THURSDAY, NOVKM1JKU IS. lHti lr The children of Mr IV A. Phil lips of Rear Creek township, have six living grand parents. BrThe Thanksgiving turkey, (hut now ho proudly tilrtiis will soon lealie that p:ido 1ml I. u full. Induce your neighbors to sub set ibe 10 the Kmmi'.I) mid thereby help to advance your local welfare. KTl little bin! whispers that on next Tuesday one of our most popu lar village ui'iiiuViiH wid bo married. a7"The count v commissioners will hold a special meeting tomorrow (Friday) for the purpose ol making out then niiiiuai Maleinelii ot tlie county's tinauces. - - isaT The excitement of the election has subsided, un.i pop: ine attend ing to their dni;y dulh's jiwl I lie same as ever, and the world moves on as smoothly as before. jt- We nif i.l..if.t to learn that the Fyi tteville fair, li' l.l lit-t u-ik. was unusuaiiy "-ucces.-fiii both in ilic number of viaiiois and in I he quan tity mid iiiuii:y of tlie exhibits. Mi. Willie 1'. Ciegg died at l i esideiice a. FiUikiiuUn on iiist Fiidav. lie was born and i eared iu this nullity, being a son ol Nathaniel' Clegg. Esij., and was a uiuu of umi Hual eiicrgy. .vjjrNest Tinirsday being Thaukt iving iMy and a legal hodduy, aii . business wid be suspended at thin place. The nicl ciiunts vvi. c;o.-h thei. si ores, and the oilii-es ai tl.e court house wiil be closed. 4SrW. II. Leonard will go to New, York this week whcie lie wi.! buy one ; Of the llllgcsl stock of glllliis '. Vel , Been in any country town iu Noi I h ! Caroliua. Lookout tor his adver-' tiseiui'lit next Wi ck. taf Sauipie Ii: ow n. of (1; eeiisboi o. ! is still adding lo Lis lepulalioti as Greetisburo's leader in i.w pi iee a'i i 1 reliable goods. lie is seilmg iots oS Lad. is l.'ioaks. Cariiets, Ciothiug. ' Uoots. Shoes. c. and evciy wi I' malisfied ctisioiner helps to adverlix the business. fctT" Many a busliei of wheat lm. bei'ii sowed in t'ha hum within the Jiast week, an 1 uiu.-h of it. wo regie to slate, was bought from abroad by our farmers. We venttiie tie-, Omu ri ion t here is now iess wheat I in this coiiiry '. han alino.-t ever be fore kliuwii R: this sea-on. ' 5''.,v" Hyiiuui .V iffvideii. have re-j ceiveil iheir St :ek of Kali Hint Win ter ioifils. Diy, Ladie: ( -loaks. Jerseys ami IJughs .Ihc ,e' Oiio of the best Sloel; of Si. net in Cual haul, and oilier Goods iha. in geliiialiv 1. 1. in. 1 in .1 lhi-1 clas- st,i . Will be so.d a clu-.ijias Hie cheapest ts?" The rush at London's il! i-ou till lion. We ;-ct ladi. s fioin ah pi!' oi ' tnv coin. ty b:i;.ii.p iaige.y. He it. certa ;i,y seuiiig; gooil-. elie'ip. You call li Uii u :-.: mild f.'.ock ol t'ioa!--ftlid!eiev Jackets. He lia Itcer. ed tl ;Arec; utiother lot of Ladles' II. Us. Look at his Wot -.ted H oils fm Ladies' si, 1 1 1 'hi Id i en 1 ie iui a ei- ge n ock ot Z'-pher. spilt and single, on hand. Kr" Now weatl : is co'ain' it wiii pay ou to eoine i t London's mid make youis.,ves comfoi tub'e. (Jood win tn Clo.hiiig ami Under c'otbitig ai e c!n a r than paying t he doctor bills. I(oiiu.iu received ti.i-. week another lol of iieiser and Doa,: las Shoes. He has the lies: ami triii apes' Men's, Ladies' and Chie diri.'s Undei wear ever seen iu CliMt hum. Can tit uiiy one from a small baby to a man v. ; ;ghing 250 tba. Tin: Dt'hiiM Fmi:. In another col umn we publish an account of the . " I . . . I I leccui ut-iive me in iiii iiiim. whii li wiil be read wi 1, m.ieli reeu t by all the many Ii iei ds of Unit en-, terpiising town. A loss of half a million dollars worth of ptopeity would be a very serious matter to' most towns ai. it cities much ia ger than Dm ham. i'ut no place would nootier rebuild and repair its losses. The push and energy of its ci izens : will quickly lejilace the burnt Imiiil ' ins with l,u yer and more costly htiuctilies, itiel this destructive tile be ii.ade u bein tit and hle-siii' id the town. 