Jhc (Chatham Record THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 18S!'. LOCAL HJSCOivjJS. " "Read notices of sales iu another columu. -. . jnWAIroa.Jy tne days arc begin sing to lengthen. tQT New Year'H day waH as ploas aut as a spring day. B9Mis Carrie Jackson will com mence her music school on next Mon day. W3T The attention of the creditors of the Hynitiu Manufacturing Com pany is called to notice of a meeting advertised iu another column. MTTLe Pittsboro' It. It Co. will pay the cash for 2;i.tfllil t-rosi ties, ror ptices, specifications. V-, apply pay the cash for 2;.0l)il t-rosi ties. ror puces, specitu at ions. A-c . apply at ouce to the president ut PiUsboro'. " tar Dr. m. Lynch, of Chapel Hill, will visit. Pittsboro Monday, January ISt h. and leniam vutn tuvs. All in need of dental woik will please call early. v tW Usually a large crowd conn s here on the first Monday in Jauuiiry, but ou last Mon. lav the crowd was quite BUiall owmg to the heavy rain that poured down. ST Mr. D: Y. hito, of Hear Creek township, has been appointed a justice of the peace, iu p.ttee of Mr. Calvin Siier, who resigned. He will make a good one. tar The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of Mr. J. W. Vandiver, from whom they can get all the usual seeds ut"dcd iu Si cithern gardens, and encourage a State enteip.ise. Mr. Nat Hill's bulligerent. billv goit, which has achieved a State wi.l.t reputation for having recently closed t 1 bjrn.o here, was a ' nil on the war-p.ilh fevr uio:i: few days ag and iu a - e. eared out our streets. inotie. but imi pickt- i up whiles iil rT!;e net weather has now si-t breathing and carried ou t he 1 1 ain to in and you v. id net d good Ovei shoes. Siier. dying before he ie:tch 'd thcie. Loudon has plenty ot them. Kuliher Lying beside the man. when he was Coats, Leggin.s, heavy Hoots and picked up. were found a hot lie of Shoes, ail ai bottom pi ices for casii. whiskey, a pistol, and a p ! of cards lie has also a few of tho-e cheap The coroner held an in.piest on Sai Orercoats left. I; will pay yo i to unlay, but the jury couid not decide call at Loudon's and see Ins goods, the cause of death. Some pel sons .. Hy ,lut Hl i,im,,.jf obuox tdr Commence the new year bv i n to hoiiic illicit distiliins. who settling what you owe at Loudon's : .drugged b.m with whiskey and laid Le needs his money, and cannot win: loin li '-ide the railroad, iu order that .longer. He has herelofoie given you it might appear that he went to sleep fair notice, "gmein yourselves tic on the track and was run over. '1 he eordingiy''. London has it full stock , oroner's jury will meet again next of goods which he is offering voiy ' Saturday. low. a 1118 iciluccd veiy uiucu. it you need goods now is your time to buy cheap. Hiring Pais.iNiias. We were re minded ou last Monday of the o ,1 cus.om of hiring out negroes on the 1st of January. At the ia-t teim of our Superior court a negro, named ISoetv Cot ten. was sentenced to six months' imp: i-oumi ut, wit h the piiv ilfge to tho count v commissioners of i hiring hnu out at t lit- cxp.ra ion ol three months. Accoi tlingly, on lust -Monday, Hooty was pub'ic'y hired out at the com t house, ami w ill now be a aource of income to the county, instead of expense. Board or F.uccvtmn. Tlie county Iwiard of education met here ou ..is: Monday and 1 uesday. the mist important business transacted was the ap; ort ion m "lit of the school fund. Kilber because the fund has decreased or the number of chrdreii increased, the amount apportioned to each child is smaller than last year, being N5 cents. Tho board derided to hold a teachers' institute next July. It was determined that the sessions of the public schools ouht to begin about, the midl:e of January or the tiruL of August. 