1 .4t .;) Iilo" Si trh'nil !lfrri Tilt USD AY. MAUCII 11. IKS'). ... .. . 0&iij AiiiCQXlDiS. .. . - BST-S'iiinv k( i'i..tsiin.l nniildv rouds. . . ' friT The days and nights are now of equal lengii. .... t-'jy The next an tioiui! the I'ynuni factory will lie 011 Saturday, llns -run lust. fcv" The mail is now carried twice a week, instev.d of weekly as formerly, on the loute from Moi rUvinii to Iliaho, Williams' .Mill, (trove. Ac. e-fl" A Mii iil co.ored boy at this phii'e. named John Thompson, has lecenl ly drawn a picture 01' President Clvvciamh and sent it to him. VST JSvnui.-i iliiideii have just i-PceivcilVlowr. Oichaid (trass, ami (.iiirdeii Seed. A nice lot of .dilc ladies' and children's Shoes. &tJ"Mrs. J. II. Muike. of Crulf town hip, has a tin key that began hiving eggs two wee';s ago, which iH nun siiaily early i:i the season for hnkics to ia V. ttST The deepest snow that we have lind in s.'vera: eais fell lasl Tues day night. V.'e ivnieinbcr that just Hindi a snow fell Lei tat Maich court in lKGl. The Aurora Watch is ! !i" lal est improved, ihe mo.tt iicciiiately and ca.efillly iit.ide watch. O'dei of Ylrell l'l ior Ar Son, Fay el ievi le. neiiing Agents ior the Aurora Va ch and stoi kholilci s in tlw Aurora Watch Factoi v. f:Y" You will tind I ho best L'oods in ihe eouiilv at When you cooie t; Court, be sure inul g'.vn him 11 call. CASH custom ers can get etra inducements money ui. ,;' a long way at Lon don's. Heinemlvr you can lind any thing you wa.it at Loudon's. He has just Hccciw-d a new lot of spiing goods. eO'"Sainii!e S. 11: own has just re timed from the Noi l hem . markets whele he has laying in a lal; of goods for hi: btol'e ill (il.'l II been lor some tnilt, ;f and attractive slock Wholesale ami Ilclaii diui o. l5row n i , on . of i lie boM buy i as goods 01 a.l low this Spii..g gaitu;. i in the State, an 1 .in. is aie uiiiisualiy, .oil look out for bar- peff Y'.il will lind a of Groceries, and as be bouiMit anywhere pletlitid slock cheap as can al London's. Aiso, bi-st i'iows and Farming lools. Loudon hi i ps the best Si-wing Ma chines. Fine Cigars and Ciieing Tobacco. A good Corn She'ier veiy cheap: a few Wheel U.iriows, 15i;g gie.s mid Wagons at London's. C:i.v.i:o".' Coi in. This is Ihe last ti'ini of our Snoeii.ii court that win lie h:d i Mait h. We announced a in. m' h ago t li.it the Legis unlit' would give this county three terms a year, one of two weeks and the o hei two of one week each, and we are pleased to know tl:,V such i now the la .v. Then- terms will beheld about the first of O 'loiier. Ill" lirt of i'Vin rnoy and the :st of May. our in-xt couit being next October. Hcrelofoie our coin is have buen held on I lie ihiid Mondty in March and September, jilxt at ihe time of the vcl nai and ant iimna! eiiino. when there was Almo.-.t Ceit.'iin io be had weather ami a rainy court-week was always ex pected as a mallei' of course. We doubt not that ihe changes in the lime of holding our courts will gie univc! .-al Kuiinfui'tiou in Chatham, and will probab y induce Ihe magis trates to discontinue, our luieiior court. TlIK li.'.ll.liO.U' I'litiSUiT. We are pit used to aiiiKe.ince. that I lie pros iict now ii.r gelling a rai.ioad to If:... ; ; it ' , f .i , , , ready tho g: en ter pint of the amount : i,i .-iii . - reiiuiied to be siioseribed bv piivu-e . i :i. i. i , ,i ' , limit I'.in.l.n i'.-nni' in' i iiini'iini i nn lie organi.' il a been subciibed at this place, live of our citizens having subscribed tun -haif of that amount. Surely the remainder of the people of the township all together will sub oiibe Ihoother half! The couijiany will probably bo organized cat !r in -i i i i i ... in Slav lo .iccnie wheUim o'r not this j "". VW t!',t!'r Siilt" i. foimd that Harrison had gone -township will subscribe sii.u(io , of .N,,,,,. :.,m-""1- ,,l,",b r iU"tn " -"x ,h" ''"'". "v .,,,-' .. . . i,' I ,i. .ci I-,., : to lie paid litni. and conditioned lor ol h. M. I aim, in two miles of states tovytisl'ip oomls. llioie is little . 1 . . . ,. . . . . . ,, ., . , , ',,., , j , ,i : tlie t.'Uihfui uis. thai go oi his duties. vi he. lain:, vas the comer, lie mid iloiibt now enter'.auH tt as to this, ., , f. in- .!,,. ,; , , ,, i . i SK.-rio:. .1. 