'J lie need of a sui'iieieiit supply of water and of mi ellicieni l:ie itepai tiiient was severely and :.. Py shown, and leaches a itssou licit other towns .should profit by. IIaII.IMMj Ctl.-HKirioS. Ill view of the i-in'.y com p. el ion of our railroad it is time Iha: our citizens wen: pre paring for a e.-.t lent ion that will tiny eommeiiioi ate so iuiportnn! an event. Wo are requested to announce, there fine, that, a moi ling of ihe citi.enn of this p. aee ami surrounding conn try will be h id at th" coin t honse, en ut-xt Saturday afternoon at '.i o'clock, for the purpose of milking the necessary arraugementK for such celebiatiou 1 1 is hoped I iial thei e wid im a full meeting, and die ladies Hie especially invited to a tend, for without their active ci operation the celebraiion would not be a success, Just one vcur ago last Tuesday the ' Wi,.kofK.a,li..gui i,.adwasl,;;un. At that time munv predicted that it , i i .,., i,,, i. i its best fib lids wore uot o.ei con on them all of a siidtleu, iu the feel fident. But the gradiug wus com- ami leu's, m.d li. look some lively t ub jileted a mouth ago, and all the track ; lung to give .hem relief. They wuf witl be laid iu about a week from fere, I no injur only a very disagree now. The many obstacles tlml have ' ab.e seiisaiiou, n u h as one feels when been overcome iu iu construction i. limb "g es io sleep." win. h lasted wid never tie known lo those who , for seveial hours, before it entirely will enjoy iu bcuehin. titate News. Mt Airv News- The apple crop in the mi nti-aiti country was raMier wi,.,rt , . .. . .. ".,i,,,...i if the piii ei La' been on the up "-rude Louisbnig Times: A colot i d wo- tn.n uu loli .1 In- li.-liti in, r on ... I.?," . 1 n : . i; H ii I if.'li!y i espt ei i d old colored womau, wiim burm-d to deiiili in her own house in Siud Town uu Sunday evening. ..v.v. (irwiisboro I'm riot: We under- stand (hut 'r. ISenbow roiiteiiii)!atrs. at a:i early iliv. building a hrgeonera I1r.11 on' the eon,. r of Soutn Elm and Hvca.noie slieetss. 1 ho truck is laid' on the wci-tot u end oft hot 'ape Fear ui:.l Yitdkin Vullev Railroad t0 within su wiles of Walnut Cove. Cli-uloite Chronicle: We have heard of such things, but this is tin actual fact. A fellow lipplied to the Register of Deeds a few da8 since anu witincii ii pair oi " iiaiiu ," He was supplied for tpl 50, 'ami wenl on his way iej lieieg. think- 'ing that he had procured bis author- itv at a reduce rativ Monroe Eiiiuiior-Express : We ure l'lforiiieij i hut two M union mis i..s, l'ailev I'. ISintrbam and l. 1). Ferrier. preached at the old K.-d Level chin c!i: in Monroe township. lat Friday night, and expect to preach thwo again to-morrow night. Jn tlie leeaiitime wo learn they are pleaching from house to house. Asluville Citizen: A most out rngeuus act of i"bbciy was comiiiit te i mion Mr. .Juiues Atkin. of KiiOX . ..i ti... ... ..i .in,-, ilk inv-- in- ol itl, lun oiltei- oil , , 1 , . m 1 t , , Saturday evening mst. .Mr. A. had ;.. . ... i'.,. 1 t,. :. ... w I. -r i j.,.-.i 11 1' s( tuned from points hou'.h af- , 1 . .. 1 ng' s uiie lioi ses. wit ii t ne pro- , ... 11 l i . c'-eils on his person. He liad stop . i .1 " i . . I'i itovi i liei e on liiismi'.-s On ' i . .i i ; u: iluv c e .mg he I ad irono to the de- ...... , -i j-llt. tot'lht'tllP li.tiu wnieli pusses; ,, i.l'ie uooill hoelocU W i Hi led W ith Will! ill-, he, kl i ... , daliitie wav ui), and whil" i-taiidi - ,g near a oox c'ii. he whs pi'loai'l.e! Iiv two men, the toremunt of wiiom alTected lo he ihuiik. a., d ho laid ids hands i.miiii !y on t lie s:io;.lders of Mr. 1 his g litlcuin'i pushed him o;V when both usv,u:icd him, kuock e.i him ih'un. ;-i;l 1,1-: vest and coat, in. I w'.iie .Mr. A. was insensible from a blow on hl-i Iieid. tin- milia rs sc Uleil tiM p.-el:et boolc, which cou :..i!.ed .i'.