&ljc Cljntljam Hccovb. u. a. i.oisi)i;, KiuTou and fhophietou. TERYI3 OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, .hip year '.'.On One i-iiy, six incnillis . - $ I.IMl On" copy. three ii' t:1 h-s - . ."ib Fore it Voiuiff. Tim w'iM world hastens mi its way; Th,.' gray haired century neats it ,-lo.i, lis sorrow ilr'ii day In day; 'l lii- Summer lilu-li liirs'ilvtji tli" rosn. lint, ilurhm;, while your vut.t' 1 hear. Anil w hile your dark brown eyes I sij?, frsi.l months anil sunless, scas'ins tlnnr, Aro all III" Min", nil l; l.n I, to inn. IVspair ('!in never rcn.-li inn While your oft libiiil I holil. While your eyes love and tca.-li nu'. 1 never shall unm ol P They say that love inr-nk.-s l" M: That pn.-sion pales mid I'm l away ; That oven lovts hri-Jit I,, lis of o!.i M:i-t lose their rlmrin 1 1 1 I liani- to Kiiiy. But, il.ii lin. while your heart is iniii", Ami wliil" 1 fid that yon hit tni", For nu1 Hi" ski", w ill !- shin- With Summer li.hl nml tcinl.-ii-st l.luo. Vl S. l"t ol. I .IV.IMltTi.il- HI"! I s-orii his inoekini; tonsil". IVnr lovt-, nli you l -ide iih, 1 am f.-i.-v t-r "iiiii,! .'. I'll m iii. ONLY A COMPANION, "It scorns to tin- I i..ti' look as vi 11 ;s u-ual to iihdit," said Mrs. Major O.ut. bill",. Sin- shook lnT j' t Iil: ok i ni ls in a sot-, pentino cataract about Inr fart- as she spoke, ;iii. t litii ally Mimyol hcr-cf in til" eja-s. Mis. Major Datil.iifo hail I.. . n youm-:-t r, :iii-I sin- lia-! Imi ii pn ltiir, hut sin was siirpi i-im-ly wi ll !i"it. ii up for nil that. ISy !-:isi;:i you ihiiM scan ely liavf t.ilil that -In was a day ovir thirty J cats of am-. Ami. as la iuvnrihly look tin pri caution to In- :t. i -in ii nil . I into 's.m ii ty " l.y In r i .'mp.ini.in, Mi-s t inns l.y. ho.i sj 1 1 i il ilni it w.i- to nl. -i-i vc ai"! cornet all n,i-t ako- ol c -t inn", coin- pli A ion a in I i in I In foil 'I In I tyrs M possilily talo i . t - - ol tin-in, Mrs. Dait hiii:.' fi ll lull i.ildy -ale. Mrs. Ilaill-ui;; Wa- a widow in -.. ai.ii of n i h h l.u-l. and. I la- ih i oa-i i m i . . li.nl In-ill in-mi ii. i it.' iiinii::li to .In ami h ave h, r vv ill.. ul an im ni- wliiili was ih riili illy im oiun.itiba' willi 1 1 . -j-waiil ami ill" ..i;y thin:; h it for In r was to many -min- om- who i-oiilil -upply t In- a w kw ai i ih I'u ii m y. Si Kal" I : ni-l was likiniviry y, ar t.. me "ay w ati I in:: p!ac .-i hi il'iant Iy thr--ii'..t i springs. K .! wa- vi ty ii'ilik" In r p.iln.iii --, a-sln- -at tin I" p. ili ami iiiii t in In-r lilu-tins-. II- r fair w.-i.il, w il ii limpiil, li.iiliyis; fialiiiis ami stiaojil, ami lll:l-s" of i im n .!:n k kail i nihil i-i ln-.iv y Inuiils at tli- link ol Inr lnail. In-ipii lookiii:; I" Mi -. M.im-l utlniii,' tlt i Ian i. Kat" an il m i lilih- lor tin vi nlirt, as Ion:; a- In r " -a' in," a- Mi'-. l:iillniro pri fi ir. il t-i pliia " il, -iilVn i'il forth pp'Tt ol Inr tno I -1 1 1. - mpliaii liiotlnis. -.No.' saiil .Mrs. I i.iiilnirL', iin 111I011--ly, "I ilmi't look as wi II as iiii.iI, ami if Mi. 'I'liiMon is to In- tin i", I want to lo-k In ttrr. Mr. Tintni his,. tat"- in th" Wi-I I in lii s, ow i;s a v ai lit ami ill in -:i four in liaml. I 1.11 you whit. K it". j. u ii.u-l put mi a litll" iii' i" roil ;" "ii tin- i. II t Im k I Ami, K in- if yii Woiihl only ha" olT wraiim: 1 1 n -t .low tly lii.n k ihi ssis! I n ally am In-iiiiitii:; to Ii" :isiatii"il of oii win u W" l;o into tin- liall-i'ooin. lo oi-l sinni thiiii; m w ami -tyli-!i a Iihn k iron :ri iiailiii", or a China i rapi .' -i Ii.im- nt h- r- lopi.ivi'ii f ir It i-l. -lliys l',"' sai l Kalt-, o-liitly. "I i ilillnt nlT'i.ltli. mw .!t toiali.-n- of w hit h .-u --t ak, Mi-. I ntl.in "Dut I'm m.t . w ai" that I am t all. .1 upon to siippm I all tin- hi u i ir- ami ol -plinns iu t nal nn ;M -ii. iln- willow, sharply. " 1 1 t - ill thi- -pray of pur-pii- p in-ii in .an hail tin y an- tplil" III ii-inn--i ifimli, I'm -iln ." Mrs. i ntlnii u hi l-pp il siiiin- as iihwoliti il swi.l that ni-lil. a- -li" Coiirti-ii-il low to M' TiitMi n. tin lii li w iilowt i. ' Hi's haiiil-.-m"." tin it-lit tin- liu--liainl hiiiitn --. ') ii nn . In- tan'l I.--uit forty, ami as -t i ii.-lil .i- an arrow !" Ami sh" rlial I. .1 aw.iy in h-r ni l t f : -tin. Mini; manm r a- -In- w.'!k..l tln.'il.ih tin- loom-, h aiii-i;: on l. 