Wi wli tiiwi iiliirihw 4V- Tlin.'SPAY, SKIT. It',. lfSti. Ol'U COUNTY TICK F.T. VOK 1 ii. a. LONDON". vim Tin; iuh'sk. CHAKLi'S . HOI'S I OX. UARNKY W. HYNl'M. nut ci.KKK sriM.uii'it cotnr, S. SI HOLT. KOfl HKHlsTK.lt I'K PH.I- li. u. kxijsj:. KOlt SIIKlillT. s. 11uKwr.it. Volt t'OltoNKIi, NY. S. l'KTI Y. KOH SVKVrYilll. Ill'l'l'S H. I'LKOO. ItiMivery otcr in I'lni'luiui oiif-h' to r.'ii(Uli.)'lU..-.ii.i ilimny ii:r cum 1"IK-f-i.i:t:TluN. Ui.Y ' 'INIi I'Mil. Till ?ullM'l llll! Ill OllCf '. tai" Mr. Joseph 1''. Vi'oiulil (.f Moucure, inn n im. -f White Winter Seeil OiiiH iui suV.n (i.i ceut. a bushel, iiinl it lot of Nonh West Wiiiler Out m GO cents. t"l$yiiiiin lleinh ii have i educed III PI'ICO Oil NlSSell's tVd hi.l.-c Uilj- mm. They nit) oli'ti iii(,' their sim-lv of (i. mils vt'iy ciuui. 1 i :i I u in. t lUuthitiej u:ut other oiiiU ul i-ii-.i. UnrThe dcniocnitic e"cit?ivr com iniilcc ot t bis ennniy nut l.i-u"- i Tucx lay, iiinl I'lguni.i'l loi " e:i:u li.iigii by fin-tin I- I. Wuiiin.-1;, Kn . as Vlmirii.ui:. v!i" will in.'ike one of till) most ttiic ilit in tl' Si.'Ue. aT On lust :n us Hcv. A 1!. I'imiv. nt lltciioiv -i. : i s ii. 1 1 town h 1 1 i was returning t'roiti church wr.!i liis wife in the i'lipiti.' wi'H -weic run iiitu l,. i uMowiv l ; 1 1 n . hud Mrs. iYny was tlii"n in Im k'lomiil iiinl ht-vi-ifij ii.juii"i. BieiT X eoioi eil man. Alsloii, w ho hits I). I'll time, en: two b.us ol I in two in iiticuip! .11 l; to uaiin .1 r... j:' il th rutting or sawing ii n"'..t ui;,i an iiltt ktilfi-, mill ti 11 it's.-, i: iia l b. en promptly ihscovi-u-il iie v. n.i.4 .mb ubiy hnvf CM-i.p''l in tew ilavs. 6rx'- Farmers. L"iul m lias ii i't ive.l this week II ioi of oo.i vV.lllf; O.iSs. new Hlovi i Sceil ami Kye. also a lot ol liilano mnl Aei'l i'linphate l a.. K.ioii il you i.ci tl any. lie h1o Lis ll liii,'e slock of I louli.e . h' o i i 1'lows mi I ,ul l.iiul . 01 l'niu's mnl l'ii.ii Cusliiiys on iimitl. iiis nuiik l Shoes in now complete. tKC' A coi'it'.-'poiioi iil writes us ihe following item: " 1 lie chm in Si is Willie .j.iiiusoli. ol l .i u run', rs. I .. tiftel- ii time lie nit hi' f.'jtiiiMi ai All. Vi-inoii Spunks, has ieli t . e for her home, the wnlir accoinpuu.Mi. hu i' as Im' us Uii'hiiiolnl. N. I'. Our lme sick bwam a.hlv," lis sail u:i:l with tlio ! we loM ." W l'ur I u i inul Winter l.ouilou is now i i"ii ivi.. a .o; o; m w t-a.i un.! NYiliti'l' I'.llicocs. i 'union i'"iaiiln lileaciieil mnl I'nbiciicl.i il i'.:i..-o is. Swi'l'soli's l'l.U.is oil:. 'I I'.l.l joints: in o. .Unit In I lot nf S:i Jeans Mltl ivei.'.'V s Hili.'ll Will Im-mi.,1 nl l'lictoiy i ices, or cxclianycil loi Wool, (iivc li im a call KlM Worn ... Tin- clitor rale fility iippii cinles the many knul coin pilliienlaiy icleielu'cs to his rcceli! ll.iiiilliatlou lnililevli not oiny the best I'lli.eus of this coiiiay . in b. aoiiiu of liie most pioinini ni cm., ns of the Suite, iin.1 uisn by luaiix i'i irs rtlltol'ial bietlueii. Tiies.' p ...isant win ils will enable him to eliu iie (lie hiily siuii h is mnl campmu In s dial llslia.iy besel II. 1 CUUillilutcs. ll Is t'spci'iiiity yia'.itying to hear that tin ileiui.eiiits of Ainiiiiiiipe will,'ivu Iron their hi'iii ty mnl woiiil suppoi t. A Ul uioi.ii a:. Oui'iutit. A most of ihis sciiatoi ial disti ict, and re;,'iet diaboiica! ouliiie was coinmilted on jinn I could not in pci'suii reiuiii my Miss Mai in Welch, oi lear Click llinnks to the numbers of Mie con township, on lasl Sntuidiiy. Sue veiitioii for t he plt'iisnnt and co.iii,i Bin! her mot her, the widow of Mie nientuy inmiiit r with which ihey late. William Welfli, live loi'lher in : iuii!icd my nomination. The noim theii huinb e homo, about live iui 'es nannii of inyseif. when iiiiide by ilie west of Haipii's X linad.