n FOlt THE FAKM AM HOME. Applet Kvrry Srnsoii. Two seasons ure required to pro. iluuu a croji of upplcH; that is, during ono season (ho fruit buds are devel oped, and during tlio next the fruit. All tho vital energies of some trees are employed during one season, to develop tiie fruit buds; then the year following, their entire vitality seems to In) spent in developing tho fruit, without sullieient force being left to form fruit buds for tho crop of the next season. Xow, in order to induce an apple tree to bear every season, v climb into the top, or go up on lad ders, just as one does when plucking tho lipe fruit, and with a pair of sharp shears clip oil the young fruit from about hall' the I ree. Then fruit buds will form on that side of the tree from which tho young apples were cut oil. One half the top, then, will bear fruit one ear, while the other half will yield fruit, the next season. .'' . ('mint lotiil IVIiilr In I'aslillr. piics it pay to feci I cows ground food while in pasture'.'" u a iUi-)tum thai is being agitated aiiii.ngilaiiymen nowaday, and .ilmnl iiliteli a variety nf opinion is t'pre.ve I. While it is a fut that. taluti al 'iio, there is no bet id I'liid for a cow ili. in good pa-iluri', yet ihe o.Npenenee of many dairymen throughout I be coimi ry is in favor of ipute a hbeial feeding will" corn meal and bran even lulc the cow is on the best oi pie-tare and apparently doing well. l'he .! '( l'iii H'ikiii, in coin im nt ii)g on the ab 'Ve, explains that the gi .i-i.. tin ui.-hes the liucst, of Ma yors .iii'l all lie 111 risi eliUfltts, but the meal ;rie butter qualities to .in as toui?biug decree, Sii imieti m) that old daiiymen who have had the nerve to pe il a full and fair trial have stuck to the practice, even when butter was selling al very low rales, 'this .ftir n.d al.vi eanli'ins leeders that there is a right way and a wrong way t'i leed lueal. A wrong way is to begin the experiment by gi v.z them at oiiee a wry lalu'e feed of meal, which disar range:! the sioiiiacli and stops the llow ol 1 1 1 1 1 U . The cow ought to be grailu ally ;e cii-liimed to the meal by incn-ii.-,-ing the ration day by d.iy until the st Hiiin h lireonie- aicut 'iiii'd to it. Ill tiii-i w ay cue can hud i'ut when the maximum point is reached of feeding meal lor -ro!:t. "W hen the increase ol 1'iHici' i ci -es," says the authority in U -.lion, the tii P a-1 ill meal should j stop and ii oi.i'iy it vv.'il.l ln well to deirea-c Hi" feed a litH.' until the ex- j ie t point "I profit, i ; determined." I ! It It'll lit I'lttll- l'lH, Mr. Harry ay: "II it tiee is seieie ly pruned munch. Hdy alter it has pn' i 1 1 1' t II it-i leaves, II rec 'IV cs sil' Il .1 j clin k as lo he unable to prodice ai Matrons growth Hi" anno1 season I ' i ii ig trees may be cut bad to a j .-ingle bud in early spring, and the I new shoot will pu-h forw.ird w ith in- I creased vii.'".. Hut cut b.i' k in a i similar in. inner in I iuo' or during the j growing se.non. its grovel li forth'1 re- j maiii'ler of t h-1 .-.im-' 01 w ill be feeble: ! il has been shorn of iis f diiijc ;ind j tune alone can le-lor1 Us wonted igor." I Mr. ponton-.; ays. Ignorant ' cultivators ireue!i'iy weiiken the ! energies ol i "ling trees, ii!id cause tiii.'i'i t" grow witiiiean an I .dender ) stein-i, hy I Ii ; I.I ij'i HI sly I rilo'nilllf "If ! the young side sho'i's iltl I leave ill I the growing season. I'y t, iking oil i tllc.V .-lilo(s, the stein is deprive I of J ail th" leaves ".vhii h would attract and j elaborate the sap, thus preparing j noiiri-hiiient for the growth "I the , stem. And t'ae trunk of the tree does j not. ni' ie.ise in ,,ie ball st fast a, when the side branches are allowed to j remain for a time, pruning tli-iu away gradually." If pruning during the growing Reason tenth to cheek wood growth, and ol the truth of t his there can U no doubt, what ure the lessons taught lit by these lie Is? One thing is very certain, we can hasti n or increase Ihe I product ivciicsi of our orchards by summer pruning, as vvhatev , r tends t-. chick Wool develops fruit Im.) an I brings trees sooner in bearing: on the contrary, if our orchards are over pro ductive and it better tn growth is le-irable, avoid pruning in summer. It is far better to prune in early spring. ' 'nil i cut'ii: I'ltlilf I'ltml mill M hitnlitllts. The eoinnion ide.i of a stimulant is that it is something t bat has no nu tritive quality, but which excites the ysti-iii to activity at the expenne of its reserved vitality. A reaction ill ways follows it, and leave tho man or auiuiiil minus just so much vital force as has been brought into abnor mal ii'lioii by the stimulant. If a man is weak from hunger and a dose of brandy is given, the .system is "hraeed up," as we say, for a time on ly; increased exhaustion follows, lint if a quantity of quickly digested food as a nutrii ions soup, is taken, the sys tem is not only braced up but actually strengthened, because nutriment is given which nt once replaces the ex hausted force and matter of tie1 blood and muscles, and so repairs and builds up. This difference is very easily un- ilerstooil. Xow there is a very com-! moil lmpresoi among farmers ' which is unhappil.' cultivated by some I writers h..t artificial fertilizers aro j ail stimulants uu4ure not plant food. I This is a very great mistake. I'lants will not take stimulants. They will not