IS 3 (Snaiham jKecorr! I i, r . THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 188fi. LOCAL ZUBCOB.SS. 8T Fresh supply of drugs ami toedicines just received at Chapin's. V There is now a good prospect Tor an abundant fruit crop this year. t& We are pleased to state that1 Co!. Joseph Thompson has no far ro "coveied ns to be able to leave his SB" The largest and cheapest 8 o :k tof Goods ever brought U Cimthsni is no daily arriving at W. L Lou don't. If you doubt it, call and see for yourself. ter On last Sunday Mr. Vincent .' "P!'Se can have their wants made Hart, of Oulf township, was married "own, free of charge, to persons m tnM!.. VWIiiiB Oldham, aud it,,, terested. Addicts, with full inforina- i.i.iin.l .irr,,, of the bride, and moom amount to 125 years. MFBynom& Heitden V Spring and Rummer goods aro now coming in. : 1 ,1..:.. ...;l K., ., M ;.. .. few days. A beuuMful stock thevjend machine shop on a amall -cafe Will have, at hard pan prices. " j where water-power can be obt ained mar ii.o post post ollice at Walter, in iug section will patronise and encour- T. Yates, D. D , tho oldest missionary of the Southern States is largely cou i has been disconiinm d, uge an establishment of the kind." in China has determiued to re-viai't ! fined to the adult population, the tins county as tho postmaster. Mr. A. R. Siler, Las lemoved to Siler Station where he has opened a large store. ' ' f , tST Messrs Harris i Flipen bt Messrs ri. n is ,v r ..pi'- , ranalimo . N will supply our ; de.swith nnVMiiog m the haub re hue thai they may ne .l. Lead ; Oreensboio, r adei ware their "ad." in auothor cuiuiuii. t&" The many friends of Mr. and ; Mis. R. J. Powell will regit! to hear j of the dea h of i heir adopted daugh-, ter. Cora Belle, who died tpiito sod- deuly on last Friday, aged about iweivc jeais. i T . ' " " i i., i,, .,,.1 ' Well selected stock of goods at g.'ea; ly reduced pries. (!a!l on kin: when you come to town and sen for your aelves. All kinds of repairing done ou Watches, Jewelry, Jtcc promptly. ed"The good housekeepers of Chat bam ought to use the Carolina iiali ilig Powder'' and the ext tacts of Vtiuiila and lemon thai a:-1 luunoftic tured by that aneoniplished druggist, Mr. H.' R. Home, of Fuyetu viile. See his "ail." and try a package. tr . L. Lomloii is now rt ceiv inn his Spring and Summer O od- n ....1. I.,. I,w ...i.v iii..n.l uikI ' f iistomci-rt to eioiiiiie at an earl v dav. His lady cust.mnirs are espe- j ursi-eiass. and the trams dash along ; ciaHy invited. "and he guaiantees that Ht n i've!y late of apced, 111 pleasant : they will bo pleased. j eri.ral to what has been iu years gone by. We were pleased to learn .1T Wo take pieasuie in calling ; that traeklaying will begin at Greens-1 attention to tho advertisement ofjboro'ina lew days and be pushed j Raleigh's veteran merchunt, Len 11. j tapidly 011 to Mt. Airy, from which Adams, Esq . who i;ced no mtioduc- j point a connection with Cincinnati is I tion to Ui peopie 01 .natia n. win ; cleverc(iuiiyuian, Mr. (J. .1. William; is still with him and is always g.ud to wait on his friends. tor Mr. C. C. Cheek, of Ore Hill, went North laxl week to purchase his Spring ami Summer good which aro low arriving every day, a;.d which be invite his many friends and cus tomers to examine let'oie buying flsowhero. He continues to pay the highest paces for all country pro duce. letTMi . Eushii lin t, of Gulf tow n ship, died very Middeioy on last Thuisday night. He had been in bis usual good health and went to bed after eating a hearty supper, aud died during the night. IIo was ab.,ilt 73 yeai s o.d, and was to have beeu married for the third time the day after he died. X' . .. 1 At.....l..., ......I. tll. is Easter M-'.ndava dav'when rim ' young folks laud" some old ones too) : .7.. 1 1 .5.1.. ... V ho.1,.. th u.ooher ,J be favorable and utl have a good time. , Wo understand that the young loiks at this place intend having a grand party on Easier Monday night. - I tfifSiiiiinln H. liioivn. (il'!ellst)OI d". 1 keeps one of the largest slocks of i tlun'i an.! It.ivj I iillllllLT SllllP9 . 