-. ihe coiiuiiitiou of this coumy. wus not daughter is mi iiiiuimiied woman only unsoiicited niul tiiiepecied by about 4. years old. mid the Mother me. but whs in opposition to my is 7S years old, mid both bear ood wishes both publicly mi I private. y rliaiactei s mnon all who know t hem. i xpiessi-d In eveiy caiupnieii lor After they had gono to bed, on i.ist ! the past, eighteen years I have taken Saturday night, tin y wcie awakened mi uctive pm t and have done ml that by some person ealline; at the, pile. roi.j t() m'liieve deuiociaiit' success. The daughter urose, struck a li,'ht, but neve;' as a candidate for ol'lice. !ld ii.tpiiit d at Ihe door what ns My highest object has been the pios thu unit i i. The man replied thai j,ri it y of our country, ami I t bought he waiiled to stay all night. She' imt tts prospetiiy woind be best pin fold him that he could not. mid .shut muted by the supremacy ni thegiaud the itooi. He came to ttie house, iimi tiied to break in, ami tinally .siic ceednil ill breitkiuc down the dooi. As l.e lushed in Mis. Welt ii escaped, in. .1 ran to aim m lii't son, who lived about half a mile distant, bill by the time thev n ;iirinl ihe man had ac- roiupllshed in pm pose, mnl hud lied, Suspicion it -i td upon a colored iiiau, liaiueii A. on U reun. and tie was in - rested. ii'..i '.it r a pi eliiiiinm y ti ial betoie a lu gistrate, wus brought hero to jail to await his liial court- week. 1 Of course, all the neighboihood : was ki tally excited and threats of lyucbiiig were made, but the law was mlowed to take its course It is bo- hevetl by some that another man in ' implicated iu this shocking crime, lor which hanging is too good. . Late on yesterday. Sheriff Hi etver brought here miotner colored uinu, . named Chailei Frice, who is s is-1 Jiectetl as an accomplice ami who ' will have it preliminary Uiai today. 1 A Ami sin, i 1.i;it. Tlio most ninui-in;; furct' cvei witnes'i d in this county wus enjoyed heic lust Sntur iliiy. Wi iniH'li regret thill Mekuess JU evented iiur being present aiul iiitncsMiiir it. lmt 'i coi resioiiiletit. who wus jircsent. kindly gives our reinleis in another column a lmigh ahli! de.-e..lplinn of it. Th' le sociiim to hnve been some liii.sitiiilerstiiiiiliiig Sis lo the object of till' meeting. A number of sin' "nlil the tried" icpuh , lic.iim ;it tended, thiukim: it was u ' liii'i-t inf culled to appoint delegates to at'.eml tlic inasH convention of re publicans tlutl is to meet Ht l!.i!eigh mi (lit- '.''.hid nf this nionil'. but tu tliis they Wi iP niistukcti. anil i'i.h.so iiriitly luiviini) s-ili'iit srciauis. I lir only im n wlu si'rin In liavc tulci'ti uny jiti-1 in tlii ,'i an.l luci'iin wi'ir Mi'ssrs. ICninl. I'lini'll mnl Wickor. tin" li'!t lirinij: I'liairni.lli. t In Tost lei' g si', ret my anil .Mr. runi'll 1'iilistiintmg the lia;mu' if tin' mow iny. it is sai.l Mint Mr. Wainl Inul I'diur with ll.i' iiiti'iition of lici'lai in Iiiiiin'l: l:y l'niliibili n i-amii-lilt i- tor iln- l .i'('is!alui i'. lint .Mr. ii ki r sat-i-l'.i .1 his limb tmii by iimkin him i ii . it'ii in 1 1 of iln1 iiH'i i iiij,'. 'Mint was siiiiii'iriii lioniir for any ono man ! Tiir liual nsiill of tin' iinrlnif; i as rooi u pii'i-o of ilnwiu ii'l imjni ili'in1" us we i'Vi'1 Inul il ol, mi l in. it is. Mi'i-srs. Wii'licr mnl 1'ni H' ! rmi tiluiinj,' llii iii i ivi s ii i-uiuiiiiti't' lo .ay Im sluiil be tlio cmnliilati's m tiiis foiiiii y ! rid you rvi'i- hi'iir of Mivh .' We sii'iosi' now Mint nil iii'lrjii'iiili'iits" or lt'pulilii'iins. wlin v..-li In bi'i'oiui' i-amii. l iti'.- inu-t sub mil I.i I lie liii la'i.ui nf tin t wr. ir!f ;i'jnuiit"'tl "! i-;'s". lii'n'ly i; i ion ntl"!'lv ahsiiiii mill liiliruions :n tali. aii'Mii ! Out Ii inii-is wiil iIimiIi! H'lnrin '.ol Mial ilir hi'l'o of this lau,' is liic aini' Muni.; .n i:i. who ran n ; -im ii. ii. n !i.ii'i.l iinti no!iib:tiu!i ciui'liila Ii ur tins iijn. an.l wi'." it vMiitifil (as .! '!i' lifli'.l that in' wr.i;,! Ii") with an a; jit'in: im nt litiin Ikt! Yonnif as shim i:ci'i'r at n st ii! house. Of on rsr w inn t In1 ilrin.'.Tiits nunc in I o jiuwi-i i:i w.i-. kii-ki'ii mil. toi'l l i'i.i'i' Air. W ii-ki'f's iiais lor iliojli'iir yo- 1' ' rhi hlt'ii of this ex ii vi'iuie cmnli- ilute M'lii: j; hiinse f up us ihe lefor iner of t'hiithani i lei n t : :i t s ! Si m ,..i:i ii I 'i 'Wi s i n N . Tn ai'i'onl mice W'ilil pli'liiiils liitice lilt- roll- v 'iitiiie of t he 'JihI Seiiittoii.il itisiriet was he. il at .1. S. Henley'., on Sal in .l:i . foi llie pui pose of I'm iim'l v i.ihti;i;; (lie iioimiial ion foi seiialoi. teeciifiy niaile by tile rouiliy coin ell .lo t t : Ciimiiatn. !he convi'iition a i ot i.'