ia3rfUVI '7 THL'HSDAV, M.ViUMI'J'i, iss.'. JAlSiJtiiiOAijfa. Jif"N!xt Suudiiy week will be Easter. Et'" We coigiiiti!:tito our comily inen that we id never again have court in Mm eh. fciTO laitorlv confer, nee will be on nevt Saturday an 1 S.u.dav at Mt. Vernon chinch, in this county. Itev. Dr. Ulack will preside. 65i-Uvnum A l.oaueii nave just received Ciuvci Orchaid (bass, and Garden Heed. A nice tot of ladies' and children's Shoes. Miit WLasl Tuesday iiioiiiing was colder than h has ever bcrn known liere at this season ol' the year. The thermometer indicated a temperature fifteen degrees below the freezing point ! fciCTThe niiiiis'ersand deacons Meet- ing of the Sandy Creek As-uciiiiioii will be hehl wiln Ueihaiiy church at Gulf, beLiiinin' to-morrow (Friday), The introductory sermon will lie preached by Kcv. . JI. Jl. Diwlion. OiT Thu Aurora iitch is the latest improved, the most accurately and carefully made wutch. Ol tier of Waireii' Trior V Son. Fiiyetteville, selling Agents for the Aurora Watch and stockholders in the Aurora Watch Factory. t3y Since our deep snow has Sunday was a r last issue another fallen here. La-t gular winter day, ' the giOillld to a he snow covei in depth of four or live inches and the udiiospln ro being at tins freezing point all day. fir Ii v. W. II. Mo .re will preach at the M-'tliodist clench in this piace. on next Sunday lit wi's i-tationetl here scvetul yeai s ago and is r. mem- bered as one of the best preachers in the State, ami is now the I'l cMiling Elder of the Washington District. B3T We meiitioii',il last we. k that a small colored boy. oi this p ace, had drawn a picti.ic of President t.M'M'iui.nuiiii. i I. ...ii..- then the I'lesnieiit has s, nt to li.m a liliotogiapll ot die V.lilte House Willi Ins aii',o;..i;u.i. in rcturi: to in 1'"'' tine, and the boy is as pioud ot it as cau '' (t.V Only a week or so remains of the time 1 1 ... 1 London will sell those Winter ..ood iiit cost Now is your time to buy goods chestp. lie is title! ing i-V i a in laeeuieiits for csn as he want to make room for his Spring stock. Tin'M' goods must and will he so'd now soon. If you lo .o tin. chance ii will he your own fauH. I'r Mire. ii. ti biirg the money. Hfrylf ye i wa'.t to s.'e a big store lille.l 'o ow;!l ..M li'V a:i 1 i! . k ;i! n h -sivy bii. iues I'l OV. ii' V. il. .1M (ii ceiisl.o. n'. M i' . 1 .1- i l ii.l hiuin hi Is 1 doing in io . Ihlail V jti.t ret 111 lii'd Ii I'lil the No. 1 1. and WO'.lld !ik" lo have an t-.ir y call fioin his lutinv cusl oins s in Chatham. tvl-y ( o::rt i now in sti 1 receiving ts 1 t'ceive 1 a io i if o.,l Maek'ivl in Ki's ,'tnd Ijondon -h g....ds. Just ti.se 1 ici; ( 'o!';'e. ami to ne,! by , liiee Mii'kiiei poill.d ; just Ihiiil., ! cents pe; io . or ! r.'.sii ; nice ( 'oJ l'ish . for 'iceiits I'liiiiu Crt am CliM se. 'urn .sta: eh, Tapiocco. Caun ed GooiN. Flesh ('amie s and other things nice to cut. ,V:-.i. a hii of Sal Soda very cheap il" oil w ish to make Vour ow n Soap. Ciia'i:a: Ti i 'l Stone, of Wi'lii'ii.s hist wet k itt l'ai ii ! hiL of tobacco :.t tin i .-- Mr. Aliens towihip, soltl i's warehouse a late of live do! lai s a pound ! He p. anted tuny tin' licro in t'ibi.citi as mii expi-i in. cut, never having p'aMcd any Icl'me, nnd l.e has u'.itaih oh'. fu.m ihat acre 5 1 C(l worth, iii'd has on hand ildU jiouiuls more which U woi th U!) cents a pound. Pretty good yield for one acie, is nt it : Si i Kaioit Cofur. Court adjourned on last Monday afternoon, al the business having been disposed of There was absolutely nothing inn''. . !. for the Judge to do, and heloi joiirniiig court he that if any other cas llstillftiV stilt, d deitiainh-d his 1 nt tent ion he was ready and anxious teinooli, ami the luwyeis tmmedi.i vly ; ' cui.tiieu, iu hiiowmg in... iippie to remain and dispose of it. Fortho began to argue the case and ended . ctaimg his condition. I'm- lunatic first time in n.uiiy years every case at li o'clock, coiisumiiig k ven hours. ; was yesterday returned to Morgautoii. on the docket was Valied mid t ith r iuiing which time ihe huge cio.vd j c;mrlolte Observer: It is not tried, or continued at the letjuest of present listened with the e.ostst at - :g, m i;d. known, but it is a fact neve: the pin ties. In addition lo tin; cases . lemiou. Tho Judge then tlcivcred ' ti.elcss. 'that some of the li:..-st br.mu that were coi.titnU'd or compromised. 