.VI ittant (!urorf' THUKSUAY. AUGUST (i. lss'.. H. A. LN DON. Editor This Funkkai. of Gen. Grant will fiikf placo next N.-ittirdivv in t lie city of New York. On lust Tuesday ser tict's held over his hody at Mt. McGiegor, when a lmi diseoni si was delivered ly Rev. lr. Xovviiiai. Extensive iiiul expensive arrange ments bttvo heeii ina.lt fir tlie fiinei al ousei-uies. which will he the grand est cvor witnessed in America. Tin jirocessiou will hi- t lie longest niul largest ever set n in the United .Stuff?, and in it will bo thousands upon thousands of ex- L'nioii soldiers. Presidon! Cleveland w ith his Ctihtiu t. and ex-Preside-nls Hayes and Arthur will attend the funeral. Aiiumij the pall-bearers uio Gondii'.-. Mieruiati and Sheridan of tin- fcdeial army ami Generals Joseph E. .Jidiiistoii and H. 11. Buekiier of i lit' confederate mmy. This will be a practical illustration of tlie em of roi'nuciHatiou between OmTortii and the South. Mis. Grant herself leuues.'eil thiU the eoiiieilec ate generals should act as pull-hearers This ought to silence forever the howls of tin 'so who stigmatize confederate soldiers as rthels and traitors. (Jen. Hancock will be the chief marshal in charge of the funeral ibsetpiies, mid (Jen. Filhngh Lee lias accepted an invila. ion to be one of his aides, and we predict that he will attract more al tentiou than any other rutin in the long procession. V regret to see iu the Northern papers so much complaining because the city of New York instead of tVashington was selected for (Mint's burial. The place was selected by his family his widow uiul sons and nobody else has any right to object. It it also ili..gti.ting to hear of the shrewd device thai a: e being resort ed to by our Vankcc bretliren to mak? money mil of Giant's death and evnylhing connected with bis funeral. FlTiiiou Lkk is the democratic candidate for Governor of Yirg:nia. as we pi f-dit led souii lime ago. The convention that iioiiniiaicd i.iiu was held at Itichiuond ia-t week, and vva.i one of tin- largest and must enthu siastic ever held in Virginia. Tim nomination of lien. T.te give 'itii'.er sal satist'-ici ;oii not only in Yng'tii.i fyilt to I he deteoeiats of other States. His biiiiiaut I'liiiii as a Ct'iifi-dcriitt-gent ai nnd his reat purity of char acter have i nde.'iicd him to all the people of the South, and they wiil be pleased to Lave him elected Gov ernor of Virginia. The eatnpaigu will no doubt be very exciting but the demociiits are confident of vic tory. We in e g'nd t hat tnere is no political oainpai-n this y-M in North Carolina. Di'iliii !' iili. Nilldwt-ll. Fr'iu Uif l.'uleicl. I.e. mi'l oiirv.'i , Vj.il l eaii el s lllei i ii 'ils,tl..ls of Oli o hniai.s all through tie Stale Will be deeply pained to ;eat!l of the death of I 'apt. llamlilph A. Sliotwoii. i dllor ol tin "K u Mier and Mod mic" and of the "(.'broi.icle." Capt. siiolv,e!i foil somewhat in disposed yesterday Muni;, bin i;p to last evening, hi- mdispi.siin.ii ha. I rot as:. umed a si lions in'.un . lM'ring the lileht Ie gl".v wil.se and tills morning (July JilM) :tt o'clock ex pired. A d' nth so siitiiieii is at all tunes shocking but wneu the vietitn who fails is one so wed known, so highly i stceineit. nnd who is stricktii down in the apparent fulliess of health, we are apiidl. d. The disease iht.t cui lied him oft', il ih said, wns in tlie n.ituie of ilii uij.ii tisin of the bowels, perhaps involving the heart. Citpi. Shot well'? eareei is too well known to need extended comment in tnis huii ied notice. At a very t i:ir age bo enlisted in the Coi!tedor;.te army, and niani'iilly toiiow ed the Stars nnd Hnrs to the bitter end. AH.vtiie uur he beeiiine involved in some kit klus troubles iu ludhi l'l'onl county, Hiid Kiiti'ered a long and painful cou linemeul of four year in ihe All a-iv periitentiary, always, however, main taining bis innocent c and reiir-i"; to accept a release based on bendiny bis knee to the hand that smitten bun. Alter his sentence had expire. he