.iiii- il by iliiaiu .'oi'l;aril. I' a- dial in ill. .1. A the election of s... of Aaimmife. Wo-iiacli. Ksii . a eii ri uniu of Mi ( 'ha luin coil.ily c.nivei.i ion. preselitt I ihe iiaiiie of Ii. A I oihIoii as Mm- choice of thai contention for Senator, ninl a vote iii iiie t.'iken he was 1 1 : i : n : 1 1 1 1 . . i iy lioiniiia'ei!. aiiil was ibllv ileclaiiil the ieular nominee of the ihsrriet 1 he liillowuie; executive enniinirtei' for the district was appoinn il. i-: J. lien, lianuer. chiiii imiii. .1. O. li. nciiiT mid J". II. WoucU'l.', fif I'hst ii im : mi 1 .1. 1 Keriii'dle and T. M ! apsi u: . i.i A:a..iaiice. As Hie i w ii 1 1 1 m. - was not piesi nl. amotion w ns adopted 1 1 ipiest in;; .1. A W' tuiel;. l'".-i.. In lio'ity loin by .t ile: !: in- ' irimi! ; 1 1 1 ' :. t: i n. and ! hat the col I e- poiideiice he pilbilsiie.i ill lite papei s nf Hils seiiiiiiil iai di e t! li'!. in a-'t i . iisli I he c di ere .'.llll Mice ns f I'l.'.s:. Mi:. 11 A. Le.M D. in Sir A' i vino.:: a! s . itis'iict held at 1 It Ii inst. 1 v.. i Sepl l:i. Ivm!. ! ill' fill VI 1:1 ioll if Mil- ii e 'J'Jnd Sei.aio' i.i' .1 S lb tilev's on I'M' li'ipiesled and mi t in ii l.'.eil lo in tor ill oil ol your uii'iiu luoiis luiiiiiiia'.i.'e its. the ih iiiocriilie call lid tie for sell. lii r of ilns ihsli'icl. Ai.o.v u. c to evpicss iny t.iii.'ici tioli nl the hai ni'illioils it i-ept loll ol vonr liame. and the iin.il.i'iii! v.ilh w iucii y.in wi l e declared Mn.' iioiuii.t e by the conve:!' ion. Yei V lespei'lfiiiiv. .1 A. W ..V.A. K. l'm-siumo', N. C, Sept. 11, lssii. .1 A. WllMAi K. l''.Sil. Uear Sir I mn in receipt of your id ;cr foi inady notifying mo of the action of tilt- democratic eniiveiitioii ohl tic muriatic pari v. And How that its siipicmacy is attained in county .Mat.' and naiioii, 1 mu witling to .It inv ui most, in whatever position dm v raiis me. lo stvu.c Us icieiition. I shad t'stt'i ni it a higli honor to sene in the Senate Midi a noble c stituency (I: me tlio Jieople of the comities of Alaiumite alul C iiallui'ii. und w hile 1 am now the standmd bcnicr ..f tic deinocia'.s of th..sc counties, yet wheu ehcted 1 wi.i be the public sen mil oi mi the people i.f both counties without regard to polnics or race, and 1 shall do my cluty nccoidingly. It shall be my pleasme lo advance the best inieiests 0f all the people in every way that I can, and to a. l in such a maimer ih ti J i.ty cause linm to icttiiti that 1 hatt 'faithfully discharged the tiust repost d ni uie. Yoma truly, "if. A. Lovm.n. - tKtfSubici'ibe tor the ltti oKii. Iji nm ! ,- ..i 1! ('i.'io'.n . -All I n . 1 1 4 ? i Mir luilloatl has mii 'iiiti ,i':it hi'tl cur town, u t nhi'iiity tlio jh o.i of tin-suiioiiiiiliiig iiniiihy ail- ciijoy iug sunn' of its belli tils, business hai been si iiiiu'iubil. aii'l sevin! in il'isliii H anil rn!"i j: ises luu e ln eit iihilei takon. Of coins!' others wiil soon fo'io'.v, aiiil in ii ynir from now our irnple w ii! wniiiler hoM any mail eoiiM ever hiive oppoTil tin' raiii oa.l. The lirsl euti rpiisr umti'i taken in mil li'll .ai iimi in l :u i ;iiii "r.u i-i'n . ,'. ., . , stiiit'linii was lp steam Inlil of ,. , , . , . ... , Alessl'S. Motili'. l.asulel' .V LiUliil. Tin se gem ienieii. las: spring, boilghl from Ih v. 1 1 1'. .Moore his small grist mill on Kobeiison'.s cn eii, ln ur town, which could grind oniy after a heavy rain, mid was Miereiofe idle most of the time The pm t hasers. however, at once bou'di! and (nt iii a li.ri horse power engine, and w. re able to do ad the gnu. ling that was brought lo Mieiii. W hen wheat was cut. these enterprising gentlemen put up a wheat thresher hi their imii, mid tiitt'-liid inaiiy aii the wheal in this vicinity at mueii h'ssexni use and annoyance than usual. 