sthain Jlcrorr THURSDAY. JANl'AUY 20, l.s.s?. LOCAL iUCGiUIk. THVjurt week ia tlne' weeks from next Momlay. MT The ufL-ruooiis mu ltiitbiti ing rry peiceii'.ibl.v. ttT Manly Smith has ficrtli oysters ,Hy mo. niii-r al lueilieteil the eom nd fresh tib for Half eveiy rucKtliij ; ipg of a coul wave. Ami sure enough ad Friday. u coM wave Mi. I come next .lay .'ues- " j,uv)iiiKl-v'i vtiiinn wiiMiDZi-n linul: MF" Iu aiiliripii ion of our towns jn,ii,l i! was inoitalny the eo'nlcst ffrowlb, it in Hnnnesteil that the cor- i i ., w(. ivt i,js wn,t,. ami yet pOIAte IllllltS 1D eJUCIIl.etl fctT" Received this week ut Lon don's fresh lot f Clover, Ori-lninl Gratia ami H'-nl's Glass seed. Also fresh lot of Florida Oranges. Lon don's stock of (lioccnes m been replenished in nil lines. You enn row find at London's uny'thing you ticd and nt iy bottom pi ices. It will pay you to give bun ft call before you buy. mr Au exp.eMs'oUice has been ... ..i..... I,.. ., .1,.. t lieint. Mr. Ti- i ii k.. ;., ..l. ti.ii i'ui Our citizens wi!l lind . . I , uii.l w hi., other beuetit br.inght us by tho mil- j luin m tji etit cijiint'uii'i.. riad. -Tiuly our old tow n is coming out, as we now have a laiiroatl, a tn.c Bispb line, and an rxpiesH ortice. Vbo ivouhi have thought it two ysars ago f $V W. L. London would again urge on bin friends to call and have a settlement. It i ceitniuiy bo: lor both parties to nee bow they aisnd, and a inerchant can no! bin goods will, your accounts, even if they are peifectly good. ".S..oit sct llriueuts inuLe long fnei.iis. lo not put this off putil you: ciedit is refused. A man's credit is woilh uiore to bin. than his mom y. r We lake much pleasure in call ing attention to the inlvei li.-t litem ot the new tinn of Leach. I'age , Aien dell. The senior is one uf our Flits Itoro' boys, who has become one of Kaleitrb a moht ..loiiiint nt ci i.'.en-.: the junior tut lln- ami 1 ; 1 1 1:11 business manager of the Slate t.'ljion icle: and ('apt. I'age was, uniii (he last election, S aki-V. eflici.-nt iegit.-i of deeds. Il iH a strong tenia, and ws predict for then. .unci, success. A Ho... The young folks la 1 some oltl oues too) w i.l have a gi a:. i Imp t nun mow (1'ilday) ulghl III the Dew la.lio.'tl w ai ehiuise a: this p.. ace. The biiihling is just completed, ami. before kriiy used, t he 1 uih oud aa thorities liave knuliy cous'.'Mcd lo let the young have a dua t- 111 it A band ot miisii" fiom Ka.e.gli Iish been engaged for the d.vift is. aildalaigc inuiib.-i of visi'orw are expectetl lo afeiid, and it wili di.Mile- lftiH be lino of the p easa.tlest 1 a Siona ever enjoyed in our old nnvn. EKn:iTii or Umi ii iad One of the first ribic s of biiihling a 1 ai.i oad :o any town is the increase in . he va.u 1 tiol. of piopelty, an I fietpientiy to such au eXicui ai not only I In? 11 tliculoiis b it rea iy .nji.i lou in '' gt'OWlh of I lie l-iwii. We h.ii.e l!,c latter wili not be. the effect h.-ie The way lo r"pt'i tuvrs'iue lis fo. IliS pi operiy-ow nel s to ash lug!, prices (or lln u piopeity : bill if iln-y wiab to invite persons lo invest and hslp build up iheir to-.,. i,ope 1 v owners ought to bo u-.i.viu..o.a 11. their prices. At tins place sonic per sons are piaciiiu' fab lions prii-e-. on their properly, au I by ' loin; ate grim: ly mpii iag our iwn's pi iipcCi " For His! nice, tine lii.tli heie o.vus an o'.d sh.nty and htl. fol rliieil he would g adiv have t.ik 'u SI ' 0 i'or.' the la'llina lw'i t Intnl. but lor win il li.t now iisk-i !fi")i), and yet ho refin d to give on.' cent io build the 10a 1 1 There is tpnte a deiu lie t Ki ' dweliingi, and th- siipp.y is v.-.y in, bill we nope a number i 1 S 1 Itu built fol lent We kiio.v t f one gentleman w ho will build tine as soon an the weather poi uiits. A small dwelling whs sold a It w tl r.s ago for Qt'ilhl whien was olVeied ir iit'O a year ago, and .10 one v. buy. Wr.THFit SniSM.s It is with much pleasuie thai we are enan.eil 10 an thai tun leguai. uany aim special weather warnings will he tele K aplad 10 this place, ami ll-e llsgs disp! ijeil, fi.rete.lnig what the wen h er will" bo dining the next tweniy four lit 1'hlsis the first gi eat bench! brouehr us by the construe lion of.-lhe tii:egrah hue. The llags will be displayed from the top of iii' court liiuifti a.itl can be seen for aoi.te distaiice fmrii town. Iu older that our citizens may understand (he meaning of the flat's, vt e will ai tempi 1. explanation. Tbeieaie four llags, 1 . . 