'l iuM-iii'-anil. "A vi ry m:iT i al.h w- niiii," ili-.ii-;lit tilt- inillioiiaii", "llioii -h n t as yoiin-r :i slit- has l.irii! Knows rml"l), ami m i ins t ". i'iino ami il.l". If 1 liou'.l many nLrain an I. ii a'ly, lit tic Tom in -oils a Woiu in'- i ai" whi n In- is at lioino f .f tin; Imlilay- it ."It linly is worth 1 1 1 i 1 1 is i 1 1 x al.oiit !" Thi-sf won- III" tli-j'iinti'-l in 'illtat ions tli-it passiil tliioii.'li Mr. Ti 1 1 M -i i " - iniml us In- po.t"ly li-t-in-il to t-n- willow's 1 1 1 i t -1 1 : 1 1 , ami a-l.iil ipn sti nis alioiit tin various oi t upaiils of tin- t r-iwili-il room. "Who is t!i;:t tail -,'irl l. t h w imlow ." he nski-tl, "w illi tli" hlai-k i vi s ami tin lin tty hair:" "How straii','" that yon -hoiihl notit a Iut! WIiv, f-ln is my t .uiipjiiion, Katf Onn.shy, n suit of pom-ii hitioii, whom I ki-i-p with nu- out of pill" charity." "Very kiml of you, I am sun ," sni-1 Mr. Tnixton, nml In- thought nir.iin that with such nn amialil.' pi-r-onaio- a- this his inothcili-s-i littl" hoy wotiht lianlly fail to lie happy. "It's a trial nt times,'' went on Mrs. IVtithurit, who was il. t'Tinim il to m u trali" the nilmiration which liraiut-.l in Mr. Truxton'H eyes, us hi- clancctl hack over Ins shouhlor towar.l Kate's ipu-.-iilv form, "for her tenipi-r is i-xccctliiioy un Ct.Ttuin." Sir. Truxton felt hitnsc'f inorc nnd VOL. VIII. more nltnicteil towanl this nnijclie cren-tiiri-, ami he too' the lirist opportuiiity to n.sk : "Whether she w as foml of chililrcn?" "I a.loie tln iii," saiil tin- witlow, clasp inu In-r hamls. "I am ulail of that," saiil Mr. Truxton. "1 have a little hoy of my own!'1 How transparent is man! Is it any wornl, r that Mrs. ).iiIiiii' felt, as . sin took olT her curls ami ti-clli, at half past twelve, that she hail ilono n gooil cven iii::'s work ! It hiippeiieil that the next tlay M'. Truxton took il into hishi :nl to on to SI. Sehil-tiall's Hill, !l select I ma Ii I i II!,'- hoii " "for Imjs iiuil.T twelve," to see his little son. "Have y u lii-en to Saratoga, pa?" loinlly ileinamliil Tommy Truxton. ".lack ami Hilly lirnisliy have j;ot a .sister at Saraloi;:!." Ami .lack ami Hilly, two npplecheek iil nit hins of nine ami ten, iliimi'l at I -lcs-ly in: "Mill you see our Km!", sir?'' "Who is your K il".'" a-keil Mr. Triix t hi. .-111111-11 at their hoy way-. "She's Mi-s I liui-liy," saiil I '.ill, "ami -In 's i onipaiiioii toOhl (at I) ii'llium." "To - win-in, iliil ymi say :" askctl the wi-lowcr. soini whal pulei. "H- ine.iii- Mr-. Major I u thin;.'," ex plain.. I .lark ; "Imt In- call- In r I M Cat. hi t au-i- she's so i m -s to Kat". Kate woiil-ln't say there, only she nenls the iiioin v to k. t p us at school. Hill win II nn- ami It'll .;. t hio . n.-u-'h to woik.'we w in'th t tin- lil Cat toinii'iil ln-f any llll-l'C." "She l-oi- Kill'- i. us soiniliiiiis," .ai.l 1'iill. I" , nllully, "ami onre -he pull ei In r hair. Kale oiinl awfully. We went linn- la-l holhlay to spt inl a tlay with Kale, ami the LI Cat hamjetl II 1'oiiml awful -he ai.l -In- liateil hoy -!" ' "That was 'i all -" 1 ti II foinnl In r fal-e tilth in a oh--- of water," sa'nl .lack, ami I painleil my-t If up out of In r .In --in;-, liox, willi roil:;.' ami lily -u hite, o look like an 1 1 it ) i:i it on the war-path! Ami -In look In I i in Is olT win n she lay il'.wn for a nap, ami we playeil they wa a -i i'p! Ami Kill askctl her why Inr hail tlhhi'1 i-i'ow mi hi r In :l I like Kale's .inl!" Mr. Tnixton mil t out l:iiii:hiiiLr. "Volt lull I have I .'lit 1 1 It ' I Jolll'scll' lielally I l.llovioll-!" In- i rl.limeil. II" wi nl I' i. k to S n.il.-:a on th" cm n iii" train ami lie lii -I n i-mi In- - in, as la no i ml.. I thr slip. ...flhe Claremloil lloi.l, w is Mr-. Major llarllniiu', in a ii. h I' lli ti" of whit" inn lii I hhi" nl.hon-. While Kite Ihui-liy sal jii-l In himl la r. with a l"'k in h- r haml, "li which In r li nk nn lam holy cy. - wen lixe.1. "sh" is In aulil'iil !" tlioii::ht tin- inill i.maii", hut it wa- not the wi-low that he w a- I'.okiuo; at. The .lay - -p, , l.y tin witlow In li. vcil liiat i nn one was in-taHim; Inr more llimly in Mr. TruMoii'- heait. While K .it" hut K il' hail ' in h a ijllii t w ay lh.it iiol.o'ly toiil'l n.illy have tohl how sh" wa- pa--im: In r lime I ih" i i nin:; Mi-. M. ior 1 1 ii 1 1. in;: ;t aim up l-i In r loom, i at 1 n I "pill out" In cau-e Nlr. I 1 1 1 v I n led ii t ilnvi u his m i:;liili t i nl tour in h iml away from tin- iloor without a-kiii In r to net lipy th" vacant - at I" -hlo him. "Kal- !" sh" -,iit, sli.uply. "Kate t;iu-oy, what an you .h-in:;? I'ofinir om r a I k of pot try, imain, as I live; ami tint I. -haw I not 1 1 rap". I inn the wllil" -ilk illf-s f..