. (,,;,jV.i. ,.li!, i f,. the I.,lV. , t , l.!!f :.trcel I lie V. 11), 1 a wi.i.e. II v 1 i.i.mv . ma.." a ,-uiiii- r.-.r Full mid Whae: (: i"t axu 011; rKiF.vi-s Ma(iirtuatks' ILii-TiN'.. On last ",.u ...t,. nooh. i. , ...,,: ,. 01 tu. T . t ,l . ;.,,. .-, 1 ; un.i..;y - a-, rccovcr.-d t nat iiigut, ti: 1 M. III..,, II. J Ujl. ....... ,, . I. I v.noe! f.t tl'-l 't ui.. I V- t.'d li sii ,;ig:.t i;-c i oV .V c-cuo vt ; '.--luleking lit Ale I 'arsi iu'h, ,ti ;l l-iv night. 1 "et r v its cl eooiihv , ., .ji.l.i v ..... ,. . .,. . 1 . !! Y lair ty were requested to meet, here i.. ":1 .... . -op-e . n-.e ......... v .,.gn, v s e, ..;. ,.y ,:,;,,, y a.et . , v I, joint Heai!,n with tho conniv ,.,. ' ,:!"'"! ' J'"',"' ; ;v: '''i"" !i '' hs uv" ''".;"", d,-,;.oved tl I, , . , . . I, " ,- .-. c.ll.l voo 11 l t :.o..l them, it I it ! n- i.i.i:.-! -le-i Cali.-.t tuoii.'nl. ,-o:il o :.-!- isi.. ., , liusMoneis, but upon a cad oi l.;e ... , . , ., . ,. .-m p. .,i.ig. in p. 1 ,, . . 1 cciVi-.i o,n-.-. t -if iiioiic . pin, 1 1 11 llicin. w,-e Pa.'lv ti.-ao'l. N-nue w re . j,., ,1 ..,..1 ...;..i loll a ouoi mil was not plf.-eiit, an,! 1 ... . ., . ., oiiun iii.i ii,i,: U , 1 1 . ,- - 1 - .. gciii ! 1.1' 1 1 1.1 he ."-...' IO-.I' i-.i.i'u I ,. 1 , 1 .... I I..!.' I... ... IV lose present deemed to u.ijo.iwi , ... . .. iii.i j : ... ri, , . ' . -. i "t In- at.. or ami went in his r.-,.-m-, .,v... Ti... until 1 ucHday of next liu.-i tor ( o.ii ;. Uuni rfiirti). . ' . .im -i ..n . .1.'.. in.- .. . 7.. ,. . , . toot, htm iiwiiv luiii g:-ve lu'ii prot ...i,. 1 ,. ;. 1 j ;. 1 h ohi'-cr ol tlie i.:i.-t no-v, us s;:i . I ...... ' ..... 1 .. 1 1 ti 1 .. 1. u.i. 1 ,1, The obj"ct of the inceting was slal: I to bo the building of eeriain budges. ' " I'ol.coid rimes: On.-.i.iv ! l,i v.. el, 1 1 . . . f 4 .... 1 r JN1-U AN Jli.il'.o.i. -v numoer 01 l1 L.-.vis ilrove In r the leading deinocr.its oi l'ayetteviile ,v.it r, tne u.iuiu-e ii.-i presbiitea a liaiutsonie go.u-l.eail-.i 0vt., ,, h,.,- ,.1Sl.. Aln i ih.i.King, I il il: -.' 11 1 . were -. l.-i.i'd ' I . ot thee .-e. :, ,eii ,'il.inl 1 111 - t . . . .'. . 1 :..-. i-.i i i.: n.i.-i. 1. .vny ni--: 1 o 01 I m:- . ,n ((1 4.. 011 viio vi.t.:'s the J )--ui." rati" I 'I'ln- i.i,s v.-i- ....'....I . . 1 1 1 , 1 : . -i 1 . " " ' '. .'ss:. 1.. in, ;. i :i. r.v. m-, iiv .-Is , ;:; ;. . 1.. ' 'WS tils: this is so. Ii i;'.. 1 ... 1 1 .. 1 .... ... .1., . I mi:.) ui ., " -."." ' ' ":l"""S "' "' ' .,1.1.' , 1 1 j , 01 u- 1 ui; . 1 1 111.