it A i: . V i "P. i 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 25, l.v-o. II. A. LONDON, Editor. M.U5ISTIIATIK will) WCl'O tlppoimed By the last Legislature and have not yet qualilied cannot now do so wilh out being "-iltiii( by t lu- Oov 6nior. In another column we copy from the News and Observer :ui ex planation of tlio law on this auhjtct, and we now refer to it for tlu purpose, of showing the importance of having She most import mt acts of i ii iy Legislature published, an soon as they are panned, in every newspaper in the State. Tlio public printer is Keldom able to publish the. acts in book form until three or four luotiihs after the Legislature adjourns, ami the result is the peupk do not kn w what the new laws are lining that interval, and even after ihe acts an? thuH published I hey hm not sk ii or read by many persons. Ihe laws Mi) printed in a limited number of Ooks which are distributed among the magistrates and other olliccrs. but the eili.eiis gcuciahy h:.e no opportunity of knowing what arc the laws which they aie cxpciled to obey. A copy of this book on-lit to be given by the Stiltc to every news paper in the tule. so thai the peo ple might ah have an oppoi 1 unity ol reading them. This at least should Vv'done, but in addition theielo evciy important act of the Lc;;.-!atnic Slight to he publ'shed immediately lifter its ratification iu every new s pliper ill the Sia'e. This is d"lie in Severn! States of the I'nhm. and il ought io he done ill Nollli l ,ii'o.u;:i. All tin1 piihilc'.iy possible should be (given to the -tan. ii laws o! eciy country, so thai the eiti.'cli; there.. I' iniiv become familiar with them. I; ih j h u'd maxim that Tgnuiaucc of (he law exeuieth no mull ': of co.ii':-e tlieu il is the duty oi the lawmaker to promulgate tin ir laws m the movi jVrpicn- us and public manner, ami lli l follow the example of tile ihnitn Nrnof. Caiigulu. who it said wmii his laws in a small chaiactcr. ami built; them lipoii high piil-i -. the Ulif t'lVtclinillv in ensnare the peo Tm: Stim kuoi i 1 1 " of the Atlani ; Slid Nortli Carolina 1!. II I'o . w!....-c road runs from ( loidslioro' to .Mne- llfttd City, hold the ir annual meeting Veiny at the latter place, an I it is likely to he a ciy important lne I ilig. I lie iiclioii "l lea-. li.; the roild to the Wiii.ioig ton aie't ". E. II. Co. or the K A D. Ii II Co. will he acted on. Ir has bet n mud. discussed leccntlv ly t he p ipers and ueopl1 of t!ct portion of the Stale, and uhlie opinion -iriib tu'ieh divi iled. though it rather pi epoiuhaat es in favor of ieasii g. The State i the largest stockholder ill the company and iwus a majority uf tin stock, so that nil the citizens of the State are indirectly interested in the man.i'i metit ' the road, as well as those living a'dig its line. At the annual liieclillg of the M ockno'.del tile Stale's stm-k i.- Vepiesel.tcd 1V a proxy appointed b the ( n o el imr, und at today's Inci ting (iov. sc.i.cs Uw contVriral thai honor upon our townsman. T. I). Womaek. t'.s.j . who we doubt not will acce .ably dt ?harjje i:t duties of M lav-pon-i'ilc a position. As a citi.cli of t'e Stale wo liope a lease will be made, and th road lie immaed oli huMl.c and Jiot politicll pri.iciples. S e are Opposed to the State attempting to run railionds, and are Mill tuoie cp yose4 to corporations run ntiiiT lite State. Wirr-Lh.x ia.i; are properly punish ed ill Maiylaml. Ti.c J.egislal me of that State re.anlly p.tswd a law to punish wife b atitig with u pnbdc whi;piiig. and the llli-t elil'-a e -.m-iit of that law took- place at Halt imoi c. a few ih.ys ago. when u n.ati. e I of In ating his wif". was pulfieiy !dppd b the shenlV. I .uy S at.' otight to have u .similar law. and ri,r idlv eniol't'c it. The bi lite w Lo beat.