- t he I Vclliu-J !" "I I kink then i- -till lii in it::! i ."' ai.l K il--. .iii. ll. "Ilon't tonlr nliit mi !" -ai.l the w how in a passion, "m I'll ili-1 har::c ymi on the spot. I've lionu- with yoiirtiinpcr tjiiiie Ioiil:' cnmijli." "In thai ease," saiil K ate, calmly, "we hall Imiii he Miili il, for I was ju-t ahoiit to m-tify you of my intention to h ave your -cr ice." "Ami starve iu the eaittiT-:" t ri. il Mr-. Maj-T DiiiIhiil-, spitefully. "I think iiol," sai.l K it.-, with a half smile hovt rin:: alioiit her lips, " hat nr.- you ooin to ilo, then.'" "I I" li' ve I shall In- inarricil soon," saiil Kate, llushino st arlet iu the frit inlly twilight. "My oooilness l'-ii ions !" saiil Mrs. Dutlmri;. "Amlwhat poor fool woukl In- cray cinni'.:h to marry you?" "Mr. Truxton!" Kate aiisweieil, ooail cil to frankness hy the widow's iu-tiltinij tone. "Wi- have heeii cn.i'jc.l for It week." Mrs. Major Dartlmr:; sank feehly tlow u in an arm-chair; as she aflcrw anl expre-s-nl it, "all the strength went out of ln-r at the thought of that frill's malicious mamiivcriii":." Hut it was all true, nevertheless nml Kate Orinshv lookeil radiantly lieautifitl, a month afterwar.l, in oraiie hlossoins ami whit" muslin, as she stooil at the altar hy Mr. Tiuxton's sitle! Ami if anyone wants to know "what hecaine of them all," we can only say that K ate ami her hushaml are scarcely less happy at Truxton Place than are Bill, .lack ami little tow-heath-il Tommy ami Mrs. Major Oartlmrt! is still haiintino the centers of fashion, with a complexion us luilliaul ami manners us juvenile its over! A missionary reports that the river Eu phrates liids fair to disappear altou'i thiT in tin- spreading marshes just In-low Hahy . u, which have ruined the steainhoat channel and are now- ohlitcratin"; naviga- lion for rowlmats, ; ITITSIi)l! Concertiiiiir I'enslnns. An Examiner of I'eii-ions t;ives the fol low ino hints coneeininu' applications for pen-ions that may heofu-e to old sol diers: Now iu oli:iiiiin-r pensions all tin- ttov eriinienl wants are the facts, simple plain facts, and then there is no troiihle. If a man can prove that he is sulTerim; from a disability contracted in the army, and while on duly, he will oi l a pension with out any trundle, lie may have pi f, say of two persons, one perhaps in California, another may he in Maine, No matter where they an-we oo and see thclu ami oct their statements. The government irives a man all the opportunity iu the world to e-talilish the fact that he is en titled to a pension. Tin- claimant is not rcipiired to on to any cpen-e whatever, dut tin- government stands it all. All that is necessary is simply to prove that it is tleserviiio of a pension. Sometimes a man applies for a pension dut thai docs not ;;ivo any proof other than his ow n as sertion. Now we may helieve every word he says, Imt cannot ".'rant his claim, simply dceau-e then- is ilo h-oal proof. Perhaps the pi-r-ons whom hi- knew he could prove it hy, ale dead or lioliody knows where, con-eiiiciitly his claim is rejected. Itut this docs not necessarily eml the mailer, as t lie claimant may ac cident. iliy st iimhle on some proof that he knew nolhiiio ad.-ut, and send to Wash ington and revive his claim. On the i. tin r hand, a man may a i rt that lie contracted i liciiiiinl i-tu on the l:!lh day ..r I . c inder, sii:S. We will "o to him ami lake his full - laid, n ut, ami tin n a-k, "Can ymi prove this;" "Oh, yes," he will answer, and then we will a-k him for tin- names of his wiliics.es. lie w ill plodadly .s;ive llle two, for instance, liv in:r iu ililV. Tent part-of the country, I will no to one ami ask him if he knows that Mr. Smith contracted rln iiuial i-m on such a tlay. Id- may say; "Well, I n iin min r that Mr. Smith complained of in lii utr pains in his co that nioiniii:;. Id- had hi en oil picket duty the ri i -r 1 1 1 lic fore and that inorniii dorrowed a liotth of liiiiiiu iit from one of the hoys ami lllddcd his lev; for some time." I'll uo to ll tin r witness and lie will say, "Yes. n im iiider Smith wa- eomplain in:r that day. I told him we were "oiuo to have si rimis troiihle and that he had l.ctti r drop Lack ami l'o to tin- hospital, dut In- said, -I came In re to I'mlit, not to U'o to the hospital.' " Well, he w ill siilVcr from rhcumati-m after that ami kmov thai he eml railed il that ni'-ht while on pit ki t duly, and has two wit nesses to prove it, so In- o.-ts a pension. If a man is entitled 1" a pension ami can prove it dy eompitciit witnesses he lias in troiihle ill securing' it. A liuili Ui'Klmi'iit. .la. U Stephens, Clerk of the Criminal Cunt, tells how it e line admit that his rcoinii lit was in the late Senator Miller's driyade dut lilt- en minutes, .lack's n-";i-nieu' was on-' ol the loii :h"-t ill the army, and nohody -.