1 Hats and Furnishing gondii in the Slate, aud stills goods cheap. He knows from experience tntl it pays to sell good goods and to h11 them they have a diftmeut opinion to that I '"te mon Usago lie telt acuuoiis quick at short profits. When you expressed by tho Dr. Let us look i '''''''"" ' "1U t '"' He could go to Biown's look at the famous : al tho circumstances a little aud beo j ind great heat, near that arm wit . 12.99 Shoes. if it looks likely that ho went out ,ut ""P l"""- .""i1 "' could Wfl. Will Armtield, of Greens-1 boro'. N. C. has received his Sti iui 1 and Hummer stock of New Goods ' which be is selling cheaper I han ever, ; iU)CjUJ, tobaceo. The nest day search 1 'h''heit are now spreading to his both by wholesale aud retail. He ; was ,,lbtltuled by the neighbors and ! ' 1 ""i tl,ere' ,n,,u,,,,,K offers splendid bargains in Dry xvus continued for a number of days, j eP, specialists, prouounce the dis Goods, Clothing, Notions, Hats, ' ariUg wbich time the Hurrouiidiug e,,tp 'T,'w.v. Shoe, kc. Orders by muil promptly C)llltl y w(w tboronghly scoured. II ilekdi Visitor : Thn citizens ot filled- hpeci;l luaucomeuts to couu-1 mai..liii,,la "j -- CuiLtJ UttiiNT. We much regret to bear that a live-year old child of Mr. iwenienuiiiy nuns out man viucet.i s . n seems tlmt Mis. U V. U,t so Joseph Riddle, of Williams towiiHhip, ,,llt1 a"'1 itu J a buinait Uull poor but highly respected widow lady, was burut to death on the 3rd inst. ' ",ul some other humau bones on i awore out a peace warrant against a tt accidentally caught on tire while ,hu K'ound near by where he was j notorious negio v of bat! char it parents were a short distance from ltt,it Bt'e" lM""g tobacco, und in 30 ucter. minted lOdie Jenkins. Theoffl the house, and was fatally burnt be- ' or 40 J1' ,U of l,ublic rim,J Rml IU j "er in ehargo of the warrant served it fore tbe fire couid be extinguished- j 3,)0 or 41,0 Jllllls lf tt mans house, j lifter much difficulty. On the return Mr. Riddle hiiiMoif was batby burnt iu reu woods and on tbe ground (if the warrant, tho magistrate was while trying to save the child. j that had been thoroughly searched I absent from his t.fiice and tho officer . I after bis disappeaiutice his wife ' on his own responsibility, continued Federal Cockt. Federal court met! saying that ebe passed over the very ; the case until next morning. Mrs. at Greensboro' last week and is still 1 spot where be was found. I do not Giisroiu theu left for her hon.e and in session. Tbe docket is :.aid to bo j tbe largest ut tbis term ever known the old in an for,- for Ue brttl nothing .Tout before reueliinuf lier home the before. Quite a numbei of Cbatbiun j that would benefit sin one, but can uegresH itttat ked Mis OiiHsomaml people wore in attenJitnce last week, ) any body believe thftt man that was bent her in h most slutmeiul imtMiier. omcr willingly and others unwilling-; known to be njiBsing could lay on j Tbe injured lady Ims t.Iiree little chil ly. Thus far we have not heard of j lop of the ground nesr a public road 1ren, ouo of whom in n pmalytic, en anyone of theui being jailed. There ' and iu a thickly nettled neighbtn hood tirelr dependent iihiii her care and baa been quite a change made among ; and be eaten up by dogs and buzzards unpport. Her injuria ure of such a the officers of the court aud it looks aud not be discovered by any one? ; rhitnicter as to contiue her to lied, rather strange and it is quite refresh-1 1 think I expi es I he conviction of a ' mid may rcxult in permanent diwtbilitv. ing to see so many good democrats j vory large number of people when 1 , We henr many Hensationnl rumors like Ilam Jouea, Dave Settle ud say. we ihiuk not. about this ff:iir. ami that ft protni- others filling tbe places of Boyd, j Mfc Editoh, wil) ym please twt; aeut citizen of Durham fs so unplcBS Ktogh aBd the radical erwwd that bo your readers wbot the duty of the autly connected with it thtt bo bad long bold sway- I Cotvimi is it sueb ease. I bea tbiv ' to km town. , JkcoKD A Rcnawav AfTiPKNT. On last Sat urdny evening Mr. Wil. Ivey. who lives in the southern pa t of Ala - mm ice, was driving his one-horsa wngon along the road, near .Mr. J. M. i We thought that uis duty was to m Hcnley's, in this county, and his horse I vestigate all such cases and see if he ran away and threw him out of the could Hud out the cause of the death wagon and bruised him severely i of the deceased, about the head and face. It . tieeius Yours, kc, J. S. Henley. that Mr. Ivey is very unfortunate. I Iu answer to Mr. Henley's inquiry On Monday, the fith iimt., his horse M to the duty of the coroner we died and lie Lad just bought the ono which ran away. , 7!; e. , ie' Patrick. Com- Immigration- Notice. cetved from Mr. J. T. minsioncrof Immigration, the follow- ing communication, wliicli may bo of t importance to somo of our readers : "Any persons having wator-powers, mineral and timber lauds in North Carolina to dispose of or desire to secure a partner to assist them in i some inanuufiictiiring or mining en liotl. Coinmissioiier of Iuimigiation, N. O. H Brnlev of Fast Rmburv Vt ! 1,e"' w" u ouo " " Pen.ises at .A,3,n!,T' .?V:blie timt, but Mr. Clark, his ii,U writes Commissioner l'atnck inqnir- mg if there is a suitable place in Xnrtli f'-n'oliiin In suntlluli f,nn,lrv ano wnere inei eoiuc lit ine sui rounu - MaoistiiaTks' Mketino. Tho law require the magistrates of rery county to meet on the first Monday ! ('f n.l:xl . Jl.'"e f.or ""P'" "1 Pi pos. s. t next June lor i.oportan pui pos, s. On that day they will not only levy the annua! laxes. but will also houl ' the biennial election for county com-1 i inis, oners and count v super intend eni of public instruction. A ii nance committee will also be elecied iu i)s( counties where the magisti a' es dere it. In this county we hear v,., v little sai.l aboui. the election of cnv (.f these officers. In fact we ilount if many persons are aware) (hat tho election is ho near. We do I that tho election is so near. We do I not know whether any of the persons row hold:nir these oiHees are eai.di X&uZu I will have any opposition. It is tinm ! that 1 be matter was buimr talked ..i,,.,,! I .1.,, ,,,iu,.1,i,w T..,t.r i,. be consulting the wishes of the peo ple of their respective townships. i Titr C. F. V. V. R R-We rode ! , on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley ! K.i!.oa,l.a iewdavsago, from Fa i leltcvi!:e to Greensboro' and wefe ! pleased to find the road and ilstuuip , ; ment ill nuch good condition, and! the depots along the line improving i so Mipiit;v. Hie locomotives ami ! ..1... ....... ....... 1 l...i .....1 ...... ' 0 n m.n nmi mo usiui mi. uv aijrn " isfi Ktirccha to turn iuuu tiuu uuvo n-yai 11 . 1 1 1.:.. . t 1 1 - 1 1 ;ed it as one of the most linpo.tuiit v ,lt, head and rope left bounding works of lhtereal imprtveiuetit u0llg ,w. ciss-tiea. --No case ;ever iindertakeu 111 North Carolina, i ll)s (.u.lUi Mll ,mll.j, llimlement and laud wc heartily cougiaiulate 1W ig(1S, w that of Mrs. Gordie Bar ! dent Gray and his eliieleut backers ; tI(l Lel. b,t Iter in-law and para riipon the success that is at last re-: , M1.11 Finger, who, iu Janunry, ; warding their indefatigable efforts. 1 ,,i.,l the safe of Mm Burnett's bus We weie much gtntitied to note ! ;,a.j ; I.i,,,.,,!,, e.iuntv, of several , tho many improvements at the sta- hundred dollars and flop d. Thev jtions on this road in Chatliuui. At ; ,.;,,, ,,,.,.,1 j., Mexiiu.ler county 'a ; every one new buildings were being : f,.w ,:tyH ft,.r t sv .lisnppeate.l and lereoted. ami a ieisk business made wm carried t; Liiicoliiton mid lodged everything lively. New hi ores, -m jtlji. Mrs. Bimiett's husband otVer ! new dwelltngM, iinils, machine simps, ; ,,, H .,.,,,,,1 i,n,i fr (.ri i)llt 8i. rP. Wc, could be .-een f veiywber.'. and f s(.,i to jt,.lVM t,0 j.,;! l(.n. .-iKer everybody and everything reined to WilK -j u,ir t,i;l ,.., 0fflst l-'ridav. lie alive and moving, just us will he B(l(h were convicted. Judge Aveiv ! the case when our railroad reuehes suj,eiid. d sentence tu to the woman. ; our old town. j but s-i.t Finger to the Penitentiary ! Viiicriit's Mysti'i ious Deatli. I for ,ivu v' u,s "r ("iirts. V O. . Anvil lHHf!. Epitou Rkcoko: Dear Sir: I am! very much surprised at. the opinion j expressed by Dr. D. H. Albright iu ! II,.. I,...,i. f ii,.. 