1 ins was a gifitl convenience lo many of our lai luers. Kin-oil' aged w n h t iien siic ci ss. Messis. Moore. i.asaiei'.V iilaud have ii'-o put a eoiton gin a lditiou lo their in i : 1. und wili "in not only ail I he cot lou in this iieighborhood. but MUt'li thai will he brought in lin seed io this market, for of course I'lllsboi'o' will now become ipiiie a cot ton inarkei. This in w ill also be a I'li ai. i'omi iiience I hit the shtiliie block factory is the gri alest blessing thai Ihe lailroad has el bi ought. It's hcliftil luive been fell I'.ir sevei.il miles mound here alri ady, and by it huuiheds of doitais in haul cash hate been scat- ti'ied mie prop who loeWO. ;! IV anil icre and lo a liee.h',1 il. Li.. pi'lsiiiiuii'll limliei' mi ev ei day from every on some dav-. :is lu'i, i' liaiileil lii eel ion. ii as liit v lull, her. died ,;ll i ar paid for ihis t im Ills IHnlie mi tlvptid to sii.:i'l lai mei". '.tlio at tin-- season ol the i ar il.- no' n-.ua. ly haiidie much money, hut now every one of tie.'iu can handle the ie.i i ea-h lor his limber, whi.'h heietofoie hud no mi m. Many a man who has hceio foie given a mortgage- for nil he bolii.lit. now .-elisa few loads of dog Mo, ..lor pei.-uiimou for the ready money, and wiiti the cadi pays for all be buys, ntid ol conise buys nl a le.-.-. price than when he gate. t morl gi.ee. Already many a man has saved enough i'i this way in pay mme Mian his ruiiri-ad ta. und yet when the ruiiioad suiisct iH ion tiii-, towti-hip was votid last year it was predicted by some that the tax would nun them. Some of the very men who gii.mhietl ihe most, me now selling tlie ino.-t limtii'i' ainl get ting .e m than thosi . - . .. . amounts to bm d tin-road Scleral ui' ii a'.'I'laiiv became so angry with Ihe it bl.i:dl'.l h.-ir . because it advocated , ; ihe loa.l. thai they stopped ihsi ripiio.is, and Mie editor i has been roundly abused for I he par I'.e has taken n: its construction. We hopi foilt th e men hive iited to see the of their wia: h ! i Ho the t Mie ;'ist nee'- commissioner- il,r pel soils were ap ... and in il.-lio'uiei s o b. hl'1,1. e-Jlld .lined r. 'I l:e firs! i:'einc i tb I four ill e th I. ai e.i h ii.it' and t lit' i .oil IMIII. W. ic. It. A. M. 1!, Mi H hi w IS. ' .1. lit I.M, --iio s. ' . D ... 1!. II. '.s -) II ,-OH. ,1"-, Holt. hi. S-.-Thos. u-.i; . w r.i. I tl . ill Oil, : 1.1 Ns loi. iian SlMil ,1 !" P.iasington. Aifie.i ;ei Si nub i ant, Wii y Miiche:!. Ci.n i r. il. M San II , S'edm.m. ). P.. Wou h H. il. P.e K's - 'J'. W Wall. T. ! 1'iti :nr. 11. i!. Hamlet. G.il'.i... . (i. Snipes. .1 .) l'...pl.'S. DlKNs -J. II. M. I.iiniiev. M. Ielttei'lul Hn: KV -M. ( lev. W. A 1 est. .1. 11 Dark, .aiboine .lustice. Mi'llanc. J. S. Hen na, S. It. l'turv, 11. II. Smith Ai. ramus r s W. A. linebcrry C.iit.r. H W. Divon,' , V. IV Tavlur Teague. D. K. Pet leit. i Hn i.e. 'a M r. -.1. M Giceii. Isaac i Womb!.'. W. P. Daik. .inni liiiur. ,1. P.. Click l;.'..iM:ll.'v-.V. .1. lliggsbee. W C. Cole. K V. At water. H 1. liur- gi .s-.. ( i.'i i S.n;! il rK.I.I.'N.. I'on's -il. D. M.'lso.t, .) II. Widiams. M T. Hoitoii, 1. A. Moll. W. It. Pope. KKt'i:i:i:K I). Y. Whiie. 1'. J. Scott. !'.('. Urewer, W. ti. lhower. W. . .VI. liiam- M IT I'll ...is .J. D. .Mmiii. A. .1. Iisine, .1. A. tiidl.ii'id, .Silt l Doisett. Ii. D l'lVUI. t'.iNn:! - .1. A. Woiiiticli. ll M imrns. K. (i. I lilbullks, 1. N. l''olt.-,lit'C, .1. .M I'.iiius. Ku ii'i.iMi--V. SI. '1 nomas. .!. SI K.ltMii.ls. II. .1. Mchi i. X. A. UivtK. Why i'.ii i tii i.i - K. W I'uvloi'. (.'. K. Smart. .1 11 r. a!.. "ll I!, (iiiiss. . A. Willed. Iv.v i i --t 'iti'son .Tohusiiu. Thus Se- j; l oes. D. W Kid. lie. SI. ti. .lohli- inii, il. M hov.'.. Om.ooi. -A. W. Wicker. T. A. Yur boiotigii. tiiltin Wa'soii, J. J. Sum h, 15. i.nei I Urn ns. I t'li.iilo'.tc ():... titer : .Mr. Jh lhngi r Sti.iih, a nn l eh ti.t of I'i voii t-'il v. l'lllk I'l'.li.l , li.ld ihe IiiikIhI Iniie lo lo.-..' Lis stiilt li0.ir.n und entiic st.ick of - 1-, 1 ' V ll. e, eslel'd IV l.iell.illg beloie it it break. Tt.eoiigiu of tin lire is unknown At li.e iniie it wa- dlMC.iveri d Ilie sti.K I o'.i.