1, ...... .1,, v.. 1 f". V u- . . 'I"! ui v . .. , v . t 'i'.. ;..,t .1., 1 ni.ui.i-- 'r, " ways indicaii s ciear or fair wculnei, no tain. No. 2 is a stpiale ill I E llag aud ititbcates rain 01 snow. No. .'I is a W ack triangular Hag. and icfeis to the 1 tvi'tiiyriuts. When placed AHonk No. 1 or 2 it indicates w i. no r weather : when displayed bki.ow No. 1 or 2 it indicates colder weather: when not displayed, the uitlica ions tnnk t woods, ab tut three miles aie that the letupriat ui e wili remain ol the city, mi I every alter statlouaiy. No. 4 is liie cmd wave , Ul, on, a iitl ! bei'ore sunset, the crows flag, and is a wime Hag with black l(au b seen Hying over ihe city m the stpiu.e iu ct litre, ami indicates ihe liircclii'ii of tin- roost, in great nuin app.oach of a st.dtU'ii ami ilecnled bcrs. For tiie past live day, the lau iu teinpeiature If our leadcis crow column has been observed Hv will leilieiubei Ibis explanation, they iuif over the cite. :.u, yesterday, the cai. easily understand Ihe meaning of tho tlai;s when tusplavt tl I 'apt. r.xline ha-, siudiy consented to uci us .liMtluv until and will attt inl to llm cLauuini; of tLt tWs. .' Tuese weather ftariune;s aie sent 0tW tiie War lel'. lutein i W'asU- iucfiaM, auil ato tut nisli. tl us by tiie Xgi iculiuial Dei'at tiuiut at lii.n;u fiee through th courtesy of ('apt. ! D. . Hudu-ins, the proprietor of tit, i lMtsboio' u-'cgiupir line, and of the au ho.ities of the Raleigh & Augusla Air Line Kuil Komi Co. I'hcj will be a glint convciiicKcn to our business men and otiici. and of c.-pecil vinie to tlm farmer, who will thus know ,.t,..i !,. -,... tin i wil he hours in advance. This is miolbur pioof of , our town's pio. ami that the diiva of ol.l f.i;:u-ni nave gom-l Tiie first weather wui-iiintf 'e l i n : .juvt here was rceeiveil In -t Mon- when t!i' leiegiaiu ariived heie the leiuperalu: e win delightful and no one imagined ll.uie would so soou i be ui'h a gr-ai cnaiige. btate HtiW. . duthag. Filado: The Carthage iiaiiioad se-iiM to Lave falij-n into a 'stale o! "in.iof tloll'i del-Pill ude." A r'.tt'leili i;:Oie ' 'O-ilieaihil IVOIi6is ' uumyism is what is need. .1 in our tow:.. ben our people real- tin- fner that "ever will be a raiin iid Imiit. without uionev and then conclude to otiild it, monev anil inen '' "' a 10a... ami not nfn'if Coi: i our reiii 1 Hegister : nla: iv en ii; li ilei.'h hare the dog law. ihn cooiiigt. lo tin kli It 1,,. .h-i -w 1I1. 11 .ei'.t.K hi I hen. as 1 1 i'iii as I lie ...;..: t . . 1 1 1 1 ,iii,ii..jiii..ii M' M M (i '.id, nan sliipp-d CoO of : in?. of 11.0 ami ft it.oiu skins. 12 mii... 11 l.iu.lrat, VI er of the deceased has begun u.-tion ,,'t ,., (i f. v ami two ..Iter riesmst the pioMiit . of ih-.ti.-ih Co :.l;ms In N, ,( Y' lli -tne harvest of t.e liiiMi-.-.i. g.i'heivd during th track 1 111 w litis winter. ( Vail"! Observer: The people of I'tlla-., . bist 1.1 1 iniily, .'.ei'i- siid ileiilv Ihr.ivMi into gnel by a cdiiiiiity which eo ;id not have been forc.-.een. 1 'oiiitit- a...t Li he liptou. eblldu-l. of J. I' Tip: 011. nef..l !J ,ni, 4 yeais. and lilllc 'i'."t. 1l.11 l:;.-r of I'M'' U' ilollilel, aged .) veal'-. Wi le t'l'ilshetl 1 till r a I ...111 dii'ii. as tiny cume out of a cellar under the duelling hou mov , iniii which Mi. Tiptui. bad 1 onlv 'l few d i'S before. S'ot'.iiid Nek democrat: The othe: diy while !;!1 !) .k (col ) was ciossmg I l.i! stimt ue..r Mr. I'd. hivb . .nn', dt Slel'u. one of the cierki. iau lo tie tl mi' with his little 'JJ'f.i i:i 1 iile and snot nl nun. not ihinkiiig ll'il! l would III the le 1st I ... 1 ... .... ...1 ine 11. in. Ci.. ,,,..,. v', 1 e r.t .d l.,.g..'. i.ioii ov. i'i.;:.4" lo. 1 11 w is f.eiud that II. e hail h-l i . neti.tle 1 the ll.'t.h just aiiuve the kini' tl) 'il I Ao inches. Sliep-y aioli: 1 11 t he county of ( Met 1 1 v s it pa. ..iui unions, honest and in Iumi i ;o.i - 1 au, .Mr. ninl Mi s. Pill mots Jl 11:11 nli. filled "I'oiat 1 . rummy." ronoii . f , r li.eii fjood fio I. it .e.f.iitl 11 unci, nr. piogi'ity. Thy Ii ive iivi il I ie.-.i-rNial! 11 cei.:ury, . el nevei b iie;nl a pound of liuiviu or u li'.isi.t'i ol coi 11, never go iu ileht and nlwrix hate polatoca lo sell. Ti.H pai: I'm :iis n d tbirt-'cli sods for liie 1 oiife lei.'ite emee and have had t.'eii'y li.ri! chil.lren, tweniy of uioin .41 o now It leg. lb . I'lisnoro 01 kniaii : Mr Wal ! ',' Vri,. 