-jII. Mid made oil'. They .v- i" while, but there is no clue to !!li ir i.letiiit v. Cm lhage J 'oiirgi'iry wa oii the in. n mi lib-: A during act of ' i.niniite.l ill our town j Cp to this time but one. the Suow of ti e3rd inst. Some : b.rd, has been heal d from, and she u!;' .'.'.n p ii ties lihou! I wo hours be oile day elit- ri d the -tore of 11. J. At . i). .ills , by ior. ing the front doors wi h a i low bar. mid blew open their -:ife wiih i.ow.ier The i-i nteiils of w-i.i 'h were l !ii I 1 Hey Had in tin sale ill unit i'I.IMI m s; tvo in a such I . Ii c i was takeu with some moucv !..eloomg tool li.r parlies 1 he act abu., tbo city. It has been but a ; '. h,w" wl"" '!. party wUlwt w bile since a large number left ; i ..i- ii,. .... .... . .... I ii e;niencei i.uigiar. ine hui yesterclny ttui! tin- subject ot liumi ! Mis.i lite proof wi:h combination loe',;. jra.iiig to California- is leiug uiscuss 'i! o driile I hole just to the I ej among them now, and a coioiiv left - f die key pi .te and through t hi ; piojmses to start Irom hero about 'kl- :t ipiantity or Diliaa I tuo 2ihh of December for that Suite, b .- s.iu- pom I. r uliich b!e-.v tiled or I .v coiored man by the uame of J. i) . ut, no I even m ving bi.M-H o i to;) of . Sh-jipard. is wo'kiug m the interest u.e Mi'. He t ten pi b' d -ui Ihejof un- uioveiueiit and he s os that va .It i'.l"e g the MO..OV ami lore .ipe.i t e oaci; end. N tiling except the iu :iey iui been iui-.-ed and up ( i ti e I imi of oii.g to pr.-ss no clue us to t. e ;;,ni; pally ha I been o! 1. 1 ned 'I l,;s is the !ir-t nd m the Uu:. I tin: l as : r been known l.eie or perhaps in t'.e co int i . 11 .. N -.vs and ' )b.-u-rver : Dr 1' C. i'ovm II. ol 1! a-ky Mo int. a physician of n i ;. hie'' rtaliding so ei.ihy ill,, I pn-tessi miiliv. sle l aid Uihed Win Sl.ii!. a lining while oiiiU. son ol ! cpresieili'! i e 'li ct John ) Siiiai.. of Na -ii coii'ily, iu D.ulyht li.lge's bil'iooiu. in that pla-e last evei.iue 'liie -l it it t ii g was tlone in ihc tb ill i 1 1 i i f di ink. James Nor tl -o;. 1' .,.. eluiii niaii of t lie lnleiior vliinrt of Ivlecoiii'M. i-ouiitt. hehl a pri iiiiiinarv exa niantloii and issued a eommitmi lit S un A Ai i ii.giou was . ! I )Ol iiuliZ it to talie Or. 1'owell to J nr- i.ol A- ti it halt way between I'lirhoio ami K n-kv .Mount, about 11 p. m , live of Dr Powell S friends met and oo. the pii-ioner troui the dep-1 uty. - It as iejorti tl Monthly (15th) . li good auihouly iliul the supreme eoul hid leveised ! he th cismn (if lu.lge Phillips peiiniiting the Capita! Club to sell spirillum Illinois to its members iiiutt i lie- local prohiiiilioti law La-u Friday iiiht. an engin.i a' the saw mill of .Mr. L. Wtmdiief, Wake co. nit v. ex plod ed. complelev wieeiiiug everythiiig for f illy yards around, mid iiis:antly killing J. 11. Chappel by te-uino open his breast. Wndoshom Intelligencer: A few """ siunding around the cannon days eo Mr. Isinc Lit Ie. who lives cseaped unhurt, ut nr bit- J Stoic, Wiil" at woik in; V "ii- i t i iu-colto.. Held, tell somelhing crawl-1 A miiall CowllIlli'tL ing oji his leg. lie thought it was a1; Cevtrai.ii, Ii.t., Nov. 15 Quite o mouse ami giabbcil it. Iu an instant sensiii ion was caused, at Od.n, when he ielt a peculiar, smarting sensation. ' Mis. W. T. Smith, (lie wife of a and on i l-iniiuaiioii. found he had proiniuenl merchant was owlii.b'd been bit bv a big black snider. In by J. D. Wilcox, a woil-knowu com mi inconceivably short while his leg mereiii! traveler. Wilcox explained began to swell' and the poison to that Mrs. Smith had been tel ing spread iu i veiy diiec.'ioti. lint for' false stories about Mi Wi.iox, who i l.o ui.