! TI)C vCljntljnm Hccorb !--- - JSATIvS i.'K ADVERTISING One .s.ptarc, our insertion- Ipl.oi One niuaro, twu insertions - l.0 One Mpt.iie, cue month - -'i.HV l'"i.r lurirr inlvcriisrineiits liberal con ' iiiirls will I.e. made. &l)c tfljatljam UccorD. II. A. LOiM)ON, kimtuii and I'Hoi'i.iktok. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Onu copy, .mo year .- $ a.no Ono copy, six month..: . - - $1.0" One oi'py. tliii c nmiiilis ... ;,(' Siilifl'Ml. After the toil and turmoil, Ami tlir anguish ot ti n t Imliol. Alter the l,urtli"ii of weary caivs, Ruined longings, iiiwjiiteil plains'. After tlll-llv.ji m, ami fever iiikI I ret, After the artiiiiK "f vain regret. Afli r tin- hurry iiml h'-iil nt strife. ' Tlio yearning and 1 .-- i 1 1 t tuit im-n rail '"life:" Kaitli that mocks ami fair lmes ileniid, Wo-slmll he satisU.il. Wlll'll tllO RoMl'll is hl'okeil. At 1 1 io sunny fountain si.lr; Wlii'ii tlir turf lirs crii'ii iiml ciiM above, Wrung, ami sorrow, nii'l l". fiii'l lvo: Wli'-n tin' prat iluiiil" walls of silence stand Al Hie iloors of tin- l.lils,oVclfi laud. Wlii'ii all r luive t in our oMe.i pla". Is an empty rliair nii'i a pietm-al fan'; Win ii I In- pi aver is pniyisl, uml tlio si",h is Wi--shall !.. tisllnl. Wh-n i in. it i t tn iiu'-ti"ii, WIh-ii an-wer is air 'l"iiir'l' lirtl-T tn ll-trll till- I VlllllM's Inle. Aiul natli-r tli" f"H of his i ir.il; Ami in i a. r aii'l patieii p s. mil- whiIs, Wlllli'tll- llire nf fair III its nihil lulls, Kti"W in;.- tli it s:i'hi"s. an I jilailm'ss pass J.iko in-niiiii- ilrs from thr summer grass, Alll. wliei, I'lu r f Mill In tlir further side. Wo ,-ha'l I." sal Mi.-!. AT DAGGERS' POINTS. "Y"U si r, I'lr h.1'1 l 'MIMilnnlilr expe rience in tin si- Aiii nil. i ami -'oi.Ixv.iv slian-s" said Mr. I.riuli. ruM'in;' th- ''-il'l Sp.it nil (hi rlolX II .f his li. a l. "Alld I ,'1'ivUr I oil !' ; III for 'l III I" ' I'll i ii Is -, " s aid l!ii litimii.l Uri'v, care 1. s-!i . --I'll h.nk intn thr matter." "Aii'l all thi- tinir I aiii iU tainiii' you frmii fii r ilium r," cried Mr. I.riuli. 'Tray excise mm ; I IP T thnuuht nf that." "It's nf tin l i'.i ili'li r," saiil 'il'ry, nin'ilily. "i 'Imi't know hut that I shall -d p ititn Dhnoiii, .'-." Ami Mr-, tiivj :" Thr mill; Im-Lind slnin;n hi. sh-nhLl's. "Pardon an I'l.l Iti- ii'l's i in ii .-it v hut I hope MM, have Imt .,11 IIP I'll r" a-keil I I.-iull. with a snliei,,.,,, n.e. ' tjuarn l.-.l ; . miir il ) anythinu .1-.:" "An- ynii in , arm -t ;" "V.s; .el inlls, sol .i f I- I !-!l-t "" "IJtlt paroii ni", . ni . a ai'i yi'iii-. Wa . a n e Ill-it. I, ." "I I'fnl I llM.lt. ll , 1 1 - !" "Aiel "ii ai" imt h ipi y ;" "I , "U't kiimv win." -ai'l the vniin'r man, w llh a pel t nt ', ! f n e. "N", we Tin nnt Ii ippi . A:U's miir iii 1 1 s in, w it'i a smile, lhave ilmn m ln- t to p!ea -e her, ati I in l ain ami tmiv 1 have left nlf tiling I" Ami le-illii'iiel in V saiinti reil i.T with hi-hamls in his p nkits, ami his i -li tl iiroopino; listlessly upiia his hrea-t, whip' ci'l Mr. I.--ii:h h ok.'l alter him with a H"ll. " I'll, re's a se', W lnn.r SI Hill ll 111 I I , " .:ii'l I,-. The:.' he oo-s. ;),, t. r, .. I nn in! with Ai'ln-r ami l.misilah : -'.. i.-'il he several hollies ,.f r,,,l seal 1 una. 'nl, ami il roiiml hill to pay. wiml inu up wilh an evniinL' at I'M ianls." A ul oil tmit.- l Mi. I.ei.jh to the I., . f sh :k that !'i rineil hi. Irijoal ilium r nt a ;,i ap ' atiuo. h"ii-e. for Mr. I. iuli I"--1 . 1 -.. . -. i t tin- un hie atlllV iol.. hiieln lots. At the same hmir il tall, he.iulif.ll wo man was p I, in"; u:i an I ilmi ll til" flm r of n I. iiulsiimely liinii-h' 'I .!inii;' I'iniu in a I'I'iW ll-stone hillse ii town, while I he in tliu,'of in r rich aim thi -l-enloieil siik 'll -ss ma le a -mi, nl like the waves of the si il. It'- too lei'l," - .'nl Arm s liiey, l.it- ill" her full -e,,. t lip. --The sr.oll'1 linn- lie's I,.-, u I. .!' w iih'ns a week. Ami y s(, i, iy In- foiunl all al t that hux for the theatre. Hut I'll shw him what I think of hi - liehai inr w hen he come, in." Sin r.uii tin lu ll sharply, a servant iiiisim i. ,1 tin siiniai nis, "Ilium r, Spetiei i ;" sail) she. "I!il!, in I'iiiii, my in -i-t.-r has imt " 'Dinner. I ax '. lo you hear lie-:" Miss Tilly llin ll.-y, A ;m-s tirey's ma tun- single i oiisin, shi il j:;e, her -hoill-ilel s as Speueel I. It tin- loom. "Js it worth while to excite youi-elf uhotit such a trille, Antics,'" sin: saiil. "A Ir.lle !" criril the iii'liii.-iiit yoin.o wife. "I ilon't call it a trille. If Ile um! h:il a particle of all.-etion left for lne he wouhl not lre.it me mi!" "If he couhl see your face jis at ires ent. Allies, he wouhl lie pretty certain to alisent himself," ipiielly ol.serveil Miss llanillcv. "I'i you know, my il.