take in any nutritive elements in excess of their requirements. If we use salt or plaster or phosphates and find that tho crop la belie lited, tho tr ith is that the soil was deficient in the elements contained in these sub stances, chlorine or soda, sulphuric aeid or lime, or phosphoric acid, and because of the absence of these neces sary elements plants cannot take in any ether food which they need. Plants must have a complete food sup. plying every necessity or they will either refuse to grow or only grow in a stunted condition. It is therefore quite wrong to consider any special fertilizer which may be found to help the growth of a crop as a stimulant, because it is really plant tood and nec essary nutriment, which not only adds to the substance of ihe plant itself, but enables it to appropriate a large amount of other food Iroin the soil which it otherwise could not do be cause of its own weakness and the in completeness of the food. Xar )'", '" v. iiitnp in ri. it. Ibuip is to fowls what he ivy colds are to human indiv iduals, and as we have cold in the head, told in the ' bowels, sore throat, and other dis- J t urbauees from cold, the term "r up" covers them all. Iinup in some forms j is contagious, while in other shape it j may exist in a Mock without alfectiug iiny but weak c institutions. Thebi'st j tiling to do w Hit the allct ted low I is to clean out the iiottril ;. an I every' It rder should have mi hand a sm ill . syringe which should be put tn u-e j early. Loup, when malignant, makes Known its p cMMiee by a pi uliar dis agreeable odor. Tiie sick ficv I bml.s droopy, and a slight pres,i.eo:i the in-trils cau.-es ii discharge which i -j v ery olleiisiv e in siin II. Make a s.'lu j turn of copperas water, and wi'h a ! syringe inject .some of it into 'he j nostril, and also d 'w ii th" throat. II j I he bT'ls is no better in a few h eir , j try a severer remedy, win Ii is ihe in ' ji ction "I :i mixture of eo.i! "'I and j e. rholic acid. Add ten drops of tar belie acid t.i a tableanoont ul "I coal I i oil, and lop e a s.nall quantity 11110 j c.n h noMnl l los will cure when ail other remedies l.iil. N ig'it an 1 uiorn mg give pills ior p 'Wileri eitlo r in I fi od or by for, ing il down tin- throat. I Add some ,tl-.i to ihe In d of l h".s.- I that are well. How tn make roup pill i wha i most person d- siie to know. I le-basi-of :iU roup pills or powders is ! asiiletida. Tlii !-. combine I with ' tonic and cat h art i . Here is the, method. and bv which a -in ill quantity icav I'1 in i !e a' a -n; all i o. Take one lea i ol c,i. Ii "I i lie : ur ol j imn. led peppe-, ginger, SiHr 'ti. I !i ! -im' ol p"i,i-h, -all and powdered I I rh a I iirb; mi x t hem int iiea!e!v . i !er thoroughly mixing, add tin' e t ible s iit'iifuls of hvio-u'ip!iite of soda an I mix well together. Incrpi r i'e this with "lie ounce ol iisalelnla, WdAii'g d logeilii r until the w h d" is complete ly mingled, in ca-ional!y s 'lt'ii ng it when necessary, with ci-ior o l. 1'hi can be made into pill, or when drv into a pnwd'T. It I of the S line en e-pO:-itl"n iis IllililV of the fap pill I which are sold ill lilty n uts a b"V II Intl. I llln't. Never u-e wiiter Ir a si .ne re; ei '.oir for cooking urpose-. Never use water which ha; stool in . 1 bad p. pe over night Not Its than a w h ii b,i. k. tlal .hmild be allowed to run before any taken for use. The siigge-tion tint sage tea applied to the s dp will prevent the hair from falling out i iin old nue: all tho same it is ii g I one. A convenient plan is to strain the tea and a l l bay mm in the proportion of nne-th.rd ru n to two thirds )".i. Ihe rum keeps Ihe liquid from spoiling in warm wcatlur lln lti . .' Fh i fnl; v One pint of sour or buttermilk, three egg., one small teaqio mtul of soda, a little salt, an I rye meal to make il still' batter. .,'. a,., fine small .c.' Iish cut m pieces. I-'ry one nii'nti, cut line, in a spoonful lard: when bmwn add half ran tiiiiinlms. Put in the lisl with water enough lo cover it. Cook about an hour; serve on toast. Iin f si ,,!;. - Tho best way to conk ;i s;cak is to broil it over moderately hot coals, turning often, lint this method h:i3 its disadvantages. It causes much smoke, which, if there is no smoke-escape over the range, fills the kitchen ami finds its way to the dining room, besides investing the cook with an annua suggestive of 11 ham just, from the smoke house. If the cook happens also to be t he "lady of the bouse," the family will be quite contented vv ilh a steak conked a fol lows; Ifave the gridiron hot. Urease the b t ton), but leave no surplus fat. Put in the steak, and as soon as it is brow n turn it. Keep turning it every minute or two till the outside is cooked. This will keep in the juices. Then cover it and let it cock for about three minutes. Turn it and cook it for three minutes more. If it is not a very thick steak, il will be done suf fificntly by this time for those who like a rare-done steak. If it is turned often at Mrst, ami cnoketl jii-t long enough, it cannot be dist inguishe.i from a broil"'! steai. ilnml JJ-insr ri.irri.Mis von the it kiois. A strawberry nine inches in circum ference has been produced in "Wash ington territory. Four thousand person? are annually buried in Potter's field" of New York city. A male catamount, or cougar, has a bodv lour to four and one-hall feet , long, the female being somewhat