-ky piiciiiu g of ,i certain auti- j w a highly esteemed lady, d 'to caiicd whiskey, and the timely; " " T .. , of Dr I trut us Mo re, it is gen-1 "v Dl- f.dmige has been invited em l...liv...l tl,-. t. I.inlH wi.,.1,1 l.ave died from the effect of the spi- tier bite --Mi. John Keilaiid, of ns invnle, was electrified by the eiuthipiake shuck last, Friday, as wan also ins lit t Ie son, a la 1 of some twelve vi ai s. Thev were iu Mai ion; S. C, I "ut the ti.i.e.' it wns fulli hi, hour a.lor the , m.ek before they felt tb ,. , ,,, ., . .... T . .. . ' wore off. Clvarlott Obtmrter : Mr. T. V. I t'lnwiVf t l'U'K r from (.olorado, and who arrived here several weeks asro, 1 lmH lna,,e arrangements to establish ,l" T01'bt mining plant iu Char- lottc. He proposes to erect works '' ,ne 'l',n!,neiit of the gold oreR of the :orlli Carolina luiues, and nis ,,lll)t. wli ,.(lsiHt f chloiinaliiig i i , .. i- . "M',,p,",n u,,M,.,,,rr .Ci',.lt- n. iiieeu. suiicriuieiiut ill oi ine ! ... , , ... ' ... , . i Vi- , 1 w","",,'7 ' 01 ins worn, anil nniioiicci s mai ioi ,1 nines ijoiig h special train ior it iu-igu h"111 on lortliemuing. tapt. Oreen 'an at Coneoi.I a lew weeks ago, dur- '"h' euwpaign, ami was so lunch I impressed with Colonel Long's can-- j didaey thnt he pruuiised, that in the t-'vi'" 'f C1. Long'a success, he would give iiiiu a apeciai uiuu 10 ivncigu. dipt (ireeu was yebli-nlay ollicialiy notittd of Col. Long's triumph and UlegmplieU hack: -1 am going to keep my promise: he shall have the tiain." Col. Long and his friends are fousecpicntly couiitiug on a big freo ride to Kaieigh when the Legislature uiLota. A Severe Snow .Storm., Nov. Id. There was a heavy snowfall last niidit and snow is slid failing. It is now over a foot aiul a half deep. 1 rains are more than an hour lute on all roads leading to tlie citv Kocntsifcii, N. '.. Nov. 13. A foot j of snow fell here last night, and it is j still snowing and blowing furiously. , Tin; street cur were blockaded for seventi houis this morning, a'd sev eral suowjilows were brought into re (iiisilioij to clear the tracks. Trains on all the railroads converging here' . t aie impeded and . i,..., . v v 11HACA, . 1 . lOiilveil. V .... 14 it W , , ,, o clock tins morning' the snow lueas- j ., J . . ui.t i.-aiii one lixil liei-o ou uv . i ., ',, , ioei. rjuow issiiu i.oiiug'. ivin roa l . , . , . , . " , . , ,, ' travwl lscoiisHleraUlvimiiedod uudiul : . , , 1 , iiuuis m uiie. . v t . t i , Albany, Nov. Id.- It has been i , . . . o.ii'ioiiv urir nuiii.' i mi uiy it. nuoill , . . n. . iniee iiicues leiiiain. on lue giouuu f - ... ,,,.iv..,il. .... from one to two hours late. Bit t.w.o, Nov. 1,1 Snow to the depth of eight and u half inches fell here last night llailroad trallic WttsjaiWttV tind iu'his Store a avSe stock uoi.'ie.vbuL impeded OswLoo. N Y., Nov. 13. A blizzard struck Oswego at '.l:3l o'clock hist night, and ii. is sl;!l blowing nuJ sii'iwing haul Ti uins are dela; ed, and the sheet railroad is blocked lor the I'nst time since its operation. A licet of ten light vesnels left here for Camel a about dark last night, and crave feai s are felt for their safety. was ashore at Charlotte. Nt'Uioes Movi:ig to t'aiil'ui'iiiii. From Hip Cliftrli.m- Cliroutolo. Fiom ull we can gather there is a feeliu.' of unrest, mid a roviiiL' Jis- 1 o o nositioii tnkinir hold of manv of the 1 r r- - - - - . - - : coioi eil iieool. in this count V. and uus Kci-uuii mi Liuei in. ii e it-nrnen ! many coioied pee-pit: ta.k of goiu Do you tniiik ; on will be betietit ted by moving to ihal Slate;" anted a Ctiioiiic.u leport r of one who seemed anxious lo go. Ct rtaiiiii huiepiied. "We can get plenty of woi ik to tin out there. Theie is no vroik liciti m Nortii Caro linn for u to tlo. We must go where we can gel woik." I Ins si-i ins i.i be ihc spirit that is animal ing them and w e fear I hey are laboring uud-T a haiiueina! ion. it they arc dinbii:lslied ill Meck'e:. bu:g witii people wito t hey know ami discontented Willi their ivoik, why t them go. Hut we fear they will lie, I. when among siiangeis and iu a clluciie sometvhat ihll'.