-ar, I think ymi seohl him loo mueli,'" "Not eiioui;h, yuu mean." "I mean just what I say. A man .lon't like the reins he. too ti"ht." lint when liiehliioiul liley himself t-autitereil iii later in tin- cv.-iiinrf, a clou, I ciiinc over her clas.ieally l.eautifiil face. "Well," sai'l lie, ".Iocs any one want tn (jo to the opeia to n "lit ;" "To the op. inr" eehoi-,1 Af;iics with an rxpres.sivc 'laiiee at the ormolu clock, which ueeupieil the pla. r of honor till the mantel. "It is too late." "Not a hit too late Who rares for the overt. lie? Will you "of" Mrs. tin y coMly shook her he.-nl. "I do not care to e-o now.", "Very well, then I shall i;o alone." "Just us you please," saiil Mrs. lirey, haiiu'htilv. An I 111, hinoml (irey went out, closing the tloor not very gently lie himl him. Anes hurst into tear. "lit hehnvm )iki brute," ai.l she. VOL. VIII. "An, you l-rliavr liko a Pkn," sai.l lllly 1 1 HI ury. . w . win inn rmiir I'ark until til-' 'wrr Mna' li.uirs,'-ami I w. ,..1,1 imt if I wrrr Ii.-." "l.rt mm stay away mm, saiu a-ii.-.. "Oh ilrar, hnw lwisll 1 llll'l tirvrr li lt urn lr ami Hunt Ma-ham !'' "I liavr no ilnul'l l!ii hninii'l wi-hrs mi ton," saiil Tilly, calmly. Two weeks from that ivniiiiL', KhIi from that evniin-, Kiel. m.,,.,1 (Jrey came I,,,,,.,' with a tiny lit linii et nf hnt-liouse tloweis ii. hi-; hatnl ami a new Imnk uiuh r hi- ai m. It was the l.irllulav nf his ite. "We are mil liappi ." saiil lin y, "hut perhaps it i; partly iny fault. If I n ,a, v i l ie manners ami i u ioiiis m nio l en toins nf ..hi ,nrii!;- ,!-,ys, pnhaps thr ,,,! , harm will r, turn. At all events, ,t ,s w,tl, tryn.o r'"'-" . A- lie np'llnl thr llnnf llll'l elltrli'll hi- wife's limi-loir. a i ill imt-s. use ill vai all ey ami il latiiin -I. lute upon him. Nn mie was their; hut upon thr tali!" lav small mite ii'lilresseil to him. M'eh.iiii cally, he nprneil it. "When you real this," were the wiiil that salutril his eyes, "1 -hall have h It the piotr.tU.il nl Voltr l'""l InlrMI. 1 feel that xv- cannot maki- .act nth.r happy, ami il i- Useless loiitfert., keep up thrfurr.,. s,i., h.,, .pim-. ami mutu .1 est,.-,,,. Ishallr..u,nlo my unele ami aunt. Vmtarrlrre to s he, lour own l,:"; 1,1 , iA"'M'n' ' ' ' , let as if aii arrow hai 1 - mil leu him to I he In-art. A.oies;" he :;:spi . w ile, mi .lai Iiii" i" Allies, my l-'nr never until Ihis nmnienl, in whi.li heh.lineil that s. .,s .o'lie, ,li, he enmpr. .1 ml Imw ih aili- he lov.l In r. how II' i i ss.u v .e l., o I i . h ippille.s. II" -auk pile ami half pualw . with ho '. into hi- seal, ii'ieiiii", his l.ue w it I. his h .ml-. .oi - I V; I" h- il-'-p' 'I. "1 ' . Mi ll. it Mi l' W it l.nlll lull." "Iiii humml '.'' --l.lt Up ll ' 1 1 1 1 1 ". . IV. '''' ' I 111 1,1 " K "'-' I"1'' ami lovi Iv nun. -t hi, ,,-t ml... "I louhl imt I! , hninml," -he -nlilii i. " ( 'Ull'l 1 1 - -1 haw- mil wh. II tie inniiient for mi li'i.l iheisinii rune. 1 ili-l ml km.w li'ii .hipli iinli'l n t - a u ife's Ini-r I'm he. Im h.iml. Ami I h.-L-an In r.-alie that I h i l le eii hau : 1 1 1 , , nl. I ami . ..pi e e n I hat I ha l nnt al ii, ii treat. -.1 ion a- I shouhl. Will on lori'iie im-, hu. "ii I ' W ill i' ii let us I" ; in i ui n. ai . ii ' I life in r .i" iin .'" "Mi il uiiiiu A :m :' wa. all I hit In- Cil.llil -.11, hilt til" I". lis lh It -llll' l' 'I ill hi en s .p.ike iiioie i lo'i'e i:l I,, than any . hat was tin- iii ;ht nf tln-ir new In "" " j eti... Ami tin- key to all tin- lui-te.y wa. very simple p. U .r a,,,' to loihc.r. .... a . . . t . . ... :.i...: 1 Ilmii'.'iil tl woiii.i all co ri::in in , lime." sai-I Mis. Tilly II null, y. triumph ant I v. - Ai r )'' " .. U.lliiel W, h, lei's ri.iilk'll. On oi a-i"U -"in" lln -n,, fiiemls .-i n I Weh-i r a- a pi. nt an riiniiii'iil sii il pliui .h o u .- mi hi. pi. ii . , li ster ".an- mil ivi't l thai on a n it till 'lay it wmill he . hi i -ein !. Tin-il ay arriveil, j ..ml the -iiiinumlin:: I nul ls lor inile.i 1 caim intowitt.i-- tin- .lent. A .Io.. ii teams with ari-lo, n.tie or. up.ints came f-o Host, ill. ll IV. I . epe. te, hy i lery- , that W. l.-hr in nii'l make a ureal sp. e, hull tie-n, a -a-inn, review inu; the his tory nl laiinim; Iron tin- liui when t'in-eiiiii.iiu- ..l.ilii an I the most miuhly throne in the woihl to eullii.il" liitnips ami caliliau. s in hi- ;,iui hi uai'h n. I'll" ploiluh was hniiiulit nut an, I ten yoke of j ..I ...I Il.l ,,,, ,1 l.il, I... I 1,1 f,.,,,l I..l-e , ' , , , . than '.''Hi people stoiel arouml mi tl," tip- toe of expectation. Sum Wel 'er miiile his appi .iMiue. lie ;.i In i n callin..' pii it-from the vie ly h , p. ami his miit . wa. sniii.what n ii -1 1 . I x . Siim: the ploiiuh h iinlles aii'l .pieailinu his In I, he yelle'l oil I to the .Iriv.r in hi. .1.,-p, Lass voice : "Are ymi all r. a.li, Mr. Wriuht.'" "All icely, Ml. Well. I 'T, " win the re. ply, meanim:, ofeoitr e, lor his speech. Wehstrr striiiuhtcueil himself up l.y a iic'hty clforl, ami -lmuli-l : "Then Id In r rip:" The whole iroivl roar. , I with laitu'liter, ulol.. U. I..I...' with his hi.' nl. nml. inn. ... ,, , .. ;, 7,, cce.le.l to rip iii the soil, - In lhi.it (Mi .,) . .'Winn. Williiik' to 1'lny Maukoj. A small hoy was on a vi.il to hh aunt at In r n-.i.leii. e on SI. Anthony 11,11. He p'ay.