'a . su t 1 nit' i d. ill ol the r'lsin 1 Mill Iin-. showed us a f-. i' n; 1 k in.- bit-3 ol eo,,f fro. 11 this j tttiiif. i liie of Ihi- bin n was Wo. ill oii. t 'ling hi. e t wo ; Iniii .ii I doiiai -. Tills 111. no i -it. in'. I a. -oilt six nines -o 11 11 1 f . 11 is pa.-'e an I i- b-'ing woi iv e, i.'::uhiily. - la l;;e Tn I. iiibi, of HlIs ioio, who has lii tia .11 f. 1 so, ne iiin." and ha. been to ilinl 'i 1 be c in ol j Ir. sici iiei, hat 1 e llll'lied 1 1) I I- lio 11.' it i 1 1 : i -11. 11 1 . wis l.iokin.; iii .it'll iielter t ii;tii lie has for Mill! t .M .nine 1 '.uiplii e: a id !' .pr- ss: One of liie loin it-'s of otii jail is a whin man, w.. is tin re for lail-ue lo give b ind I" keep the pcl'-i- with Ilis own wife, all I : ne. a dellf ,te WOU1 111. is H luiiii" twin si'V ei a! tin. tb en, suffering fur the iii i i '.-ai i' s of life Such a 1 iniii as lln- is hardly tit lor coinpan 1 i inship W illi biasis much It ks with a l. mid fait ninl won, an. Mr. Wiilm jl' ill ns, a young iniii td '22 years i f iHet., was found dead in the public inid near llornsboro. S C., on hist ! Satiiid iv. -A few days agoa pronii- iioiit iio'i 1I1, mt and a prominent cot- mn0, hijipcl p u ket books, the ,,.,.,.s in each being excepted Hie utiin InlM i s I1110K. coutailletl live tuns aitd the nn rcliunt's 57 cents. Hlllslituo' Ob-eiver: Oa Tluirs la . nigbt. Jut thh. Kobei t Hall, col , a' '' in pi en siocce .,.Y s. ...e .... . S''ll tl..l U piMOl III" i-ufc nil" liost iu-unl s stole and asl.t d young Ml F. ii 1'avifi tie, the cieik. toshow him a piKloi ami cititiidge They were handed to liini, when he tinned, and saying Good bye, bins," he pc.cetl the pistol to hi' left br as: ; "mj 1 hrt'il. lit i.l to ti.e lloor Mini 3t . . ... ... 1. 1 .1.. it. hi , nt il, iti'i. 11 wu.-. inoiigni in- tinn kioeii himself, bat when au exauiiiiaiion was ilui'd.i ll . found that the bail struck a lib and ;;lini'cd wiiti but luliedaiii :ir;t to li tll. He as i al lied h line, ninl we a in n wns Walking about next day. We lieai Ihit i.ob attempted to kill linns. If because, ihe "gal" he loved would dance with other fellows. (iiarh'tte Chronicle: There is an nn nei'se now toot-l in a paicn oi ilieht was of such iiiiignii tide as lo at tract gem ral aitemioti. The lit I I 1 t to houis and the runuon ol' t iotv- suet, hetl from lior- i.eii t- Actional man , -1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pi iiiiuent'n as a cunjui tloelti.-," ims neeii jirowlm aro ilnl ' Mail.. i'il Creek to.wis . .1 1. set kin.' ; whom lie may tlevotil'. ilia tacticb uic us fatal to uifurH as bedbug poi-1 huh is to a crippled cockroach, and: bo bus been doing a tin ivmg business, II" tells the eo'.'.ie.l people that thov are conjured m ceitum clot bra which they wear, iiml lie ask them to let him carry the clothes a v.iy. so tit. to the spell. lie takes the dollies, ai.u as a maiiei 01 Buir, -hat is the la.-t ever si en of bun bv his victims Judging from reports he must have a iltiiusiiini ooiiar sioi-K on hand nt present ; - " - - Au I ninici'iit Man llKilgcd. ; frimi tin. Kai.ili. Nau.l oi.wrvr. A lcuiai kuoh: fiot) is thai of Hubert ; ii'...,.. mi wiin u'.is evieute.l m , Jirit.ab Colu.nhia lust ar alter eon- vic.ion of a murder comnuUed m the dav ol January, lHH... lie stout IV mamtMined his innocence of the . cViuie, and being a citizen ot the Uni- .. i i..i. .....I v Afl'mt iuh i.j.iilc tv tliis goveruinent lo save his life Five , respites were grained the condemned ; man, but he was finally liangrd. not- Mrs. Sue I'. Lowe was on Monday withstanding the tact that an order 'ch-ctt-.J state lihroiian by t Ik; Tenn.'s was issued fiom the Supreme court ' see lugislut lire. There was an f xcit of the Dominion afti r a In aring of.iug co.iI.-nI between the live caudi bis case fur his iiU'-oudilioual dis jates, u!l etim ible la .bos, and Mrs. charge. Aft. i t iie trial the chief wit- i Lowo did not win until the twenty pesH for the prosecution, one . Iiarlea titj, ballot wi taken HIih is the viv ,; 1... M )..... Ii ..I r liu,hi it o,.e, .1,1 ...,... ....... , given uv nun at He '"a. n'i . in, 1 now'a witness whom. Sproul could . .. mil 1,1'K-uie on his trial turns up in ,sttu trancist o anU u.iilies .tui.iavu. 1 '., ,' ,. 1 . 1 ; the iiiultb r was committed and the two were then til'ue.i miles from ' I lie s-tilie OI liie CI line 111m uum t wt Laa been tiled with th secietary luuibia lor ;,IHI0 tlamiiges on ac count i f the niegai hanging ftiraiis.' est tiling of all iu Hie eventful tia;,' edv, Hpioul. 