-icii' Irom I lie one liiey wi re raised ill, their biiglil tli cams of abui.daiii woik a: d big Wages will scarecy In- leuuzed. aud siiineof them wiil ret inn wiser dm kies. Killed by a bursting tlunnon. (J w.a:tiirnu, Nov. Id. During the , celebration at Kuoxville, over th sjeclion of Gonei al Poat as Coiigiesv ,mul friii t he Tenth Disirict, ii cast iIOu cannon with which the salute was 1.,ii.' tired bnr-t, inslatiMv till- ing Henry Ames, a young merchant who was walking on the sidewalk, two hiiiuhcd feet from where dm cannon stood, a billet of iron weigh ing live and a hail pounds fltiikiiig him ill the back be! ween the tilitmhl ers. Quite a number of bovs and to ileliver the a.biress at the com- uieiicemeiit of Wake Forebt College. A bull" dozen iic.ii 'ouug men in New Yolk have banded themselves t,yi iiier by an oath not lo wear ovei- coals this winter. , , T , ,.. ,. T Andrew J. Mulligan, alias Jn. I age the n.u. tlei er o. . aaies x 1 wiiH I liken from t lie jail at Ihniisoii, Aik., by a mob Saturday night and shot to death. A veitlict of bi'ipiitlai was rendeied November 151 h in Ihe case of John il Whit, lieu, I. lo. iiii.,u.pi 11! the lUhdr. of the National Lank of Noi- folk, Va., of which he man i'tOaidt-Ut at the tiuio of Ua lnuiu. In Ynfiepy count)', a mtiu named ' ate was teasing a bov of the same ii.imein the presence of several por- Rons', liie iioy suiKtotiiy liew niio a passu n, drew a knife Hiid stubbed the jmu'i iu the breasi. The wouud proved fatal. The young murderer Las been loiigeu iu pin. . t..i .,r. o ,v, .,., i,, 1 enty years ago a woman bor- rowed $2 of Alderman lart.iau, of: i n rsuurg, ami Hindi m pay 11. me i.:.. . t t -i. . , n.i (itlier evtning she attended church, jj,,, a sermon on the subiect of doing a h one would be done by, and (he next day surprised i be aldmiuau by paying the debt with interest iu full. Xhnt highly reeouinie'id d remdv, J)r. H.illV. JS.'iby Syrup, is free froin 0.,juiu. price 25 c-nls. ' Ail who le:..! sedenlarv lives should use ),.. Bu1h jiiiuu.'rt. 1'illa. as a pinvenl ive of constipation. davh iolsf, 'wder jiromotes the growth of stunted pigs, and prevsnts tlie ho" t-holera. Fragrant as incense. Drexel's Bell ' Cologne. My liver was so b ad illy disordered and I fili so feeble and languid that I scarcelv took il.terest iu unvtliiiu.'. ; Tried all the so called remedies with- , out lelii f until I used lancer's Tonic, ; which i il'ected a permanent cure.- David Bah. Little Cock. Aik. J. W. Scott A: (Jo.. Greensboro', N. C. invite tlie merchants ot Chut- I hum to cai: and exi.uinie one ot the inigest ana etieapi st f toci.s in ':entriil North Carolina J)i:v(iooiis and No tions, and in a sepaiate ii. partment u gem nil line of Gnu, kkiks Very respectfully. J. W . Sorrr tt Co., ( b eeiisboro', N. C. wit it wi. W1IAJ W ti i i r i.-(,.r . LI ,i( 11 . All! DOiXG IN L. C. RAG WELL Si rri:Nirri:K Stoke is taking the had, and he desires to call your attention specially to his stock, which is coin posed of numerous suits of Walnut, from 511 to s:i(l!i. and many other suits with pi ices to ssit the man who so arduously tills the ground to ob t,,i., H,,, I,,;.,,;;. t. ,.f i.i'.. v,,,. . ;n lot l'arlor Suits. Loiiiigif.. Whatnots, ; Towel Racks. Safes. Bureaux, Center Tables, and Chairs of every ih'siaip ; Lion and all healing prices to plea-a-the most fastidious : in faol, he hu the credit of carrying' the most hand some slock in Raleigh and he would advise you as a brother and neighbor i to place your orders iu hi-i bands. ; Umimi i akkiis Sri'i' --Collins of ali si.-s and qualities: .Metalie, Walnut Imitation Rosewood, i'oplar and Pine Collins. Duriid R bco of all sizes. All orders will be atteuded to at once It has been .