-il aim tit the house for soine time, I'll illy came into lu r presence ami l.e.'.iii crawlinu; ahout the Moor on alll fours in imitation of some animal. "You're a p.-rfe. I littl.- monkey, aren't you f" interroKat. il his aunt. "No'111," cM-lainie.l the little fellow, as he straiuhteneil himself up, "hut I'll he a monkey if you fjivc me some of those cookies I ha, the last time I was here." - -V. Pn nl UMi, An I'iiIIiiImIii'iI Krntrtirr. "Mr. Colilcash, I have come to ask f,.f the lian.l of your ilatl. 'liter. " "My .lauuht. r, sir:" "Yes. I can't live without her." "Well, sir, linish your srutn, ..'' ', Finish my sent n.-e:" "Yes, you were alinlll lo say yuu couhl not live without her income. I.ei u- I 0 frank, my ile.ir sir. "' IV..-.w t&mMer. PITTSIM I. '"'""' " SutiMjoru N imns of Hat ; ,,..,. .....,, ,, i,:,,-, ..,.. , ,H, t; ,,. ..ii,,. ,,f Smitli Mountain, -r I! .. ,.,sl...-. mt- : . ..j ,,,, ,;,., ,. ,!, f ; eptnulirr, I si,-;, is rallril Pie nalitr oi ,utli Mn.intain at the Nrnth ami tin) i.alllr ,.f Unniishnr,,' at I In- Smith. S( .. inv l.altlr lirhls of Ihr civil War I,'. IT , .' . ... . , , , ,. ,..,,!, ' , : , -,.. , ,..:. tim I ,,,:,,; . ,,.!.!, I. U i Jie iiimsiial w Inch inipresses. llnMionpi ifthe Ninth came mainly from cities, lowiisaml Vlila'.'rs, ,-iti. I wi re, tlier. fo.e, iiniirrssril Itv sniiir natural oliirrt m'ar , , ... , . ,i lie scene nf th illii t ami iiaine.l tin; t. . i.. ii... wnv ly ,.,,,,,., .,,,,1 i i , . ) .y ,s,,ln,. ,,,tili- 1 ,-i.il nl.jert near the i, , nfaetioii. In .,',;.. ,1... .,,;,,,, I,.,, I ,f, , the h imliwni k nf I in l ; in thr oilier srclimi it has liren alter the hai.'liwork nf man. I'hu-the lir-1 p .s ;r;r nf units is i alh-. thr hatlle nf P. ill l!un, at the Nmih, tli-iiaiii""f a hltle s'r.ain. Al tli" until it takes the Hani" of .Manassis n-nm a railr. .;il station. 'I'll-sn uml l.al ), , , t lr s ilnr nl ' ...ml Is rallnl t l.r S-C- . ,! ,, jj,,., ,. N.rtli. ami the Sec ; ,,,, ui-.s:i. hy Sulh. Stone's .1-- : f 1 1 is th" liatll" of 11 .11'- llhilT with Ihr I , ,,!,,,,,.. .,, ,,:,U ,,f I.-eshurj ; ,,,,,,, ...f,,,,,.,,, The haltlc c I ''V :'"":'1 ,:r'"" ,,i,,s,H,r-' a ; natural oi.j-ci. was na r i. " .. i ... i , : , i . , ,11,11,11. " ' It.s Hill lU' 'His, . I'' nut lumiist. ! all, ,1 hi- tir-t meat In-ht with ISra'.'u' Hi" ; , in,. ,,f st. ui" l.iver, while I !r;i-r-r nam- I it afti r Miirfreesliui-o', a villare. So ' M, . U.m's li.it 1 1.- ,,f tin- t'hi, kah iny, j ,, ,n ,. iiv, ,-. na- with l."e the lialtle of ...i.i el... I.-...I i ' i i mo ll...,.",, a law, ii. in- ii........ I speak nf tin- l.atlle .,f ',a :i..;r, ,,f tie Ouk -.nior.- of Mountain-, au-l th" t'.-n-f. h t, ites , all it afli r Klk Horn, a eo.tn ' try inn. The I nion sohln-rs callnl the ' !i, inly hatlle three ,iys aft'-r South ! Mountain Iron, th" littl" -treain, Anti,- tain, ami the Southern troop- nam.-. I it , afli r lie- villa:.'!' nf Sliarpshin- i;. Many instance, miolii I... riven of ihi- ,louliu 11:1111:11-4 In tic . 1 1 j ... - i 1 1 -4 (or, inu I" the san i" law nf the nuns, ml, the IV II slinks nf it p.-nple have alw.lVs lie. II wntlenl'V ii"-. "iinl.itai.t-. I lie nam- wlinli'llnui il lh ' hanm rs ..! the femlal loi'l-. s ,u ,,f their espl-its, ami -titnu- ""'."o " "I """ i of hiuh einpi is-, uiic no armor ami ear- , mil no sw.itl-. Si, Ihi. ll.i- iiiipas.ii.il- j nl oratots who i-oii-nl .nil- iim.-stnr. in' 1 1 I.i. with lh" Ihiiiliu:: . ri. I.ilieity or D.alh.' m v.-r ,- put t !i.-m-,-li , . in the wav of a .l"..th In I" el or st,.,!, ,y inu , , , u,,n, t si I'he noisy speakers.. I i-s.,1, , .I it,,, orllicrn il- HI I a'l'l Who I.l .. I til" Southern . ... . . . . . . l""''- never, Il.l any mini' Mint ... ,.,. (,, f ,!. , , i:, f then. f,,,kly :,,.uitt. ,1 that he prel'erre.l a Imr ,nntal to a vertienl .l.-ath. II, iw lie I'iiiiiiiI a Mine. .1 the h".t mines known h ive li-l ol i leil, as In fore Ii lllll ke.. I,n lll' lelv In a.