1 he d-.'ad ma lllhel ited .SlOii.iHli) Iron. :t it tt'i.i tut liostou lour tlavsliefore l.:s execution, a fact which . was .untie known to tiim only when he stepped upon the platform of the ijallows. "i1"1- ,l,""e,r ll"lblica.. liKOiMK, and bringing diacredii and Hilary to the Doiuociatiii party. Senator '', , Vanco acletl as ti.n spoksniaii pieseiiled the uieu.orial in beliuif of the people. His eetuarki weie well timed, and 111 Ms handsomest man .tier. Ilie 1 resilient, lepiying, sain t hat the in.tltor should hsve his ; iiumt careful cuiside: atnm. What j ' fer wrongs hud been or were being j : thought iif' iu the people of North " Curoiimi through any agency of the 1 1 United States should lie leinudiud so ; ... . . ...11 ! far as his power extended. He lur ' 1 her said that he was always glad to liesr f 1 1 oil liio ami to know iheir wishes, w hich be done by til. eel communication with tho p-io p.e or thiough their representative men. 'I t'i rur in ;i I exits Town Antonio. J m. 1 V -A p rfect Sas relu'li o lei rot tis.s in the town f ; Cot 11. hi, eight 1 Hides so ith of here, die c ..inly s. lit of L i Saliti coinily, a-t a result 01 llm fatal feuds exi-tiug in tlu comma;. it v. Couiiiy Coiumis. -i Her II. ll in.. I another 1. ill: hate ben .-! 1 - it do '.11 Si:d killed wit hilt the pi-t ui iutli. and the slayers ol both. a:.boii,:h pei led ly well kno t'ii. have mil bt eil Hi rested. Ha l il d 1Z1II Vlg :.ant com nitte-'S were oi'gau:cd to h nil ilowii Ilie assassin, b tl tin y .si t. lied tn make 1:0 lc adwav. lli- um igh it is inidei,.iooil ihal liie mill delers have never h it La M.lle c. t.ill tv. Ine town i.i lira' icillv ti ui lei' martial law and -s is nhii'ist silhpelidetl. M my .ire d 'S-Iliug liie village for fear of losing I heir lives I'apiam .Schmidt has acoinpuiy of; Si. ie rangers who p.lrol th streets : lughl aiitl da to preti nt an otitbiesk ol lioslil.lies between the Iwo laitiolis , into which the co.iiitin ml v i.tbvitled. A Modern t uiu. Asiikvii.i.k, N- (' , Jan 11 Ther is iu town a luousti o.siiy which has just emerged fiom the obscurity of (lie iiiountaiiis wes; of here. A mail ; tint IV live veins of age, six feel foisr in height ami without a single hair oil his body such is Tei ry Shell. n, a native of Cherokee county. Ten years ago he had a heavy heard and long b.itck hair of which he was es pecially proud. In liie autumn i f 1 K 77 lie was tiied for murder at Muiphey, the county 8eu. of Chero kee. Soon alter She. ion's trial aud acifuitlal his hair began dropping mil, and coiillii'i' d wittioiil pain to do so until his i. and beard we.e all gone. Ilia skill Is soil and ton. io; ll as an liil'itui's. lln ei uetai health seems excellent and be shows no in dispohition lo show hiuiseif aud pose as me model n Cam. Ho is of the tinn belief that it is s punishment sent on him lor the slaving of bis brut bin. A Fatal hm- oi' ilytlt upliobiu. Cillt'Ailo, .but I") - S. Siiinuels, I'm. so .lew, living at No. til l. lieilN stieet, was bull -n siigltltv in ihe nn ger ly a dog b I mging to loin a'.tout Ihiee moiitns tig t. I ne wtnilnl was a meie scialcll ot the skill silllicietil to 1I1..W li.ood Last uiellt lie tlie l. ufier siitt'eiiug ail Ihe well ret nee Wedne-day with ; nl. od syiiipmiiib of livditipln.ini I'he iieony vvi.i. It l.e iui ireil was so t.iletis ' in it t'ue at tell. .li. l' ('in siri.tii- ilienltiil 11,10:1 tne alaiiuisli. .110:1 ol eiuei, iiiioer 111c inlliie.u t: ol' iii.-it .lie lent reiiiatu- e,l tint il l.e tln-il lie ieavtta a wile ami tFOWtal liiiniie.i. U .smsoTi.N. Jan. 17 -The North te-uielit house William' (l.lfi.lan. Irs ! M T. LEACH. i$f $1 B p,e was.;,p,e,e,.. .0 bin. the re- i'ie g's overcaiue them. Other famr ; W e, the undersigned, have . Us day , J V4 BW- p.est of a hhge nu.uber of fit.Zf.,s besi .n tiie neighb'H hood were aroused , formed a co I';i' "1'' JT I k $' B Ml , f that SUM- against ths reientton of , ' "i'l",c"1 bU,,, P" MW ,ttV', - TT.VrH0 PAOB h H ?M ,.e, i.'n ofliciais of the .eve ! A lea, ,,. the pipes ARKNDELL , r the pm pose ,. , r f. . t-l nut! sci vioe in North Carolina. They ; wh.el. run through the district was the Wholesale a .d L-.1.1. $ h., , ,.,., ,,,; 1 probably the cause of the accident. . Grocery and tteneial Cmmissioii , fi is ' f fX. r-'-U pi iitcst against the ineseiit manage- 1 .'. . rvJ 7i V-'"' i'l ?., ii'iiur .n-.