j smaller. Slavery is spoken of in l-'rencli an nals up to the twelfth centuiy, but im traces appear in the thirteenth, as many of the laws prove. The first indieatiiui of the insanity of (Jeorge III. of laiglau I, i'ppeired on the day of the completion of Pin fiftieth year of his reign, Oet'dicr J". IM". In the largest library in Pie world, in Paris, there i a I 'hine 1 chart of (he heavens made about i'1"' years be fnre ( hii-t. In tld cha:t I I'M stars are fniin I to bo correctly inserted, as enrroh "Mted by tho scienlids of the present diiv. Tlie son of a Scotch inillinnaire. who lias necniiie greai ly iiueresi e.i in a-n- culture, hiis hired himself loan Illi nois farmer for $' a month so as to leiirii tl.e American methods of farm ing. He agrees to labor t wo years at hat rate of pay There is an old colored preacher in I'.iifaiila, ('id., who is I"-! years of age. lie has been married nine times, his ninth wife being now alive, mid h" claim to hav e had 1 IT chiMr-ii II.' owns twenty acres of land, which he cultivates during the week, preaching mi Sunday. Two full gr in n robins were seen re foully "ii'iir M'liti.ello, Ink. one id which appeared to be hclpb s and the other protecting and loiwoling it. The we'd bird frequently went on expedi tions to the bad, var lsof the neigh hiirhnol and brought chn!"e morsels of f. .i. to its ic k companion. The hitler was caught by a b"V and f.'in 1 to be totally hhii.1. "v.ral teii'urie ago th" I'hiue.' lies' r.-yed their gn at lore-l . Abb.' Pavid, Ihe Preueli naturalist, unw ex prcssi th belief that they did this to rid lliem-elves ol tigers, leopards and other I oriiiida' le Peasts neii lit fnr csts e,st in 1'iitii nnlv uumngth" nioontiiiii ranges, an I the plain are so completely colli i a!'d 1'i.it iia' iv epiaot HI-.- -el.loin louiid. A l. i'in histori m says: line liiis seen t.i'h' r. iintlmn "d b law tmlrag their children t r ; i the inbiine, w hilt. I h".V were addressing th" people, in ni'ib'i' In punish them ill Iheir ili-cre li.in They were dragged :e r.iss the public square and lln "lie d ireil In d" Icrcl I ! it -1 1 1. The '-'Hsu', Hie I nlniti'1 1 t I' e il'l-'i 111 lillii. th" pen) If 'I it-It. o I ton i .a it . power and lore , vv le came to app! ill I lliem. were ol liged t' deal . an i iv.spe. I in the iai iuT- :iu auticritv w hi. !i I lie law gave Mo m. tiice In t iiiugr Mat rieil lYtqilf. "Iiiv" gently over the stones'" llil- pice if iiilvie, v li ii Ii is Ire ijlle!!ly giVetl to iilt'V perietiee l whip. III. IV no 1 '-s j,- l 1 l, I 1 sig-,,- ol lllf 1 lievvlv iiiarr;ed. There are stony pi a- i t's on t i" road tn happiiie-s. which if in a cat 1 I i'.'y dt i vcti oyer, may upset th" d'lti'e.tii1 fa' '1. Ihe lirst rock ahea I whi'h should be marked "dan gerous" is Hie lirst year of married hie. Here, especially is Ihe lird step that c sis, as .1 rule. Hie lirst year either io n or make 1 111 image. Muring litis period errors maybe ciunilillteil whidi will ca.l a shadow over every vf.ii-th.it follow On awakening said ilcniy Ir ui sleep we feel put out and: rutin -r 1 r .. May nut tl.e young1 hm-halid and wile experience feelings not entirely dt'l'crent when theyawako 1 to reality ti'otii th" dreams id' court j ship ail I the i .1-- lli.lt fill of the hnliey nioony Kvcrything mu-t mice more! It" contemplated alter the ordinary 111. inner of ihe world, niice more with subdued leellligs spoken of, considered I and si!', tied. I'or th" lirst titmsl Inishainl ami wife see cadi other as they iiitually are. Kach bringn certain peculiarities into the man led stale to which the other I. .ii to grow accustomed. They j have now to live no linger fori themselves, but for each other, and tho ; les-oii is not learned in a moment. In all lliing- indifferent the husband and 1 wife 11 usl he willing toyield, however , tew it may be to them, how ever dif- 1 brent from what they themselves' thought. elf must, be sacrificed in or h r th' reby to uain the help of aunt lor In loved existence. A lady i'lice a-il-.i'd )r. .bih 11 inn how iu his! In I ion.irv be came to dehne io,.t; Ihe .' ' "I a horse; he iniliiedialely ' answered 'Ignoiaiiee, uiadain. pure ignorance. " This is the simple expla- ' nali'n of many an accident that takes -place at Ihe eniuiiieni ement of the matrimonial journey. The young couple hav e not yet learned the dan gerous places of th" road, and, as a citnseipM-iiee, they drive carelessly over 1 hem. -'' ync'i. A Kcilsini Against Knnu'ft. Xriangeiiieiitd were being made for ' an amateur representation of "linnieo and .liiliel." Mis. si wa cast f ir ".Iu- ' pet," but some ili'Peulty was had in 1. tilling ii suitable o iuieo." Why tlnn't. you play 'lloineo' ytuir s'if, Mr. s . " suggested ot.e of the young indies. "You Would do it splendidly. I am sure." iVb.it! he exclaimed, "with Mis. S. as .In' let ', Why, we've been mar lied three years." ; Stranire Scenes on a Mountain. Within the compass of what was mice, no doubt, a crater of Mount Lesson, Cali fornia, there lire boiling bodies of water of diiiu tisions from sixty feet by forty to those small us imaginable, sonic i leitr as crystal, others while with sulphur, hIuiii, soda mill mil. While some ate geiilly shnmi ring, otheis boil furiously. In cln.c proximity aie oilier sinin, the t otiterii , of which are a conipnsilion of minerals and earth of all ouisi-iencics, fioin huge ciiul'lioiis, wbiih leininils one of great kettles of boiling -tap. In olhcls like large cliiit us nf cream, o thick as to be agitated with linn h dillieiiltv; and one licit afforded eniisid. rableaiiiii-ein. in w a so tiny thai it was nun h like the sii and -ha f the -ioul of a leapnt. and i lllplietl ill in)erval - "t si Vt t.d seeoiiil-. .d.itut oiieliaq ii 1 1 1 1 with great folic to i dia.ua ol several feel. On tivit tlilTercnl itiiol- I suit taut e i-. bii.tiidit up from lh. .1. .tlis In ..w, dt i. s j oil lite tn fat i-. floats In the margin, : 1 1 1 I i I- piled up in louie q.coililies n i milling I !.oii;.ohii k. A vjsnoi -:ii :i Ii.iihII'iiI to' le ijjiiiv.ii in'o a i -1,1,1 in loitawa limli I l ihhi'ut ili soh i:ig. The simoiiiiiliiig ' t Ml I liil-.lil. I.t .'