'The board will not meet again until June. Mux S.ii.d. Hev. G. P. Moore hag sold his mill on Hubert son's creek, Bear this place, to Messrs. W. G. Lasater, T. M. B'and and A. C. Moore, and it is the iutuntion of the purchasers to make extensive im provements. They wi.l not tui-t to the water power, which fails more than half the year, but will run a twenty horse-power steam engine, an I thus be euabled to gin cotton, saw lumber end grind wheat and coin. This will he a gieat convenience to this entire community, and for it we are in debted to the prospect of getting a railroad. This .s only one of tin many enterprises ami improvement that will be caused by our railroad. OfB Itui.KOAH. Thegradingof our railroad continuea to pi ogress very favoiablv. nearly two miles being now graded, tjuaitera for the convicts will be immediately erected neai I Seymour' and a gang be put to win k W. H. Hii'ch, for freight and at that place. Other quarters will j hauling stove, shortly he built near Mr. Luther ' W. L. London, supplies for C'.egg's, two miles from hei'6. Col. j poor-house, Hicks was here, a few days ago, and : Etlsva; ds, Hrotighton & Co., selected a place 011 Mr. Ciegg's html I for deed-book, where the quarters will be buiit. The W. I). Hright, for lumber .location of the depot at this place for poor house, has not. yet been positively detei iniii A. G. Headen. for 5 days' aer- ' ed. but it is thought thai it will be b- j viees tin Finance Committee, tween Mi residences of Messrs. O S. H. A. London, for advertising, ' Poe and W. F. Foushee, ou the east- S. M. Holt, for registering emsidttof town, those public spirited ! voters, gentlemen having generously promis-: Dr. J. M. Manning, as conn ed to give the necessary land for it. j ty superintendent of health While some persons may object to nudphysiciantop.il. that loca ion, yet any other location I L. ll. Fxliuc, set vie s as clerk would meet with some objection, j issuing orders, etc., Home persons think the depot ought ; It. M. Hums, for beef for to be in the very centre of town, 011 i poor bouse, the court-house square for instance, ' W. H. Wiikie. insolvent fees, while others think it would be a ! Thomas Cross, jii, hes, nuisance aud ought to be as far as i .J. (i. Kvnciiei. A: toi tiey's fee jiomibltt from any house. So it is j iu case of W. A. Avent vs. impossible to please everybody. 1 county coHiniissioners, L'st ok Jriiims. At the last, meet-' Asotihx HmxoonHtohy. OuTites ing of the county commissioners the day of last week some girls living on following persons were drawn its I lie laud of Mr. Joshua Johnson, in jurors for the next term of our Supe rior court.: V. M. Tengue. J. N. Green. J. N. Peoples, V. M. Harper. Robert Roe, Eh M. Riay. M. G. F.l- mole, W IS. .Justice, J. Jt. I'-ililUg'tOI.. W. O. Fnirell, Alias l'ctty. D. F. Gro s, V. ('. Andrew, 0. W. Moore. William Gil i and. Thomas Price, M. - T. Kellev, John H air. M. G. Ruth- ttuan. M. L. Nail, H. M. Smith. D. K. 'Periitl, L. S. Rnruett, James L Rurkc. Calvin Mitchell, V. A. Glenn, A. J. Lett. J. 11. Gtitluie. B. A. Phil lips, Aaron Mei'hetson. J. L. Wa'.den. S. A. Smiih. K I). Council, W. D. Neai, W. F. Klrowd, 1'. S. Sik-r. Tiik Stock Lssv. The advocates of the stock law in Cape Ft ar town - ship seem to have a hard time of it. They began last. Maich their at- tempts to establish the law, and have not yet succi eded. Last slimmer they picseiitc.l a pe til ion to the counts' couiutissioiicis signed bv a majority of tie voleiw in (he pro - Jiosed ten llory. and obtained an or- dci for the establishment of the law wh-never the outside fence was im;, T. llllum.llts f aw brought, suit to have this order re- voked, and sometime was loi in lni anoii, imi .iiiuge i miner 'many sus na.i very ji r i .c assistance or cm-unr-taiueil the onler. Hut n-isv it up , ngcineiit from Hie j.! - sieiaiis jirac pearslhal the outside feuctt cannot ticing in the cotiniv. onlv one ie- l.tiilt tf.t l. il,.. 11... I.,.., i. i . ... 1 . 1;Used bv taxation lor" thai ,., - pose. '1 he law limits the ate. to ." Healih. it is to collect, an 1 as aceu cenfs on each one bundled dollars raiciy as possib.e, ;.ta!is:ics concern valuaion of r al estate, and this is cei niug t he uiori.ilit y of (lit? couniv not sutlicieiit. Those who will be and the discuses ino.-t pi eialent botii most hen. tiled by the law ought to in to inau and beast. Now it is im luiilie up th? di-liciclicy. j possible for tuc to make these re- I ports satisfaetoiilv unless aided in A Mas Kim.kh. A colored man. so ,l.ii g lv mv brother praetilion niimed (ieorge Mii'ley. came to hisjers. I thercfoiv ask tin in to ..he ileatii in a mysterious way, on las! F.id.iy. in this county near the Ran dolph hue. After the 1 1 nil) oil the Cape Fear .V Yadkin Valley railroad ll id gonea flioitdisaiicefiom Staley a man was seen by the engineer lying beside the track with his head on a cross . lie. and tlnce men were seen in 11 111 1 iij aw.