1 hat (lit! monies so col- Ibonsoii were al rested. At lauiis ejection being earned bv IIiom) hC . , . ., ... ... . . . . . , , ... . favor of the proposed road. Thus I U?ivl M,lili '"M.'""dcd oy mhi. board l.ouao the tletet t.ves found PJ in .fur there has been no tumble in so : .su.un vikoi;s u. improv.ngand wo, k- -o;.;,l, rl. it currency, as well as tl, curing the iigi.t-,f-way from per- "u'l"'" u' loads oi said township ...ootKtle. I,.,.h ine.. were ja.le.i. i i.i ... i ,,, tj i, . ,i such ueoiner as they may deem uud the two women were also com fions through whose lauds tuo load,. , , .. . . , . . . , ,. . 'na ' ITU ; best : alii I said board of sujicrvisors, untied. I hero is no telling h..w r ' ' . ion or before theliist Momlaviii June iinii limouevihomonhavocirculat.il Srri;i;ii i;Ci r.;r. The Spring Term if the Supoiior Court of this county began on last Monday, his Hoi; r, Judge Shejii.e d ireidiug. Coot vriit iii-eiieil in o: oil iv t 10 o'clock andthoeiand inivwas drawn and eiiipaue.il d v.it i Air. Jesse S. Iteiiley ns foreman. TheJudge'scha.' was H dear and plain explanation of the '"1 said county, whenever a Wadesbor,,' Inielligenc. r : Then duties of g.and jurors and of the '''P" ty o i he sup. rv.sors ot the ,,mlt. being a vvhol,. fnmilv poison olieiices of which they have cogni- l'"'.'"': "uds in such township and a , Wl,.lesboro a few daysago' owing zanco, and made a most favo. able ".ajoiity ot the quaked voters thou- f(, . ....j,,,;,,,,, ..n.vlessness of soui, impressiw.i upon not on.y tho jun.ss : ;l';iil petiiion ihereior. count rvman. who had sold eggs to ,t but all tlto spectators. And just'. licro wo cannot retrain I com express- ;'"'""-""""" "s.u.i.......o... 1.v,.ulm,l.lv it lllipp( ,,,,,, fl :t lw , . nili ....ad and the .Mount llo.lv ing our admiradoii of the manlier j - - --- tleumii who bought the eggs canied A Denver raiiroad. To assign coii- with. which Judge Shepheid hiis con-i State ill eWS. apart of t hem home for his own usi, victs to the Carolina Ceiitral Tom dueled the business of t he term, lie j ami among the number tho poisoned corporate the Sparlenhuig A Stu iby. has displayed remarkable adminis-1 ,.gg- The daughter of the gent lematt. To secure the completion of the tint ive ability uud disposes of more Charlolto Obscrvt r: As the next who is very careful and obs. rv.int. Western North Caio. ma raiiioadlo business, and that too in a most sat- eieo. ion will come in an oil your in noticed, when 'he eggs were broken. .Murphy. To facniate the constiuc isfactory way, than any Judge who polities, wo suggest now tint parly that one of them had a peculiar odor, tion of 'the mil road to Danbuiy. 'lo has hold com t herti in many yours, lines lie abolished and the members On examination of the shell, a minute allow .lie Oxford A Clu; kvilie rail He. preserves the utmost order ami 1 of tl.e Lt-gisla!uie bo el -ted on the h,l was discovered in one end. ami road to pay for convicts in town and decorum among the spectators in 1 dog issue Itisit ad of Democratic or on investigation the preseiiceof arsenic towns:, ,p 'bonds. To dialler tho tho coitl t-ioum and also keeps the ; Kepubhc all candidates, they ought lo was detected in the egg. Thus, had ileidsvllie A Danville, laiuotid. To lawyers busy with limn casts, no be it. g or no tlog candidal cs. In this it not bet n for tho lady's thoughtful- luooiporato the Caswell iaiiroa.1. To time being lost in calling the cases way, possibly, our Stato would secure . noss, wo might have' had a Leaver iiicorpinate tho Ahirtroesboro rail aud uhoIohs wrangling. a Legislature that poradveuture Dam affair in Wadesboro. When load ami telegraph company, lure The State de-let waa taLen up and 1 wight iwhb a deg law. people poison eggn for dogs, they ' latiou to thb uioitgage boudfl of the i disposed of on Monday and Tuesday. : except the case ii.'amsl John 1. Mann which is set. for trial today. The fol lowing lire the cases that were hied: ' State against J. K. JJrvun. H. W. Wilkie and S. (iiiiiUt: indicted failing, us supervisors of therouds oi t ape rear township, to appoint overset r for a certain road; ver die;, not guilty, : Stale against Dock Grill'in and j George Young: all'ruy; not guiMy as to (irilliu mid guilty as to Young: 'judgment suspended on payment of 0.0s. s. ; S ate aginst 1 hnmas ilkio : tlis- turning re. igmus congregation ; not guilty. State against AVilliam Thrailkill : assault : not guilty. Sia'e against A 1 ford Tvsor ny : guidy and judgment suspended. 