!,!! .t lie of chalk like. formation, and Ir. ni ion quiaiiiie as small a- a inoiis.- h"l'' I" the immense mic J V hose fotee callCnl lie I -I 'mall I, no p. .W ! tl fill ei ins tile cot, ib I -: . I i II. Ii nil f. i mitted with great' i or h siapidilv. ihe i tmisenf ihe l.ngei est telling !iil "f any sit. -un engine. Un lilting .' tiu-l any- ! w helv. I he s fat e bene. 1 1 h. a- wi II as I he j apillilte. was foiled In be cry Mali." d w it Ii - nlihiii'. I'.ii iii.ii '"ii "I t i v -els nf the dill'eii-i;! tniini il- ale lii'itid - i i -' it' 'ii ly. Abovi "i I lln liming i i -t ape v ahi -. are lal ge l"ik-. W hit II .'tlel . I, I. I, . ti.l il), .., Ii.1,,1, if,. I I .- tab.. Asil .. la i diti n tin se woiid. s , t iiatuii. Ii 'I t - - i tip- Iioiii a hotly of wat' r ! iv i I o-i bank "I n", l'ie gleati f ' lit "f w 1 1 it h i ..l-l-ti . "f thai V . IV I III i' His I'll !! lllll lloll. led so, o nun h licit "in lifgi i - '.i ie aainid a 'v nit d; i in . oinpli ssjng a ball ! it. A Peculiar Cilsc, In an in-ant asvlmn in N v t ! i i "lUinetl a y 011110 l.aiv . I f. xii ai.d lt lily, lei ill i 1 I "iv II H. Ill i '.oh I'.. ur "I tidiii'iis. a-il ah p ilmny inn 1- a -v lio" I v.t.ibh and 01 eil po-.iln-ii. s.t it.. I, 10 i. th. loiin of la 1 mil. il, that le r ( t , 1 i - an 1 "lit iiiu.ilv cum nil w oh . 'fit .1 !. v is. I, 1 in or,, ,. her p. IP -In do 01' I 1 tr lit 1 rv 1 . ul. a--Ii" l:a. Ii. .t;. hi i ;. . mli avor. d lo do. t""- il 'V- ill a tlllll s,e is - .,... to the In, I 111 w tdi Ii In i - 1 . 1:1-. ol ii the 1 hail in .v hi. h s:t I ie. ': -it. t.i pn vi lit In 1 'loin t -ikiii ; la-i iV.n I ili-. lit family 1 lo ii. a vv i -h to n 1 old a siij, In lh, I on i!y I liii'' . and I !n.t- 1 1 ! iv if at It ml ants vvatdi lh lor y oiuig gill. 11. '.tr I. av ing In 1 al .i" . N" loyal mad nil ba . v . 1 -Iti-eii In t ti r 1 11 . .1 I "i I han 1 hi - 1111 fortuiiit. gnl. who-' 'Veiv i.'liiiiid vvi-h is .Hi, li , am I ::iat itied. and vv ho lei . all tin- 1 .tinfoils ol In i- own In. inc. Imm width -.In v is n ntov 1 d a I' w veil's ago all. I pi teed oi 1 1" asylum I.. Im- iiii-Ii i I he .lot tor'- t iii.-. lb: 1 asf 1- a pet uliar one. Slit ha. I ! . it 11 1 1 , hi . , I jn her mind -tin 1 1 1 1 I h""d l.iio-y in 11. it s int 11 a -i d vv o Ii the growth "I y..-ii'-. and while ti'l in -holt .jitssis she wa pi' in inn 1 d I" be un ..iind of tnin l atel ulliieat-lv in -ant . h. Ice eoiiipleicly Let hi 1 idt ill il v . and imagine In r- It I" bt a c;ii. and v it hai Iv in ! av 01 - t.i 1 .1 1 ill In 1 1 II an. I llc-i iil'.'iit In r. yt t tin dghl of a I. line will 1 .111-1 In r I In Hi"-1 alii. 1 I id mi ; even 1 he ici tun of a t il w ill al um lit r. I 11 ll-lv -I" It.. a' 1 '111 d Ii life ! un t-- and v 1 1 1 s tin 'v 1 'tin r than talk. she is iiiiioun un. Ii 1 the d"i It'i's 1 Oi', and In 1 nli il. on- .1.110 hope ol n -("ling In I by tin ! 1 1 Mi- It I In i- pio-n lag . but so na II I family ol lln 11 t il . h- i- t 0 in 1 rued shi i dead, ami ptoha blv the gin. la'ioii "I to day doe- ma kti"W "I In 1 ivi-l'iiii. I'h' case ha hi til pit-, tiled I" the 111"-! I llli tlllll speeiallsl- of the il ,y. bill m il. of tin III. Xii'pttln "lie i. w in 1 h.il'g' ' I the 1:. se, has pi 111 able to h . I any : ,. iim at ion in the palit til's t asi . In (In a-y him -In-gois umbra lie! it n 1- name. inbi n ing. 'e.vvtv.r. tin two yllthl.s of In 1 o'.vn patmiiy inn . A Howell Nilinc. j An Austin 1 ob'ri I man. .Inn It It 1 ' b'. iiatiu . "I I at In I I initi-d 1 dm ali"ii. and w ho-, im nii'iy is 1 ui.okablv .1. I'.iti . . ' wa- r.e.iillv hh-sst I with ;i son. lb- vv 1I1 vv ho i more ill. I J : - . nl. del. room I ; that tin son and In r -limiM have a high s niiiding n.inie. and si let ted a v 1 ry be;iu tilnl oiic. Whin tin 1 hii'l vv a pn -i un d to tin t h rgv man I'i baptism, tin lallii -aid. Nitnic thi- iiifaiii.'' i .bin -. rah l iil hi- In , nl f. 1 aubih ami finally said. siU-h." "hat's ma a pi' " 1 name fot a nut I Inistiaii 1 hild." "Sun Flower, th 11." Unit inure the (higyinan shook In head iin leibdoiisly . .Inn W'clislt r b 11,1 il to t r :ind w hi-pei .il to hi- wilt I.i give the right name. "Ilvatiiilh " sin ut. It,, I "Will. 1 klinwill it wa - st'llle killdil j ganlt n triit k. A bamler (iiilile. In 1 o iinaiiy . an agctl blind wniuaii list t to lie h t to 1 hurt h every Sunday by :t gander. He Would lake In I to tlii 1I..01 of tin- pew while she :l. As soon .1 she vv as in In r pi u a he would walk ipiii I ly "in of tin 1 hun h, ami ict upy him . If in I In- 1 hun hvanl. I. tiling "it tin grass till the s(. v it e w ;is nv 1 1 and hi heard tin peiiph' eiuiiilig .'til of chilli h. Then h" would go In Ihe pi w nf his old in'Mits ami hail In r lininc again. One 1l.1v the minister nf tin 1 hun h 1 ailed to see thi pi t-on :it In 1 ow n In. use. lli-fouiiillh.il she hild gone 1.1, t. ami he cXtes. . his sin .l i-e to In I daughter thai lln V shoulil It f Iter go nut al " h. sir," r. pb"l iheilauglilei. tin re i iml long In ft ai . ! t In. 1 i-not alone; the gamier Is vv ilh her.'' HrowKlu Hunt!1 In n WniinH, Ian ismi i.k. Ky.