1" charge to the jury and closed ex- ! stone in the Tinted Suite i is found the toUowiti;' were disposed ot, as follows: J. II. Wilborn ngnin t F. H. Stilh and otheis: action for foreclosure of inoityage; jiitlginent by consent for plaintiff. ; Alfred Wicker against J. A. Par-' ham : dismissi d. us. was also the case of the same p. aintiff against Matthew ittson. (I. W. M.icklin against llineline jM.ieklin: aciion foi divorce; mistrial. Sylvaiiia l'owell ii;aitisl I'lirsti Pow ell: divorce; jiidgmeiit for plaintiff. Edwin Johnson against Stone Critliu : appeal tuna justice's court: diamissed. ' , Aiilhonv rape aiui others against J. li. lbuiiM mid others: judgment for tlcfcndiiiits ; appeal to supremo ooe.ri. Spt nee Taylor against .J. H. Head- en : judgment foi plaintiff. Susan lhiinaii imainst W. A. Dun- can and otheis: action for dowel judgment for plaintiff. J. C. Aheimdl.y agaiiist A. M. Tucker : tippt ai from justice's judg ment : (iisiim.scd. Ed.'.iiid John. -on iiaiiisf Josejdi Uurgcr s : iii'j.i iti from i:it ice's jutig- mclit : dismi.-i..i'il. l'Hiboiough V Sheppaid against J. O. liuit : uciioi. 0.1 account : juilg- mtui oi pltitiitiffu. ' The Mhiih Trial. The Pj'iikonk:: Acjimtte!) Intkssk In TIIKKST !ol'IIT- ll.ll'sl-' ( TlmU lll'll Ali.i; AitnL'.Mt.NTs Afkktino Si'knk. At midday on last Thursday the tii.il of .John T. Mann for the murder of J. tines J 'iiet! whs begun, ami m midn.-di!. on Saturday was ended. the jiny icdiiiiing a verdict ol not oru.i v. Never in the histoiy of this coni;ty has any other trial excited such intense mtciest. or all i actt d i : . .i . , siicii iai (M'i ovvir, umIic court itttuse. Dm iiig lis entire progicss our com- n.odious court-. oo.n was d.iiKelv owded, and on the last two days a lnrtre iiiimber of ladies were in.. s..,,t dies w miiiki mug never before known to " .. . . . ' ' , m. :,.,,, . ,,lllf , ,. . . J live witnesses were examined, ami seven lawyei m were engaged in the i , tiia!, tin eft of them Hun. 1). (. Fowle, JJ. A. London and James S. Manning for the proseeudon, ami four Hon. Thomas Kulfin. Hon. Jol ii Manning, Maj. John V. Ora ha'.i ami T. U Wournck for the tie ft ce. The case was closeiy contest ( i on both sides, nothing being oiuit ,itl that would aid in the conviction or acquit tai of the prisoner. The follow ing is a list of the names of the nirors who died the ease: J. V. Atisiey, J. V. Mel'hernoii, S. M. Holt, . I. Itrown. Wnddy McClen ahau. ("aivni Watson. (J. C. 'i'allv. VVinship Oidham. Nicholas Wright. C. Jj. Williams, W. U. Mitchell and V. J. Tinaitkill. We have not the (.pact! in which to publish the very voluminous evitleiice of so many wit nesses, but will biielly give the sub- stance of the most material points. The pi osecutioii introduced the dying dec'ai nth lis of the deceased, which in substance were as follows: the sheep of the prisoner had be " t" - Iin.r into llir. .vh-Miiti.'.! ,.f 1 1... .1 . "'r. .... .............. ... ii,.. ,i ( cased, and on tiie morning of the ltltli of iasi June he went to the piis oner'n (about half a mile distant ) ami died to buy them fioin him but he declined to sell. Then they went together (.both talking in a friendly manner) to the field of the deceased to see where the sheep had gotten ,,s,v was l.elnml the deceaetl, ! all, ,i. j.ltt(.,. ,,t i.-iit the shadow ! )lf ,, ,-, .,.,. s, ,,,,,, , loi '.ner stooping dow n he ! I ill lied lound ills! in time tn sec llm 'imu.r lt!,.mt. to throw a largo rock iti him. Hi! ipiiekiy tlodgi d ilild fell 1 1 . 1 ,. . .1 " " it 1., iiiiiiu inn iiiuiii in miiii ii'n'.ii s. "1 ' - mat ne, s ic or lliev cnuiioi niiiue about hall a liule they came to a ' ,)(!.V ).,(,! 11Mll ,):IS. Teague, ami () - u.eir h t id w i in- Said place where the path was so narrow J h,leigh Visitor: L"ss than tw . brought them to Highland,. Th... (being between the tencc and a pre- '-.ears suae the pie-eni s.ndicai of ofiic-rs say the country along the ! ,., im.1Hli , s.lri. j,,,.,! ..,.,1 the same : :r:urr ; r lv vtT ; th,! v,p" z t v""' y u- ai c - ih-; : ".X not wa.k iiliica.t. A. this ii.ace the ' nuich ised the, States interest, and il i,-niisoiurs snaint wit h men en ... ,i . Mn.i.n lui; niiii'. .UU'l UOllllI u : . f 1 ...:il fl....l I... I,,,. I, nii.rii.ni.l in lioi. km lllir. I nilllf . . I .11 .. 1 to the gioiind. and win get ! ing uji eross lies tlisti i'outed leidy for laying !- si; lick oil the hack of tin; in ad ; down the iron This h is been ne with a fence rail by the prisoner, and . omplishetl with le-s th in 2H0 eon kiiocked down. He ut'emptcd toUicis. It is thou-ht that the ro.td ill aw his knife as he wa:. getting up, ' a i ! t coinphte the.Mt. Aiiy brttneh but was unable to open it, and the ; this year. pi l.