located (it (.'Imrlottc, and was elected to the general assembly from Meck lenburg county, where bo vas di..in guisbed for his modcM dt meunor and quiet tleportinenl. Subset jueniiy he became interested in journalism and removing to l!a! eieh, took i hargeof the "Farmer and Mechanic." which has exerted a ery considerable influence ou the politics of the State. In May la..t (tov. Scales appointed Otpt. Shot well State Librarian, nnd a few weeks ago the "Fanner and Me chanic" was consolidated with the "Chronicle," lr.tiiinh'g the name ol the latter paper, but being under the en tire management of Capt. Shot well. Cupt. SLotweil was a magnificent specimen of manhood, was more than hiX feet tall, with a tiue nnd well pro p nlioned figure, weighing about !: j ounds, and with remnrkably luind uome features. He had iiever mar ried, but as a dutiful son contributed to the support of his father's family. ( ni t. Shot well bad hardly reached Lis 40tli j enr w in n be was culled so suddenly to join bis old eomindes in battle in the distaut land. May be rest well after life's brief but bard experience. Comfort for Coins! ry Hoys. ; Frt'iii Uio Nashville AMiri-inta. . Young men who live in the country 1 fiHijui utly become di:'sai!: :'cdbtvauc they do not have many opjDit.ini ties for enjoyment in tho ;e w ho live iu t-ities. They bewi.i! the l.i.e':iiie-s of country life. Ticy see nofiiii g in the gnat forests nnd gricii fields and sparkling brooks and all the beauties of the ictuul world to compensate theln f or the b.-ue ball er.1U:ids. the theatres or the ch;b rooms. They sigh for t he fascinations i if (m bionahle sm iely for the dnin e, for the charm ing gaiety of towu-brd ladies, for the hiillianev ami repnite.' of town-bred boys, and for Hie wild whiil of exeile meht that charaetei ies city life. Thcx fcl awkward iu soeii ly. They are ili lieient in the graces which win the sniiltsof beauty, nvd they I'e. l this :. -t'cieiicy when thiown in contact with mii h society. Uul a'e there no coiepciiatioiis for tiiese derivation-.'.' Ale their Jives thrown into such narrow grooves a-- to pre. hide the ho.e of a gr ind future for then .' lr Gladden, of Spriuehel.!. M is . Coileetcd Si :U1' VI al S si lice Mlti-tieS regarding the eariv hiiory. traiuing and Oibicatiou of all the tiu ii of mark, iiitb.tei.ee an 1 wealth iu the city of Sning!ie!d. nnd it was shown that of t hose iiicu tlieii i out ! lting by th ir forte of chai'Htter the population and iudii-tiies of that city. Mil percent were bred on farms and learned iu e;.rly life to do manual labor. It can i.it be denied that country life tends to stieiie'iii !. ciiaracter and to miii..' men ft is m t education, it is not knowledge, it is not brilliancy ol ieleiiect thai makes the man of ma: k and influence, hut it is solidity of characfer. strength of purpose, outage i f coi:iciio!i. re.-iiluti mi to tlo wh i1 is light H'id to shun what is evil. The young man who has been ti'iined jiroj.erly in his country home iiinl whose eha'a- ter has been ui '1.I.-..1 by ihe ra.-ti.v of indusiiy. frugality and molality, and whose uoii-uis of right have been uninfluenced by P'";cy. is belter prepared for life's duties than he possibly could have beeu if raised up surrounded by vi'i'v pleasure ami j. r.il Hied in even d-siJc. S. 't' di nial is a imwi i fu! force in tile balih s ,.f life. And iiiie all of! el' ij'.l-ibl i( s. it nut be c'lllivated. Ti'O !.-- the !. m tat ion i: eally life the more s'ln-Iy will the ;vi n.ge ie: ll be iih to steer ftee from tie. elling ices te:;i !'.is i ii.cn and tla'; t!e'ase the iiioi ti si n.-ibi'.iii' s Habit gtows to be ouse.i p-'lelit. and ! !e i a'oit of ill dulg.-l.ct-' "f M II del:i.-ii i.i.iV be loHned :is . i-iiy as the l.-ibit ol' sj-ioViu.,' ov Irit.k'ie.'. l' i f 'i m no i.vii l ait until In vears o: matin i' v is a gr. at -eft-. ..a.'t! Ai'd herein bes f he adv o. tag of country life I'.fj-A nu are si e-ht ft in o'l.er d:i ecli.MiS tb:l iho-e oll'errd ty city life One i f tbo.e to which every intelhgetit eonti try bey looks is b. c.:;s. Tlie tdi:eu i f ids h isure bonis tin Is !