1 Slate against (iiah.uu Riggsboe: larceny : mitiia!. Slate a'jailist ( teoi ( Xevi!. John I Price, and l'hoiiias l'rice: iill'rav with deadly weapons; guilt, yund judgment suspended Siate against A. I). Womack: re- !ar - moving crop ; not g.ii'.ly State against Thomas Kigdou: The civil issue docket was taken up yesterday and many casts disputed of. After the trial of the case of Ihe State against .Mann is concluded, 1 lie call of the civil docket will be res. lin ed. It is i:np!.-.silic to say now w hen court w id adjourn. If Ihe Mun i rial consumes today and tomorrow, it is po.isib.e and veiy prohuh'o that court will adjoin 11 011 Saturday. In addition to our mcai lawyers there are in atlen. lance Ihe foliov. iug from other counties: Hon. Thomas Kiiltiu, Hon John Manning and .Maj. John W. (iialiaiii. of Oiauge : W. Iv Murchisoll. U. I. Howe and A. A. F. Seaweil. of Moore: Hon. J. M. M.ir- ' iug and James S. .Manning, oi' D.ir ,.ckof ham: L. C Kdwurds. of (iranville: .Ion's. : and Hon. D. (1. Fovvle. of Wake. 1 lie .linlge caus(-.l ipule a c.iusier nation ye-teidiiy among a certain set by prompt iy ordering to jail a man. w iio came on the witness . t.iiid in an i:i.o:;iciited condition If such or lets were more fieipicntiy given there would be less ill inking daring court weeks. Ihe liorse-swnppei'S were out in full l'i uce, notwithstanding the snow nntl slush, ami I he win I he old "l i, is" splashed through the mud was wou tlelfill to bthoul. Ihe chief sources of aliiilseiueiit were the negro Icmjo pickei l fantastically aliii d) and the open air concei ts of "v heiip-Johu's" . musician. ' i Lvv..-. r.ii; Cuvni ui. For the. in for- 'ma1 ion oi our count men we here-. wdli pub.ish in I'.ili two of the laws, ' passed at the la;e si ssioti ot our Ij eg isiature, that apply only to this county : "An Act to Provide for the Induc tion of Cosls in tile i'lnl'oi cement of ine Stock Law in Chamum c niniy. Tlie (ieiiera! A.-.seliib.y of Norlli Carolina do enact : Sr.cn.'N 1. That the counlj' coni liiissioners of Chathaiii coiiuly sliaii eslub.inh tin' si.u k ia.. as contained in chapter 'Jil Yo . 11 ot The Code, in any township or di-tric: in said county whenevi-r a maiotily of the ipni Hied voters t mici, owushtp or d... net shah petition therelo. ... wit.iug: I'aovii.Ki', that van! couinns- si-uier.s sli t.. ive thirty oays puii.ic liolice of (he time nil ! aee when and where tin y will hear such pi ti ii'iii. Sk'TI-is:!. That this aet shall be in fo:ce from ami after its ratifica tion." The other law is as follows: "An Act to Impiovc the Public Iloads of Centre Township, in Chat ham County. The (teiieral Assembly of North Carolina do enact : .S::. Ti...s 1. That for the purpose of aiding in the working of the pub lic loads in Centre township, in the county of Chatham, iho county com missioner!') am) justices of ihe peace in said county aie hereby authorized, at their annual joint session on the fust Monday in June of evety year. lo lew a siiocial tax in said townshiii, C , ' not eoro.lmg ten con s on ihe one , , , , , , .. huiitlred do. lam valuation: and said :ax shall be collected in same manlier as the usual couuiy taxes. Sm-tion "2. That the .-.h.erilV of said county shall pay over said taxes, when eoderled. to such person as may bo designated by the board of supervisors of the public roads of sum lomisiiiii, up. ui sucu person ex- i.: i : of every year, shail make to the county couiniUsioiieis of .aid county, an itemized statement of tiieir expen- Ulirure.s. I Shi-rios !. It shall be tho dut v of tl" s,lil1 'ounty couimi.ssioners and justices ol the peace to extend provisions of tins act to any ti o. t u... ,, . s,,,.,, Ashoville Citizen i Tbe colored )(!ultiiui ot Ashoville are having - weekly meetings to consider tho ques tion of luigriitihg to Liberia, and we are informed that quite u number. embracing some ot our most ihlluon- tial colored cili.oiis, have consented io o are inn d h ading the move- lie move hient, and that tpnto a begun of this population will lake place some time this year for that '"halcyon land" in Al'iiea to which they m in- vile. I liy some over sanguine imli- vidual. entire Winston Republican: The State will learn wiih profound regret of tlie destne-tioii t.1 the Nicln-liis 1,. Williams mansion, I'niither Creek, Yadkin county, by lire, 011 Monday eveniii" last. Of late veins it h.is been mined I V the voiumi st sou, .Mr. Lewis William:', and at the time it ; was burneil wasoccilpied by his family, This Mutely n i hnec with its beaut 1 I'nl in .mihls u:w nut rmlv llic nlilesl possibly in ihe State, being built over 12(1 years ago. but was beyond doubt t. l)(,st known, and has sheltered more distinguished men than 111 11 other private residence in the South 1 We regard then tore, its destruction hv lire, something mole than aplivate loss. Monroe I'liupiin r: A six-year-old it..mi ihr. lsuiriuii n.w nn.i oi.