-aid t! at every dollar i kjlwmI t( tubule iiiru''11 iiroin- jSt.s to Vonr onlers so reasonably l . e . i. .. .. i ,.i...;i Illlll Sill ll ill lOl II niifll trtMi CIIUII i r i . i : 1 j int i- I ill iiisiieo iuui II iiietii;i! null III e a l i ..i ..' ,i , :ii fmil that you have met. great success ,i,.l(.jHllv, siliw. you inirchased of L. 13 KiWKi.L. Do not tail to send vonr ordeiato L. C Hauwi.i.i.'s (agent) Fur urc Store, Raleign, N. C, No. Hi Eu-t Martin Strict. Nov. 11, '80 N E W SHOEs ! 1 JL'l T E ! I A N D CHEAi'EU S!K )!:' at It. F. BOYD, .v CO S. South Elm street. Gieens- iio:o'. N. C. We I. ::.' ma le a change j in o-ir biisiiiess and disposed ol our oi,: -it, ck of Shoes, an.l paichiied an 'itiiely NEW assoitiee:.!. Wiih 15 ;. . as i p.-rieucL' in busmcs-', and lmv i -ladled the tiaue of this place for ' numlicr of years, we have bough our Fall stock with the best ii!en s1 of our customers in view, and claim ill,.' no stock ..f ;o ds was ever; liiti-iyhl to tins iumiK. t to so enureiv meet I he tie namls of liie people both in eood-, and o: ices ours. Call an 1 see f.-r youiself. Give Mmu mants 'I'H'iu. attention. It F. " .V Co. i Iit-iripi! fur liii: Hk.hiiii l.y W Y ATT .v. T A Y LOR. inioi i:i:s ,t: e,otssios MKIiciiiNTS. N,. li S..I1II. Mi,! III. SI.. :;o.u,,n, N. u., .v.. v.. ne -r lis. lsso. CO'l TtlN MAIili K'l : 0.....1 Ml l.Hllii.-, Ml Mima, Sl,!.. I...W .MM.lil.i. SIHlUS, W'lol.l'.S.M.F.i:i!OOi:i:Y M.IUKET. M.'Hl -C li allien, lit Cirei', Mi-ri.-it, li Hem, N. . .. $4l..7lin lliimii. .N. C , I ' 'en!. WIIIH-. " Hiiu-ii'-i-moii, 12 uu cm, 7i 'ii iS l.ul', I okIh, jOii.i. I , kI relliitsl, t' I ' l'.., l .-i'iiliy, s n 'i "., .Sii'ci.-', "'0 M-i-t - ll-a. 1 Xt9l No tv' t i-i.i Cii'.a, ili-iiai I-'lr.h-Niat- Inckult'l, sm ii,s, l.rlclu, !.a,i .ir i.iU'1'Ki, tnio suiiw- lueitr. lv7.) e-l.:!e Y.'ll.iw, t'.'risit. infill I'...' i',i i '. 0 ei.i -kniirt, 'J.i.tdti tiniiiiCei',!. . l',,rW, i v-tt Ii-'iriiiii4 ia nt-w An .it. r h. Tla-sp tirli-oh ai'i ;,.f 1; ,'- l l.S; l'lfit-Cl Tlt ii l-a. I New Advi l tist'ineiil.s. "jitjOi: I tlAGK ll Ti'K.irit ni.ftir ,,.r.,,i.'li l.y II It. K'lls S ' i.E. RY VIII- i , iiirf,! ti,.l,,H.h l'.ir- i ,il W,'H. I Will H-'ll hi pu!i. li,- iiu -ii.-n f ,r ,-,i-!i, i, i : irt ii.tiisi- I",,- in I'liKlmr". "ii MOMUV. 'li.-'.'Oili iluvi.i iv.-mhcr, ISN'.. .i e.-i Mln Ir.i. a el I ti l la New 11. .pi- I..WM- rtlii, eiiAtli.'iiu , icy, Iviii a New U,!n hii.I a,j, iili,si Uu' I in '-.1 I' A i'llls, Luka Wilwiu ' un,l ..tli.Tb, cnlttlliliitf ilN-ui 'ill .i.-riw. I.KMCKI, f.I.I.Is. Nuv. Is, it's. txn-ul .r. j O KT I A i E S A LR 1 lY VI U 1 f ii fi r, -r n mtrti:.-ifi- iv- uuM tit 4 wili Yr iK.i'.'tiL'h l y .1. i Hill tn. I ni:'. 1 will ai puh lii: aii. n.'ii r-tr itHh. tti Mm iitn-iiuHi tir In l i. t. .i... n litN.'.VV ih' vitti tinyoi iWi-omlMT, ihti, h ut ftiii ini'-i -i la; l In Jn-w Hopp i.-wu- , hIiip, rii tOi in: r.MiiiTy. hiuir ti iw lln nn j n lj 'Hint: ti.f in ih "i ait ti i uii, juitn uiarn aim inticrn, t a'- iinliirf ath-ul 3i : r h ItEMLU, KI1.H. Nv. IK, iitur. ?TAllTTLAi ma a ale. - M.I.ISSOI III Fl-TOK l:I.HOII. ItM M'llKS ! l: I h.iii TIM li li. t l I'.N : i: H-rnt .r .ol ol.olMis 'I'.a aits . ', inilt-.-t tliirn.T's sia i .ti il.-,.,! I'liur. j'.-s li.-lritilM,i-..-...l. t nn l. 1 1 i . 'iiitsi.-1 hi h liar, en 'r.iii W. s. Ha.iwki.l,. tt.ll l..'.'V, ,l' I.. C. 11AOM l l.l,, ARI Not. II, I (IH, ll'il.-ltfll. N. C. ?2 ( lUTGAGE j.1 K l I K ,,! H II. I,. It,-. -km ., ev -I, x.-i-ii It m . ill, It,- hii,',,,ii t..- II, I'tMrl",!,.', "II M,,'-(, Iris, n ,-.r,!lii lr,t-l shii,, t let; ii tin .-.-in ' i ,M. HY VII -..tH. In N,N,.AII) illl I Hill-, I Hill HI II Hit iiri-li'Mts,. ,,.i- '.'.It luy .a i.