-h w is idilu.e W.ih tl.sme and none of the goods could be tii Iioiii the buit.b'e : Mr. Siuuh's lowt is .1H.. upon which he i siiitd un iiistuance of o.iit i,.mv. lieuelit ironi ll. e ranroail ouuen oy .hi. r an en, iinn on muni who h ive paid ilie lai'"ei.t the motion he was declared elected. For llio UhxjRii. Vickci' ami Farri'il's 1'uift'. Mi;. Ki'iToi: : At up early hour on Inst Siilurilay inoiiiiiij; there was to be seen on I lie s'veets of rittsboio" ohl Mr. Hilly Tl'.onins. Kelly Milehell. Ifnsteu Stinui;liiin, Nelson I'diishee ami Kieli nnl Moore fiiithful leiiilers of tlio tvpu bl ieii n parly in this comity backctl by a fou lly miiuber of while iiiiil eoioieil allies, who hail nsscui- ... . . .... bleil. as (hey siiiipnsetl. lo parlieiiiiile . , . . . 11 . ., ' . in the oliseiinies ol Ihe ileiiioeiutie . ., , 1 , , , , inu iv. I ' nun oei'ii nuiiouiiei'ii i uni a mass meeting of "I'Isiskfi'ti.I' deiu- ciats" (as was cnllei! bv some of the ri'iuililieiius) and all others "nisi. 1 1:- i i ii," without regard to race or previous condition, would assemble here on that day and nominate a ticket the people could trust. They wo:e bland smiles on their faces. In cause they were buoyed with the hope that. Ihe overthrow of the deui oeratic paily was inevitable, and the republican party was about to be born anew. Drifting together in groups mound the Court House. 1 hc Kfi-iucd to be iu deep and cm iiesl coiisii-tnt mn ; mid as lime wore on impa ii'iice ami tin illy dread disap point iiienl came lo them, for Ihe "iis-im-i i Ti:e democrats" did not put iu an appeiii aiice. About "J o'clock, the ringing of the t'ouil-House bell amiouuced the as sembling of ihe meeliiig. and with slow a cps they wended their way into the c. inl-riioiii. Inside the bar sal Mr. Tlmmns and two of his sons. Hasten Sicmghan. Kelly Mitchell, lliehaid Moore and Mr. Jiciile, republit'iins : mi l A. W. Wicker, Ksi . William ti. I'.lnnd and Henry (.'. i'm iell. deiiioerats, though Mi. Wick, r was "lusiNiri ti.i." enough four yeai s ago to t un as an iudepeiel fill candidato againsi ihe icgular deuiocratii' ticket. Nelson I'misliee occuiied a sea' back of the jurors' box. and Willi his spectacles on, his friends pronounced him the nio-t hgiiihed meinber of the convenl ion. Calling the mee;ing to order. Sir. Wicker stepped to (he v liter bucket, took a dnii;eit of wa'er. pmled down his ve.-t, pii.-hi'ii his curly hair back from Lis forehead, cleared his throat, and. in it very dignified manner, pro ceeded to explain Mie object of the meeting;. He declared the liomiiia lion-' made by Mie ileiiioeiutie run. venliou at their recent session would not receive the support of the voters ol the county: and the object of the meeliiig was to form an organization by which concert of action could be had by which the democratic ticket c-nild be defeated. Ib deemed il untimely to discuss the matters at issue and to dispatch the b'.isiuess of the meeting, nominated Mr. Y. (i. Hland for chairman, which was sec- 1 . l l... tl . i.. ii l . Mr. l-'arreil mid Mr. Wicker voting in the unintuitive and M'. Mland in ''' negative. Mr. ai it'll t hell lioun- mitcd and declared Mr. Wicker elect 'd Sccretaiv. Ihe chairman in ic- cogmtiou ol tlie tttstiuclioii snown Inni declared the ho.lv ready for the 'transaction of business, and said if lll. le WHS nil V ollf li!'eellt Willi t'O'.l!,! eMiiain the object ot the meeting any bitter Mian Ml Wicker had done. ho would take his seal and listen to him w ith pieasine. Mr. raited took1 the iiiid picniisiiit his speech by deei.ii ing his tide !iiy to the pi incipies of die ileinociatic pany- -that he was a democrat Ivy nature- that he cast his iii st vole when hut twenty yeais old and had mi voied ever since ilia', he whs a delegate ill the recent tii iinii'i 111 ic con v etii ion -diis first vote iu uie was for Zeb Vance and he would give him oiMM that day if he ' oil Id do so. 1 hi-, th rial at ion brought a sigh of disci null i I to Ilie fai'lil'ili . epublicali". and tlie interest iu the iiiee; ing Si eui" 1 to lag. Mr. Furred I hen proct'focd to the colic.iusion (if ids speech, the main gis! of which was the lent' 1 hat t ie stock law would lie established over the county if Mm tl iiiocratic nominees weie oicelcd. Mr. Wicker's t'iiti..i.