-eiilnit. while nllll is auaiu . . . ill . Then nth, r- auaiu have ln eii run .1110.1 whin ihe In. I, i in iiii. lail whom I'oitumi lanueil w.i. thiukitiL: "i anything Imt falling into a mn I uilii". .lohu liuiuey A'l.uu-, a uam-.ake of ihe uleat .lohu , truck a li-Ii mine soiui'ivlu i'i' .lowniii N, w Mexico in this way : While prosp i iinu In- fouml his hav. r sii. k on lire, his pro-pi . tor's ;;l.i-s liaviuu f... Use, I the .nil's lays upoll il. A- ill,1 hav.is.uk lonlaiii'il ahout a .loi-u piititnls of pnii'l. i In- impp, . it ami u"l ut nf the wai in ; hum. It ft II into a crevice an I a lalu" Ina-s of mi k wa! ll ,, in, ,l 1 ,,, .1 I ii.I'mII.i , ,,,,,,. to ,'ather 1 1 1 u 1 l it iniuhl h" L it of hi. .Tecs, ami all eXec. il inuly ri. ll vein ol ore whi'-h ihr expln-iuii Inn I expos., I to view. ll"-o'la lhii'1-iiil, act in hi- Iiml for li',. no l. ami u ry . oiisist.-nlly name I ihr niiiir " I hr Nn k of t inn-. " -(,'".,- ,:.r,,f. lil.ickhi.ai'il Kxp i.il inn, Wlim thr I!, v, S. I.. 1!. t hus,, was t pastor ill Ic'l klaial hr our .lay essaye.l tl treat theSiimlavscliool to a l.la. klioani exposition of tin- le.son. So, for a start cr, ami in the way of ul aphieally illiimi natinu- his rem nl,-, he took a hit ..I chalk, ami -lowly ami somewhat painful ly sketche.l on the I.l u khoar.l a leptesen J .' ! tali. a, "f two hum. ni hearts joine.l to. m lh'-r. "Now, then,'' he sai.l, tiirniuu to th school, "who will tell nn- u hal I have ilr.nvii .'" "I know !" c.illcl a v. 11 little I...V on Ihe front seat. "Weil,' the pastor kimlly -:ii.(. li:it i- it."1 Animi"; other trulitions ol thr I ,.,1,111 Aml Ihr v.rv little I.m mi the I nml s,. ,1 mnit I'lintiliu Olli'-e al Washinutoil is a shriekcl mil, "A Iniuarln I" -,'., (Mi.) i' 11 1-id-. Il.iiv 11 I! Ik' Fiii mil t'atmhl. Hill l.ellnle, while ti-llillU ill the S II I 11. , meiilo river, says the San I'rancisci j Cli imi i,li, lieil the en.l of his line arouml ; his font, .llnpp, ,1 the hook into te wat. i ' ami Ii' 14:111 to nail a hook. I'r. sently In felt a ml. I. Ie, hut l.eiii'4 iiileresteil in hi.! hook In pai, I no :it 1 ,111 i,ni. A mom. ni : later 11 strnne; pull lamle l him on his liack ' il. the river. Ai llu- 1 nr.l was l.evoml his rea.-h, hi was powerless io ai'l himself ami woiih Iikvc l.rrn "Irownril h nl not a coinpaiiiol j ionic to his a.sisiam e. I The line w as cut ami the eiul of i- j twistr.l arouml 11 snao. Jly the ai'l ol 1 I boat au ciht-foot btureun wa li.inh.ij CHATHAM CO., N. I HIJ.IHIIiVS t "I I., : t ii 1 lis- at Hi l.naUla- H. ; " "! ' 1 l'11 I miaul to. I'll" u..n !' ii-.i i- t. i j.. I in. I kriiov. i,,iili ,, . ti, . .. lin , I, I eia-t . I im ant ti. -.My !.-s,. ., ;..,t to w . :t . i IV Illl's all-) ...,.p!e.. r-.. .... tlir. - I iiinuit t ! .". T-'''. " ?:' k '" "" "V": . ' i'ii, now i;i" ii.inv rrifs, ,,n on: - I meant tu. , n,,.,,., f,..-ot to ,hui tl ,!" 1 Ami put .,.v my I Ii ami lair I ni".a ul I 'I'l at tie t i.llUple I illW II th .-. .rn ; : ' . . My slate i- h. i,l. .i. Im k i- t..i n ,.,,.,.,. ,... . t"' l"' 1 , , , ,, ,,,. ,,, ,, IM ,,),. "I anil...'' A'"' h'U '" ;!" Io I- a III I'l. He'll I II. Iv i.iar.v plan Wii'i tli it plea. "I in art ! I'lll. I.IX'' li.nl tlx l'rr. t j mntinn' l'..r then pr ly the raul" ai"i ,.,, , , , , , t , ;, 1 1 v a-sis ,'a,l, nth.-r. H , , ,- , ,, ., air all I. nnaumu-. krepin'' tlicm,clves p, a sill"lr mal ami lilill'i t -I her ill ,., f,.,., i,.,,.,,,.,,. ',,.ll..l !.ir j ,iv,.S- s v..,.; f , ,, , i,. , , . M ,. , ilvivr i. .., ,,ls ,.f, ! hl a M:. r u ;,, , ,,,;,,,...; '. fr..m thesMt for a f.-w .a,s : ll a I r. turns with a new mate, ll is a rath, r r. markalile faet that whereas the vultures : . ... . . . . . ''' fee. I their ynuno hi ii-.:;oriiio the 'i,.., w hi. ii 1 hev have lak. n into their cmp. the eagles ran i tin ii pnv to their m-: . .).,..-,. ; , ,, ...,, r t,, cablets with the m,,-se., Win n in pur ! .' ' sill nl s I i.'t V :l s .', Ill si a . l.-le n . .. 1 1 :i V 1 1 1- .. i II s. i n tn i -am i. II a hair fmui I., fore lh" tins. , ,,f the hoiimls. it is a k.cii li-hermaii. ..it.-hiim -e,-ur- iiiL: salmon ami v 11 ion-s.-:i li-h with sin- 4. liar skill. Soim titm s it ha-met w ith luutv than its 1,1,1, li. ami has s. up. on a li-h that wa - l,i heavy for his pun . i ts, thus fiilliti" a 1 ieliiu to its sj.-i,n pi-npetisities. Mr. .!,,. 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 i 1 1 s sev cral iust inee, wh, r.- cables have hern ilruw 1 hy p.. un. inu upon Inr"-'- pike.. whiih cauii'l I heir a-sailants iimler naler ami faiili .Irowm-.l them. In luniv ,1,,,, ,. j,,.,,,,,... ,,. ,-, , , f ,,,.;,. h.V. , N,. ,in!v i ,. . Miiiv ('if ,iiri, nvi iL'iaycil ami fallen away. w -" A lliino.se I'lio-jMoij. There wa-, a kinu n ho h-ir.l that , ,,. , ., ,.,,... .Janl in a far ,.,,, ,v, .,. I li- -h .-lar.-.l 1 hat he slmuM -....HIM :1 I, ,;, ,.f H. ,.i,.r. ):,,. So he senl hi. il.l . ami they , i.y s,-,i,-. an-l they saile.l for I ,, 1, .,,,,1 ,,,'!.. .,n,l -ni.l -,t I ,-l ; ,. ,.,v i ,,e ..firruooii il l..-c- s,l- (,rllv ,;llU) . 1V p,.