-iv liom the track. H fine Ihe dam couid be stopped the man was tbiowu aside by the loco- A Pi.evsvst EsTF.tmiNrdFNT. The ' eiilertainmeiit given hist Thursday nigh: by tiie young ladies and genl e men of this p. ace was u great' suece-is and a most enjoyable occasion. It consisted of vocal and instrumental music. tal)'e;cix and clut'iides A large audience alien. led and all en joyed it. The object of 'hu enter tainment. as heretofore stated, was ""d' 'l,:lir 1 '!''' the old academy building, aud wc aie pleased to learn th.V qtii'e a snug little amount was n.i i.ed. The i lilei lili.inielit was opened by Master Hen I'.abanks. who doe. aim. 'I in oratorical style an appropriate prologue written for the occasion by Mrs. J. J. Jackson, to whom by the .say the success of the eutei .aiiiiiient i-i chiefly due. Misses t'oia William s .u, .Maggie Ilaughtou and Came Ilirie charmed the audi'mce with voca music, ami Mis. L. J. Il.iughton. Miss Carrie Jackson and Mr. Frank Haldwtii enlivened the occasion with tho sweetest nuti ilmeinal music. A recitation by Miss Nettie Haidwiu was rapturously applauded. The most beaut if il scene was tne tableau of the "Southern States," each Slate being represented by a youug lady app.opriately costumed. The rep re-entation of the "Drunkard" by Mr. .lames C Woinack was very nat lira'. The scene representing the "Wine Cup" elicited much applause. and was ijuile original in its design The entertainment closed with an' amusing play entitled ''A Husband Made To Older", the characters iu j which were repie-ented by Misses' Carrie Ihrie, Fanny 1 leaden and Mary i Moore, and Messis. T. H. Woinack, i J. M. Mantling. J. P. Tiunin, Ivy Hill and Lee Deuson, all of whom acipiitteil themselves in a most cred ! iia'ole manner. On ihe svhole it wits. onetif thepleasttuteste.it.itaiiiments: ever gisen Here, una wus a titling sc.piel to the festivities of the Chi ist mas bnli'lit s. Con nly CuinuiissinneiH. Tho county couiinissoii.'rs held their regular monthly ni'i-ling on last Moiidav and Tucsdav aud audit- etl the following accounts Julius Lewis & Co., for stove antl pipe for poor-house, 5! 17. 2.G0 I 8.4U ' I 2.00 MOO 22.50 1.25 I I H4r25 1 ; lit HU G.iiti '2.l"l 27.110 5 00 iljjiey tossnsitip. sveic limiting for broom si, -a-.v is hen suddenly they dis covered an object lying on the giicind. the like of which Ihey hud never wcu be oic. in i 1 at once they ru. as fasi as they could an. I tuf.l Mr. Hiram Johnson wh.it tl.ev hal Keen. He imiuciiiatciy went to the p!mv. and whtn ho came in sight i f it he con eluded it was jirud' lit (o retire lor re-iiii'oiceinciits. mid soon returned with Mr. ( 'oliiiiili.is Johnson, who boldly advanced upon the monster and discovered it to hc-a bahooi. ! Jt was iiliout ,S or Ut fee! long, and about '1 fee! in diameter, and was tipped opt ii by failing i.gaiust the limb of a tree.. 1 i , '"Ti'll Nllif. ot H.Mlfll. , r T:I: '"' 'Nty Cosimissiom:hs : Gktu.ukn: As supcrintcndi lit of the Jioard of lleallli of Chatham county I beg leave to make, this my annua! report. ; D.n ing my term of ollice. bi ginnin"- 'the 1st day of Jaunarv. 1 SS.'i. J have t ndeavoreii as best ! rn.i.d to coinj.lv with the dm ies ot mv posh i,m. jii iukii.g out mv inoni'hlv icporfs to the Secretary of the Male Hoard of , II. a;th 1 reg.et to say that. 1 have !. h ,?,.s7. of the Slate n,,al' ut in;- during the pre -en! tin assisiance ii is possible lor them to furnish. The Stale board of Health has .-ent me for distt ii.ution mono g:aphs on dill'i iciil ili-casts and on iho various method-, for bi iugiie' about sanitaiy lel'orms. Tin :,e pam phlels I will be gla 1 to distribute toge'her wilh ceilaui blanks upon which physician- cm make their re pents. Jt i., h.tlihy l.ece.--,i!y for me te dwell on the ilnpo: tauce if secitl ing accurate sia' is ies in ii terenee to the number of deaths, lie- prevailing disease, and the sanitary condition of the count v. " " V.ry ui'Dis counti's i;, th,. State have already oigaui.ed Ji .aids of 'Ilea. th. aud others are uipid.y fol lowing their example. In ihii way it is hoped that the liiolia.llv. the prevailing di -cases, and the s.nui.iiy condition of the entire Sod call be accinati ly found out. Tins inti.i ni.i tioti will hoi oil y In-valuable to those who de.