-:-,i;r. child, daughter of .Mr. John Connelly. The following is it list of the meas nf (loose l 'reek lownship, was burned tnf,s which passed at tho recent ses totleath a fe.v days ago. Itsclolhiitg sioii of the legislature ami are now ciiiight from the tire, ami it was bum- laws: i d so badly I hat it died in a few hours Among tho important ads passed 1 .Se.tr Knott's Store, in Anson conn- are: To iiierenso the number of sti ty on Friday evening lust, u negro pcrior court judges. To permit a Nouiau named Loekiiart the wife of joimlfr of felony and iniidcmeanor Nelson Lockhait --murdered her ten- in an indictment where an assault is ye, ir-old daughter and then alieiuited ; included. The more eft'ecl ualiy to to burn the remains. It s'.'uins thai enable Ihe boartl of education to the wouivii had. in a tit of passion, drain swamp lands. To establish a knocked the child in the head mil criminal circuit. In regard to actions killed her, and then tot-over hei crime, !againnt administrators. To provide had laid the child on the hearth and j for the erection of fence uroiind I',. ...... I .,...,,,.,1 I,,,. I'....t,.,,.l kI.,-.- Iiivi- .liJiwL T.i xli.i-L- 1 ., .... I-., i ...w,u.. wl. nad buriied to death. 11,111 l"ll Vllllll JXllll. I 1. I 1 I'll- ,- P . i t ti i-. i i i..i..: .1. : ir ... u v li,;i ill's. r incisor ii"ieiiii oi uir v iiilk.i hi;. les. has tendeio l his resignittioii to the l'io-.idi ut to take effect upon I the app ointment ami tpialilication of his successor. -It is now sta ed that In f ire very long a new line is to ; be run from New York city down the eastern shore of Yuginia to a point 1 at or near Capo Chuilos. From, tho'iee the train will hit conveyed by t boat to l'oilsiuoulh Theiico it wiil : run by conn act over tilt) Seaboard Jloauoke. ilal.-igli .: Gaston, Raleigh Vugusta Air Line and Carolina; ni.al Kailroads to Charlotte, inak ; the run nt the rate of Hourly forty ; miles an hour. This will, it is said. be the 'fastest lino evei established in the Sonih. WaiTeniou (I i.ette: A Xash conn-j io aiio'V jurors to take written in tv farmer sold his tobacco last week struct ions with them, llelatiug to from 'Z acres of and h iiee.ro man laud lor .l.l.'5i.0i) roads and highways. Further main ill his from ;5 acres teiiauce of the I'niversii v. To pro for si.li):.iiii. Tiiis bf'its nierchau- di-iug a-.d the professions If yellow f toh.tee.i contiiiuii-i fashioiiahlo for th no.! teiv years, Iho tanners ot t Ins section will have more money than , I hey need. Tho farmers of (Iran-, villi- millet be piogies.-ive. We notice in the Oxford Torch-Light an adver- lisemeiit by olio of the merchants of ' h.ivi::.. i . . 1 v i -.1 n en- I.im.1 nf f.irie ,,!s Tilis l(1,,lilK th:it , T ,',.;,. f, llis methtidically. havD f.x.,1 i s ,llhl .mv,-not ict' to their la!-rers ' i... .., ....ii -i i.is j tu. ,.j )lt ,;,,. ,,,,.,,,,1 hVstem. pays no wle re belter than on the farm. Clinton ( ' ii:.-i.-ian : Some years si net Mr. A L. ) Hzell. a worthy ciiier of l.isb in township, had a severe case of lue .sli'S. flulil which he took cold mil lo-t bis voice to such an extent th.it he could search speak above a wi.isp-r. This condition c nitiuued until a few nights ago. when Mr. i'zcll recovered his voice under the following peculiar circumstances: lb' imliii.i d laliiel too ch of the over- jovful. and being exposed for some nine to the eoM, hint a slight hemor rhage of the lungs. A soon us his lungs ci ased to bleed he began to tali; in his iiii'uial voice. A fiicnd who was with him preceded him to his home and informed his family of what hud happened, so that tiny might not he alarmed. We consider this a remarkable case. Statesviiie Ltiidmaik: Counterfeit ten cent pieces have nppt ared hero in gnat iiimibois. It was thought tln.t they were made mar Into. Two dissolute while women were doti-cle I passing the money. Thev said they i . . .ii ii ir . receivi ti it lmui one i i. llionson. Too workmanship is good, but the mulct i d poor. Harrison is a drunken ami w.n tidess shoeiuaker. Two yearn ago Fann came from Wake county. and is not iiotablo for cither intellect or iiilegrity. He has been eiuplove I recon i Iv McLean. laborer by Mr. J. F. L,n,eer. one