HA firrtftra''ffti'-,-'-J--J-""''"JKJ nii lituMiiVMiiiniiiwiiin mihi'ii'ia.i. Vim iii iili r iiiiii i ii i i , n i 'i i' . i ' m m " tl'- " 1 '"" ' iw t ittmmUtikiu Jihc (iVn:!th:itn ili cccrrf T 1 1 IMtSDVY. SKIT. 10, !. JttTProf. Pauli. of Raleigh, is liore today ami will tunc the pianos of those desiring it. "." ' . i Pir We ro indebted to Mr. J. Horton, of Williams township, for lot of the nicest poaches that wo hiivo Bern this year. train on tin' 1!. - A. A L. railroad. S. V. Rrowcr. for tax icecipt . ... .- . ..Ti'i . ;,.,i t t ' mado a wonderful eta-ape books, c. laOur venerable mono, .1. i. . . . . . . , , ., , , t, , , ,. from death, home nights ago wheu Edwards, lioiighton V Co., Biewer, l.so . of Oakland township, , . ... ,, , n, , , , y, , .l.i i?, i t'l" Dam from Raleigh arrived at: for printm;' blank romitv has presented the. Rr.ootin s museum , . . i .. i! , . f t. i; ... Mououre a oaf was discovered quietly bonds, with a collection of Iiiih.m airow. . . , ,, !,s, , , .... f , ... , . , , . ; t. . ,- lii'iiiitt f.tiin.I mi Ins liiimtatinii. eT On last M iii I iv a litt'o child f Mr. John A. Williams, of Oakumd township, set tiro to some straw in the barn lot, and tho barn caught on fir and was buint up together with u quantity of wheat, oats iVe. Hay As will bo seen in out adver- tising columns Col. John A. MclVni- aid, formerly of Chatham, is now with tlie well known clothing house of R. B. Andrews A Co.. where he will be plcasud to wait on his old i friends ! K&T Tho attention of cotton gin- Hern, and other!' having proper! v to insure, is called to i he ad-, oi tiscmci.t of the N. ('. lloim: Insiiiance Com pany. It is a reliable homo institu tion ami well deserves tin' success with which it has met. MTO. A. Haulier. . of Mat . thews township, has resigned as a justice of the peace. e niiich i c- tret this, us ho was one ot tin- lie,t justices ill the county, and his lesig nation wi.i ur a loss no! ouh to his township but to ail tiio county. Ityuuui Ilc.t.lell ale ti.nv offering at cost for cash their stock of Si raw H i's. Ladies Diess (loo l-, soiuh below cost l. Ib ady made C.otll ing. A great bargain will be given in a (to'.ible seated IS.iggy. .bist re ceived a lot of (tlass l-'rnit Jars'' v! V. L. London wouid inform , Lis friends and custolners thai he will stait NoiSl. ?u :.! of next week : for his 1'nll and Winter goods, ll -i will 1h glad to serve any of tin M in , filling any special o:det s they may ' lme. Send them in by Monday noon. tor Mr. W P.ro .ks. of Hick- ' orv Moaiitaiii iievnshin, has pre-en-tod the Kkiouii's uiUsOlim Willi til" "aiMietitciie.-t" beet thai wc have' ever scon, it is vety large, weigh ing lit pounds, and its top is circular in form and has imbedded in it U 1 htllililer beets. fray You can sii'l iiud some of those good -causal 1,o!h1oiim: lie wit; continue to o'V. r spi cia! induccm-s to cash custoiie i s ; he ha- a . eai many goo l-i til l! must be soid and that a1 once Come i.oon if you wi- h to have choice. Only si (ti'i more days to go? those nice ( Vicoes a" 1 cents per yard. M u's a'ld ladies' Hats ni cos;. A few Lawns on hand which will bo soid at "h cents cash. Worth 12.' cents. Krxov.v Act !!: St - On last Sat li'day ns M.. A:vis l'eity and M-,ss I'anuio Harri- v ere i idiisg in a T;igou drawn by two mu the inule.i be gan to run away when they w.io coming do n t lie long hill on the tithe- side of Ha v rive . a: .l,..ce s bridge. All attempts to .t"p tl. ,:i failed, and Mr. I'eiiv and Mi-.-. Harris jumped out and the m ;les dashed acioss the b i.lge ii'i l up i'o1 next iiiii, and lluai.y broke !oo-e from tho wagon Mr. IVtty and Mi Hiirris worn bad y bruised, b.ii no bones biol-eii. tin the same day the team of k. W, 1! and F.