-ire to lieeoui:- citlens of the Staie. but likewise a help to the med ; iea' pi ot'ess.o.i in the treatment and i prevention of iLs, ase. It is my p.e.tsiile to report that the poor-house and jaii f.:e in good con. ll. ion. J a t lie loi liter at pit-sent ihet.- are thirty-sesen paupers, all of' whom air- well fed. wei. hou -e I and conn'o; tail y c.o.hed. Most of Ihem .-irti il'ilieied s;tii cliionic di ease, either as the it.-.i.t of oid ae oi mlsl'oituiie. Four of these pailpi-rs are insane and et-iilin - l in the b,ii:d- ligM-iapait for iijis purpose. They aie caled i'm as coiuiot labiy and as tendeiiy as tiie .-in roiin. lings sviil ad. mi. During the pas: year there .veie fourteen deaths a' the poor- : ; lioiise, and w ll h l he except ion of out: 1 ac i lie ca-e. an wio tiie unavoidable ; tei minauiiii of o.d age and chronic; ; tioiib e. Since Jahll U V. 1 SS.'i, there 1 ' ttave bet u iu tiie co.inty one suicide, three murders and four lynched. In a:l these cases the cause of death being so apparent an autopsy was not in cessai v. From tiie llil'orma iion 1 iiase b en able to gather trout valio is paits of tiie eo-nny iin-re was ess sickness timing the past year i halt many veins previous. Nose-' lliotis epidemic prevailed, with the 1 except ion of t ilier a severe type ol , : measies last winter. Since lauouiy ' l.i-.t 1 have seemed the admission of ' six b, unties into the a-ylu..!s at Hal ' oig'i and (i.ndshoro, thiee -.-hhe atitl , ! .inee co.olcd. I lu cone. titling this report 1 reel it , my duly to cotui.ieiid Mi. I'ot. the present stipei niti ii lent of the poor , lioiise. tor liis kiuda'id humane treat , iiit-ut of the unfortunate beings who I are commit ted to his can. t ry le.spectluov, J.N). M .is.sMst.. M I)., Supt. lioaid of Health. rtMC'iitat. l-'ri.in Uti- Nw V-.tk J,.urml ..f C"nitni-r-o. Thei,.,.', ,n,e.r ,,!' .,.1 ..... ';,!.,. ihn j , " stuiuo.iug block to the notice. F.veh expei i iiic.l newspittt:r wi iters olten become mtei Led when thev altemit: lo speak of it. l ie- a-cending static 1 is easy enough, l ive added lo U(l is a gain of "Jo per ci nt: given an;. : sum of ligui t s,y lie doiib.ing ol" it e ; an a, hill 1011 of lull 1 r eenl, lhi J tiie inoment lite change is a dccleas lug ca.culation the inexperienced ! mathematician be; rays himself, an, I ! even the c-xperi is apt to stumble or! go astiav. An advance -'rom 2-.) to ' 2.") is an increase of 2 ) pi r cent; bin the reveise of this, that is, a decline from -J"i to I'll, is a th crease of onlv 7.00 , iil per cent. Theie are many pcr i sons, utiierwise iliteliigetit. who can not see why the lediletioti of lilt) to nt) s noi a dioicae of lilt) per cent, if an advance fiom ell lo lull is an inci case of It) a per cent. The other day an aiticle of nn rchandise svhicii had been purchased ut 10 cents a pound was rcso.dat Ihl cents a pound. a pi olit of 200 percent., wlieieup.iu a writer in cln oinciing I he depression. settlal invoices of tho same class of goods w inch had cost over .10 cents per pound had been finally sold at HI per pound, a loss of over 2-)l per cent., because this wipes out the whole instrument. An advance of liom 10 to l!:l i-a gain of 20, 1 per cent; but a decline from HO to litis a loss of only iKi'j per cent. A Musiiiiiceiti 'A:i'.;ilnx. rr..m llio FnyiHlrvlll oi.i..f v.t mrf (laz.-uo. T.ie time for the .stj,;nd o'" w .rk h .riied ai d unceasiiij'. the !'.. I. i of the iili:.i. rand t In-e.i p. nt.'r's hid hi', has I'in.illv pa -t. and Mr V. U 1:imi toii's iie-.v i-'ore has lor the .u-t i'ew days I'halh iim, , tlie adn irati in . f tne inovii,).' I lit olio's upon the s! i . "i i.i.d at tnV'ht has nltr.it!.. ) lini.oKiis to "ts biulinntiv lig.ite.i inteii.r. Tin it purler f ti.e )lisi i . r a; ii '. in;-, i i le a 1 lion ugh tour of u ..--pec: .o.i I I lie immense huiidiu ad.i-. or two since, and presents to ;lie iea is of tie' paper an accurate di -sci i;-t ion of this h.t OMiparubly the ha. i!s .m-st -it jo North Car.iliiia. mi1i i -w eij.i lis iu liny seciiou of the eien . v. ' ; Thi sfi r.ctine froiils ."i2 f. ( t o.i I Jav s'ree!. h s a depth i f 1 J;l I'e: t am ss (ill fiel in l . i;. lit. with tinve oii.-s. 'J'he lirst f has a pit, h of 1 t !. tlie sei-on.i, :.. t, i t ami tne tl ir l. i feet, iind ii goo-l idei may ! f.u in d of the grt'.at si. ! ;he eil.lii'- w'.i ii we sou.- ti.at tne Mst ii'ior (i.'JI'l soiiaie feet ( t'i'Xi so; cej... e V II of spare. '(he iiliiio.