of which had arsenic in it. should be careful to hud I hut tin) esW arc eutcii by tlio doys or destroyed. j no selling oi suen eggs should lie tnido uu indictable oll'eiiee, whether harm comes of it or not. Wilmington Star: A gentlenio.n from WhiUvilleii.foniis.iHofu sin- , ... i , y. , lwi:,,1i., ,i , Vi i.... 111 lit lust. .1 r,,i !,..,. ,...;..", al ong the road, returning from wvii? a friend, when he no! iced seme- in it Ti'iitiiii tin iti iii luj ima.i 4ji.i.. thing bv the roadside uhich in the darl sshe tool: toi.eadog. A noise ,..,ime troin the obj. cl at the inoim nt of the discovery imd the gentleniMi took it to bo a Vowl Iroiu .he sup- posed dog. when he instantly whipp. d out Ins pistol nuil liicd t was his hori'or, upon ex uumiiitr ine, oh ject, to lind that he had shot a : ,111, who. until r tho iutliieuco of too licit whiskey, hatl fallen by t!:e wnvsitl", the hull penehiiting oik? of Ids ki.ees. The astonished man hurri d 10 Whilc iiic jirocuretl a vehicle mid sot.11 hud tin; wounded person in the pies e of a Niiigeun, who dressed his ii.juri d knee, which was found to be very severely hurt, though iti. thought tw injury will not prove u so. ions onu. ! Li'glslutivd Wm-k. ! of iiif..ii,,i- i'i.h.N II. n ii.,..-..i. ' : hate deetls. J'.xteiitling tune for set tling tho State tlcbt. Toc-ileiul time .. ,. . 1 'or adjusting and renewing Slate . . . . - . lebl. To incorporate tho N. C. I ai- list orphanage nssociat.on. Making it unlawful for iliysician it dUcioso infoi iiialioti disclosed by patients. To const ruc.t fence around Caswell's monument. To make seduction of women under promise of ni.tri iage criminnl. To provide for the anu.y kps of poisons in ease of death there from. To distribute copies of ('tide The pension law. To establish a true meridian in the several counties of the State. To provide a road lawful- .Meckleiibuig. To provide a road law for Cuba, rus county, for Bun combe and lone other comities and for Chatham comity. To enable, liiii road companies to extend thtir lines, liclatiug to the practice of medicine. vide suitable rooms tor Supremo ilourt and library.' To regisiradon oi deeds. require the To prohibit t he liniioi tatiou of obst ene hlerat lire. To incorporaie tho Confederate home association. To enable admini.tra tors, iYc, tocertify in certain cases. To ineicase thccoinunitatioii of c -nivioin. To estabdnh a tax coiiiiiii.-.sion. To ..i,.l, .1. .. .1. . C . ,,,,, lllt,,i:iiaIli of tll(! 7M:lU.. 'p,, ,.e pt-al so much of law as exempts i,.,n,,l ,;t ,.. i', , I ..,..1 .,. .,,,. , school law. To on for. illiwli.ii..n taxes on land bought in by the State. To ostubiisli and maintain an indasi.ial school. To pcrmii counter uiliduvits in applications for continuances. To protect t he 1 1 avel- "'g 'ilac lrom tli unl.cii peopie. (on .coining trustees mid survivorships : j"'1'1 tenantry. To support ihe pciii.oiiliary ami fha:it;tb,o instil u to raise revenue: tho machinery I he omnibus prohibition bill. To exempi ill llggisis fi.nii jury duly. loappiopuato MIl.tilK) tor the or- phtiu asylum. 1' liilorsiug the li.air bill. To lay off the oyster beds, and providing lor the sale of the oyster wati is oy the State. To lua';" the thsl in bing of grave a felony. . ct i'iiing insui unco. Tho following lai! road bills jia -sod: To allow the A, hem. me Wa.cigh railroad to settle for comics in township bonds To incoi pora.o the lit'idsviilo and Dan Kiver 11. It. Co. Amending the charter of ine (iolds boro, Suow lliii ft (ireeiivide li. 1 To atlovv the Lotiisbtirg tailroad to settle for convicts in bonds. To in corporate the Chesape.ike, N. n folk "c Caioiuia railway company. To iii.-Oi poia o the Oxford iV; I .'iai ksv illo lai'road company. To enable the .'laleigh A: Augusta Air Lino to ex tend its line. Concerning the rail road from Catawba county to the Tennessee lino, via Tuyloi sviiie. iucorpoiaie the lloanokii A; Ka railroad conipuiiy. To secure the completion of the Ninth Carolina Mid. and railroad. To incoi p.nate the Cabarrus V Stanly r.iiuoad. To incorporate the Piitsboio' railroad company. To iiicorpora. e tne Cushio A hoaiioko railroad. To iucorpo rat Carthago raiiroad. To ainond the chai ter of the Atlantic. ,V Wes tern. To change the name of the Albemarle A lioahokoto ihe iloau oke laiiroiid. i'o iucm poiato the Uoanolvf A Tar llivcr rauroad. To extend the chariot' of the Chiton laiiroad. To am liomn the city ol Wilmington to sub-,c. ibe to toe (' f. a v. v. i: ii To incorporate the U inuim.doii. Ons.ow .V F.wt ( an i W. N. C. 11 H. To authorize tlx hiring of convicts to the It. V A. Air- Ijiin; it. K. I o ameiiil 1 lie char- ti r of the upper division of the Yud- kin railroad. To renew the chaiter ' ?S iho 1'xl,(,1 1 ail" oad company. To ',"'"!!''"' the rtoutl.cni .V Western Air-Line railroad. 