-onci again struck at iiim w ith the laii ami the blow fell upon his arm I He then called out to the prisoner,! "John Mann you have killed me:! take me home', and the pn-oi.tr then got over the fenc." and inn o't'. I 1,,, Il.i.li... II, W .:,.!. ,n,,, i, ,,l II,., ....... ., , ... ,i,v decea .c, I, the prisoner was examined. I am. tcnoeutuaineaiiuineae, ease,, wiie M.i.;uiig a. olig the lel.ee l st-e iyh.'iethe sheep had gotten .:. the , net. ami when tly ainvrtl at the, p. are ot tlie d'.tticu.ty the declared pointed to a biok.-'ii place m tii- ciice and acciihcd him of hiea.'ing it doc 11 111 i'i iter to till li ll.s shc. p i;:. i'lu-i i..i)..n In sill. rl; tin. d".'i'M li. on the right check with his list andj kiioci.cd ii 1 1 ii down. ai. d tn.it the de- j cciisctl aio.se with his knii'.' opeitetl ' and made a lunge at him, and in or- j livr to save his own Hie he seized a ! piece of a i ail ami knocked him tlo.-.n, ; striking him on the hark ol ins head. I lie of'A icd b) h'lp him up, but l'ltc. told him lo go away, and he went. 'ihe deceased die 1 on the "'1st of! July. Hi . li ly six weeks after the ditli fii.iv. II is at tending physicians wei e Dot tois .Manning, ilanl.s and Ra.hl, a,! of whom tt .-tilietl thitt in their opinion tin- deceased died from the eli'eels of the biow on his head in liic.lsl by the plisoner. Doctois Maiiiiiiig ami Hanks wem presetit at the uuiopM of the deceased, as was ! Mippcr, the gentleman and his family a so Dr. j W. Harris, who was there ; -ncing aware of his condition wait lii k..-. do. . si; to a m. ssa-e received ; i: i uimui him most assiduously but 1 from ihe jirisoiiet. iiini who lestil'n d ; ''tli trembliugand fear. In the ine.ui ! i hat the dead, of the deceased, in his ' ,i,l!' 11 's-Hi,'J '"il l bi en sent for a , . pmion, was not caused hv the wound 1 iithcted by the prisoner! A number of witnesses lestiiied as to the good chaiactel of bo h tlio! deceased ami the prisoner. The e-'. .. . i amiliallOll Ot all the witnesses Was;11" u-sciio,, inn i.tinigs nnuu me unislied at 1 o'ciock, on Satuid.iy af- I"1"1 w;,s l('sencc of his wife ' umiiiigui, ttuen ine piM le;,,, l,l,,d to their loom. Many neisons then went home, but a huge iiiimber 1 l cammed in the court room imx- ioiisiy awaiting tho jury's vinlict. j Alter being oiu about huif an hour t he jury i etui ned into the com t-ro.iiii. the Judge resumed his seat, and amid ;a Ouutli.ess sl.tlice tiie Cit-ik Haul, , Wo,l,:d ou u small scale for a number : These bonds bar .-ix per cent, in'er Ueniiemeu of tho jury, have v..i ,,f y,.lH-s. The stone is of the veiy ,., Hlul, W(. Mi pleased to lea. 1 , aglet tl on your verdict 1' All. Aus- tinci-t tpialit v. and has been used to a have every otic been taken at Mir. ley. as loreinau. replied, "We have. , Miow do you lilid .'" next ilskeil the ' Oik. Th answered "-Not gtu.ty , and at once , I buist of ajipia.isi; shook the court- loom, but was soon hiieiiced by the j .ie. .vs mooii as iue .nnige tin-) "ouiictd thai the prisoner was dt.s-; , chaiged the jade, s wile, who had been sitting by Ins .-idc, thie.vh r aioumi .Mr. Manning mid ev Judge Kiilliu 111 the most aliecting 'manner and gave way to her long I cut up Icc.iiigs, win e tne piiRoucr shoiite.i 111 the transport ol lus ji.y , "(.iioiy toliodl'- And thus emit d the most exciting dial ever known iu Chatham. Alter the tiiin was lii.i:,!.-; d Jutlge SliL-phciil was lieard lo omp. wield t.ie .aviycidoi. boih sides uooii the liioioiigli maiiiier m winch they had prepared the case, staling that neittier Mtle could have done, bmte - thau they had uouc. Vi)Mr.nu i. WF.'.riiKit. The oldest ' iitli.ihit.iint docs not remember such uiiseasonuoio weatnor us uiai. which .11 ... . . i ..... 1 1 i i i ww "uv0 experienced tins inoiitli. ' Everybody thought Unit tho severe j weali.er of February would surely be ! h'hwcd by a mild March, but this '"""th has been more, wintry, if pos- ' i,,:! than even February was This ' ,s la"l backward spring thai lias i been known, n'rd ' '"" fanners arc I V('''-v dcspmidotit. tho oat crop is ... I. ,,,..( ,!i,...U- ! IW..1 nil.) wlionl iu .. .. ly OI i tmr httV." l'"e " r!,rn .., ........ V " - i1'11" ' vul" wl" I m".'( 11 i .,.( ;,....( i, w ,.,.. .i.f,.i(. i hi. in-.;! hi April. As yet there are no signs of v-.' lation. The fiuit trees t ven lime not begun to swell their buds, and wo venture to assert that it is the first March ever known here when no peiichdi'oom could be soeu. State XYews. Lumbnrton Robcsonian : Gtdst y McQueen's lioiHe was bun, ed at Slice 1 1 eel on Wednesday night of lust ,!