- lin; !1 die i at Ions aie faeltlis in t;.-ft 1 Ml 111 eee.iti,.ii. Three i in nj ii- (o-,;te;s. which are no! sui) a s, v hi. t.i iil? of like cl a-acli r ill tie palatial sto,s of !io,.d civ, oeeiij.;. tne ceiln- of the e Dini.J ll.mr. t..e side walls be-nt; oiliameiiit d with si l'.-ng c i'.nte s (thiee on en h si.ic; of b'liilif.d de si.e;n. wbieh. i:h the shlv. i. an paint' din d a I white, trimmed in 1 ed ai;.l ;.'i ild le if a i innbiiial ion im s' plea-ill!' to the avtistie eye. muror- handsomely mounted into the walls at iutci a!s- tiie shi lo.c of tie- cu sti .i.icl . cadavi-ion:? or poitly. never less while under the i1.iss La.ge lllf let o that be he grows t -of of tins liinhiii'g I lie hclii s I't'liting room, liatiil-oiue and coev.-.ii";,!: the livate oftiee of the t-slabli-hu-p-.', cotnpletf in all ii - arrangeuients. tl e getiertl tifliee. la. ing the front il-i i decor .ted v. j!, s--io;l wink, plate and ciith' dt ii gi .ss; and a Aloi.-.e t h va lor for goods or p i.-sengers. runni: g troni tne 1st to ii.e I!;,! ii .or. take the rear of the store A large don! le stairway wil n i i.ili. rately i arved it-dusters also co, id. it-Is to the upper floor. Two vers- elegant hint-is ! ft et in In i'ht give warmth and eom-f-it '. isn I 7-1 m il ile gus-b'ir;icr-. lood with cght. ill ll i- beautiful an i t j.i -tii'iiliotis itiiei ior. i 'nu i-v.iio! front, massive an! solid ;.s ll i-. p e-ei,ts a If ,ia: k tliU 1:1:1 and gr i.-, I' ll app"!ir llici . pi I i'e. t ill s; mint-try in. d tleliitei turai pro portions. It is 1. 1. keu by one door, ii.e gl.ii.d eiiloi 't-e from til- vesti bule in ti.t s o, variegui- tl color; .-.i;h tin- lu.ii.oi's i n:ne svoi ked ut a special i op il t. t i It for this c.-iiit i a.-; . Oil eteu si le of the cut ranee are t.vo gt.a' slni'V wisdoAS li!A If-t m heigiit and "l feet del J) Til c -1 ; ' i ft loltV fronts is i o!,stniel d of l'i.iia- deiphiu pressed l.riek--t!i" hiii-s! made and a luas-ive plinth of ham m'-r-divs:-.-1 granite supports the front eh-satioti. All the stone work caps for wind-'ws, milium, tran som:.. (.-.- -is of th - be-1 Old IV c t,.ie. and lie- t lia e-.tta wo;!;, pro-f.t-e iu ipt tniily and hands. .11.. ;n e titi 11. also com-' li nn Cliiei:ma!i The great ii tilt columns su-ioor-i -g the bull. ling Welti fa-hinlifi 1! 1. e .'imil hies of lb: hhi'-u.l. wn -e the factories of New York lilt ins- i d I he heavs patte iind sp,ea. tid c i! nt;il gla s Til 1-t fl.i.ir will be deso-ed to .1 tall dl V go ids, tin- -Jnd tio ir to '.viitiiestib' thy gitoil-a. d Ihe lird floor to wholes ile boot.-, and shoes Me.s.-i-s. M-ikepeii -e .V Co.. of S ,11- ford. X have in this wo k :;b-h an admirable t-xhiblii m of tin ir skill and N iith Carol. mi t n'ei pi i-e, for to them beltings tiie ere. lit 01' the euiire o.terior svood wt rl:. w hiie Mr F. . ',,',1. the st:pci vi-i.n; ar.-hitect. and Messrs. A. 1) Wiight A Urn, the contra. -tors, have evinced their taste. : ability stud dispatch in a model oi' : architecture wed worthy of even this levteii.ied no! ice. j We doubt not that Mr Thornton feel.- a pi id iu his splendid e.bfne iiier oaiurd feelino, l'..r i' is a grand -. t--i pri-e. in be tlive of c an I mend ible ineigy and 11:1 e-1 tr red 1 iieimc spi which his tor a long ' time g-veil t i.tploymc ut to a huge 1 ivorking force, .-.ltd the iilteiii.r t fleet ! of which t-itiiliiii but I"' beiielieial to ihe tow n. May t he h-.lsinc.-s oi the : pt. 'pi iet or. abreast ot" the gr- -it pro i ,'icss which is in; itiiy t-xtt-;i.l..g the ! iride opeia'ions 1 f l'ntf-esil;--. i'.ud ! even t lic.-t- itroad walls too narrow. ! al.d may the oldest of us witness the ' npi i-ariitg of not one but scores o i -in h biiiidmgs ou our piiueipal ! streets. Greensboro I'airiot: It would eiititiiilv be jo n!if ing could a plan lie (-fleeted loi' utiliing tile l.liiol 1 f ivinty j-if-oiiers. This is a subject hit is worths ot a cut fill and pl.ti-t.-al co'isideliilioti by the p- o;.le i t X 11 th Carolina. Thisclussof ci iinina , Which Otir State keeps locked lip III luge huiiiIk rs for months ut 11 lime, ut the expense o! he;! g waited on and led, grows linger every yt ar as the extent of our population increases. ' ' Ulford county jail lias now aoout t''i prisoneis. ami nventg. s In. 111 m j 'o eight. se suppose, all the yt ar Mound. We base the worst leads in ; the country. 