t'OK THE IMK.tt AD HOME. t nre for Warla. Warts on cows' tents are nomctiuies difficult nf cure, but have lieun remov ed by applying once a day a liuiuaeut composed of t'iii;il parts of sweet oil and Kpirits of turpentine. Follow up the applications lor several weeks if necessary. Should the teats lieconio sore have cots made for them and let t hem he worn constantly except at milking time. It is said that by touching the tops of warts with a very little muriatic acid night and morning for several days a painless cure can bo effected. This is danger ous to handle, however, ami should be kept in a gloss Lottie provided with a ground glass stopper. It can be ap plied with the tip of ft small feather. Great care should be used not to let the arids touch any other parts than the warts, and the bottle containing it should be kept out of the reach of children. The oil and turpentine, is much the al'er remedy. j Tlir Ileal t'eeil for Pin. , The best feed lor weaned young pigs is potatoes boiled and ma-died in j the water in which they are boiled. ; thickened with barley meal. This is given in reasonable unati it iesand not j to overfeed the pigs. A young pig of 20 or ;10 pound needs no mme of this food than a pound a day, with a pint ' of skimmed milk. It is al' outlier wrong to give the pigs so much fo.ul: that they cannot hold any ni.ri This ; repletion leads lo indigestion and pi" i duces staggers arid paralysis of the hind cjiiarters. black teeth and "(her supposed ailments follow fr.no lhe.Ii--ordered stomach. It i.i easy .i in crease tie' food It' found lleie sarv, Imt not to remove the injury done by tru ing too much. Ai the pig -rows very fast the food needs to be ltu'rc.l-eil ill proportion. The i"" ii'iiiinl '.' in.iiitlis old pigs are never overfed. I ill are fed just enough and no iiine. r a oiii'-pound pig 1" pounds i f dry lunl is ample lor olio day's feeding - Yor'i Tim- I Itisti Unit i ii v Urn Manure. The dro pings from the hen root s are a very -tliuul tticg lertili 'er when rotted sufficient ly to go into lim; pow der. This can in small amounts be applied in contact with seed, and if fine enough may be drilled with it. A very good practice is to mix hen ma nure with the commercial fertilizers, specially boiie dissolved in sulphuric acid. There is usually some tree acid in the ph".-pha'c, w lib h readily com bines with the introgi-u ui the Inn manure. it ashes are n-,;, in this mixture it should be only when the seed is about to In veie.l. We lire put dry wood ashes in tin-drill vv.lh hen manure an I phosphate, an t believe it a good practice. The a-bes clean the drill from sticky ph"-phute. and though there is iiiie smel' "t amnion in, indicating its loss, yet tlo'ieislhe satisfaction of Kiewin that the ashes . are in contact with manure under the soil, where no loss of ammonia can occur. Tln very reasons why ashes and inaniiHM should never be com posted together above L'rotin. I furnish arguments to placing 'hem in contact with each other under the surface. , Ciitimt.jr. 1'iirasttli 111. en. r hi l.nml'H Lambs are subject to a parasitic disease which is always fatal to them if neglected II is known among shepherds by the suggestive nam s of "pining" and "paper skin." and by veterinarians as "ao iiuia," or want of blood. It is caused by a t bread worm, which exists in the lungs and air passages, and interferes so much with the breathing as to prev nt the due :cration of the blond, an 1 the nece -sury supply of this vital iluid. The consequence is that the red globules of the blood are lacking; the bloo.l is pale, and the growth of the animal is arrested. The skin appears w hite and thin, like paper, and th" young iea tures are weak and pine away gradu ally for want of adequate nutrition, and finally die. A similar parasite produces the disease in caives, know n as "husk,'' or "boose." It allect.s Iambs that grae in pastures with old sheep; calves are troubled which arc fed with the cow, or upon hay Irooi liehls where older animals are pastured , and young chicks which run upon ground bulled by the hen-, are apt to get the gapes. To prevent it. (Ins chief cause is to be avoided, while to cure it. the usual and elleetlve remedy is to give binail, repeated doses of turpentine. The following mixtuie is recommended: To one ounce of nm j lasses, or linseed oil. add one-fourth of an ounce of spirits of turpentine. : tthake well together, and give one j teaspoonful to each lamb early in the ; morning. For a calf, one t ablespoon- ' ful should be given an hour before feeding in the morning, and die drop may be given to a small chicken. The eriuedy should be repeated for a; week or ten days, as it is necessary ; that a Hiillicient quantity of Die tur pentine should be given to secure its I escape through the lungs of the animal by exhalation. Aim rinm ' Ayriiiiltiirist. ' tm I'riiflr Mall rrrnt f ,,,,, . . j If it is (rue, as most nnii ti.ssert 1 that all aniiunls must have crude salt ! us jmrt of their rations, and it is a ; fact that all must admit that it is ' extremely hard to (Ind even salt water : inland, then why did not all (he wild nilliiiuls or most of them ciovvd to (he seaW, wherothejr could get a t of salt water when needed. The "salt licks" were visited, It Is said, by those animals that could reach them, and many persons contend that the neigh borhoods of these "licks" were always crowded by these animals; and yet we do not learn that the seashore was a sort of "t'oney Island" for