-tnsui gelling the upper hand of Ins 1 '-a -oiling in ids iiisl speech, thai Mils was not the linn- lo discuss the issues, proceeded again to addi ess I Ic nc ei 'tig :n which he uiiipia.lliedly dee.aied his fealty ni ihe pi incipies o democracy Mini p was tine he had run for the legis latuie in opposition to inc uoimuei s of his pally, he hail 110 idea of being elected tlmi his object was some thing else he cou.d lie nothing bill a democrat, '"for." said he. ''the 1 e puiuican party was dra 1. ex. iin't an I I ey ond he hope ol 1 csin tec Won," and al ihis jiiuct in e of Ins speech Hasten S imigiiaii moved his seal outside the b it by t he clei k's desk, Mr. Tlumius buried his face in his hands, Kelly M. ic hell winked down Ihe aisle de claring it is iu 1 caiily a democratic iiiceiiug. and Nelson I'liusht-e turned in-- dignified ti i 1 11 1 1 iiaucti towaids the window, back of his seat. Finally Mesis. l-'miell und Wicker appointed t ht mselves n coiumittee to confer (as thev said) with the people of the county a to who should be candidates. Ii was not migyesled where, when or to whom this com mil ti e should icpoit. After this the "convention" adjourned, ami chair Hi. i. n ihalnl gi .icel'uliy leiliid to Ih sii.tdcs of Ins loiiuei obeii. uy, wtiile "ihe couilllllli e" me ilnlliii I. now tansa.'kit'g 'he fountv loi candidates. lhit senoiisiy. Mr. I'-'hioi. of aii the r.dicilit'iis, liiliic.i'i pu.lilCiii meet ings ever held in t'li ilham "Wicl.t r and Kalicll's I'lllce' lake.-, the cake. A Si ti TATtlli. Acute i lieiiinatisin is an iutlmna tion of the ji.niis. in 'iked by pain, neat mid ml ess. With thc:-esymp-iouis I'ppl;. S iMiiion )d, the gle.it j aiti-ciile ut on e i'lii'i -o ci nis . i bottle. Noliiing tiies the alienee of a man more than to listen to a hacking cough, w ld'.'h h knoivi. eouhi e.i. iiy be cured with Dr UuU'b Cough Syiiip. Parker'u Tonie. kept in a hoino is a M iitin.' 1 to kei i) mcKiiess inn.. I'sciJ ilin. ni. IK' if li'cin llicbltiiil null" " I I . Keeps the blocil J ill It-. 1111(1 tile stouiacli, liver inul Kltllievslil woikinjr niiler. Coughs and cohls vanish before if. It buils up the lioali h. No w ise mother will be with out it. Itemeinber th it .1. W. Scott & Co., I (ini'Kxsnoia)', N O. is the house for you lo patronize. Ample facilities . and tii'.eeii yems expeneiico gives 1 t i fin .superior -.idvMiit lees i Aitiiii:i. 6 Null. .f. nf iliitliM unit imtiTliiiri'i. lnertoil rrt-t'. oi'luiiiiii'i. .-Iiiiri'il srv.'ii I'i'iiii. ii lint'. TVWis--TlloMlMnS. AI IIih nulilmi i.f Mr. Inlill V. lilll llHT, '.lit' lill.lf'H lirmlU'r, ell III" Hill ; in-l . I.v K'V. W. II. II..III.. Ml'. CI S. V. Tv.N. i.i llMI'M-r's X ll'Ul ls. I.i Mill. M tl iilK ,. Tll.'MlWilN, ! ..I Mih.i-ii iMiuly. , THE MARKETS. ttii..rvil fur Tin: l:i'.eouii by W Y ATT 1'A Y LO It. ; llltoi ll .V eiolMl-; lev l I : I: 1 1 v'l'S. I Nil I .' s..iitl nl I. Miirtli. si . I 'ui.Hi.ii. X. I'.. s..H"mlit.r 11. hso. 3 ! I'oTION M AIIKKT: II '.t Vi J.I. lug, - . H4 ! Mnl Hint.. h, ! s i.i !... Ml.l.lllli!, N ', ' SlltlUM. 1 j MIOI.I SAI.KlllHle:ny MXHKI T. ! M.-'il -C l;.i's. 0 , I'.ilT...'. !S1I IU IIii k. 11 I'Ii.iii, S. t'., II Hiii III lliiiiin. .X. e , III Veal, whlif, iai.ni.1 " iniiir-i'iii.'.l, lv 'H iru, .:' , l.liri- OillB. IK'..' lllKl ri'llllCl, .I','?! Ill 'i.l,. l .thlllv. nvrn Sen"., TO Mi.i.i.'.'.t- r.n, liuvniiim N' I'r.ip I'ni it. :n::i MpIi- X'.'W Mm ki'ii'l. syniiiH, Inula, ii iiil .it iiiirii'l, Wum : iit...ir - t m t.lio jii i.i miii .ii..w, r. ive.. lui'ii . Kmr.iL'. i. I'lii. k.'iiH, 'iiiii.iii iir.iiiulnli-.. .,1'i.i-k, i ."ni ; liimnlni: lii : now llir.m TliKtl".: l'lcii'il Tim U .-.ii. ! 0 V Tin''' ii'l''is .in' li.i' l.-ir-:.' I'.is. j " New Advertisements. j MA LK AND I I '.MA Ml. Til.- Itrsl i.nrsi'll "I'l'IIM Allans! ITlh, IHSli. Thin iii'ii li'iiiy in ii u -.i. !.' Hii.ry, wi ll iii'r.ino'il liullil-i-i- kI'ii-i'i-iI iii Ui.- i...ii'li-ui'Mi,.in pari 'f Cliiti- 1 ; iiy. N. c. llH.I,iim milt Iml Hun. Ili.,-i-ii''ii.iii '.li"r-iiili. T'lii.l'in In Limlt-ili ill fl- .iii ti mi I 'J 'HI i.T llli'lllll All lU'l.