1st ii.t in ...m.iil ' to the death of Gabriel Vincent. I have been hearing the matter talked j of ever since Vincent wits missing j last. July and this is tho first iutiina- j lion that I have beard that it was i not piobable thut he was foully dealt : mil I lint i.iii.iiniluiii.c. of lii discovery havo strengthened public .........m. in h iuf I .In iw.l L, , w hat they think abo Albright's neighborhood. wnere that 1 have h into the woods and laid down and llu)li a imtuial ar.vth. Aboui 1 oVWk ! ,t, 7ili .Uv ,f lat .Imv I dis- ...),iea,...ll f,,u the field whine he was i j,'inttjy suci-ena was desimired of und j .i .. 1 .1 I , . ! ine mailer giuuuany ttieu nwity until ' !uo erly part of March a nmn , see what any one would want to kill - ! our Coroner was notified of this case j aud refused to go and investigate it ! because his informant could not make ; affidavit that Vincent was killed, would state that the law, ns contain ed in Section t!57 of The Code, makes it the duty of coroners to" hold in- quests oniy when some responsible ,',.., ..m.i...,:, .ni.-t ceasi-d probably came to his death by the criminal act or default of some person or persons." En Recokd. State Itfews. Washington Progress: It was with much regret thut we learned of the hurniiig of Mr. James E. Clink's dwelling luHigo with almost the en- lire contents on Saturday night last j ' T . 77 1 1 ; , , ' . . . ? 7. ' I "l j T1, ,n'ittd 8 cov- ; b' 4'00l) 1 ijurliaui Recorder: The Iter. M. ' his native State in the near future, He is a mil ivi of WiiIjii cnmdv soul i fnn verv eni. Uie Chat haul line. Dr. ytcs has 1 in China for 38 years an,i iit stjll j,, nhllt lu,llth w.iliu an,j iit stjll j,, nhllt lu,llth w.iBiliU(f 2ii ,,,. .w! lelu thllt h few il;j,vs ago MrssrH. lieu Tharp and Sam VMi (f Oxford, near being drow ned iu a swollen stream in Gran-1 embody most of the features of an ville county They were riding in a ! educational bill introduced in the buggy driving a very fine animal. 1 Senate by Mr. Morrill, which pro Mu: stream was so rapid that they poses to set aside the net. proceeds were washed down. The horse was ! of sales of public lands, including all drowned and one of the gentlemen fees .received at the General and Dis .iitlik twice before be was rescued. i trict Lund OHices, and threo-fouiths . .t , sii vr r I nf llm 1itn.l ninnat'a itairl Ihjk "'iotte woserver: air. Henry "'J3 y' m,.rmng yery seriously hurt at the bteatu mill of Mr. tt. A. Brown, ,arCo.,ord. Mr. Huuter was caught by a tlyi,g be 1 ;at a terrihe ratt: p..,,.,. u-,in rf clothing was torn from his body and I he was hulled to the giound' in (l !!.... liv ..-.-I ..o ,.,,n,l,iim tri.,e,l !"' arawuaiouuu a revolving Buaut., - -";V u7. .I..TT.:. event hi ug except the shoes 011 hisi?18' tbo apportionmeut of the total left arm an.l threo ribs were iu,u "d the. ";'e'08t fund to bn.kei. and he received numerous j shall be made according severe bruises about his body. DJ t the numbers of their respective W. II. Lilly was call, d to attend to 1 dm iupiiod man, and gave him the necessary attention. The doctor says "nil .ir. n unier s couoiuou la tnoti ihiif ttr.t iuisiMoril v fotiil. --j Xew ton Enterprise: On Monday i,lK( two yollllf, m,.ni Brakely d i;,, pt.,"rv, quarrelled over a game , )U(.0i ueilJ. t!l0 iai0Oold Mine, inili in lle t,A)t wuc, enaued, Blake jv s)ot H11(( iuiatv killed Perry. l9 iie rrrUw Gauge train going South left Gastonia one day recently, SOme one tied a doff to the car. lieu tbe conductor discovered it there was Ashrville Advance: Atiolhcr difli- VI"; " '" ;r",'"s Wednesday evening, engaged in for I1" "'" l'' h n-S'" The p,r- tieumis we did not get, but from whn "e learn .t seems t'-at lwjuor was the cause and flint sevnnl shot were tired. One negro was shot iu the back, rocfiving perhaps a mortal wound. Another waa fhot in the leg, but only slightly injured. There was a ueueral row and it was a hard mat t(x.r to tell who was tti blame for the iiniiMUiliiM.