wild beasts in the early days when our forests were overrun w ith wild animals. On the contrary, there were probably a dozen deer on the prairies of the West to one in the woods of New Jersey or Maine in those days. ISison, the largest of our wild animals, preferred the open plains of the West, without salt but more grass. Fishes in fresh water seem to nourish ipiite as well as those that enjoy the salt of the ocean, lias it ever been proved by experiment that horses and cows really suiter or fall off in lb-h w hen de pnved of salt, when 1 I ordinarily mixed rations. What pro. i is there! that crude salt is necessary or even good for domestic animals under or dinary treatment, Mr. Hlodgett, of j ('liaiituii'pia County, N. X, tried laisuig hunches of calve; with and! w ithout salt, and his neighbors de-j led, without knowing which were! the salt-fed, that the lot not receiving the salt was the better of the two. This was probably only a coincidence, but at the .same time it goes pretty far j to prove that it is at least a u-elcss Ii hie andepen-e to fed crude salt t- calves. The man who trusts his a innals to the i are of ordinary hired help often ii-i!s that the s,:lt business has been ernsdy neglected, an I yet lie apparent harm has leu done. At least that has often been "in epri iiue. We believe in mixing salt with the mixed ration, o iiimU" it tnnr" pal.i'able. but that has nothing to de with feeding crude salt to "v and, alt'-r ail, is it not simply a stimulant to make them drink icre water, which does not add to the mliiier, of (ht ni'lk. .1 "i i ' 'i i :,)n-i a. ll'tii-i loil l Mini To retted e tarii'sh (Vol -ih er, use a s .lotion .. borax or soda. To brighten a - inc b it li t a!,, throw in a handful "t salt, wet w it 'i v nngar, and scour with a Manuel do h. The crease that runs frmu a coose whet1 i".s!iuc; should always I ,. kept, as it is particularly good to dies -pm aeh with. To set colors in blue cambric, dip it into a solution of saltpetre, using two or three cents' worth to , pnliulof wafer. lit vvi'l injure the fabric. ever place tre-h eggs ' m ar I, il l. fruit, i heesc, ti,h, or otto r articles from which any ".! u' arises. The jgs arc extreme!;, active us n!.. t lung p iv..r. and in a Verv -Inu't tune tln-v are eon- tainmati d bv (he partn-, ,f ob its in then inighborho ad, by which the I peculiar and exquisite ta-t.. ,, a new . laid egg is . lest roved. 1 1.. .. I'.reak v i 1'. ur egg int bu'tere.;. f boibn- a teacup jreviollsly well stand it into a frying ) an water up to the middle of the cup; as .soon as the white hard' ns it is ih.ne. put a knife gently around the edge and slip (lie egg on to a plate, it is ra'ln r more trouble to dress them this way, but repays you well, as they cine out nice and compact and do 'i"! b "k si ragged as w hen biokeu into th- pan of w atei . the usual mi ib' ol cooking -in. ' thin I'-.t-il-. P,U raw potatoes, put and -In v cry in Very cold water water ind rinse in sevei.il different , then let tlielll remain ill ice water an hour or more. I ry them in a towel; have a kettle of hot lard, put in a few at a tune and try a light brown, stirring oeea.sioualh , then drain and sprinkle with salt. The lard must be very hot at first, hut ,fo not let them eet too brown betore thev ben une cri? A line Wire basket. vv Ii iidi you can plunge into the kettle and leinove .piickly, is cotivi nient i,.r cooking thein. sir, i l'i. ,.. Might pounds: of truit. four pniiiids of best brown st. g.r, die ipiart of vinegar and one cup of mixed wlndo spices, sin k cinnamon, lU'Siahuds, allspice alld cloves less .I the latter than of the ,. mcr. ie the spices in a bag and boil w ith the v ineo.ir nnd suejar. skim w ell; (hen add the fruit, t ool, ten minutes, or till scalded and tender. Mviio out the fruit and put. into stone jars. l:,,ilihe syrup five minutes longer and pour over the fruit. I'he next day pour off the sy rup and boil dow n ;ii.'.iin. an I do this for three mornings. Keep th" b,if of spices in the syrup. Siiii ii til tiiiiijit Sunn, ( hop line as many reen sai;e leaves as will lill a ilessi rt'.pooii alter they are chopped, and chop as lunch onion very line as will nil a (ubli'spiionful alter it is chopped, .in-1 let them .iutmcr gently in a small sain epun, with to'ir table spoonfuls ot water, ten minutes, then add half a te.isiooiifiil of pepper; halt u teifpuonfiil of salt, nnd one ounce of k'ratcd btead crumbs; when (liese are well mixed, pour (o (lulu a iu.trler of a pint of thin melted butter, or as much uravy, nnd let th- same simmer a few minutes, stirring it nil the (line, and serve i( ui ((r ' ' sauee 'l lie iiuile codiish u'.w.iv s lu'.cs cure of (ho ejrii-i mid joun. Tim only peace in life winch a male codiish eu joys is win n ho nets saKed down and sloced away m a cotiu'ry gr u ery. CJUNA.M fcX IN" XliW YORK I - Theli Principal Occupations in tha Metro-iolla. Colost'al Gambling Dens, Ret.vtrant4, Laundries, anil Other Employment The Chinese gambling-dens In Xew York are devoted to a game called Fan Tan, which is to the Celestial what faro is to some Americans. Its basis is betting on the number of coins left on the table, after the dealer has put a pile of metal on the board, from which he removes four coins at a time until either one, two, three or four are left. The game in the main is ,i "situ, ire game," and allows the house a profit of seven per Cent on all business done. It is highly popular with the Chinese, and gives employment to about