-. Ins wife deserves a v nipping, and a yood one At that. The l'Mtss A.:.-k.i ia noNoi t his Statr bold its annual m. t in;; ui . Souths i:le hint week. taniN euiug on Wednesday und adjourning on lay an Itmmimllj short session. Ui' n il! t nof liaving been able to itt'.eii.l on the first day and liuit we were aba to be prem'tit only .luring ihe closing hour The number of t dilois in ;.! teiiihiina' wivs only about twenty, and this wu-. the til st meeting attended by several of them. We regret tos. e our bi rth ren of Ihe press losing iuicrcst in our annual meetings. Presided Rtn ieU delivertal it most iiitctesting and itppn-priate tuldiess, and we wish a. tiny of histinie.y nugyesti ins might b adopted. St'vei al matters oi prac ticul imjiottrtuce to the press were discussed by diii'ctt lit. t dilors. 'J Ik' following ofliccis wet relet ted for the ensuing year : president. ). A. I!ob inson. of the Winston Lender: secre tary. J. If. L;nd.-ny, of the Keniers ville News; assistant secrclarv, J. D. Kcrnodle, of the Alamance (iieauer; Chaplain, llev. I'. Ih haw. of thft Tiloiiioe Kiiipiin r: and orator, (5. W. Im.unl, of the Wilson Jlu i or. The next iueiling will !e held at Shelby. , Washiiiulni! (iiissip. W.tMilugii-u e rrfi.-iiiieir. "f N.w Wall W'.icij. It is piotiox d to build a lir-l cla.s hotel in the city of W-shin;;!. II. Washiiict., u is now a eilv ot liOii.tHiti )u op!e. It has never had v hat c aihl lie . ailed a Jit vt class hole!. Ad of the botch, here have tie :i peii.-uici' ofleiiipoiMiv alf'iii'.i Tiny l-iivc been eel tr;:eil f-onitiim to time from com paranulv .-m.ill inns, and as a neces sary ci iisciiSoM'c ! he le-mlt is a build ing which would not be used for a third cl ii-s hot.l in ordinary towns. The ptiets chaijed lute are foilv .'...1 11 to the lat le'telsiii Ne V Vo !; The prices i, le li' st class, while ihe act (lama d itioi.-. have always !.: en ol -dia.iv. The hi I cooking if t ie tv of Vt iishiii..;:.,ii is something pie ell il. ft. i re ale lew public phi. .1 tow n whi le oii can get unx thitig re illy good to cut. It has one of the finest m n lo ts ju the voi Id. but even al tuts ia i.e.;io taiok. prevail. Of i-uiiKi' C"s -imi'lv means gr use. Ihiie a'e thtCC Ol fo'll lllSi-e':l-s I . '.!(! ants I ere How. whele one call o' tatll o I i-Oi ;e; in New Tin se n siaaiatits have been 111 .!'' I ' c .--iil ' In lie'gleit (! V of No tie in M-iiors here, ulo Lin' re- h. 1. ,i at i'.e S- nil. i '!' stamiaid oi' c. okii!;'. which I a- I on .- 1 mg main tain, din WiisbP":tou 'I lie e, neral co.t i ;' lit in:;- in W.:-,jegio'i l- liigh'-r than it l- in New York. Capitalist-, have bee: v'o.v o . on'.' heie. but in e-. i i v i'.-1 ai.e. I. i all t !' ic j t l.'i--b- ei, a ie 'o ! t -. - !:a n',- - i i : ti'at "t - In le tie public i :e- i" ai'lily r.-spi u ' . i V'.'-i-in -ij'h ii iiiov has a v. t ' i' c, .!,.to. . ! i"ls i'o. . i.oi i-i-d' tils wi.ii e'-i: e hi ie t'i -p. lid tlie . :..t - r i.'t-tmii tin' Alba i;li 1 ipcru ibais- was l.ailt I his v a . lit.- lirst ti:.e li .'.t h-t t.'to-i ii e. r had a 'it-1 cla-- tieat'e it ,e. p!i.-.e:el liom tlie '.i-iy day tl'.il It s doors were Mii'o'Ui open. The- fall the ia-. N i- i, -d I l.i-itic will be eoaiplet" -I i'l-i-; w ill a l l urn ther fu st , i.a- the tie I i the low Ii. This Vl lit III e l.-i cci t llll IO be s eei-.'l.. A V'oid,!ii- the i'l'ixidelit of tie louring lloaid ;il the Yiw t !. I -Oill.e-lt He 1- very -hol t b M pi r- d al.d i. M i v little jintli lice with we'- The l her da v :t v. :ts 1.-, -i.g tried In fore him. The "la el v. ho w .. . up !'. '! I ettl mei.t did lu t wai t to be r llli .1 11- had emploved a verv el i,o!' !it and p't .'l,::.