- iv i-i 11 ll.'IOI 1 ..i.i.. I , ,i, 1 , , . 1 ,,, .. ,. . f o. :. .1... 1. ... j. li. UOilKIl: A I'liA' T or I IMl .-.I. if.' I"- a -. II-.IU -I I ' !- " -I- O -i".-lr.-i .I.i-: 'I 1. . -.-II- 1:1 I ., -I a- I .: 1 , l.n ...i- . a- a. VI:' ' - : .1 io'ii1 I . I V I 1 l on. !''.. i-l- - i i:oi., u. r.w i. a U ..ui'i iii .j b L.J. not sell wit r,e n ii a vihu po'i yen m Ku- t if-ligeii :;i. l .'S Wiiiningtou ii'liets, KAl.KlOlf. X. C. li h hii&iti OiUUJV. roi: tiik rail and Winter i : r. :, u.vrs ot- i 'i-s a -. ; :-':o;:s, HAT.-; ASi CATS, ( !.; ili sti. XOTIOXS, A Ci'-!'i)N. io:-ir..sTics. i'.'.Aii s, I'AX'ls CLOTH, n:;.-: s (K.di.s, ""! fo. ii. d ill a fitst ' i v iiu.ds House. ' hi! s! ever showtt :r.- : , i i'. us the same !'.; : 1 in Northern M V,i..:.LC;)TT. b.l.- t- Visitors I-. . r.u..ii ,i .. ....... i,..,. ... .... .. 0t., Hum .ii-r no.ise. .viiii ii.ii.iiing, ,. i , . , , , o "..-. .-. ....... : i . i m r i it , cane, last week, to t'apt. K. J. ibiie, ,i)1( tt ,jr.t .j,,, ,.li;t,. Wl.,.,. t l" ''" 'iei t.i..n. a negro w ho had mum- ; ..,j(i(j,ii. lie had it p.euy tu.iy in- ( , L Ml U ficcoinnlished editor of the Oh ! .... i .1 1....1 "1. ;.. 1 "!ne JVmoerulie leiiiun,. s. 1 snri'd. but mo,t of ,1, ..... i:..,. h.. ! t,iiu i.m iiiin'iinn.-.i 11, n ... 1 . . v..- lioiiie, nerver, as a testiiiioinal ot their an-, Sil, ,,(,M preciation ot lus services iiunug 1110 ;,,... ... ,1... n(HhiH foi. .,,.1 duvs iu.1 i.u: ca: mi w ere i. ing a. iv 1. , . , , . . .1 11 1. f-..,1 ei 1 ii..;iie lemocratic leiiiun-. s. i m,..,,.i i, ,.,i , ic, tv.o ot ti-in died. It is t , , . , ,, , . '. sin ii, 11111 mo, I 01 t , ,,, . - 1 I'lillu! Iiunselt si 1 ii.-i; on the hf iid by i..si v:.i!n ro iv II.. d tli, ilthe citln w!in li i.u'i 1 11 , 1 , ' 111 1 ' '' 11 r-:ii)t i,i CALL ON 1 la if !;1 . t lirown I ll"li'.:i"!'S Mo had only ;;:i.0:i.) l" olio 111- in.jii,,,,,, 1 it,., lii.i,. ,,r ih . 11,-.. 'I'i,.. t'i e, , -1 i.i . 1 .1 ... 1 " " 1 ;-..-,-.- ' . .' r .1 recent campaign. It is so scioni j,,., V1(,ils, M,1 md Jlt, water dun. g -v '" "' '" i" '"" ! total nm.nuit of the i:i,ui-tm-e on ii..- U. l i A. kfti.-liiioi,., an editor'a services to his paity are t.iat u.uo a.-.,t huv.ng .h -ink too much, '';!',y wl-v h : ,l r". t w....iy.f,,.Ven b,.,..,l b-.iihhngs is ... appreciated that we are jiieased to di. d f.oiu the elic.-ls ti.ucof. lM lrvlotu '."'' tl' ewiiniitted at f-HKuMU. i lo !.!, I u' K note thin exceptional instance, ami . . . ... , '" N" 11 Mf"'",: s'""'- do heartily congratulate our friend ' h't',s1""'.' Lxan.iner: Mr. V. A. (m,-lH. Observer: 1 here has: Xe-v Vol k Si.,!.