--- t'ci en i-'Mi.i i : in r. aditig lb' hi-eom.-s in terested in tli.' i.i-tory tit his own tin.es and then eridimiK eoes h-e-k to ihe history tf e.ihtr :igi : and pi '. and S'i lays the foundation v r a solid supei-triieture of learniug. Young men in cities tend but few books. Newspapers and ephemeral litoniur' tali.-the phveof l.iolc solid works. l'atiet:ce. wl-icb is taught by conn tr life, is .-mother poMtifuI t-. -t..t to success young i'.iri:,i r j.l.u.t. his eloj s. bill ;iioi.''is oeis' i l.lp--' ! foft he c. u reaji the toward. He in ist w -irk t In ni. niu -e : ; oin. eii itu them I'l---u. il sect el i In i gat he; and ) 10 pa;o t;,em for ina! ket b.-i'. ri-i.e can .e-.'i.-.- a c.-i.t f-r bi til- His s ic ( -s m;i-t d j i.d i:; oi. i is Mihince throi.eji loi, months, io.il he h-arm to labor a.:d to wnit.' The .itii,g n an wic is i inployed in the c.ty can nil'.atid tin' iinioiliit hic on hl s.d:.ry a; any tine Tne i-ry : with whi- h he diaws his --.ial makes it .iiluosi ill.; o-s.ble for I.iiu Itt teslst tlie thoils-;! d I eiupt lit .olis to spend i' which com e to him evt rv day. The slowness with which the countiy bo reili;:t s the fruits of his work makes I iiim cautions in ,-. ending it. and be sides, tbi' temptalioi.s to spend me to '.' .-(i nr-ineroiis. i fet are t.-ui dd two o the highest i jU.-inties fo ei'.s.u - ,ii.g sine ss in life pat.t lice nnd solf ih niiil. iiul this is not all. 7 he pei foot iu depei.deme of a fat li. el 's lib- m.ikt s him self reliant and thoughtful. Ib sutlers no uneasiness at the frowns of an oxa ling employer, lie is oi Mijuious to no man. lit lying upon his own stri ng arm for sup ort. he grows up iu healthful symmetry of body and mind, of all his Acuities and j tower", aid his will grows impe rious in the right. His life has many hardships, but manliness i. noi developed in the lap n! e:i:-. Constant tt'oit sin ugtticr.s the will, subdues the passions, di u I- ops the understanding, binls to a triiimj bant success. No gie-;ter ca lamity can In fall any young man than to be continually under the coitrol of another to do bis thinking, to sue ei it his course of action, to ni'iii bis dll'iei,. lur mit.ds shouhl be unfel tered. so us to expand with the ex panding circles of our duties Hoys of fair intelligence should cling to the country nnd cultivate knowledge, practice industry. eer-Ho energy, and Mil so the integrit y of their character, mid ultimate success, will follow as surelv us light follows the sou. A Diabolical Deed. ! A dispatch from Denver. Colorado, ,' dated August 1st. says: The incom ing Lendviilo passenger train, due hero at last evening, exploded a dynamite cartridge when about, two and a half miles south of thiri city. The engine and tender were badly wrecked by the explosion, ami one ; length of the track was torn up. but ' none of the passengers were injured, i The explosion was distinctly heard j n distuned of ten miles. It is gener j ally believed that the outrage was the I work of the strikers. j The Atevil! .intl-Hreaking. rrm tli A-l:i". Uir ciuwu. i he gran 1 jury o!' the inferior court of Ibiiiconibe counly, in session last week, made it rep.oii lo the court as ' follows: W'e have examined the jail and find it safe in all respects, ex ' cept there are no stiilicieiit barriers to the windows so that poisons can be ptvveiiie.l from coiuniunicai mg with the prisoners in tho cods. We find Her knives, pismis and instru ments, with which to break out, of the jfih can bo passed to the prison Jers througii the windows. Ve tiud :thal the attention of the board of ' commissionets has been called to this (fact, but they have neglected to take iimy steps to remedy tnis defect and : then fore have been guilty of gross negligence in the diseluuge of their duty. And it is the opinion of this grand jury that they should he en tplired of by the b.idy of die county. We further find thai there bad been a previous effort, on the part of the pits mors to make an escape, and that a letter ha 1 been bunded to the sin-rill, warning him that an attempt would bo ma le by the p:i.