-i. ran a ay with his wagon, and l:oke ii up jire'.t.v badly, but nobody was hint. B iAni?e KlTCTIoN. -Til.' OOllllt.V board of education met on last M'i llay and appointed thecoiiituiiteeuieli nf the seveia! school disuietsin the coi'iity. A number of changes wc.e lutido. but mosi of tho old counnil toe tiien were re appointed. Several pe titions wore presented for changes in ihi boundaries of districts, but Hone were made, as the b.iaid did not- think tilt? law permitted them under the c.iroumsluuces. It was ordered thai hereafter win never a first grade teacher was employed the committee must notify the county Biipoi iiiteudeiit of tho amount to be paid and ohiain his approval. This 18 doiio to prevent auv imposition, as the law docs not limit tho pay of a liist jfi ado teacher as it does teachers of the second and third grades. Tiik Finch Mniiu ii. Thecorom rV Jury in the Finch murder case hold ft meet hit; on last .Monday, and I en dorod the following verdict : " 1 ho Jurors for a verdict do sav that E.lwaid Finch, Saily Finch and S. 1. (bun. no, for seed oats Kphraini Ellington came to their; for poor-house, death, on the night of tho 4th of J. W. I'oe, as superintendent July, 1KS.1. from blows on the head, ! of poor house, inllictod by au axe, in the hands of j W. ll. Rums, for mason work Jerry Finch, Harriet Finch and Lee at poor house, Tyson, and other party or parlies to Dave Taylor, for work at poor the Jurors unknown." house. Two of the accused, Jerry Finch 1 J. A. Thomas, for work on and Lta.- Tyson, il.e the two negroes! Moore's bridge, who wore ne-.,ed on the 'lay afif-r'.I. P. Pudges, lor bacon for the murder and have been coiitined j poor-house, in jail ever since. Haniot is tho Jack Sim; h, for cot'in for wife of Jeiry Fi..ch, and was aires-' Mustaplia Jackson, ted by tho hheiilT on last l'ues- J. J. Williams, for bacon for ilay and put in jaii. It i-i expected poor-house, to try all throo at our next- court, ; W. P. Hadley, for bacon for that ih if the grand jury should j poor-house., think the evidence sullieiout to jusli- ! Jacob Sutton, for work at fy thiau in (hiding a true bill. I poor house. We congratulate, tho coroner and J. P. Roon, for repairs on hi jury upon tho terminal ion of their poor-house tools, investigation. They all have done O. S. Poe, for supplies for their bust lo discover the peipettu- poor house, torn oi so foul a murder, and have : W. L. Loudon, for supplios boon faithful and conscientious in for poor-house, the diHchaige of their dulie.-i, al- L. R. i'Aluie, for services as though their apparent delay ban clerk to boaid, becii ctUburoU by bouio pumuiio. 'Pi. II. C Jackson, au phy- C'.iiru, V.m.iiotsK. Vu tako pleasute in calling attention to the alum-live advertisement of Messrs. T. X. Jones v. Co., dm energetic proprietois nf the Capital Wan house at Raleigh, and hope they may re ceive a liberal iitrnie Irom Chat ham. The senior purl n-t , Mr. Join's, was in liusims for many years with Mnj Petty, and is well known to our countymon, whom ho will bo pleased i to sec lit Ins warehouse. . , ... a ! l.!EK I,,.;. ,.(ltf j (his count v Iv took a free ride on I lie mail it'lCUCd (HI lilt- CO-CIUCIH-I ll IHV . . ...... locoiiiotivo alivo and unhurt. It had ; been caught on tho track a few miles: back and thrown up on tho cow-' ()i;ii.iii:u. that Ann Hill a lunatic hngy. A sine t distance t his side of 1 catcher, where it remained uutil (lis- bo allowed $2 u month for her sup Shepherd's Iton.U. al t d irk, a covered at Moucure, when it was port. young man halted iheni fi om the rail taken from its iicrilous position, put ().:i!:i:i:i, that Xanev Trip bo allowed road (rack, us fhev wore riding along I in tho depot all night, and, on tho ! return of the train next luoi niin, it I w as placrd in the baggage car and safely cat nod to tho place where it, h,. longed. This weouis an incredible but. is vouched for bv leliablo : ' (vu-witnesses. U.v.i.uiun SruvKT. Another sur vey of a line for the proposed lailroad to this place was bo- i"in on last .Mommy, ami win , probacy be finished