TuiTituniv niri?v- TJ1URSDA1. FEBRl Alt! 1Sh LOCAL RECORDS. MTTheiuaiiy friends of Col. Joseph Thompson, of this place, will be pleased to hear that his cotid it ion is improving, although he.- still cou - fined to his Im.l .v. m. i i ii... .-:..i of the county will "meet here for the '..I .i VUl IJl-SC tI VOIlMllltll 1ULT LIIU UtlflklU'll of lebuildiuf? thr bridge at Heuleys mill ou Haw river. WWa take pleasure iu calling atteution to the advertisement of Vfouru T H Hrimru A' Siiiw u'lmaro 111. i. .1 1 I i.l ao well knowu to the people of Chat- liaui as 10 ueea no luiroiiuciion. MIThe weatber has been so pleas aut for several days that the fanners are beginning to break up their ground. The severe winter has caused all farming operations to be .. i i i 3 VOa the 17th mat. Mr. W. li. Hick., who lias charge of the grad- "bt-Ai lier UrolUer, hnepper.i Minis, ingof our railroad, was married to leached her, she was lying on 1 er Mi.s Mollie Dunu, of Kaleigh. The.Kt mde, a piece of roamed flenli, RicoliD exteuds its bent wishea to the nliuost devoid of clothing, hhe was happy eouple for a Ioiik life of wed-1 dedbiiss. Fayetteville has lost one of its most useful citi.eiis in the death of Mr. A. A. McKei ban. Sr., which oc curred on last. Monday. He was noted for his indomitable eiieigy, st lii t integiily, uml KiiiHikable pub lic spirit. Received, among other things this week new ciop Cuba Molasses, Momuthiug very nice. I......I..I. alsoalaige lot of Shillings, Sheet ings. Laces, Jlambuig and other triuimings very cheap. Wiil receive this week a lot of line sted Iiish potatoes.' Fresh lot Oat Meal and Fancy Groceries. taT Our tow n authorities have 1 ..: c ... . a c . ... .. . . " urn. ujii f i. ' 1 uays iiiioruvH uie coiuii'iou oi our sneers and sidewalks, aud it would he a good thing if the overseers of the public roads in the county would tiy now to iuipiovc their roads. The road from here to Monciire is still impassable in some places, which could be put iu good condi tion with a little ditching. a&r Great reduction in pi ices at London' j this week All kinds of Win'er goods for Ladies and GcnU : marked down, down, very low. Now!ju is the time to supply yourselves ; ' bring Ihe canh. London has still on -). floor of the Hillsboio Warehouse hand a lot of Arid Phosphates .-n.l ; HS covered with tobacco, and the Kainit which will be sold on tim or streets and yard adjoining the ware for t ash. He k eeps the best Tob.. ceo houe were ciowded with wagons and Cotton Guanos. Give him i call - WMilin r to unload. before you buy. Gooi PittcKs. At a recent sale at the Chatham tobacco warehou.iu at Siler there were some unusually high prices paid. Mr. Marion Perry sold one lot a. $1 a pound and another lot at 50 cents, ami Mr. T. M. Had icy sold a lot at ti'.t ecu is and another at 2(1 cents a pound. If all our fanners could get such prices they would soon be rich. A Cun.n Btruxr. One night hist week the cubiu of a colored mini in Cape Fear township, named Juek Markn, ciiukIiI u tiro and wan dc etroyed. In the lofl weie tlnee of his children r.leeiiu', and hetnre they could he ieciied one of lliem tt boy uhout 10 yeaiHuld wits hiniil to death. When the the whs discov ered the ladder lending to the loft was huriiing, and the two childieii, who were waved, jumped to the ground on the outside. A Cl'KIOl'S RumiT.