-itei liaidsbio--1 b'"M odorless. Business at t he old stand of Leach 1 ty. y : :v 1 I'l .... 'II... iici.iiiiu I llliuirii .... .1. 1....1... ..I I.. ... in if ai I.esoeci.ui V. ' Cif-ii Tl ' i ' ....e 't. crii ni.- " r' . .1 A , ; Uio;,., No- 1 uniigloii Street, ; IfcltJ Si : ' m tA J aiiiouulingtopersecutioii-thiiiithati , n, K(. ! v . ..;, t Z .rV t V - V--1 3 LfVi A Model Minister. Lancastwi, Pu., Jan. 1(5 A young couple called upon the He v. Sylvaiiua Stall, of this city, yesterday afternoon, to be iiuuiud While the ceremony was iu progress and the mau had mid the important "Yes' the minister d''te.!tcd tile odor of licjaor. Hi! iui- me.liiilelv htniiped and told the ex- p.-t taut groom he would have to ask j juj all,,UII. ,,ueHtiiu : Had he b-en ,j inkin,. ? lhu man ut first deme.t. ,ut in iv confessed that he Im.t taken one glass 'i'he minister d-- dined to procwd with tin ceremony, stating that he had loinu-d a resold- lion never to marry a man who was in anv wuv uinier me mnaeiice u The si.ualioi, was eml-arrass- i.;g to a 1 l-'-'''-;:-;;1 iea"hei jieicisteil, leturneil ine license, ami Jhe parties went elsewhere i' ' ich of some one to perform tbo uianiatre cerenmny. A Itcniai kablc Uoinan. .... t fil. 1. I. .. u. . ' , Ii U iter peunlieaa. .mcr ner uus- I. . .lestb Mrs Lowe took the , . . iii,.i,,.v s ir leee.ved from (lie 111 -urn. -.e . i,te ami pad! Jt over to se'.lle 1' ij 1 1 f'. .1 1 11 1 hhould o! left on the husbau.i s Mulllt. even f,.r the sa!;:e of a living tvii.; aim t'lLtni 1 'Oilmen. ini.e then Min Lowe has earned a supj ort f ir heii.i .f and lamny by 'he work of her own luiiid.-. I be Tennessee le islatftre honored ilself wlu-n it reo ig ui.ed ami rewarded such nobility of chaiacler. i " Sllipciieil U) ims. j Thov. Jan. 17 IVrboiis living near 1 the works of the Fuel Gas Company reported to the police yesterday that ; seveial persons had been stupefied , as they conjectured by gas. Invcsd- gat ion was male of houses .1. the j ncighhorho ul. in one room of si York, was taken to iug hing peni- ! tentiarv, ou lasl Monday, to serve a : sen'euce of sctcii yours for accepting j aoitot.. I The oldest person iu France, per- bails in the world, is eaid to Ik n . . 1 . ... 1 1. ... .. . .f woman nitti lives 111 tuo i. inn" Aubei ive. in It oyaus. She was born March lti, 17111. ftnd is therefore l'2i years old. The aul heutic, record of her birth is to lie found iu the parish 1 egisler of St. Just dtt Claix, it. the Department of lucre. "When we tw 1 patted, I felt that I bad taken cold," said Thomas Tske lotimf, "ami next morning I w-fc hoarse indeed. But a 2.') cent bottit. of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup fixed m- up. ( 'oiileiitioiis woiuoii are slaves to. leadache; b it twenty -five ce its spent ' f"r bottle of Sa,vali ,,i Od wall re-; HI ore lisrinoiiy in ine no is. 001.,. I had given myself up a lost b '' of inherited ser 'ful.i Tl i"d eeivth:mr for nurifviii'l ie blood! witlioul beuelii until 1 1: .; I'siki.-isi Tonic, and can tnitlif.illv s.v that it: has cared .ne 1 smII asc u (or itsi splendid effect on tnv g"iie:a; lieallu. ', H K. Lmi.I. Chicago i J. W. Scorr .V Co. Gi ' ' invite the iiicich alli ¬ , I .! Chat-! of lie' lll(n ,() (.., ,!Xu,u,,. ,, lll.ost and ehnaiiesi stocks ill 'ent r tl I; V ... , I'.i.J.i,. I )',. I ioic s and 'o- thins, ami in a scpa: it'e dej ariineiit a 1 general line of Gum nuts Very respectfully. j J. W Scorr A Co, (be n.l ', N. C. WIIT UL AUK ni;N(! IN liAI.KIiill! L. C HVGWKLL'S F. liMi'i'iiE S'.'oiik is inking the L ad. and he desiies to call your altetitloii ; specially to his stock, which is com posed oi- numerous suits 01 Walnut, lioiii .")(l Li 5;i(H, and iiianv other suits Willi pi ices to suit the man who so aiilnously tills the eiouitd to ob tain the iiecessai ies of hit You will always lind 111 his Stoie a ia ge slock ot I'ailor Suits. Lininoes. Yi liatiiols, l'owtil Uaclis, Xttes. ISurt a'.K, C .iter TabliM, and Cluiiis of i.T'-ry tles. i ip lioii ifid all beai ing price 1 to please llle InOit f islnil ills ; in fact, he has the credit of cainiiij; the uiosl hand noint! Mock ill Kil'.ijh. and h- .vollld advise ' oil Its il lumber llllil Ui I il' or '.I p! ice your i id -is in hit hands. "I' Sri'i-i iks Ctiflius of all ics and iplitiiiit s: Mi-bilie. Walnut 1 nitalioii Fopiar ami i'lm. C lilins liiirial llobt s of aii siz . All oiil -rs will be al'eiidc 1 I . ill once It has been said I hat eei v dollar saved was t'.Mt 111 id", lltgwell pr in ' ihcm In till vour orders s. ita-onably a id satisfactorily that when you shad I. aie iui ui-... ed v 0111 residence and are ' closely calculating the coat. o" will lind thai vo.l have inet great aucce-s loiain'lalb , sine.. V011 - in has: .1 of I.. C Itiown i. I not iui losend youi olile,.