tnmnri ow. If i as much will bo saved by making this : survey as was by making each of tho i others tha' have heretofore been made, it wiil bo money well spent, as ; e.iclt f the preceding surveys was : an improvement on t he others. (If ihollueo surveys heretofore made. " las' one, inai is. ine j.ej nei line, is the cheaposi to const i net. but it is thought the present survey can reduce (hi1 middle line, or second si iey. to the cost of the Peep river ine ll this is done, thou there will b two lines costing about the same, iioiu wiuon to se;eci mo pcruianeni route. After this survf-v is finished Col. Hicks, the superititen.le.it "f (in- j'i'iui em cii , two iusieci i uv Iiiii s i-uivcyed and have piii dug in tiic deepest outs, in order to ascer tain v In' t her or not there will be much rock to excavate. By doing this the esact cost of const ruction can bo moid eiisilr estimated. IvMiicii'i Ci.t.ruuiTioN. The citi zens of Louisburg are very jubilant : over the eouipletiou of the railroad ! from 1 'i anUinton to their town, and hao determined to have a grand cel ebraliou in honor of it on the tirst day of Oolober. Wo Hckn-iwledgn t!: uiijiUuu'tit of an invitation to attend, and hope lo bo'thero, as it ; will no doubt be a giaud occasion, i Xext year wo hope to reciprocate. 1 invite some of Louisbiiig's fit i ' .ens to attend the celebration that i,l be hi Id here upon the comple tion of our railroad. Tho people of Louisburg are showing their appre ciation of their railioad in piacticai wavs. For inslaiico. a ili iiiiiuier ro : cent iy drove thorn in a hack l'loui i 1 'niiiklititon. instoa l of riding on I he lliiiii. and when he o'.Veiod to soli his goods to the meichauls, not one of them wouid buy any. Every inor- chant told him "Xo sir. we wiil not ( Ipatioiuze any man who does no! pal i oiiic oar railroad ". 1 bat is liie ri-hi way to build up a town, and we commend this incident to the con si Icaiiou of tho citizens of Pitts b. iro'. AiisTii.cr ot' T.ix.m.i:s Through the oo.utesy of (i-.ir popular ita I elli c cut register of deeds wo in o enabled ,o publish tho following absMtwt of t ii -taxalih s in ihis county, as re torted by the list takers fur ISH: o i !..") acres of iand, valued at 2,-' tl.'ti.c.l'J. t' IT town lots luod tit iVJ.r.bk " lil "i.-JCli. ; I'.ii.l horses, " " U-J.i'.l uiil'os, " :i jack,. ; .'! jennies, " " IVo goats, " " I IWM cattle. " " 'JSII'.I hogs, sheep, " " '. Farming utensils, &c, Money on hand, i Hank 'stock, S oivi tit Credits, Slock in Companies, O'hei- persona; pioperty, : K iiitoad Fianclnse, , U.).s:u. l,oll. So. ts.",. sc. t;t. .-hi.itt;. ln.iit;. y ill ued ut $:tt!.7:tl. 111. (ilia. 2lMi.ltitl. o,J7!t. 152.072. The total valuation of all taxables ' 'lio lias tl,o interest ortlio home is s.!,-JSS.i:i:t. There arc 2,:i7il while: of his nativity at heart, and so long polls and .Slit! colored polls. The ; 1 11111 1,!l "0' pencil will ever be laves for State purposes amount to us,,1 " det'enso ol Chatham's fair i?S.v2.V::t : for school purposes, 7,. I n une and no jest or slurs from ".Ins SSl.ti'J: for general county purposes,!''''''" ilcter us from advocating j -"'(! '' ' " ' mid for special county , purposes, f I. 111. .11. ... t (till III isslOIIITS .11 C('t I II The county coinmissioiieiH held their regular monthly liirctuignu last Monday and Tuesday, ami audited the following accounts: $ (i.50 (5S.75 4.o0 2.00 UO.-tJ lS.-ill o 50 2123 j (ilt.Sl 2.50 1.40 t;.:i5 2. '25 13.i0 ' sieinn to poor house, Wiley loodwiii.tleputv sheriff iusoivont loos. C. K Scott, for computing nnil nhsti acting taxes for lss.-,. J. A. I'ligh, for computing ami abslraciiug taxes, ami bridge woi k. L. H. 1'Aline, for making tax lists and abstracting same, Levi Kogors, for an est. food ing ami conveying Charles l-'ai i ish to jail. Thomas (.'loss, lor jail iVos. 12. JI.II111UI1 lllllll'S. I'M leeilllli; .. 