- (!hatham i noted not ou'y for the number of its tabbits but also for its curious mies. Mr. C. C. Cheek, of Ore Hill, has sent to the Rkcokd's luu.seuiu u stuff ed rabbit's skin that is quite a cuii osity. It is the skin of not only an unusually large rabbit but of a veiy pciiliar color, miia almost while. ' but not like the white pet rabbits that aio Hoineiiuies seen. A few ! . .ii .i i -1 years ago, Mr. Cheek, who deals ex- lnu;..lii in Liiw un.l f.i.M u..i, ,w .. vellow rabbit s skin. i ... : Oub Raii.koai). Nearly four miles of th Pittsboro" lailroad are : graded and ready for traoklaying. ' Du. ing the past two weeks, the weather having been more favorable, work has been ,,ushed along rapidly. , Cross tie, are being cut as rapidly as possible, and d timber for the trestles is being gotten out. Woik has begun ou the big embankment at Seymour's, which will take sometime to liuish. On account of the ill Hi -cu'ly of hauling lumber over the almost impassable roads, work was auspen.leii on tue convict quartern, near Mi. LutUer Cleggs, hut will he """' ".. .." ......... resumed as soon as possible. This umn of the bridge and knocked d nvi. , HAimisui Bo. Pa . leb 20 This suspension of work on these tpiar- one of us spans. A young colored , mug while four men and a boy ters has given rise to the silly rumor ,IIIIU named Leslie Winn, fornieily! wtu-e atienipting tocioss the Susqiit' that the convicts would soon be l'JO postmaster at Mount Olive, met j hitnna, tho boat .capsized and the four taken away from our railioad alto- 'h'ath by the accidental discharge j men were drowned. The boy suc ccther i f 'l's K""' W''''B l,t gnnniiii'i on ceeded iu clinging to the boat and The road bed that has already ' l''''day lust. The body was found iu i was rescued aimut two miles below. i. i. ...l.j 1...1.1 ii 1 the woods with his dog keeping faith-! The lad who was saved was a won of i. i. i ii ...i... i '. UUl IO linn ii u.iiiiurtt i an nniiiiKVD . j .:. i i:. .... seen ii, rcnecinig muiu eietiti on, -- ; n-- - - , . , , , n. ,, . , those engaged iu its construction. ' th4 left w and passed through tho , Meelton and going to their homes at Much of the work can uow bo seen ! causing instant death. New Cumlieilaiid. The boat was too from ihe public road, and, as ourj Favettmille Observer: Mr. John . lienvily laden to live through a wind citizens travel to and from Moncui e, D. McNeil, of Seventy First township. H,,"'' wL,,.u wus l'' vaihng. An ef they stop to look at it, and all begin ,,aveusthe particulars of a deplorable ot. w lmtf .h.1h to recover the to realize that a railroad is ready ralamity which took place a few daVs '''1"' bV f not thought this can coding to our old town. The con- siuco in that vicinity. All the we'd-' l, ;"l'ml.eL as the river is still victs ai;a doing good work, aud the ding preparations had been made for ! "a"'1 ffetit ftl)0ve '0 average. officers iu charge of them are push- the marriage of Miss Annie Peterson, I " " ' ing forward the work as lapidiy as a voung lady of tho neighborhood, It in said that Cornelius Vandnr possible. to "a Mr. Wheeler, when the house built, one of New Yoik's millionaires, U would 1 enliinl llm utn. L l.,.l,tm of the company ihat another assess- meat ol at) per wut. on their stock U now due, aud it is honed that thev wiil nav promntlv. as the moiiev is needed to pay for the etosa ties aud timber. Jiate News. TaiWo Southerner: What oats tlio cold weather of Jammry left, the liet'.eOi WfM'K OCIOie MSI HI J ll'U. Dr. V. H. Whitehead, of Battleboro. who was iiere luesiiay, says Hie to bneeo area for 18H(i will show a lartre increase over hist year. .. ... VT ,,, , ' , ayetteville News: On eiW a four year old sou of Mr. ( harhe t. anus nun a situ imsmtp in me way ..the way While with of ielliny biullv burned. otl'er -lIdren playing ou the dry trrass in an onen hit the tmiss was r i n- lire by then, and the ttames j " vcr him and set his elothin- on j tire. He is suftVi in- very much. Mrs. Calais and her daughter were conoid- er.Jjlv buruod m pultiu-' out tUe lll.lH , i .. ; .' iif,.f ni, ttBa Minow'ui eompauv with two other wouieiu. Willis, a vouutf ladv 17 years old, was colore.1 were enige.1 in Durnmg . j . Hhodes seriously injured by tire at Crab Point, brush on the farm of Mr. Taylor. Mi on Wilaoi at L on Fii.lav the 1th hist While ... 