- Mr. .1. lb linns, Y'u e I'rtsiiletit nf the lily Ih'cvvciv. was brnughl Inline in a wagon, carried up stairs Ity I wn nf his men and laid nu Im bed, lie was -tillering with a severe at link nf ihciimalisui lontraiTi-il iu ihe ice vaults nf the brewery. He refused In have a thictd, lull dispatched a set' vant fur a buttle of SI. .lacnliH Oil, with the result that in one week he w as entire -ly cured and able to return to bis desk. You fin easily tell .1 iltngwnfiil tree by its hark. Tn Kr.w in, Ifi.nnii I'ciir. and thn bowelH well regulated, ho citrcful of yowl diet; do not n nun or tiibiiccn, and take nrcaaittnal diecs of Vim a. 11 Hit- .i t'-. Perfect health inunt follow Much 11 cotirtc. The range of disease thai i nn h relieved by tin- imn of V'inkomi Hit- 11 lis Im literully witlunit Iim t. .Men who pry into to thin",. Imreai. EvFrtboriT'ii Alr.nrnkf, "Yo,sih," sai I l'ni-lt Za -li, "l's wnteh.l it forlv ye:r an" iu m I ',: lit f jt of M iv an' I In istni tlay of Ai no y ar allors coiii-w mi 1I.1 min WM'k tliy." Kui'tlier eiiiivrti-.sili.m inviI t'neln 7,vh a ninil in !" lul'iiii it-ri'i 1. I'hn-ini tiin-n-ti in Ur. ra'Vir'. fmtu.' Itraikia; (-la-n lia'l wiih n rilli'. In ttii'l. "I li"rl 'It nt. tint shunt in' an I loinwel right oT it wasn't iii r'; d it, was a Yank. trick. lioK. hci' yon It trii." "Wlmt, vvai th trick f "D.ir win Inn tslaii 1 put inl viln rUs hillt, an" lik"vvi. oat il IhiIIhIh: so vviimi i.v l.al let llv oai'.ii it gua, il aa'ilnltall 'of 1lr1vv.il t iv;.'.ii.i-, wiiieli, in 1 uni-vv, lrolo. tli;lni hit iin trick''' l.ati.r, I'lu le Za -Ii ttlnnrv1! a i- ip running nltnn ti'" -so lit nf lll eir. Ilit.s. wlmt'H 'I it hiii fur'" "T" ii'tlvlli' air brake in o.-ih- nf n -el d'HIt." TiI.mi we hit I fnrtlii-r In ei iin how l!i. fnrei' n' tli lir.ik- was uhla n -I, to wludi l it--Jt Zn II r.-sp 'llili. I: "l.it 1'. a her... li t., yon sli t'y it mi'i "sp ). lilt tn h'l'V.v tli) f.i ihsaii s.' Whv, tin liUgea Ii ir, j.-nii vvli ttever hi ivy.. I coal In t slip ili. Irani, nuiii'ii' fifty iinlo n Ii nir. An v " 1 1 1 1 1 1 's 1 uw .11 tn l.'."ve a lilllt iip fil l nf win I tin I 'l'.li. kyar i ii i.I.i it? No, s i'i iv-l " Th .rti urn n ci'"a in 1 1 v I'nel.t Z i In wli 1 jtil;. iV"-ylliui; Kaiiply hv nitt iratc-t' Tn1 air lr tk ' .l-t-s not s.iii t. Ih a very n overfill tlnti lull p tvv n- in I n )l -i-n -v nr. 11 t 11 ' -ssai ilv c piiv il 'in In Li ;n ,111 1 pi-a I ii. riullii lltnTt. r.i 1 . wli rti lo 10 th" ntt' l flta'i. Ii l"l. New York city, ii't I is "tiri.-.ol in raising mi'is 'riplinti fur tlt "vv X in' II'... It.it lli.lli p- l'stal fun I, wa tel a llthl l' ie I h II ill itllU'llsltii I in ttivf. w Ii 1 wa, a ilivi 1:111. f ir en 11 11 .it Ii 11 i 111 sii li "iiiii'isi is'i i.tiii., n r-in ly th tt .-11 -. I him if ITi;lil's dis'i. einht y.-arti 1 ngu ll.'sanl ."sir. In th1 1111 lie il .iitft..,i hi vul'i all i' p ivvitr mi I ttt ri.'a.-s f I'l 'iisi'i U nf V" ir. aiivlitin ; fiat ci'i eiir-lltis I Trilil" lis .i-..'i-' .No, Hit. Hid 1. 1 111 .. I It":- is 111 in st ik.t ah "it 1' ha; ilia) W.irn "i 's nfit eur'1 is I1. 1 Iv a hi I 1 fu'lv ellii 'live pr parati.'ii I'll it riiiii'dv 1- ei ".nr In a',"' 1 1 1 ev 'rv t'lta .111 itiilv . un I tlii. f i"t evpl 11. 1 why 1' li 1 . vi.- I 1 111 1 'i Icui Ir ' I. nl lit 1 is i'i 1. 1 if 'IV S 1 '.li'fl J.'l'.' .' III) it'.'IMI . .1.111 11' .I....I l.i.OI ,'l.f.l Ol.'f. Wliere Money I'ciifiis Siiprenic, In New Yi 1 k. and. I -ii'i"-i' in all Itlgi tipe.. I 1 i t till' 1 -pi 1 iallv. 11, oil' y ha . I.i en made hy the ha 1 11 in-. They hav t 1 1 n '11 1 1 1 I ol million on . and I hmis ind 1 1 p.. 11 1 hi'iisai'tl "I v 1 i v 1 it h tin 11. Spi 111 lalivi i pi"i I iiiki 11 . alfoi-hd by the war 'vif avail, d "I by tin . 1 upuloiis men. who I" day live upon tin ir ill gotten gain-. c .'lie nil l'ie l-lgged tilge "f pi 1 ill it ion Sp, 1 ip it ion h 1 pul ii'tn tin .o. ki t of ta.t il- niillinii- and h.e t tkt II tl IU II 1 pot !,et . ol the gte, dv 1 1 1 1 1 1 i' r II -. A new i t hav e t ome to tin h uit " i ally rind linani iailv . Tlnvni. vulgar, 1 "in lO'ilt. Hide. of. tlsive. Thf hoil-l "f tlii ii v.i iph. lley llaiiiil iu lln- tyc- "I lln public thiii lev pun has.-: liny ;iv. 1 1.1 II- iml 1 ntt it. .hum nts to w h ich g' ut it lot 11 wiih w hoin liny an tiuai aint'd al. iuvii.-.l Tie y .1 ml li-t nl j.niests to ihe in vv paper-; they t'i It i -! 1 . ill addiiioli to lln-. ih -t iiption-..f . l. g.int t..i, t- worn bv tin- l.nlits at these 1 ntt ilaiiuni nl ; they iiil'oiin -einly lepurlii. of nil tin tb l'ill- "f 1 Apt inlitni. . Ihi y fell limv nun h tin v spt aid I'd ll"Wt.. what lln i-" t ol ihe dinner d' -uppi r is to he. Tin parade l hue the itpnitir- thiir (.'Id al.d sil v 1 r -ci v i. e. .ami ;t.