1 . . guarding, and convoying ii Win. Martin to tail. .l."i0 a mouth for her support, and Stanford At water bo allowed tfl o" for his support. Hoidv to " I list ice " ' ' Itcply to 'Must ice." Driitu:.!. X. C, Sept. 7th, 1SS.i. Enrroii Hi eoitn : Mv attention has been called to a communication in your paper signed "Justice," in which i am censured for a little news item sent from I'lllsboro a few weeks a-.'o about the appointment of a new post -master for your town. We are not at all surprised at tho zeal -Justice" shows tor ho ts either a republican of the strictest sect, a o:l ill sheep's clol long or he is so old he cannot see and niisi ept eseul s the people of his section. He asserts "1 am ceiiaiu that four-fifths of the poo of the village and Ceutte township p:efcr that Mrs l'aiiuer should ho letainod." We know tins assertion is far from being true, for a huge nimuier oi no iciming clii.eus sav to the contrary. 1 iavo not one wmd I'almer pi'i - .soua! - (i( KUV .,,,.lllllU i.. i.r.i'n' i.,. ,, ; h:ls pernu. t. d the ouh-e ... nil ea 'aeiiy sue used in (lie interest ot the Uepiililicau ant o:i account ol absence of witness es. I'he iiiisoner has been transfer : party. List year when every true, loyal white citi.eu of tins commonwealth and tho l.ii'lon wcrii strangling lo throw oil' tiio despot io yoke ol repub lican misrule and maladministration; when the "star of deiiioct acv" was beginning to rise above the republi can horizon, when its benign niys began to give hope and encourage nn ii! to every true son of demociacy; when those who had been kept m power by every disoj icefui ad. and wici.e I, itcvilisli scheming men ir lug lo tin nl tie the honest voice of (iiopoopie, liter." Stoodlll tho post oiliee at i'lt isboro a ui.iu by the name of Collin, from "whence ho t auioaiid whither ho is going no one knows" handing out vi.e ma icinus docu lueiiis sent (Hit by ',he ivepu ii.icau-a! Wasiiiugi mi for the purpose of con taminating and mis, cad our honest people and tor i ho sine purpose of stirmg up si nl'c and di feat the cause we ail loved so wo.l. ! Tins same leiiegado has virtually been tiio postmaster al l'i. tsln.ro lot ' the past two M'.irs, mid has given Ins tunc to the dlsti llnl. ioll oi vile 'and debasing duct lines of republican i oili.'la .s who re nu led to dishonest l uicasiit cs id retain in power. Tins same man has wmked incessantly against tliohes! interest, of the pen , p.o of I'ha'li i'u county. This is tin man "Justice" would have handle t lie maiis oi the peope of Chatham' county, roil r.v m i -.imn.i M its l'..i.i i.ii.ii ; ni: is inii-.iiNL-i. If this be the wish : o! "Justice" it is not the Wi -h of liie good iioui st. dcuiocra'.s. Awny wtiii ', such ! list icn :" We iia.ii say thai after twenty four years, of long, and incessant ' struggling to overt m ow republican ; niisi me and piaee t he ovei iilm :it m liie hands of i;ood and honest men. 'that nine tenths of the pi oplc of your grand old county Would hai. 'with . 1 ; i,; ll i when every Vestige of ; ri ptiblictititstn is swept Irom the. I county and in their place good Ik oi- : 'est natives of Chatham instead of a! "Oomo.vtieui Yankee" hailing from i the land of Wooden Xi.tuo g la.uc Tl.i what your people want this is what I hoy are (ieuiaudit their Representa! ive, in hpite of "Justice" and Collin. Yea I am a cilizen of Durham, bu' a unlive of Chatham and a devoii d '' miereH. oi inai poop,e we love isiihcii. .vgaiu we nay ine jteooie lusuv censure i icn. v o. ask ' otu best people, ask those who have ' h ruggied many long ycats for the! cause of deiiii'i-racy ami I hoy will, tell you that "Justice" is sailing un der laise eoiui s and that his bosom friend, the "mail troin Comiecl icul " ' intisi go and tin- post, nftico give to s.'ino dciiioci al.. I know your peo ple do not need my aid nor wiil 1 1 icn have such men us Col'tin and "Justice" , z Co. to control iheni. Yours, ! E.C. Hackney. ! A