-, to I. C L ,.IAI I l.'s lagi Id 1 1'i.r nit. Uf .store, ll-.leigh, N. C, N 1-l',a-t Marlin Sif el. N -v II. Sii . . New .dviTlivmcin. j.'illll'tl vi IF SVLH - - li V Vl't- ll'l. nf a 111 '".'.via -.s-i I In in.' hr Tli'.inii'. I . I ' I ,li inii'll'' auitl'iti I T i'iifii, 11. 1 li.- I'.-ur. Ii ii-k 'l or In I'l l ! .r '. en M0M1AY. Hi. 14 it la. i I'hIi,ii;ii- iu'ai. ai'i rialn tf.l.-l ... tiii'l III S. --- I. Wliflill'. "li lil' ll ..... 1 I...,. .ii I..-. 1 .u '. -. 'II ill v l'.'M. .-.. a.ii.iiniiiii tin- U11-I-..1 li.i'i'.i a Willi-nirJ ml ..'.nwra h Jauitary 14, IMI. Hht KH.Bb"tlB. ! "r " .'. ; : i.a.fiei,, ,.. v ....... a"" I r-lK.ti AWUfttVa i e.OH ai -71 New AdverliKcmpntn. NOTICE ! Apill.-llnn will hr made to l!i Lenlrlaiure. during Iui iirraeni .spl'.n, to tkiuand liie charter of Hie U'WU of ritiabiro', N.C. January 30, IBM. rUBLZS SAXiS 1 B driiif nf an onler f iviurl In Dm rAsn uf Hail . rimuai. m ni .-n ai .ubiio im.-.i .m..r .-.ii i1i,Li....i.u)..r.,,,-... f...... tDnltmiu ovuuiy, ou RAiriuiAi, ri nriiiirj i.ii k Uio. A. 1'. OlI.IIKIlT. T. 11. woMai.'K, Jan. II, 1M7. 4l. CuiuiiilBKlviifira. O.tTdAGK SLK. BY VIII- TIT. nf A iiiorlKilKf AfUti-1 lif .'lil.rillio ,i,,i,is.,. ua wu,.. iLKm-ur-fi-i-mii i, I XZ Kltftf Z ZZWZ ELiiIlSnS.:!1::"::! ,,,,,,. Ul,t.t, , j.,,m .,i.-r. Mrn. )uu,ui -u'1 Wn " 8. : lUo mifon will M. HOLT, C. y. C January u, mri. HIIEZlirr S 19 ALES. Bf lrtu. t suii'lrj' ,.i.-uil"iin lsiif. from thi Hunorliir imin uf ciuii 11111 . ininiy I win lilicli.i IiI'Mit nir i-iifii a', ihi .'in-li'iuiu' .1'n.r In I'tuntf.ri.'. "ii Monday. Urn le.h .lav nf rfuruary, 1I.K7, tlia r.ill'wliiK ru'il filiate, lo-we : Oiih trai l .if Un I In l'Hif Knar l" lli)ili a ll 'lll ln Ilia Ian If nf S. M-'. Il-n "ii Oif iiaap ltliT"ii tiif l-Uift, ami A V. IIU'M "U tlif souiii, i-nttinlnlnkC &0 in-rff, murn .ir li'ff . l.i'Vlil nn an Ilia iir"i" 'y "' K.. H Urjill tnMi'1-.f) au i .' u lnii In ( "I iJilut V My n. r..t lit New Itnf.A U.WItlll Hli'.lllllltf I llH t....i. ..f LMiu Mf. S M. 'utrL I'ii-.ltiitM K - ' "'" "l i,wn af in K. K. kuihicioii Ii'.miiwiini.i ira.-t, Hnt'w a. r ;.'.' Will, .'4111 "lllfr-.. IHUl Itlf" Wil- il.,' I "ll win- Kniviit iivfi. i.aifiniui. tint lauMf wny ;,7;,;lv V r. . Kul(l, , HH.ry m .aim, in oiiftra.1 In Ualilwln t..wn-.hlu 'l M11,Huiw,u n..i... r. 11. mmr. 1 .pwr"'' 1 Ub ' ' , Vlivl His laxof nuf 1 in-re-.-n H. W. HIlKA KU.sht'rar. January It, lfifJ. Announcement. I havft this day sold to Messrs. M 1 W. 1'itge and F li Aremlell hit entire interest in the Wholesale Grocery and (b-neral Ooi.uiiiHSion business hereto fore conducted by the firm of Leach Bros. I convey to the new tinn; whaterer good will I may hate iu j said business and take pleasure in coiiiineudii g them to our past pat-I rons and fin lain j llespecuum , ilt,l()IM i.ttsi.tion to all bu in.'ss trnted to us and shall strive to meiit ! tlt, putroii'igc of our frieuth ami the i iraUing puiillt:. very liuiy. G. K LKVCH. M W. I'AOK. F. B. AitKNOKLL. Haleigb, N. (!., Jan. 11th, 1SH7. W WHLN YOC WAN 1 rC1 r.KMI- Vol .. l ItlTKn TO M HOI Ki.W.K AMi HFTAI1. BOOKSELLERS DT.4.?:cr KALKUHI. 3P.0, N. C. We have the only oomph te stock in No: 'h Car i;ina, am! offer special inducements to Teachers mid Dealers. toy Catalogues Free. Januarv IU. 17. lit-. TgOltTGMlK SM.H-IIY VIII- T I Ti l' ..: tlif imwr ana 1111I1 i lly (.-Iveii li) a ffriHlii meriiri!-,--.. .--t.-.-ttit-.t n .1 I'. I ..-i.t. t. in K. .1 I III. . will, li l r. i I hi hi ihf ..ill .il li'uifl.-.' "! Iii' l"- 'li - ,-.ii,ll:. ! i !i cli-eil, 111 lunik li. !: . l.aKfii t'if ;nl tti'J. Iif '"II ' i"'fc' I'l'iH'i I v fill f-illl Hi lUl.lti' Mt.' I v. M ll.'ll !. -.1 I in I i f a 1 0- i,- ' l '.ll Iif 11 . A I. i.nll. ;i I. it IJ 'ililiii! Hif laiil-.i! ll .1 ii-.m-r H..I .. i:i -ml. a- a -i llii'.l In -ul I in-ii i UK- I'll. i..,l... OS i' a i! i, I t. ,:tiH in i iiinlv. N l!. llnii' "I fill.' M' S. tt. hi i.iuiiijr itli. ins;, i,t ll k i.-rin- . i -.iif. tv a. r.. i m i'a.iit'f Jan. Jr.l, 1MU. til ... M. iie.-i , "y i I AND S LK HY YI'ITTF, OF 4 an i.r li i- nf tlm upprl t rt nt i liaili.tiii 1- 'iiinty I will anil ai p i u-- .i- il'-u. a: Uif l,,,im. , In I'liiaUTi.'