Jfrh Qlnaiham jjucerfJ THURSDAY, APRIL 2. 1885. LOCAL BXOOIUDS. WYou will soon nee peach-blooms. 8ST Were you "April-fooled" yes terday ? W At last sonic signs of Spiiug can be seen. tW The next trim of our inferior court will probably be the last. PUT Oo to Uyniiiu & Hcaden for Cotton and Tobacco Pertiiizcis. IhJ-This delightful weather undies Us nil feel that winter is At last gone. tOT Tim next term of our superior court will bsgiti on the first Monday in October. Our town authorities have had I some young simile trees set out along : our mdewiiiks. BtfKev. W. H. H. Eawhon will preachhi the Baptist church, at this place, on next Sunday. eVev W. H. H. Eawhon will '' tfiF- Our fm eiers are all bnsv now trying to make uji ho much time lot by the backward spring. - - A not H 01 iiiltl i'iiv i hero, on last Saturday, goiiitf North. This is a sign that winter is over. Stay March is not much of a month for marrying, at least in this county, ns only eight, inaiiiage licenses we. e issued heie lust moiitli. SrMr. It. C. Council, of New Hope towiisbiji, infot ins us that he lias a pig that sucks one ot his cows, , r i. t It ,.- ura,."elun '" J"-""" IL f'll.f. " . . r.. w t V ... .1 ii.,' . ... i I i .or.., count v, although he is about .so years i , , .- " . i . .. . i. . old has l.ever hhaved, nor taken a ; iliink of any kind of intoxicatin liquor, nor taken an oath. tW The floods in the stove at Ilyuiuu's factory have been brought to this place, and will be sold here a; auction next Satin day and Monday. Last chance for bargains! ftaT" Twenty veins auo to nicht. in company with sevein! others. began l a: her an unpleasant join m y from Petersburg, which tei initiated quite ub upt!y al Appomattox Court llouse. W?" Easter Monday is always ob served iu this countj" as a holiday for picnics and tishing pin ties. We hope the young folks may all have a joy ous time next Monday, and that the weather will be favorable. WTSeveral weeks ngo we atmoune ed that a ladies' reception room would be added to the depot at Moneure. and now we are pleased to state that it has been finished, and it will be a gn at convenience to the travelling public. frair The Aurora Watch is the latest improved, the most nccuiattlv and : carefullv made watch. Order ,.f Warren Pi ior & Son, Fayctteville. celling Agents for the Aurora WaM-h : nnd ntoekholilei-8 in the Aurora Wat eh 1 Fnctorv. ! -. . WS"At. the last meeting of our town commissioneis, Mr. II. T. Chapin was appointed registrar and Mesi s. 'J honifts Cross and W. H. Leonard i were appointed poll holders for the I annual election to be held, on the lii At Monday in Mav, for mavtir and commissioners. ST Another lot of Georgia Stock, Farmers' Friend. Clipper and other Flows just received at London's. Only a few anno days to buy those goods at or below cost from Lon don'.. London will have a lot. of Star Special Tobacco Guano at Men y Oaks and Moneure. Get your orders at once. Have you seen the Sciung Machines at London's? I 1KW V., 1, IVI,,,',,1,, and Retail Merchant, (ireeiislioro, is giving real lungains in Iteadyinade Clothing this Spiiug. His stock em braces Suits and liarmcnts ol ad grades and styles, and ho seils the best 10 Suits ever ofi'ered in this section. His slock of Hats nnd 'Shoes is the largest iu (.ireeusl.oi o, und pi iocs always at rock hot loin. w' W. L. London would infi n 1 his friends and customers that Ii- lutenila going North next week and , to j,,. enforced unless the i.iagisiiales would be giad to serve them 111 ni.y;, county commis.si.meis at their j way. He would also be glad to mvc jillt ,,.!.,., i Jo adopt it. In ! the money you owe linn. "A l.'ni to : that the magistrates and com-1 the wmeisHulhcieut. Heeeived ihis " Imssiimi.ls 0f tllrt t.(lutv Kly be weett lit lionuoti a a nne 101 01 fia- lioiiery, consisting of Paper, l'uper . Pads, iuveiopeti, Pens und Ink, extra cliep. . tfff" Bob Fitchett is the most punc lual niail-carricr that we have ever known between here and Moneure. It does not matter how severe the weather is, or how muddy tho road, he is always 011 time and brings our ...oil ..