despatch from Dead wood. Da kota Terriiory, says that the unpleas ant weather of the past two weeks culminated in a snowstorm. The outlook for grain is gloomy in tho I'Streino. Four lift lis of all the crops Hie cut and t he bulk is lying on the giound heating and growing. Much that ia stacked is being destroyed even ioi loed l racticailv no thresh ing has been done yet and it begins to look as though there would be nothing to thresh. i Xo preparation could have made such a reputation as .Salvation Oil has im so short, a time) without intrinsic merit of the highest order It kills paiu. Trice 2j couto a bottle. ' 6(i 2.) IN'sl met ivc llsiil Storm. A dispatch from I'orl Tobacco, -,,(' Man land. !s. ted "til ins! . says: The ni.1,.1 de t reel ivc hail slum ever known in this section of Maryland oc l.i. .id currod Saiui .hn i veiling. I'.ntiro , tields of com all d tobacco were des trovedj iii many not a loaf of tob.ic 4t'i.:lS J,,.;,, ), ft on tlm stalk, and the car-) ol (i. rn brol; Troin (lie stalks 200.II.S ,u;,. ,. ti at, half i i .- Tim hail siono:. wore a targe as pullet e;:s, and liie d- si ruction :is :;i i.er.il w hero ()' the stoitn touched. Th-daiimgo in Ci asli's count', is estiiuaUd at .VlOO,- (Kiil. Stat. s ilic la.itidmark : Moiiday !nsf, Mr. 11. C. l).ii.lson. of David.m "ill township, was in Stativillc, and 'ratli(r late in the aitei noon lelt for his home. Mr. .biiui s Sh.eri ill, of his (!."i tii'ighiiorhood. lidinu' wi'h him in his the p iolic road, and asked tor leave oiiide. Mr. Iiavldson declined to take i.im in. Me insisted, and was an.-w. led that there wet e already t wo : in Hie bugvy and no more could be i iinied The stiatu'ei told the tiav- ler- to ;o (in then, coupling this ; "n epituet so opprobrious that with .nr. imvM.soii jumped Irom the buggv ! and started lor him As he did so; I In mi anger tired on him with a pis. i to). Hi,- ball pissi-,r through the' tleshy put ol tiicii-hl arm blow tie elbow. The wounded man riishel on the rasci; w! i!.. was living to liie au'aili. ji iked the pistol out of his hand and bo an to lay aismt him wiiii his buggy w hip, whcionpoii his assail ti ii t turned and lie I, masing good his escape. stir- Major Aaron S living i, tticer ol 1 1 iti'o-d. the last i- "ar ol IM-2. i Hi- 1 in lied at ms resident1 coiititv, X V.. ter llli , Oneida Sinn lav in tlm nim tv-iiintli veie oi' his iil'o. Ho re- " meiu u laenities in tno last. ' The case of Julius Luck, which was lo he liie.l al .Moore cuil wms o intitnicd on : tli.l nil of the defend- red to ('nnib- il itnl jail, as the jail ill Mooie . proi.o ince l unsafe. On Monday oveiuno ub iul l! o'clock til" tool of ';o new oailding af Xew (tat den S-liiil. known as 'iiu.o's I 111.'' was ill.-covcii d to be on liie linh v iy so,, u r.'.-ui.ed in the total i lest i uct ion oi the builiiili". Loss .'1'i .u: c-'i.oi'.i lns.iriM-o sti.liilt). Not hill.' A western J will cure s ime than an i;iiv. i. avs : ck ui"ti. more uuickly, op.ei Iv illipil' d - - Thi.-i euro, may ne verv siiccesslul in many cases, but we would say : It' a mini siili'eis from a eon !i ,.- cold, give him !i- P.-ii! f , 'T'tli T t -n 35 i A iii 23 T S . l;.-... I t Tin; llU 'iiui ti)' W Y A IT .v I' A Y LOB. (illlll I .1 - , li'MM.s,i .(III' II WIS. N'. I J Aitilli si. !. M'li-lln SI.. Hl.l I..,:. . C. si, -1 .: 1 ..-rt K. IHsS. i nl I. i.N MAUKl.'l: O I Mi. I. Mill-, l.ll'l llnu'. me. I...w Ml.l.ll.ic, senilis, witoi.r.sM.r. 'li'.'it - C I! ..I l.v, J'UlK sll'l.-, 1 1 ,ll l-,i-.l li lllM, 'Kill M VIllil'T. I .'ir. O, II in... Iri-Ii. r 1'Hlr. l, ti ii ll.-U'iii v, I'A.r.i c. i . uittilv, 'ir-.-, ki-.-i.-iic li-rvTii'--- tn', .1-.! Ki-.-i. !l"V Ull'.Ml Tl's rii-i-s .in- l-ir l;t; ;u Ncn .'.th ert iseiiicnts. iii Rin aiiil I'kss for Isiale. Villi J Tin CMU.V l:!ONi ill N N.-t-ai I'm. -Iliia I't'.-ss, tisi-i a i'.'ss. InUi lllll an I I'rrs I !'li,-.it f. r ,-.-i-Ii. l-'-r Ii'i-IIiit j. mi- at tUv.