persons. Chinese gambling resembles American. I.'ach house has its propri etor, backer, cashier, dealer, cappers and hangers-on. The largest game is conducted at No. 1,' Mod -si., and fre ipiently handles over a thousand dol lars a day. AH of (he games are own ed and managed by syndicates, ami never bv a single individual. Chin- ese policy is played in eighty numbers. The managers draw each evening twenty of these. A player is allowel to play on ten numbers. If (hi' fen he selects are all drawn he is paid j, 1",""" for $1. If be draws four numbers or less he receives nothing. Twice have players drawn ten numbers. In "tie case the lucky player received his mon ey in full; in the other, where he b.i I bet$l, he was compelled to compromise lor $1 This ens- happened in an Francisco. The restaurants are practically open day and night. Kui'h is rioted for s.Mie p.irtii ulur dish or style of cook ing. No I Mott-st is noted for i's pates and dumplings, S 1 lor soups and stews, No I 1 lor .style and fancy dishes. No s fur meats, one near M"tt and Park st, for cheap prices, an t the I'ell-st, restaurant for American took ing. Prices are lower than in Ameri can eating places. An average lunch for an oriental is tea, rice, eluken and lish. The cost of these is for the tea. nothing; nc, liv e cen's; chicken, l";t teen. and fish, live or ten; in all twen ty live cents. The same meal in an American restaurant won! I r-.s! him sixty cents or upward. An i r.inu:y dinner and its costs are. rim ken soup, nothing: tea nothing: rice, live cents; duck, fifteen, perfumed pork, ten; muccaroui. ten. lish, ih..: meat ball, live; rici- w in-, eighteen. I'he amount served is suMicient for two guest. In these restaurants tin- kitchen and food are v i-dble and open to the ..-net.. The i-usf. nier wanders f-..in the d;n ing t ible to the ki(. hen examines the articles. h has ordered, chats w ith the cook and then returns t.i his t aid". -p,,,. hinese are particular in regard ' (o their meats and insist upon alt j poultry being alive in (he morning ol j (lie day on which ii is eaten. I'or ; this rea-on in all th" restaurants (lu re I i, a c iop from which iiubickv chick- i I ens and ducks emit continual discord. j The art U le. chiefly used in t he order ol I their popularity are: Meals ohic'tiiv ! duck, pork, beef; vegetable foods j nee, luc'ciroiii, t'hiuese turnip, otiioii. j celery. Mutton-, lamb and veal are ; -eldoin ti I. Preserves and pastry j are popular. I very fruit known to , the American markets as well as a j hundred indigenous to china is em i ployed in every torm, dried, sinol i d, i evaporated, cmnpres-e I, candied, pre I served and canned. A price-list from ' a hinese groiery will soinetuin s o,n I tain ns many ,n live hundred fruit I preparations. I The Chinese population of New ' 'ork and its neighborhonil, according j to its vocations, is about as follows, j Mann. In men, l.-'eio, eigannakers, :i ro; 1 J" ' sailors; Jon gamblers; ', uneui i ployi d, who are looking for places (,, start laundries; Ion merchants: bldoc tors, o carpenters; J barbers; I provis-ion-agents; musicians and one or two cadi of sign-painters, interpre ters, fortune tillers, tailors, commis sion in-ii. Iruit venders and insurance agents. There is also one journalist. At present there are in New-York about 1,1'iin laundries, in I'.rookiyn don, in lersey City and Iloboken 17".. and in the oi In r near places about "ei more. I'.aeh laundiy employs I ruin one to sit men. besides the proprie(or. nnd they .iveraee three men each. These hum dries ration in value from $bMi to; jj,i urn. . .,'.', ir ) 'o ,' 'l il.iiiii-. He Had Seen Kntli Kinds. lie had an idea, but i( was loo heavy for lii in (o carry around, so he entered (he sanctum of the tunny man and inquired: "liy (he way, did you ever notice lew polite a tree is?'' 'No." answered th" funny man. "I don't remember ever haviuo had the ' experience." Well, I'm surprised. Pidn't ymi ever sec a t ree boiih r" ' "Vis." responded (he f. in., "and I ; have often seen a tree leave." Then he unchained the do".- - llnstun l'ut. A Mkii Suiritextlnn. Smith keeps a savage dojr on his premises, and near its kennel a hoard , I is rl'Slibivml with thp iv.'irninir in birtra ' i " letteis, "Hevvare of the dug. I "I suppose," niiid Jones, pointing lo 1 the warning, "you have painted that j sbrn in large lelters bo (hit he who ; runs may read." j "No."' said Smith, "but that he who ' e.ids mav run." I rroof of Death. If most people nm iifraid of anything, if is of being buried idive. That eases do not haiipcn where it is very difficult even for the experienced phpsiciau (ode (ermine whether a person is really or but apparently dead, without his having re. course to mentis uhic h, while they would nt onte settle the dispute, would place life, if it really still existed, in jeopnrdv, maybe judged from t. facj'thai the French Academy, sou,, i.-ii or fifteen yens nj;,,, niVcrcd a prize of fori) thous and funis for tin- discovery of some means by which even the inexperience may al once determine whether in a given case death had ensued or not, . phvsi. cian obtained the prize, lie had discov ered the following well known phenome non. If the band of the suspected pi r son is held toward the cnndl - oilier ar tificial light, wild the lingers stretched, and one jmii hiuglhe oilur, and one locks through the splices lnlween the lingers toward the light, then appears si.olct red color where the lingers t 1 1 -1 1 each other, due lo the still i in iil.iliny Ihlid blood, as it sM,s if Ihnnieli the Iratisparciif, not e( i -.ingested lis-ues; but when life is cxiini t tin- phenomenon at once ceases, 'I'he nio-t i xli tisi thorough trials established the ttiilh of this observation, mid the prize wasawai.l id 1. 