-.i.iiiler. It New I,,h. It. : i..i IIhw rlt'itr, hii.I '.HKiwimiifi'i'iiiiiii ttai"lilt-..' .In- liiii'ls Hit, I 'illtt.1' aiiu euillietia-i: itlniiil Jl.i itentt. l oi mi;, dmluioiilur. .Sui. ulli, lotHi. D C Til ii 11 When vou come t. DURHAM , with a view of purchasing Dry Goods, j i -i . -t 11011 i lan 10 eoine aim t us, as we ' claim to be H EA DQUAHTE US. Our , Store is. hv far. the largest in the i : State. Each department is filled to overflow with choice and beautiful: . goods, ! FIXE DUESS GOODS, ' LACK am. COLORED SILKS, ! VELVETS CLOAKS and SHAWLS a f!P0,',1"lv Also a large line 01 low l'm:e H", b KHEETIXOS. COLORED AND WHITE HOMESPUN, CALICOES. l'ANIS GOODS, BLEACH COTTON'S, and, in fact, anvthiiig you want ii our line. Come and see us, and if , wfi doi.t sell you 20 per cent, cheaper i than you can buy elsewhere, then j don't buy. Samples sen! on uppiica- 1 on. Special inducements to wbok sale buyers. Respectfully, ULLXS & MUSE, IH'ltHAM. N. C. Main St.. under Court House, next to Farthings. Nov. 11, lSStl. 3m. SHOT DEAD! There are more people sufferiug from high prices by not coming direct to CI1AS. ROBBINS' CftKAt' miY GOODS STORS, DURHAM, N. C.f Where they can buy ROOTS AND SHOES, HATti AND CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS at the lowest juices. Yes, yes, yes! We Challenge the State on LOW PRICES aud geu eral satisfaction. Mr G. M Gkans of Chntbam Co, is with us and will be pleased to have his many friends of old Chatham Co. to call to see him. Nov. 11. lh.SO. T. 1. LAM UK. W. A. .1L.ITLK. Tll.W. M. WHIMA.. J SLATER St ii ! BUHII.V3I, . C, CLOTHIERS AND Merchant Tailors. t Ml LATEST STYLES OF CLOTHING AT LOWEST PRICES. When yon to Durham ba sure to give us a call. Our Mr. T. J. Lam' e invites his oltl coiintymen to call, and be will give them eood b.irgaius and epic al illduceiueiils. LAM BE, SLATER A GORMA.s'. Nov. 11, ltSWI. tits. TO?! El IN AT KAWLS' HEW YflllK CASH STORE, UUxUIAIVi, li. C. I'INS aud NEEDLES b im millio i nt one cent per paper. PEARL DRESS BUTTJNS at one cent per dozen. liREAKFAST SHAWLS at 10 cents. LADIES MERINO VES Ti at '2.1.; MEN S ALL WOOL SCA 15 LET EN- DERSHIRI S at t2.i cents ! LINEN WINDOW SHADES com j plete with fixtures at 25 c .s. idODOZ CHILDItEN Saii.l Misses lv.tia heavy SeamleuB Hose, nolid coloiR. nl 7 cents. Hll.DllENS SOLID LEATHER i SHOES ut 511 cents, i I'.t)VS SOLID LEATHER IJOtiT -, 1(1 to El. at 75 rents. ROYS WHOLESTOCK H.IOESat T (ilcelltB. MEN S WHOLESTOCK SHoES at 1 RAWLS N. Y. CASH STOUE. Main Sireot, Durham, N. C Nov. 11, lbbG. TO The Highest Price Paid for Cotton! AND THE BEST GOODS SOLD FOR THE LOWEST PRICES! By JOHN L. MARKHAM, DumiAMe K 0., WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER IN DHY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HAIIDWAUE. CROCKEHY. GLASSWARE, SADDLES, I HARNESS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS aud supplies of almost every kind. Don't ffdl to call and make your purchases of him at lowest prices wheu you go to Durham. Nov. 11. 1HSC-. 3ni. JOHN W. SmiIUIAM, ;i);;iiuAaV, iy, vn Wholesale and Retail Grocer, OflfciH to his old friends in Chatham when they come to Durham one of the largei-t stoci.s of Goods in the city and invitee uu inspection of his stock before buying, as I buy in large quantities, and can give you ROCK UOTTO.U prices on MEAL, MEAT, FLO I R, LARD. SUGAR, COFFEE, CHEESE, CRACKERS. I have albo in stock a tine ns.-oi tment of SHOES FOR MEN, BOYS AND LADIES. Hats, Dry Goods, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, &c. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Respectfully, J. W. TtfARXUXART, Nov. 11, 188(5. ' 3in. Raih viid and Mangum Slreets. OF FALL AND WjKR GOODS at V. L. LONDON'S. He is offering to his friends and customers and public generally Villi AXU?5T, CHEAPEST l13D ASSSORTiMEHT OF GuODo ever seen in this county. He doe not hesitate to say he will sell you good for CSH as LOW as they can be had North or South. He has had long experience aud has bought for spot cash, and is satisfied with a small i rotit; therefore can bell as cheap as iiiiviie He has the l a'idoiee-f vtoek of ninr . 