FOR Tilt FA KM AM) HOME. Itlentctl Mnmu'luii Nut ftcetlril. The impracticable advice la occa sionally given not to apply all the ma nure when a crop is planted, lest it should bo wasted, hut to dole it out in doses as it seems to he needed. Most kinds of manures are not so evanescent in their effects as this suggestion im plies. If applied in (he Spring, there is little or no loss except the plant food used before Fall. A moment' reflection would show the impractica bility of manuring a growing crop even oneo in a season on a large scale. It would not pay, if it were practica ble. Ilow wagons and teams could be driven through a glowing held of corn even once without injury is a question hard to answer. A little manure dis tributed by hand would not amount to enough to pay the trouble. The better way is to manure heavily before plant ing. Then with hoed crops even cul tivation through the season makes the manure more available, and is in ef fect I lit? same as adding to its quan tity. After a crop is planted, cultiva tion will answer every purpose ef ma nuring. If it does not, the fael only shows that the Held was not in the right condition to b.1 planted, Viiti nitor. Kill Inn for tlir llitir.v A most successful butter making dairyman, who keeps a large herd, says one of the best average rations he has tried is: t bie qu irt Indian meal, - quarts each of oatmeal and wheat bran and 1 pint oil me; I'his I should be mixed with about half a bushel of cut hay and well moist rtieii with water before feeding, llegm s this ration night and morning to rows of medium size in addition to what hay they may cat, of v.lnili clover is best, if cut just as it is coin inginto blossom, and tureii so all the leaves adhere to the steins when transported to the barn and mowed away. Larger or smaller cow. require correspondingly less ir more. hi course when ill goo I pasture, or abundantly soiled, neither meal tur I ran is necessary, but if scant then they should be fed whatever they may need of these to Keep up flow of milk. It would be butter to grind the corn and oais together, at the rate ot one bushel of the former to two of the lattir, ami then mix three quarts of this provender to two quarts of wheat bran, and one pint of oil meal for tli" ration. Instead of oil meal some sub st itute cotton seed meal, but the hit ter does not, agree well with all rows; and being richer and heartier than the former, it might be safer to begin with a gill er hall-pint night ami morning, and watch its effects before increasing the dose. All grass for hay for cows should be cut not later than when just coming into blossom: some dairymen say it is better to cut before this, and then it will makeyellow but ter all winter, the .same as grass pas tu re in summer. .!.'. .1.'.'. tfillHl-v oil tltr Turin. W'v have much yet to learn in reg.nd to the profitable keeping of poultry upon farms The French farmers gen erally, and some of the Fngli.h. sur pass us in their methods in this re sped. The following account of how fowls are kept upon an Kuglish farm contains some valuable hints: "The fowls are divided into families and spread all over laim. This is so far done that it is neccs-ary to walk between three and four miles in order to see all the various ilurU-. Nearly every large held has .1 small poult ry house in it with a pen of fowls, and in some of the largest fields there are a couple id t hese houses, (if coiisethey are put a.- widely apart u- posible.and where there are two in one field these are placed at. the extreme limits. There is no fencing or wire netting used to form runs. ;m.i the birds have the fullest liberty. The farm is stud Ued about, with line large threes, prill cipally elms, and these give splendid shelter to the fowls. Cattle are kept in the lields, and the only attention the birds get or need is to be fed an I have their houses cleaned daily, and moved () caMonally. Kach gen erally a distinct breed, appears to keep to its own company, and it. is the rar est tiling for a bird of one lot to be found mixing with any of the others. The houses are movable ones, so made that they ran be lifted and carried by a couple of men. handles being pro vided for the purpo-e. These houses are of home erection, and roughly put together, but are well and substantially made. They staid upon legs about two feet high, thin giving a shelter to the birds below. The inmates reach the house by a ladder. F.very day the docks are carefully looked over to fee if any are missing, or whether any .show symptoms of disease: but the lat ter Is very rare indeed. The hardy, natural way in which they are kept anil the common sense fashion of feed- ing make disease more conspicuous by ! man in his farewell sermon, "for three i its absence than its presence. In two :,ni1 valid reasons. The first is or tttree instances permanent buildings that yon don't love me; the second that j are occupUd by pens of fowls, but, : you don't love one another, and the throughout, in no case are the poultry third, that Ciod does not love you. j allowed to interfere with the regular! You don't love me my salary Is! work of the farm, or to occupy that several months in arrears; you don't ; which would otherwise be needed." love one another- or there would he! ; no nidi deaths or marriages among t nunmriiiiiii or 4'nitn. i,,u, jmd (iod dospu't seem to love you ! It was formerly claimed by son-.e as you ought to be loved, because