- ( al lien l.o thai lit. g. its 1 o-t eoirti tly. Tiny app. ar upi'li tin tntts in the liidniii': wiih tliaiii"ii's in their tars, with 11-tlv urn 'ttient . upon iheiriiet Iv. :iinl im xpi 11 siv e bracelet - upon their a rai. if I In j be vv omen ; v it h iliatuoild 1 oil tr I nil loll-am I diamond - l, .tad 1 1 1 ivy gold chains ami -"lit iin diamond lines up in theii tinucr -. il liny iitr nu n. Tiny arc huid in tunc, flashy in iin- and boorish in m.-inini. All this, v ulgai and low Iin d .1- il is, i toil bad; il is simply tli-.igici able, and. doiilitli v.. a time mils on, social 1'i'n lion will 1 1 o . 1 1 1 1 iivv.iv Ihe loiighin-s. and w In n the foiiilh gt netiili'iii appears, hy vvhiih time. Iiovviv.r. the tll'illev vv i loiil'th -In -p. nl manhooil ami worn in h I will have tin ir turn. The fnle- gning It . I I" the llolne lite of llli sf 1 i.'iitiin s. In tlnti public and in tlu ir aniii-t im nt la-le Iind the lii-acui- ami lln -uggi t idis to w hit h I 1 it ili i-r n lei it il. Tltr I'm trr xnnlr " tliittkitnl l lla'i." SUV. the 1 1 1 1 1 - T I lulls I i'" Il Ii" Il I I 111 ill I " I woman ut tin. li 1. tie vviiuM hav-obc-ii ttt-.-irei ihe tin'li. 11 iml s i i. 1. a1 I r 1;. V rier.'t' Iin ma I" them li-.tll a life study, es iiillv w.'iiitiu. n id tint I e til. nr liMiintMiii-nts I" wln.-li Ii.t il!ii ate system 1. liuhle. Mntiv wiiiiii'ii in tli rami w Ir 1 nn nop n nled with I'r. I'n-r "lily llirniuli Ins "Kiivorile I re s i-'ptn'it." hit ss Imn Willi all their h arts, for It" has hroiight tlti'iu tli 1 a ineea f. r all llio.e elm tllle III. Ill' Ills pts-llhar lo tll.'ll- sex silell OS l"ii.'.irrlit n. t-iailn sti innl ..h. r tlisplaen iii.-iits. ul'-ei ii'i.ni, "uitt'i iail fever,'' bloating, t.'ii'li'in y to nil. rnal nue. r. and other ml inni'tn I'li.e reltieiNl to . inn ilnllnr. I'.y 1I1 uyistK. I In not nl low inn's If to lose teniier nr to H eak txeiti'tllv. Illiitt n I l llt-ll li nli Im 1 11 a I in 'rums it 11 1 costly woi'li. lint the ii'l iiito4i.s tlie ell't u t. 1 'It-ti n tmn in nny 1 in 1 11 1 n nt eliannel iii.'nis tli-aster. HlMriie 'lolls in the erjiins of th" limnati holy bring uii'Vitiihl" isiisi-. Tliev must Im clenred away, nr pliy-ii nl wr. t-U will follow. Keep the Iivt-r iti "i-'l''t-. and the pur.' I.I.hmI eoius.1. tlu-uiigli tin1 htly. e iiiveving Innltli. strength U'l'l lile; let it I'.'i' III" ibsoi."ii-. timl the 1 tut if it Is. aie 1 l"".gt'i with inii-iiii ili.is, wliich ii-siill m il si-nsp imil .leal li. So ether ni'-ili cini. i"ii tls I i- 1'ier f's "liol. len Mtvlunl Dm e'lvery'' lor tr ting iipim tlie liver an. I purify IIIK tilt) blood. A eliaiuy enlei lauiineiit is gcimrally 11 "I'linr" t-ltovv VVt Riinrantw the urni'ily, painteM atnl m-iiiiiiii'iiI ciirp, without kiufe, eniislic or wilve, nf the largest piln tiiinnrs. Pamphlet mid reffir.-nei's s..it fur two letter stamps. IVerld's I iis.ensit! v 'vi.vli'iil A&xx'iation, If si Mani street, Uullajo, N. Yr. A tli'titisl m no rhicken. Ho m always 11 pull It. Ilav I't-ver a tyte of rnlnrrh having pe eiiliar syiiilitnnis. It m attinli'il Ity all 111 Hiiiii"l e. 01. 1 it i' 111 of tlin litiin iiii'tiihrniiK of lh" nustrilx, Imr iliielN nnil throat, nCTi'i-ting tlie lungs. An acrid iiun-us is swretiil. tint tits, liai-o.i i, ne' i'iiipiuiii'ti with a burning wn n.11 I 'll. Tin-re itrx -evere spasms nf mieemg, fii-'ti"iit uttai-ksof li"ailai-ln', watery nut 111 llainnl i.ye KIv'h Crehin Halm in ii rcni'nly fun nl". un a forrivt ihiignusis of tlnti tlisea.su Bint inn Im tlepi-ii'leil iiH.n. .Wets, nt ilru Uttits in- I. v in til. Semi for circular. K.ly Urns., Ilmist I tvtmg,o. N. Y. Knr several veal I have miIot.-.I grentlv from ni-iahettl r.-liiriis nf May-fcvcr. At III" WISKI-llltill of I'llVICHT iX i'iikcvik, I'ruggisiH. I ..l.laineil Kly' I'rftnii lliilm nntl nsisl a Hirtiin nf it tluriiiK a severe at tnek. 1 can el'.' ei fiilly testify as to the iiiiiiietliate Hild ' "lilnilKsl relief chtanitsl hy iin use. I heartily i-ectiiiiiiieinl it totln.se sulTerilig from tint or kui'lre-l i-niiiplaiiits, (Hev.) H. A. hiiiTll, Clinton, AVis. Adepts. In killing pniillrv the French me ailepls. ns they nif in everything upper tabling to flu- cuisine. They open the beak of the fowl, and with a sharp pointed and narrow lihuled knife, make an I tn -I-it 111 just at the hack nf the roof of the 1110111I1. which divides the verte bra' ami muses instant death. The fowl is then hung lip by the legs to bleed. This is a neat mill ipiick process, ami is a decided improvement over the usual clumsy method generally practised in this country. An Onlv Un tighter t'u. e.l ul t onaumplla. Mien U. nMi Ma.lioinli epo-lisl from Coo oniif inn, all leiiie.li's i-s. la-, fuilisl ami I'r. H. Ja'it'si w ntiei. ruii"iiiiug, tin aiTiilnntallr it'll- a pienai nt mi n: iiultnti liemp, whl.-h mial hitu nly . lul l, ami tuin v,xm tint rv i 1 rf'-eipt ul t.' n n;s t pay i'iniiise4t Hemp tlt'trur. n:;:lit sw a . it-.u.i .-i nt the ntnin K b. tut I win 1.1 a' a In-sli .1,1 in vm houra Aa.ltes. i in,, ,; r, iw Im.s. tireel, I'tUlatleiytiM, I u , iintititi tain mpar. The purest. Fwoptet unci hett ('oj l.iver sii 111 ine worm, iimiiniaeiiircd from fro-h, hc.-illliy livers, iiiou lln ki aslmro. It it ub roliik'ly pure (ititl sweet. J'alicntn wlm l.avo I'lice tiikeii il prefer il to .