-ill, ft, Mlhl.1.11 f U , oi. road train. During all the very bad : weather of the pastwimer he w as fieidoin ten minutes bt-hiud ti.ue. Wouid that all mail curriers were 1 1 like him! Sutri' Dying. -Wei egiet to hem- that there has been an unusual mortality ' among the sheep in this county, dur- . ing the past winter. Many farmers have lost iu hi I vail they had. Mr. I 1 . u. xjuiiei .ou is siiiti 10 nave iom about one hundred. An old citizen ! says that he leuionibeis many years i i.i.iii 1 ,- , 1 1 lent, that the sheep died 111 great numbers, and ns measles among the ! t"i """" cus;t!s was very preva-1 people and an unusual 11101 taiity with the bheep seem to have gone together this Teai.it in a v be that Hit cau&e exibtti foi both. A Sad Death. Three of the ehil - drcn of Mr. J. 11. lJiooks, of Mat - thews tnwiishii. were sick recently, and a dose of Kcilogg's vermifuge was given to each of them winch or a retusal to peitoriu tliem, are j ber of farmers in this section are pre-; 1110 gi'aru nouse a pom moriem ; me puipos-.! oi commuting a uusiar.i seetned to stupify them. Two of liable to fine or imprisonment ; are , paring to go into the cultivation of ; examination of the deceased showed ly crime an 1 having it accredited to them were whh difficulty moused ! to divide the townships into road : tobacco this vear. There will also ' that the blow from the brick hud sonic unknown m gro. from their stupor and recovered, but '. districts at tho May meeting, or in '. M tt considerable nuaiititv of simar i driven iu the -i-eond vctebra, break-1 .i .i-i . . i. .. ii f i. i-.... i ... 1 - ' . .;.... i .............. ..I,;..!. . ..-,..1 1 ... ... . . i no mini one, a uiigui iivc-year oui boy, never rallied, but finally died. Orn Kui.hoad. -The incorporators of the Pittsboro' lhiilroud Company met here, on last Tuesday, for the 3 of taking further steps to aft'ected. A netition was prepared whicn will be presented to the county commissioners, at their meeting next week, asking thciu to order an elec - t ion to be held here, on the 2'hd of Ma t. for the niiriioso of oblainiiiL' the assent of tlie voters of this town- ishipto a township subscription of to the. canital stock of the coinpnny, and me issue oi township company, umi uie issue ci lownsinp I l)""ls l"'.vnient thereof. The in - .orporalors will meet again on (ho llth inst , iiy whieli lime they hope i tiiu iiir-i , ii) miii'-ii uiti" in' : 1 a!' the reouired y.i.H'.K) will be sub i scribed, and then they w;JI call a j meeting of the subscribers for the! 'pin pose of organizing the company. ; i none 01 inn rm."ni n.i ii.ih: iiiii subscribed are eai nestly urged to do so witliout turtlier i!e:av. 1 lie etil ire coniliuiliiiv will be beneiiled by t he lirooosed railroad, and the burden of building it ought not to bo imposed upon a few persons. - - - - -- A ltoiliailt ic .'ilal l ia.'.'l'. Mceopy ooni me cam v r 101 ki-i , f. .. II . 1- , fl "linn Ihe fouowmir accouiil of tin.' i- i .omaui c n.aniageoi young nuiy. tlfiovli 1 1-1 1 1 1 . 1 'if lliw II II. 'rt ,,'lM l-.i.i.l . ' ' i'"" ' lit with much interest : I he num.. ions mends among th . . c , i -n i society people of Oca a wi be s'.ir- . ., 1 , 1 . ,, ,. . ii'ii-i-ii to in-.-ii in hut i omai: i :c ,i-u- ding that suddenly and. to a'i. nnex- ipected y took place yes'crday moiii i ing. between two very popu'ar liiem- beis of Oeala's socit'ty people. , 'J heparin s were Mi -s Agnes Si singe lot' Fa;, c ttevillt-. N. C, and Mr. Ilob- cit Sanders, of Oea!a. It was veiy 'generally known thai, they were fur a long tune sweetheart. Imt a wed ding v.ii'-i not expect ed so soon, even by the most intimate fi iends of i-ii her paMy. Miss Agnes has been here about a year vifiling lulaiivcs, but the time for the return to her No- lb home hadanived. Sorrowfully she had prepared to go. had packed bel li link, said farewed io loviuir fi ieiids. Old eve., ,d oone to the depot to . iai;e ine i raui. t x'-c;ni.', m com sc. in. t xi'-e;in, oi com sc. to return at some futuie day to re main with us and her true love per-: lu.inent.y. 15,it it was not permitted ' that two sm'h loving hearts should be so widely separated. As the time grciv shorter i Sob's heart troubled him mo.eaiid moie at the thought of a m palatum ; and. at last, withades perate resolve to rescue himself and the one in whom his "Sun lose ami :set" fiom such a fate, at the verv moment he pn.cuied t he lice-, :,. saw Itev. Mr. Wiimcr. and st:u ted di' in a can iage to Si.er Spring, and rushed to the depot in time to bo.ud 'he tuiin tinil. was to carry a-.vay his betrothed. Tin ic on the train as i: sped on its way to the Spiiug l.e It.ake the newh to her of his lesoives, and told l is plans, which were that t h-y stop oil' at Si!er Spring and wait- till itev. .Mr. Wiinier should come, and then, by the side of l'once tie Leon's loiig-y.oiiglit -for Soring of perpetual youth, join them liv those o u.is mat wouni lorevei prevent uer ...... 