-!'1!!:. law . r to .1 l. ml i im The .bid-.-Au v.icate I i.-netal of the Navy hern g i f ti l-, s. !, a jii.e i advocate ;.. .a un-e h in the "lit -id. lawver rai- ! i i;'i'-ti"ii of pi!'1-b.-l ion A '.v r of u i d- . !,:. . A. bin i ..I or d. -l. -fo-'d !' ' of Ihe :.'finm ft f. -r a. .;i h-.ii' :in h-mi' Tm ii he -.ti.ii 1 lip v.rv .-I'i.;;l.' and fairb. howled: "lly (.!. Ie' t,a-e I.- -ilellce This Coaith is j irirdi.'tioi; or Miiiio;:, .',.-. al.,1 1 'will be d :::.'.. 1 if I do,, t u-e it So Inlay your jaw " This li -cir-loll of the 'Ciiirt kho ked tie civilian la''-;.. :' cmph te!y nit if lime, and he has hal.llv yet i. e. v cie I his i .;. .tiliiil v A Ii i. lid . f Mr. r.laities .-:.;. I today: "Yoll mi.V be ..:i;e Mr Ibum: V. I'll tt.'V e'' a jaill be a ea'idida'c lie beiii vis that III-, chain. are eliail-l-id I'o you know. ' ,ud lie. "that P'a'l.e ha- a .pieer bell, f about Ills ta ii b.: -. d up. .1 t I r i:: Liked simi l.i. it in the en cr ..I lb m v ( 'lay and I i- invn ' I. ally ill life both Went 1'i'oiu th. ir li:.t'e Stat- - to K. mte-l y. lioih etitei-d public life as nieiiibei:. oi lueir Siate I l-lai ill e. Mr. Ciav W'l- Sp.-i.ker ill the lower holl-e ill I'., ir u.-kv . .' Ir r.i.iiue till'-d a sii'iiiai' p i-tti iti in ll.r- Mail. L--gir-l ,! ill e. Mr. Clay was a member of Cun al. I v. ar.ii and si I va d as Spi alo r sl 'e !i ;..-:. 1.-. Mr 1.1, ill:. w.i- nl-o a im lai cr ot the il.".-e a id s. i ved tis its Sj eak.-i- i; iear. ?lr Cl.iv was !li - I i-li eti .1 'o the Sfiiate 1' Ken ilc'hv to till iivacain v. All ill. one was appointed to the Senate, hi! also to till a vacancy. Mr Clay resigned hi. seat in Ihe Senate to accept the Secretaiy.-'iip of State from John 1,'uinev Adams. Mr. lilaine re-..gned tee S. 'l-hip to become Snietaiy of State under ( iai tieid Mr. CI iv v.'.is three tine. .- the . ati.lida; e u the Whig l oinili ii ion. lie v. :, de feat' d III . otlVl'll'ioll. I le w .In'o.l in 1 s 1 1 but wit-, i . iu. d b- .1 tint s K I '.il, Mr Jilame wa beaten twice in the .!i i.,il C. iiVcn tioi.h. n unlimited m tie-II. ii I at.. I .va- dele.iied by (i' 'Ver Cie.elalil Mr. ClaC- lett- I- on the Tcx.i- ia..- i. .1, le Id Io be a parallel in their il flee!- I poli the Wl it. i' to some ot Mi. r.lith.e's s. The Ab.ili- i: in N-.-w Y ah in lsji : ,..v t'.iii vote to li. I ley a'. d thereby ..rave t' e State I" tie' 1 lenioci i. v. It i- I I d I hat 1 i.,t w ar if it lv.d mil b. n for the M'les givi n t' .St dohn. I'.l.l' lie would hive c i: ) i. d New Yolk I t,.' Vole of N. w Yo.k deride 1 the election hi tutor of ti'f 1 -its i:i ls;i. and ;, :.,!, m Issj." Me. r4 vva- l.evei a cardld ii. ..fter his tinal d.i'Vat, :i :d il is believid by Mr Pl- ilieV, f. lends that he will liev.-i agai:. be pi e c:. I to t'i. public as a candid. ite. '! .e ar.lllel h- t ween his care, r and 111 it of Chiy's will probably I I til 1 1 Ii .l.eli. tn kf.l Thursday li:e boil, r in ihe It w mid of T. i oit', near Wakelield Station, Yil.. on the Not folk .V West ern ll.liii'oed. exploded, killing .John Tucker and injuring three other . en, one of whom cannot recover. It is said that there are more daily callers at the White Jlou.e now (Iihii ever before in i's history, fto.t the President is usita'ly veiy ctisi delate iti allowing his time to be taken up with ealleis w ho merely desire top,t. their respects. 1 Imi'ortuilt 1o MittiUf rules. l'L iii Hi.' i:ni. iiiiiN.iiiia':. i'"i'. 