(, biiruing one of her sons, a oung mail about twenty vi His of aire, to tl'iiih Jm.d badly bui ning four other childieii Had no oik; discovered tlm tire Ik .fure live minutes later it is thought all nil live of the children would h ive pcrirdied in the lire They were ho tetrililv fi ightenetl ami addled from tlic iiiT.'cts of the hc.it and moke as to lender them intiielv insensible I when assistance arrive 1 j Winston Sentinel: Tho race for ; the (,'oilectoiship in the "it.h i)istrict is now between Ihixton uml ilov.l with Ibi vton ahead. -Mollie Kimtt, .. l,. 1 1 . u .... in t I '"''" h"1 " "" 1W " -' la-i seven Iv burned at. her i.iir. nts rosi li uco in Salem last Wednesday evtiiiug. While standing mar the tuv. h. r clothing accidentally ignited, iml notwiHistiindiug tin; streniuniH eiiol Is of persons in the dwelling, hei clothing was burned and torn into shreds and injuries sustained that . . ... . .... . . tin v havi' since built 1 HI mih s of new road, laid with steel rails, thoroughly repaired 4GA miles of oi l :oad ami 'u ,w I,,. v.. in ,in,.i:,( i,,i, lit1! 1, i In a i.li i.n to this, tilt.y miles wc.it ol' Greensboro have ben gratled. ami l'lviiio.iih K.Miminer: I.urin the a rc t I'i o' " i liilit which sntl lenly si c 'e. d 'd by snow, a voiny; ni in iiie, with as ji'il.n c. itast i o h". He . clit ho;:c with his wmiig i.idy and : t t) 1 ont-ide talking wi;h her. 'J'lm 'loneved words so eiiarme 1 him that i i.' liiitn.tes u.ld il by uihie.lcd vy-t),( ,..,, ,;lsf atjro ..J-.ii-U ami i , , j lf .. ' (, piepael to hate til:-, lair t o.,ip inioii. il-.' fo'. n 1 hitns.'!f Oi a'.ilc lo move, lie Wiis actually froze i down and could not lilt his Sect. Tie- ;iil weld in to Fie kit-hen and vetiil iie 1 with -a ki-t- ... , , , tic f hot at r il"d to thaw A':, h '.viiicli i'he pr ) out her imiuisone'.l 'UI' Ashevillu Citixe i: An inmate of '' Western . !-a ;e A.-yi.nu. w:.o was thought to he iitm!n-itiy i nvied t ' allow of his being rctur.i il lo his h ., at hmsl .u "iHi- it. w.;s m Ashe ''.He on 1 hmsday en route to Hem d is ri. 'I ho fact of his being l.eie known to only a f.-w persons, among ti.e.ii a friend i.f oiiii. v.e wi.l I not name, and it had also been ths ! covered that his mind, if nine when . ne h'fl thi- Asylum, had become de ! cidedly insane since n aching Aotie 'tille. While tin.-, u'tiithiiiaii Wits at jsiipi'C.- this rele.isetl individual put n; in ijipt'.ilaiice at his door, and being ;i'iv.!e I iu. was politely asked to d.kt 1 ponce-man. ami by the tune a hearty ;. supper hail been devoured thepolic : man was at hand and politely escorted twu town to die great relief of ocr friend ile says no tongue i :i... i.:.. . . I: ...i.:i.. .i... .o eat onantili.-s near W ndesboru. j;l d,is State, and that blocks of stone 1. , this ledge form a part of some ,.f dm tine-t houses in New York and ,,ti,( v ;lge noitherii edits. 1 he l,.,l0 is . ate,I m ar tho line of the (;rtn,iiu Central mill, ii 1, about two, miles from Wadesbore. and has been lii,tetl exlent for building purpose:, i,. i,,:,, 1, .i ts of th.; Si ne. Tiie )ns section of the State, mourns t he l,,ss 0f tt inimmt member iu th ,l,.,ttl of James M. MeCorkle, Esq, wlii(.-li occurred last Satum-iy night ,s :( oVlot-k, at his home in Salis- burv. His death was caused by 11a- ral vsis. A lawsuit of rat her 1111 tin , usual character was heard Ix-foie '. F.sipiire Maxwell yesterday, Mr. W. it Walker bringing suit to recioev from Mr. 15 .David tin; value of a number of p iker chips that he claim. . ,l Divid had eontis''ated Walker sometime ago found immM'lf in pos- ..oshion of some )ol,ei-i hiiis tliat b" hmge.l to Mr. David, but th - chips were lirocure! fiom l'onv Mayer, a iiii ublef who had borrowed thorn from .r. Daiid. Walker went tol'avids salooii and called bra boll hi of whs-, ky, wheu he threw dotvn theee thipa for Mr. David to redeem. Divid kept the chips and allowed liim ci edit i' a i i. : .: . . t . . . . i ioi iiiu uishci, lein.suu, io pay over the balance thus on the chips, the chips wore valued ul 2 cent cadi. Eipiire Maxwell gave, judgmt n' against David tort)2 cents on tliecli:js and 1 til) for tho eoi,tw of the eitvo t,Ws and Observer: A white man a-1Mut 4- vo.,rrt (,f ayt.. xvio ntteiii,tcd j(l lju1-.i "t h eastern-bound dam a ,)(( ( Yntrnl depot at I lb p. m. ve- . . ' . , . ' Kiitav was Knock.' a doc it ami run over. His left leg was cut off i.ea tho hil and his head was fri-lilf-iij in.li.-fiiiait saw tlifl ud-id ..,! "'and went to the man k aid. To hi.n tin. linill :ivf tlrltilf, !id I !m rl ii nit' (.tu.,. in j.i;(.t was uddreshed ( f....i. p.,,1.,.,,,. ciu iMw S t'. !. .1 A. Gririi'i, of Clavt -n, jiuiiied oit'tiie train to attend the wounded niiii. who never rallied after the accident but sank rapidly, and .lied at M . 'i"'ea.iy esecuteil. until die lust day p. i. Mr. A. Creech, one of : ''ataiary. 