-ill nlhcrs. I'ltysi ci.ins Imvc dcciileil it siiperini- to nny of lliu otlii r oils in iino lii'l. Miiile lij Cin-wcll, llius urd A Co., New York. Ciurrat iiANt's, face, piniilt and rniigh i-kin ciiictl Ity using .1 iuiiicr "I'm- Snap, m.'iia ly ( iisvu'll, flaaru ,V IV, Sew York. . I rat-r Xvlc liri nse. Pot! t Hoik ynur linrst. t.. . ath with prmr nvle units'; tin. I'rn.'er U Ihe .11I v reliahlc liial i'. I s" it niiei. an I veil wall hav 0110 etlua-. I tnteii lion. Whin r.tn fli.il " I X' V " r UT. M b -tn-wi: en.l t.-f ..- . i-.fl " l'.lt lite lilt-i'l I1V..11 II H.'l. . f l l'.'n'rtl It..:...!. rt.i ,.1,-ritnl rn.-r . tl.t-il n .-...I ,.l tmo r. J.t-'t l,.':r,. l un'! i'i'..t I n -. I' " 'I'-"" I'ltn. l.l oIK. li. .'., ir..." -I-, 'i il It C . I .-'. II rnr- t HK- "Ii'l ' I'V..-.. I t l.-.l ! t" tt'l .le,.0t (.in n..t.ii ihsit t ni 1.1 ti-. r tt lie llt.it liet tltiwti Willi the ilogs musl risr with the ihiis. EDTAR TRAD mark; VimUtU-1,1 ft-,.. Von, Kti.'.l. .. 'ill. f' ie i'lKMHlt. A PHOWIFT, SAPE, SURE CURE I'.tr I .I..I.-. si.r.i Tln-,.,.1. Il-iiim-msra. I iifltli nn, l.tia., i;.'.,iii-lilll. li .. WI tillitf I .tilt. X-.loi.e "I'i .i. I- 'in- lit iu i I' In I I.U Mtf"' i.ll 1 llll. t II HII... I. Wi i-runmil iv" 1 tli ,ltl HI 11)1) I'O t .li'il it tti.1 jonI y n n'!in"t', whu-li fl ! h.lm ,il It 1 u II '.I ,. , ll.'-l.ft. r . ,M hi'i Ii liilt, r . vi . it t v. n h iirtftr.iliv 11 -Mf v iHtu nt . i. h n st,,ii.'.. t if-'inl.-ii t .1,.. .... .- 1.1. Irn tn HAY-FEVER. 11 liroi Imt V 1 -!i fiti-1 CATARRH 11 ini....itei. ... 1 1 in 1 fciiJt'l.Y'SCl :::r;;:-;:.;xfcw r y a Cream Balm HAX:FEVR ,. II. X. V. ciUQmD GLUE d- lUNrpUALLED FOR CEMENTING ?.!; A.e I. I n'll U MlIJVI.. ItlNIIUN. Ii I I At I., H un :. 00 , I',,,,,., , . .!,. It I.I,...; ,..,,.,.,,, A... VII -l ..- V I. tl-r RUSSIA !!'' 1 Cfc'Mt'NT CO CI OllCCSTEH. MAS'.. SOU! -UlT." I vr tiY Vt.E liL I'.-S.' 11. IUHIilll.l. tSEST TRUSS V:I USED. f blast 1 era .;,':.'', ','('!ra,';;h,1': ;.Gf g " I l" l r.lilMH J 4ft I . -.1 I -1 . I' I I ttsN lllllpillM. 744 B ilwav. Nrw Yc'i ) 1 sini.tisi,. a FAY'S isimi. MANILLA ROOFING! Ues. inl.l. . Ion- I. itil.t r : ..r Klllll . Ol T. -IHi: W II l.s .. .1 1 vsiiii no.l iti fli.-lt-r V.-t. irniiii ..' iilnriiltlf. I Wi I'I. I ml 1(1 nl 1.111111' inn 11 la 11 1. 1 'lit '"..ik- 11 11 t. .1 en -:i o - nti I -ntnel -Iri-e. VI.II.I'W ,V 1 11 , I. 11. V I. R. U. AWARE i:2ua LcrillM'fl'a Climax Vlmr It oat i.n 1 1 n'm , Omx Lot iiUrl cents wanted:;; zv. i.-.n..ti, i r .it III.. I'. ? mi) t slit.-li t n,: I inlif-.i.ti ii fi t..r . i.tiiil" V-it.liiit.' mi. 1 1 Chloral and Opium Habits i:s,it.v ( i it i ii. OR. J. C. HOFFMAN hook i' iu: p. Jefferson. Wisconsin. IIVM IMI. ' l-IM.lt l. 1MHI II. snil s Ali.let-. It ,1 f , Ifkloi. N.V. fnl f- ii o iiu '''. .nt t tl.ill.Ar. -. I'.M 4: 10 S-.r-l . 1.1 ...II .!. un I" ni'l, l"'IH' l i "C " I'l'ilii: M-ii.-iS a I to - Cli'.ss ..al Kill. I.IT .si. lines. I'i I i .ii 'i ..ii.i iree. s. .M.NI'KNiTli. M A J VV , I,, i, .on hi . lluMi'lt. M: . . II I I IfSeniHA f!39A le eil tnghsh Gout and MlUll S B II'Si Rlieumatic Remedy. (Iml 1'nx.M.OOt roiinil, .IU fit. TlRSTON'SKTOOTHPOEi lieepln 1 trlh Frrlri-i anil I in tut llrHllhv, ttir rt ll.'f .o TTTHI W l-.AK MI N r.s-...r..l..nti"ri.iiliiii.i,tt..llVl "... Vr.iS.'.'l v::rv 'Mr-tr.'iiiuit-ttuwo, Mti. Auit-n. tn .tdlmiii. i Pensions OPIUMS t.al.ntiii I'.i . Unit liv.ni.it st . rutin. in I . -1 tut i v .1 -iiis. i.uli I'm Itrl. i i-t :i -.ii.n.i -. iii l.ir f ,, e- I 1 C'..'l ... .N-.I t liiitflt St., Nun Vt.rll. t..s.,. rs ... i, n.isi.n.ii ! r in- ut.irs. tail I.. IIIMi. it V VI, o ,, VV iste tin ti ii . l f. PATEIN HIM. Pit' lit Lavii-l', Vv.o hni i,, ii, 0. f. 1nllll llilsliH'e ritllt-lll-. I'L't-'I'-ll't."!. 'r.-rnt i.til flu. eit..tt..iis I in ti Mtt.-1. Urn.' t.ir . -r. tilitrs A'OI'K N A III: "ii I! " r st ,t,,. v.'..-. Vine, iite'l 1 nl.li.i.H. I . Ill s. IV aim in. Si, .int ,.I,. un Nervous Debility izsz&TZJtf.ft: HI URE vs.. ti. ':4-ssiir '.'""''t i STOMACH fi ' "i.i.' ( g ( ; vr mi it it Ant h inn I ' u re it r r j i uk-. 1 ' 1 ' B n mM Vl. !un "li. ns-'-'il-. V'll-iili.ti. I M..t..ii. i. M- !'. I'.'t. nl- I . hi'sl 111. in iim. I. . ii.- it. Hi.' I . S MORPHINE WITHOUT MONEY! ..in a. li.v. II ..la n I t..-,to i,..r.-s. In lh.- voirl.l Tri-i- nt Cos! H.'.-el II run fi'llv . sln.lv it v. , II. ...i a . ...I ..III cl. .-in ltlfiiria.itt.-ii timl in-.v (':" nii.r. v.ilii-t lili-th. til all Oi' .alio! lln li..tlio l,ll, In AND -tii.Ti pri .-i.-ils th. in ii'l Hi.-'in nl 1 ti- mii Il i r Ii r- Brt'tll. I'I li.-iil'r ( .... Il.it iM, Atliuitn. Oa. IIACAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tcil, and jv cant tell. Ilnnhcr Trsilinnnr. Mn. A M. 1 nniiiiii, a Quaker lmly, o( ri'il.-i lelihi)i, has ilmi'i n Ki-i-nt ilrril lo mnk ktt'iviii to l.-i'li'-s there the t-eit vnhii '.f Mrs. Piilkli un's Viu.-etiih!" ( 'oinpiiiiiid. til elltu for tlnir tvoiihl.-s and tlis ns"!i. H'n nritt'ii nt fi'liim-i: ". yotui; In ly of tlihcity vvlilln Inlhin 8oin yt ni s ,c.;.t vvns thrown violently ironist tint lile line mi l th . iii jnries reecivisl ri siilleil in nn ovarian tumor which p;imv aiul i'ii!iiii;t't until (7,-if7i s,',',t,i, iri'iioi. Her t-liynii-iiiii liiialty inlvis.v Pr (.-t try Mm. ruiklaiin'-: Cniiii nl. She tliil an nii'l In a short time the tinn .r vvns ilissnlvtii or mined to hi-'io otr, nu I .(.- mi'i- in jvrferl health. I iilmi know of ninnv i i-tM wh"ro tlinnicll cine Ins f.e 'it nf f.'1'. ii1 viilun in t- v.nt itin mix nrrinn nint iili' viiitin tlin inins nml tlllleril i f ellililhirl'l I'llilll l"lili'l l.ldie.l ii' re 'i.-iti th." worth of tint ineili -in ) an 1 IU pr.