j that feeding oats to young colts ruined there have been so few funei.ils ! their feet, but that idea has exploded, j among you lately." He was not I There is much less danger of injury pressed, to remain. liovlmi J to the feet than the stomach from !''"' ' overfeeding, and as a rule mare atom aclis sutTer for the want of grain than overeating. The quantity of grain that can be profitably fed to a wean ling by farmers in the country where hay is worth only from l to $12 per ton, and where the colt must depend solely on pasturage from May till No- j veinber, and perhaps later, can not bo j determined by the quantity fed by tlioso breeders whoso colts are entered to trot at 2 and : years of age, will have plenty of exercise during the , '. " percent, in eigtit years, winter as well as extra feed during the j l oitfltt per cent, in nine years, at sev summer months, IVssihlv from two ' e" l"'r eent. in ten and a half years. to three quarts of oats daily, w ith half that quantity of wheat bran and all the choice early cut hay it will tat, will prove about as much as country farmers can profitably feed under or dinary circumstances. If the colt gets too much grain or concentrated food during the first winter its stoirwli will not be properly distended, an 1 when turned to grass in the spring it cannot eat enouuh to keen it in a thrifty condition, hence its growth is checked at a period when it is impor tant that it should be increased. The feed of colts sutler much more for the lack of care in keeping them properly shaped by tin' aid of a rasp than from excessive feeding of gram. The feet el every colt should be examined and tMinmed at least once a month, so as In keep all the toes properly shortened Hun preventing undue strain to the tendons, which in time is liable tore suit in serious lameness. The bottoms of the feet should also be rasped, so as to bo k"pt perfe -lly level It r".iiircs 1 some knowledge ol the anatomy 'of the foot to do this prop ' rly, yet every farmer by cxaiuin ing can see when one side of the loot is becoming twisted out of shape, and by exercising a little ingenuity can, with a lew properly applied strokes of the rasp, prevent defects, which, it not arrested, are sure to detract Irom the value ol the animal when ready for the maiket. Most country colls suffer more for the want of a i omforat able bid al night tli in from a l ick of leed. II.HI-tTl.ll.l HIlltN. A little saltpeter or carbon. lie ol si iila mixed w lib the water iu which ll ovirs are placed will keep them tresh fur t wo weeks. To polidi marble, rut the surface with a piece of line sandstone. ni:i.r liti" ,in,l water. When tne whole has been equally gone oer take a piece of felt or old hat wrapped around a weight, dm it in line eincrv powder and rub the marble until all Hie marks bit by the former pf'cess j are worked out. Itervvard finish the j polish with putty powder and line j lags ; Hood housekeepers ar" I le.pnir I . annoyed by oil m.irlison paperel walU agaiiiit which c uelts-- or thoughtless I persons have laid their heads. I 'In se j 1 i ntiiight ly spots may t removed lo j niakimra paMeot cold water and pipi i lay or fuller's earth, and laying it on i the surface without rubbing it on. el-e the pattern of the paper will tlen ' likely be injured. Leave the past" on ; all night. Iu the morning it can be ! brushed oil, and the spot will have disappeared: but a renewal of the operation may be necessary if the ml . in, irk is old. (- l. . I )'o;,i. I'int-liii.i pint of I sifted Ilour, one pint ol milk, lour eggs, one half teaspoouful ot salt; to j be baked in the dripping pan with j least, beef one half hour before the beef is done, and serve on the dish, with the meat. " shi'tl'li I Muk', iri'h (. (m. - lioil Iwo ipiarts of water in a porcelain j lined sauce pan; add a teaspoon fill of ' salt, an 1 stir into it gradually six ; ounces of shredded maize. Stir con- I slant ly, and boil twenty minutes; serve with rich cream. It is excellent served cold. fit mini I' fu it. Put the prepared fruit in a jar, and covervith boiling i syrup sweetened to taste. On three I successive mornings drain off the 1 syrup, boil again, and pour over the fruit. The last morning let fruit and syrup come just to the boiling point, but do not boil; then seal immediately. Fruit prepared in this way has been tested ly the author anil found per fect. .s'i nluml A',-.-. Have as many hard boiled eggs as are needed and alien tli.ii,, r.,on,l ill rir.c. I!ult..r , ' , . , . . ,. :, ... . I h:ik inir.OKti :ind tint in if. ii thin hivcr of bread crumbs, then a layer of the sliced egg. with bits of butter and a spiinkleof pepper and salt. Fill the dish in the same way, putting the crumbs on top. Pour over a cupful of cream, or. if no cream is at hand, use milk, and bake until thoroughly heated through and browned a little on the top. Was Willing to Co. "! do not regret our separation, I dear brethren." said a Virginia clergy- j TOl'ICS OF THE WAY. The annual income of Vanderbilt is about, ten tons of solid gold. That of the average laboring man is about two pounds, out of which he has to live and support his family. i The interest factor is one of tho j most potent features in all business j transactions. Money will doable it- l ! self at ten per cent, in about seven at six per cent, in twelve years, at live pec eent. in fourteen years, a' four and a half per cent, in sixteen years, and at four per cent, in eighteen years. The National Museum at Washing ton has received some relics of the lirst furnace in America. This j was at Falling Creek, in Chesterfield I 'nty. Virginia, a few miles below liichmor.d, but on the opposite side of the .lames. The works were begun in I'll'. , but in li'2' wen' ile.