- Sen-' or -i 1 !.' i ' ML ( i ;i ': Ti;. H......IU... ! Wise, ol Locke to.vi.ship, came to , , , , .11 . . , , "oi, .1 tlieieupoii. I ' . . . 1 been a sudden and very no ict-iible sona li i.-u l ul tin, i v - 1.1,1 s-i-.- i . . i. .. t i, i m -.i n-.a - : . .- - town last liumdiv to gel snuie . ., . . , 11 " 1 ' ''" ' vi- 1 1 .1 1. ' 1 - increase in tin- ileal ns uinont' l ie 1 ,, .,.,,1 ...1 .:, ..... .. 1 : w .... ., ; ... -r , . ;.i -.. , -. .. 1 -. ... 1 1, ,-.. ...,i, t,. Favettkvili.k 1'air. We had the ,nu.iiuc tor iimsi 11 and mo. pmu.i lor , . , . . . , 1 ,, , . 1 '-' ' 11 ' " " "' . ........... . 1. ,1 1 . 11 . : ciiledt pie 111 and about ( h-srlo , ,.im. vil'i.ui -,!. ti.i.i 1.1 .' pleasure of attending last week the ins wde. Jle put me two tficiiagerf , , , '.. 1 . ... 11 s.hm. V.1.1..111 ". 10 ,.... ..... ..... ..,. ,.., ,, . ,.... 1 . . .1.. . 1.. ..'.... 1 , . 1 ., 1 . .. Ill' IV- 1 slClihlV one llll'lei t:!.e- 111. ,1111. ll- ...I.-IS lil:ti.l-. a..!., :.: ..,,.. " ' .-!:!: :....::. - I a uu annum lair 01 nio v.unaiumini ; in mm poci.ei, 1. iiiriie.i noine 11:1:1 looi. . . j .- ,,. , . . . - -1 .,,. 1 ... 1 ,,11 :. . ,1,. , , ... n.n. V' - II- II I'.. ih I Mi; ,. rru-i-il, . v. , , si ...ii. I'i...'in .. a 1 : v Vl.t AHLE .M'-r .ii..- ill .HM ef ;- ia'fi.irL' ril'liwlls, Tl'e.V V, II 1-ACK. .1. .1 I'l ol LlX. Vi. i;. MI'lli'llLSDN. e SOW pKCS. rk t. kji 1 k :. , fk s r it 1 4' $innltt low as p ,, i ..-1 1 :t ..it"i- I. h i'T the jrMillro uf imy wlwrv tin -"n.!M:M- iiiiiiAL1; mmm a ..:..u.i....i u,.,.m.f Ac' 1. ... . ...!, : .... .... 4lm.,l, ll.n ,,i.i,,he.-of visitors i,.l .,. I w .10,. ,:.?.,, ...L-.-.l i.i ,1 o'.cd people and all ol.e-r im.l r! iknt i- r .1 , ..... ..1...... . , 1 1 ii 1 luriilsiied t wo. I he causes nl' iliutli Ul llCll'H I'&Illl'lLUll UPl inn fir, 111 ;i- n., vviUfltl liei IllOipiilllU Wil,. Jin IIICVV at piovioilK fairs, yet it was a vnryjout the olic.-r package and discovered various characters of ili,i-u:, Turiu'i-'.s . .ti.,;.!;;;:;- .'ur sss.'i. ' Cfof , iO-J bl.ls. J.lt.. lu r.;l. LV.JS. ivr-.i 1 fc t i I u U in BllfiTGlN ..(IllUr ! W Ki(MBOfAH5WnTlI ftl piovioun lairs, yei 11 whs a vrry out 1. 10 oilier p.iemige ami uiscoveieii 1 .- 1 . 'p., . -....... .. r; n 1 U.i I.- "). iv'--i'-; .,. ..... , 1 . 1 .1 1.1 , 1 . , . , ., I'lifninoMi p.cih i.inniitiiig. In met I nts ..op.u.ir .: .1 .ri.