(i ., . ,.,,, ,.; ,. ,-,..,, ,. ,:1(.k,,. Now th" fa, t Wiis that lin y h:ui "nt in siilea hole in :i ...it nf . Hint, tin- stnall . s veuetillil" ill the ui Hit's k'uimlolll. Ami liehn hi tin- iu l linn nin the "iat.t'.s ..i.i i.i ,i 1 i . . .1 ' ',.'',,- 1 , , - picke.l up two or three i , phaiiis nu their I lookui:; ynunu man ami in nh- luni-' It win lor null, nut tlu-y n , r,-miiy ante to ill. h a l.-w of the very inaliest li lies in j pre.... I awi-h I'm- -..iii. thin-' I . I. a. I. j 1 1. in i I ' . -. . n i let .lorn, i ; : i. i I .li ,i. the country -otnethinu ipiixal'tit to. nnl I h I him have Th,- .:. .e I imp.' j na-ii ..n.-. I . ail .ili.i- mi pup.., your minnow, .-ai'l tie- u n iat..r. i Ami I cotife.1. rale imvi I. I h pi , -mi .. . I in r. - I Iii I I In ii I' i - as I in i m-i,i ;. a- it. m ;i- ilii'i wei" i'iiiii'' Im. k t In v .-aw thr i. unit uruwinu I'.v the ii at' i'. eilm-ami pullcil it up to put it into tlie curry, ami iii-iil" it wa- the whole lh , I. Alter lin y r., luiiue the f.'ianl Ihnw the li-h ami the cart, it into lh" pot in onl.-r to lil tie m, when tin- tl- i t lo -e ill of the rout to the top of Ihe water ii nil all lie- men in It. " hat ale those , litmus in-n l-r'1 sai'l the fiiant. irriil,u "lowll into the pot. The III' ll tiie.l to -lm.it lo the uiant ami t, II him what il was they , .' Willlteil, hut their Voids wile too weak. ami he couhl iml hear a "l'l tin y -ai'l. At I, nulh In- lilP 'I them up I" hi. ear in hi. i. . in I , ami a whole limit's crew in Hell ill at the hole, ami went in i -iu li ii Ion"- way up it.si.le, ami tin u liny all i-lioiit.il Inu'lln r ami tohl him liny liu.l couie from lie ir kirn; to a-k him fur a hair of his hea, 1. S. at last ,e was ahle lo Ileal' what even linn seetiie.l to hini only a whisper. I nlike his kiml the riant was apparently as r-ooil liatuie.l as In was hio he u'ave tln i.i the hair, lifte.l lin n, hack to the si a, where the hair, "In n nil on hoar. I lh, ll.-ct. m arly sank it, alter which In- pull' , I nut his cheeks. ami !:ave a lretiu ii,..iis l.h.w, which car- ru ,1 tin- Ih rt slnuuhl home, liuii.ln K of mill s at one .40. If..;-.... ' s""'" ,to) lh 'hi'f Jtlslice. : Mory tohl nlmut a l,,v sent withsumr pioof .lips nf an iinpoilaut ,1. ci-imi to Chief .litsliee Tuny lie appear., 1 i.l tin' nlli if the Chief Justice ami askcl ,illl : "I Taney in:" " iresiiiuc,'' wa- the .liuMtilieil reply, "y,m wish to s, r th. Cllirf Justice of the lniicl States." " ihui'l care a u s ahout him; 1'va u"l some proofs f,,r r im y." am the Ilmi. I! .4,1- I! Taney." "You're T y, aim't you:" " am not. Id!, 01 ; I am tin- Hon. ; , I!. Tam y." "Ihin tim proofs hit not fur you." , 1 In- urn .-1. iuouioii-iiii -i-enoer wouhl Inn e me o;T 11 it h I hem if t In- J mlu'e hail not I m i 1 c . I Iiihi-i ll to li.-Tauey simply, -- ; ll'i lj '. (., .JINK ss;. a h;i)i;k.l sit. i O'Jin i .1 i 1 1 f Snelt'-'r hi (in At- Juiit.i Huinl.-I'i .1. .1'. Tlio Two Sr.ir.j wiii. It E 'W.lnl Hi IJeiitity i'o.irs Aft' rw.inl. Durim..' 1 he se.-inn nT an iinpoilaut ie li;;iniis hoily in our city I in ele Ihr ie ipiaiiilanee of thr Ji.-v. .Mr. Dulnnpie, a ili I. L'ate from one nl the norlhwi st.-iu states, says a writer ill tin- A 1 hull :i '.. I ..',.;.,. What illi ii . 'I me Io lie- m in was his : . 1 1 1 i : 1 1 1 i I i t y ami mi i km- P. Il.iliiiipir raiiii up to my i h il "I a pn ;n her, aiel I I'miml his i "inp miniisliip j very pie. sail). One al'i ino ,n mi w I ! 'T.I I'lieU'l .l-keil me if llnilljlil ill It .It; ! 'I' the liniiil. pii. il- ilii" Ii. lie- i ' ii I ihuiii'4 the si,. ,-I Ati.itita wire till in j i-letiie. " ilesi,, , (., .... ,.. a- I I' I'l In. II le.,ie-ti'l I'l hi- III I,. I- .il j ; h.'i.ir tn s,, t, I, j. " knnw ..I ie- Ih it v"' ' : in reai I. in a t 1 1 -1 n i i . 1 1 - -" wall,," I , - Mr. HuImh was ,. lihtr.l. ami I we Wei on on iiui- uav In Ihe l l.n e. . , , . ii I h.-el a sli-ht piainlanee will, t ue n. la.il llpnll llh premises the I ill pn-f xva. itn..l.-., ami wlim .- re... h ml tl,.- place ami sta., ,1 ,,, , ,.f..,- vi rniis-inn was remlily , iv n m . x- ie ,hr -r. im, hole in ll,.- umuml which I s,,v., a . a ivfm,.. f"'"m Sin nuan'- s,"s. The l.1(ll, -r ...C I I lnal. ly na. m a I -tale nl pn -, na- ! .- . . .. , i , , ... ... i lion, ami the n. l i.lv ! 1 1 1 I il nut . a with a u mil .hal ..I' p.t.le. A 1 1 1 -1 1 -aw null a hiu;e inoiiml nl lanhmv . ! ! w ith "las-, Imt at m i l v.- Imiml ellillVr to a erooke.l llll'l' 1 '.: I hainhel. : 1 1 ', 1 1 il I, i t 'I' , p. In I, . I , . -...... . . . . e i . :.. .. :.i... v.. i. u i. . i "Ml "loin. .' l.ioinu o n.ei ; ulli'-ient lon e to ii ii.-tlni 1,1 mini. j '"""I -1 "f r, .1 ,! 1.1. ti r, ami , rap- j I,M- , W 11, n ivr .. iauil.. .1 nt of 1 1,. I y the, 'hi la-ii ..mark,. I ll,,t In I 0 -. upi.-. il tin- wall, w.-n- line I with j il.l riii pi t -, ami tin- I: wa. cn.-ii , ii il h ru- -. Willi ii I'.'