15 v chapter HHX of the iu.vsof l.SK.j, it is'cnacted 1 'I hat- -ill annoinlments of ins- dices of the peace by t ho general as- numbly shall bo oid. mites- the per - sous so appoin led bhail ua!ifv with - in tin- uonth-j thereafter. That all unfilled appointments occuri ing umU'r the provision-. u urn lift ceding section in the oliice of justice of Ihe peuee s!i:l!l be lilled for , the term by the appointment of the Governor." The election of justices by tlie late general assembly was on the 1 1th ihu of Mai ch uist. and the thi'"e months in which tiny were ieiuited In qualify expired on the Ittii day of the pre-e:i( month. It is probable that the attention of the justices elect was not cai.ed to this act inasmuch as the laws have but iiceiitlv been published and. re I viii'' imioii the urovi-ioii in the Code .. l.i. a. ..... mil in. I ill.. i i ,i:i..-.i at jiii v true prior to the commence- liiuiit'of their terms, to wit : the fn-t Tliurs,l,4V in August next alter their elecliou-doubtless liiiinv of them I...,,. ,r,..v...l !,.. thi.. . i.i.uith- lii elapse w tlhoill pi.i.i;'ynig. and the otlices are m ' vacant. 'l'h. ibivci :or has caused the milt ter to be exu'eiu. d by t he atloi ii.'y g. nci al. w ho has given an opinion t lu.t t he leg i -la I ill e ii ld t tie it'll ii.'l'ity to pa- I he act lei'erred to. and thai I In- tiovei uor had the power and it v, a . hi' dioy to iii ii.e a, j" .int meiit s to ;'t,l the ollices made vacant by tin' I, ti lit I c of I he pel -on - e:i ct.-d by the gcmi.l! :i-.seilb:i l.i .; irl itv. I. is imdor-tood that hi-evclleiicy will in I'li im.tatiees win ic ii:ey will pnilify. II. .'ess Mime good ieiis. li be ;,ivc.'i t" the coutiaiy. w ic-ii called no. .11. ;i Mill I tie - .'I-. .-elecleil by t tie gene! n! :i-si i t he pi i sons .-eli ipia-ii'y. he will i n' mum t en imiiieiid.'.l in! :i-si n; lev and where I dccitlie to to poililnieiits from Iru-t di -n.ible that - throimhoiii Will I h V sol 1 i ces b t he colli, I V .lilt h .till t lie S :ite -ilxll give the luat ter .-pcedy t'liitiitig i'rttlt. t'r- in 'i.. i:.'i,'-,'ti v.'-. ..i. I o:. ...i-it. Some time -nice meiij ion was made iu llli -e eohimns ot' the etVoits being mad'- by Mr .lohn T. I'.ilii. k. Com i:r --inner of 1 mmigia ion. to itnl'sce piaettca! ealiliers ol flint toe-l:lle-h small canneries iu d'.'lereiit -,ec! ions of the S ale. Tin re are likely 1" be -taitedat Cmld-boio liaham. Sunt h lield and Win-ton small canning I'ac totie-. There i- no reason why any ..wn in the State where I'nii' can ! bought cheap -ho.rd ti"t embiacf the pti:.e!i: opportunity ami have a I ! oi v. In t !u- wav ! he people coil Id .ii coiil rol a large pat I o! i he canned '"I- now goes l i Maryland and I'eiaware. The caniiers are w illing in come to lie Suite and g, i m o pint -iiei'ship w it h any v lable N l a l h Caro liiiiaii. putting tie ir esperieiice and labor ag-i. is' the N'otth Caro.iniati's eao'.tal It Wl;i leipiile but little pa iy money to sta t. a- the caniiers ate wit.ttig and can make mo-t of the iiiaibmery to stutt with. Tin- foil. .w ing is an extract from one ol tin l.t'eis writ I ti to Mr. l'atiiek by a Northern cunner: "So far as making tin :h:ngs that are nece--arv to slut t w ith. I can make ev ci y thing ecepl t w o ! 1 1 !, which would cost S'J'l each, nine crates which Would co.-i Si oil each and two soldering iron-. Sd i ach. We can b iv call- here at S'J per hundred, the can- boxed, and pay for them in goods alter we have packed them. lean :.el! all good- at paying price- a- soon packed und so luin the money over ij.litc often." ft is hoped that the people of North ( :u olin.i w ill aid Mr. I'aliiek iu hi- iiii'l'-i taking, for the e-l ab'i-hmeul of I he small canneries ill ihe ilil't'elcU! sections of the Stale w til put a deal ol' ne uu y iu ; he hand- of Ihe f.ll liiets. Much of the ti llll is l ow w.i.-t.d b.cau.-c there is no mar ket for il. Mull II inle ol' I'ciisionei s. I'l'.'in Hi''uli NrM ? Ait I olwi v.r. When the le hit'.ue th. hill Iti'l'loivl i.itill.e .':!