-o.:ois. or their friend.-, to In die the jailer. That said letter was written by a fiieiid of one til the uinrdeie l men and was hand, d to tie- siici; ;' by one of the prosecuting counsel. N 0 further itini that in was advised by . fiieli.l. not lo expose himseit by go ing into the ;--:;s. He was :oso tout by all 0 coin eiis-ioiler of the coiilil v 'that if he did n"t know now to man age :he cells v. ilhoiit exposing hini self, that- he it he i' eouiu!i..sioiiei would .-how bun. 'e fiiit.iei' lind that the shi rtif leid iet-n insii iieti-d htiw to Manage the ceiis by one of the act lie; comini sh m t s of the county. The giand j.uy an of the opinion that the said siu-riil' W;is giiib.y of cai-e'tessuoss and lugngence in no! using t he pi oper precautious in entering tin-ct I s, and that this should be elu :iied of by the body of the county. The grand jury are fun her of the opinion that the jailer was guiiiy of gross and citipable iicg.veiice in not nicking the boils that faslem- 1 the door leading into the corridor, and that il ll.'Se boits had beeu .ocked, ie man of inimbir of mt n iu the ds or colll.lor Would ii-ive been al'.c ;o have el'lecied au escape. And that tins gross and cu!pab:e negii gelite on the pari of tile j.iih 1 should be enouiicil of by the body of the cum;;, . We ale I iriio r of die opin ion ihat the piisolu-rs did hne cor respondence W oh a p I'sun nl ie soils oUlsi he of the jail, and lY-mi tin' evi dence befoie iliegraii I jurx t'iial Us- 10. sv.eif passed t i: t ' i i I tile Will do.s into t he ceils on .-..it :ii d. iv night prctioiis !) the -cape ou Mol'day l-:-iit. ill justice to ihe buildelsof 1 1. e cells t he gland jury me of tne opinion ,hat it the m,,-.. an I direc tions of s uit build l arc earned out that it i. inijios.-bic for prisoners to v-eape. tiiiiuigrat iim elites. Kl'.in lit" lutl.'ltfii Ni"W Hini Ol s.-i-v.-r. Vestii-.ia a u po:er met Mr. John T. I'.t.i lck. t in' hat d working ami faith ful imimg! it! ion agent of Ninth Caio 1 1 .;i. Of course ho was in ;t hurry: he niwaysis; Suit not ion much so to t.dk to a reporter. He oivis good and i hi t ring new s of the immigra tion tiie .'nalc. saying that the average ::o -b--r '' i;u!iiigi:iii!s pi r i'e:itii is I -:ey coine ii.aiiey fp ill r. i.ii- .1 .. iui: ie. the Middle and N-vv i'.,gn:id States an rcpro si'i ted in tiie arrivals. Mo.t of ihe ii w colliers are farmers or Mechanics. The majority of Inein go to the west ern pin of the Slate II appears that t'icu lesion, S'viiiii county, is to be the objective point of many of them. JJr Clarke Whi. tie. labro.h er of the poei John (J. Wbittier) has bought I'lOei-iii neies of Ian 1 there. It is aboiit one third of Swain coun ty. He proposes lo divide ii ill 1 1 l.i.MM farms of si' v aen s e.'ieii, ami oil these settle l.O'.Ml btluuies. J)r. AVhittien is now on his property, making the preliminary surveys. M r. l'rti'leic says i hat a Mr. King, of I'eniislvaiofi. will in a few wek ses tablish a broom m inn factory at uil her Winston or Duthum. Two men fioui New Yolk are locking over the Suite for a disirable location at which to establish sin agricultural implement unit ulactorv. Il is hoped that they will moot with success. .Mr. I'auiek stilted, in conclusion, tic.t be would leave on tiie niiei i.oon train in seal eh of a law summer r. soi t. Not for an J l! I 'ora.io -. not for tin- fountain of perpetual youih. but for the next best thing these practical tiiod.