1HS(. : l'ltuvuutii h;i:tiikii. Haleigh s oldest dry goods merchants. tl,1't ' ln '-hase from any ueh yesterday made an asM-niiient to donor, bargaimir or lessor shall avail UeoigeH Snow and Joseph A. Cre-ch. ,01' l,!,ss !'' as against any nnregis-lv-.ps. Tile linn of John I) Creech t-red de..l executed pi lor to the til st ,V Co. which is composed of Mi- llli.v (,r December, lNNi, when the John D. Creech and -Mr. A. C eecii. ' l"-' i pe.fons holding or claim nlso as.-ig.ii d to the same parties , "'K der such unregistered deed. Mr. John Creech w is established in hail be m the actual possession and business by his father about two enjoyment of such land, either in rears n".. ' Th.- n.'ws of the nssifii- l''"' or by his. her or their tenants liient was il sill pi lse, hlid Jieople in all pints of the city spoke of the mat ter. There W.is hearty and rial sym pathy inanifet( d at. all hands for Mr. Crcieh, the ehlei. who as one ol' I. a lcigh's oldest merchants lias I he per sonal good will of every citizen of Italcigh. He has been at all times and in all wavs a useful citieii. i Tin I Filial Filjllt. The Ashevill Citizen publisher . ' iohowing ii.-cotnit oi a fatal li-ht thai rccntly occurred at Highlands (:l H,iia'l town in Grahaui county) be- : twwu S(,,llc r,.Vei.ue ollicersand iuoou - sl'iners: The revenue parly consisted ot three deputy marshals and four men :.. '!;.... t ... 1 i iged in either til.-llliing tirblockad ing, and that an otlic.er's lii'e is in danger going into that territory. Commissioner Dtvics on Wednesday tiie. I one of the men. ami the ollieeis that ewiii'.;; olitaining infoi uiation that autil'iit woiiitl he liride tha night to rescue the prisoners, made preparations accordingly and effec tively, us the ic.p.ei proves. Marly ill the tiijj t twelve inc.. apjiroai hed the hot) !, and being halted, dcmai: ih il the release of the prisoners. This being refused, t he rescuers lir. tl into the hot !, and two of the party. Avery It. II i.tli-rsoit and Andy i l ill .,, rushed into the house, til ing as thev en mt . Tin; tire was returned by the olllci ils. only live heb'g on duty, two of their number being engaged Hi V'ar.l.ug the ns s scvcntv-live shois wen and some lired Hlio des. N one f the ollicials. -.-t1.c-i- by the tw was hurt mi the part thoegli Marshal I o-.varii and oi.e other who was stuiuiing tti th' pop li hud the shingle shut i'i - i u under tier feet. On the part of til- l .'.filers, us aflel Will ,!.s ase.fi tail,, il. Villi l.'am .ev was kil'e !, Will Ib id, mortally Wo;m- le l, I'hil (,'ralie was shot lithe head. ''' ,' L '. i Crane in the shoulder, an Dick Hoi. I 'll, (col.), .-li t. in th ' arm: while the two men who had advanced into t he house . -ere captured. The MMcticrs then ret bed. cairyin,' v iti; them their wounded, '-o ller a! i cm .t was made to rescue the priso n i. . though a party of men hii' gon . the Ibiuii of the ollieeis oil Thil's hit v. hi!" en route to ii: b r. At tiie l itler place the parti"s had a i.ear i.'g. and were comuu lid to Asin ville jiil, arriving here Tlur.-ii.f. night, iii.d they are now sal' ly en sconced iu our jail, safe fiom the eti'oiis of their iVii nds lo etl'e. t a :c?- a ti f - hclbt- 1 cue. its t iie Hunc iii; jail , less urn' of the sid.-st in the S mih. The Ni'xt SI itte Fair. The Stale Agricultural Society, which has for seveial years been somewhat embarrassed, we ive picas- 1 ed to learn, has adjusted a'l its del;s 1 and is now on a solid financial basis. We have been furnished with the ' following statement, which we with pleasure lay before our readers: Some ten years since the Socicly purchased ground ami ercced large and commodious buildings for tnc annual Fairs, cost ing sonic ii'.!.l!i . t'.r which the p"'p rly wis moil gugcd. The heavy iincrct-r. to be pa-.l prevented the iiiiuiihi-i.u 0 t.'ie iimu-mid as i anidtv as was d-abb However, the debt' has from time to dine been l educed until it is now only 2(5.5.1-1, a i told. Within the tl f,.w months the Siciclv has issued bo., d. for the above amount, running iweuiy years, tims re'.ieiiug it fum? nnv f.'n t'lier emba. 1 11,111.111" This is an exact statement of the financial condition of the Sccicty. i he great success of tiie State Ex position has relived the inliicsi ol' our peopm in such mat ters, :iml wc arc pleased to learn that, white the next 1'air will not be us grand an affair as the State Exposition was. it. will be one of the b -s! ever iie.d iu th." State. We trust our people, nil over the State, will renew their in terest in this great State institution and aid in m.iuiiig il an honor to North Carolina. -- 1 A peculiar sui id' occtirid rec.