(l.l)ilil fi.i' tin payineiit ot pi iimoiis to dis.diled ( ei. le. h rat.- soldiiis and widows of the se enteetivear hx tuts in teitaiu soldiir.N. it was r.i limited that there,' idies of this State. The pest a were I.IMHI ot all in the St.ite. This ; have made tin ir appcui tin. in Yad was regarded us an outsid... estinntte. 'kin, Surry. Wilkes and Oavt. cuntieH. Mill bi inf deemed neiiiet the .snct ; and m Wdkes eounty t hey are to be ii .;ris it wiih !i noi.r .i!,,i.!. ' een wit hill one mile of the of Auditor Rolicrls vestcrdav n iiinrkcd to a reporter that thus far he had .M'lit n htltl blank I inns ..I ii;iiiiceiii.ii i he iiumlii r of .'ippli'-alits i- apt to lie l.llll.l. ', is e .li. iiiei.v piolnliic that it will t . .ill that li-urc There are ii lUi'i'n nt ov.-r o.llllll iij'liliciilits uorv Lt-ttel's are daily lec. ived siskin tui more blank upphcatioiis As a curio. is 1 o l it IHUV be t,!.ited 1 ha a. I ajipl C I lioii f'ir one elii..n onlx iiiui. from 'lur.ll c.iitiilv. Ii is midc l.y a widow and tic. Clerk "I' the t'ml't says that ..o f.ti ;is he call a .certain il will be the only application fioni tied lo.uily. Some count.!.-, will have a--ui .liV as t."ii iipphi-ints Most i.ftiie chiiuis will doitblless be i.llowed. though of course a i.uiiih 'f will be rejected. Til'.' eaii.i'iilij hoard', have iili ealv puMsi d on many claims. The in, liter i-t attract iii,' much attention, it look in. if tin pen-.ionei will o.-t soiiiethlii likt? each: Imi'd'y more. As Ti ui' as I't t ai hinir. l .n U..- Iiik. ii Tlm.M. 'The Soiiih is r ;;nriou:5 counfry, with the noblest nice on the jr'.ohe. fu s'ale-iriiaiishil) and iearuiui'. in the Illlrt llil. I IIIC II. Iiri IIHl' .. . 1.1 no sui leriors. 11 -i pu-i is einint her future nossibiliiiiM are iiicalcuhi- bit ; yet she is just ti it v years b"hind in the homely and practical art of cooking. It is looked upon as de - eradiii'' to know anvtiiiiijf about it, yet the man who bioi's a nice beef stenk or cooks u lieht loaf f bread, confer ; m ok. real benefit upon his fellow mail, than he w lu. invents a ciMiipouud caunoi. or a dy namile tor pe lo " j State Mews. ' i ' j Ahutmnce Gleaner: A colored child ..-.u Liltu.l m it... luiiroa l lteuf (Sib- POii villo ono ditv hist week. Two : children were pl'aviug on fho track. ! Tlie train ritiiic up suddenly upon them. The larger one attempted to' ..ct the smaller one oil, but it was too i,,ti. The engine nil it. ti ilelut ing lis sfcull. front which it died. . ,. , Winston A imescen year old bov fell into a well m in 1 ' depot Montkiv inoriiing It is not known ho., be irot ill or when. A colored woman going to draw water heard his ci ii s for assistance and drew him saf' ly out. Tlie boy received a severe cut on the back of his he-id by Ins iiil an a so otner iioin ies winctt it is thou dit will prove'. .f fatal re- S1t n (reeiisboro Workmen : T' are some curious i.ractices still in vo''ii ' in wniiie mills ol the coiinlrv. , vis it or to one of the ueighboi hoods in Oranu'e county saw it hen with astrip of r d calico hanoi ig .hnvn about l inches below the p 'illl of her wings. What is that f " hi inouiied "That's to beep the l"l! fti'lil se'tmg Mien the went on tocxplai i that when the lieu looked back and "aw the led Mtriug mmii g about after her it con fused le r so that she get out of the notion of set 'ing. The remedy was pronout.c.' ! fever-failing. K.ilei... h Vi i'or: It lias been deti- nitelv ytt'e i that our city authorities w ill pive 1'avetteville .