-m days, n hei;h re sort ill the iie i i! :Mi Blue l;dge country. When -'oui.d it will be "esfibii.bed" nnd il will be for the liclielit o! people from the fill South. Mr. I'. M. Wit-on. Mr. I'atricli ssiid. would accoinpaiy him. and at ityncsvii.e Coi. A. I!. Andrevis wouhl join them. I'p in that half discovered region on the 'Din ktowu blanch" they will search for tic place of i'lealth and pleasure, and surely they will find it. Nwiety Swells. i !I.e;ttr m l'ltislnirtt t'nmniri l;tl (in.i'!lf .j Aiming the ladies at Long branch this summer, one of the wealthiest, most "diamonded" and most gorg eously apparelled is the wife of a I New York barber w ho has made his j fortune in stock speculation. Her ; husband still sciapes chins, notwith standing the fact that his wife has i "society" aspirations. Most of his cus tomers are brokers and railroad men. lie picks up valuable "points" fioui Ithem, and for that reason insists on remaining in business. Another wo . man who wears spieiutid toilets and jewels is the wife of a Brooklyn baker. Her husband, starting in life as a journeyman kneader of dough, hit upon a kind of bn ad that pleased New York's pn'ate. and now lie is a : millionaire, lives in grc.it. style ami ; maintain one of the hands jmcst I turnouts on the coast. Tho (.rant Family Wcsoui t es. Ill 'III I llliT III 1'llllu lftplll.'t I'l'tWM 1 wis much struck by a remark made to me by IV. Newman. He said t: me. iu speaking of the family and tae money they might have to !ivoo: There are eight families, you see, to be supported." Now. isn't that, a little bit exaggerated ' Tho w.dow should be placed, beyond piestimi. far up along die line of pe eililhlll ease. Well, lei's see about that, 'l am told by Mr. .(ones that the .'s'iiil.Oiltl fund is us much a S-.-n'.ti:'! f ind today as il evil- was. That vv.J give this good lady Siri.OiKI a year. Congress will unquestion ably pcndoii her. as it has the wid ows of al. other I'iesideuls. ami give her ?'. O'V uvar. The puh-isiwrs of Gen. Gmiii s memoirs have already orders for .curly three hundred tlcu sound copies, ou which Mrs. Giant is to re.-enti To cents each, and ihe large proba i.i'ies are citriiuiy the expeci itious are that a minion cop ies wii. be sold, on t ach of which she is to receive 7") cents fn other words, (he good :.sdy vvili be rich be yoiul iso die.uu oi possib e aval ice. if we ai e to a .-nine I li at t he v oiiug men ate iiioapu!-. o of earning their own iivikg. tnere is quite siillicii-nl iu I lie Ulijii:.! Ilie.C'.o lo -lippol I ihelu all. Hut Fiod O am has married Uio daii'-Jiter of a vi i y rich man. many urn- s;i niil.ioiiairo. indeed, and is iu the ciijofiuciil of il handsome income from teat mjui'i';-, and iu this country, wise"' Gen. Grunt was born a biiuilt f 'a i. 'ind worked iiimseli by c.eau c-k unbistry. pel severance, en- ig- .."I ioy.ii seivitf. to such a 1 i'iii i pubuc fiivor as lo be made I'tc-ideii! of the I'niled States, mi l when he dies to be deemed wormy of a national funeral, it seems odd mnl sliange. even for Dr. New Man, to class among the eight fami lies to be supported the hoys who are meii. old enough long since to go into business, io have ,o..i a fortune iu a tiii'iliei.u crash, which had M) pieei hi,: and i litis l;o. foi t un.it e;y. lias had no successor. WitHirra.t. Kruin ilit Uit'i).-li XfHHitn.l ol.MM-vtr. Tiiije in digs its revenges. Nearly two centuries ago jiebeeca No'.ilse sutl'eied do U li f- r WltehelilM at the hillitls tl the pi u. and enlightened people if M:i-.saciuiseti s Hay. Ou l b Hi sd; y her ilesceiid ill! s. W n ii some show ol pud'-, uiivei.ed a moiuimeiit which t icy had eteeied over her grave. i'lu hi.oi'-y of Mrs. Noiuse's trial itlld CXei itloil ilie liiieie in the ex treme. Sue set iii.-i to have been lic ensed by yoi.-i.g women u girls who.e i.i-wi.i .-ic ha.! im-uricd firrepi liv ing tin! gi l.iti. ess. She was 11 veins of ;ge and they Wi tt under -it. Four in iict meiits were ma le out against i er. charging her with "cer tain dcteslnli.o ai Is called witchcr.ii't ami soiici.es," by which tie so git ::. Wire "i.illt. lorlured. iitll.cled. foi, S.-imed. pilled. Wasted and torment ed." Mie was e'.iiiiiilied in a way winch now shock-, the reader. Mrs Noui.