-nl. ly a: llessviilc. a small village in New Y01 k. Albert Flint, a I'm mer. ha 1 had much trouble with his family, He tied a rope to a rafter iu his barn and fastened it aioumi hi , neck while sitting on his horse's back. Then ho drove tho horso from under hiiii aud slowly strata-led. legist ration of Dct-ds. V.i liovewith publish the law jiass- , . Ke's-iiin ,,f Lcf- is'ature. if(juiriiig the registration of all deeds: "The General Assembly of North Carolina dt enact : Si:iTioX I. I hat section one, thotis uiid two hundied and t'o-ty live of tin; (.'oile he hliicken t-u . and the following inserted in lieu thereof: ; No conveyance of land, or contratv to convey, or leases of iaud for more than three years shall be vadd to pass ''' pi ope; ty. as againsi creiiivors ,r . !"reiiasers ior ii vamaiiio cotisuiera- ti hi from the donor, bargainor lessor, but Irom the legist rat inn thereof wilhiii thetrounty wheiothr land deth: I'ltovieEii, iiowlvkk, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to contractu, leases or deedH tr ine nine ol I lie cxccuiion ol sucli socoml deed, or when the person or persons, claiming under or taking sueh second deed, had at the time of lakiiiK or purchasing under such deed actual or c.onsi.1 active notice f r.uch unregistered dei d. or the the person or persons In, claiming (hereunder. ; nti:. a. i Hat any pt rson or pei. nis i holding any unregistered deed or title lliereundei-, executed I lH ( t) ; v.-conl.-.l ; without proof of the execution there- of: i'liuvnitn. that s-ich pel son or J I'''1S,,,1S wake- an almhivil be- I foro the otlieor having jiiristhclion )() u probate of such deed, that ,ie grantor, bargainor or maker of ,,..,! H,l the witnesses thereto i ' iiinl with the same effect as if proven , in tiie .iiitiuier prescribtal by Jaw for other deetls. j S.-.c. ;b That, a'l deeds, coidracts or lea.-es, befo.t: registration, except ; those ineiitiotic 1 i,t section two here of, shad be acknowledged by the; grantor, lessor or the pcison etieeii- ting tiie siiine, or their signaturt s 'proven ot. oath by one or more wil- ; iies-es in the maimer prescribe 1 by I law, and all tb.-eds so executed and 'regis,,,,., .had lm valid, and pass i tide ami estates without livery of j seizin, attornment or other ceremony ; whatever. 1 Si-.c. 4. That for the probate of all 1 deeds, including tiie pi ivy xamina- ; tion of a l i.:.(K i'n'i Kicr executing the same, exec ded prior to January 1st. j lN.rn. ihe cieik shall ieceive til'tt'eli ' cents for each name, nml the iegi- ' tev, for refoidiiig the same, ti ft y Ci'lits for tie1 ihrti tlirei! copy shifts. ,'imi live i-i'tits for each additional . 'ipy 'dice!. I ::.'. ". Thill this a.-t shall be in: f c - from and after the first day of i 1 .'fcember. l.HK.", and the Secretary I if Slate shall cause the same to be I published iu at least three Newspa-! pcisiu i iieii juiiiciai tiisiru'i in i lie State for six weeks before said day 1 and shall furnish to each del k and : register i:i the State a copy thereof. : to be posted iu their oie -is. ' A in. m is wiser for his ie.truing. and , tht sooner he learns that the only proper way to cure a cough or coi.l is to use b iter i Dr. P.ull s Cough Svrup. the off I IN MF.MUItt.V.tl. In Hit' lllt'lst nf Ilio w. iirt" in ili.iith. W uv! jn. in . lir.'iiI' lH Hi- a.-iili nt tW'ihu.'.'l liule cl1li1l11.11. 01,1 v. nn.l M1.1.IK II. Hi:si.r.i;..x, ..f llii ll.-i m W 1 ii-in'i in.'l.v K iiinl in yearn. Min i'i-ly il.. wc s iiif :i!iii7.' wmi tiicirw.ir.iwiiiB in.1 i..viii rn, i,', hi vr iiiiiki alwuyi. ri'iufiiilKT Hi.- s.i vl'iur'.t w..r.l when lit-fall i.iiiT,t Hii- lltilc .nn'n Ii, ciiii. ton., in.., r.ir iti.-h it my kln:.liini. iti 'iii;ti ; .1 nwiiix li'inl in .ri Willi nil' h lu-iiiiiliul r.- liii'lKjuxi In Dm Hiirltiii mil.' nt lllc. Tli.-y 1 l"i.K- . pai.,"iiiiiiMiii'Vi.ltnl!lit.li'ttvl"f Hal.l'.-li." ni..r ti'i W'.n.lci lii't.'ivl Ui'i: .Ichiih WKiitf.l ilii'in imli'i k win.' slurry cn.wti In lieu vimi. Tli.-y ills.. Iiflmip .1 in Itn.wn t liiiicl Klimlni! K.'h.Kil .Hiunc mm ii(.''. nn.l well IihIci-.I .'linill llicy niiii; iiiUhMrriii: ilii-lr iiuc Inn 1 licit- sw.'.'t v iii Mi will ! Iii'iinl in. nmie on CHl'll. nil I tt)il 11 li'.' ivi lily lull .. WllHt l-'lll' insi'lrini: ilii.iiiilii in iliclr im : 11I11K frlwuli'. mi'' iii iilmlv tlic U'.iiiiivi'.l imri'iiin. I,, ku.iw mi l rci-l Urn ilicy nill 1.111a ai;.iii Knniii-i t'w Uin'iH K...iy In tin- Cclrmliii l l.y Willi iln'lr i-wwl Aiii;i'lii' v., -i'i. W. rii.a iiii't l nil Hint li'iiir.liul i.li'i r. 11 Ii ili s.n I "ii.' in iliclr ml'ini. They ni-ti i..!c. ii'l:'.'t '11 .1. ly 11 i .! ill ;i mc nl iliclr tlt-Hili, ili'iii !y 1,1'lnvii liy i'ii-i'.'n:tii"S aiui tivi.'licr Hilkc 11I1.1 h 1 ixl ly callcl hi ul kn Hi.