1 the Tarboro road, about a unle and a I , , . , , aout S abo -eWk p m la Kt on lire and she was so budl? 1 . L'ul' to Ihelite'am as to cause her death, 13 t K tfi merit of the moment she rau out of i l00i P1" yesierauy uwi o cjock. i doors culling to ber brother for help, j j 1 ,e winas ianne.i n.e names huh, ,ukVJ lo tbe nuiise ami Kimiiy coie.i oy syu.pai nzn g menus. J"" Willis is liviui; but her condition is a deplorable one. Peidmont Press: Thero will be a nee ting of the fai ni rs of the fO'ith - eastern port io;i of Hickory township at Killiau s school house on next Sat - urdav. Ft b 27, at 1 o'clock, for the ..... ..,,un .,f .Wnssiiu' tlio iiiieMtiini of improved farming and preparatory to or.; a raiiiieis tluO. llns is ii M.n in the riolit direction, and we hope our funnel a will attend this eveitliing. t Dontier perished in the j lypuoiu nver.anu wasconnned u: tUe meeting, yet up a good organization, (lames. It is Miposed that he awoke , disease himself sumo two morths. and be ilistruuiental iu oig ; in tlio night and attempted to kindle a ; W n's hail at the same time a child iiianv such clubs in Catawba county, j lire ami iu doing so set tire to the wth a broken thigh bone, and was iu - S.ich clubs ought to be formed in j bedding in bis room. Two hotels I terrible distressed and destitute cu-Ch-ilhani and cvm-v oilier county in and two stores were burned entailing I cuinstances. He has tint e children , I I a .A. V.. ...... !...-.... I.. tl... 1 1....I II..... 'IV...I toe Stale. It would do more tlian anvthin else to advance our agiicul- j interests En. Rkcohd. Hillvboro' Onseiver: Mr. Henry Thompson, lanner. died suddenly at his home iu Cedar Grove township. Friday, Feb. 12lh. of he n t disease. -Deputy Collector Frank II Tavh.r j )(, be made, we leaiu from the Wil- : possession of W ilson and for the pur nd Gcneial Deputy J.;hiisou captur- ( ingtou Star that the entire work : pose of lynching him as thev did mihi ... ... m. ... ... , ....,... .dau.tde.troM' ttwoi in n oisiuiei les, , east of town. Thursday. leb. 10th. I Mitchell Faucet le. a colored man. wa found at, woik in one oi them, ami wiisai ifcsied and brought to Hillsboio I lodged in jail. Kvery person I toAn l uesdav saw the need of a ! ,.w Hll h,rn- tobacco warehousi ! Lexington Dispatch: The (late i Rev.) L. L Heudreli has goue into tl.e poultry business at Salem. A boy who was chopping wood nt his home iu the country, cut a bad gash j iu the head of a child that was play- i ing near by. and got under the stroke of the nxc without being noticed The lh sici in whodrci-H. d the wound. thinks that tlie skull is lia lly liaciur- i t i ..... I .r,l ,. ed As Hame S. Lnengootl, a farmer of Tiiomast ille township, wa hauliin' a lotf to the saw mill, hi , waiTon and lnre wire overt urn 11 while geing down a rough hill, throw ing the leg across Lis body cmiMiig il-Hth almost instaiilly. He was alone and was 1 1 t discovered until some one living near saw t lie horse, and upon examination found it as above stated Lumberton Robesonian : Two otHcers in charge of an offender ngainst the revenue laws, weieon the C .V Y. V. R. R. train. uearStalev. (,n last Friday, en route foi jail Tin iitl'ender jumped thiougli the window and made good his escape; this too, i when the tram whs running 'iii miles j .. . i . . . i- i . i per Hour. ,iasicr .lonme iisuup mi iiinii iiivniiiui oi t u eirt-ii k: i.eie i i ; L I,., I....1 ............ .1, I M. ,.., u ..l,,,,, Iw out ofthecmea few davs iiL-o, the ' tjilitlf Wti Fllltllill; lliu li.,nu., i ' i i.iutall....MlJ.i.,...n.wit.v hun to go into a hole that he found in the wall : he soon came ruiuiiiiL' out with I 1 . . . . . . . ! a ftt. hung to his tail, who bit the ... i i .i : I'.. .