-. -There, is said to be a out it in Dr ! vv'"'' sn'heiiticated cie-e of leprosy ir od but everv i Yntlkii. county, N. C, the patient he heard itnBu.e;i!i1VlJ"hu ri'':v1"1"n' y- f,Hss. "w "am. imougn me name oi a candle and be insensible to tho hent W''10 blotches uppeured on the arm 1,,ri ft scans tormeit. 1 lie-ie Durham nro much ecite l over an . , ... outriiqe oi tne I'roKsest cUnriieter, which recently occurred in thflt place j wits followed bv the negro woman Statesville Landmark: Dr. D. P. Smith, who is now a citizen of the j H uwaiian Inlands and a subject of j King Kalakmia, is here for u few days ou a visit to h$s kinswoman, Mrs. Geo. H. lirown. 4. c, ... . . LfV. bUUtl! 18 a native Of Wilkes county, but left home when ho who 1C years old. Ho lived sever al Years in Texas and Indian Territory; where he read and pranced mediciue, J uraum u fiusb uauti uuu eugageii iu souk ooiaiiiK cuima usninsi aani aececimi 10 ex oilier linsiiiPBs. A fnw vm ntrn Via . eame to me ou or bef.ip the KihdHy of went to the Sandwich Islands and has lived there ever since. He is a lieutenant iu the king's guards and is in America uow on government busi ness, a part of which is the purchase of the plant for the electric light which it is proposed to introduce iu Honolulu, and, another part of which ! has reference to the reciprocity treaty between the United States and Hawaii. The Educational Bill. Washington-, April 5). The House i Labor Committee this morning bogan the discussion of the Educational bill. Mr. Buchanan, of Now Jersev, i OI"' "r- , luoved to report it to the House with ' recommendation. The motion I lost. Tho committeo then went into an extended discussion of the merits of the bill. There was general ob jection to the method of apportion- ' ment provided by it. The Illiteracy committee arirued. and States which ! ulioirn.l tl, i.,uui thoso nf a Bchnnl u,n,,i,l r.iv the largest proportion of the appr ; riation. The committee adiournc o- ; ....jation. The committee ; ,ilhoM actiou ,,ut it i(, , ! that a practically new bill I ported back to the House prmtiou. The committee adjourned understood will be re ported back to the House. This will 'Z---i"ZZiSZZJ:ZnAZ -- -J "J ,0'" """"'A V, , OI ' 'V ' X,'?- , oney j E'bX Zett "3 1 1 uln beU en t he .gesof States and Territories, and to be Bl "H,uo aa eaucauonai iuna, uie terest at 4 per cent, to be paid to o States j and, for the first ten 1 "i-'"" UIU ..u u,, ward who cannot read and write, as shown by the last census. Rov. Dr. Skinner has resigned the pastorate of the First Baptist church at Raleigh. The President baa appointed Sena tor Jackson, of Tennessee, United Stetes Circuit Judge in place of Judge Baxter, recently deceased. We understand that seal-skin coats are eoiiiL' out of stvle. and in conse- qucnoe colds are "increusiiig among the fair bcx. How fortunate there is such a remedy as Dr. UuII'b CoUgh Syrup 1 With bright eyes and elastic step, yet gray, lusterleus ltair. It is un natural, needless. Purkers Hair bal sam will restore the black or brown prematurely lost, cleanse from all dandruff, aud stop its falling. Dou't surrender your hair without au effort to save it. Remember that J. W. Scott k Co , GiiEi.NSBoKo', N. C , is the house for you to patronize. Ample facilities and fifteen ymirs expciieuce gives them suporior advantages. Flag to tin Ii eexe Again. Raleiuk, N. C, March 22, '80. T , , ... , - A iiavn oeeu uunneiaiiv resiirrecteii ami nir.iiii float mv ttmr tn I he brix7 ' itiu. ag.nii uoat m nag in int oreezt , , with compass set towards tho city of Piosperiry. 1 inn daily receiving my Spring stock, coiisist iiigiif Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, kc., Ac, and I aiu selling them! I will ncll! and at bot tom cash prices. Many ?ou AT cost. Cash is the wokd. JOSEPH P GULLEY. Come one conic all. O. C. Hamlet, Having engaged my serv-.-es fit R. F Boyd & Co. Whoi.kmalk n: d Rk taii. dealers in Boors, Siioi s and Thi'nks, Greensboro', N. C, I take this means of informing my iicipjain t lures and friends of tho same and ..l:..:.: il. . a . t ''iiiik tneir jiairt'iiage, ttiut uop tney win can 10 t-ce me. Very truly, Jimmir R Rivbh. OlIITUABY. STlNSON.