-.e was tint iicquitled, but it seems the court had decided siie was guilty and lb" jiuy wore sent back. They brought iu the do sired verdict ami though she pro tested her llllloeeuce. it Will Useless, tiiie was lcpricved by tin governor, but vie, ding to ihe clamor oi her accuse! s. he withdrew- the reprieve and she was hanged with four other women at Gallows Hid. Salem. She was buried unoer the gailows. but tbilt same night her I'rieleU s'.oif ihe body and gav.- it decenl intei iiient where it now jests. What n picture is presented by this record of the manners and custom and mode of thought of the people ill thootdcll tin. el Here was a poof old vvolii.iu jils: tottering to tiie grave put to death on the gallows because of such ridiculous i hinge. Jiut pubiie selitim. n! has long since I e moved all evil !ro,:i her i'ame and a Monument is now ercctd to i.er ineimiry. (it'll. J ruin's Htu ial Casket. rrmii Uio New Yuri Wi tl l. The casket in which the remains of (Jen. Giant will be buiied is a ".Uatn" lueta'dic casket, the lines! and the only one of the kiti.l ever .made. Tiie length is six feet nnd weight 'Jo'.l pounds. The wlieti will bo of red cedar, covered with I he liiiest purple silk velvet, and with in .ivy solid siiver mountings, han dles and portals. 'I he inside luelai is to be of highly poiisln d copper one-eigiith of an inch thick, which will be lined with very heavy eieam colored Katih. tufted liud corded. There will be a pillow of the same material, upon which wiil be ribbon emoi-oidei. il the initials "I. S G." m matei till of the same color. There will be a full-length cover with thick French beveiedged giass. Tiie cas ket will lie perfectly air tight. The outside box. of cedar, will be heavily lined with lead and with solid silver mountings, pronounced as nearly in -: ,trt:etib,e as possible. i I IJiiiiiiug Korliines. : I'ri-m Uio Ivrry Uoiiuiy niiii.. riil "If theorigiuul forests of the States of Indiana and Ohio were standing i today," says a lumber buyer, "liieir j i valuation would be Many times great er than are the fai tin which they ; were sacl irieed to improve. Iu inak ' ing their farms the settlers in tiiose Stiites destroyed millions aiid iiul- lions of dollars' worth of black-, walnut. Miles and miles of fence' ' are laid with black-walnut rails. One ! old fanner says that only thirtv years ago he begun making his farm, and that ho had walked eight years in ! dealing it of the wamut timber, 1 eighty acres of which he burned up. ' .After thirty years of cultivation the I farm is worth SS.DOK. If it had it I walnut timber back it would be worth Injure than !$ll)tl.(ttl. 'ibis farmer lis only one among thousands who I f a yoais girdled, cut and bin ned the I great forest they found occupying I the. loud." 1 A Milliuti.tiro's Appetite. j Fi'inii tlie Nw i'Tk ( "ok. j Mr. Huntington is convinced that j to bis habits in life is due bis uniform- j ly good health, fo bis health is due' bis even temper and pe i feet mental' poise, and to the latter is due his; groat business sttecesa. Mr. Hun-, tiiigton was a farmer s son, and piae-; tieally started in life w itbout a dollar. ; Today bis foi tunc is estimated at So-i.i Iil0.il-to. His home in New York is at '') l'urk avenue. Mr. Hunting ton iuvuriahiy retires at lit o'clock: he lias bis breakfast at S o'clock, his i dinner at 1 o'clock, and hi.: supper at,' (hotl o'clock iu the evening. He has I never taken to the idea of an evening j dinner, liiisincss keeps Mr. Hun- i tiiigton down town during the day, : and his dinner may In- ehai notorized ns ii Inn. b. It rarely consists of any thing except a piece of roast beef with bread and butter, vegetables and weak tea. Mr Hiiul iug.'on's breakfast consists of a steak or ehoj , a baked potato, bread and butter and tea; his slipper is ma 1 of cold meats, hi cad and butter an 1 tea. He never drinks coffee, but lea he drinks at every mi ah Green vegetables he is ux!reinely fond of. and always eats them in season The vegetable that . be likes best is the tomato; he cats it as long as he