-.I ..IV 1 il .1 t .uu.'.l Imek fur bis b.ile. but i i)t. fort! the rat could get into his hole th(, r,.l .aimht him bv the tail ttlul bit hU tuil off. " ........ . rtoldshoro Messenget . I.iast us Norm, a white man of liar iett conn .Y V f " f '''' L itt . . road, was fatally injured Iron, be ng caugm. tin ier ,u ..K ; , Tim nixt .Im- lit' ilieil finiii : ..... i i : I he iiiiiines he received. .V local , . , ' . ., , ! ireiLfin. Ltaiu uii tun hiiuiiuuii'ii, . , . j . . .- ...1,. ', , , . , , . r i i would l-i Meet linoii his meiliorv. Ihe Columbia and Augusta Kailroad was i . . .. ' . .. i i i i. i i f .. .i i h tler is published as a vindication or derailed I riday inormng before the; t i ..,t...,..l .,. ,..i. tl. l-i.l.rU i'..i ll,,,uoy- Northeast river near Wilmington. " ' . ... ; . "T' " ' ful watch beside him. TUe entire ! ..... . . , i I.i.iil iKim liis mm Intil eiiteicil uniler ,l....,,t,l I,. tUuinilv uml ...,i,. was transforiiieil into a sceue of giief and lamentation by the disappearance of the mother of the bride-elect. Mrs. .l..lm I'eteiHon. diiriiiLr a tit of mental aberration. Ou Thursday, tho 11th 'inst , tho day set for the murriuge (ceremony, in tlio uiidst of nil the ' I.... .41 ,1 I t .. J ..L 1. UllSUe llllU UIIMI' HlieUllllUl, UpOII SlICU I OCCHHlollH. 3118. reierson leu tun house and whh Hh(rMy aft HWrticls missed ly the otlicr members of the , IHI1MI-, lieu U Will Oil WHS llllllieuilll CI V commenced She wiih not found un - - in tun iitteniooii oi Miurday, when her dead bodv was discovered ' Nicholson's Creek, i Visitor: As the t rain go iu,r west on the N. C. Railroad ves terduv afternoon was passing just , this aide of Selma, a rock was thrown ito a coach strikiiif,' a KPi'tlemau and i.i... ,,nc:.i.,roi.l.. Tl, f , iuiuiui kuii 'iianiiin, o feIK,(.,. WBH (.,ultrilt alul proved to be . a wllite a,.,i uhout 15 or i6. He j WHs in.-arc.erated iu jail ut Su.ithfield i and will be prosecuted. Such ofiences fhould be nromntlv nunished. On ! W...1, ........ 1.,., 4 Pli , lTn.l-:,. Newton Knterprise: The engineer of Ule East-bound imssen-er train on ; (he West'ru road Sunday afternoon, (iiH.over(.j tt uj.h, lvi ,; t, tnK.k i T,,e tritiu WH8 topped just in time t(j S(U(, t,)p Jja1.H .jfe al(j ,jc ,110V).j Hiil name was Sitrman and , he was dead drunk. Ano An.iilioi- .liu. ..,., t. :.. .,, ,...i :.. t ..- u j c lttst lYl.hiy ui 1)t A , j name of O D.muer stopped at the : ,J1 t by a posse of some 18 or 20 1 ('rocket House. He was very much I masked men, who took charge of the ! under the influence of liquor and iu. prisoner and carried him over the i order to keep him from disturbing j State line into Patrick county, Va., the other guests he was locked iu his !UUu summarily hung him to a walnut room without a liiht or lire. Duriiiir j the night the building was discovered ; io oe on lire, neverai oi tne guests oareiv esc i lea wun tneir lives, losing a loss oi aooiii .j.jw.ium. About the Change of Gunge. From the Chni lniu- oluwvvr. ! Iu addition to the information ; ! which we gave a few days since ro - native to the cbaiiL'e of irua'e soon ! iiiiiou owi iiihi me enure wuu u, to hlj (1,Hie , two d:iJ The ; chaiiLre is to be made ou almost ; eveiv railroad souih of the Ohio ; ,u),l Potomac riveis, extending over j about 1.1.128 miles of railroad, made I llH follow : South n,i.; North Caiolint Carolin 1,320 i miles; North Carolina !t(0; Georgia 2,4 1: Florida 1.250: Alabama 1,803; , pie of Stokes feel callad upon to fei Mississippi 77(i; Louisiania 313; j ret out and bring to punishment tl e Kentucky l.iiii: lennessee i,ftht; and Migima ;ini nines, me work to be done