'Til's. ( you ever sa.v! His stock of L-wISC '.'rr.J.Z, 'i"h as JACKETS, DOLMANS, NEW MAdKETS. CLOAKS AND JERSEY'S is immense and ven cheap. His stock of NOTIONS is larger and cheaper than he has ever had. He has a great many SPECIAL JIAROAINS in NOTIONS and FANCY GOODS, i.avii.g bought them from a large House going out of business, am! is prep 'red to offer inducements. His stock of RE ADYMA1DE CLOTHING is very large, and he thinks v. r low. He has a nice stock of LADIES HATS and M1LEIN ERY GOODS 'London s stock of Gents II its is sp endid and cheaper than ne eier saw." is the verdict of all who Imve s'-i n them Remember, keeps LONDON EVERYTHING ean be had anywhere. He has so iiinnv eh-iip goods that he cannot mention prices here. Read his local., ev ry week LONhON will buy COTTON and anything else you will bring, paying the bight M maikoi pri-e ctlier in cash or baiter. Thanks for your patrou-iyp, and h -ipe you wid come and the new got ids, whether vol! Wl.-h to buy or Pittsboro. N. C.. O 'tober'iH, lhl-ii. W. H & E. S. TDCKEB & CO.. North Caroiina The Largest Stock, The Oldest Kottse, The Lowest Ptices in North Carolina. The Latest Styles AND CKOiCEST NOVELTIES in the market. 13 AUTUMN. 1S8GL Opened and on Sale Foieigu and Domestic Dress Goods, Dim k and Mourning Dress Goods. Hosiery, li.,ves. (Jol'selS, Mi rino I'ndi r.viiie, Roots and Sle-es. I Gssis' ait Beys' lists. Men's Weiu nut! Fine t'assimer s. Flannels. DoMK-iTies. l'lits r-. Cu I '!-s. GiMuiws. Tuii.K Limns, Towk s. ASH ('.: ,v..'K,'i. Lace Cui lains and Cm lain Laces Lil-'ies' and Misses' CZ.OaXS ana WRAJ. .3. Carpets, Ku-s, Mailings. tVe., Air. rvrt-y ri-i iei'- -.-a. l'..mi,ilel.; .ill. el's. f..' lllj III It 'I'. " Iili.l iLnrt!,,!!' we ,-.t ,i ,,iii- CvMnrli'ii.t".! an I V:,,-, ,,nl H.lvmil .'lU'-f it ii,,ii--t- at it.'' sail" i-nj'.o.. .Ill ;ll five I"""-'; I'l !'- it'i-,'.li. ue.'..-l'el - . !., , iiti.l milli-ll "Ur ii.'tli-niiBjp'. I llcm It" "I ln'f It- use iii'lf. wtitt felt iiottk.' . Jll.s UuVl.tS. T. W. Ili.llitlS. Cilta. Mi IMMM.'N. lib., w w li. ; I R. S. TI C A- ( O. liAt.l'.llill, S. n. o-t. IKHti. Notice to Creditors. , cl'-r "t f.iiri .. l-.-i t ii..lllyUi.', ,'.lll.Tt ,,l ihe ins? IV. mi Hltv linn, en Siilur I'li'tiii.ii, i.ii tt.IV II ,, "l , ,. ,,t N..?. nti.i-e. ikw,. ki my ,,fil-.' , V ! ..t I'lllM "..'. N. ... I Kill IT I I' ll,. I I.- Uu- ,-,-,. iinl mi 11- A Id.ii'l'.i.. ITIV.T "I fHllI l'..lll.llll'i I l ''r" ",,H Ii.,1,IiiiM liilm- tin .in-: - to -..nii ... i ...IIII.hI I" . i -el,l ni..l tilt. Ill-i-llllf I"!,, .,, I..-:..!.' siti-l .Lo. ..rili.-vwllll.ot-i.-lii.lfl r. , '..-, , ii Uu- mtil "t SHl.l e..iii.itiiv. oct.H, ib.w. w. r. rot mo r Ills. FISH, Si DA, AC, &C. Hot. . L, 1A1.MJU.N. CUTTOK GL. K IN THE H. C. HOME BISDRAHCE CO. Encoarap Hoi MWm bis conipimy litis been in sueres operatioii for eighteen years. fill It SOLVENT ) and PROMPT in the payment of its losses. All kinds of Ihiiltlings insured at reasonable rates. He warned by tlie losses of your neighbors and insure in time. IX. A. LONDON, Agent. Si,.t. '.i. IWtft. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the jh pular fnvortto for dniMinc tttu luut', Kcwloring color ('.n Hi-fty, ami )i-i'vrntTitg Jiwlruff. It flfaiirtit Ui btuIii, itot th lutir fnllintr. Hint Im hiire to pif bK. aul i.m atlni(ortti. The bet t ough Cure you can n. AnilUitiliestirevenUTi.-kiiiiw,: furl' Ho i.tltrr risiiiiHly ! ik tiltwUvt. l?i lh cum of Brrofuta, Kluiuiiuitlmn, Atlliinm Kiilury, I iln,y onJ F.nilt. C,D..lalma, n.l all i1iHOi-tl-ni nf U.e Lunga, fluimtwh. H..welH, llltiod and Kervt. It liua ortun mvud Ufa Mid hH vlTectvtt cnmi In liianr emm taoiMcM b phyHloani lu Im, tnrurat.ltf. It Kill pay you Ui fflta I'AKKr.a'.i Tiimo atbortiutfti trlul tobl by ail I'tiig. liiau Iu Iirifu biitl ! at !.'. HINDERCORNS I The fttf.4t, iunt, qui'-ktKt and -art rtin fi-r 4'ornt I Una."!!, WarUi, Uiin,'alltTiMw, Ar. I!lml-rirKlr fur thiTfrrowth. hlpntl iwlii. Uty ii"tpotibl. Kftkttt IIUon-nii ii iiimi-i i- inn i ui" ""ii I 'rrjmiuM MOLASSES, SYKIT, SNUFF, TOBACCO,