1 tt-,itn lli-il-oir li: ii i .1 i . i .. ..... .. n As chance hud il. a merry parly of Oeala's young society people hud started I he same day to picnic at the Spring, mid surrounded by many friends it was a very enjoyable ami pleasant little wedding thougl uiiat surpiise to ail The happy patty returned to Ocala i the carnage and were met at Dr. hnowden's by numerous friends and fi-:i:l.'.l in s ti i i o i'. i iiii-i'if ii I In imrli iv. I , . . j , - teuipol alieou-i st vie. Tue numerous friend. of both j.ar ' ties wid wish each a long, long Jil'e ot pt-acc and happiness, and the j"Item'' cxtcud.4 to both its best I wishes for happiness and prosperity." ,, . , 1 110 t'W I.0IKI Law. We have heretofore annouiice 1 that the Legislature had passed a road law ior Chatham and eertain nther c,;.i,.ties. which however is not ,,,,..,.,1,., to vote inteidoentlv imon I purposi organize the proposed company. The money to go into the township road j '"" u '" ' grnunu.s aiinai. place mat p.nce, caught lire last night awl melI,is it. persons previously appointed to open i fund, and bo credited to the proper j A darkey having heard that ex-G .v- j was totally destroyed. Two color-, books of subscription reported that j district. Xo road bed shall be more ! -h vis had been appointed Envoy Ex. j od men at Wadeslmro last night got ! IUIIKI,S t over 4,00! had been subscribed, and than 1( feet wide unless ordered by ! ttaordinary and Minister Plenipoten-; ii.toxiented and were rat In r uoisy. i ',. " . ,f , , .j. . no doubt was entertained of obtain-1 tho county commissioners. Five 'inry to Uruzil, told another da-key j Finally one tried to persuade the' J" r ' 1 ') ' fr t t-- ing .-).(M)(, as required by the char-! jurors can order the opening of new .that Gov. Jams had been appointed other logo homo and t ik hold of! I1"" n ,f ! Vi '?'',,., i tor before an organization can be ! roads, and the sum rvisor is to cause 1 ft! extraordmaiy preacher to the pei.i-. him to try and h id him away, when '. ." VV ' 1 llie (piesinm, at ineir .June meeting, 1 " """ ' " ' ' ' that he knew thev del have money weheiewith publish a synopsis ol '' week, looking alter hind. -In view of . v ears of age mid has all his hie be. n and Unit he inteedel to have i!-'-thc law. Copies of the law in fud1 the scarcity of long fornge, we heard a identilied with thefiiowlh nnd maim- t1!lt ;u(.w ,u. yiM follv aollars will soon bu sent bv the Sect ctary ol' ; l l farmer say u lew days ago that : facturing interest of his vti.ui of ( hifh thev h id received from a puity State to the magistiates, so that they i he would take an acre of good land. ; the ctumty. lie wiu one of the lust ' n, tj)(l npjKboi hood money v.hicii mav be fullv inloimedas lo ils nrovis-. ions. 1 lie) e will iloulitless be a wide , diversity of opinions as to the p,,. pnety of adoptuig it, and we do not I think it win be i-nlotced in Cliath.un, . .... " . . nt 1!'',9t1 ,1,ls 'ea,'1 ()l,lr l,l",l,lt' V" to wait and see how it w may works 1 in otiier counties. The follow ing is n ..miiiiiiiri' tf it fliii'f n nviiniiu ,, , . 1 . "ihu magistrates m each tow nship are incorporated into a boai d of li iis- tecs, ami they have control of the roads in their townships; they can order and lay out roads. tlie 11 riie.-, appoint where bridges are io be made, discontinue roads ami I ernes and a.itr loans wiiou nicy sen proper; ; they are to meet in their townships ; 011 the 1st Monday 111 May and No veinoei , ami oinaier 11 ncctj.-..saiy 101 . i . . . business ; are exempt from tho tour days' road duty, are to examine into the condition of tho roads at leu-a twice a year, ami report the same to sauie.ine supeiior conn ju.ige, ami ne tojiimfe. J m cow lias been kept alive i the bwiKitor with iimtiuciioiis; they i witli li.pud food. : and the chairman of the county com - , unsMoners, the county board Ihereoi, each magistrate and the supei visor if convicted of I neglect of their duties, ; lour wceus iiiuichuci, aim minium,) i eane planted. 'alter the same at, pleasure; are to! a supervisor at t he Mhv ineeti..g! , "l5er!i .V"','"' I. , LcW ,,rtf and nnnnally thereafter, and if he;Col. . 