-ttei t with a roadw iv twniv he! wide down the ce'itli i.f the street, and the sidewalk l.....r th..t tholiill"hfare is to ii con-i h ra'.'lv widened. --Col. W. !. Hicks told u- this molliiie,' that he brought up the bulk of the convicts vest. ril. iv rt eii'itir that have been at on Ihe I. oiii-,!iuri railroad The , j,,, ,,(' I-.M-luug yi--terd.IV provi- ,, ( H Laibec'le for ti e ollieers ti, I convicts Kverythim'entiihle and ,1M!;;ib(. was served with a lavish teii.,1 Mooi- P. iette: Our ' cones)' indent writes 'man in tint citv. aueft aboni IS. .mis a few d ivs ne. i united in marriage to a ehai nun.,' yo. mv widow of about -15 summers, lie is the happy step father of a son about his own age --No , changes as ct have been mad" in 'inv of the government otlices iu this c iiitilv. except a change of Post Ml-teis at Jom-boro'. Mr S. If. I'.ilchanaii. the fol liter I'. M. having lesigned and Mr. George ('al.h ll ap pointed in hi- sua I We are glad to learn that so tar he gives entire satis fiction. ( ireeiisboro' I'ati iot : Tin' corner stoiieof the Tinted S'ntes court house. ut t his placi day w ith n whs laid on last Thins ulm . ereiunnies in Ma s. mil older A X rmal and The i logical ii-titute. comhl. ted ui.d 'l' tin ail-pice- of the colored llaplists of North Carolinii, is to be located in (ireeiisboro. with llev. T. S. Lip combe I't'ineipal --One night the ill. si of last wcik. while under the in ilucnee of .-trong drink. Stewart llai iiev. a young man brought up here in (ti eeiisboro. ina crazed lit stepped out of tin upper story window and fell to the ground, receit ing fatal inju ries He died mi Thursday last after lingering three days. Dm bam Rc'riler: Mr. Joseph A Holloway sold a one horse load of tobacco at I'lin i-h s warehouse Sutur hu' for .ti2S.l'i This is the most money wo have ever heard of being obtained for it oin horse load of to bacco. Capl K. J. r.urish sold last week 4H.7UO lbs This was till hauled here iu wagons. Making an Mveiage of !?'.' for evi pound ; sold It was the I'lL'.'! st woi'K ever done by any one warehouse in this country. Our venerable friend. Mi W. .1. Freelaiid. of Orange coui tv culled to rein w his subsci ipiioli to the l.eeorder lat week. He stated to us that he had been a regular snli scriher to the llecordcr for 17 years. Salisbury Watchman: Mr II. A. Elm ppelburj,'. drummer f..r Wilt kow'sky V Jlariicli. came in y slerdav from one of his eti tided tours, mi l brought UH new ? f the iii.iieaialici- of Wiikesbom'. Thy cover an t,f -h"' mil o....,..u .....1 ,.r.. .h.Mii' ir,-.... ..I ' r . . Tmi' ..ii. it in im Niif to deposit Ihiir eir.'s. and bun Ir '.Is of trees tire dune; m coiise iU.'iiee They are also proving dent ii to fruit, ami will in this manner cause a ejieat loss to the farmer. Charlotte Observer: An old color e l woiu oi name 1 Henderson, livine; four nine-, front th- city, and ueir the , hue ut 'he Atlantic, TcliucNsec ,V Ohio : load, tied tit stilt a file iu Ik r cabin !,M S...Jav thiou-l.theaid of the convenient ml can. Ihecitll hd just heea l.iv.i-ht from the city and con- , t iii 1 a in uni.iiii yilh it of oil As ihe tl.l.d spurted from the spoilt into th. tire j la. e. it eauie iu contact with a coat ci lue alnl Hie on uiaen up dike a tl.ldi. The fun exploded and jthe riyilij, oil enveloped the old w.i i ui r.i . .wdntun. e eauie in tune to ii fe'.lilic house flout beili ' buriivil, ! hut the life ( f the woman could not i be saved She was burned fioni head to feet und died shortly afterwards iu 'the I'ltntct ii''ony. j Raleigh News .....I Obsei v. r: W. Li... 1' of Rockv Mount, styles i : If .1 .. 1... ...i ..I llll.l .t'il llll. IIJUI.IIII' i,-..rr.-i.. i..i ... Iistern rtortlt (.'aiolina . lie nntiics his '24 miles everv dav, fioni Rocky j Mount to Nashville and return. June ; i nth he made 5 miles in .7 minutes, ear- j nine .'