'I ll" labor ol these c: i::i , itlnls titthed in the working i f ll:e-e ' I'oiids. SVii.lhl pri se a large be-ielii nat 'ten. the ami lii.an. iady. but I. iu town and county, svlioine nosv paying fm the jii isoners to only sit in j ul. We tioiic..- I ha', the j lii of Wayne contain- j ed hist week. '.!" prisoners. S unt-. Ifatln u. aie 11 -t as nine the lieu! hen as we think: lead .1 liometatt proverb 'God has In Me the ..I Hue gs 01 tins wot 1.1 to r.- lieV-t I. Ul ll("'es-lt It s. not to l et- .1 d our virtues: ; I cse will be n-warde I in e.iuither woi Id ' U e know of it" gl'eille)' necessity to be rehevid. than a stubborn old, and sve know f no bettt-l- relief tiiau Dr. H. tits ( ouh Syrup. 'Yhr Di'i'.i) uf Noi tti t iii olitia. Kn.r.i fM WiIMiiv'...i s.i.r. 'in.' y!ii Jjvi.'i ias lo esi eptio.i to other yens that hav.. i,rec'"h"l it. Millions of tlm i,i lh ' iuhi.blt .lilts ee:'.ed to live in this w( ;-.d. J n North Ci.o.ir.a in every seeiioi! good and ust li.l and worihy men and women have laid down their burdem ulid fl;te.l upon ihe life be Mid. Men iu Ihe pm : d :i t. men in I) isi liens preacher.-, ediiois, f.n mci s. lawyers. i(n in ot her c.i and lionoi -th us and v hae passe, has on tile i; soni'- of I!, or iv. 1 men causes had s've! 1 t lie net Wiiiiou Ii. Were p;o;u, and 1.- ';. i died dm;;- loi .-. in: ehfmies an, I men in-' ! in i wei i -teeun d i!Ci 1 1' tic re il-(-;'i i .IV I'h C : t li.l l)f I . to tin- S ale er. 1 he Sial ic, 1 year noted ;-;iu svorkeis e U!id oilier wot I; who ci ol. ,.; s of X. 11 1 ii Carolina, ing all. 'o give ad who oi. Ill oi liigi! y esteemed it; ' lo 1.' ci n -!:s w iio hit s e r i!:e : ea. t h f is gone 11.101. - som. oi them. It 1 t ha! N 1 . it 1 arolina has in e inn liet-h Itcie.r.t best. i:,.-. a; a, e iiiunhc: e. We 11 call 1 hi Di. M il.-e N Moiii-ou. D . In lies C Dr. II. C W. :i 1 ' ti.tl some of her and s altcib e ,11,11 Ii the ih-ii.1 ot' lSS.'t. i, j. : Whitehead. H. v W. fo III. i:g iii. Ii. I! liellelor, j ;.i" . W oii'im Lea. ' ( jo. .,1. Siie- les. i in iiit is I. Xoruian. w. i; . in-. son. Co1. I'iO,'. W ('. 1). il 1. s.ii. I !v i iei Dr. tl - j.- e.., biiim I-I :.', Dr. -I. ti Hrti.lv. 1 a .; ,).,,,,.-. s. An de son. Kt v II. .'.i ( h hips Ih v. I. Hull, Kev. .1. ,!. t'. i'uke. -I. M. .!' -iky. Chau.i ev ;l. . kins, I li lt am I 'a lwell. i.ev. IJi-iii s Gray,1 Ib-v. Wiliiainl.'arl. 1. M D.. I ir. Tho's. : I. Hughes. Dr. J --ti.t '11 i 11 F. (been. Maj Ibij'us I lull. .. li-v. Charies H. i I'.illillis. K v. .i .'i n X. iib'ews, Kev. 1 Lt'Wl-'. M.ij. llliiilMUU J v Ii II. 1 !,;, ion-. William e . ib'V. ti.tbt-f! 1'. Hibb, I !).. 1. New A il i c: t i li-iiii n i s. .'lit- iiii.l.-r-,-:,.'.!. ii ' -il'tii i,-,-;i;.i ..lici'l iiv Ui,. !il-rs ..i :;.,.. mi st tt-ui-i- -t-:;..- f -i.-n .t.y. ,ii- nil .-..i.t -o-ll.r-. o. it,....; .c .iY-1'Ms . ti'inw i.,iti-i -. :: ,. ... I.,.,. ! ' .1 l M V. oi. ic ... ,i,i; 'i i : u t,, i -s . . a s i i n, 11 ' i: ;o 1, I.. 1 . sxil'i:s. Jimuiift SlKD.S: ' For I'tlo! tin I ioi-Oi i'e- .i.i.n i.i rn s .il fti. t c i l o . .IM '.-I. itiil 1 ir si t, I.M.I1. lull. Wi.i t.:i.u . N pOHTti.VC.F. Ssi.i: -V vi i; - li 'II i: ..: .i av r i; t- --.ci' I ! T ' U-im l-lf t,v 'I' It l.ie- in i-una ,'.-. ii l . .1 ,'l S n I lust, .in I i-.-.eii-l .1, pit-- t,,i. CI iiti.1 4U .. n.-ii "ii a " In il Ill '' U.'- li-s-l- - r .c .1 1 ... I.e t.ll 111. It i . II III on-1.' I. I. 'itiiin-i.' I." .lun'cipy sv. I ol si: ix. iA-, in-.r. OT!' 'I'. I!Y VIIMI'K OK A . i: ,- .'11 -. .'. I Kill. ,- I, . ti.T-., l-niKi...ro. Mil I l-ill II l 111 s 1 .1 I.. -n,. t. Iii.t.-iii Inn I. Jitnil.tl , k. k ... i, H.I'SToS. M.IJ S'0'!T''!', . COM-, ll, ?' UV YDIIT I'i OF A ..r t lcel,, M.ll. I... ii... -... .: la Vi in: i. m -JT !'l'. OF XOK I if CAUOLlXA ' C.U N I V t.i' el lit .'. !,. liOlt.totl. lis SV ! 1 1- Tin- Is a In tit;. siat.iiioK r ,.! .1.11..- i;tls. o-ln-i-. :. ii i il. in - s'.na rn it, ii.s-. .lohii .,.i- .ii.l .1 Mil- si.,,,, Ia,., nt.-,. .,iiii I,.i, "lu ll,.' I .e, . tun. 'II (To i Jouil.u ) i .-,ii.: , c. s. c. John V lb. sai l. II lb my .loi Dr. L. (i. Wind Dr. '.a-to:, ). r ,!,!,. FM;- .) Vo-.i'ig, D.-. I. F. Ca',. -: -s. 1 1 . Sydney X ' lohnslon, I h c-i is .1 I'. 1 son. Cap . ( Kindo.ph A So . -.m11. .I'.hi 1 W'. No:- ' wood. 1'iof S ..shijig ,,11 C. Ken, Sam. iei S ila'ii-on. .i.tm.