'I he following laws were aiiiended: v.napier ..).. priviue law. .f 1S7.-J: '-'' - I chapter 125, 1S.S1, ;""!'' 112 l,f VH'' l'n.v'-,,v 'Vsjciiapier li.'.f. acts oi i..j. cliap- W'U 1,1 ,lhH",: lipti!r ':( 1H'S"': l;l'l -- "''tl,m 1HK1; . .l"" ' , : 2;U' lSSl: V".? 'X. lHH:i V,'!l,'!,'r 1,1 '.' ! ' : ctiapier II-1, acts of lKS.h chiiDlcr '2"), 1SK1: chapter 7'1, private acts of lH(ii)-'(il; chapter "2s. private acts of lSt!S ; chaj) ler J2. i.X7:l-'74: chapter 4U aclH. of lSNIt; chapler 1. acts of l.S.-i.'t; chll)- ter 1'2. acts of lKh;t: chapter )2, pri-1 vale acts of 1SS;1; chapter 2.'il, acts; of ls-'s:h ciitpter ;KIS. acts of W.l, chapter 4H, a 'ts of l.S"1-chapter 52(50. ' act-, of 1KHU-chapter iW. acts of 1S7'.; chapter :t2ll, acts of 1H7U. '1 In; following h-ws were repealed: ; ai'ts In7!I; chapter 215, acts 1S."2; chapter lil t, 1H7II, private; chapler i IKlil, acts 1SK8. Keel ion l(i: chapier' l-'(i. laws lNSI: chapter Lid. nets LS72: section 5!7. c.nq.ter 5252S, 187(5. 'J he following si c' ions of llm code were repealed : hdJ. Jd'i."), 2KdO, l521'J and 1)1 io. I he Code was amended as follows: sections .'i7, :$4dS, 1577, 8SoO, iKU7, JM'.H. 52:i27. C'.itl, Lii;. !,s.r), Kh2, lllil, :12;. 2s:i p.l.Mi. -ioiiK, sub. sec. (5. of !).sr, -iil-lit, 1711 ll'.'M, ,14 Io, '2S21. ;ii:J2, :t(i.l., -iii'.i.l, tint;, liifd. :71S. 2Hl!l. -2;V,i-2. '27i;."). 117:57. :51t77, :i t27. '2h;17. '2nl',i. 11 Hi. lit, -27ii4. 15-17, :ild:i. liT.i'.i, 5is:!i. lsi.s, 2SM. pjii, ItllH, 72. ;i;i2li. (vol. 2. chap. 211. in surance.) full. ;52h.s, 72. :u:i2, :iiu'i7. -"-0, J 172'.. H2iid-lil. M422. .il!i. ;17.")1. 15717. :5. 2(1515. K2M, li(!ii7. olid.".. 15;i4. 21. :ili:l. :i:i(ili, 2522, 15577, K2'J, s:a, 215.S. i '1 he following counties were given ; Ihe. no li'iiec law : Aiaiiiancc, Kock iiigham. I'ldgecombe, Halifax and j Want li. ( iold.boro towiihi, Wayne! county. Person and (irunvihe. Lin coln, Yauce, Stokes, (I'lilford, 15un- combo, Catawba uml (' ston. jiait of j .Madison, part of ())::- and D.ir-1 ham, pari oi Iio-le'i! . ; of Pender, ! pails of Davidson. . n, juut nf Franklin, part of liichtui.nd. Among ihe banks incorporated were; I'aleigh, Ilu'eigh Savings. Sc illand Nt ck. Ficnch Jlroad. Hank of Wayne, Durham. Henderson. New i i5erne. Pietinioui (of (ireousb no). Citizens (of Keiiisville). .Merchants' (Wiilllillgloll). Heodel'sOll, lllltl SaV- , ings llai.k (ol (i iidshoro.) i the iouowiug counties and towns vvero aiithoiied to issue lion I.- levy special taxes : Halifax, Wuke, J I'liiou. Cherokee. Iteitie, Marlie. 1 Stokes, Cliowiili. t'ei der. Now Hei ne, i Ashe, Lenoir, Hertford, Samps. m. iii un.sw iek, vYuutaug'i. Stiuily,. Moore, j Coliiiiibii.-., iieaiifoit, Cueene, Milch- . ell, ( hathaiii and Pi rsuii. J iho towns of Wilson, Diiihaui. , Wilmington .did lli 'koiy were an-! thori.ed to levy taxes. ; Among the 'oca! acts were the fol-. lowing: Coiii.-ernilig the city of Ka.oigh. Wiih reference to the pub lic schoois m llaleigh township. I o , authorize Wal.e couuiy to continue ils specie.' tax. To incorporate the ll-ucigh road district. In relation Io the no fence law for Wake. Sciiv.hle Advice. Wo commend to tho consideration of our readers the following sensible , advice, which we copyfroin the Win -ronton (Ja.etlo: j It looks as if the business failures in the country will never cease. Com ing nearer home, we notice the fail ure id a ti i tia near Areola, ami one itceiitlv in Smith Creek. All of the parties weie clever young men. but before they were awaie of it, they had but few goods and were over whelmed viith debt, thtir credit gone and t In ii' osefu'itosH in tho business temporarily, and possibly, permanent ly, destrow-d it is one's clear tin ty 10 endeavor lo b : t r his condition by nil honorable me. ms, but it so. ins t! at the desire of vtting rich lapidly has seized uptn the people and wiil no'- be shaken oil' -and it is leading niaiiy of t iniu lo their ruin. Then)' are too many u-ill 'lied men rushing in to so called hiiei 'sp, and p u ticu holy oilo ti.e uiereii.itile busiiiess. It leipiiio-. Iniining and expericllei-. ui.il l"t -i f