-tTin-il anxioii- to have it iu his command. Alter it had In en trans ferred from nm- hfi.L'ade to another and had I. mid iiodody who could control il. to n. Milh r, who wa-on pretty ", I t' mis with himself ami had a hi"h opin ion of his adility to control any set of men askctl to have thi-touuh reuiiueiit :nl tlcil to his luioadc. There was no opposi tion to this, of eour-e, and the transfer wa- made. lieu. Miller immediately or dered the iToiinciil up in line and pro ci cded to make a speech to il. I. Iliic' the hoys what In- was and what he was not ooilli: I" slllft-r them to tin. As lie w arineil up to hissudjoct he ilrcw oil his loiio "auntl. I- and laid them on a drum -tamliiio near him. Hardly had he done this when one of the hoys in tin- I i in; sneaked around dchiml the Cciieral ami iu plain -i"lit of the entire regiment stole the gauntlets ami suceeetle.l in frettini; hack to his place in the ranks unodserv i d dy the eo.lent tdm ral. At the cl of the speech, which did imt take more than t.-n minutes, the (iem-ral tlisiuis-ed tint hoys and turned to pick up his gauntlets. "Well, I II he hh-sed!'' What lie said is not fully reported, hut the fact is known that in live minutes more he had -in i ccdcil in having the reoimcnt turned over to another l-ri'.ade. Vhifuji AVr. Seinlini; u Buy hy .Mull. In a wait ino room were tluee or four fond mammas ami papas and their num erous dirt ct desceudents of hoth sexes. The children were all restless -what child ever was not in a waiting-room ami there were many narrow esea t:s from had falls and humps, the ineviladle casiialitics of climhin anil romping. At last tint: of the younystcr fell off a scat and struck his poor little head au'ainst the stove, removing; a sipiare inch or so of i pidermis from his face. lie was im mediately picked up hy his pa, his tears w ipetl away and a piece of court piaster carefully moistened on the paternal ton.otic and applied to the in jured part. Then ho was lifted to his ancestor' shoulders and passed bodily throuoh tho ticket window into the arms of tho ticket aneiit, who was the papa's brother. "Oh, ma," exclaimed another youn!. -tor, evidently from the'eouutry, whu had watched all of these proeifd inys with open-intmthcil astonishment; "oh, ma. there's ii poor little boy who's ooino to he sent throue.li tho mails. Tiu-y jnt put a stamp on him and dropped him into the l'oftoilico," Vhitogo lLrald, tettam CHATHAM CO., X. 'WW. "ALABAMA." Tho Conrodoroto (Jruisor's Lnst Enrjagenicnt. How Slit) Was Sunk hjr t!o "Ke.ir.sargo" Off tho Trcuch Coast. From an account of "Life on the Ala bama," by one of her sailor-, in the Ct t'f'.v, wo ipiote the followitn;: "We out cvt -ry t liitiir ship-shape and left Cherboiiri; for our last cruise on a bright Sunday moriiiiiu', June I'.Mh. Wo w. re escorted by a French armored vessel, ami when w e out oulside we collhl see the Kenrsai-oe awailino us, about four miles away. Captain Semmes niade us a short speech which was well received, lhoio if seemed o Id to me that an American should ap peal to an Englishman's love of odory to :i i i 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 him In liht the speaker's own couiitryinen, lint we eheeretl, and the French ship leaving lis, we steamed straight for the Keai'saiv.'". There is no tloiiht that Semmes was flurried and com ineneeil tiritij; too soon. We were, I should say, nearly a mile away, ami I do imt think a single shot told. The enemy circled around us and did not return our tire until within seven or ciht hundred yards and then she let us have it. The first shot that struck us made the ship reel and shake all ovi r. I was sen ino on nil" of tin- thirty-two poiinih rs, ami my sponifi-r was an old inaii-o'-war's man. w Im remarked, after a look out of tin port. 'We miuhl as well lire halter pu 1 ih'lis as these pop-Willis : a few- more bitTs like that last and we may turn turtle.' lie had scarcely spoken when a shell hurst under our pivot ltuii, lilliii"; it out of lanoe and killing live of the crew. 'What is wrono with the rill"-:run:' was aski d. 'We don't seem to he doino the enemy any harm.' while with slow- pn i-i-simi came the cra-li of tlt' heavy shell of the Yankee. One inis-ih-that seemed as lu-j as a haystack w hied over our heads, takiiiy; a section of the port bulwarks away, fortunately missim; a man that was hamllino shot. Id- only remarked that In- delieved the Yankee was lirino 'steiini h'ilers' at us. Another shell struck us amidships, c.