1 its discoverer. Hew She Was rnreil. Said the d M lor: The most sinking ci-i of m lite a thai of ii woman who had ll.. jell her bed ,. s,M t.ll Ve ils. She ate w, II. she slept v. ell. her pulse Ha- nas aciblv legnlai, lint every fivv d ivs .he vvmiiI.I send for me in 'gr, at h.i-le. and I would g-,, and make a slight change in the bread pills on which I w is keeping In r I'inalh I g.. tiled, ami de cided t,, try b' I df ttialtncnl, S... aft. r heating Inr s,,iv. I becan to I. nigh h. olilv. I looki'd it her. and lln n I would In gin lualll. kept thi up I',, a i on n, tab!, nine, and -lie kept'Hing lllole :ll. l'l"li lllgiy. She w allied lo know uli,' was ih, in. ill, r. I t 1 I le t thai I n a . laughing M In t , The t, I. a w a--o l 'idicii1. 'lis I., tin thai she s,,.!, there , , iltei d iv. and lend I., be -f k. ' H hv. s.i lie Woll-I ti,e m in ss. ' k. p' I' l"l Iter -be sl,..e. h i ing m, to ci I li tub d lo I an w ith m v . 1 1 i : . id I. 't In re is ii, ,t hing in tin i willi 1 1 but l.i. i i. she tin ill v n .11 In d nid threw il it inc. or tit of the h I pie :i v :it tll.lt. but ki pi mi I It' ll she t ' 1 1 1 1 1 . d Up, bfootn . In. vi tin out of II worn in In. in ih.it and s, iiiig ll doois. h, w mom, nt," N ibi many hypoih.-ni bv -mill o In al- It I H s lie lit . noglii I.. A I minus Traililinii. flu A by ssii i in- h iv i a i in toils tt adi I i,.i as to the i ...in , .f Inn v ing I In ,b id They .av that win it Ad un tumid tin li.'dv of ' ,e II. 11,1, r, ,1 Abel In , nil, d it about upon bis -liouldi i's for t w i nty nav -. lint knowing t, dispose ,.f it. I, he Almighty took pitv "ii hiin, and -etit lotlh a i tow w i'h a dead voting on,- on Its back. lie , t w l!i w hi ..e Adam e:.'!', il earn. t.. i ti a. t ,,f sandy uioiind. , in which it dug a hole with its led and i theie buried it - oiing one. Inn Adam aw ibi- he dug a giave in the sand and j but ie.l his dead bov in il. A Viiisanee. Wotnati wl. ha- no holm ilulti o U llo does tint at', lid I" sl h ib, II,-. is ; p. -t to In i a, , laii-.Coi, , i ! , , v tak In i a long line to in ik. Inr hn ikftst !! I. but le r uiiisid.. g uiiieni . g lik, lliaglc W hen she has ollee ill I idi il b make a mot ning er will not w i ak. and al'ti rnooii call. She -he will n. ! I, I her h i .i ouaintaiii i ,re hriii.ie disi oiufoit in a v it. and a door in iglibols w. lk. lb I ki pi in a state ,.f chro tin i x pei la! i"ti el a v bi d in le r v ieinity ea sinking teit'oi- I.. Ihe In t t ing w illii.nl I ol Ihe ladv of the ho lsc. A call ('roll i this idle pi t's.,11 nieatis .imply ,.ss of tune without tin slightest compensation. The woik in the kin In-ii oi ihe iiuisi i v mi. si be abandoned : and this me. ins. with ptai'tiial, l,,nci l III lolls hollsckel pi Is. I, up of flu work lm IM, lime v, t to i '.inc. The thai day and omitted b o i t vv , i k at .iiiolhcr lit, anvii I . lily the uiv ino time, but -onie oi k pi inni ,1 l. r that day mi .His . i outusiiiii, and l'i in Initiiii: the t ot ills the -ei u lions and circin ition. rculatine; rveiv oi ami. and biiicin" even in rve and lilue of ihe body. Hi', -v vim ii's Vim--i.vh lb i n i;s an'" ctlcil io the most as. toiiish ne. uires of ind e-tuui, bilious tie-s, nitMuis weaknc-s. iheimatistn, s, n fuloiis ilisonlfi's an i hioiiic iiuisti i al on. that the wcild lia-eu r vviimssed. "All the Wo, , -n'l -nit ni,,l . ll s f the , .'' bill tin fate i un.oil-. II .11 nir liis.ii..' f either s(., , never in eici.l. promptly, 'h-roiihlv mid perm.'inriitlv nrel S-aid thr.s' l-'tter stnmps f..r Inr" illiisn-ate I 'rea t. W orld - I iN'iisin v M. .In m Asso uition, buffalo, N Y. Oiiu'iniil lleaiiniii)r. I ! ht ar - in i asiotialli I ilb.eic.il ria two iiisiatu i . : otiitiL;, The follow ino ,,i. tw A in nm .1 holv w uh n l itnily in a v lila in the i xteliol i II v ii win. lived ns. .f I...,, doll was ; p, Use of Would b, milk for -lie in ii i have : nkid why sin was nt Ihe ex to phi", a cow. se, ino th.,) it .im K much In apt r to buv tin- li'iisehold "Will." said ply. "We kel p till' cow bei allsc a lii Id . i ' l i I ' al hand, w hi, h alt sWel'sMl'V in, ',,. 'Hit, u as I In te lolildi l. "why do Volt II nt tin I'u ..'" Ihe ah-wir win: "lliiau-c, oil know, we have not the ''l,e other ill .tame .mi inn, in iuv youii" day. at l'i clii s. . lady in reduced in luu stance- iticiil ioin d to ,i friend that -he had ju-l atraiiid to , nt ,( house In loin.' ini; to a bnkcr in lln town. The hend wi soini w li.it -in pi i., , at the nn iioii in , tiieiil. i oisi,,. 