.i .hair-ami ' 'lank. I In r faintly ha-l fi-uii l a 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 In- .1 uu out , a . .in- rail. ! il . i . I m lura 1 'Ie. i "Th"..- w.iv -till niv. turn ,i 1 Mr. Ilul.u.jm. "Th. V w. r, iml. , -I. . pin I nil ho-l .... . ,-., m i. , ..,-ue i; ,,. sh. iiii.ni , 'or sin line; a.iiituii "1 ami -liiMreii. " "Oi ft!,,. iti f w ,u . " -ai.l 'h- preaeh.-r in i hit :-, tl,.- way. 'li-l :.uj nl i ..ui ! Ini - . 1 1 i -, . k j -In it. t in 1 1,:- imi-; I.i I ! (,.'. ." "Onlv one " r. i.tieil lh- l.i.li ".nnl he ' tiuiml out t" hr a Vai In . .." I "I-il il-l.-:" Iniiiio li-t. n- i - . x- -l-iilinil "V.s, I h I. in vi r s.i in pi ;., . iii my life. Ihr il iv I Im shilling ., . uuu-uil Iv Imt. Tim sp.-m ,s i, -. 1 1 i - is. tin lion..'. A s.,, Ui r who in,, in -in- inn inlo our Mini ami in eh' for I In- hntii'i- pi oof. II" i 1 1 1 1 I our " iini--i... to remain for a few milium. . ami nl e mi .. I .. .. I, ..I I,;,,,;..,, in. . i;.,.. i ny autre, u m n in no m ,x turn it, l.ul I onl mt cxinci In e it , ifxain. " "Ami .In! In- return il .'" la-l-nl. "Vc, ami I vi-h he hielul. Why. what. lo you think .' Two w-eks lati r, liter Shi rin ill I, el lpie'1 ihe city, I was out in my limit yanl mm imuiiiii.: Inokiliu alt, r my pi ml -. win 11 w ho sllollhl liile Up lo the ,n I 'll! a 1 ill 114 ,'lli' er in a spiel, -paiik u w uniform. I Hnill'lll'l look at 1 . 1 1 1 1 until In - iiui". I mr, lll 1 sai I : "M ul un, I hai" . ill. ! to re turn vour hork. I enjou .1 ii i. ti inm 1..' I took the hook. It W is " I he Ai.l ,, - Camp.' Tin ll I l."lml tl Ili' , i full in the l.ue. 'So . ai Mire a spy:' I s.,i., 'That', what they ail it.' . pli il tin yoiuio I....11I. with a l,.u.;h. If- h nn il, waiiil his I.:. ml, ami uall"pci oil. I never saw him auaiu. hut I wouhl know him aiiVi'lnie h the two ,., ,, riuht lelllple." "A very int. ti'siinu iin iil, ill," s:ii, Mr, )lll,ll,pr. "It is to hr Imp, , that your spy nhamlom il tin- Iii, k nf hi. hu-n,, .. ami s, nl, , ilnwn into a u" l , ili, n af ter t he w ar." "i ll. Hl't I.elieVC 11 Will, nf it," e (.poinlcl the ,'M l.nly. "If I In I know what he wa. at til I I wmiM h:neh:el him turncil in, r to lien. Il"., I ami shut.'' Ill this time we h el si en all tin re u i- 1 to he se n ami w.-re rc.cly I , tak h p.ulure. A. In tuin. 'l to on aft, 1 tllilllk illLT tin lliistlr-s of thr hull." for lllT CnUll.sy, Mr. I lllhlliple, hi fore II pin. inu' his hat, hrusheil aw ,iy his curly lucks from his riuht temple, rev. i.linu two little si at s, au, u-.d al ihe u".ni la.ly, who was smilinn up,,,, him. "My u"o,lin s.;" 1 , laiiiicl tin- excited woman. "Why, ou are the spy; (. very man himself!" One l.lltle ITiiiitr that ToH. Itau', h y V011 may I ilk all you like of the Licit eiiterpris. -, the f.,. t remains, i however, that all of lliein ha, I small hc (iiiiiiiiu's. No, sir, I t. II y.,.1 il is the little thinus that 1,11. Hail, ) - You're riuhl. If thai little nip of a 11, 1 In- Hon laml h nlu't I ,1.1 that I kissed his sister, old I low 1 ami would still lime in me a ureal admirer, Hut il'i nil over now. - Tut Itil. S'iiilyi?; Sec Is Io CdiKTiiss in en, J Tli" Im ii -s nf si.ip ill ' s' i 1 1 1 j j t !'' I ' -in- ti i- ;!".', in:', a'l'l 1 1 a - a 1 1 ' a' I ;.' I att i 1 1 'i pi. Ill I n-;e pmpniti ui-.. A' - e il'litiu to tin- Wa-ltiif:ti.n .. tail!-.- I .io He ii .in.) I pi v,... :i :.' I'ii-y in th" iiii;. i i.l' ihe A .'i ii nil in .! 1 1. 1 1 1 1 i iti - a 1 I -nil. I im upply i 1 1 I In- ( on m, . i 1 1 . 1 'ie- tnaU'l .-isi... limn nnl pip. i paek- .IT' S nf veoelah:.- srr.1, l nf llowrr I s. i .1, ::ui. ..I loliae, ... -ei .'i h i. nf s..r jl'iiui, '.'il ..f eorn. Vi of . .Mas., -.'s .jh ii 1 s of -ii ii- Ie t ami .pi iils nf ei.tlnn si ''I. ' hit i - t lie illow III. ' nf eiell el- ..t"i an I I.', pi. ,-:, iti. in ' .i- Il put up in on.. m.. r. raih lie nil"''- al l.'.l am e wi.M llll . i-hl I .1.;. Ill III -.e k-. A- III' n IL I I'l II. llol -111-1 K 'pre-ell- I. It'll. -. lie -. . 'I 'li', - i,l n the ,''lieil- j I'll ll I ) j' " I I i--a I'll ll'l l I M -I l II I ' ' ' I .ii ' t i hi . .,...'1 "f I Ie- i al . Th" I -. .I .li t. .i.u!. .1 i !,,-.., 1 1 m. in1., i - .1 I ( ..ie... - ;,i ; . aLoul t .v. 1 1 1 : ' I - i f j I!,' W (;..;. .U', .li p ... . I ..I Ll the A '.- j 111 llll T 1 1 II. I.;lt.. In. I la I' II; mill j ( ',.;,..,.', , ., .. ',, . ,,, , ,;. .' " thn-'l . I pa I l III' I: ! . I " 11 Hi 'Hi II III!.. -I il.-'M. i . ' i , , ', , I ' ' ' ',' , ' 'j. j ' ' " "' " " ' , '"' "',""":"" ( , ' '' ' ' " ' '', .' ,. , " "" ' 'u,. (,Z.. St- ' .in. , i ir- j,,, ( i,,, :..., ,,,,, .,. i... toes ni I Ii..-.- in v. 'rim 1 1 1 1 i I ; i 1 I" Il - l " th" , I . ni, t!;..l!..I -illiel i.l,- - th. i Ii ,,. il," nil.. I, a p ni ..: th. i, ,1 I r P ' - I 'i lie , u hi, i, I',. ;. an I, mie I a p.-l I lie I.l. Tie !:!!'.