-101 "t lii-f l.iHiliii; ii(T". ' 1 Inn - a 1 i"..vn. 'I'n "inn I nf 1 heir ii'.i t.'i' rc ' lil never ti.i'c i. heiii'il lii curilily si 1 WC feci ill ' Will (.'Cllllj llip li e V ' l.ai'.'iiii-c l-ili'.hili I'. Ih. nt'li.?. . .hciiillii. our I'litl'lrcii In '. inicrltxcil nml piift wiih nn.l' . W'.ll.h'l'. lillMlllllK nlrciilllH 11 liii.-. c. III ili"ll lis. I'...'IIHK evoi y livi'ini" "I ., I'li-Ui n h .ul. 'I'll., sioi'.iir il.litiz 'liein puylm;. well il"iic. i:'h.. anil fni h "nil, lull It". .r ..f ! I.. Til " Kl.'Ul.l , rcHn li. ii. .uiiiilnii r w iii.h r :i.I.'.-Iih: il.'hll.licii. l.. uic .lm- l.jiM : O lii"ii yniir h.'il.l. o! liil.-.n Iti-iiveii ithcli hn ii" I in. J.'JS .. :h' J .y w l.h h He ir imic m iiIh w lu ll .Ii ms liull I'lace tin' cMWli iieii liuri In thi'lr hni'i. iv,i will cpericll ttl..,-i Uicir l.r .-111') tttl is liiniliM : wc .'.mill fill .1 1 . hilt wti will H.tv ihe I'lillilrcn were Miuly mi.-Ii iih c.hii Iii iiiu J -y iiini Iiui.iIiichi. in.'iiiy l.nnic. Lutiir, U.-iiiK mc! I111.I1.1 will iir 11:1 iii"i j linger rnuii'l the gfavei, w i.i re wc Ih!1 iln in. "Till. K'li lil . fin nevei k'lv Til, i.Iish f-.- wlii-h wcMirh; "li.ii"i iln wiiiilci.i In' in hv.. Nnr n'l : lieiiiii i" !ii!" We ,cri..rni.'. nnr Iiihi n.-i.'..! rc-i'.'l lowur-lh II. Clli 'II CH.lll, ln.llili ll . Will Kill. I. .OCl I'l'llll'lll Ut us l.-...i'c ihcir Kinhi r In hi.-ivi n Mi'i'nnuni dim, wi'li 'ii. s.r'Nsli:i; mir I'u si li. iii ecli nyii'. l.'t.lii !i.rHie S'liiiii; Km h-r i'Iii-i:I.im iti iihi r nt i,ic ,,f Iter 1'ivcil Liicc Shi' m :t iiii.inniii'iit nf X.'l lli'lli C l' "ll liCr K.l'.f.C llUC iHliO, III. . III. II kl 'll Ull' l lllllll. , III lilt I ft fill fnWC'l lllJ'B. 111. Ill.ml rl.'i Hi. ": Ml' Ill "f life llH lM.cu li.. Tiiiil-. iiiiinl.l mi.l kii -wa . lily h. hcicetr aid Imr Oii'l ln- lri l.ri'.' I'li'lcn'ly mt'l I'i'V.' nw ultliit: her It, fi'lllll'il I' I!:' -he -mini Here t.:.ii'lfi I Ihr.ll t.vel ill'il .' il . .nil-.-lll'l ili-Hcri lnK' tnilli he wll.i I el- t-::i.ii, li: - ..i..-,i-.- 'i-.."1 . itiiriii'litiiit oii-.ii me .r. l Ih lil . : Mi Mc W'ulllil bll O-hCb Will I"' .1 "Ih. kn. w Hue IV nro tin i 'l Willi ibi-lr an'l liHrni.i.i1. hii, Sui 1 iir In .11 . - .i'.'Hi'l wiili fu.lu.8 lulluiik tlmi tUr; Hit J.Ui'. ' Ikmkii:, : iihi can i;ii fll'lhi: ivutt' iwr Cl'J. Chainuioii J L it is lor S7.1. No. 7 Cook, loves for !? 13, upward, and iinsthiiig in the Yti.i' of Hardvwiri? or M.-ichu.t rv from H Waikih.i. A: Co., (ir ensboro'. 0 T II 22 MARKETS. V I..... II l.i r. ... oi r I l:'i..rin.l fur Tiik Uhliiuii l.y WVATT "i A V L O Ii, OltOI KIIK .ti 1'n.M l io-Iio' 'I KIC'll ST tin. M Si.lltli Miilc Mhi'IIh SI.. KtLKIiili, l. f, MhitIi 'Jl. 8M. CliTl'O.N SI A It KIT: ' mi.i.iiiih:, mrVilIfw Mi.iainu, Hllii-- WIIOI,l:SALl: (HKH KItV MAKkl.T. Mi:ill -C l:.i'b, i: ii I k hi rl , i:miivhh.'.i Ukii'.n l.uiil- l!:'l ii-lliKiil, Kiitiilly. Mnlil.!'. Culm, O.H..I, Mni.n, lullit Slitfitr- IllU'lit Y.'ll'iw, Kmim t:. Oi-iiiiiilrtu.il, ' 'fTi'i-, KL.lir. X. I "I'Ul, Willi. ' '"I'll. ti no;; i a.-i iH.lif.l, 115 I tl'.n.ll i 11 ' 'Hill Iri-ti.'c I.ihtkI, i'i'H' K(i'l'.l Swl, ,0 1 ,V.: mi t ;':!, ft 'v llrii'.l I'l-i'lii'i 2 Hrl.'J A.. tlUUlT. 1 ::! i I'lu.'kpim. Kr.ivn ftl '.' n.rk. Will Si7 riu.'iii ti. ni-w Urr.m Tivi. ii fclL.Th.vi. prlros ar f'ir lnr;;p !.iU. .New A 2 if I' (('.-.( hi t'li is. I w'nl ohci tor M,,!'.. ,.t public '.uetio.i lit IKIVI'T. Chatham Cucxrv. MV W't'l V ..'v I . i t lllllt .1.1... of a lot ot Household mid Kitchen Fur or liiture, Caiil,-, lb . . Poultry, Sheep, oil" Wagon, one Horse, .'ye , tvc. Also. the stoi'k of g .i.ils in the store of A G li ibcixiii. Oi -cen si d. coiiipo.seil of Groceries. Dr (i.,o-l.. Clothing. Hats. Ca;i"-. ! ots. Siioe-:, Ibiidware, Ac. such things as are n..i'n!... fidind in a couiitrv ii:e. Terue. CASH. ' Mcs m. H i;oi;i;h's x. Kv"lltriX i.f A. (i. IImIiiTM UI, llviTHMUl. Mnrdi '..'. l'.".". en. DMISISTRATOIfS NOTICF, Mllll.TI.ili, .!... i'.ii.. I. 1 lii o.hv M'-tiry nil .,., ..ii, lifivlhR ,'lnlnm n.iiiihi siu.t ili'i'i. nt I-, i.hlilt ill, sun,.' i. im, ,,u ur lii'itiri' ill- '.".Mh iIh' litii imry. Isi. . ,. KI.I.lNfi loN. J.iuti.iry 'J'., 1HH3 The Old Reliable NflBTH CAROLINA U V JLk D 1 J ax i Ik ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO, on ow nnri L.Udlljlil CliiU I. KAL.'IGH. n. a T . LAKOKST STO( K IN TDK STATF AND LOWEST PRICKS. We can supply all your wants. ('TAi.tnsrEs Fhke. rpiirunry , lsss. .tun,. 