1. Laickwell has in contcni- refuses or neglects to qualify, he j phition the purchise of the Kaposi- ' shall pay t20 and cost, to be colled- i buildings and their removal to od by llio township trustees, the I them to bo opened, and keep them in repair in his district, and lor that j purpose can cut timber, except shade 1 mid ornamental trees, dig gravel from : any land through which the road ! o issoh. di.r drains to the nearest j watercourse, Aic, and the owner of ; the land is not allowed to stop said ; dniins under n tumult v of !10 for : each ollenee, tone eoiiccteti uy the eacu onenee ; supervisor fe district. All i: years to w or the lieneiit ot ins riwl All males between IS and filin li oi iv Lin-- niu. n iuui null I. II 1 f.. 1...,., : in each year, except disabled soldiers. or pay -M m lieu 01 said service to tho supervisor, ami be to tmi said j money iu improving his roads. Any I j one lieHTllllg l o 01 i ), tiii-11 'i e.siriu , , or refuses to obey the supervisor, shall av .?! for inch olleiu-e; U he ' fails to at lend, is liable for tho !?:i in lein of the four davs woi k. to be recovered by the supervisor by suit before any magistrate of the town-jenme jshi,., and in addition is guilty of a.. misdemeanor, and is to be lined !?" ; f.l- inmrivii 111 I'd live d:l VS. tile llllllll'V 1 ' . Si.(.llVll ,v ;u. uiiervisor to lie. v ....n ... ...-.... . . . . .... .. ... : Jlis ,ads. The su.-ervisor is to an- ; : -i . .' .i ! niiaiiv aeconni lor an mone.vs receiv- ! ed and collected by him to the town i ship trustcfs, and give the names of !,i ,,.i ,.,.,i,.,.,.i i... i.;.,. i10i,u,.!i,. : thoe ordered bv h;:u to work, tuo.se ' i cf using to work, fino.-i collected, &!'. Tho supervisors can order the con slinclionof foot bridges over any 'stream of water on the road: irf ul iowed ti.oil per day for time actually employed, less the :l commutation for hi.-i four days' labor; is to receive not moie than i'l'l per year for his sei vices if he has under his chaige 'J.") hands or less, and not mote than ii2) if lie has more than 'l"t hands; said eompeiisati iii to b, paid out of the county tn asury; is to cause ob structions lobe icinoved from the roads, and for this nui noisc can order out such of his hue as may be nee- . c.,sarv, and can give a cerlilicate to , .. ,.,, ,. t!,:, f.un- i i ' ,. i,:,.. .. ;;i i, .lit , SI!.., ... ,..i. i.: f.... .1 1 u.,;.,., 1 '..'' '. :. . ...-i.. ... l , i is to cause anv lailroad com pany to keep in good repair the road bed of all public roads ncrost' their l ail road, and can lecover from such company by suit before any. magistrate a tine of not less than .'?.'!!) nor more than S50 lor neglect of this duty, the money so obtained to be i used for road itnproyeiuet.it. If any j railroad employer- unnece.ss.iriiy ob-1 strucls tiny public road by placing ' or permitting any car to stand there-: on more- than live minutes, or timber 1 to remain on the same to the incon- vciiieiict! of tiaretlers. the company' is liable to a tine of not less than nor more than tfi;!. and also damages to any parly aggiieve 1, to be recov- tied by suit before any magistrate, i either by said party or the township . tlU.tf.es. Alltiiie.s collected mo to. be pai 1 to the supervisor, and he is1 t apply them to the improvement l is roads, rropcr pemidies are . " luesent.it d lor nan. tiiieiu pracuceson ;, . f . .. . 1 .,...,..; ..,. the part of unv road supervisor. 4 ....-... A gene" a! road tax is to ne levied iy v.a-i supposed hv tus latnily to Inive the county commissioners and mag- gone out to visit home of his relativis istra'es tit the June meeting ; and if ; as he was nut seen in t l.e n, ihbor this lax is not sufrieieiit for any town-1 hotd through the week. He was in ship, the trustees thereof can report , the habit of leaving home for j-evcml flu1 laci, .oihe county commissioners ase.l magistrates at. the aforesaid June ; meeting, iiiul have tin) necessury lax , mviea. State Xticws. Kernerviile News : On Tuesday . of 1 :st. week, u little 0 months old clnltl ot Mr. tieorge .Jones, who uvea me i:isi one oi nil m rci m .uii .-.un.i.iv i jt!1 Ahoilt till hour or two altir live miles wcr-t of Yunstuii. while 1 night without any thbn; fioin him;jtlt, p0(l,p.!VV rotiicl, whin hov:isuji phiving ( ii the hearth near the lire, ! the m-i hloi hood by Ihirt time beeom i j,(,se,i jo be asleep, a Hois washeu-d pulled a tea keltic of boiling water ; ing thoroughly aliu ini .1, coumtenct d j (, i.,, outside, and iu a few mo- ovtr on her and died from the effects ' i,f it. ! 1 Asheville Advance- Tho whe-it ' I , ;,, avwo,.d coimlv is almost an ! ',,,.,, faUun, owiii" to'tiie verv i-e- , i .i . .. i i I . , s(( h" Ka'iUx th, t ,W() tinting for the property, and was tak- ' 1!ll)ntm M iny f'lrmers nie1"" H s,ll ve-v (,f P""'1, ,,t'1'""' ; ,,lov'in' ut their w heat ' lields for ' ,l,l,!,,""'!,l"s 't'"' t''"'h- When found tlM.r mn i'oses ' j he was lying on his face with no marks 1 1 ' of violence on Ins person. The i iii- ; arreiiion HHeue : A goon many maniire it . nenviiv ami how corn . 1... .l..:t I 1 .!... 1 1.1 .1 ...I . 