-tr ivi d in an Indian massacre. They were never renewed, and the next attempt to manufacture iron was made by (iov. Npottswool, near the pre-ent site id' 1' icderiekshurg, about 17Jd. To this the plantation of tieorge Washington's fa' her, Augustine, contributed much ore. j The interdiange of commodjt ies be I tweeu na'ions has many apparent ec i cut i ii itn s. liussia sends ilour to the ! I Oiled Mates, and competes siicees- fully with our own millers America sends cutlery to Mielli I I and matin l.u tured cottons to Manchester; Franco buys win- in Ohio and Calil'crti'a and oMon seed oil ill M. I.i uis, returning the former to New York as rl.irtt or liiiigun ly and the laid r as pure olive o:l. and so n.i the peculiarities of coin uieii :a' 'e eont inue through a long s 'i ics o' articles of both luxury ill I in rc-.-it v. With the present cheap y id ins id cvpeil it io us l ran - port at ion. 'oiiit.iiitly bi ing improved in everv would seem that the tune appro ii lung when it will be impos ibl" to be sure where any article we at, drink, w eat or otherw ise use had :!s oi miii. The only thing certain is that the people who show the most en i riry . 'Humility and business capacity w ill cert.i n'y lay the rest ot the world nn Icr 1 1 il-ute. In such a contlict as tli- ii'ipbei the tutiire prosperity of l!i" I luted si lit,. s assured. The c.i reader of t he new-qapei s l- rms no a bqna'e idea of the annual I, ... . of life ami property m tin i oun t ty by vi 'Imt wind storm. T he year - w ,i remarkable in this respect, The r c irds of the Nunil ,rvice ,,.. p.n t inent show re. onled dining that 17- tornadoes in the I'nited states, occurring in, in so ith Carolina, 1 in Alabama. 12 in North Carolina, and In ra h in Iowa and Wisconsin. Lightning occurred in 2" of the tornadoes. Their average width wa ,n:t7 feet, and their aver a;e length was :.. in miles. Their velocity averaged 12 miles per hour. The tornadoes average 1 l' seconds in passing a given point. The teni pent lire before the tornadois was generally warm, and generally they wire succeeded by cooler weather. Their greatest frequency was bitvveeu I and -Vin p. in. The largest number of tornadoes occurred in .lu y. over 1,"imi buildings were destroyed by tor nadoes during the year. The most extensive tornado was iu Mmne-ot.i. September the estimated losses by which were $ l.imnih in. Contrary to the general opinion, it will beobu rved that more than half of the tornadoes occurred in the Southern t.ite-. Grant's Autographs. While at Ml. Moilregor it did not escape the general's attention that everything he wrote was carefully ! preserved by those to whom be ad dressed his slips. One night he show ed that this amused him by a pleasant allusion to it iu a note to lh. lion gla.. "I notice," he wrote, "that w hen any one gets a slip it is carefully (old d up and saved. No one throws one aw.iv. I think 1 shall have to stop writing, , or some day I will lie hauled over the I coals for my Kuglish." "Whatever may he the critu isms on what you have written, (ieneral," I r. I houglas promptly replied, no one can assail. vour Kuglish." ' lie general smiled, and his output of slips was not thereafter stinted. Kvery one. of course, wanted cue. Or. iMuglas was the envy ol people at the hotel, as he went about with a memo randum book thick w ith slipi. and he was 1 eucged with applications by mail for Fpceimcns; but he rarely parted with one. .Vie Y-'ik 1 V'i. . X Keasoii lur S lliinr. Indignant purchaser see here, sir; I don't want this horse ymi sold me. He balks. 1 can't get him over the bridge. Jockey That's the reason I sold him. W hy did you come t me for the Jiore ? "I saw your advertisement in the paper." 'I thought so. I gave yon my rea sons for selling Inni." "Yes. 'To be sold,' vou stated, 'for no other reason than that the owner i wants to go out of t.uvn.' " j iV'ell, if you can go out ot town j witji . 'in it will be more than I ran! (Io" -V,.,, ,,,,. Cull, Ilow They Vote iu Germany. .V slrikiny feature of the (ierinau mu nicipal system is its entire indepi inh iu c of national politics. No i.-me but llnnc ai isiini out of municipal questions arc al lowed to influence the city election:. Fvcry male inhabitant twenty foul yc.u of sue has a right to vote on municipal questions provided he has his own household and is lint deiicndi lit upon father ol mother; thafr he has not let civ e.l aluii from the public funds within twelve yen.-; that he hn paid all muni cipal dues; that he occupies a houic or pursues a trade with t wo einplovees ; that he pays an income tax or a i l.i tax, Fnder one or another of tin c five eoiuli tioiis all iinhul i ions priMnair im luili d. That all voles should count eipiallv i nuii'bd as unbuiiiicis like. The ar I "inueini til adopted to un ci tlii- point "I view iithii. Yoleri aicln idi d into thee i la ii, i ii h of whit Illicit one third of the i lly i oniicil. To the filM clan ale anienid -o many of thcl ouist tax pay ri - as pay unc-tlnnl o the taxes ane-ied ; to the iccond so inanv n in .iHL'iceate pay the second Ihinl oi' the taxes; to the thiol l kin hi lone; all llol im Illih il ill the lilit and ii eoml. K t h of I' c Ihlee clan i cli i t-foily Iwo nicinbi ii of i ouui il. its mllie in i upon iiiciioiii of Dinner being kepi in iliiil c.U.'ih!v with its tax piiyne -lid. The lily council !lf lldliii lias , m:; l i n i onipii ii,, iii for the i dura I linain id ilandin:: of ili nu m- beis. Kliitioii lo it ii ar mini an honor to which the ahr-t nun of the i ily aipiic. A .Modern Chcslei llchl. 