oil the day of the change wili be greatly expedited by doing as much of it as possible previous .. ;,., tl... ,io ,.i chan-e there will be at least three ' I,ll,,,IJH' snl every buck, squaw and mea assigned to each mile of rail, j Il'i''fe-be be, she or it lull blood The work will be done between 3:30 , r hall-breed possesses iu the aver a. m . and 4 p. in , during which j tte W ''"; and yet the tiovern time the running of train will have t,iKlit l,"r 'Le bi "" ol t,'m (a to be us1eiid.d. After 4 o'clock. I lw m.t, In,,Ju i,',",0'i' ttioiJt! e!t" however, the running of the trains will he letiiiuiett. The change of " k'"ge will, of ciiill se, necessitHte t ft - , .. . . of the. n.lliiiK "lock, mid this will be ; iulinn.t l.i.r !,.!. a H... uiti-- , , , .... I ion oi tli track, l lie gieater pmt of this ftoi k, however, can be done hefoie the day of the clmige, ami, indeeii. in aii v of tke cars and lo comotives ai e now being prepared for it. Inventor of the Telegi npli. Chahlottk. N. (,'.. Feb '11 The j Judge R. II. Cannon, who was for Obseiver tomorrow will publish a col-j s)Ilie j prg OI1 ,e Superior court u m n interview bv its Washington cor-; bench, died very suddenl v at his res MHpoudeiit with Junius Lynch Clem- ideuce at Webster, aged T( years, oiis, cleikof the liver and hul bor , lt0 lmd been to the town, and on eoinmittt e i.f the house of Uepre-en- tatnes, who claims that he is the j .1 : l .... il i..l.. iiivHitetl the 8eui in 1835 while at ! I f . 1 1. 1 1 il i il I 'im nn mm. ll-.riniil U iM,,li.lii1i..tP,l his diM-ovei-v to a ! . . . . .i . . ! Mr. Page, who vllice and who ho had become ,lul,e .electrician. Mr. Page j i r the letter and eleven j was in mo iiaiciii eminent as an .1.1 ....i v.-m s after took out a natent on tl.e "liscoverv anil associated Morse and Amos Ken.lall with him. The com- I puny applied to Congress for aid to develop the discoverv. and the world L l.1,iII101() 4.llims iuwuli ,)(lt iveH ! Mols .T.-dit for its development. ..,.,. tho iuU.rvMW ' f(,i. i r ... ..ii . ..i... i. .. .: i.. 1 . . . . . . ? leaf from tlio laurel ,r . . . Morses brow, or drop that circles . word that Four Men IM owiieil one of the drowned men. The men ! . .i . ..... I l ... were ret iiinini' fioin tlieir work at.Tvii. ueiueis in iu niuLiior ri hiiiti tuelll s to bllV all island 011 the coast of this State, near Morehead. lie will U111I1I ajtlry gotsts ami noiioiis ai wnoiesaie club house on this island. Much 1 only. Their grocery store is full of Dionert on the coast of this State j ia uow owned or leased by Northern people. An OlltniKeotis Lrnchillir. I Fr.m ,U V,UHtua Repuhllcnn. i o,iiu tummlm- u,.i.,l,o out oU8 effaTr was perpetrated in stokes county last week. Au intel- lg('lt geiltlCUiail fl'Olll tllU,t COUllty 1 ;.. .. im,i..,iliii uu folUnn- j Uan by the name of Wilson who from a Mr. Rhodes, of Put nek conn- iv. V. i-Lim, 1 1, f.. I,1' ! wagon wliile in Mudihon, (torkiughaui Vv" -.i . , P I 'ln caue with the muleto Dan bury . "e a"; n l tei1 to tra. Hit, , 'Jf frtU tloya county, a. 1 hail- ''roiu ix... " .1 . 1 .1 I -auuy wt-ut home to spend the ; with Mr. J no. H. Liuvrlle, who lv. BW,1,B mxU? f,'" ) ulnut Cov' 1 " "?IM? eveu,''tJ ' "y . "U"""B re-iciir.i ia.ioury iu pur suit of his mule, and was informej, , , . u . 1 ,ewL,'l "oii, u i niui on ua n ... j -.i I justices of tue peace, and committed I to t Daubury. A few days at- terwards Itlioi'es c-auie ba'k to Dan bury with the necessary papers for the removal of the prisoner to Rock ingham county. Sheriff of Stokes, Dalton. took couusel of W. W. Kiui', i attorney, who advised the siirn uder. The Dailies started with the iiiisimer !n Ifm Li.wrl.u... n, ai!llr Martin's Lime Kiln, they were "ee. misoii lived at Uerinantou. i Stokes county, last year, and rented i " . ivuuey. juuug n ear " i i . 