1 111111 "",1 ,llil'. " i"'1" n' 1 . several tluuisund pound, of good; oddar 11. i or eight weeks tro.u the " "f l'l''t"f,'- It w.v bo worth while to act upon l. plan. Nc-vton Enterprise: The wheat in ' thft tields makes us poor a show ns it : did in the year 1801. Then the wheat did not sliow itself till about the last ', of March and the lir.-t of April: and ! yet made an excellsnt and unusual' ....... 1 . crop iu imij me crop was nearly ; an entire failure. Al Air. . C , Ikerd's one day last week a horse bit It a cow s tongue. Ihewav ot it ' Wns this The horse nml cow oceu ndjoiuimr stalls Through n crack the cow attempted to steal some ,i t he Iiol'se s toinl liv FtMiil.lil'' It up ,'. I n I . w ith her tovgue. Hie horse caught l0r i the act and b:t off about three and a half i:i In s of her tongue as . smoothly as if it had la-en cut with a! Mum- i)f ; ii10 colored neonle in t liisi section ! annear to be determined to move to I ArknisaB next full. Quite a limn- ! -''" "Hl" I"1 ln,! 1 , 1 ,,M',C(V tentwy in .bra.u. Lexington Dispatch : Last Friday. j the case of Mary Ann Given ngaint ! : Franklin Kvcrliart, was bring tried ! . before a jury. A number of wil'iesses ; : ,..- t!.ut ,.l .;,.; was insane when she executed a oer- i tain deed. The admissibility nf the; i.l,.;,.i;ir i,.0H,.w.,v ..,... .n'i,..f . i I h!UI ever been insane was argued at some 1 Lumberton IlohcHonian len-tk The judge related to wi,h M,! V:,'W uIli"l i1l"'-v ' tc-i . . I . I . - . "s-m k. , sel an ineidmit- of 7i in . win'""11 ,f Hoieiice. 'J' 111 distance isi THOMAS -In N..w II .p.- sei an incident .01 a 111 01 w.io .. , . of Mm-.-ii, Jumn wi-i.i.v ti crazy from hearing an insanity 1 l ''" fl"' N, '11,( V ayettt.-ville i.,t 1,1. k,. lion argued. Thocase went over i ,UH f .r"!l:1 , V ' .n,u l'.V , , . .,,llns( ' L i Weill, ! ones! until the next morning. When the ease was called on Saturday, Mr. John L. Young, one of the jurors, did not ailSWI1! TO UlS UfllUO. 1 110 CUs( was continued until Mondav, ami inquiry ; liemi' made, it was learned lied the 1 iuror bad left, home on Sfilm-,1.iv : l.,d '.lilhrmd u..nl. r..Il...l l.i... On Monday, a m ighborof Mr Yo'.iu's into court mid made on h that Young was eruy. It pciih tint h; heeaine dernng''d while on his way to ' ,, mrl s! .1 m-.l.i,. Tl,.. ..no., ;a ' " "'"'""'K' mi i.mr iii.iicii.iui rnninr iiiuv nils lliin n.lll- a very renmriiable one. and coine.dui!' n n u t m: i iii-iii i ii. 1 1 -ut i ii . by the iudi-e. h one of the stran-est ' . ...... occurrences ever hearc of m thu com h h i. Charlofio Observer: Th dlsfil- lerv of Mr. Eli Jenkins i.s in Gaston county, and is located near the town of Mt. Ifollc. St-in keeper Green ('lowers is stat-oned at the still, and last S,y nrday evening he shot and killed a cra;:v eolored men. in S'-lf de- rense, it, h eiainie I. J ho trau'e lv r e eurred in the still hnue. late iu th afternoon, nnd the jiartie ihi's as re !a'. d to us seem to Mibstanli de the claim that the rilling was done in H:'f defense. Sat ur lay afternoon n e tlored man namiil Hrown, who h id al'.vavs been regar led by tlie nc;h b v a a crazy man, and who was kuow'i to be a desii 'fate rhnnvte i- n t,'ene;ai nunai :-s. i-uci .nr. i low- ; ers t hat he ha 1 come there to g. 1 1 '''ue wnisuey. : ne storeKe.eiier no lifelv infoiiued the (hrkey that hr C Hll.l get lio whiskey lit the s'ill. ' where upon Ih-owt, beea-ne insolent . in his manner, and in a cnimmindingi ne.- u.oe.t:,. ,.. . k.o.ckc..,,,., 10 K' ' h.m some whiskey This command Mr. Ih.uers refnse.d to obey, and or-, der.,1 Erown to leave the prem.s.s. .. -.. u,iU an, :, : ami swore mar ne would eu'ier nave! the whiskiy. or would kill the store keeper. At this juncture Mr. Flow eis ordered the negro to leave tlie still, but instead of obeving tliis order, the demented man K'i.ed a weapon and advanced upon Mr. Flower in a lhr ateuii g manner. Mr. Floweis re tie de l until corneiel so that l e could retreat no further, and then draw ing his pistol shot nt Brown, who fell and expired instantly. Greensboro' Patriot: Mr. John C. Burgess, a well known and big'-v lespeetfd citizen of liimtlo. Ii cm;. resM.ng at t. oluiuDia taclory Kit I" homo on Monday the Dili mst , atid days at a tune, without inloitntng hn family wln-re he was "oimr. -vot ,eat mtr tioin. or seeing mm up to the : llth his friends hemine S'inevs hit ilarined, an he l ad I e.-u iiii..ell for 1 soiii'-i time. Ii ipiiry was at or.ee made j thi ou l,ig ! w hen rhout the (:iin;i lui 'Selioers sent in diiiVrci.l il ieciioi s. : he was thoiijdit to 1 a got.e. mi Monday iiiorniug early, a :.earch f "' him and continued it until Thurs- ; ,1fl"'' "onii" vvl'1'" L'H ' f111""1 : :iVllt 250 .v''h''"' his old home j !"'"'," n,w mv , ; " ' '."