can obtain it. He always wants his potato baked. Veteran 01'ire-II older. j Wii.sliilijlt.'li Ij'llrl- l lWi.li.ll l'.ll.l:'i'l. Mr. William H .inter. Assistant See-: rotary of St.re. is now in his lil'fy- seventh year oi cleiicai service in that i department.. When he euiorcd the; State Oepai tiaeiit on the-Jd of May j (iU the request of his father). : Andrew .lack-o-i was I'resideiit and ! Maii iu Yun Huron was Secretary of : State. He ha. suae served under, one and Iweiity Sceioiuries of Stale, including Daniel Web.ter. Hugh S. ; Logan . .lames Hin haiian. .leremiuh S. iback. Wiiii.uu li. Seward. Hamil ton I' ish. v iiliiuu '" ai I... Frederick '. Frelingh'.iyseii. and now James A. , Hay iii ii. mid in has invariably enjoyed their cotnitieiiee. Senator Sumner ; was prominent in having the ollice of Second Assistant Secret aiy creaied ' for him in lMiii. an I when be is lo- ! moved floM tiie IK jiart a.eiit of Slate il will lose a living record of our diplomatic iclatious with inher povv- Lotii-'t'i ot' l.cislativt' Sessions. ; I e.iii I li Ciiriviit. (If tii- thiri V -three le-i-ldille. which wi le 111 session i:, .bi n' ny l.-,st, tl:ost. .. id iho. i : g n. N. el islet. Abiba'-ii i. :.nd V -! 'ii,'i';ia adj-.inii- , ed iu ) !. mil-; : ii use of Kansas. Cub iforeii. Nevada, r'l-ai lu. Miiiiiesot-i. North C'i'ohii-!. Atkms-is. M i-ira, I'tah. Dakota. M ss.n:n. Maine, ami Vri ona in V-.u !. : ;l if Ind ana (witii iui t !l l si s.ioii!. Tex.vs. Colo rado, 1. -la Mitre, l ....I.e, tlcilt. New ie! sev. nnd i- iCisiii !n vpiii: ino-e of 't'eoiiess. e l-.VIiil " '.li..!. Ullio. NeW V 'l k t witll exti.i), iiiul Ibioite Jslil!;.! .li:s. se'-si.iu in .'.ia'. I. ;ii. d lh. se ot I'eiiii.vlvi'ii.;;. .M ichig'iii. Massachu setts, i.n.i I'.iie' is in dune. The w idovv of Gen. l'i n.b r has been appointed postmaster at Turt.oro". It is ( stimated that there has been il decrease of a bout Si.iMHuMH in the public debt .bn ing duly. The cel. but , d irol iclYioimed ?.Iaud S . trotted it mile, a few days ago. in li.S. the Insii'st tiiiie on iccord. Onelouidiedamb igldy eit-ht fourth ch-ii-s po.ttuaslc: s were appoiuied hist Sa. unlay, uu l -24' tm la. t Monday. The liiiiuber of tievv cases of cholera throughout Spain last Sunday was li.M'T. and of deaths from the disease l.dtU. The county jail at IJakor city, Oic g'oii. w:is leiin.-.i Wedut sday moiii ing. and live prisoners were el eiuat.-d iiiive alid a sixth was severeiv scotch ed. Storms of great violence swept over the eeiitiiii and northern pans of Spain, last Sunday, destroying lunch piopfty, at' 1 in Many plac"s -.it teriy i tuning the telegraph lines. Many ;;. sum. ale repealed to have been killed. In recognition of the nation's loss in the death of General I'lysses S. Grant, u'.i ostoflices in the several States and ten iiories of the Fiiioii ate inlet ed to be closed between the boni s of one ami live p. m., on Sat -1 nrday the N:h day of August, appoint ed for the eeiebiatiou of his funeral : .iisoqilie.s. i Willi OAS LIMIT, i llls.-.'liiss UYMN.VslI M, llli-l li.vrii uol si:. j s;.'.-iiu n.n.s I" y.i.nii. in.'ll f fin.ill iit.-n.iif". j I'll.- s-s.sii: l.i'Htn Alluiisl 'i.'illl. l'..r .'iciili.ii.-. iiil lros I Maj. I;. I.INiil! VM, llllv j.t !.'i. HlMiil.tM S. il. ml., N. C. TOBACCO FLUK8! FLUE UN I Cook Stoves j OP GAT VARIETY"! j Tli.iiikiti;; Ihe funnels of CI athiiiu for their lil.-tnl ii:.tioj;io;i. nsl si licon. . mid with increased facilities foi iiirm-! u fun in iiij,'. I inu fully prooiired to; iiiei't all their w mts in this line. Prices furnished 1.11 ,ij.pheiitioti and , li !-.. V iirriiiiti d to iit and he of hest . Iiiulie. j l!efpr, tfiillv. i C. 0. TAVLOIl, ! M'RIIAM. N. C. 