-On the !IKili ir MHrv.h, 1HM, Mrs. IKulKRT Htinhon, 111 her TUUi yrw Ur fuuaisl timk .l'-e t ttet tutu rMf6rr, I crw-ni mil. j.rr.-r.u cmi.ny, Ry., on th.foitow. It,,.i .fiA,..Hn . -I ..'nl.-.h XI , , " Burial rlTMtn. Her malilrn nanio wan Solil l'rnlu, IwllrTed to Iiith born l HuKiionot tlencent ami iKiru In Chatham cuiuj, N. C , where iwaie tt hr klnflfolk 'now rftHlil. (Onu. T ZZ S nlAlUtHTS. Imported for TUR KsoeBn by WYATT & TAYLOR, OHOCBItS 4 COMMI8KION MKItCIt AiiTS. I?A. 11 South Khlo Martin .. RLIiiD, N. O.. Aprfl !. ISM, COTTON MARKET: Ooort MM.HInt. Nfii.irifiK. SS-4 S s IS Hrlrt Low MhtdlAg, maioa. WnOLE8ALF.OROCF.llY MAItKET. Mrat-C Rallies. 6 '. OnlToo, lo I Im. II H"iir. . C. U wvTri no Tit Bams. I. C , l '"wil, while, " auteaT'Oured, 12(nlt iru, Larl f)aia, Hrt1 rPtTrtarf, ,al(i IMtaunw taintly, 8y" Sweet, Mrilamna ;lv. nv&VI i 8Mi to : i 53oo syruiw, brth.' ivatoj ioi iiarroi, ton "ISillhi Yen... JuiL?" won Extra o. k chiiaem,' w!n Oranulatea, lirora, J -f Barring 0X; nnw Hrmu Tle tt It; llaced TIM 1 m. Thece artcw a tot tortt (olw New Advertisements. HEOE1PT LOST. ALL PER SONS ire hireby nmlBiwI not in trudn for certain racolpt for a lot nl luatliir clveu by T. S. Memory nr v.'uiiktiiu), n. y to tnonuoi.. w.thir- j rn, auu wnicu rwt'iiit waa 101 or uairoyu uy . mm Uiirrall, and cantiul aflr Ulllrni wan-h be UUUU. April IS, 18. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having iiiitllfle4 as tho ailraliilBtralor of April 16, 1H86. CAROLINA BAKING POWDER. Newspapers and medical journals Lave been full of allusions to hurtful adulterations and impurities in urti cles of food especially in Baking Powders. I pluce one in the market of ouaiianteed purity, containing no alum or other cheapening ingredients, and manufactured with care and pre cision. It is put up in full weight 3 ounce aud 8 ounce cans which retail at 10 and 25 cents. One triid will prove its merit. Orders from dealers and others solicited. MANCFACTUliRO BY U. &. XXOXUtfS, Wholesale aud Retail Druggist, Favettbville, N. U. April It, ltfflt. Harris & Flippan, GREENSBORO', N. C, DEAt.F.1.8 IK HARDWARE, CLTLERY, CARRIAGE GOODS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &C., &C. Agents for Richmond Cooking Stoves A complete line of Gr.tS, Pistols, (Sec.; Wholesale and Retail. tor Write for catalogue. April 15, 18M. 3ms. KSTADMSHED 181)5. Len EL Adaks, RALEIGH, N. C, W&Qlesale and Betail Grocer, Cotton Factor COMMISSION MERCHANT. I'KAI.Klt IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORN, MFAL, SHINGLES AND LA ! HS OF OUR OWN M ANT ' I ' AC f CUE ALWAYS IN MOCK AT OUR MILL, ALSO AT STORE. THE BEST HEART SHINGLES. Wo oro headquarters for first -class goods. April 15. Ib8f. Extracts of Vanilla and Lemsn. Among the many articles iu daily use, which are liable to be injurious because of adulteration, may be class ed Fi.AYoutse: Extracts. The Extiact of Vanilla here offered is made from tins Mexican Vuiiiila Beans, contains no Toni'a BeHti, and is free from the rank taste und odor so common iu cheap extracts. The Extract of Lemon is a pure, concent luted and fresh preparation. Orders from dealers and others solicited. MANCFACTt-nm UY ii. it. iionres, Wholesale and Retail Diuggist, Faybttkvim.e, N. C. April 15, 1SS3. "BE I LL FO It SALE. BY V I RTUE o-Y m. UioHiiiit'rlnri'ouri tr eiiatluiai county. 1 will ntll Ht itlilo hihuIihi, n rknt- Inul, nil o.tll'KlMi itin Tin uny i'i imy, ir,nir- mm in.ciot Inml mi n.'iir t'recii. in ui'i rnunty 't"'Uim. Kilji.tnliiit Urn liimls of tl. :. THlly Hud ollu,ri)j ,,iuilllllll. 8lMlUl llia, ri ,,,,,. lH uhuiiI s uiiiN-nii.L ami saw mu.l, lii-li'iiging te thn fwln'ii nt llii. I Hi' . A. rmill, Ti-rmn: Ouo-tlilnl ckkIi. iuii-Uiliil In V nioiiilis und uuo Uilril tu l'i uinuilui Willi iiiiiMTHi hi per until. W. U. FHILl.tHM. April 8, 1HS. Ci'iuinl.sKliiiirr. m? OTICE TO CREDITORS. NO- 1 TICK : hi-rohy Rlten tlmi tt. W. f'.'Usiw, n exMcuiur "f T. W. W.miiilp, 4o-i4UaM. han fill! hid fltml nniiunt fir Urn Bi-elciucn' t UU n.tntnr'.t ottftln; Hllil llir tft!nt iill Iih Ktiiilted by mv Ht illy I'dl.