'iny th, ladv'.s i in iiin-.t in u s, and asked if the be too unit h for le ,. w i. the answi i , "vv I hi n lit . " uld imt af all." (h. I tak. bnad lol A I'riulfiil Serianl. A voiino Aintiian coiiiil. inipiud, nllv f i ..i ,i :.. .. .11. i ', luck al I'.adi li I'ouinl hiiiiscll a vviuiu i of thirty lb. uis iiiil iloi in-, carried tin-ni.,n, v auav with him and, I, po.'itctl it i in lullv In his desk, fullv illli inlillo to ri com mi ni e opetuti..i- iirvi iiiotiiino with re lievveil i"or. To hi. unspeakable ,li IIIIIV, however. Ihe pieciolls loll of notes hid ill the ciniisc of the tiioht unac couiilably ili-appcued, and with it his servant, an uld n laim i of the family, of whose honesty In- had hithi rln never en Icrtatiicil tho'sliohl-.i doubt. Tendavs, liter, while .1 ill bewail in',' his loss, the ab sentee illielly cub ri 1 the room in if in ii li -itiv.' had happen, , I. and hamlctl a folded paper to his master "Where have von le'cti.'" anorilv exclaimed the ynunit mall. "To Vienna." coollv replied Frit. "And my thirty thousand tlorins. were nre thevf" "I'crfi ctly .ale. I felt sure Vou would lose them mahi. mi I look (hem to vour baiikci '., and llie paper you have in Vour hand is hi. receipt for tin; nioinj.'' PI,A(Jl E-STIIICKKX n.V MOl'TII. afVtt HOW I'L'BI.IC ATTENTION IS DIRK' TKn TO I'RHSONAL PERILS. !"'" (V. V.) rorrp,ns- f l-filniJ)i.iM K-utintt. ".hl.lge," snid a vonnn lawyer to n very R iccsitul m-nlor, "Tell ti tln n wi of your iiuiKirui sucetMs nr inn oar. "Ah. venue iiinn. Unit k.si-,. hi t,rtM,lr tit 1 will bivo It to von on eiiit.lili.iM lliiit, you piy nil my hills dnriiiR tliis nmuioa of eoui i. .itvl, lr," mii.l tlm junior. "Kvuleinn. it.sputiilii evi,i'iici." Al the Hint of thj iinmtli I In' jlldgn remind s the young iivm of Ills pioiniso. "I t'ls-all no sueli pr.itm-ff.'' "Ah, I'll! you tnii.ln it," "Vmir evi leneo, plensi'i'' An I I lie judge, not having Any Witnessin, lo-! a case f,,f oii.t' lli ncui wh i can prohti in lispat ihlc pvi.li'it wans public favor. I luel nn int 'r- VI.'H VlV.lel'.i IV Willi til,' lllost Sllceessdll III' Aiin ii 'nn n Ivertts i's, w Iiikk n Ivertisi ig is most siieis.ssful li.vatisi nlwnv Im.'kod !)' eviiletice "What stvlix of n Iveiiisin il.i veil iwof" 1 ,-iski'l II. II. Warner. "I'i'phiy, reiidinn mailer mi l p-mii'iipln nf t.'flinit .nliils ' j "IIiivk you many itn-iim1- ' I In answer lie sliovvi'l me n hu ge eiibiili't I clerk lull. "We have enough lo till II intuit, N.ov Yolk, I h.. ag.i. St, boms nnd I'luln.M 1 j pliin iimrmui; pnpers." "in yon pntiiisii iii.itiv i.r tl.oiu ? " ".Net n t th,' VV ..ii.l.'i'fiil nsaro tlms wi do pulilish, we It.ivn tli.iiisninls bk.i tlielll which we . aiiiiol use 'Why ti it ." but nm tell vi, a. 'Wni ii 'r's snfo eui'ii' lm prolmb v l-.'ii the most sit -.i's-fiil me liciiin for feiiiiili' ili ii'.IhI's ever ili-.i oi I. We liave lestium Inals from l-alies ..f tin, highest rank, but it HeiiM be in, ie!i, nte to publish (li-ui laku wis,, iieiny statesmen, Inwyors, eleiymi'it. iloctiirs of w'.irlilrt nl iani" linae lsett , lire I, bill mi nn i'ti!y reier to sn h sm-s ms in th in ist guard. 'il iei'in. ns wk do in our rea.luig nilii'l.-s. " 'At',' th"S' rending nrtielea s'leces.ful'" When rend they make sn -h an onpi'.'ssiiin that wile a the evil davn'of ill health ibnvv High they arei'ein"tiib. re.l, nnd Wiii-im ssafu cur.' is it. I " "No. sir, It is ii it tiecessary nmv. ms nt lirst. toilo such eoi'stniu and -o.-i.-iio el v rl isini. tni'ru.ifi.ius nieili iiii s.' It its Uf aft. 'i' in merits jiie kii,, ivn, Wepres-nl .in -1 endeii ii enciigh o disarui skeptics an I t,, iiiiii.ms th i inellls of th" retlli'dles up.lll new couslliie'l's. We feel it l.'b iriliitvt.i d ' llil. II -lev. t,i .'ic 'uini'lish our uussio.i of beating I tin sick, we have lo Hsu tlm reading in li I" style. l'e,iii!i won't ren I 1 1 on testmi minis.'' "Yes. sir, thoiisan Is admit that lot I Ihi'V not learned uf Warners safe eiue Ihr -u :ii this . lever style they would still b.' mini nnd Mill iui'..vf rishing th -in .elves in fee. t. utisii. ist nl 'pi n 'tit ioners. ' It wnii',,1 ilu your soul gu ..I I . read the letters of thiinkc caving n pt from mothers niatefiil for Hi I erfeel su. ss which ntinn ls W.'ii n. r's safe Hire when iis.-l ,ir children. I'll I III" siir- I pl l-e.l g-ltllle.t.ii w Inch lllell lltl I W eill . uf I older V eats :ei. iniiOteil Vi;.'r, testify tolll' yontliiiil i . uie;s restore I to theui bytln i s.'itne means. " "Are thes' go -l efTe ts peruiati"nt ' "t if nil tin' i asps o kt Iney, liver, urinary nn I felll.'i'e ,i-es.o we lime eillisl. not two per cent of thein report n ii'tuiii nf tlie.r dis..ri.'is Who els.- ,;iu show sti -h n n cord'' 'What is the se ret of Warner's safe cure permanent Iv r.a'huig simiinv serious , In order. " "I will i vplaiii bv nn illiistr.il ion : Th bill" town of I'U in. nitli. In. Inn b ell j plagii" si 1 1 . ken for sev erai months becaini I it. water supply was enielis.lv piis niet Th" ki.iuevs ind liver lire Ihe sources i phy-i.nl w.'.f bein,: lf..l!ut"l l.v .'i-'ii I nil" th" bl.'i-t li coiii-s i.is,.nel toll every organ is mfeeled n id tns t ,,ii;,e i f7ir iteiis ereei "a.-, iei.i m';Vcf.s In fe if iow'f .i ni"' I was n-iirly d. n I my self nf extiem' ki Inw .lisi-iise, imt what is now Warner's safe cure cured in. mid I kn,,w it is ll ii fy r.'eie., hi "ie H'lii 7 I thul eon I'm re .",'i ii.oie.eis. for lliie-l evei'V- Ithinp else in vain. Cured l,v it invself. I Kuiglit il mid. fro ma seme ol 'tint v. presented j it t i Ihe wn Id. IMiIvliv restoring th" kid I nev. nn I liver eiiu .in, .!. leave th" bo . ! nnd Hi- sv stem " A i ele'n tin -I saiiilnriau plivsjciaii on e ! sni I t" me: "Ihe se ret ol the wend, ilul 1 su- s ..f Win ner', safe cure n thai ll is.,.v- I ei i ii o er .-ill kilne,. liver and iieoiarv dis , en.., whu'h pimianiv or se-oudaiilv make ! up Ih. inaj..'ily of luiinan niliueiils. I.ikenll I t rial ilisi overies il is ieiiiarl;iiily simple." I i 'I'lie hoi f II 11. Warner .V Co sinu Is I ile.si'l V-lly high 111 lb idlest T. nnd It is eel' : I t.iiiilv mint -r of oiuratnlnliiin tiiat merit ; i ha Us-ii reeogmed nil over tlv world, mi l I that tics success has been tin tiabliellv .le seiv.'