i'. tn tpialii'v a umii to be a leal Alei'- li int. As a Mile, we 'o.'lit ve 11 is one of the worst damages n parent c, uud d a ihil-i. to juit his sou t i i.u r '!ia'.i.liing' willout skill.' ',, expei ici ce oi bnsi.it ss tin. ning. lie irh foi'.' the war yoiiu,; liicu went into lus! cia -s st r- s and r. in ui.ed theie fo: yenr-i. as c!' i k--, un ior the guM : .me . ct'iitrol a; I leaching of skilh d nieicliiitds. Novr we see numbers .. f niej, who coill, 1 . :t led Illicit fli lil bli'i'ch' d c t ton. oi do a sum m per C'Utagi, w!o d i not know how to tell how milch piotit they ought lo link-', att" nij'lii g to inotehaii.liso. The result ha- been ruin to i.eailv eveiy one of 'he:u It is a hard life, in -miie respites, we know, but lifter nil. I hi to is to living' so sure to the. iiiietlig! ii' ai'd iod'i .t I ions man in tanning lie has fewer tares and. more freed."! u: In- is .ib...! ite master. I'is own promise and theie is none to offer l mi It is i, o.v K.'id that ex ' wiil soon site, i ed Mont i ! Jaw i s ! Mcdehec. Vgi irnlture s-i'.iry of ' to :t!li.li to be n.it- F.-i., as Coini.ii-si iliei for this State, and ti . tha' t itH -or will !., t i. a yea1'. Soiic me ill a! born olliee holdi I Tin r i-t soiueth'iig suit and tendiO' in the fall of -i singl" snow fl'.ke, but il .,t,i.r. t iii.l..- t.. I... L .ill.. 1- our bottle of Dr.' Hub's Cough Syrup our old fttaiid by initio daysof coiigim and c.ohis - for w eiiavc ulwaya found; it i.liable. ' 1 Fakmehs ! V,,,i :r..i.. i?.,i,,.u f, 115. Champion ll'upers for flii. o. 7 Cook Mi ves for ?l.'l. upward, ' ,UJ, niivthin" in the line of ' 1 Hurdwai Jor Machinery i froln W. II. Wakki iki.h - Co., ( ti ensboro', N. C. ma i; itri:i. W" Notiivn ..f ilf.-iilis ftii.l iniiri'tfist'H liisttrtf.l I frtto. oltlnuii-K'H ciiiirfil hf.ven crui. n Im:i. III CKNKII-.IONT.S. At Iho rrl.l. ii, r ..f lli ' lirl'lu'n fmliiT. n lit- eh lii., hy J. M. I.linlli.y, I .1. I'.. Mr. jAMIvi'l'. Iii cknkii In Ml-n i.ami:i.h K. I Ill.NKK, tUlltillllT "I Ml'- 1'HM'I J.illl..-, 111! OI ( lull , liain. ii i:i. HAI.Mi:i: -Ni-ur I'1'il...r.i'. N. ., ..11 Uu rth hint.. Ilthvi:v, s'.n "f A. W. 1111.I Vliyliiln J ulinrr, In Hi., mill yi-itr "I ht linn. THE I&AXtUSTS. KKliuripil fur Tuk ni:.ihli liy WVATT .V TAYLOlt. IIIIIICKIIS tt COMMISSION Ml.l;e MS. N.i. U S'.uili h. Murtln si. . Kali.iiiii, N. C. , Mari-h 17. IOCS t'OTTOS MAKKLT: siri. i i...w Mt.t.iiag, WHoi.ns.w.KiiHoer.uv markkt. MhrI-C liatdiv. Unite strlj'ii. Ciiiiv;ih?ii. llnniH, I.MPI- lli-Ki ri'lh r.l, ruiiillv. Mlllk-.:.l-K- 1'iii'H, ii... .l, Syrin h, l.rtht, V.-I1..W, r.siiiii:. lir.tlilllair.l, 7 Flour. V. e. laVj il. wlila. 14 Turn, l..ln:.i 'ili) lil-'.i,V i.i. il IKI'f.4 lu.l.ii.l o."ij.u -n't ti 5 e.i Kw-it, 1'i'lis, 1 iT -j l.rn "I l'...i.-h!'!., U lll'ii"! A..li.!.t Mllli'l', i. i il.'l.-'. !'. I'hl.'tvi.nH. j:r'.wii . I'.rk, I'; i n.-.-r. . iMwuinic li: lien Urn.ii Ti.k $1 'S, $1 -s, iiccf l '1. ?t .ill. BV. Tliihi' prl'i's rtri" r.r Ini nr I. .in. DMIXISTKATOHS N'OTIClv . V ll.iiinir .iiiilii.-. :ih tin' Iniluln: ric r nt V. I . I'lllll.-I"ll. 'Ir.'i :u,.'., 1 h.T.'l.v ... ilv ail ,.b..iii. ll.lTII C .illtm- Hr-MllM Kill. I .11'. . I.M.I I.I PMHI.IL Uu miiiil!' i.i mi', ..ii .r l.-li!i-e ill.- -j;i;li .lay "I .tun. nary. IwmI. w. . ICI.UNIi TON. .Ii 'II. H I- ''.', ISSj A D.MixisTif croirs xorrcK llHVinir' '.iiiillll.' l a,.- .iiiliil.nit-at..r ..f I.. . W. Wlllluliii, .If xi.. . I, I h... .. Illy ml .t'it"ll , luivliii; '!hIiiih ai:iilii!.i nhI.I .n-'-n.li'iit I.. i-xhOiil On Mini" ;.. uu', un ur Imlvtr ih.i fitli .luv ..; I'i-i.. , iiiiiry, nwi. iv. j. . i.:iji:r:K. j I niiruttry ."i, I5s.i. j The Old Reliable NORTH CAROLINA BOOKSTORE. Bsoksellers aoi Mm, HA LI Kill. N. C. LAROKST STOCK IX ITIF. STATU AND LOW K ST PIIICKS. Ye can supily all your wants. 'vTAi.oi.ris I'm r.. I.ruiiry 5. lHh.v 3inn. AND- All Winter goods at cost for the next 2t tlavs tor ( ash al LONDON'S. oO nice Cassiinere Vests, all sizes,! worth from Jl.oO to $:'..( io, which can be 1-oulit now for 11 .