-s.l Li-ch-ford. A S. Sin;!.,; I. .1, tsej.it Dohsoii. ' C..I r.d v.od c. V-';, ,.. -,'o:. .i,,.,e,h : S.tuiiilc! s, D-'. . ic ( i . a.-.tn;. ( l.'Oi ge t'. AJose-. .I,,,! ,i. M.i.e, .j-iM If V.iill.g. .); 1;.- .I,-iv,,-. Jl.ihel! : M. II-1.1 v. !.. .1.. . s 1, !!al'. .loim K.1.1 liio,-.!!. i'm;,' .i .hi, I. '.,.:.-r. . V.'i. i.tm ti l 1 -.it,- .,. I .. V .1. T. ' Miils:. .Lain II. Iiippiu it. id 1 G. L.auca 11 . , 1 Alonanee (it-im-r: D-puty ('.- .-:-:o. C X '! In;:e. D p tty ! ush. 1 l"l n.'C Wall-.ii, :: ,.; 1 ml tcsei.iii a;!.) S W,.i , la cli- a !,t.d in (ban 1 vtlle. hang" i I A; iin.i.c e coi.i:,i-s eugli nisi v me ten da v s i ,1 , in- 1 mind I he ilestiic.- l tw. e or !;f.-e;i stills. I 1 : . 1 . . . . . 1 ..:... . I A ;t. ' . " -ii i 1 1 i i -i . i.-- ii - ii - u i. ins llii-ckade.. (i. .ih,'l.,l Ms l.es, neai Cl.-ljel II. ii. .Mt.-le tlaV found I'.' -'aii.ls i 1 tii.i.-h oso u l.i'i gt io.t stil of ihe 1 ap.i I'.;, ol .')') i .Hons jier iia. a g.-r t'. tn aey 0 ,01 t nl still in l);a,lge OU .!'.. N I ll'l-'-ts wen I iici.ie'. Tie o ! :s if .1 Sski-i eiietf... i fS ,-d ,Mt'e.::v.,sin..ft:,;o.gofafew era a;s wiiti it. ir eaia-. .. s at one tin- 1 a oilier. j The iiiim'o r of e.ie, .i-s.-ions issued I I : 'o iicti ; h ci:.--.-; -.i-.it.i.t le, - ...uci the 1 four!!i ot Marcli ,.i-t is l.Al. The ill -i ,-i.ai.s ..i ( hu! am will' I and oi.te-1 winuc-a:.- hoilie 111 'i lie city. I h" oniy ;-e that sells ! drv goods noii eis nt wholesale: only I i.t if gio.-eis sl-i-- i - full of: : g.M..:s in ti,:u In " Tie ;, bny dried j t'liiii. wool. la :-. !' -";. (-..'gs, .vc. .1 W -., o : r .v Co. ! "nw Ailyvrtisei:!eiis. A AM: :;alk. t v vu;tu: of I III' I-IIIH-. ..r . url v.;i . i.e l...i on i. r i i-.-n ia .....it,. ..mi i. 'Hi v .r i.l.riiil. v. 1; s lie- M.. .'.- .I. ..,.,- -i.-r.-ln. ..ft ..r .'.imI In :..iv h .." ..u Usui,. I . i'..- :tic Jn.'iiai-'l ; ;;-. .:, . ( 1, j,.ij .11 ;.:ii-l ..r 1; n II. -II- mini .mil ..iii.-r., mi lii lilJ'.Ill Imi :i-Tt 4 .-Ii, iili.l l..t!;iii-. Ii. . tn..n I... wl:l I' 1" ! ll. I.I. .1 I I I. la.l.lS. y lf.li. aOKTII CAKOLIN'A. t CI! Til l it ( I sri'Fiiinii ei.i in. i- ,'t,iinal-ir;ii..r ,,i J. A. Y,.ni!t-k Win. S. I'arrt-ll, Jaiiif ri-ll nii-1 ..tlt.-tv 'III! : : . "lill J.pwi'i- llll t" 'Milk. ' i-l fSlHt Nsis .. - fc.-i 1 1,-tui -ti : iiii-l it-. urT Iiiimiiu i.r.!rn-ti ! . , 1 'ti'v l s u in ii "ii.-. 11 .' .lu, ,M lur : ti-l'. .I.l.i. . Kiirn-a in. I Miia-nii SI. . ,11 ,!! i... nut. Ii- ry 1. 111 Ii. 'nil. ,11 In ii. t 111111,11 laz uli, ,, li; 1-.- I- : l,tT.-;,.ri- irtvi n 1,, .-ui 1 ,1 1-m 1., ..i- ir.i- 1 ..m,1, ia.--.-r.. 1 .I.-,,, l l.ill.i-ir-il;,s:C., !!:i. .,iru;i.., ,,l u-i,, i.., ,. ,, juili;. Il.i-lll Hill I,e iltKI'U IliMln.v ll,...n ,r.. ,,;ef.,.. w. F. I 01 sill.t, o. s. C T. II. sv m m k Aiti.nn-y. 1 1. .. laIYS:st SEED HOUSE mVVIH 1 ii'l r .r N. k 1 11 ust rati ! nl.iiui: 111-'. ' I SSli, ami p.i.i - ..I I ;. I.I s. . ..... ji.uileil VH!il T. W. WOOD & sons, .fftiolffcute attl Itflail St-viiMiiati, Kii-liiitoiU Vft. GilKFriNG. Nearly atjii.titer of a ctnturv ago. 10 i liis ci y. I t-iig.iged 11 the Dl s ii 10 Is husilit ai.d ilelcr li,.lnil fl'oin the bikini ing to sliiet!;. a 11, ere to. -ind in.-, t a l the th ma-, lsatal retpliit ini-uls. in the fullest i-ii.se. that tie- tiade r -(putod 'U-siigesled. Tiie early lu--ie.tse iu my sides mul volume of biisiiiess js h cutis incing nud satisf.t tory proof that my efforts 10 maintain u Tuoiio:-i!il.v Ivjcii-i-t.il. I'l.isr Class MiV GOODS sTGKK in t lii s city have been npjiieciated. 'I he public have in".st gein-i ously fltid ciildiaily assi-ted um in this lin lei taking, and luy thanl.s for tins cooperation tire abundant. I tiu.-t it will be coiisideied art 11 11. '...liable piide when I sta'e that My I'l.r.sKNT E TAni.lsilMKNT IS liis Hacflsomsst in liis Sfliiil. svithiiiit a riv.il in elegance, b.-ati-tv. .sei .pe mid iiiiinei.sii v. No omte iili a of ils -iei I'eetia-s.s can be given in this iiuuled spa- e. And. as svus tin- o1 j- -t in this go e'iog. I Xii ll. I io -. mi o: e -ii'd till, each and Individ. laiiv. all ill v 1 1 ti imi lo - :il i an. I iii-ike a thor- eiion of this reallv h .iiitifi:! store. I wish veil all Merry ( :iristnias aud Happy New War. THANK THO!;Xl'.)X. F.vK-r'rKvn.i.E, N. C, J.u.'iiarv 7. lShli. ots. HAPPY Xl-W YEAH TO ALL Ol" it I rriiiMiaiB and wmmii Wc f ri k - this . j.i J t'nity of thanking our f: ii n Is for their Ida i .