!," pounds of mail maUer Hit j i clinlleiiocs auv mail carrier iu the; ! State to beat his record. There is a tnau who ciuries the mail iu Watauga n ttldwell countv. who ih hind to be a hjjpitninf,'" walker iiUo. A Mr. : 'Tnrreiitine, living near ChapeL Hill, 'loft twu ons ou Siilurday. They came up to their home, laid down on tlie l'hizz. were ipiiekly eio.l witb eonvulsioiiH. und died in a f.w minutes, The boyH had been eatiiigt herrieB and 1 othi'l fruits, niul it is supposed hud m Home way b( ciue potHoni.,1. They! brothers of Mr. Tunejitine, of j i ehiss of 84. It is expected that the north wing of the imniraHe! " estern insane asylum ut Morgat.ton --..ii" ....... .oi j,h i:....t . ,,.,.:. i.. .. ti. . ... ..I. .i.-il..- inn....- ... n H ill. Am I wing ami cemre iiuii.iiiig are eomnlete ' )U)(, ,.,,.,;, (l Ti. jllKtjttion. when : tini-lioil. wilt ni..i.n.i.f il:.t. lAd ,,.. licnts and w ill have cost, nearly .-)00,. into. I'lte asylum now has 517 iu mates under treatmeut. Statesville Luiidmnik: Otie of the most deadly ailments which has rav- iieeu tills section in mnnv years, is one now going around which at tucks j the bowels and brains of ehihiren. TI iov are taken wtth diarrho' i. i.nd as soon as the bowels are checked tie. disease attacks lite brain, causing ' dentil in a few hours. There have been severid deaths from t his nffei ti' n : in this town and vicinity, and wohir ol it, in ditVerent parts of this and; neighboring counties. A hh-irp : thunder storm passed over (his place: about 4 o'clock Tuesday i.f'eriio l . , There was one particularly sbor , . sharp, thunder elap which sounded j lrethe discharge of a revolver at.' o;.'s ear and which eaii-'ed many) people to jump and feel themselves I to aseerlain if none of their pints, were missing t was afterwards ns- ccrtanicil that the bolt accompanying this clap had killed the fine horse of j Mr. D. A. Miller, us he stood in hit; stable. j - - " ( luverius hnslieen sentence. I to bo hung on the 'Jilt It of November, but ' an appeal has been taken to a higher court. i Ob Ii lia W. I, LONDON'S NEW GOODS HAVE ARRIVED! AND WHAT A Si'IjKxdid Stock in: hash More Goals! Prettier Goads ! And the CHEAPEST GOODS You ever saw! HAVE YOT SEEN THOSE Pretty Dress Goods AT LONDON'S? OH! THEY AltE SO CHEAP! LOOK AT IMS PRETTY 5 CENT CALICOES - H asks only 7 cents lor the verv best ! Laroe stock of LAWNS. Ml'SLINS. OINOHAMS. CHAMRIIEYS LINEN LAWNS. INDIAN LINEN, PERSIAN LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, as low asH cts PEQlT.S and other WHITE OOODS ami TUIMMINOS. LOKDON HAS THE REST COI.'SETS FOR THE MONEY VOF EVER SAW! HIS STOCK OF FANCY OOODS AND NOTIONS IS EXTRA LARUE am. FN l" Si ALLY CHEAP! WOMEN'S STOCKINOS front .icta. per pair up. OLOYES of every dcHcription. Verv hiij.o stock of Ladies' and Children's HATS and RON NETS. : trnnnieti mm unit iniincd. i.'i'itiii. i(j i.i w I. i .si .....l l r..A l im.,i..n, in... kinds MILLINERY (iOODS, READYMADE CLOTHING to unv and everybody. PANTS Ml cents up CO A TS for Til) cents up. The best stock incu t neck wear tver seen in this county. Men's and boys' HATS, stuaw, rvH and wool., at hoi torn pi ices. : Reasons Why YOU Should , , .. v .... v , Buy "k Our Goods at LONDON M 1st. He will not. ho undersold by v j,i. You have the lar'eet, best! atut,.,! unit cheapest stock III llie : eouiily to select from :,-,! Ris o ,ods li.iVe lMen bou,'ht for ca.