.l. I'ks Point. 1 Thi re is no marriage in heaven; neither is j ilierc mi) In il vt li in lii.irruu-e. t rnr Teneli llnrr 'I h oi Hooks. Alllol.c, i.lllel- V ihlllble It'.-otl. illlp.'ll'ti'd bV tlm leic her is the fn t lh.it fur n very lmij tCliellf. I'll Tee s "I ioldell Med fill I lls.'oVel'V let-U'.-n th" pi iu -e of liv r correctives nnd !!! puritiers, beien the liouseliold physieinn f the p. or man. nnd tic able consult n; phy si inn to the i it n patient, nnd pi nts .1 by all f..r its 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 serviee nnd ellicie'V in all Ij.eis.s of a chronic nature, ns nial.inal p .s..iiin z. nilnieiits of the resj.lralorv and ill jjeslivi' sv.teun, liver disense. mid in all i uses where the u-e of nil nlleriitive remedy is iinh e.ltisl. A Court House -The home of linn i I'leen ble ilnnohters. I'ile Tiinmrs. lowever larL-e. speedily and piiiiilesslv curisl ivitli..iii knife, i aiisiic. powder or mntment C..nsilll.iti.in free. Write (or pnmphlct mi l ie 1,. re n i's. eii,..sim; two fetter stumps f"l' replv World". Ihs'iisary Medicnl Asso. il liiini t i'-'; .Mam strct, HiiiIhIo, .N. Y. Iteeo) iiick..-The kind )on iisiially gel lit )our boarduio house. t- rnr.er sir 1-rrn I.kepl bv all d.-nlei-s i in,. I.os i.islsns loiiu'as Iw.iof nnv otlnu' l;eii-ieil in. dub nt V C. State I nil'. Cetitetuiilll, nnd rai ls F.vp ltinll. An Onlv llimaliirr 4 utnl il 1 unsinnpilon. When deal It win li.tiflyevpelel fruiti CuB unipiuiii, all remedies I n. in; failed nml l'r. H. James wnselp rlluenliiii;, he aceidcntnllr Ji,l" n prepnnit on o! Iiid.nti 1 letup, wlueh ;uil his,, lily child, nn I ifuwr Kives thin rt-eit Ml receipt ul stnmps to pay epus-s. Hemp lit,, euro niRlit snin s. n.oiseii nt th stdu H'li, su l will bnak a fresh e.,l. in '.'H hoim Aiidruss Crnd.l.-fK & Co, Haee alreot, l hila.le'phis, I n , nnniin tmspaixir. EASY CHILD-BIRTH Krl.nl i ,.,,l.-, null Oil. eiilri.il.v I u. ll .till. . i .l.irmu .i I..I.S i. in. "I I m. ii.-,- .o I't'.irt, I li.it i' lifter knew ti 11 (Lh '.ul !.. .r lu a !. ,iil. k ,lt llit rv. USE Allniita. on. M en " nnlilt .l rit e ii -.1 I ir-H i i,., AUnula. ill I'llLIIKl.t-'s. I'oav riithtt' Fur all disorders of the Khnnl, use Aver's SarsnDarilla. l'i.rtJ by Hi. J. f. Ay.i k Co., Ix.w.11. W. Wf Cnnllnn All Anlnnt tliVnl. I no mipro o lontej incetai n. merit of Klv s tieniii lliiltii n rsnl euro for cnlat i h, liny fever, nnd enld in thj lioad has in.lin e.1 niany .v.nlunrs to pined entflrrli imvliemon beniiiiK sotriii iwmblmu'o In arMirnne, styln (,r nnnifl upon lint marki't, in oMer to trsdn uiiiiii the reputation of Klv'a Vimm lltilm. Many in ynnr iiniiii'ili.ito lu'enlitv lll testily In liiHln-st eoniini'inlatinn of it. Don't I ' Inv only Klv s I 'renin lliiltii. A rn''tiel Is npplie.1 into cneli noslnl; no Inn: agii-enlile to use. I'ricp.VK'. lirnguisis. liny ! ever. I Imve ln en a great Kiureier rr.nu HnvKnvpr fur 1.1 years. I read of the innny w.indiMiifi run's by Kly'n Ctvintt !n!m and thought I would try eii. e iimm. In 1.', tuiiiu'es iiiiernne npplientiun I mis wonder fully h Iped. Two weeks ngu I i immeneed ining il and now 1 feel entire! H cureil. It Is th" givntcHt ihseoverv ever known or heard of Mi in mai. Ci.AiiK. I'lirnier. Ue, Mnss. I rl.i' .i I veins JIfnsmvm'r I'r.eroNirii nrrr Toxin, lh uelv rti'piriiti .n I'flii'cf eiinliiiniiigitu ea'irr in'ri etui ; i'. ;..,... ft eutilniiis til.niil-nialiiii ; foiiT Reiii-mtiiiK mill life susiaillillif pri'perti -s; invaluable fur iiidiKi'stiuit, dyspi psia, nei vuiis pi,,idiiiti,,n, utid nil fuinu of Kenetal dehility; iwi. in nil enfeebled cetnlitiuns, w lie I her tlW riult of rxluuistien, neiv.uu iiriiHiriition, over werk or m-ute ilweiise, p.irtieulurly if pvtiltin from p'lliuiiiini.vi'i.niplaiiiti). C.isnell, Hazard Co., l'l uiu ielors, Nivtr Vurk. Hold ley JruKisH. I union n m. ,r I,-. v Xe. V-.ili rtly, hMf.a .'.trr.s ve, sii.l sl..i nt Ilia limii.l ,si',. 'if e:.l I Villi ll ll,il. it ,., tio.' 1 -ii at n .'.Ml .it i,nn lilli WScn jon tlit O'lf-sn,. nit.l .f I n I..l"l. "I'll I .!: iie.' i. tl nml .iimsia i ''. r 'iriieei lln l.l II, .'-..in.,,, .,..;,h. it olh t ti.'.l. II. .r.e .- .,..1 ..L...I...I , I..-1.1 !., nil ft.tiats lUbiitili, itM li,. inr f,.r lei in.H.eir t tlis titftml I'iici, I Oim t stir el h.r llisji .'l .s Ii.iKI in Ilia cm I'lieiiiuoiila took I lm bio purse in bt-l win ler'n horse rneii. On!.y Ti'iniit'i'iiiii-c Uillers Known. ;rniefnl T1iin-.nmls tinvfilni VtNrmii Kirrnisith" ii'.ust vvoi.iiertiii l'i i.'iiiut ihut ever SllstaCleil !ie s-jikin;' SV-t' !M. itliiile Iroiii l alifernie i.. .is ni 1 lieil-a, free fr.'in AMciillollc Sliimil.il !s. A I'orgillive nn. I Toni". Tlil Hlllcru cures i:nle r..niilnlnt. 1 1. It 1 ill I lie : , o V mi. l in., me sCllelll'.IIIIIsni, lieiit, Hilt, us, tieniioeai ienl bit- nici n ut Fe vers. Ill d, I. lil t lililliev nise .M S If) -.pepsin r liiilie esiloii, llea.lii. lie. t'lttll III the Sli'.!lli'Ts, .teli . "f'triciless i f the I'll, -si. iitn, s.i, sour Stoieaea. l-iillnl I'l-iiiiii". Mill.'IIS AO l"Ks. r.l'liitull-.ll ol tile I'earl. I'lieit ni'.iii.'i. uii'l Paul in ll-e i'. c.e'is of the Kidneys, ureeill'i',1 hv the use of I l.e t!l"is. for Skill lllsense., l-':i:).ii,,,'. i. tl..ls. T'ri.sipeltis s ron,i. pi , rations. Ilnie 'i s in.l iln.'.