13 k mm AND If! All Winter i;mm1s ;it cost f next lid ttavs tor t ash at LON'lK)N,S. SOflSBIMIfEiESilISS!1 m m .0 nice Ciis.-imerc Vests, all size, : This coiupanv has been hi snee worth irom Si. itl toSd.tio, which ' tbl nii.n..ifioii tbiwivt , Tt ; 1:111 la,1 bought now for ?1 0(1 to 9i. Ladies' Clotiks. worth S12 for and others in stmie proportion. -n nVi'I.' Tn T flVIVIW v l''1"' 1 ".mi. iw j.i . Ifl . r IF IOC WISH TO SECURE THE HAIKiAINS! FA KM KUS can find j nt LONDON'S! f ( 'otton, ( 'ovn anil Tobiicco (jiimiios,! the vcrv best. Also ti small lot of Acitl lMiospliatcs left 011 hand. LONDON'S IS Till: I'LACE TO M'Y Yoru (ii:oE(;i stocks, i AVEKY 1 1 HI,E SIH)VELS, ind all kinds of FLOWS, FLOW ( ASTINd, FLOW STEEL, WEEDING HOES, SHOVELS, FOKKS, SJ'ADES, or ;iu thing cist needed :tl it the FA KM Ol? HOMK. EEl'S THE 15 EST Sewing Macliincs, ' Domestic", '-Davis" anil "Kcin- imtton". Severtil sccoinl-hantl ma- chines for stile cheap. lias also on hand a 'Vw I'ug'-'ics, Wtietms tuitl one two-liorse ( ,'arriage, 111 lw. nl .1 i.c-ii u.i. i'il'i,.. lie sure when vou come to tovvti to call at V. Ii. LONDON'S. Haith li!, 16b5. j ,.'TATK OK NOHTH CAROLINA. CHATHAM cor N T If. lii Hit! huivrlorCniirt- j W. II. Hi- kiih. I.. I'. ' . n n . -1 1 Hint wliti tilgrlllB, N. W. IICt'kUIUlUlMl irtlll(. I Aalli.l .1. S. lifi-kwlth itnil I. K. r. -kwlih. ' Tlii Is n it'iinl piv . Him r. .1- u rilil' ii u( ilio ri-nl imiiii' i.i iiif lien Ni'fll.iini li."k wnti. imil it iiii':u inil Hue Hi.' .I.'tcli.lulilti urn n.'li ri i.l.lrlU8 , hihI hiivi' mi nui.ii'Ki in wil l r.-.il i ,n i. tlii-y nro In ivl.j ti'iiiili-l I.. i itii. :i..i ni' ai tlin .rfllre i.f ! iti' -l.rk ..I hul'l -..iin in l li:-i...r..'. wlililn W ih.jK niLi'r Hi" m'iiIih' ..r thin imi.ll. in I. m, nml hii- hw'it .ii' ili'iimr in Hit- -. ' r ii .I. lI 1 1 i ilio il;iliiUffB, 1' JU.lllll-ltl Hill liO llllit'll i'i ! I ('! I. i Mi. wi, n.v o. w. r. r ot siiki:, c. h. c. NEW STORE! mwmnl mini L. C. BAGWELL, AOF.NT, RALEIGH, N. C. Walnut Chamber Suits. JVplar Cham her Suits. Marble and Wootl Top S iits i f tell pieces, for '25. Walnut Stead--. I'oplar Steads. Walnut Jhiremis. I'oplar liiiieaus, Marblo Top l itbles. I fiessing Cases, Wiishstamls. Wardrobes. Chairs, Lounges. Mattresses, and anything kept in a ruitrviiTuna store. When not i.i Sttick. will oriler at .Vorthcrii I'rices, Freight added. Have ilh.'stratioiis of all kinds of Fur iiituio from iiiiuly every lirst-clasa maiiufacturer in the United States. j CheaP Bedsteads a Specialty. I or Al.I. STVI.'.S AND hi:ks. Metallic iliirinl Casts. Walnut llurial , Cases. Walnut Collins, Imitation ltose wood Collins. 1'ojihir ami Fine Colli lis. j lU'HI.VL IiOBI.S of all Mes. ; CoflliiK ilelivi ri'.l Fi:i:i: i. .iiuivi' a' nny l'r.i't in tin suit'. I ir..mi tlntl nil lim-in.'- .'HtniU"l In my IimIi Ik xli.'HI Imvi- rr.'ini't Hii n'i'.u. Ordeis attended to Day or Night. I Nil I'i I jisI M;ii':liiSiri..'l, w.'..ii.J.i. fn-in I'i'S -uJ, j I.w o. S. L. C. D VGW Kldi. Atrent. O.i'ilio l'-l-r.li onioe. Felirunry 'ill, H.h.1. '.'mi,. M. T. NoltlUS, I,altcl Xnr'ii. Wyiitt ; Til 1. ii'. W. IV MnlKlH, ljitu.it X'.!ri, Mun'i.m A: l.llllhl. M. T. Norris & Iro. IVhu sued fil Nnrris, Wjini Tiit. i' at ilmlr olil MIUIil. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND j COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i I No. Hi Fxchange and No. 15 East I Martin Streets. RALEIGH, 17. C. ! WF CAltllY A LAIlGi: STOCK j which we offer to t he trade at very low prices. iTWi'giv.. Sl'KCl.M. ATTKXTION In Ilio Mllf nr ."ri"rtrs. MllKc Hli's nl liltflicnl I . I l.'.'s mi, I liMlinii III - . I'r.'iiii.'i' m-.IiI ii i-.iiiiniiH.'.iMii al Milan rliHlKM. l.llil'll.l HliVJIII.'I'M llllllll. II) Hull l..'l ll Ufl. Ag'l:l! li'l' I llWl lillllli , Aili'lill. r. r 1'...'.iiim;i. Siljii-l' I'll. .Hiilu. Airel-.lf, li'l' lifli linwK lilimi'i. Ai'f-ni!. n-r i .'I,.i.rii;r.i si wMICitlmi Pluw, ttif Miii: .. ilif .s.ii..n ni.,, Juiiuiiry 17, ISM. FIRE f FHlETl Pnuicnt and Tin: IN """;H. C. HOME iUSHRAKCE CO. I5AFE, c fT TTTTTr"l ' V XCjLv JL and PROMPT I in the payment of its losses. All kinds of lhiiiiling. instiriHl at reasoiiiiblc rates. 1 lie warned by the losses of your neighbors an 1 insure in tic u. IZ. A. LONDON, Agent. S.'il. I, 1S"1, llJiMDVAL! We are now in our new ipiarters J5 Sin and No. 16 Market Square, 1 tilt-store occupied, hisl vear bvMeBsre. M. T. N.n-riK A Hio'. Wo keep 011 hand ii FU&X. STOCK ! GROOEEIES, will be pleased lo hee our friend at all times. , Wishing you all a happy new year ' vt. nre ; Yours. ,Vc ; l WYATT & TAYLOR, 1ULEKHI, N. C. Jauuary t. IbHb. li" I I; 1 IT 'i fa.