-i', In Urn lowo ul l'tiiooiro', Mi SHtur.lay tbe 1st any of Mny, ltii. wlii-tc all lienmiiH liiildlnit einliim ak.-iIuhi, nr oilio wlu In turentil In. nalil cnuiui will li hi'Hril. April 6, UMi. W. K. EOChUEE, C. S. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Iliivlnc iiualtlliMl iu tho a'lmlnlfttf.tuir nt Irmia l'llklnuin. domwl, 1 borrby imiiry all rx-r mmrt hiilillnif t-litlmB aKallirt HaM un'-riliMit U vx hllili Cie aioe lu me u or lietoiv tin- hui ilny ,.r Uprll, IWI. J. A. WtfMAOK. Alrll 9, DMINISTRATOR'K NOTICE.. Ilavlnv iiualinml as the aitnilnlatramr nt ; Mary Hmiileriiii. il(,i'aM.l. I horoby imtiry all rftiiiifi hnlillPK claliiin atzaliint tho ematn nl HaM j ili','ifiit ut oxlillilt tl,J same to mi on or Iwrorf thn Bill ilay ot April, lHT. J. A. VlOUACK. AiNI , IhM. i DMINISTUATOR'S NOTICE. j claim., asmimt aa'-i t.vii m i.. nhiw ! UlC (MtfllO lO fTB OU Of Irtlur UlP till (lA .MaiT.n. Hohry Pi'rr ffrv-Mflw!, I lifrt ly ii'Mliy all ixsrwitir iw: M. 0. Mi HANK. March 4, 1M. W. S. MOORE, ORGANS AND PIANOS. Why do the people of Chut bam pay Ruch high prices for Organs whet, they can buy tho old reliable (estab lished lHiVJ) KuoxixiiKR for .r)'.). !?t;.J. $72 to S1S7, delivered, for the finest they make, (ilO.OOO in use), folding iieduls and 2 boxed music closets, keeps tuit mice mid dust From $10 : to tjfill cnu be saved by buying, through mo. direct from the Iactohy and which are made for me with my own name. Shosingf.b gtand upright i.jHnos, with Bells, 24(1, 2(50, 275. Send for illustrated circulars, and tes- i timonials of many who are using then 'today iu N. C. M; !i. cry. Dry Good i, j s -n . i, .. l,lj ; ,... I Turret v. Attention Tobacco Farmers 1 For Growing Fine Bright Yellow Leaf Tobacco Use Only BRITISH MIXTURE, , Remember it is made specially for TOBACCO, and when you buy it Vou run no risk. HitiTixii Miy iei'i- lmo ln.ui numt fm- llm iviut ,,.'.,..1 , . .... ...... "...TV . . C.I J oihiO by the most successful Tobacco Growers it, the North Carolina Golden Bell aud has given universal satisfaction. Write for Circulars und prices. WYATT 4& TAYLOil, UllOCEltS and (iENKRAI, i 0MMISSI0X MKRCHAMSJ RALEIGH, N. C. April 1, ltffl. 3m. G. OBER & SONS' COMPANY'S Special Compound for Tobacco Has wo buikmoii if an etiuul for the production of Biuoiit Yku.ow Tocacco. Manufactured only at the Company 'a own works, from best uiuloriul purchased strictly for cash. Call ru V. L. LONDON. Plttsboro', N. C. ; J. M. MelVER, Gulf. N. C. j W. C. k A. B. STHOSACH. Ualeigh. N. C; J. L. MARK HAM, Durham; N. C; F. F. Lloyd, Chapel Hill, N. C. Lumbsvillo. N. C, December 24, 18KS. Mr. Charles Watkins, Richmond. Va. : Dear Sir, I used your tobacco fertilizer th s year 1HK5. Am well pleased with it. It is all you cla'm lor it. Truly.' Jno F. Atwatkr. Bynuiu's, S. C , January 1, 1885. G. Ober & Sons Co. : Dear Sir, Wu used the Ober Special Compound on on'' tobatfo, and arc well pleased, it is th beat mumi w: have ever used Wo tried it by the: side of other guano, and found it to bu lie; ter than the b.bnco raised frora duy other. It grew large nnd leafy, ydlov.c.! well ou the hill, und stood the protracted drought better than tiny others, did not lire up on the hill. Can cheerfully recommend it to all in wart ol lirst-class guano. Shall use it again. Youis truly, H. N. Mavn. IJcllvoir. N. C. .lanuaiy 11, 18HG. Charles AV'atkins k Co.: Dear Sir. Iu replv to you, I would sav tliit I have been working G. Ober & Sons' Special Compound Tobacco ' rtibzer l r thre? veers, and I like it in every particular. I have tried it by tho side of other standard brands, und find it to be the best of all. 1 ea i iccoimiicmi it everywhere) auu expect to use it auu no other the Respectfully yours, March, 11, 1880. low. SERGEANT farrar vmm cook au? n? Mills, Can-: VSii Piows, Straw Cir.lo.'D, Andirons, And Caaiii;.; i '! K.'-i v Jjr.icriuliou. aSend for Price-List. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM flic fKipular furorlt? for (1reflin? tho Jirttr, Ilcxtttrlutc color when ri-ay, ami prnvt-iilttiK Dandruff, t r Un lit tlm will 1 1, tduw tho hair fuilititj, nnd U fin a to pleoiu. frtp. ami fcl u nt IrujrKi5W. The best Cough Cure yon can use. And Uie beat preventive known furCoimiinpUon. 