-'c. 1 ti. D.l' . , , ,. ' i pleasant occasion, nd tho managers . t hut he bud by im.-tai;t taken Lie ' ,11 11 . 1 i i:.; 1 .,, 1 ti,., . .1 tb.iv-.j -i ... 1'. .. . , ... . . ! . .. ii- in, tuuccH, tli;' sickness has been t-vmui lieh.ii.ii .11. I i!f.-i.. 1 ii". -vlnr.i . - 1 ui-ni'i in uiuuu 1 viit. iui l:. itini; 1. if 1111 11 1 i .hit 11 11 . -.i 1.1 11.,,-. rh. 1111, .-.1. .1 . , . . , ,. . , .. , ... . ... . . ... 1: : , l . ...i 1 ..,.:...... :,. j... . 1 1 . . .- . vm.wv . .... .. .t " , 4 1.1 11 .. to pe i:(e resuii ot negie. t or i-i-.inre .or muv -cgi.. y.-.i, near.v n til a p ? x t- ?. fi f '. .' I I.lll il.-i 1L us. Jliegiitiiu was ill oii.-e selil 101, Kill ue iiu-u me . . . ., , , , 1 ., :. , , 1 ?'l !-. r TV 1 . t a 1 . Sia;, .1 , , " , , iui t hi1 tiarl ol t he iii !iviluu!s to t .iie cent 11. v !: , I, i: ' . : ;. .'s r.ni.ii,,! iiio.i i, :i. .1., , ll'" ' position has ho oversha low- n, .si m n iiing. ' 1 . .. , ,.,,'.,.,,'' 1 ,,; ; , ,r 1 , , , rr , . 1 n m. mmm a. I . 1, .1 . ,1 1 0 any prectintioim J.il tin- pri .iv.it 1011 Mm Is 10 ine i...,. - :..! ! : 1 . i .1 .C i --.-: I. ;)' -- : ': i' -".- (Hk V rifl H?A' lacii, Renville SPindnL Saturday of" !-,,- ,,,,. --An Vn-n,,-, lie .a, ,-,,' .,, v.ai f...... 0 V8J j P CQlTS J : .Mr. ,1. II Spulii, wliohv.s Heal (ne. I.- nduiirer of the I !,. rvcr wt,u lives tic ui..i-..i. r. -I. :. .i.iu:.,, b.-ie-igii, eiu .' . r 1 !:.iii t i.i . I . up. -I. i '-. j u j hJwJt1 ., . ..;.. .. , .. Tl ... 1 ... 1.... 1... 1....1 ua uuu a ...ii tfc.i 11. nun. 11,: i:ii.i vv is III 011. 1: ri.-in. .'i, i.ni ui; 11. 111 niv . . .1 . 1 1 . ,1 ... , 1.,,.,. 1 11. , on the iirl ol the in !iv.luu!s to t.ile eei.tinv i a, 1 Nli.r.i r.TiioiiiTioli hiu un nvi-i's niilinv- .1... .:.. :. 11.. r : ed all the aro not .1 unuoi. I 1 .... .... i.i.- 11 ... 1 - . . . 1 . . V 1 v 1 ,.:' .' 1 . 1 , ' 111 i.w- 1 '1 101 .... 11 i - 1.' i 1.' - jvnie, vvii i-;ij 1 in .-.I 0.1 me ii'iii-.,i.i,- 111 rvienn oiiii-ii-h si . opies oj 1:1.1 , - i. ...... .1 1,1.., ..t . -1 ; - -i i - ... .. . v i I I 1 I.- . v.i'i'i'., 11 ,v 1. iii,r,.v HADLKY's JllDII.Eti Oil last Satlir-: whllo let uriili.g iiome, Ktippxl 1 Sued ;v ', I -p. r. As 1 1:., pa per could tall li.l' e.'iioii lo .irises. u,,l . l'lll' '. .s ( ' 1 1 1 : .' i'.i i . . A '( )' ; J'' ,( )' N 1 WILL day the deinocrals of Hadlcy town-,. several pel som, and .lueliy u .tipped, ..ot raeh him I.y the Carolina Cei.lr-.l e.,p. ia'iv to 1 in-f u :.i; . g,n 1 ,,i i'ldi'.','; iuX. t . . ... .. ., hhip celebrated CieveUnd's election cut u.i.i sciaiclii-d witu a knife. It is Ivuilroud until Vionday !.i.in.i:.g. the hou,.! e. p., , to wiiom ii is i.iv,. 