-lses nf the S' in ef wh,,ever run r nn tine, nre literallv ilug ii iui,i earricl out ol the system in n slioii tiiee l.v i;,e u-e, f ih" Hill rs II I III l",sirilf es llie' Mnlliut ll, lllel !.lint- lli.lteslhe le lei, I l.ivel- nml llnwefl, Wlliell I'll I iter ll of lm. .piale,! t ill a, ii, 'V in eleansllij the l,!,.,.l i.f all iiupurilios. aii-l ilu.ll Ilug new life Uii'l V liT'-r to the VI llele SVst"lll. N lersii inn take the Hitters nn.l remain Intlu- mm ell. I'ln, Inpe nml other Worms, nre ,"stroe, , felnoVetl from 111" sVsleltl 4 lennse llie Vitlulci! Itlonil whenever il is lott) ; nnu' feehnirs will tell oil w hen. Keeji the lil.usl iiiire, iiii.l ihe heejlli of the svsteni Will follow . III conclusion : (lire the (inters n trial I, w ill speak for iis. lt i ice li,,i- w ill prove n l-l l' i' eiiar ititee ..I its merits thnu n I iiglliv lid verlis...nt II. II. l DoiniM Urii" ( n 1 r.,.il.-i..rs. '.III 1 1.IU.-I... I ' ,1 ;,li I ." .ve..-W.i-li, listen si- II l , V .i k . Solil by n 11 Healers :s nil Di'iifrsriRts, HAY-FEVER. CATARRH ' '',l,, ' '' '' ' "'"" ""lm 1 1 "r -.ui. o r-, "l -'i"". i"" ! n.M,. . m,.l .s . m,. i..,t ,.e r.' lelltfl i.fini I Wiii.iin II. M.i-lei,. ,1. Vi. Ilv.n C r o a r: Balm lis-irtiie',1 mi ,.vi:,ll' rt'1,,1 li.ls.il wls-'fo-i Vn .,,11. li s ,lu,,l,S n'l ell,-r erepir.l t ,... v ,, ,ii ie i- ,i.i:i.-,i ml,,, si. li i...-tr;l. in. I'.iin. HAY-FEVER ami llHl lilts Itlt -lltftll k- t.f,i tii" Hni. n t uii ii ri jinlir ilclln lu-f.-, r.:iiltiiiM nn t m lxiattlti; I'.erj' i ri-iivi- ntnl iivsiiinl.i lit K nfKrtii nr. which . ii lily ami iin'iitnl hwilifi .l-iH-ml. l-.ir -ft Ir I. n PniUK'-l-nml H.'il.'if-K- n-fHv ... n l M i -r patents;;: HUM. 1' lit III leiWWT. W.l-li Xl.T II II UH. I'MII'I.FX VMI l-'IICI'K. I.I s. I II lill l.v I1IC. Ill T III.NS.11N, . '" Ofiiit.' I ii. .1 nt", i int-s-., iii -icr..-. ,, l ml I, M.I.I.. hfliil Iwtni Cfiil msiui' -!,. lOtO A lA lli.t I. null ....tills :..r n, tiiiil,,, tiirius' St- n- e. K-t cl ks aii.i liiiiils-r si em... l'.U.il"ii.- Irre. S. VI. M'K.Ni't.li. Ui VVj.-tmisl.'U bl., iiualeu, Mitt lll.IJ Ball G-eat English Gout an Dlall S rlt-Si Rheumatic Remedy. Oval Hot. 1.K); round, ail rla. Pensions: IS, .V 11, lis. Sfll.i-I Ill.tis. CHI.. I.. HI Nu ll l . Ail't. Waslmu'lef. i. '. 1)n I in.' Iln.iiie.. ( nlleue. I'lnlmlf ll.lus. I"tn,. ..itij n. .silt, Alien. Inriiislifil. VV nn f,,r tart nUr.. Thi. iionliniMo itn iinmtt.in Is truly a Irlinnt.li of -t, iilltt.' sknl. an. I no more liie-tiin.it.l" l-. "li w.i. ever !...!.. tv. .1 ll.l III Iln r. "f Ul" vterl.l t f It le-t enlv sle-rt.-in the Itee- el I.O-'r ami If-st ii- tl"' itit.-n-.it ,,! nidi I nt. I-.'O. r llu.ii fill. It Lre .tlv .luellltsli. .Ill, -I .iisl.-r le llfeef t-eth in. th. r nn-relilia. I li'.'-t nn.e-lir , nlr, .-.1 elerv r. e j.e. linn nt l.e et.nniif.l I., mm- ..lette rs Mi twr.'.-J...!.' to n-.'. I'rii-H !ni-. i tuiiii v iiriia: t ii i I I I.V lUlOllll l.S. Dnttfk'iM", if i. N t. MOTHERS FRIEND." Don't Discharge your Doctor But tell him frankly you ore petting desperate. Perhaps he will review his treatment, and ndviso n trial of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In this case, as in many others, the change worked wonders : -Three years n;',i I sinTered treat ly from I.ivcr ( ii"mil:iinl. licurrnl 1 hilily, l.os-i of At)ielile. nml lleiidaehe; my snmiai Ii was 'Isurdered. and. alllioiii;li I a' sparingly., .f i alcflllly selcile.l fund. I Wil In ooiistant distress from tinlii;eliiin. I was troublid with sleciesstiess. and lm came so emaciated mid fis-Me thai I win im.ibl.' ( leave my room. After remaln Ux l'i (his reduced I'onililluii over iii-inlh. and reeiiv ln no iHiielit from tlm inedl. lu. s l escribed for llie, I ohtnined l iy il.iel.i.N cmiseiil to a trial of Aver'si S.i'r.:itailll;i. It.-fore I had thinned tint first bottle nf this medicine I tie'.'iin to hilt prove. T'.y Us I'liiitiniied ii.c th truiililci with in." IK i r and stuiaach jrr:ln:ill y dis ajii'earetl, :i: I my ui'l'i'tite nml slreiiclli r'-iuinetl. Afn r takim; it'ht htitlles my li. alth was fttl'v ri -turcd. ami 1 nm ii":iiu able to I'.tleii l in my business. l:iai' 1. Yai'i'iii-tfii. Ihinkt r Hill si., Charleslovv n lUstrM, Huston. l.is. Hotel ty IiruF-iiiu. t'rk. 1 , ... bolile., i. MOIerliid Wnmnnlinoil. Too miieh i ff'orl einiiiut lie nmde to trinS o (lie attention of sutTerlng womanli,-Kl tin prent vnluenf l.yilin K. Pinkliiim'is Vegptntiln I'uin eiiinl ns il reiiieily for tlm ilinensen of women, nnd rliaps in itliittj; Is niorn efTisv liinltluin Ilu' (csiiiiintiv of Ihuso who hnvn lu en eiiri d by It. Such nil one in the wifn of lit netnl liiuriti;i r, of Winston, N. C.nnl e ipiole from the general's letter n follows: "fienr Mrs. I'inkl nm: I'lense iillow nictondd my le.-liin niy to ihemmt ex 'ell"nt nio.liein'U iiiiili!ie of your Vegctali!..! '.nop uin.l. Mrs. I'eiri lnger wns I read' I fur several yenrt for wlnil the phy-iciaiis euleil loiieorrhe nnd I'roliip-iis l ieri lomliineil. 1 sent her tv lilcliiiiiiiiil, '.i., w here sh" ri'iiitiiiiisl for iT tnonilis miller th" tn mini-lit of nn eniinenc physieinn without ittiv pel iiianont Iv.aietlt. She a ittdtieeil to try V ur iii-slieinn nn l nfler n n nn'iiabl-- tune conitneiieerl in im tmive nn, I i. now .!' lontienil lo h r bus;. iii ss nnd ! n-i lei s her elf ei'.y rettce l.r pieieral l!nrrmger is the pr .Jinetor i f tlu Allien, an lii lei, V in-ton. X. C, nnd it w idely know n II N I i'.t BROWN'S I BITTERS Cniiililnlni I.'