1 know tin I'n neb are a i I polite na tion, and I have In ml it -aid that mine Ann i n an-i an be p..lite, say a w i iter in til'' Sail Plain i-eo I'lllt .,.,. Ami the proprietor of a , I ; inn lioiin in New York compare- v i ry favoiablv with the hi, Til. A fiictid ol mine went one day to llin o.;:iii" to lake .iieiltnn lit - for loi in-( In i . who via- in i ii l; liom ( alitoiiiia. e l nr.; the bell. It wa liol aii-wiiid. lb' I aim :e;ain. Tin le w ai si'llle -kill I V ile; iieiib. tint the ioo did imt open. I im i iiioo-In iang. The do,, i w ii lin n oj.i in , "Have Mill any lools to lei :" "Well, no -il." .-Old the -pe.iki r kepi ;;l un inur mil a-tlv up tali- ai he -poke." the Put i-. th,"y an-all In Id by p.ople W In. ale old o Ion h o' (he M ii-i'U." Have ymi iK'thmj; al all ." I have -nine up -l-iii-; but I . ould pi ill lp- nil Voll all. Ill tin lll-l ol ('. 111 lur." "Can 1 -i c tin in leov ;" .lu-t then a -mail boy appi.ind at the bead of the -'ail-. "Il's bn nkili" oiil all over." hi -aid. 'li.'ally, you inn-' ex. un inc. -ir. I I Id lie delight, d to -how yoll the I'ooni-, but the I n t i- tin lion, i i . all oil life up -tail-. Win:; the al um, .lohiiuv." And ill ti n minute- the tu lubboi ho...) wi--trcwn iiith i Heine- and -t..iins .1 water pouring ev i ly w In le. X Mountain that Mutes. In Chun hill county , Nevada, tin re i a en .,! .iiiio-iiy. n,i utioii of whiih we do nol iciin inb. i to have evi r -i i n in the papel-. "I 1 1 1 iio!o-iy i- linthluo none nor h than a 1 1 . v . 1 1 i hl; mountain of - on I. The w in. I - hav e yiilheii d log. I In r a eteat Inapof -and. and keep il i 011--t.-intly iiiov in:; hki all imnu n-e ;;l n ii r. It i lattl- -lea. lily alolu; ov . r t al lev - and I In oie .any inn, in t . a . ea-iny. I lie - ind ue kuie a low luti-i. al lound a- thev nib i::ain-( ea. h other, mm li ;i- they do a o a 1 1 1, 1 I In- S n ii even inoihiiie , -un n-i , wlin Ii - 111' ii-i to the I, .end h , the -tony -lalnewa- gut-ting tin in .in iug -un vt nil a song. bni tin inov ing mountain of Chun hill . out lie- -till anothi I pi . ulial ily. White it- -nb- ne -y nimel I ii ally l"iini, and lay in fold- like wave-. ;ln ic i. no , ai I hi- lop. In-lc:nl ol il going to a ., ,k tin re i- a hole time made by oiinli r wind-, and whoever i- i . ii . 'lough to I In- lidgc and pa inlo that hole pay- b'l hi- la-hm-- wiih l.i lile. for the tickle .-ami y i. ld- b. n, uli bi le. I. and the more he -Irugglc- to g, t b ii k the fait, r Im siuki nut il le -mot h . ml to d. ..til. The Indian- I. il o -, v era I of th'-ii ti ibe hnv ing b. en - .i illow . , up. ; 1 1 1 I im trace ha- cm r I" . a 1' iiiid ol tin iu since. Personal Ihdleieiicies. Some pi r-oiis, who fin ly admit llieini pen an, L ,.f all pui-uit- that iniiii-tir h tin- i I - a of utility, expn only coiiirmpt for tlio-i w Im h supply the nenl-nf im agination, the cultivation of .-. iitun. ut. tin 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1. 1 1 . 1 1 1 of beauty , nr the me. in. of .'iiiri-einent. Tiny really -eciu lo think that they ale plot ing their iniel Icitual di pth or liioial -upilioiily by bo.l-llllg of their llllll lllilitlclcllec In thing- thai illicit-!, i I u i . ami in-piie inuliiliidi -. line of tin had i ham rl-loi- of Kugland 'lei land iu open eoml that In would not go ; the -tin I to In ar .Madame Calalani - ing. I . ubl he -poke the truth and yd it wa- a truth which g 1 icnie should have taught linn lo coin eal rather a- a pcr-nital ib I'n i.-nrv than to boa-t of. If he bad be. u .leaf In niigli hav. a-kr.l for.-yinp athy, but would hardly have rxulli .1 in hi- mi-loiluiie, and hi- inability to appreciate lone- that till, d thou-atul- with wonder and lapl un- i ould reilainly entitle him to no oihi i -iiitinuiit than that of pity. So ilu- un wat r. ml e.l man in a in w In. h pel-, m- t lnow rontemii! noon lioetrv. ail. I'n lion, the llama, -imply berau-e lin y lack the -en tnncnt-to vv loeli t m y n -pond, i- merely a proof of iheir own .b lii ieiu y. l.i i tlnm mod. -ily kei p -ilcin e upon matt. i- f w hi. h they can only .-pi .ik to ivp.c lln ir iglioiaurr. W isihnn. if we apply our-. Ives s.iiou-lv to wi-. doin, we -hall net.- live without line plea-nic, but bain to be pie a-d with eviiyihing. We shall be plea-cl with wealth as far a- it .iiabli- us lo U, ui tit others; vv uli poverty , in not hav ing i h to t are for; ami with ob-iuiuy. br ing lint iivied. He Kri.l (lie Inilr llou-e Innke AV vsiiiM, i. is, i. C.--Mi. f. ii. Cleary. a pioniin. nt soli, itor of pat of this i ily , wa- troubled I'm s, m weeks with a sev. ic rough, vvhi. h only deprived him i f -h ep h it aim ethers. TI ily thing whii h did any good, he -ay-, wa- the new pr. p tion licit Star Cough ( uiv, a purely v table compound, fi. e from opiate.