1.,; .'m 1l' ,jl I. 'W I L villi ii-i-eat enthiisiiiKm. and 1.0 demo-! stnipofcd tiiulll.is coWiil.ily aliucli poem wire sent ! hi s i.d le-s ut A .-ry v.iiubi- f.-at'iie of i .ifuc. ' X 'I 1 1 K CASH. crata anywhere had greaier cause, wa, i.i.kIc tipo.. dr. .Spain with tlin YA hihike' '-. on Ihe ir L ne i; 1 1 1 1 oml. C. .vhnaiiac is lis A-- vr-.i .!' rr. ' ,),. jj, ...... .:r.,:.r.. mi l Tliev ttent here for our old cannon. b in-f In it nc nad mom v upon his (Irveu miles from Sielb. lie sent. n'.p. in .v l.i"'i me . ec ; .!, 1 ; m .-t . ... . ... ... ... 1 ... .1 . 1 ..... .1 ....:. .. . . r'T r,-f r. T Dill not Oeil.g aUiO lo Haul It, llicy jieison, 01 vuiu u ne iingiii no i oi'o.-n. u messenger . ine in poi mr 1:11 imp 0,1 i 1 1 . v : n e 1. ( o . eiy used two anvils from a b'.acksinilh i'o I ..nately, ho.veM-r, lie hud lei I, ivi.al pupe-.s. and Ih. re was such di-niai.d v.ilii.ihie I'm i ... 1 en.-'. 1 ii .:il-!i h- in ehop, and lired one hundred rounds, mom y he hud in the hand oi .Mr. f. n- (hem thai h-- sold the lu,l j y ol. er pr. -s I o pi 'i.i. ir. e ct eh.-o-ge. ur which reverberated anioli!' the hills O.-oige 1 in ker, ut whose stole he had hund for 2 l.". V'c il-.u' t if unv the biwim : , c.ir.i of uii nn-rclianls v. Im "'' 1 ,i ur .- of v(i TrrocLL!-: io sii.nv m:! s CufA'i'r? T- 'f-"L '.'.'" 'ZrJ? 1 . 1 1 v I'. 1 a . , i is 10 "Cti.iL 5, Mill, I . : '.Ml ! -'.r. I S" AN) U T WILL IIIII i'i II ' 1 II i ,'. WHAT t", V. SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. IU'.vr.MU!-it TilL I'L' along Cauo creek and htattled the been ibnn.g u.e eveim.g. Our most sii.f.de copy of any newspaper in Noitl. sell the Ahi.ai.ac, .... the iiiitsid-pa.'. . fVJ"', V-VV'i'mJm -.'ir !'i:"'i!n' i'-'-fc-"1 " Vv ; lir r , . . (... ... , natives, many of whom probably vigil.inl and cl'tiee i:t deputy s!e rill', Cuioiitu ev.-r :..d f.,r micIi a pi ice. For t.-n.i-. etc.. .t.J-!i. I. !l. !v s ..', '.. - ' ' --.- 'i'--" ''-'-'' " " 1 y j J V I -' ) , yy thaught another war hud already . H V . King, 111 re:. i. d three negroes . d we take it u, a very high co.npii- I'ul... l.uh igh. ;s. C. l.a:u! . ie,. Iii J';'.,.1;;;;;.,1,;;.;;; , ' 1 ' ' ' ' k- ' begun. I biiapccted of pcipctiatiug the Oiiliii-o. ; nn i.i,. 1 cciiu. ' i..m. 3m. l'itl.s'ioro , Sejil. SX. YOU CAN BUY IT OF: ti

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