-s i'liatnl. s,.,i. lo. iss, nu. feiHERl FF'SSXLE. I J s.c.i n .in ilii. a i. ..-r ,,r It vit i ;.-.. I i-,nam,ii. irii. '.il.uit h l-lrt'ta W. M. I'.U'JOKS. IIY VIKTl'F , T 'X.'.'ilU -ll Issiii I ft-. -nl I:, it MllliiTli'l i- .iirl ,'f eh i ".nsi .'"iiicv hi l iv ! ..f ,l,.lt sunn -, iv .liist .l.cii.-.-. 'I', 'i.'i'ri, i win . M -c 'i'-li,' an.-ll,-n it.r casli m ll- ,- nu" .ii..iist. ,l,...i in l'l,i-l, .,', ,.n M-.ii'l.-iv. i-'. Ii il.tv t.r o, i -. If,, a n-ii.-i ,,f lie -I ll. MLn-jln's ..h:iIi.., i.e..-,.., I Mo I. in Is "fW illeini Wi'tL-m, .1. e 'I'.-n t. .ci I ln-rs. l,.v.', fii a liie ,i,.-'-:i' "' ai I .lam.", r T"ii v. s. vv. iiiii:w i ii, siuTitT. S.'.l. in, lss.. m. 1 1 ism i si 7 o C9 O Q O C-ir-q fcl s5 Fi e.:ii iii.m;; vtf -cs n ', . .. Tl . HAT-; J. I Aft, , "f-'-ii .i HH'.1.V.s'm. CO ! HEAlKJi'AETERS FOR MEN'S. 1". VS' AND CHILDREN' S CLOTHSHG, MATS, SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, AC. I take this method of informing my fi lends iii Chatham and the adjoining con lilies Dial 1 am now wit !i the largo Minl well know n Clothing House of R. R Andrews A Co., where I will be. prepared to servo lia-tii to j Teat ad- vantage when they are in need of Cl - 'thieo. Cab an JiowsI rII always be glad to -ee you. A- MeDONALD with R. 15. Amuif.ws A Co.. Kaluou, X. C. New Ail vert isomeiits. e Prudont and mil ei IN T1IK N C. HQIfliii IiiSJRArlCE CO. ' Tins i onipanv I'll operation for It is as been in siicccs seveuteell Veiirs, saf: SOLVENT and PROMPT ill tlif payment ot'its losses. Emms IIgoio Iistititw All kinds of Iluilding insured :it roasonnblo rales. Be warned by the losses o(' your neighbors and insure in tietn. II. d.. iotiorJ, igent. Si'pl. 1,1, IKS.., . A DMIN ; .-9 ti.ivintf PMIXISTB.VTKIX'XO IK '!'.. - i ; Hit - i .-i, ili.o:.ilill'l-f,ill'is,,f I.. II IllLUnis. ill-.- '1 I. I l.-l.-li l, .1 I .III ..TSMHK Itol-lliuT '!hiii:j at;.iliil s-u l ,1 .flini l.i lilllt iiii'in ii mu .-ii ! ii"i.,iv ii.,- ::'.! i;o , f s...i,.ini c, SusS. I.I l 1 .1. (UI'.lloNs, Siil. :i. 1n.V O's. ii.ow I. S. 0. A PMIXISTUATOii'SXOTlCE. .'O All ,.Ts,,l, II, ..l,!,., I., I. , .l;,..,( .M'UMI . llmvlN. ,ii', i. ii.- .,...,y If, '111,- t l.i ,-,-in,- r-rwiir.l aii,t Ml-ik-' euim-ll e.- ; ;i' t'1,'1.:, tui,i nil .f--.-.,tis havii.. - I inn- .i mi-' -il.l i-seili' .,, I'l-n- i-i'lil in. "It .'1, ! i-'i 'l-i' ilii . ir-l -l-iv .. .i'ilv l Jos. '.. Ilol si .Inly 'J-l, lo."'. His. 1: V.i- ..ff.'r I'T siili' I'll ri-:j.,.i.-.l.i- irnns ;lio .n lvs t IiikI iii III-1, ii Mo'aaniii t.'nl,l,. Ni-urly nil Is wi'ii ilmt'i'ii I. .-in.! i- i: I I'o'iM'i'o l,m,. Will sell III b.ls Iti Mill .lll'.l,li.-i'l's. Act ill- .1. I.. , .i. ti ii m : s Am;, '.'ii. iii... 4ii. s: I mi ii ,, . i-. If. GOt'TE P-:Aii Ifibf.ft. i ii.rn,s ni:-si;iii i.i xt Ni: i.kimv re i t n '""xu-'rv Ul: -, VI". r"1',1.,":."1 Ir 'in 11 "! t lli.'.-i' IMS i .-I .- 'iiI'V. I.V i-Hllllllt ,.n III.' -UI..-I. Mil! al- nri.i.li o'liiiiin' KurT-r ihsb I ll-'lll llll' S.lllli' .Nill-M-ry. I'l.l. ils Low. jwtis r Moiuus, l l I lsl ,C W. I' Usui. nv, ciM! .iu. lsi-v .-i.i ti v . v,in-nts, mi'l lioXAI. lliOil.sl : in i l l; I'll . ' I'VI'IIS ,111,1 llli kll. I-,'! I.IVII SCi'l!- h,,L-lll .'lll-t h-... siw,rti.i,: .'iilru-. I. .in-1. l'.-i:.'til mi, I I'i'ii hi- ii r.-isi's in i i'ii, I'- i l... i'.. i :v-(. .i..-i,,-i. ..i, i;i. A I I 'IK CI s. ', ... Mr, hi I :i, I!. ".Ill J.'iSI. I 'I,, i.. - Ilii'.iiltii,:, Mii-liitiiil-.ti. Ii. c. j TVHmQ FLU -S! J All I MTU' -im 111 Hi-fi Tchii'-.-d Ktlio ctlll nhtnlll : tht'iti y chHihu" iiiH-n W. CAUUor-r M. ALEXANDER. j 'l!.!M;i- Ilil.I.. 'l lll' niH' lift' ll,W l,,'!!, Ml I.HCH.-l Urol III l'li:in. 11,11. Iiy - k.lli'.l WmiIoiiiiii m l i.nl.,1 Hit- l.i-sl lllal I'liil, Hlnl Mi' Hill m-II :i,'-ln ill- i-li: ai lis liie; i-.-lli III' lt.ill-.-lll si''!l''!'l- Call i'.iri iiii l loci' j -t.r .-i-t.-i's, s,, Unit ynur . l'IUs IlI'lV I'l' O'.l IV I 1' .