.-a MomiaV.ii.i- .0. a iy t .ft. U.-V? . larT, a i'f i talc ira-'l "' Ihi. I . in.Hf In lli.l twin i .biii-IiIii, a I .l.i!:i 'Iif Ian 1-".' It- snlpfi., H m 'l'niiic--"ti aaa iniii r... i!ii r-'.' K'-ri--. Ifrilis: -Hifllilrl .'Mil, i-lip llllnl 111 tlirn- ni 'trlia ami lialmn't. In men'' wen Inifiv-i fr . in raia' i smits. Juti' 6, IHS7, . nin.ff I'-iifr. I'OTTO.XfnWKIlS! 9 IN IT IF C. E0I.1E INSDFiAKCE CO. )!IS Tliia ettlii:ili litis I teen in succes ful oH-ratioii lor tio. It is SAFE, SOLVENT? aud PltOiVirT in tiie payment of its ln-ses. It. A. LOOi&Oi T, Agent. trlt. S. VMS. y jV, 15Y vr li- t 111' V.V :lv. ii l.y u r m 1-.. i l: itlKii-r .. .k II II . Kill I.II r inn. I u roritiin (if. J Lilly. M.ii i- ru.-..: or Ii.i'iIh fi.r ihf .ni- hi. 'I i III pul.llr ini'-i Hit. It Ai A. A I. i nilr-.. Ihi- lliml "1 .1. I' 1" -I'-'i nllilTl.. flfHI hl'i'i-in.-a'! iriii:." ninl ! wM--ii I In I hi' ..111 IiiiiIihiii. .1 llll.f i.i-ar iiMi-i..'!. H'lj-iiiiiiiif il It. II uliii r. W.'i' an. I .-.--r!: .-. in Mil. I tiinrt. H-I..-I- w mi Kill... (IMfll'ili, I 'i. ill. -.Ml Ii:. N.I. Illlior Hlli-, M"IV. nillllAia 7 Ii. I KH7 . i 1J HH'k. Tirm t ' I li.l.V. M rifii.-i1. Jau. Unl, Iff.. (Ji.. . M. Ati'y. S" t I! A f'KK A'AIKMV. The hprliif! !' ' -i' t- Tliit n rt-ii-iny - Mllhli'ifi.' In u M-itt; winn cfi y H'iv.n h. iri;nti.r "f ai. I irt'lltw WIL h-i: llrm. t,y S"liiln.i! in Ttil m, ; Si ...f HK'lll lili'l HH'-N'' !.i f ir lurih' f ii' ' ii t 1.. V j. 30, ihhii. i . i'h ituti .f .l(,im;iry, i OT. i ii i-r.-f ti "f Iln-lr rlill- l:!h ! r ! ' f j I 1 1 f'.tl'ilM!. .- hi iIh- JIumIi- nfjiHrl ..l. fl ll.-.-n. 1. 1-1.1 - I ItKi It'll. FALL CREEK ACADEMY. MA Id; AND I'KMALK. Tr Mruiv. '! ;t 4 11.1. "!! n .Iancai v uh. 1 Till" ''.t I :l N . 'I i'i-i llilliatlit:. flui l'i'-l HI On Cliliilinill i"IMi'.v, N. 1 . l.'l'll!l" lllilil Iui' III III Turn. 11 in : jrit-ii r Kfli-Ji M ii'ii'iit will ri.'-.'iv n'.i!i i-it'-li 'lav tii-i- "t ' !i; ni'i'''' a Itili .'"i.rf If lliil i. !! r l In u"i 1 1 '.1 illlH- 11 V. W."ll v.i-fti'rii juir ' I. f ."vtl .1 : ir.ini & On t i 1 1 Ii.-.. i'i jif r III - - nlli, Ian! Krl..r...or,...r... ,,ru. 1'. i; iillAY. I'riiicioal. III'l;iiK.-s, J'r-'f i'T lvi.niitnli:ji, l''i.i. 1 i.rr Cnalliam Co., N. O lu, .hhu lira 1 1 mm 1 Was V . T'. -. . : .- - :. i ,. . .1 i . !iit ig-Lif-n CrT.'hjiWiiSSflj .if j !5fV.v llAl.' 4ft .:M'. r ti'--,.: j.- i,..t .iV;.- -' I - S Vr I5i , '34. i Oiir 11 imlro4 Turan.1 uppllratn.iii. f n ptiftii la tlm I'.'ilrd S'lli'. ni'l firripn imin. 1 ciiiilir'lf toart milicnim m cft'vitni. 1r.i1it-iurlir. r.iiij - ' for lint I'llllf 1 f HI"! vlli-n. i'i Ol" ri' ifui'i'i f..r .'iiiuii In ..liiaill i..!.-!'li IU l Mil .A. l.illii'l. rrru.r.. nrrini,. .,.... I h.T t-'..; n. . 1 liir cilti. urn m uue.iuii .il '! ll. "if lactntloi aro ua.ur- i'il. llm .pf'rnl i ..rf tnr m prrpRrol anil filfil n.iii.'i' Tfrnm rirr imiiinMtiuiiiif inoilwit i1rt r l Ii lain.. St II.N l lr'll AMI' KU AX.-l'i' h h.. t.i 1 1, ,..'i l,;t ,.i'o nri.n.tiff.1 II, r lar..! .,'1.. I i"i. in 1" nwi.paii. t i.l in. hH"l , ! ll' intl'lrlil iaI ml in tiie anrl.l. Ttia r.l.Aniiiti. or en nti.a aer pateutua OnillTSlAl. l ili'l Imirf m"I rn!rii'li'e? ,11 nat rat f-1 afWUpAftur la i.' WKK.Iil.l n Stili a r.'.r. an.t .. ,l:inll.-l I , I" tLf I . -I ptliarilmml" I I" "fiiinr. rl . -. 1: an. 1 iiftim of , of cvrf tultt Kill ii!H'.nlrJ f.i'.r i.oiitn tr ' ilolur. lo A bv nil tirrtr If v.o. l.av) i UftuJIxiuk ftbout iinia rum ltd tt. C. F. & Y. V. KA1LYAY. P:V,eV:'n Time I' No. 14. ' So; d.iv. May 2d, ISSt'i I I v . I .'M-AV :l k rixviiiipr :iv... T -J.S ii. tn. II iM II Jl lil.lM 1. -ir. - It.iullf.l ill Ml'M- (Iff I t . t ii.'i . 111-, ar .l .-HM-. I H. illf Vll.l- , . ll. . I a: ti a.'. '. i . nn. I llTliii. ii' N t I: I-' .T.-a I'ri ... ai SHU'. -I'I r j.'i p in. f ii'l - in I. . il'i l.-ar-' . ai Smimi-iI I W I I'V. Ofll l Kll l. M. lio-i:. Oi'ii'l 1'. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM 1 1 iH.j.tiliU tnoi it- fur ilrwwlnir th.- L.U., K i-iiiir, cil..r when Ki.ty , f"1 " iitinir I'nrtruir It i icninn Ihi Hrtl, hIu I h ai I...U a. Htitl M,telo trBt i-. ntitl gi '.tt I'i i insist it. The I'i'tt i onuU i nn o ran u, An.( lln- "M il i-u'v. iHi. kn..wn f r i t.nMiin.t',,n. No i.tliri' i t Hi ! 1-H ft. t iu HM" 111 t lie riire of Srrvfitla, ttttfuuiiui-iii, Astliiiin, Ki.inf.v, Himry nn.i FntuUt i i.