(HI to frl.oo. Lailies' Cloaks, worth ?ll for ?ll, iintl others in same proportion. COMK AT ON'CK TO LONDON'S IF VOC WISH TO SF.crilK THK HAIIOAINS: FA K Mi: US can tind at LON POX'S Cotton. Corn and Tobacco (iuanos. the Very best. Also a small lot of Acid Phosphates left on hand. LONDON'S IS THK PLACK TO Pd'Y YOI'U (IKOKdIA STOCKS, AVKKY Pori'.LK SMOYKLS, and all kinds of PLOWS. PLOW CASTING, PLOW STKKL. WKF.PIXd IIOKS, SHOYKLS, FOKKS. SPAPKS, or an thing elst ntctletl about the FA KM OH IK IMF.. lonsosr KKKPS THK KKSl' Sowing Machinos, ' Poniesfie", Pavis" and "Ketn ineton". S'ver.il s'lond-lniiid ma chines for sale cheap. HasaNoon hand a lew Piiiggies, Waeoiis ami one twi-horsc C iirriage, ''' I" w ill In-sold :it a great sacrilicc. l5(' '' wlien you come to town to call at V. L. LONDON'S, March 13, 185. tejTATK OK XOHTH CAUOLINA- CIIATII M ' OCSTV. IiiiliSti,Tl!irOiiiirt: W. H. Uu-k UK I.. I', t'.iiiii. ll 1111.I wllii Kugi-ul. N. v.. llvi-K wlili inul ..tli. ii.. .iL'lllKl 1. S. lici kwitli an. I i. V. Ho. k Willi. This ! h s.i'.'inl 1 n k-i-i-iI l:if l..r iiii'ili.in of Ilia ri'Hl i-Mi.-r,. nl Ihf. I.llf N.!'.l.fllli lii..'KwlU), Hllil U ii 1 1 hi in lii.e Hi.' lii'ii'iHiimir. ri' n.'ii-r.'M'l. ihb fiixl liav" .in iiiii.'-.hi in miI.I r.'al oiti', limy ro lirr. 1.1 l..llll..'l .l lin nil. I ll.l!lll' 111 lll !.IID ill ihr L-I.'i k 1.1 mil I ..nr; hi I'IiisIhth', wllliln M .lays iiiii f Hi.. ril... ..r ;hK iuiill.'Htlnn, ami u suit i.i-.li'imti-... ill. rn.iNiui or iIip ilAluiimit .11- lll'll'll'''!' Kill l-l' lill.l'll ..l '.llJWMII. 1 1 1.. r.'. w. t. 101 MliKi:, C. . C. ii;W STORE! L. C. BAGWELL, AOENT, HALEIOH, N. C. Walnut CI. amber Suits. Poplar Cham ber Suits. .Marble and Wood Top S lit--, t f ten pieces, for !?'J5. Walnut Steads. Poplar Steads. Walnut Bureaus, Poplar Jlureaiis. Marble Top Table;:. lresit'g Cases, Washst n.ds. Wiirdiobes. Chairs, I.oung. s, Matin km s, and anything ke.t ii. a FUimXTXJRS STORE. When not iii Stock, will order at Northern Pi ices. Freight added. i 11 ive ilhistr ions of nil lands of r ur- & nil mi! from neiuly (.very first-class ! iiiaiiui'act urt r in the United Stated. ",' Cheap Bedsteads a Specialty. i COFHNS OP Al l. S'I'VI.KS ANIl S1ZK3. 1 Me'.iliic Uuiiul Casts. Walnut Burial ; (J im s, Walnut Collins, Imitation ltose w ood Colli -is. Poplar ami Pino CofliUH. IT ii i ; L KOP.KS of all sizes. f..n.im .I, III '. l.' Sill' I liv. ri"! Kit r.l". ol I'tuirii." in miy Drnl I '-"lii!-.i On linn I.- i-hllli hHV nil l.iihliM'HM i.iitiuHiil to my .i-.niit 'C.iriiil'.n. Or at o mli'd to i)av or Night. 1 N". r. 1 ii-.; M il .in s.ri'i't, ..nil l.."r from Pescut, L. C. B(iWFLL. Agent. 0 ...-l:i' Ti-l"cinili Office. Noi:':ts, 'l i'ls, Wyiill .V; W. t;. MiKI'.lS. I.nlu ..1 N.irrm, M&ronm orimn. 131. T. Norris & 5ro. Who sucr ta N-M w, Wyii-.t Taylt-r ftt their U4 Mian I, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND - GOoimSSlON MERCHANTS, No. Hi Kxehange and No. 15 East Martin Streets. JM. C. WH ( AtlllV A LA IK IK STOCK which we offer to the trade at very low ju ices. nlv.. SI'I CI VI. ATThNTlON t.i tlm Ml at --)'rrr, M.'iki"..il!'H . Iil(.-!n'!,i pi :.'.", uu.) r.-iiirin ai nncm. IV.-. Iu. i-.i i i.n .-..iiii .iM ui j.iimll rhHri;r. I.lt'.'.'ill .l.ivnl ;ii:;.i. i.'i .n.H'.n Ml"rnit Willi U. Ai:.'ii;!. i.-r I -.t .- ----. iiiiiin... Ai:i'iiii. i"i- I- i.i'.k.i Mij.i-r 1'1,'j.liiiio. .V : l'.- 1-I--1. Il.-ilik lil.i.lt.. Ai-. n I'.r Uu i-i....iiiH'. si..i,.wllO..Uiiu riuw, Uu- IvIl'K ..: iho . . e. u lli-lil. .Iillitliu'3 1 ., ISM. FlllEl FIRE! I lie is. udoiit and i I m IN THK 1 C. HOME IESDRAHCE CO. Tins company has been in .si i coca fill oHT:itioii tor sixteen years. It ia SAFE, SOLVENT and PROMPT in the pa-, incut of its losses. j Encourage Home Inslitutions Ail kinds of Piuilditnis insured at rer.sonulile rates. ; Pe wnrind by the losses of vour ; neighbors and injure in time. XZ. A. LOTCDOIff, Agent. S.i.l. i, !-!. FROM THE PRESIDENT Of BA.Y10H UNiVEHSlTY. liuli'Ii?tiluni'0 'lVxii, S.'pt. 26, 1.SH2. Ayer's Hair Vigor li e- I.e. 11 us.'J in my Uuum.Uu1J lor Uir r.asiUij : 1st T.i .ri-r. nl falling mil nf th lialr. 5i.l. I '.i j.ri v.'iu t'H' i.inil cliuiigu of color. 3.1. A-' :nl ru.. -lug. li liu.i r'iv ii n iirc Mtitfvtlon In ererf liisluuovi. Vour.'. r. iii.'.alully, W.M. t'Al'.EY tUSE." AVEll'S II UK Vlf'.OR in entirely fr from uncl.'.iiity, .laiiKfroiin, or injuriiiuti tul gMncci. H ir..vciiln Ilio buir Irinii turning gray, rcit'ii.'s iimy liair to it origlual coi.ir, jir.'vcnis I.iI.iii, iire-,iTvi'S tlio bair iid jirui.i'itis in uniHili, cum ilaii.lrufT kmt all ili.i-:iM i of iho lulr auit sculp, aii'l it, ct lliii run" time, a mry suuenor aud dfiiral.lo dri .i. iug. I'UI F.UlEil BT Dp. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mist Sold by all Druggijtt. f 'A 't 9 ? m ir. 8?. f! M .: PI ft it : 1 , Si J

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