-b and he has saved every I discount, vvhii It isaii hem these times. Jd,. Je is nlwayn e;liid to allow ej00dri whether you buy or not. 5ti,, lit- polite ami attentive Icleiks. j ."'' ""'y , Y" j cm. always find what you need and .Vlill.. i CASH CFSl'OMERS Hie fvu extra ! iiiducemeiits ! Verv larire stock of TKl'NKS and SATCHELS! t'an.'iot lnention half what be has tfot. no emi unci see ior youit.eo.eti. Reinumber the place. ,'J' Pittsboio. May 7, 18So. W Y A T T & T AVL O K , 15 East Martin Street, and 16 Mm Place, ' RALEIGU, 17. C, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLllSALE AND RKTAIL G U O 0 B B 8 CONSIGNMENTS of COTTON and PRODUCE SOLICITED, AOKXTS FOU BRITISH 311XTURE, THK "OLD ItHLlAHLI'j" VOll ITXIO TOBACCO. "D9FF YOli FflEBET" T3 GO TO I F. BOYD & CO.. (Sorrii I'Ii.m Snu-K.r. o iosite Houston A Bro.'j, They have enlarged their business by adding a WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT and. paying THK CASH lor their goods, they furnish BOOTS AND SHOES to a u, at prices t ut i.owr.i: lliiiu evi r otVeied in this inurket, and you caunoi fail to liud in (heir MammotSt Shoe Store EXACTLY WHAT YOU NKIU) AT THK THICK YOU WANT ITJ BALTIMOKE I'KICES (U'AKAXTKKI) Tt) MKUCHAXTH. Call to see us. Miv 14. 1HS.1 1C!h. ! .r I TO ALL FARMERS G-j i;, S WHO TIIIVK of MlK'M. TO7SAC0O WK llKsl'KCTKItl.I.Y ! CK-g sv il'l: I'Mit.i; iks ro:: vikino TORVCCO FLUES UK fmBmM ' p5S C ri!:' VK'.V l-KST IN Tilt: STA'IK. WK llt'Ali VNTKK TO IM.KASK hi 'V'.O itr, iioTti in riie k .m woiiKMNMiii'. . 'I It l t.rr.-M kkkm (aBBHQ SS UA F ltl' I oN'ii t.M't.ilMiNCK. I'I'T IU-I.OW SHOW S CONSTIltrc- Mj . i-r TI.'N of siN.iiK lit'l l'llV Kl I'K. ImU'i.J t: l l'CNM'K, AND KX- Zj, ! J C 'A ri p.s i rsi i.r. rr is t;u. most i'..ri i ah way v aiuun.i- EQt p i; " iNo tii'k tins ts tuns. 0 p( 1 'a' "r71 i crtii - - - il ! Iplg . . . mim - - . nils iii!h'iw"iir V. ' , ., f . SIMil.t: llt.Tl liN. For prices, and unv inloi ina' ion iu regard to tohacco ru ts, wrile io.iri.IFS 1 EWIS'C0..2'JIFayete ville Street. R.iii.ii'. N. C. Skm i's yorit Ai'i'iiKss, and we will foi wind by letiu ii mail a circular with diirctioiis for buildiuj,' Jhti ns. and hIho cuts of differ ent wavs to iiiiaiiire tlui H in llarns. STttOK Alill'S w. c S'i!:'NA'n CO. Piioriai Tons, KAIiEXaif, IV. C. i' il'-Ji j',S.i ""V fit ! ' Mlmm 3fei nk ' REOFLAR SALE DAYS TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. After we opened I he old Pioneer Warehouse, on the 2Cth day of September, IRS I. for the lirst wile of Leaf Tobacco in Raleigh, we found that Raleigh, an a Tobacco Market, was an established fact, and at once U tfMi to look around for more commodious .piarters. Having purchased the lot No. 65, Wilming ton street, we at once contracted witb the Nortli Carolina Car Company for the handsome new Warehouse which they have just linished, and which opened for ihe lirst lime on Wednesday, the 15th day of April. We are now pre Hired to handle Leaf Tobacco, as we hope, to the advantage of our Farmer Fi lends and ourselves. We have a full corps of coiiietent Clerks and Employees, ood sleeping rooms, excellent stables, urn! water on the premises. We promise yon a ood time ami f,'ood p rices for your Tobacco. There are many eood reasons why you should brin' your Leaf to Raleigh. We hae an eijjer corps of buyers with ample eipital to bundle the satire crop of the Si ute if necessary Our ffrucery. dry-woods and hardware store offer complete s.'oeKi of floods at juices which defy competition. We have three of the best banks in the Stale, if you wish to deposit your money you aiiuot do mo with uioie safety any where than here. We have good roada leading into our City, the best water in the world after on yet here. All of this we can substanta ite if you will ive us a trial. Liberal advances made on consioiuueiits. and Tobacco sold ntl'ietly under insti tu tions of consignor. Empty hogsheads and boxen sent free of freight to pni'ties wi.-hin,'-to ship us. We have been very successful in obtaining good prices for Tobaccu und btlievt we have jjiveu satisfaction to our cus tomer. April 23. 'Jin. R. F. BOYD & CO. WAREHOUSE,