-nisimj the ship to list to port so that our !;un wti"hino three tons raced iii, pinniiio one r fellow against the port sill. He die.) lie. fore wo could wet him ele.tr. This was the mi-'-il. ;!. it -a...!. '.'.. Alabama. 'She's ooiuo; ilovvn !' w as the . ry, and all was confusion. Another shell v. ruck admit the vv at"r bni-.and 111" v essel reeled like a drunken man. Tie- dead and wounded were lyinv; about tin- deck, which was red with blood. Our otlicers did their duty and the men at once hc yan to oi l up the wounded. Tin- cutter anil launch were in the water, and the ollieers were trying to k.-eplh.- men back till the wounded were all in: hut certain ly many of them were left, for I -aw .sev eral on the b 'llh deck win n I went be low', ami the boats were tin u full and pushim; olT. Win n it was certain that tin- ship was sinking, all old- r was at an end. 1 had 1 10 and a vvat It in a look er del VV l i II decks, alld I I. Ill In'ow , dtlt they Were e;one. " -All hands on deck -hip's :;oin" down!' was called, and I hid ju-t "ot on tin- upper step of the forward compaii ion way when the water, .nl.rin:; tin-berth-dock ports, forced the air up and almost carried me olT my V w-. I c.i-t my eyes around for a moment, old liill, with his head crushed under the onrria''e of the eioht inch pun, wa- lyim; there, his brawny hands cliuehinu' ih.- 'uea-t of his jumper. Ju-t as the water caineov.-r the stern I went over the port bulwarks. I was a oo'od sw immer, and had imt dei-n iu the water live minutes win u a French pilot boat came running pi-t. and a brawny fellow iu petticoats and topi ts ilraL'oetl me out of the water." The Tli ill oo n Siiporstil inn. Some of Iln-fashionable peoph of Bos Ion are linn believers iu the superstition which is oppose-1 to thirteen at table, this often leads to awkward complica tions, for their tliniur parties are fre tjiiently nrraii";od for fourteen. When this is the ease and on of t he finest s can imt attend, ami docs imt appri-e the hostess of this fact until the day of tln tliiiner, oroat exertions are made to od tain the out: nect ary t i make up the nriu'imd number, and many ladies accept short invitations in order to help th. ir friends out of their dilemma. When the one desired cannot be found, it is often convenient for a member of the family to he indisposed. This, of course, makes the number of diners even, but it is doiihtlul if it prevents any of them from dvin-' within the year. -Histon liuiliit. Tito Pari He Forpot. The following collo.iuy ocetirrotl in the court room in this city tho present week : Youiifr Attorney Have you stated nil that you remember of the conversation which you had with Mr. Blank? Witness Yes, sir. Youno Attorney That, then, was tho whole conversation, was it not? Witness -No, sir. I ilo not think I remember all. Yotitii; Attorney What part, of it don't you remember? The witness' answer was lost in th. hiuolitor that ensued nt tho attorney's c x icn so. El in iru G a n Vt. MOT. C, MAY (5, IssU. The Town Cow. OtiB of the most annoyinu' thing's that ' tin- country people has to tonteml with i say the West I'nion iii.i i.io,..n ii the ordinary town t ow. When the farm er leaves home he puts in the bottom ol his s 1 1 i o I i or sled a bountiful armful of hay. This answers the twofold purpose of a seat and to keep the feet of hiin-elf and the ftooil w ife warm, lie arrives at town, unloads his w ife in front of some store, and proceeds to hitch his team at ' . 1 some point about lie- public soiiare. No 1 . 1 1 sooiier is ln.s bat k turned than a do.eii starvetl cows iinineiliatelv surroumi hn sled, ami before he can sav ".lack Kohin- . son w ilh his mouth open." i verv straw in ' his sled has oono throiiLdi the "aslrie H oriliees of the afore-aid cows. We m.. Heed on- particularly careful fellow the other dav. After hilchiii"; his team In- look hi-hav and carried it into the court. lion-.- yard. II" wasooino to have the ileadwood on thai liiineh of ll.iv nml t lo paneii inr a saloon wiin a itrm on nn lace. We watched the proceed uiirs with eoisi. riilile III crest. e wa- Il lit of siyht until three or f.-ur Ioiil' horn- opened the if ate illld proeeeilcd to the ' , , , . , ,,. , pile and chewed it up. C ubdimr tin -si ,. , , 1 , , lean kind does no ..'oml. In fact they ' ........ t,n ...... .o. v ordinaiv slick ofcoidwooil and douiu i r ir . ...: nr. .- r... . i.:.,i, and they will turn around and smile at voil They don't veil vrunt whe, y.. have tut Iln in ti.