'lid Sept. 1st. INS-!. V A T T & T A 1' L 0 11 , 15 East Martin Street, an4 16 Exchange Place, iiAiijcxon, nr. c, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AY!IO'IJ-AL-. AM1 15KTAIL G R O G K K 8 . CONSIGNMENTS of COTTON and PRODUCE SOLICITED. A MINIS V'Gll IlIilTISII MIXTlllE, T11K iil.l UKLIAULK" t'OU I'iN'K TOIiACCO. SERGEANT MANUFACTURING CO., Greensboro, IT. O. MANi rAcH'iu i,.s rir FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND iiATINtt STOVES, Sav; Mills, ""Bill TO GO TO R. K. BO YD & CO.. (Sni in l-!i 51 Si tit.i r. c jiosile llotistim & lirod, Tliev luivc elilitr'id (lieii- liusiness le.- uddijio; a AVllOLESALK DEl'AltTMENT nnd. juiviti'.f Tin'. CASH lor their f-ouds. they furiiish BOOTS AND 8 HO ICS to .vi. i. iit I'lices r.vn i.tiwEi: tlmii ev r oil' led in this liuiiket, and you cannot fail to iiii 1 in their Mn2iuno3h Slioe Store KXACTLY WHAT Y(U' NI'.I'.U AT !HK 1M!K'K YOl' YANT IT HALTj Mi) III'. ritU'j.S (il'AU AN t'ld'.l) TO Ml.UCHAXTS. C' ill to see US. M.iv 1 !. TO ALL IWIIMIUIS v.i'o i . -MM. .:C:iUQi'0 H-K t:r.slTTKri.! Y s-.v ,-t-,. ! i f iui.. I,..: m ...n.. Tonuvo ri.rKs.viiK Tl'l ! :. : t-l . . ! -TV,-;. Wl li"-,liVN-tK TO I'l.l-'.VSK Vol . ll . l.i I-, l iii-'l: V.'Je rto.U.M -.MII'. "Ill I I.VK-MAKCBU liV'i: I . l.-!i:-.ii-N. t ci I- l;i I. si.iiv s eoXsTill'i -!l ; ; s!J..t! c, I-, I V i , C. i fi t i; 1 TliN CK. AXU 1-X- iiMMi ri-- : :. n- ;s r :.. :-.-- t'.ii.A;. vvav . ai it.vNi.- J ! : i M V; -f-8-"- r. ' x . V r.-. .' i J: T. t) j. i ' ft. EH S. x ' ;i iiiiiii stNiii.i: For h ice--, ttt i.l iiuv ii tui iii.it .oil ill rre-md to ToIimto li.; . . -.v ; . ... .) I' I'd l"S Id AVIS .V: ( '( ).. '.-24 Fayette- Vilie Si i cet. U-l.i iui--. N. V. !r;KM I s lol lt aiu.i.ess, j find we vvi'l i'.-rvviird !iv ii tui 11 inn-.! u circular with " oil cct ; e s i'or liuiiiiii,.; I5:i us. niul ulso etitrt of differ flit WiiVf In i.il:liie i'liics ill liitriis. F( il! SFiilXG The Hies! is The iiiid. i.siei,c, t.-ike this mi ti.o 1 of ii.fiiriiiiiie- yon that they have juut retun ed floiu the Noi!i,-ni M.ilkets with a well selected stock of Now Spring asiri Susnniei: (jioods! ; Cotisi-tine- of ov rythiii usiinlly kejit in u tirsl-elitss country Ktoro. i Cull and examine our new stock of yoodu. Wo are satisfied we can please -you iu every jiarti. ui:ir. ! A tine lot of Ilihhotis, L.tdics' Hals iind Triniiiiinefs always on hand, i 23. TL. IVZcLE JLU Sl CO., SlLldt STATION, C. F. & Y. V. R. R. Mny 14, 1.-K.V it. Cental Time Table C. F. & Y. V. R'Y CO. To take el't'ecl .Moiid.iy, J.in. 111. 1SS3. ll.VII.V KXCKl'T SI'NtiVY. I run. ..ini.K N -I'Ui Jfillll il' lllj; Si.ntll No. I. Ill nil I'llssi-IIK'T. Mn II h 1'iiMsciipm n-Hio, ii.i.i,t. in li. nii.'Mi.vHI, Vriiv.', M vn . m. " I I" Ml 1 IIH lll VlllH, ..,'.V... t.iio 3 III -iilil-.i l, " I 4.1 1 iiii i-p lliil, ' ' 1-J im " 4 'l i. r, " 114.) b. It). s m 1 11 .-rty. " II nr. Aitivii, i. t.'i ti.-.'..i(ii..rf, ' y,."iil TrHiim tsiiiiti liuuii.l will nt ii hi SHUft.nl fr .Hu ll, r. i . M. S. ICNS, tlou l Slij l. JNU. M. li.isr. Uvii'l I'iiss, Af ul. Cans Mills, Horse Powers, Plows, Sti aw Cutters, Andirons, And dustings ol Every Uccripiiuu, Sand lor t'l-ico-List. vim mm mi SI. r. KGYD 6C CO. I I 11 -3U i!-i!i Jj wvm iiiSUiji i.t iriiN. AM) SUMMER. the Cheapest! I Raleinb & Aiipsla A-L. B. R. COltUKUIKD 'JIMI5 TABLK S... 1 I'nvn l.'iil.'ili, ear;-. Ai.. New lllll Mi n y oak i in Humlet U.'fTlMHU K einer blue Mmily CunieroD Simrrirtl ttHKiKNt Meiit-iiro Merry oiiki Nt w lllll A- i4 am 3 iio a. in 5 M in 4 i am 4m-.ro n h m 6 06 a ni 8 2. iu 6 Mia m 1 10 a m Til ro 7 Mi in 8 in . n. ti '.-.! . in it fk i in 1 4 in "i . in M.iiiitiri) Ot-ui-Mt V i I' ni Stiii.i.ril inripai etiiiiert.u Jl ) ni Mmily IIWi' in lilllH H l'i UK . HI K. ywr I-- iti 1 i" It. Ifitl'lll l'i Si in Ai-rivn llHIlllol. I 4.'. H 111 .iry ? 41 ft m Arrlto K-lelgh. 3ti m Tltllll lllllllll-r I t-.illl''Ut Hi HHIHIel Willi -'. V nitllMiiv r.u t Hurl. .lie mi. I nil h.1iiii n.iulli. Trsla i ItllllllxT 'i ."Mlllis-in III n.f1il Will) Xb lUlflgll ' Ohsi.'Ii liHili- 1 fur nil M.lniH nrtli. I The l.'-.-il 1 Telctii iiitm, wish .aiger rnmeh n'n ! a. I uvea Itult'itili al 6:5ti a. m. ud vrlvw ul i.4) .. 111. JuUN C. W lMJEB, BujicrtnleuUruU

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