-ll Ull.-I, f.l'.l. ' Ol I an l Im- I la. s i- -j.a.ri'.l. All l.'l- .lien".!.' Tin , ,1 s ii -ii u.uk it-. Illlis R' 1 .. ,1 FLOE IRON! Cook Cloves Thanking the laiinersnf ('liall.ain ha iucir libeiid patronage last fieason, i .i i.h ila'H used facilities loi man- .''.icti.riiig. 1 mu fully pioparcil to meet all their want in tills line. Prici s I'-.inu- h- .! '-n ,-i;i,lic i!i -m and lines wariantid lo 1.1 and be of host make. Respect fully. C. C. TAYIOU, DURHAM. X. C. Till Sept. 1st. 1,S.,V i Mmi Tiiiifi Table c. f. & y. v. tn co. To take efVcct Monday. Jan I'.l. 1H.S5. rvi.V l i I I T SI'MUY. MniU I'.l- lnv h iKi ,i. ti: it -ll' t'Msi I in p. lit. I a. .,".! ;i iii Nun.. 1. 1. I :l,l n-r Kill, s -.',1 .. I INI I HI "tent will si,-, ui s,n,ti,.i r.trilln- ,iso m. iio-r., CORRECTED TIME TAHLE. N. ll.i-nvt' - l.iavn 1 s n m J :u n m ;( ;V. a m 4 1 1 H 111 4 iv k m A 16 h m B O i n ni ii 'j; a in i. '.-I a in 7 in n in 7 'i. ni i .'tti n in t 41 it m - an n in :o iin I ll.i'iil.-i l ii.' e in 1 I.. I!:,, ,11 s :i: , in j ii-1--it n v. , ni I uiiii' s -.1 .1 , lit M-.:, li lt .11 ,1, 1 1 ,i.i,i-,-i v .v. e in I s.in.t.i ni '.-j e in i o t.-i 11 V. , in I M im II .'rn . in V, in o l.'t'H p m I N.-w lit! I' III I M't A Shio--ri I Cti'ii-r-'ii Mui.lv H1U..-S Ki'tstT ili-ITiiiiin U M . in An Ivi' lliinilfl. I I t ii ii Ine, Tlillll Ilii'lC't'i' 1 i lints', s ti, Ii.iiiii.' ' cliC . ll.llln'.'iv t"!' I'll 'll"'!" i-ml "11 t"ltn; II ' ll. Trnlll liuini'fT 'J ''"im," 's ic K.'tl. 'tfli welt Hit' l,'l,'li.-li k (lltslnlt lil' lr -.'1 ' tor nil ImOIiIS tt, Ii. Tin- I..V tl I r.-if.1!' i, iiiii. ucii cH'-ti nct-r roHfh K'iH' lii-,1. '"iivt-s Hull inh hi 'i .' in unit irrli lit :( f. 111. JOUN c. WlMiClt, suporiDtcudcni. I NEW F0H SPRING The Best is '""'"igiKd tcKe tl Is method ol iiilciuiiiig you that (l ey hav jimt returned from the Xoilhcrn Markets with a well selected utock of Xow Spring and Suininei Coods! Consisting of evciything usually kept in ft first-clasH country titore. Call and exauiii.e our how block of goods. We are satisfied we can plcauo yon in every part ieular. A tine lot ni iMibuns. Ladies' IIul and Trimmings always on hand. E. R. TarttHAN & CO., SILKIi .STATKIX, C. F. Si Y. V. R. R. Mny U. I km, ir. A T T & TAILOR, 15 M Martin Street, and IS Exchanae Place, XIA1EIGII, N. O., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE AX1 HETAIL G 11 o g m 11 H . CONSIGNMENTS of COTT ON and PRODUCE SOLICITED. ACKXTS FOR IMilTlSIl MIXTURE, THE -old mw.i.vnLE" FOU FIXE TOBACCO. J. IV. IIIN'.sliAl.lt. W. K. Mt'Kl'lllJllN. I HINSDALE & MURCHISOH tlnvi' in; in Inw In tin Sl-pllMIl'' I ii iMinirini'iOiiji fnf iiin rmi'tlci many ..I t'luiiltii in. r II, 01. if. OUEKNSEOKO', X. c., Whstale arid Retail Cloiiim, I lulel McAdoo House and in Commercial Bow. J. B. MAKEPEACE & CO., SAXFOKD. MO0I1E CO.. X. C, M St TACTI'llKKS OF . fc-ash, Doors. Blinds, Brackets, Mouklint:s, Window and 1 ,T , ... i cuor xi-Hiuua, XlHUU-nUJUIlKB, Balusters, Newel Posts, Porch Columna, t liurch Pews, iiud all Kinds of dressed lumber. In view of the fact that we art; situated in the midst of tho xmy . best lumber rugioiis of our State, and having all necessary facilities for miimilaetiii ing we feel confident that wo can offer tis good work on nu i re isotialile teims us any other Inailil ' f icturer in the State. All orders by -nail iieeive pimnpl attention. Price List seufoii aliiiciitioll. May 11. I KM. A. HGLTOfS OINTMENT. Well known in this county for its oiide'tul healing p.opi ities. for bone j fl Kills, bulls. ep:.s. ilipilllu fill. c : ' I'li'piiii'il ,y :.J H. 1IOLTON. Wn.Mtxi-.roN. X. C. For sale by II. T. Cum in, I'ittshoro'. , j -loii M'.iiNiv.Kit. Lockville. and l!o::n:r b'oi.i.iNs, Merry Oaks. ft-j'"A'.:euts wanted. "Xit j I 'rice 21 cents a box. I:. !.!. ti. lit- ii.