-ir. I enough t" stave u; their ribs. Sm li piinishineiil seems only to act as a Ionic; il whets their appetite- I and makes thenii njoy the repast which ! the farmer ha- hauled to them from hi- home many miles di-tant. Ami all-ril ' i- all ov.-r ju-t notice the pet uliar look ! tin y frive the man win. came to town -it-I lino oM a pile of hay. as he depart- fm i home on tin- hare boards! The t.-wi i cow is a nuisance, tut at tin- same time ; necessity in all rural villages. A "lunm , without a mother" would not be a in-.n J lonesome sp, el.u le than a rural villaof , without its herd of hau Imi-horueil, ! stump tailed t ow s. ('illiiieil (omiis. In tho li'stinionv droiiL:ht forward i. tin- recent Kolyer Thurber case, nun I I h::ht was thrown bv expert and oiinl ', . . witnesses upon the methods, in -oine m ' . , , . , stances, of tin- eaniinm Irmle. Ite-ido . .... . . , , llu- eoiuier doilms' and me sol. let-in: .. ' ' , , , I iiess, who said that he had bet u iu ih I canniiie; business for thirty year-, fjavc : I -i I., ..! , li..; : i.i :i. f..., . . ..I,..,' .:, ',. t. i; that when air can ffct at tin- c-miens o I the can iheomposition willen-iie. Tin j wholesoiueiicss of the "nod-, therefore, j depends entirely upon tin- aii liohtt on tlitioll of the t -an. The witness ass, rtei'. I that when a can is perfectly air tiyjit there will be a hollow ill tin- head- that is, they will cave in. If lin y an- level, and spriuo back when pressed upon, llu v an- known to the trade as "spring l, loins" that is, mi- has o.,t in and (hi content', are iu a -tat.- ol f. i m nt at i-ui. The tans have been badly -old, red o sealed up. If llu- " priii". bottom-' stand Inn", enoii"h they become what ii known as "-well heads" that i-. tin bottoms have become convex and swell out, a condition due to the u. iioialioii ol irases by the process of ferment il ion. li order to s, I lh. se ooo. Is uii-erupuloii-dealers resort to what witm i s called "I'cprocessiue;." That i-, the dealer make a hole iu the head of tin- t ill., licit ' the fruit ami sold r it up air iin; or, a- this trick is easily detected, shnwiln manufacturer- unit open the oti-:in:n vent hole, heal the fruit and I In n r. s... .. tier tin-can at llie o. pliiee. I uis ,av ,- iioiiiiirk, and therefore removes alltvi- .1. ...... ile.i il l, ,s I ,..l w - it li. -.i ir Y. ,H- (' Ilulf for IVIcs The hair for maki..-.' vv ios comes fron. all parts of the world. Tin- natural blonde comes from Norw iv and Sweden. Dealers iii the south of Frame supplv s.l ejicat ipi.'.ntities of dark hair, and thou- siimls of pounds of di n k hair are drought from Italy to New York every year. China scuds lis the cheapest hair, but it is rather coarse, and is Used in ma,,,,. facluriiio; low e;r.i.e theatrical wi"- back pieces, braids and half's f, practices, other reprehensible niod.-olK ' ' hj Z", manufacture were p -tilled to. ).. it- lj ., j, ,,,,.,,,,,., ., . ladies' street wear. I'.y bh achiir": and J 11 "P i!l 11 ' h- .v. n-. ( ra. k all r .lyeiiie;. Chinese hair can be iven any "" U ''' 1 ' - " p'-t"l -u. ll color that is desired. But it as-uin,. "- ,!""" 11 l-u,-iie i,. ,,v iin.... auburn shades best, and an cnoriuoii- ; "'lO-Mm d 1 . ,i, actually i fr,.a; .piantily of it has been used. --, ' I know I f. lt it do so. c,,, I Swedish hair is rarely lotio. r i,a ' Amerii a .h. with-.m its mai- and . .t-twenty-t wo inches; and when received ton, tin-lw,. iil ,, -,,!, i, .,. r: lure it is always dirty and teemiii" with . otltural supr.-nincy -,, l,,."j, Iy ,1-p. ni-! insects. Fr.-i, i h hair is o.-m rally ch-iin, 6i'"' is 1"' "f ,1" I'liiii". h- w but the Italian hair, which .amies (,, fv. r. tor upon m. nth. r portion of the New York in HHI pound bun. Pes, is ex- : P1"'"' '!"' ,l,""' ,M' trown to mi,;, ad ceedinoly titthy, and the vvo.kncii w ho ; vmitii-rc -.1 . '' ('., ,.. clcnii it before it is port h.r-cd by tin: witj-inakers sometimes contract diseases i from hnndlinit il. lived hair is called I....I " 1 l .... . i..:... -....'.....,,.- ...is., ,., ormo worn n snort time, incmcnl- are us, , tho human hair laroe .pianttllos of yak and mifjorii goat hair ami juu liber are Used. . ., . A L'entlemaii rode up to a public house in the country and asked : Who is th master of this house:" "Iain, sir," , plied the landlord, "my wife has been drad about three weeks." no. ::;. LKI-CIII-S Wliei-t- Thr-v f:c-mo From and VV 1 1 n l i - L o 1 1 o xv 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 o 1 1 1 . A Cincinnati Birder win Imp r!. a:i l Sells fill! Lif-cllC, 'Si'i-camin-; I-a:n ! What t'tf liricLe-l a r. i ,i-l i t- ol' I I I In, ii.iriti si,. i . r . . . , . ... , ! jumpim: from a dard. i - . i-air on i I . '.. ., . . ., ,, ; Nxlh street, a. the proprietor, Vc.' Mu.. , , . ,, .. . . . . chlcr, uuscr-'W"d the I. -I el a le n :or- - ,. ., , . , , ,. , , tmht ami mv-n iion. Ie,, ami -1 ,,,, " .. ,, . 