5Jo othr rmetly In bo effective In Uie tauie of Scrofula, KheuniatiKin, ANthma, KUliify, I'ritmry anil Kemnle, aitd all dUtm'ders of the Liintra, Stomooti Bowela, Blood and tiorve. H has oftfu wtrtKl Ufa and has efTectetl cure In nurny camn thoiiKht by phynlt'ianiUlo Incnral)lr. H vill my you to Rive Fahkkh's ToNU'ft tUoriMiK'1 trial. ftJJld by all Drug. (TiAijt iu larKO Iwttlet at HINDER CORNS Theofpt, miri'Ht, quifkNt and bwt cure for Corni, Bunlonm WurU. Mule, (.'ulluus,.-. Hiniloivthptr fur therfcmwth. .stopnall Uit. (uvettnotroiitdp, 1akeithe ft-rt comfoilahlf, HiiKti'reornH ciir lifneverrthing lMfaUa Bold by UruififldU at Xic. HuOuJtCo., N. iT YOV COM 3 TO RALEIGH. N. H CUi AT TUiSliffi FOR IlARDuAIlK, Cutlery, Guns, SASM, BOORS, BLINDS, PAINTS, OLS, GLASS, LIME, PLASTEB, Cement AND 1,000 OTHER ARTICLES. BEST (JOOOS1 LOWEST TRICES! KgUARE DEALING ! Wr(tk Fon I'ntei:: TitiNo W:rt.ii. Fi'liiimry 95, Ins. EEL! IN RICHMOND. VA. Eight Large I'aes. 04 Columns, only i 1 per year. Tlifl WKKhl.l I'lT.. n n in Wllil inr iirnn ' tr..i.i Kii i,i,i'ti, or Hie woOJ. Our li-Ii'criinlil'- ,.r- vl'S ii,virH ovry I'mintry. i .Ml ir'i'V. B'.i'1'.l. r.'il'h'iiH anl ).'llti''Hl niiiv,.. , miniH at lnmr..fat'riail an' taitliluilv fhr"iil'li"l. ' All new iHsti'ViM-iin hi Mi't.'ii.-f. uikI tht'ir nii'i"-n-tlMi u airrt'-iiliini'l an.l nic' iiris, llml a iilnif til Ii" minimis. Tim fnrnipr has it ili'itrliin'iit full ! InMnn'iivK manor; aii'l Uio laill art ln:.'rnirl ir Krti-lii.m t. varying I'tiiwa an.l it all new li.nm,-liiiilii ii.-vhI- !i if a wWmine vlsltnr I" every im-iiiber or iln rainlly. l'.wrv inimlior i-iiiialn an InU'roHiliiCHinry ami auriraiia ami 'iii Kinehlral (.k"lrli,. nt li.lluK nnn nr mir iu ami hUiit i.uutrli's. A wt-kl ri'Vli'w nt ilin prln. Ii.',! uiarki-lfi t the rnlir.l siaio H an 1 lit ' ui 1 1 r,-iuin. i ui. ,n. aim In niako In,. Wkhhi.V Iiscich i K" atirai'livv In all 1m .liipan incnili llial lis ma ilora will inn winiiiKiy Ki' "i. ""'i an iiln -aHT nt Ji'iiui! aint "M, thai tm lan ily ran an'.ir.l i.t l" wlilmui H- SK-lal aiii'nil'm Is lvi-n in Noltrn n,-Wf. mir t'nri'M nr iirri,f.(K'n.lint in iliai sniii" turnlxhliiK oviiryihlnp nl Inicn-.u iironiilly l'y t''l sraiih oiirclri'ul.til.iiiwasiliiiil'lisl Mio iiantyi-ar. Tin tarn.. ail.ilil"iia ! mir siil' ri.'l"ii llm almut-, nvvlviil, tlv noiiiran-p llial Ii il! Im ni"r ihan ion )! t iiK-an Uil yiutr. Try il WKKkLY l'lsl'Aii u una yt-ar. by fruiting Sn'iolt'ii'l'li " moiii-ii irtvwi any aunrMw. a itoiinr i" The Disr-AToii Company. Richmond, V' , com:ug season. Gi o. A. Bowpen. Tit " A TURma co.. T. O. WHEEL, ?r.r :toves, imz Pcv72rs, mm UAPP TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND COSTOMEBJ We tiike this opportunity of thanking our fin t'.r tluir liiit'iul jiat l' ami bope to uie: it. a contiliU'inee :.f i in' simii;. We will sliil tiy a, id keep evi r t iii.'ig vou wish mil t will !rv nnd sell to vou es cheap us i lie . o. ids cull be had I anywhere. We will still con- tinue :o give C: SH eiiKtuuier . special inducements. Our stock will ALWAYS EE COMPLETE I land will not be allowed to run down iu imv ib-pai tnieut. FA H MRUS can alwavs find FLOWS of nil kiads und rbt)V CASliN(i.-i, whit:h will 1 be sui,! at vm'v bottom price. Alsd a 'ood stock of AXES. SHOVELS, j FORKS, j MATTOCKS) I 1 1 AMES. COLLARS, LINKS; i aud farming implements generally. o have a lew WAGONS AND BUGGIES which will be Hold low. Remember you can find anything you wish. If you don't see it ask for it. We still have a spl ndid stook of DRV CU.KJD.-i, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, TINWARE, DIU'CIS. FV RN IT CUE. ( 1 1 tOCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, SHOES, BOOTS, HATS, CROCKERY and tbe best SEWING MACHINE made. It will always pay yon to call anti get posicl, l liothlli"' more, at othiii'' more, at l. Loarooxre- m WW Jan 7, Jsfl. -5 i! .r m-m

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