-iiiUh. Hunts anil iniiiiv iiIIhth In i'IiiiUi'i.ii ioi., iiavi' ut' i it. AtiI .in. UKi. q U I L T I N 5 M A C H I N S I , THE CiREA TES I' LAROR SAYIXG MACHINE MADE! YOU CAN' (M 1LT A (JU1LT1X HOURS! NO HUMRUO! The Davis lrti.riNii Maciiink can be used on liny Sewing .Machine. Xo lady can ail'ord to be without one. (iitarai.tei d to last '.)'.) yours. Call and see for yourselves. They can lit' had at ' W. H LEONARDS or W. L LONDON'S. PRICE S7.--.0 August 20. iNSo. fits. FRIENDSHIP ACADEMY. MALE AND FEMALE. UiKler Now Management. INW V! ".i ill , A. II., - - Prlnrlpnl. s Jl.ssll'. I. II. Ml !t, Inslllli-ler lu Musi.-. School opens Monday. July '21, INNS. r""n;i"',",.K";:;::! I'liiiici-n ni1t'rn sist.'ins ,ii v i'..itrs-. rstti,iv - in ii Hi ' .1 its iiitfh . i,...i. iu, MnVi"; mu,. lil.S-k. I 'OH -It. I iTIIl.'lll .-Hill 1lit"kk(''-tllU, H ini. Il.-H. Tlif Mli-l.' l'i-tiii'l,lit'lll will l-e III .'llllivc nf Miss .li s--.-illlin r. in Ui Airy. X.C. Hit islu. a. tt II I'l M list.' WHS f..ti.i'lis iiii-Iit I'l'nf. W, H. 1 1 ii nu i ,i-im-s.'i in n s.icti. (itiii iimiiniiiii ivii vi hittji liirmlii',1. St'Yi-ritl fi,nil.riiil,f li.tiist.fi i-hii it., tt.-c.l f.-i-lli t' wtt-t wlstt i-1 lf.'i-.l llifiiirti-lvn,. Ti I -it.N. ,t r in. 'inii, ... ts nis in f i .m: iiMiriitni-n- tnl Vt.. liii'liltlliii! lisn ,tl 11-ill.t. W .V, Viti-Bl Mil- .. liriittiini, VI iiimiiis- tsuiniy.1 N. ('. llt-HlitiT nn'l r,i-ilt'ni ni'-ini ,-.iiiniiiiniy. itlltt ninl wtlllni.' i.t llikf t'.ll-e ,'l llll l',,H,l,'ls tl, i lltitv nili'lltl tuir s. ii , Vml iwlrt- iifsk. Istsi ont,T itii mild u-.-iti .i-n. Ifiuy. A ri-.l'tfiii ,livsl.'iHii in niio mtle , lilt-s,-h'Sil. All itti,ils will Ih. rt-.illlml lit Hlli-nil ' Sint'l-iv s-'h,.,!. i hiii'.-ht-fi ti.livt'iili-iit, To the nutlie w. til.l s.iy. It y.iir .-llt-1r.-ii mtn t in it. Oils s. ... , ur Hrs.tliHI MiiHiiUttn will lie f... .....I ...... u.t .u.l--lui. tn .. th... liavit.r. (im- us a irltil.Hliil w will iry In nptvn iiim-Iv win llftt (ktllcll.sl Iv. wnrlliT ..I y.'ia-(iniffimi!". I'tinnnittiml- JOHN W. V. ll.l'.ol.N, I'rlii.-iii.-il. i en lis Mills, Alaamnoo Cti., M. c. Julj !. IH.1- GOODS! Ah) SUMMKK. the Cheapest 1 W. 1, LONDON'S ! NEW (JOODS ; HAVE ARRIVED! AX l) WHAT A Si'LKXPm Stock HE HAS!! More Goads ! Prettier Goodn And the CHEAPEST GOODS You ever saw I HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE Pretty Dress Goodi AT LONDON'S? OH! THEY AliE SO CHEAP 1 LOOK AT HIS PRETTY 5 CENT CALICOES--!! skM only 7 cents for tho very bt'Ht! Largo stock of LAWNS. MUSLIN j, OIXOIIA.MS. CHAM15REYS, LIXEX LAWNS. INDIAN' LINEN, PERSIAN' LAWXS, -YICTORIA LAWXS. low a8ct. PEtJUES and other WHITE OOOPS and TRIMMINGS. toriDoiv IAS THE REST CORSETS FOR THE MOXEY YOU EYEUSAWI HIS STOCK OF FANCY OOODfl AND XOTIOXS IS EXTRA LAEUEanh UN USUALLY CUEAPI ; WOMEN'S STOCKINGS from 6 cti. 1( r jiair up. j (1 LOYES of every description. ' Very largo stock of Ladies' and Children's HATS and RONNETS, triinmed and lint I ilimied, FEATHERS. FLOWERS, and 11 ! kinds MILLINERY GOODS, READVMADE CLOTHIXQ to tl any itnd everybody. , PANTS 50 cents up. ' COA I S for 50 cents up. The best stock men's neck wear flfat ! seen in this county. Men's and boys' HATS, straw, ret ! and wool, at. bottom prioefl. ' Six Reasons Why You Should Buy Your Goods at LON DON'S I 1st. Ho will not bo undersold by , any mm. i 2nd. You have the largest, bent -assorted mid cheapest stock in tb county to select from. llril His goods have been bought for cash and he has saved evnv ti.0stimPB. 4th. lie is always glad to show Ins goods wtiethor you buy or not. r.th. He has puhto and attentir Rut not the only ones. You riot ks. (It h. can always find what you need and want. oiutl otu t'lmon v.WH KjK. O I U.l f,li. HT0 glVCIl Cltrk ilidiiccmetits! Vet v largo stock of TRUNKS and SATCHELS! P.,,,,,,.4 ,,.; ,lf l,..n... u . " ' "'t "r ii m L-Ul. ....II . .1 . " ... . . . "i-ineiu uoi me llll" W. L. LONDON'S. l'ittoboro, May 7, X685. 9 - L. tt Fa 5- ine- iv.. 13: m V; Ml i. ii