2,niin "i-e i-v, wil:"'!!!-'. 1 : 1 ;i i in iu w-im , i , , ... ,, . , . , . . pulling I le in i Iv - s mil ab ml 4o'ii nn In , . . ,, , ,, . . , ami bowiii' to t!.- hall hw-w tn-t 'ii.- u i . ,i , , . "" "I'p" '-I'' 1 hao -. , ..,, ,,,, k .. . ((. .,:iHi n. ....,,hi.v., ,,, ,,..,, , ,:, ,. . , . ' , . , . ,. , ,, , ii-l import. -1 ii'oin s.e.;i. , :!..!' , j leeches for in i-iy year-, aa-l nn lie oii'y in I"!' thi- id-- ! N- -v ..rk. T!i i nt, m- , in s j-i ; ir. , I.- i v i nun Ii ne ev so ; h oi ;-i ti , . .. , ,. , People ov-T I'M "- .-I'!'. On happv W 'n !l , , , . , ..... I tliev have .-. - h on tiair In -. I in- ' r i i i woim-aiv f"!.iil ni ii i ompo.iiio , of ,. - ; . , . , ; ciivd wood im I v-tali!" iu:.tt.T known , , , , . ii lurl. which U--I a- a sud-lilitt" ; ,iv tI)ii : .... .. ' I In V an- lupin - 1 ' Lii-. -mall l.oxes of t!,. III. lit, ad-eil '.. I ll, : lll llCih I 11- 'I l-l O I Pl. f.l p.' O .. I 'd li. - ill I in. inn ili cm. ilK. Wh my i li-l 'im i .- i ili. e . r; , , , : i.e. -,- j,, cip.ilh piiv-i- i an. ,,, .,"'s . T. di'il- -lor.- buy a -I -' il i, i i i '.. r, I I h , . . a :;noi n. 1. 1-- with l'i" ho.pil i -. I ,,i .a II t-i ii I- w d n in i -hop- iu iln , . . "Tile eye do, tor- l. ., , ,,). and ilillaui' d eye-. ',,i s,-,.. th,. w - -i Sli ks ill" siiiplll, I, !.,,, ; I,, i he . Vi j and l'i nn v. -. Il an e ,,f im! .em, i l'u'-oi,s atlli. ,. wiih n, .,!.,: . , liiel i l- ccli ii -j I r.'Mi-i.v. Every d iv I m ilo j .dt-s I-. f niiili- - w a .." a mi . in- i, , ,,s cl I. Y-.ii would 1, a-t in,. h, i a prmie-i ll-l o , people W uo i, I leeches iu tin ir I'.unili. an I wh-, ,1 ! waul anvdo K t . Is i i nv it. h ,-, I ' "-I I" import : - ii, tli ,i i- ,f llie -e, r. I-,.,! ll... i.-..I. I ,. . ,il i : , -., . , , , nl flu I" T hundred. .-I s ..o :, ,- , , ... , ( " coi.--.', w !,. ii a . n-loiin r , ., , ,,. , , , . . 1 '' "im ii .iiart- r. A h, : you - c. i- .a Mil- Ii-,.- ii .oihbru- leech f.vi, e, b, cans, tl I poi-o:i.,i, , tie-. dl'IW I I'oln tin ll - "1'!'"" iin.".'i .l - ih ir - -n ni. -1 i -1 i In v would hk. lv ni'inii ii - ooi-,.;, j Hence they ale kiii, I a- x.oll a- 'lo o work i- done, v..,, wom, .-how nun ! ! dl I liny drii.k.' W, !l. it v.ii'... wiih i the sie of th, I., , h. Hill -hoind iy ' I two .ii ii. es at h a-t. ..n't v.-'i . v on ine one closer:" -Id iv th.- d nin r r. :n !n d down im, tin ! hatful of kii Lin:; vv o, a; . 1, , t, , ,, .; , . iiiicn. ami i, in-, ii dy i!e. t ill, tl,,,,, ii -- ne d to i., ,,u ; ,i ,, ,, ,., ,. li;:ht. It wa- tl ,, -., ,., h.,v, ,.,-,, no I-"- ii.nl 1 1 re I-,- , rim.'s than tin pi. ,,, , , , , d-nl inouil, I,-, 1,1 , hi. ,1 I,-.,, .M ivpn-i..,, in ,ai. v pi,'. am lol.ii. " at 'th. ,. ': i p.:...'l r. i th- ti,. i .... fellow wa- tin ii i iivl'iilly :.- nin i- - ,, ami -li,,ve, into tl;, ,x. u,i, ,),, , ... I i. i .. i... ,i , ., - ol.-crv al ioh : I , , a. ,, :,!, . i: i . , , . . " in- -oi oi ie. i in . w.i Know ll ami piieli-.-l .X..,-H.!v bv ,!,. ami,,.,. and pn vail- larolv' , V.ioop. ami , ,,. on ...unlri.s ,v,,,' at tin ,.,',-,, ,;... I , " "" ' - v. in ov , s , , . has I tc,.. lai-...:v -uook.ui, ., I l.v ,,, ; i-i.. : :i:.. ., , : '. . i ' 'i'I'"'". w..i. u f- n- i ' I" ciail.v dy women, vv!:-. n.o-t oo nu, . hy-. nal, live I,., h." :il ti.e -iul.t v f A Field of Corn nn a Mat ,n. A "rami si.;hl i- a li Id of , ,,ru on In't d iv . In in. .1.1.. i d. im. a . r ,',n I '" s"11'-"'1' Hi"", is wl.i. !,.,... ; " f . l.-t 1 11, t ion he i,e. h.,. , , "I""1 :l "nii: nliii" f, r.il Inn: N..t!i : r. I i.i", d.:' i o.n wa- in siL'1,1 . v. i "cl plain. w an, 1, n I a,,n ,,,, I 'l"n-'' '- " "'" ' l"U!l-.ll I- , t 'ii::h ; :i In av v h w h nl I. ill. ,, ,),, ! "W1. th- le-l mine -uu w ,- m .w A Mistake Corrpotcil. "We feel. writes a western editor. "that all al.olo-v is din- to Widow ..',:' ; , '-""I """ " ' " 11 '' 1 i e.et.l. en y. :ir onl nun. 11.,- t ; i . 1 1 1 w as i t,l ,t 11,1,11,11 '-l'i I"'1' "i:,lv. w-hi. h -I." was lid.im: iu a ' lope, and vv lech, -:i., -. and I' ll. Mi-. takes w ill happen , ,- 1 r, , ,,, ,l new snam r oli'n - : n I we .....li.l I fl): ,. ,. M , ,,. w ( t ' Vl ,-;, tele ph .m- win- i-o oth. r apohtfiy . )( m,,.,,) I)C l)all)rtm Ucrord JJATKS ADVERTISING Inr -. 