- p,; I'l- il- al a'el ma . in ! I 'I '." i " ''a w i" h' tli-- I "I l't- I- I in piii !-. 'IO '.I I '!' P'l I- ' S ' i 1 ' ' I I'l e.- f'M in I i" . I- p ii t lie ii i . At . . ! "" l"'" "ii. ..ii.- I 1 1 .. i - a i "Ui; i'ii nl i -, 1 1 u -.: u "ill' n. . -1 i : : I 'l- I'a : x hi. h in a ." I in i. 's P". ml :l at al mi, I" I ie i - mi. r. I p ': t Ie u i' : i, u l!r i '". In ..th. - tal.l. -, w i I In i an- liill l ll l!l ill" - ' il:. I e. I !. III. ; -(, j,,,, ; . ; j, , :, ,, , v .,. .,, a- In t i. lilt it. !,i .'.,.,;, -il.l". ll,i. la il Mil" h i en ii i- .. 1 1 " I I.- t'ull- ih" i ,,...,, . I il lllll III i' ,U Hi p " 1 I:' I III i jl''"'l p i t' - 'I' ll tin ll ',. ..'. I,,, In . t a,"lh. I lahl" li." I' p II 1 II' III ll.iuk i p " I I I -o "l ll.ll II III' p ' in I- li'. I . ! pl.e . I III I 'll lll nl - i. !,. il ..' th - .-. i.i-. u i' -I "U wilh lilt!.- ii'.i-,. in I in. . .i A. ) , ( , j j U ll.ll Mie Itlni, I tail Mil. , A ., mn, ; ,-,.., ; ..: ,,.:.,i t .l,. i n Im I, 'i n, ,:, i : , ti..:i .... j .P. . il.l I., u.t lint!,, i.m I t- . .1 II, mi I ' i . , t II . i,.,.li,, .1..,, j hi- uilii mil;. I . int. -if, i.- in ,1 liaii will, j hi- ,. ,,.,. ,.,l.ii .. -.. .i, . I iiii .. 1 ilii i ;i ii I .. ' I . I . . j I It. 1 1 , a I , ..'I' i- in II I. mm li lh .1 In leu -, in ui .in i In i ,i' il.l. I. I. ii . I l.y lie .ir I il i ni u l. ;i I it i n I an e..,'i ,l.le a el II I lias i. I. - "I In- . "I U I I' l!l I 1 I -I i upon him ii iy i.i ' I. '." !, ir. n ii Im h ,i n -. i I. ie i a I i hi' j nf -i-mi i .u I- I- 'mi l ".p ! i. hil- i i.:;,,.i ..,,.; :,, , in I pi , ,- : i h,-:i tak m ; t h, i, r .. a p.u w,ri i i -I ll li ii-. i I. Ini'l i -am I- i it n t!,-n nr. .1 ... . I hau In .i.l ol -1 'I.H. -- I. i' an I n 1 it. 1 - iiinmm 1 .."':. l ie i" i 1 Vlilton, IV.- II. tie- hi-toiiui; llu'.. I. the 11 :lu r.ilil. ami lit.iilh him - If. I .piole .nly a I' m thai o, 1 111 I . 111 Ih Ainilla. , ' 1.4 .in. ha- li.i.h I I 11 nil iii'h In ipnulli 1 -' I i : 1 4 n. 1 ..1' lh I. m;. .11 j cut I -. llh-n In iim'i e...n 1 1 1 1 -: 1 1 1 j lion :.u., . i . p i!.. l-. I im . It ...iv the I I ,i. . hi I a el , H. I l''i. Two yen - ii- o In- m.i i" a pi "!mm. I mui ti' i" i ilumivl ll I 'ii v.illi I In - 1 ol,,, , I. tholl ill lie .(, i U 'I l.lll t'l , I. j"l I In I'1, .i-.ll . - .; 1 1 i, ' I l"l II "UN -lie. I I 1.1 m Ll-, III. i ill a I. . Ill tin future I lie ,. I '- -i i-i "i l a al low im: a i-;iii i. - p i ui I-' he. "in. ., Imi'li ii In I .is I imi,;, .a I In i hai Hi- ,. the hem ,... i, -ll,, in -I.l , ..in l, ul,. n ,,,,,,, u ,,, , ' "HI e. the I l.lili I, ll tin I I, ll" iml e .pun .1 I In- I , . ,,f thi ii mi ii, nm-l l.r i..ii,e. ,,i . I At llu- s. urn I. nn it . mie I he ' aiii-ai'l 1I11I tin .1 do in t n 'pun 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 -1 a--i-. all, e I III oil; ii- nil . 1 1 . 1,11 ai 1 -. . II 1 1 1 I ' I litis, iis.i-tain . i,,,i hai i 14 I" 1 u l.illn il . aiii 111 - I, 1 1 i r, .I11p.il a 11 1-nml l":i, al . siin, thai -.. in. nn ini-lal.i 11 i hu- h.iV pn l ail. 'I a- I 11 ll it in lh 1 ' .1 . 1 pa I ill- Ilie. nl lln I. Iiml. '"',.'.-', V ('. Tlio l.ai iresM'iil 011 I'l inter. Sin, , tin-,h alh "I Inl. I '. I ,i , i . I l,'..h- ardsoii of :si-:ppi. Mi. I. 1 N, ,1 ,,f I'ill" I'.illll, lk., i -, p I I, 1 1'-, lln 1,14.-1 cotton pl.11,1- i iii la- .illii. lh n i- I. ..in ill A I 1I..11.1.1 and I- 1 mil Ihiitv i.il.l I, .11 s of are. Ill I -'. h" x nl I" Ail,..,, -a. penniless and , 1, t to n.,ik on a faun. llri-now pn id. nt .if lln I'n -I Niiioiial I 'mil, of I'im liiull and his p.'. acres 1. 1 . 1, , ,11 iii 1 ulliiai'mu. IP miiis three larye s in s and a lailn ul I in nly -i miles in Icnuth. all ol 11 hi, h 1 mis thinuuh 1, lie .. f hi-plant ili , i. th- i- 11, ,u hiiild inu am, llu 1 road forty I w ,, mil, s in , ,, I, thinuuh l.is p .11, l.ll i' 11 -. Ml. Neil's wiallhi. istinialed at A:i,i inn. on,, ,'e c. nlly In- adlam ed .i p: 1 -on '.1.; ..ml. The im .in. nl he heard ..f th.- Il.l Sprim.. lire In- f..inaid". Jnu hair. I- .. il. .in-. -;iii j Parrels ,,f ciunimal, -.'0,111. 11 poiiml. of lnel, I.e. ides clothinu, A , hu tin- h, im- j til of the sutler, r.. Jii-lin, .S.,. Attain. AS-iin. a.-evening 'Ira wetli niili, Mv sou; 1 1 sailly inIs Hi.-' ; Aaiu. In e.-e." mi heart itli unw Mi po"t laii'-y li a-s ni": A-.ii. t h" sun sinks iloivn to rest , All n...pp"l in eloiinii, -i.l' i. ilor; A vim l'.y i "ie.- .-,s ...i n.v ear la ae.-.-nl - Ion ati'l l.-.i'l.-r. A.'ahi, !i- in th.- la-l "I'l tint", Thy I. a. "I I'm I'mi'lly pi' .--in;; ; A -'..'iiii I li"'" ni'li laplui" sii""t 'I'll . Ill .III. "I- so .'aressill ; As-aui th" evi nin.' s slippiu hy I hi w in-- nf ei-u.-l ll. elui.s.,, A .un I pn- tin rosy lips, ll sli(. ii .leivy siiii-tii'i'S. A.