-, mt ies or poifioii-of any kind. Mc-nt-i d A recent contest been several skitch artists resulted in a draw. It n Amazino that any huninn being should continue to sullYr finm bilious new, nervous headarhe. indigestion, or geneial weakness, when it is as notorious is that the nun is the source of light that Vineo-u Hittfkk inevitably cures these cmnplB;n. ThU medicine is sold every where, Inken everywhere, nml rmci everv w here. Header, it will euro you. A woman is seldom merciful to a man who is timid. ll"lpliM t iitiii n I'llrniltif is Sra! W'li.i. in taking jvissitKe i" a (treat train I Allmitie st itiii m', diivs not ttml a thrill of ex ult Ci m Ii r in i iitl .iir.iivvr. AgtiiMt h'rtln .Sl um Kin:; in ir htii'I his oleiuoaiat fnvii. nn- pinivj It iiriii ir, nnr stop her j oiivvni'il coarse. I Hut I.e. nn .I.xeiitii a s't'iiti wlieii, on" itl iniim in mi I .1 van. tliero eiimti itn nlni iii fr i'ii tli - nl .t Iniiisi' Ov a erv: 'Tlif i B'l'p's nit.ii'r is lost:" Prom tin. e'onli.l ut e iiresii iii. e u.-t si n uien eaiiui to overy fiie.x Tln vvii..,.liii iii Mfnis; linliilnu to .lire.'t h -i e.i u i , thu vejsul w lis ut the meri y of wind it ii I vtani. Tlu ciiit.'iiu lei t lnvn noBltiiiMit tlm lians tn,' ol' I In- iii.tiir were allow.-! to j vv .ak. nu I sadili'iily it hint iIiiiinI iIi i'ii inlu the sen ! Strung in Inielle-i, in vigor, in eiii'i'v nn I in niilhitiiiii, man etiiifrniits, un itmintisl. igaiitu: tasks and eomin tints up plan" for ins in .(jnili- . ait n liiiivein nils Hut, all lllioxpe t".liy, ail lll.'lflll e.illies-tin. lil.l il'T.if ln l easiiiiiinin is guile He has b.s'ii eniil.'ss ef i!s pie anv alien ; ui.'iitnl stiain ll 'l vo'li OM'llelllelit. il l.'glllar, ever work, ti.ive ilestroveil the ii'in.ii of Iu- ki.t ti"vs and liver. Tins would not o. eui' vveie Warner's sain cure u-o I In viij.ii And even imw it iiuiv ni.torn vitality to tli. oi,'ans an I uiv,. t.a. k to the m in tfmt which will icad linn to the haven of Ins ambition. Ihc Trunin: X Wonderful Cniiipiisitioil. A s.ho.,1 giil a-loiii-hed her le.iilut vv ilh the follow ing i otiipu-it ion . "(b ulge Wa-hiiigloii, the tir-t I'r.-idcnt of the I niled Slates, born in Virginia in the year. W In n lieorgc wa-a little boy he would net . r tell a lie. Ieeau-c hi thought it wa- nut nice. It is not nice neither, lie studied nil kinds of things to he il pre.-i.lent."' Murk Twain's latest n.lvrtisemi'iit l his n nlnui that hi-children me well ln haved. wt lltfovi rno.l and c mp iniouali!) eha lining, mill tie refer-lo Mrs. Harriet Iteeclu r Slnwe, ( li irles Dudley VV arner mid his other ll.n t lotd m ightiors a- wituees. How could volt evpeei them lo he ol hei vv i-e, were they imt ImniKlit upon linlge s I-'ihhI.' -I-.'.i .'kiii.i . the Inni Hut', tailors hang clothes tin Miisculiue. Never Opivn Viinr lni.lli except to pin -.Milellling Iii eal mlo it. In nn exe-lleiit m.'tto for tlie gossip nudtlie sutr.'ivr r 'in catarrh. Hut while the e, uiu I. unit- 1 ( i nil v iiieiii tilde. Ihei e I-no eveiis " for nnv 'lie's sulteriiii; li nger foi in cniairh. I'r. Sine's I nt ii rh It. tile. Iv is nn ii i . I m 1 1 u i ' . nr.. j for .iiien-e. It heib. til.' diseas'd Iiieinhriiiie. mid removes the iliill I nml depi'.'-s e.l sen-ntii'iis wl ieii nhvav- nt : tend catarrh. A short ttnilu! this valunhle ! 1 i-i'paralinn will make the Mllt'erer feel hk. a 1 new iM'ing. I Km nine gives too lunch to many, hut to ! none enough. Don't take that " ktnil in ihe morning " ; If you have n " sivi lled head," n in-. iiii., it.imaeh. and iin-lrung in rvi s r,-iiiiing fiom j Un-".onvivial pnity In-t night." The .-nr.-: nnd !. way to clear the cohwel s liom the I hrnin. i-eciv, r ze-t for f.H.., and tone up the I in I'Vou, -v -I, m. istou-e I r. I ieree'- "lleai ant l'lii-gaino Pellets." .Sold ,y all ilrugni.-ts. 1 Hue ungrait fill m ill does an injury to nil : who -t ind it' lie. d ef aid. j Ttin only rcliaMn cure for catarrh Is I'r. I .sage's talari Ii ll.uiplv. I A l'hii hoy, aged three, hought -mi l j vtatui and lohl Ihein "Ji- mark ll up." i 'l i e piiteit. swiete-i nnd liest Cod Liver i (hi in the vvoild, inaiinfacliireil from fie-h, . healthy liver-, upon the seashore. Iln ah- , -iilutelv pure nnd sweet. I'aUellls who hum mu-c tak. n it icier ll to all others. I'li-i- , eimw have dtt'ided it siipi-rior to any ol (hd ulln r oils ill iiiarkel. Made bj l'a-weli, Ihiz- uivl A t o., New ork. Cn M ini u vmis. fare, pimples and rough 'km cured h,v n-iug . lumper Tar Soap, made l j C.i.-Well, llaani .V t o , New Vink. IfiilTheled vvit'i -ore eve- u-eDr' I-.iae tlioiup-oii - I'je Water Di uggi-ls -ell it 'J.V. linlMillllili. on-I U -K.,1, a,..,l,... ellllli,. I..-.I. H..r.i-,-i.r. ,r.,i ., i ri. le i : M nil n.ii'M'i romiiii innlei. 1 .'ei.T i-t 'tfMv t Oritinl l'iii"n 1 1 . ,,n., ai .nv Mll-'-r liml . i.iii 1 itolel lo tua CUT Ihm.diaiutoii, N. V.. is ll icking to gaze at n call w n li I wo - pin. 1 1 eotiiiiiu-. lilt I I 11 I M I. I.M .M l IHV, imltillK. Idi. l.U. hr. M. m.Iu. he. I .M.lhtK lit-. .nml, m. Hint. .(.ran Itnii-. -. lim n-. h:MlK rixt 1 I II... nt ..Ih. r l iti. unl .. 1 Ml I II till. I i . Km. I I H 1 I. XI. i t tin t iinl m 1 irewntiv.' Ati'll inny t'H t1 n inajontv f HilinenU winch ntTn't htiiiKltiity It ih n wt I I nsfrrl(itnr'i (nt I, Hmt h "tit. .if Hi'lt Mr Mi-in.n h Hitl.-r U n il i u it ft.- ui it n Mtiti I hit il Hill tiipd ni I" n-i-l tllM II.Hlltfll 111 i.f llniiMiin, .-..nn- ir.T, . IiphI, 'I mil.. .',.'!. -il, lil, 11 .'ll:.IIK." l-iiiwriitiir .1.