1 t;l HIM' insert loll I lli' 'ipl.-llo, two III-, it ion-; 'III' S'll:ill', l:IIC month f 1 .00 l.Ml Fit liir-riT iidiirlis.-iucnls libera' con t r:n -N vv iil bo ): i ' A nimillilllil I'lnwer. It iv - -n .-I I k-n-.w. ii ' :i i"i '- . i-li;i!i l trcis. ii'i : i il- l ii;-- ,-i.i I - ri as Sn.-m.i.T ski., ir in ih .la-l ol i-nr. Pa 'li"ll pi- a-lll u -i -ii- i !io. . ... , fair a . 1 1 .nu eoiiM ri.se ' .,;.,.h I. A'l-I ! I i-l ic- - I,l-l-.s, s eool nud IIH I I C i! I !.-, It ! i.. 1 1 ... li.ou lia-t .f f. m: .ty iiionn- II, V -I l"--lls I.:-! :. u - ,'etn' '1 I I.U-. ri I. n: I'.iia:..l... iu Mtn;ii A .!-,, -.i :. , i I. ir. lii- ,,: roll I'- ii a :,i .:i I i m. ill ". ...l- . - i ' y :.'! i , opl-lo: -1, ,1. :,l, HI-.-" il- .... T -. I . I ' 1 M i.ol. oil " I' nn ..I to " : i-l Id ii,- I:.:: of -, :i. ..: w if. : - t ni ; ii i 11- I on y.-u a! inl. drop tin III. ! il." Id "W ha! : y Sin "W.i; I have U" V. I!. know : j think I pi.-l'.-r -.m . j ' - i!il: w-'ie i n h..e no I'll; Incu ; TldlMted Ir. 1". Iln . 1 i.y...lli.t Colli ee I of ll.iitai Steely, .oi l h i I'.inalkcd 1 : licit tin - !!l prodal.l.V de idle to -111 i E-iL.t-.d V M. r.: y.-, imbed. my Aii i-.eil .i:.iy .-. iit: !.-.!. ar. M ori.d l in : cil. if !n '- a iiiC ,h ,ii'i!-, you t i ii. 1 1 - ' a i in d - he'd i ." di in r vv leu -he 1 :: ' a I , h i- - . ,, y pock- ! k. i la. 'in i "... . r. ., !,.. ,i. ,ii ,li-ik, , it v,.vmiie,. A I i I v I ri-n I ..f I he familv I .,. -ti..m .1 In r .-n t., - .l-'-: : I'lum.., vv iiiii ,i-i y ..ii ,o , ' . ani to i-. a-i .' l' i !.' --Doyoii nl-. - h- r head. Another -halo, '"'I w nl lot i: "ll. you . ir.i ! w .-i "Ih, n what -I . y..,i I" I.-' out." Cidloclinir Masle I'.unl iroiii 11. dels, A m..'. in .1 in '. ti -1 o l, 1 o; I,,,,,. doti f. r ll . : i .-I v.,-e j',..,, iroui le-t !-. ie.. ,iu i:,t- i ,,!in i- p!aet-i of the kind, an I i! - pr. p .. .i; ion in .a pal it.i- b!e form !'..r !! u t-f the r. ll i- pr.-j.o. -I ti, ,1 th is i : . 1,. :.- whu i: are t-. "'" ' " I . 111 -,,u - " ' ' "" "' : ' ' 1 :,: ! ' '": v lie, tin V. e ami i oil l--r 1 , l",l?0- v 1 1 " ; ! ' ' r 1 I :M 1 "t!l"' l;" '' '' l"-"l-t" -u. lv:., h, nso I "';' ' : ' '' '' ' i!' "''rl- 'U l'!,r"lH ' ''" ''' "ri 1 su. I '"' W 'i""-'"'.- i -i i- , per.. II. '. ! Tm li; -I k.l. In I ,d at I.' il-ie i "i i- -. vv a .tart li. iii , follow.. I li.l. en kit, h I'd ' !' ii : in I-l -U.I 1,1 I - 'n'.. ale I I' w . I.-. In v- ar l!n -old 'J. - .mm In om v ar ih- ' - I'"'',";'"' ,!" ' 1 ' , ' ' ' ' ' !"" " "' ! V'"'1 1 '!'!' ""' I' ' "' I :-v ! i . ' 1 . i i 1 1 -1 1 i I nun tin -inn tin- uml ; ; '"- '-' " ' " " '''"- ' ...mi n iheii.e p...,.-,-:,:-,, !:,.. -Ind- I.. nnl il s, la-ii.e pt -j, -. - a, li-i.un .il "f i, .taur oi:- j',.. ami ciiiis win re . !;. ip di rl, 1 ' I o I in n, I - IH.IV h" I ,l! .im d. Why ii. iy m.l -N. w York h iv , - .im- --: !; -y -! lii of . In ap food : supply -.,v ii . i : it. ', d. p"t, will. I .eh- ! i- in nil pal I - ol t in- . il V fp .,11 VV hiell 1 ; I. VV In- -.'in' I I may be di-nilm:- i . -I ai i:.:. - w tt!.i:i the r. n li i-l all : Sin I. -y - : III w i .il Id tend I the p.. Vi ll ! I i- m !' vv ,-:,'. ami I l.i- vv oiihi Le imt the i, a-t , f it- ii'iv.mt -. '..,.: .,..;, V Ijiibilinei! hi the Sail. Hum an i..i;. - I. iiie.l in iinn -loiio c. mi! rn - iii . , 'I t ii t urn, , I t" I -I om I bv tin- 1 ; 1 1 ; , - w i', r whi ii p in -Irati - the e i v , -. la .-t 'n i' -"ii- l!n I. are . I e un lit s vv hi. 1. s,,m. . inn - s,. eml,. dm t!..- bnii. d . il, ,1 a- o 1. -' : v . foi m am i I. al 111 . s mi -1 t ha!-:...!. Man;, -m il "a-i - arc on record. : II..I..-I Hun.-'- body wa- disinterred in ; s.-,, t-, I,,- ri uiov, 1 to a m w tomd. To i l'i,- sii. nri-e of ail hi- p-i. ml-, th" I. -..lures j Wcie found t . be a- p. ri'ect as al burial. The ea-e .-f ...!,!i ll.mpden, tin: ! fiinioii- Enu'i-h patii-.l and h inb r, was m-ii'e -in pri-in .. Hi- body wa- di-in-t.rr-dl.y I .or. I N.io.nt, two hundr. d years a!.-r buii it. '-.ll f"i'lil nml Icalurcs I vv, re a- nm haiio-nl as if llie I been r. ct iit'.v laid in the e-iv. ,ri.-e had Whe, e.ueril Va-hi,ien's b,.,v w j 1 t ls n ii 1 1 o I Ml. . rnoii, lo I. e laid in il ! sal. oplcc'il- and I'. Ill 'Ved to the pel-Ill l- li. nt tomb, hi- f:.i e was found to he in ;l -late of perfect p.'e-c. V it io.l. In all tiles.- ease-, however, (he proce H of decay h ol ;.'.." ". inlrrually, thotifr i j.rrest.'.l at tin- -urfacc. Aft : a brief cx- po-u.c to tin- air, tin- body crumbled, rt-"inllaiii-o to life passed away, I J'.o,(,'. (.'"""" nwi