'n on me imuun oi trui i utile. his brother in-law, with nothing to go upon or any one to care for them It now appears that the papers pm-i polling io oe irom tue auiiiorines of Rockingham, were foiL'i lies and trot en up by Rhodes and his Patrick eountv eonl..,l.i-,.tu i., ... if . ....i pose OI IMlclmig And while there is no soit of doubt that Wilson Mt.,1,. .! .!. is the deenest indi.'n iiK.ii at liiM lvnchiug by the Virginia nei-dibors. i.i-o.,o,i....eU ti, .- u high-handed, willful and brutal mm - der, ami Sheriff Dalton and the lie. meu who peipetrated it Our Costly Indians. Fnmi ttu Ailaina GjuoUiuUuu. P1""' ttl 1,4re I'ense lilllllllil Law I Vi'Kl- It ctbt .ti.r)t)'.).(i:lt) to feed ' uud blauiet the noble rt d man Three , u "iui tut. uuuu. it mau. iure Hears U!o we extien. e, i l1'!''0 l,t:llJ tloub1'' tl,ilt fu" but !,lb 11 s i"isii)ie to say UUW UlUCll clunu to the liiiL'?rs ol the Indian : " -ii i : agents a per capita calculation would 1 lie imlv . I.. Sil.'u IMIli u have expended 2 J,i,imb,M)tl in taking calf i.f tue liidiuiin, and ptobably us ..inch untie iu various ett'otts to sub due or exterminate the pesky crea lures. , jH return sat iu a chair in his bouse, Suddenly he fell forward dead. Senator Butlei's bill authorizing J.h Wry of the treasury to do y to do proof of "' "1"'" piinnim .... t i e rmiumius ipror, i t t lie fill vii- ware, iptvi'li v and othtr Vlol'" t.V deposited in the treasury b . ''otary of war in June, J!,,', "H 1"M'".V MUliire.1 oy the . . 1 lll,,'a H, ;.V 'I'll nig the latt war, lias been lavnrahly reported. Some of the heir-looms carried out I of the country by Sherman's bum uiois may therefore still be recov eietl. A Michigan bov ale a bur of soup, drank a lot of soda water and went to ' ii , .p. . . ii, ik.-.i ii t ill r iiin t 1.1. M lie iioei.iii null a hard time to pull him through, but the boy now says the next tune he catches a co.d he will use Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup. A smooth complexion can be had by every lady who will use Parker's Tonic. For promptly regulating the liver and kidneys and inn dying the blood, there is nothing like it, this is the reason why n so 0 -m 1. : moves pimples and gives a lot, ! to the cheeks. and Having engaged my services to R. V. Bovn .t Co , F. B0Y11 .t Co., V1101.tsAi.K and Bk- Boots, Snots and Tiicnks, Oreensboro', N (V, I take this means of informing my itcqusin t iiii't s and friends of the uainn and soliciting their patronage, aud hope they will call to eee me. Very truly, Jimmik R Hi vis. The men-hunts of Chatham will incase remeinoer nun .1. n. iii urr a 1 .1 1 t iv . Co, of Oreeusooro , . I:., is the : lui t-'est Slid oldest whol;fi-a.e house 111 1 the city. The only house that sells L'oods iu that line. '1 hey buy hied fruit, wool, rags, flour, eggs, ic. J. W. Hiorr & Co. TUB MAHIIET8 Rojxirioct fur Tnr I i-. .-mill by WYATT A T A YLOR, OKOCKHH & COMMISSION MKUl'll STS. Nn. l'j 8utli Hldo Mitriln St.. KALbu.u, N. C i'dliruary 33, 1KH6. COTTON MAHKKT: i mi.iiiiiiik, HiM-i MMUtog. - 'vt ch.s 'T " '"V"" . UH ('iinvamvil Uuoie, 11 rn, Ikwl rrnnml, Jttiln Irlr:., f hsrrr 7a Jfj76 2 7 riimnr, B'" Swcfl, 0 M"lnB Piim, 160S3IK) 'ul), o.inrt, a"), nrh'J IW-hes, tlfiO Syrui, urlght, M llrlml Apploa, JJ'S'. tui(r Initirr. iii;5 OrlKlu Yi'llow, e I'yiiH, 15 F.irC. 6 clili-kans, 8S40 llrjifuilMt.nrl. ?l..i mr.n ! Oiir.w. ios,5ii iiwi, 6j7 w w, t. Thran prlotMi Aro (or larsf l'i New Ad vertiseinents. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICi: Hnvihij guaUllml m ihi dminli.imtc.r i.f W. M. T.'ku. ilivtHiMtl, 1 litTHiy uu-.lry all imt Bl's h"l'l'K -ililinM HK'.lDBt hHtil (lerdnDt Ut OX- tt.r mmo t.. m i.u ..r ir..r ui -jr.ui iy ..f fr.wry. 1W7. WiLLlEA. Tl.AO(', I'cOruarj 25, 188. WHEN TOV COME TO RALEIGH, N. C, CALL AT FOR IIAItDiVARK. Ctttloiy, Guns, ft,T M, PAINT3, OLS, CLASS, LIME, PLASTER, Cement AND 1,000 OTHER ARTICLES. BF.ST GOODS! LOUKSI PRICES! SQUARF DEALING! WltIT Foil PlilCES oK An'v- tiiixo Wantkd. OI1TOAOE SALE BY VIR Tt'F .f ft ni"r(i;Hif .IimnI .xM.-iiu'! tf. M'.ltlM n Kiikw.ii by A. o lliirl)-. I will H.-II im .i l hii.-iImii for riiMli ut irii i-.urt.ioiM .l..r, In Imiih, en 4rriuiAY. ilio 2nii iliiy Mmi-.-I.. Imho. the uii'llvl.l.'.l tiiifr.-Mt ..I sitl-l Hurley In it i-rrinlii trnl ir IhikI hlnmif In Onltlmul t.iwi.slilii. hii.I Ii', J'.I.u J, Itl'SSKI.I. l y rvljruwy 1, A. P. (lll.HKMT, A'.ly feiTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OorSeTV OK CHATHAM IN 111K SI I'LUMU CufBT. HlrHin lleii'trr n And ntli(.i-rt, .tl;'lllll.t J"hiiH'n O. Maiiii hii.I othcr.1. Ttiln Is a !'.'1hI .r'n-,','.ini fi.p tli.. piirit'lon "f j rcrlnln rrnl 'i.tnl1, .r wlil.-li thf pl.iliillns nn.l '!. , f.'ii-liuiih Mi-e t.'iinnin In .' mile -n, un.l It niH-artui; i In lhi wiilKtiii il'in ..r Hi i i l.y iiffl l-ivn ih.ti Hie .Iff.'il.littiit. MiihI Itiillpy. i , mil Hnlly, Ja.-k Cilii'ii, iit-,irt!t. Y l.'.il'en iiii'l 4' hii.I lir hn.i4tii. iwli'w nuint Ih ir .-. .) arc nm r-l-tl.-uii. i Urn Hiuif. an.l . , r ilu outtfi'ii.-o m r. wlllili, Huh ' . -.. li.Trliv n..ll- fl"1 '"" r Vk".r ,"""- rl"r '-'Hirl "t CliHlliRin .-.iiiuiy. to,,,ilu 'iOiliLy Hll.T ii!.i.rvi,r oii pu in -.i.t i. au.i in.-r.T '""r ""' "U'l'lullil Ul" lilKlntllTs, nr Ju.lU- w. r. rot'sni'.K, ;. h. c. February 18, 1HW,. ORTOAOK SALE BY VIR TI'K a i.iirti:;iiri tt. cx.'ijti in in l.y i II. M 1mwIii nn.i nn thf Ulitj y "I Iir- j r'inhrr, ltH. I liiHi-li.t MlMI'a Jlll.'ll'iil f'T H-h ! DA v, iiih tay I Ki'hruitry, IfHii. h i-rtitii tra-'l uf I. tti l in New InMi hiwtihlilii, .'l)Hiliain tfmmy, j A!j-'lntiiK itio lamis f TIimiiiiu t.-tMntr, J"bii i Clark ami uihm'ft. au1 ftinulului; mT-n. Jan. VH, lbfMi. MOKS Ci.AliB- TATK OF NORTH CAROLINA tMII NTT OK CHATHAM.- IN THK Sl l'l.moll C.illir. W. I. Lnuilmi, B.lniliesiratiir "f JauetJ. linvio. A1.MI11.-.1 William liavli. alul nthrrs. TIiIh l h hi.'i lal .r'-'.' lllilt Iiihi!uii..I liy llli litallifirr fur a llnal Ki-i-.iiiiil nn.) Hltlenii'iii nr I1I1 liiiiiK'nti-V i.iai.', ftii'l It ain.,'irliii; 1.1 lln.naili.fa.--llmi uf 1 In- i-niiri thai Hie ilefi'ii'taiHH William Davit.. I iv liTli-k N IHivK Mary K ljilllli-i'. J.'llll O. MlUn-. Tll'.liutaC. Miller, ,l,,lin T. iMtvlp mi l I' teileri.-k II. I'avir. arii null rt.t.til..ila nt IliU Slain ami Kin iipi'i-i-aiy imrili's 1.1 Mil ir..i-.-i"llnK, Uiey Hie liKieliy 'i"lllli',l I" a.ii'ar al Ih nfll I Hit. lii'i k nl Hie i.iiirri"r ii.uri ut sal'l euiinly f Chatham will. In 'to ilaymrniii iho nervier ..1 llil 11.11 hi' l.y iiliili all ami hiikwit nr .liiimr 1.1 . Hie iiinini irr -. I'liiniilalni, er Jii'lu-meni mil in tltken iru Urnm. W. r. tOI SIIKh, C. 8. C Jainiaiy I, len.. 6l. NOTICE! A good Stoiib House and Dwki.i.ino Hot sk. one mile from Richmond De pot, Chatham county, to Ri.nt, or Sm.i. for one-half of former cost. . ' ' '1 ;,., .,;.. Ootid tune given Apply to. A B. BRIGHT, Feb. 11, 18Wi. Richmond, N. C. ISSti. ISMi.i sew ceo; 0; mil. i 'are fully IVsted. Wariaiitcil to (SrowvWK WILL Bust Vauiktiesand thk Bkst or Sm.ds, at tiik LowtsT PiucKS Diiiia r MIOM THE FaII.M. NEW CATALOOFE nm 1KSU FREE JOSEPH KAHRIS SEED CO., More ton Farm, Rochester, N. Y. PATENTS, Caveats, Trade Mai ks A Copy wrights. . ontmnoii. nn All ninnr v om.-r nrn,i.,l m f,,r .h.i-.hi tt; i tM ' m,.l trom mhi.itiin. wm?" . i 'f ' mn ooirr i)iihi..ii, in (....m. i lliff Sunt, nt IhIK ot llin I'. H. i 1'nl em oni' A In-iilAr. Kilvliw. Inrini mi rMpr.Mier in iiihI rlimiiR In nniiiiy. wrlm li. c., A. snow k C4., o n rirui t ni', wasninii.m, u. c. Ko. 1878. 