-hln lil r.-iMvn ..in. I., si.ii ivi.-li il.iv iii l'i.iiiiiiiiHhiirri... of I'ltiii't:... Th. ii. l.'-.lriii ; i.. ii.'ii.iit ii full nuiii.1' In I'.-n Art ''.III .1" S" Willi II, Ih- r-'Kl. li .iml In ii' if I ..oiil'l.". ul (nun '..uii I.' t'."i I't-r iii..ii:l. i-MM-yiliiiii: iii'-In li.-l. h"r liirUwr i itril' iil ii i Mrt'-s T. c. Hi: V. l'rlii. l.iil, Ii, in i.iil.ss. I'i-' fft .i- r l'.MiiiiiiiHiiii, S'il 111. I'M. I. l ilt I K, I'lilllllKIll l'.. N. O. TENANTS WANTED. A few reliable teiiai ts havi'ig stock of their own can rent good farms on t'.gvpt plantation. Apply to .1 1. SI IID.MAX. Sept. Hi. It r.ilVl'T, N c. Farm for Rent. 1 will n-iii ! Un- liiulii'si bl IiI.t hi Ui.' iiuirt li 'iis,. s. ,'. nii..r '.'I'Ui, Is!.',, iln. il. W. Miiy l.ll lll. 4 lllill'H Mlllllmi'Sl "1 l'lii!.lN.n.', .V C. Tliln I-ii i;...m i ii..i -f iiiriii. Cim If .llvlilr.1 In iw.i P-.-I iiiriii. wr.li li.nir.i.M un t-a.'li. lil ri'iii ii-i h w l.i.li' ..r t..'i.ni-ftii'. 'r.-nurt-N.ii.. with H'ir.ivi'. rt'iirliy, .uyilili. Nutfinlifr 1, I.".. W. I.. I.ON1HIN, Ap'lll. St.l. '.I, IMi. 'JIH. i: -by Vi T OUl'GAC.K SAT iiih Iiy T'lii- ' VI''.".';!;' ,?'.'.'! ,;;V,.!.!i:.':.r ' :iii, r 1 .U-.-N 1 I mil Hell lit IU. I'll.' HlH t! -ii , lir r.isii. hi iln 1 i-h.-usr .i.M.r ,. ,uil .....jiiij , HI I 11. winy th" l'J ll "lay "I O.-lnluT, ISNi. II ilTilllll I I'll. 'l I Imi.t 111 s ilil e. .1111. ' i'..,illlliii. i'Iii' Iliill ; ll. -re Willi ill. -.-..I-.' I.i.ilis. till Un shiiii' IniiiuiIi'.I i .y .1. i'. C. .l.-llll;;:.!! I.li.l ills. I: C. Wl!..ll. S A. I'l KTIS. j S.'il. 'J. iss.'.. IChU Cl'.'.-k. N. 0. I Farm for Sale. Aiiiuii .-hi iii-r. it. I.i' nli'nil 1 mll.'s siiiiiIi "f . 1 ii'.sl-. i'.i' ii:i'l ills ..it :l 1 .. a mile Ir im Hi.' I'I'ls ' In.ri'' i a 1 Ie .ml. Tins Ininl Is inliiilriil'Iy hiI....i."1 I., iln' u.-i.wtli "f i n. wliivtl, mils, r.itl.ili im-1 Un1 I lllii' ru.li s '.I I..I..I. I ln' .ln ' is Wl'll H-.m-r.-l ! in,. I iiiiiisiinily li.viilliy. .ni l l.ull.l InsJ- "l Tin n I Is .111 Hi.. .n.'.. mi., in' 1I10 I'i'st Ii'irn In iii.-.-.iin.y. ' 'I'll.' ilufltliiK li'.iii-i- Is Iiiriii' mi l 11 in--11- 11-. U I is lii'lii-o' I 'lin' Hf' nil e i'i. l'-'l In ri'imirft h.iiiM iiiakt' li "ii- "f Hi'' ai""' i-.ii:' "i-iiil'l.' ri'slili'inf - I'. : Un ni'y. I'll.- i.wiii'i- ..r Uils .!-niiii'.y w.ml.l li.iv.' nil Iln' ailvaiil-ii...... ..I Ui.' III iu -s. Ii.'ls nml 1 liiltvii'-K. Tin' I. Till- llli'Till I"! illl' liaslllg' ' S I' r (. 'i il.-'il irs ii..j i'i Ui.' Ill:, ultn. S.'it. '.I. SW.. MI'OIi l'ANT SATdv IIY VI R II J.I 1.-MI. nl Un- Hiip.-ri'.r -.un nf Wik i.niv i will wii .1 i.ii'iln-mn '.I m I'.r. usii. ill ihe .- 'lin lii.iiM-.l.'.r In l-li si. 'i-..'. "ii Mi'Si'AV. Hi,, till it i "I Oi'l'il.i.r. lsmi. ni-iTtiilii tw.'lvt- li.irm. . ...r l-V.lsl. nn l ll'.ll.l li wi ll all l' nlln.'li m. n s. ami al il .i I itln I l "I 1 tl.'l III lint' t"'ll Mil. n.'ar liat' Cits-li i-lmr.-li. mi wlit'ii ts n Si-..ir. Il.-r-a. aii-l PM'i'.i.l.ts... Ih'iiii: Un' hiihh- ni"i ii:.ii:.'t l v .V. M. Tli"ii. is mnl wt'i' t" U lii'I'la ll'"li "! h-. "ll Hi-' Ii "i Mni lssii. 'flu. i:ni:iii-.' iiiav li.' si-'-ii 'ii Ui'- irnnil-iit ni'ftr Hi'iir i'r.'.'k .'liiiri'ti. V-r liirili.r liii..rm.iil"ii iii.i.ly I., c. c. Cli.'i k. Oif Hill. ..r t i 11 . 1. ii l.'ii, i i,iu.,..'. o. n . srroMi. Si-l.t. i, PsO. f.'iiiiiilscli.iii'r. aiTTONfilNNKltS! :::! ,4 IN IT IK H. C. HOME 3 ESS Thi.- company has been in succe-.-ful ojici'iitioii tor eighteen veurs. It is SAFE, SOLVENT and PROMPT in the payment of its losses. All kinds of I'.uildiiv insureil at rea.-enablc rates. lie warned by the looses of your neigldiora jind insure in time. 11. A. IOWDO.V, Sil. 9, lBt. 1 OltTCiAOK HALF, liY VI It n,, iinirr.'nroi.i n.i mir. i win .u i.ii- mif- Ui' "r riw.li bi Hi.' '.in lumsii 'liir, In liiixli im , mi Kauiriliiy, Hi.