- : his brother, with whom he was ne-'o- : ion ot im, Mivsiciun Mis that lie iliej 'll ','w ' esp-rate enaiivier. ; vvj! bJ ;,, ,,rolii:,b!e, oven if prices ,'ll'1 !lt '""' "",1 ll,f.,,Pr !l:aroh.w. -Mr. h N. trwin. a native stockholders ami loittPlers ct liic:i, ,U, .,,,( f,-, !., ,,. I , 1 ,:.... . I ,- 1 , . ..- . " ohiiuoih mi iorv. esuioiiHiie - m l..io Wi,mi ,,, ,.,.vicw . ,.,.v 1)r , lvit(.,mnl ,(f . ,,irtit ,lst t.l)m,.!, - ... - , , '.., ,,..., illvitod tl,',!l(. ,,litori.te of the li.-.p- j list elmrch t Charlotte, will not ae - cept the call. At about 7 o'clock j last Sdurday night a parly of young ; colored men' weic asset -blo l at the I corner of Seventh and Ann sheet, and two of the crowd mined respeel-; . . . . . . ivcjy joim l arver ami il'er John-. son. became involved in a wordy ipi irnd. After passing much rough laimmme Carver sutd to Johnsou. "If you want anything out ol me. come 011." dohpsoii n tinted in simi- u- languajj imd then ailvancitig MrucR Carver with his fist. Tnev 1 u i', ii 1. . then separated and Johnson turned mound and entered into conversation 1 w itii one of the party, and while thus j engaged, Carver, who had found a . bi u k. threw and struck Johnson with 1 the mioilu ou tht back of the neck, I causing the latter to full and expho ! without a groan. (. arer noi, out wax pursued, caught an 1 tun.ed over to : 'he police by w hom lie was routined . "'K "" ; an effusion of blood that produced ! ! it iMHtaiitiitic-.iiil3-. Both young men were about 1H years of age. i The dwelling house at Ciarkton, oc- , cupied by Mr. S. S. Carter, the agent . " Carolina CeuU.,1 loiilioai Ht the latter drew u pistol and sliot tiie tormer. lutlu'tiug a wound from n hii'li ! ho died in a few minutes. Col , . ln 11 '''"''"n Gaiiliici Construction, is i r. Chief Engineer cf ! in I lie city to-dav and i has lieen in consultation with Hon '''''dgers. President of the . K, relative to the construe-j tioii of the new short line which is to i )n l.nilf f.-,.i Wit.,,.. l.'.tvoH nt-il'a, iniid Sini.'htiold, in Jolmsou county. I Tho utmost expedition, we under-! ! stand, i.-i to be used iu tho construe, j i lion of this lino. The surveys have all been made, the money is ready and it is prop mm! to have the cais run-! throiign hel.veeii Wilson ami Favetteville in one year from this date. Lids for I vertised for. construction are ad Stutesville Landmark : One of the! strangest things that has happened j I,... '.,.. u....... I ; ... 1 1..., I..", e ... div. Marcus Liiuuii'd. tin- vr-ti-timn v auii:t.'uii ui .-iui:ii, i:;ive a it pint of laudanum at once, and !. ... n aris ing tlie next niominghe fo :. Miecow j lying as he supposed d, . . ,u; load ed her on a wagon and oauled her off : but to his utter mil prist; muiiu time during the day he discerned the cow i up and walking about. 'the chicken and egg industry is one to which the proper degree of at tendon has never been paid, i t is run as a side show : on the farm and is conducted as a ' side show at the grocery stores There ';aro really few tilings tint pay ularee. i profit to the miser thau jnuiltiy and .eggs, wlieu lucre is a reliable m l ; convenient market for tin. m. No i i iVestiiient is necessury to begin the I business, a id on the farm there is next to no expcti.ir in conducting if. If 1 there, is abvava a market the h;. mucks f , .,.. ..,.,1 .......,;,, t,,; ...,. i . M.tl, v(,!, .L,;,,,,,,,, l" i..tK. 5 ing dealer in this place, vent N rth !,.,, o i;... . , n,,,i l ., jce l,een .I'drn.nn.e.-fo,-., ,,i- Vl: hiw1. A ll)0)lth ur tw , ,0 was fr:m.U a Uc,rKiaailro,vl ir.nn. ! when, al a ceit iin point, two or more ;,,,., ., ivM bo:l,,h,A ,,1. h(li ,,.st.t) ,limi ,le ,.;, . a.'s.-viid ii i. (,f n MM wll.,m ,ll(.v waut(,(, fif u. of some ci iuie. 11 pro- i,,u, i ,i,.,t i,,, ,,. ,i, . man. anil resisted arrest ; hut li e t.ai.ierew came to the aid of the oti'tci r- and lie was li ii n 11 v handcuffed and taken nl'f the car. Af.er Ihi.' ease was investi gated he was discharged from custody, it having been hhown to l ave been a case of inistuken i lcnlhy. I'pon the ground that the train authorities as sisted iu ejecting him from the train wheu he hud a ticket for a p lint fur ther tin, he lias brought a suit against tiieiadroad company, laying his dam ages at :!l.O00. W.desboro Intelligencer: A few i;ci.ings ago a weary, foot sole Irish ped liar jiresi-nted himself at the house of two ladies who live by themselvts, n(-;ir Rocky Spiiug, in Stanley county, and asked for a niidit s lodging. The ladies felt, a p- prclic'.isive. ami dcclint d lo entertain t,;,,, i.t llo told so nitifnl a lal of i,,.;,.., i)mi;,.u down 'ind unable to j,i,u.eed l'uillier, thai !:e (inallv pi . ,,,i,i ml iliem Ii. lei. I.im kIiv. He . i i (i...... tmt if i.v w).re afiaid i f i,,., il(,v nd-dit 'dock him ui)" in a I... l, ,.,,. Aliiiiwl ns mum ns lie j,,,t .js (.upper, the pi ddlar retired ; and th.' door whs promptly lo,:k' d on ,,,ts' i;,i, without cereino:,y, in talked a big buck negro, withn bludgeon in his lusn.l. He cautioned . !