1880.; WTATT Wi TAYLGR, i GROCERS THE RECORD.: comissmme EstatlMei Bill Tears Ap, IS NOW A PESMAKEMT ffSTITUTIOJT, AND OBSERVES The Encouragement of p:veky citizen of CHATHAM COUNTY. IT HOT ONLY KEEPS THE PEOPLE OF CHATHAM THOROUGHLY INFOBMID AS TO ALL THEIR COUNTY AFFAIRS, BUT ALSO GIVES THE ; i i Latest and Fullest News from ail parts of Xorth Carolina AND THE United States, j THE ELECTION MPAIGN IX WILL BE Fl'LL OF interest and excitement, and as nsiiaL S I THE IlECORI)! WILL HE IN THE FRONT RANKS BATTLINd 101: THE Democratic Party. Every Democrat IN C HATHAM Ol'tiHT TO READ THE RECORD! j 1 j WE OFFER j AS SPECIAL INDUCEMEMTS The Weekly Star OR lis Wcokly M Free FOR ONE YEAR TO ANY SUB SCRIBER OF THE RECORD, WHO WILL SEND I S Ixill. Vill.' IVII Tlir MilVI'Y OFTWO NEW SUBSCRIBERS FOR ONE YEAR. ALSO SEND THK WEEKLY STAR WEEKLY WOULD j free for six months to any subsci i- j 1st of Thk Ri-:iinti, who will pay up liis arrears ami a year's subscrip tion in advance. HE HEW YRKAR AND THE NEW YORK WORLD are the leading lUmocratic pa pi r in THESE OFFERS I I. .l.. ,.,.nlaoo nf l.eloi'e : IIIIIU, tli 2rti of FeViruarv, iCARHVIN SIOCK A FI LL LU f ! Heavy Groceries. Bagging and Tics A SPECLiLTY. CONSIGNMENTS OF Cotton and Produca SOLICITED. WYATT & TAYLOR. 15 E. Martin- and IU Ex, -await. I'ja'-k, Rai.hii. N. C. fppt. si, iKHr. Nearly a quart, r i,f a eentury a'o, in (liis city. J e;;;;e ! in the Dry Ouo.K-. liusint s.-i. n.'nl dei--mine.l from the Leiiiijiiip to strii-lly a'lhere tound meet u.l th ! waiiilsu'idreijuii-eineiit in tUe fiiUc.-t weiiHe, the tra.Je re l!iiie.l..ruff,.S,.,. 'J'i,,., early ilicreiirie in my Miles ;nni viluj:e of luisiiK s.s is ti c.iin ii;einr and Knii-fiiet'ii v j.ioo! that my efl'oi.s to lU:iilii.tiu a TlioliOI-.iill.V I",.! '!'!-! n. J'iiiST-Cl.AS Di:v (i!oj.s si oijr. in tills city ! ii'.e! J he Jl'lllile I, n i and .-nidi - lis a. uiid"i t.tkiii. a... lhi e.i.iji. .,(!,,., J !ii:-l it v.i I I. i n .! :i.ili)i- j ii I thkl I'j'i related, "i i.i r.).-g v !! it: ! 1. ; M tii .r !i :i,d.,t. ' ! l e i iltt ii 1 Mai Mv r NT l-Nl 'J'l'iimnrl in ilis S wit In ty. s ut it i iv ti i:i heaa No and iiiiiu adeijicile i.e;i i,! i call lie ;.h el, iii tins and, as uas (,,. reetii;.'. i l u 1 'li etl.ess III, ill. d spu.-e, llject III thin ' Mm one i d all. each mid ii.thwdn.tlly. an ia vit ilion ti call met ina!;c u thor ough induction .,f (I, is iculiv beautif.jl -toie. 1 wish you all A 31 nv ( liristnias and lliippy New Vraf, FRA.N li TiiORNTON. F .vki i iMi.i.r., N. C. Januai v 7. lssii. :l!s. HAPPY XKWVKAI TO ALL OCR iFBIENDS AilD CUSOSEBi We take this t.ppnrt iinny ol t our frii ); I.- t..i their lile ral st-ronagi- and Ii. ; to im i it a Coot iliiianee ol the nuiiie. We will st iii V il. .1 liei p I'W'i Vtiiliig M.11 wis!; and wiil try and sell to ol us rlii :li as I he 'ooil . ciii lie 1 -,.1 any v In re. We will s U cdii tiliiie ti) ;:ie CASH ,-,i-lniui'i special iiiiliiceineia -, si oi l . ill ALWAYS BE ( OMPLETE and will not be in tinv lilowed to run depai tne nt. FARMERS can always liud PLOWS of all k n ls and PLOW CASITNCH. which will be sold at very botto.u prices. Also a good stock of AXES. SHOVELS. FORKS." MA 1TOCKS, TRACI-'.S. HAMES. COLLARS, LINKS, and farming iniiilemeiits genit'ally. We have a lev I WAGONS AND BUGGIlS whi: i. w ill he sold low. Remember you an lind itnvtliing nl Wl ! If vm don t see it, ask for till have a splendid stock of it. We DRY OOODS. FANCY OOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, TINWARE, DKI'OS, FFRNITI RE. il H'ERIE CONFECTIONERIES, SHOES, BOOT,-.. HATS. CROCK r.RY, md tho Lost SEWINO MACHINE made. It will always pay you to rail and ft posle I, if nothing more, at W. L. LOrJCDWJ. Jan. 7, lKSfl.