-tl pat ronage and hope to lilt l it a C ii; jiiuauce t f : he same. We 111 still I iv and k-t p t -vers thing sou ssish an 1 svi'l try and 11 to you i.s cheap Ihe .nods can be had a:: v where. We w iil st ill con tinu to give CA.-.M customers 1 ec;al imhicemelits. ir stock will ALWAYS BE COMPLKIL' id vsill not be allowed to run down in tiny di pmtment. an alsvuvs find FLOWS of all kinds; u, d FLOW CASl'lXC.S. which ssili! he sol I at very bottom prices. Also j i ' a good stock of ;j;Ai:s. ;;' siioyf.ls. i-'ouks. ; MATTt)i'K.j. jlUACIN. i HAMF.S. COLLARS. j LINKS, ttid fanning implements gem-rally. I We have a less- 1 V7AS3KS AND BUGGIES : svhicii will be sold low. j Rf'ini ntber yon can lind anything j you ssish If you don't see it ask bn j it. We still base a sph ltd tl stock of j DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS, i NOTIONS. II VKDWARI'.. ilNWARF.. j DIU'GS. ' I URXITURK. (SROCF.RIKS, i CONFF.CTIOXF.tilFS. j ilOF.S. ROOTS. IS ATS. Ci()t!K FRY. 1 ami the best SI'AYING MACHINF. made i It ss ill always pity you to call and git posted, if nothing ne i--. it W. i. X.OETDOrJ'S Jan. 7. ISSti. I SLF HY Vllt- , ... i.t-c;itfi m mm tiv W. .Iu . 11, 1 win H-rii at r" . 'II lnynt KKilltC-AKV. 1 'tec tin 1 11 i-Mitiiy, it ti-'M'H, mikJ ad f Ruik-p, Ttioiuai SVi ,;:-nr vin- I , t,-ii'M ,v lle-irjr '.".1 l ,n .- i.t Mf Ii, ! 1"- ri'Ulsler i.f r it tr- MI.V:'.. I will I,. ,t..,r ,, I KIU.I A. V. ; i !! III! , mrt III'.--' SloMlAV iu i'.t'-' ..1 IH.ill lii Oak. - il l ili-ury liliinuru l:" c?iStK. I.H.-r fi-r sal" 11 mi. or h it. .livhipj Intt-rost .11 tlia: valiial.if itii l i:..,-k- river, kti-.wu a "l-.i. . mill." .si,.,, mhhi. iiriTcal in Urn stuff limif uii.l iiiin Km ii,..-ii.i Willi wtld mill. I i- rui -m-r I11...1 ii.na .u iici-ly to," 1. MM I.T St. DAItK, j f..-. ;t, Hitr,. fM, oitl.Ujj.uN.C. I C. F. Y. IASLWAYr Mmi Tise Klo Hd; 13, To lake eli'ect Molitl.lv. Nov. 2 lbHo. lull V ti'Ki-r St M -.V. SlKll V I'nss. 1.1'iin-. e Sftiv.-, i M. l..'M". ffl " 4. on I IS ivyo n. ii di . m. " ,ti,u--. y..TO ui rtur.if.l tor din ni l'Ht-tif iu for Tfllilts S-illtli l...,c,. , I . li.titii North tviiiii.l will lienor. l-ri-lirht mil l'ar",-iitr,-r 'I'n.tn li-nvt-s lirnnrttf. villi- TutiMi.(in, -riinri.iu's in, i sniur.lays ni a.M it'ttit ut su ,i- Ii, ti at 4 30 i. in. Ittlli ly. ai - p m Milfoil 'la ..1-tVs t.ifl Tli.ttntHys..:ni a: ll' K ni., klid ..e Sor-h l.(itvf "a i la .- ..i..l V n lays tt i l wi ll .:i?la ... hiiiVtt Snnr,.r,l r.t !, oIOIll .v,ti p. , iio-. 'l ine,, no., aai - him i il . I '.' ,'l , HI. in n, liHii i Kuit. l-lll'M.ll- oil .to ilia an ih a. Ihh .ISO. M K.!r.. te COM HI (TI.D TIM I' TABLE. No. i -.,.,,v 2 1-avH a s pi It Hi t it a 4 a.s n oi IK.ta Ml k u a: .-. .a i . Ill I lln-el. 11 . ic at , , I m . i ; nt n m ;ik a Hill - in ;ti y r i in j i-!-iv litili'in, ft ::u,i "ttip ti H.'.mli-i wii.i 2. i : it-.titi- .mil. rra lii ml. il,.,fo itiimluT 'I '-"lit. ccT- ii 1.. ui'h Hit-liai'Mf" j Ic-tiT'.-i'i r-r nil cnt ti-nli. Th. l.'-.;il i'm."!1 ir.iii., (.usi'iier tAr niiH -hf.l, lein.-s l;;itiii-rli al .v;.u k. iu a'i-' Hi p. ni. , JOHN C. wiNir.iT,Siii.pnaicnau'. EoAEOLTOFSllirS Vell knosvn iii this county fur .a voiiderfui healing propeities for l.one :'t-lous. boils, burns, diphtherial. ,-. I'reiari.l l.y I. II. IIOLTON. ii.MtNOTO.v, N. C. i'or sale bv II T. Cilsl'iN. rjtt d'.r;', .lens rs::!it...i-:t. I.o-,-l;vil:e. ni Hoi. 1 1.. Kvi j.tsj. Merry Caua. MAgents i.-.iiiittd -MfeR 1'rice 'J.') cents a box. llcii-rs t.. ir-. II liicli.ini :" I Apl il 31', l'SS. 11 QUI 1 i f ! i I E n I i il ! u GIIOCESS AND - C05I3ISSI0II MSRCHAHTS, l AKilV IX .SID: K A FULL LINE OF Heavy Groceries. Hauuiim and Ties A SS'i'.iTALTY. consigi;:ti:nts of. Coltcn and Produce SOLICITED. WYATT TAYLOR, i sitris ami IU l'.i Hanoi: l'j ace, i: it-; rn ui, N. C. 21. isso. FIRE! F1KE!! IU' 1 Tiitleiit and m m mm in Tin: H. C. HOME IUSnHAHCE CO. his eompans lutx been in sltcces-oM-r;itioii tor set i-litecil veurs. till It is SAFE, SOLVENT and PROMPT ill the jitis tiit iit ul' ils losncs. n :n!e,n All kinds of F.iiiMings insured at reasonable nttt s. Re warned by the losses ol' your neighbors and insure in lime. ix. a. x.orcx)oi7, Agent. Hviit. I". 1HH, 1 T-JOKTGAGK '1(1, .,1 m..,-l T WII.-..X, .... i. . hi ii .. ' . ' ii? ft' ft if, w. U i. ' f i -.1, 4,..'

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