-. I -r li) all I Unit H'-t- Bll'l Ill'ftllTfl K.'ll- .rll. Cancer of the Tongue. A Case Resembling That of General Grant. S.itue (i n inr mm I tn n nrrnftilmni nri nn m rl; lit liiiivl. AiKt with llifohl tlmt tnulitii nt Uliialftl up In Miiich. I.v il lir.'k.' nut in my iiu.-nt. ul '"M- t iiirntt il In ntm-fr, i ;iiIhk ihrURh mv rh' k lo fit Iff f my It fl rhrrk I'-in- nnd ii to (he it fi v I iitiiH(.t nn ltiulh. Rti-I nit tnii m m fr,- I c.niltl not talk. tn vtnl,r ItrM. I in. mv.l t.tktiitf Swifts .Tin.' In a hionih Ihe ent inu !(. t s st.'iM .1 an1 lii-ulliiir ruttiiin-iict t. nn1 tin U.trful fiiThir.- In my cht'ck Im U'fii il.-M tt uml rliniH kuitu-d t"Kt tliT. A new litnlrr Hp Is pro pr-!!. tiu.l It H . in- thitt naturi1 1 Kiip inr n new i-'iiKUf lent tlk h thHt tnv frttn-ts run reiftily ni'li r-tnii.) inf. nnl run aI eat hl ("! rtuatn. I woiii.i r-fer In Hon John H. Tr hr. state s. nntor. f ihlcniHtrK i.iin'itol'r. T. s Itr.nlOl.l of I i.rmirff, ii MKS. M A It V U CUHMt. I n Ormik'e. i.r , Mv 14. l"v'. I r. HiN-nii lUot-l rtn.1 skin I'Mi'Mi'i mftHed free. Thk Swift Mh icic In., lruwT ;i, Aliaula, Oh., N Y.. Km W. m. SlOio'O . IIAV mate with ouihtu tut niAiiiiU. tuninr ht nnl(." K.-i t herltii nt KuMr Manila. fAtal'ufti' free. s. M. hlKNrr.K, lli Weliiutftua 6U, iKwtuu. Mas. OPIUM n . BIT. Sura rtira in Ifl to iUt. Hanlmnum tren.nifiiL it m,Hllci,,. ,T nprH,, J w.r .'lt,li., t,.k Dr. U.ilnrv. Hlrh. KIDDER 8 PASTILLE8.7,1S,S Gen. Grant's; MI lMIIU-t r.-l, l,ii 1 tfrn.a mid iiiki,!,. lrk. ht. r .r pitik d,lrM A e I' I .11 ATT X . Bui I.f. I'ihU.I.IiIi.. I'. Id '' -"" a -'air-i -. .. iii I l..i"llU.., i: N.. ' (''till'lt. I 1 cloiU haicU St., Ktw York. DI.IJii DiIIa G' Gnulint Illu3l S I IHSi Rheumatic Remtdy. Q'l X, l.(Wli rauuil, Ml cl. VL'TTDPTfiyP IVORT luUilulUii O PEARL Hrriln TrlK Prrlrel anil t.m.ia llpalibr. PATENTS, UAM, I' ih nt La OPIUM tut J. sruans.. Lrliaiiiui, nhi Pensions In S..1.,'- . li--. .S.-i.;ti,iii; t'-r C.I.. I.. lilN.t. U.V4I, Alt ), VVasumiitiiu, 1. (J. tt.V OnlyTcnipornnro Illttors KnOwn. Noollirr mrtlli'liip known bo effect willy Hll1.i'S Hie li.wt of tie. i seilleil ilivil-. s. llllll. ma lie nr It'K.lmouy lolls tv-nn.ler fill eiltaliveelTi clH t I IHiiely Veaelnlilo t'rr'iiir'n. Ilta.lefnilll die native llcrl'S ntl.l rents el I alifnr ina. Hie itii ilii'iiiill lileieiltes t.f wlil. li Hie ex Ira, -list llicivfreiii . it In ml the Use ol .Minimi. II re.mvei the riitifce pt ilisu.Uie, ami the pillietil recovers his lienllll. It l Hit ureal III. i. .il Purlllrrntiit t.lre Kivilli; I'l Ineiple ; ll llelltle I'nri-'ill li e nml Tome ; ii if.'i i Ki'tiuvnliir nml linitf.ii'iiini' ol lliesys ti'lll. Never In'Ii.i- ill tile lli-lnry lit the wollit has a llli-licine Ihsmi i'.iiimiiiiiiI. .1 H'i-.-is-il'L-Hie ri'!ii.'irloiliieiiialMii'S uf Visku ot IHni i"- in heiil-inu- Hi" sick nl everv ilim ii-e imn is heir In. I'lie Altellillve, Aii.rieiil. iMaelion'lle, ( 'ii'iniiiainc. Niitttlioll'i, IjiMilive. fs-'lniive, I '..lint, i -In Haul Mt.l.e ill''. Villi tali' ins. !-i.;. 'nt. Iillllelii' Hint T.Hiic '.'.i't lies ef Visn. ti; lln fens fxi .."I the.i' el any other lufilicin.' in Ihe vvorll nU'ri'll enil tal.e tlio Iiittfiis nrennlitie lo .hrii linas ami remain low; unwell, nin iUe.1 their li'ini'i me imt 'I. -ii' n ! l.v mineral iniMiii or i tli'T in uti-. liml ihe vital i'ii:iuis tttttt-Hl Is ..!. lilr i.,iil of rep iir. ItllluiiV Iteiiiltveiil, lnleriiitttent nint Malarial r,vr-. ate ini-vnlent ihroiii'h"iil Ihe 1 iniel Stales, ii.iiii.'iiiai'.f in ihe vll.-vsof ear irreni rivers niid 111-ir v.i-i ii ilniiiu i. siliu mi! the siiaeiH'i' aii'l Vlllntim l'-'ivi.lll.v .lui me Itenwiiw .if mill aial lli'iil fitlil (h V ln'-s. 'hei' l'eei nr.' lioai liililv nerninpntili .1 le. .-vli-li-ni' .1. rallK-enielil- ef til" sloll.ili ll. liver liii.l hnivels In their lre.iliu. lit. a imitative ex t-1 n it ii li-'ivi'fful intttifiiiv tiii'li llie-e etviuis. is ill illll.'i V Ili-'e-sal'V. I'lii re l in. eullinrllr fur the pnrsi-e i I'll I In Pr .1 VV AIM II S V M IIAII I'll rl ll. as It VIII -I It'V reni.ive Hie (till I. cnlnl e.l li-.'l, mall"! ivith'i'lilch the linvv.-l- nr.- I...1.I11I. nl the sjl'.ie tune -lliitulalin-' (lie clelieti.i el'lhe liver, inni -neralli re-tmiiii; tt.o healthy fuintnn nl lli".he-'ivi' nlvillo. I'nrlll) I lie ImmIv ntnin-t ilisene lr purl fveinill in llui ls Willi Vim imii Un it i s Nn I'l'lemi.' caii take ImlU uf ttfy-i.'iu lliti f.ue-mm.-1. . II llM iuurilles UK' M0111IU ll nml stinul-tale- ih- l.,i iiii Liter iiiiiI li.'Bi'ls, w hu h n ml' r it of uiie,ii.i;.'. . 111. i. ti. v In el. 1111-itiK Hie I.I.-. .1 of ail iiiii'filies. iuii'.irliiir new hie ri 1.. I vini t-i Hie fi eii", mi l eiutyiiiu' nir wiilmul He- mil i f t 'itl'nii.'l. nr nther liilueriil 111. -ill. lie', every iut liele .if i.ii-nu.iiis matter fnun lh" (ysiein. yi'islu i r Illillili'Klli'll. Heii.lnetie. l'lllll 111 Hie Minn .iers. CmarliS. 'I lehlia .,f Hie i'hi'-l lilne . is. iir Mnliia. h. Hml 'la-lein Ihe Vlniilli. Iili'iii- Auai'l:-. I'q'jiitntii"i .1 Hie tli ml. ltitlilllllll.'.li I Ihe tamers, l'llitl III the Mvl'-li "f Hie Ki'ltiet mi l a liiiti'lieil eil'i r I'iaifiil s lni t.inis. are til" nir-pi llik.-- ef 1 'V -" pM.'l Si roliilit, or Kln:i'i l-.U, VV . lie Swell- lll.'s. I'le. IS. la 'V-.''lls. Kwell. il Ne, k. (ictlle, S -rnl'ilii'lM "f le t'.'eiit In'ltilnlteilti'li-. VI, n ut ial Vfeeli IM,. 111,1 S'T.'!. I ll'I'llnllSnl I III' SI. I", t-.-re Kves. ele. Ill tie :". II- i'l l.'l I'tllerentl-llllltli'lilll I .a-.--, VV , i k i ti s im .. a ii Hirtn - ha- ili" n lli.