(,ii(.s , be j,(.lft,.tl.y ,p,iet and to make no ell.rt t..- ive an ahum or i. ,,..,.,1,1 1.- ,m,,-.W l..t,t I,t1i H(. tl,,.n .Jemanded thi ir money. One of the l idies. who 11 pj ears to have ,ad unusual presence of mind, told him llmt ,iu.v did mil have but little ,u,,tl.v. mi vhut th v .li.l li.iv. thov ,..i,.,i f.. i,.1.,i. . . 11,. ,..l,...l some ,jl( ,,r. jous lliat 1. ud more mom y b. si.l. handed to have il or I jlu.,,nv ho dv:,- knew Ihev ml that he them. A I upon her lie ludv :t. if he mena, i.,gh, whet, uuietly infortmd h;m would have il, she supposed she would have to give it to him. She then started to get th money, turning to the room wherein whs lodged the piddlar. Tho Irishman, who hud 1 , .1 : ... l.l overnearo me convci -,auou, imo iiu.-i ly arisen, dress.id himself and stood iu readim ss. 'J'hc negro was in the act of laving violent Inn. Is on the hidv win 11 she unbarred the door nnd out stepped the Irishman with pistol in Ins hand At tin. stgt;t ot tlm, sudden and umxpeeted Mppuritioti, . ,1 , 1 1 111 1 the negro fell back aghast, but not .111 tim., M escape the bullet from the Irishman's pistol, which went wins' - ling through his heart. The negro tell w it 11 a groan ami oieu aiiuosi 111 - fcUutljr. On tsamiuatiou, the would 'bo robber and murderer proved not . to he a negr. at ill, but a white nmn one of the ladi. h' i nearest hcighboi s, . who hud thus digu uised himself for , After ail the arguments about cheap- ,' ,1PSS and nihility it appear. that Ur J lli-H Cough Syrup is the best rem-' j .,lv for the cure of eou-'hs and colds t,vel. ofr01.t.,j t (,,, public The pi ice js .. or, cents a bottle and every . dtuint in the luiiilMHells niul ref-om- llard'ivaru or Machinery from W. II. Wakki iklk & Co., G.veiishoro', X. C iii:i. .r Nntii'pmif iii-n-ii, mi l ltvu-niie.-.i in.'.crird fri'ii. i il'linarlt'rt '-luirj;'! mivcii .-i-uih a tin... ' .' ? rw. ,""! '""" I'. ' "! tnwn.Mii, f.u On, 'JMUi I'li'iMAH, 111 llll l.Ui ynnr THE ia A R 2E 33 ti . tii'iMi-ifil for Tar: I; ikd by WY ATT A T AYLOlt, inoi i;n n. commission mkkciia.vtm. Kn. 1! K. nth h!iIi Murtln St., i:.LKiiiii, ;;. c, MHn.-ti a:. tW5. COTTON MAKKtT: (iimd Allil'lllMK, in 3.1 Ml-lillllis, . 10 sirli-i 1...W MiJJtng, - Sialiin, - bo WHOI,I.M,l'. filli H'laiVMA UK ET. M. Ht -C lUhli'M, l-'l' iir. N. e., i tn" sx II , 'i -il, Willie, Ih'lli-.l. i'.5 II C'.rn, G'7'.l) I'm ililiiH Imi li i-ii. "f liarrrl. K "R . rimmMni amnx l.nr.l- : iiiwi 1-i'Hn.Mi, I Family, ! M'lllinwvi Culm, il I, j Syi ni'H, hrlithl, SUiln mi-lit Vi ll'.w, ! I.x'.i-.iC. ! Sllol, Hi r.-i, l r:0vn .; ;3 o.'-i-'l Fi':i'-)ii'H, .iVMi UI lUli'J ApiiluK, ll.'fl'lO, liuiii-r, "jicflw f. van. .jo . f cM'-ki'iiH. crofi-n, 3u I 1 oninuiiiit-'l, l'"l"r Kft'.- J Tlex j in', ia iii im. ILlLVlliU i.t iii'W llrmu Tli $1 75; no' M .ill fur Inrfo liiin. New Advertisements. A UMIN ISTRATOli'S NOTICE. ' IIhvIhi; 'imiilt'"l n On .i.linliiWrin.r "f J. .1. Hnij.i!. i.-.-i-a-.i' i. 1 h'-fi-ey tin irv Hll M'roi.n li"l'ln i: '-l.-ilnis l';iiiihI s il l -I I"iu in uxlill'U ilif rtrtfni' l-i lie, fii i ir loior Ui" -Jul 'lnv ir A i.ril. IW, ti. V. lOl'SUKii April i, Ihs.'i. din. SAND SVLH 15Y VIRTUE OF Hii'li'irUv t'.'t in mi Iiy n jii'lnii-nl t tliu Sii(n-!-i'ii' i.nii-l til eii.-t' li.-en i-"tii!iy In ii i-rtu.-.t, 1 l .-l-i I l "-M.lln- In win 11 .In" II. U'.llM.rn is plHlll lilT.iii.l I-'. Il.stiih uii.l "Oi"i' nr.- ili'l'-uiliitiu, I will hi-ii, al 1'iit'lli' aj"il"ii I" -.In lil-li' si Iu ll"r, I'T i-a-li, in ih' t '. ri-ll.ii-. i1"-t in ilif it.wn or Ci iHi... ..n m,.i..i.-.v. m I'iihIim-.. , "ii M"i...iy. M.-iy I. Is.-..,, I lie r.'ll'iwllii: ,.,J,.r, '.U ,i,,..,,,"i,..':-,i.rJ,r.,. I, N. ' , known mi II' pi"; i i.al'1 i"Hu h-i Inn, niiniiM'i- li. :to imj 117 rnii'ily li-l"iigliit- m Uiv l:i'i' . 1.. sum. T. II. WOM ACK. eiiiinit.-.bluucr. I'lti.sl'i.r'i', S. C, April a. IfHV VT . T . i;H' OF NORTH CAROLINA. ! IV. II. liiv-kHiili, I.. P. c-.iimil mi 1 wiai Cut,-fiilii, ! S. W. llp. kwllli anil .uln-rs. i AlMlll-l ; .1. s. II.'. kwi'i, mill .1. r. Ui' kivlih. Tills In .1 S I', lilt .l"' l-i-.lllli! I'T p l 'i"ll "t Uu nnl inia. i- "I O f lam N Iiiiini I "i kwiOi, nml II i nppi'.-triiii; line i In- .U-fcinlatjis uri' u- ii-i-i'Mdi-nirt i iiii-l li.