-iiu into till ha. I i."s 'I'll" I'.leli-lll s s"l!lv st.-alin,;; A .'ail. I see lie. .well. The l.-lle "I I'.U- I !. 1 1 1 A-'.'iiii II I I..- " I" ii.s up In null", U uli Im.. pi t all .-pie-siii4. .'. alii i.p -.a Id- .-..."I 'll- t i I . ..iv I 1,1. -1 I'L ll. '. I ' .... III .KIKHI S. A p... II " ,' l.,i ' 'I'l- I''.' I. ui-lii -..in. pi" p. lit. hy ' H-i.,o ..!.,. .-n h. ti':..., ! V,, ;1 , ..,r - ! , , 1 .. , . , I , , ;1 .,, ,.,;., ,,.. , y i ;,;,. I T'- ,.... ; u,,. -,,"- Ii i.T", l.-l i , ,., ': : . ', I .. ; -, , , , ,. t;,i,,r ",.s lie In p.,.'. lie-ll, .peal,- a- ": i t killing" ." ;1. I,, nl. up ,, i. ri 1, A nuiii'- I ,. i'i.ii , i. , la'lh - have 'I 1 ,11 . 1 all il ...ri ll i II to I in llll'lnlitltf for .... In !..f . ll i- on : ' iiii.' I that tin y ll ' I ll-l I la l inal "I ' I,'." lie III ,11 I'.li-i I ll - "l . ill il" eollhi a.I'lV , i - - I .;, i itiii.- i In- -s". was nil n l.ith. r In lie ..I,, ll on ,eliel-l le eu.lM n i nn I In iii II, ' 'I human kiii'lni's-. i i a a i ai.i in a Phil eh I pi i i i -lr." t car I ' - a 4i.nl Ii nlli I I.i! -iieeiin I !y -I iti "I : I A ' 1 1 . 1 1 i -in j i a :. a . -i I iii ii iii ' uiakiliir im. lo a wi-lmi il can't ll" n, I'h'lll ." Th" p, ,.p!, ,. tie I.i,. i Ma. - 11 r I " mo. -.. I p. m- aiiiiu illy . A I n . n m l "I lie li, ai. , Hiployi il in , li .- ni:: li.- I' .iln .. Shi!..!i ami w t il - ' in.: imv.-l- l.y Il'i h I '.n.iay. ' I lilt ,1 i HI ;-i V" H "HH I hiii" wilh a '-li'', iii it :.i-!,. 'I Mi. Suari ir, puiliii'4 a . pi nl. i mi ti,. s,.. i I. unit. un ami wink i" kii .u m :! . . li,. n i I liuli." -ai'l tin p .1 I - il I' lr i ml . ..mi In li I a ppi l Up ill; ;t " 'I i.m .1 .1 a. pi I he i iiiu ill!-- til. i i ' '" l . ii. , li :-l -, .. . wh il ,lo you . mm I" .ih In "i- so nil' n lot :" . i"uu!e j-inp" i p il . "'. : :n .: I m --Now, Tom. ny, I l. u 11,11 I . I, I 'll- si-l. r Ciala thill. I ii In u -i.e i i.i mi .. 1 in pal lor Ul -I a-k In I." "U. 'I. I 'Inl. ami -he -.mi sh.'il ' I., I,'. . il Ie I, in ' to'lietal IPli-ll aii'l Hie Si 0'nuti'l. , 'il ' 'In 1 " 1 i - i ' " l In u I ' lle il i 1 1 h" . i ,i Km .!, m.li ,.,i tl,, nu n k. pt ail-, I .ii a iiii" - j i i 1 1 14 . Iml the uual'l u a "i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Li Ii ii : . nn ii. ami i,i II ..-. u illi Ih- '. in. ;!,. . .1 iliuuiti lo the p.!.:: I i I.m I il Il.l In I.i- II. " lime : t I in I Iii." a 1,1 1 i -1 r i i I, il an, I Ills f i ll in llliilol'lu. A 1,14". eln luetic s'. f. "Pi i iiii" up 1 1 1 1 I Iiii -I y ami imp. i t;, ul In lill hi , aul' , u. IP- nil. he, I .14-1,1,-1 Ike 'I a In pi - I ami sieppe.l ll lilt nl.e I ' -I III tin ll.ll, I Iii Iiii his clip. I'm- li -anl .,i,i. I' ., Imt .. . ni- 'III, " Pake l I.- -t ..ti'. -H " Stih l'"'pile.:. Ihe -IX :! I i "!' 'I Hp all I u.i Vi.ii un I i 1 1 iml - i. , ili- l ' I mi-. ihm'l waul any . i u 1 i n i.i-1 a - . i. 1 1, miliiinu lim an uml." I'' l a in nl I lie rum- in ami , nl tin- l III "I lln 1 lliio wa-i tiiiiin .1 In th. ii:n p. . I' .1 i. ply. Then h. -,i I .,ui. ill. h:,l , in ph. iii, ally : "lien- , I ,i I',.,- il m l' I I '1 I'l I ike l ' lir loot - '.i.l "I i I...I V. il' I .' I'l., I, I. ill uave I h. I i .! .:'. i.n e ol 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 ! .1 akahle a I loll ill. .li it : -1 - ii I .piii l.ll : I'll .lo it, - ii . Il l "ii' i .1 Km II ii ..i.l. I "i .1. l in. to pimp Ie a I I.l -1 ilii . a . alnmn 1 llo, .o il . I I II i "lne- tin I". 'I. hy iliilll'l imi s iy -.. h, ,.e." Tins r, ply I. ..there, I Pi, li. la I., I I, I ,h 1,1, hilt he -ai'l I ..-thiii :. . . " . ",. 'I lie I -e id' Natural ii.is. i- -.1 .1 I 'i ll lln II I n.H ill ll p i. at I', II Imi . I' ,l"i-i 11.11 liinim pur- 1 ii-. i--04.11 -. i- -.. 4' in ml n- In remove l.oiu the ill it - 'hi ll ami siunky appi .11 ancr. n. I n I "I n."k" p.. nine.; hu lh in el .ii.U, I le -1,1 i- cl.-ar. lln un- , ..-I. -M pel , , , -. 1 h m , ,. I lie p,, ru-,. tin- iii-i,,.,--:.i. iiniil' a - ll nip any ha,. .,.,pitil,,l ' noo nun nu, -t, ,, and it. 1 l. line i- S- . :,l I, ,, 1 1. Ill a v,;,, a..,i" ,,i, ii. ,1' I pel cent. p, r mouth, l.ile a ". il -III phi- i l.eii.. 4 I., ,.pe, up. , ;,,., . I- I, ,1. Ii", 11 y iil'linu' un. r.otu i 1, , ,1 I ,, I ,1 , nt 1 1, 1 .- y..us, ami air still ' upplyiimallili.il i n .piin d ol lh. in. ' ; The llisiniis teii- lleiivj. l lln- . , I. ,1,1,4 I'1, , -, , 11- "My d..ir, I have a suu'ues- i"ll In nlh I." 1,11 Ilia - ,ll, ll hal is it, piav:" I'l ii- "ll i I li.it wi- have these H-, i,,i .nlmm.l w ill, painted decuatiuns , .1 .p in, -e ,! ,.n, apply for a copyright 1 al "i I some nhnh-salr slatinnia- down I .11- I-, mn. "in, tin in t,, the trade n 1 '-lik.elo pip 1 w.i:;l.ls. Whal do joii 'i :" ' Hut li" n a-- sih-nt. Ihtruil Fir

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