-ir treat clttatiM' ."i Slll the Illet I tilistl uat" iiti-l litlil" e.'l-i - r'nr liilliiiiiinalnrj nml ('I'mnlelth. iinrn- ti-.ll. Ininl. Ill l.iil- l.elilillelil IU .1 1 lltil III U 1 1 t t Kever". I'l ..a-.,-, i.l the :' I. I .ll. r. Kl'll.eV- lllrl I'. a l'lei. Hi" Ulltei- t .l.e II" lltlll. Mll'U I'l.- en-e-nre eiit.el'V Viliat.-il !! llei lllllll. Ill llleise. fi t -nun ellirnfi-l IU I'aiiits an l Mineral -, such li- I'leln her-. I e -.'!. !-. i ...Nl liciite.i. iili'i Mil ers ll- lin y ml vaiue in hie. lire nil.n't In nrrtl xi- ef the ll.iwel-. In uil ll'l ll-llin-l thi.-. till.. ll. Inn' ef VV tt.r.i a'-Vim i. .a llrri -cs. Fur Shli. ItUi-HKi'M, rtnpli.'iis. Titter. Sail llhelllll. I'.'' l.'l" -. S'"t'-. I III ''i I fi-tu'i s. I'. ui-. i arl'iiue'i - liinu' "nl i"". seaM heml. s hi-, la-v-it'e'a-. In h. N-iirf-. I'l-ie'.i'ialii'l.-. .111.1 ill .1-' - ' f the r--tll 't VI I.III. V . I inline nr nature ni" lileinliy iht: ti mi.l can a. .1 .ml ..fill" sv -teni ill il thi'il linie l.y the use nt Ih" IliUer-. ' , ,. Fin, I a.e. uii'l iillier V i.i iiii, lurtme in the -v-l mi nl -.i llinliv Hi. n-nii'l- . nti'i-ll.i' I U.lHv liml I . i:.' 'V e,. Nn sv -t, III '.f I li.'lll" im vet lilifii" . !" HIlthehiillitH -. III fie. the --ieiii fnmi win in- lil," .hi- t ill, r- I'or Fi'Miule i.iiilnliil. invmitiK' nr !. I miunc'l ni -nu '.. m H." ilawn el wi'iiain h.',. m-llie tin a efiit'- thi- llttl. r- has li" lnl I 'leane Ihe VI.liK. il lllouil vvhenei. r V"ii lltl.l Us iTiipuriti"- linr-lim.' thioiieh Hie stem in I'uiiiil . I"ti". or Soti s: cleanse u In n Mm liii.l il nii-lni ti"l nml s'licu-isli in Hie veins ; ele.lii-e it ttll.'ll U i- fi'llll V.'lll' eelllt.' Will It'll Veil IV hell. Keelith" I'l I J'lllT. Illl.l III"' III llll ll nf Hie sv-teni will I. .'.low . , III enil. liiml. : iniethelUMersntrmt It will KM'tik fni- il-. il. ( hie l."l!!e !: n It'll. i'.ni nnl. e nf its merit Ihaii a Ii nuthv mln rti.-eiueiil. A rnu ii il iMi.lli'i're lull tin. eiieim prinlf.1 in .hlTereiit hius'iuii:es . II. II. lillll. (.. rr.'irlrlnr. Ssn Kline ei n- I 'I' . "I"! ":'"'v a-hllitnn SI., ('nr. i tiiiilt'H. "I . Ne" S nrk. Sold by all Dealers and DrupintB. IMMEDIATE RELIEF! - KIllW ef I'altl r, 1 t,-V-s .allt nr V ll.llerrr III! I.ire. lite lii'imelU II 1- !.'lie-l. lll-l I- I. If .ll-i'll--ll rein.di whereo r kn.iwii f.-r l:h. uiuiilloa. Neural IT... Ili'.-ela. hi' illl.l T... llia. he. Cani- llll'l S.' -ttalln an-l iTIit-,--. I'l.irih'tll I -V -.1.1. rv . Dir.. it I leers, I r. -h '.'' I. t" I'urii- will ll"l'-r It ..r. III, I lail.-e- Will Ileal Ml 11 'I.O Hi ll sV- nl-l lv.Mlre iiisei k I'. IIIIV "111. I Ii,. l,,.l lie I'-i' I-fiiruiai .1 iii ......l, r. will, lai'.-li. l". .ai.l k.i.-i II..- l-al l II I- "l! Ill' 111 "li- n - .1,. ll l -ell u.-i rth at nt ill f III- It. semi I- t .1 ii. ... - ,.r i . . iii -i.ii.ii'- A.l.lres K ... ilk llAlll'S. .-..le 1 i,,;.rkn.r. .In, -'lil.i www iibiinnw i l .v 4. ,i I'm. t.l MO ICf II (ruin (tnil ri-nl keiHmlMr I MMiiift'r i liitirvi-tl I (iri-bviiir Mill :'. i :iu AXLE GREASE. vt III the Worl-I. Mii'tfonlv hv ih. KrMj-fr I.-.lit I Oh fChU JlrClt. N Y .t : I (rf.llU. .VoJilnyrmrlirr NNYROYAL "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH' 'Hip Orljcliml hikI tt.nly ttrffniiln. -'.f- I r- nr-trr T Vl'ertklW ln."U..BI "Ckl.-hf.i.r'. Knrll.h-I-! nil. Ii, WiiM TO ' AUItjl. il Ii.rnm.ll. NAME PAPER. I SPILLS! v r m .i ui g 'c 1. 1 "..I u.r k.... .,1 mis I evi r trie.l ' VlO timll nl V" .kei.: I"-- 1 1, in m i-r ni-k sliiiul.l try em , iii.iI.iiij I... -in v-s VV.'-'".' It th l-'-i tin- I. ii.. I. .1 -.iini li'-ieii.-k -lliiu I . "I S ll,llll.l,'V..U.l (en l.".i:-,t.,ll'i li'l.iii. vvrtlH n in. . It I . M, irill ,t I'n I hii .in" R. U. AWARE 1 W.sV mm Lorillard-u Climax Plwyr bfarlns rd tin fay; ii...i lntlnrtl'ii Hflie l.rMl'itni-iit , ltrl!lwJ'i tinvy 'llplnn. niM th t .or inr,t Mnufl. art tiic it uU ch-.t-'-t n10RPH!NE.Si KASII.V i I K i:i. ntx.K rttKK. OH. 1. C. HOFFMAN Birson. Wiscnntln. AGENTS WANTED ,ui t n n llni'tf IjkI nt hi 'i-lt limn nl v. nt-rni nnt. pur s Sl it Co., Toledo.O. wtithllt to th't nnr h.. Hl.t; ! I lATHN.s AJ.b.MI.Ni ((04M jMiiivilltf, His. rOR Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is older than ir.ost men, and used more ano more every year. ,J4'L-U 'Vewark MACHINE CO. 1'tllHllihiiM.OIilu. 1-MtrrB HrMtk Uuuw. lUnrtli,n, IJ FKAZER Take all In all. Take all tlio Kidneys and Liver Medicine. -Tiiko nil tho I'.lno'l inrillt'rs, Tuke uli tin.' 'isyw'.si.i uml Ind(i;ostinn cures, Tako llll tho Aijve, rever, nnd I'iliDiM .sieetyii's-. Tnko l 11 tlio HutiH nml .Nerve lore irrii t'i. Tuke llll tlio (irxil Invnltli re-turers. in shuii, tuke nil thelic-t .unlitiis nf nil tiles" llllil Ihe hen', Quill (.ies uf nil tin. hest lie .Iii lues in tlio Wiilld, nml v.m will liml . Hitters lmvt tli" I t'.t cin itive imlities and mwetsnt nil - ctue eitti ti'r! m them, And that tlmy w ill eure when tiny nr nil of tilt""", sin.' I v ur-cuiiiii.ii'i. I'liil'!!! A In il c'litjli triul mil give pu-itivo uoiif uf this. Hanli'iieil I. her. Five year-nr;n I lu'iik " d evil iv ith kituey mid llvr .'. un i l;i i li t tin. I i It '1111111 1 111 Since then I have lie -n u.ia'.l" 1.1 Iv tilmut nt nil My 11 v i r l e itnie Inn il le," ii I . my Inni- were iuU's iii uml 1 1 i I. I tvnli'r. All the In'-t ihvsicinus iiiee l tun iiiithiti is.illd cure inn. I ed tn Il y II 'i I'M crs; I li.ive li.-ed wv.