-'.iiinliiyi't Oi'tnLfi', n'Wi.Bii.riJilu irm-i ill lii u-1 lii III H'.ry MkhiiUiiii iowuki1., oiiui ham county, nuiuihiinj: al'Hi 30 ucrt, mnl Ih1ii Httlwtur. W. L. l.UMK)N. foTOHTII tlAROLINA - CHATHAM COI'STY. ', In nil Lit i t nl- it Cui nr. , AlU'l't Shlpt'H i iiK'liii.n JullU FuU.I Mll.i illlll'l'tl. ' Thin In a s..N !ui ir'.'illnK Im ihe muI .f ri'nl i-siitif f. r ifinlii"ii. .'mil il itiii.arliiK l y iini-lHVli Ui Hit' Mi:lstii...in i.r iln un i leu .Mnrl-iii siiln', Ulll'i.r tllll .lt..iillllH. h h .i.r, Mlit.'Ut Hlltl Olll- u.it HU. r iliii . 1 1 n v'i'le ' I..' I.. mnl In llil Sinlx, mnl hni. tin liit.'rHi.l in siilil ii iil t'slii'. ho Ih hi-ri'l.y li.uliv.1 in in. mnl j.ii.iir ni ll ni.-e ..I Uif -lrk ..I ilir Hiii,.n..r . .mi ui siii.i miinty, wlililn m tlMVH llll.'r I lie n.T lie li illl.lilli'li "1 llil" lliillii', iiii.l i.li'ir.l, uiiHW.-r i.r .tt-tiiiii' I.. liilntifT'f. i'iii. I'lnim, nr JtnlKiii.nl will ink.'" i.n.itinh'Nb... W . t . nii'sui'.l., o. rt. '. . Si'I't. i. lkHC. i':-. 1 1856. SPRING, li NEW (iOODS! AT itt un rr.T .lillfjO. We take pleasure in aniioipicing to' our friends and customers, that our, SI'IMNfl AND Sl'MMld! GOODS1 will be ofi'eied at 1'iices iu sympathi ! with thtr. Low I'riee.sol l-'urm j PloilileU. i We hiivo a more complete line of j DltY (iOODS. ! NOl'IOVS, j I'Aiil'Kl'S, j OILCLOTH. I HOOTS AND SHOKS, j H ATS AND CATS iiM'r.r.N.sw'Aiir.. ! (iLASSWAllK. ' (ii;oci:i;ir.s, &c, t han ever before offered. Ladies' Cloaks and Dry Goods a Specialty. We solicit an examination of tun Goods before buying. Thanks for past favors. ' ecV'Tho Highest Cash Prices paid ' for Cotton and other Product.'. Yours Respectfully. K. It. .McliK N A. CO. Sii.kh. X. C. April -2-L 1KM5. 1 GO TO ROBERTSON, LLOYD fc CO. DI HIIAM. N. C, Hardware, C utlery. i II MET IKON -AND Tobacco Flues i i A sriX'IAL'IY. j Adi'.NTS FO!t EXCELSIOR AfiQ HEW LEE COOK STOVES. We keen the Ingest and most coni plete slock of the above goods l l bi found in town, and guarantee the low est Jll'I'-CS. fo ' ' ll-.ll-Aprti ll, PtM. 6m. . ... i. - i . ...i.i i iiiu ilie rrinrinlrs ul it Ii. niiin nlir illiilnii-tral loll, Pui'lisW I.i the City of N'w Ycik. XV I L I.I A 31 1 H) K S 1 1 K I MVAl, Editor anrt Proprlrtor. ; Daily, Sunday, and Weekly Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR, ( ASixtoen-page Nowspapor, Issued every ttbqiicom. A rlemi, .inr, llit i.nil iiilcrotlm FAMILY PAPER. It riu niu- tin' luti-cl un.", ilui to tlie hour of Agricultural, Mr.rkut, Fashion, Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial lriijrtm' nl'. miller tin- .lini-tiim of rlni! Jiiiirniili-I'. i'i ti' hiEhrM iilnli'v. lt Fiiif ii i.ij.r wi.i I lonnil rrmiilisl "itli ptx.! thing : fi-Hn t" TSili'i' 1" i'H'1 , . Oii-iinl Mn. i- li ilieiinpihiil Atnnlin ana lorrin it rit.-ri of lirlinn. THE DAILY STAR, T?i Paii v STinrnnlinimiiil the nfof tlip dsy In -in niii.niiM' fi ini. li" iH'iml romnpiiinliiic I t i .ii.v fii'in I.i.n.lnii. I'arif. Ilcrliu. V n linn ami i .r.. '.ii in ii t .'ir.lni.iiit. I'lf fi'Murr. Al '. :i"liin -tin Alhjuv. mill oihcr now rcnlrr, H i- nl.ic-t i..rf...iititl. iii. vi mlly retmnrd t.jr lbs i in Stii. Iun4-li Ilir InttH n. iv!- I trlrpniih. i- l.l.m. v fiMtiim lire mimrpiiwil. 'i !i I in.-inrml mid Matkil IIi vk-ivii mi nnumtllj i ' .'.'" i-i'l'lLrini. und Mlraordlnnrjr lndno ' mr'nit. i mrciiIn nl canier. M n.l fur cirrulnrH. TERMS OF THI WltEKLV TA to "rm- frlllllKlls. run I'F IWIM1 In th V Dltl mni n'rt t ..ii.iiln, out id Ibc limiw of New York City : f lul sol Vilirm ind noerxtrn toorctitir)..lS 00 TERMS OF THI DAILY STAR to Bcb- Mlillil Bi. : Ftrrv ilat for one t (inrliidinn8undy)....7 09 liuilv. mtlwtit RudiUt. oue year J 00 Kvrrv dav. is month ' 5 52 Dailv. viiboui bunriay, ii inonaa 00 j'.WfVM, TIIK STAR, 1 89 and K8 Korth IV Ullaa St., Vmw Vork. THE STAR NtuM'.ipi '' s.i..inliiii; ll"' rrinriiile EVERY DEMOCBAT IN- CHATHAM COUNTY. ought to read the ili:OKl during the com- campaign, j THE RECORD ; Publishes fuller 1 1 and later news from the State and County than any other paper, and every citi zen of Chatham ought to take it. !!! EVERT CAMFAI&H FOR EIGHT YEARS The RECORD has done its ut most for the noniociatit; Party, and it now ap- peals to the Democrats of Chatham for their suhserip- Uoiis. SDBSCRIEE AT OKCE i I i I