-.-il value. II N I Ul Ouly TciuiiiTiiui'C liittcr ivitowiit .'.rolefiil 'I Ii'iii. -:iio . ) .vl-ilni Vivrnm Hit -i us th moil -vi "e In vi; -.u aiii tlmt t-v- r ii; . un.. I '- -.nikiie; .-- - i. Itliitli' trniii i 'In : ut i i' 1 nt-t lierlw, frun fi'.'iil All iillnl'.l .-m:i. u.'i-.l . A I'iiiliKiiu I'.'-l ''.ai.- 'l lli1. HIM.'fl .-. r -. I'eltinlf rnnit't'tlllts, )-:'-lll"ii.i,,I V it'l'l I It i e It lielllllllllslli, II nr. Hill 1: "t. tin, "it .111.1 leli tittiii.'itl Fo il' t. I'I-'. !, f.i-i ei ia- I i iitni-) Intiinse.. Ii'l stet..ti ii- 1 11 il i-est leu , llimlin It". 1' I Hi" :-h - i'.i.'l '. ."-.:li-:. Tniiilliet.J of I ho l'lt :. I'--'I.:.- !- SI-.''..--, a. i'lirii-irr.iliptl". Iti-ti . Vlt-'--l.a. I'.t'e.' t'.o-t i.i ill II. iin, 1'n.iil t'. .a;... mi'i I on e. ili t- ns "i' tin.- Ki.li-.i-v. ie to-1 I'v Oi. 1 .-.ail!. I '.'ii i".i. t'l'i- SMil lltsinr.!-., I .1,1 !'..ii-i. n..'t. )'l 1 so,, las .ei,.i. ;. I i.,- .'.-"iii..i-.. Itnii..-...'l'.i I: -s el' Hi.. : ket ,,1 ,.h,'-i . f nn ....r in iin-... nf - la taliv thi.: nt an I e.ii-iii'il ...it of f." HV -I in HI a s! o.- I. I,. ( ...-.o.f the Mill" .'. II III. ierales Ilia Sloliim Ii, 1111. 1 -In 1-lilai.-stl... 1.0 o I I , f a 1;. I I:-.... wlneh i ii. t.-l- .1 el t.ll. tlia!t'' eltl.-'.iliev III .1. '1111-1111: Ol" I'-'ii I of iill iniiiiiiii -i. .ni'l iint-ai tin-; itcv 'il ici I v i-.-or to Iin- v,-i,".- sv s . in Piti I'l-i'sim ect lake 'I.- Ui'l. as nut ri'imln leu j: nn i. . il li ii, T:i;" nml (vilnr Ui'mi-i, arf O", I ini-i ri-ni".'ist It" ' Hi" ..sl.-ln I ie.ttlse lile t llillli'll III.mi.I v Iiti-m-it It .. i.":i i v I.- !im- v, I li-il Vi-n villi n. K.-eji Hi. !' I iia-', i.mI lh.- ,i'-,iii'f I ho tc.t.'.'iii v. i.i I'". i- .. Isi a:u ti:-!.T : li.v.-1!... nin-r-i n trial I- Win .... t , : ..- t I.: ' III" ill .l..v.i 11 he-- I -r i'-. ii-.'--- ; n ' i .'-. than a ii-iii;tliy H'l- v. i-ti- ;ij f.-vinlit tlrii'.. Co.. Vrnprielort. -. t . .-'ii.:-. -i v .'. . VV:,sani.'iiti rtt. SoM I--.' a s? i'.ia ':-.- ;r.:d Ui-iisiri3ts. VER Ih Im tl-.' ik 111 tl llUll'UtlfT III port "f t.-tti.-. I Itll'i "til.-r-. itit-oilin.i.1 i-T.-ry .hy Hicitn't ii-t.. ri.ti..ti i.t tb.-sii v.1m it'i'tl liuil'linn up. THG BE5TT0NIC. l or WrnUnos-.. I tis-llnilc J.nrh of I tn'rin. .Vi-.. Ii II Ml Ml! I- tlf unit Its.n tii. it. . iti" iltii i" Pin inlnl i-iiik. II I t.l-lrties (111- lllllin!. Iin.ijiol.ill-i lllO siv stein, II in -. .iii'lili-. ii1-liiiesMtn ft il,..-.. ti. I t U.-lf iti.r iiiinn I'l' l.s th. . nils.- Ii..-1 It. Iif.. li'isI'l.-.i.-'llOII'lltl -11 ' li-ilfl" Iin li II lliNiiltv. a .i'lit' I'lo-Mil-in of M.; .i.i-l i-l.l. .. "lir.t. ii'n Ii ii l.io "r. inn th"f ta-'ilv K"'s1 m-s-TI-rini- Int- it in tut t-r.i.ti. ... -itil liii'l i".itl-"1 l-v.-. 1 . nil ..lli.T f..nf.-f -. " I" wi'-jl.lirtj.itt l"W (-'tilili.il "I tli.. t.i l.-iit Ur....iiV Ion I.ittiri I. n n 111 .i iltn no- t- Il ti .-II Hint nnltrim"! I.T it.'- i lii-nuitii- h-ts lt-tt.Vnt.irli nnil rrii-M't -s-i1lint-flr.il iitiiii'r Tnle im mlier. Mmli-"til l.y II KO VI III Mil Vl. II.. II II I I VllllIK, nn. I.AI.l't' II Ni ll.-i.K ti.f.il Bt'il .-air-irli-i-. .s-n-niitittiK Ii.t ..I m" f'-r tt-s eil--im at-.r itl.-it ...His. .a,- . iriven iiillv I , r.l .l.-il- r. in tt.."l.,-.fs. ' r xtmiliHl to itnj fttt.lr- it- mi ri' li t '.'' .I. tnl.'. Paynes' Aulonutiu tnyincs ana Saw-NhU ocif i.nnrn. Crn . II I1, ii..., i.i-l fnitlti" with Mil). tn fot "i...riil mi. I-.- Null KIINs, Mm: r-. Ill .no. Int-n-- nr. .VI I-. $U i ' in ii. w. v. wi: .v r '--I .-I'-tii--. Aiiliiiittilir Hit I'iII..h, liauM'-lt and I ".. YSiOYAL "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH' Tlio lli-lKlto.l Mil it irnlt lillllllllO. I,.. .il. I liy ,t,r .... it O." li. -t L.ttirk -i-llni:! " lof "l.-.l f..w Iii.ii-oI in.. I I it". '.I'r I"" Il I - I. M. I rill, I I'.. I III. Ill" nil Ms- KXCEI SIOR wamui PU fl T TJ TJ A 111 U LB HA rnEVENTATIVE. cseate:t t!:::fEr.7ctJT. I'lll.VIiN-TlOM TFt'TFH TllilM OUKB. A Itooiotly th.f. ulinuhl lit fniinil In ffrrv Iioiiso li'iitl . Mi'til liv mail mi i-t'i'i ipl nl' ." I l-.N'ls; "i-nil Jit slatut Iin- Hi st a I il i i- I iintlar. icr:::cs i:v:s mi:. e7va:i;;ct:c:s KM I llu MKliK INK I tiMP V. 4: i:. MaiiMisr. i im ins n. . STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, lli.rir. nml tn l V.Tt.r.l. Itrnlif-Htxft tlutfll M.iitr, l" '.l.-r. MutK tni) Hint Mill M.i. Ii.iieiv. Tiirl.lin. Wtmr Wli...... Stiittli'K. 1'iillvft. Hatir e s, ,i,. lil.i.irjld l ll"ii mail-il rr. . YORK M F G CO.. York, Pa Wr. Inivi. liel issti.it n iti.ist wi.n'l'rrnl mil v-il't'il-l" li' iv Ihm.Ic. vtil,-li Ir.-.-tU .f ills.-fls.-i "I'i-. Hilar I-. tin- I'.-iii'tli- st,."ait-l It-tvi. -..tr.-. iiilll. r naltis n.-r ni-li") I.i in.ik- tl tieritiv lh" .. r.isal titfl . '-nl1 ef III" ill ...ir I. mil It.-, hl.t. r. Hll.l lIl.llsl'IT IS .1 lliu ttri al v.erk. a ").lv. i ttnl'it I'll. ri--l.-i In nl si Il i- ii'l l"r It with 1 (11 s,f. I .Is ,. - .. -ol -. lt.-.t M II t;rtlilr ti .1','irtot "I ht. h..i. r-. I mill.li".. t ftk- lt.li it-imi T pUO IE f . Ji, I'.- I. t ;l---l jj't s w" OSl'j M.IIilInt..".i'li'lii..lu!'i'1ii I ILLU . i. : n n" I ...a. i s...",-l" . in I:,. I . "I .'l ilt Wll.tivill l". .,: .-. .I. I -....till). V.l.ll. ". I' .....k.l. J I", -.-s. ",-ll.. WITHOUT PRICE! FOR Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and ut.ed more ano mure every year.