-ivi' mi Hi-.-riH! in ;,i. ri'itl i'hihi... Un-y ari ! I'l-n-Py linUtli-'l In hr .'III. I lljiponr III Uili nliliH) "f llll'rll lk "f H.lt.l oilir. Ill I'lllHlmm', Willi ,1 V) ilny uiinf Uh' ii'fVi,-i- ,if llii pulill'-nlli'll. nntl mi ; miit "i .Ir'inir I" U iiipi.-niii i ilif plmuliITH, ! "r jinlk'iiii-ii. will In- luk'-n pi- n rn. j Vvi. M, ISM."., ills.. W. I . H)l SI1KK, C. S. C. IMPORTANT SALE! In (!.'. I ;Mi-o whh i-nii'mr tiiurt, 1 will fjn!n ti f fiif, h: il liri-li.jn-i- .iiHtr lit I'.i?r. M-.n- t , ituy l A 1 1 1 inxi, th" l-dli-wintr ih- h.-ril'.l nil vr.'.mv. ..wi: I.:. Tin MI.1JM l'ATTKIt'N j.U-r iitn-iii l.'Nt arr'H. noitr Mfiry Orik.-., . ii ;),. l aii i'ii . AuL'u-t.a Air-l-.m j(.illr-ii-l. 'in l. Tin l-.vrTKHSoN IHH sj: ui-l LtT In UiMimvn l I'i'HlnH., "Il lilt Il H th-iM-st C'TluTl'I pulihc T rtns f Snli--A lf Hif ikt in fmir li'iti'lK -1 ami Mvrnty'llvi M- llnr in c;t-ii. rcniHin-ili'l- tn i iti'-u'd-, an. I :l il.t In' in I'li'-t-ir.t, in iLi.-.i i'umi :tiil ffMi'iitnIrr in M. iii"irlu. i: -ri'l tnl f'urty t'tvii un; tnii'rrHt tr m t1nt of h ili rr jini-fM hi !) li i-awit, ail Miljt.-t t lb Hi, th-'-l.-r tin-f,uri. J. ,. WoMAi'K, Mnrrli hili, 4'h. t.'mniif.-i-.iHT. NOTICE! ON WKDN'KSPAY. AIMIIL 22m, I will otVer for sale at l ml ilif auction,,.!, . ., . ,, , ..tKOYPT, Chatham CursTv. i . 1 ',m,,,f11'" .' 'V'" V$ Rem" a lot of Household and Kitchen Fur-1 liiture. Cattle. Hoys. Poultry, Sheen. one W'nL'on. ow Horse. c. Ate. Also. the stock of "oods in the store of A (. 11 herson. deceased, comnosed of (iroceries. Drv (ioods, ('lothing. Hats, i Cans, ll.iols. H iocs. I I.o diviire. Ike.. such Ihieg- as are yenyi'ally found in ' a eountrv si ore. lerms l AMI. .MltS. 1. Jl lil5'.li , Kjni-utrix of A. (I. lt"ii-!-H'iii( ilHoi-nnoil. Mttl '-ll VI-'. ixf-'i. e. mm m mm L. C. BAGWELL, AOEST. RALEIGH, N. C. u-.,it rM 1 s.oi lo,,liir ( 'lii,m ber Suits. M.rl.h- a! ,1 Wood Top Hut-, ef It !i ;ueees, tor ijeJo. Walnut .Steads, i.irt Steads. Walnut j Hiitcaus. Poplar bureaus. Marble Top Tables. lJ.-i ssiug Cases. j Washt iiids, W:. 1 dr. i.es. Chairs. ! Lounges. Matti.sse.-, and anything, kept ii. a FtmrjiTims STORE. When not in Stock, will order nt N.'i'.h'in Price... 1'ieight added. Have illustration of nil kinds of Pur-1 niture from nearly every first-clans 1 manufacturer in the United States. Cheap Bedsteads a Specialty COFFINS OK AM. STM.KS AMI SIZI-S. Metallic liiirinl Ois s. Walnut Burial Cases, Walnut Collins. Imitation l'ose- ! wood Collins. Poplar and Pine CofliiiH ! IH'IJIAL KOKKS of all hies.' ..mi.K .i.-iivi.ri.i rur.K r hnrgo al hiijt t)rHil I pP'iniw Umi all I'Uslmws ,'iitrunioil to j hhn mv ,,rm,,i atii-niinu. j Order attended to Day or Nigh iilrunioil to my I L-ht. 1 N.ijKnMMarUusirw.t,o'-.mdiioorfrnmrwuj, j e-s . 1 opiiioTtfoirttYi,onu-e ft:nurf- i imt. NEW STORE! j A.I. MOO L I, EMEU I CO., FAYKTTEVILLE, N. G, Market 8uKro, WHOLESALE GROCERS. Aprils, 18m. ljr The Old Reliable NORTH CAROLINA BOOKSTORE ALFRED WILLIAMS 4 CO., Booksellers aui Stationers, KALEIGH, N. C. LARGEST STOCK IX THE STATE AND LOWEST PRICES. W'e ran supply all your wants. Catai.oottes Free. WlTunry S, I8(i5. 3ms. BI5 SURE AND AH Winter gtwitls at cost for the next '2U davs for c.v,sn at LONDON'S. jO nice Cassimere Vests, all sizes, worth from ?1 ..00 to 11.00, vhich eun be !:oimht now for 1.00 to 1.50. Ladies' Cloaks, worth 12 for 6, and others in same proportion. COME AT ONCE TO LONDON'S IF YOl WISH TO SECURE THE BARGAINS ! FAItMKKSeau find at LONDON'S Cotton, Corn and Tobacco Guanos, the very Ust. Also a small lot of Acid Phosphates left on hand. LOxXDOiN'S IS THE PLACE TO HUY YOUlt GEOliGIA STOCKS, AVKIiY DOUBLE SHOVELS, ami all kinds of PLOWS, PLOW CASTING, PLOW STEEL, WE EDI NO HOES, SHOVELS, POIIKS, SPADES, or any tiling elst needed alxnit the PA KM OR HOME. LONDON KEEPS THE 15 EST Sewing Machines, ' "f1"" seconu-naim ma- ' ,, ,n Kir -eap. lines for sale el "s " hand n lw liiiCRies, Minions und one two-horse Carriage. wliich will U sold at a ureat sacrifice. lie sure when von come to town to call at W. I,. LONDON'S. March 12. lS8.r. FIRE! FIRE!! Bo Prudent and IE in Tin: it rt Trniin TiTnrf n 1 vrrti nn N. L. H II il N, KAllLfc LU. This company ha been in aueae ful oH i-.ition for sixteen an, Itk SAFE, SOLVENT and PROMPT in the payment of il losses. Enrage Hoi Iistilitis All kinds of Htiildings insured at reasonable rates. Ik' warned by the losses of your iu'ighliors and insure in tim. II. A. lOWDOri, iigeat. Ckfi. 1, im, A. K. HANK1N. H. IT. BAXKIM. i ! i HIS i i INOWISYCURTIMEforBARGAWS! I I : . tl-

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