(.ti.;.ui tn, ii:til .ill Mt- ir l.-rs of Ihr I.uiiKn, fltomfc-hi IU '"iii. -.1 ftn.l iivo. II li.uv ftu niimI lifo !k1 Ii..' . ti.-. ic-l ruifj In limnv rfcn thuitftht by hf i'i l-c iiKMiidl'li'. II tU von ti (five l-Vi.h. u i1...'n ila.Li '.n: iiial. S.U1 by ait lmifr- K..Ui lit Ultic l M'. l Tlii-fffi -l :ni"-t nuii-krul nt. i t"in fur rornn. u.t"i W..rls. V..I.-I. Hiloit'tf. t.-. lln .n-n-llwir fur- i,,.reM.vth. st i -til; ihii lit. -n.-lr-'uitl-f. MakwaUM ,.i .Nt.-.i, .il!ih!t . Ilfi.l-' luri" Iti-iirvtTjthbiuf kU Nil--. biilJ ? J l'iiirfiUt 11'. Ul.i.U., N. F toaoi; rw- J U liS?il Alter Forty ffr" 3 1886. FALL. 1886. NEW HOODS! AT PRICES TO SDIT THE TIMS. We take pleasure iu aijiiDiineiiig to our friend. an. I eiistnnif is. Hint our will be ofl'ered nt Prices in sympathy with thf Low I'rices if i-aiiu I'roducts. We have a more complete lino of DUY 0U0iS, NOTION'S, CAIU'KTS. OIL ( LOTH, 1 BOOTS AND SIK r.S. HATS ANDCAI S tJl'LEXSWAItF, OLASSWAUi'., OKOCLKIKS, &.C., thnn ever before ofl'.-n d. Ladies' Cloaks and Dry Goods a Specialty. We solicit an exHniii.aai'ni of our O ioda before buying. Thanks for past favors. iRiy-The Highest (.' I'rices paid for ('ottoii and oilier Product. Yours Ibfpect fully, K. H. Vic L KAN k 0. Sil.Kli. N. C. Oct. 'ill. IhMi. TO QUR Wb. n you c.n ie to DURHAM 1 with a view of purchasing Duv Goods, don't fail to c. tine and see u-. US we e.iimtobeHKlK;i'A: l"K:!S. Our St ire is. by far. the isii -l in the Slate. Kadi de partiiieni is Idled to overflow with choice and Icautiful gonib., FINK Dlil'.SS GOODS, HLACK am. COLOKId) SILKS, V F. LV I "I'S. I'LO '. KS and SHAWLS . speciaitv. Also n large bile of low price good-, s. :eh it- 1 SHF.KTING i. COLO'.M D AND 1 WHlTi: HOMI'.Sl'l'N. j CALLIOKS. FAN I'S GOODS. ULKACH COTTONS, nul. iu fact, anv tiling you want in 'oar line Coine and -ee us, ami if ; we doi.t f 11 you t-'" pereet.t c'.eaper ! than yai can buy el..i-a !.t re, then ' don't buy Samples sent on applica tion. Special in iuci'lii. Ids towholo ' sale bay. r.s j ltcnpeclfn!!v. ellis & musn, ! Dl'IOfAM. N. 0. i Main St.. under Couit House, next i to Fitrthings. ! Nov. 11, 11. am- 1 patents" ; Caveats. Trade M.n : o-iy wrights, ,. In ,!n I . S. 1st 0111 ..HI.' -nn .il.iiiln I'-C 111 .Ir a.'iti t .sin S.-M.I Mi mi I fllllll.lllO ll'i'i , st, 1 . w I 1 r ! ti'..:N 1 v ' ' I'"- Wi- n- i.ti'1 Silpl. of Hl 'i. .if till- I'. s. I : V. . Ii'rins an.! 1 . i.ii stair nr O . , W t-lllMtft'lll, 1) C , opi.-r no 1-1 'I., an i 1 1 li!il -i'. 1 .ir .! Ii -I- I" K''lllill ''l'"li! .. Will. I.. 1 sv . litHiri'.lt' 1' .leu . I'.l. ll. Ill-- ...iill,.'. t li Trltflplea an .1.:.t i1-li, Pi.!i'.h-. Iii it ' i'' f Ya !t. W 1 1 i I . I A M 1 X I S 1 1 K I M EK, r.t.-.or and rrorrit-tnr. l-tHy, 'nn'tev, and K'pekly tfit!oni. TiiE WEEKLY STAR, j , Sln.oer.-ianr Kcv-.i.tipor, Issued ! tvery WrCneodoy. A clean, rt..-.'. IkIJiI an.. Inlrrrtlng FAMILY PAPER. . l! f Int.' lo Ute hoar f : I I'i Agricultural, Market, Fnshlon, Moosoholdt lCll!tCBl, Financial n.-! Ct nn-.nrclal, PocttcAi, Kumoroua rltorial i. IU'. 'l lfi.t. Ih . .f - ... .f trlMl ,...ii null . I- .1 !' In.a.'-i iil.iini. ",!!'" t.iii 'l rr..'......t 'ii;i C.....1 thlo ' ,'1.' l"'i ii,.'. f-'i.'.i ' ' ; ': ini;iii!-l'il Aiwrltu cA .tr:;. wrii'-rs nf rt.' THE DAILY STAR, 1 Iiaii t ?TAIl i , -..n :'l!i.i. HO' f"im. .- mill.- rr.i,., I..iii'i. .ii iii ik a r '' :i'l n-hir: t.ill All . I iirr.'iui.!i ,ih Si All. f ii I - I - r. i n nil thf Ili'a of Ihataa; tn fi,-i nil riirrrpnnilaric I in-. In rlin, Irttna ajid Ir l.nine I. i.tul i.iTiit nrall aatllrr, i . fin . lallv ftani'il ''J li,t-l ii s, li t'-li-uraiili. iv f. ili.ri-:- SiKtUl It nn ni.d ctrHrriilnfy hido .in m it AC4iit nml -itu . Smt lor -ii-iiliir-. trftMtS OF TriC V'tKKLV 8TAH to fr- r.ntv.i . in. B'l ir: ...i. n tli I nilofl HUtM ( i i .i. ,iiu t4.iui.u- Hi- Inn. In of Ni w Vurk ilif : . US i... -a nf Kill' .'ii tun I "lie !i:i In f.rcnnlHTV IS W TF.riMB OF T.tE DAILY STAR To 8o- . -I'll I : i r. il. v fur e.ii voir (nn li'i'iiiKSiinilayl $T iinlv ta Ot i .-toiil.n uni y- ar lav. fix ni.'iiili- J J Dnlh wlilmiit hliuiliii. fix ninnlhii OS .l.f-dvwt, TIIK HTAIl, U biiiI H or tli Milliaiu HI., New Terka uo...:. cor-. -.r I,,, ASlilMA? tiim se. t'ini .. I-' M.I.' t T , . I S i. Tt'l M, ii i -ui tav l-f I i I V . nl . ulTAM jTHE STAR 1 .if a 1 .....I II & s "-- ' h .4". is I; it U fi- :t It. I; ii V I! -l '' '

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