-ll litillh s; Iii ' lindiii ., has nil fr.nn nty lit er, Ilie-w 'llni ; n .mi my liinl s, nnd it his iiiii7,'.'.f 11 1, m m in my eiise; .itliervvi-e I wotilil have I -r 1 1 nmv in my tritve. J. V. MohkV, laill'al.i, 1 let. I lssl. I'o vp rly iiiiiI SiinVrlnsf. "I vv-is ih':ir;i;i', dew ii will, d.'lil. imv ei t v nnd mitreriiiK tnr ) .111 s, ciius ! I,y 11 -h i; lain Ily nnd Inij,'" kill- il.vt.uiiij. " I nil. ('iiniiloMv ilivmiiiieil. until . .11" yenr ni;.i, l.y the udv' m jm, I c.iiu tiuiiced u-in lliji Hilt'-rs, nuil in nih' uinirli we were nil well, uinl iinit" nf us hiive -.s'ii 11 nick d iv sin. e. nml 1 vviiui tn-nv ! nil .n.r men. yiu ciin k.H'p y.'iir I'.'iinihes well n year with lln. lutteis ti.rl.iss th in niie ilu.inr'.i visit w ill co-t. 1 know it " A WtUtKIMiVt as Nmie .'inline vv n luiiii-h nf i;re"n llnps nil the White I'llml 1 llll'l llll the V ll", )s. is. ill. ills -t.UV Willi "llnji' nl' "lln-'' in their name DROPSY TREATED FREE! DR. H. H. GREEN, A Specialist for Eleven Years Past, H.iMtv.lfH r M"V flt.'t l rn-i') In .if'-MlP ltl Hi" (u w .fi.!. Itiil sip.t . U ..:! il.. rt-Hi-ll'B, . nfii' h ,.int:l' M nt- v - .tlU. wi t 'iiit. of ilrvpe III .'11:111 t" l.-lil l t'" 'nr. s i it. iis it iii.ii!ii-i tl Ih tht lio-t ol I'll- h!- ..Htth' ilrt il,.. p-. fii t -ni rul.1l. i .ir, M l im i.'ii .Uvm I- i w.-i lur t- t.i all ! mi -l"tu-..i- r.-m- v. .1. .!!! in.iv rn l.iiml'Hir wi'li.'ul I i w .t ftitlmi; O .I it. Ili'tu.-tiil'. r. il . i. il t .i- l t -i ir. Ihnv ('!"' r!l"' 111' lii'T t'" .1 tnv lit tlhM'i:! I' T vunrtii'll In t-fi .1,1-- Hi- .11';. itltv ..t l i.-tlltni- i- tvh-w. Un pitl-t' rfu'iil ir tip- . i- t. n i".ii.-.Imry- Hif.r lull -imi . . ', - i. .i..t.-l. ili- .-w -llinc nil r u-,tr iT"h". f li- "tr-n in ('."" I. hi.. I ,n; IHi' int.)- ,i:n uiM- . 'itiV(.' .-I.-- liiii.';, i ;f - r in li iv.- h-t it t.ti i "I .i imm li. r ii-ii. .tt-l H- ,'iti'"t 'I 'it-'l mial'l- . I'v- a N.n( f. !'i ' tr. .il infill; 1 1 ip f n .I'l'l I-IIIK Ii w "I'l I I-l' I t ms... Smw 1 W 1-liC :! 1 h-f iM-ilvf-vol'.n i n hnn, h !'.tf- M.-iiw. I 'i ' iMirni.-.l a 1 . 1 ini 1 wiit. r. Ki-n I ' i !r'- .imj f H'iiiimi- tttttli- tll"hint. '('I. -lt'41-- -t' i'-ii 1 1"' i(" ml tHtM.i. 'l fn In ui.iil. s. u I 7 .-titr. in -iiiM - t-ir i 'ii tn. l.i'iH'i) m- '"m;m- mi- I ii. ii. i.itn y. m.ii., ft." .Inn riinit Atlanta, On Mention thw ai-t-r. a oui-:sTox ah our BroTi'iis Iron Bitters Axsii':ia:n. TI ii. si...n has'lv l,.-rn i'-le .1 I'inusniit. ,. la,..- II- i. em lie l. V Ir .iill. i. mi .-fry. tlen- vt. :l it !- -..'I l-ul a .l-i . . ic ,t.v .li n-e .. lil.'l.... id" I li...i'.lliu. lll-li r,- I'l . IHI.S ll.v-ii i.iii sic..- Ii"ii ii- tli" l-' -t i' -I'-i'itm II-'. rl V.'l".Mi ' ' I!" I r I.-M. n. ,ii;. '.l.-iMlr. .1 Hli i.H.l l.i- . In II '..ll llll'. :ll - l -l.lill..t. I!i. n.-i 1 11' II III it til. re i.le iii.-i.- I. in. it l I.- . I II. li I ... f i el iiliy "tl,.-r -nl.-t e..-. M-..I in ui.l'.-li:. I ln-.lii.vti. i' . Iii-n- I. I i:t t l;. ai - a. I.i ...,li.l.e.l t.. III. II-".t e. I-a taltt I.i. I"t in - 'i. i i-sstul I... .Itivil I nl. I . .' It is. I, ... v r a i. "..ii k il l-- In. I. In .t i i i-a l- e i .I--.-." . .-: v el UltOVVN st It ITT I- II "S i" l '! it I. -.tisi ,. i a , i;.. -a. -...a., i, h i i. -.. i I--. :i . -tit -1 BROWN'S IRON BI ITERS li.-,"i.i. In-. r i r 1 1. - -n i -1 .i i ' i. 1. 1 1 i.lh. r 1 1. ui .... .ll, iiie-.l... IIKOW V- lit. IN IIIT I'I ll .lite- luiliiii'-.i.Mi. Illlii. nl. i . W i akni-. I.v-..-isin. .tliihn in. f IiiI'n iiii.I level-, Tlr.'.l I eelinu. ..em lilt ll. l.ililv. Tiiili m II " Mile, llui'k i I. hulls, II. n. It.i lie I I N. liu.l Kill I'tnlltl .nlniehl li- I. i t . -. t il'i I 'liiilv BROWN'S IRON BITTFRS,! 7'. - li.iinil" all , Hi. a ll- r. ...I, ii. -I' ii. . it i'ii" Intvlv VV . a i.i 1 .-a In ii. . t. 111' U-' Mi l Mn ' t Is an lit i- t. -ii. ..1 .-i.ei.'t I If ice. I Uf 1. 1"' lu ll! 111. ! ll'e .1 . .-It' ll II. I I".. -.III. I "... I- ll"". I, 11." In III. . Let I-ll-. mil. II, le t I .1.11-1 I'.. : I.' I. The. v.- I. ,i. a, . .. I . w M i, lie -1 . . !- Ill'; le-llUl) ..l..i I" - I" II ' l.1i' '.-I.. ih-aia en-. Ii ne..-. ) l.B . .-.r. mat ll ui-' li" lli ..Ii'.i..l..i I -a-'- I' i""' i--iill'l. .1 .' Hi.- elill.l li" I-.' ii ll. I.'. ItltM.I-tlleOM.t !l"ll e.' -.l. I!..' t'uil I- II- t II. ma W imt fr.ouo mote Ucok Avttintsto Sell The Personal History of U. S. GRANT. Tt t"v"fc raimrtftl "M uiifi. Hi it. . A Billraff, Hril I t MKiUI HUM- T' A VillMrAVT I'hM I o'l llurVtorli llutun t hli-atio t'liit-liiuai U or M. l.uul iy4piitii-ii uti. other nt nii-k pnt'iigh to t in l.1, Ittit Miat in that nititi..n wliwn n(h.Mi t.ii Im fully en. j..."l. flimiLUilofl KulftcH Kuudnsii .1 1 1 1 .1 i.-t . will n't'mnpl'h Ilu- il',ir d rftu!t n.nnt H, i ri-nitth with mil taimi tti-tlifxlivn nrK-inB. In -irkn.'". Hirlff'f K'.'.l ih invnttmhlf. Kit Inl'tf n, it i lt-luntu tr rudilinit", I'unlarils. Hlmic Mntitff, ('. IF PAGES LIQUID GLUE It niM tyttiinMnilfcf IntrUu ViuBf!rtmr . Mr. lis,. i. lli.ii w. wort. Ilrrrirr-I OULD Mt-'L.l.i.l."i.,'rs'.a (... s. i.l ni. ..I rt-.l-r .hint,". n..t k U.willi 0, Ic nuup. fur SAMPLE CAN T D T I Bis.iCcBtBtffc,Gloirrtff.M!H. iMl 1 liilli. ' llM-ine riillmr, I'hilail' l. h.s. iVrn l ouif ttol. ftitiiAtiuni lumi.tied, Vv ru ler i-ircul.ii.. RACAN-S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and? tan't tell OH

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