.ION nllh l l UK VTOKTAIII V TOXICS, lilliklj mil nilnplet -K i I.K4SSM and i: Mi 11 II IN 1111. III.OOO. (Iulrk-n I lip anion of llie I Hit uiut !iiilnr)s. i Irars the r.inide:. Ion, mdhn thi- kiit 'ureaith. It dam nnl Injure the le, III. i .l.e-e lii-iehn le-.nr ereilnrcriin. stlimtlnn VI I. 01 ill It Hills, ur.nit 1XK.S Do. Pli.vf!, l.sl siel llr,ipsisirvi'-y.vls,.r8rtM.sitnnisntt it Vn S R dm ;tt- ,.f vnri .n. M i". nn "1 ris .diieii'Tl llei.tn'.. Ir n H't'"-. ;.' n Tilinil.l.' f'tnli' ,.r .Mil .liiiij! l'i I I l, .vi I rn ivlnif .11 rtjsl.sjitlc II .ii, .1. -in ll .1 .s ii .t hurt III - t-t!i " h i.o ..o.'.ll.i' I llr. a,it"ini .'i:,, I-, m'I Itjio.s, ills,, ,i..n n teeie ws lle".-,. nn.i It h it e: it -I lh"r niilv filt'-f.ipl'tni " Mn VV l llvus l '.' si M tv . Ne r Orl.-nis ll . StVe " in-.l.tU'. lr-.ll M.O.Ti r'ti"t."l in., lit a en n ,.f 1-t-H.I i-.i'. 'iiny mil 1 h.sirtily f.iiiilui'i.il it ti l!i....'n.'".iiiiin p-ircli't ' Th" le'ieilii" tim Tr.i.l- Mirk tuul rmnsw...! rp nn en wr.i.;,..r. Tnlti' in, iithcr. Mn.le nnl l-y IIK'llVS I IIHillCM, I'll, 11 VI.MVIllIil., VIII. loerrs' IliS'n It.mK iisefnl ntii wOmrttv-o rop. I tuieis li-t ef -' -s I.. - r.- i.-s n,r,niisti',ii nl..,!it t-.l-o. 't.' . iv. ti .tt,.v I v tt! l.-tlei t Itt tilf.lli'lno. ot niftile.l i . nnv .il. Iivs. ,.tv rt..'lia ,.t stnuni. Ilf '"I ill lv.it-. ii in 1 1 i lies llt.o.t . I lsl ll .1,11,1 ml ml iiiii '" Pnei' Automitic tnjmcs ana Saw-Mill orit l.i:ni:w. Wnirrtn . I, II IV II," tl I.. I I'nclna wtl'l Mill, 0 ,a -ol.. I s-tw, ... u l-",K n,,, I ,-. r.R .-, mp'fts ..r ..i.t.ii .,, ,,it r. r. f. . 'ie. I'.it.tic ." rl.ll. ft .'Co ll'l II. . M' M-: .V r o '1 -I.:.. smitiiiiiiie l-:n. II I'. . ,C- I', .!: )., IUll(r HBtl STAMPING . ,-.. ' ..-loi.-l .. onttit . "ti it ;t. .. ,.,u, tan ,. i I- r. .111 I l i HI- OUTFIT. nn.'. Stel III '.-!, I Oil. I.. ,n h, s I, It. 'I li" , -hetvaij i h .'."'" -. -i-i, . 1. a I . in. -v VI. .rk. I'ett- .l.rl'.tf ,.....';.,.....'.. ,..i...i.,i I t. It li.lv w all ii" !'' .c. l -ilk i.. , i l, it I." . .. ,i it Ilu, g li In slninti I ' ... - ti. 1.1'. K .. l.e to tli Ken-uii't. ti It i"."-i '". oi, ;,.,,i ,.o -in. h, , Ii .'v i ., ' Iveii-liii-liiii in ) I. ii.ier I'n iitlna. I li ter VVurlt. .v. in., l.i.i ,. t-.iu!t...t.. rv Mittii'.. liiek., f. :i ie !. ft T. I;. I'Vltlil lt, l.tiui, llnss. STEAM ENGINES, li no, nt il an 1 Vi rlinl. Dredge-Boat Outfits, K .inr. I'.tnil-r, !slt n l KI'"! M II M,t.l.,i,..r. Tuilnif Wal -r ll..ni!.r.. ' liliilrttel Cat al wis YORK M F C CO., Yor. Pa. FEINYROYAL "r.Hir.HFSTFB'S ENGLISH Uii- OrlK'iiiNl Hint Iliilv -eliiilne. s,f- 1 .l-n. - ,. ' .' ! ti-.if. t VI .trlhli-w, l.e .'innl. "Clil. be.t. r". I'.ill.h ' -il- 1--1 "t" ll. li-i""itS" TO LADIES. I ' .i.tn t, lu, '....ll. NAME P PE If PILLS! V.lnt M..ll...n i.u..rkllils, '. LIQUID GLUE (UNEQUALLED FOR CEMENTING I ......1...1 r.ni n unniL London. Iwl I "t-n I l.v Ml-eii llni.,1,,. le.'-il il I "" 1 I '''" ll'.-.ri'.ti'...'. vif.l .' nt nt' BU9SI IrEMFNT rO.OLOUCESTEH. MASS. SOLO ' tVHVV.HUtfc li." 1 in VS1I li Mill, sc BEST TRUSS VE8 USED. Inil P-vi.t KI,ii,- Trn.s. VV . i-ii ii,ht .iiiI .In t I'.... itiv. Iv i i,r- s Itni iir-. I s. nl I" lii.-nl vi r. le - Will. I. i lull III. Vl n o alr-ui.t!st It. Ills N'v Vork Kliisiic Tiiissriiiimnv, 744 B'dway, New York R. U. AWARE 1 M Jk'l- n-..r Lorillara'a CHmaT Pmff lM-rlnt a rol fin iTIJTchHrUirlllard't llaaal.pnl line nit : that Lorlllartl'a Natt f'llaalnga. an.l th tt U.rlllnr.l'it Hautla,ara llm btftt aud cUfuLs-.l. tiinilttv i '.n-tlttemtl t ASTHMA CURED Urrtnan AllhlnH4'lIfn'er'untrtv., ' ri'dw rtluj in Ilu' w 'rt t'a-'.-.irir-unt-finnfort-nl It- fl'i'p ; ellcvtd rurrn w hirva'1 m hern f mi 4 l.K.l'tIrMKtfKi-.orti mail. 8.inilwVKKK fiirH- ifiiT- 1 it HOHirKMW.Kt rnnT.Mttin Chloral and Opium Habits K4MII.Y I I 111:11. HOOK i-ir i:k. OR. J. C. HOFFMAN. Jcflerson. Wisconsin. Kurr, llnnils, l-Vrt, an.l all th-i- lm iterri'i-ll-.n.. Iii.'in.liii Tseinl lievelin, inenl. Illrlll VlnrLs. Mtil,-...VViirl. M"lh Kris kle.. K-,1 N,e. Aeiie. Ill k ili-a-K S.ur... 1'itUiiK ami their treatment. .Or. .tell 11 vv...li.tirv, 07 s,.ci'ri si .Aina 'liy, N.V. K.l'lt'il nlti. fsell.l llie. fer ImkiIc ThURSTOll'SKTOOTflPOWDER Itercliic Tarlh Prrlrrl and .am llaallkr. Wr AK Ml N re-t,.r,..l l.iviietr ml mailli.-ml l-Jl 1 ' llnwnril loiliaiile -sliiel.l ami ii-iieli-Mir7 cmil-iii.-.l. I'.titiiililii ln ,i eciinF l-uuoK. Aiuitiiitii li.lv. inn '., 1 1. ;i i In. i mil si., I'iiiIs.. I'a. mnnrno l,CTII i CO l'ri,-e..ci. avVIII.HA, MUULt, O n0 1 ILLCU-i l----lflii---s--- U.S, RrUuinlt an t tlu-H, with Pim krt. bwiik c-iiib;M... 3 i 't 1 1 n'l , i; . I'm in- u.-y for ni(!it I'.nui'itM! r ok-t-I hoi-kCo., ti S -rt l lunch .St., Nan y,.,k. m m one ii'iiMi l urea in in 3 JMi 'Fi ' '' ' "- l'i' lltl rarrd. 4a PUSiSl Uii I i, !. I nen.lllii.i, nt iriliir Cured in 10 uitAD O.i'ii. av ni V I w am citisUt Aiutf , tai rtnu alWu -!., Ink, 7 sr-sv B V ...-i. mii ..I I .i :e trm-ur . it. "i li'.iti.'s l "I , ,,. s., ., 11, . ... peal,.,,,..! f., ,1 :.l .1 I I ii..-: ,.r I .,1 I I c, to., ii .'.i.-ii III l'llt,."el. imc I,. .Ill,-, I - VV eu ,U O're. III. I- v. o l.llle I I-. ll.l.'f ,. CI. I MO'ss. .i,.:f :. line., ir.-.. v I.. :t , ,: ' '',-' ','".', ''.,,':!A W j ! , . r i'." i . i ',.":,.' , -.C e: ,...!' -I - ! .. . I "S, .....i. I.-" . ....It ,i ,-.e,l tvi .toll.' - :.:. f-v he.ii - 'In l l. .,.,, ,,,,. . ... .. , ,.ki" W r.i" i.'li.'V i.it.l -t-. ... -ir. ..unit. Vl.ll U I. Vt. ii-.l A I i.. I 'I, II, IS" JL rjf T. AST IPM WW

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